Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 3: Chapter 04

Badasses Of the Multiverse, Book 3: “The Student, The Hacker, and The Soldier.”

Chapter Four: “Lagoon Lion Dance.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Another reality. Several months after Bob, Ed, and Boris left Bob and Akira's home reality.

The local time was five thirty PM.

Inside an opera house, on the third row, close to the left side of the stage, the second to last booth by the wall, Bob, Ed, and Boris sat down, in chairs, beside each other.

Ed sat between the two men, with Bob's to her left side and Boris to her right side.

Bob and Boris were both dressed in tuxedos. While, Ed was wearing a red gown.

Boris quietly whispered to Bob, in english, “Bob, I am glad you talked me into coming with you. I have had the time of my life.”

Bob softly responded, in english, “You're welcome, Boris.”

Boris quietly commented, “Still, it is unfortunate we will have to leave here, before the performance is through.”

Bob softly said, “I agree. We will have to leave early. And well, we all know how this movie ends. I made sure we all watched it before we came here. But, let us enjoy the show while it lasts.”

Ed quietly said, in english, “Absolutely.”

They all turned their attentions to the stage below them, with the red curtains, with gold trim, hanging down to the stage floor.

A few seconds later, the lighted dimmed, and the red curtains parted in the center of the stage, the opened up to reveal a tall, blue alien woman.

The stage background were windows that revealed they were in orbit above a world of water.

Ed quietly said, “Whoa.”

The blue alien women then walked out on stage, as she began singing a beautiful melody that turned into a rock style opera song. With the alien women beginning to dance with her entire body, in one place, as she continued to sing.

A few minutes later, the song was over, and the crowd gave the diva a standing ovation.

As this ovation continued, Bob stood up from his seat, while he said, “Time to leave.”

Ed and Boris heard Bob, as they both stood up as well.

While the three adult quickly got up, and exited their booth, towards back exit, to the hallway, Bob thought, 'Considering the Fifth Element movie stated the diva's concert was sold out, I always wondered why a few booths were empty in the panning shot right after the diva's performs. Such, as the booth on the third room, to the left of the stage, was empty. Now, I know. It is because we left earlier. Bwahahaha!...'

'And I believe a few others may have left early was, as well. This place was full at the beginning of the performance. But, now I noticed a few booths empty. We might not be the only reality traveler that stopped in for Diva Plavalaguna's performance.'

'Now, let's see, about what this luxury cruise liner has to offer. For the next little while, till it is blown up. Though, the passengers and staff evacuate first.'

'This ship has eight decks worth of quality restaurants. There are twelve indoor pools, and two on the top of the ship. And whole host of luxurious perks.'

'Fhloston Paradise is literally a luxury cruiser liner of one's dreams. And the planet Fhloston has over four hundred beaches, of almost every type imaginable. And we got to visit a number of those beaches while we spent a month here. Thanks to Ed's hacking skills, getting us the money and tickets for this place.'

'Ed even commented that the computer security for this place, and the servers controlling the bookings, are a joke... I guess if that young alcolyte, David could hack into this place, for the blueprints. This hacking in this place for Ed was a cakewalk.'

'Still, now this part of our vacation is over. And we need to get out of here, before the battle starts.'

As the three adults walked out of the opera house, into the hallway, Ed was between Boris and Bob. With Bob to Ed's right side, and Boris to her left side.

A few seconds later, they started to hear shooting and screams coming from the opera house.

Ed said, in a sad tone of voice, “To bad she has to die.”

Bob countered, “But, if she did not die, then this reality's Earth and humanity on this Earth, would die. And she clearly knew the risks, beforehand.”

Boris stated, “That is why it is never wise to be the mule.”

Ed shrugged, “At least, Ed is glad we took our luggage home, before the performance.”

Bob agreed, “True. And celebrating your eighteenth birthday here, Ed, was a very nice idea. Even though it was a few months late.”

Bob thought, 'It can be hard to keep track of personal time, when one is bouncing around time, space, and realities. But, we eventually did celebrate Ed's eighteenth birthday. And we all had a good time. And that is what counts.'

Ed commented, “Ed felt she should have an adult birthday, for her eighteenth birthday party. Though, it was some months after her first day as an adult. Still, it was fun.”

Boris pulled out the small reality jumping device they had, from an interior coat pocket, as he inquired, “Yes. It was fun. So, are you two ready to leave?”

Ed replied, “Yes.”

Bob responded, “Of course. I have no interest in being blown up with the ship.”

Boris thought of returning to their hideout, in another reality, in the proper time, a few hours after they dropped off their luggage there, and he pressed the red button on the device.

All three of them immediately vanished from sight, as they jumped realities.


Outlaw Star reality. The planet, Sentinel Three. A few years after the Outlaw Star series ended.

Ed, Boris and Bob appeared in front of small home, which Ed used her many talents, and skills, to purchase.

It was just after dark, but the temperature outside was warm, with a slight breeze.

As Boris pocketed his reality device, in an interior coat pocket, he stated, “It should be eight PM local time.”

Bob took a look around. He could grassy fields in the starlight, the city lights in the skyline, and the majestic starry sky above him, that was so different than Earth's starry sky.

Bob thought, “Sentinel Three. Such an odd name for such a nice planet. This is the planet first shown at the beginning of the Outlaw Star anime series. Basically, Sentinel Three is a backwater planet used for farming. Which makes this planet a wonderful place to hide.”

“Still, it is a great place to stay at. It is like living on the great plains in the U.S.”

“Unfortunately, the humans here mostly speak japanese. But, enough do understand, and speak english, that when I am alone, I can still order my meals from restaurants. And find items, when I shop at stores.'

'And I am working on solving my language barriers, with Ed and Boris' help. Ed is even teaching Boris japanese, and a few languages, as well.'

'I am just glad that Ed knows japanese, or we would be in trouble.'

'But, at the moment, neither my knowledge, nor Boris' knowledge, of japanese is useable.”

'I found russian an easy language to learn. But, japanese has been a bit more difficult. Boris is having similar problem. But, we are making progress. And Ed has been extremely patient with us, on teaching us languages. And we both are grateful for her patience towards teaching us such lessons.'

'Along with this, when we deal with other people here. We mostly have Ed act an interpreter. Which Ed does not mind doing.'

'Also, Boris and I both have found that learning spanish is not that hard. And once we learn these langauges, we will move on to other languages. Such as chinese, german, hindu.”

'Along with this, Boris is teaching both Ed and I some hand to hand techniques that Zangief did not cover. Boris finds us both to be good students.'

'Also, I did not realize, until Boris started teaching us, but Ed is surprisingly go at hand to hand. Though, she is a genius, so I am not surprised that she would have such skills.'

'And went it comes to what I offer Ed and Boris. I am showing Ed and Boris what being genre savvy is all about. And my extensive knowledge of the multiverse provides them with a wonderful selection of places, eras, and realities, to enjoy going too. So, we all benefit from each other skills, knowledge and abilities.'

'This is not even counting my romantic relationship with Ed. Which is moving slow, but progressing. We still sleep in two separate bedrooms. But, I do not mind.'

Ed suggested, “Let's go inside, and change.”

Boris commented, “Sounds like a wonderful idea.”

Bob just turned to face them.

Boris then pulled out some keys in his pocket. He walked up to the front door to their home, and unlocked it.

Boris opened the door, and let Ed walked inside, first.

Boris then walked in, with Bob following behind. With Bob gently closing the door behind him.

When Ed first entered the home, she switched on the lights from, the switch on the interior side of wall, by the door.

The cover, soft yellow, ceiling lights showed that they were in the living room.

Without another word, they all headed for their separate bedrooms.

Ed went into her bedroom, she passed her desk, with her laptop and tools, and she walked to the drawers by her bed. She changed from her red gown and underclothing, to a regular white bra, white panties, white t-shirt, blue shorts, and white tennis shoes, which she wore without socks.

She then walked out of her bedroom, and saw on the living room couch.


Meanwhile, Boris walked into his bedroom, he closed his door.

Boris pulled out the reality device, from an interior coat pocket. He then set the device on the shelf.

Next, Boris pulled out a pill bottle, from his front, right pants pocket. He opened the lid from the bottle, took a pill from bottle, and swallowed the pill.

He then closed the lid on the bottle, and set the bottle on the shelf.

Boris changed his clothing to just a dark shirt, black pants, black leather belt, and black boots.

He then put the bottle of pills in his front, right pants pocket. And he put the reality device in his front left, pants pocket.

When he was finished, he walked out of his bedroom, and headed for the kitchen to get check the fridge.

As he walked through the living room, he saw that Ed was sitting down, and relaxing, on the couch, in the room.

When Boris reached the kitchen, he opened the fridge to find it empty.

Boris closed the fridge, as he thought, 'I guess we need to do some grocery shopping.'


As Bob entered his bedroom, he passed by his desk, that had his laptop computer on it. Along with some textbooks, in english, on learning to read, write, and speak russian, japanese, spanish, and chinese.

Bob then changed into his usual clothing. Along with his underwear and white socks, he wore his brown, long sleeved, button up shirt. His brown pants. His black boots. His necklace with a martian soil in the vial attached to the string. His brown long coat.

Though, because it was dark outside, Bob kept his shades, in an interior coat pocket.

Bob then walked out of his bedroom, he saw Ed sitting down on the couch, looking at him.

Ed stated, “Bob knows that Bob does not have to wear that coat all the time.”

Bob smirked, “But, I enjoy wearing this coat. It is a nice trophy from my first adventure.”

Ed shrugged, as she smiled at Bob. She said, “Bob has a point. So, whatever makes Bob happy, make Ed happy.”

Bob returned Ed's smile, as she replied, “Thank you, Ed.”

Boris then walked into the living room, from the kitchen door. He looked over at Ed and Bob, and he noticed how Bob was dressed.

Ed and Bob turned to look at Boris.

Boris requested, “We are going to need a few items from the grocery store, tonight. Since it is not that late, and you are dressed, Bob. How about you take care of it?”

Bob shrugged, as he casually replied, “Okay. Just make me a list, while I call a taxi to come get me.”

Bob then walked to the phone on a nearby table. He already knew the number, because he had used it a number of times before.

Meanwhile, Boris and Ed started to use a pen and piece of paper, to comply a short grocery list, of what they needed for that night.


Half an hour later, the hover taxi that Bob has called, to come get him, had picked him up, and taken him into the nearby city.

While, it was a little less than fifteen minutes to town by hover vehicle, at the speed limit. That time was doubled due to the taxi having to come to the house, and then take him back into town.

As the taxi stopped in front of a groceries store, Bob used his debit card, that Ed made for him, to charge the fare.

Bob then opened the back left vehicle door, he got out of the vehicle, and he closed the car door behind himself.

The hover taxi sped off, as Bob stood on the sidewalk, as he looked at the entrance to the grocery store, in front of him.

Bob thought, 'The only reason none of us have bought a vehicle, while on Sentinel Three, is that we are not planning to spend a long time here. Still, the taxi service here is decent, and the mileage rate is not that bad. And when I am finished here, I will just call for another taxi to come get me. Also, it seems the hover vehicles are as smooth a ride to travel in, as various sci-fi works of fiction have made them out to be.'

'Now, to get our groceries, and get back home. Still, while it is nine PM here. My internal clock still thinks it is six PM. And it is pretty much supper time for all three of us. So, I need to get this done, and return home.'

Bob then entered the grocery store, through its automatically sliding double-door entrance.

When Bob walked inside the grocery, retrieved one of the push carts that was stationed by the entrance. The push cart was like a standard grocery car, in his native home town, in his home reality.

While Bob pushed the cart further into the grocery store, he pulled out the small grocery list that Ed and Boris made, from one of is pockets.

Bob looked at the list, to figure out what he needed to get first.

Then, over the next several minutes, Bob went from aisle to aisle, as he retrieved a number of the items on the list.

While Bob continued shopping, he entered the soup can aisle, from the back of the store, towards the front.

Bob continued walking, down the aisle, at a casual pace, while looked at the various types of soup, as he thought, 'Five hundred years in the future, and still the same shopping and checkout methods. I shouldn't be surprised. It is best not to try to reinvent the wheel. At least most of the products here are labeled in multiple languages, including english, and some alien writings. Still, I hope the debit card Ed made for me works here, like it has for other places around this town.'

'Though, Boris told me that the card Ed made for him worked fine here. When he went grocery shopping last time. So, I should be fine.'

Just then, from behind him, Bob heard a woman yell, in english, “Yo, Bob!”

Bob stopped in his tracks, as he turned around. To his surprise, he saw Revy, in her usual clothing, only twenty feet from him. And she had her semi-automatic pistols in her in shoulder holsters.

Though, what concerned Bob most about Revy, was that she was smiling ear to ear. While, at the same time, Bob gained a mask of terror.

Bob thought, in fear, 'Revy?! Rock sent Revy after me! I guess Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru finally put their foot down, and question. And while I am glad they didn't have the heart to continue their chase. That does not change the fact that I am now very much screwed.'

'Though, I need to look on the bright side. It is just Revy. Of all the Lagoon girls, she is the most featured in that series. I have a general idea of her personal fighting skills and ability. Also, at least I am not having to face Shenhua, or Sawyer. Or even worse, Roberta. If it was Roberta, I would just surrender, and take my chances. I know better than to get on that woman's bad side. Sure the others can be walking nightmares, but Roberta can be unquestionably the dangerous.'

'Also, Revy's guns are in her holsters. Yet, even if I rush her, I would likely lose. Anyone that can get into a four hour straight slug fest with Roberta, the Bloodhound, is not someone I want to get into a hand to hand fight with her, and expect to win.'

'Also, she is extremely agile. It is very hard for a person to get a bead on her, to shoot her. And these were her abilities before she had that super-soldier serum injected into her. So, she is likely even more dangerous, now.'

'It looks likes running is my only option. And I hope I can lose her. I need to get back to Ed and Boris, to warn them. So, they can know whom Rock sent after us, and we can jump to another reality.'

'But, I wonder how she is tracking us?... Though, that does not really matter at the moment. The only matter is that she has found me. And while I am sure Boris can take Revy. We both agreed to avoid escalation. So, escape is our only option.'

Revy smile turned into a smirk, as she said, “You are coming with me, Bobby-boy. And afterward, we are going to find Ed, as well.”

Bob quickly turned his shopping cart around, and he pushed it at Revy. Next, he turned around, and took off running in the opposite direction of Revy, and the shopping cart half full of groceries.

Bob's intent was to exit the building as quickly as possible.

Revy simply just held out her hand to stop the cart, as she laughed at Bob's feeble attempts to slow her down.

Revy yelled, “I love it when people play hard to get!” Revy then gave chase, as she thought, 'This is going to be so much fun. Though, I am glad I changed out my usual hollow-point ammo, to stand lead bullets. Hollow-points take chunks out of people. And Rock wants him, and the girl, alive, and in mostly one piece. Not in pieces.'

When Bob was halfway down the aisle, he pulled down some cans that were stacked beside him. With the cans rolling everywhere between in front of Revy.

Revy was right behind him. She giggled, as she easily jumped over the cans.

As she saw Bob turn into another aisle, she pulled out her cutlasses.

While moving, she pulled back the slides of her semi-automatic pistols back, loading the bullets into the chambers of her weapons. She then ran with her trigger fingers resting on the trigger guards of her semi-automatic pistols, and not the triggers themselves.

When she turned into the same direction that Bob did she saw that he was about to pass by some soups cans, on the front shelves of an aisle. She thought, 'Perfect. This will freak this nobody out.'

As Bob passed by some soup cans, Revy shot at the cans of tomato soup, splattering the red juice on him. With her bullets not hitting anyone.

Bob then did the last thing that Revy expect from someone she considered a nobody.

While still moving, Bob quickly used his right hand to grab on of the metal soup cans, he spun around, he threw the can at her head. He then continued spinning to where he was able in the direction he was moving. And he continued running, towards the exit, without any sign of him losing his balance.

The can hit Revy right between the eyes, dazing her, as she fell on her back.

Fortunately, she did not have her fingers on her triggers as she was hit, so her pistols did not go off.

Bob continued running, as he heard Revy hit the floor. He thought, 'All those Sundays I spent play catch, with my dad, are finally paying off. Still, I am going to have to pay someone to get this coat professionally cleaned. And I don't dare get a taxi, yet. I don't want to drag someone else into this mess. I first have to lose her. Then, I will find a taxi to get back to my house.'

A few second later, Bob had exited the grocery stood, and he was, on the sidewalk.

Bob turned to his left, and continued running, alone the sidewalk, as he noticed there were not that many people sidewalk, nor many vehicles on the street.

