
Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18 - Good sex is like the bridge card game. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.

Ellen was shopping at the mall on a Sunday afternoon. Her pre-eclampsia was under control for the present. She had just finished looking for a new dress that would accommodate her expanding belly. Sadly, her ability to wear a size 8 was a long way in the rear-view mirror. Whenever she shopped it was with a vengeance. Today she gave off the air of a socialite just browsing.

Call Of The Light - Part 6 (complete)

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 6 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 23 - Sacrifices

The California sun had hours ago slipped below the evergreen-lined mountain peaks to the west. Leftovers from his lunchtime foray into the local town still sat mostly uneaten on the square patio table, sandwich and partially consumed plum resting on a plate. The porch-light remained off as stars twinkled into view between the wispy clouds hanging in the sky, leaving him as a motionless dark shadow resting on the wooden bench before the cabin.

Modern Day Mythology


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What happens when someone gets a hold of something that is well beyond their ability to truly understand it but still decide to make something new and amazing with it? Will it work as intended, or can it backfire and blow up in their faces with unintended results? Follow along with a group of friends who find out the answer in ...

Modern Day Mythology

Leona MacMurchie

a story told in eight parts

Modern Day Mythology (part 1)

What happens when someone gets a hold of something that is well beyond their ability to truly understand it but still decide to make something new and amazing with it? Will it work as intended, or can it backfire and blow up in their faces with unintended results? Follow along with a group of friends who find out the answer in ...

Modern Day Mythology

Leona MacMurchie

Feral Saga Chapter 12 - Reckoning (Part 1)

(Image after the break this time because, spoilers)

Feral Saga Chapter 12 - Reckoning (Part 1)

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

As we face the twists of the twelfth issue, we have split our tale of reckoning in two, for this part is too big for just one issue. Logan is thrilled to find herself still female, even in the aftermath of the changes wrought by her mutant healing factor and the meddling of Neural Net (and, frankly, Hank). While she never would have suspected the fulfillment and love she could find as a woman, there is a rightness and hope she had never experienced before in her long life, at least what she could remember of it. But now she must quickly learn how to deal with her new self, because thrilled or not, there are still many challenges ahead. Challenges that will affect all of those she loves, and perhaps the world? Magneto and Sabretooth still have Storm and the Uncanny X-Men are still reeling and trying to react with no idea what Magneto is planning.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 17

CHAPTER 17 - Do you know what I did to the last person that called me Tinkerbelle? I slept with him.

"I have one more room to do. Let me ask Angela if she can cover for me."

"They’ll do that for you?"

"Yes, we are all friends, they have taken me under their wings. Four of us sharing a double room. We have become close out of necessity."

Ellen had a ton of questions to ask about the four in a small room together.

She asked the most obvious one. "What are your sleeping arrangements?"

He answered calmly, "Why two per bed. Why do you ask?"

She's a B... Witch - 5

She's a B... Witch


Well I started to follow all of Grandma’s requests, but I was seriously ticked and would really give her what for. It wasn’t just the acrylics, she was stacking the pile in the ‘choose Tegan’ column, and that was not right. I had my nighty in one hand as I barged into the bathroom in just my knickers.

“Tegan why aren’t you wearing your nighty?”

“Grandma you gave me tits!” I yelled.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16 - Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door. It never ends.

Once they were a good distance from the motel, Beth was stopped at a red light and said to Ellen, "My brother has changed, his appearance is more feminine than masculine. When did he decide to become a woman?" Beth gripped her hands under her breasts in the universal big-boobs gesture. "If I didn’t know better, I would say my brother had grown breasts.

"It’s a long story, let’s go home and have a cup of tea and I will explain it all to you."

Door in the mirror

Door in the mirror

While passing the minivan I glanced at it. Its polished side was reflecting the wall with graffiti and there was a door. When I turned to the wall there was no door. Then I turned to the minivan and there was I in the mirror and the door behind me. Following myself in the mirror I took small steps toward the door. I felt the wall with my back already. Still looking in the mirror I groped the door and took its knob firmly in my hand. I turned it and the door cracked open but I couldn’t see what was behind it. I pushed it open but I had to step through the doorway to open the door. At the same instant, I was standing again with my back to the wall and there was no minivan.

