Tales of the Angel pandemic, woodsman to woodsgirl chapter seven

After I calmed down I looked out my bedroom window.

I heard dads truck Ideling and knew he was getting ready to leave for work.

It was Friday so I had to go aswell.
The wedding had been fun but now it was back to normal business. I looked over towards the mirror and saw my new hair color. Blue with a white underlayer and tips.
I smiled, I liked the look.
This life, it's different thats for sure but over the last six weeks I've slowly been getting use to it and getting more and more curious about other aspects of it.

The feelings, the clothes the different looks that I'm sure I could pull off. But the man in me was still too embarrassed to admit it.

Mom and Abby keep inviting me to go shopping with them and I have found myself wanting to go more and more but I keep refusing. I don't know if it's the change or just me getting use to everything but I keep finding myself thinking more and more like a girl.

I got up and got dressed in my jeans a tshirt and my work boots.after tying my hair into a ponytail I walked down in time to meet dad.

"Morning Clay you taking your truck or riding with me today?" He asked as he packed his large lunch box with the food mom had made.

"I'm gonna take my truck" I said grabbing a biscuit and some strips of bacon".
"Alright we leave the yard at seven don't be late or you'll have to drive all the way up to the landing by yourself" He patted my back as he walked by.

My old man's attitude sure has changed around me. He treats me just like he treats mom. No crude jokes and even though he doesn't use foul language offten now when he lets something slip instead of just moving on he looks at me and apologizes.

It's weird being treated like a girl by the man who taught me to be a man.
Mom had made my lunch and had already packed my bag.

She had to go meet an air conditioner repairman at one of her rental properties.
Moms story is kinda weird. She comes from a wealthy family and has a degree in business management but spent most of her life as a beautician and had her own salon for years.

Her dad died and even though mom was the youngest he thought she was the most responsible of her five siblings mainly cause mom had never asked him for anything or got in any serious trouble.

Mom has a brother "Uncle Russell" who was a county commissioner for over a decade till he got caught embezzling county funds and laundering money through some of his businesses. He won't be eligible for parole till he's seventy three. But after Grandpa passed away he left all twenty seven rental properties to mom.

Our family is pretty well off even though you wouldn't know it by looking.
Mom and Dad have always been modest when it comes to money. Just down to earth good people.

Abby was still asleep when I left. She's lucky she doesn't have to be at work till ten o'clock. She's been driving dads old bronco as her get around vehicle.

I had to shake my head a little at the sight of her driving around in that big ol thing.
But then again I'm sure I get plenty of looks driving my dodge as well.

I bought this truck not long after I got out of the Marines. Its a black 2010 dodge 2500 4x4 with a four inch lift and 37" mud tires. Deleted and straight piped like God and Clessie Cummins intended.

But the main thing that I love about this truck is my sound system. Pioneer head unit with dual twelves and a fourty five hundred watt boss amp with seven inch after market speakers all around.

There is nothing better then cruising around and jamming out to your favorite songs. There have been many nights where I couldn't sleep and I would just drive around on the old back roads and listen to music.

Anyway I left out listening to some John boy and Billy on the big show and just enjoyed my drive to the yard.

I got there not long after dad did and about the same time as Cole pulled He was in his girl friends little pink Toyota Corolla cause a guy had run a stop sign and hit the back of his pickup, Cole was OK but the truck was gone and not coming back. So till the insurance gets paid out he's rocking the barbie car.

I was standing by the Old ford dually we used to pull our equipment trailer as he parked and got out.

"I never took you for the girly type Cole but if thats what you're into I'll gladly change bodies with you" I laughed as he walked up.

Cole wears glasses so he pushed them up with his middle finger.
"And good morning to you to" I laughed as he walked around to the passenger seat.

"Morning blue" he yawned.
"You don't want to drive today?" I asked getting in the driver seat.

"Naw man Lacy's little bro brought over some woodford preserve last night and we got tore up from the floor up" he said holding his head.

"That stuff any good?" I asked cranking the truck and watching the black soot blow out the six inch chrome stacks. "I love this old truck" I thought.

"It's ok when you're drinking it but good god do I have a hangover" he laughed.
"Well get some rest we got a long day ahead of us" I chuckled as I waved to dad who had just climbed into the company van with the others.

"I saw your pictures mom posted on Facebook last night you looked great" Cole said before taking a big chug of Gatorade.

"Thanks I guess, It was fun but I'm not too keen on doing it again for a while" I said as I pulled out of the driveway onto the road behind the van.