Bob continued running, as he his thought, 'At least with Zangief's training, my stamina has been greatly increased. I can run a couple of miles at this pace without tiring. Still, I have no doubt that Revy can outrun me, as well. So, I have got to come up with a plan to somehow slow her down. Though, at this point, I need to pray that I run across something that can help me with that.'


Back inside the grocery store, the customers and staff where not sure what to make of what happened, as two humans got into a chase. With one of them laying on the floor. As such, no one approached Revy.

A few seconds later, as Revy came too. She quickly stood up, and ran towards the exit of the store, while she ignore everyone else in the store.

As Revy exited the store, she thought, 'I admit. I did not see that coming. Bob is a little better at this than I expected. I thought he was just freak out, and curl up into a ball, in fear. Instead, the fool threw something at me.'

'But, I will give the boy credit. He is only the second person crazy enough to throw food at my face, in my adult life. Garcia being the first.'

'And look how how blondie turned out. He tamed the maids. That was quite a trick. I will not underestimate Bob, again.'

'Also, I have to remember, Bob has seen the Black Lagoon series. And from Rico, he has at least a basic idea of how the super-soldier serum enhanced out abilities. So, he has a general idea of what he is facing. Now, which is why he is run?'

Fortunately, as Revy looked around, the streetlights, and lights from the buildings, provide plenty of illumination for her to see in all direction. And she soon saw Bob to her left side.

Bob was running down the sidewalk, about a fifty meters from her.

Revy began running after him, has she thought, 'There he is. Now, let's see if I can rattle him some.'

As Revy ran after him, she yelled, “Get back here, Bob!”

Bob shouted, without looking back at her, “Never!”

Revy loudly baited, “I was wondering. How good is Ed in bed?!”

Bob yelled, “Like I would tell you!”

Revy screamed, “And who was that biker?!”

Bob loudly stated, “It will be more fun if you find out yourself!”

Revy giggled as she continued running. She thought, 'He is as good at witty discussion as I am. Also, he is pretty fast. I may have to just have to catch him, by allow him to tire himself out first. That might be the best way to do it. Because then he will not fight in him, when I confront him.'

The two adults then continued their chase.


Inside a nearby bar, two plain clothed men sat across from each other, at table by a window. They each them had an open bottle of beer, set in front of them, at the table. With both their bottles already half empty.

There was not many customers in the bar at the moment. But, it was an off night for the bar, so the bartender did not mind.

One of the men said to the other man, in english, “You need to calm down Herman. We are safe.”

Herman replied, in english, “I know, Tony. And we got the items I said we could use.”

Tony responded, “True. And these light-shields are cheap, but effective. I am glad you mentioned this place.”

Herman smiled, as he said, “No problem.”

Tony leaned back, as he took a drink from his beer. He then said, “After first, I did not think this team up would work. But, now that I think about it. Our skill sets compliment each other. And nobody is going to find us here, while we plan our next moves.”

Suddenly, the men watched, from outside their window, as a black haired fair skinned man run passed them. A few seconds later, the man was followed by a redheaded asian woman.

While the two men did not recognize the man, they did recognize the woman.

Both Tony and Herman's eyes went wide, as Tony stated, “I take that back. Time to leave.”

Both men quickly got up from their chairs. They walked to the bar counter, and paid their bill to the bartender, by using some small pieces of gold. They then left the bar, for parts unknown.

As the two men left, the male bartender went back to the customer he was talking to, from across the bar counter.

The customer sitting on a stool, with no other customers near him. On the counter, in front of the customer, was a freshly open bottle of beer, set by an empty bottle of beer set to the right side of the full bottle of beer.

The customer was an older fair skinned man, with graying hair, whom was wearing a brown shirt, a brown pants, boots, and a white baseball cap.

The customer spoke a rare dialect that the bartender knew of, and which the bartender liked to practice.

The bartender requested, in enlgish, “Now, you were saying about how you ended up here.”

The customer, seated at the counter, took a drink from his bottle of beer, he then answered, in english, “Well, you could say I was driven from my home. But, to be honest, my home was blown up long before then. And I was thinking about moving, anyway. I came to realize that what I was preparing for a war that was never going to happen.”

The bartender asked, “I could say the same about a few others I know of. So, how did you end up here?”

The customer answered, “You could say that I ended up here for the moment due to a late night TV show I saw. Now, I am just trying to figure out what to do, while hiding from whomever is after me.”

The bartender inquired, “Do you have an idea of whose after you?”

The customer answered, “Yes.”

The bartender smiled, as he suggested, “Good. Take that knowledge into account. I have personally found that hiding in plain sight works best.”

The customer shrugged, as he replied, “That is not bad advice.” The customer extended his right hand, as he introduced himself, “By the way, I never told you my name. My name is Burt.”

The bartender shook Burt's hand, as he responded, “Nice to meet you, Burt. My name is Leilong.”

Both men noticed the others handshake was firm, but not tight.

A few seconds later, they broke their handshake, as Burt said, “Nice to meet you as well, Leilong.”

Leilong commented, “I think we are going to get along fine.”

Burt replied, “I agree.”


Meanwhile, the chase between Bob and Revy soon started to entered a more residential area.

Bob saw, to his left side, that he was coming toward a low level fence, which was made from wood. With the building on the opposite side of the fence from him.

As Bob continued running, he risked a look behind him. He saw that Revy was not forty meters from him, and she was gaining.

Also, Bob noticed that Revy still had her pistols in her hands.

Bob turned back in front of him, as he thought, 'I know she is good at jumping. But, there has got to be something I can use in one of these yards.'

When Bob reached the low laying fence, he swiftly climbed over it.

As Bob landed on his feet, to his surprise, him found himself in the back of an outdoor area of a spa. There was large pool of mud, and pillows set around the pool. Also, there was the hint of the smell of lime in the air. Which was one of the fragrances used by the spa.

Fortunately, no one else was present.

While Bob looked around, he thought, 'Revy, will be here any second. What do I have here that I can use against her. There is a large pool of mud. Less than two feet away from me. Standard spa mud pools are no deeper than four feet. That is perfect. The question is how do I get her in there?'

Bob then saw pillows near the mud, as he silently prayed, 'Please have white feathers in them.'

Bob quickly ran to the pillows. He pulled out his boot knife, and unfolded the blade. He used the knife to cut open one of the pillows out to reveal that it had white feathers in it.

While Bob folded his knife up, and put it back into his right boot, he thought, 'Yes! And Revy is going to hate me for doing this to her. And there is a slight chance that this will spark her Whitman fever. I do not have any other options. Now, to find a place to hide.'

Bob then backed himself to the corner of the fence, beside the building wall of the spa, as he held the pillow his left hand, while he used his right hand to reached inside the pillow, to grab some of the white feathers.


A few seconds later, Revy jumped over the fence, and she came to a stop, as she looked around.

Revy asked, in a slightly loud tone of voice, “Where are you, Bobby-boy?”

Bob saw the Revy had her back turned to him. He quietly stood up, as snuck up on Revy.

When Bob got within ten feet of her, he threw the white feather up at Revy, as he said, “Yee who.”

At hearing Bob, Revy turned around. Though, when she did, she did not see Bob, she saw the white feathers, and she had a flashback of some of the worst experiences in her life.

While Revy froze up, Bob immediately dropped the pillow, and he used the opportunity to push Revy into the mud pool.

Due to Revy not thinking clearly, she let go of her pistols, as she fell into the pool of mud.

Bob watched her, and her pistols, sink into the pool.

Bob quickly backed away, and crouched down, he thought with worry, 'Just in case she does come up, while holding one, or both, of her pistols. At this angle, when she comes up, she will not be able to immediately shoot me.'

'That is if she doesn't come up in two minutes. Though, she will painfully kill me right afterward. But, my sense of honor and tact demands I do it. Please! Please, come up for air! I don't want to die.'

A few seconds later, Revy broke the surfaces, and breathed in the air, as she stood up in the mud pool, at chest level. Her hair, skin and clothing were caked with mud. She held out her empty hands, right above the mud.

Revy looked around, and she did not see Bob. Though, she still yelled, with rage in her tone of voice, “Bob! You bastard! How dare you pull something like this! Do you have any idea what you just made me remember?!”

Bob thought, 'She is pissed. Given this situation. This is a good outcome. It means she has not gone Whitman fever. When she experiences that state, she goes dangerously quiet. And she does not have her pistols in hand. They are on the floor of the mud pool.'

'Taking into account how tall Revy is, and she is standing. I would say the pool is four feet deep. And given her distance from the edge of the pool. Even if she tried to get out, it would take her it would take her at least a minute, to get out of the mud pool. Which would give me plenty of time to escape.'

Bob stood up, and walked towards the edge of the mud pool. Though, he was still far out of reach of Revy's hands. He looked down at Revy, as he said, in a firm, even tone of voice, “I have a general idea of what I made you remember, Revy. And if I had an alternative to stopping you, in a less traumatic way, I would have taken it. But, you were shooting at me. I am unarmed. I am going to you every advantage at my dispose to stop you, short of seriously harming you, or killing you.”

Revy whom Bob could see had gained a looked of confuse on her face, while she was still angry. She looked up at him, as she asked, in a slightly calmer tone of voice, “And why is that?”

Bob thought, 'Good. She is starting to calm down. Though, that does not mean she is any less dangerous. And I might as well honestly answer her question.' He admitted, “Because, while you scare me. Your friends scare me more.”

Revy snorted. She then said, “You're not as stupid as you look.”

Bob questioned, with annoyance in his tone of voice, “You want to talk about stupidity. I am not the one chasing someone across the multiverse, and shooting at them, for no reason.”

“There are police in this town. We are lucky they probably haven't yet gotten a clear description of either of us. But, they will get pictures of us, from various security cameras, that we passed by. And neither of us afford to be arrested, in this reality. It would raise too many questions, for the both of us.”

“Still, because of your actions, I have to leave this planet now, probably this reality, for good, tonight. And I like Sentinel Three. That is the name of this planet. Which, if you did not know, is in the Outlaw Star anime reality.”

Revy commented, “I have seen that series. It is pretty good.”

Bob responded, “Yes. A good sci-fi series. Anyway, the police here are not the type to forget when someone commits a crime. They arrested that hero of that series, Gene Starwind, over an incident that happened to him months beforehand. After he returned to this planet. And he was the one being attacked at the time.”

Revy said, “I remember that scene. It was funny. And he only got a fine that he had to pay.” She cracked a grin, as she continued, “Though, I am getting a lot out of this, in return for capturing you and Edward.”

Bob joked, “And what are you getting in return? Let me guess. Rock promised to do something for you in bed?”

Revy eyes went wide, as she inquired, “How did you know?”

Bob responded, in disbelief, “She really did that?! I was just joking. I do not know whether to be disgusted, or turned on at learning that.” He cracked a grin, as he continued, “Still, looking at you. As you are, right now. It would be so tempting to tell a bikini mud wrestling joke, at your expense. Oh wait. I just did.”

Revy commented, “Bob, you should know that you are going to suffer for doing all this, to me. It is one thing to get me dirty, and tell a few bad jokes at my expense. That would likely just get you a solid punch to your stomach. But, you got my cutlasses dirty. That pisses me off. And you made me remember some both things. That pisses me off, even more.”

Bob replied, “Speaking of which. I know you are angry. But, keep in mind. It is unwise to fire a guns with barrels full of mud. They tend to misfire.”

Revy barked, “I know that!”

Bob said, “If it make you feel any better, I always found your cutlasses to be works of art. Both figuratively, and literally.”

Revy replied, with a tone of voice that had less anger in it, “Thank you. For that complimented, I will not be killing you. Nor crippling you. When I finally catch you.”

Bob deadpanned, “Gee thanks. I would love to say this was fun. But, it wasn't. You have been a real bitch. And I already have a crazy, redheaded girlfriend, and she is a lot nicer than you.”

Bob then turned around, and started walking toward the fence.

Revy threatened, “You know this isn't over?”

Bob stopped, as he turned back to look at Revy. He flatly stated, “Oh, I realize that. But, at least I now know who is after me. And I can take precautions for the next time we meet. You have to admit, Revy. When you are facing someone that knows who they are dealing with, you are not that much of a challenge.”

“This was seen with Dutch during the Nazi arc. Ginji during the Tokyo arc. Ginji would have killed you if he was not been distracted, at a critical moment. And Roberta during the Blood Trail arc.”

“Still, you had an idea of what these three people could do. And you acted accordingly. On the other hand, I am a complete unknown. You cannot anticipate my next moves. You should ask Rock sometime. About how I beat her, and her team, in Tokyo. And how I got away, with my friends. She will tell you that I am full of surprises.”

Revy just growled.

Bob turned his back on Revy, and he climbed over the fence. Soon after, he had disappeared into the streets of the city at night.

A few seconds after Bob left, Revy thought, with more annoyance with herself, than anger, 'Damn it. I lost... For now. My weapons come before catching him. He will come, later. The worst part is I have to be careful as I search for my pistols. They have bullets in their chambers, and I could accidentally hit the trigger of one of them, and shoot myself.'

Revy then carefully used her feet to search for her pistols as the bottom of the mud pool. After a minute, she found one of them. She soon found one. She dived down, and gently picked it up.

As she surfaced, she put the safety on the pistol, which was a decocking level. Next, she holstered the pistol, and put the holster strap over the hammer, to keep the pistol in place.

A minute later, of careful searching, with her feet, and she found the other pistol. She dived down, and carefully retrieved it. As she broke the surface, she put used the decocking level, to put the safety on it. Next, she holstered the weapon, and put the strap on the pistol, to keep the weapon in place.

Revy spent the next minute and half wading to the edge of the mud pool. She then climbed out of the mud.

Revy stood up. She looked down at herself, as she thought, 'I am a mess. Still, I am glad that Akira taught me to tie my boot laces. If my boots has been unlaced, the mud would have sucked them off, as I got out. I might as well return home.'

Just then Revy saw the door to the spa building slide open.

A few seconds later, Revy watched as a group of six adult female Silgrians, alien bird people, wearing robes, walked out of the building.

The six Silgrians came to a stop, as they noticed Revy standing there.

The alien women stood next to each other, as they looked at Revy.

While the alien women looked at Revy, Revy gave them a weak smile, as she said, “Ever seen a girl take a mud bath before? “

One of the bird women casually replied, in english, “Not really. Though, we won't mind if you decided to stay.”

All six alien women dropped their robes to reveal to Revy that their robes had been the only thing they were wearing.

Revy's jaw dropped at the sight in front of her. She quickly composed herself, as best she could. She took a few steps back, towards the fence, as she held out her hands in front of her, with her open palms facing the alien women. She quickly said, “Sorry... But, I don't swing that way... Got to go.”

Revy then turned around, and quickly jumped over the fence, and ran down the street.

As soon as she turned a corner, she slowed down.

Revy continued walking, as she thought, 'That must have been the weirdest moment of my life. And that is saying something. Still, there is no point in staying here. I might as well go home, get cleaned up, take care of my cutlasses, and think about what my next move should be.'

Revy then pulled out her reality device, front her right side shorts pocket, and she used the device to returned to her reality, to her home, in the proper point in time.


Meanwhile, soon after Bob had escape Revy, he had found a hover taxi, to take him home.

Fifteen minutes later, the hover taxi had dropped Bob off at his home, in the country.

After paying for his fare, he rushed out of the taxi. With the taxi leaving as soon as Bob shut the door behind him.

When Bob got to the door, he pulled out his key, unlocked the door, and opened it.

As Bob rushed into the living room of the house, Boris and Ed looked up at him, from their sitting places, on the cushion furniture, in the living room.

Ed was still sitting on the couch. While Boris had been sitting in a cushioned chair.

Each of them had been reading a book.

Ed stated, “That was quick.”

Then, they both noticed disheveled look that Bob had.

Ed asked, with concern in her voice, “Is Bob alright?”

Bob flatly stated, “Revy, is here! On this planet! We got to get out here!”

Both Ed and Boris got up, as Boris inquired, “You faced Revy, and beat her?”

Bob pointed out, “I slowed her down, and escaped. Beating her would imply that she would not try to capture us, again.”

Boris complimented, “An astute observation.”

Bob replied, “Thank you. Anyway, I will tell you both about it, later. Right now, we need to get out here.”

Ed said, “Ed will be a few minutes.”

Boris stated, “I can be ready in five minutes.”

Bob commented, “As long as we are gone within the hour. We should be fine.”

All three adults then went to their rooms to collect their things.


Twenty minutes later, they were back together outside. Bob has his gym bag, Boris had his duffel bag, and Ed had her back packet. With all of their belongings packed back into their language.

They had turned turned off the lights, and locked the doors to the help.

Bob noted that Boris has his black, leather long coat on.

Ed looked over at their home, as she commented, “Ed liked this place. Ed hopes we can come back sometime.”

