Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 09

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.

Chapter Nine: “Training.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


G Gundam reality, the space colony, Neo-Norway, in orbit around Earth.

It has been nine months since Birdy and Tsutomu had first arrived on space colony of Neo-Norway.

The Neo-Norway government had been gracious hosts in helping them, through their pregnancy. They had even periodically checked on them, and their child, as their daughter slowly grew inside their body. To make sure all parties were healthy.

Presently, Birdy and Tsutomu were in the process of giving birth to their daughter.

Fortunately, the pregnancy itself has not be difficult for Birdy and Tsutomu.

During this time, Birdy and Tsutomu still be able to hide the fact there were two personalities sharing control over their one body.

Though, over the course of those several months, the balance mental fusion had reached a point that they were fully aware of what each thoughts and emotions.

Along, with this, they now completely felt and moved their body at the same time.

They could no longer just take turns, and sit back, as the other drove their body, from the proverbial driver's seat. Now, they were forced to share the driver’s seat, at the same time.

This had been difficult at first, but they were able to quickly adjust.

Still, there had been some benefits to their situation.

They literally shared the joys of being pregnant together, and though the birth was painful, they were deeply emotionally bonding over the share experience.

At the moment, in a private hospital room, Birdy and Tsutomu laid on the inclined bed, with their legs spread apart, doing their best to push their baby out of their body.

They had not screamed once from the pain of labor. Though, they had moaned more than a few times, from their discomfort.

The doctor in front of them said, in japanese, “Just one more push.”

Birdy and Tsutomu lifted up their back, from their bed, as they pushed one more time.

A few seconds later of strain, and Birdy and Tsutomu heard the cries of their new born daughter.

Birdy and Tsutomu laid on their body back in relief.

Soon after, the doctor proclaimed that their child was a health baby girl, with the doctor cutting the cord. They would still have to deal with the afterbirth, but that was a minor concern, compared to what had just transpired.

Their daughter was then wrapped in a small blanket, and given to their mother, or mothers.

As Birdy and Tsutomu laid in bed, holding her new born daughter in their arms, Birdy softly said, “She is so beautiful.”

Tsutomu mentally responded, 'Yes, my love. She is. Just like her mother.'

Birdy mentally quipped, 'Don't you mean mothers? You have been right there with me, in this body, during the whole conception, to pregnancy, to birth. You are just as much her mother, as I am.'

Tsutomu mentally giggled, as she admitted, “Yes. I guess you are right. Now Birdy, I know what name you want to give her. Please, go ahead. I fully support you using that name.'

Birdy mentally replied, 'Thank you, Tsutomu.' She then look down at their child, as she said, out loud, “Hello there, Violin.”

For their daughter was named after the person whom raised Birdy as a child. And for Birdy and Tsutomu, this was one of the best days of their lives.


The Black Lagoon reality.

It was mid-afternoon in Rounapur, Thailand. It had taken Revy twenty minutes of driving, to drop Shenhua and Sawyer back a their home, and then return to Lagoon company headquarters, with Akira.

When they had dropped Shenhua and Sawyer off, they had also left most of what was bought for Akira. Save for her weapons, and one can of three fifty-seven ammo.

After Revy had parked Lagoon's red car in front of Lagoon company headquarters, by the watery bay.

Revy then ended her place of work, and she picked up a few empty beer cans from a nearby trash can, and she then headed back outside, to where Akira was waiting for her, by the red car.

Currently, Revy was leading Akira to where she wanted Akira to do some target practice.

Now that Akira had some pistols, Revy could learn how good a shot Akira already was.

They were on the opposite side of the front entrance to the Lagoon company headquarters, near the docks.

Revy had place the two empty cans of beer she had, on top of a small cardboard box. The box was front of a six foot high berm made of sandbags Revy had made behind the building, for those times she wanted to do some target practice.

The reason Revy made the berm out of sandbags was so that if anyone can to ask about the sandbags, Revy could use the excuse that the sandbags were there, in case Lagoon Company needed them to help protect their building, during storms, when the waves that broke over the harbor.

Revy and Akira are standing around thirty feet from the two beer cans. Directly in front of them, behind the cardboard box, and dirt berm, was the watery cove outside of Roanapur.

Meanwhile, Akira had taken the ammo box with her, from the car, and she had loaded both her peacemaker revolvers, with six bullets. With her weapons back in her side holsters.

