Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 3: Chapter 11

Badasses Of the Multiverse, Book 3: “The Student, The Hacker, and The Soldier.”

Chapter Eleven: “Traveling into the Weird.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Star Trek Reality. Location. Deep Space Nine.

Two days after Bob previously left Deep Space Nine. The local time was in the early afternoon, as Bob teleported into in his black environmental suit, into the quarantined, isolation cell, in the infirmary.

Bob looked around. There was a bed, a desk, with a cushioned chair. There was also window that facing the main part of the infirmary. And while there was not a curtain on the window. There was a terminal by the left side of the window. Along with that being the controls to the intercom, it also turned the window from being solid black, to clear. At the moment, the window was black.

On the wall opposite to the window, at the foot of the bed, there was a replicator for food, drinks, and other items.

Bob though, “Good. I know how to use that. And the staff will not have to transport me food. Now, what about the door. Is it locked?”

Bob then saw the door. He sighed in relief, as he saw that the door to the cell was closed.

Bob thought, 'Good. The place is sealed. Now, to make sure someone does not accidentally open the door. They can take samples through the transporter.'

Bob then walked over to the door, and he manually locked it from the inside.

Bob thought, 'Fortunately, these types of doors were designed with two manual locks. One on the outside, for those that don't want to stay inside. And one on the inside, for those that want to make sure no one will accidentally come in. Now, to get out of this suit. Then, I will inform the Commander Nerys, and the medical staff.'

He quickly took off his suit, detached his reality device from the suit, and put his reality device into his coat pocket. He then pulled out his hat from his coat, and put it on.

Bob went over to the wall terminal. He switched the window from black, to clear.

Bob saw that the medical staff had not yet noticed him. And there were no patients in the infirmary.

Bob thought, 'Good. They are not busy. Now, to give them the bad news.'

Bob turned on the intercom. He calmly stated, “Hello. This is Bob. I am in the quarantine isolation cell, in the infirmary. I am following bio-hazard protocols I was instructed to do so, in the event of an emergency. Please inform Commander Nerys, and the medical staff, that there is a bio-hazard situation that needs to be dealt with.”

Bob saw that the people on the other side of the window, heard what he said. As they turned to look at him.

Bob also noticed on of the staff using their com-badge to contact operations center.

Bob thought, 'Now, I have to wait for Commander Nerys. And I am sure she is going to be upset with me, when she sees me. Though, I believe she will see reason, while I explain the situation to her.'


Twenty minutes later, Commander Kira Nerys stormed into the infirmary, and to the window in the isolation cell.

She looked at Bob, and Bob looked back at her.

Bob thought, 'Yep. She is as upset as I thought she would be, when I came up with this plan.'

Kira clicked on the intercom to the isolation cell. She looked at Bob, as Bob looked at her. She demanded, “Bob! How dare you put this station as risk!”

Bob calmly replied, “Commander Nerys. I only do this because your reality, and the multiverse is already as risk from this virus I am bringing here. And I brought you the virus so Federation medical teams can start working on it.”

“You see. I suspect someone else that was infected with the virus, traveled across the realities, and she may have exposed people from across the universe. I am trying to head off a multiversal pandemic.”

“And this reality's Federation is one of the few organizations that has the means to develop and deliver treatments, cures, and vaccines for this virus, if it heads across the multiverse, and comes to your reality.”

Kira thought, 'He has point. In his position, I might does the same things he has done.'

Kira forced herself to calm down, as she ordered, “Explain what happened? And what the virus does?”

Bob stated, “First, the virus does not kill, nor injure people. Besides the primary, long term problem. They just have a mild Earth cold for a few days. But, this virus is one of the diseases that can wreck civilizations. Long story short, this virus causing people to change genders when splashed with cold water. Hot water changes them back, until they are splashed with cold water again. I know it sounds ridiculous.”

Kira sarcastically replied, “What part of your life isn't?”

Bob nodded, while continued to look at Kira through the window.

Bob said, “You got that right. And it gets worse. A humanoid alien came to the plague world, in another reality, and was exposed to the virus. She carried that virus to her home world. I just stopped a pandemic hitting another galaxy. And over the course of those days, those on the planet, and I learned this virus effects almost all known aliens, it comes into contact with. And the symptoms, including being able to bend their genders with water, start to manifest very quickly. With in a few hours. And by then there are highly contagious.”

“Though, strangely, it only effects sentient aliens. Those that are at the level of human intelligence, or higher. Though, this is general intelligence of a species, and not per person. Being foolish will not prevent them being infected. And being able to change genders with water.”

Kira commented, “It sounds like the situation has been contained.”

Bob stated, “I hope you are correct. The problem is she might have been to other places in the multiverse, between the plague world, and her homeworld. I don't know. And she is not talking about it. The good news is these aliens have a handle on organic technology and sciences. And they will likely get a handle virus, and gain control of it. But even so, I like to go with those I know that can handle the situation. And it is always wise to get a second set of eyes on a problem.”

Kira conceded, “I see your point. Though, I don't see how bad this could be for a culture. Though, it would make things interesting.”

Bob responded, “For you. With your past history and friends. Yes.”

Bob mentally added, 'And you would have something to show you ex-boyfriend. Odo, the next time you meet.'

Kira realized what Bob was alluding too. She admitted, “Yes. I think Odo would find such abilities to be interesting.”

Bob replied, “I agree.”

Kira inquired, “So, how did the civilization, on the planet the virus originated from, handle the situations the virus created.”

Bob pointed out, “The people on the original plague world mostly handled the virus well. No serious problems. They just worked through their problems, and they likely have more interesting lives in their bedrooms. But, think of other civilizations that are not as socially advanced as yours, and mine. Such as the civilization on Ferenginar, Though, I will admit the have made some recent strides towards advancement in a number of social areas.”

Kira giggled. She then commented, “I will admit that. Though, in the case of the Ferengi, it might be worth seeing.”

Bob replied, “I disagree. But, either way, I would not want to be responsible for that happening to anyone.”

Kira asked, “I realize you feel that way, Bob. So, are you going to be stuck here for the rest of your life? Or, do you have a plan?”

Bob explained, “Because of my odd genetic background, I am immune to the virus. Though, I am temporally a carries. The virus will eventually flush from my body, with in two weeks. Also, the virus only lasts a few hours on nonliving surfaces.”

Kira replied, “That is good to know.”

Bob mentioned, “In addition, during my adventure on that plague world. Someone bit me, to the point of drawing blood. And the introduction blood into that person's body, seemed to have changed the trigger for that person, from water temperature, to sneezing.”

Kira guessed, “I bet the locals are happy about that discovery?”

Bob stated, “Oh. They are. I donated some my blood to help then find better ways to control their changes. And to head off any possible problems in the future. I would like to get with the doctors here on how my DNA, mixed with the virus causing the trigger to change to sneezing. Like how my dormant abilities would could cause such a change of triggers.”

Kira, said, “That is interesting, Bob. You will tell the medical staff everything you know about this virus, and you will give them new samples of your blood.”

Bob responded, “Yes, Commander Nerys.”

Kira turned to the doctor, whom was standing near her. She ordered, “Doctor. Have your staff collect the samples from Bob. The original virus. Any mutated versions of the virus, you find in his blood. Along, with new DNA samples from him. On top of what we have on file on him.”

“Double check to make sure he really is immune and the virus will flush out of his body. In addition, make sure he conformable.”

“Also, I want you to start work on studying that virus. Bob, made several good points. It is best if the Federation is not caught with their pants down. Finally, I expect your first report, sent to me, on what Bob has to say, by this evening.”

The doctor replied, “Yes Commander.”

Kira turned to Bob, as she said, “Bob, I looked forward to seeing you out of the isolation cell in two weeks.”

Bob agreed, “Thank you, Commander. So, do I.”

Kira smiled at Bob. She then turned, and walked out of the infirmary.

Meanwhile, Bob sat down on the bed in the isolation cell.

Bob asked through the intercom, to the medical staff, “Does anyone have a computer tablet, or book I can read.”