"I still can't believe it man" He said looking out the window.
"Me neither brother, I still kinda hold out hope that this is all some long ass nightmare but I know its real".

"I feel for you little brother, I couldn't imagine being in your shoes" he said lighting up a cigarette.
I felt weird when he called me brother. That feeling had been happening more and more here lately
"You mind?" I asked waving away the smoke.
"Sorry" He said rolling down the window a bit more.

I use to smoke myself but for some reason I just can't smoke anymore. I tried a few times but it leaves a real bitter taste in my mouth.

We rode along just listening to the radio for the hour and a half drive up to our work sight in Tennessee.

As soon as we turned on the gravel road that lead to our main work sight I heard a loud pop and the front of the truck fell and tried to steer itself off into the ditch.

I was able to get stopped after hearing some more pops.
"What the hell!" I yelled getting out of the truck.

Looking down the front left tire was flat and looking back I saw that the two rear tires were also flat.

Dad came walking up as me and Cole looked around. "What happened? " he asked.
"I don't know damn tires poped" I said looking at the front.

"Hey look" Cole said walking over with some pieces of sharp metal in his hand.
"The hell?" I thought looking at what looked like over size pieces of barbwire made out of angled Iron.

"It's those damn Tree huggers" Cole said.
"Well shit" Dad said looking at the pieces.
"Pardon the language" dad said looking at me.
"Its... Fine dad" I said looking around on the ground.

"Look around and see if you can find anymore. We'll limp the truck up to the landing then I want you and Cole to take the wheels to a tire shop while I call the park rangers" Dad said dialing on his cellphone.

"Well this is a fine start to our morning" Cole said picking up another piece of metal.

We ended up finding fifteen pieces before we limped the truck another two miles to the work sight.

The sight was in a state forest, we had been hired by the Tennessee department of wildlife to clear out a large section of this old timber to make way for a new building, something to do with the College I don't know I just cut down the trees.

There wasn't anything special about this section at least not that I could see anyway. It was just over grown with a lot of under brush and plenty of dead trees.

But apparently some people thought it was worth something. Especially this one college professor and his students who were highly against the new addition.

We have had to deal with protest and vandalism for weeks on top of working at other jobs when we can. We should have already been done with this job but between the setbacks and bad weather it was taking longer then expected.

Luckily the park had agreed to pay for anymore vandalism that occurred. Apparently we were the fourth company they had hired to do this job but they just couldn't figure out who was behind this crap.

After Cole got the wheels loaded into the company van he grabbed his gear and left to get to his usual job while I headed into town to take care of the wheels.
With all the vandalism and crap that had been going on we couldn't risk leaving our utility trailer at the sight.

We kept our big machines, some ATVs and two more company trucks behind a locked fence and the park started providing nightly security by having a couple rangers watch our stuff at night but little things like this tire issue keep getting by them.

I drove the thirty or so minutes into town to the tire store.
"It'll be about an hour before we can get to them we got some folks ahead of you" the guy behind the counter said as he helped unload the wheels.

"That's fine I can wait" I said.
After I dropped them off I had some time to kill so I decided get some more breakfast and headed to the local hardee's down the street.

I went in and had gotten my order but while I was eating I caught wind of something.

"Hey Beca look, its that blue haird bitch from the logging company" I heard them but couldn't see anyone.

I tried not to be too obvious as I looked up from my phone and scanned the restaurant. I had been slowly getting use to my enhanced hearing abilities, I also had noticed I see better in the dark and my sense of smell was more sensitive but my hearing was my best new ability.

I had heard that some of the changed people had developed certain types of abilities and I figured this was mine. It's come in handy a few times being able to hear things normal people can't has its ups and downs. The downside is I sometimes hear things I really shouldn't or wish I could unhear.
The good thing is I'm getting better at my ability to focus on one thing and drown out others, its weird like all the other sounds get muffled except what I'm focused on.
"Yeah I saw her at the tire store down the street unloading some tires on my way in earlier, seems Parker and Grants little surprise paid off" I heard someone laughing. I knew they were somewhere in the store but from where I was at I couldn't see them so I just finished my food and acted like nothing was up.

As I was throwing away my garbage I saw two girls whispering to each other behind the counter. A red head and a brown haired heavy set girl with short hair and a nose ring. As soon as they saw me they broke apart and went to do something else.

"Oh that's definitely them" I thought as my blood was boiling. But I knew I needed to play this smart so I just left and went back to the tire store.

