Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 04

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.

Chapter Four: “The Road Ahead.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


A day after the poker game, the Hanna's space freighter finally reached Oriotera, the Federation capital planet, and Birdy's homeworld.

Everyone was in the cockpit, as they silently watched Hanna receive clearance to land on the planet, and instructions where to land at. Also, Birdy had to get clearance to allow for her friends to be on Oriotera. Once, this was all settle, Hanna began her landing procedures.

The entire group was watched, from the cockpit windows, as they entered the alien planet's atmosphere.

Ranma, and Natsuru were male. Futaba was female. And Birdy was female, and in control of her body.

For most of the group, except for Birdy and Hanna, it was an amazing experience to watch from the cockpit, as they went into re-entry, into the atmosphere, and landed the huge freighter gently onto a large landing platform.

All the while, as they flew, the humans there were in awe as they saw the alien city scape in front of them, coming closer and closer. Especially, the blue swirling spire they saw in the distance, at the heart of the city.

Birdy explained that the blue spire was the main Federation government building, for their galactic government. She also mentioned that the spire was headquarters to the Federation police force.

Unfortunately, Birdy told them that she did not have clearance to take them there. But, she commented that there are still plenty of sights to see in the city.

The rest of the crew were not disappointed. They said just being here was enough for them. Even Akira to admitted this.

Half an hour later, it was mid-morning, during a sunny day, on the part of the planet they landed on. Though, it was noon to their internal circadian clocks.

After Hanna's spaceship landed on a large landing platform, at the local spaceport, the front exit ramp lowered, and Hanna and the group disembarked onto the alien world.

Birdy was the first to walk outside, down the ramp, and into the crispy morning air. She was in her federation uniform. When, she reached the platform, she came to a stop, as she took a breath. She stated, “Ah. It is nice to be home.”

Birdy then turned to the others coming down the ramp behind her. She said, “Now, I gave you each enough local currency to get around town, and have something to eat. Also, I gave you directions to meet me a nice bar I know of, at sunset. I have business to take care at the Federation Headquarters.”

“Now, I pulled of strings for you to be allow to come here. So, I do not want to hear that any of you have gotten trouble. I do not want to have to come track you down. The translator machines build into various walls of the city should allow you to communicate with the people here. Just do not get to creative with your dialogue. I do not want to have to clean up a mess due to a misunderstanding. Also, most of the food here is safe for humans to eat. But, if the food, or drink, looks, smells, or tastes, weird, or dangerous, do not consume it.”

Ranma responded, “Don't worry. We will be there on time. And given no one knows us here, I doubt we will have any trouble.”

Birdy mentioned, “Good. One other thing. You are the foreigners here. The aliens. The guests. Keep in mind you humans look like Alterans. And Alterans are not well liked by other species. Because the other species view Alterans as weak. If someone harasses you, just walk away.”

Natsuru spoke for the group, as he stated, “We will keep that in mind.”

Birdy replied, “Good.” She then turned, and left for the section of the spaceport where the hover taxis were located at.

Hanna said, “Well, I have business here, as well. As soon as you all leave, I will be closing the ramp, and turning on my ship's security. So, I have to ask. Are you sure you don't want your clothes?”

Ranma answered, “It's okay. We can always get more clothes, when we get back home.”

The others nodded in agreement.

Ranma stated, “Well guys. I am off to the local museums. I want to learn about the histories of the fighting styles of the various alien species out here.”

Ranma then started walking towards where the hover taxis were.

Futaba turned to Akira, as she inquired, “Akira, given how scared you are, I am surprised you are coming along?”

Akira pointed out, “My curiosity has gotten the better of me. We are on a high technology alien world. This is a sci-fi fan's dream come true. I would not miss it for the world.”

Guy agreed, “Same here.”

Futaba said, “I suggest we stay together.”

Natsuru complimented, “That is a wonderful idea.”

Akira said, “I can go along with that.”

Guy replied, “If that is what you want.”

Akira inquired, “It looks like we got about a full day to kill, till we meet back up. So, where to now?”

Guy said, “Too bad she cannot show us around that blue spire, that is the Federation headquarters.”

