Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 12

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.

Chapter Twelve: “Further Down Into The Darkness.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Bubblegum Crisis reality, MegaTokyo, Japan.

It has been a month since AD Police Officer Natsuru Senou had joined the AD Police department. It was the middle of the morning, on a cool, sunny day, as Natsuru drove an AD Police patrol car on a routine job.

The owner of some labor boomers was reported to have been overworking his boomers.

Since there was very little risk of problems, Natsuru was assigned to do this alone.

Natsuru drove on one of the raised, main six lane highways of the city, as he made his way to the construction site, in the AD Police car he was assigned to drive.

The drivers in the country drove on the left side of the road.

Natsuru was male, and in his AD Police officer's uniform.

Natsuru thought, 'I hate it when people disrespect boomers like this. Labor boomers may only have the intelligence of a dog. But, like a dog, if you abuse them enough, they bite back. And in cases of boomers, when they do bite back, several people can seriously harmed, or killed.'

While Natsuru drove, he was was in the outer lane of the road. From the corner of his left eye he saw the gigantic superstructure of Genom Tower, along with one of its four skyscrapers that surrounded the huge cone style pyramid taking up a large, toward over the other buildings, between the tower, and himself.

Natsuru thought, 'I know that Genom is evil at the top. But, a lot of people at the bottom ranks of the company are just regular nine to five workers. The tour, that Genom company offers of tower for tourists, at a reasonable price was interesting, and informative, on the history behind the construction of the tower.'

'And there was of little risk of me taking the tour. I hide my bracelet, and it does not emit any energy. Also, that tour helps to make Genom tower an international tourist attraction. But, I am sure they now have a record on me. Considering, I am now an AD Police officer. As such, I can pass it off, going on the tour, as just a new AD Police office, whom took the tour to learn more about Genom, and where boomers come from.'

'Plus, Genom runs tours all the time there. With tens of thousands people taking those tours, daily, in groups of about fifty, to a hundred. So, I am just another face in the crowd. And I am sure that Genom makes a nice profit from the tour, alone.'

'Also, From what I have heard, just about ever AD Police officer, including Daley, Leon, and even Chief Todo, has taken that tour, at least once, since Genom started giving it, years ago. Actually, while required, AD Police officers are encouraged to take the tour of Genom tour, so they know the basic layout of the complex, and auxiliary buildings.'

'And Genom doesn't mind, because their tour allows them to give the best public relations pitch to those on the tour. So, all in all, everyone involved gets something out of that tour.'

'And say what you will about the company, but the Genom tower is a true engineering marvel. Especially, for the level of technology and resources the world has. And this tower was one of the biggest. But, not the only tower Genom built.'

Natsuru thoughts, turned slightly sober, as he continued thinking, 'Still, the other towers, along with the cities they were in, where destroyed by Largo. Tens of millions of people murdered, with orbital killer satellites, just as a demonstration by Largo, to stroke his own ego.'

If I had come before the series had started, I would have done everything in my power to stop that. Including, stopping Sylia from killing Mason. If Mason had not been killed, than Largo would not have existed at all. And what Largo did would have never happened.'

Natsuru mood became more pleasant, as he thought, 'Though, that is in the past. In this reality. And I cannot change that, right now. So, I need to focus on the present. And what a present I am currently in.'

'I have been here for months, and it is still strange that I am actually in a fictional reality. It is mind blowing. Though, while I liked the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series, when I saw it, years ago. If I had to choose. This would not be one of my destinations choices to go to, in the multiverse. But, it could be far worse. At least I have managed to make a life for myself here.'

'And all things considered, this place is not that bad. Though, the only thing I miss about my home reality is that I dare not go out in public, as a woman. My female side just looks to much like my male side, for me to do so. It is too great a risk. There are too many cameras and interested parties here. And these people are not idiots like back home. They will put two and two together.'

'I do not want what happened to Hanna and her lover, my counterpart, to happen to me. Boy, that was a sad tale that Akira told. Though, I am still pissed over Hanna sending me here... She was the only person who could, with the federation tech, and had motive to do so...'

'And I am sure she did the same thing to the others, as she did to me. Scattering us across the multiverse. I hope they are doing well, especially Akira.'

'Still, I do feel somewhat sorry for her. Though, that doesn't mean I am not going to kick her ass when I see. And I am sure the others feel the same way. We may have to draw lots to see who beats her up, first.'

Natsuru then saw the exit he need to enter.

Natsuru thought, 'Ah, there is my exit. Now, to do my job.'

Natsuru then took the off-ramp, down to the ground level.

A few minutes later, Natsuru slowly drove into the entrance of the construction sight that the AD Police wanted inquiries about.

He then parked his car, pocketed his keys, and got out. He locked and shut the driver's side door behind him.

