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Part 2 -- The Conclusion
by Anon Allsop
Chapter 21
It was dark by the time they had loaded both of the corpses into the Suburban, Chet and the dogs left a little while after they had found Stew. Each corpse couldn't have weighed more than thirty pounds. The skin on each was stretched tight like blackened paper, and only their clothes told the men who they once had been.
Quietly, almost reverentially, they drove back to town where the doctor was already waiting for them at his office. Holding the door, he watched as both Stew and Eve were carried in and placed upon separate gurneys.
"Do you want us to leave?"
", you can stay." He began to cut off the clothing and place it into bags, one marked ‘Stew’, the other with ‘Eve’ written on it.
Looking at the face and teeth of Eve, he sadly sighed, "Yes, this is Eve. I can tell where I repaired a broken jawbone when she was kicked by her horse."
"Well, the other one is Stew; I can tell you that much." Grant sighed.
"We have to make it official for the death certificates, so just let me be the judge of who is who." He scowled at Grant; it was evident he was tired.
Under the supervision of the two officers, he quietly cut away the clothing from Stew. He examined his face and then the chest. Frowning the doctor began a closer inspection, not once but twice. Shaking his head, he stepped back and asked Grant to assist in rolling the corpse over.
Adjusting his glasses upon his nose, he pointed to Stew's upper back. "Did you notice the puncture wound right there while in the field?"
"No. But it doesn't surprise me in the least because we found blood where someone had been injured. We just assumed that it was Stew."
"There's the rub, gentlemen." He settled back into a very tall chair, "That isn't Stew."
"Sure it is!" Grant protested.
"I have been a doctor for more years than you've been alive, brought babies into this many you couldn't shake a stick at." He pointed toward the corpse on the gurney before them, "I should know a male from a female - that, my good man, is a female!"
"Bullshit!" snapped Grant, "It's Stew and you damn well know it!"
"If it isn't Stew, then who is it?" interjected Rosario.
"See here, young man!" The doctor stood up and squared off at Grant, "You point to a penis on that body and then I just might believe you! Grab the other side and flip her back over."
"It's a him doc. You and I both know it...look, I get it, you're tired."
"Look at the bones, Grant." He touched the leg, "They're too small for a male! Compare them to Eve - nearly the same size as she is!" He held a metal tool to the head, "Even her head is small like Eve's!"
The expression was slowly being ebbed from Grant's face as the doctor continued. "The fingers are long and tapered like a woman's - you can almost discern breast tissue upon the chest...and note the larger areola and nipple!" He then moved to the corpses side, Compare the height of this corpse to the other…nearly the exact same size! 5 feet 3 inches! If she ain’t a woman, I need to be surrendering my diploma!"
"Who then is she?" Rosario hesitantly moved closer, "And why was she wearing Stew's clothing?"
The doctor sighed and gently patted Grant's shoulder, "I won't know until tomorrow when I can confide with the town's dentist. He has records on nearly everyone locally, if anyone will know who she is - he will."
He slowly began to walk the two officers to the door, "There isn't a thing we can do for them until morning, I'll let you know what I find out." He opened the outside door and held it for Grant and Rosario to exit. "Go home and get some rest, you both have had one hell of a day!"
They climbed into the truck but Grant hesitated before turning the key. "You know we have to go back out there tomorrow, don’t you?" He waited until he saw Rosario nod, "There is another of those creatures somewhere out there running around and we have to put it down!"
"We're not going to try and capture it?"
"No. We have to end this right here, and right now!" He turned the key and started the Suburban.
Rosario commented, "If that isn't Stew, we have to figure out what happened to him...and who the other girl is?"
Grant nodded slowly as he sped down the street, with only the interior lights illuminating his worried scowl.
“Now, we are faced with the hardest part of this job...” He sighed as he glanced toward his deputy.
Rosario stared out of the window, speaking softly, “We have to tell their parents...”
Chapter 22
Around one thirty in the morning, Grant heard the screen door to the house close. He sat up and made his way into the living room in the dark. The house was stuffy and even he was having trouble sleeping. He quietly eased to the doorway, just outside on the step sat Rosario in his shorts and t-shirt.
Grant moved on into the kitchen and retrieved two bottles of beer and carried them with him to the door. As it opened, Rosario looked back over his shoulder. "Sorry if I woke you up."
Grant sat down beside him on the step and handed him a cold bottle he had just opened. "Having trouble sleeping?"
The youth nodded and accepted the bottle, "I just can't get the look of those mummified faces out of my mind..." He took a swig and sat the bottle on the step below. “Stew’s father…it was all just too much!” He took another swig of his beer, and then shakily rotated it in his hands. "That's a hell of a way to die, your life sucked right out of you."
"She probably didn't even feel it."
Rosario shuddered visibly, "God, I sure hope you're right." He took another swig and sat it back, "What do you think happened to Stew?"
"Honestly? I still think the other one is him...I think the doc will find that out in the morning."
"Educated guess?"
"Nah, just intuition."
“You have to admit that the body we thought was Stew was a woman. Doc proved that to us as much as anyone could.”
The Sheriff sighed, “Yeah, it’s a conundrum – that’s for sure. Right now, we have two dead women, and Stew is missing.”
He leaned back with his elbows resting on the step higher. He was watching Rosario; the kid was trembling as he tried to nurse his beer. Grant took another swig as he saw a visible shudder race through the younger man, he quickly swallowed. "You okay?"
After a lengthy pause, Rosario cleared his throat. "No…I have this...this unspoken feeling of dread about this creature."
Grant nodded, "It'll be a tough nut to crack...but we'll get it!"
"You may...but, I think it'll be the end of me."
Grant sat up, "We'll have one advantage over Stew and Eve- and that's firepower! Throw a few rounds of buckshot at it - some serious lead, and it'll die sure enough. You remember what Three-Toes did to the first one we found!"
Rosario looked back toward his friend; his dark eyes seemed haunted. "We aren't Three Toes." His face dropped in the subdued lighting. "I think this creature will be the end of me."
"Oh come on..."
Rosario interrupted him, "My Grandmother had this uncanny ability to have visions of the future. They would come in short dream-like snapshots. I too have that ability...I have seen my own death."
"Rosario..." Grant interceded.
"It is going to catch us...I saw the stinger swinging down at me - that's when I woke up."
"So it gets me too?"
Rosario shook his head, "I don't see what happens before or after the creature strikes...I don't see what happens to you - I just know I am directly under the stinger when it falls. There is no escape."
"Look, kid. As long as there is breath in this body of mine, I will be there to prevent anything from happening to you!" Grant placed his hand on the back of the troubled deputy, "Don't you ever forget what I'm telling you right here, right now...I got your back!"
Rosario smiled wanly, "I know that, Grant."
They sat in silence, each deep in thought of what the coming day would bring. Suddenly to Grant, the beer didn't taste so appealing. They continued to drink, hopefully to numb their systems. After several minutes they stood up and returned inside, set the empty bottles on the counter and headed into their respective bedrooms. Sleep would eventually come, but both knew it would be a fleeting mistress tonight.
Chapter 23
The two were very quiet the following morning. Perhaps they were tired, but each man was deep in thought of what may happen given the nature of the creature they pursued. After a quick breakfast consisting of a grilled ham & cheese sandwich and black coffee, they carried their gear to the Suburban and headed toward the police station.
Grant backed the Suburban up to the trailer, already loaded with the two off-road vehicles. While he was making sure everything was safely connected, Rosario walked out of the police station. "This message was pinned to your door."
He started to hand it to Grant who waved him off as his hands were busy, "Just read it to me."
"Doc wants you to swing by his office first thing this says it's urgent."
Grant only nodded once then eyed his deputy and asked simply, “You ready to go?”
Rosario sighed, looking around at the town as if it were the last time he would see it. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
"All right - let’s get moving. With luck we can be done before nightfall."
Rosario shuddered, "You still thinking that we may have to sleep out there tonight?"
Shrugging, Grant opened the back door of the Suburban. "Did you pack all the essentials for a night out if we are forced to?"
He nodded, "Food, water, cooking gear, extra shells, tent, sleeping bags and extra gas for the ATV's."
"Let’s hope we won't need it." He removed his campaign hat on his head and placed it on the back seat, "Come on, let’s head on down to Doc's and see what news he has for us."
They climbed into the vehicle and carefully left the police station pulling the trailer. Within five minutes they were pulling into an alley beside the Doctor's office. Rosario opened the door and waited for Grant to enter, then together they walked back past the receptionist and quickly located the doctor.
"Gentlemen!" He motioned for them to enter into the room, "I spoke with the dentist and..."
"It's Stew, isn't it?" Grant folded his arms and leaned against the counter.
"It is...but again it isn't." He walked to where a corpse lay and removed a sheet from over it. "Yes, the dental records show it is Stew, but the body is 100% female. Somehow, in some sort of bizarre way his body morphed into that of a woman! I have never seen anything of the like!"
"But why?"
"I spoke with my friend at the University, he thinks the creature you found was one of two...or three like it. He feels that it 'feeds' off the essence of females, probably the estrogen."
“That’s a highly specialized feeding system.”
"Indeed it is. Every victim you found has been female...not one male was located."
Rosario cleared his throat, "But Doc, everyone has estrogen in their system, both men and women alike. How can it differentiate one from the other?"
The doctor shrugged, “Smell perhaps? Men and women smell differently, even without cologne and perfumes. Perhaps it also applies to animals and other species.”