Natsuru explained, “Well, I can understand their reasons for not making it open to everyone. I mean it is the main headquarters for a galaxy wide police force. They must have some really dangerous technology in there. Security would have to be tight. And it also serves as the government building for the federation. Still, that we have plenty of other places we can go. So, let us start simple, and go to a park.”

Futaba chirped up, “Sounds like a good idea.”

Guy replied, “I can go along with that.”

Akira commented, “The park it is, then.”


Thirty minutes later, the hover taxi dropped them off by an outdoor park, near a watery bay.

Natsuru has only asked to be taking to a nice park, and the taxi driver had done just that.

After paying the taxi driver, they entered the park.

The bay of water was blue, and the park was mostly like an Earth park, with green grass and trees. Though, the trees were odd shapes, and there were aliens walking around.

The aliens were of all possible ages and genders. There were human looking Alterans, dog people, lizard people, frog people, insect people, and even humanoid androids.

Many of them were just families, whom had gone there for a good time. Allowing their children to play in the relaxing setting.

As they walked, Guy ran ahead of them, to look at all the alien people, buildings, and plants around them.

When Guy was out of hear shot, Natsuru asked, “Futaba, why are your still a girl?”

Futaba turned to Akira, as she explained, “When one of my people has their period, we are locked in our girl form for the duration of it. And I am currently have my period. But, it is okay. I have long since learn to live with it. Though, be warned, during this time I produce pheromones that can drive human men wild. But, I did take a shower earlier. And I did talk to Birdy about it, and she said that Alterans and other aliens likely would not be effected by me.”

Natsuru stated, “I don't feel any different about you.”

Akira stated, in a tired tone of voice, “Futaba, I am stuck on an alien world. Surrounded by strange people and creatures, whom are vastly more powerful and dangerous than me. Doing that with anyone, right now, is the last thing on my mind.”

Natsuru looked over at Akira. He could see that the other man was in deep thought.

Natsuru requested, “Futaba, could you please go check on Guy. We don't want her wondering off, too far.”

Futaba replied, “No problem” She then turned and walked further ahead, to keep a closer eye on Guy.

A few seconds later. With Futaba was out of ear shot. Natsuru inquired, “So, what is on your mind, Akira?”

Akira carefully said, “No offense intended, Natsuru. But, Futaba just reminded me that I have been forced to walk through a PMS minefield. Given that all of your have different triggers that change you, I have no how your monthly cycles work. I have no idea if your changes back and forth resets your cycles to a certain point. If you cycles are still monthly. Or, if the constant changing makes your cycles irregular. That is not even counting the fact that Birdy is an alien.”

“And well, usually if a guy lives around women long enough, he can get an idea, based on a woman's change in demeanor, body language, or even sometimes her smell, to when to be on his to toes with that woman. All of you are so far from the norm that it is next to impossible to know when I need to stay on my toes.”

Natsuru responded, in a comforting tone of voice, “No offense taken. But, I don't see what the big worry is.”

Akira stated, “I guess you won't. Because you can turn into a girl. Because you can experience that, the rest of the group will cut you some slack. But, me. I am a guy. I will get no slack from them. And all it will take is one super-powered punch, and it is all over for me.”

“This is one of the reasons I want to get Guy cured, or at least changed back into a boy, as soon as possible. She is young, immature, and macho. Mix that with her superpowers, and things could get ugly real quickly if we don't solve this problem fast.”

Natsuru agreed, “When Guy was just changed into a girl, that thought occurred to me, as well. And you are right. We need to figure a way to change her back to a boy.”

Akira said, “The problem is I have no way to fix this.”

Natsuru commented, in a reassuring tone of voice, “Don't worry about it. We will figure it out. And Birdy said she will look into it. Also, if one of the others does to go off the handle, and try to hurt you, I will protect you.”

Akira smiled at Natsuru, as he responded, “Thank you. You know, if I do make it back home. With my sanity intact. I am going to work to be a better person, and work off any other bad karma I may have accumulated, as fast as possible. So, this never happens again.”