As he stood on the dirt ground, he looked up at the building, which was still mostly a steel grid, with sets of flooring, on each story.

Natsuru thought, 'To be honest. I thought being an AD Police officer would be a lot worse. That I would be stuck in a pitch battle with my fellow offices, dying as we tried to slow down a combat boomer, until the Knight Sabers arrived.'

'Truth be told, there has been only two boomer rampages in the last month. Both were cheap labor models, and were quickly dealt with by the AD Police officers whom first arrived on scene. Neither incident had any fatalities from either civilians, nor police officers. I guess, after a few years of dealing with boomer rampages, when people see a boomer lose control, they run.'

'Though, except for that one time, with that crazy blond, muscular, fair skinned man, with his rpg launcher, things have been relatively quiet in my life. Still, no one got seriously harmed, nor killed in that incident, either. Though, there was a lot of property damage. But, insurance will handle that.'

'And I am happy to have the quiet. Since most of the time our job is to just run down minor boomer violations, like the one I am doing today, I don't have much to worry about. And we of the AD Police do all this to prevent such violations from become bigger problems, later on.'

'Because of these inspections, the AD Police have likely stopped countless boomer rampages, before they could even happen.'

Natsuru then looked in front of him, as he continued his thoughts, 'Now, to get to work.'

Natsuru saw one of the human workers at the construction site, on the ground level, look over at him. All of the humans were wearing hardhats.

Natsuru walked over to the man. When he reached him, he flatly requested, “I am AD Police Officer Senou. I need to speak to the owner of the boomers being used for this construction sight.”

The man said, “Officer Senou, I will get him right now. I will only be a few minutes.” The man turned, and headed into the partly constructed building.

A few minutes later, Natsuru watched as an older man, in a hardhat, walked out of the building, to meet him. The man was older, likely in his forties. Though, the man was in good health.

As the man came to a stop in front of Natsuru, Natsuru calmly inquired, “I am AD Police Officer Senou. Are you the owner of the boomer being used at this construction sight?”

The older man answered, “Yes, I am. Might I ask why you are here?”

Natsuru answered, “We have received a report of you over working your boomers. We of the AD Police take such claims very seriously. So, this is a spot inspection.”

Natsuru could tell, from the owner's facial expression, that he was clearly not happy.

Natsuru then watched as the man pulled out a handheld radio, from his belt. He pressed the talk button on the device, and spoke into it, “I am ordering a work stoppable. Shut the boomers down. We have an AD Police officer here to inspect us.”

Natsuru mentally guessed, 'He is probably speaking to the foreman. As soon as I get the all clear. I will get a hardhat, and do my inspection, on both the boomers, and the paperwork, on usage times for each boomer.'


An hour later, Natsuru finished his inspection. With Natsuru, and the owner of the boomers, entering the trailer, by the constructed building, that was the office of the owner.

Natsuru closed the outside door to the office behind him.

As the owner sat down in his chair, behind his desk, Natsuru took off the hardhat he borrowed, and set it by him, on a small table.

The owner looked at Natsuru, as he inquired, “So, did you find anything?”

Natsuru turned to the owner of the boomers, as he stated, “I have found that you have not been overworking your boomers. But, two of your boomers have a record of shutting down at random. Though, you do have the records that showed you ran maintenance checks of those two boomers after each shutdown. But, they still sometimes shutdown.”

“We of the AD Police suggest, during these situations, that you replace those boomers that keep shutting down, because this is a sign that the boomers might later go on a rampage.”

“And I remind you. If you ignore our warnings, and the boomers go on a rampage, you will be held legally, and criminally liable. You could lose your boomer operating permits, suffer steep fines, and face possible prison time.”

The owner of the boomers stated, “I will have those two boomers replaced by tomorrow.”

Natsuru replied, “Good. That will be fine. And I will check on you later this week to make sure you do so.”

Natsuru then turned, opened the outside door, walked through it, closed the door behind him.

A few minutes later, Natsuru was in his car. He used his radio to check into AD Police headquarters, to inform them that the inspection went well. He then used his keys to start his car, and he safely drove out of the construction sight, to continue his duties, by going to his other assigned that day, as an AD Police office.


Later that evening, Natsuru returned home, to the small apartment he rented, by himself. It was not much. Though, the apartment came with heating and air conditioning. Along, with clean running water, a living room, bedroom, kitchen area, and a bathroom with western style toilet, sink, and shower.

The home was only furnished with basic amenities. Among other things, Natsuru has a bed, refrigerator full of food and various non-alcoholic drinks. In the living room there was a couch, a small table in front of the couch, and TV on a wooden box in front of the table. Natsuru had recently bought all the furnishings in his apartment. And for now, this was home to him.

Natsuru locked the front door to his home. And he made sure the blinds and curtains of the windows of his home were closed. And he unplugged his video phone. He then double checked the apartments door locks.