“Doc, we know that Stew ran for several hundred yards after that creature inflicted the wound on him…” Grant threw his hands up in total frustration.
The doctor pointed toward the mummified corpse on the table, "And yet here on my table lies a VERY female corpse." He gently removed the cloth from Stew's corpse and allowed it to lay at the end of the table. "I believe, since he had no feminine essence, the creature converted him into a food source! We both feel that he was infected and injured somehow and then when he transformed far enough...the creature sucked the life from him - or rather her."
Grant shook his head, "That's horrible!"
"My colleague and I feel your creature feeds off the estrogen or some other female-only hormone and what it can't makes."
"Then these are aliens?" Rosario asked.
Grant and the doctor both nodded slowly, "They have to be," the doctor replied.
"They are like a weapon! Left unchecked, they could destroy the entire balance of male and female population on earth - and of every species!"
Rosario whispered in fear, "Hopefully they haven't bred!"
The doctor moved around to the other side of Stew's corpse, "My University colleague suspects that the one you had found earlier was a juvenile. If that is what we're dealing with we MUST keep them from reproducing, and if they have - find their offspring and eradicate them!"
Grant folded his arms, he was deep in thought. "Doc, we have to keep this under wraps for now - if word got out to the Government, they'll want to capture it and do God knows what else. We have to kill all of them before any further harm comes to the living!"
Grant eyed Rosario and motioned that it was time to leave. As they left the room the doctor called out behind them, "Be careful, gents, you don't want to end up like these two under the cloth.”
Chapter 24
The Suburban motored along a desolate, dusty road near where they found the bodies of Stew and Eve. Neither man spoke, only the tinny sound from their radio could be heard. Rosario was studying the horizon, his eyes glued to the thin ribbon of mountains in the distance while Grant was sipping his coffee, trying not to spill it on himself.
Rosario sighed deeply as he adjusted himself in his seat for comfort, "Do you think we'll see anything?"
Grant shrugged, "Six of one, half dozen of another."
The young deputy smiled and examined his revolver once again, Grant noticed and shook his head. "Six bullets is all she'll hold, same as when you checked it about a dozen miles back. Your nerves have got you rattled; we'll either see the damn thing or we won't." He looked back toward the road and drove for a half minute or so, "If we do see it, it's our job to kill it so it can't hurt another creature."
Rosario tilted his ear toward the open window, "You hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Stop the truck. Listen!"
Grant slowed down, and then he heard a strange sound over the engine. They quickly stopped on the gravel road, and Grant turned off the engine. "It's that metal-on-metal sound again!" The younger man pointed toward his open window.
"Sure is." Grant inhaled deeply, as he opened up his door and stepped out into the dusty road. "Can't be no more than a mile or two back there in the tall brush!"
Rosario hesitantly opened his own door, "We going to start out from right here?"
"I'll have to find a place to pull off. We'll unload the ATV's and head out in the direction that sound was coming from."
Rosario reached onto the seat and removed the county road map. "There's a pretty wide river near here, isn't there?"
The Sheriff nodded, "Deep too! Yeah, Angry Bastard is due west of where we are right now."
"The map says 'Knob River'."
"The locals call it ‘Angry Bastard’, they made us change it some fifty years back so they could put it on a map." Grant leaned over and looked at the map, "There's a hell of a drop just to the east of here near Flat Rock Canyon. That canyon has a drop of like a hundred feet.”
Grant looked knowingly at the youth, "That creature is boxed in with the mountains behind it, the river to the west and the canyon to the east. If we push in toward the north, we'll have to come across it sooner or later."
"That's what I'm afraid of," muttered Rosario under his breath, hoping that Grant didn't hear.
"Let’s get this Suburban parked and roll off the 4 wheelers so we can get after this beast from hell." He glanced toward the sun, "With any luck, we'll be on it before the afternoon gets too hot."
The sun was just rising above the mountains when Grant found a decent place to park the truck. It was on the left side nearer to where the canyon was, but still far enough away to allow them easy removal of the ATV's. Leaving their campaign hats behind, both wore the unconventional baseball cap that the department recently issued.
Each vehicle was topped off with gas, so they should have more than enough for the day. Grant quickly scanned the map while Rosario tied down the supplies, they had brought with them. By the time the young deputy mounted the 4-wheeler, Grant was folding the map and pushing it into his pocket. "We'll ride slow into the draw, and work our way toward the mountains. I figure that once there; we'll have to leave the wheelers behind and hoof-it on in."
"We're looking for high ground then?"
Grant nodded and removed his sunglasses from his pocket and putting them on. "Keep your wits about you, with this thing's mirror-like skin, it’s going to be reflecting the surrounding and making it damn hard to spot."
"True," Rosario pursed his lips and nodded. "But if it is mirror-like, we might be able to pick up a reflection of the sun off of it."
"Now you're thinking!" Grant smiled and started the ATV. "Keep close - but not too close. This terrain isn't very forgiving if we should roll one of these things!" He put the vehicle into gear and sighed deeply as he glanced back toward the nervous youth, "I don't think either of us want to be hurt up in these rocks with that thing prowling around!"
"You got that right!"
Grant slowly let out the clutch and eased the ATV forward, as Rosario followed behind him.
Chapter 25
For nearly an hour they slowly made their way up into the rocky foothills, until they were no longer able to press on. They chose to hide their 4-wheelers in a mosh-pit of boulders and weeds. The temperature was climbing as the day wore on, yet the higher elevation did offer a slight cool breeze for comfort.
Grant paused at the bottom of a crag in the rocks, and whispered. "Try to keep as quiet as you can...that thing has got to be close!"
"That's what I'm afraid of," Rosario whispered back with a worrisome look.
Now they climbed even more slowly and carefully, because each step higher brought them closer to the vantage that Grant wanted, and probably closer to the creature.
Grant mounted a tall boulder, and reached back to assist Rosario. Suddenly a heavy ear-shattering roar shook the ground they were trying to scale. Both officers’ hearts raced wildly, and it almost caused Grant to slip off the boulder. Panting, both crouched defensively and immediately drew their weapons. Rosario was stunned in fear, it was the same 'metal on metal’ sound that they had been hearing, only this time it seemed like it was right on top of them!
"Damn, that thing is close!" Grant whispered, scooting near a much larger boulder just above his head. He half dragged the youth up closer to him. Rosario's eyes were huge, he was shaking in fear while trying to maintain a firm grasp on the gun he held. Silently, he began to pray in Spanish and ended with the sign of the cross.
Slowly, the Sheriff rose above the boulder that had them hidden and peered over the edge. " you see it?" the younger man beside him trembled in fear.
"No...but that don't mean a damn thing! Remember, it has a mirror-like could be hiding in plain sight!"
For an hour and twenty minutes, they crouched down behind that larger boulder watching and listening. They had held themselves still for so long that both of them began to ache from the awkward position they were forced to remain in. Yet, no further sound was heard, no movement had been detected - nothing!
"Is it safe to go out there?"
Grant shrugged, and spoke softly, "I'm not sure. I've got a feeling that it knows we're here and is just waiting us out."
"That is what I have been afraid of. It’s waiting for us to move and then will be on us right away!" Rosario whispered as he trembled.
Grant whispered, "How long do you think you can hold out sitting like this?"
The younger man touched his lower leg, whispering. "My legs are already numb., If it attacked us now - I'm sure I could not run very well."
Grant sighed deeply, but his eyes never ceased their movement. "Try to get blood back in them, we can't stay hunkered on this rock like we are forever. We need to get higher up so we can attempt to track its movements."
The deputy nodded and began to try and work blood back into his numb extremities. Meanwhile, Grant was attempting to dislodge a rock from where it had been trapped. "Let me know when you're good, I'm going to toss this as far off as I can in an attempt to confuse the beast, and maybe allow us a chance to make it to higher ground."
After several agonizing minutes passed, Rosario tapped Grant's foot signaling that he thought he was able to run. Grant hefted the rock about the size of a baseball in his hand. Grant leaned close to Rosario's ear and whispered, "See that gap between the rocks to your right? When I tap your shoe with my foot, I'm going to toss this rock as far as I can. As soon as you feel that tap, high-tail it to those boulders and climb up - I'll be right behind you!"
The youth nodded, and then swallowed hard. He wanted so much to get a drink but their precarious position wouldn't allow for easy retrieval of the water bottle. Grant stood just behind a larger rock; both were balanced upon a smaller one positioned at its base. Because of the overall size of the one they stood upon; Rosario was unable to stand up straight.
Grant tapped the deputy and promptly heaved back as hard as he could, throwing the rock so it careened and ricocheted off the distant rocks.
He quickly jumped to the ground and raced off behind the frightened deputy. Nearly as soon as the rock settled at the bottom of the others, the deafening grating roar echoed among the boulders. Unfortunately, neither man could tell where the sound came from because the sound echoed among the boulders around them.
Rosario beat Grant to the targeted boulder, but slid off the side as he was attempting to climb. Grant, who was more adept at climbing, secured a foothold and quickly launched himself on the top of the boulder. He silently turned toward the youth and offered his hand, but Grant’s blood washed cold when what he saw Rosario's eyes take upon the look of sheer horror at the very moment the lad took hold of Grant’s hand.
He had never seen true terror reflected back from anyone ever before, as that which he saw in the deputy's eyes! They were wide as saucers, his mouth in an unspoken scream, and all the blood washed from his face. Grant was so stunned that he momentarily forgot what they were running from.