Bob said, “Maybe, in a year. Local time. After the heat dies down, at what Revy did. And you hack the local police computers, to earse any evidense, that the police might want to arrest me for questioning.”

Ed commented, “Ed likes that idea. Maybe Ed will do that.”

Bob replied, “I would look forward to it. I like this place, as well.” He turned to Boris, as asked, “Boris? Do you still have the reality device?”

Boris pulled it out the device from his pants pocket. He then handed it to Bob, as he said, “Yes. And I figure it is your turn to use it. I am sure you have a place in mind to go too.”

As Bob gently took the device from Boris' right hand, he stated, “Thank you. And I do have a location in mind. Now, please get in, close together.”

All three of them took a few steps closer together.

Bob inquired, “Is everyone ready?”

Ed stated, “Ed is ready.”

Boris said, “I am ready.”

Bob replied, “Good. Because, so am I.”

Bob then thought of a reality, place, and time. He held that thought, while he pushed the button, and all three of them vanished, as they jumped to another reality.


Reality, Black Lagoon reality. Location, Lagoon Island. Half an hour after Revy left on the mission Rock gave her.

It was the middle of a sunny afternoon, as Revy appeared covered in nearly dried mud, in front of the main entrance doors to the mansion on the island that Dutch had bought for them, a few years ago. The doors faced the bay of the island, which was across a large clear field from the home.

Given that the island was solely owned by the Lagoon family, the doors to the home were usually kept unlocked during the day, and the doors were only locked at night. Along with this, the front double-doors opened into the building.

Revy opened the right door, and entered into the main entryway. She then closed the door behind her.

In front of Revy, in the entryway, there were two large slightly curling grand staircases that ran along the sides of the walls, leading up to balcony part of the second story of the home. Both sides of the second story balcony leading to hallways on the second story.

As Revy walked towards the right staircase, she heard, to her right side, a familiar hindi voice say, in english, “Hi Revy.”

Revy turned towards opened entrance to the large room, to her right. The room was the family's informal recreational room. At the moment, Janet and Benny casual clothing, as they were playing on the floor with all five of their two year old children.

Revy turned and walked over to them, as she greeted them, “Hi guys.”

As Revy got closed, both women turned from looking at the young children by them, and they got a better look at her.

Benny reacted with interest, as she inquired, “Whoa. What happened you?

Janet took a sniff, as she asked, “Why do I smell lime?”

Revy relied, “Don't ask.”

Benny shrugged.

Janet said, “Okay.”

Revy questioned, “Where is, Rock? I would think she would be with you guys.”

Benny answered, “She is talking to Dutch. And Dutch is still working on the Lagoon. Rock should be back to the house, within the hour.”

Revy responded, “Well, I need to speak to her. So, when you see her, tell her that I need to talk to her.”

Janet and Benny nodded, as Janet said, “Will do.”

Revy then turned back to the entryway, and when up the right staircase.

When Revy reached the top of the staircase, she stepped onto the balcony, she took a right and continued walked down a hallway, until she reached a large bedroom that she and Rock shared.

The door to the room was open, and she walked inside. She then closed the door behind her. Though, she did not lock the door.

All the adults in the household knew to respect her privacy.

There were not any lights on in the room, but the sunlight from the windows provided plenty of illumination. Though, the light curtains on the windows provided privacy for her, and Rock.

Revy walked across the carpeted floor, and to the king sized bed that she and Rock shared. She pulled out, and tossed her reality device onto their bed.

She then headed to the personal bathroom that was attached to their bedroom.

The door to the bathroom was open. As she walked into the room, with the tiled floor, she turned on the lights to the room, from the switch by the door.

Revy then shut the door behind her, as she mentally reflected on her options for cleaning her body, 'So, do I want to have just a hot shower with the multiple spray heads, spraying me in some many wonderful, and pleasurable ways? Or, do I want a nice long soak in the large hot tub, with the water jets massaging my body?…' She cracked a grin, as she thought, in joy, 'Being rich, rocks!... Oh well. I don't have time for the soak, so I will just get a shower.'

Revy then start disrobing.

She began removing her clothing by unstrapping the strap holding the pistol under her left armpit. She then carefully pulled out her pistol from its holsters, and she gently set the pistol down on the bathroom counter.

Revy then did the same with the pistol under he right armpit.

Next, Revy unloaded each of her pistols.

Given the mud in her weapons, to prevent damage, she slowly worked each weapon. First by slowly removing the ammo magazine. Then, she slowly pulled back the slide to removed the bullet in the chamber. She then locked the slide open, with the pistol's slide release lever.

As she unloaded her pistol, she placed the pistol, clip, and bullet onto the bathroom counter, between sinks, in front of the large mirror above the counter.

She then did the same thing with her other pistol. With her setting both bullets, ammo magazines, and pistols, beside each other, on the counter.

Afterward, she took off her shoulder holster, her boots, clothing, and finally she undid her ponytail.

It took less than a minute to get the water to the warm temperature she wanted.

She then walked in the shower, and began to wash herself.

As Revy cleaned herself off. First, by shampooing her hair. And then using soap on her body. She thought, 'As much as I hate to admit it. Bob is right. I totally misunderstood the situation. I thought Bob was the weak link. He isn't. He is full of surprises. And if I want to bring him and Ed in, I am going to need help.'

'Bob thinks that I cannot plan accordingly against him. Oh, yes I can plan accordingly. And who I have planned to send against him, he won't see coming.'

'Asking those two will not be a problem. Though, I don't need Roberta. That would be overkill. Even for me.'

'If Bob knows about us. He clearly knows about, Roberta. If he gets wind that she is after him and Ed. Those two will never stop running. Or, now that I think about it, they might run to Garcia.'

'It would be the only move they could do to get Roberta off their backs. That could be embarrassing for Rock and I. Because, it is possible that Garcia would help Bob and Ed, since they have not done anything wrong. That I know of.'

'Also, while my reality device has tracking abilities. Which is how I found Bob, alone, grocery shopping, in that city, in the first place. My device is not a hundred percent foolproof. It can get me to the location, within a few miles, and within a few hours of when they jumped. But, it does not track someone any further than that. The rest is up to my own tracking skills, which have sharpen quite a bit over the years.'

'Still, my reality device works. And I can find Bob and Ed, and catch them with my device.'

'Well, I might as well get finish up here, get some answers, from Rock. Then, I will start looking for help.'

'Still, I wish mud was not so hard to get out of my hair.'

Ten minutes later, Revy finished her shower, she turned off the water, grabbed a towel from a near by towel bar, and stepped out of the shower.

As she was toweling down, she said to herself, out loud, “It feels good to be clean again. Though, I can still smell the lime. But, it is that bad a scent to have. And it will wear off, over time.”

Revy then looked over are her pistols on the counter. She said, “And my pretties, you are next.”

A few minutes later, after finishing drying. She put her slightly damp hair into a ponytail, with a fresh small scrunchy. And she let her hair dry in place. Next she put on her white bathrobe, while pulled her hair to be over the back of her robe. After which, opened the door. And she used a small hand towel to gather her pistols, clips, and bullets.

With her hands full, as she left the bathroom, she turned off the light to the room, with her right elbow.

As Revy entered her bedroom, she headed for her personal desk. Her desk was across the room from Rock's personal desk.

Revy's desk had a few items on the back of the top of the desk, by the wall. This included a few personal mementos and her harmonica.

When Revy reached her desk, she gently set down the hand towel that had her weapons and parts in, on top of her desk.

After Revy sat down in her desk chair, she leaned down and open a drawer to her desk.

She pulled out a box that had her weapons cleaning kit in it, box of stand nine millimeter ammo, and a small aerosol can of gun oil. She set the items by her weapons. And she closed the drawer.

Next, she opened her cleaning box. She then pulled out a rag, and other tools, from the kit, and set them by the can of gun oil.

Revy then set about taking her pistols apart. She first removed all the bullets from her ammo magazines. She individually wiped down each bullet clean, using squirts from the can of gun oil and rag. She set each bullet, on it's flat end, to the back side of her desk.

Next, Revy slowly, and carefully, took apart her both her pistols, and ammo magazines. As she removed a piece, she set it down in a precise order, to help her remember how to reassemble it, and to keep the two sets of pistol parts, and ammo magazines, from being mixed together.

When both pistols, and ammo magazines, were completely taken apart, Revy used the rag, and tools from cleaning kit, along with more than a few sprays from the aerosol can of gun oil, to meticulously every single pistol and ammo clip, part, and component.

Forty minutes later, her pistols, and ammo clips, were completely cleaned, reassembled, and fully reloaded, with their chambers empty.

Revy looked at her cleaned and polish weapons with pride. She thought, 'Much better. Now, to wash my hands, and then get dressed.'

She then put away her tools, in her cleaning kit. Next, she opened the drawer, and placed the cleaning kit, can of gun oil, and what was left of the box of ammo, back into the drawer she had previously kept them in.

After closing the drawer, she got up from her desk, leaving her weapons behind, she walked back into the bathroom.

Revy used the light coming in from the bathroom door to see with, as she washed off the gun oil off her hands. Once her hands were clean, she dried off her hands, on a hand towel. And she then turned to her bedroom.

Revy then headed for her walk in her personal closest.

Her bedroom had two walk in closets. One for her. And one for Rock.

As Revy walked into her closet, she turned on the switch to the ceiling lights.

While she looked around her closet, she thought, 'It is nice having my own closet. And while Dutch took the master bedroom, this bedroom, bathroom, and closets, have served Rock, and I, very well.'

'The sleeping quarters that Benny and Janet share have the same bedroom, bathroom, closet layouts.'

'Dutch's sleeping quarters is slightly larger than ours, but her rooms also have the same bedroom, bathroom, and closets layout as well.'

'In dealing with our children, we move the cribs around, and take turns at night, taking care of all the kids. It allows us to sleep most nights. And it has worked out well for us.'

'Still, I had to take back what I said to Dutch, a few years ago. Since she changes the diapers for my daughters, I have to change the diapers for her daughter. Oh well, that will no longer be an issue, in a few years...'

'Now, it is time to get dressed.'

She dropped her white robe to the carpeted floor, as she continued to look around to her closet.

There were several dresses, many of which she only had due to Janet taking her shopping.

Also, there were more casual clothing, such as jeans, blouses, t-shirts, and her red leather outfit, that she wore during her Hell Saber days.

She looked more closely at the red leather outfit, as she happily thought, 'Those were good old days.'

Revy then walked over to some chest of drawers, which held some of her other clothing. Including, copies of her usual black crop top and blue denim cut-offs shorts, and fingerless leather gloves.

She opened the drawers, and she pulled out a black sports bra, black silk panties, and some black socks. She put the items on. Then, she pulled out the clothing for the rest of the usual outfit she wore.

She then closed the drawers, and went to another part of her closet, and hanging on some coat hangers, were spare double holsters that were already adjusted to fit her.

She pulled one of the shoulder holsters off the rack, and put it on

Finally, she looked at the floor, and she saw several pairs of the same types of boots she wore. Along, long with some tennis shoes, flat soled dress slippers, and some cowgirl boots. There were no high-heel slippers in her closet.

Revy mentally reflected, 'I drew the line with Janet at having high-heels. I am not going to be a high class woman. And I have no intentional of trying to be one. I like who I am. Rock, and our kids, love me for who I am. And that makes me happy.'

She pulled our a pair of green boots.

After she put the boots on, she laced them up, and tied them.

She stood up straight. She began to walk out of the closest, when she noticed an umbrella shotgun, with a closed pink canopy, leaning against a far corner of her closet. The weapon was a gift, that Dutch had given to her, one year, for Christmas.

Revy look at the weapon, as she smiled. She thought, 'Being rich has so many perks. And I am the first to admit that this is a fun toy to play with. Though, what is that doing in house, and out of the armory? We don't want our kids to play with them, until the are intelligent enough to understand gun safety. Given how wild Rock and I's daughters can be, that could be a while.'

Revy walked over and picked up the umbrella shotgun. She then checked to make sure it was unload. Which it was. Next, she headed out of the closet, when her turning off the closet light at she left.

While passing through her bedroom, she walked to her desk and put her pistols in her shoulder hostlers. She then stopped by her bed to get her reality device, to put into the right side pocket of her shorts.

A few minutes later, she made it to the basement of the mansion, which was were the armory was located.

The door to the armor was a steel door, with a combination spin dial lock, and a key lock. Either the combination, or the key would open the door. The key was there in case they had to get in quickly.

The armory was fire proof, with the basement level having several suck-pumps throughout it.

Along with this, the safe was designed to allow someone trapped inside, to open vents to the outside, so they would not suffocate. These ways ranged from buttons, and manual cranks, to open the vents.

These vents were left open, to keep the air in the room from becoming stale.

There was even a carbon monoxide and fire alarm sprinkler system installed through the house that, when activated, would shutdown the electricity in that room to prevent electrocution while the water was being poured into it. And the only way to turn the electricity back on in that room, afterward, was to do so manually, at the breaker box, in a back room, on the first floor of the home.

To add to this, just in case, there was a full medical room in this mansion. And there were a few reality jumping devices hidden through the mansion. So, they could get to a hospital quickly, if they had too.

Along with this, electricity to the buildings and items, on their island, was powered by alien generators, that did not need refuel, and were set to power various voltage levels for Earth based electronics and appliances.

As Revy unlocked the combination lock, she thought, 'There was a time that Dutch refused to let me in here because she was worried I was drink though her stock of fine alcohol. Such, as her bottles of Ardbeg Providence, and the bottles of Romulan ale we took from Chang's tower. While, I admit it did cross my mind. Things have change. And I gained Dutch's trust on the matter.'

'Those changes being the birth of my children. I was an alcoholic. Now, I just drink occasionally, because I refuse to become a drunk, abusing monster to my children, like my father was towards me. And I am better for laying off the booze.'

'Now, while Dutch has the only key I know of to the door, the combination opens the door just as well. Dutch picked out the combination. The combination being oh four, oh eight, oh six... Who says that Dutch lacks a sense of humor?'

A second later, the door unlocked, and Revy opened the door.

As she stepped inside, she turned on the lights, to looked around.

The armory was a huge, long room, that offered plenty of space to store items in.

In the back of the armory was half the treasure they had. Including, some gold bars stacked together. There was also crates of other treasures, placed near the bold bars.

The other half gold and other treasures were inside their Lagoon PT boat.

The Lagoon family knew better than to put all their valuables in one place.

There were some chairs and ladders placed by the back wall, as well.

To Revy's right side were various alcoholic drinks, most of which were in wine shelves. There were also other items. Such as personal effects belonging to various members of her family.

Revy thought, 'It is so odd to think about the word, family, without resenting the word. Still, it is nice to have a family, now. With the Lagoon crew, and our daughters, being our family.'

She continued looking at the right side of the armory, which also included some fun little adult toy items that were be left out of the sight their small children, and any guests they had on the island.

Further down, were an assortment of knives, swords, ornate staffs, and other melee weapons on shelves.

And towards the back were shelves with plastic explosives, detonators, remotes for detonators, primer cord, shape charges, grenades, and various types of explosive landmines. Though, all the explosives were put away in a manner they would not explosive by themselves.

In the center of the room had a couple of old fashioned cannons. Including, a modern artillery cannon.

The ammo for the weapons were placed by the weapons.

The cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid, with a square metal railing at the bottom. For the artillery cannon, the ammo was stacked in a triangle, with a rectangle metal railing at the bottom.

Revy smirked, as she looked at the weapons. She thought, 'One good think about that super-soldier serum we all have in us, is that we had no problems moving those cannons. Though, we did not fill this place up until after we had our kids. The only thing we didn't put in here were torpedoes, because we could not get them to fit through the front doors.'

'Though, we did find a nice hiding place for them. In a building located near the mansion. With the torpedoes temporally disarmed, until we need them.'

Revy then giggled at her thoughts, as she remember the discussion on the matter of moving their spare torpedoes from the Lagoon, to somewhere on the island.

On the left side, of the front section of the room, there were boxes of bullet casings, shotgun shells, various primers, gunpowder, black powder, slugs, shot. Beside the boxes was a large table with some stools in front it.

On the table was equipment to recycle brass shells, clean ammo, make bullets, and other types of ammo.

Further down, there were shelves for the revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, and few auto-pistols.

The next shelves housed, shotguns, breech loading rifles, automatic rifles.

The shelves after that had sub-machine guns, machine guns.

The shelves, behind those shelves, housed shoulder mount rocket launchers, various types of grenade launchers, and miscellaneous firearms.

This included a few China Lake grenade launchers, with the grenades, placed nearby, to use in them.

There was also other ammo, and loaded magazines, stacked beside the specific weapons, which used those items.

On the left side of back wall, on a set of shelves, there were classic, collector's firearms. This included muskets and flintlocks.