When Natsuru was finished making sure was in total privacy, with no chance of outside interruption, he thought, 'Just because I don't dare be a woman in public, doesn't mean I cannot enjoy being a woman at home.'

Natsuru walked into his bedroom, and he stripped down to nothing, as he stood in front of his full length mirror, in the room.

As Natsuru looked at his physically buffed body. He made a few poses in the mirror.

He thought, 'Damn I look good as a man. All that AD Police training really did wonders for both my selfesteem, and my male form. It is now debatable which of my gender forms are hotter. More than a few women have flirted with me since I joined the ADP. If I wasn't so hung up on Akira, I might take a few of them on their offers.'

Natsuru then used his bracelet to turn into a woman. She looked over her still slender physical frame.

She continued her thoughts, 'Though, I am still as slender as ever as a woman. No matter how much I exercise as a guy, the magic, or technology, of my bracelet seems to want to keep my female body slender and youthful. This could be a good thing. I won't have to worry about losing my figure, if I ever had children as a woman... Children... I wonder if I see Akira again and we hit it off, which one of use would be the father of our children. And which one of us would be the mother.'

'Or, maybe we will take turns if we decide to have multiple children.

'At least we know that both our female forms will lock when pregnant. So, no worries there. Still, there are no handbooks on dealing with serious relationships, where both lovers can change gender, at will, in an instant. Maybe, if things workout, I will someday write a book on the subject.'

Natsuru put back on her clothing, and lounged around her appartment, in her female form, for a few hours. She then changed into her male form, got ready for bed, and went to sleep.


Black Lagoon reality, Roanapur, Thailand.

It has been a few days since Akira celebrated with Lotton, about being a guy again. And things had returned to normal. Or, at least what passed for normal in Roanapur.

It was morning, as Akira got up from bed, as a woman. It was one of the few times that she had sneezed as a guy in her sleep, and ended up a woman when she awoke.

Akira stood up, on her carpeted floor, and stretched. As she did so, she thought, 'It has been years since I accidentally changed in my sleep.'

It was think that Akira noticed her reflection in the wall mirror.

Akira stopped stretching, as she looked at herself some more in the mirror.

Akira then took off her clothing, as she continued to view herself in the mirror.

Akira could see that her female form was still slender, but her muscles now had more definition to them.

Akira flexed her body, as she though, 'I knew I was toning up, with the training. But, this is better than I thought. I just have been so busy, with so many crazy things happening to me, that I just hadn't realized this until now. I wonder...'

Akira sneezed, and changed into a guy.

Akira was not disappointed in what he saw in his reflection in the mirror.

Akira thought, 'Well, I look pretty good as a guy, as well. I guess for me, if I exercise in one gender form, it carries over to the other gender form. Now, I might as well head to the kitchen to get some breakfast.'

Akira then got dressed in his usual men's clothing, and headed for the kitchen.

Soon after, he met the other three adults living in the house, at the kitchen table, as the each had already fixed their own breakfast, and sat down in a chair, at the kitchen table.

After getting a bowl of cereal and a cup juice, he joined them at the table.

Akira asked, “So what is going on this morning?”

Lotton answered, “Last night, I finally got us a job. Not a big one. But, it pays well. And the risk is reasonable. We will being doing this job, tonight.”

Akira inquired, “Good. What is it?”

Lotton explained the details of the job.

When Lotton finished his explanation, Akira admitted, “I like it. And it is for the right reasons. By the way, have you decided on our team name?”

Lotton answered, 'Well, after some thought, I picked, Raven Unit.”

Akira said, “I like it.”

Sawyer, with her electrolarynx choker one, agreed, “So, do I.”

Shenhua commented, “I could get use to it.”

Lotton replied, “Good. I am glad everyone is okay with the name.”

The four adults then continue their conversation, as they ate their breakfast.


Later that night, in Gulf of Thailand, north of Roanapur, near the coast, Lotton's Raven Unit was getting ready for their first job.

It was slightly cool, partly cloudy night, with the moon on its first quarter. This allowed the moon to provide enough light that night, but not too much.

Lotton boat was just a small fishing boat, which was rigged for highspeed. But, their boat did the job, as they approached their target with all the lights off on their boat office.

They were able to identify the much large target boat, on it's profile, from the light of the moon. The other boat also had their lights turned off, as well. Though, Lotton, and his team, could make out that the lights in the target boats cabin, and other interior rooms, were on, by the outside windows, to the sections of those boat.

Lotton had identified the target boat by using binoculars that had a nightvision setting.

Fortunately, Lotton's plan requested the night have a partly cloudy sky, which it was the case was. Lotton had even checked the weather, to make sure it was going to be partly cloudy, during the night, where his team would be doing their hunting.

As the clouds covered the moon, darkening the night sky, he piloted his boat from the cabin towards the other larger boat.