Revy stood beside Akira, to Akira's right side, as she ordered, in english, “I want you to show me what you got. And as I said before. You better not disappoint me.”

Akira turned to Revy, as she replied, in english, “Okay.” She then turned back to look at the two beers cans, which were her targets.

In two dual fluid motions, Akira quickly pulled out both her revolvers, as she fired, each revolver was pointed at the can in front of the barrel of said revolver.

The first shot, from each revolver, sent the cans straight up into the air. Akira's gunfire kept both cans in the air, until she ran out of bullets, and Revy heard clicking sounds from the two empty pistols.

As the cans dropped down to the ground, between the cardboard box, and the sandbags, Revy whistled in astonishment.

Revy turned to Akira, to see the blond woman hostler her revolvers. She turned to Revy, as she casually asked, “How was that?”

Revy complimented, “Not bad. You have clearly have had some practice with pistols. And you have some potential that we can work with. But, you need to keep count of the bullets you use. If someone you are fighting hears your guns click. They know you are out of ammo. And you are likely screwed.”

“Also, Shenhua and Sawyer said you still need to work on your agility, and hand to hand combat skills. I will help with that by teaching you how to much gun play can work with hand to hand, while on the move. And how you can dodge, and weave around a battlefield, without losing your balance, nor getting shot.”

“Along with that, the girls said you need some strength and endurance training. I have some ideas that the two will probably love to help with, that will make you a better fighter. Especially, increasing your agility.”

Akira commented, “That is nice.”

Revy inquired, “By the way, where did you get the idea to learn to shoot like that? It is like something that me or Chang would do.”

Akira thought, 'That is because I got the idea from you, Chang, and Roberta. But, if I tell you that, I will likely be dead within the hour. If, I am lucky.'

Revy decided to just guess for Akira, as she asked, “Spike, from the Cowboy Bebop anime series?”

Akira just looked over at her.

Revy shrugged, as she said, “Rock has some interesting tastes in fiction. The english dub for that series isn't bad. And most of the music in it is okay.”

Akira thought, 'Well, that explains who picked out the Faye costume. Though, it might be best to drop the anime interest angle. I do not want to give Revy any more ideas. Still, I might as well agree with her, and move on.'

Akira lied, “Yes. Spike, from Cowboy Bebop.”

Revy stated, “Figures. Though, unlike Spike, I have no interest mixing grenades with my fighting. I have seen first hand how grenades can be used against you.”

Akira thought, 'Yea. At the beginning of episode eleven, when Chang kicked the grenade, some terrorists threw at you two, right back at them.'

Akira said, “Trust me. I know better than to mess with live grenades.”

Revy responded, “Good. Now, I am going to take you home. I want you to be well rested, so you can be ready, and here, by eight AM tomorrow. Because, your real training starts then. Don't be late. And let Shenhua and Sawyer know, I want them to come too. After the day we just had with them, I would love to spend some more time with them.”

Akira thought, with worry, and a bit sarcasm, 'Just great. My being here has gotten three of the four most dangerous women in this city to form their own bad girls club. How the hell did that happen?'

Akira calmly stated, “I will inform them.”

Revy smirked, as she commented, “By the time we are done with you, my sexy blond beauty, you are going to become a badass bitch, in the gallery of badasses in this city. And I am not going to let you die in the process. You won't get off that easy in Revy's school of hard knocks.”

The crazy look that Revy's eyes gave Akira, caused the blond to be even more worried than before.

Akira then picked up her ammo box, as she walked back, with Revy, to the Lagoon's red car, so Revy could take her back to her new home.


Author's Note: If you wish to get the most out of reading the below training montage, I suggest listening, in a loop, to the Rocky IV Training Montage piece of music. I prefer the, 97 Till All Are One Concert, version of the Training Montage piece, with the piano intro, as a lead in. But, the original Training Montage music piece will work just as well.


G Gundam reality, Neo-Norway.

It has been a week since Birdy and Tsutomu had given birth to Violin. And their body had already fully recovered from the pregnancy.

Though, given the situation they were in, they decided to stay in Birdy's female form.

Presently, it was early morning inside Birdy and Tsutomu's apartment, the alarm blared in their bedroom, waking them up in Birdy's body.

Birdy and Tsutomu got up from their bed, as they wore their silk nightgown.

They immediately walked over to the crib, and looked down at their infant daughter, Violin.

Tsutomu thought, 'Remember. We are doing this for her, and her future. And they will take care of her while we train.'