The ammo, ammo boxes, and ammo cartridges for each weapon was behind that specific weapon on each shelf.

Then, there was a small table on the back wall, between the gold and the left set of shelves, was a medium sized lead box, with two simple clip locks keeping it closed.

Revy looked at the box, as she smiled wickedly. She mentally reflected, 'In that lead box is a small, tactical nuclear weapon, in the ten kiloton range. Just touching the box makes me orgasm.'

'To bad it takes five different keys to arm it. But, one key is all that is needed to deactivate it. Dutch, Benny, Janet, Rock, and I each have a key. And the keys all have to be used at the same time to activate the timer, which then has to be set, with a minimum setting of one hour. So, no stupid slip up of one second to run...'

'And we only have one. So, we cannot test it out, in a remote location... Still, a girl can dream...'

Revy then held up the pink umbrella shotgun, by it's form-end, with her right hand. She looked a the weapon, as she thought, 'Now, I need to put up this shotgun. And then get something to eat, in the kitchen.'

Revy walked over to where the shotguns were located out. She soon found a space in the shelves to place the umbrella shotgun in. And she placed the shotgun there.

Afterward, she walked out of the room, turning off the lights. She then closed the steel door, and locked it back up.


A few minutes later, Revy back up to the ground floor, as she was walking down a hallway towards the kitchen, to get something to eat.

As she turned the corner, she walked up to Rock.

Both women stopped in their tracks, as they looked at each other.

Rock looked at Revy. She smiled at Revy, as she said, “Revy, you wanted to speak to me?”

Revy replied, “Yes. It is about Bob.”

Rock responded, “Benny and Janet told me that you came in covered in mud. I take it that you first attempt did not end well?”

Revy said, “That would be an understatement. I found him in the Outlaw Star reality. And yes. Those bird people really are too friendly.”

Rock giggled.

Revy continued, with slight disbelieve in her tone of voice, “Rock, Bob took me out with feathers and mud. Feathers and mud! It is one thing to just be defeated outright. But, he beat me using my own mind against me. That ain't fair, Rock. As such. I have come to ask you. Do you have anything you want to add about Bob?”

Rock replied, “Well. Now, that I think about it. I should have mentioned that he is a fictional otaku. He is very genre savvy. Zangief trained him how to fight. And he beat Akira in hand to hand combat. So, he has some skills at fighting. Also, he out maneuvered me, by using my own plans against me. I was too embarrassed about the last one to talk about it.”

Revy growled, “That would have been very handy know, earlier.”

Rock replied, in a calm tone of voice, in the hopes of calming Revy down, “I know. And I am sorry for not telling you, earlier. I thought you could handled it without knowing how badly he beat me.”

Rock saw Revy calm down.

Revy then inquired, “How badly did he beat you?”

Rock admitted, “Bob beat me at every level. I tricked him into coming to Tokyo. I was thinking home turf advantage and all that. Though, he found a way to get to Tokyo earlier than I expected.”

“He then thoroughly prepared and planned his strategies against me, before he made his first move against me. I am talking about the same level of planning I do.”

“I bring a badass crew. He brings a walking tank that can handle them all at once. Along, with an expert sniper that he keeps as his ace in hole. On the other hand, my ace in the hole was an alien super-cop. In response, Bob brings in the alien cop's ex-boyfriend to romance her into not fighting for us, and do what Bob wants done. And it worked.”

Revy nodded, as she cracked a grin. She said, “Not bad. I got to give Bob more credit than I thought.”

Rock mentioned, “Also, I learned the hard way that Ed knows how to fight hand to hand as well. And there is one other thing about Bob.”

Revy requested, in a slightly impatient tone of voice, “Spit is out, Rock.”

Rock stated, “As you know Bob is from the same reality as Akira?”

Revy said, “Yes.”

Rock commented, “And you know that Akria's gender bending abilities comes from an odd genetic mix of being descended from two alien species, in her human family tree.”

Revy replied, “I remember her mentioning that over drinks, once.”

Rock stated, “Bob has the same genes for gender bending. Only his genes are dormant. You could say that Bob is a latent gender bender.”

Revy smile slightly grew, as she inquired, “Really? And what would it take to activate those genes?”

Rock answered, “The same way Akira's genes were activated. With a mild electrical shock from ordinary electricity. A shock of direct circuit would do it. Considering Akira's genes were activated from a shock by electronics, which uses direct current. And it is safer to use than alternating circuit. Such as from a standard electrical socket. Though, that only activates the genes. Bob would still have to sneeze to trigger his gender change.”

Rock thought, 'I am glad I tracked down and read Akira's manga. And I have to admit, it was a hilariously fun read, for a lighthearted comedy. And except for some nudity, I had no complains about Akira series.'

'Though, I did not realize that Akira was into porn, as a teenager. It makes me wonder what Akira did when she first got her ability to change into teenage girl.'

'And I wonder, how much Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer twisted Akira. And how twisted Akira already was, before she came to Roanapur.'

'But, those are thoughts for later. When I can ask Akira, myself.'

The expression that Rock saw on Revy's face at that moment transcended all other crazy smiles she had every seen Revy make, in person.

Revy's grin was not a psychotic smirk. It was not a feral grim. It was not even a slasher smile.

Revy's grin, at that moment was absolute, pure evil. And her grin when all the way up to her eyes. And Rock could only guess what she was thinking.

As Rock saw Revy's expression, she suddenly realized her mistake in telling her lover about Bob's genetic quark.

Rock thought, with worry, 'Oh lord. What I have done? I just sent a lion after a lamb. And after hearing this piece of juicy meat, there is nothing I am going to be able to say to talk her out of what she is planning to do.'

'While, I want Bob to become a gender bender. I do not want him to end up in a similar situation as Akira did, with Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer. And I feel that I have just set that course in motion. Still, if I play along, I can probably mitigate the situation.'

Then, Revy smile turned back to a normal grin, as she suggested something that took Rock off guard. She said, “Let's get some lunch, and talk about this.”

Rock pretended that nothing was wrong, as she replied, “Alright. Just two items.” She thought, 'Her such change of expression was unexpected. But, not unwelcome. She is going to want information from me. But, she is doing it the right way. Though, I need to go over a few things with her, before she leaves against, to go after Bob and Ed.'

Revy asked, “What?”

Rock requested, “I would like you to check in with me, on where you are going, your plans, where you have been, and what has been going on.”

Revy responded, “No problem. I was planning to do that anyway. Just in case I need rescuing.”

Rock warned, “Good. And onto a more personal matter. Be careful when coming back and forth on from this hunting trip. You don't want to lose time with our kids, and end up missing out on raising them.”

Revy stated, “Good point, Rock. I realize those dangers, and I promise to do everything in my power to avoid these problems. With luck, I will only be gone for five minutes, between hunting trips. And I fully interested to be a part of our kids lives.”

Rock smiled, as she thought, 'Revy, I believe you.' She said, “Glad to hear it. Good hunting. Now, let us get something to eat.”

Revy replied, “Yes. Let's do that.” Revy thought, 'And after I get something to eat, with you, Rock, I will then go about recruiting my team.'

The two lovers then headed for the kitchen area of their home, to have a mid-afternoon snack.


Black Lagoon reality. Two hours later. Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

It was late afternoon in the harbor of Tamsui District, Shenhua and Sawyer's large yacht was moored to a dock.

The temperature outside was warm, with a light breeze. And the sky partly cloudy.

For the last week, Shenhua has been enjoying the opportunity of showing Sawyer her homeland.

Lotton accompanied them as their personal servant.

Though, Lotton did not look like the man she used to be.

When Lotton came out of the vat, on their yacht, a few years ago, both Shenhua and Sawyer were surprised at how the gender bending of the vat process had changed Lotton's features. Not just from man to woman, but in other ways.

Lotton still had white hair, which she kept short. But now, along with being youthful woman of her mid-twenties, her body was nearly as short and petite as Sawyer.

Still, while the change was a surprise for Sawyer and Shenhua, both of them found the transforming to be humorous.

And due to the brainwashing of the vat process, Lotton did not much mind the changes to her bodies.

Also, when Lotton came out of the vat process, she found that the Sawyer and Shenhua had kept their word, and the brainwashing Lotton had received was not so bad. She was loyal to them, and she had the same basic brainwashing of being at peace with her new gender, and being bi-sexual. But, other than that, her personality was still the same.

Along with this, Shenhua and Sawyer were not slave drivers. They wanted a servant, not a slave. Lotton was expect to cleaned and prepared the food sometimes. When the chef needed help. Also, she would refill their drinks, and get them something to eat. But, otherwise, she was not expected to do anything else.

And Lotton was given a decent room to sleep in, several different sets of cleans clothing that fit her, other basic needs, and some free time every day, with a little bit of money should she could spent for herself.

All in all, considering what Lotton had done while in the serve of Chang, at Chang's Tower, Lotton counted her blessings, and she went along with being a Sawyer and Shenhua's servant.

Of course, two months after being changed, Sawyer and Shenhua took great delight in teasing Lotton over having her first monthly period. But, all Lotton faced was teasing from the two other women. And Lotton managed to deal with such matters with the maturity of an adult.

After Lotton came out of the vat process, and they continued traveling around the world on Sawyer and Shenhua's yacht. With Sawyer and Shenhua using their vast wealth to have fun. With them letting Lotton have some fun as well. The three women found the next three years, or so, go by fast for them.

Presently, Sawyer and Shenhua were both relaxing in the living room of their yacht, watching satellite television, on their large, thin, widescreen, wall mounted TV. As they sat in on some cushioned, white couches in the room.

There was a small, black table between the couches, with the pathways in the room leading around the couches two sides of the room. Also, there was a low laying coffee table set in front of each of the two couches.

When facing the TV, Sawyer was on the right couch, and Shenhua was on the left couch. Both were dressed in casual clothing, to lounge around in their yacht.

Sawyer was laying down in the couch she was on, with her head on the left side of her couch. While Shenhua was sitting up right in her couch.

Sawyer had on her electrolarynx choker around her throat, so she could talk.

Meanwhile, Lotton was in back of the room, behind Shenhua and Sawyer, on the opposite side of the room from the TV. She was in her white maid's uniform, as she carefully dusted some shelves in the room with a small feather duster in her right hand.

Suddenly, there was a phone call from the satellite phone that yacht's built in phone system used. The phone was located on a small table between the to couches.

Shenhua used her TV remote to mute the TV, She then moved over to the table, and she picked up the phone, put it to her right ear.

Given there were only a few people that knew their phone number. And the majority of those people knew english. Shenhua decided answer the phone, in english, “Hello.”

On the other end of the line, Revy stated, in a casual tone of voice, in english, “Hi Shenhua. How are you and Sawyer doing?”

Shenhua answered, “Fine. And you?”

Revy replied, “Great, actually. Say. How would you like to have some fun?”

Shenhua said, “I am listening.”

Revy stated, “I would like to tell you in person. Where are you?”

Shenhua responded, “We would love to have you over. Our yacht is moored to the docks, in the harbor of Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Tamsui is in the northwest section of Taiwan.”

Revy commented, “So, you are visiting your homeland?”

Shenhua replied, “Yes. We are currently in the living room of our yacht. Do you remember where that room is on our ship?”

Revy answered, “Yes. I just need to pull out a map. I will be there in a few minutes.”

Shenhua said, “See you there.” She then hung up the phone, and set it back on the table between the two couches.

Sawyer turned to Shenhua, as she asked, with her electrolarynx choker, in english, “Who was that?”

Shenhua answered, “Revy. She is coming over, any minute.”

Sawyer responded, “That is nice. I look forward to seeing her again. I wonder what she has been up to for the last few years?”

Shenhua replied, “Not a clue. Her and Rock have pretty much stayed silent on what they have been doing.”

Lotton had been listing in on the conversation. She spoke up, in her feminine voice, in english, “Curious? Isn't it?”

Neither Shenhua, nor Sawyer, turned to look at Lotton, as both her heard statement. Though, Shenhua agreed, “Yes. It is.”

Shenhua then unmuted the TV with her remote.


A few minutes later, Revy teleported into the yacht living room, between the couches and TV, while she was facing the Shenhua and Sawyer, sitting on the couches. With Lotton standing behind Shenhua and Sawyer.

Lotton was still dusting the shelves in the back of the room.

Shenhua and Sawyer saw that Revy had her reality device in her right hand. Also, she had on her usual clothing, with her two semi-automatic pistols in their shoulder holsters.

Shenhua quickly used the TV remote by her, to muted the TV. She then set the remote down next to herself.

Revy put away her reality device, back into her front right pants pocket, as she looked over at Shenhua and Sawyer. She said, “Hi guys.”

Shenhua replied, “Hello Revy.”

Sawyer commented, “It is good to see you again, Revy. It has been far too long.”

Revy responded, “You got that right.”

Sawyer asked, “So, what brings you here?”

Revy smirked, as she answered, “The offer of adventures.”

Shenhua responded, “Well, like I said on the phone, we are more than willing to listen.”

Sawyer requested, “Please, tell us what you have in mind.”

Revy answered, “Well, is seems this guy from Akira's home reality, along with his girlfriend, has run afoul of Rock. And Rock wants me to catch them.”

Shenhua inquired, “And what is in it for us?”

Revy stated, “Excitement, and the challenge of it all. There is no point in paying you. We are all already rich. And you have to admit that being rich can sometimes be boring.”

Sawyer said, “You make a good point.”

Shenhua stated, “You are correct.”

Sawyer questioned, “So, who are these people?”

Revy answered, “Two teenagers. The first is the girl. Well, woman, now. Her name is Ed. She is a grown up Radical Edward of the Cowboy Bebop reality.”

Lotton stopped dusting, as she listened in on their conversation.

Revy continued, “Though, it is not as good at our series. It is still pretty good. I know you both have seen the series. I guess, from Rock's description, Ed would be around eighteen now. And Rock said that she as hot as one would expect her to be.”

Sawyer inquired, “And the guy?”

Revy stated, “A eighteen, or nineteen year old man named, Bob. You remember that teenage boy that ran from me in the video store that Rico owned. What that was Bob, and he has now all grown up. Also, he is starting to show signs of becoming an intelligent badass.”

Shenhua asked, “And what makes this Bob special?”

Revy admitted, “On my first outing to catch Bob, he beat me with just feathers and mud. And then there is his genetic quark. He has the same gender bending abilities as Akira. Only his genes are dormant.”

Sawyer gave Revy an amusing smile, as she asked, “You always find the most interesting of people, Revy. How do you do it?”

Revy let out a laugh. She then answered, “I guess I am just lucky. Now, I am sure you both are thinking the same things as I am. Wouldn't it be fund to activate Bob's gender ability? All it requires is some electricity, and ground up black pepper. I was thinking of how much fun it would be to pop that cherry. Just like the good old days”

Shenhua smirked, as she said, “Sounds like fun.”

Sawyer cautioned, “While Bob would be a virgin as a woman. If Bob is not also still on as a man. Though, let us not cross that bridge unless Bob wants too. That wild night with Akira really messed her up for a while, afterward. Even though it was consensual, for all parties involved. We clearly went to far.”

Shenhua looked over at Sawyer, as she agreed, “Good point. But, we can always do a number of other things, like play dress up, again. Like we did with Akira, when she first came to our reality.”

Sawyer turned to Shenhua, as she responded, “Yes. That was fun. And productive.” She turned back to Revy, as continued, “So Revy, you have our undivided attention?”

Shenhua also turned to look at Revy.

Revy stated, “Okay. Here is my plan. We wait for them to separate. Then, we go after Bob. That was my original plan, and it would have worked, if I had not estimated him.”

“The reason I want to do capture them separately is two fold. One, Rock wants them alive and unharmed. And we want that too if we want to have some fun with Bob, afterward. The other reason is Bob and Ed might have friends. While I can take into account for most of their friends. Rock stated that a biker was with them that he could not identify, whom seems to have some military skills. As long as we play this smart, this can be fun, and personally rewarding, for the challenge doing this brings.”

Shenhua and Sawyer looked as each other for a few seconds. Then, they nodded at each other. They both turned back to face Revy.

Sawyer said, “This works for me.”

Shenhua replied, “We will join you.”

Revy stated, in a sincere tone of voice, “Thank you, guys.”

Sawyer and Shenhua then got up from their couches. Shenhua said, “We will need an hour to get ready.”

Revy smiled, as she responded, “No rush. I will just wait here for you. Also, please bring your reality devices with you. Just encase I lose mine.”

Shenhua complimented, “Good thinking.”

Shenhua and Sawyer then walks passed Revy, as the left the room, through a door to the right side of the TV.

Both of them headed to their separate personal quarters, to get ready. Such as change their clothing, and gather there weapon.

With Shenhua and Sawyer no long in the room, and out of earshot, Lotton turned to Revy.

