Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.
Chapter Seventeen: “The Passionate One.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
It was a sunny warm day on a tropical island, on Earth. On the island, it was two minutes till ten AM, in the morning, local time, as a mini-wormhole opened up on the beach.
Futaba, who was a girl, and Violin walked out of the portal.
Soon after, the mini-wormhole closed behind them.
Both were wearing shorts and loose t-shirts, along with sandals.
Futaba thought, 'Too bad we cannot stay on the spaceship. But, I agree with Birdy the morning. Given the way the security system is set up on her ship, among us, long she can run the ship. If something happened to here. We would have no way to get off. So, we are here.'
'Still, if something happens to the others, or a several hours pass by, we will walk along the beach, to the other western side of the island, where the town is. And there we will get some help.'
'Though, that is plan, B, for us. And I have complete faith that the others will accomplish the mission. Once that is done, they will come and get us.'
Futaba turned to Violin, as she asked, “Just curious. Do you know how to swim?”
Violin answered, “Yes. Mommy taught me how, a year ago.”
Futaba inquired, “Did you mother also teach you how to build a sand castle?”
Violin asked, “What is a sand castle?”
Futaba smiled, as she answered, “A very fun thing that you can create from sand. I will teach you how to make one.” She thought, 'That will help kill some time, and take both our minds off the situation.'
Then, to pass time, Futaba taught Violin how to build a sand castle, with her hands.
At as exactly ten AM sharp, a mini-wormhole opened up north of the southeastern beach of the island. With the mini-wormhole opening a few inches above the top of Hanna Solas' cargo spaceship, which was parked on the island, and several feet below the holographic camouflage system that Hanna used to hide her large space freighter from Earth's spy satellites.
Seconds later, the five heroes came out of the portal, in a surprise attack.
Birdy was in her federation uniform.
Guy was a boy, though he was in his Shezow costume.
Akira was a woman in her cowgirl outfit, with weapons, sunglasses, and cowgirl hat.
Natsuru was a woman, in her white and black seifuku.
Ranma was a woman, in red chinese style clothing, and she was wearing her golden bracers.
Without warnings, robots started popping out of the top hatches of the ship, and they started attack the intruders. With the hatches closing and locking, behind the robots. The robots were just the simple robots with only blades for arms.
As the group fought the robots, the group talked to each other.
Natsuru dodged a slice from over the robots arm blades. She quickly threw a fireball at it, causing it to explode. She commented, “The robots must using automated defense programs.”
Guy punched two of the robots with his superstrength, destroying them. He stated, “Good. That means that they are not being remotely guided. And they only reacting to the situation.”
Ranma used a well placed kick to decapitate a robot. She said, “It is a sure guess that if Hanna does not know we are here, she will very soon.”
Birdy crushed a robot with her hands, as she commented, “Given how large this ship is, we are going to have to split up to find her.”
Ranma fired a ki blast that destroyed two robots, as she stated, “At these we know where we are going.”
Birdy kicked a robot in the chest, shattering the robot. She responded, “True. Hanna made a big mistake letting us spend time on her ship. Still, how do you think we should group up?”
Natsuru destroyed to more robots with her fire, as she stated, “We will go in pairs.”
Akira had revolver in her right hand, and a long knife in her left hand. She sliced through on of the robots that got to close, while shooting two of the robots in the head, causing them to fall down, deactivated. She said, “That works for me. I will be the odd woman out, and look for Hanna alone.”
A minute later, the attacking robots were destroyed. Akira reloaded her weapons, as Birdy ripped open one of the main top hatches.
The group then used the hatch that Birdy had opened, to enter the ship.
In the cockpit of the ship, Hanna was in her brown crop top and brown running shorts, as she watched the videos feeds of what was happening atop her ship. With her security robots being destroyed, and the attackers were making their way into her ship.
Hanna immediately jumped up from her seat, as she put on her bluesteel colored powerarmor and helmet. Which she kept in a hidden compartment in the cockpit.
