
The Legends 6

The Legends Of Abidet

Chapter 6 - Lonely Princess


A girl resurrects 80 years later. These stories are written by people who meet her ghostly appearance and face her unusual powers.

My name now is Camenka, but it was not like that. Everyone thinks I am a girl, when in fact I am a man. Or at least I were.

The Legends 5

The Legends

Chapter 5 - Chains And Flowers


This is the story of a dead girl who resurrects 80 years later, with a ghostly body and strange powers. People think she is a ghost, a hologram, a goddess or anything else, but nobody knows who she really is. Each story is told by someone who encounters her at some point.

The Legends 4

The Legends

Chapter 4 - The New Vampires


A girl dies and resurrects with a ghostly body, 80 years later, in a divided world. These are the stories of people who encounter her and witness her unusual powers. Nobody knows who she is or what she is, except the few who are worth to know the truth.

The Legends 3

The Legends

Chapter 3 - The Lonely Woman


A girl dies and is resurrected 80 years later, in a divided world. Her ghostly body has incredible powers, including the power to transform others' bodies. Nobody knows who she is or what her reasons are, except the few that are worth to know the truth.

The Legends 2

The Legends

Chapter 2 - The Woman Soldier


A girl dies and resurrects 80 years later, in a divided world. Each chapter is the story of a person who encountered her, in a different place and a different state. She sometimes helps other people, but nobody knows who she is.

Smoke And Pantyhose 3

Everything comes to an end and every end is a beginning.

The Wiseman.

The book Smoke And Pantyhose is written for a reason. I wrote it because I think it can help someone. If you are a sfenist, it will help you understand what you are and what you can do. If you are not, but you find one (and mainly if you want to get married to a sfenist), this book will help you find an alternative path. The best of all is if two sfenists find each other and form a family.

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Children always share something from their parents.

What is born from a cow, will eat grass and what is born from a wolf, will eat meat.

A cherry tree will make cherries with cherry seeds and an apple tree will make apples with apple seeds.

Sayings, about parents and children.

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From all sexual minorities, sfenists are among the only ones blessed with the power to make children. And children are the most important thing for a couple, the reason to go forward and the shiniest gem stones on the crown that is a family. However, children born from sfenists are different then children born from any other families and any other people.

A conversation with a sfenist couple, 2004.

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What is the purpose for a human in its life? To build a house, to make a child and to plant a tree.

Ancient saying.

It is now summer. Over an year and half has passed since we are together. I never imagined that such a strong friendship will form. And it is even more. Being sfenists, we are somewhere half between a friendship and a relationship. Only one thing really counts: that we are happy and we form a very strong couple.

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The strongest relation in a couple is made by imitating and understanding each other. If the two try to imitate each other, wear the same things, speak with the same words, have the same gestures and walk with the same steps, the result is a relation so strong that not even fire nor ice can break it. At that point, each one thinks like 'what can I do to make the other one more happy' and tries the best to improve everything. The reason of your existence is your partner and its reason to exist is you.

A forgotten philosopher, over 3000 years ago.

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.9

In a hospital room, a very sick old man had his bed close to the window. Everyday, he was telling the others what he can see out: children playing, birds flying, trees and flowers. There was a young man, more healthy, wishing that the old man will die and he will take his bed, so he will tell the others what is outside. The old man died and the young one took his bed. But, he was very surprised to see that out on the window all he could see was nothing, just a wall.

From a poetry cenacle.

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.8

There is no love more powerful then the one of a parent for its children. and there is no greater pain in this world then for a parent to see its children suffering (Legend Of Actit).

Mankind can live without scientists, without priests, without emperors, without philosophers, without warriors and without merchants, but it will never be able to live without mothers (An Ancient Prophet).

When a parent is crying for its children, the whole sky is crying. And when a child forgets its parents, the hell opens its mouth (Legend Of Imhal).

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.7

When the Ottoman Empire attacked Constantinople, it was not the fierce cannons made huge holes in the walls, nor the horde of battleships passing through the Golden Horn that spread terror among the last Byzantines, that conquered the city. It was something small, that brought the Turks in: The Byzantines forgot a small door open. The Turks could not believe this... and after a few days of street fights, they conquered the most powerful city in Middle East.

History Of The Turks

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.6

When someone dies, the soul moves to the Afterlife, which is in a different world. Still, something remains here. Those who passed away, somehow still live here, through the things they did and left to us. This is what still keep them connected to our world and extends their lives among us, even if they are unseen for our eyes.

Legend Of The Legend

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.5

When you pull a sheep out of its flock, it will instantly try to get back. When a sheep is alone, it does not eat anything. It just makes noise, calling any nearby sheep. Its eyes scan the horizon, looking for any sign of a flock of sheep. When it sees a flock around, it runs towards them as fast as it can. No animal suffers more from loneliness then the sheep. By looking at a lonely sheep, one can realize how much lonely people are suffering.

The Wiseman

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.3

A tree grew far from the forest, in the fields. The farmer wanted to remove the tree from his land, but he had no axe. So, he removed all leaves and all buds from the tree. When fresh leaves grew, he removed them too. The tree grew weak and soon, the farmer could take it out of its roots.

