Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington (4)

There's something special about sharing a meal, I think it creates memories, strengths the  bonds and such. So mom and I sat there, enjoying our pizza. I could feel the ice starting to melt away. Mom had ordered a jumbo slice of cheese pizza. I had ordered a jumbo slice of pepperoni pizza. One thing I loved about Sbarro's pizza was it was the style, it was New York Style, meaning the slices were huge, like massive and thin enough for you to fold them in half like a sandwich. A gooey, greasy, cheesy, pepperoni sandwich, a tiny bite of heaven. Mom had also gotten a diet coke, I'd gotten normal. I just can't stand the taste of diet coke. 

“So.” Mom said at last, she was halfway through her slice of pizza. “What do you think about your first mother and daughter day out?” She said using a napkin to clean some of the grease from her chin.

“I liked it.” I said smiling a little. “Its been fun. I really enjoyed shopping by myself. It was fun, trying to get the best deals.” I added. “But, getting to spend time with you. That what I enjoyed the most. I mean, since we've moved you and dad have been super busy with things.” 

Mom nodded her head.

“We have honey. Dad's promotion caused him to move from Clinton to Benton. Yazoo Chemical is really investing a lot of its money into the town, because they're going to start the construction of a second plant there soon. It's really going to be a big boost for the town. And Benton is growing, I mean Yazoo City is growing too, they just built like a huge Walmart shopping center there a year or so ago.” Mom said as she took a sip of her drink.

A thoughtful look then came across her face.

“I know it's not easy for you. A lot's changing in your life. For one, you're going to be a Freshman in high school. That is a pretty big change for anybody. And for you it's really going to be hard. I mean, different schools, no friends. Your starting over again.” Mom then took another sip of her drink. “Plus the whole going from a a boy to a girl thing.” She  paused yet another and took another sip from her drink. “That reminds me, we need to get you a set of bra's while were here.”

I blinked and blinked again. I was a little taken back by that statement. 

“A bra?” I said blushing as the word left my mouth. “Are you sure about that mom? I mean I'm not really developed enough to start wearing a bra yet?” I paused and looked down at my chest, “Am I?” I said as I touched my chest.

“Maybe not.” Mom said truthfully. “But its will do you some good to get into the habit of wearing one. Plus, when you start high school you'll want to fit in. Most girls your age have already started wearing one. Even if they don't need one. And since there's Victorian Secrets just across the square. I don't see what harm would come from going over and picking up a few bra's and panties. Maybe a nightgown or two.” 

“Mom.” I said blushing. “Your starting to spoil me.” I said blushing softly as I peered toward mom. And to be fair she was starting to spoil me a little. Mom was known to squeeze a dollar out of a dime. And here she was just throwing money at me. It was like Christmas, My Birthday and Easter had all come at once.

“You deserve to be spoiled once in a while. So, how did it happen? I mean when did it happen? If you don't mind me asking? When did my son decide he wanted to go from being a he to a she?” She paused. “I want to know. Like I said before, I support you and I love you. But one thing you gotta learn about being a girl, we share things. Mothers don't really hover over their sons a lot. We tend to leave that to the dad's. They kind of understand the teenage boy's mind better than we do. But mothers, they really hover over their daughters. Girls love a good heart to heart. So if you don't mind telling me, I would love to know.” Mom said as she took another sip of her drink. She then reached over and squeezed my hand.

I was taken back by the question. I really don't know how it all started. But I felt mom deserved some answers. And so, gathering up my courage and trying to clear my mind I started to talk.

“I guess it really started about two years ago when I was twelve. Back when I started to grow my hair out. I remember stumbling on a site that featured stories about boys being put into dresses and stuff. You know, being made to dress like girls instead of getting grounded or spanked.” I started to blush and expected that at any moment mom would butt in and say something or roll her eyes or make some kind of dismissing jester. Instead she leaned in and looked me dead in the eye.

