
Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: Chapter 01

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.

New Story.
New Rules.
New Team.
All Action.
Same Insanity.
Get ready to hit the ground running.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2


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Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.

New Story.
New Rules.
New Team.
All Action.
Same Insanity.
Get ready to hit the ground running.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 18: Epilogue

The Epilogue of Book 1.

A day in the lives of the members of the group, as the went their separate ways.

Though, while they went separated, answers will be given. Such, as what they did during their day at the beach together. And where they are heading, with hints of a storm brewing on the horizon.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 15

Time passes. Some people change for the better. Some people change for the worse.

In this chapter, Ranma, Natsuru, Akira, Birdy, and Tsutomu, all reach their crossroads on how their lives will change.

Some will rise. And some will fall.

Caution. There are dark and disturbing scenes in this chapter.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 14

Akira is summoned to a meeting with Chang. And it is a meeting that neither Akira, nor you, the readers, will soon forget.

Meanwhile, Rock will have a meeting, with someone at the Yellowflag, that will have a profound impact on Rock's life.

The mysteries deepen, as they increase in numbers. With only a few clues so far, to tie the mysteries together.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 13

In this wacky chapter, while in the G Gundam reality, Birdy and Tsutomu was enjoying some peace and quite with their young daughter, Violin. In the Black Lagoon reality, Akira ate a few pieces of cake that she should not have, without checking with Rock, whom baked it, as it what was in the cake.

Then later, in the Black Lagoon reality, there is the Roanapur Bad Girls Bikini Contest. It is exactly what it sounds like. And if you think the contestants are insane. Wait till you find out who the three judges are.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 12

First, in the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality, Natsuru has a usual calm day at his job as an AD Police Office.

Meanwhile, in the Black Lagoon reality, Akira does her first mercenary job, with Lotton, Shenhua, and Sawyer.

And in the G Gundam reality, Birdy and Tsutomu has their first gundam fight. Then, they have to handle something more difficult than than most gundam fighters. The press.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 11

In the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality, Natsuru begins his first day at work at the AD Police department.

In the G Gundam reality, the fourteenth gundam tournament is about to start, and Birdy and Tsutomu began their adventure as a gundam fighter, aiming to win the tournament, for not only themselves, but their young daughter, Violin.

And in the Black Lagoon reality, Akira finds out that things can get worse. Especially, when he forgets to leave the toilet seat down, in the home of women, whom are hired killers.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 10

In the Megas XLR, Ranma becomes more accustom to living day to day, with Coop, Kiva, and Jamie.

In the Bubblegum Crisis OVA, Natsuru graduates from the AD Police academy.

In the G Gundam reality, Birdy and Tsutomu are show the gundam they will be using in the upcoming Fourteenth Gundam Tournament.

And in the Black Lagoon reality, Akira is about to have a girls night out, with Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, that he/she will likely never forget, for a very long time.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 09

In the G Gundam reality, Birdy and Tsutomu have their child. Then, they must begin their training as a gundam fighter.

Elsewhere, in the Bubblegum Crisis reality, Natsuru begins his training at an academy, to become a AD Police office.

And in the Black Lagoon reality, Akira begins training under Shenhua, Sawyer, and Revy.

One cannot be a badass without the proper training, and while their training will differ, each of them will have the training they need to be badasses, in the situations they find themselves in.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 08

Our weary travelers are now separated, and lost in the multiverse. Where they will meet mysterious, and interesting people. Some of the travelers will realize the situation they are in. While others will not.

In the MIB reality, Futaba will have to talk down the MIB.

How will Ranma reaction to get to know Coop, Kiva, and Jamie, in the Megas XLR reality? And vise versa.

Natsuru will have to figure out what he will do next, as he makes he way through MegaTokyo, in the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality. Where he will meet an unexpected person, whom will lend him a helping hand.
Birdy and Tsutomu will be given an interesting offer, by Neo-Norway, in the G Gundam reality.