Legend Of The Forest

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.2

Girls play with dolls, boys play with soldiers. Later, girls watch romance stories, while boys chose action movies. Soon, boys stick with boys and girls with girls. If you see a child acting different, it could be a sign that it is not 100% male or 100% female. All of us have a little drop of the opposite sex inside us, known as Animus (the man part of a woman) and Anima (the woman part of a man). Some will only have a desire to become the opposite sex (in their fantasies or only in their intimacy). Others will go further, to hidden cross-dressing.

Smoke And Pantyhose 2.1

About real love: Love is the foundation of the Universe. In every plant, in every animal, in every bird, insect, fish or even worm, you can see the smooth fabric of love. Even in rocks, in water, in stars and in air, love has pierced its roots. We are made of love and we should spread this love around us.

Real love must not be confused with sensual love, which is only the result of our flesh and nothing more.

The Book Before The Earth

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.15

We are never alone. Even if nobody is around you, still you have your shadow. It will always listen to you and it will always be with you. The shadow is what is left from the Altar, the primordial energy, inside each one of us. When you are talking to yourself or an imaginary character, in fact you talk to your shadow. And if you are patient enough, you can hear its answers.

Legend Of The Shadow

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.13

Women use to spend on romance books and romantic stories almost as much money as men use to spend on porn.

Research data from a psychological survey, 2008

The morning comes like usual. We stay at the railway station, on the platform. Alia - Atan, now dressed as a man, goes to work, while I stay here and do my job, changing the lines. Before he gets into the train, we hug. People in the train scream at us, as he gets into the train.

"You didn't kill him!" shouts someone.

"Not yet!" I answer, as I get to the radio, to contact nearby stations.

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.12

This chapter is dedicated to a 60 years old female doctor psychologist, who revealed me that I am a sfenist, around 2003. She opened my eyes and helped me rebuild my life in a new way. And not only me. Many people were helped by her over time. She died around 2016. May peace be upon her soul.

The author

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.7

An airplane flying from Singapore to New York will fly over Alaska. Looking on a plane Earth map, you would say this is insane, expecting the flight path to pass over Central Pacific. However, if you look on a globe Earth, you realize that this is the shortest route.

Elementary school, Geography class

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.6

How is to be a transgender?

It's like the reaffirmation of yourself. It's the birth of the real you, that waited hidden inside. Lots of emotions. But it also is pain. The pain is not from surgery and other body transformations, but from other people, who don't understand us and oppose to us: parents, friends, even ordinary people on the street. I don't know, but maybe we suffer as much as you do, sfenists. The main difference is that you were transformed against your own will, while we decided on our own.

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.5

You are not guilty for what you did, but for the way you did it

Winter has come and the first snow falls on the mountain villages. Nicotiana and her Atan stay on the railway platform waiting for the morning train. He will get to work at the mines, while she has other plans. The train comes. They hug and go each one to its own job.

Atan's Story

"Bye, Nicotiana!" I say as I get into the old wagon.

"Bye! Take good care of you!"

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.4

Smokers smoke in their lifetime about 3 times their weight in tobacco. Given the same daily dose of smoke to majority of birds, they will die in weeks. Horses will not make it for an year. Dogs and cats don't survive over a few years... but humans seem to live with it for their entire life. It is like the Creator knew humans will smoke and built them stronger lungs.

A scientist, around 2004

Smoke And Pantyhose 1.3

How is to be a sfenist?

Pain. Just like watching your death. Just like Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii beyond recovery. But the real pain is just starting. Those who survived the volcano lost all they had: the ones they loved, their homes, their fortunes. They had to start a new life and rebuild all... but as a different life... if they ever recovered.

A sfenist

Smoke And Pantyhose

Two girls were sitting at the lake, near the shore. Both had a green dress and green hair. Their pantyhosed feet were touching the water. With one hand, they were hanging each other, while with the other, they were holding their cigarettes. One of the girls is me. The other was not a girl at all. He is my husband.

Smoke and Pantyhose

By Anaimfinity

Understanding Smoking As A Social Activity

Just ran into a fascinating article on the social value of smoking. No, not the costs of healthcare, or the burden it puts on your body, or the damage to the economy in lost worker productivity. There are a million reasons to not smoke. It's not healthy for you. But...

The author of the article identifies the social role that smoking plays in social settings amongst smokers.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


Mia - Chapter 1 - 5


By Brianna Luna

Jeremiah was always a little different. He tried to fit in, but never quite managed. It wasn't until around his 16th birthday that he actually realized the problem, and Mia was born. Mia is a story of transition, of new beginnings and familiar pains. With support from her Mom, and her best friend Mia is growing into the woman that she always should have been.

Being Me - Part 2 - The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery

She removed a strip from a box and smoothed it against my leg. So this is waxing? I prepared myself for the pain that was sure to follow. I might as well have prepared myself for two tigers to rip me apart. I can’t describe the pain that shot through me as she pulled the strip from my leg. I winced. My eyes watered, but I refused to scream like a girl. Like a girl? Who am I trying to kid? How many men do this?

Being Me - Part 2

The Cruise — Voyage of Discovery


Karin Roberts


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