Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 16

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.

Chapter Sixteen: “To Be Free.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


G Gundam reality, the space colony of Neo-Norway.

It has been over two years since Birdy Tsutumo Cephon had won the gundam tournament.

It was morning in Neo-Norway, at the large, nicely furnished home that Neo-Norway government had provided for Birdy and her three year old daughter, Violin.

Birdy was wearing in her nightgown, as she silently sat in a chair, at the left side of the Violin's bed, when facing the foot of the bed. She was patiently waiting for her three year old daughter to wake up, so they could begin their day together.

As Birdy looked as her lovely daughter, she thought, 'You are the only reason I am still alive, Violin. Losing my two lovers, to myself, had been difficult. But, when I look at you, I see both of us in you, and that keeps me going. And I have faith that either our friends will come for us. Or, Neo-Norway's government will find a way to send us both home.'

A minute later, Violin woke up. She was still groggy, as she turned her head, and she saw her mother, sitting next to her. She said, in japanese, “Mommy. I had a wonderful dream.”

Birdy put up a happy front. She smiled, as she asked, in japanese, “What was your dream about, Violin?”

Violin answered, “It was wonderful, and scary, at the same time. In my dream, I was in huge spaceships. I met wonderful, strange looking people. And I fought many scary monsters with them. It was a beautiful playground.”

Birdy looked over at her daughter, as she said, “You can tell me all about it at breakfast. Now, let's get you ready for the morning.”

Violin just returned her mother's smile with her own, as she lead up from bed. Birdy then helped her daughter get ready to face the day.


MIB reality, somewhere in the United States.

It has been two months since Futaba had arrived in the reality she had found herself in.

Futaba had been completely cooperative with the MIB, to the best of her ability, in the hopes of gaining their help. And the MIB did tell her they would help her.

To prevent confusion, Futaba decide to stay a woman while she had been there. Though, she did change genders a few times, for the MIB agents. To prove that she was who she said she was.

Futaba also mentioned that she was married. Though, she did not elaborate on as to whom she was married to, nor how many people she was married too.

In the meantime, the MIB had put Futaba up in a nice hotel suite in New York City. They had also provided her with clothing, food, and plenty of entertainment, while she was there. Most of the entertainment was in the form of video games and movies. It had been boring sometimes, but okay.

The MIB even allowed her to take day trips, in New York City, with her being escorted by an MIB agent. They went to some restaurants, and even a few movie theaters, during her stay.

Because of Futaba's polite behavior and manners, she had no problems during her stay.

One morning, after Futaba had gotten up, and was reading to face the day, the MIB had taken Futaba was taken, by vehicle, from her hotel room, to an undisclosed location.

Futaba sat in the backseat of the vehicle, with one of the MIB agents. There was another agent driving the vehicle they were in.

After couple of hours of driving later, Futaba saw they were driving into a large warehouse.

As the agents and Futaba entered the warehouse, they saw a large metal ring, hooked to machines. With the metal ring was standing upright. There were also tables, and a control panel, set up by the machine with the metal ring.

As the vehicle came to a stop, the agent in the backseat, beside Futaba, turned to her, as he requested, in english, “Please, exit the vehicle, Mrs Shimeru. And follow us.”

Futaba did so. After she and the agents got out of the vehicle, they lead her closer to the machine with the metal ring. Futaba saw other MIB agents working around the machine.

As the agents came to a stop, the agent that had previously address Futaba, turned to her, as he said, “Mrs Shimeru. This device should get you and your friend home.”

“Unfortunately, members of our agency are not allowed to travel beyond our reality. Unless it is an apocalyptic emergency. Which, this is not the case. So, we will be needing your help to retrieve your friends.”

Futaba turned to the MIB agent, as she requested, in english, “Please explain?”

The agent answered, “This device creates an interdimensional portal, that we can fine tune and control. By that I mean, this machine will create opening between realities, to any time, place, and reality, we want to go.”

“This will allow you to rescue your friends. As I said, we cannot leave, but you can. We have found from experience that, like attracts like. One member of a specific reality and time will gravitate to another member of the same. Even across the multiverse. We already have your quantum signature, and temporal signature. We have cross-referenced those two items, as we scanned across the multiverse.”

“We have gotten five pings. Which, I expect to be your friends. They are all on Earth like environments. And our scans show no immediate dangers to you. Once you arrive.”

“Though, keep in mind the time differences between you and your friends is likely different. Such as, you have been here for months. But, you may find for your friends, that it has been years.”

“Also, we are planning to send you back home, when days have passed in your home reality.”

Futaba said, “While, I am happy that only a few days would have passed back at home.” She thought, 'Given we still have to stop Hanna.' She continued, “I do feel sorry that some of my friends might lose years, out here in the multiverse.”

The agent responded, “Actually, this is very fortunate, because we are nailing down the points of time, of a few years, across the ages of entire universes. Each of which are billions of years old. And we got the distance down to where it will send you within a hundred yards of your friends.'

“Also, we will be sending you to those places we think are save, first. Then, work are way through the list.”

Futaba asked, “That is good thinking. Now, how safe this technology? The technology knocked me out. And I came to here.”

The agent answered, “Not to worry, this technology is safe to use. It is not hard on your mind, nor body. You will be completely awake, as you travel. And all you have to do is just have to walk through the portal, and you are instantly on the other side. In addition, we have a safety feature in our portal technology. Only those from different realities can see it. Someone native to the reality the portal goes to should not be able see it. This will help prevent unwanted attention.”

Futaba complimented, “You really do think of everything.”

The agent cracked a grin, as he replied, “Yes. We do. It's our job. Now, here.”

The agent walked to a nearby table and picked up a small device.

The agent then head back to Futaba, and handed her the device.

After Futaba took the remote in her hands, she looked at it. The device looked to be about the size of a TV remote, a numerical pad, and a few other buttons and non-lit LED lights on it. Futaba then looked back up agent.

The agent noticed Futaba looking over at him. He stated, “Do not worry about the number pad on the remote. Just focus on the top three buttons. Blue button signals us to close the portal. This is in case you wanted to stay for a little while. We understand that your friends have probably built lives in their new reality, and it will take time for them to say their goodbyes. Green button signals us to open the portal, to bring you back here. Red button does the same as green, but alerts us that you are coming in, with enemies right behind you.” He continued, in a very serious tine of voice, “Do not lose the remote.”

Futaba firmly held the remote in her right hand, as she said, in a directly tone of voice, “I won't.” She continued, in a more relaxed tone of voice, “And thank you for all your help.” She thought, 'So, the old dog woman was correct. The men dress in black were going to save us all.'

The MIB agent replied, “You're welcome, ma'am. Helping people is what makes our job worth doing.” The agent then turned to the other agents, as he stated, “Okay. Let's get this operation moving.”

Futaba then watched as one of the other agents walked to the control panel, turned on the portal.

After the course of the next couple of seconds, Futaba watched as the portal formed in the ring. With the portal looking like a swirl of several colors.

Futaba looked at the portal, as she thought, 'Well, I might as well get started. I want to see my family and friends, as much as I am sure my friends, want to see their families and friends, as well'

Futaba began walking toward the portal. When she was about reach the portal itself, she heard the agent, whom she had talked to, state, behind her, “See you in a little while. And good luck.”

Futaba turned to face the agent, as she replied, “Thank you. Now, to rescue my friends, and get home.”

Futaba turned look at the portal. She then stepped through it, into the another reality.


My Little Pony reality.

At the moment, Guy was a boy, in his washed, Alteran male clothing he had on.

Guy was outside, playing with his friends, magical ponies, under the midday sun, when he saw an energy portal open twenty feet front of them.

Guy stopped in his tracks, with the ponies stopped as well, when they noticed he was looking at something, that the ponies had trouble seeing.

A few seconds later, Guy saw a woman walked out of the portal.

Guy immediately recognizes the green hair, as he shouted, in excitement, in english, “Futaba! So, one us finally found a way to rescue the rest of us.”

Futaba turned to Guy, as she kept a tight grip on the remote in her right hand. She smiled at him. She then noticed that Guy was currently male, as she said, “Guy And you're guy again.”