After the tires were replaced and I had made it back to the landing I had to track down my old man and tell him what I had overheard.
He wasn't hard to find cause he was chest deep in the engine compartment of our bull dozer.

"Oh hey Clay you get everything taken care of?" He asked as I walked up.
"Yeah, but I came up here to tell you I might have found a lead on our little vandalism issue" I said.

Dad stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a smirk, "Really? Well lay it on me son" He laughed as he started wiping his hands with a rag.

"I was at the hardees in town and over heard some girls talking about us, seems they also know who left our little surprise this morning" I said leaning against the track of the dozer.

"Did you see who they were?" He asked.
"I'm pretty sure I know who it was but I'll need to look into it some more, they seem to know who I am cause they called me that blue haired bitch" I chuckled.

"Well that means they've been watching us pretty close, we need to keep an eye out but right now I need you to start loading trucks and tell Michael to get back on the saw until I can get a replacement for you I need all the cutters I can get.

"Yeah, sorry about that dad" I said feeling like I had let him down.
"Hey son it's OK, it's not like any of us knew this was gonna happen" he placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"Now go on and get to work" He said turning back to what he was doing.
I made my way over to our old tiger cat loader and saw Michael Doss loading a truck with it.

I waved as I approached and I saw him groan, loading is a gravy job on the sight and it use to be his main job till my change. He's been pretty cool about it but I can tell he doesn't like leg work.

"Aww come on cotton you couldn't have taken a bit longer with em tars" he laughed as he climbed down from the loader.

"Sorry" I shrugged.
"Well it's alright, I guess I'll get back to the woods, where my old bones will strain under all that weight and stress and..." he groaned and made like he was limping.

"Oh hush you're younger than me" I laughed as I climbed up the ladder.
"Not anymore, hell you should be back in middle school at this point" he laughed as he was grabbing what use to be my equipment.

"And what's that supposed to mean? I stopped and asked.
"Well hell you a little girl now so maybe you shouldn't be working in a place like this is all I'm saying" he laughed but I caught the under tone.

"Well this little girls about to throw this fire extinguisher at you if you don't beat it" I said grabbing it off the side step.

"Hell ain't no need to be mean I'm just saying maybe you just ain't cut out for this anymore" he said as he walked away with a wave.

"Asshole" I thought as I sat down in the chair and started the loader.
"Hey blue we gone get them toothpicks loaded today or tomorrow" I heard one of the drivers call over the radio.

"Hold on Dwayne I'm on it" I sighed as I swung around and grabbed a bundle.

As the day wore on I found myself thinking about what Mike had said, he can be a prick but he has given me good advice in the past and we are "as far as I can tell" still friends but ever since my change I've felt a tension in the air and not just with him.

I don't know if they are just uncomfortable or don't believe I'm pulling my weight or if its just me being a girl now, but the whole work place vibe has been thrown off.

I knew Mike was right for the most part, I mean come on according to the doctors I'm basically a fifteen year old girl. Maybe if I was older and bigger it wouldn't be that bad but the truth was I didn't belong there. But I was too stubborn to admit it at the time and honestly I just couldn't bring myself to let my old man down.

After work me and Cole were on our way back to the shop.
"You alright bubba?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine just tired is all" I said.

"Ok, you just seem a little down is all" he said looking at me.
"Yeah Mike said something earlier and it's just been, I don't know" I sighed.

"What did he say?" Cole asked lighting a cigarette.
"That I'm not cut out to work for dad anymore".

"Bullshit he's just mad he's actually having to work for a change instead of loading trucks all day" Cole shook his head.

"I know that but, I think he's right. I mean look at me I'm small and weak hell I can barely pick up my old chain saw and I just... " I had to wipe my eyes.

"Hey calm down man I mean you're doing what you can and that's all that matters" He said reaching over and giving my shoulder a fist bump.

"I just feel like I'm not pulling my weight and it's just, I don't know what I'm supposed to do to prove that I'm still me" I said a little frustrated.

"Hey Clay, we all know you're still you and this body of yours doesn't change that. Most of the guys have made comments of how their worried about you and they really do feel bad about all this so stop beating yourself up over an issue that doesn't exist".

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure things out still".
"I know, and even though I don't know the first thing about this stuff I'll be here for you,kay bro" he smiled.

"Thanks, and ah... Cole" I felt myself going red.
"Yeah" he took a long drag on his cig.
"Can... Can you call me sis from now on?" I asked gripping the steering wheel harder.

