
Call Of The Light - Part 2

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 2 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 6 - Rooftops

Louis found me as I was sitting on the roof.

The sun had started the day playing hide-and-seek behind several wispy clouds much to the entertainment of the many crows raising a loud ruckus from the trees lining the paths below. The kids scurrying to the cafeteria and their classes were bundled up tightly in school sweaters and coats to fend off the crisp autumn-chilled air. Not that the cold bothered either me or Louis. I could easily ignore it and Louis, known as Fubar to the kids, wasn’t really here.

His presence was after all only an astral projection.

Feral Saga Chapter 8 - Engagement


Feral Saga Chapter 8 - Engagement

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the enthralling eighth issue, Logan will examine her future now that she has told Don that she wants to leave the X-Men. But will there be time for her to truly examine her feelings or will circumstances cascade towards crisis? Can she move on and find happiness, or will she be drawn into the morass of Magneto’s schemes?

The Elementalist


Audience Rating: 


The Elementalist


With the advent of true virtual reality, Alex escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. For he had always wanted to be a woman, but never had the confidence to transition. So what happens when the world he loves comes to an end?

Displaced: An Aethermysts Story


By Daniela A. Wolfe

Ever since he lost his job, Harry has been eking out a meager existence with his fledgling repair business, but when a catalog claiming to sell real magical items falls into his hands, his life is ‘displaced’ forever.

The Endless Dance Card : 6 / 7


“I bet I would be a mad genius for blowing smoke rings,” he said.

“To hell with smoke rings!” I said. “What is with you? I’m sincerely grateful that you did all this for me, Qurakas, but I want out of this chamber of horrors! Now!”

“What if I told you that there was a bigger chamber of horrors outside?” he asked in a very quiet voice.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 - A double date

Once safely secreted in their room, George could not wait to strip off his suit and free his little man, discarding the cellophane between his legs. He nibbled on what was left of their fruit and eventually pulled the shades and crawled into bed and fell into a troubled sleep.

Ellen looked for Heather at the pool. Not finding him there, she headed for the only other place he could be their room. Quietly opening the door, she marched over to George. Shaking him, she woke him up with an impish smile.

The Elementalist: Chapter 1

The Elementalist

Chapter 1: Before the Law


With the advent of true virtual reality, Alex escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. For he had always wanted to be a woman, but never had the confidence to transition. So what happens when the world he loves comes to an end?

Copyright © 2019 Aurum; All Rights Reserved

Feral Saga Chapter 7 - Choices


Feral Saga Chapter 7 - Choices

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We return with our sensational seventh issue, with Logan testing the limits of her abilities and trying to figure out her place in the X-Men. But she has a lot of unresolved fears and confusion about who she really is now, and what her memories of Scott mean for her and her relationship with Jean. Now that  Magneto has made his next bold move, can the Uncanny X-Men finally see a plan forming, or is he still several moves ahead?

The Elementalist: Prologue

The Elementalist

Prologue: Into the Void


With the advent of true virtual reality, Alex escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. For he had always wanted to be a woman, but never had the confidence to transition. So what happens when the world he loves comes to an end?

Copyright © 2019 Aurum; All Rights Reserved



Audience Rating: 



With the advent of true virtual reality, millions escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. Yet, for a chosen few this escape would become their new reality. Will this be the fantasy they remember or an unending nightmare?

Call Of The Light - Part 1

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Loss

He had been there long enough to establish a regular routine.

Early mornings were Turkish coffee sipped ever so slowly at the corner table in the hotel’s small cafe with a breakfast of cheese, bread, and olives followed by a small confectionery. After a perfunctory nod to the proprietors it was out to wander down by the beach in a battered beige coat with more pockets of various size than fashion sense would ever allow. Safely out of earshot those he passed by would whisper that he must be touched by the Jinn for clearly he was no tourist as he took no pictures nor troubled anyone for directions to the local sights. At dusk he would walk the Black Sea’s coastline without regard for the rain falling from dark clouds nor for the magnificent view when the sun broke free and shone its glory across the waters.

He paid their odd glances no mind for his was entirely elsewhere. And besides, if he had bothered to consider their commentary he would have immediately agreed with them.