Though, due to the limited time she had, she let her blond hair hang out the back of her helmet.
As she had her helmet visor's heads up display boot up her powersuit, she thought,' Damn! They are back with a vengeance, and they are clearly tougher than before. I should have known they would not stay gone for good.'
'Along with this, I miscalculated. Most of my robots are in the surrounding jungle, not inside the ship. Also, I don't have interior, on board, wall lasers on this ship, because I was worried someone might hack them, and use them against me. So, I will have to deal with them, alone.'
'And this all happened, just when I had just finalized my first negotiations with one of the governments of this world, by phone, only a few minutes ago.'
'Though, I know am going need some more firepower if I wish to stand a chance against them. And I know just where to get some more firepower.'
As her visor let her know her powerarmor was ready to use, she looked over at the reality gun, which was sitting on a panel by her.
Hanna walked over the panel, and she grabbed the reality gun with her right gloved hand, as she thought, 'Just in case. I don't like using the same trick twice. But, at the very least, it will buy me time.'
Hanna then quickly made her way out of the cockpit, and to the nearest cargo bay, which she knew held a few more powerful weapons to do with the intruders.
When she reached the cargo bay, she walked inside the room, as she hit a panel to turn on the ceiling lights, in the room. When she had walked twenty feet within the room, she heard a woman say, from behind her, “I knew this is where you would go. Nearest cargo bay to the cockpit, and all the wonderful weapons in it.”
Hanna turned around, she saw a woman standing in the shadows of the room, which were cast by the stacked cargo containers around them.
What Hanna could make out was that the woman had blond hair, and she was wearing a cowgirl outfit, a cowgirl hat, shades, a gun belt, and straps for holding some weapons on her back. The woman had a revolver in her right hand and a long knife in her left hand.
Also, through the shadows, Hanna could tell the woman had a slasher smile on her face.
Before Hanna could react, the woman shot the reality gun she was holding out of her right gloved hand. The reality gun skidded along the metal floor away from the both of them, and further into the room.
Hanna demanded, “Who are you?”
The cowgirl laughed wickedly, “BWAHAHAHA!” She then calmed down slightly, as she questioned, “You don't recognized me, Hanna?”
The woman sheathed her long knife, into the empty scabbard on her back. Next, she walked into the light, as she used her left hand to remove her shades, which she pocketed. And then her hat, which she toss to the left side of her.
Hanna immediately recognized the woman, as she exclaimed, “Akira?! How?!”
Akira's voice dripped with sarcasm, as she responded, “How? Well Hanna, your little reality gun really does send people to other realities. I must thank you for sending me into the Black Lagoon anime reality. I has such a wondered time there. And I came back to repay you for the few of years I spent there.”
Hanna silently realized, 'From Akira's tone of voice and mannerisms, she is no longer completely sane. I know. I sometimes sound like that. Which means.' She stated, “Oh crap! I have created a me worse, than me.”
Akira yelled, in rage, “You got that right bitch! BWAHAHAHAHA!” She drew her left pistol, as she started running to her left, towards an empty space in the room.
Hanna drew both her energy pistols, from their side holsters, as she started running sideways, to her right, towards the same empty space.
Both reality counterparts ran, parallel with each other, as they shot at the other.
Surprisingly, neither were able to get a hit the other, as both rushed into the maze of large crates, on the other side of the clearing, in the room.
With Akira and Hanna both out of side with each other, they decided to slowly make their way between the crates, while looking for their prey.
Between a couple of crates, Akira quickly reload her revolvers, from spare bullet in the loops of her gunbelt. She then holstered her pistols.
Akira looked around, as she thought, 'With that power armor she is wearing. I cannot take her, going head on. But, I have an idea that might level the playing field.'
Akira silently climbed to the top of the crates, and she quietly moved around the top of the crates, while looking below for Hanna.
When Akira found Hanna, she mentally realized, 'She doesn't see me. Good. Now, this is my chance to deal with her.'