Lotton calmly stated, “Revy. A word of caution. I know what you have in mind. I made the same mistake. And look at where it got me. This could end in tears for you.”

Revy looked over at the shorter woman, as she inquired, “Lotton, I thought you were brainwashed to be loyal? And for you not question others?”

Lotton pointed out, “To them. Yes. To you. No.”

Revy replied, “I should not be surprised that is the case.”

Lotton said, “No. You shouldn't have. And they were already my friends to begin with. And they are still my friends. I just serve then now.”

Revy asked, “Yes. You seem to have an interesting relationship with those two. So, are you planning to try to stop me?”

Lotton responded, “No. Because it gets them out of my hair for a while. While they are my friends. And I hope nothing but the best for them When they are gone, I am left in charge of the ship, with enough money to take care of things.”

Revy complimented, “I see that you are as devious as ever, Lotton.”

Lotton said, “Revy, barring the gender identity and bi-sexuality, they did not change my personality that much. They just made me loyal to them. And there have been some benefits to my gender change. I can now consume alcoholic drinks without a problem.”

Revy cracked a grin, as she stated, “Well, there is that. Also, you should consider yourself lucky that Rock and I haven't told anyone about where you are at.”

Lotton quietly responded, “I am deeply aware of the situation I am in.”

Revy commented, “Well, it looks like we are all getting something out of this deal.”

Lotton agreed, “Yes. We are.” She then went back to dusting the shelves.

There was silence in the room for a few seconds.

Revy then walked over to the couch Shenhua was sitting in. Revy sat in the couch. She grab the remote. She unmuted the TV, and channel surfed, to see what was on Shenhua and Sawyers yacht's satellite TV system.

Revy then waited for her friends to get ready.

Around an hour later, Shenhua and Sawyer turned to the living room. Both of them were dressed in their usual work clothing. And they head their weapons on them.

Revy used the remote to turn off the TV. She set the remote down, and walked over to Shenhua and Sawyer.

Revy then pulled out her reality device, and she used her reality device to teleport her two friends, and herself, to another location. As they searched for Bob and Ed, in the multiverse.

A few minutes later, Lotton walked into the living room, to check to more sure the Shenhua, Sawyer, and Revy were gone. Once she was sure this was the case, she decided to take an easy break from her work that day.


Reality, an alternate Earth. Date, Monday, November second, nineteen ninety-eight. Place, a hotel, in a small town in New England part of the U.S.A. Time, one thirty PM, in the afternoon.

The weather was partly cloudy, with a moderate breeze. the temperature being cool, but not cold.

Bob exited that front entrance of hotel, that he, Ed, and Boris, were staying at.

As Bob walked down the street, to a local dry cleaning service, a block away, he thought, 'I hope the dry cleaners have cleaned Mal's coat completely. Boy, did Revy do a number of that long coat, with those exploding cans of tomato soup. Fortunately, the coat took the stains, and not the rest of my clothing. Still, having my coat dirtied like that, annoys me.'

'And this is why I came to this town. It was a partly blind jump. But, I am where I want to be. This is close enough to my time period, with the reality close enough to my Earth, that debit cards work. But, far enough in the past that government spying is less than what it is in my present.'

'We have been here two days. And Ed and Boris have been understanding, with my situation, in cleaning my coat. But, I know they clearly want to leave. And so do I.'

'But, even though this town is part of the rust belt of the American factory ruins, it is still a nice town. And the hotel suites are each staying at, are nice. Also, the local restaurants have tasty food.'

'Still, this is the type of town that one settles down in. This is not the place for adventures. Though, Ed has not climbing the walls because she still has access to an internet here. And Boris is a professional. And when I get my coat back, within the hour, we will be leaving for a much more interesting place to some fun at.'

Bob then patted his hand-held encrypted radio, that was clipped onto his right side of his belt, as he thought, 'It is nice knowing that I can call for help, if I need it. Boris and Ed have their radios on. If I call, they will come running to help me.'

'And given what Ed told me she did to Rock. Along with what I have seen in her sparring session. I have no doubt she can hold her own, in a fight, with Boris, and myself. Though, I still prefer we not fight at all. And Ed and Boris both stated they agree with me.'

Half an hour later, Bob has reached the building the dry cleaners were in. He entered the store, paid for his coat cleaning, with his debit card, and he retrieved his coat.

As Bob walked on outside of the dry cleaning store, he was holding his coat, in his hands.

He stood in front of the store, as he looked at his brown long coat. He thought, 'I see no stains. And my coat smells great. Also, given it is November, it is cold enough for me to wear, without overheating.'

As Bob put on his coat, he looked in front of of the coat open.

Bob then noticed something across the empty street, as he thought, 'Interesting. Across the street from the dry cleaners is an abandoned steal factory. It would be tempting to explore. But, I do not have time to do so.'

Bob then heard a familiar female voice, to his left side, say, in a casual tone of voice, “Hi Bob. I see you got those stains out of your coat.”

Bob said, without looking at her, “Hi Revy. I didn't expect to see you for another week.”

Revy commented, “One of the fun parts about traveling between times, and realities. For one person, it can be a few minutes. For another person, it can be several months. Or longer. Though, it is has only been a few hours for me. And I guess a few days for you.”

Bob turned to Revy, as he began, “Yes. And listen Revy, I really don't feel like...”

Bob suddenly stopped talking, as he saw who was with Revy.

To Revy's left was Sawyer, with her chainsaw hung across her back, on a strap. She wore purple and black goth clothing. She also had her electrolarynx choker around her neck.

To Revy's right was Shenhua, in her white coat, over her red qipao, with flowers on her dress. She held her both her kukri long knives in her hands. With the cords under her sleeves, attached to the bottoms of the hilts of the knives.

Revy had her armed cross, while she smirked at Bob.

Bob found that all he could say was, “Oh crap.”

The three women giggled at his response.

Bob thought, with terror, 'I am so dead. I would be on my hands and knees right now, begging for mercy, if I thought it would help me. But, with these women, begging would only make things worse for myself. Ed has the reality device. That means, my option is to run, radio Boris, and pray very hard that he can handle this situation.'

'But, first I need to calm down.'

Revy commented, “You did give me the hint that I need some help to deal with you.”

Bob forced himself to calm down. He shrugged, as he replied, “I admit. I walked into that one.”

Bob then swiftly bolted across the empty street, towards the abandoned steel factory. When he reached the chain link fence, which did not have barbed wiring, nor razor wiring at the top. He quickly climb over the fence. As he feet hit the ground, on the other side of the fence, he continued running deeper into the factory ruins.

The three women calmly watched, as they allowed Bob a the chance to run. To make their hunt more sporting.

Sawyer commented, with her electrolarynx, “He is faster than I expected.”

Shenhua stated, “Any doubt about him knowing us, has been answered. Only someone that knows us, would run that fast.”

Revy stated, “True. The last time I got in a foot chase with him, we ran for a while, He did not have our stamina and endurance. But, he does have above average physical abilities. So, he is no push over.”

Revy then reminded her two friends, as she calmly continued, “And remember girls. Rock and I want him alive and mostly unharmed. He will be no fun for us if it is maimed. The same goes for Ed.”

Shenhua replied, “I will keep that in mind.”

Sawyer commented, in the monotone tone of voice of her electrolarynx, “No problem.”

All three women then quickly run across the empty street.

When they reached the other side, Sawyer used her chainsaw to swiftly cut a hole for them in the chain link fence. With them soon followed Bob into the factory ruins.


As Bob ran through the factory ruins, he soon turned to his left.

While Bob continued to run, he quickly took in his surroundings.

Around Bob, the factories buildings, walls, roads, and parking lots, were in serious disrepair. With several steel reinforced concrete block walls, concrete pillars, and some concrete dividers, partly collapsed.

Also, there were several empty rusted steel fifty gallon oil drums, scattered throughout the open area.

Also, there were patches of the dirt, by the roads, and broken through the roads and parking lots, where tall, uncut grass, that nearly reached as high as the fifty gallon oil drums which were standing on their sides.

In addition to all this, Bob noticed that, due the time of day, in relation to the sun, and the height of the buildings, which Bob ran between, there were a lot of shadows cast in the area.

While Bob rushed thought the area, he thought, “A lot of places to hide. Good. Now, to find a place to hide. While I call for help.'

Bob saw a concrete pillar that was attached to a partly standing concrete wall. To Bob's right side, there was empty space, by the pillar. To Bob's left side, the pillar was attached to a concrete block wall,

The height of the partly collapsed wall ranged from four to eight feet.

The partly collapsed wall stretched for several meters, until it ended, at a corner of another wall, that was also partly collapsed. Though, the wall on the far in had several holes in it.

It would be charitable to call the other side of the pillar and wall, the interior part of a building. There was more open sky, than roof on the other side of the pillar and wall.

Bob thought, 'They are not coming at me from the air. So, I only have to think two dimensionally in my hiding place. And that pillar, and wall, will do nicely.'

Bob rushed behind the pillar, near where the wall attached to the pillar. He then knelt down, as he then removed his encrypted, hand-held radio from the right side of his belt.

Bob turned the volume dial down low enough that he could barely hear it. He then pushed the talk button. He whispered, into the radio, “Boris, are you there?”

A few seconds later, on the other end of the encrypted radio channel, Boris calmly inquired, “What is it?”

Bob quietly responded, “I'm in trouble. Big trouble.”

Boris asked, “Is Revy back?”

Bob softly answered, “Yes. And she brought her friends. Shenhua, and Sawyer. And they all look ready to play hard. I don't have to tell you how screwed I am, right now. If they had brought the Bloodhound with them, I would have already surrendered, by now.”

Boris said, in a comforting tone of voice, “That fully understandable. Where are you? So, I can come, and rescue you.”

Bob responded, “I am in the abandoned factory ruins, from across the dry cleaners. A block away from where you guys are at, in the hotel. Do you remember where that it?”

Boris answered, “Yes. Now, where are you in the factory?”

Bob stated, “When you are at the dry cleaned, go directly across the street, to the fence. After you get passed the fence, walk fifty yards, then turn to your left. Go another hundred feet, between the buildings. I am in that area.”

“Since most of these buildings are nearly collapsed, I suggest using them for cover to ambush Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer. And bring Ed and the reality device along with you. Her genius, and skills, might would be an asset in this situation. I am sure the two of you can come up with a plan, by the time you get here.”

Boris said, “Ed just walked into my run. She has her radio, and she has clearly been listening in. We are heading out now, with the device. We will return later, to our rooms, to collect our belongings. For now, just hide, or stall them, for as long as you can. We will be there in a few minutes.”

Bob thought, 'Ed only goes silent, when the situation is very serious. And I am glad she realizes how serious the situation is.' He softly replied, “I will do my best.”

Bob then turned off the radio, and put it into one of his pockets, in his brown long coat.

Bob decided it was best to remain where he was, as he waited for Boris and Ed to show up.

Bob kept an eye out, of his surroundings, on the side of the wall, and pillar, he was kneeling by. He did not dare sit down, in case he was found, and he had to make a quick run for it.

A minute later, about fifty feet away, on the opposite side of wall and pillar that Bob was kneeling against, Bob heard Revy's voice, as Revy yelled, in a sing-song voice, “Warriors!... Come out to play!...”

Revy's voice took a more serious tone, as she loudly stated, “I always wanted to say that! Still, I hated that movie! Being a New York City bad girl! From that time period! I found the film offensive that they did not show that the girls could play as rough as the boys! And you, Bobby-boy, of all people, know how rough we like to play!”

Bob then heard another woman's voice, with a chinese accent, loudly say, “Come out now, Bob, and we will not harm you! Personally, I like meeting my fans! And I can appreciate why you are scared out of your mind, right now! But, you must understand one thing about me! I do keep my word!”

Bob thought, 'Given accent, that must be Shenhua. Sawyer has to use a voice box to speak. So, she cannot yell. Also, Shenhua's english speaking skills have gotten a whole lot better that when she was shown in the Black Lagoon series. And that makes sense. Given she as spend more time around english speaking people. Including, living with Sawyer and Lotton. Both of whom knew english. With Shenhua having to use her own english speaking skills more often.'

'Though, I need to voice on the here and now. I have to be aware that they must have seen me make that turn. So, they know I am here somewhere. And they either trying to flush me out. Or, they know I am behind this pillar, and Sawyer is coming around the side, to ambush me.'

Bob took a look around, as he mentally realized, 'I don't see them. So, it is likely the first. And they are trying to flush me out.'

Revy yelled, “Bob, you can run, but you cannot hide!... Well, not for long, anyway! Still, this is getting boring, Bob! You wouldn't like us when we are bored! Though, while we are waiting, let us talk about your future, Bobby-boy! Guess what Rock told me! You are going to love it! I am sure you know about Akira's gender changing, sneezing ability! Well, it turns out you have the same genes to change genders with a sneeze!”

Bob mentally screamed, 'They know! How?!... The blood on Akira's blade, when she poked me! They must have analyzed it. Damn it!... Well, nothing I can do about it, now. Still, having probably some of the most, twisted, deviant, badass women, that I know of, knowing I am. For lack of a better term. A latent gender bender. Is terrifying on several levels.'

'Let's see. First, we have Shenhua. The knife nut that compares stabbing people with her long knives to sexual intercourse as a man. Her knives are basically mental phallic symbols for her. And she is an expert at using to her knives.”

'Then, there is Revy. That girl is so many shades of crazy that it is not even funny. And it was hinted, by Rowan, that she when through a sadomasochistic phase, while in Roanapur, before the Black Lagoon series began.'

'Finally, there is Sawyer... The quite one, in so many ways... Where to start with her?... She is the literally a chainsaw wielding maniac whom figured out how to make a profitable career out of being a chainsaw wielding maniac.'

'In Roanapur, Sawyer was paid use her chainsaw to hack of human bodies. With a number of those bodies still breathing... To actually be only mere feet away, in the same yard, with such a person, is so scary that I don't really think about it, because doing so would cause me to freeze up. I am not sure what her deal is about being here. But, anyone that made a living like that needs to be avoided at all costs.'

'The only good news about Sawyer is that she expressed interest in changing her job to one that is more like that of a mercenary, slash hit-woman. Still, I know better than to want to get anywhere near her.'

'Along with all this, I am sure the fact that if I was turned into a girl, I would be a virgin again. And I am sure that, along with the thought of taking my manhood away from me. By electrocution and sneezing. That the thought that I would be a virgin, as woman, would only turn these women on, even more about.'

Shenhua yelled, “Revy has this all worked out! I think you will like it!”

Bob thought, 'Like hell, I will.'

Revy yelled, “Bobby-boy, you clearly want to be a badass! Well, we can arrange that! It will cost you your manhood! After some electricity, and sneezing, we can have some fun! Just look how our previous student turned out! I believe you have met her! Her name is Akira!”

Bob thought, with worry, 'That explains so much about how Akira ended up the way she is, after her manga series ended. Still, it is one thing to be turned into a chick. That would be bad, but not the end of the world. Yet, being turned into a crazy chick, that is the embodiment of everything I don't like about some women, is too scary a thought for even me! I need to get out of here.'

Bob turned to his right side, as he looked down the wall, and at the partly collapse wall, in front of him, which had large holes, which lead into an open field behind it.

Bob thought, 'I need to be quiet, and I should be able to sneak away from them.'

Bob then started to crawl on the ground, on all fours, along the concrete wall. He crawled so he could be more quiet. And he was careful about where he placed his arms and legs, on the ground, so he could stay as quiet as possible.

While Bob crawled, he got dirt on his pants, and on the elbows of his coat. He thought, with annoyance, 'And I just had this cleaned.'

Bob looked in front of him, and he saw that the wall ran for another fifty feet.

When he reached the corner, the intact parts of the walls blocked his view. But, Bob did not care, as he slowly crawled through a hole by the corner, where the two partly collapsed walls met.

A few seconds later, Bob slowly crawled out of the hole, and onto the dirt outside.

As Bob reached about six feet outside the hole, with his body clear of the hole, Bob looked up to see, less than two feet from himself, two tanned, feminine, very well toned, legs, whose feet were wearing socks and green boots.

Bob mentally whined, 'You have got to be kidding me!'

Bob got into a kneeling position, as he look up at Revy's face. Bob also saw that Shenhua and Sawyer were only a few feet behind Revy. With Shenhua to Bob's right side, and Sawyer to his left side.

Revy look down at Bob, as she smirked. She said, “Nice try, Bob.”

Shenhua and Sawyer giggled.

Bob asked, “How?”

Revy pointed out, “The super-soldier serum we were given, gave us slightly enhanced senses. Not by a lot. We cannot hear your heartbeat. But, we can hear you moving around.”

Bob cursed, “Damn it!”

All three women then started laughing, at Bob's reaction.