Nicolas ‘Nick’ Wright, erstwhile demonologist and magical consultant, was indeed touched. But not by the fabled fiery Jinn.

His problems lay entirely with angels.

Call Of The Light


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TG Universes & Series: 

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light

by Erisian

Book 3

With the craziness in Syria appearing to be safely in the rear-view mirror, Jordan had hoped to settle in to the routine at school and take the time to understand who she had become.

Such as what did it really mean to be an angel? Or even being a teenage girl?

Events however had been set in motion leading to threats not only to her closest friends and family but to the entire world. When destiny calls how each answers will shape the entire future to come.

For Jordan, worrying about makeup, bras, and things like fitting in at school would simply have to wait.

The Endless Dance Card : 5 / 7

“We’re in the middle of outer space, so you’d think that SOMETHING weird or out-of-this-world would happen every couple of days. But NOTHING! Nothing ever happens here. You are the single biggest event since we left Earth, and I doubt that anything’s going to top you for a long, long time.”

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 - Don’t ever poke a mother bear

Ellen reached for Mike's right hand and got a firm grip on his thumb and bent it back far enough to hear it break. Mike released Heather and let put a howl like a wounded animal. Bill came charging to his friend's aid. Ellen pivoted on her left leg and landed a solid one-legged kick to his beer belly. Bill folded like a cheap lawn chair.

Ballerina School 1: Foreign Exchange student

This is a story about a boy who signed up for a foreign exchange program and wanted to go to a all boys high school but ends up going to a all girls ballet school

Hearts Desire


Audience Rating: 


Randall Bartholomew, the adopted ward of the pirate king Roderick Drake, has just come home from three months at sea. The King has a mission for his three children that will throw Randall into a situation he never expected. Can he escape his situation before its too late?

Feral Saga Chapter 6 - Gathering Storm


Feral Saga Chapter 6 – Gathering Storm

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We return with our sensational sixth issue, with Logan having finally accepted that she is a woman, but possibly having even more questions about who she is and the effect the transformation has had on her powers. Jean seems truly committed to the new Logan, if not exclusively, but does she really know the person who is emerging and has she really dealt with her own demons? And what of Magneto’s grand plan now that the base was discovered to be a ruse with Mystique posing as Magneto? Will the Uncanny X-Men be able to learn what he is up to, or are they too late?

The Endless Dance Card : 4 / 7

Sometimes I’d tell myself, This is what celebrities experience, and other times, This is what animals in the zoo experience. People took for granted that they could stare me up and down, ask me to turn this way and that… and comment on my appearance as if I couldn’t hear them.

Warriors way chapter 6...showgirl!

Warriors way chapter 6...Showgirl!

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”






It was Gran who noticed one of the beef stores was a heifer. “You know I never bought me no heifer, Jenny. I’ve never raised a heifer. A young store costs a bit more, but is as easy to raise, and makes more meat and sells for more money than a heifer. I’ve always paid a bit more out to bring a lot more in three years later.”

Feral Saga Chapter 6 – A Preview/Interlude to Gathering Storm


Feral Saga Chapter 6 – A Preview/Interlude to Gathering Storm

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Here is a special treat, a preview / interlude from our upcoming issue. This is a fun scene between the newly female Wolverine and Dr.Hank McCoy. We hope that you won’t forget about this series while we are on hiatus. We will return next week with another huge, action-packed sexy issue,

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 - The Not so Great Escape

The train ride down was put to good use. She went over her plan again in her head. The issues of smuggling in an extra dress was settled by her wearing them both at once, one over the other. A similar solution solved getting underwear for Heather. Ellen had on her normal panties, under a pair of padded panties that she would give to Heather to enhance his girlie figure.

The Endless Dance Card : 3 / 7

As we ate, a question occurred to me. “Couldn’t we -- couldn’t someone
take my corrupted profile and fix it? Or take one of me now and edit it,
to change me from female back to male?”

These Things Happen

These Things Happen

Chapter 1

I don’t like hospitals, but my doctor warned me that I needed to get my appendix removed before it became an emergency situation. I figured I could handle day surgery or even an overnight stay. My wife dropped me off and went to work, assuring me that she would be back when I woke up. It was kind of nice being pampered a bit. I arrived at 6:00AM as instructed. I was put through the required procedures and asked dozens of questions. Finally, they got to my name.