One of the medical staff, whom was a woman, said, “We will see what we can find, and transport to you, it to your cell. Though, that should not be a problem. Also, we will help keep you from getting too bored.”

Bob inquired, “I appreciate that. And I am more than willing to take my own blood, to minimize the possibility of infecting others. You can just transport the equipment into my cell. And I will do it myself. With you transporting the samples to secure locations.”

The member of the medical staff that spoke to Bob, stated, “We are hoping you would volunteer do that. In a few minutes. We will start that getting the supplies and equipment together. And instructing you on how to take your own blood. Right now, we still need to set up a few things, for a full bio-hazard situation. But, you have done everything right on your end.”

Bob requested, “Thank you. I have some questions. I am from the twenty-first century. I can handle most tech here. But, I don't see where to use the restroom, clean my hands, nor take a shower. Also, when I do, I hope you respect the privacy option on the window.”

“Also, I will need something to wear for the next week, instead of just these clothes everyday. And I want to keep these closes. I know for a face that the virus does not live on surfaces for long.”

The medical staff member smiled at Bob. She said, “Don't worry. We will respect your privacy. And since you know so much about how long the virus lives, you will be allowed to keep you clothing. Also, your room comes with all the features you need for you bodily needs We will show you how use the replicator to make various clothing, food, and drink.”

“Also, there is a toilet, sink, and shower, that come out of various walls.”

“We will show you how to access and use the devices in your room, in a few minutes. And we will instruct you on how to get the replicate to create you some clean clothes in a little while.”

Bob replied, “Thank you, ma'am.”

The medical staff member responded, “You're welcome.”


Bob spent most of the next two weeks in boredom, trapped in the quarantine isolation cell, though the medical staff did help him with his boredom. But, because he was from a parallel past, the medical staff told him that they would not let him access the Galactic Computer Network, their equivalent of the internet.

When Bob was told this, on the first day, he thought, 'Damn prime directive. I have been to realities, where humanity's technological abilities even eclipses the Federation's own technology. I have even brought some items of such technology to this station, to sell to Commander Nerys But, I might as well not complain about that matter. Doing so will not help my situation.'

But, they did provide him with a data pad he could use to read books, watch movies, listen to music, and play video games. Sometimes, at the same time. Also, Bob exercised everyday. And he found the cell's replicator produced health, and tasty, foods and drinks.

Finally, after almost two full weeks in the isolation cell, in the afternoon, station time, after three separate medical scans within the span of an hour, the doctor finally cleared him to leave isolation cell, with his items and clothing.

Also, Bob was informed, they were already starting to used the data, and computer simulations, they got from both the virus, and Bob's own DNA, to understand the basic mechanics of how the gender change, and triggers work. And though, it would take years to fully understand how the virus and change work. And created vaccines and treatments to control the virus, and keep those infected from being contagious. But, they now had a working understanding to continue their research.

Bob was happy to here this. Almost as much as being finally allowed to leaved quarantine.

After Bob left the isolation cell, through the door, and he exited the infirmary, Bob first went to his quarters to drop off his weapons, and get a few bars of gold pressed latium from there.

Bob then went to meet with Kira, at her earlier earliest inconvenience, which was an hour later.

When he was informed that Kira was waiting for him, he went to the operations center, and checked in with Kira, in her office. And their meeting was both productive and pleasant.

By the time Bob was finished with his meeting with her, it is early evening. And he went to Quarks to get drunk.

Bob entered the bar, and sat down at his usual place at the bar counter. He then ordered dinner, and he started drinking alcohol.

Bob finished dinner a half an hour later, but he didn't stop drinking various types of alcohol, for the next few hours.

The amount of alcohol that Bob consumed was only less impressive than the list of various types of drinks that Bob drank.

Bob's first drink was Andorian ale, served cold.

This was followed by Klingon blood wine, served warm.

Afterward, Bob chased both drinks with smooth Bacardi Black Label Rum.

Next was Wild Turkey whiskey, straight up, which had a bite to it.

Then, a few cups of iced, Jack and Cola.

And finally, after Quarks had mostly cleared out for the night, Quark pulled out some Romulan ale, for Bob, which Quark still had a number of bottles hidden. From when the Federation embargo on Romulan ale was temporally lifted during the Dominion War.

Quark let Bob had a few shots of from one of his bottles of Romulan ale.

Soon after, it was near closing, and nearly everyone, including Morn, had left already left for their quarters, or docked ships.

After coming back from the men's restroom, Bob was sititng at his chair, at the counter.

Quark stood across the counter, from Bob, as looked on at Bob with pity. He thought, 'I have never seen Bob like this. Drunk, yes. But, not this drunk. And now in this melancholy mood.'

While completely wasted, on the good stuff, Bob asked, as he slurred his speech, “Quark, do you want to know what is on my mind?”

Quark said, “If it is suicide, let me know. I will get you some help.”

Bob replied, “Nah. I have too much going for me. Including, a hot a girlfriend to go back to. For me to kill myself, just yet. No. I am thinking about and getting drunk over how much I have so royally screwed up. I royally screwed over an entire planet, Quark. And it could have been an entire galaxy. My home galaxy. Where my Earth is located at. That would have gotten my home Earth destroyed. And all of my family, and friends, there killed.”

Quark responded, “I heard rumors of you being in quarantine. But, Kira kept a lid on it.”

Bob inquired, “You want the full story?”

Quark replied, “Sure.”

Bob stated, “On my last trip through the multiverse, I was running out of options to find a cure for my friend. So, I took a page from Star Fleet, and I boldly went where no one has going before. And I went too far.”

Quark commented, “Your stories tend to be weird, even for here. Let me guess, this placed was weird, even my your standards.”

Bob slurred, “Got it in one, Quark. This was an alternate Earth had a very strange plague. All the humans were there were infected now change genders by being splashed with water. Cold water changes their from their original gender. And hot water changes them back to their original gender. And if they get pregnant, they are locked as female until they give birth.”

Quark took a step back, as he asked, “Are you infected?”

Bob shrugged, “No. My odd aliens genes made me immune. But, I could still carry the virus. That was when I was in isolation, twice, for nearly two weeks, each time. Until the virus was completely flushed from my body. The first time was in an isolation cell, on that plague world. Which I volunteered to stay in, so I could safely leave, without infecting anyone when I traveled to other realities. As you know the second time was hear. And that was volunteer, as well.”

Quark responded, “I am guessing that the virus somehow got loose. And it wasn't you that caused the outbreak.”

Bob answered, “Yes. Well, partly. Someone followed me to that plague world. An alien woman, a space police officer, from an alien world I visited a few days before. She unknowingly got herself infected and returned to her reality and home world. My home reality. Her homeworld is the capital planet for an entire galactic nation. Which, humanity, on my Earth, barely knows about.”

Quark spoke up, “Oh hell. I am starting to see why you got drunk.”

Bob responded, “Exactly. And I had to be exposed to the virus again, so I could head to that alien world, and warn them of the virus. If anyone else on that planet went, they would have carried the infection with them. And they might have spread the disease, if the woman did not have the virus in her body. Which, she did.”

“Fortunately, I did. The woman was only on the planet for ten minutes. But that, along with a few hours on the plague world, was long enough to start sneezing, thus becoming contagious, and be able to change to a man, of his species. We were able to get the planet fully quarantine, before the virus got off world. I saved my home galaxy from that plague. But, not before it infected the rest of that planet in the matter of days.”

Quark inquired, with concern in his tone of voice, “What happened afterward?”

Bob explained, in his slurred speech, “Luckily, that alien nation is very advanced. In a lot of ways, probably on par with Star Fleet technology. And after I helped them get some samples of blood from the person that was my realities counterpart to patient zero of that plague world, along with my own DNA, which is immune, and can change the trigger to sneezing. I believe they will be fine.”

Quark replied, “That is a relief.”

Bob quietly said, “Yea. But, it does make me feel any better. It is my fault that alien woman tracked me to that world. And she then left, and infected her own homeworld.”

Quark pointed out, “Actually, it sounds like it is not your fault. It was that alien woman's fault. And it could be a lot worse.”