The two friends ran towards each other. When the reached each other, they hugged for several seconds.

When they let go of each other, Guy stated, “Yea. And meet my new friends...” He used his right hand to gesture at the ponies. He looked back at Futaba, as he continued, “They are magical. And they taught me how to change genders with my will power. I can even be in costume in either gender.”

Futaba turned to the ponies, as she said, “Thank you.”

The ponies all smiled at her, as one of the ponies said, in english, “You're welcome.”

Futaba turned back to Guy, as she inquired, “So, how long have you been here?”

Guy answered, “A couple of months. And it has been and interesting couple of months. There is so much to talk about. Let me to me more formally introduce you to my new friends.”

Futaba said, “I would be more than happy to meet your friends. And I will tell you what I have been doing for the last couple of months. Which was not much. Afterward, we will go rescue the rest of our group.”

Guy responded, “That is fine with me.” He then pointed to Futaba, as he introduced her, “Friends, this is Futaba. An old friend of my, from my home reality. I think you will get along with her just fine.”

Futaba turned to the ponies, as she used her right thumb to press the blue button on her device. A few seconds later, the portal closed, as Futaba said, “Nice to meet you all.”

An hour later, after Futaba got to know the ponies. Guy said his goodbyes to the ponies. Futaba then activated the portal with her remote, and they left for another reality, with the portal closing soon behind them.


Megas XLR reality, New Jersey.

The sun was just beginning to set, as a portal opened, with Futaba and Guy walking out out of the portal.

Futaba signaled for the portal to close. The portal did so a few seconds later.

The two individuals looked around.

They were standing on the front yard of a normal looking house.

Guy commented, “This looks like an ordinary western neighborhood. Which ever one of us is here, is likely okay.”

Futaba asked, “Do you hear music playing?”

Guy listened closely, as he replied, “Yea, I do. And it is coming from inside the house in front of us.”

Guy pointed at the home in front of them. They turned to the house to see that the front door was open, and upbeat rock music was playing.

Guy suggested, “The front door is open. So, let's go check out. And see what is happening inside.”

Futaba inquired, “Are you sure it is safe?”

Guy shrugged, “Worst case, I go Shezow, and kick their butts.”

Futaba replied, “Works for me.

The two of them walked up to the open door, stepped inside. What they saw in the home took them by complete surprise.

In side the home was a classic house party, with adults, loud music, with lots of beer and chips.

That was not the surprising part, for Guy and Futaba.

The surprising part was the redhead woman they saw at the center of the party.

The red haired woman, in her mid-twenties, and in great physical she. She was wearing black shoes, red denim shorts, golden bracers on her forearms, with a pink t-shirt, that said 'party girl' across her chest. She hair was made up into two pigtails running down the sides of the back of her neck.

The girl was holding an open beer bottle in each hand, as she screamed, in joy, in english, “Yeehaw! I love my life!”

She then tipped both her two bottles of beer towards her mouth, at the same time. With yellow liquid flowing mostly into her mouth.

Futaba asked, in mild shocked, “Is that Ranma? He always seemed to be such a serious guy. Now, she seems to have a totally carefree attitude.”

Guy stated, “Good lord. She has gone native.”

Ranma then noticed them.

She did a double-take, as she dropped her nearly empty beer bottles onto the floor. She then walked over to them.

Ranma greeted them, as she said, “Hi guys. I was wondering when one of us would come after me. Well, to make a long story short, welcome to paradise.”

Neither Futaba, nor Guy, was sure how to response to Ranma. Though, Futaba questioned, “Good to see you, Ranma. How have you been?”

Ranma answered, “Great. Couldn't be better.” Ranma then looked over at Guy more closely. She stated, “Guy. You're a boy again.”

Guy responded, “Yea. I had some good teachers that talk me how to change back and forth with my mind. And unlike you, I have no water problems.”

Ranma cracked a grin, as she replied, “Nice.”

Futaba inquired, “How long have you been here?”

Ranma casually answered, “Several months. Maybe a year, or so. After a while, I just lost track of time due to how much fun I was having with my new friends. I used my bracers to keep from have any hot water accidents.”

Guy quipped, “While wearing clothes like that. I can understand.”

Ranma replied, “Exactly. And with my staying a girl most of the time. I am pretty regular on my period.”

Guy's eyes bulged out at her comment, while Futaba just giggled.

Futaba commented, “So, you are like me? I was wondering at how that worked for you.”

Ranma inquired, “So, when you change male, all it does is stop your monthly cycle? With when you turn back to female, your monthly cycle picks up where it leaves off?”

Futaba said, “Yes.”

Guy requested, “Can we talk about something else?” He thought, 'I learned more than I care to about that, when my sister started having that problem. And I don't want to think about it now, considering, I now have the plumbing for it. Fortunately, that hasn't happen to me, yet. And with me being in control of my shapeshifting, it is not going to happen to me for a very long time.'

Ranma replied, “No problem. I fully understand.”

Futaba said, “So do I.” She thought, 'It is just something you can worry about later in your life.'

Suddenly, a fat, fair skinned man, with blond hair walked up to them.

The blond man took one looked at Guy. He calmly stated, in english, “Sorry, little dude. But, no kids allowed at this party. If you want, I will drive you back home. I am completely sober. Or, I can get you someone else to give you a ride home.”

Guy replied, “It's okay. I won't be staying long.”

Ranma turned to the man, as he said, “It is alright, Coop. I will vouch for them both.”

Coop turned to Ranma, as he replied, “Anything you say, girlfriend.”

Futaba and Guy questioned, in unison, “Girlfriend?”

Ranma looked back at Futaba and Guy, as she said, “That's right. This is Coop. This is our home. And he is my boyfriend.” She then turned and kissed Coop deeply on the lips.

Guy thought, 'With Ranma like this. I am starting to think I was one of the lucky ones. Ranma was probably one of the most macho of us. And for him to go total girl is just plain scary. I will take the magic ponies over whatever broke her. Sure the ponies are girly. But, better them than me.'

Futaba asked, with curiosity in her tone of voice, “Ranma, how did a guy like that score a woman as hot as you?”

Ranma broke the kiss, as she turned to Futaba. She answered, “He is sweet to me. And he great in bed.”

Coop said, “Thank you, Ranma.”

Guy commented, “I did not need to know that.”

Ranma giggled, as she replied, “You may appreciate it when you are older.”

Coop turned to Futaba and Guy, as he commented, “And by the way, I know about about Ranma's water and gender issues. And I am fine with the issue.”

Futaba complimented, “That is very mature approach for you to take, Coop.”

Coop replied, “Thank you.”

Ranma then looked up at Coop, with a sad look in her eyes. She started to undo her pigtails, as she gently, yet sorrowfully said, “Honey. You need to get Kiva and Jamie. I am sorry to say. But, it looks like my ride is here.”


Ten minutes later in the front yard, Coop, Kiva, and Jamie were outside with the three gender benders. All the other partiers were inside Coop's home.

Ranma has changed her clothes to the more gender neutral red shirt and pants clothing she wore. Also, she had as gym bag, by its strap, over her right shoulder. The gym bag had the other sets of clothes, and few momentos she had collected during her stay with Coop, Kiva, and Jamie.

Jamie stood next to Coop, as he whispered, “The green haired babe looks like Futaba, from the Futaba-kun Change manga. And the black haired boy, with that ring on his left hand, looks like Guy, from the Shezow series.”

Coop softly replied, “They probably are. But, let us not be rude. I mean, look how well Ranma turned out to be.”

Jamie nodded once, as he quietly said, “You got that right man.”

Ranma turned to her three new friends, as she said to them, “Guys, I have never been good with goodbyes. And saying, this emotionally hurts me a lot. You all have been great friends. But, I have to go, so I can help save my Earth from destruction”

Ranma turned to Kiva, as she stated, “Kiva, you were an excellent sparring partner, and a wonderful woman to shop with, and be friends with. I wish you the best in your goals in life.”

Kiva politely responded, “Thank you, Ranma. May your journey be safe, as well.”

Ranma looked over at Jamie, as she commented, “Jamie, you taught me that sarcasm is not just for stress relief. It can be used as a survival skill.”