Equipment malfunction has been with mankind since the invention of the wheel. Possibly before with the club, spear, bow and arrows. As science progresses and equipment is in-bedded deeper and deeper into our lives, the one constant is at some point failure will occur. Let's pray the whole tie rod steering mechanism doesn't fall out from under your vehicle while you're traveling down the road. Mine did and it wasn't a story of fiction. Obviously I survived.
This is a tale of one of those equipment failures and it is a story of fiction.

Feral Saga Chapter 5 - Scents


Feral Saga Chapter 5 – Scents

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this Special Mega Publication, our frenetic fifth issue, Wolverine, still trying to find a way to deal with a new reality and desires, must go deep into enemy territory to gain vital information about Magneto’s latest gambit! Jean fears she will lose Logan forever, yet must still face the ramifications of her own actions. It seems Magneto’s war on humans will escalate to a massive scale unless the X-Men can foil his plot. But do they really know what is going on?

Rairy Contrary


Audience Rating: 


Rairy Contrary

By Katherine Phillips

Rairy lives in a rural right leaning North Carolina town. It’s 2016 when the infamous ‘Bathroom Bill’ came out.

The whole town is ran by right-leaning conservatives. Things happen in this town that aren’t supposed to happen in your average town. Things are swept under the table when they shouldn’t be. Those with money are the law.

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 2 - Agonizing Retreat

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. ©2019.
All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Rairy Contrary Chapter 2 Agonizing Retreat

Off Time - Chapter 2 - Who's Adrian? - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.


These Tights, They Are a-Changing -- chp. 03


Audience Rating: 


Chapter 03

“That was fast!” said Ohm Wire to a now heaving Adamast Cross. “What did you do, run full-force across Paragon before you came?”

Adamast was trying to catch his breath and speak at the same time, but at best he could manage was a nod tilted to the side. The other heroes standing with them laughed to themselves. They were in the Steel Canyon area, and standing outside of a cave entrance.

These Tights, They Are a-Changing -- chp. 02


Audience Rating: 


Chapter 02

Nostalgia and time travel had a bite like a stray animal in an alleyway. Ironically enough, an alleyway was exactly where everyone found themselves in the wee hours of the evening. The heroes—Adamast Cross, Psi Wizard, War Lagoon, and Princess Undercut—stood by a strange pillar of blue light. They had seen and used it so many times, but it was still strange. Just like five years ago, and the time before it, the pillar was the only source of illumination in that alley since the two wall-mounted lights were out.

These Tights, They Are a-Changing

After a long hiatus, a group of eccentric superheroes reunite in Paragon City. Some changes take a long time to happen, some are sudden, some are more permanent, and one of the heroes is about to find out how true that is. It is a story of change and redemption.

Off Time - Chapter 1 - New Legs - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.

Feral Saga Chapter 4 - New Player


Feral Saga Chapter 4 - New Player

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this, our fantastical fourth issue, we find the Wolverine dealing with the sensations, emotions, and urges resulting from the transformation process and Jean trying to decide where her love, loyalty, and even anger will lead her! As the Uncanny X-Men continue to adapt, there are new players and new schemes unfolding. Can they respond to this rising level of threat before they are torn apart in a game that they have yet to fully understand?

The Endless Dance Card : 1 / 7

“Don’t worry!” she said with a laugh. “This was a very common test, way back when.
It was often mentioned in comedy routines of that era, so I’m sure that it doesn’t hurt at all.
In fact, from what I read, some men quite enjoyed it.”

Warriors way chapter 5...Showtime!

Warriors way chapter 5...Showtime!

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 11

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

the same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan

Water in the Sky: a TG Mixed Tape

An adventurer announces their retirement... and reveals the secret burden they've been carrying. A couple of exes try to salvage their friendship from the ruins of their relationship... and maybe something more. Two U.S. Marshals hunt for outlaws in 1876 Arizona... and find monsters. A fox running for his life from a trigger-happy farmer encounters a strange being... and finds a new life. Dive into these and three other stories by Dark Sun Morrigan, Desert Willow, Morrigan Q.R., MrSimple, Paradox, and Trismegistus Shandy.


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