Birdy replied, in thought, 'I know.'

Tsutomu mentally stated, 'I say we win the whole damn thing for her.'

Birdy agreed, in thought, “That is best reason I ever heard for winning a contest.”

They then went to get ready for the day ahead.


Bubblegum Crisis reality, MegaTokyo.

It was early morning in AD Police Academy barracks, the light suddenly came on.

The instructor yelled, “All right gentlemen! It is time to get up!”

Natsuru instantly awoke.

It has been a week since Leon had dropped Natsuru off, that night, at the AD Police Academy, in MegaTokyo. With Leon then helping Natsuru sign up for the academy. Once they were done, Leon which Natsuru lucky, and he then left, while one of the officials at the academy lead Natsuru to the barracks, where he would be sleeping.

Natsuru had then spent the rest of the week doing classroom courses, which he was acing, as background checks were still be performed.

Natsuru had chose to remain male for the duration of his training. And while there were a few questions about the blue bracelet on his right wrist. But, when it became apparent that he could not remove it, the administration to the academy let it slide.

Now, the background checks were done, and all the cadets were informed yesterday that this was the first day of hard training.

Besides wanting to hide his gender bending abilities from the others, one of the other reasons that Natsuru chose to take the AD Police job as a man, was because he wanted to be in the field. Not behind a desk, like it seemed most of the AD Police women were assigned too.

Also, while Natsuru would have liked to have changed back to his female form, a couple of times, in secret, living so closely with other men prevented him from changing into a girl for a solid week.

As Natsuru got up from his bed, he noticed with his right hand, that for the first time in years, he had grown facial hair.

He immediately went into the cleaning area with the other men to shave, and get cleaned up, to face the day.

After shaving, Natsuru noticed he had nicked himself several times in the face. Though, the small cuts would heal within a few minutes.

As Natsuru looked at himself in the mirror, the minor injuries made him mentally realize, 'Akira was right. If we don't do it every so often, we gender benders do get out of practice with shaving our faces. And if this is any sign. It is likely going to be a very long day.'


Black Lagoon reality.

It was early morning inside Shenhua's apartment, in Akira's bedroom, his alarm went off. He immediately turned it off, as he got out of bed.

Akira yawned, as he said, out loud, “Well, this is the big day. Might as well not keep the girls waiting.”

He the looked down at the clothing he had laid out to wear for today, in a nearby chair, in his bedroom.

The clothing was the cowgirl outfit and weapons the girls had picked out for her, that day before. The weapons including her two loaded three fifty-seven magnum peacemaker revolvers, and her two eighteen twenty-seven Russian pioneer short swords, which she began to think of as her long knives. There was also spare bullets in the loops of her gunbelt, and the pockets of her outfit.

Akira got ready to face the day, had some breakfast with the others in the home, sneezed, and she then put on the outfit and weapons. The only thing she was leaving behind was her, cowgirl hat, her sunglasses, and good chuck of the psychological part of her manhood.


Natsuru was on the circular track of the academy field with the other cadets. He was barely able to keep up.


Akira was running along the car that Revy was driving, with Shenhua riding shotgun, and Sawyer right behind Shenhua.

They were parallel to the harbor, with the harbor to Akira's right, and Akira was already out of breath.


Birdy-Tsutomu listened in the class room as the scientists explain the mobile trace system, mobile fighters, the gundam tournament rules. Along with the tactics and techniques needed to fight other gundam fighters, and win.


Natsuru listen to his instructors, as they gave him courses on everything from proper police tactics, to human and boomer anatomies, and how to take either down, to ethics, due process, and the rights that people had.


In an empty warehouse, by the harbor, Akira listened to Sawyer, as she explained the parts of the human anatomy, how to make the most out of each attack, what happens to that part when it is damaged, and how the damage effects the human body, as a whole. Also, Sawyer instructed her on how to behave when, dealing with those of the city, as either a man, or woman. And what was expected of Akira, in either gender.


Natsuru was in the AD Police Academy gym, he was barely able to bench press fifty pounds in his male form, with a barbell and weights.


Akira was in the Lagoon Company's warehouse, as she move small boxes of cargo as fast as she could, while Revy watched. But, for Akira, it was a slow and tiring exercise.


Birdy-Tsutomu stood in a standard mobile fighter's cockpit, allowed the system to suit them up.

Then, after all the start up procedures were completed, they struggled to get the mobile fighter to properly move.