Bob agreed, “Yes. It could But, what happened makes me a hypocrite. I try my best to keep my manhood intact, and my actions lead to screwing up the genders of an entire planetary population. Maybe, I should just electrocute myself, and get it over with.”

Quark sternly said, “No, Bob. Suicide is not the option.”

Bob commented, “I am not talking about suicide. Electrocution activates my alien genes, and would give the ability to change genders with a sneeze.”

Quark responded, “Oh. Still, never do anything stupid while drunk. That also applies while sober. And it sounds like that woman was at fault. On the other hand, you isolated yourself, twice, so you could safely leave and not infect anyone. What you did is commendable. Not many people would be willing to quarantine themselves like that, even once. Let alone twice.”

Bob replied, as he slurred, “Yes. I guess your right. I just wish I could believe it.”

Bob saw that his glass was empty. He requested, “Can I have another glass?”

Quark stated, “No. I am cutting you off, Bob. You look like you are about to collapse. If you do, I am going to have to call security.”

Bob said, “I understand.” he then reached into his right, side pants pocket, and he pulled out a few bars of gold pressed latium.”

Bob placed the bars onto the counter, as he commented, “This should cover my tap for tonight.”

Quark looked at the bars, as he thought, 'It is very close to covering his bill. And the guy has clearly been through hell. I will let the balance of his bill, slide for him, just this once.'

Quark said, “That will cover it.”

Bob replied, “Good.” Bob then fell face forward, onto the counter, as he passed.

Quark muttered, “Damn it. I didn't want to call security on him.”

Just as Quark was about to call security to come get Bob, he heard a male voice from across the room say, “Wait. I will help him to his quarters.”

Quark turned towards the voice. He saw the person was a human, japanese man, with short black hair, got up from a table in the very back of the bar, on the first floor, in the shadows of the room. He wear shirt, pants, and shoes.

Quark watched as the men walked over to counter, by Bob, to Bob's right side. When he reached Bob, he looked at Quark. He offered, “I am more than happy to help him to his quarters.”

Quark said, “If you would, I would appreciate it. Bob, is a good customer.”

The man agreed, “Yea. He is a decent guy. When he is not drunk.”

Quark asked, “He is not that bad when drunk, either. So, who are you?”

The man cracked a grin, as he said, “I am surprised Bob didn't tell you about me. I am Akira.”

Quark pointed out, “Bob said that Akira was a human, caucasian blond, woman.”

The man shrugged, as he replied, “Oh. That is easily fixed.”

Akira sneezed and instantly changed before Quark's eyes, from a japanese man, with short black hair, to a younger, caucasian woman, with long blond hair.

Quark raised an eyebrow. He admitted, “Okay, Akira. I will conceded that some of what Bob has claimed is true. But, I draw the line at the claim that all of this here, in this reality, is a work of fiction.”

Akira stated, “Understandable. But, then. Except for Odo. Whom was present during the incident. How many people in this reality know that you, Quark, along with Rom, and Nog, accidentally went back in time, and became the Roswell aliens, on Earth, for this reality?”

Quark's eyes widened, while he realized, as he said, “Everything he said is true.”

Akira commented, “Yes. It makes life interesting, when you learn that your life is as real to other people, as your holosuites are too you.”

Quark agreed, “Yea. It can put things in perspective.”

Akira asked, “Do you know where Bob's quarters are?”

Quark answered, “Yes.” He then gave her directions.

When Quark finished telling Akira how to get to Bob's quarters, Akira gave Quark a girlish smile. She said, “Thank you. And please don't mention my name, after I wake him up.”

Quark nodded once, as he replied, “Okay.”

Akira then sneezed back into a guy, and turned to Bob.

Akira shook Bob on Bob's right shoulder, while he said, “Come on, buddy. Let's get you some place to sleep.”

Bob leaned up, and said, “Oh right.” He then turned around and looked at Akira, as he asked, “Who are you?”

Akira answered, “The person who is going to help you to your quarters.”

Bob said, “Thanks.”

Bob then got up from his chair.

Akira saw that he was unsteady on his feet. He quickly caught Bob, as he said, “Here. Lean on my shoulders.”

Akira then threw Bob's right arm over his right shoulder, to let him lean on his left shoulder. Akira then reached around with his own left arm, from around Bob's back, to gently grip the left side of Bob's chest, under his left armpit.

Akira then slowly guided Bob out of Quarks, thought the front entrance.

As they were leaving, Quark offered, “Come back anytime. I would be more than happy to have you as a paying customer.”

Without turning around, Akira stated, “I just might, Quark. Have a good night.”

Quark replied, “You too.”

A minute later, Akira helped Bob out of Quarks, and into the bottom floor of the Promenade.


Ten minutes later, Akira and Bob reached Bob's quarters.

When they reached the door to Bob's quarters, Bob said, “Open.”

The door slid open, and Akira helped Bob inside.

As the door slid closed behind them, Akira lead Bob into his bedroom, and onto his bed.

Fortunately, the low light was still just bright enough to navigate Bob's quarters.

When they reached Bob's bed, Akira go Bob to gently lay down on his bed, on his stomach, with his clothes still on.

Bob was back to sleep in a matter of seconds, after his head hit his pillow.

Akira then sneezed, change him back into a woman.

She then pulled out her reality device from her left pants pocket.

She thought, 'Now, to get my gear and come back here.'

She then used her reality device to jump realities.


The next morning, the first sensation that Bob became aware of was the pounding headache he had from his hangover.

As Bob regained full consciousness, on his stomach, as he thought, 'At least, I usually don't get nauseous with my hangover. Still, I need to get something for this headache. And I wonder how much I had to drink last night?'

Bob turned over, leaned up. He then looked around his bed.

Bob noticed that the lights were slightly brighter, than the dim setting he usually had the lights at.

Bob then saw Akira, as a woman, dressed in her cowboy outfit, with her weapons. Though, she did not have on her cowgirl hat and sunglasses.

Akira sitting in a chair, next to his bed, to his right side. And she was looking right at Bob's face.

Bob also noticed that Akira was smiling at him.

In response, Bob quickly looked for his weapons. And he saw that his gunbelt, with his holstered revolver, and his folded knife were on a couch, across the room, where he had left them the previous day.

Bob turned back to look at Akira, as he thought, with worry, 'I am in no shape to fight right now. She has me dead to rights. Now, to find out what is going on, from her. On the bright side, it seems my hangover is starting to clear up on its own.'

Bob admitted, “Alright. You win. You got me. Now what?”

Akira continued to smile, as she responded, “Relax. I am not here to fight. Quite the contrary.”

Bob replied, “Good. So, how did you find me?”

Akira explained, “Natsuru, Ranma, and I had a long talk with Rock about you, and Ed. A good one, from your point of view. Anyway, we learned from Rock that Boris is with you. We then contacted Balalaika. We figured she might have an idea of where you were. And we were right.”

“She told me that most likely place that you would hide is Deep Space Nine. Then, I just thought of Deep Space Nine, and meeting you, after we met at the beach.”

Bob complimented, “Good detective work, Akira.”

Akira responded, “Thank you. Also Balalaika confirmed that Boris has cancer. It seems, that when you three went back in time, during that incident where you stole Lagoon company's car. Boris told Balalaika about him having cancer.”

“Once we confirmed, from Balalaika, that it was Boris, Ed, and you, that were in the past, we also realized that it was you, Bob, that stole the Lagoon group's car.”

Bob asked, “Is the Lagoon crew still pissed off about me stealing their car, and wrecking it?

Akira replied, “Nah. But, I am not sure if that are not upset with you about the fact you withheld important information on their futures, from them.”

Bob responded, with annoyance in his voice, “What could I do with both Sawyer and Shenhua breathing my neck at the time? You know what those two are capable up.”

Akira agreed, “I know. I personally don't hold the situation you are in against you. Though, concerning the Lagoon group, I know better to ask them, on the matter.”

Bob said, “Okay.” He thought, 'I will just have to likely deal with that situation, later.'

Akira questioned, “So, Boris is your friend with cancer?”

Bob answered, “Yes.”

Akira commented, “Interesting choice of friends.”

Bob retorted, “You're one to talk.”