“Anyway, some of those stories featured boys willing to get dresses. And stuff. And I kind of liked them. It was around that time I started watching anime and stuff and from time to time one of the characters would be put into a dress for some kind of stunt and I thought it was funny.” I carried on. My tone of voice was low, I was a bit afraid of spilling all of this. But from time to time, my mom would reach out and give my hand a soft squeeze.

“Anyway, it really started a year or so ago.” I said in a matter of fact tone of voice. “I decided to take a chance one night and make a fake email account using a random name, a girl's name and a random last name. I just picked one out from the old phone books we have upstairs in dad's office drawer. Anyway, I did a google search,  And I picked out a random image of an anime girl and that became my avatar and then I made a girly sounding username and the more I did this. The more it felt right.”

Mom nodded her head.

“So let me get this straight before we move on. You first started trying to pass yourself off as a girl on the internet before you tried to pass yourself off as a girl in real life? I'm correct.” She asked as she finished her slice of pizza.

“Yes, anyway I joined some forums. And started to read about teen fashion and all. And then I started to exchange emails. Then I got sick and I went to the hospital..” I started to choke up a little. I hated remembering my time in the hospital. It was the longest nine days of my life. It did however give me a lot of time to think. To think away from the internet and maybe sort things out. Also since I was without internet, I had somehow gotten hooked on Fear Street while there. I think it started because I borrowed the thirteenth book in the series “The Knife” From a book trolley. Being something of a voracious reader I had started the book right after my morning medications and by noon I had finished it. I think the cover drew me in. The cover showed a young hospital volunteer, one with honey blonde hair and baby blue eyes standing in the hallway of a hospital chatting with a doctor who was holding a surgical knife behind his back. At this moment though mom seemed to take note of my discomfort and in a gentle tone of voice said.

“Okay let's stop there.” Mom said, nodding her head. “Well, I know more than I started. Thank you for sharing.” She said, smiling sweetly as she drained the last of her coke. 

“Anyway we need to get you some bras, and a few sets of panties. We also need to stop by Hot Topic and pick up that top and skirt for you.. and maybe a dress. Then I want to swing by the book store and check out the newest John Grisham book. You know I just love John Grisham. He writes such detailed thrillers.” She added.

“Mom, I have a question to ask?” I said, smiling a little.

“We'll since you answered one of my questions. I don't see why I can't answer one of yours. So go ahead and shoot.” She said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

“Why did you marry dad? He's a Chemical Worker and you're an English Teacher. You read dozens of books a year and he barely follows the baking instructions on the back of a box of brownies.” I asked and much to my surprise mom blushed a little.

“Long story honey. But your father won me over. See, I knew your father a good twelve years before we decided to marry and we dated for around four. See I met your father when I was twelve. At that time I was a girl scout and each summer I would attend a summer camp called Pocahontas. Now the camp got its name because of the lake it was built on Lake Pocahontas. Across the lake there was a boy scout camp, and from time to time boys would paddle across the lake to see us. And from time to time a girl would paddle or swim across the lake to see them. Sometimes group of girls.”

“Anyway when I was twelve, I met your father at one of those dances. And I hated him, I was going through my.. I think we called it 'Emo' phase and I did not want to be there. I thought he was a dork, a nerd, and a right twat.” Mom said blushing. “Anyway we ended up dancing together somehow. And we both hated it. I was so glad to get away from him at the end of the night.  Anyway summer ended, school started. Dad got promoted and had to move to Madison. So, I went from living in rural Yazoo City to urban Madison.. new school, a chance to  start over.” 

Mom was blushing hard at this point. And I had to giggle. It was just too cute. But I could tell she was having fun reliving those days.

“Anyway the school's in Madison were huge. Like in my old school, the classes were small right, but there they were huge. I'd never seen a school that big before. It was super big. Anyway, on my first day at my new school I decided to dress up a bit. I wore my best pleated skirt, best blouse and even washed my hair.” Mom laughed a little at that. “And guess who I happen to bump into on my first day.. your dad. Man, I blushed so hard. Because even though I had hated him, and thought he was a total twat  after our first meeting, I'd never stopped thinking about him.” She paused. “And there he was just standing at me. Anyway over time.. we started talking and over time he won me over. We both dated all through High School, then we kind of broke apart when we graduated. But we came back together after getting our respective degrees. Then we got married and nine months later out came you.” 