While the women laughed, Bob was still in a kneeling position, and he got a very close up look at Revy's belly. As Bob look at Revy's stomach, he noticed something, about the tanned woman's stomach.

Bob thought, 'Wait a minute. Rock is now a girl. Hmm. So how did Revy here?... I think I still might be able to save myself.'

As the women began to calm down, Revy looked down at Bob, as she inquired, “So, do you have anything to say, before we take you with us? And don't worry. We will come back for Ed, later.”

Bob looked up at Revy's face, as he calmly asked, “Yes. I do. Revy, please don't take this the wrong way. Even at this distance, I can barely tell. But, are those stretch marks on your stomach?”

Revy suddenly blushed beat red, as from behind her, Shenhua and Sawyer heard Bob's question.

Sawyer and Shenhua turned to Revy, as Shenhua said, “Revy, we knew you were going to have children, someday. But, we did not expect you to become a mother so soon.”

Sawyer commented, with her electrolarynx choker, in her monotone voice, “And Rock is now a girl. Who is the father?”

Shenhua inquired, “Revy, did you cheat on Rock?”

Revy immediately turned around to face her two friend. At the same time, she completely ignoring Bob, as she defended herself, by saying, “It is not like that. Rock is actually the father.”

Sawyer questioned, “How does that work?”

Revy stated, “Timing, some instant packets of something call spring of drowned man, and some simple medical equipment. And you would not believe how it all happened...”

Revy then explained how she and the other Lagoon members got pregnant. She then mentioned each of their children. Though, she did not use their names.

As this happened, Bob slowly crawled away from the three. And he soon found a nearby hiding place, behind row of oil drums.

While Bob did this, he heard the entire explanation, while he wished he had not.

Bob thought, with annoyance and disgust, 'Somebody pass the brain bleach. Where is a MIB neuralizer when you need one? Too much information. I did not want to, nor need to hear about that. My life it just getting weirder by the minute. With that info, I think if they captured me, I would be a whole lot worse off than I thought, beforehand.'

Nearby, Sawyer requested, “Can we have some if those instant man packets?”

Shenhua said, “Yes. Those packets sound interesting.”

Revy answered, “Sure. Dutch has over almost nineteen hundred packets left. She even has lots of instant spring of drowned girl packets, as well. That temporally turn men into women. The way the packets work is simple. Powder goes in cold water, you splash yourself, instant man. Being splashed with hot water reverses the effect.”

“Though, the effects of the magic, from the packets, does make people water magnets, for hot water, until they change back. Along with this, the temporary stuff offers a lot of control. And, from what we were told, the man powder will not work on those women that are pregnant. Though, all of us refused to test that claim, while we were pregnant.”

“Anyway, you will love being a guy for a little while. Being able to swap, back and forth, for both partners, let us play out a lot of fantasies that I had for years.”

“And I am glad both of you are interest. The change might temporally add a very more inches to your height.”

“And Shenhua, you have always complained about men know a lot about stabbing, but not much about being stabbed. How would you like to be the one doing the stabbing for a little while, without the knives?”

Shenhua responded, “I admit that the concept is intriguing.”

Revy said, “Good. As soon as deal with this guy, and his girlfriend, I will introduce you to new levels of fun. Hell. We can test this fun on Bob, after we turn him into a chick. Just bring plenty of condoms.”

Revy then turned around. Next, she looked down, to see that Bob escaped out of sight. As Revy looked around, she angrily asked, “Where did he go?”

For all three women, Bob was nowhere in sight.

A few seconds later, Revy yelled, “Bob! That is the good trick! Not many people can disappear right in front of me! Though, I am not upset! Just surprised!”

Revy then looked more closely at the ground, and she saw a trial of depressed dirt, and broken grass blades, which lead from where she was standing, the right side of a row of oil drums, that were only twenty feet away.

The oil drums were three feet high, and they were located under an overhang that lead into the shadows of one of the ruined factory buildings.

Revy loudly stated, “Bob, the problem with crawling is that you lead a nice trail! I can see where you went! Now, don't make me pull cutlasses on you! You will not like the results!”

Nearby, Bob thought, 'She is probably right. She does know where I am at. Pissing her off will not do me any favors in this situation. So, I might as well show myself.'

Bob stood up over the oil drums, as he faced the three women.

Bob saw that Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua, were at him.

Bob frowned, as he thought, 'I guess she did know where I was at.'

Revy noticed that Bob was frowning. She flatly stated, “Oh. Don't be like that. Looking back, you will like being turned into a girl. You already have the genes to change back and forth. We just need to activate them. Then, we can have some real fun.”

“None of my friends, that used to be male, including my lover, Rock, have really complained that much about being women, once they tasted some of the pleasures of being female. You will enjoy multiple orgasms. And I know what you are thinking. You have a girlfriend. We will invite her, as well. As smart as Ed is, I am sure she could learn a thing or two from us.'

Bob thought, 'I don't think shades of crazy is a strong enough term for Revy. And I won't dare let you corrupt Ed. Whom is a kind, sweet lady. Though, Ed is crazy, she the nice type of crazy. The type that crazy that you bring home to the family because she is fun to be around, in a family friendly kind of way... I have to stop this.'

Bob look at Revy, in her eyes, as he inquired, “Revy, why are you so obsessed with changing men into women?”

Revy met Bob's gaze, as she smirked. She said, “The impossibility of it all, while actually being a reality, turns me on. Now, walk around those oil drums, and come here. Before you upset us.”

Shenhua and Shenhua decided to punctuate Revy's order, with Shenhua holding up her long knives, and Sawyer pulled out her chainsaw, and revving it up, in front of herself.

Just then, from the shadows of the factory, behind Bob, someone shot twice at the three women.

All of a sudden, the holster straps on the top of Revy's shoulder snapped off, and her shoulder holsters, with the pistols inside them, dropped to the ground, around Revy's feet.

This took the women by surprise.

Two more shots hit the top of the hilts of Shenhua's long knives, right above where she was holding them, forcing her to drop her weapons, without actually harming her physically.

Finally, one more shot rang out. The shot hit the bottom side of Sawyer's saw chain, where the chain recoiled back into the engine, with the bullet causing the chain to jam, stopping the chain in it's tracks.

Sawyer quickly realized her chainsaw has stopped working. To avoid damaging the motor, or snapping her chain, she swiftly turned off her weapon, until she could figure out what was wrong, and fix the problem.

Revy yelled, “What the hell?!”

Then, all three women watched as a man walked out from the shadows of the factory building, from Bob's left side, to where he was standing between them and Bob.

The man had his semi-automatic pistol, in his right hand, pointed at them, as all three women immediately recognized him.

Revy stated, with shock in her tone of voice, “Boris?! You are the biker?”

Boris was wearing his dark clothing, as he stated, in a direct tone of voice, “Yes. And Bob and Ed are under my protection.”

Shenhua did not take her eyes off of Boris, as she walked over to Sawyer. She whispered into Sawyer's left ear, “Tiger hunting, again.”

Sawyer kept her eyes on Boris, as well. She quietly replied, “I know.”

Shenhua softly commented, “And we didn't get paid for that job.”

Sawyer shrugged, as she quietly replied, “Well, we did get Lotton out of that job.”

Shenhua softly agreed, “True.” She cracked a grin, as she quietly continued, “And Lotton has been fun, as both a man and woman.”

Sawyer cracked a grin, as she whispered, “I agree. Now, let's be quiet, and let this play out.”

Both Sawyer and Shenhua remained quiet, as they watched the situation unfold in front of them.

A few seconds later, they then noticed Ed coming out of the shadows of the factory. She wore a shirt, pants, tennis shoes without socks, and a cloth jacket over her shirt. She swiftly walked towards Bob.

As Ed came to a stop beside Bob, she looked at him. She asked, “Is Bob, okay?”

Bob turned to Ed, as he smiled at her. He answered, “Yes. I am fine. Now, that you two are here.”

Ed returned Bob's smile.

Sawyer commented, “So, you are Ed?”

Ed and Bob turned to Sawyer, Shenhua, and Revy. Ed answered, “Yes. Ed is Ed.”

Sawyer responded, “Huh?”

Bob said, “It is one of Ed's quarks. Just go with it.”

Revy did not take her eyes off of Boris, as she stated “Boris. You know how powerful we are. Do you really think you can take us?”

Boris responded, “Well, none of you are bulletproof. And I am the only one holding a gun, right now. And Shenhua, don't even think of going for your throwing knives.”

Shenhua replied, “I wasn't planning too.”

Boris went onto say, “And even without my weapon. I already went hand to hand with a fireball throwing super-strong, magical girl, with swift reflexes and combat training. A woman, whom I am to understand, was able to go toe to toe with Roberta, as a cyborg super-soldier, in a powersuit. Taking that into account, I think I can handle you three in hand to hand combat.”

Shenhua asked, “How did you find that out about that fight?”

Boris answered, “Roberta told Balalaika. Balalaika told me.”

Revy caught the subtlety of Boris' comment. She inquired, “Balalaika? Not, Captain?”

Boris said, “Not anymore. As I am sure you heard. I retired.”

Revy replied, “That we did.”

Shenhua and Sawyer each nodded once in confirmation.

Sawyer asked, “So, how has retirement been for you?”

Boris stated, “I am better for it. I am having a great retirement. You really should try make friends with Bob and Ed. Instead of being their enemies. They are real fun to travel with. They have taken me to the most interesting of places. Bob is basically the tour guide to the multiverse. While, Ed makes sure we have plenty of funds, no matter what reality we are in. And I provide bodyguard work. It is a wonderful arrangement.”

Bob and Ed heard Boris' comment. They smirked at the three women.

Boris gave the three bad girls a lecherous grin, as he stated, “And I have met more hot, nice women, while with Bob and Ed, than I have in my entire life. Thanks to them, I am having the time of my life. I would gladly take a bullet for either of them.”

Bob kept his eyes on Revy, Shenhua and Sawyer, as he said, “We would do the same for you, Boris.”

Boris continued looking at the three women, as he responded, “Thanks, Bob. You three likely had no idea what it was like for us men that lived in Roanapur. Especially, us in Hotel Moscow. Sharing a building with several other men, while the only hot women we dealt with were too crazy and too dangerous to approach. The hottest being one's commanding officer.”

Revy conceded, “I can see how that could drive a man crazy. Though, there were still plenty of whores. I was with Dutch when we transported a number of them to Roanapur.”

Boris said, “Well, the best way to put it is. After cooking premium steaks all day, for everyone else, a person does not feel like eating a cheap hamburger.”

Sawyer commend, “He has a point, there.”

Revy just shrugged, in response.

Boris went onto say, “Yes, Sawyer. I do have a point. That point being that the honest truth is, I admired Rock, for throwing caution to the wind and approaching you, Revy. And then there is, Benny, and Janet. The first hot, sane, intelligent babe to come to town, in who knows how long, and Benny snaps Janet up. That lucky bastard. I envied both Rock and Benny, until they were turned into women.”

Revy stated, “Well Boris, I can see why you are siding with Bob and Ed. Still, you are aware that word is going to get out of who you are with, and what you are doing?”

Boris agreed, “Of course. And if word gets back to Balalaika. Please let her know that I am loving my retirement. And I thank her for letting me peacefully leave Hotel Moscow.” Boris did not take his eyes off the Roanapur women, as he requested, “Ed, the reality device.”

The women watched as Ed pulled out her reality device from her left, front pocket.

Shenhua inquired, “Where did you get that?”

Ed answered, “Ed made it.”

Sawyer turned to Boris, as she questioned, “Boris, did Ed really make that? I know she is a hacker, but is she also an electronics genius?”

Boris nodded, as he stated, “Yes, to both questions. Very much so. Also, she is a very nice woman. And barring a few quarks, I enjoy being her friend.”

Ed smiled at Sawyer, Shenhua, and Revy. She commented, “Ed has seen your series. Ed like to become friends with you. But, only after you three have years of mental therapy, beforehand.”

Boris and Bob could not help but snicker at Ed's suggestion.

Revy countered, “You are one to talk, Ed.”

Ed pointed out, “On the contrary. Ed is feral crazy, not violent crazy. People usually have no problems with feral crazy. People only worried about violent crazy. You three are violent crazy. Understanding the difference keeps Ed out of all sorts of trouble.”

Bob looked down at Ed, as he smiled at her. He then turned to Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, as he stated, “And this is why I love having Ed as girlfriend.”

Bob and Ed turned towards each other. Bob leaned down, so he and Ed could share a quick kiss on their lips.

Boris continued looked at the three bad girls, with his pistol trained on them, as he backed up to where he was standing right beside Ed and Bob.

Boris suggested, “Ladies, if you knew what was best for you. You would back out now, while no one has been hurt.” Boris then ordered, “Hit it, Ed.”

Ed thought of a reality, place, and time she wanted to go. She held that thought, as she pressed the red button on her reality device.

Boris, Bob, and Ed then instantly disappeared from Shenhua, Sawyer, and Revy's sight.

A few seconds later, Revy picked up her holster, and holstered pistols. As she leaned back up, she turned to face her two friends. She inquired, “So, do either of you want to back out, now that we know Boris is protecting Bob and Ed? Given Boris' skills, I will understand if you want too.”

Shenhua picked up her long knifes, and put them away. She stood back up. She turned to Revy, as she smirked. She said, “Hell no. I always wondered how I would stack up against Boris. Chang has me in a fight. Balalaika is equal to Chang in skill. You and I are fairly equal. But, Boris. I just never could find the excuse to find out how good he really was.'

'Well, now I have an excuse. And given the situation, I do not have to worry about any reprisal from Balalaika, nor Hotel Moscow.”

Revy agreed, “Good point.” She looked over at her other friend, as she questioned, “And you, Sawyer?”

Sawyer turned to Revy, as she replied, “I am staying with you, Revy. I got nothing better to do. And you were right. This is exciting.”

Revy smiled, as she commented, “That is what I thought you both would say. And it is going to be so much fun catching them.”

Sawyer suggested, “Still, let's head back to our yacht, and plan our next move there.”

Revy complimented, “Good idea, Sawyer.”

Shenhua suggested, “When we get arrive, there is a nice restaurant, about a mile inland from where our yacht is docked, which serves good cantonese dishes.”

Sawyer mentioned, “We went there yesterday. It really is good.”

Revy pulled out her reality device, from her right side shorts pocket. She cracked a grin, as she said, “Sounds great. Though, after dinner, I will have to jump to my home for a few minutes, to get new holsters. I will even pick up a few of those instant man packets for you to try out. Just, remember to use protection. And if you swap back and forth. Be careful not to get yourself pregnant. Paying attention to when it is the fertile part of your month cycles will help.”

Shenhua said, “Don't worry. We will careful.”

Sawyer replied, “Yes. We will.”

Revy ordered, “Now, ladies, get a little closer to me.”

Sawyer and Shenhua took a few steps closer to Revy.

Revy then stated, “Now, let's get something to eat.”

Revy thought of where, when, and what reality she wanted to go to, as she pushed the red button on her reality device.

All three women instantly jumped realities, and back to the Black Lagoon Reality, in Taiwan, where Shenhua and Sawyer's yacht was moored. With the three of them appearing inside the yacht's living room.

In the living room, Lotton was still in her white maid outfit, as she sitting on one of the couches, while she was watching TV.

It has only been half an hour since Shenhua, Sawyer, and Revy had left from the living room, and to the reality they had tracked their prey too.

And the three women had instantly reappeared between Lotton and the TV, while facing her.

Lotton quickly used the remote by her to mute the TV. She then tossed the remote on the couch she was on, as she swiftly she stood up.

The three other women looked at Lotton, as Shenhua ordered, “Get cleaned up. And change into something more formal. We are going to go out to dinner. And you are coming with us.”

Lotton replied, “Thank you.” She then turned, and left to her own private quarters, to change her clothing to a nice dress that Shenhua and Sawyer had bought for her.


In the same reality that Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer had left, Ed, Boris, and Bob reappeared in a familiar location, which was a room, with a window that allowed plenty of light in to see with.

Ed stated, “We are back Ed's room, at the hotel.”

Bob inquired, “And how long has it been for here?”

Ed answered, “Five minutes. Ed figures that the three women would not guess that we would return to so near a time and space to where we were.”

Boris holstered his pistol, as he compliment, “Intelligent thinking, Ed. We need to collect our things. Check out and go.”

Ed turned around, to face Bob, with Bob looking back at her. She then looked Bob's in in his eyes, as she stated, “One thing, first. Ed and Boris heard what Revy and others were talking about. Why do they want to change Bob into a girl?”

Ed's comment caused Boris to turn to look at Bob, as well.

Bob looked at Ed, as he was shocked, speechless. He thought, 'Oh no. They heard what Revy said.'

A few seconds later, forced himself to calm down, as he looked back Boris. Then, back to Ed.