Akira used her hands to quietly unsheathe both her long knives. She then dropped on top of Hanna's back, slicing through the back of her power armor, as her feet hit the floor.
For a single moment, Hanna's power armor seized up, forcing her to drop her pistols, from her gloved hands, which were also part of her powerarmor. But then, the failsafes immediately kicked in a second later, and allowed her to move.
Hanna quickly turned around, and pushed Akira away, and onto the floor, between the crates. Withe Akira dropping her long knives, as she hit the floor, on her back.
Hanna then turned the opposite direction, and ran between the crates, in the direction she had come from. She did this, in an effort to put some distance between her and her younger, crazier counterpart, as she figured out what was wrong with her powerarmor.
The read out on heads up displace on the visor of Hanna's helmet told her that the damage to her powerarmor a severe.
Hanna thought, 'She's good. My powerarmor had been cripple. And I lost my pistols. She is going to make short work of me if I don't get out of here. But, how do I escape. I cannot out run her in this suit... Wait a minute... It is my only shot at freedom.'
Hanna then started quickly traced her steps out of the maze of crates.
Meanwhile, Akira got up, picked up her long knives, and raced towards Hanna.
Akira sheathed her long knives, and pulled out her pistols. As she turned, and followed the sounds of Hanna's footsteps.
Akira soon made her way out of the crates, and she saw Hanna. But, instead of following Hanna, Akira immediately backed up, and took cover, by the crates, while she aimed her pistols at Hanna's back.
At the same time as Akira was taking aim at Hanna, Hanna saw her objective.
Hanna quickly dived for the reality gun on the floor, just before Akira fired her bullets at her.
Akira has missed, with her bullets going over Hanna.
Hanna quickly picked up the reality gun. She then turned the pistol one herself and fired.
Akira watched as Hanna, and her reality gun, disappear into a rainbow of light, right before Akira could take her next shot.
Akira holstered her weapons, as she cursed, “Damn!... Damn! Damn! Damn!” She then began to calm down, as she thought, 'Well, the multiverse is vast and I have no way of tracking her. So, she is now someone else's problem. Now, to find the others, and give them the good news.'
Akira then made her way out of the cargo room, as she searched for her friends.
Elsewhere on board the cargo spaceship, Birdy and Guy entered the cockpit of Hanna's ship.
Guy stood guard at the door, as Birdy quickly accessed the ship's computers and remotely deactivate the attack robots.
Birdy said, “Guy. You can relax, now. I turned off the robots.”
Guy looked over at Birdy, as he replied, “Good. Let's contact the others, on the ships speakers, to see if they go Hanna. And we can then meet back at the top of the ship.”
Birdy agreed, “Good idea.” She thought, 'Now, for the part I hate most. Clean up.'
Birdy then began using the ship's computer to find and contact everyone on the ship.
Twenty minutes later, Birdy contacted everyone. And after confirming that Hanna was gone, Birdy had everyone meet on the top of the cargo ship of Hanna's ship.
As the group gathered up at the top of the ship, Guy asked, “How long until the Federation will be here to get the weapons and technology?”
Birdy stated, “A few weeks. I slaved this ships security system to my own ship. If something happens to this ship, I will be immediately alerted to it. That way, I don't have to stand guard, till the other Federation space police officers get here. Whom, I have already contacted.”
Birdy thought, “Which I did by hooking Hanna's communications system to my ship's communications system. While, there are a few Federation officials on Earth. None of them are equipment to handle this situation. So, I will just have to wait for the weapons experts, in space police, to get here, and take care of the weapons, and technology.'
Guy replied, “Cool.”
Ranma asked, “So, who was the one to take out Hanna?”
Birdy commented, “I honestly don't know. She was just not on the sensors.”
Akira stated, “I did took care of her. Though, she used her reality gun to escape into the multiverse.”
Natsuru replied, “Damn.”
Akira said, “My thoughts exactly.”
