
The Displaced Detective: A Body Hopper Tale - Part 2

Fleeing from our pursuers, the guy wearing my face and I find a safe spot to hunker down and catch our breath. Which affords me time to take stock of the teenage schoolgirl I've become.

The Displaced Detective: A Body Hopper Tale - Part 2

Fleeing from our pursuers, the guy wearing my face and I find a safe spot to hunker down and catch our breath. Which affords me time to take stock of the teenage schoolgirl I've become.

The Displaced Detective: A Body Hopper Tale - Part 1

As a policeman, my job is to help people. When I tried to help a young girl in trouble, I find myself trapped in her body and a nefarious organization after us both.

GLOOteus Maximiss Part 3 - Grody to the Max


GLOOteus Maximiss
Part 3 - Grody to the Max

It was literally a slap heard round the kingdom. Reginald's family did not look happy and neither did the King and Queen. They saw their potential new tourist attraction going up in flames due to their hot-headed replacement daughter.

Lost in the Mists of Time - Chapter 5


Lost in the Mists of Time – Chapter 5

By Fiona Murray

Well better late than never I guess, 8 years since the last chapter was posted. While I don’t think my writing skills have improved any, I did get a recent request to continue this (the only one in 8 years). Why? Well I was told they enjoyed the story. Since I am stuck at home I figured why not. So warts and all, here it is. Please forgive the warts Oh and before I forget I created space for Erin

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 2)

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 2)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the conclusion to our thrilling two-part, edifying eighteenth issue of Magneto’s Finale, the Uncanny X-Men are finally aware of Magneto’s ticking clock and Logan may have found their best chance to stop him or at least get more information before he puts his plans in place. Will she be able to spring her trap in time, or will Magneto actually gain the upper hand? Even after they have countered the computer virus, are the X-Men any closer to stopping the brutal rule of Magneto over the world’s human population?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 8/27

One man's trash is another man's treasure.
That is the saying Lillyn bases her newest venture on.
Each day hordes of adventurers unload junk and trash on her counter.
Asking her to trade them to the void.
But what if she has other plans?

Dearly Beloved - 6: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 5: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 4: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 3: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Updated Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 2: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Updated Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 1)

Feral Saga Chapter 18 - Magneto's Finale (Part 1)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we edge into part one of our enormous eidetic eighteenth double issue we must again wonder about Logan’s fate. Was the return to his old male form a fatal mistake? What could have caused this latest reaction? Can Jean deal with even more heartbreak? While all of this swirls around the X-Men in the wake of the attack on the school and Logan’s revelations, Magneto has reacquired Mystique and spread his control over the world’s nuclear arsenals. Will the X-Men be able to respond, or will humans be crushed under the brutal heel of Magneto?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 6/27

Ever since coming to Besona, Lillyn stumbled from one opportunity or mishap to the next.
Her last misfortune leaves her a little paranoid.
But maybe, if she calms down a bit, it will grow on her.
It might even be an opportunity to change it into a fortune.

The Titan Queen chapter 5

The Titan Queen Chapter 5

By Cynthia Jeanette

Sybilla faces her challange at Tartarus and disobeys the Gods. She also realizes some very important things about herself and what she did.

Feral Saga Chapter 17 - Restoration

Feral Saga Chapter 17 - Restoration

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We begin the seventeenth issue with several questions. What has Logan done? Has she risked everything to punish herself for her part in hurting Jean? Were the humans successful in eradicating the computer virus, or did Magneto have a surprise for them? With Magneto clearly approaching his final movements, did Logan just help to distract the Uncanny X-Men from any hope of discovering his actions in time?

GLOOteus Maximiss Part 2 - The Max Factor


GLOOteus Maximiss
Part 2 - The Max Factor

At first he thought it was birds chirping but then realized it was girls tittering. Something was tickling his chest. He feigned sleep while listening to the girls whispering.

"They must be real. Look, they're getting hard."

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 5/27

Follow along on Lillyn's second day at Maynard Mansion.
She may get her hands on being a void-trader, but there are still plenty of screw-ups in store for her.
From customers with strange requests to friends who just can't help but tease Lillyn a bit.

The Silent Girl I

Mary, the new student, is a rich heiress to her family's company and estate but can't speak. Liz befriends and defends Mary from bullies while discovering her secret: Mary is cursed. Liz works to unravel the mystery of the curse before Mary undergoes an operation that will silence her voice permanently.

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 5

He shouldn’t have teased his sister

by Jasmine Monica

Chapter 5
Veronica is training to use magic and learns some very important things about its use and limitations. And she has an appointment to see a doctor as she learns more about living as a teenage girls and bonding with her friends.

