Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: The Martial Artist, The Space Cop, The Superhero, The Magical Girl, The Wrestler, And The Fool for Love.
Chapter Fifteen: “Over the Edge.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Megas XLR reality, New Jersey.
It has been over six months since Ranma had come to the reality she found herself in. And Ranma found it to be a great experience for her as a person.
In truth, Ranma loved every minute of it.
Kiva had turned out to be a wonderful sparring partner. And after a while, Jamie was tolerable.
Coop and Kiva even taught Ranma some of the basic mechanics and mecha piloting of the giant robot, Megas.
And best of all, Coop had taught Ranma how to have fun. And not just fun in fighting, but how to relax, and just enjoy living.
It was for this reason that Ranma had started to stay a woman, most of the time. She wanted to cut most of her ties with her old life, and for her, living as a woman was just about as much as one, whom was raised to be a man among men, could do to cut such ties to the past.
Though, Ranma did feel she did have a few unsettled issues, that she would need to deal with. Such, as stopping Hanna. But, for that. She was perfecting happy just staying in the reality she was now in. With her new friends.
The only opinions that Coop, Kiva, and Jamie, said on the matter, of Ranma living nearly full time as a woman, were that all three of them commented that it was Ranma choice, and they supported which ever choice Ranma made.
Ranma was happy with their opinion on the matter.
Also, due to Coop kindness, and helpfulness, Ranma gain Coop the benefit of the doubt, and she had even started dating Coop.
Currently, it was late at night, Ranma was lying, awake, in Coop's bedroom, on his bed, next to him. Ranma how woke up and was trying to get back to sleep.
While lying in bed, Ranma silently reflected, 'This is not such a bad place to be stuck at. Kiva and boys are fun to hang out with.'
Ranma look over at Coop, whom was sleeping, as she continued her thoughts, 'I guess it is true. Daughters do date men like their fathers. In my case, fat, food obsessed, lazy, but brilliant men. Yet, unlike my father, Coop is very kind. I am not sure if most of Coop's body is fat, or his large, gentle heart.'
'Damn. I have fallen hard for him. And he doesn't care that I was originally a guy and can change my gender. I even use my magic bracers most of the time to remain female. Even when taking a hot shower. The only time I take them off is when I go to bed.'
'The most surprising thing about dating Coop is the sex has been so good, every time as a girl. And it isn't because I was a girl at the time. No. It is because Coop tries his best to please his lover. Me. And he is such a good kisser.'
'I have to admit to myself that if it wasn't for the fact I have responsibility in my home reality, at the very least stopping Hanna, I could see myself getting married to Coop, and even becoming pregnant with him, and giving birth to children.'
'And I know I would have no problems catching him as a husband. My former fiancees tried every trick in the book. So, I know all the skills needed to do this myself.'
'Still, I guess what that fortuneteller told me did truly happen. A freer spirit than I, tamed me... And I am surprisingly okay, and happy about that... And I think I need to get back to sleep, now...'
Ranma then began to relax again, as she was soon able to fall asleep on the bed she shared with Coop.
Bubblegum Crisis reality, MegaTokyo.
It has been over a year and three months since arriving in the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality.
It was late at night, with Natsuru being part of a large unit of AD Police police officers, assigned to deal with a combat boomer, that was loose on the city of MegaTokyo.
Natsuru was male, he was stationed on a firing line with other AD Police officers. All of the officers, including Natsuru, were in their bodyarmor, masks, and helmets. And they were all equipment with sub-machine guns.
Natsuru has been assigned to the far right end of the firing line.
At the moment, Natsuru and the other officers, were using their sub-machine guns, to shoot bullets, at the combat boomer rapidly approaching them.
While Natsuru shot at the boomer, as he thought, 'To be honest, being an AD Police officer has been pretty good, most of the time. This is just one of those times that this job sucks. The only good thing I can think of our situation is that it is two thousand thirty-five AD, and Bubblegum Crash clearly never happened.'
'Over the past year, I have slowly found out, from Daley, that the AD Police events did happen in this reality. And Leon mentioned in passing that Jeena and Dieork, the officer that Jeena and Leon worked under, were not killed in the line of duty. But, they quit, and left town, over office politics.'
'Given the situations those two were in, with jobs like this, that is likely the happiest anything they could have.