Jamie replied, “Anytime, pal.”

Ranma then turned to Coop, as she quietly said, “Coop. My time with you was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I wish I could stay. But, I can't. And we both know it.”

Coop choked back his emotions, as he responded, “I won't try to stop you. But, I will miss you, Ranma. And remember, you are always welcome back here, any time you want.”

Ranma just smiled, as the two of them shared on last kiss.

Eyes began to water for both of them.

As they broke their kiss, Ranma quietly said to Coop, “Another day, another life.”

Coop replied, “We can always dream. I will never forget you.”

Ranma responded, “Nor, I, for you. I love you.”

Coop replied, “I love you, too.”

Futaba pressed the green button on her remote. A few seconds later, a portal opened near they.

Guy was the first to enter. Then Futaba.

Ranma slowly turned away from her new friends. With her back turned to them, she began to shed a few tears.

Ranma knew if she looked back at them, she would not be able to make herself leave.

So instead, she steeled her will, as she walked through the portal, and disappeared.


G Gundam reality, Neo-Norway space colony.

It had six years since Birdy had first arrived in the reality she found herself in.

Presently, it was after lunch in Birdy and Violin's home, in Neo-Norway.

Mother and daughter were in their large living room.

Birdy sat on a couch, with Violin in her lap, as Birdy was using a children's book, to teach her five year old daughter how to read.

Birdy was wearing a white, long sleeved, buttoned up blouse, dark blue pants, and black slippers. Violin wore a yellow t-shirt, red shorts, white socks, and white tennis shoes.

Birdy thought, 'Violin is as intelligent as I was at her age. Maybe even more so. She is picking up english at a very quick pace. But, her japanese needs work. And it is difficult to teach her Alteran, considering no books, nor software on the subject exist in this reality. Fortunately, she is young, and there is no rush.'

Just then, both mother and daughter noticed a portal of swirling energy open up across the room from them.

Birdy set Violin onto the floor. She then stood up, herself. Both mother and daughter, stood on the floor, as they watched what was happening, for a few seconds.

While they both looked at the swirling spiral of energy, Violin commented, “What a pretty wormhole.” She then turned to Birdy, as she asked, “Mommy. What is a wormhole?”

Birdy ignored daughter's question, as she stepped between Violin, and the portal.

Birdy then began to mentally prepared herself for a possible fight in their own home.

A second later, she watched as three people stepped out of the portal. Futaba as a girl, Ranma as a girl, and Guy as a boy.

Birdy suddenly relaxed, as she shouted, in english, “Guys! What took you so long?”

As Futaba, Ranma, and Guy, walked closer to her and Violin, Birdy got a better look at them.

Birdy noticed Guy, as she commented, “I see that you found a way to change yourself back into a boy, Guy.”

Guy smiled, as he commented, “Yea. Who knew that magical ponies were so useful.”

Birdy raised an eyebrow at Guy commented. She questioned, with curiosity in her tone of voice, “Ponies? You are going to have to give me the details.”

Guy said, “Sure. I will tell you later. So, how is Tsutomu doing? Or, am I talking to Tsutomu?”

Birdy made a sad expression on her face, as she stated, “It's complicated. And I don't want to talk about it right now.”

Guy replied, “Okay.”

Violin, whom looked like a child version of Birdy, only with dark blue hair, came out from behind her mother. Fortunately, she knew enough english to understand their conversation. She looked at the strangers, as she asked, in english, “Who are they?”

Guy responded, “Who is this?”

Birdy answered, “This my five year old daughter, Violin.”

Ranma suddenly became visibly uncomfortable, but she chose to remain silent.

Birdy turned to her daughter, as she continued, “Violin. These are mommy's friends. The redhead is Ranma. The green haired woman is Futaba. And the boy's name is, Guy.”

Violin smiled, as she looked at the others. She said, “Nice to meet all of you.”

Guy replied, “Same here.”

Futaba turned to Birdy, as she asked, “With Violin being five years old. How long have you been here?”

Birdy calmly stated, “Six years.”

Ranma, Guy, and Futaba responded, in unison, “Six years?”

Birdy inquired, “Yea. How long have you guys been lost?”

Futaba answered, “A few months for me and Guy. Ranma was lost for several months, to a year.”

Birdy said, “Let us hope that Natsuru and Akira had better luck. Still, I am going to need a little while to collect our things. It won't be much. Just a couple of large bags.”

Futaba responded, “Take all the time you need.”

Birdy turned to her daughter, as she said, “Violin. We are going on a trip. We are going to need to collect all you toys, picture books, and clothes. We will not be coming back.”

Violin looked up at her mother, as she replied, “Okay, mommy.”

Thirty minutes later, the five person group left that reality.


Bubblegum Crisis reality.

It was night time, on one of the highways of Megatokyo, as a battle waged between two combat boomers, and the AD Police.

Along with both Daley and Leon being present, both the AD Police groups under their command, were present, as well.

The AD Police were positioned in a firing line, which had just been set up. With the boomers only now approaching them.

None of the AD Police officers had yet been harmed. But, they were having difficulty in taking out the combat boomers, as the killer machines approached them.

Along, the firing line, Natsuru, like the rest of the front line AD Police officers, he was in full combat gear, with this sub-machine gun, shooting at the boomers with look effect.

Suddenly, Natsuru saw something in the distance. It looked to be some sort of portal open up, on the highway, on the other side of the attacking boomers.

Five people stepped out in the combat zone.

While the other AD Police officers did not see the portal itself, they did see the people suddenly appear.

Daley screamed into his handheld radio, “Seize fire! Seize fire! We have civilians in the target zone!”

All the AD Police immediately stopped firing.

When Natsuru got a closer look at the five new combers, through his infrared goggles, at whom they were. His jaw dropped.

It was then that two combat boomers also noticed the newcomers, and both killer machines decided to attack them.


As the group stepped out of the portal, they all looked around.

Guy looked at the skyline around him, as he commented, “Now, this is what I call a large city.”

Birdy looked around, then down at her daughter, as she commented, “Let us not stay here too long. My instincts tell me that this is not a safe place for my daughter.”

Futaba pointed out, “With luck, we won't have too. Natsuru, or Akira, should be nearby. We just have to find that person.”

Ranma looked over and saw the rushing boomers towards them. She pointed a them, as she stated, “We got a trouble.”

The others looked around, and they saw to monsters coming at them.

Guy immediately turned into Shezow, while still a guy.

Ranma took a fighting stance.

Birdy looked over Futaba, as she order, “Watch my daughter.”

Futaba did not respond. Instead, she rush over to Violin, and put herself between the young girl and the incoming monsters.


What happen next surprised the AD Police. And what looked like a woman with white an orange hair, along with a redhead woman in red clothing, and a younger girl in a pink dress, just literally tore into the two combat boomers.

It was clear that wasn't even a challenge for them. As in a matter of second, the boomers had literally been ripped apart, into tiny pieces.

Daley turned to Leon, whom was standing beside him. He asked, “How did they did that?”

Leon looked over at Daley, as he responded, “I could care less. It just means none of us are going home in a bodybag.”

It was then the two detectives noticed that one of their officers had left the firing line started walking towards the group of civilians.

Leon noticed the number on the back of the armor, and he realized it was AD Police Officer Natsuru Senou.

Leon barked into his handheld radio, “Officer Senou? What is the meaning of this?”

Natsuru replied back, through his helmet's headphone set, “Detective McNichol, they are my friends. Everything will become clear in a minute.”


The group looked at the heavily armed officers nearby. They were not aiming their weapons at them, but they were watching them.

Guy dropped his Shezow costume, as he asked, “So, what is going on?”

Ranma cautioned, “If we are not careful, we are going to get shot.”

Birdy agreed, “That is true.” She turned to Futaba, “Futaba, continue watching Violin.”

Futaba replied, “No problem.” She pulled Birdy's daughter closer to her.

The group then saw as one of the para-military men walked passed the firing line, and towards them.

The man dropped his sub-machine gun, and he had begun removing his body armor.

As he got closer, he then removed his mask and helmet, revealing himself to be Natsuru.

Natsuru exclaimed, in english, “Guys! It has been a few years! Still, I knew you would come after me.”