Soon after, Lotton shut off the engines to his boat, allowing the boat to silently drift along side of the other boat.

It was clear from lack of gunfire that those on the other boat were not aware of their approaching attackers.

The three women on Lotton's team, were on the deck of the boat, and each were ready to make the attack, with their weapons in hand.

Shenhua had both her kukris unsheathed, and in her hands. Both knives were attached to ropes along her wrists, along her knives to be used as a mid-range weapons.

Sawyer had her chainsaw out, ready to turn, on at a moments notice.

Akira was currently a female, in her cowgirl uniform, complete with cowgirl hat and shades. She had one of her pistols in her right hand, and one of her long knives in her left hand.

All three of the girls were kneeling, on one knee, to avoid their profiles from being seen, in case their boat was noticed. While, keeping one foot firmly on the deck, so they remained ready to pounce, when they began their attack.

As the moon peaked out of the clouds and shown down on them, the women could clearly see some of their targets on the deck of the other boat, as Lotton's own boat was about to run along side the target boat.

The silhouettes of the targets revealed that they were all holding various types of firearms. With none of the guards on the other boat not yet noticing Lotton's boat.

While Akira looked at the guards, she thought, 'Raven unit. That is the name that Lotton decided to call our little group of misfits. And after thinking about, all day, I can understand why he came up with the name.'

'A raven is synonymous with both black, Lotton's favorite color, and death. I admit that name does fit for our little mercenary group. And the skill Lotton is showing in so many areas is surprising. Still, I have never killed someone before, and I don't look forward to it now. But, from what Lotton tells me, these people deserve to die for what they are doing.'

Where Raven Unit's boat came along side of the larger boat, the girls literally sprang into action, as they leapt onto the other boat.

The attack was swift and brutal.

Shenhua was the one to make the first two kills. She threw one of her knives in a curving arc that decapitated the first guard. As she yanked back the weapon, as she threw her other blade directly between the eyes of another guard. The two men were dead before they hit the ground.

Sawyer killed the third guard. In one fluid motion, she jumped over towards a guard, as she roared her chainsaw to life. She landed just in time use her chainsaw to literally carve the man in half. It was bloody, but effective.

Akira had landed by the door to the pilot house, she could see surprised in the eyes of the guard, as she quickly shot him between the eyes, before he could shoot her.

Akira then noticed someone walk out pilot house, Akira swiftly used her long knife to decapitate the woman.

Akira then calmly walked into the pilot cabin, and she saw a handful other other adults. One of whom was reaching a CB microphone, that was connected radio, that was in the room.

Akira swiftly took action, to prevent the adults from calling for help.

After less than half a minute of several more slices and gunshots, all the other adults that had been in the cabin were slain by Akira. Akira then destroyed the radio, with a few well placed gunshots.

Soon after, the battle was all over.

The women of Raven Unit quickly checked the rest of the ship, and noted that there were no other people roaming the decks, nor down below in the ship.

Shenhua yelled to Lotton, “All clear!”

Lotton heard Shenhua, he yelled, “Next part of the plan!” Lotton thought, 'And I hope everyone is smart enough not to use their names. As I reminded them, when we went over this plan a few hours ago.'

Sawyer heard Lotton. She turned off her chainsaw, and walked over to where Lotton's boat was. She gently tossed her chainsaw onto the deck of Lotton's boat. She then jumped down at, as well.

After she safely landed, she walked over to the controls of the boat, to relieve Lotton of control of his boat.

Lotton turned to see that Sawyer's clothing was covered in blood.

Sawyer realized that Lotton was looking at, as she commented, with her electrolarynx choker, “I regret not wearing surgical scrubs. Wind picked up, and the blood spatted me.”

Lotton thought, 'Like a man literally pissing against the wind.' He complimented, in a comforting tone of voice, “Ah, don't worry about it. You looked fine, Frederica.”

Sawyer smiled at Lotton, as she replied, “Thank you.”

Lotton said, “I need to see first our young charge is handling things. So, please take control of the ship.”

Sawyer responded, “No problem. You are better at handling such matters. And good luck.”

Lotton replied, “Thank you.” He then moved away from the control, as Sawyer stepped up to pilot the ship, and keep it alongside the other boat, without brushing up against it.

Lotton then turned and headed to the deck of his ship. Lotton walked over, and retrieved a small rope that he had earlier tied to his boat, at a fixture, which was an anchor point for the boat. The knot was made on the side of the boat that was by the other boat. He toss the rope onto the other boat. After which, he get onto the other boat, and he used the small rope to tie off the boats together, at a fixture on the side of the other ship.

As Lotton stood up, he thought, 'I need to inspect the aftermath of the battle. Now, to see if our time and effort has paid off, with Akira. I would hate for her to go to pieces over killing some scum. And for me to kill her, and dump her body in the gulf. It would be a true waste.'