When Rosario realized that Grant’s back was exposed to the creature, Rosario immediately yanked his boss from the boulder with all his strength. Both men hit the ground rolling, with Rosario ending up on top of the Sheriff. Grant unholstered his revolver almost immediately as soon as he struck the ground.
“Ahhhhhhhhh!” - Rosario’s blood-curdling scream echoed against the walls of the canyon, stunning Grant – who’s eyes were instantly drawn to blood as it began to seep into his deputy’s clothing.
Pushing Rosario aside, Grant fired three quick shots into the distortion that he knew was the creature. For a moment it lost its mirror-like camouflage and Grant saw his shells had struck it high in its chest. With a scream of rage and pain, the beast fell backward and out of sight, its short arms flailing. But what caught his eye was the long whip tail and tip of its stinger, shifting and swinging like a counter-balance.
There was no time to assess Rosario’s injury! Grant picked up the youth and threw him over his shoulder. Then he raced as quickly as he could in the only possible direction for escape - toward the ATV's! Grant stumbled over rocks, boulders, and prickly weeds, as the dead weight of Rosario was straining his shoulder. Grant’s back was growing wet with what he hoped was sweat, but without knowing how hurt the beast was, he could not afford to pause and check upon Rosario’s condition.
Chapter 26
Soon Grant located an old animal trail between two large boulders. Here he turned, thankful that it was leading him in the general direction of the ATV's. Twice the bigger man stumbled and nearly fell to his knees; only at the last second was Grant able to regain his balance each time and continue forward.
Lungs bursting for air, his mouth parched and his hat laying somewhere in the vicinity of the attack, the sun mercilessly beat down upon them. Grant felt as though they were ants and somewhere above was a giant child playing with a magnifying glass - and cooking them.
Still, Grant picked his way toward the bottom and hopefully safety. Pausing slightly, just long enough to adjust Rosario upon his shoulder, he lowered his hand to get a better grip and as he pulled away from his hold, noticed his hand covered in blood.
"Oh shit, kid..." he whispered in horror! "That's a hell of a lot of blood!" He redoubled his efforts to put as much distance between the creature and themselves as was possible.
Finally, he could see both ATV's about a couple hundred yards away. Grant felt his knees almost buckle, but continued on. By this time, he was wheezing for air, and his tongue felt as though it was twice its normal size.
Again Grant stumbled, this time going to one knee, practically spearing it into the rough ground of the trail. Forcing himself up, he cursed in pain. His legs were burning, his shirt was stuck to his back, and he knew that he was running out of energy - he only hoped to get to the ATV before the beast was on them.
A slow wail arose from the distance between them and their unseen adversary. The sound made the Sheriff shudder. He slowly turned and looked backward, as he heard a rock become displaced and fall. He began to run with recklessness toward escape, because he knew the beast had recovered and was searching for its prey.
Just as he reached the ATV, Grant stumbled and fell to the ground hard ATV, dropping Rosario at the same time. He pulled himself up using the little front bumper and winch as his leverage. Again, in the distance the 'metal upon metal' sounding wail echoed among the rocks, but this time it was closer.
He pulled himself to his feet, his arms bloody and aching. Taking the machine out of gear he started it, then hurried back to Rosario and dragged him to the front of the ATV. There he stood Rosario up and allowed his weak body to fall over the hood, his arms at his side and legs dangling off the other side. Grant hurriedly strapped Rosario to the hood using two bungee cords, and began to pull off the trail. There was a loud crash behind him, as a boulder rumbled down the hill and crashed against the other ATV.
Grant didn't wait to see how close the creature was. with one hand he held onto Rosario, the other gave the ATV all the gas it was worth - he sped away. But where would he go? He didn't have the time to get to the Suburban, yet he had to tend to Rosario's wounds.
"Driscoll's old range shack!" He suddenly remembered, and quickly began to race in the direction of the old building, which he recalled was one, maybe two miles away. He knew that there would be a first aid kit there as well as a few meager provisions enough to hold them for a day or two. Grant began to angle his direction so he would be close to the area where the river was shallow and he could drive across.
His hair was violently tossed in the wind, and the sun beat down on them from above, but fortunately his sunglasses remained on his head. Taking a moment in a particularly flat spot in the trail, he glanced quickly around - there was no sign of the creature, either to the rear or either side. Still he continued to run wide open and race at break-neck speed toward the little range shack.
Both their lives depended on it!
Chapter 27
Turning down a familiar lane, he approached the line shack cautiously. The back side was firmly against a rise behind it, so there would be no danger of attack from that direction. He slowed down long enough to angle the ATV toward the porch and then drove directly up on it. Grant stopped then quickly killed the engine and climbed off. After several frantic seconds he was able to work the lever of the door and swung it open; fortunately, it still remained fairly intact albeit dusty. A shaft of light filtered through the window, and dust particles sparkled like snow in the sunbeam.
He hefted Rosario by lifting him under his armpits and half-carried him, half-dragged him to a bed in the corner of the room. Grant found a bucket, quickly stepped back onto the porch, and scanned the horizon. It seemed that the creature had not followed. That was all he needed to know.
Making a mad bee-line to the well he rinsed out the bucket and filled it with water, then hurried back to tend to his deputy. Once inside, he quickly scrounged for the first aid kit and returned to the injured man on the bed. Grant’s hand was covered in blood as he rolled Rosario to his side and placed him upon his stomach. He tore the bloody shirt and exposed the injured portion of his lower back.
He poured water over the puncture wound and wiped off the blood. The hole was deep and still bleeding. It lay just under the belt line and looked as though it mostly went downward and into the fatty part of his hip. It would be quite painful and would make walking considerably harder.
Grant tossed the bloody rags onto the floor and poured hydrogen peroxide directly into the hole; it bubbled and fizzed considerably before running down his side and onto the bed. "Damn, kid..." he whispered with worry.
In the distance he could hear the strange wailing roar of the creature, long and drawn out like a grating train’s whistle. "Shit!" he spat, and stood in the open doorway. He could not see the beast, but he was sure now that it was searching for them. He removed his gun and reloaded it, mentally checking how many bullets he still had in reserve. He quickly removed Rosario’s gun and holster and placed it within reach.
Again the bizarre sound echoed against the rock wall that contained the shack, Grant sighed as he looked back at the wounded deputy - then slowly closed the door.
Chapter 28
Grant lifted the bloody bandage from the puncture wound in Rosario's back, cursing silently to himself that he knew he had to stop the bleeding somehow. He was sure that it wasn't blood from an artery, but rather just the sheer size of the wound. If he had to estimate, the hole was nearly as large as a nickel. Wincing, out of inflicting any further pain to his friend, he pushed clean cloth into the hole and searched the cabin for anything he could use to close the wound.
A box in the corner of the room contained just what he needed - heavy upholstery thread and a curved needle! Returning to the unconscious man, he settled down in a chair beside him and threaded the needle. With a great amount of trepidation, he began to sew the hole closed. Hurriedly he worked, his eyes constantly on Rosario, always praying, that the youth would feel nothing while he was unconscious.
Sewing human skin was strange and made his stomach churn. It was tougher than he had expected, and he thanked his Creator that the youth remained unconscious. A half hour later, he set the needle down and sighed deeply- thankful that this chore was finally finished.
Examining his handiwork, he nodded in satisfaction that what his mother had taught him long ago, had finally been put to good use. He ruefully smiled that his mother would have been proud. He stood quietly and reset the chair to where it once had been.
Grant stood near a window and studied the ever-lengthening shadows outside. It had dawned on him that he had yet to let the folks in town know what he had planned to do that day. Disgusted with his forgetfulness, he removed his phone from his pocket and dialed the station. He listened to dead air and pulled the phone from his ear, then he saw that he had no signal and very little power left.
He tossed it onto the table and crossed to remove Rosario's, but his deputy’s phone was missing. Cursing quietly under his breath he folded his arms and returned to the window. "We're in a hell of a predicament, kid," he said, grumbling aloud, knowing that the youth was still unconscious.
Grant sat in the lone chair beside the rickety table and worried about their situation. Folding his hands, he rested his chin and looked at his injured partner, looking for any sign that the dreaded mummification process had begun. The youth was lying on his side facing Grant; his shirt had been removed because Grant used it to make bandages.
Grant’s mind was seared with the images of the grotesque faces of those corpses they had found, their hollow eyes blackened as if being buried for countless thousands of years. He again looked up at the youth, this time for a longer duration. Rosario's ‘stupid little man bun’ had come undone during the melee, and his hair was splayed loosely about his face and shoulders.
His brow furrowed, something about his friend didn't look right. Inwardly his heart sunk, knowing that it was likely the beginning of the end for his young friend. As the worried young man had nearly prophesied, this would be his end.
It was only slight at first, but something about Rosario's jawline seemed different. Grant lowered his arms, his eyes staring intently on the minuscule changes as they began to race across his young friend’s face.
His ears also appeared smaller! Impossible! Grant shook his head and sat up. He then began to scan for a lantern and realized that the light would only draw the creature to their location. So, he removed a small twist flashlight from his utility pouch and shined it toward the deputy.
Rosario’s lips looked swollen and slightly redder as though there was more of a flow of blood directly under the surface. Grant then studied the curvature of where Rosario’s waist met his hip; there was a deeper dip there than moments before! "Oh God, kid..." He sighed, literally believing he was watching his friend waste away, well onto the beginning of a horribly unwanted and mummified form.