Ranma asked, “What happened here?”

Natsuru answered, “It is a long story. I will fill you in on it later. You guys get going. I will be a moment.”

The others began walking through the portal, as Natsuru turned back to face the AD Police, as he yelled, japanese, “Detective Wong! Detective McNichol! Guys! Don't take this the wrong way! I loved my job here! This was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life! But, now I have to go! Consider this my resignation! I quit!”

Daley loudly asked, “Why?!”

Natsuru used his bracelet to turn into a girl, and changed her clothing into a white and black seifuku.

The AD Police offices immediately removed their masks, while Leon took off his shades, to make sure they were really seeing what they were seeing.

Natsuru said, in her female voice, “I have to help save the multiverse.”

Leon demanded, “Who are you?!”

Natsuru loudly answered, “My real name is Natsuru Senou. You're the detective. I left you the clues. You figure it out.”

An old memory of an anime-manga series came to Leon's mind, as he inquired, with intense strength in his voice, “Kampfer?!”

Natsuru giggled. She then winked at Leon, as she loudly responded, “You got it one, Leon! Be seeing you, everyone!”

Natsuru then shifted into a guy, with his previous AD Police officer's clothes, and he disappeared through the portal. The portal them disappeared, a few seconds later.


After the group had left. Leon looked around him, as he ordered, into his radio, “Everyone clean the mess here. And then head back to headquarters.” He looked over at Daley. He clipped his radio onto his belt, as he said, “Daley. You are with me.” Leon then turned and walked over to his police car.

Daley clipped his handheld radio to his belt, as he followed behind him. He asked, “What just happened, Leon?”

Leon did not turn to face his police partner, as he replied, “I need to get something from my car, first.”

When Leon reached his police car, opened the driver's side door, unlocked the doors, and pulled out a fifth of liquor he had hidden under the driver's seat.

Leon downed half the bottle in one gulp. He turned to Daley, and toss him the keys to the car.

Daley caught the keys.

Leon said, “Daley. You're driving.” He then walked to the front passenger side of the car, and go in.

Daley then got into the driver's seat.

Both men shut their doors, and put on their seatbelts.

Daley asked, “So. You want to tell me about it coming on.”

Leon turned to Daley, as he answered, “Daley. I will tell you everything I know. As long as you keep an open mind. And you don't have me committed. Because I think I recognize a few of those people that trashed those boomers. And I don't think you are going to believe all of what I have to say.”

Daley used the keys Leon had tossed him, to start the car. He teased, “Oh Leon. You should know by now that I am always open minded when it comes to you.”

Leon replied, “Thanks. The question is how much we can get away with in our report?”

Daley pointed out, “At least we have records of the incident.”

Leon stated, “True. Let's get Nene to quietly make us as many copies as possible. Because if we stumbled into something as big I think it is. Genom is going to try to destroy all evidence and order upstairs to keep us quiet. And I want an ace. Just in case they plan to do more than that.”

Daley said, “Sounds like a plan.” He then drove Leon, and himself, to AD Police headquarters, as their subordinates cleaned up the boomers that had been destroyed, only minutes ago.


Black Lagoon reality, Roanapur, Thailand.

As the group of six stepped out of the portal in what appear to be the harbor. On one side, there was a watery cover. On the other side was a city. Near them, tied to a dock, was a small motorized boat.

From the angle of the sun overhead, it appeared to be around noon.

The next thing they knew, they found themselves attacked by a crazy woman, with long blond hair, whom was wearing a cowgirl outfit, with cowgirl hat, and shades. The woman had a slasher smile, and seem intent on harming them.

There was a revolver in the blond woman's right hand, and a long knife in her left hand.

Ranma and Birdy stated, in unison, “I got this.” As the both attacked the woman.

Though, Ranma and Birdy quickly realized they had both rushed at the woman. And experience had taught them, that instead of trying to show each other up, the complimented each other, in their attack.

Given both of them had an idea of the strengths and weaknesses, the other had. They did not need to verbally communicate with each other, as they quickly filled in the role for the other.

Both know that Birdy was the tougher fights, so Ranma backed off, to allow Birdy to take on the blond woman, while Ranma assisted.

The blond woman fired a couple of shots a Ranma, whom easily used her bracers to deflect the bullets.

Meanwhile, Birdy rushed in close. She aimed a punch towards the woman's head, with just enough force to knock the woman out, without killing her.

What did Birdy did not count on was the blond dodging the blow, while using her long knife to slice open Birdy's shirt long ways, up her chest, right along the seem of her buttons. Though, the slice did not harm Birdy, herself.

The cut forced open her blouse, to reveal her pink, silk laced bra.

Birdy chirped, “Eep!” Birdy quickly jumped back, away from the woman, while she was forced to grab her shirt with both hand, to close her exposed chest.

As Birdy leaned on her feet, she quickly redid her blouse, and tied it in a knot, over her bra. Making her shirt into an impromptu tanktop.

While she did this, Ranma got in close to the blond.

The blond put away her weapons, as Ranma reached her.

Ranma and the blond woman then traded blows, blocks, dodges, and counterattacks.

It seemed the blond was about to giving as good as she could got.

Ranma thought, 'She's good. Nowhere near as good as me. But, still good. I am just holding back. Like Birdy has been doing. Because, I don't want to seriously hurt, or even kill her. Even though she just tried to kill us.'

Suddenly, Ranma got a lucky shot that knocked off the blond woman's glasses and hat, to reveal her face.

Ranma and the blond immediately stopped fighting, as Ranma, Birdy, Natsuru, Guy, and Futaba exclaimed, in unison, “Akira?!”

Besides the slasher smile, there was a wildness in Akira's eyes. Akira stated, in a happy tone of voice, in english, “Hi guys. Long time, no see.”

Violin turned to Futaba, as she asked, “Who is Akira?”

Futaba said to the little girl, “Violin. We will tell you later.”

Guy openly asked, “What happen to her?!”

Natsuru looked around. He suddenly recognized where they were, and the three people nearby, whom were standing by a car.

Natsuru looked back at his friends, as he said, “If this is the city is I think it is.” He used his right hand to point at Sawyer, Shenhua, and Lotton, standing by the car. He dropped his right hand to his side, as he continued, “And if those three are who I think they are, then it would explain Akira's change in personality.”

Natsuru voice turned stern, as he warned, “And guys, whatever you do, don't attack, nor antagonize those three adults.”

Akira then recognized Natsuru's voice, as she turned, and immediately ran towards him.

Before Natsuru knew it, Akira had jumped on top of him, forcing him to fall onto the ground, on his back.

Akira straddled his lower abdomen between her legs, as she leaned down, deeply kissed him on his lips.

Natsuru was so caught in the moment, he did not fight the kiss.

When Akira released her lips from Natsuru's lips, she still had her wild grin. She said, in an excited tone of voice, “Natsuru. It is so great to see you. Let's make babies together. I don't care if I am the mommy, or you are the mommy, or we both are the mommies. I just want to you to screw me all night long.”

The rest them all heard what she said. And as far as they knew, Akira had never been this forward with anyone. They realized that some time between Akira arriving here and them getting here, Akira had went from a fairly sane, if stressed out man, to a hyper-violent, lunatic woman.

Natsuru looked up at Akira's face, as he coyly replied, “You lose the crazy smile, and we will talk about it.”

Akira chirped, “Okay.” Her lips dropped then dropped the slasher smile, to just a slight grin.

Akira then looked down at his body, and notice Natsuru's abdomen, between her legs, was a lot more firmer. She then used her hands to feel his upper arms. Next, she pulled up his shirt, with her hands, from between her legs.

Akira stated, with glee, “Damn Natsuru. You really buffed up. I like it.”

Natsuru requested, “Thank you. You are looking good, yourself. Now, could you please get off me.”

Akira replied, “Sure. I'll give you a little space... For now.” She got off of Natsuru. She then stood up, and walked a few feet away from him.

Natsuru stood up. As he straighten his shirt, he saw that Akira was swaying her hips as she walked away from him.

Akira then stopped, and turned around to face him. She asked, “So Natsuru. How do you like the new bad girl version of me? I am one of the crazy chicks now, and I loving every minute of the experience.”