Call Of The Light - Part 5

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 5 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 19 - Counsel

The person on the other end of the phone didn’t even give me the chance to say hello first.

“Aradia. We need to talk.”

“Uh, hello? Who is this?”

“Hang on.”

The cordless handset suddenly shrieked loudly in my ear. “Gah!”

“Sorry. All phone lines at the Academy are being monitored by the military. We’re now secure.”

“How did you—oh.” Girl voice, check. Tone weirdly older than pitch, check. Able to do hacker stuffs, checkmate. It had to be Erica. But she was obviously sticking to using codenames. “Hi Fields.”

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 15

CHAPTER 15 - Once you’ve hit rock bottom there’s only one place you can go, and that’s up

"Tell me more about this motel. The last time I looked getting hired requires ID and a social security card."

Beth announced, "From what I hear, that is not a problem. The motel is known for hiring undocumented Latinos. With your swarthy skin coloring, you would blend right in; the manager won’t ask many questions. He is just interested in cheap labor."

Feral Saga Chapter 11 - End of an Era


Feral Saga Chapter 11 - End of an Era

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the elevating, emotionally-charged eleventh issue, we will find out the fate of Logan now that her guiding template has been removed and her mutant healing factor is running rampant. Will Hank’s miscalculation prove fatal? How will her friends carry on without her?

Call Of The Light - Part 4

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 4 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 15 - Wisdom

One of the first things I did after Kami put me up in some fancy hotel near his club was to call Danielle. Her phone didn’t even ring, a recording kept repeating that all circuits were busy and to try again later.

Kami had recommended I get some sleep, but yeah that wasn’t going to happen. I was far too keyed up. Besides, without the circles in my bedroom acting as their usual anchor I might slip out of the world again.

She's a B... Witch - 4

She's a B... Witch

“I told you Tegan, I don’t lie. Tegan can go to your school with those nails. There are reasons stopping Thomas from doing so, but not Tegan.” My Grandma cut me off.

“I am Thomas!” I yelled, and my Grandma just calmly straightened the skirt I was wearing.

“Tegan, I don’t lie. You unfortunately still have to learn the cost of lying.”

“You really are a witch! If I go to school like this I will be at best teased and humiliated. I could be beaten, possibly even to death.”

Chapter Four

Grandma just gave me a look, you know the one adult’s give to an overly petulant child, while they marshal their thoughts to rip into the child’s outburst and make them feel a few inches tall and at least five years younger than they really are. I guess it is not really mature to yell insults, especially when the person you are calling a witch actually is one, but she really got me ticked. Did she not care that I could be killed?

Grandma calmly got my attention then let me know. “Thomas likely could, but Tegan wouldn’t have those worries. Now calm down, we have much to discuss and I don’t want to send you to bed without supper, as if you were a naughty little girl. However, if you behave so then young lady, I will treat you as you behave.”

All my bluster and rage were extinguished like a flame snuffed. I sagged back into the sofa and sighed. “Why do you want me to be Tegan?”

“I told you I don’t lie…

Feral Saga Chapter 10 - Fatal Flaw


Feral Saga Chapter 10 - Fatal Flaw

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the tenacious tenth issue, Logan will have to make life or death decisions. But each path will mean an end. Will she have the courage to carry on? Has Hank actually figured out how Neural Net transformed Logan and how that is affecting her? And what of Magneto and his plans? Will his ambush of the prisoner convoy be the key to unwinding his schemes or are they already too firmly entrenched for the Uncanny X-Men to defeat?

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 13

CHAPTER 13 - The Prince looked down at the prisoner, Who's this dirty slut? Off with his nuts! Off with his nuts!

Ellen finally received an email from her husband’s sister, saying the weather had cooled at home. Ellen began her plan to cross the border. She notified the resort they were leaving and they that would be losing their gringa maid. Ellen was pleased when the hotel manager said he would be happy to give Heather a positive recommendation.