The Sheriff tilted his head slightly as he pondered these changes. If Rosario was becoming a mummified corpse like the others, why would his lips appear to be swollen? He again studied them - there was no doubt they were filling out even more. Then he studied Rosario's chest and was shocked to see that his dime-sized aureola were now nearly as big as a nickel!
Grant sat up like he was shot out of a cannon, "It’s feminizing him like it did Stew! That bastard creature is changing him into a food source!" Standing, Grant moved to cover the youth's chest with a sheet so his eyes wouldn't be drawn to studying him like some...some pervert!
Something clicked within Grant's mind at that moment. No longer was he protecting a peer, a deputy or his friend. He was now helping a woman in distress, someone who was injured but couldn't fend for herself. Quickly, he placed the cover over Rosario. As it fell softly against the youth, he could already see how gravity was pulling at the skin upon her chest with each passing second. He shuddered to think of what was happening in those places where he couldn't see.
Grant dropped back into the chair once again, and attempted to rub away the tension from his temples. He was rightly exhausted by the events of this day, gradually, he fell into a quiet sleep in the chair.
There was a sudden sound which startled the man awake, instantly his hand was on the revolver laying on the table. It was pitch black outside, with only a sliver of the moon shedding any light through the filthy windows. Slowly flexing the kink out of his neck, the Sheriff stretched and quietly stood. Checking his watch, it was nearly 2:00 AM.
Grant groped around in the dark and found the penlight on the table. He carefully shined it onto the floor trying to locate what had made the noise which startled him. There was Rosario’s shoe lying beside the bed. It had fallen from her rapidly shrinking foot. Grant bent down and picked it up, then glanced toward the darkened shadow lying on the bed. With hesitation, he gradually eased the light higher and illuminated his friend.
A great feeling of relief washed through Grant as he could see the skin was still vibrant and in a hue that was normal for Rosario. He had feared he would see the blackened corpse like he had seen in so many other attacks. He lifted the light higher, up over the much wider hips, and narrowed waist. Even higher, past the youthful swell of pert feminine breasts- thankfully still covered under the sheet.
As the illumination gradually rose up the figure of Rosario, it came to rest on dark eyes. These were eyes of a woman, very long lashes which slightly curved at the end. And those eyes, so hauntingly brown - were open!
"Do I look like hell?" the soft voice spoke. "I sure feel like hell."
"I..uh," Grant stammered, then inhaled deeply. "Kid - we need to talk."
Those beautiful dark eyes followed his movement to retrieve the chair and pull it nearer to the bed. Taking a seat, he opened up a water bottle and offered it to his injured deputy, which was gladly taken and swallowed vigorously. "Slow down there, Rosario, pace yourself a bit!"
"I feel like my throat’s been cut...what the hell's wrong with my voice?"
Grant sighed, then leaned back in the darkness so Rosario wouldn't see the pained expression he was trying to hide. "About that..."
Rosario waived her arm in dismissal, because she felt that Grant was about to thank her for saving his life…nor was she wrong, Grant continued, "When you yanked me from that boulder, you truly saved my life."
The youth smiled, causing Grant to lower his eyes to the floor, "I'm sure you'll regret that smile when you realize what has happened to you."
Rosario tried to set up but the excruciating pain nearly caused her to cry out. Grant stopped her, "That creature stabbed you with the stinger on its tail." Grant scratched the back of his head, "As near as I can figure, it went deep...maybe hit your pelvic bone - may have cracked or broken it too." Grant pointed to the wound, "It left a hole about yea big." He touched his index to his thumb, indicating the size of hole.
Rosario felt the bandage on her back, then winced at how painful that simple movement made her lower back muscles feel. Grant watched Rosario as she pondered the past few days, how the creature's lethalness changed those it came into contact with. ~ The mummified remains had all been female, well except for Stew...and that poor man was rendered female in the end.
Suddenly Rosario's eyes shot up toward Grant. Almost simultaneously she realized how it must have changed Stew prior to feeding off the feminine essence and making him a withered corpse. Slowly a slender arm lifted to a significantly changed chest. Grant looked away, trying to be as modest as possible. The youth raised the sheet to look under - an audible gasp escaped, followed by a stifled sob. She knew.
"I know it’s a big change to wake up this way and all...but considering your past, I thought you might..." Grant started, but was cut off by the deputy.
"You thought since I was gay this would make it all right? Are you fuc..." Once again Rosario stifled a cry, "Sure I was gay - but I never ‘wanted to’ be a woman! I was perfectly fine being who I was!"
Grant settled back down into the chair, "I'm...I'm going to have to leave at the first crack of daylight and go for some help. I’m damn certain that you aren’t going to walk out of here and back to town!" He looked sadly away, then tenderly reached out and touched her hand. “I’ll have to leave you…He never finished as she interjected her opposition to being left behind!
"You are NOT leaving me here!" Rosario looked around, "Wherever HERE is?"
"It's an old rancher’s line-shack, it belongs to a friend of mine – last name of Driscoll. I use it from time to time, especially when hunting or fishing while in the mountains." He folded his arms, "Look kid, you can barely move without hurting - and that thing is somewhere outside this shack door just waiting to pounce. I have to move fast, I can't be worrying and fretting over you - let alone protect you should it jump us on the trail!"
"If something happens to you, they may never find me until it's too late!" The pretty female gasped in sheer fright!
"We have no cell service way out here, and my phone is almost dead! If I can make it to the Suburban, I can call from there and get a helicopter to take you to a hospital. But it means I have to move fast and travel as light as possible."
Rosario stared into the darkness of the shack, "Am I going to die? I mean, that's what happened to Stew, isn't it?"
"We don't know if it fed off of him after he turned; my guess is that it did. Maybe if you can stay away from it, you can live out the rest of your life as a female."
“Maybe it would’ve been better if it had killed me." She looked away in frustration as she tried to avoid seeing her female self.
“Now just stop that line of thinking…male or female - you’re alive right now, and that’s all that matters.” The silence grew deafening and lasted for several seconds, Grant finally cleared his throat. " done changing, you suspect?"
It was obvious she was feeling her body under the security of the cover, her expression spoke volumes. "If you're asking if there is anything left of the old Rosario...he's gone." The soft voice grew quiet, "I guess I can't go along calling myself ‘Rosario’ anymore.”
"Sure you can." Grant tried to lift up his deputy's spirits.
"No. My Grandma once told me that if I had been born a girl, my parents would have named me Rosa."
Grant smiled, thankful that it was too dark for the newly minted female to see him smile. Something about the cute Spanish accent was strangely appealing now that his voice was soft and feminine sounding...especially with how she slightly trilled her 'R'.
" I call you Rosa now?"
She sighed, defeated, "I suppose so, I may as well start getting used to it."
"You hungry or thirsty...Rosa?"
"Only thirsty. God, my voice sounds so damned girlish!" She threw her hands into the air, then nearly came to tears from the pain, just from the movement of the bed.
"Can you move your legs at all?"
"Not very well...I think that bastard creature may have broken my pelvis like you originally suspected! If not broken, then it is severely damaged!"
Grant sighed, "Yeah, that sucks. The only way you'll be leaving here is by helicopter or sheer determination."
She reached out and held onto his arm, the pressure caused Grant to look down at her diminutive hand, "I'm afraid for you...heading off in the morning like you're planning!"
"I'll be okay, I have my gun and bullets - and I have a shotgun in the Suburban if I can get to it."
"It only helps if you get that far. Did my revolver make it from where we were attacked?"
Grant shuffled in the darkness to the table, then picked up the old revolver and holster. "I'm going to leave it with you...just in case."
"In case what? If that thing attacks, I won't be able to fend it off for long!”
Grant crouched beside the bed and placed the gun and holster beside her. "If it gets this far, PLEASE promise you won't allow yourself to go through what Stew and Eve went through - I'd never forgive myself if that would happen."
"Are you asking me to kill myself if it gets inside the shack?" She shuddered visibly.
"Just promise me that you won't let it get you...alive."
She looked up at his darkened features, and nodded grimly. "I will sell myself dearly if it comes to that end - trust me, I'm no quitter in that aspect." She spoke with determination and deep conviction.
Grant patted her slender hand as he stood, "I know that - Rosa."
Chapter 29
The morning sun was only a slight bit of yellow against the underside of the thin clouds; there too was a hint of red making the sky quite beautiful. Grant checked and rechecked his gun and then looked to Rosa while she was still asleep. He pushed a water bottle into his pocket and left everything else close to the transformed woman should she need it.
He glanced toward his watch and computed the time it would take for him to get to the Suburban, then get to town for help. With God's help and a little luck, he should make it back before noon. There was a slight queasiness to his stomach; he hated leaving Rosa alone and unprotected in the old shack, but he knew that he had to get her some help or her wound could become infected.
Slowly standing he stretched and pushed his sunglasses down in his shirt pocket further, it was too early to use them. As he raised his head, Rosa was watching him, "Please be careful," she whispered, reaching out and brushing the back of his hand with her fingertips before quickly pulling them away. It was a movement that to Grant seemed definitely feminine.
"I'll do my best, kid." He pointed beside the bed, "I put a bag there with everything you should need while I'm gone. Your gun is beside you - it's loaded up and there is another six bullets available should you need them...after that, it'll be empty and if it isn't too late after that, hide like you've never hidden before!
"You take it, I'll be okay," she hesitantly smiled.