Akira watched as Revy and Shenhua sparred with each other hand to hand, to show Akira how to properly fight. While they were simply sparing, with no intent of seriously harming the other. After they finished sparring, they taught Akira some dirty fighting techniques.


In the AD Police Academy, on the matted floor, Natsuru, watched and listened, as the instructors taught the hand to hand combat, and how to fight with a combat knife.


Birdy-Tsutomu got their mobile fighter to walk.


Natsuru was at the AD Police Academy firing ranged, and he barely even hit his target with the sub-machine gun in his hands.


Birdy-Tsutomu fired the mobile fighter's head mounted machine guns, and they completely missed the stationary target.


Outside, by the harbor, Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, were with Akira. Akira had a revolver in her right hand, and a long knife in her left hand.

The three women threw fruit by her, as Akira moved around a tried to shoot or slice the fruit, away from the three other women. Akira missed every piece of fruit, until Revy threw a melon directly at Akira's head, with the fruit splattering in Akira's face.


In the AD Police academy gym, Natsuru was sparring with an instructor, and he was thrown onto his back, on the matted floor.


Akira sparred with Revy outside, and she soon found herself with her back on the ground.


Birdy-Tsutomu were sparring in their mobile fighter, with an instructor, in another mobile fighter. Their mobile fighter was soon thrown to the ground, on its back.


Natsuru was introduced to his AD Police full combat armor, mask, and helmet. As he, and his fellow students, were made to run while wearing the armor, on the circular track around the academy field.

Natsuru soon tripped, and fell on his masked face.


Revy slowly drove her red car, down the concrete of the Roanapur harbor, as she, Shenhua and Sawyer, watched Akira, from their moving vehicle.

Akira was not on the harbor. Instead, she was jumping, as fast as she could, from moored small boat to another moored small boat, by a part of the harbor, where there were no docks. Akira continued to do this, until she miscalculated her jump and landed straight into the water, between two of the boats.


Birdy-Tsutomu ran their mobile fighter up uneven ground of a hill, and they tripped forward with their mobile fighter.


As Natsuru lifted his head, Akira broke the surface of the water, Birdy-Tsutomu pushed their mobile fighter up, all four thought, 'I'm/We're not giving up!'


Natsuru got up, and he started running.


Akira climbed out of the water, and onto a boat. She then quickly restarted jumping from boat to boat.


Birdy-Tsutomu made their mobile fighter stand up, and they redoubled their efforts to make it up the hill.


The muscles of Akira's body had toned up, as Revy watched Akira swiftly move the small crates at Lagoon Company's warehouse with ease.


At AD Police Academy gym, Natsuru was doing reps, by bench pressing a hundred pounds, from the circular weights on the barbell, like they were nothing. He stood shirtless, to show off, to everyone present, his buffed up abs and body.


Birdy-Tsutomu joyfully did a cartwheel with their mobile fighter.


Natsuru outpaced the other cadets on the circular track, while all of them were in full bodyarmor.


Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer watched in amazement, from Revy's car, as Akira swiftly jumped from boat to boat, with ease.


Birdy-Tsutomu took long, graceful strides, up the uneven hill, with their mobile fighter, while easily maintaining their balance.


On the AD Police academy firing range, Natsuru used his sub-machine gun to hit his target dead center, with every shot.


Outside, by the harbor, Akira moved around, she easily shot, or sliced, the fruit that the three women thrown at her, whom not shooting in the direction of the three women.


Birdy-Tsutomu easily the head mounted guns on their mobile fighter's head, to shot all their moving targets.


At AD Police academy gym, Natsuru threw his instructor onto his back, on the matted floor.


Outside, by the harbor, Akira threw Revy onto her back, on the ground.


Birdy-Tsutomu used their mobile fighter to throw the instructor's mobile fighter onto its back.


At the AD Police academy, Natsuru, in full AD Police armor, with a sheathed combat knife, and sub-machine gun in his hands, ran the training simulator. He shot every boomer cardboard target, while not firing on the civilian, nor cop cardboard stand ups. Except for the last cardboard boomer target, which he ran out of ammo, and he quickly let go of his sub-machine gun with his right hand. He unsheathed his combat knife, as he used his combat knife to stabbed the cardboard boomer in right side of its neck.

When Natsuru looked up, he saw he got a prefect score, as both his fellow cadets, and the instructors, cheered him for his achievement.

Natsuru realized he had just passed the final test to become a AD Police officer.