Cole looked at me side eyed.
"Why the sudden change?" He asked.
"I don't know, It just feels weird. To be called bro when I look like, like this" I mentioned to myself.

"Sure, any thing you need sis" he smiled and reached for the radio knob.
After we got back to the shop we went our Separate Ways.

I got back to the house before dad and I saw moms SUV was there.
"Hey mom I'm home!" I called out as I walked in.

"Oh hey How was your day" She said as I walked into the kitchen.
"It was ok, just long" I said sitting at the bar.
"That's good, I had a fun day checking on everything today myself" mom laughed as she placed some fresh made cinnamon rolls in the oven.

"Super smells nice" I said taking a deep breath.
"It should be ready by the time everyone is here" Mom said as she started to make some sweet tea.

I sat there playing with my hair for a few more minutes and just staring at the kitchen counter.

"Something on your mind?" She asked.

"Wel.. I've been wondering, what would you and dad have named me if I had been born a girl?" I felt a little embarrassed asking.

Mom stopped for a moment and thought.
"Well we had a few picked out, we named you Clay after your Grandpa but it was either that or Brandon. I know I had a few girls names but the only one that comes to mind is Henrietta Elizabeth after your two great grand mother's" mom smiled.

"That's a little old fashioned isn't it?" I asked twirling my hair with my finger.
"Yes, but I always liked their names, we would have called you Elizabeth or Lizzie for short" mom said placing the pot of tea on the stove burner.

"Why the sudden curiosity, if I may ask?" Mom leaned back against the counter.
"I don't know, I've just been wondering for a little while, Ive just been thinking.... Never mind" I said looking away and scratching my head.

"Clay it's ok, none of us will make fun of you if you want to try a new name on" Mom walked over and sat beside me.

"I know mom, I just don't know how to feel about this" I put my head in my hands.
"How so?" She asked.

"I feel like the old and the new me are fighting, I don't know what to do or how to act. When I act like a guy I get funny looks and when I act like a girl I fear people think I'm weird or enjoy this".

"I just feel so conflicted and just... I feel like a girl mom" I said wiping my eyes.

"Clay what do you mean by that?" She asked.
"I don't know, I just feel like I'm getting use to things but I don't know how to go about it without coming off as a weirdo".

Mom chuckled.
"Clay I know you've been growing more and more interested in the girly side of life and that's ok. I just want you to be happy and comfortable and I'm happy you're finally coming out of your shell a bit."

"I guess It's just I don't feel like clay anymore" I let out a sigh.
"Sweetie, you'll always be Clay. Just because your body changed doesn't mean you've changed. Yes there may be some differences but for the most part I still see the wonderful, strong son I raised. Just In a different package and a name change won't change who you are as a person. You'll still be you" Mom moved around behind me and was hugging me.
"And no matter what we will still love you and be here for you" she squeezed me before letting go.

"Thanks mom" I said as she walked back over to the oven.
It was quite for a few minutes as I pulled out my phone and started scrolling some YouTube videos.

"Do you want to try out Elizabeth and see how it fits, just between me and you?" Mom asked as she looked back at me while she stirred the sugar into the large jug of tea.

I was blushing but I slowly nodded.
"If you get uncomfortable just let me know" she said as she turned back to her task.

"Lizzie, will you grab me a jar of tomato juice from the canning room?" Mom asked.
"Yes momma" I said standing up and walking out the back door.

I walked to our large shop where the canning room is. "Lizzie, lizz...ie. Elizabeth" I mouthed the name.

"It's old fashion, but sounds OK I guess".
I didn't know much about my great grand mothers. I knew mom was very close to both her grand mother's growing up but Elizabeth passed away before I was born and her other grandma Henrietta had passed away a few days before I was born.

I guess it made sense that's the names mom would have chosen at the time.
I walked over to the canning room and found a mason jar with the juice in it.

Ever since I can remember we've always had a garden every year. This year is no different cause dad and me had been working it in our spare time and it was getting close to harvest time.

"I'm gonna get sun burned bad this year" I slightly groaned.
Use to be I had no issues in sunlight but with my new skin being so soft and pale I burn easily now if I'm not careful and using sun block.

I heard a loud tuck exhaust as I walked back up towards the house and knew that Abigail was home and dad usually comes in right behind her.

I walked up onto the back porch about the time she pulled around and parked.
I watched her as she gathered her things.

"She's such a girly girl now" I thought as she climed down from the bronco with her cute black and maroon work uniform.

