Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 3: Chapter 09

Badasses Of the Multiverse, Book 3: “The Student, The Hacker, and The Soldier.”

Chapter Nine: “Across the distances.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Reality, Ghost in the Shell Stand Along Complex Reality. Date, years after the series ended. Place, Tokyo Japan.

It was the middle of the afternoon, in the office of the oncologist and cancer specialist, Doctor Takashi Nakano.

Doctor Nakano had brown hair, and his racial heritage was japanese mixed with caucasian ancestry. He was of average height, with a slim build. But, he was clearly in good health for a man in his forties He wore his white medical coat over his shirt and pants.

Presently, Doctor Nakano sat in his chair, behind his desk, as he paged through the papers in his hand.

Meanwhile, Bob sat in a chair, across from him, with his coat closed, to hide his revolver.
desk sitting files

A minute later, Doctor Nakano handed the files back to Bob, across his desk, as he said, in a sad tone of voice, in japanese, “I am sorry. But, the only real option for this man would be full cyberization.”

Bob gently took the files, and he put them back into his leather satchel that was strapped over his brown long coat.

Bob turned to Doctor Nakano, as he calmly stated, in japanese, “It is okay. I knew this was a long shot. I was hoping that medical advances in this world would have continued in other areas medicine. I see that I was mistaken. And my friend refuses to go full prosthetic.”

Doctor Nakano responded, “Advances, such as this, do not come quickly. It takes years for those types of advances.”

Bob thought, with disappointment, 'I know. That is why I jumped years after the series about this reality ended. Also, I picked the Stand Alone Complex reality, so I would not risk running into the puppet master mess, and assimilation plot situation in the later manga volume of original Ghost in the Shell timeline. Still, I wonder...'

Bob asked, “I have a quick question. It is so hard to tell nowadays. Are you fully cyberized.”

Doctor Nakano answered, “Fortunately, no.”

Bob got up from his chair. He then held out his right hand.

Bob said, “Well doctor, thank you for your time.”

The doctor shook Bob's hand. Both men noticed the other had a firm, though not tight grip.

After they broke the handshake, Bob then pulled out a small bar of pure gold. He set it on the desk, as he thought, 'I have to be careful when I do this. I was able to buy a small amount of pure gold bars from Quark, with one of my bars of gold pressed latium. I made sure they were shaped differently than the gold pressed latium I had. So, I don't get the two types of gold bars confused. Though, I am sure Commander Nerys would not like me doing this. That is why I do not abuse this privilege.'

Doctor Nakano picked up, and pocketed the gold bar. He responded, “No problem. Not many people pay in gold, in this day and age. And it is always nice to have some on hand.”

Bob cracked a grin, as he stated, “Your discretion is appreciated.”

Doctor Nakano returned Bob's smile, as he replied, “Likewise.”

Suddenly, there was knock on the door.

Doctor Nakano said, “Come in.”

Bob turned towards the door, just in time to see it open.

Bob then saw a familiar blond fair skinned woman, with long hair, in a blue skirt, and white blouse, open the door to Doctor Nakano's office. She was escorting three young children. Two girls, and a boy.

Doctor Nakano got up from his seat, as he introduced them, “This is my loving wife, Hanna Nakano, and our three wonderful children.”

Bob just stared at her for a few seconds, as he thought, 'She looked exactly like Akira's female form. Hair. Eye color. Skin complexion. Face. Body. Breasts... I might as well speak.'

Bob said, “Nice to meet you.”

Hanna turned to Bob, as she replied, in japanese, “It is nice to meet you, as well.”

Bob mentally reflected, 'Even her voice is the same... Oh well. It is not worth mentioning. Akira likely has counterparts through out the multiverse. Like everyone else. I hope the Nakano family has a wonderful life, and I am out of here.'

Bob responded, “Have a great day.”

Hanna replied, “You too.”

Takashi Nakano stated, “Good looked.”

Bob then carefully walked passed Hanna of the three children. He soon exited the room, with him gently closed the door behind him.

A few minutes later, Bob was outside the building, and he walked into an alley. As soon as he was sure there were no cameras around. And none that could see him between the walls of the buildings. He came to a stop.