Masks 22: Part 9

Part Nine

Somebody must have called ahead, because the rear gates were open and embassy staff members were standing outside, ushering the rig in. Vic was very glad the service entrance was double wide. Blue Impact, Energia, Gadgetive and - of course - Vic were allowed onto embassy grounds. The gates were then shut solidly behind them.

Masks 22: Part 8

Part Eight

"Place is dead," said Gadgetive, frowning, later that day. "No power. No water. No active communication lines. It even looks abandoned. Windows are dirty, door tracks are rusty..."

"You just know someone is watching the place, though," said Energia. "Maybe constantly, but at least checking several times a day."

"Hmph," said Vic, irritated. "too bad about the lack of obvious activity, though. If there were any sign of something going on in a supposedly empty warehouse that might constitute probable cause."

She frowned.

Masks 22: Part 7

Part Seven

"Oh, dandy," said Blue Impact, the next morning, loudly, from her private corner.

"What?" said Vic, a bit alarmed by the emotion from the older super. She was just leaving the kitchen with a sizable mid-morning snack. The sort of thing which Blue Impact jokingly referred to as "second breakfast."

Call Of The Light - Part 3

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 3 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 11 - Choices

“Dammit August! Tell me where she is!”

Snow and wind assaulted the far corner of the cafeteria where August liked to eat quietly away from everyone else. Today that peaceful solitude had been bulldozed by a rather agitated young fae.

The plate of creamy chicken alfredo sadly offered no defense.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11 - If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth

After Heather’s unexpected departure, Ellen felt she needed to say something so she called the guys together and attempted an apology, "I’m so sorry for the way my friend acted. Just between us, she has never been with a man."

That drew a collective gasp.

Philip said, "You mean she’s a virgin at her age?"

Ellen with an evasive comment went on. "I didn’t exactly say that."

Masks 22: Part 3

Part Three

"Good morning, Mr. Logsdon!" one of the attendants called out, smiling and waving as he crossed the street ahead.

"Good morning, Andrew. How are we doing on our first day?

"So far, so good. I guess we're all waiting for the other shoe to drop, but right now it's busy but mostly under control."

Feral Saga Chapter 9 - Revelation


Feral Saga Chapter 9 - Revelation

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the nail-biting ninth issue, Logan will finally face-off against Sabretooth with Storm’s life in the balance. Will it be a fight to the death? Has she actually stopped the ambush on the prisoner transport convoy? If not, can the Uncanny X-Men make it in time to prevent Magneto from recovering his precious helmet and Mystique? What havoc would they wreak together? Logan’s date night certainly hasn’t gone according to plan!

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 - Deception; the practice of deliberately making someone believe things that aren’t true

Ellen touched up her makeup, explaining why it was important. George always thought that women used makeup to help them look pretty; he was now told it was all part of the seduction game.

"Now let’s get back in there the night is still young."

A broken man, George turned to the mirror to freshen his lipstick. He was in turmoil, so autopilot took over and he did the lipstick thing too.

The Endless Dance Card : 7 / 7

Just speaking for myself, I hate suspense. I don’t like the anxiety of anticipation. Whatever weird, creepy plan Donaldson had in store for me, I wanted to face it and get it over with. If it wasn’t inevitable, I’d put up a fight. If it *was* inevitable, avoiding it wouldn’t help.

Masks 22: Part 2

Part Two

"How was the concert you and Michelle went to last night?" asked Energia, as she ran into Vic on the way to class the next morning.

"Fantastic!" said Vic, enthusiastically. Not mentioning that they had needed to rush after getting "distracted" thanks to the filtered images. "You know you've got a good performer - and a good audience - when people are cheering the pauses in the music!"

"I, uh..." was all Energia could manage.

Masks 22: Part 1

Masks XXII: Golden Opportunity


Rodford Edmiston

Part One

"Whew!" said Vic, sagging with relief when the pregnancy test came back negative.

"Oh, babe," said Michelle, bending to hug Vic as the martial artist sat on the lid of the toilet in their shared apartment's tiny bathroom. "I'm so glad. You didn't really think Stone had... done something while you were out, did you?"

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 - What aA Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice To Deceive

"Please Ellen, let’s not tease about that. There is no way I am interested in some guy."

"How do you know if you haven’t tried?"


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