Natsuru chuckled as Akira comment, for a few seconds. A minute later, they reached where Guy and Futaba were. And the four individuals had a good time at the park.


A few hours later, at the Federation Headquarters. Birdy and Tsutomu's personalities had just been thoroughly examined, by a specialist in the field, Doctor Dohlay.

Doctor Dohlay was a humanoid, frog like alien, whom wore a white lab coat.

At the moment, Birdy and Tsutomu were waiting for the results, as they sat in a chair, in one of the examination rooms. Birdy was in control, and in her body.

Doctor Dohlay came into the room. He shut the door behind him. He then turned to Birdy, as he he said. “Well Officer Cephon and Mister Senkawa, I have some bad news. It is as you both suspected. You are in the later stages of a balanced mental fusion.”

Birdy requested, for the two of them, “Could you please explain, doctor?”

Doctor Dohlay stated, “Certainly. A balanced mental fusion is where, instead one personality overwriting the other personality, the two, or more, personalities merge into one compound identity. It is rarer, but it can still happen. And at the stage you are both at, there is no way to stop it. The mental barriers between your personalities have already broken down.”

Tsutomu mentally thought, 'Birdy. Please ask him what could cause a balance mental fusion. Also, I think it best if we don't change back and forth. Doing so might confuse the situation, leading to a misunderstanding with the doctor. And we cannot afford that right now.'

Birdy mentally replied, 'Agreed.' Birdy then inquired, “Why are we experiencing a balanced mental fusion?”

Dohlay answered, “Basically. It is because you clearly care for you for each other. You both have gone to great lengths to share your one body. This is why one of you has not overwritten the other one's personality.”

Both Birdy and Tsutomu inwardly smiled at each other.

Birdy questioned, “Can we still be separated?”

Doctor Dohlay responded, “No. The test on your brain showed your subconscious has already merged into one. Because of this, it is no longer possible for you two to be separated. With one of you put into another body. If we tried, it would mentally kill you both.”

Birdy sadly inquired, “What are the next stages? What should we expect? How long do we have till we are completely fused? Is there any way to slow it down?

Doctor Dohlay explained, “Well, you have already told me you both are sharing the same dreams, from the same point of view. And you are starting to recall each others memories, more frequently.”

“Along with this, it is reaching the point where the one that is presently controlling your body do not have to openly speak for the other to hear. You can both mentally talk to each others at the same time. You can both feel your body at the same time. And one a few rare occasions, you both can control your body at the same time.

“Also, you reported that Tsutomu sometimes wakes up in your body, and is in control of it. Or, vise versa, for you, Birdy. This means you are changing genders involuntarily in your sleep. This is because your subconscious is trying to make sense with the fact that when it merge together, it does not know whether it wants to be female or male. Though, you reported that this gender swapping was rare for you.”

Tsutomu mentally inquired, 'Ask him if this means our subconscious is male? Or, female?'

Birdy asked, “Tsutomu wants me to ask. Does this mean that our subconscious has decided on a gender? If so, which once.”

Doctor Dohlay replied, “You both misunderstand. This likely means you are both becoming conformable with being either gender. Your dueling gender identities are probably one of the few things that are keeping your personalities still mostly separate at the conscious level. Once that changes, to where both of your don't mind which gender you are in, the balanced mental fusion with hasten.”

Tsutomu mentally requested, “Mention the merged memories.”

Birdy stated, “There was something we forgot to mention. As we have read each others memories. We have found some of our memories are starting to become a jumbled mess. Where our experiences are merge. We remember events that are a mix of places from both our childhoods, and where both our sets of friends were playing with us, together. Neither of us want this merging to reach the point where we are confused about whom raised each other. Tsutomu parents for him. And Violin for me.”

Doctor Dohlay commented, “I was afraid this might happen. Fortunately, there is a treatment for this. While you cannot stop yourselves from merging. There are techniques that will help to keep your memories straight.”

“You both need to go into a deep meditation, where together, you both review the totality of all your memories that you can recall. You will have to do this, off and on. And this will likely take a few weeks to complete.”