“Anyway, finish your meal. We gotta make tracks, we still have a lot of shopping ahead of us.” And with that being said I swallowed the last of the pizza and drained the last of my coke, gathered up all our trash and dropped it into a nearby waste paper can.  And we were off. 

The first thing that struck me about Victorian Secret's was the hyper-feminine nature of the store. It was dark, it smelled funny and all the model's just put me on edge, all of them had that dream girl body. You know, perfect breasts, perfectly toned legs, perfectly curved bodies. I was a twig and compared to them, I looked more or less like a twig.
Mom seemed to notice my discomfort and wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I leaned into her embrace.   
A few minutes after we entered the shop a perky, young, sales woman approached us. She was dressed in a black pencil skirt, crème colored blouse and her raven hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. She smiled toward us, I swear she saw dollar signs when she looked at my mom and me.

“Good afternoon ladies, how can I help you today?”

I blushed and hid behind mom. Mom thankfully took the lead and returned her smile with one of her own. After a thoughtful moment of pause, she brought me around and placed me in front of the woman. 

“Yes,” Mom started. “My daughter and I are bra shopping. She needs her first bra. I was wondering if you have any specials on today too?” Mom asked. 

I felt my cheeks flush with color. I fully expected her to make a comment about me being a late bloomer or something. But instead she smiled and guided mom and I through the store until we reached a different section of the store. “We have a special section for girls buying their first bras.” She said in a friendly tone of voice. 

“Oh wow.” Mom said. “Woow things have changed since I was a teenager.” She said smiling as she started to pick through the racks. “Can you have her fitted please? I want to make sure her first one is a snug fit, it's going to be a while before we can come back to the mall.” Mom said. 

The sales woman nodded her head and guided me toward a changing room. She measured me, and then told me the size she would recommend and armed with that knowledge I went to find mom. Who had picked out a few things for herself.  The sales woman told mom my measurements. And she just nodded her head. The woman then left us alone.

“Okay Lauren.” Mom said once we were alone. “I'm going to give you a little advice. A lady always wears a matching bra and panties. Always.” She said in a firm tone of voice. “So with that in mind I'm going to buy three sets. That way you can always match.” Mom paused. “So go ahead and pick out three matching sets.” 

And I did, I'm going to be honest with you. It felt good being given the freedom to pick out my own undergarments. Mom just stood there, hovering over my shoulder. I could tell she was watching me, and a giggle escaped my lips as I picked out a pair of lacy black panties and lacy black bra. Mom just arched her eyebrow up but said nothing. A matching set of pink and white panties and bra joined the solid black set and finally a sky blue set. Mom added them to the basket without saying the world. I then hung around for a few minutes as I watched mom pick out something for herself. Once she was finished she walked over to the cashier who rang the items up. After the items were rung up she handed over a white plastic card. 

“When you're a little older. We're going to give you a low limit credit card. That is once you get a job and start earning some real money of your own. We're also going to take you down to the local bank and have you open up a checking and saving account in your name. There are three very important lessons a young lady needs to learn before she steps out into the real world, that is how to pay her bills, how to manage her personal finances, and finally how to manage credit.” 

I nodded my head. It seemed mom had a lot planned for me. It kind of made me feel good. It was one of those signs you know, she had accepted me, she had accepted me as her daughter. And instead of just tossing me into the deep end of the pool and saying 'Okay now you either sink or swim!' she was going to ease me into things. She wanted to give me every advantage she could, and I think the first step to that was learning financial responsibility. Anyway I've rambled enough. Once everything was paid for, we made tracks toward Hot Topic, their mom like she promised treated me by buying me a few nice, black pleated skirts and a few nice tops. She even tossed in a nice set of black leggings. We then hit the local bookstore, I picked up a few R.L Stine novel's there and finally we hit up F.Y.E and that's all. It was a good day, a very memorable and fun one.
To be continued~

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