'Though, with Bubblegum Crash not happening here, it has just been business as usual. Still, I do not know if Bubblegum Crash did not happen because I arrived here, or something else. But, at the moment, I could care less about that.'
As the AD Police continued firing their weapons, Natsuru could see that none of their hits were making a difference.
Natsuru thought, 'Damn this cheap ammo! I know I am making kill shots. And so are many of my friends, here. But, nothing it getting through. And I have no interest in dying tonight.'
Natsuru then horrifically watched as the combat boomer broke through the other end of AD Police firing line, and the killing machine literally tore into the AD Police officers, injuring, and killing his friends.
Natsuru then noticed that the monster was heading towards him.
The AD Police quickly remembered their training, as they fell back, and broke apart, into small groups, as the continued firing at the killing machine. All so that the combat boomer could not come after all of them at one. But, the AD Police's tactics were of no avail.
Natsuru and the other AD Police Officers continued falling back, as the boomer attacked them. Eventually, he was alone, as he was driven back into an alleyway.
It then that his sub-machine gun ran out of ammo, and he was out of extra magazines for his weapon. He then watched the combat boomer approach him.
Natsuru mentally cursed, 'Damn. Out of ammo magazines. I guess I have no choice. If I do not want to die, am going to have to do this.'
While keeping on his heavy armor, Natsuru used his bracelet to shift into his female form, without the seifuku.
Natsuru left go of her sub-machine gun, with her right hand, while holding her weapon in her left hand.
Natsuru then threw a powerful fireball out from her gloved right hand.
As the fireball hit the boomer, knowing the machine onto its back.
Natsuru the followed up her attack with a flamethrower attack, from her right hand, at the boomer.
The flames quickly turned the cyberdroid into smoldering ruins.
A few seconds later, Natsuru stop with the flamethrower attack, as she saw the boomer was more ash then metal.
While still in her male armor, Natsuru looked at her right gloved hand, and she sat that her clothing was not damaged. She thought, 'Interesting. No damage. I will have to remember that, for later. But, for now, I need to change back, and call this in.'
As Natsuru kept on her AD Police armor, used her bracelet to shift back to a man.
Natsuru then firmly stated, in a loud tone of voice, into his mask's radio, in japanese, “Target neutralized! Target neutralized! I got a lucky shot off.” He thought, 'That is the best explanation I can give. And I hope that explanation works.'
On the other end of the radio, Detective Wong said, in japanese, “Good work, Officer Senou. Now, maintain position your, and watch the target, just in case it is not down for the count. Also, give us your position, so we can get to you, as soon as possible.”
Natsuru looked over at the charred heap of remains that was once the combat boomer, as he replied, “Yes, sir. I am in an alleyway by where we staged the firing line. And I do not think this thing is going to get up any time soon.”
A minute later, Natsuru heard movement from a nearby roof. He looked up and saw the four Knight Sabers looking down at him.
Natsuru silently prayed, 'Please, do not allow the Knight Sabers to have seen what I have done. Nor, allow Genom to have been monitoring the combat boomers eye cameras.'
A minute later, he watched as the four armored women left without a word.
Soon after, Natsuru's friends showed up and congratulate him on his lucky shot.
The day after, Natsuru found that he had lucked out, and nothing came of the incident. Except for the funerals for his fallen friends, while comforting the living officers left injured, or even crippled.
G Gundam reality, Japan.
It has been almost a year after the gundam tournament started, and Birdy and Tsutomu had already passed the semi-finales, and now they were on the tail end of the battle royale.
They only one obstacle remaining between them and the championship title of winner of the fourteenth gundam tournament. Domon Kasshu, in his Burning Gundam.
All the other fighters had been defeated. There was only Burning Gundam and the Cephon Special Gundam, that were left.
Unfortunately, while the battle outside was still undecided, the battle inside Birdy and Tsutomu's mind had already been decided. Over the last eight months, the mental fusion had finally caught up with Birdy and Tsutomu.
Their inner voices and personalities had almost completely fused together. They were now living and fighting as one person.
They now called themselves Birdy Tsutomu Cephon. And they went by, Birdy, due to them living in Birdy's body at the moment.
The only things that still separated them were the few stray emotions of their love for each other, that they were vainly trying to hold on to.
At this point, the only thing keeping Birdy going what her love for her daughter, Violin.