“When you are finished, you have two stable sets of memories, and balanced mental fusion will not merge any more of your memories together. I am sure that both of you have memories that will be embarrassing to show the other. But, it is necessary that you review every memory you both can recall. Still, this will not stop your personalities from merging into one. But, this is the best way to at least allow you keep both sets of your memories intact. So, you know where you come from.”

Birdy pointed out, “You stated it was possible to slow down?”

Doctor Dohlay stated, “You can fight hard to maintain yourselves. It will slow the process down. Mentally grip the things that make you different. Your opinions. Your genders. Anything that can be used to separate and define you both mentally.”

“But, do not go overboard, or one of you will overwrite the personality of the other. Though, even this is but a vain effort. Slowly, your differing voices will just fade into different feelings, and eventually into a single voice.”

“It is likely the last of these differing feelings will be on gender. But, eventually that those feelings will fade. And there will reach a point where you will not know where one of you ends and the other begins. That will be when the balanced mental fusion is complete, and you will be just one compound personality.”

Birdy asked, “You mention that standard mental fusion can still be done? I am more than willing to...”

Tsutomu mentally interrupted her by yelling, 'No! You do that, and I will kill myself!'

Birdy mentally replied, 'We may not have a choice. When we first merged, I accepted the responsibility on that day that I would be willing to sacrifice myself to save your personality. I care about you deeply, and I will not allow myself to be used to destroy what make you, you.'

Tsutomu mentally admitted, 'No! I will not lose you, because I love you. I would go to hell and back for you. I had to rescue you before, when your personality collapsed. And I will not lose you again.'

Birdy was dumbfounded, as she mentally asked, 'How did I not sense this from you? Why did not I realize this? Why have not you told me sooner?'

Tsutomu mentally said, with sadness, 'Because you were too dense to realize it. We can still hide things from each other. The reason I didn't tell you was because I thought I had more time to tell you. Now, we don't. And I regret not telling you sooner. I know you care about me, Birdy. You just admitted it. Please, let me show you how much I feel in loving you.'

Birdy emotionally opened herself up to Tsutomu, as she mentally begged, 'Please. Go ahead.'

Within the blink of an eye, Birdy felt it all. All the love, caring, needing that Tsutomu had for her. She instantly understood how genuine, how intense, how real his love for her was.

Birdy mental said, with joy in her heart, 'Thank you, Tsutomu. Now, let me show you have much I love you.'

Birdy didn't need to ask Tsutomu for permission. They both now knew the answer, beforehand.

And Tsutomu instantly felt all the love she had for him

That for him, Birdy would never back down. Never give up. Never stop caring for him. And the wonderful love she felt when she heard his voice, whether inside her mind, or out loud. To know that he would always be with her. Would always support her. Always comfort her. Always love her. And the love she would always have for him, for all those traits that made up him, and so much more.

And in being so deeply and passionately intimate with each other, they both realized at the same time, that after years of living together in the same body. After years of helping and sacrificing their time for the other. They had slowly fallen deeply in love either each other. And each could not bare to loss the other.

Both of them felt their body, as Birdy hugged herself, while her lips curled into a bittersweet smile.

The tragedy that they were going to lose each other, made their love so intensely bittersweet for both of them, that Birdy shed two tears, one from each of her two eyes. With her two tears running down her cheeks.

Tsutomu sadly suggested, 'Let us use the short time we have left together to the fullest extent possible.'

Birdy mournfully agreed, 'Yes. Let us do that.'

Doctor Dohlay asked, “Birdy? Are you all right?”

Birdy immediately wiped away her tears, as she said, “Yes. I am much better... Forget I mentioned the usual mental fusion.”

Doctor Dohlay kindly stated, “As far as I am concerned, you never asked. Though, not to make things worse for you Birdy, but I will have to you speak to your supervisor, captain Megius, about this.”

“Please understand. In my honest opinion. I believe that given both of your are mentally well adjusted people. And your merge personality will remain sane.”

“But, federation regulation still state that when mental fusion, of any kind, happens, the subject in question cannot continue being an active federation officer. Due to the chance of mental instability. Your job as a federation officer will likely have to end in a medical discharge”

Birdy inquired, “How long do we have?” She thought, 'My job is the least of my concerns.'