Natsuru politely said, “It is going to take some getting use too.” He thought, 'Once we get your away from her, and after we stop Hanna. I am going to see if I can help get your mind back to being somewhat sane. But, not while here. This place seems to just bring out the worst in people.'

Akira inquired, “Okay. So, what happened to you? Where and when did you end up?”

Natsuru answered, “I got dumped into the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality, for a couple of years. Less than a day there, I joined the AD Police academy. Then, the AD Police force, itself. I was first in my academy class. And the AD Police is not a bad organization. Great people. It is just the AD Police is under equipped, and has problems from upstairs.”

Akira continued smiling, as she said, “And you are still breathing. I am impressed. Well, I have spent the last few years here, in and around, Roanapur, Thailand.” Her smiled turn lecherous, as she continued, “You would not believe the vices you can indulge in, while here.”

Natsuru gave Akira a weak smile, as he responded, “I will take your word on that. And to be honest, between the two of us, I think I got the better end of the stick.”

Akira laughed, for a few seconds. She then turned around, as she went to retrieve her hat and glasses.


Nearby, Guy looked over at the rest of Raven Unit, as he flatly asked, “What the hell did you do to Akira?”

Along with his usual clothing, Lotton had been wearing his shades for most of the day. He turned to look at Guy, as he answered, “Language child. But, to answer your question, we improved her.”

Lotton thought, 'It is a fair question. So, I will cut this boy some slack. Though, I find it is interesting that these people just suddenly appeared between our boat, and our car, just after we finished cleaning our boat. With us heading to our car. We would have just greeted, and talked to them. But, Akira said she knew them, and that she wanted to handled them. So, Sawyer, Shenhua, and I just watched.'

Guy responded. “Improved? She's insane!”

By then, Akira had retrieved her hat and glasses, as she over heard the conversation. She then stood up straight, and put on her hat and glasses. Next, she turn to face Guy, as she gleefully stated, “Relax kid. It's just that I got a bachelor's degree in being a badass at Roanapur U. I would not recommend the experience to others. Most people don't survive the courses here.”

Guy turned to face Akira, as he snapped, at the blond woman. “Stop joking around. How can you shoot at your friends?”

Akira casually answered, “I was just having fun. I live in the moment now. I no longer worry about the future.”

Guy replied, “You call shooting at people, fun?”

Akira responded, “Of course. You are young. Give it a few years. You will come to appreciated it. By the way, I am glad you found a way to be a boy, again.”

Guy commented, “Thanks. But, that is still no excuse for shooting at us.”


As Akira and Guy argued, nearby, Lotton pulled out a hundred dollar U.S. bill, from a pocket. He handed it to Sawyer.

Sawyer took the bill, and she pocked it. She said, thorough her electrolarynx choker, “See. I told you. Within five years, her friends would one day come for her. Hahaha.”

Lotton continued to look at the new group of strangers, through his glasses, as he softly stated, “It was fun while it lasted.”

Shenhua sadly admitted, “Nothing lasts forever. At least we did have a hell good time. Though, we still might be able to stop her from leaving.”

Lotton quietly said, “No. And you need to pay attention to what they are saying. I recognized the title of the series the man with bright blue hair mentioned. And I think I recognize a few of Akira's friends. I will have to check into this, later.”

“Also, when I relax my eyes, I can actually see some sort of portal near them. I suspect these people are not of this reality. And neither is Akira. I am using my glasses to record this, to review, later. Likely several times. I going to use my computer to clean up the audio-video noise, so I can more clearly listen to the audio track, and read their lips off of the video track.”

Sawyer asked, “And what can we do with this information?”

Lotton softly answered, “Plenty. It is not yet widely known, but since Chang met Akira, he has been quietly bringing in personnel and equipment to a warehouse right outside of town that deals with the research of M-Theory. Even Hotel Moscow probably doesn't fully realize what is going on.”

Lotton thought, 'M-Theory. As in multiverse theory. But, I am not going to use this word, multiverse, in front of possible reality travelers. I don't want them to know that I know about this. This city has taught me that the one thing more important than knowledge, and knowing how to fight. Is to know when to stay quiet, and not fight.'

Shenhua commented, “I did not know that, about Chang.”

Lotton quietly said, “Not many do. I only started to find out, from a few contacts I have, outside of the city. And if I am right about all this, I am going to bring copies of this video, along with my notes about it, to Chang. All of this is to help us get in on the stuff that Chang is doing. That should not be to hard. Shenhua, you directly work for Chang, while Sawyer and I have proven ourselves capable and reliable.

Sawyer compliment, “Good point.”

Shenhua said, “I can go long with that. Still, will Chang be interested in your recordings.”

Lotton softly stated, “Oh. He will. And trust me when I say that we will want in on the stuff Chang is doing.”

Shenhua started to realize the importance of what Lotton was talking about, as she asked, in a more softer tone of voice, “And what stuff is that?”

Lotton smiled, as he quietly answered, “The stuff that dreams are made of. Anyway, we do not want to risk angering such powerful beings... Besides, Akira clearly has her heart set on leaving. We should not stop her.”

In response, the two women each nodded once, in agreement.

Lotton commented, “And besides. Maybe someday we will come visit Akira and her friends in their home reality, on their alternate Earth.”


Several feet away, Ranma walked up to Futaba, and Violin, while she kept an eye on Akira, whom was still arguing with Guy. Ranma whispered, “I know crazy. She is crazy. Do we have to take her back?”

Futaba firmly answered, “Yes. Like you said at the beginning. We dragged her into this. It our responsibility to bring her home. No matter how messed up she is. If need be, we can later get her professional help.”

Ranma halfheartedly replied, “Alright. And I can make a few recommendations. If it comes to that.”

Futaba said, “Good.”


Nearby, Akira and Guy were still arguing, of which Akira was beginning to mentally tire of their discussion.

Akira offered, “Guy. If I promise not to shoot you, or the others, will you shut up.”

Guy crossed his arms over his chest, as he said, “I will consider it a start.”

Akira replied, “Good.”

Akira turned to her three friends from Roanapur. She said, “Well guys. It is time for me to go home. It was fun. Scary fun. Thrilling fun. But, fun, all the same.”

“And that night all four of us had at home, together, was interesting. Also, please let Revy and Rock know I will always remember that time with them on the beach. It was pleasurable, in so many ways.”

Shenhua promised, “We will.”

Lotton said, “Good luck.”

Sawyer requested, “Raise a little hell when you get back home.”

Akira lips curled into a mischievous smile, as she stated, “Don't worry. I will.” Akira then turned to Violin and the gender benders. She stated, “Guys. It is time to leave.”

The others just nodded, as they walked towards the portal.

Akira then turned back to silently look at Lotton, Shenhua, and Sawyer, for a few seconds. She then looked back at the portal, joined the others, by walking through the portal.

A few second later, the portal disappeared.

After the portal closed, Lotton looked over at their nearby car. He then turned to the two women, as he asked, “So ladies, what do you feel like getting to eat? Thai? Chinese? American?”


The group then spent about an hour in the MIB reality, both the group and MIB had talked about where exactly to send them, with in a close time frame to when they left. And everyone agreed that Birdy's ship was the safest place to go. And they would be returned just over a full twenty-four hour day, after they left.

Soon after, they were returned to their own home reality, in the main chamber room of Birdy's spaceship. Which was still orbit around Earth.

Fortunately, before they had originally left to confront Hanna on the tropical island, Birdy had fixed the security system, and the ship would not go into standby mode, when she left.

As the seven people exited the portal, Ranma and Birdy carried some luggage.

Birdy had already changed her shirt to a similar white blouse she had.

As the portal closed behind them, they looked around.

Birdy set down her luggage, she used pulled a hovering holo-screen. She checked the time and date on clock, on the screen, as she said, “Good news. We only just over a day. Like those people said we would.” She then dismissed the holo-screen.

Akira commented, “That is comforting.”

Birdy then stretched her arms, as she commented, “Yes. It is. And it is good to be home.” As she dropped her arms to her sides, she turned to Violin. She said, “Violin. Let me show you where you will be sleeping, tonight.”