Bob looked around, and he also saw that there was no one else present.

Bob then opened up his coat. Next, reached into his left front pocket, with his left hand, and he touched the button his reality device, though he did not press it.

Bob thought, 'Maybe somewhere closer to home might be a better choice for my next destination.'

Bob then thought of the reality, place, and time, he wanted to go too. He held that thought, while he pressed the button on his reality device, and he disappeared, as he jumped to another reality.


Reality, an Alternate Earth. Date, early twenty-first Century. Place, Atlanta Georgia. Time, the middle of the day.

The next thing Bob knew, he was in the hallway of a hotel, where the suites were located.

As Bob looked around, he noticed an emergency fire door on one end of the hallway, signifying that he was on the ground floor.

Bob did not see anyone else the hallway.

Bob thought, 'Okay. At least no one saw me. And since I am in a hotel, I guess I didn't have my mind fully on the jump, and a did a partially blind reality jump... Not, the first time. I was aiming for Atlanta Georgia in the early twenty-first century. There are a medical universities around the city.'

'And being in the southeast U.S., most people, even the police, don't bat an eye to me have a gun. As long as it is holstered. And since going to that exit will trigger an alarm. I might as well go the other way, and see where I am at.'

Bob turned and walked in the opposite direction of the exit.

As he turned the corner, he walked into the back of hotel lobby, which was full of people. Many of them were in on sci-fi, or fantasy, costumes.

There were booths set up on some of the walls of the room. And in the distance, at the front of the hotel, he saw the check in desk, and a restaurant build into the hotel, with windows and entrance facing the lobby.

Bob thought, 'Oh hell, I jumped into the middle of a sci-fi convention. That figures. I must have also been thinking about the sci-fi conventions held in Atlanta, Georgia, when I was thinking of going to Atlanta. It happens. But, this is not all bad. I can still go to the front desk, get a map, use their phone book, and phone to get directions to the nearest medical university. Then, I find some place private, and use my reality device to travel to the first medical university, on the list I plan to make.'

As Bob started walking through the crowd of people, and towards the front desk, he heard a male voice, to his right side, facing the open part of the lobby, say, in english “Bobby? Is that you?”

Bob stopped in his tracks, as he turned around to see six familiar faces, eight feet from him. The six people looked a few years old, since Bob last saw them. They were three men, and three women.

Bob thought, 'I know these six people from high school. Oh no. I am in my own reality. In my own future. I might as well find out how long. I guess, even with my full beard, some people recognize me.'

Bob answered, in english, “Yes. It is me. How long has it been?”

One of the women responded, “It has been two years.”

Bob thought, 'More like eight years, for me.'

The woman, whom spoke to Bob, stated, “We all wondered what happened to you. Last we heard, some crazy women attacked you and your date at a restaurant in Aspen. And then, you, and your dated, disappeared.”

Bob commented, “You don't know the half of it. Anyway we are fine now. And I was just passing through. I really don't have time to talk...”

Then, in the distance, Bob saw Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua, in their usual clothing, and weapons.

Though, Bob noticed that the three women were not facing him.

Bob thought, with worry and horror, 'Those three look too much like badasses, to be nice cosplayers. And their pistols, long knifes, throwing knives, and chainsaw, are real. It is them...'

'Okay. Even though they tracked me here. They have not seen me, yet. That is good. The problem is, that any second now, they will likely be swarmed by geeks, thinking the women are cosplayers, and the situation will probably result in a bloodbath. I have to come up with a plan to get them out of here, right now... That might work.'

One of the men by Bob, asked him, “So, what have you been up too?”

Bob looked back at the six member group in front of him, as he honestly answered, “I have been traveling.”

One of the women said, “Interesting.”

Another woman commented, “Nice outfit, and beard, by the way.”

Bob replied, “Thank you”

The third woman inquired, “So, where did you go to?”

Bob thought, 'I might as well offer to tell them the truth.' He questioned, “Okay guys. You want the truth?”

Another man answered, “Sure.”