In response, Natsuru sheathed his knife, and he pointed the barrel of his firearm away from the others, as he gracefully bowed, towards them, in his armor.

As Natsuru leaned back up, he realized, in thought, 'Between this score, and the grades from my course work. I am going to graduate at the top of my class. And that is not a bad way to start my new job, as an AD Police officer.'


Birdy-Tsutomu quickly fought off and easily destroyed the dozen mobile fighter drones that attacked their mobile fighter.

After Birdy-Tsutomu realized they had passed their final test, they used their mobile fighter to jump up and down. They then did a back-flip, and they joyfully jump up and down some more.


As Akira jumped from boat to boat, she held a revolver in each hand. Revy drove her car beside Akira, with the right passenger side of the car facing Akira. Shenhua was in the front passenger seat, and Sawyer behind Shenhua, in the back seat. Shenhua and Sawyer had their windows rolled down, as they look at Akira, while they threw fruit at her.

Akira continued jumping from boat to boat with no trouble at all, as used her pistols to shoot every fruit she saw.

Akira kept count of the number of rounds she had used. Without making any clicking sounds, that would show empty revolvers. When she ran out of bullets, she quickly holstered her pistols, and pulled out her long knives. She used her knives to slice through the remaining pieces of fruit, as she ran out of boats, and jumped back on the harbor.

As Akira quickly cleaned, and sheathed her long knives, she looked back towards the boats, and she realized what she had just done.

Akira's sole thought was, 'Oh my god! I have just become a badass!”

Akira began dancing, as she joyfully shouted, “Yes!”

Meanwhile, Revy came to a stop by Akira. With Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer and getting out of the car.

Sawyer leaned her back on the car, as she, Shenhua, and Revy looked over at Akira, as they clapped, as a form of praise, for the achievement Akira had just accomplished.

Revy said, “Nice. But, your training isn't over yet.”

Akira immediately stopped dancing, as she turned to the three women. She whined, “Ah, damn!”

The three other women just laughed at Akira response.


Later, that night, when Akira, Shenhua, and Sawyer, returned to the home they shared with Lotton.

Akira shut her bedroom door behind her her. She then fell onto her bed, on her back, to tired, and sore, to do anything, even resting.

Akira thought, 'This daily training regiment is becoming exhaustive. And since Revy mentioned today, that Lagoon Company had no jobs lined up, my training will continue under Shenhua, Sawyer, and Revy.'

'But, the cost. Today, right after that perfect run across the boats, with the fruits, the girls decided to take me down a notch, by teaching me, first hand, how sensitive the female body can be. With Revy using my breasts as punching bags. Then, Revy topped herself with a swift upward kick. Even though it is not as painful as a man, getting kicked in the groin as a girl still hurts. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Shenhua just enjoyed the show.'

'This is the reason I won't change into a guy right now. Since I have learned the hardway that injury and soreness carry over to the gender equivalents parts of my body. ANd I am not sure which would hurt worse, my breasts now, or my balls later.'

'I use to think I knew what truly crazy chicks were like. And I see now that I was completely wrong. These girls are a whole new level crazy. The Black Lagoon anime and manga series are like a pg-13 rated series in dealing with characters, that if shown uncensored, would rate at least a hard X rating.'

'My knowledge of the Black Lagoon series is the only thing that has kept me alive so far. But, only by the skin of my teeth. And I don't know how much more of this I can take, until I start to crack.'

'The worst part is all three of my sadistic teachers are slave drivers. They keep me so busy that I can barely stand in the evening. And I am starting to get worried that I won't have time to search for a way to get home, and help rescue the guys.'

'I don't dare ask for help here, nor tell anyone the truth about me. They would learn everything they can from me, and then kill me. If I am lucky. Fortunately, the only real details these people have on me is that I am from Japan.'

'And they could care less about the rest of my life, because they are just having to much fun training me. My only hope is for one of the others comes to rescue me. I am not sure about the risk, but I know that Natsuru won't abandon me.'

Her eyes wondered over to a large gym bag by her bed.

Akira thought, 'My bug out bag. In case all hell breaks loose, and I needed to leave on short notice. It has all the supplies and changes of clothes I need for a week. In my case, for either gender. Everyone in the house has one. Even the members of Lagoon Company each have one. It is insurance that none of us hope to ever need. I dare not use it in this case. I am sure the girls would find me within a week. I am just going to see this situation through, to the end.'