Birdy stated, “It doesn't matter. Getting the stolen weapons and technology back, was the primary mission. And we accomplished that.”
Ranma asked, “So, we have settled out debt with the Federation government.”
Birdy stated, “As far as I am concerned. Yes.”
Ranma replied, “Good.”
Birdy said, “Now, let's go head back to my ship, and I can go get Violin and Futaba. Then, we will talk on the observation deck, on what we are going to do, next.”
Birdy then used the technology in her suit to summoned a mini-wormhole that the group used to return to Birdy's ship. Birdy then used her ship's mini-wormholes to retrieve Futaba and Violin and bring them here aboard, as well.
A few minutes later, while in orbit, the group gathered in a room had a large window. With Birdy have the ship tilled, to allow for great panoramic view of Earth, through the window.
Everyone had spent a minute looking out the window, at the Earth.
At the moment, Natsuru was still a woman, but in changed out of her seifuku to her normal clothing. Guy had also changed out of his Shezow costume.
Guy looked over at the Earth, as he commented, “Nice view.” He turned to Birdy, as she said, “Thank you, Birdy.”
Birdy looked over at Guy, as she commented, “You're welcome. And that type of view never gets old.”
Akira responded, “No. It doesn't. Still, it is too bad that Hanna escaped into the multiverse with that reality gun. Is the Federation going to do anything about her?”
Birdy admitted, “I doubt it. As much as I hate to admit it, Federation government officials are much like human government officials. Their first consideration is their own political hides. The Federation would likely classify this whole incident, including any information on the reality gun, pretend the theft never happened, and that the reality gun never existed.”
Akira cursed, “Damn politics.”
Birdy replied, “Exactly. Though, as long as we keep our mouth shut about it, they will do nothing to us.”
Birdy then looked at the group, as she continued, “Though, it looks likes there is not much we can do, either way. So, I guess it is time for everyone to go home.”
Guy stated, “Hold it. Hey everyone. Did you notice where we were, a few minutes ago? The is sun, surf, and the beach there? Even the weather was perfect. And no one is around. Let's spend a few hours there.”
Ranma praised, “Great idea, Guy.”
Natsuru pointed out, “But, we don't have any clothes, or supplies for a day at the beach.”
Futaba mentioned, “There is a town on the other side of the island. We can just buy the stuff we need from there.”
Birdy stated, “Good idea. Besides, I have been meaning to get more clothes for Violin.”
Akira stated, “We also need to camera with a remote. I want to take some pictures of us six, together. One as all male, in male clothing. One as all girls, in girls clothing. One as girls, in our costumes. And I would like to get a few other pictures, like some few photos of Violin, with her mother, Birdy.”
Natsuru seconded Akira's idea, as she said, “Nice idea. Still, how are we going to pay for all of it?”
Ranma pulled out a debit card, from one of her pockets. She held of the card, as she stated, “Never leave home without it.”
The rest of the group just smiled and laughed.
Birdy said, “Then, the beach it is.”
Violin looked over at Futaba. She then turned to Birdy, as she commented, “Mommy, I look forward to building another sand castle.
Birdy looked down at her daughter. She then looked over at Futaba.
Futaba noticed that Birdy was look at her. She shrugged, as she said, “We had to do something to pass the time.”
Birdy just giggled.
Birdy then had the ship create a mini-wormhole, to take them to the town that was on the other side of the tropical island.
And after they had retrieved the items from there, they headed back to a secluded part of that island. Then, they had some fun, for the day.
That evening, back on board Birdy's federation spaceship, Guy had volunteered for Birdy, to keep an eye on Violin, in an auxiliary room. While, Birdy and Ranma talked about where they were both planning to go, after they left the spaceship they were all on.
Guy was sitting on the floor, next to Violin. With Violin using her colored pencils to draw pictures. There were also a few other pictures laid out on the metal floor, around the girl. Some of the pictures Violin had drawn years ago. And some she had draw recently. And a few she was still drawing.