Still, on the outside, Birdy did not let her personal matter distract her from the fight she was having with Domon. As she was during her best against Domon, thought, it was clearly a tough fight, for both of them.
And both fighters had already laid everything they had into the fight.
Burning finger was countered by Cephon's energy shield. Hyper mode countered by hyper-resolve.
For a few minutes, during the fight, it was beautiful display as a glowing gold Burning Gundam fought a bright blue Cephon Special Gundam fighting, with each of them on an equal footing with the other.
Now, both of them had exhausted their super modes, and it was becoming more of an endurance match, more than a match of skill.
Suddenly, Domon used his Burning Finger against her, and her gundam's shield shattered.
Though, Birdy saw that Domon had overextended himself.
Birdy quickly made her gundam sidestep the blow, as she used the right fist of her gundam to directly punch and destroy Burning Gundam's head, winning the match and fourteenth gundam championship for herself, her daughter, and Neo-Norway.
Earth was now in control of Neo-Norway, and she was sure that the Neo-Norway government would honor the part of their deal, and help her and her daughter find her way home.
But, she then started feeling out her emotions. It was then that she realized that during the fight, she had lost track of which of their final separate emotions were part of Birdy, and which separate emotion shad been a part of Tsutomu.
And that lost caused her to silently grieve.
Birdy fell to her knees, as she used her hands to cup her face, while she cried at unwillingly losing the one she loved, to herself.
Tragically, her gundam mimics Birdy movements, and the rest of the world thought she is crying out of joy, for winning the championship.
But, the fact of the matter was that she wept, and grieved, for losing two lovers, to herself, at the top of the world.
Black Lagoon reality, Roanapur, Thailand.
It has been over half a year since Akira had come to Roanapur.
It was sunny, warm, mid-afternoon, as Akira walked down the sidewalks of the streets of Roanapur, as a with, in her cowgirl outfit, and with her weapons on her. Akira even had on her yellow cowgirl hat, and her sunglasses.
There were a few people on the sidewalks, with her. Along, with an occasion vehicle, passing by, on the street.
And for the first time, in a long while, she was honestly happy.
Akira was currently on good terms with everyone she dealt with.
Her relationship advice for Revy had helped Revy and Rock's relationship immensely. By extension, this made working with her much easier, making Dutch, Benny, and Janet, very happy.
Akira found that Janet was fun to be around. Akira was happy to talk to a woman, whom was sane, when she needed some advice of the more feminine sort.
Her own home life was doing good, as well.
She had accomplished several missions with Raven Unit. And she did her part of the job well.
Shenhua, Lotton, and Sawyer were all happy with her. And she now had money in her pockets, and more than enough street cred, that everyone knew not to mess with her.
Even Bao was happy with her. Bao quickly realized that when Akira went to the
Yellowflag bar, as either male or female, Akira had a calming effect on Revy, when the redhead was there. This meant, with Akira present, it was less likely that Revy would get so drunk, and start shooting up Bao's place of business.
Then there was Chang and Balalaika. Both knew her secret, but so far nothing had come up of it.
Akira had not talked with Chang since the night she had met him, as a man. But, Shenhua has stated that Chang was very happy about something. It did not take a genius to figure out what Chang was happy about.
Though, Balalaika had remained quiet. Too quiet.
Akira thought, 'Yea. Life is treating me pretty well, right now. And the best part is I can now handle myself in one of the most badass cities in the multiverse.'
'Still, why haven't I heard anything from Hotel Moscow in a while? They usually have something going on in the works for job that they will either use Raven Unit, or Lagoon Company for.'
'Not, that Dutch and Lotton have any animosity towards each other, for being in competition for jobs in this city. Which is good for the rest of us, considering the members of both our teams are friends with each other.'
'Though, back to Hotel Moscow. Maybe Hotel Moscow has been busy with that new upstart group they just dealt with last night.'
'Some new, upstart criminal organization that had just arrived to Roanapur. And they foolishly tries to take on Hotel Moscow.'
'Last night, Balalaika replied by having her men kill them all. Though, a few were reportedly to have escaped. Including some lower level members, and the boss' younger adult brother, whom was thought to be accountant of the organization.'
'But, they won't live long. And I am sure that what Balalaika has planned for them won't be pleasant. To say the least. But still, Hotel Moscow did release photos of the men they had bounties on. Photos that I have copies of, in my pocket. And the bounty is alive, or dead.'