Next, Bob took a few steps back, to sit on the edge of Ed's bed, as he sighed. He thought, 'I might as well tell them.'

Bob looked up at his two friends, as he stated, “There was something I have not told you about myself. In all honesty, I did not put all the pieces together until that night we rescued you, Ed.”

Ed and Boris looked down at Bob.

Bob saw concerned looks on their faces.

Boris inquired, “What did you put together?”

Bob said, “It all started when I accidentally got sent to the Cowboy Bebop reality. I found out, from a blood test on my genes, by the corrupt police there, that I am more than just human. I have ancestors from two different alien species.”

Ed happily interrupted, “So. It is every sci-fi geeks dream to make out with a hot alien. And Ed gets to experience this.”

Bob wasn't sure how to response, as he commented, “Thanks. If it was just that, I wouldn't mind. But, it seems the genes from both species cause an interesting ability to happen when they are activated. Akira has the same type of mix in her family tree. You see, Akira, the blond woman in the cowgirl outfit, that we met, is from my reality. She is also the Akira from the Gacha Gacha Secret manga series. And we share the same family tree of having Alteran and Shimeru genes in our chromosomes.”

Ed frowned, as she understand what Bob was alluding too. She quietly said, “Oh no...”

Boris asked, “What does that mean?”

Bob let out a few deep breaths. He then stated, “I am a latent gender bender.”

Boris inquired, “Then, why haven't you changed back and forth?”

Bob answered, “I can't. And I don't want too. While I have the genes to do so, those genes are dormant. Though, all it would take to activate those genes is to be electrocuted. If that happened, I would gain the same gender changing abilities as Akira.”

Boris questioned, “Are you sure?”

Bob stated, “Yes. Those police in the Cowboy Bebop reality ran a program on my genes. To see a computer model of what I would look like if my alien genes were active. I would become the female equivalent of my current male form. That was confirmed by those computers. Fortunately, the program finish during a mass jail escape I was part of, and I was the only one that saw it. I immediately deleted the data and destroyed the blood samples they took from me.”

Boris complimented, “That was very wise of you to do so.”

Bob replied, “Thank you.”

Ed teased, “How hot is Bob as a woman?”

Bob said, “Think of when my mother was a few years younger than I am now. Also, it seems that the ages of my gender forms would not be parallel. The female side is a few years younger than the male side. Akira had the same problem, in her manga, with her two gender forms, when she was a teenager. Anyway, I would be nowhere near as hot as you.”

Ed could tell that Bob was flirting with her, as she happily replied, “Thank you.”

Boris inquired, “How did they find out?”

Bob theorized, “The best I can figure is they probably found out from analyzing some of my blood they had gotten, from Akira cutting me with one of her blades.”

“The irony of them finding out from Akira is not lost on me. And I guess Rock told Revy. And Revy told Sawyer and Shenhua. And now, three of the most twisted, badass women in the multiverse want to turn me into a girl, just for kicks.” Bob put his face in his hands, as he concluded, “It's a nightmare.”

Bob felt someone gently lay their hand on his left shoulder. Bob look up from his hands to see that it was Boris.

Boris kept his right hand on Bob's left shoulder, as he stated, “Don't worry. We will help you through this. I won't let those women capture you. And I don't give a damn what genes you have. You have proven yourself to me.” He then removed his right hand from Bob's left shoulder.

Ed said, “Yea. Ed don't care either. Bob not have choice who he descended from. Bob is nice guy that does not deserve horrible fate from those violent women.”

Bob cracked a weak grin, as he responded, “Thanks guys. So, now what?”

Boris suggested, “We collect our things, check out, and then we go relax and unwind.”

Bob agreed, “Sounds like a great idea.”

Boris inquired, “Since you are the expert. Do you have a place, time, and reality, in mind?”

Bob thought about Boris' question for a few seconds. He then answered, “Yea. I do. But, it depends.” He turned to Ed, as he asked, “Ed, do you mind translating for us, from japanese to english? My japanese is still not sharp enough to be workable.”

Ed shrugged, as she replied, “No problem. Ed takes it we are going to Japan?”

Bob smirked, “Yes. But, not the Japan you are thinking of.”

Boris inquired, “What do you have in mind?

Bob coyly answered, “Good eighties cheese.”

Ed handed Bob her reality device, as she said, “I look forward to it. And here.”

Bob took the device into his hands, as he replied, “Thanks. Also, I have an idea for the luggage. We just jump to another alternate Earth like this one. Another small town in the U.S. and rent a few decent hotel rooms. Then, we jump to another reality, and have a night on the town. Only, we return to the other reality, where our items are, to rest.”

Boris approved, “I liked it.”

Ed replied, “So, does Ed.”

Bob said, “Also Ed, I suggest you take a few tools with you, just in case something happens to the reality device.”

Ed complimented, “Good idea. And, when we have time, Ed plans to teach both of you how to repair the reality device.”

Boris stated, “I am more than willing to learn.”

Bob replied, “So, am I.” He then stood up from Ed's bed. He continued, “Now, let's get out of here, before for those women show up.”

Ed and Boris nodded in agreement.


Two hours later, after the three adults collection their items. Checked out of the hotel. They found a private place to reality jump at a similar Earth, with a similar town, in a similar time. Ed used his laptop to hack a local bank so they could use their debit cards. They checked into a nice hotel. Put their belongings in their rooms. Had some dinner. And afterward, Bob took them to the reality, time, and place, that he had in mind for them to relax and unwind.

A few seconds after Bob teleporting himself, Ed, and Boris, to the reality he had in mind. All three of them looked around. They saw that it was sunset, while they stood on the sidewalk of an urban city street, that not very busy.

Ed asked, “Where are we?”

Bob put the reality device, into an interior pocket of his long brown coat. He pointed in a direction, with his right hand, as as he request, “Take a look at the skyline over there.” He then let his right hand drop to his side.

Ed and Boris turned in the direction that Bob pointed. On the horizon, they both saw Genom Tower sticking up towards the sky.

Boris became immediately worried, as he questioned, “Chang's Tower? You brought us to Roanapur, at the height of Chang's madness?”

Ed corrected Boris, as she said “No. This is not Roanapur. That is Genom Tower, and this is Megatokyo.”

Bob explained, “To be exact, this is Megatokyo, late 2033, of the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality. Boris, if you ever wondered where Chang was inspired by idea for her tower, this is the place.”

Boris commented, “I think I have been here before. Chang had Hotel Moscow attack the top of Genom Tower, and later the AD Police station. But, I doubt it was this specific reality, because we threw that city into chaos.”

Bob quietly said, “Let us hope you are right.”

Boris requested, “Still, you will have to show that series to me, sometime. I believe Chang did show us the first few minutes of the first episode. Though, I did not have the chance to see the rest. But, the series did look interesting.”

Bob responded, “I will. Also, while I suggest we don't stay long. I figure it would okay to stay here for a few hours.”

Ed asked, “So, why are we here?”

Bob answered, “We are going clubbing tonight. Just one place.”

Ed grinned ear to ear, as she guessed, “Hot Legs?”

Bob used his right hand, to point at a nearby alleyway, to his right side, as he stated, “Yep. And if this device took us to the right place, that alleyway over there is where the entrance of Hot Legs is.” He then dropped his right hand back to his side.

Boris pointed out, “This looks like a rough neighborhood. Are you sure this is wise?”

Bob conceded, “Not really. But, it is early. I figure that as long as we leave before eight PM, local time, we should be fine.”

Boris shrugged, as replied, “I see your point. Still, what do you plan to do if they have a problem with you two being under twenty-one years old.”

Bob smiled, as he said, “Well Boris. I figure you can be pretty persuasive. If you have to be. Still, the series did not show that the place had a bouncer that collected an entrance fee, nor checked IDs. So, getting in will be okay. And as long as Ed and I don't order any alcohol, we should do fine. Still, we don't have to worry about paying as long as we don't order anything.”

Boris wondered out loud, “If we not ordering anything, especially drinks, then why come here at all?”

Bob answered, “To watch the performance, from a local singer. I made sure I also had in mind that the specific singer that would be performing, with her band, at Hot Legs, in around ten minutes.”

Ed smiled mischievously, as she said, “Priss.”

Bob replied, “Yes.”

Boris commented, “Must be some singer.”

Ed stated, “She is. She is one of the main characters of the anime. Though, this is her day job. Her night jump is more interesting.”

Bob pointed out, “Well, if she sings the same songs as she did from the anime, then we are in for a nice performance of nineteen eighties style J-Pop music. I always had a preference for Kon'ya wa Hurricane and Mad Machine.”

Ed responded, “Those are good. But, so are Kodoku no Angel and Touchdown To Tomorrow.”

Bob stated, “No arguments there. Most of those songs are good. Now, let's head inside.”

All three adults then walked into the alleyway.

Fortunately, the alleyway did not have any people in it, and it was still fairly lit from the ambient sunlight.

They soon saw the sign to the club, 'Hot Legs', in pink neon lighting.

Stairs let to the second story exit door, with the door being on a catwalk, and a small 'exit' sign, above the second story door.

The pink, neon 'Hot Legs' sign was set below the catwalk. With the main entrance being right below the sign.

At the ground level, there was an entrance, without a door, that lead some stairs, which lead into the building, at a diagonally downward angle.

As the three adults came closer to the Hot Legs entrance and exit, Bob pointed at the lower entrance, with his right hand, as he said, “This way.” He then lowed his right hand.

Next, Bob walked inside, and down the stairs, with Boris and Ed following him inside.

As they made their inside the main room club, they came to a stop, as they looked around.

They were on the first floor, and a two story room.

In front of then were a bar counter with stools. There was bartender behind the bar. With the counter facing the dance floor, and stage, to the right side of the room.

The dance floor was currently empty, due to there not being any music being played.

To their right side was the dance floor, with the stage on their far right side.

To their left side was a staircase that took them to the second story, which over looking the dance floor and stage, where Priss and her band, the Replicants, would be performing

The stage had various rock band instruments already set out for that night's bands.

Also, they saw there were a far number of customers already inside the building. Though, the room was nowhere near even half full.

Bob thought, 'They probably came early to see Priss. And given how often Priss has problems with Sylia calling her before, and during, her performances. It figures she would want to occasionally be the opening act for the evening, before boomer problems developed later in the night.'

Boris suggested, “Since we are not staying too long, let's sit by the bar.”

Ed replied, “Agree.”

Bob commented, “That is okay with me.”

All three of them walked to the far end of the bar counter.

When they got there. Bob and Ed sat down, while facing the stage, with Bob sitting to Ed's right side. To Ed's left side, Boris leaned his back against the bar.

From the corner of his eye right, Boris could see that bartender approached them.

Boris thought, 'He is probably going to try to badger us into ordering something. I can fix that problem quickly enough.'

Boris turned to the bartender, and gave him a look that screamed, 'Back off.'

And the bartender wisely choose to do so, as he walked away from the three adults, to check on some other potential customers.

Boris relaxed his face, as he looked back towards the stage.

A few minutes later, the three adults watched a japanese man came out onto the front stage. He began speaking in japanese.

Ed translated for Boris and Bob, “The man is introducing Priss and her band. They should be out in a minute.”

Some of those sitting down, among the crowd in the room, stood up, and walked to the dance floor, and on the dance floor, as they got ready for Priss and her band to perform.

A few second later, Ed, Bob, and Boris watched at the stage lights turn on, brighten the stage, as the band came out, and got ready for their set.

The room and stage lights soon dimmed, for a few seconds. A few seconds later, the stage lights came back on brightly, to show Priss in her costume and blond wig, on stage, between two men holding electric guitars. There was another man, in the back of the stage, to their left, whom was sitting behind a drum set.

The stage lights illuminating between the band players, and behind them, began a rotate a multi-color flashing scheme. And the then band started playing, while Priss began singing the song, Kon'ya wa Hurricane.

Bob mentally noted, 'Nice of them to start a strong the performance with a good song. Given that long blond wig, which is different from the original short blond wig she originally wore, and custom Priss is wearing, she looks exactly like the CD cover picture of her on the BGC OVA Episode Five, Moonlight Rambler OST.'

'Along with her long, blond wig, she is wearing a formal yellow evening gloves on both her arms. Also, she is wearing thigh high yellow boots, and a full chested, red, side-laced corset. And wow, does she have the figure for that outfit... Thought, Priss is clearly not wearing any underwear underneath, because anyone who cares to look can see her camel toe showing over the front bottom part of her red corset.'

'Not that I am going to say that, out loud, in mix company. Yet. I might mention it to Boris, when Ed is out of earshot. He would likely get a chuckled from it. Still, this is a wonderful excuse to do something with Ed, that I rarely get the chance to do.'

Though, before Bob could turned to Ed, Boris said, “Nice blond.”

Ed and Bob laughed lightly.

Boris asked, “What?”

Ed answered, “Actually, it is a wig she wears on stage. She has long brown hair.”

Boris commented, “I can see her as a brunette. And she is hot either way.”

Bob stated, “No argument there.” He turned to Ed, as he flirted, “Though, Ed here is hotter.”

Ed turned to Bob, as she used her left hand to lightly hit Bob on his left shoulder. She complimented, “Always the nice boy, Bob.”

Bob smiled at Ed, as he asked, “Of course. Want to dance, Ed?”

Ed returned Bob's smile, as she answered, “Sure.”

Both young adults got out of the seats, and they walked together to the dance floor in front of them.

When they reached the dance floor, they walked between the crowd already there, until they found a space where the could dance. They then began to dance together, in rhythm with the rest of the crowd.

At the bar counter, Boris watched his two younger charges, he happily thought, 'Those two make a nice couple. If I ever meet Bob's parents, I am going to tell them they did a great job raising their son. He is so polite and giving. He knows how lucky he is to have attracted Ed's attention. And he is so giving to her. Every chance he gets, he is nice to her. And Ed appreciates his gestures, and she tries to be just as giving back to him.'

'And both of them have helped me a lot. They both know my past. And they didn't have to help me. Yet, they did. And I owe them so much for the wonderful places and experiences they have provided for me.'

Boris kept his hands low, as from under his coat, he pulled out his bottle of pills from his right pants pocket.

While keeping his hands under his coat, he slowly opened the pill bottle, lifted a pill from the bottle, before closing the bottle and putting it back into his right pocket.

He then palmed the pill into his mouth, with his right hand, and he dry swallowed the pill.

Boris mentally reflected, 'Given the weight of the bottle, I am going to have to stop by and get some more of this medication. Fortunately, I know the exact drug's name, and where to get it, in a number realities. Also, the drug is cheap and widely available in most of those realities. I will retrieve the reality device from Bob, later tonight, and go out, after some more of these pills, after Bob and Ed are asleep.'

'And I do wish I had more time to spent with them... Oh well, at least I am not going to be be gone tomorrow. I still have some time to enjoy things with them. Still, with Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer after them, I don't think Zangief's training is going to be enough.'

'I am going to have to start seriously training both of them. I have already sparred some with both of them. And I have showed them some pointers. They are open to my instructions. Still, I am going to have to step up their training, so they can defend themselves, when I am gone... I will approach them later tonight about this matter.'

'Right now, I just want them to enjoy the moment, together.'

The song ended, with the band being to play, while Priss sang the japanese lyrics to, Kodoku no Angel.

As the song started going strong, something then caught Boris' attention at the entrance.

Boris watched as two boys, in their late teens, maybe a year younger than Bob and Ed, walked through the entrance.

The two boys were average height, around Bob and Boris' height. They had muscular builds.

Also, both had tanned skin, and black hair. From the looked of their body and facial features, they were clearly brothers. And from the looked of their ages, likely fraternal brothers, because they are not identical. Though, they could likely pass for each other, if they were not standing side by side with each other.

The brothers wore pants, t-shirt, and tennis shoes.

One brother wore a varsity jacket, and the other brother wore a short, white lab coat.

Boris thought, 'Those two are clearly not from around here. But somehow, they seem familiar. In a good way.'

Boris angled his head to allow for him to overhear them.

The boy in varsity jacket said, in english, “Well, let's just hideout here for a while.”

The one in the short, white lab coat replied, in english, “Good idea.” The lab coat boy then looked at the band playing on the stage, as he stated, “Even though we don't have any money, at least we can enjoy the entertainment.”

The one of the varsity jacket responded, “Yea. To bad we don't know japanese.”

The one in the lab coat said, “Mores the pity.”

The one of the varsity jacket suggested, “Let's sit by the bar.”

The one in the lab coat replied, “Okay.”

Them, two teenaged boys walked to the bar and sat down beside Boris. With the boy in the varsity was sitting in a stool beside Boris, with the boy in the lab coat sitting on the other side of the boy with the varsity jacket.

Both boys sat in their stools, with their backs to the bar, as they watched Priss and her band perform.