There was also a large brown bag, set on the floor, by the girl.
Futaba had just walked into the auxiliary room, and he saw Violin and Guy. Guy was in a sitting position, while Violin was laying on her stomach, as she used colored pencils to draw on a picture.
Futaba walked over to Guy and Violin.
As Futaba approached them, she looked at some of the pictures on the floor. But, not to close. Still, she thought, 'The girl has talent in drawing. Some of those are professional level drawing. Good coloring, shading, and detail. Still, I need to ask Guy a question.'
When Futaba reached Guy and Violin, she came to a stop, as she looked down at them. She asked, “Guy. You won't happen to know where Natsuru and Akira are?”
Guy looked up from Violin, and at Futaba. He answered, “They said they needed some time alone, in private. Honestly. I don't want to know.”
Futaba got the message, as she said, “I think I will just go watch some TV.”
Guy agreed, “I think that would be a good idea.”
Futaba turned around, walked away, as she exited the room.
Meanwhile, Guy turned to Violin. He then took a closer looked at what Violin was doing.
With the colored pencils she had, Violin was drawing on a pieces of paper, on the floor of the ship.
When Guy looked at the drawing on the floor, he thought, 'Some of these pictures don't make any sense. I think I will ask Violin about them.' He continued to look at the drawings, as he requested, “Violin. Could I pick up, and look at your pretty pictures, more closely?”
Violin replied, in her childish voice, “Sure.”
Guy picked up four of the completed pictures, between them. He looked at them, as he asked, “Where did these pictures come from?”
The young girl stopped drawing on the picture she was working on. She set down the colored pencil in her right hand. She leaned up, into a sitting position. She then looked over at Guy, as she answered, “From my dreams. Would you like to know who that are?”
Guy replied, “Sure.”
Violin stood up, and walked over to Guy. She looked down at the pictures.
In response, Guy set the pictures back on the floor, as he carefully spread them out. So, he did not damage them.
Violin then pointed at the pictures, with her right hand.
The first picture Violin pointed at, was one she drew of a bald blue skinned, wearing light weight robes. She answered, “That is the kind woman that makes all the pain go away.”
Violin pointed to another picture of a red skinned male alien with black hair and tendrils running down his chin. “That is the warrior that fights the bad guys.”
Violin then pointed to a strange looking chair. She said with, slight fear in her voice, “That is the bad chair.”
After which, Violin pointed to a pale man in a black mask. “That is the monster we fight. I have more pictures that mommy let me take with us.”
Violin then walked over, and pulled a different set of pictures from the brown bag on the floor. She then handed them to Guy.
As Guy took the stack of pictures, he noticed there were more than two dozen drawing. All of them were very well done.
Guy paged through the pictures. One of them was of a black haired, fair skinned woman. Another was of a blue skinned woman with short white hair. Other pictures were of strange aliens and spaceships of almost every type imaginable.
Guy's only thought, 'Being in another reality has truly warped this girl's mind. Though, I am not going to say a work about it.'
Guy then handled Violin back her pictures, as he stated, “These are very well done.”
Violin took the stack of pictures back, as she smiled at him. She said, “Thank you.”
Violin then also pick up all the pictures that were on the floor, except the one she was working on. She then neatly put the pictures back into her brown bag.
A few seconds later, she was back to laying on her stomach, on the floor, as she used her colored pencils to draw on a piece of paper, while Guy silently watched her.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen of the spaceship, Birdy and Ranma, whom was a woman, sat across from each other at a table, as they talked.
Birdy disappointingly said, “Well, half an hour ago. After talking to my federation superiors. And giving my report. Which I left out all the multiverse mess. I just received my medical discharge from the Federation police force over my mental fusion. I am no longer a cop. As soon as we leave this ship, it is programed to returned to Federation Headquarters.”
Ranma commented, “Sorry to hear that. I think you made a great police officer.”