Akira will have to navigate the danger of the Black Lagoon reality. Where he will have to deal with violence and crazy offers. And Akira will learn that that the only thing more insane, than the bad girls of Roanapur in battle, is when the bad girls go shopping. Especially, when Akira is dragged along with them.

Yes, folks. The insanity is going to be dialed one more notch for this story.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 07

While Akira has smoothing things over with the others, that does not mean they let him completely off the hook, for the secrets he kept from them.

And as their spaceship is heading back to Earth, to confront Hanna, they about to learn that their journey is only beginning.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 06

With the rest of the group learning of Akira's secret. Akira lays it all out on the table, in the hopes savaging his friendships with the others. While also telling them about Hanna's plans for revenge.

And later, Natsuru and Ranma will have some unexpected, but important decisions to make, that will effect their lives.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 04

Prophecies are abound. All one has to do is understand them.

The group of travels have finally made it to Oriotera, the Federation capital world. Now, they get a chance to see the sights.

Meanwhile, Birdy and Tsutomu take care of some personal matters. And it is not good news for them.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 03

Even the strangest of voyages take time to reach their destination.

While, mysteries are abound, those on board Hanna's ship have to wait to reach Birdy Cephon's homeworld of Oriotera, before they can start to solve their own problems. As such, the group has a chance to get to know each other, at little better.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 02

Before one can solve the mysteries, and break the rules. One must first know the rules, and the players involved.

While the others are still trying to figure out what is going on, Akira may know more than he realizes. Knowledge that the others would want.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 01

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.

I would like to officially submit my resume to the laughing academy, in multiple parts.

The mystery is to figure out the mysteries.

It has been years since Hatsushiba Akira moved from Japan to American to attend college, after horrible events happened to him back home.

Now, a more mature Hatsushiba Akira is about to be unwillingly dragged into the craziest, and most dangerous, adventure this fool for love has ever had.

Jem...Chapter 53

Jem…Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Previously on the last episode of Jem…

I’m going over things in my head and figuring out songs when I hear Rayne sort of mumble curse.

“What? What’s up?”

“I think we’re being followed?”


“Yeah, and I think it’s those guys from the other night it looks like their truck.”

I look back in the mirror and it’s hard to tell because last time it had been so dark out but I just have this feeling that it is. I call Mike on the phone.



“That truck is it following us?”

“I noticed, I think it is.”

Growing Up Jenny


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This story takes place right as Jenny has gender reassignment surgery, not the norm for a four year old child. The community responds, some accepting what has happened and others not. See how Jenny grows more comfortable with herself and her place in the world. But, when tragedy strikes, how will the fragile little girl respond? In a world where nothing is certain, can love truly conquer all.

El Ultimo Verano De La Boyita / Last Summer in Boyita

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Sex and the Little League

A tale about Little Leaguers, eleven-year-olds, having sex? Nope. This story is about the sex (or gender) of the players who played youth baseball before girls were officially admitted to the program in 1974. It’s about one particular girl, Kelly Rodman, who may have been the first of her sex ever to play in the Little League World Series. Those who know my stories will appreciate that there must be a twist — a curve ball — to this tale. After all, it does come from Texas, the land of Pecos Pete and other tall tales.

Sex and the Little League
By: Dawn DeWinter

String of Pearls - Part 6 - Pity You Can't Choose Your Relatives


To say that my sympathy level was withering like a daisy in the Sahara would have been a gross understatement. More like I was thinking that I should throttle my utterly clueless mother, then go hunt down the feckless bigot I got as a father, armed with a two dollar whore sporting an incurable itch.

Grace has trouble in the home, but how did it all go so wrong so quickly? I hope you find this addition to the String of Pearls satisfactory.
- Eclectic Kitty

Guns are not for Little Boys -- Chapter 2

I have stepped out on uncharted grounds again (for me) with a little romance mixed with drama. I hope you like it. Whether you do or not, please comment.

Guns are not for Little Boys
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 2
By Billie Sue Pilgrim


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