Though, Boris did not directly look at them, he used the corner of his eye to watch them.

A minute later, Boris noticed another man walk into the nightclub.

Boris did a double-take when he saw the man.

The man was japanese, and clothed in strange, bright blue clothing. And his hair was bright blue, as well.

Boris forced himself to turn his head back towards the stage. As he continued looking at the man with corner of his eye, he silently asked himself, 'How many blue haired japanese men? Or women, for that matter, do I know? One. It is Natsuru. The magical girl with Rock's crew. But, honestly, as guy, as he is now, he looks a few younger.'

Though, Boris did not show it on the outside, he mentally winched, as he continued his thought, 'Oh crap. That is Natsuru of the past. And this is that BGC reality we raided. I think it is best I not mention this to Bob and Ed. We came here to relax. And that is what I am going to make sure they are going to do.'

Boris attention was drawn back to the brothers, as the teenage boy in the varsity jacket said, “Brother, you got to admit. The music is good. And that longer haired, blond singer on stage is easy on the eyes.”

Boris thought, 'So, they are brothers.'

Teenage boy in the white coat, replied, in english, “Yea. You got that right. And look who is on the dance floor. Who knew those two could dance so well? I am truly proud of them.”

The brother with the varsity jacket on looked at the dance floor, he saw whom his brother was talking about, and simply nodded in response.

Boris mentally noted, as he looked at his friends dancing on the dance floor, 'Bob and Ed are dancing fairly well. Given, neither has had any real experience in doing so. And they rarely have had the chance to do so. We have been to a lot of places. But, they both admitted to me, they feel they are still a little young to go club... Wait a minute, are these to boy talking about them? I have to find out.'

Boris looked down at the two, as he sternly asked, in english, “Do you to know them?”

The brother in the jacket responded, “Not yet.”

Boris mentally wondered, 'Why does that reply fill me with dread?'

The brother in the white coat replied, “We were just commenting on how well they danced.”

Boris said, “Good.”

A few seconds later, Boris noticed another brown haired man, wearing pants, a shirt, and jacket, walk down from the second story set of stairs. Boris could not see the man's feet to determine who type of shoes he had. The man had short brown hair, and he looked to have a mix of asian and caucasian ethnicity.

The man look over at Natsuru for a few seconds, he then went over and talked to him.

Boris thought, 'I wonder what they are talking about? But, it doesn't matter, because it lessens the chances of Natsuru likely meeting Bob and Ed, with the meeting likely ruining their evening.'

Boris then turned his attention back to his two friends dance.

The current song ended, and Priss and her band started playing the song, Wasurenaide.

Boris mentally noted, 'This song is more lower beat and melancholy.'

Boris then watched as Bob and Ed, along with a number of the other dancers started to slow dance to the rhythm of the song.

As Bob and Ed slow danced with each other, they closely embraced one other.

Boris smiled, as he thought, 'It is nice that the two of them have enough sense to know when to become more romantic.'

For the next five minutes, Boris watched at Ed and Bob slow danced in step with each other.

As the song ended, Bob leaned down so he could kiss Ed deeply on her lips. Ed returned the kiss.

Boris grin slightly widened, as he thought, 'Now, that is how you do it.'


On the dance floor, as Ed and Bob broke their kiss, while they were both warmly smiling at each other.

Ed suggested, “Let's go sit down.”

Bob replied, “Whatever you want, Ed”

The two of them started walking toward Boris, at the bar counter.

As they left the dance floor, Priss and her band started playing the song, Mad Machine.

Meanwhile, Boris saw his two friends coming towards him. He moved down the counter, to his right side, so he could angle himself between Bob and Ed, and Natsuru.

While Boris, watched Ed and Bob coming towards him, he noticed the brother in the varsity jacket whisper something into his brother's ear.

The brother with the white lab coat looked at his brother and nodded.

Both of them then stood up, and quickly walked towards the stairs to the second story of the club.

Boris lost sight of them, as the went up the stairs, to the second floor.

As Bob and Ed approached, Bob asked, “Boris, who were those boys?”

Boris turned to Ed and Bob, as he honestly answered, “Not a clue. And it doesn't really matter.”

Bob shrugged, as he replied, “Okay.”

Bob and Ed then sat back in their seats at the end of the bar. With Ed to Bob's left side. And Boris to Bob's right side.

Boris remained standing, as he intentionally angled his standing body to block the view of Ed and Bob, from Natsuru.

Boris thought, 'With luck, they will not noticed Natsuru. And the last I saw of Natsuru, she, or I guess, he, is to wrapped up in talking to that man, and watching Priss, to care about meeting anyone that he has not technically met, yet... Man, time travel can be confusing to think about. And even more difficult to personally deal with.'

'Still, I will just stand here and enjoy the show. With my friends. And now worry to much about such matters.'

Boris looked on stage, as he watched Priss and her band perform.

Soon, Bob, and Ed, also turned their attention to Priss and her band, as all three adults watched the stage performance, of Priss and her band playing one their songs, after another of their songs.

A little while later, after a few more songs by Priss and her band, Boris turned to looked at Ed and Bob. He saw his two friends were still watching the performance on stage. He mentally noted, in mild relief, 'Good. Bob and Ed have not yet notice, Natsuru.'

Boris then turned and noticed that Priss and her band had finished her latest song, Suriru Ni Odoru Enjeru-tachi, and the band was not playing another lead in to another song.

As the music stopped, Priss bowed. Then, she and her band set down their instruments where they found them, and they calmly walked off stage.

Boris thought, 'I guess they are finished for the night.'

From the corner of his right eye, Boris noticed that the Natsuru stood up with the man he was talking to. And they both walked over the entrance together, and they exited the building.

Boris thought, 'Good. Natsuru is gone, with not problems. Now, I don't have to worry about him. For the moment.'

Ed turned to her two friends, as she stated, “Ed liked that performance. It was better to see in person.”

Bob turned to Ed, as he agreed, “You got that right, Ed”

Boris looked down at both of them, as he stated, “While the performance was good, we need to talk.”

Bob turned to look at Boris, as he asked, “What is it, Boris?”

Boris answered, “I have been doing some thinking. With Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer after you two, I feel that you both need some more hand to hand combat training.”

Ed chirped, “Okay. Boris already giving us some lessons.”

Bob guessed, “Yes. And those lessons have been nice. Though, I feel there is more you wish to add?”

Boris stated, “Yes. Bob, I feel we need to get you a gun. After, we pick one out, I will train you how to use it. Also, if Ed wants to, I can purchase her a gun as well. And she can learn how to use a firearm.”

Ed commented, “Ed will think about it.”

Bob inquired, “So, where do you plan to go to acquire a gun?”

Boris said, “Roanapur. I know a very skilled gunsmith there.”

Bob sarcastically thought, 'Just great. Walking right into the lions den. But, I do trust Boris.'

Ed commented, “Sounds like fun.”

Bob commented, “While, I admit, I am a little scared of going to that city...”

Boris spoke up, “And you should be.”

Bob stated, “I realize that. Though, I feel that we will be fine with you there. Are you planning to go to an alternate Roanapur than your own reality?”

Boris said, “No. I am not sure if this gunsmith exists in another reality, besides my own. As such, we are going to the past of my own Roanapur. Before Chang completely took over control of the city. That way, if trouble does happen, I can use my connections to bail us out.” Boris mentally reflected, 'Now, that I think about it. This trip will likely go slightly wrong. But, in a good way.'

Bob complimented, “That is good thinking.”

Boris responded, “Thank you.”

Ed yawned. She then stated, “Ed is getting tired. She is ready for sleep.”

Bob turned to Ed, as he admitted, “Yea. I am a little tired, as well.”

Boris commented, “I don't mind heading back for the hotel. And Bob, could I have the device? I will teleport us there, myself.”

Bob replied, “Sure.” Bob then pulled out the reality device from an inner coat pocket, and he handed it Boris.

As Boris took the device, he said, “Thank you.”

Bob responded, “No problem. Now, let's get out of here.”

Bob and Ed stood up, and all three adults walked out of the club, through the bottom, front entrance, that lead into an alleyway.

Less than a minute later, Boris, Ed, and Bob walked of Hot Legs. They soon found a somewhere private. Boris then used it their reality device, to teleport all three of them to the hotel, on an alternate Earth, where they left their luggage in their suites. For those of that alternate Earth, the adults had only been gone only a few minutes.

The three of them said their good nights, and then retired to their suites to get some rest.

Though, after Boris entered his suite, and ran a quick errand, with their reality device, before he returned to his suite, a minute later, for Bob, Ed and those in that reality. And Boris then got ready for bed, and went to sleep, himself.

To be continued.


Author’s Notes:

Those of you that have seen the Fifth Element film know what I am talking about when I say. Of the numerous places you would like to go to in the multiverse. That list would likely include the space luxury liner, Fhloston Paradise, and the resort beach planet, Fhloston.

And even with the ship being destroyed at the end of the movie. A little time travel, before the ship was destroyed, would solve that problem. And that ship's alarm system, and escape pods, made it very clear when it was time to leave the ship, and how to leave the ship.

The only people that were blown up on the ship were the villains. Everyone else had the sense to get off the ship, beforehand.

And I really enjoy the dynamic group of Bob, Ed, and Boris. Boris pointed out. Bob is the tour guide to the multiverse. Ed hands funds and identification, with her hacking skills. And Boris is there bodyguard.

This is a surprisingly good, yet simple team formula for traveling the multiverse.

I really liked the build up in this chapter.

From Revy first going after Bob and Ed. Then, Revy's defeat, clean up, and her getting some help, To Revy, with Shenhua and Sawyer confront Bob. And Boris showing up, with Ed, revealing himself to Revy, Shenhua and Sawyer.

Now, I am sure some of you are wondering why Revy is so set on capturing Bob. One of the main reasons that Revy is so set on capturing Bob is Bob beat her using dirty tricks. And that upset Revy. And Revy is now partly going after Bob and Ed, out of the sheer principle of doing so.

It is shown that Revy is stubborn that way. When she gets an idea in her head, she will not let it go. Unless someone she respects, such as Dutch, Chang, or Balalaika, even indirectly, tells her not too.

Which is not likely going to happen. Dutch and Balalaika do not know what is going on. Chang is in hiding. Rock knows better than to try to talk her out of doing this, until she calms down. And Revy likes the idea of having the chance to go after Boris. For her, Shenhua, and Sawyer, Boris is just icing on the cake, in this hunt.

On that matter, Rock really should not have told Revy about Bob's genetic quark. That is likely going to create trouble for everyone involved.

Also, I am glad I finally got to introduce Shenhua and Sawyer in this chase. Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, are fun characters to play off of each other. Those three have a great chemistry with each other.

I believe I gave some decent reasons for them to come along with Revy. Including, Shenhua pointing out that the three bad girls never had the chance to see what Boris was capable of. Now, they can find out.

And so can you readers. I believed that Boris is one of those untapped characters in Black Lagoon that could really shine, if he was given the chance to do so.

In the Black Lagoon series, Boris was both Balalaika's second in command, and her straight man. Though, I always got the sense, if he had the opportunity to relax, he would be an interesting guy to get to know. As Bob and Ed are finding out.

It is clear that Boris became Balalaika's second in command because he is loyal to her, and he is a badass.

I feel that given the symmetry of the Black Lagoon series, Boris is likely around Revy and Shenhua's skill level in overall fighting abilities.

But, given picking a fight with Boris, was picking a fight with Hotel Moscow. There was no real way to show what Boris could do, in the Black Lagoon series.

And in the Black Lagoon series, no one at that skill level was crazy enough to pick a fight with Hotel Moscow. Even Revy, on her bad days, knew better than to do so.

Now, in this book, the situation has flipped. And for Boris, the shoe is on the other foot.

Boris is no longer with Hotel Moscow, so Shenhua, Revy, and Shenhua, can finally find out what Boris can truly do, without fear of retaliation from Hotel Moscow.

While, Boris knows if he seriously hurts, or kills, one of those three women, he risks retaliation from their friends. Including, Roberta. So, now he is the one that has to be careful.

On a side noted, after looking at the Black Lagoon anime and manga series a few times. I have come to the conclusion both Boris and Balalaika are ambidextrous.

It is the only way to solve some minor inconsistencies with those two characters.

Both in the manga Tokyo Arc episode twelve and thirteen, and in the anime episode twenty-three, it is shows during the standoff, with Balalaika holding a gun to Rock's head, Boris pointing his gun at Revy, and Revy pointed her guns at Balalaika and Boris.

Balalaika and Boris each are showing to have their pistols in their left hands.

The scene even showing Boris using his right hand to pull out his pistol, from the shoulder holster under his left armpit, and he then swapped hands, to hold his gun in left hand.

But, here is the rub. In the anime it shows that Boris is getting out the driver's seat, on the left side of the vehicle. He then opened the door, in the back left side of the vehicle, for Balalaika to get out of.

And later in chapter fourteen of the Tokyo arc of the manga, and episode twenty-four of the anime, during the mafia massacre, it is shown that Balalaika using the Accu-Tek HC-380 pistol, in her right hand to shot the yakuza members.

Also, in that same scene, Boris is show holding the pistol with two hands. His right hand was under his left hand. This is a right handed shooting position.

Most vehicles in Japan have the driver's side located on the right side of the vehicles.

From art, drawing, and animation standpoints, I believe that entire scene is messed up, at the mechanical level.

Though, the plot, characterization and dialogue for that standoff scene are flawless in that scene. Rock does some of his best work in that scene.

I believe somehow the original pictures for that scene in the manga were accidentally flipped, before being published and the animators looked at images in that manga scene. They likely talk about what to do, and the probably decided just to go with it.

Though, I also believe the standoff scene has basically becoming an injoke for the animators that worked on the Black Lagoon anime.

This is why the animated shows that the car Boris and Balalaika came in had the driver's seat on the left side, and why Boris pulled his gun out with his right hand, and switched to his left hand.

Also, in episode twenty-five and episode twenty-six, during the Roberta's Blood Trail arc, the flashback scenes of Rock remember Balalaika putting a gun to his head, Balalaika is still holding her gun with her left hand.

And in episode twenty-six, during Roberta's Blood Trail arc, right after the meeting at the beginning of the episode, between Chang, the Lagoon crew, Garcia and Fabiola. Rock imagines that it is Chang that is in the garage holding a gun to Rock's head. With Chang holding the pistol with his left hand.

The scene was symbolism, to show that Rock rightly considers that to be one of the most dangerous situations in his life. And he considers Chang to be just as dangerous as Balalaika.

Also, there is other evidence that Balalaika is ambidextrous. In episode twenty-eight, around eleven minutes, forty-seven seconds into the episode, there one image panning scene, showing the fight between Balalaika and Chang, right before the Lagoon crew first came to Roanapur.

The same scene is in chapter thirteen, of the manga version of the Roberta's Blood Trail, El Baile de la muerte, the Dance of Death. There is a picture of the same scene, in more detail.

The scene showing that Balalaika having a pistol in her right hand, with a drum magazine on it. Though, in the anime image, you can barely make out that Balalaika is holding another pistol in her left hand.

And in the manga image, one can see she is making a fist, with the possible outline of a second pistol in her left hand.

So, basically, Chang and Balalaika both dual wielding in their fight against each other. And Balalaika was even able to knock the pistol out of Chang's right hand.

Though, from both the manga, and anime, Balalaika lost that fight. And from the manga, both of them almost killed each other in that fight.

On a side note, in both the anime and manga versions, Chang is shown wearing a black tuxedo, with a formal white shirt under his coat, and a bow tie around his neck. In the anime, his bow tie is red.

So, for simplicity sake, for this story, and since it is established that Boris has it shoulder holster under his left armpit, Boris will use his right hand in the use of his pistol. And Balalaika will use her right hand for her pistol, as well.

Also, in this chapter, I enjoyed that I got to showing what happened to Lotton.

Then, there are the scenes romantic scenes, after the confrontation in the factory ruins. Where I got to do some interesting romance scenes, with Ed and Bob, using dancing and songs, at the nightclub, Hot Legs.

If you do not know the songs mentioned, during the Hot Legs scenes, in the this chapter, they are from the Bubblegum Crisis OVA soundtracks. The songs have aged well, and they are worth a listen too.

And you may notice that the last parts of this scene overlap with scenes from book one, chapter eight, of my anthology of insanity. I do like recursive writing. And these scenes answer some of the scenes from that part of my anthology.

Now, with Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, after Bob, Ed, and Boris, the chase been taken a new level, and the insanity is only going to increase for this book.

And due to this, Boris now seeks to procure a gun for Bob, and train Bob in the use of the firearm.

Unfortunately, in doing so, Boris, Bob, and Ed, are about to do the time warp twist in Roanapur, before Chang builds his tower.

Until next time. Have fun.

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