He shook his head, "I won't be leaving you unprotected. You keep the gun and use it if you have to!" His look toward her said it all, he wanted her to take her own life should the beast leave her no other option.
Tears were clinging to her long lashes as Grant gave her a half-hearted smile. "I'll be back before you know it."
Without another word, he slipped out into the porch, quickly closing the door behind him.
She could still hear him for another minute, then once he pushed the ATV off the porch and onto the dirt, and she heard no more.
Chapter 30
Grant pushed the 4-wheeler nearly fifty yards before starting it. He rode slowly and kept his eyes vigilant. The soft put-put of the machine under him seemed as loud as the creature's scream itself, and once he felt it a safe enough distance away, he began to gradually pick up speed.
He found an old animal trail and eagerly followed it. It was in the same general direction and had descended into an old riverbed where he could move along slightly faster. Just as he was beginning to pick up speed, he heard a couple of 'pop's'. "Oh shit, that's a gun." Frowning he braked and listened, perhaps someone was out there looking for them already, signaling and trying to get them to reply?
He unsnapped his revolver and was nearly ready to fire two shots into the air when suddenly four rapid shots in a row rang out, this time though they were behind him in the direction of the old shack! "Oh, shit! Rosa!"
Immediately, Grant spun the ATV around in the wash, spraying gravel across the steep bank! He rode back the same trail he had just left, only this time there was no attempt to keep quiet or move slow. He raced along the old trail at a break-neck speed and the little shack lay just ahead, the sun illuminating it at the base of the rock wall towering behind it.
The door was lying half off its hinge, leaning awkwardly out over the porch. As he hit the flat ground in front of the shack, he heard another four shots coming from inside the ramshackle building. He was only fifty feet from the shack when he heard another sound that made his blood run cold - a woman's scream!
His heart was racing; he could feel it into his ears. Another single shot rang out from within the shack, then a roar of rage and pain from the creature. Grant had stopped the ATV and jumped off; his mind made up as he would sell his life dearly. He yelled loudly, his voice growing raspy with pain in an attempt to draw the beast away from the girl. As it attempted to back out of the doorway, he began reaching back for his gun, and only felt the empty holster.
"Oh God NO!" He began to frantically search the ground around him, but found no weapon. Facing the shack with a mournful cry of terror on his lips, he shouted her name. "Rosaaaaa!"
It was obvious what had happened - the creature waited for Grant to leave and then attacked feeling that the injured female wouldn't be able to protect herself without the man there. Again, he cried out "Rosa!"
There was no way she could have heard him above the thrashing noise within the shack, as the beast attempted to back through the doorway. Grant looked on in stunned silence as he heard her scream one final time, which was drowned out by the roar of the beast, and the last firing of her weapon. Then silence enveloped everything. It seemed to Grant that even the birds and insects had ceased their sounds.
Grant’s battle-hardened and weary mind could no longer fathom what had just happened to his friend. His eyes spoke volumes; he stood there in a stupor as the creature slowly backed out of the shack, taking what was left of the door and part of the wall with it. Slowly Grant's mind was retreating into the 'fight or flight' mode.
The creature's face was covered in what appeared to be a dark substance, Grant was certain that it was Rosa's blood. For a moment the beast was preoccupied by the frame of the door as it had fallen off and was caught upon its neck like a horseshoe. Quickly Grant again scanned the ground for his gun. When he looked up, the creature eyed him directly, as Grant’s reflection was cast back in those mirror-like eyes.
In that moment's hesitation Grant jumped on the ATV and threw gravel and dirt in the face of the beast that was only mere feet behind! He quickly raced ahead and made a bee-line for the trail, cutting across brush and thorns that were in the path. The beast had taken a path to his right and was attempting to hit him with the formidable spike. Grant narrowly dodged it and jerked the ATV back toward the left as he passed a small stand of trees. The creature missed its target, fell and ended up sliding several feet.
As Grant burned down the trail, he ran over his gun. "Shit!" He cursed as his mind raced on whether it was worth chancing to go back and pick it up - he decided he had to keep increasing the distance between himself and the alien monster while he still could!
Suddenly he was back at the dry wash, where he turned and raced off toward the Suburban. Behind him he could hear the creature bursting through the brush, also using the wash to try and catch the fleeing man. Grant silently prayed that there would be no lurking trees across the path, there were, however he saw them quickly enough to avoid them. Fortunately, the beast tripped on the branches and stumbled as it raced toward Grant in its attempt catch him. Here, Grant picked up precious seconds.
By the time Grant was maneuvered the ATV out of the wash, he had a lead of nearly 100 yards. In the distance, he could see the gleaming reflection of the Suburban. Grant only hoped that he would have enough time to get from one vehicle to another without being killed.
He glanced backward for only a fraction of a second, the beast was filled with rage at the fleeing man. Grant wondered - could he use that hate against the creature, causing it to make a fatal mistake?
Chapter 32
Rosa heard the gravel crunch beneath the weight of the wheels, and understood that Grant was pushing the ATV away from the shack. Minutes later she heard the ATV start and pull away into the distance. ~’He must have done it to not attract the beast’s attention’.~ She listened to the sound until it faded away. She felt for the butt of the old pistol, then lifted it and the holster and placed it on her chest, its weight provided a modicum of protection.
She licked her lips in the diffused morning light, then felt in the pack for the water bottle that Grant had left. Twice she had it in her fingers only to have it fall back inside the pack. "Shit." She groused as she gingerly rolled to her side and peered into the bag as it lay on the floor.
As she turned to lay on her back once again, a strange shuffling sound pierced the quiet. Her eyes darted toward a shadow cast on the opposite wall; something had disturbed the light where it fell. Her heart began to race as she quietly drew the revolver from the holster.
She was trembling now, her furtive eyes darted between the door and the shadow on the wall...suddenly the door was completely blackened out. "Oh God..." she gasped as she saw the door shudder as if being pushed. Rosa scooted toward the wall, trying to make herself small as she pulled the hammer back on the big revolver. The click of it seemed to be extremely loud to her ears.
Again the door shook, then suddenly burst open so hard that the top hinge fell completely into the room and skidded across the floor. There was a raspy breathing, then she saw the creature’s distortion as it bent forward to enter the doorway. As soon as its head crossed the threshold, she pumped two shells into it causing it to stagger. One struck it just under the right eye and the other struck its jaw.
The angry beast flexed its body, attempting to swing the long spike. Only this movement was thwarted as its macabre weapon was outside the shack and only slammed again and again against the external siding. The sound in itself caused Rosa to scream and scramble to the opposite end of the bed, so to put as much distance between her and the creature!
It staggered toward her in rage and pain, the movement bringing the tail further inside the little shack. The beast was enormous, its tail became tangled with the legs of the table, and ended up sending the heavy furniture directly at the helpless female. Again, she fired four shots in rapid succession at the creature. Two struck it in the chest, the other two were deflected by the table as it slammed into the wall just above Rosa's head.
She screamed and forced herself even further toward the wall as the great arching tail slammed into the bed, and became entangled with the bedding and springs. The interior legs of the bed folded under causing it to lurch. However, with Rosa being so close to the wall, she fell through to the floor beneath. Repeatedly, the creature slammed its stinger into the bed above the terrified woman.
She half-held, half-propped the bed over her body as she desperately dropped the backup loaded cylinder into the gun. Rosa closed it up and fired another volley into the creature. In such a confined area as she was, the smoke burned her eyes. Tears cut through the dirt and dust on her face as she fired one shot directly into its chest, causing the creature to stagger backward.
It planted its feet and cut loose with a horrendous roar, so loud that Rosa was sure it would burst her eardrums. Again, and again the vicious tail struck above her, penetrating deep into the mattress and springs. Rosa had mentally counted her fusillade of shots and knew that she had one last shell left.
Through a crack in the siding, she saw that Grant had returned but by the look on his face he had already assumed she was dead. Once again, the spike burst through the bottom of the bed, using all her strength she held what was left of the old springs up. Suddenly the floor under her gave way and she fell into the crawlspace. As she was falling the stinger hit the gun she held, dropped perfectly into the trigger and ripped it from her grasp. The gun struck the bed springs then fired into the air. All of this happened nearly simultaneously, and Rosa screamed as she fell into the dirt under the floor and lost consciousness.
Chapter 33
Rosa's eyes fluttered open, momentarily forgetting why she was lying in this dirty, cramped area on her back. There she saw a great wooden beam beside her head. ~ It must be a full log shaved and positioned to carry the weight of the little shack! That’s why I wasn’t crushed! ~ Craning her head around to assess her situation, she smiled to herself, for only inches from her head was a large hole in the wall. She could try to crawl through it to the outside world. Then she noticed that her foot lay adjacent to the bag that Grant had prepared. With herculean effort, and intense pain, Rosa snagged it with her foot, then slowly and painfully inched on her back toward the opening.
The floor, which had caved in from above, tore at and scratched her bare skin along her torso and arm. She was nearly naked from the waist up, there was only enough material there to just cover her shoulders. The bed-sheet lay twisted and caught in the debris; she had little protection from the wood, dirt, or rocks as she tried to crawl. However, her first, and perhaps only, thought was escape.
Each movement was agonizing! The pain from the wound and from Grant’s stiches, the floor boards scratching and impaling her like splinters - they all hurt like hell. ~ Oh, God, this hurts! Ahhh! A tortoise moves faster than I’m moving! ~ She cried in distress! She needed to rest and recover from the pain each time she inched forward.