Bob explained, “I learned that the world as myth theory is real. And I have been traveling to various realities that we thought were once only works of fictions. Hell, this reality is the product of several works of fiction. I have even seen and read those series, and a number of them are very funny, and very strange.”

The third man stated, with skepticism in his tone of voice, “You expect us to believe that?”

Bob smirked, as he stated, “Oh, I can prove it. Believe or not, I am being chased by Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer from the Black Lagoon anime. You will soon be able to see them right here and now. And yes they are more badass than how they were shown in the Black Lagoon series. And this is not cosplay.”

Bob used his right hand to hold up the vial necklace of red soil, around his neck, as he continued, “This a vial of martian soil from the Cowboy Bebop reality.”

Bob let go of his necklace. He went onto say, “By the way, Ed, whom is now twenty-five years old, has been my girlfriend since I started traveling the realities. And I am twenty-six.”

“My other companion is my teacher, in nearly all things badass, is Boris from Black Lagoon. Yes, Hotel Moscow Boris. He quit his job for various reasons, and he joined us in our adventures. Right now, he is dying of cancer, and I have been jumping realities to find him a cure.”

Bob used his right hand to point at his sunglasses, as he stated, “These shades were a gift from my future badass self, whom I met years ago.”

Bob then used both hands, to lightly grip and hold out the front edges of his long coat, as he said, “I stole this brown long coat from Malcolm Reynolds of the Firefly reality. For some reason, he and the crew of the Serenity were in the Cowboy Bebop reality, and I met them there.”

Bob let go of his coat, and he used his right hand to point to his hat, as he stated, “This hat was a birthday gift from Ed. Though, she is crazy, she is one wonderfully nice lady.”

Bob dropped his right hand to brush up against the revolver that was holstered, on the right side of his belt.

Next, Bob used his left hand to pull out his reality device, from his left side pants pocket. He held the device out, for his friends to see the front panel of the device. He stated, “This reality device lets me jump to any reality I want to go to. At in place, or time, in that reality. All I have to do is think of the reality, place, and time. Hold that thought, then press the big red button, in the middle of the key pad, and I am instantly taken there.”

Bob then used his right hand to pulled out his pistol, with the hammer not being cocked back.

Bob then expertly spun the revolver with his right index finger, as he looked at his friends. He explained, “And this is a real, loaded, double action, top-break, six round, three fifty-seven magnum, revolver. A modified Colt Peacemaker, to be exact. It was made by Burt Gummer. Yes, that Mister Gummer from the Tremors movies. I got it in Roanapur. I have no clue how he got across realities and to Roanapur. But, let me show you how cool this weapon is.”

He stop spinning the pistol, with the grip stopped in his hand. He firming gripped the revolver, pointed it upwards, and fired a bullet, from the weapon, into the ceiling.

Give the concrete flooring that each floor of the hotel had, the bullet did go through the second floor. Nor, did the bullet harm anyone.

Though, everyone, but Bob himself, and the three bad girls after him, dropped to the floor.

Bob looked down at his friends, as he requested, “Guys, looked in front of me, and you will see those bad girls we only thought existed in fiction.”

Bob's friends leaned up enough to looked in the direction Bob had requested them to so. They saw and recognized Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, as all six of their jaws dropped.

Bob then realized something, as he thought, 'Now that I think about it. This is not the only planet in this reality that might have a cure for Boris' cancer. I always wondered alien life existed in this galaxy. And Oriotera is not that bad a planet, as long as I am careful. The animal people there don't like Alterans, which look like humans. And I could be mistake for an Alteran.'

'Actually, I have at least one Alteran ancestor, whom is still alive. So, technically, I am related to that species. Also, I really want to see, in person, that government Spire building on that planet.'

Bob holstered his pistol. He waved, with his right hand, at Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer. Whom by now, had turned to look at him.

Bob dropped his right hand to his waist, as he casually said, “Hi bitches. Catch me if you can.”

He then thought of where, when and what reality he wanted to go to. He held that thought, as he used his left thumb to press the red button on the device. He then instantly faded from the other adults' sight.

Bob's friends noticed that the three women across the room, looked pissed off at them. They then watched, as Revy holsters her pistols, and pulled out something from her pocket.