Lotton then headed for the pilot house of the other boat. He had watched the entire battle, and knew where Akira went.

When Lotton entered the pilot house, he saw that Akira was just quietly looked down at the massacre she had just created.

Lotton asked, with the woman's back turned to him, “How are you holding up?”

Akira turned around to face Lotton. Lotton saw no tears, just some minor signs of frayed nerves on Akira's face.

Lotton thought, 'Good. She is handling it better than I expected.'

Akira answered, “I am doing better than I expected. I have never killed someone before. I know it should bother me more, but I am not truly that bothered by what I did.”

Akira thought, with concern, 'I wonder if this is how Hanna felt when she became a killer. Though, I will not admit it to the others. It scares me how easily I can do this without it bothering me to much. Still, these are the worst type of scum imaginable. And that dooes factor in why my killing them is not bothering me.'

Lotton calmly responded, “Good Then, don't worry about it. They got what the deserved. Now, head for my boat.”

Akira replied, “Yes sir.”

Lotton then turned around and headed out of the cabin, with Akira following behind him.

As Akira headed for their boat, Lotton walked out onto the deck of the other boat, and up to Shenhua. Lotton saw that Shenhua was using a small rag to clean the blood off of the blades of her kukris.

Lotton inquired, “So, any any injuries, for you?”

Shenhua looked up at Lotton, as she answered, “No. And all of our enemies dead.”

Lotton turned to Shenhua, as he stated, “Now, lets see how well their cargo is holding up.”

The two of them then walked over to one of the huge cargo lids, on the deck of the boat.


Meanwhile, Akira made it to Lotton, and she walked up to the pilot house, to find Sawyer there.

Sawyer turned to see Akira walk up to her. Sawyer asked, “How are you holding up?”

Akira answered, “I think I will make it. I'll be fine.”

Sawyer smiled, as she replied, “Good.” She then turned back to the control the boat.

On the other hand, Akira just remain silent, as she thought about the actions she had just taken, and the effects they might have on the rest of her life. Especially, on how her outlook on life would probably change.


On the other ship, Lotton and Shenhua made it to a huge cargo lid that was held tight by two locks.

In a few swift slices of her long knives, Shenhua cut through the locks to the lids cargo holds.

Before Lotton opened the lids, he reminded, “No names.”

Shenhua just nodded once, in response.

Lotton then opened the large lip.

The two adults then looked down into the cargo hold.

The moonlight showed them whom was in the cargo hold. The entire hold was full of women and children whom were had plastic cable ties binding their wrists behind their backs. Along, with all of them being blindfolded.

Lotton commented, “I must say. Slavers are the worst scum in the world.”

Shenhua agreed, “No arguments there. These monsters snatch innocent people from their homes. Those that already know better than to venture into the dark corners of the world.” She thought, 'There is a difference between taking someone from a home, and preying on them, when they are on the street.'

Lotton stated, “While the men were out catching fish, these scumbags raiding their villages and kidnapped their families. I fully understand why the families of our town put a bounty on them. The slavers risked bringing unwanted, international attention to the region. And they targeted those that knew better than to mess with the businesses in our town. One of these groups of fools even tried to sell these women and children to the families in town. I forget. What it the russians? Or, your boss that dealt with them?”

Shenhua answered, “Both. When there were finished, there was nothing left for our cleaning friend to mop up. To bad they had to kill the victims, as well. I heard they used poisoned food and drink. That it was painless. They just peacefully drifted to sleep and died. And it is too bad we have to kill these people, as well. Don't forget who I also work for. Bounty says leave no witnesses.”

Lotton pointed out, “And do you see any witnesses here?”

Shenhua asked, in a confused tone of voice, “What are you getting at?”

Lotton asked, “Do you even know it why it took so long for me to line up a job for us?”

Shenhua answered, “No.”

Lotton responded, “There were dozens of jobs already available. But, I needed to find the right job for our rookie to cut her teeth on. And this is the perfect mission for that job.”

“I needed a mission that our student would not refuse. With targets she would find no moral arguments against killing. We need to ease her into this way of life. A few more missions like this, and we will have accomplished that.”

“With luck, she won't even realize what is happening to her. Also, she is intelligence enough not to talk about our missions. She only has us and Lagoon company to talk to. And she doesn't trust Lagoon company, all that much. Especially, Revy.”

“As such, when she has something important, she will talk to us. Because, she will have no one to talk to. And we will support her actions in killing and harming our targets. This will be positive reinforcement for her actions. Eventually, she will have no problems killing others. And then she will be just like. And we can then move onto the more lucrative missions.”

Lotton's voice took on a more sterner tone of voice, as he continued, “But, if we kill these people, and she finds out, it will destroy all the bonds of trust and loyalty that we have established with her.”