It was then that Akira spotted one of the men walking toward her. And she recognized who it was, as she thought, 'That is the boss' brother. I believe his name is, Johnny.'
It was Johnny, the reported accountant for the group.
But, the way Johnny was walking was off. As if he was unsure of himself.
Akira thought, 'I don't know what his problem is. But, this is still a quick buck.'
As she approached the man, Johnny said, in english, “Hello pretty lady.”
The way Johnny phased his statement sent alarm bells in Akira's head. The manner in which Johnny said his statement was not in a sexy, nor sarcastic tone of voice. Instead, it was like a child speaking to an adult stranger.
Akira mentally realized, 'I have got to get this guy off the street, and figure out what is going on.'
Fortunately, it was not difficult for Akira to convince Johnny to follow her.
Half an hour later, they were at a safe house Raven Unit had set up just in case they needed some place to hidden in the city.
The safe house was a small apartment in another part of town than where they live. The apartment only had a small living area. A kitchen area. A single bedroom, with a bed. And a bathroom with toilet, sink, and shower.
Akira had lead Johnny to the door to the safe house. She the used a key to unlock the door. After both of them were inside, she shut and locked the door behind him. Next, she left Johnny to a couch, in the living room.
When they reached the couch, they both sat down beside each other, with Akira to Johnny's left side.
The Akira talked, to figure out what was going on inside Johnny's mind.
After an hour of talking to Johnny, it was clear to Akira that Johnny still had the mind of a child, in many respects, in the body of a full grown man. Though, he had excellent memory recall, and math skills. And Akira found Johnny to be kind and polite.
While still on the couch, Akira looked at Johnny, while Johnny looked at her. Akira thought, with consider, 'Johnny is like a rain man child. Even his eyes never veered below my neckline. His older brother probably kept him around as accountant, to keep a close eye on him, and take care of him. And this is brother foolishly became to greedy, he came to Roanapur, with his crew, including Johnny, and he has got himself, and his friends killed.'
'And Johnny, here, is a dead man walking.'
'What am I going to do with him? I cannot just hand him over to Balalaika. From the Vampire Twins saga, I know for a fact that woman will make children suffer. If they cross her. She will likely slowly torture this man to death, for the accounting and bank knowledge he has of his brother's organization. And even if I got that information out of him, she would likely still torture him to death, due to him being a part of his brother's organization.'
'Also, I have no way to get him out of town. I know for a fact that Lotton, Sawyer, nor Shenhua will go against Balalaika, unless she directly attacked them. And unlike the twins, whom were hitmen, Johnny belonged to a group that crossed Hotel Moscow.'
'If I side with Johnny, Balalaika will view it as me siding with someone that directly challenged her authority. She will make an example out of me, for everyone else to see. And what she will do to me, in both my gender forms. would be legendary, even for this town.'
'I guess I have no choice.'
Akira gently said, to the kind manchild, “Johnny I have to go get some groceries. I will be back in a little while. Can I trust you to stay here, without getting into trouble?”
Johnny replied, “Yes. Akira.”
Akira bitter thought, 'I am glad I told him my name. I deserves at least that much.'
Akira go up from the couch, and she walked over to the TV, and turned it on. She then changed the channels, to a channel some children's cartoons. She looked back at Johnny, as she stated, “Here. You can watch this, while you wait for me to return.”
Johnny smiled at Akira, as he said, “Thank you pretty lady, Akira.”
Akira felt like crying. But, she forced herself not too.
Akira turned and walked to the outside door to the apartment. She opened the door, and set the interior knob to lock, She looked back at Johnny, one more time. After which, Akira turned back, and entered the hallway, as she gently shut the door behind herself. As she went to run her errands.
Later that night, after Akira returned to the safe house, she fixed Johnny some supper, and sent him to bed.
An hour later, after checking on Johnny, in the bedroom, she returned to the living room. When she reached the living room, she made a phone call, with a phone that was on placed on a table, in the room.
Presently, it has been around half an hour since she made her phone call. While she waited, she sat on the couch, as she looked at a magazine that Revy had lent her.
She had left the outside door unlocked. Which she had informed those she had called, over the phone, half an hour ago.
A few minutes later, Akira heard knob to the outside door turn. She then heard the squeaking of the hedges of the door, as the door was pushed open.