Doctor Dohlay answered, “At the soonest. A few months. Maybe years. If you are lucky. You will have to be discharged from you duties when the mental fusion reaches a point that you start to have difficulty differentiating if you are Birdy or Tsutomu.”

“When the mental fusion is completely. Legally, you will be both Birdy and Tsutomu. As such, you will have to option of living in Federation territory. Or, you can return to Earth. And live there. Given that half of you is originally from there.”

Birdy quietly said, “Right now, my job as a federation officer is the least of my concerns. Though, it is nice that I will still have options of when I can live. Thank you, doctor. You have been helpful.”

Doctor Dohlay said, “You're welcome. And try to keep in touch. I will try my best to help you both, as you go through this.”

Birdy replied, “I will.” She then got up from her chair, walked passed Doctor Dohlay, opened the door to the room, and walked outside, without closing the door behind her.

Then, without speaking, both lovers decided that they needed to take a walk, as they figured out what they wanted to do first with the short time they had left together.

Fortunately, they had several hours before they had to meet the others at the bar. And even then, they were in no hurry.


It was nearly sunset, as Natsuru, Akira, Futaba, and Guy, were together, as made their way through an alien bazaar, heading for the bar that Birdy wanted them to meet her at.

The alien bazaar was a market place, with open street vendors lining both sides of the streets, which were closed off to mechanical traffic.

The four person group had spent the day seeing the sights of the city. And they had a lot of fun in doing so, without getting into any trouble. Now, it was time to meet back up with the rest of their group.

As they walked through the bazaar, they did a lot of looking around, and window shopping. They saw several alien items they couldn't identify, mixed in with the usually clothing, and different types of foods.

Akira mentally reflected, 'I guess some things are universal. No matter what intelligent species one is, people are still going to need food, clothing, and tools. At least on this plane of existence.'

'And at least we have had a fun time. Still, Natsuru, Futaba, and I, had to stop Guy a few times, from getting to adventurous with her appetites for food, and drink. But, that was not much a problem.'

'And fortunately, the Alteran restrooms here are like the western styles restrooms on Earth. They had western style toilets. They even had some form of toilet paper. And no three seashells, like one of my favorite sci-fi movies had.'

Natsuru then noticed someone up ahead of them, by about fifty feet, that he recognized. He pointed at person, as he commented, “Isn't that Ranma”

Akira looked over at the person, as he replied, “I think that is Ranma.”

Futaba shouted towards the person, “Hey, Ranma! Over here!”

The man turned around, and they saw it was Ranma.

Ranma saw them as well. With him walking over to them.

When he was a few feet away from them, he said, “Hi guys.”

Natsuru responded, “I hope had a good day out on the town.”

Ranma responded, “It couldn't have been better. How about you guys?”

Natsuru said, “It was very good.”

Guy interrupted, “Can we hurry up, and get to the bar? I always wanted to try beer. And what better place than an alien world where my parents will never find out.”

Futaba looked down, at Guys' face. She said, to the younger girl, “I am sorry to burst your bubble. But, you are not drinking alcohol. Not even here.”

Guy just pouted in response to Futaba.

They continued walking for about five minutes. Then, they passed by an old dog woman, dressed in red robes. Whom was sitting in a chair, behind a small table, under a small, red tent.

The dog woman said to them, “Tell your fortune for you. Young ones.”

The group stopped, as they to look at her.

Akira politely said, “I am sorry, but we cannot afford to pay you for your services.”

The prophetess casually responded, “You appear to be an interesting lot. I will read each of your fortunes for free. Just let me hold one of your hands.”

Ranma stated, “In that case. Sure. Why not?”

Futaba said, “Thank you, ma'am. For doing so.”

Guy said, “I guess I will go first.”

Guy held out her right hand for her, for the dog woman to touch.

The dog woman touches Guy's right hand, as she stated, “Trust the ponies. The ponies will help you.”

Guy replied. “Ponies, huh? My twin sister asked for ponies for our birthday. Not me.”

Ranma went next.

As the woman touched Ranma's right hand, she said, “The wild horse will be tamed by an even freer spirit than hers.”