Violin just smiled back at her mother.

Birdy then looked at the others, as she stated, “We will talk about our adventures in a few minutes. After I drop are luggage and I show Violin where her bedroom, and where the bathroom is. The rest of you, get what you need done, while we are gone.”

Ranma agreed, “Good idea.”

Akira demanded, “Afterward, we will talk about how we are going to deal with Hanna.”

Birdy picked up her luggage, as she replied, “Yes. I am sure none of us have forgotten her.”

Everyone else, but Violin, either shrugged, or nodded in agreement.

As Birdy, Violin, and Ranma walked out of the room, Akira and Natsuru were standing behind each other.

Akira whispered, “Did you notice that the people that rescued us were like the men in black?”

Natsuru softly replied, “Yes. Definitely the MIB reality. I did not want to say anything, and risk them arresting, and imprisoning us.”

Akira quietly responded, “Same here. And that was a wise decision.”

They both just smiled at each other.

Natsuru asked, “And do you remember what the dog woman said to us?”

Akira said, “Yea. I remember what she said. She did say that the men dressed in black would save us. And she was right about that. And other things.”

Natsuru commented, “Yes. That woman knew a few things.”

Akira stated, “I know. Now, we will soon find out what happened to the others.”

Natsuru inquired, “Do you think we should tell them the truth? About the fictional realities we visited?”

Akira said, “Yes. They have a right to know.”

Natsuru agreed, “Yes. They do. But, we will let it come out, naturally, in conversation?”

Akira stated, “Actually, I would prefer to mention it at the beginning, and get it out of the way. I have some things that they need to hear on the subject, as well. And I don't want to repeat myself.”

Natsuru responded, “Okay. Though, I have a question?”

Akira replied, “Sure.”

Natsuru asked, “Revy. Is she really that crazy?”

Akira answered, “She is actually more crazy.”

Natsuru commented, “I am glad I didn't meet her.”

Akira said, “You would have been fine with me. But, it might be for the best.”

Natsuru inquired, “So, you know her?”

Akira answered, “Yes. Along with the Lagoon Company.”

Natsuru asked, “Did they know about your gender bending?”

Akira replied, “Yes. They took the news fairly well.”

Natsuru questioned, “And did they realize you were a virgin? Both ways?”

Akira coyly responded, “I will get to that later.”

Natsuru replied, “Okay.” He thought, 'I will get her answer, eventually. Though, I have a feeling, Akira is no longer a virgin, either way. Though, I wonder how Akira lost his and her virginities?'

The two gender benders then continued to talk about more trivial matters, until the other returned to the room.


Ten minutes later, everyone gathered back in the main chamber.

Futaba looked at the others, as she thought 'I am the only one that hasn't changed during our trips beyond this reality.'

Birdy asked, “So, who wants to go first? And talk about their adventures in the multiverse?”

Akira said, “Actually, there is a matter on this subject, that I need to tell you all first. Now, I know I am crazy. And what I am about sounds even crazier than I now am. But, given what Natsuru and I have seen, I he will back me up.

“I am not sure how to put this. So, I will just say it straight out. We are all works fiction. We are someone else's creation. We were likely created by humans from other realities, and not just from a single realities. But, across the multiverse. Though, it seems that after our series ended, our lives still continued forward.” Akira turned to Ranma, as she continued, “For example, you know Ken and Ryu? That you like fighting in matches with?”

Ranma nodded, as she replied, “Yes.”

Akira looked around the room, as she went onto say, “Well, they are from a completely different series from you are from. The series they are from is titled, Street Fighter. It is mostly a fighting game franchises. But, the franchise also had anime, manga, and movies, as well.”

Natsuru stated, “Akira is right. I was stuck in a cyberpunk anime, reality for a few years. The title of the anime series I was in, was the Bubblegum Crisis OVAs. And I guess also the AD Police OVAs and mangas. Though, Bubblegum Crash never happened in the reality I was in.”

Akira shrugged, as she commented, “That is no great loss. Bubblegum Crash was just to rushed for me tastes.”

Guy said, “I think you are right, Akira. I was stuck in a reality where magical ponies existed. That place, and the ponies, were exactly like a cartoon series my sister sometimes watched. Though, being there was not that bad for me. In the two months I spent there, with the ponies, the ponies taught me how to change my gender back and forth with by will power I can now do it easily.”

Guy the shifted into a girl. Then, a second later, she shifted back into a boy.

Futaba commented, “I am not going to argue with you, Akira. I spent two months with a group called the MIB. Though, most of that was in a hotel room, with plenty of entertainment, games and movies. While, I waited for them to find a way to rescue you all and return us home. But, it sounds like this revelation was what caused you to finally crack.”

Akira stated, “No. What started me to crack was being tricked into spending an intimate night with Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, all at one time, at Rowan's Jackpot.”

Natsuru's jaw dropped at the bombshell statement. Natsuru looked over at Akira, as he stated, “I do not know envy you, or pity you.” He thought, 'No wonder she wanted to wait, and tell everyone about that. Either way that panned out. It is still worth gloating about.'

Akira turned to him, as she responded, “A little of both would be welcome. Though, it was not rape. They did take their time in getting me going. And you know how much of a sucker I am for beautiful women. Your female form, included.”

Natsuru chuckled a little. He then inquired, “Okay. So, did you lose your virginity in one form or both?”

Akira commented, “After they were done with me, I was in no longer a virgin, in any way, shape, or form.”

Natsuru smiled at Akira, as he said, “I can forgive you.”

Akira returned Natsuru's smile, as she replied, “Thank you.”

Natsuru inquired, “By the way, which Black Lagoon reality were we in? Anime? Or, manga?”

Akira continued smiling, as she stated, “Anime timeline. I checked. Roberta was several injured at that reality, at the end of the Gray Fox incident.”

Natsuru replied, “Interesting.”

Akira then dropped her smile, as she said, “But, we have one problem.”

Natsuru asked, “What is it?”

Akira stated, “Chang, of the Black Lagoon reality, figured out he was in a fictional reality. He already figured it out when Roberta first showed up. All he wanted from me to do was confirm his suspicions. Which I did. Also, knew who I was. He has a private collection, that includes series on almost all of us. Though, I did not see one about Guy, nor Shezow. Though, I think Guy is just still to new for that time period us.”

Natsuru realized the implications of what Akira had just told them. He soberly responded, “Oh hell... Well, there is not much we can do about it now. As long as he doesn't figure out how to travel from one reality, to another reality, we don't have much to worry about, from him. Still, why didn't you tell us, when we are there?”

Akira answered, “I became good friends with Shenhua, Sawyer, Lotton, and the members of Lagoon Company. We would have to gone through them, to get to Chang. And even then. And that is not even Chang's other resources.”

“Of which, Chang might have even asked Balalaika and Hotel Moscow for help. I don't think we could have survived that kind of heat. And even if we did survive. The only way to stop him would be to kill him.”

“And it would have been a Pyrrhic victory for us. The aftermath would be my friends would likely either be dead, or my enemies. Roanapur would have collapsed, without Chang's influence. And most of us would be dead of crippled.”

“It would just not be worth it for us to confront Chang.”

Natsuru conceded, “Good point.”

Akira commented, “Still, I find it wild that while Black Lagoon is a fictional series in our reality. In the Black Lagoon realities, our lives are fiction. I guess the door swings both ways.”

Natsuru agreed, “No arguments there.”

Birdy, on the other hand, was skeptical, as she cut into the conversation, “I find it hard to believe that my life, my world. The entire Federation. Was created by some humans from another reality.”

Natsuru looked over at Akira, as he requested, “Let me take this one.”

Akira replied, “Go ahead.”

Natsuru turned to face Birdy, as he challenged, “Okay. I will prove it to you. Tell us about where you ended up?”

Birdy answered, “When I first arrived in that other reality, the place an island in orbit of Earth. The place was called Neo-Norway.”

Natsuru inquired, “Were there large robots there called, gundams? And was there a tournament for these gundams? To rule the world and the space colonies there?”

Birdy stated, “Yes, on all three counts.”