The next morning, outside Lagoon Headquarters, Akira sparred with Revy, as Shenhua and Sawyer watched.

As one of Revy's punches connected to Akira jaw, Akira thought, 'I remember there was a time when a single hit like that would have waylaid me. Now, I just keep going, and hit right back. So, I know that not only am I becoming a better overall fighter, but I am also getting physically, and mentally, tougher, as well.'

Akira then returned Revy's blow, with one of her own.

As they traded punches, Akira finally asked Revy, “Revy. I get why Sawyer and Shenhua are training me. But, why are you kicking my ass?”

Revy said to her, as she hit back, “I want to make you fight like me. And to think like me.”

Akira thought, 'Okay. That is worth stopping this fight. To get answers.'

Akira immediately took a stop back from Revy, signaling the fight was over. Revy stopped fighting, as well.

Revy thought, 'Well, it looks like my new toy wants to talk. So, I will let her.'

Akira questioned, “Why do you want me to be like you?”

Revy casually answered, “If that bitch maid can create a little miss badass mini-me version of herself, then so can I.”

While Akira remained calm on the outside, she mentally worried, in thought, 'Oh no. She is still envious of Roberta. And like Roberta teaching Fabiola to be like her, without the bloodlust. Revy wants to do the same with me. Only, Revy clearly wants me to have a similar bloodlust as she sometimes gets. Now, that is a scary thought. And I refuse to allow these women to turn me into, the blond bitch from hell... Even as cool as that term sounds.'

'I intend to maintain my mind, sanity, and soul, during my stay here. Though, I feel it will be an uphill battle.'

Akira calmly requested, “Revy, please. Let's not go too far.”

Revy suddenly walked over to Akira, to where they stood nose to nose, with less than an inch between the two women's faces. Revy's lips curled into a slasher grin, as she stated, “There is no such thing as too far. I even plan to teach you how to screw like me.”

Akira took a few steps back from Revy, as she silently prayed. 'Oh lord. Please help me. I have fallen into hell, and I cannot get out.'

In response to Akira's reaction, Revy started manically laughing, as did Shenhua and Sawyer, both of whom had heard Akira and Revy's entire conversation.

To Be Continued.


Author's Notes:

On the birth of Birdy and Tsutomu's daughter. It makes sense that they would name their daughter after Violin. The female android that raised Birdy, as a child. And gave her life to protect Birdy.

And young Violin is not just thrown into the story, as a second thought. She is very important to the overall plot, as well. You will start seeing clues about her importance in the coming chapters.


Now, for the training scenes.

I really enjoyed writing these training scenes, and having them weaved together. They were all so different, but interesting.

I do not like it when a story implies that a character is a badass. I like it went characters are shown to be badasses. And being trained to be a badass is one of the best ways to show that the character has becoming a badass. Or, is already a badass, but is learning skills that he or she did not know before. Such as Birdy and Tsutomu becoming gundam fighter.

This chapter gave me the chance to show what a gundam fighter's training is probably like.

And when it comes to the AD Police. While the AD Police are all but cannon fodder against combat boomers. That is mostly due to their equipment lacking in battle, and not their training.

If you look at Bubblegum Crisis OVAs, and the AD Police OVAs, you can see that the AD Police are very professional, and well organized. This can only come from proper training, beforehand.

And I only made Natsuru the top of his class, because he really wanted to do his best.

When it came to Akira's training. These scenes gave me a chance to get into the minds of Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, in a good way. And figure out how they would work together in training someone. With their training being as varied as their skills, and their methods becoming completely off the wall. Along with being interesting and entertaining scenes.

Though, Akira's training was serious, with Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer's teaching skills showing results. And the pride of those three hired killers have would not allow them to do anything else, than make Akira into a solid, well round, badass, in battle. Which that being what has happened.

Also, Revy has been shown to be jealous of others. Along with her rivalry with Roberta. It would make sense, if the opportunity presented itself, that she would to take on a worthy student, to mold into a similar version as herself. Like how Roberta took on Fabiola as a student. I know that is a scary thought. But, given Revy's personality, it makes sense.

And with the training scenes done for Akira, Natsuru, Birdy and Tsutomu, I can move on with their stories.


On the budding friendships between Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer.

When I first read the manga, and later saw the anime, of Roberta's Blood Trail, Season Three of Black Lagoon, dealing with the scenes of where Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer were working together, and talking to each other. Instead of trying to kill each other. I thought it was an interesting idea to having those three work together, again.