Ranma sarcastically responded, “I looked forward to seeing the universe try.” He then realized, as he thought, 'She is, her, not him... Oh, it likely doesn't matter.'

Natsuru then gave the dog women, his right hand.

The dog alien stated, “Do not confuse what is the law, with what is right.”

Natsuru complimented, “Those are wise words. Thank you.”

Futaba gave her right hand to the woman.

The woman said, “The mysterious men dressed in black will be the salvation of all of you.”

Futaba replied, “That was cryptic. But, I will keep that in mind.”

Akira was the last.

As the dog woman touched Akira's right hand, she gave a surprised look, that quickly turned into a sad expression on her face. She said, “I see only madness and blood. I do not know whose blood.” She let go of Akira's hand, as she looked up at his face. She continued, in a sober tone of voice, “I am sorry.”

Akira slowly took back his right hand, as he commented, in a sad tone of voice, “Don't worry about. I can guess whose blood it is. I already know I am screwed. I will just say my prayers, and mentally prepare myself for the end.”

Ranma said, “Akira. Don't worry about it. I have had some very screwy fortunetelling in my life. And only half of them turned out to come true.”

Akira turned to Ranma, as he responded, “You're right, Ranma.” He looked over at the rest of his friends, as he said, “Come on, guys. Let's head to the bar to meet up with Birdy.”

The five person group then turned, and continued walking towards the bar, where they would meet Birdy at.

When they were out of earshot, the dog woman smiled, as she said, “Young one. Do not be so sure that it is your blood that I am talking about.”

To Be Continued.


Author's Notes:

As a writer, I love working on concepts and ideas. Especially those concepts and ideas that are rarely ever touched on.

The way that Futaba's monthly cycle works is outright stated in the Futaba-kun Change manga. And there is some debate on the internet about Ranma's female side.

To my knowledge, no one has has pointed out that gender benders, with different triggers, and ways of changing, would mean that their monthly cycles would work differently.

The term, PMS minefield, would be a proper term for the situation. Given there are so many gender benders in the group, with them being so far from the norm, that it would be hard to guess when they were having their periods. So, it would be like walking a minefield for those around them.

That being said, I also loath cliches. While in my story, some women might use their periods as an excuse to be a bitch. They will not be a bitch because of their periods.

For example, in the above chapter, Futaba took her period in stride. It was just a matter of life she has to deal with, and she is maturely about the experience.

Now, I know this subject is uncomfortable for anyone to talk about. But, given this story is about gender bending. And as such, it needs to be addressed.

So, I decided to address the issue in a unique way.

One thing I loath about a lot of gender bending fiction, is when the completely ignore the issues of a woman's month cycle. Especially, when the main character is originally male, and become completely anatomically female.

Now, I am not saying a writer has to go into detail about this issue. As long as they just acknowledge it. This is an issue that women have to deal with in their daily lives. And it is careless not to acknowledge it in a gender bending story.


On the mental fusion issue with Birdy and Tsutomu. In the Birdy Decode series. Mental fusion, of one of their personalities overwriting the other, is a very real issue. So, I figured, what is they end up in a situation, where instead of one overwriting the others mind. Their minds started to merge with each others. And this would be the logical conclusion to their situation.

Plus, doing this makes for good drama.

That being said, by the end of the Birdy Decode series, it is clear that, while they do love others, Birdy and Tsutomu also care deeply for each other, to the point a person could argue that it is love. And clearly the amount of intimacy they have to share with each other, to live their day to day lives. It is not platonic love. So, at some level, at the end of the series, their relationship is romantic. Though, neither were ready to admit that.

And like I previously said. I have this all planned out. Though, there will be ups and downs. And I feel, that when all is said and done, most of you readers will feel satisfied how, and where, Birdy and Tsutomu end up.


And on the fortunetelling. If you are sharp. And you understand some of the clues I already stated in this story. You can guess where I am taking these characters.

A proper mystery story requires clues to be given throughout the story. And I am giving you those clues. Just start from the beginning, and you will see the clues.

Until next time. Please, enjoy the food for thoughts that I have left for you.

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