“She will turn on us. And she will either kill us, or we will have to kill her. And all our efforts would be wasted. Look at these women and children. They are both tied and blindfolded. They likely don't even speak even not a word of english. So, they don't understand a word of what we are saying. And we haven't even mentioned our names to them.”

“Also, they come from local villages that rarely even have basic amenities, such as running water and electricity. There is very little risk towards us, and our town in returning them to their homes.

Lotton's voice took on a more pleading tone of voice, as he went on to say, “So, for once, let us be the good guys. The heroes. And return these innocent people home. This would not be lying to your boss, nor the other families. It is just creative interpretation of the mission parameters.”

Shenhua thought, 'I don't like lying to Chang. But, Lotton is right. Lotton is brilliant. I knew there was something that me and Sawyer liked about Lotton. I just could not put my finger on it. Now, I know. It is Lotton's intelligence.'

Shenhua complimented, “I never realized you were so devious.”

Lotton casually admitted, “What can I say? I am a follower of, The Prince. That is what attracted me to your fair city in the first place. And I do believe in equally sharing of the spoils with my friends.”

Shenhua's smile took on a more demure looked, as she said, “You really are the romantic. You will get a personal reward from me, tonight at home.”

Lotton returned Shenhua's smile, as he responded, “I know. Now, we still have to take the slavers heads back, with use as collateral, collect the bounty. I have plenty of plastic sacks for them. We will collect and pile the heads into one place. After which, I will go get the bags. So, do you want get those on the deck? Or, those in the pilot house?”

Shenhua answered, “I will tale those on deck. I prefer to do my work in the open, fresh air. So, what is your plan to return these people?”

Lotton stated, “After we decapitate the corpses, and collect their heads. We will dump the corpses. You three will wait on our boat. I will untied us from this boat. Then, I pilot this boat, while running dark, to a nearby fishing village. Sawyer already knows how to pilot our boat. So, that will not be a problem. I will park this boat on the dock further from the village.”

“I will put on a hood and mask so if someone does sees me, that will not be able to identify me. Then, I will herd them to the docks. When they are all on the dock, I know enough Thai to tell them to stay sitting on the docks. That they will eventually be rescued and untied in the morning. Which is what will likely happen when the locals wake up. I will then pilot this boat, and we will sink it out at sea, There is to much evidence on it for us to try to sell it.”

“With no boat, the locals will lack both evidence, nor any way of knowing what really happened. There is enough smuggling and drug production in this region, that both the victims and the locals will not be able to figure out the truth. They will see it as a twisted warning, and leave it at that.”

“In the end, they are alive, and our student is more loyal to us. And if this does not go the way I think it will, I will take the full heat of this, personally.”

Shenhua said, “I have to agree. The risks versus the personal rewards makes it worth doing it this way. We have all put too much work in training our student to lose her now. We will do it your way, and see what happens.”

Lotton smiled at Shenhua, as he replied, “Thank you.”

Shenhua held up her kukri long knives, while Lotton pulled out a long knife of his own, with his right hand.

Lotton shut the cargo lip, with his left hand. The two adults then turned, and they began to collected their heads.


Bubblegum Crisis reality.

It has been three months since Natsuru had started working for the AD Police department. He was currently male, and he sitting in a stool, at a the counter of a small bar near the AD Police headquarters, having a bottle of decently tasting beer. It was early in the night, and he had just gotten off his shift, He was wearing in his civilian clothing, which was just pants, t-shirt, cloth jacket, shoes, etc.

Given he had no records, he decided to bump up his legally recognized age a few years, on his IDs. So no one would question him, if he had a beer now and again.

Currently, he was out on the town with a few of the fellow AD Police officers that he worked with. Their names were Nick, Andy, and Steve.

They were fun to hang around, in a macho type of way. And, being with them killed time and let him relax. Though, he would rather die than let them know about his gender changing abilities.

The other three officers were sitting beside him, at the bar counter. Each of them were having a beer, while wearing their civilian clothing.

Nick said, “I am so happy things have been quite lately.”

Andy replied, “I hear that. I have no interested in dying in a combat boomer rampage.”

Steve turned to Natsuru, as he asked, “So Natsuru. When are we going to meet the mysterious love that you are still clearly pining for.”

Natsuru mentally realized, 'Now, that is a loaded question.' Natsuru turned to Steve, as he answered, “I am not sure. My love is currently outside of the country.”

Natsuru thought, 'I really am hung up on, Akira. Still, I cannot stop thinking about Akira, in both his and her gender forms. And I have had more than a few woman, and a couple of men, flirt with me. Though, not Daley. As my supervisor, he has been very professional. Still, I turned them all down. And this place is starting to feel a little cramped for me.'

Natsuru said, “I need some fresh air. I'll see you guys tomorrow.”

Steve said, “See you later, Natsuru.”