The three women then walked to a corner of the room, away from everyone.

A few seconds later, they also instantly disappeared.

As the group of six adults collected themselves and got up off the floor, one of the men said out loud, what all six of them thinking, “Oh lord. Bob was telling the truth. It is all real.”

One of the women pointed out, “If Bob can do it, then so can we. We are all going to Georgia Tech here. I am getting a degree here in quantum physics. The rest of you are studying in various other fields here that can help. So, let us do it. Let us live the dream.”

The rest five members of the group just smiled in agreement.

Eventually, these six adults would figure out how to do travel across realities.

And thus, another set of adventurers jumping through the realities was born.

But, that is another story...


Reality, Bob's home reality. Place, the planet Oriotera, Federation capital planet, Birdy's Homeworld. The capital city. Time, five minutes after Bob left Atlanta, Georgia, United States, North America, Earth. On the side of the planet Bob teleported to, it was the middle of the morning.

The local weather was warm, and partly cloudy.

As Bob looked around him, he saw that he was in an alleyway, between two buildings.

Bob pocketed his reality device into his left side pants pocket, as he thought, 'Now, where am I in this alien, capital city?'

Bob walked out of the alleyway and he from himself on a sidewalk. Bob came to a stop, on the sidewalk, as he starred at the five lane street in front of him. Across the street, he saw there set of buildings, that ranged from two to six stories.

Bob then looked around himself, and he saw alien species of various ages, and gender, going about their business during the day. They were dressed in clothing that ranged from something worn modern humans, in the developed world, to truly bizarre clothing.

There were dog like aliens, lizard like aliens, insect like alien, and human like aliens.

Bob also noticed that hover vehicles drove close to the ground, on the streets.

When Bob looked to his left side, he saw a large lake by the park. When he looked to his right side, he could see white government spire in the distance.

Bob thought, 'I admit that spire is impressive to see look in person. The spire is almost as impressive to have a first hand view of Genom Tower.'

Bob then realized in thought, as he looked down at himself, 'My clothing stands out, but there is not much I can do about it. Now, since I don't know where to find a doctor, I think I will take a walk though this park, and see who I can find. Just from the street lights and painted marking on the road, I am guessing this place's traffic laws work similar to human traffic laws. I just need to use the crosswalks by the traffic lights to cross the streets. I do not want to get arrested for jaywalking. That would be embarrassing.'

Bob look up. He then noticed a crosswalk, about fifty yards to his left, that lead to the park. He turned walked over to the crosswalk.

A few minutes later, Bob joined the crowd getting ready to cross the street.

Bob though, with happiness, 'It seems no one is paying attention to me. This is very good.'

Soon, the group, including Bob, got the signal to walked across the street, and several seconds later, they made it across the street.

Bob then left the rest of the group, so he could take walk in the park.

As Bob casually walked through the park, he listened to the those aliens, that were talk around him.

Bob soon realized he can understand them.

Bob thought, 'Interesting. They must have universal translators, like the Star Trek Federation has.'

As Bob walked thought the park, he noticed was waking byt a nearby bench. He saw three teenage boys, a human like Alteran boy, a dog like boy, and a lizard boy, sitting on the bench, as they were fiddling with something. All three of the teenage boys were wearing casual clothing, such as shirts, pants, and shoes.

When Bob looked closer at that item, he came to a stop, near the alien teenage boys, as he realized what it was.

Bob thought, 'That is Earth made computer tablet. I even recognize the logo on the back of the tablet. Given there is alien travel, back and forth from Earth, even though most humans do not know about it. It stands to reason that some aliens would take back Earth technology with them, so they can view our art, culture, music, and videos.'

'Also, it is clear these kids could use some help. And I might be able to use this to my advantage.'

Bob walked over to the teenage boy. He soon came to a stop four feet in front of the boys.

Bob requested, “Children, could I see that tablet, for a few seconds.”

One of them grabbed it, and put it behind himself, as all three aliens look up at Bob.

The alien boy, with the computer tablet behind his back, asked, “What tablet?”

Bob thought, 'It must be illegal to bring non-Federation technology and knowledge here, without government permission. I am starting to think coming to this place was a mistake. Oh well. I am already here.'