Abigail had been watching videos and reading books as well as practicing hair and makeup and I've over heard her talking to mom about becoming a cosmetologist like her.

It's hard to imagine that the girl I was looking at use to be a six foot tall "well most of his life" guy that was one of the manliest guys I had known growing up.

I mean looking at me it'd be hard to imagine that I was also the same type of guy.

I looked at my finger nails which were still painted in french tips from the wedding.
"Hey Clay, Clay? Earth to Clay?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh hey Abby, what's up?" I asked.
"I could ask you the same, you kinda zoned out there for a second" she laughed as we walked inside.

"Hey mom"Abby said as she walked in the house.
"Oh hey girls" Mom smiled.
"How was your day?" Mom asked as Abby sat down at our breakfast nook and kicked off her shoes.

"It was killer we had a lot of customers today, some big event the boss is promoting" she yawned.

"Sounds like fun" I said handing mom the jar of tomatoe juice.
"Yeah and here's the cool thing I might have a new side gig" Abby smiled.

"Oh really and what's that?" mom asked.
"Well one of Mrs Sally's photographers was there today and saw me. She asked me if I'd like to model some of their clothes for their fall catalog" Abby stretched out.

"Oh that sounds like fun I did some modeling work back in the seventies for a local Boutique when I was in highschool" Mom smiled.

"Really? I didn't know that" I said sitting down.
"Oh yes I honestly forgot about it till Abby just brought it up. So how much are they paying?" Mom asked sitting down with us at the nook.

"Don't know yet, but she said it'd be worth my time and if I'd knew anyone else who'd like to try she's looking for all the help she can get".

About that time dad came pulling up outside and I also heard another car. This super hearing thing comes in handy.

I looked out the window and saw dad as well as Coles little pink car.
"Oh looks like Cole is here too, I invited Caleb but he's working tonight" mom said as she stood up and waited for dad to walk in.

As soon as he walked in he and mom kissed and hugged. It had been that way for as long as I could recall.

I had a scene flash through my mind of me and Justin that looked like something out of a 1950s home maker show. I had to shake my head on that one.

"And how was your day?" Mom asked as dad sat down at the counter.
"Had a few issues this morning but for the most part its been pretty good" dad smiled.

"Well I'm glad to hear that the yeast rolls are almost done and then super will be ready" Mom said.

Cole and dad went to the living room and I followed. We started watching TV and dad and cole were talking about work and what we were gonna do about our little problem.

"I talked to the rangers and they're gonna have some extra eyes on the area for a few nights. Hopefully as long as the weather holds out and we have no more issues we'll be done by the middle of next week" Dad said.

"Yeah I can't wait to be done with this crap" Cole said stretching out and groaning a bit.
"And Clay James wants to talk to you on Monday. He's wanting to see if you can help them with our little vandalism issues" Dad said looking at me.

"Any Idea what he needs?" I asked.
"Well he didn't say but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your ability to hear so good".

"Cool who knows maybe I'll have a new profession before long" I chuckled.
"Well at least wait till we can hire some replacements I need you son" dad smiled.

I felt warm on the inside when he said that.
"Hey Clay can you come up to my room for a minute?" I heard Abigail ask from the stairs.

"Sure" I said getting up and walking over to her.
"I got something for you, for tomorrow afternoon at the lake" she said as we walked upstairs.

"Do I want to know?" I asked as we walked into her room.
"Don't be mean, I think you'll look cute in this" she said as she grabbed a shopping bag that was laying on her bed.

"I figured you would like this cause it covers everything she said handing me a package with a white and blue bathing suit In it.

"Its a two piece but the bottoms are a skort so its more modest then a bikini or leotard type suit".

"Please try it on before you judge, it was kinda expensive" she said before she hugged me and then walked towards the door. "I'll be outside".

I looked at the package and the picture on the front. I blushed as I imagined myself in it. I took off my clothes and then put the suit on.

The top was kinda like a shirt, it was white with aqua blue trim, thin shoulder straps and a small cloth like material that covered my bust and hug down to the top of my stomach leaving my naval exposed.

The bottom was a white and blue skort that went to about mid thigh.
I looked in the mirror and I felt a little giddy.

"Wow" was all I could say.
"Hey abby you can come in now" I called out.
She walked in and looked at me up and down.
"So what do you think? Not too revealing right" she smiled.

"I um... Well I like it" I felt myself flush a little.
"I'm glad to hear that" she sat on her bed.