Akira conceded, “True.

Bob inquired, “So, what happened during your conversation with Rock?”

Akira answered, “After we told Rock what you were doing, returning to our Earth, and helping to help the people on Oriotera. We all found what you did to be very heroic. Rock even verbally agreed with us, on the matter. And we got Rock to agreed to stop sending people after you, and Ed.”

“Though, when we tracked down Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer. And briefly talked to them. All three of those women told us that they refuse to give up their hunt for you both. And given what those three are capable of. Even with our own skills and abilities. We knew better than to push the matter.”

B responded, “Well, I will take a partial victory, over a complete defeat.”

Akira complimented, “That is a good way of looking at it. Also, I heard the conversation you had with Quark last night.”

Bob replied, “Good. Because I barely remember it, myself.”

Akira giggled. She then said, “I am surprised you remember any of it. Considering how much alcohol you have had.”

Bob commented, “This life is not for the faint of heart.”

Akira agreed, “Very true.”

Bob inquired, “Like I asked before. What now?”

Akira answered, “Now, I let you go. But first, I also was tasked, by Birdy, to give you this.”

Akira pulled out something from her right, side pants pocket, and she handed the item to Bob.

Bob gently took the item from Akira's hands. And he looked at it. He saw that it was an invitation card, in japanese, with a date and time.

Bob turned back to Akira, as he asked, “What is this?”

Akira answered, “I guess you haven't heard. Birdy and Nataru are getting married. And you, Ed, and Boris are invited.”

Bob put the invitation in a coat pocket, as he replied, “Cool.”

Akira went onto say, “Zangief is even going to be Nataru's best man.”

Bob responded, “That is nice to know. We will try to make it. But, I got to find a cure to Boris, first.”

Akira stood up, and she walked away from Bob. She came to a stop, in an empty space, in the room. She turned back to look at Bob. Next, she pulled out her reality device, from one of her pockets.

Akira said, “I understand. Good luck with your trip to the future. And see you later, and maybe then, as well”

Bob chuckled, as he watched Akira vanish from sight, right in front of him.

Since Bob was already dressed, he got up from his bed and walked to the couch to collect his gunbelt, revolver and folded knife.

Bob then went to the bathroom real quick.

When Bob came back his bedroom, he pulled out his the reality device.

Bob thought, 'Future. Here I come.'

Bob then thought of going to the future, by around two decades. He then pushed the red button on his reality device, and as he did a blind reality jump into his future.

In the blink of an eye, Bob found himself on a tropical island that he had never scene before.

He noticed that it was the middle of a sunny day.

He looked to his sides and noticed that behind him was a large field, with a beach to his five o'clock.

He did not turn all the way around, but he did see anyone as he turned his head.

Bob also saw that he was standing on the small porch, with a front double-door entrance, of a large mansion.

Bob tested the knob to his right side, and he found the door to be unlocked.

Bob thought, 'If this is the future. I might as well go inside. Though, if I meet the owners, I will be sure to be polite. I am not sure what I will have to say. But, I am sure it will be interesting. Still, I am positive that it is not my home, because, if it was, my future self would be here to greet me. Because, I really don't like wasting time.'

Bob opened the right door, he walked inside, and gently closed the door behind him.

After he walked inside, he found himself inside a large entryway with to staircases in front of him going up to the second story.

The doors to the surrounding rooms were open. Bob saw that to his right side, there was some sort of recreational den, with games, video game controllers, video discs, and various books on the table, seats, and couches.

As Bob put his reality device in his left, front, pants pocket, he thought, 'Well, this confirms that someone lives here. That is for sure. And I would guess it is a family. I think I will skip the whole Goldilocks story, and just head upstairs to get a birds eye view of the back of this mansion. If no one is in the front yard, and the den.'

'They are either in the dining room, having a meal. Or, the back yard. Or, they are gone. And checking out the back yard, from a high up view is a safer method, of process of elimination, than disturbing one's dinner. If they are at dinner. I will just head back outside, the front doors, and knock until someone answers.'

Bob walked up the right staircase. When he reached the second story of the building, he thought, 'It is best that I get a view from a corner room. That will allow me to see more from one vantage point.

Bob turned to his right, and he kept walking.

Bob continued walking down the long hallway, until he reached the end of it. He then saw an open door leading to a room to his left.

The door lead to the second to last room on that side. With the room facing the back of the mansion.

Bob thought, 'That should be close enough. And at least I can say that I did not intrude into a room, whose door was closed.'

Bob walked up to the door, and he looked inside the room. He saw that room had large windows facing the outside, backyard.

Bob thought, 'Just what I need. Now, let's see what the backyard to this place looks like.'

Bob walked into the room.

As soon as he got close to the window, he heard the door shut behind him.

Bob came to a stop, as he thought, 'Someone is in here with me.'

He swiftly walked turned around to see Revy, standing there. And Revy was wearing a red gown, with flat red slippers.

As Bob reached for his pistol, Revy calmly stated, “Relax. This is the future. We already settle our problems, years ago.”

Bob relaxed, as he stopped himself, from pulling out his gun. Though, he still stared at Revy.

As Revy walked up to Bob, to stand by the window, next to Bob, with her left side facing the window.

Revy noticed that Bob was still staring at her. She snorted, “Never seen a woman in a dress before?”

Bob shook his head, as he replied, “Not a tomboy like you, Revy. Please, don't take this the wrong way. But, I honestly thought the only time your friends would get you into a dress would be at your funeral.”

Revy giggled. She then responded, “I will give you that one, Bob. Personally, I hate getting dressed up. But, I will do so on special occasions.”

Bob complimented, “Like Ed, red truly is your color, Revy.”

Revy replied, “Thank you, Bob. I see you are polite as always.”

Bob said, “It has kept me alive so far.”

Revy commented, “Well, Bob. Welcome to my home.”

Bob stated, “I always wondered what this place looked like. Now, I know. And it is nice.”

Revy replied, “Thanks again.”

Bob asked, “So, what is the special occasion? What are you all dressed up in red, for?” He then continued, in a jovial tone of voice, “Finally, found that nuke you always wanted?”

Revy smirked, as she stated, “I already have one downstairs.”

Bob's jaw dropped. He quickly collected himself, as he pleaded, in a serious tone of voice, “Please Revy. Tell me you are joking.”

Revy continued smiling, as she stated, “Nope. Got one downstairs. But, it is only a multi-kiloton level nuke. Not a megaton nuke. And it requires five keys to activate. Though, only one key is needed to disarm it.”

“I, and each of the other Lagoon adults, each have a key. And we have to use them at the same time to arm the weapon. Still, it is nice to have that weapon. In case we need it.”

“But, you are not here for that. You are here for the special occasion I am dressed for. Look outside the window, and you will see what is going on.”

Bob did at Revy request. And what he saw greatly surprised him.

Revy said, “Congratulations.”

Bob saw two sets of chairs. With each sets having being several chairs wide, and being several row deep. Both sets of chairs faced away from the building. There was a long red rug between two sets of chairs. The rug lead to a podium.

The chairs were mostly filled, with several people. All of whom were dressed in either suits, or dresses. And there was a priest, in in his black suit, standing in the center of the podium, facing towards the building.

Also standing on the podium, in front of the priest, was a much older Bob, in a tux, Beside the older Bob, to his right side, was Ed in a white wedding gown. On the older Bob's left side was Boris in a tux. All three adults were facing the priest.

Bob stated, “Damn. Boris looks healthy.”

Revy commented, “Yes. Boris does. And Boris is your best man”

Bob replied, “Of course, he would be.”

Bob then noticed a few other things.

Bob said, “Wait a minute, my beard is gone. I guess I would shave for my own wedding.”

Revy giggled.

Bob added, “And I don't look half bad.”

Revy quipped, “You don't know the half of it.”

Bob then noticed, as he inquired, “What a minute. I look older. But, everyone else looks about the same age. Did I get stuck in a time vortex, or lost in the multiverse for a number of years?”