Still she pressed on because she was terrified of the alternative of those victims who had already been killed by the creature. She had countless scratches all over her back arms and chest from her ordeal, and scooting on her backside was only filling her oversize pants with dirt and gravel. She would live with the pain - she had to! She would have to address that once she was outside, for infection would be harder to survive should it get into such a deep wound.
Rosa rested briefly at the outer wall of the shack, deeply inhaling air purer than the dank and dusty crawlspace. Now that she was outside, she was worried that the beast would return. Being caught in the open, knowing what would happen to her now that she was a female, would mean certain death!
About twenty feet away was what appeared to be a tack house with a sturdy door. ~That’s where I need to be~. For now, though, she needed to rest. Painfully she pulled herself into a seated position behind a rain barrel and hidden among tall weeds, and breathed heavily as she tried to catch her breath.
Her eyes continually looked to the trail that both the creature and Grant had raced down, while she gradually pulled the pack toward her. Rosa tore a portion of the oversize pant leg and began to clean her wounds with water from inside the rain barrel.
Long minutes passed. The afternoon sun was hot, relentlessly beating down upon her as she lay hidden in the grasses. No longer was she protected by the shadow from the little overhang. The longer she lay in the sweltering sun, the more she risked severe sunburn to an already beaten-down body.
Once again she looked the tack house; there large trees which shaded the structure from above, seemed to beckon her. She rested her head against the rain barrel, her dark hair drifting in disarray- she was in a terrible fix right now. She had to think, and ended up speaking out loud. "How do you get out of this mess, Rosario?" Then she chuckled at the strangeness of her old name to her new form and vocal timbre.
"I pray you made it to safety, my friend," she spoke as her sun-baked mind thought of the creature hot on Grant's heel earlier that morning. Surely someone would be looking for them by now - but if something happened to Grant, would they know where to look for him?
Again, she laughed at herself, "’Him’ indeed...other than the pants I'm wearing, nothing is left of the man I once was!" She searched the contents of the pack that Grant had left behind and found a couple of road flares.
She raised her gaze upward at the shack; there was a window above her that faced the tack house. Wincing from the pain, she slowly scooted away from the shack; picked up a hefty rock, and threw it back at the distorted glass above her head, shattering it. "Arugh! Oh God, that hurt!" she cried out.
She felt strange doing what she was trying to do. Laughing almost crazily through her tears she asked aloud, "Is it arson if you are trying to attract someone to come help you? Oh well, most of the building has been destroyed already - I'll look at it as though I'm doing them a favor."
Rosa lit a flare and lobbed it over her shoulder and into the open window. "That'll burn for a good long time, hopefully it'll catch fire and put up some thick smoke, letting somebody know where to find me." She heard it still sizzling while it rattled across the floor. From the reflection against the wall, it was sparking! Licking her dry lips, she began the arduous journey to the tack house.
A full ten minutes had passed in the baking sun yet Rosa crawled less than eight feet, because the pain in her back and hip were so intense; that she bawled into her arms more than once. Behind her she pulled along Grant's supply bag, using her good foot. Behind the injured woman the structure popped and crackled as it began to burn.
Fear and determination pushed her forward, because she was terrified that she would be caught between the buildings if the creature returned. A new fear emerged - she could feel the heat from the growing intensity of the fire behind her. ~Did I make a GRAVE error in judgement by setting the fire?~
Perspiration coursed down her face, neck and onto her chest, continuing downward in the gap between her breasts. Dirt caked her body, and new sweat created little rivulets along the surface of her skin. Crying out in terrible pain once again, she paused about ten feet from the porch of the tack house. As she cried, smoke drifted across the ground, sometimes white, sometimes blackened and foul-smelling from burnt rubber or plastic from within the shack.
The moment she touched her palm against the hard surface of the porch, she laughed almost hysterically as if she just crossed the finish-line of a great marathon. She lowered her head and thanked her Maker for giving her the will and strength to accomplish a task which seemed impossible hours ago.
Continuing her drive toward her goal, she dragged herself on her stomach, pulling forward with forearms onto the porch deck and passed out in the shadow of the trees.
Rosa awoke more than two hours later. She painfully stretched upward to open the door, and then took another half hour to inch inside. Breathing laboriously, she propped herself against a bench with the door partially opened so she could watch the house burn. Finally, she sought out the water to drink, and chewed on sunflower seeds that Grant had brought along.
Even though the creature had transformed her into a female, her muscle memory was still that of Rosario. She shook the seeds in her hand while she spit the hulls of those in her mouth as good as any professional ball player ever could, and never once thought it might not be “ladylike.
Still exhausted and leaning her head against the bench, she watched the fire crackle and burn now that she was a safe distance from it. Thick dark smoke spiraled into the late afternoon sky...she prayed fervently that help would come soon. She kept repeating those four simple words - “Help will come soon” - over and over again, as she stared out the opening in the door. Soon sleep finally claimed her, pulling her into that dark place where she was safe once more.
While asleep, she dreamed that Grant returned with the ATV to carry her to safety.
Chapter 34
With the throttle nearly fully open, Grant raced through the brush toward where the Suburban sat. To his right and only 100 feet behind ran the furious creature, having closed the distance once in flat and open land. He had originally hoped to put enough distance between the beast and him that he could remove the trailer, but that was impossible now. He felt for the keys as he navigated wide to swing around to the driver’s side door.
The ATV was still moving when he jumped from it and began to attempt unlocking the door. Through the window’s glass he could see the distortion of the beast looming closer and closer. As the key turned in the lock he threw open the door and slammed it closed behind him, and in one fluid motion he inserted it into the ignition and started the engine.
Doubling its efforts, the creature sensed that the prey it had been chasing for so long was trying to get away! As Grant threw it into gear, the creature lunged for the truck and struck the bed. Falling and rolling it jumped to its feet and began to chase the Suburban with the trailer in tow.
From a distance that surprised even Grant, it hurled itself onto the trailer. Grant began to swerve back and forth in an attempt to knock it free, but the beast’s wide stance and use of its tail for balance kept it securely on the trailer. Grant had his foot to the floor as the creature began to work its way forward, attempting to enter the rear of the Suburban. Seeing this, the Sheriff mashed the brakes causing the creature to lurch violently forward.
Hoping by doing this, it would fall between the vehicle and trailer and be crushed under the wheels. But it didn't work, as the beast had swung its tail overhead and speared the roof of the truck. Grant once again floored the pedal, but now the creature was on the roof over the vehicle’s rear, and working its way forward. Grant engaged the cruse-control, then leaned back and pulled the shotgun onto the seat with him.
As the creature worked forward, the roof of the car popped and groaned under its weight. Again, Grant mashed hard the brakes, hoping the beast would be launched in front and be crushed beneath the tires.
'POW!' it sounded like a rifle shot echoing inside the cab, and it was so loud it had startled Grant! Looking up from the windshield, Grant saw that the spike was sticking inside the vehicle just over the passenger seat, essentially anchoring it to the Suburban.
Like some strange macabre surfer, it rode on the roof of the truck. Every method that Grant tried to dislodge it failed. He knew that it was now directly over him by the flex of the headliner. He jacked a shell into the shotgun and blew a hole right into the roof. The beast screamed wildly and repeatedly hammered the spike into the windshield, causing the glass to bust into hundreds of tiny spider web-like pieces.
Grant knew he had only one chance to kill this creature, but that may kill him too! He turned sharply and began to drive toward the drop off at Flat Rock Canyon that he had told Rosario about. The drop would be nearly 100 feet, and Grant hoped he would have time to eject himself to safety before the Suburban flew over the edge.
Again Grant shot through the roof of the Suburban, then as suddenly as before slammed on the brakes. The beast slid down what was left of the windshield, and with a great arching swing, planted the spike firmly into the roof once again. It extended several inches within the cab just missing Grant’s head! Outside it was balanced on the hood as its talons punctured deeply into the metal. Flat Rock Canyon was approaching rapidly, and Grant quickly calculated when to attempt to jump from the vehicle. He had only one chance: if he jumped too soon, the Suburban might not go over the ledge; if he jumped too late, and he might go with it.
Again with the gas pedal to the floor, Grant reset the cruise control. Using the butt of the shotgun, he repeatedly hammered the spike until there was a noticeable bend in it. The distance between the canyon and them was narrowing dangerously.
He struck the spike twice more; it had a definite 'L' shape hook to it. At the last second, he threw the door open and lunged far outside, striking the ground hard and rolling...rolling...rolling. He came to a rest in a heap, and he knew that he was seriously injured. His last conscious view was that of the Suburban, trailer and creature all going over the edge of the gorge.
He silently prayed it would be killed and its torment to humans would end here. Both creatures had killed people he knew, friends...even Rosa. His mind returned to her face in the darkness, her eyes twinkling even in pain. He swallowed once, the grit from the sand was all he could taste.
An explosion and towering fireball lifted toward the heavens. Gradually, thankfully, he closed his eyes, praying that death would release him from this earth to finally be with those he cared about again.
Chapter 35
Grant attempted to back his head away as someone began checking on the dilation of his eyes, the light was too intense for him to comply easily. "Grant, can you hear you know what day it is?"
Grant tried to speak but couldn't form the necessary words. "That's fine, young man. I’m Dr. Jones. You've been in a terrible car accident."
The sheriff struggled to raise his arm, but the doctor gently held him at bay. The doctor looked up at another medical specialist, "It's still too early. With his brain swollen as it is, he must be under intense pressure and pain."