"Hey um, do you have anything I can borrow for tonight, clothes wise until I can get some of my own?" I asked.

"Sure help yourself, me and mom are going to the mall tomorrow to that new home store that just opened up so of you want we can go shopping for you as well if you want to come with us" she said laying back on the bed and stretching out.

"I'd like that, sounds fun" I said looking through her closet.
"This is um, nice" I said looking at an outfit.

"You'll look cute in it but you sure you want to wear that, the color might corrupt you into being a girly girl like me" she laughed.

"Ah... Well OK I just thought maybe, I don't know I ....." I said putting it back.
"No, no clay I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" she said getting up and walking over to me.

"I'm sorry If that's what you want then go for it I like that outfit alot myself" she said hugging me from behind.

"I just, I think it's time I try some things out you know. To find out What I like and all" I said blushing a bit.

"And that's great to hear, now let's get you dressed I have to change out of my work clothes anyway" she said pulling out another hangar from the closet.

After I was dressed she handed me a pair of shoes to go with it.
And there I was, in faded pink denium shortalls a thin long sleeve white shirt and white and pink converse knock offs.

"Wow you look great but the pony tail needs to go" she said grabbing something off her vanity.
She pulled off my hair tie and brushed out my hair and then I felt her doing something.

She grabbed and twisted and pulled and soon she was done.
"Its called a French braid, I can't wait till my hair is long enough to try it" she said turning me around to the mirror.

"Holy shit" I couldn't believe it.
"Like it?" She asked.
"Yes, it looks great" I said turning my head this way and that way.

"Your hair is really good for braiding" she said placing her brush back on the vanity.
"How did you learn this?" I asked.

"From the internet, but Stacy has been letting me practice stuff like this on her. I'm thinking about going to school for hair and cosmetology" she said as she walked towards the door.

"You coming down or.... You good?" She asked.
I nodded and walked past her.
"Oh my word" mom said with a smile as I came down the stairs into view.

"Clay you look so good" mom said as she walked over and looked me up and down.
"Thanks mom" I said feeling a bit nervous but suppressing it.

"Honey what do you think?" Mom asked dad as he walked in from the living room to see what was up.

Dad looked at me and smiled.
"You look fine, them overalls need to be a bit longer but I guess its alright" dad seemed completely OK with seeing me like this.

"Looking good sis" Cole said from the living room.
"Oh Cole Clay doesn't like to be...."
"Its OK mom, I hardly look like his brother anymore do I?" I said.

"Clay are you sure?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure" I blushed feeling like a weight was lifting off of me. This whole time I've been worried about how my dad and brothers would react if I dressed like this but I guess I was worried for nothing.

"Would it be OK if I go shopping with you and Abby tomorrow? I can't keep borrowing her clothes" I said.

Mom looked happy.
"Sure sweetie" mom said hugging me.

The rest of the evening I felt lighter if that makes any sense.
I'd been so worried about others thoughts I couldn't relax or allow myself to experience new things, but now it seemed that none of that matters anymore, I'm done fighting. Well for the most part.

I was helping mom clean up after supper while dad and cole watched TV and Abby was off somewhere outside.

"So does this mean you're comfortable using a different name or pronouns?" She asked as we worked.

"The pronouns I'm OK with, but I'm still on the fence about the name for now. Maybe later" I said not quite ready to make that leap yet.

"You still OK with me using it in private?" She asked.
"Oh sure that's fine, I like Elizabeth but I'm thinking maybe Henrietta is just a bit too old fashion for me. But if you have anything else in mind I'm open to suggestion" I said as we started washing dishes.

"You're right it is a bit out of date, I think we'll stick with Lizzie for now" mom said scooping up some soap suds and booping me on the nose.

"Hey no fair" I giggled splashing her a bit.
We made small talk while we finished up but before I went to head up stairs mom grabbed my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked turning towards her.
"Nightstand, third drawer" she winked before heading off to the living room to hang out with dad.

I went upstairs completely dumbfounded on what she meant forgetting our previous conversation the day before.

I walked over to my nightstand and not only did I slam it shut as soon as I saw what was in it I let out an "eep" as well.

Feeling redder then a tomato could ever feel I walked over and locked my door.
Easing back over to the drawer I slowly opened it and pulled out the package along with the little bottle of clear liquid that was next to it.

"Holy crap mom" I whispered out loud as I read the box.
"G love, G thumper battery included".
"This... This is gonna be different" I thought as I slowly pulled off the plastic wrap.

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