Honey Bunny: An Easter Story

Honey Bunny

By Daniela A. Wolfe

When a package arrives from the North Pole, Jack the bunny mistakes the contents for an ordinary albeit sweet-smelling alcoholic beverage, but when he and his friend Esther partake, they find that it has some interesting effects.

The Titan Queen chapter 1

The Titan Queen

By Cynthia Jeanette

It is six months since Sybilla had her children, and it’s been years since she was transformed into a girl. Sybilla is still angry at losing her male life, and the crown that was supposed to be hers.

Chapter 1
An imposing winged female stands on a podium with her people towering above a sea of other winged people. The crowd before her must number in the hundreds of thousands at least. She was wearing the fearsome crown of her people and a blood-red scarlet robe. It was clear she was very angry.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 4/27

Leon, now known as Lillyn, is facing her first day at her new trading spot.
It is time to dress up.
Eat some breakfast.
And meet her new co-workers.
What are the chances she manages to pull all that off without messing anything up?

Feral Saga Chapter 16 - Duplicity

Feral Saga Chapter 16 - Duplicity

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

The sex and violence that have brought us to our sixteenth issue are about to explode across the members of the Uncanny X-Men and the world. Logan has been so wrapped up in her own ghosts, depredations, and desires that she is nearly blind to how it affects anyone else. As Magneto acts behind his mutant teams to make a bold move in his fight to gain primacy over the humans, the X-Men are reeling from internal strife and totally unprepared. When their school is attacked, where will the most explosive devastation really occur?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 3/27

Leon is on her way to create an identity for herself.
To visit a market and collect items she wants to sell later.
But most important of all-
To find gosh darn clothes that stop make her feel like an exibitionist and cover her massive cleavage.

Feral Saga Chapter 15 - Encounters

Lolo trying to impress Scott

Feral Saga Chapter 15 - Encounters

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we fitfully careen into our fifteenth issue, Storm seems ready to attack Logan. Has she been influenced? Jean has had a life-altering session with Scott, reliving the intense memory of his encounter with Logan, but how will it change her interactions with Logan and Scott? And Logan and Scott seem unable, at this point, to keep from being together. Where will this explosive situation lead? Could further manipulation by Magneto turn this powder keg into something even more disruptive? Or is Logan’s questionable decision-making enough to do that already?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 2/27

Not only is Leon stuck in a new world and in a different body.
His new guild leader sent him to some remote forest to be ogled by woodsmen.
Officially as a trader, but Leon suspects more as eye candy.
However, things start to get in motion when a call arrives.

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader (Serial; Complete)


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Poor Leon.
He wasn't supposed to be the protagonist of this story.
His rebirth in a new world was meant for someone else.
Can he still make it?
Step into the spot of the heroine that this new world needs?

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

Logan looking impossibly young

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Fortune finds us at the fourteenth issue with Logan trying to reenter life and put the horrible events of the last mission behind her. But is she acting rashly, or just foolish to think that events will be so easily put aside? There is still much for the Uncanny X-Men to deal with in the aftermath and that is without turning an eye towards Magneto. Sabretooth’s manipulation and assault left Logan horrified at what he nearly turned her into, but just because she escaped that particular fate, is she any less altered?

Thanks Truck-kun For Making Me A Trader - Part 1/27

Poor Leon.
He wasn't supposed to be the protagonist of this story.
His rebirth in a new world was meant for someone else.
Can he still make it?
Step into the spot of the heroine that this new world needs?

Tales Of The Angel Pandemic.

Tales of the angel pandemic.
Chapter one.

 I was having a peaceful dream about a night I had when I was still in college.

I don't remember this girls name but I remember her, we were dancing and just about to kiss when the alarm went off.

I opened my groggy eyes and looked at the clock, it wasn't my alarm but my phone, looking at the clock and mentally groaning as it showed 3:16 am.

I answered my phone, "Doctor Peters, who is this"? 

"Pete, sorry but my phone died and i ha....


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1

They were well in the air before he noticed the person sitting next to him. The stewardess was responding to a call and the person turned, and he recognized the face immediately. Still he waited for a moment before speaking.

“Excuse me,” you may think that this is rude and way to forward of me, but I think that recognize you. You are Jay Thornley, the neutered guy, sorry, person, aren’t.

“I am them,” they said, without looking up.


Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 12

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Chapter 12

The same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

The Blossoming of Ciri, Chapter 5

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 5- The Shopping Spree

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...” Chapter 5...


“What the fuck?! How the hell do I look this good?” I asked with astonishment.

“Genetics little sis. And my awesome makeup skills of course...” Allison said proudly.

“Wow I look almost like Mom, but like a really young Mom. Freaky...” I said, completely shocked at the resemblance.


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