Natsuru explained, “You were in the G Gundam reality. If you want, we will get you a copy of that series, when we get back to Earth.”

Birdy was clearly annoyed, as she conceded, “Okay. You maybe right. But, at least I took the championship, for the fourteenth gundam tournament.”

Natsuru and Akira said unison, “Cool.”

Akira requested, “You will have to tell us how you beat Domon.”

Birdy replied, “I may tell you later. It is something I don't like to think about.” She mentally added, 'Considering it was that fight were I finally lost what was left of my former selves.'

Ranma said, “Well, not to burst you bubble. But, you are not the only one to have this confirmed. Coop, showed me the entire series about my life. Both the manga and anime series. And it seems the standalone stories from both the manga, and anime, happened to me.”

Akira turned to Ranma, as she inquired, “How did you take seeing your series? In both forms?”

Ranma let out a deep breath. She then commented, “I admit, me watching that my series almost mentally destroyed me. If Coop had not been there to comfort me, I don't know what I would have done. Also, Coop told me about the, world as myth, theory. So, I think you are on the level, Akira. Still, I think you need to have your head examined. Though, given my life, I am not one to talk.”

Natsuru and Akira heard the name Ranma mentioned, as they asked, in unison, “Coop?”

Ranma responded, “Yea. This very nice, blond, heavy set man named, Coop. He has two friends named, Kiva and Jamie. He drives a giant robot with a car for a head. I had a great time with them.”

Natsuru and Akira looked as each other, then back at Ranma.

Natsuru asked, “Was the giant robot named, Megas?”

Ranma replied, “Yea. It was.”

Akira and Narsuru stated, in unison, “Megas XLR! You lucky bitch!”

Ranma cracked a grin, as she said, “I know. Coop was also my boyfriend. And the best part was that was Coop is also a kind man, and I found him to be a great lover in bed.”

Natsuru and Akira's jaws dropped at Ranma's comment.

Ranma just laughed at their reactions.

Futaba stated, “Moving on. Now, that we know where everyone went, and what we really are, we still have to deal with Hanna.”

By then Akira and Natsuru had calmed down.

Akira said, “Well, the plan is simple. I am the one that is taking that bitch down.”

Birdy stated, “Be my guest. Still, who is going to watch Violin, while we fight?”

Futaba replied, “I will. I have the least powers, and abilities, of our group. And I promise I will protect her with my life.”

Birdy turned to Futaba, as she smiled at her smiled. Birdy responded, “I know you will, Futaba.”

Natsuru inquired, “How will we avoid the same fate as before? How did Hanna do that?”

Akira stated, “I was the last one she shoot. She showed me the weapon. It looks like a sci-fi pistol. She called it a reality gun, and she claimed it was part of the federation tech she stole. Also, she is not a person to try the same trick twice. If she knows it won't work. So, I wouldn't worry about that weapon.”

Ranma suggested, “That is nice to know. I think it is best if we just drop right on top of her ship. She will never see it coming.”

Akira complimented, “I like your style, Ranma.”

Ranma smiled at Akira, as she complimented, “And I like your attitude, Akira.”

Akira giggled a little, as Ranma's compliment.

Guy asked, “Birdy, what time is it for Hanna on Earth?”

Birdy stated, “A few minutes ago. When I looked. It was about seven PM, local time for her.”

Guy said, “Okay. Everyone, I know we have been through some strange stuff. I think it might be best if it take the rest of day off and decompress. Get some rest. And deal with Hanna, tomorrow morning, around ten AM for her.”

Birdy seconded the motion, “Good idea.”

Akira looked after at the Guy, as she asked, “When did you suddenly grow up, Guy?”

Guy slyly smiled at Akira, as he answered, “When I got my balls back. And I plan to keeping them.”

Akira cracked a wicked grin, as she stated, “As the voice of experience on the matter. All I have to say is. Good luck. You are going to need it.”

The other gender benders just laughed at Akira's comment.

Birdy inquired, “Okay, everyone get some rest. Same rooms as before. Everyone remember their room?”

Ranma replied, “Yea.”

Akira said, “Of course.”

Guy stated, “I always remember the beds, and bedrooms, that I sleep well in.”

Natsuru commented, “I remember.”

Futaba said, “No problems there.”

Birdy stated, “Good. And tomorrow is going to be a big day.” Birdy looked over at her daughter, as she said, “And it is time to get you something to eat, cleaned up, and off to bed.”

Violin looked up at her mother, as she said, “Yes, mommy.”

The crew then went there separate ways for the evening.


An hour later, in the kitchen area of the spaceship, Natsuru and Akira stood, as they were talking to each other.

Though, Natsuru had taken off his bodyarmor, he was still in his AD Police clothing.

On the other hand, Akira had put her weapons, hat, and glasses up in her room.

Natsuru inquired, “Okay. I will ask the question, straight out. How did you go from being a stressed out boy, to living as a girl?”

Akira giggled. She then coyly answered, “Because girls just have more fun.”

Natsuru sternly replied, “We both know that is a lie.”

Akira let out a breath. She then admitted, “Alright. I'll admit it. I was just tired of just being me. The loser from Tokyo, whom couldn't amount to anything.”

“After, Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer trained me to fight, I realized had become a badass. I saw an opportunity to go in a different direction in my life. Still, I spent most of my down time as a guy.”

Natsuru said, in a comforting tone of voice, “I never thought of you as a loser. You are just someone down on their luck. Akira, look at me.” Natsuru then motioned with his hands, downwardly towards his body, as he continued, “I use to think that being a badass was about power too. It is not. I learned this at the AD Police academy.”

Natsuru help up his right arm, to show his blue bracelet, as he continued, “I did not use this bracelet, nor my girl side, at all during my training. Yet, I buffed myself out as a man, and became a badass.”

“And I did it completely as a guy. I became such a badass that I managed to make top of my class in both academic and field training. You see, Akira, being a badass is about what is in someone's heart. Not what their body, or gender, looks like. If you are a badass as a girl, then you are still a badass as boy. Never forget that.”

Akira smiled, as she replied, “Thank you.”

Natsuru said, “You're welcome. Still, there is just one things that confuses me. You said that Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer trained you. I just don't see Revy getting along with the other two, for any length of time.”

Akira explained, “This was post Blood Trail. The three already had worked together when Roberta handed them their asses on a silver platter. Anyway, the first night I got there, I decided I was screwed, got drunk, and woke up on the couch, belonging to the home of Shenhua, Sawyer, and Lotton.”

Natsuru commented, “Sounds rough.”

Akira shrugged, as she said, “It was not as bad as you think. They are killers, but otherwise nice. Once you get know them. Just as long as you remember to leave the toilet seat down for Shenhua and Sawyer.”

Natsuru could not help but crack a grin, as he questioned, “There is a story behind that comment? Isn't there?”

Akira responded, “Oh yes. I will tell you it, later. Let us just say, I now feel confident that, if I wanted too, I could live full time as a woman. Anyway, after we met Revy, to teach me about guns, Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua made me go shopping, for my female side, and to pick out the costume you see me wearing.”

Natsuru inquired, “Let me guess. They played dress up with you, as if you were a dolly?”

Akira commented, “That is what I like about you, Natsuru. You been playing both sides of the gender field, long enough, to know what to expect. And that is exactly what they did. To be honest, most of what they had meet put on me looked good on my girl side.”

Natsuru complimented, “Akira, anything would look good on you.”

Akira playfully responded, “Natsuru. You are such a tease. Anyway, this went on for a number of hours. And they came to realize that they had similar tastes in clothing, and later on, other areas of interest. They quickly became good friends.”

Natsuru inquired, “Okay. That explains that. So, what happened after you completed your training?”

Akira answered, “After I completed my training, Shenhua, Sawyer, Lotton, and I became a pirate group similar to Lagoon Company, named, Raven Unit.”

Natsuru commented, “You must have kicked a lot of butts.”

Akira responded, “That goes without saying. Still, how will we deal with the way I am now? I like you, and I know you still like me. But, there are now some complications.”

Natsuru inquired, “Such as?”

Akira quietly admitted, “I know I am pretty much crazy, now. But, is there still a chance of us being together? I think we could have had a good thing going together.”