Balalaika and some of her soldiers, then walked into the apartment.
As they looked around, they saw Akira, as a woman, in her cowgirl get up, sitting on a couch, with her hat and shades on a nearby table.
Akira did not even look up from her magazine, as she casually greeted them, “Hello Balalaika. I am glad you got my message.”
Meanwhile, one of the men walked into the bedroom. Half a minute later, the man came out of the bedroom. He turned to Balalaika, as he stated, in english, “The man is dead.”
Akira looked up at Balalaika, as she stated the answer to the question that Balalaika was about to ask, “Poison. From the Cleaner. He went peacefully in his sleep.”
Akira saw Balalaika became visibly upset. She immediately rushed over to Akira, and hauled Akira up by the middle front of her tank top.
Akira did not stop Balalaika from doing so. Though, without looking, Akira did toss the magazine in her hand, down to the couch, below her.
Akira looked into Balalaika's eyes. Balalaika did the same.
Akira saw fury in Balalaika eyes, while Balalaika saw no fear in Akira's eyes.
Balalaika demanded, in english, “You have better explain yourself right now, or you, and your friends will die screaming, before the night is over.”
Akira calmly answered, “Your bounty specified dead or alive. Though, I believe this is what you wanted from him.
While Akira continued to look at Balalaika, in her eyes, Akira used her right hand pulled out a folded piece of paper from her pocket, and she she held it up for Balalaika to see.
Akira continued, “Once I got him talking. He was quite forthcoming. Besides, many of my friends are your friends, as well. Harming them would only be harming yourself.”
Balalaika immediately let go of Akira, and Akira dropped to the ground, onto her booted feet, without a problem.
In response, Akira handed the piece of paper, in her right hand, to Balalaika,
The older woman accepted the paper.
Balalaika unfolded the paper and she saw that it was a list of bank names, account numbers, and codes, belonging to the criminal organization she had destroyed the previous night.
Balalaika folded the paper back up, and put it into a pocket, on her clothing.
Akira saw fury fade from Balalaika's eyes, as she smiled. Though, Balalaika smile did not go all the way up to her eyes. Though, Balalaika complimented Akira, “Not the way I would have done it. But, good job. I will contact Lotton, and make arrangements for your payment.” She then turned to her subordinates, “Men, bring the body, and let's go.”
Less than a minute later, the members of Hotel Moscow put Johnny's body into a body bag, and left with Johnny's corpse.
Soon after, Akira called a taxi.
A little while later, when the taxi arrived outside, Akira put on her hat and sunglasses, and collected her items. She then exit the safe house, and locked the outside door behind her.
A minute later, she had exited the apartment building, and she had gotten into the back of the taxi. She then instructed the taxi driver to take her to her first intended destination.
Ten minutes later, the taxi Akira called for had reached its first destination, Lagoon Company's apartment.
She paid the driver to sit, and wait for her. She then got out of the back of the vehicle, and entered the apartment building. She had a magazine her her right hand.
A minute later, after walking up a few flights of stairs, she reached the door to Lagoon company's apartment. She knocked on the door, for a few seconds, as she said, “Hi. It is Akira. Is Revy still up?”
A few moments later, Rock answer the door.
The look on Rock's face told her that he had already heard what she had done.
Akira commented, “So, you heard?”
Rock nodded once, as he replied, “And I am very disappointed in you.”
Akira asked, “Who told you?”
Rock explained, in a cold tone of voice, “Half an hour ago, Revy spoke to Shenhua and Sawyer about you getting that poison from Sawyer. You also mentioned someone named, Johnny. Revy told me what they told her. There is only one Johnny I have heard of, in the last twenty-four hours, of any significant importance. It was not hard to piece together. My question is. How could you? I though you were better than this.”
Akira defended herself, “He had a mind of a child. And we both know what Balalaika would have done to him. I had no other way to help him.”
Rock pointed out, “You could have called us to help you.”
Akira responded, “It is very likely that both Balalaika and Chang have your phones tapped.”
Rock looked away from Akira, for a moment. He was not willing to verbally admit that Akira was likely right about their phones.
Rock looked back at Akira, as he stated, “What you did was still wrong.”
Akira coldly thought, 'If that is the way you want to be.' She inquired, with her voice like ice, “Like what you did with the Gray Foxes?”