The nurse nodded and began to write notes in her clipboard, while the doctor patted his hand. "Back to sleep, my good man, we'll wake you when you can converse better.”
As Grant’s lids were closing, a large dark figure, like that of a specter in the corner of the room, caught his eye. ~It’s the Angel of Death waiting to collect my soul! , I will NOT let it go so easily!~
While he rested in his induced coma, his mind continually replayed Rosa’s death. It was a death he felt partially responsible for. Often, he could hear her speaking to him, a soft voice that made him yearn to remain somewhere between here and there. Perhaps in death, he could be with her once again.
Three weeks passed but Grant had no concept of the time. While Grant was not fully removed from the induced coma, they occasionally reduced the medicine so that his mind could partially clear. During one such moment, he lay in his room listening to the heart monitor beep rhythmically. He felt the nurse adjusting the cover on him, "Nurse?"
She moved around his bed from where she was adjusting one of the many machines that were constantly beeping. "Would you care for some water?" She held a straw to his lips; Grant took a slow draw. The cool water felt wonderful on his dry throat.
After he turned slightly from the straw, he swallowed. "My deputy...was Rosario found?"
"I was told that if you asked, I was only to tell you that he was not found."
The injured man sighed deeply, "Rosario was a good kid." She again touched his lips with the straw, Grant accepted another cool drink. "So - how bad am I busted up?"
"You were pretty bad when you came in."
He gradually opened his eyes, but everything was blurry and it pained him to be in such bright light. "The window, draw the shades."
The nurse did as he bid, then she began to listen to his heart and lungs with a stethoscope. Grant cleared his throat, "You never said how long I have been here."
The matronly nurse smiled and patted his hand, "You're right - but to be fair, you never asked."
Grant’s smile was tired, but to be able to hear anyone after what he had been through was amazing. "Okay, so I’m asking."
She pulled a clipboard from the wall and began to flip through several pages there. "In just seven days, it will have been six months."
Grant's gaze drifted town toward his feet, "I've lost six months of my life."
"You shouldn't look at it that way - you nearly died out there in that wasteland." She walked toward the door as two men entered; one wore a doctor’s coat and the other was wearing a dark suit.
The doctor he had recognized from that first day, before they induced the coma. The dark-suited individual was someone whom he had not met...but remembered from before…"The Angel of Death..." he whispered softly.
"Ha” he chuckled. “I could see how you would think that, my friend...but no, I am only a university professor. But I imagine I’ve been called worse."
"Doc's friend?"
"The one and only." He gently grasped Grant’s hand, "We air flighted you out once we had found the vehicle wreckage."
"And the creature?"
The other two men exchanged glances. "I know you have an idea of what I'm talking about," Grant continued.
"I'm Professor Young - Doc's friend."
Grant licked his lips, wishing he again could have a sip of the water. "Are you the one who said that Rosario was not found?"
Professor glanced briefly toward the Institutional doctor. "We found nothing of Rosario, anywhere near the accident site nor the surrounding area. We did, however, locate his ATV and some odds and ends that must have been in his possession at one time."
"And the creature?" Grant eyed them knowingly.
"By the time we located you and the wreckage, it had already dissolved - nothing was left."
Grant's brows furrowed, "Rosario was in Driscoll’s old line-shack, I had left him there. That's where the beast waited until I left, and then attacked him."
"Our team of searchers was at the site of the old shack. It had burned to the ground. Nothing is left."
"Oh Christ...Rosario." Grant turned away, preferring to gaze out of the window.
"We figured that it had some role to play in this whole scenario, but by the time we arrived - it was only charred timbers. There were no charred remains, nor was there any mummified corpse."
The doctor leaned against a monitor, "Most likely if your friend was attacked by the creature, his mummified corpse was vaporized in the ensuing fire." Grant turned his head back to look at the older man, tears clinging to the corner of his eyes.
"You know of the creature then?"
"Professor Young and your town doctor had collaborated with me on what had been your ongoing investigation. With what we knew before the event - and now after...I am quite well informed."
Chapter 36
Several days later, Grant was standing at the window, leaning upon the walker he had been using. He was tired and very sore, but for the first time he was actually able to move about on his own. The reflection in the window glass showed a battered and bruised man; a man who probably should have died from his wounds. He was thin and sporting severe stubble of beard growth. Behind him in the reflection of the window, he saw a familiar nurse enter the room.
With his back still toward the nurse he spoke, "I had assumed I was in the hospital." He heard her pause from her work as he continued, "This is no hospital - so, where am I?"
She quickly scurried out of the room, without answering him. Grant glanced back to where she had been and frowned. He began to work his way along with the walker, but this time he had real purpose in his steps.
Pushing the door open he hobbled down the hallway. One by one, he peered into the rooms that he had passed - all empty. Finally, as he approached the corner, he heard the bustle of people moving about...but as he reached the corner, he was so shocked that he halted abruptly.
"Sir...sir, you should not be out of your room," he heard a voice say. Someone gently grasped his shoulder and began to turn him back, but he resisted and scowled at her.
"Where the hell am I?" he demanded as he watched military personnel milling about during their daily jobs. Every branch of the military seemed to be present.
The orderly who was trying to usher him back glanced toward the matronly nurse who had exited his room so quickly, "I'm not going an inch further until someone here tells me where the hell I am!"
"Jane, Marcus, it's fine, I'll take care of our patient from here." Grant looked up and saw Mr. Young leaning against the wall. "We knew we couldn't keep our facility from you much longer, especially as you have been getting more and more mobile."
"Where am I, Mr. Young?"
He looked around him, "You are in a secluded Government facility designed to treat soldiers who have come into contact with alien radioactive devices."
"Did I?"
"No...but with the facility handy, we thought it would be wiser to treat your injuries here than where...reporters could ask questions." He smiled as they walked along toward an area which had coffee and doughnuts for the office help. They sat at a small round table where Mr. Young poured Grant a coffee and then poured one of his own.
The two men studied each other for several seconds. Finally Grant spoke, "Since I'm up and around, I think I'll be leaving this place and heading back home."
Mr. Young looked down at the steam rolling from his Styrofoam cup, "That isn't going to be possible."
Grant tilted his head, brows furrowing and eyes glaring. "And why the hell not?"
Mr. Young sighed, "One of the reports that was issued when we evacuated you from the accident site was that both you and your partner had been killed. It was erroneous, of course, but we decided it would be beneficial and keep certain folks from being too curious."
Grant sat up, his finger pointing at the table, the pressure was making the tip white. "I don't give one red rat's ass about you trying to save face! My life is back there and I'm going back to it!"
"They all think you are dead. They have already had a memorial for both Rosario and you. A new Sheriff was appointed by the Governor and a replacement for Rosario has been secured. There is nothing to go back to."
Grant sighed with frustration as he looked down the polished floor of the hallway, "So because someone says I died, I can't go home? Do you realize just how messed up that is?"
"The Government regrets the inconvenience."
Grant laughed sarcastically, "My house, all my belongings...everything I own is back there!"
Mr. Young leaned forward, "We sent a team in and they removed all of your belongings, only the furniture remained. We both know that it wasn’t much to speak of."
Grant only shook his head disbelieving how quickly his life fell out of place, "So you sold my house and all of my furniture?"
"It's for sale still, but as far as you are concerned it has already sold."
"And who bought it?"
"Why, the Government of course…and you will be handsomely compensated."
"Great...that’s reassuring," he sighed with disgust.
"The Government is paying you well above the price it's worth. They are setting you up with a new last name and job anywhere you choose, along with a nice nest long as you speak to no one about what you saw or battled out there. So, where would you like to live?"
Grant shrugged, "You're serious? I’m in witness protection?" Mr. Young nodded.
“Something like that…only more lucrative for you.”
Smiling, more with disgust than with genuine humor, Grant pondered for several seconds, "I've always wanted to live where the temperature is cooler, and it’s green at least half the about a farm on a few hundred acres in Wisconsin?"
"I'll see what I can do...but you need to sit tight until you are released."
Grant groaned, “And how long will that be?”
“Can you give us a few more weeks?” Mr. Young asked.
Grant stared at him with disbelief, then a slow smile began to spread across his face. If he has to be stuck here – it was going to cost someone handsomely. "All right then, while we're at it, I'll need livestock and the tools of the trade, so to speak."
"Most definitely," Mr. Young replied with a smile. He agreed rather quickly, which left Grant thinking he didn’t demand enough.
Chapter 37
Three weeks later, Grant drove slowly down a secluded gravel road which was painfully familiar to him. His hands firmly gripped the wheel of a brand-new Chevy Silverado 4-wheel drive, his first real purchase since his deal with the Government.
Behind him a plume of dust rose from the vehicle. Gradually, he rolled to a stop before a burned-out shack. He sat behind the wheel and studied the scene before him, remembering back to that fateful day.
Reluctantly, he stepped out of the vehicle and removed a colorful bouquet of flowers from the seat. He slowly walked up to what was left of the building and crouched down, studying the tragic scene as he recalled his memory.
“Sorry kid.” He sighed…”It was all my damn fault! You didn’t deserve to go out like this.”
Standing, he gently placed the flowers on a stud that jutted out from the porch. With a heavy sigh, he returned to the truck and climbed inside.
As he was driving back down Driscoll’s old lane, he spotted a large black dot on the horizon. For a moment, his heart skipped a beat, then he smiled to himself as he realized it was a large black bear. A sow to be exact, for behind her were three small dots that were her cubs.