Bob stated, “You are using an Earth piece of technology.”

Another boy said, “No. We are not.”

Bob said, “Yes. You are. And if you want it fixed, I might be able to get working for you.”

Bob then held out his right hand.

As second later, the boy with the tablet handed Bob the device.

Bob looked at the screen on it, as he began tapping it.

While Bob worked on the device, he thought, 'The text is in japanese. Not a problem. Thanks to Ed's schooling. And it makes sense, since most of the weirdness on my Earth is centered around Tokyo. Better them, than my friends and family in America... So, this is the problem. Someone accidentally increased the size of the screen resolution by too much. Been there, done that. And it is an easy fix...' Bob fixed the problem, as he continued his thoughts, 'Done.'

Bob handed the tablet back to the boys, as he said, “That should do it. The tablet should work now.”

One of the boys took it, as they looked at the screen. All three boys saw

They looked back at Bob, as they all said the same word, on after another, “Thanks.”

One of the boys inquired, “You do not look like you are from this planet. Where are you from?”

Bob smiled, as he said, “Take a guess.”

One of the boys stated, “You're human.”

Bob admitted, “Yes. And I am not planning on being here long.”

The boys showed surprised on their faces.

Another of the boys said, “I thought humans lacked technology to travel across the stars.”

Bob responded, “We humans are full of surprises. By the way, can you tell me the nearest location for a doctor that deals with cancer, and genetic health problems?”

One of the boys said, “For getting our toy working. Sure. All doctors here deal with such things. And there is one about three city blocks from here.” The boy then gave Bob the directions to the doctor he was talking about.

When the boy finished giving Bob directions, Bob replied, “Thank you.”

Bob was about to turn away from them, they immediately set their tablet to starting playing some American nineteen eighties rock music. The specific sound was Separate Ways, by the human band, Journey

Bob stopped, as he looked back at the boys. He complimented, “Good musical selection. It is from one of my favorite music genres and eras.”

The boys all looked up at him, as one of them inquired, “You humans still listen to this?”

Bob answered, “Of course. Good music never goes bad. Well, see you later.”

The three boys said, one after another, “Goodbye.”

The teenage boys then turned back to looking at their tablet.

Bob turned around. He soon walked out of the park, towards the location that the boys had told him about.


Fifteenth minute later, as Bob walked down a sidewalk, he came within the sight of the building the boy described to him, he was walking by an industrial construction sight. And except for a few a few vehicles driving by, there was no one else around him.

Bob walked, as he thought, 'No one around, on foot. And only a few vehicles around... I have found myself in a trap. Now, I need to know how bad it is. Before, I decide how to make my next move.'

Bob continued walking for another minute. But, just as Bob was across the street from the building he was looking for, Bob heard a female voice, behind him, say, “Surrender now, and you will not be harmed.”

Bob stopped, as he turned around to see a slender, white haired, tanned skin woman, in a federation space police uniform, standing on the sidewalk, about thirty yards from him.

Bob immediately recognized her, as he thought with worry, 'Oh crap. I was right. And it is worse than I thought. That is Nechla Geeze? What is she doing here?... Damn. The Federation police probably were alerted when I teleported here, and they have been shadowing me, since then... I hope those boys didn't get into much trouble. Though, there is nothing I can do about it, now.'

'Though, I am in real trouble here. Nechla is way out of my league. In abilities and power, this woman is on par with Birdy Cephon. She would could be a handful for the Hell Sabers, with their powersuits, motoslaves, and Arcee. And to add to the nightmare fuel, she likes to kill people by throwing large needles into their bodies.'

'A fight with her is suicide. I need to play this low key.'

Bob politely greeted her, “Hello officer. Could you help me? I am looking for a doctor in this area.”

Nechla stated, “Do not play dumb with me. You are a spy. We registered your teleport to this planet, over half an hour ago. And the fact you are not dressed like everyone else is even more condemning. In addition, even though the translators work, from the moment of your lips, I can tell your native language is not Alteran.”