Birdy shrugged, “It cannot be helped. Still, they are letting my daughter and I live on Earth. So, it is not all bad.”
Ranma responded, “True. And good luck with seeing your parents. In a few weeks, I will give you a call with the cellphone number you gave me. Just to make sure you are doing okay.”
Birdy smiled, as she said, “Thanks. And given my talents, I am sure I will soon find a job, doing something less troublesome than being a cop, or idol singer. In the meantime, I will sort out my personal issues, as I raise Violin.”
Ranma returned Birdy's smile, as she said, “As long as you are happy.”
Birdy complimented, “Oh, you are so sweet, Ranma. So, what are you planning on doing when we returned to Earth?”
Ranma answered, “I plan to walk the earth, and see what adventures I can happen upon. Like, Kwai Chang Caine, from the Kung Fu series.”
Birdy placed her right palm on her right cheek, as she used her right elbow to prop up her face on the table. She causally stated, “Why does that not surprise me? And yes. I have seen the series.”
Ranma grinned became a little wider, as she said, “What can I say? I am just a born trouble magnet.”
Both women laughed at Ranma's joke.
Elsewhere in the ship, in Akira's bedroom, Natsuru, as a guy, in his male clothing, and Akira, as a woman, in her cowgirl outfit, complete with he shades, cowgirl hat, and weapons, faced each other.
They both held an American quarter coin above their closed right thumbs, as they stood facing the large bed in the room.
Akira stated, “Now.”
Both of them flipped their coins onto the bed.
Both coins landed on the tails side up.
Akira smiled as she saw the sides the coins landed on.
Akira and Natsuru turned to face each other, as Akira undid her gun belt and chest straps, allowing her holstered revolvers, and sheathed long knives drop to the floor.
Akira thought, 'At least Birdy let me keep my weapons this time. When she tried to take them from me, I gave her look that scared her enough to back off. Now, that was fun. And this is going to be more fun.'
Natsuru commented, “Well, tails and tails.” Natsuru used her blue bracelet to shift to a woman, as she continued, “This is a better way to start off than I guess it would be if it was heads and heads. To be honest, it is right up our alley”
Natsuru lightly took off Akira's cowgirl hat, and gently tossing it to the floor.
Akira took after her shades, as she drop the sunglasses away from them, on the floor.
Akira replied, “You're right. This is more up our alley.”
They then embraced, and kissed, as they fell onto the bed together, on their sides. They then began unclothing the other, as they made love with one another.
To Be Continued.
Author's Notes:
I know the confrontation with Hanna may have been a bit of a let down. But, it is only logical they would not have trouble with her. Given, they knew what to expect from her, and her robots. They knew the layout of her ship.
Still, as the old saying goes. The journey can be just as important as the destination.
And we finally made it to Akira and Natsuru's love scene.
I always enjoyed the build up between the two. I didn't want to have those to rush into a relationship. I wanted to take my time with them, and have their relationship slowly grow. And now they reached the payout.
On the coin toss. When I thought about what genders they were going decide on. And how. I realized that even a single coin toss was not going to work. Then, I thought, how about two coins. And a U.S. quarter is big enough to use, with it being to big.
So, I had it be simple enough. Each one would toss a coin. With the coin that the person tossed, being the decided factor on which gender they would start with the other. Heads for male. Tails for female.
And given the situation, about how Akira and Natsuru care for each other. And they are both comfortable in both their genders. Neither of them would mind any combination to start with. And they just needed a way to casual decide which gender combinations they were going to start with, and who was going to be which gender.
As such, using two coins, in coin tossing made since.
And female on female can be the least dominate of gender combinations. It can also be the most dominate. It depends on the positions.
As for the characters in this series. I have plans for them.
And oh. I so enjoy leaving clues about Violin. Writing this story is so much fun. If you already put the clues together. Your next logical question will be. How is that possible?
We will get to that answer. Eventually.
Now to the epilogue chapter of Book 1.
Until next time. Have fun.
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