Revy answered, “No. The super-soldier serum we were given us has greatly slowed our aging. It even original restored our youths. You should see Yolanda. Chang did a good job on her. With the human cybernetic, human looking eye, replacing her lost right eye, and the super-soldier serum restoring her youth. She looks hotter than she did in that Viva Youth omake.”

Bob questioned, “How did Eda take that? And did she get that serum, as well?”

Revy said, “Yes. Eda got the super-soldier serum, as well. And while she is still good friends with Yolanda. She admitted to me of being a little jealous at no longer being the only hot, caucasian, blond, badass babe in the group.”

Bob cracked a grin, as he thought, 'I won't mention that Balalaika is a hot blond, as well. Still, I wonder about Ed and Boris.' He inquired, “I bet. And Ed and Boris?”

Revy replied, “Ed gets a rejuvenation treatment, in a few years. It works out well for her. And trust me, she is going to need it. And as for Boris, that is part of the cure.”

Bob responded, “Interesting. So, how is Boris cured? It would save me a lot of trouble.”

Revy stated, “I cannot outright tell you. It would it might create a paradox. Still, you have seen Boris is alive and healthy. So, you know this will work out. But, if you want to save Boris, you are going do two very difficult things. You are going to have to go back and tell Boris that you failed. And you are going to have to trust my past self, that is after your ass.”

Bob commented, “You never do things in half measures, Revy.”

Revy replied, “Nope.”

Bob said, “Fine. I am out of options. I will take grabbing at straws, over nothing.”

Revy smiled, as she said, “I got to go join the party. And you got to go head back to the past, and your home, to talk to Boris, Ed, and my past self.”

Bob nodded. He stated, “I hope you have fun at the party.”

Revy replied, “Thanks. I plan too.”

Bob then pulled out a reality device. He thought of an hour after he left Ed and Boris, at the condo, in a suburban tone in of Miami, Florida, in that specific alternate Earth. Bob held that thought, as he he press the red button to the device, and he instantly jumped through realities, to return to his friends.

Revy continued to smile, as she watched Bob disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Revy then turned and walked out of the room. As she headed downstairs, she thought, 'Bob, you don't know the half of what is going to happen to you three. And it took all my willpower not to tell you.'

Revy then started laughing for several seconds, as she made her way down to the wedding, that was happening in the backyard of her home.


The next thing Bob knew, after leaving Lagoon mansion, was that he currently stood in front of the condo, near the east coast of Florida, on an alternate Earth, where he left Ed and Boris.

Bob looked behind him, and he saw the position of the sun setting in the horizon.

Bob then looked back at the entrance to the condo, as he thought, 'From the look of the sun, I say that I have been gone for an hour. Their time. Just as I wanted. Well, I danced with the multiverse, and lost. But, it was one hell of a dance... Time to break the news to Boris and Ed.'

Bob pocketed his reality device in his front left pants pocket.

As Bob walked towards the condo entrance, Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer came out from behind the left corner of the home, and they made their way to stand in front of him.

Bob came to a stop four feet from them. He saw that they did not have their weapons in hand.

Bob thought, 'At least, they are not pointing their weapons as me. Still, I do not feel like playing this game, right now.'

Meanwhile, all three women look at Bob. Revy smirked, as she stated, with eagerness in her tone of voice, “We got you now, Bob.”

Bob looked Revy, in her eyes, as he snapped, “I am not in the mood, Revy.”

Shenhua noticed that Bob's overall demeanor was wrong. She asked, “What is wrong, Bob?”

Bob turned to Shenhua, as he stated, “Boris is dying from cancer. There is why I have been on my own for so long. I was looking for a cure for him, in the multiverse, while Ed stayed with him. And before you ask. I failed in finding him a cure. Now, I have to break the new to him that he is going to die.”

Shenhua replied, “I am sad to hear that. Cancer is a horrible way to go.”

Revy commented, “Well, that sucks.”

Sawyer commented, through her electrolarynx choker, “Boris deserves a better death, than to die on his back.”

Bob halfheartedly said, “I am glad you feel that way. Now, please stand out of the way, so I can tell, Boris, the bad news. We can continue this chase, tomorrow.”

Revy stated, “Wait. There maybe an alternative.”

Bob mentally reflected, 'I hope future Revy is not screwing more over, literally. She said that trusting her past self would save Boris.'

Bob inquired, “What do you have in mind?”

Revy told him.

After Revy finished her answer, Bob just stared at her for a few seconds. He then said, “Well, Revy. I have to say, that is going there. But, we are out of options. Still, it would have to be Boris' choice.”

Revy commented, “I respect Boris enough to give him that choice. Unlike others.”

Bob said, “Revy, I need you to come with me. Don't try anything, I am not in the mood. Shenhua and Sawyer. If you don't mind. I would prefer if you stay outside. Boris is tired, and he is in bed. Let's not give him a heart attack. This meeting, and Revy's offer, is going to be stressful enough, as is.”

Shenhua responded, “I can understand you wanting to limit the number of people going to see Boris, at one time.”

Sawyer replied, “I agree. I hope he says, yes.”

Revy and Shenhua stepped to Bob's left side, while Sawyer stepped to Bob's right side.

Bob then walked between them, as he mad his way to the front door, with Revy following right behind him.

Bob knocked on the door, as he stated, “Ed, it's Bob. Open up. I got a cure for Boris, from the last people you would expect.” He thought, 'Even thought I left the door unlocked. I do not want Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, to know that.'

A few seconds later, Ed opened the door, and looked at Bob, Revy, along with Shenhua and Sawyer standing on the lawn, a few feet from behind the first two.

Ed then saw Bob's full, bushy, through groomed beard, with his black hair, that went down to his neckline.

Ed stated, “Ed likes Bob's new beard and slightly longer hair. But, Ed is worried how long it took to grow?”

Bob admitted, “Yes. I have been gone a while. But, not that long. Only several months. Also, I ran out of options. You know me, I would not be turning to them for help. If I didn't have anywhere else to turn too.”

Ed looked at Revy, and then back at Bob. She replied, “Ed understands. And Ed does not want to know how desperate Bob is to want help from them. But, Ed is happy to see Bob back, alive, and healthy.”

Bob smiled, as he responded, “Thank you, Ed.”

Revy requested, with impatience lacing her tone of voice, “If we could move this along.”

Ed frowned at Revy. Then, she looked back at Bob. Ed said, “Boris is asleep right now. But, a cure would be worth waking Boris. Follow Ed.”

As soon as Bob and Revy were inside, Ed shut the door behind, but she did not lock it.

Ed thought, 'Given strength of these bad girls, locking the door would just be an unnecessary insult.'

Ed then walked passed the two other adults, as all three made their way through the inside of the condo, to Boris' bedroom.

When they came to the door, to Boris' bedroom, in the hallway, they saw the door was open.

Bob thought, 'The doors open, in case he needs to call Ed for help. He must be really more tired than he originally let on.'

Bob could see that Boris was laying on his bed, above his sheets. He was wearing just boxers and a t-shirt.

Bob turned to Revy, as he quietly requested, “Revy, please stay in the hallway, until I call for you. He might have a gun under his pillow. Let's avoid a fight that none of us want.”

Revy nodded, as she replied, “Okay.” She then backed away from the door.

After Revy moved away from the doorway to Boris' bedroom, Bob and Ed walked into the room.

As they did so, Ed whispered, to Bob, “Ed got Boris' reality device working, again.”

Bob softly replied, “That was quick. I thought you said it would take around a month.”

Ed quietly said, “That was when I was taking my time. Ed even tested it.”

Bob whispered, “Where did you go?”

Ed smiled, as she softly replied, “Nowhere special. Just the grocery store. As far as Boris was concerned, Ed was back in five minutes. Just like you.”

Bob quietly said, “Okay.”

By then, both adults can come to stop at the foot of Boris' bed, with Bob standing to Ed's right side.

Both adults turned to Boris.

Bob stated, in a normal tone of voice, “Hey Boris. It is Bob. I am back.”

A few seconds later, Ed and Bob watched as Boris' eyes opened.

Boris leaned up in his bed. He then looked at them.

Boris complimented, “Nice beard, Bob.”