Natsuru the got up, paid the bartender, and exited the bar.

As he walk outside, he looked up see saw the moon rising in the sky.

Natsuru stared at the first quarter moon, he said the one name on his mind, “Akira.”


Black Lagoon reality.

It was deep into the night, it has been a few hours since Lotton dropped over the slave trade victims. With him making sure that everyone got off the boat.

Lotton then piloted the ship out to sea, where he planted some explosives, he had on his person, onto the boat. He was then picked up by his team, and when they were clear, he used a remote to set off the explosives, to sink the boat.

With them mission over, Lotton took back control of his ship, from Sawyer, as he piloted them to towards the cove that Roanapur was located by. And to the dock that Lotton rented. Which was about a quarter mile from Lagoon Company's dock.

As the quietly sailed back to port, Lotton kept the boats lights off. Though, he had no problems steering the boat by instrumental, and the moonlight. Lotton had even commented they were about an hour from Roanapur.

And Akira told Lotton that she was happy about how Lotton returned the victims back to a local village.

Lotton told Akira that he glad to hear that from Akira.

As Lotton was piloting them back to port in Roanapur, Shenhua was with him.

Meanwhile, Akira and Sawyer were on the deck.

Akira was starring at the first quarter moon, which was currently not behind any clouds, as she said a name, “Natsuru.”

The name got Sawyer attention, as she asked, “Is that someone you care about?”

Akira looked over at Sawyer, as she answered, “Yes.”

Sawyer inquired, “Who is that person?”

Sawyer noticed that Akira has a starry eyed, yet sad look to her eyes, She stated, “He is someone very far away. We cannot reach each other right now.”

Sawyer thought, 'At least she seems be over her first kill. Still, I though she had a girlfriend. Not a boyfriend. Then again, with Akira. It would be hard to tell. But, it is clear that Akira is pining for someone. He, nor she, has not made a pass at anyone, during her time here in Roanapur.'

'And the few times we ask Akira about the person she is clearly pining for, Akira has always stated silent. And I guess this is my chance to find out more about this mysterious person.'

Sawyer inquired, “He? Since I know you were originally a guy, he must be someone special for you to swing that way.”

Akira admitted, “I would like to think so. And I know someday he will come after me.”

Sawyer giggled a little. She then teased, “Ah, your knight in shiny armor, come to rescue you, the fair maid. I look forward to meeting him that day.”

Akira giggled as well, while she thought, 'More like my knight in a white and black seifuku.' She said, out loud, “Me too.”

An hour later, they made it back to port. After dropping off the bags of heads, to the proper third party, and collecting the bounty. The four members of the Raven Unit headed home to get cleaned up, and get some rest.


G Gundam reality. In southern Norway.

It has been two days since Birdy and Tsutomu landed their gundam, the Cephon Special in Norway.

And a little while ago, in their first gundam fight, Birdy and Tsutomu had just made short work of the gundam they had fought.

It wasn't even a challenge, and the battle had been over within less than a minute.

The only reason they did not disqualify the gundam by destroying its head, was that the pilot was polite enough to agree to their teams of taking their fight outside the town they were staying in.

Still, they were not in a happy mood, from how much their first fight lacked any challenge.

Birdy and Tsutomu had piloted their gundam back to the town they were staying at, and into the warehouse, where their technicians, for their support team were.

They opened the cockpit of their gundam, and got out. As they jumped down to the ground, several dozen feet below them, Birdy mentally grumbled, 'It took longer to get here than to fight. This was pathetic. I mean I want to win, but I don't want pushovers. Most skilled fighters will not respect us, if we only beat those that are no challenge to us.'

As they landed on the ground, without any problems, Tsutomu attempted to brighten Birdy's mood, as she mentally replied, 'You have a point. Though, look on the bright side, every now knows the new girl in town is a serious fighter. While the fight itself was no challenge, anyone that watched the match could tell that we were being serious.'

Birdy mentally smiled, as she thought back, 'Very true. Very true. Let us get this trace system suit off, and out clothing back on. Then, get to the hotel, to take a long hot bath at the hotel.'

Tsutomu mentally congratulated, 'That is the spirit.'

They then let the gundam, for this technicians to look over, as they headed to the part of the warehouse, where they had a spare change of clothing.


Twenty minutes later, the two lovers had returned to their normal clothing, pants, blouse, a simple pair of walking shoes, etc.

As they made their way to the hotel, where their daughter was being cared for, the one thing they had not counted on was the small army of reporters that descended on the entrance of hotel they were staying at.

As they saw the press, from across the street, Tsutomu mentally complained, 'I guess being a mystery has caught the press' attention.'

Birdy mentally responded, 'We knew it was a risk. All they know is my name, Birdy Cephon, and what we look like. Neo-Norway's government was very kind to accept our requests to keep our life as private as possible. At our request, literally no one on Earth, outside of our support team, even knows we have an infant daughter.'