Natsuru just smiled at her. He then stepped up to her, used his arms to dip her back, as he kissed her deeply.

Akira accepted Natsuru's kiss, as she did her best to return the favor.

Half a minute later, Natsuru broke the kiss, as he stepped back a few feet, away from Akira.

Akira remarked, “The first time we kissed, I was the boy, and you the girl. It is wonderful to know the it is just as nice when our genders are reversed.”

Natsuru replied, “Yes. It is nice to know.”

Akira teased, “I guess my two weeks are up. And you forgive keeping me for my blond side a secret?”

Natsuru grinned, as he said, “Of course. After being cut off from everyone and everything else I knew, the only thing that kept me going was thinking about you.”

Akira smiled back at Natsuru, as she replied, “Same here.” She then licked her lips seductively. She stated, “We are going to have so much fun, after we deal with Hanna. Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer didn't just teach me to fight. They taught me so much more.”

Natsuru inquired, “Such as?”

Akira took a few steps, and whispered something in Natsuru's left ear. She then leaned up.

Natsuru turned towards Akira, as he blushed deeply. He said, “We are going to have try doing that, as soon as possible.”

Akira girlishly giggled. She then said, “Though, after we deal with Hanna.”

Natsuru responded, “Fine. As long as you promise not to get killed, or get lost in the multiverse again.”

Akira replied, “I will do my best.”


Around the same time Akira and Natsuru were having their conversation in the kitchen, Birdy had just put Violin to bed, in an unused bedroom right, next to hers.

As Birdy exited her daughter's bedroom, she thought, 'Now, I need to talk to Ranma. Also, I need to check on where everyone else is, so I can talk to Ranma, in private.'

Birdy then went to find Ranma.

Birdy used the computer to find Ranma, she also checked on where everyone else ways. So, she could have some privacy with Ranma.

And a few minutes later, she found Ranma in an empty auxiliary room, of the she.

As Birdy entered the room, and looked at Ranma. She saw that the red headed woman was in the middle of a kata.

Though, a second later, Ranma saw her, as she quickly wrapped up her martial arts exercise.

When Ranma stopped her kata, she immediately walked over to Birdy. As she came to a stop in front of Birdy, she stated, “We need to talk.”

Birdy smiled, as she responded, “I could not agree more. Futaba and Guy are watching TV, in another room. Akira and Natsuru are talking in the kitchen. And Violin is asleep, in a bedroom near my own. So, I think this is the perfect time for us to talk in private.”

Ranma gently asked, “About Violin?”

Birdy plainly stated, “You are not the father.”

Ranma inquired, “Then, who is?”

Birdy answered, “Believe it not, I am. Or, or should I say Tsutomu was. On the night we slept together.”

Ranma responded, “I can sympathize. I have always been worry that might happen to me. That is why, when I have sex as both genders, I make sure I am male when I finally get some sleep. Still, I am sorry about my part in getting you pregnant.”

Birdy said, in a gentle tone of voice, “Ranma, you have nothing to apologize for. You gave us a wonderful night. Never forget that. That night was special for us. With your help, you allow us two lovers in the same body, to physically express our love for each other. Also, the pregnancy was wonderful for both of us. And I love Violin. I see the best of both of us, in her. I would gladly go through it all, again. Even the birth.”

Ranma asked, “As long as your happy. So, how are you two handling the mental fusion?”

Birdy sadly responded, “There is no longer an, us. Just an, I.”

Ranma quietly replied, “Oh.”

Ranma could see Birdy's eyes begin to tear up, as Birdy sadly stated, “For you, it was just several months. For us. We were gone for six years. Our personalities completely merged. Years ago. Roughly almost two years after we slept together. I have changed my name to Birdy Tsutomu Cephon. The only reason I haven't emotionally broke up over this is what happened is that I have to be strong for Violin.”

Ranma could see that this was deeply troubling Birdy. She requested, “Please Birdy, explain to me what is the matter?”

Birdy began to shed tears, as she admitted, “I love the love of my life. Or, the loves of my life, to myself. It is hard to explain.”

Ranma gently said, “Take your time. There is no rush.”

Tears continued to stream down Birdy's face, as she explained, “We, Birdy and Tsutomu, loved each other in a way few will ever feel. We felt each others pleasures. Each others pains. We shared our most intimate thoughts and emotions with each other. We literally touched each other's souls. There were no secrets between us. And we both could feel the other's love for us. It was love in its most purest form. We felt our love stretching all the way to the deepest parts of us.”

“We were two voices that could share our love together. But then, we merged in one lonely voice. And there was silence, and no love felt between the two, when there is only one... Neither of us were narcissists. We wanted to share our love with someone else, not love ourselves.”

Birdy hugged herself, as she continued crying. She said, “And the worst part is, I cannot mourn them as an individual, because I am technically them. Yet, my Birdy side has been mourning for Tsutomu, and my Tsutomu side has been mourning for Birdy. And it just hurts so much.”

Ranma slowly walked closer to Birdy, until she can within a foot of being face to face with her. Ranma kindly suggested, “Maybe it would be easier if you don't think of yourself as Birdy and Tsutomu merged together, but instead you are as much a child of those two lovers, as Violin is.”

Birdy looked at Ranma, as she shook her head. She explained, “I cannot afford to think like that. I have the memories and feelings of both of them. And I still have a child of my own to take care of. Still, the worst part of all this is what I sometimes dream.”

Ranma requested, “Please explain.”

Birdy continued crying, as she stated, “The worst part of this is that even though I have one personality, I think I still have two separate souls. Sometimes when I dream, I dream as both Birdy and Tsutomu, at the same time. And from both points of view, I am constantly kissing and making love to the other. And even though both our genders are constantly shifting, I can still tell which one is Birdy, and which one is Tsutomu. And we are so at happy and at peace with each other. But, soon after, I wake up with only one voice in my head, and it is heartbreaking for me to be ripped from that love and serenity. As I remember how much each side of me cared for the other.”

Ranma gently used her right index and middle fingers to wipe away the tears from Birdy's cheeks.

Ranma suggested, in a comforting tone of voice, “You need to celebrate that both your souls are happy together. That they are intimate with each other in a way that no two other beings in existence have experienced. And though I do not want you to kill yourself, I want you to reflect and realize that when you die, you will be become those two souls, and you will be two voices once more, together for eternity... It is something to look forward to, in the distant future.”

Birdy stopped crying, as she gave Ranma a weak grin.

Ranma then gently hugged her. Birdy kindly returned the hug.

While continuing to hugging, Ranma softly stated, “You need embrace their love, and move on. You need to find someone else to love. In the meantime, you need to go back to your family. They will help you with raising Violin. While giving you the time, opportunity, and space, to sort these problems out.”

Birdy sadly said, “I... Birdy has no extended family to go too.”

Ranma pointed out, “But, I bet Tsutomu has family.”

Birdy sadly stated. “Yes. He does. In Tokyo, Japan. But, they do not know anything that has happened Tsutomu. From the moment Birdy and Tsutomu started sharing a body. Onward. And so much as happened.”

Ranma plead, “Then go to them. Tell them. Show them. They will likely still love and accept you, as their child. And your daughter as their grandchild. If they don't, contact me, and I will help you. And I am sure the rest of us here will help you, as well.”

Birdy let go of their hug, with Ranma doing the same.

Birdy stated, “I will.”

Ranma responded, “Good. And I plan to make sure we all exchange contact information. So, we can keep in touch. Just in case. Should, if any of us need help. We can contact the others for that help.

Birdy agreed, “I like that idea a lot.”

Ranma smiled, as she replied, “I thought you would.”

Birdy and Ranma then talked for a little while longer.

A few hours later, everyone on the ship went to the bedrooms, to sleep for the night.

To Be Continued.


Author's Notes: (For the above scene.)

I found the comment on the Birdy's dreaming of her two souls making love so beautiful and bittersweet, that I openly wept as I wrote that scene.

I hope you felt the same way about reading that scene.


Also, I stated further clues about where I am planning to take this story.


And I really loved the talk among the group, about where they had been, and how they were from a fictional reality. And the places they went to were fictional realities.

Until next time. Have fun.

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