Bob responded, “Thanks. I have a line on a cure for you. From someone. Though, I do not want you to have a heart attack when you see the person offering you this possible cure. And I want you to know, even with my own issues, I will respect your choice.”

Boris calmly replied, “Okay.”

Bob turned to the door, as he requested, “You can come in.”

Revy walked into the room. She came to a stop, near Bob and Ed. She turned to Boris, as she said, “Hi Boris.”

Boris deadpanned, in his russian accent, “Hi Revy.” He then turned to Bob, as he commented, “Bob, you must have been through a lot to want her help.”

Bob turned to face Boris, as he stated, “You are not that far off. I will tell you and Ed about it, later. When you are well. And we have lots of alcohol available, to consume.”

Boris replied, “I looked forward to hearing your story.” Boris then turned to Revy, as he requested, “Okay. Let us hear your offer.”

Revy inquired, “First. I have a question. From what I understand. When Chang had his organization running at full steam, you, and the rest of Hotel Moscow, were kept out of the loop on a lot of things, except for Balalaika?”

Boris stated, “Yes. We were. And we expressed our displeasure in an explosive manner.”

Revy commented, “Yea. You guys went all out, at the least desired time. Anyway, what you are not aware of is that the gender changing vats, and the process does a number of other things to those that use them. For those turned from male to female, regenerates all all injuries and removes scars.”

Bob said, “I can vouch for that with Annie. AKA, gender bent Death Vader. You would never guess that Annie was ever seriously injured, like Anakin was in Star Wars Episode Three. She looks completely healthy, young, and scar free.”

Revy commented, “Correct. And for both genders, the vat process also cures all diseases and health problems, including cancer. The vat process even cures poisoning, and flushes out the poisons in the body. And we have access to some vats. Retrieving a vat, and a manual for it. To learn how to work one. Would not be difficult.”

Boris could not believe what Revy was suggesting. He asked, in disbelief, “Revy. You want to turn me into a woman?”

Revy shrugged, as she said, “Well, you could consider the gender change to be a side effect to curing you of your cancer.”

Boris sarcastically replied, “Some side effect.”

Revy stated, “Boris. Keep mind, as I said, this treatment will remove scars. Also, other injures, afflictions, such as cancer, will be removed. And your body will be completely restored. You will still be human. Just female. I won't lie to you. You will have to deal with the problems that come with being female. But, they are liveable.”

“And as you know, from Rock, Benny, and Dutch, that instant packets of spring of drowned man works on those that are processed. Though, be careful not to get yourself nor someone else, pregnant. Which can happened, by yourself, if you are not careful, as you swap back and forth.”

“Plus, when it comes to the second part of the process, the super-soldier serum. The serum will restore your youth, and make your body very healthy, and athletic. You will be stronger, faster, and have more stamina than you have ever had in your life. And your senses will increase a bit.”

Boris pointed out, “Nice sales pitch. But, what about the brainwashing?”

Revy grumbled, under her breath, for a few seconds. She then said, “Okay. Fair question. The only brainwashing we plan to do to you, will make you conformable in your new gender, and you will become bi-sexual. The same programing that Rock got, when she was changed.”

Boris inquired, “I am not saying, yes. I will say that I could live with that. But first, I need to know. How long would this change take to for this change to be complete?”

Revy replied, “One month.”

Boris questioned, “You expect us to trust that you won't do anything to us for a month?”

Revy plainly answered, “Yes. We can have a truce. Shenhua, Sawyer, and I, have done it before. When Rock was forced to change, or die. And Rock's group spent a month in San Francisco during that time, without us coming after them. Besides, we are in this for the challenge. There is no fun in shooting ducks in a barrel.”

Boris turned to Bob, as he questioned, “Is there any other cure out there, Bob?”

Bob sadly answered, “None that I can find, Boris. And I looked. Still, it is your call.”

Boris quietly said, “Thank you for your efforts.” He then looked over at Ed.

Ed noticed Boris looked at her. She stated, “Ed would like you to live, Boris.”

Boris turned back at Revy, and he stared at her for a few seconds. He then stated, “Okay. I will do it. I am out options. At least, I will still be human, alive, and healthy. If you can deal with those problems Revy, and not go on a killing spree, so can I.”

Bob thought, 'Why does that comment fill me with dread?... Oh yea... I am about to become the only guy in this group. Not good. And if I complain about the matter, they will electrocute me just on sheer principle.”

Revy said, “I look forward to seeing how you turn out, Boris. We will be back in a few hours, with the vat and manual. I noticed the living room here has a twelve feet high ceiling. Clear out a corner, with a space by at least five feet in diameter. We will put the vat there. If someone comes by, you can throw a sheet over the vat, and call it an aquarium.”

Bob complimented, “Clever thinking.”

Revy grinned, as she responded, “Thank you.”

Bob stated, “We will clear out the back, right corner.”

Revy replied, “That will do. See you in a little bit.”

Revy then walked out of the room, and headed for the front door.

With Revy gone, Boris turned to Ed and Bob. He stated, “Before you even think about it, Ed. When I get out, there will be no playing dress up with me. Do I make myself clear?”

Ed said, in disappointment, “Yes.”

Boris said, “And Bob. I expect you to help Ed find some simple clothing for my new physical frame. Something plain. Pants, shirts, basic shoes, plain.”

Bob replied, “I promise I will do so. And I will make sure you get a plain white bra and cotton underwear for women.”

Boris stated, “That will do. Still, you are likely going to have wait until I fully change. As I grew up, I went from a skinny young man, to a stocky older man. I have no idea what I will look like as a woman.”

Ed lips curled into a wicked grin, as she teased, “We saw the omakes, pretty boy.”

Boris rolled his eyes for a few seconds.

Bob said. “I think you made the right call, bulking up, in your youth.”

Boris looked over at Bob, as he replied, “I appreciate that, Bob.”

Bob responded, “No problem. Anyway, we got to clear a place in the living room. Do you want us to get you something to eat before they get here.”

Boris answered, “I think it is best I do this on an empty stomach. And as you leave, could you shut the door? I will need some private time alone.”

Bob thought, with amusement, 'I bet I know why.'

Bob said, “Sure. No problem. We will let you know when they get back.”

As Ed and Bob exited the room, and into the hallway, Bob gently shut the door behind them.


Three hours later, right after dark, Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer returned, by teleporting into the living room.

Revy took one look at the space Bob and Ed made for the vat, in the back right corner of the room. She then teleport away again.

A few seconds later, Revy teleport, along with the vat, in the corner, where the space was clear. She was careful to teleport in front of the large machine, and away from the corner.

Bob then noticed there was a booklet in Revy's left hand, with her reality device in her right hand.

Revy handed the booklet to Bob, as she said, “Here is the manual. It is not hard to understand. Just read it before you put Boris in the vat.”

Bob gently took the booklet, as he said, “Thank you.”

Revy then pulled something from her left pants pocket, and handed it to Ed, “This pill should knock Boris out in about fifteen minutes. Trust me on this. Though, the vat has sedatives, it is just easier to give the process a boost to make things easier for the user.”

“Also, this machine has multiple generators. Along with redundant software and hardware. So, you don't need to worry about a shutdown. But, if you have to get Boris out, in the middle of the process, come get us immediately, so we can put him in another vat. Because, tissue rejection will start to set in within days, and he will die.”

While Ed clasped the pill in her hand, she commented, “We will keep that in mind?”

Revy commented, “Well, that is it. I figure you all can handle the rest.”

Bob and Ed nodded.

Sawyer said, “Good luck.”

Shenhua mischievously grinned, as she said, “See you in a month.”

Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua stood near each other, as Revy used her reality device jump to another reality.

Bob and Ed looked at each other. They then sat on the couch, beside each other, as Bob opened the manual, and they began reading.

An hour later, Bob walked to the door to Boris' bedroom.

Bob did not have on his hat, shades, leather satchel, coat, nor gunbelt.

Bob knocked on Boris' bedroom door, as he said, “Everything is ready, Boris.”

A few seconds later, Boris opened the door.

Bob asked, “Are you ready for this? It is not to late to back out.”

Boris said, “It is either this, or death. I am going with this.”