Tsutomu mentally commented, 'And we both would like to keep it that way. But, we are going to have to talk to them.

Birdy sighed, as she begrudgingly agreed, in thought, 'You're right. You better let me handle this. I have experience with the press, during my idol work as, Shion Arita.'

Tsutomu mentally replied, 'Okay. But, just promise me that you won't kill any of them.'

Birdy mentally joked, 'You know I cannot make promises we both know I might not be able keep.'

Both of them mentally giggled a little at Birdy's comment.

It was then that the press recognized her, and rushed across the street, to them.

Through the bright lights of the camera flashes, Birdy and Tsutomu heard the press beg for interviews with them.

Birdy forcefully stated, “I have only one comment to make. My name Birdy Cephon. And I will not tolerate those that do not care what mayhem they create in their quest for glory. This is warning to all gundam fighters. If you disregard the safety of others, and their property, and we fight. I will crush your gundam's head and disqualify you from the tournament.”

Birdy thought, 'Let's get out of here.'

Tsutomu mentally agreed, 'Good idea.'

Birdy and Tsutomu then gently pushed their way though the press, that was backup onto the street. They eventually made it into the hotel, with the hotel security prevents the members of the press from following them.

They soon made it to a nearby elevator. They pressed the button by the elevator door to summon it.

A few seconds later, the elevator doors open, and they walked inside. As the elevator doors closed, they used a key they were given, by the hotel staff, on the panel box, to take them to headed penthouse floor, which was were Neo-Norway had rented for them, Violin, and those babysitters taking care of Violin.

The Neo-Norway government did not want to spare any expense for their new gundam fighter. And for that, Birdy and Tsutomu were grateful for.

As the elevator climbed to the top floor, Tsutomu mentally commented,'You did a good job, out there.'

Birdy mentally replied, 'Thank you.'

Tsutomu mentally said, 'At least we can look forward to seeing Violin soon. When we get upstairs.'

Birdy mentally responded, 'Yes. I am looking forward to seeing her.'

Tsutomu mentally replied, 'So, am I, Birdy. So, am I.'

They soon made it to the penthouse, where they checked on Violin. Whom was fine, with her babysitters. They then took a hot bath, and when they were finished, the spent the day with their young baby daughter.

To Be Continued.


Author's Notes:

I think the name, Raven Unit, works for Lotton's group. It just roles off the tongue. And it is not that corny a name for a team. I can see Akira and Sawyer liking the name, and Shenhua being okay with the name.


Now, when it comes to physical forms for gender benders. I wanted to use this chapter to show how, for a gender bender, that exercising in one gender might also improve the physique of the gender benders other form. Though, not always. With the determining factor being how and why they change genders.

Akira's ability is from his/her genetics, so the exercise carries over. While, Natsuru's gender change is from an artificial, outside source. So, they physical improvement on his male form does not carry over to her artifical female form. Though, her female form does age and mature. Such as her female from is an adult now. Though, not Natsuru's female from is not as physically old as Natsuru's male form.


Also, I wanted to use this chapter to so what AD Police officer's likely did day to day life might be.

Along with this, I like how mentioning the Genom Tower tour came out. It would make sense that Genom would want to make a buck, by offering a tour of their main tower. It is good public relations.

And I can see how AD Police officers, including Natsuru, would go on the tour, to learn the basic layout of the Genom Tower itself.

Genom Tower is so large, that the building is practically a city unto itself.


And I had the change to show Akira's first job, as a mercenary. And how Akira handle her first kill.

Along with this, I mentioned the viciousness of the job that Lotton is intentionally hiding from her. As he continues to ease her into this dark life style.

In that way, Lotton is being very evil, by corrupting Akira. But, then again. If Lotton had left Akira be outside Yellowflag, the night he, Shenhua, and Sawyer, found him. Akira would likely have long since been day. So, there is a tradeoff.

On that note, I have no doubt that Lotton is intelligent enough to realize that by killing the slaves was to much of a risk for the friendship they built up with Akira. And he was able to convince Shenhua to see his point of voice.

Lotton plans to lead Akira into darkness. But, he is taking his time in doing so.


And in this chapter, I had the change to show Natsuru and Akira to be starcrossed lovers. Even though they have actually been intimate, yet. With Sawyer and Natsuru's friends, realizing how important Akira and Natsuru feel towards each other. Even though, Akira and Natsuru have kept really tight lipped about their past and private lives, with the others around them. And for good reason.

Another aspect of this chapter that I liked was I got the chance to show what Birdy and Tsutomu's mindsets are, both during a gundam fight, and when a fight is not taking place. Along with how they would handle the press. And how much the public knows about them. Which is very little. Including, the public having no knowledge of their young baby daughter, Violin.

Until next time. Have fun.

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