Bob admitted, “No. It is not. Actually, I am reality traveler. I am human. For the most part. And I am in search for a medical cure for my friend. I learned that your planet has advanced technology in organic sciences.”

Nechla ordered, “It does not matter. You will surrender, and you will tell us where you got your teleportation device from.”

Bob thought, 'I would not be surprised if she thinks I stole my device. Well, this trip is a bust. I am going back to DS9, and figure out what to do next. She has super-speed, so I best do this fast.'

As Bob reached into his left, side pants pocket, where is his reality device way. He placed his finger on the button of the device, while he said, “Good luck with that.” He quickly thought of the reality, place, and time, he wanted to go to. He held that thought, as he press the button on his device.

Officer Nechla Geeze clearly realized what was happened, as she used her super-speed to run towards Bob. But, Bob disappear from her reality, two second before she reached him.

As Nechla came to a stop, on the sidewalk, she mentally cursed, 'Damn. I was so close. It is degrading to have to be just a space police officer, now. After I was demoted down in rank because that incident with former Officer Cephon's friends, a few years ago. Still, catching this human, and figuring out how a human could have accept to such teleportation technology, could get my rank of Pontiff restored. And I know where to get the equipment to track down and capture this human.'

Nechla then summon a multicolored mini-wormhole, that back to the Federation headquarters, in the Spire. She then entered the mini-wormhole.

A few seconds, after Nechla stepped through the mini-wormhole, the mini-wormhole closed behind her.


Star Trek reality, Habitat Ring of Deep Space Nine.

One hour, DS9 time, after Bob left the Star Trek reality, he returned to his DS9 quarters.

For those on the station, it was still morning.

Bob then sat down in one of the chairs in his bedroom. He thought with disappointment, 'Well, that was bust. And I am quickly running out of options.'

Bob got up and walked over to his bed.

Since he was not planning to get drunk, he just took off his gunbelt, with his gun in his holster, and he gently laid it on his bed. He then pulled out his folder boot knife, and softly set it by his gunbelt.

Bob thought, 'I might as well check in with Commander Nerys. After I finish talking with her, I think I will just spend the day thinking of where to go next... Now, that I think about it. I wonder how far I can go across the multiverse in one jump. How extreme an alternate Earth could be, while one the surface, it appears just like the Earth, I am from. Even in the same time period.'

'Yet. That Earth still has to be safe for me to go. And that Earth is still populated by humans. And not aliens, nor pod people... I need to think on how I am going to frame my mind when I make this jump. But, the experience should be interesting.'

Bob then made his way to the exit to his quarters, that lead to the outside hallway. When he reached the exit. He did not feel like viably opening it. And instead, he used the manual released.

After the door slip open, he walked out into the hallway. A few seconds later, the door sliding closed behind him.

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

I know this was a short chapter. But, not all chapters are long. And I hope you readers enjoyed this chapter.

On Hanna. I just wanted to show that yes, she found a some peace, and her own happy ending. She has a good husband, and three children. And she is happy with the life she has now. That is just one loose end I wanted to tie up.

About the sci-fi convention. I got a chance to show that Bob's had friends at his high school. And they, along with his family, and other friends, had not forgotten about him.

With Bob quickly explaining to his six friends, what was going on. And thus opening up the possibility of those six adults working together, to have adventures in traveling the multiverse.

I enjoyed revisited the planet Oriotera, and writing about the alien civilization there. It is a very diverse place, with very different types of people.

On the matter of the alien kids with access to Earth technology and culture, such as music and movies. It would make sense, that some of those that visited Earth, would bring back such items, and in some cases let their children have access to such content.

By the way, the three alien teenage boys, that Bob helped, did not get into trouble. I could not figure out how to fit mentioning that this chapter. So, I am just mentioning now. And they instead continued to enjoy the music and other content on their Earth computer tablet.

About Nechla Geeze. She is one enemy that Bob knows he had not way to defeat. So, instead, he wisely reality jumped away from her.

Unfortunately, Nechla is still arrogant as ever. And that is soon going to greatly cost her.
and that is going to soon cost her.

And about the last scene of this chapter. The results of Bob's plan at the end of this chapter, will likely surprise even him.

Until next time. Have fun.

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