Bob just nodded.

The two men then walked into the living room.

When they entered the living room, Ed approached them. They saw that she had a glass of water in her right hand, and a pill in her open left hand.

The three adults stood close to each other, as Ed stated, “Revy says this will help knock Boris out in fifteen minutes. That it would be better this way.”

Boris said, “Revy is likely right.” He took the pill and put in his mouth. He then gripped the glass of water, and drank the water to wash down the pill.

After Bob watched Boris hand the glass back to Ed, Bob inquired, “Boris, do you need help getting in?”

Boris answered, “No. And I can get in by myself. Though, I will need help with the hookups.”

Ed said, “That is understandable."

Bob stated, “We read the manual. Getting you in and set up will not be hard. Just a little unconformable for you. I need you to get undressed. And then you will need to get in from the top.”

Boris replied, “Okay.”

While Boris took off his two pieces of clothing that he had on, Bob climbed the ladder on the vat and opened the top lead. Bob then jumped down to the floor.

After Bob landed on the floor, on his feet, he saw Boris walked by him, and climbed up to the top of the vat.

Boris then stared down at the green goo inside, for a few seconds. He then slowly in.

Boris thought, 'Well, this isn't bad. This goo to be slightly warm. Though, I need to get this done quickly, before that sedative kicks in.'

Bob then climb up the ladder to help Boris.

A few minutes later, Bob helped get Boris completely hooded up. The IV line was in Boris' right arm. The electrodes hooked to where they needed to be on his body. The various tubes were placed in the areas of Boris' body, where they needed to be.

Finally, Boris put the mask on. After he breathed into it for about a minute. To make sure that it worked. He gave Bob the thumbs up, with his left hand.

Bob said, “See you in a month.”

Boris nodded in response. He then sunk into green goo.

When Boris' head was clear of the top of the vat, Bob gently shut the lip over Boris.

Bob then climbed back down, and looked over at Ed.

Ed commented, “That went well.”

Bob said, “Yes. It did. Let us hope this is an uneventful month for us.”

Ed suggested, “Ed hopes so, too. So, want to order some pizza, and sodas? And we wait here, to make sure Boris does alright, for the first few hours.”

Bob answered, “Sure. Though, first I need to change my clothes and wash this green goo off my arms. The manual says I am fine as long as I don't let the goo stay on my body for a prolonged amount of time.”

Ed shrugged, “Ed can wait.”

Ed then looked over at the vat. She saw that Boris was fading off to sleep, as she added, “Ed can wait far longer, if need be. As long as Ed's friends turn out okay.”

Bob looked over at Boris, as he soberly replied, “That we agree on, Ed. By the way, Birdy and Nataru are getting married, and we are invite.”

Ed chirped, “Nice.”

Bob said, “I just wanted to get Boris cured, first.”

Ed replied, “Ed agrees. And it will be good news for Boris, when she get out.”

Bob responded, “My thoughts, exactly.”

Bob then went to go cleaned up, while Ed used the home phone to order some pizza and sodas.”

A few minutes later, when Bob returned to the living room, he saw that Boris was fast asleep.

An hour later, they at pizza in the living room, as they watched to make sure the Boris' vitals were still good, and there were no problems.

Six hours later, Boris was still doing fine. And both Ed and Bob decided to get some rest. They then went to their bedrooms, to get some sleep.


A month later, in was around noon, at the condo that Bob, Ed, and Boris, were living in, on the Alternate Earth.

Bob and Ed were in the living room. And they were checking on Boris. They looked at the readout display, on the base of the vat, and the display stated that Boris was now ready to come out.

Given the see through nature of the vat, both of them could see that Boris was now a nude sexy, brown haired woman, in her mid-twenties.

During the month, Bob wanted to cover the vat, for Boris' privacy. Ed disagreed, stating that Boris' health was more important than her modesty. Bob eventually relented to Ed's request.

With the vat machine informing Ed and Bob that Boris' process was finished, Bob used the keyboard below the monitor, at the base of the vat, to turn off just the sedative to Boris. But, Bob was careful to make sure Boris' life support system still functioned.

Ed was right beside Bob when he did so. She turned to him, as she said, “Good job. With luck, Boris will wake up on her own, in a couple of hours.”

Bob turned to her, as he commented, “Knowing him... Or, now her, she is a heavy sleeper. But, we will check on her in a few hours.”

Ed agreed, “Good idea. Ed will go set out Boris' new clothes on her bed, along with her shoulder holster, and loaded pistol.”

Bob stated, “Just be careful. And please don't set out the skirt. Get one of the pairs of pants. Also, while the machine told us her measurements, I kept the receipts. Just in case they don't fit her.”

Ed pouted, “You're no fun.”

Ed then turned and walked out of room.

Bob walked over and sat down couch.

Bob looked at Boris' sleeping form in the vat, as he thought, 'In a different set of circumstances, a man watching a sleeping, naked women, in a vat filled with green goo, would be extremely creepy. But, I want to make sure, this close to getting Boris out, that nothing goes wrong.'


Four hours later, Ed and Bob were both on the couch. Bob did not have his coat on.

The two adults were waiting for Boris to wake up. Which she had not yet done so. And the two adults were finally starting to grow impatient.

Ed turned to Bob, as she requested, “Open the vat up, and pull Boris out.”

Bob simply nodded, as he got up from the touch. He rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, while he walked over to the vat. He then climbed up the ladder on the vat, to the top of the machine.

When he reached the top, he opened the hatch and reached in, with his right arm, by about a foot.

Bob gently shook Boris' left shoulder.

Bob then saw Boris' body tense a bit. A few seconds later, he saw her open her eyes and look up at him.

Bob just smiled. And he offered Boris his right hand to help her to the surface.

Boris took Bob's right hand, as she swam up to the surface.

Right after Boris' head broke the surface, Bob said, “Welcome back to the land of the living. How do you feel?”

Boris took off her mask, as she said, in a completely different voice, that was softer, and more feminine. Though, her new voice did have a russian accent to it. “A little groggy. But, not as much as I expected.”

While Bob got a good look at Boris' new female face, for the first time, Bob did not show it on the outside, though he thought, with concern, 'Oh lord. Boris is B. B was Boris. Oh man. I didn't know. I swear I did not know. If I had, I would have told you, Boris. Oh well, I might as well just let the matter sit, for now. I will tell you, later. There is no point in crying over split milk.'

Bob replied, “We turned off the sedatives a few hours ago. To let the drugs work out of your system, before we woke you up.”

Boris complimented, “Good idea. Except for the obvious, internally, I feel fine. I also feel like I have a lot more energy, and I feel stronger.”

Bob responded, “Good. Now, let me help you get unhooked, and out of this thing.”

A few minutes later, after Bob helped Boris get her unhooked, from the tubes, electrodes, and IV line.

Then, Bob helped Bob out of the vat, from the top.

Next, Bob climbed down to the ground.

After which, he helped Boris climb down from the ladder.

Meanwhile, Ed stood up. She then grabbed a towel in her right hand, and a white bath robe in her left hand.

Bob and Ed had set the two items on a nearby chair, for Boris.

With the two items in her hands, Ed watched as Bob helped Boris, from the floor.

When Boris made to the ground, Ed walked up to Boris handed her a towel to dry off some of the green goo.

Boris dried herself off as best she could.

Boris did take few seconds look to at her new chest and crotch.

As Boris dried off, Bob climbed back up the vat, and he closed and sealed the lid. He then climbed back down to the floor.

Soon after, Boris finished, she dropped her towel to the floor, as Ed handed her a white bath robe to put on.

As soon as, Boris had the robe on, she tied the sash around her waist, to close it. Next, she looked at her two friends, as she asked, “So, how do I look?”

Ed commented, “Ed likes the new you.”

Bob stated, “Good. I suggest you look at yourself in the mirror. When you get to the bathroom, to take a shower.”

Boris agreed, “Good idea.”

Bob stated, “Your clothes are on you bed, as is your shoulder holster and loaded pistol. You clothing has already been washed and folded. And your clothes are ready to put on.”

Boris said, “Thank you. So, what time is it?”