Though, I did not truly appreciate the idea until I wrote this story, and I found that the dynamics of those three playing off of each other worked so fluidly.

It is a classic female trio, with a crazy, violent twist.

Revy is the tomboy, Shenhua is the girly girl, and Sawyer is the shy girl. And coming from that point of view, writing about them together as being friends came naturally.

While it is clear that by the time the Blood Trial happens, Shenhua and Sawyer are good friends. Considering they sleep in the same home. There are also some subtle hints in the Blood Trail that Revy has a friendship with Shenhua.

In the Blood Trail, it is shown Revy dialing Shenhua's home phone number by heart. Revy does not have the greatest memory in the world. She would have had to have dialed that phone number a few times for her to still remember it.

My theory is that in episode eleven, when Shenhua and Revy first met. They hit is off well. The insults being more playful, than anything. They found they worked well together, and they could stand being in each others company, as friends. After that mission was over, Revy and Shenhua swap phone numbers, and they stayed in touch. With them being friends. Though, likely not close friends.

And during the Greenback Jane arc, the two of them had a falling out over Shenhua trying to kill Revy.

But, some of their former friendship is still there, because Shenhua was willing to take a job against the Bloodhound, for Revy.

Shenhua is no fool. From her own contacts in Chang's organization, she would know that Balalaika and Chang were concerned with the Bloodhound. And most of rest of the city were scared out of their minds over the maid. And here is Revy, offering Shenhua a challenge, worthy of her skills.

So, there is still hope for their friendship.

And for Sawyer, being with Revy is nice, because, in such a situation, given Sawyer is the Cleaner, with Revy around, Sawyer is not considered the craziest person in their group.

Along with this, throwing Akira into the mix is just so much fun.

And this is the tip of the iceberg of what I have planned for these four.

Let me put it this way. By the time Akira leaves Roanapur, his/her karmic debt will be wiped clean, if not his/her sanity, as well.


Now, on the matter of Revy being a fan of Cowboy Bebop, and Spike Spiegel. It makes sense on several levels.

Cowboy Bebop came on during the late 1990's in Japan. But, as a minor spoiler, later in the series, due to a few story reasons, with some evidence to back it up the plot points on this, fictional series in the Black Lagoon reality came out earlier than in our reality. So, just go with it.

Rock would likely introduce Revy to the Cowboy Bebop series for a few reasons.

Rock would know that Revy is a big fan of the Wild Bunch movie, and likely other action western movies. And Revy would have to be a fan of the Wild Bunch movie because she cared enough about the movie to remember one actors from that movie, William Holden. And she even compared that actor to Rock.

In the beginning of episode ten of the Black Lagoon series showed the Revy has a poster of movie, The Wild Bunch, in her bedroom, to the right of the door to leading out of her bedroom, and into the hallway.

And while the poster is misspelled, The Wild Punch. The poster is almost identical to the movie poster of, The Wild Bunch, film.

Cowboy Bebop is pretty much sci-fi western, with good jazz and blues music.

Revy would like that Spike because he sometimes used two guns at once. Spike was greedy, but not a jerk. And underneath Spike's cheerful attitude is a vicious animal. As such, she can relate to him.

Finally, there is are a couple of nods from Revy in the Black Lagoon series about Spike, from Cowboy Bebop.

In episode sixteen of Black Lagoon, when Eda and Revy are talking about what gun Jesus would use, Revy suggests that he would use a Jericho nine forty-one FBL semi-automatic pistol.

The Jericho nine forty-one pistol is Spike Spiegel's weapon of choice. And if a badass like Spike considers that to be a good enough weapon for him, it would make sense that Revy would suggest that as the weapon of choice for the person in question, that she and Eda were talking about, in that episode.

And at the end of episode twenty-four, the end of season two of the Black Lagoon series, Revy does her personal interpretation of Spike's famous 'bang' quote, at the very end of the episode. But, she does it in jest, in front of her friend, Eda, like a fan quoting a movie, or series.

And it would not be the first time that series has quoted a line from a movie, or series. Such as the Star Wars quote, 'may the force be with you'.

Hell, that 'bang' comment, is even the last line of that episode.

And those two final scenes, after the credits, of episode twenty-four, are anime only. They were not in the manga.

So, yea folks. Revy is an anime fan. And she has good taste in anime. And that just cranks up the insanity one more notch, higher. Hehehehehe...

Until next time. Have a great day.

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