Rock immediately looked at Akira with intensity in his eyes.
Akira noticed this, as she continued, “I wonder. Exactly, how many live, of the members of the Gray Foxes, you sacrificed, in the jungle, to save Roberta? As you can see. You have no right to judge. Because, you have done worse. And I hate hypocrites. Still, unlike the Gray Foxes, you did not have to dirty you hands this time.”
Rock asked, “How do you know that details of the Gray Foxes, and Roberta, in the jungle? I know Revy kept those details secret.”
Akira answered, “She did. Even when drunk. She keeps your dirty secrets. And how do I know?... Well, you wouldn't believe me, if I told you. Now, here is Revy's magazine. Please, make sure she gets it. And good night.”
Akira held out the magazine, and Rock took it. He then shut the door to his apartment.
Akira turned and left. Less then a minute later, she had exited the building, and was back in the taxi, which she had paid to wait for her.
Akira then told the taxi driver where she wanted to go to next.
Fifteen minute later, after paying the taxi driver his fare, she used her keys to unlock the front door of her home.
As she entered her home, she shut, and locked the door behind her.
As she passed by the living room, the other three adults of the home were sitting around, watching TV.
They turned to greet her, as she passed by.
Lotton said, “Balalaika called. I will be able to pay you tomorrow. For your bounty.”
Akira stopped in her tracks, with the adults to her left side. She did not turn to look at the other three adults. Though, she quietly replied, with emotion tiredness in her voice, “That will be fine.”
Sawyer asked, “Did the poison work?”
Akira softly answered, “Yes.”
Shenhua stated, “I am surprised you had the ability to do go through with killing that man. We are all quite proud of you.”
Akira from the corner of her left eye, she could see Lotton and Sawyer nodding in agreement.
Akira quietly said, “I did what I had to do. I am going to bed.”
The three other adults replied, in unison, “Good night.”
Akira soon entered her bedroom, and she closed the door behind her.
She turned on a lamp light. And she took on her sunglasses, and hat. She set them on a nightstand, by her back.
Akira then look down at herself, in disgust.
Akira mentally decided, 'I don't feel much like being a guy right now. I don't feel like I am much of anything really... Oh lord, what have I done?'
Akira collapsed to her knees, on the carpeted floor of her bedroom, as she started to weep, as everything that had happened to her, since she was kidnapped from her dorm room, over half a year ago, mentally hit her, all at once.
A minute later, the weeping became giggling, that soon turned into full blown laughter, as Akira's sanity finally started to crack.
To Be Continued...
Author's Notes:
I know I was real cruel in this chapter, to the characters I am writing about. But, those scenes had to be done. And they are now over.
Roanapur is not a night place. Also, I know what I put Akira through was not right. And what happened to Johnny, was just wrong. But, this was to show how the darkness of Roanapur has finally swallowed up Akira, and driven her insane.
Oh the matter Birdy and Tsutomu. Their personalities finally merged completely, during their fight with Domon.
And when they should be celebrating their victory, they are instead grieving for their lose.
Also, the way Birdy beat Domon is very possible. Domon overextended, and Birdy took advantage of that.
Now, when it comes to Ranma dating Coop. Admit it. Given Coop's bubbly, kind personality, if he was physically slimmer, you would have no real problems seeing him and Ranma dating.
If you look up pictures of Evil Future Coop, you will see what I am talking about. Coop, physically slimmed down, looks pretty good.
And from earlier in the story, I pointed out that Ranma has had sex as both male and female. Plus, Ranma has long since got his/her life sorted out. So, in such a situation, the thought of Ranma dating a very nice guy, is not that impossible for Ranma to do.
Though, Ranma would not just date anyone. And Coop is really one of a kind, in so many ways. And it when it comes to Coop's personality, Coop is a nice guy to be around.
And on Natsuru, being an AD Police Officer can be very dangerous. And I wanted to show, that when push come to shove, Natsuru is willing to change into a woman, and use her fire abilities to save herself. Though, she was intelligent enough to do so, when no one was watching.
Also, Natsuru only changed her body, and not her armor as well. So, if someone did see that, they would not be able to recognized her, because Natsuru was still in her AD Police bodyarmor, mask, and helmet. In that head to toe outfit, it is hard to tell what gender someone is. Let along what they look like under that armor.
Until next time. Have fun.
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