They crossed the road just ahead of his vehicle. Grant slowed down and quietly watched them pass, and a smile played along his face. As he eased up to where they had crossed, he paused - there in the sand was a perfect print of a large three toed paw.
“The hell…” he gasped! “No way!”
With a shake of his head he gradually pulled away, thinking that old cantankerous Three Toes may have gotten a new lease on life. “Not one that he had expected, but one that allowed him to live on,” he said aloud.
Chapter 38
One week later…
Glancing at his smartphone, he slowed down and turned onto what appeared to be a driveway, with white limestone rock which carried on for nearly a quarter mile. Grant stopped in an unusually clean barnyard, then he opened the door and stepped out.
Whether it was force of habit or just being wary, he had a new pistol strapped to his hip. His hand fell to the grip, just knowing it was there allowed him to rest assured that he could be confident in his own protection.
The mustachioed man began to walk amongst the buildings, pausing to examine their animal inhabitants. There were dairy cows in one barn, and there were several horses within a corral. Grant was mildly surprised that the horses appeared to be quite docile and trained. Beyond the corral was a building stuffed to the rafters with clean, dry hay.
He walked past an older John Deere tractor – his tractor, he thought - Grant made his way to a fence that paralleled his field, and leaned against it. His thoughts were overwhelmed by what he now had, and what he regrettably had lost to obtain this dream farm that had seemingly been beyond reach.
A screen-door banged shut behind him, and he instinctively looked for the source of the noise. Coming down the stairs was a slender woman with jet-black hair. The woman was wearing a short white flowered dress that showed off her feminine figure very well! Grant was shocked! ~It couldn’t be!~ Then a slow smile spread across his face as recognition set in. He began to walk toward the woman.
The more he moved toward the lovely apparition, the quicker his steps became. As he neared, he paused just feet from her – still unbelieving his eyes.
The sun created a glow about her that allowed Grant to see the silhouette of her shapely legs, it reminded him of a great painting by one of the masters. Her aurora to him, was nearly holy. “They told me you died!” He whispered softly.
She pushed her raven colored hair from her face, “I thought I had…I probably should have. Thankfully, some boys joy-riding on their ATV’s found me and took me back to the town of Shellpoint instead of home. I spent nearly three months in the hospital there before I knew what had happened to both you… and your deputy.”
“Rosa, you already know what happened to my deputy,” Grant replied with a hesitant smile.
She grinned; her beautiful dimples deepened. “Yeah, I know. I like the hero’s ending Rosario received…it was a gallant ending for the young man.” She studied him for several long seconds, “I like the mustache, it’s a handsome addition on you.”
“Thanks kid.” Grant hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead as he held her. “How did you find out about this place?”
She dug into her pocket and removed something from the apron she was wearing, “There was this man in a dark suit who told me to make sure to give you this when I next saw you.”
Grant examined it. “It’s a ring?”
“We didn’t even know each other at first. Our meeting was quite by accident. He noticed me at the memorial for the Sheriff and the deputy He thought I was Rosario’s sister. When he understood who I was, he confided in me that you were still alive. He bought me a ticket and sent me here to wait for you…that was a week and a half ago.”
“The ring that he gave me closely resembles this one.” Rosa held her hand up, palm toward her face. She was wearing a simple band of her own, with a solitaire diamond on a matching band. “I guess they wanted to keep tabs on us…and it was easier if we were together.”
She continued, the look she was giving him spoke volumes, “You don’t mind, do you?” Grant only smiled his reply.
He watched smiling as she slowly but deliberately removed the ring from his palm and then slid it upon the ring-finger of his left hand. “Are you okay with this…considering my past?”
Grant grinned, “What past? We only have ‘our’ future.”
She hugged him tightly as together they began to walk back toward the house. As they were walking, he spoke without looking down at her, “I left flowers at the battle site…where Rosario met his death.”
“That was sweet of you.”
“I thought so too.” He glanced toward her, “But this outcome is much more acceptable.”
“I think so too.”
“As I was driving out, I saw a huge black she-bear with three cubs.”
Her brows knit in confusion, “Okay?”
“It was Three Toes.” He waited as he watched her face grow in understanding what he was trying to tell her. “If he can make a life beyond being attacked and changed by that damn thing, it’s nice to know that there’s a possibility out there for you as well…if you choose to accept it.”
Rosa smiled, “It’s not like I had much of a choice to fight it; It’s been seven months after all. That’s seven months of my body being flooded by female hormones, and people looking and reacting to me as being one.
Grant looked down at the steps that were leading to the porch. “I know you didn’t ask for this…you even said so when you first had changed. I’m sorry I couldn’t have protected you from…”
“Nonsense!” She interjected, “I could have chosen to hide myself after all of this changing, but somehow being in this form has made it easier. Easier to love a man and not have people looking down at you because you may be of the same gender.
Grant smiled, “So then everything works out for the better…you’ve got this whipped!”
Laughing at his naivete, “Hardly, hormones have been something else altogether! I hated my mood swings, being absurdly happy one moment, and then crying at the drop of a hat the next. But it was comforting that other women understood me.”
“Well then, I’m glad then that you found some kindred-spirits to help you along. I do have to admit that you look spectacular as a woman…it’s good to see you have adjusted so completely.”
She grinned, then gave a slight laugh, “You make it sound like it was an easy adjustment to wear women’s clothes. Bras, skirts and heels do take a lot of getting used to. But thankfully, after a while they felt comfortable enough, and I knew that I looked good in them. It was the same with makeup. After I became used to being a woman, I stopped thinking about how I had once been a man. I was simply “Rosa”.
“And the rest as we say it is history.” Grant replied with a smile.
She placed her hand upon Grant’s chest, “In all of this, there has been one constant theme winding and ebbing through my life.”
“And that is?” He asked, even though he had an inkling of what she was about to say.
Tears glistened in her eyes, “It was you. The whole time I was going through everything, I thought of you.”
Rosa leaned into him as he placed his arm around her and pulled her even closer, both were smiling as their kiss met. Eventually, the two climbed up the stairs, and as Grant opened the screen door, he quickly whisked her off her feet and carried her through the open doorway. Their shadows drifted into the old farmhouse as the screen slammed shut behind them, and swallowed them up in blissful darkness.
….and in that blissful darkness, could be heard a very appreciative feminine giggle!
I wish to again thank Voldy for his help on making my story more complete. Grammar and punctuation is such a bug-a-bu for me, people like him are so valuable to an author. THANKS VOLDY!!!
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I liked it. But did they get all the creatures or will there be a flood of TS folk heading out there for a chance at being transformed?
It must Be Assumed
That they got all the creatures, otherwise the attacks would have continued (although the military could have suppressed word of any incidents). Using their venom to effect a change of gender would be incredibly risky. You had better be an Olympic-standard runner! I doubt that a specimen could be kept in captivity unless there was an endless supply of pubescent females on which to feed it, although a bear or two would suffice.
This story reminded me of some of the older horror movies. That's a compliment, not an insult. I could well imagine this tale being made into a movie, especially as Special Effects are so much more advanced these days, which would be essential to depict Rosario's transformation into Rosa. The creatures would be easy, as in Predator.
Anyway, I liked it. Well done.
Well written
I couldn’t put it down!
I loved it!
That brought back memories
of Saturday movie matinees of the 'Thing from space' or 'The creature from beneath the sea.' Of course those movies would have been a bit different with an added trans aspect to them. A little escapism is all we ask, give us an hour to break the shackles of daily living and the insanity that is life.
Professionally written
What a lovely story. I always enjoy what you have written.
Thank you
Had me 'Tremor'-ing with excitement
This was so much fun and very thrilling. The action, the motivations never once made me think, "No way anyone would do that," like so many horror stories do. Instead, I felt like I was right there (a very scary place to be). I'm very happy for Rosa and Grant and I hope together they can be very happy and don't suffer from any PTSD. Thanks for this story.
Fantastic story here! I'm
Fantastic story here! I'm always a big fan of your work and seeing your story here has definitely made my day!
Great tale, very well told...but...
This was one I wished would go on longer than it did. It reminded me of "THEM" and "THE BEGINNING OF THE END" but was just different enough to not copy those films, but to pay a sort of homage to them.
Very, very well done though and I give it a 9.995 on a 1 to 10 scale, 10 being the highest possible.
Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us. It made my day.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
What a thriller!
This is a brilliant story! The best you’ve written (and I've read all of them). It’s a thriller.
Anon, thank you for your kind comments. I have always enjoyed editing your stories. Editing is the easy part; creating and writing the story is 99% of the work.
One heck of a chase scene
You gave us one heck of a chase scene - or was it 2 or three?
Glad that 'The Feds' were less thoughtless and and far less (maybe I shouldn't use the word) evil than they have been so often portrayed elsewhere. That could have spun off into an endless "romantic couple on the run/in hiding" series. And Feds were far more generous than they could have been. But giving the couple 'far too much to lose' - Rosa and Grant won't be talking!
Now that's some story!
This is truly one of those sci-fi type stories that makes you want to keep reading until the end. It has all the suspense, thrill, and mystery that makes it a wonderful story.
There is one question that should be asked. Why the hell did Grant leave the shotgun when they set off toward where they thought the second creature was hiding? Had they had the shotgun they might have killed it the first time they found it.
But if that happened the story would have had a different ending. One that might not have been as romantic.
Others have feelings too.