Ed answered, “Four ten PM.”

Boris inquired, “Okay. Did Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, keep their word?”

Bob stated, “Yes. We have not seen them since they dropped off the vat and manual, a month ago.”
Boris replied, “Good.” She then rubbed the front of her throat, as she commented, “This new voice... And everything, is going to take some getting use to. Fortunately, the brainwashing worked. I am not bother by these changes at all.”

Ed smiled, as she offered, “Good. Ed, will help you with any questions you have about your new gender.”

Boris said, “Thank you, Ed. I will likely have plenty of questions. I better head to the bathroom, now.”

Bob replied, “Okay. I got to help to the kitchen sink myself, to wash the goo off my arms. Fortunately, I didn't get any of it on my clothing.”

Boris nodded, as both she, and Bob walked out of the room. Boris headed for the condo bathroom, as Bob headed for the kitchen.

Half a minute later, Boris was already feeling more awake, as she walked into the bathroom. After she entered the room, she turned on the light switch, and closed the door behind her.

Next, she walked over to the tub, and she turned on the hot water, for the shower function of the tub.

As Boris waited for the water to get warm, she removed her bath robe, and she let it drop to the tiled floor.

Boris then turned around and looked at her new body in bathroom the mirror.

Boris' jaw dropped, as she thought, 'Wow. Except for the change in genitalia, I look very close to what I would have looked like, if I had not joined the military, and bulked up. The only differences is that instead of being a teenage, pretty boy... And I hate that term... I am not a slender... Dare I say?... Beautiful woman. And I am a few inches short... I guess I am now what I would looked like if I had been born female, grown to this age.'

'I hope Balalaika and Ed don't become jealous. The others I could care less about.'

'Now, as to my age. I guess, like the others, I am not physically back in my mid-twenties.

'I could pass as my own twin sister, when I was teenager. I looked nothing like I did after the military got done with me.'

'All that work undone... Still, I am clearly physically fit. Just not stocky. And Revy did say I should be stronger and faster, which is nice. My breasts are not too big. Good fit for my new body frame, but nothing else. Which is good, as far as I am concerned. And I still have my fair skin skin and brown hair. And my brown hair seems to be a little longer, as well. But, I think I will get that cut sometime.'

Boris turned around, and check the water with her left hand. She found it warm enough.

Boris thought, 'Now, to get a shower, and clean up.' She then stepped into the shower.


Ten minutes later, after Boris finished her shower, drying off, and combed her hair. Boris then entered the hallway, heading to her bedroom, with only a towel she had used to dry off, around her waist. With her breasts being exposed.

Boris mused in thought, 'Ed and Bob have clearly been looking at me, in the nude, for a month, in that vat. There is nothing on my body they haven't seen already.'

As Boris reached her bedroom, she saw the door was open. She entered her bedroom, she gently shut the door behind her.

She took off her towel, as she looked at the clothing and items laid on her bed, which had been set, beforehand.

Even the bed sheets has been changed, and folded in place.

Bob smiled when she saw that there were only simple clothing on the bed. And the bottom clothing was pants.

Boris thought, 'Thank you Bob, for reigning in Ed's wild and mischievous nature.'

Boris started getting dressed.

She first put on the white cotton underwear. Next, she grabbed her white bra.

Boris has no trouble getting the simple, white bra around her chest. With her clipped it together, in the middle of her back. To Boris' surprise, she even found that her bra perfectly fit her breast, and upper chest.

Boris thought, ' Ed must have already adjusted the straps. I know it usually takes time for a woman to adjust bra straps, to fit comfortably fit them. But, these fit me, without a problem. That woman really is a genius.'

Boris then put on her white socks. After that, she put on her white t-shirt. Next, was her light brown pants, with a black leather belt. This was followed by her new black boots, which she found fit her new feet size.

Boris then found that Ed must have adjusted the straps to her shoulder holster, because it fit, as well. Boris then check to see if her black semi-automatic pistol was load. She found her pistol was load.

After removing the loaded magazine. She checked to make sure the chamber was empty. Boris slid the slide back, to find the chamber was empty. She then let the slide return to it's position. Next, she dry fired the pistol, at the floor, to uncock the hammer. After which, she put the ammo magazine back into the pistol. Then, she holstered the pistol under her left armpit.

Finally, she put on her new light brown, cloth jacket, to hide her pistol.

After Boris finished getting dressed, stood there for a few seconds.

She then took a few steps, along with sitting on the bed, and standing up. As a way to test out how her new clothing, and boots. She found that everything fit on her well.

Boris thought, 'Ed and Bob did a good job. We will have to go shopping for some more clothing for me, in the near future. But, we can do that, tomorrow. Now, let's see what I look like.'

Boris walked over to her bedroom mirror, and she looked at herself, in her new clothing.

Boris lightly laughed, as she continued to look at herself. She thought, “Damn. I would never admit to it anyone else. But, if this was another woman I was looking at, I would ask her out on a date. At least, I know I still prefer women. I am not looking forward to my first attraction to men. I just hope it is not Bob. I like Ed and Bob enough to not want to mess up their relationship. Now, let's see what they want to do for the rest of the day.'

'But first, there is one other issue I need to deal with. And I would like Bob and Ed's opinion on the matter.'

Boris turned, walked over to her bedroom door. She opened the door, and left her bedroom. She headed down the hallway, for the living room.

A few seconds later, she reached the living. When she did, Ed and Bob stood up from the couch, as they turned to greet her.

The other two adults looked at Boris.

Bob commented, “Not bad, Boris.”

Ed said, “Ed likes Boris' new look.”

Boris did her best to give a simple, non-girlish grin. And she failed out doing so. With her grin being cute and feminine. She replied, “Thank you. Now, we need to talk about names. I do not think Boris is going to fit my new look. Actually, it wasn't even my real name.”

Bob inquired, “So, you had an alias, like almost all the other major players in Roanapur?

Boris answered, “Yes.”

Ed asked, “What is your real name?”

Boris commented, “I am not going to tell you. But, here is a hint. I am sure you two know of the Johnny Cash song, A Boy Named Sue. Well, my name was the russian equivalent.”

Bob stated, “Oh lord. You were not only a pretty boy that was teased in school as a child, but you also had an embarrassing feminine name. I don't even want to think how much rage built up inside you from their torment.”

Boris shrugged, as she casually said, “I worked out a lot of my anger issues in Afghanistan. Still, I am not going to use my real name. I hate it. Do either of you have any suggestions for my new name?”

Bob replied, “I think it should be your choice.”

Ed commented, “Ed has some ideas, but Ed doesn't think Boris would like them.”

Boris stated silent for about a minute. She then stated, “Okay. How about I just go as, B? As the letter, B.”

Ed said, “Ed likes it.”

Bob said, “I thought you would pick that, B.”

B asked, “Why is that?”

Bob stated, “I swear to you, Boris... B... I did not realize she was you.”

Ed spoke up, “What did not you realize?”

Bob explained, “As you both know. I have told you the story enough times, when I first started this adventure, I met my future self. I even met your future self Ed. And I know you were contacted by your future self. It is the only way it all makes sense. I even remember that you told me, you talked to her.”

Ed said, “Yes. She did. And Ed will.”

Bob stated, “Well, accompanying my future self, as a business partner, was a brown hair, fair skinned woman. And you both likely now realize, what she called herself...”

B interrupted, “It was me. I remember you mentioning, B. I guess that is me. Or, will be me.”

Bob responded, “Yes. And you are be pretty much wearing the same clothing as now, as you will, then. And you to looked so different between then and now. To when you previously did. That I honestly did not realize it, until you pulled off your oxygen mask, earlier, and I got a good look at your new face. I am so sorry, I did not tell you.”

B stated, “Bob, considering my future self did not inform you of my identity, and how different I look, between genders, there is no way you would have known. So, I forgive you.”

Bob replied, in a sincere tone of voice, “Thank you, very much.”

B just smiled at him. She the pointed at the vat, as she asked, “Now, what are we going to do about that? I don't think dumping it at the local junkyard is going to work.”

Bob looked over at the vat for a few seconds. He then smirked, as he said, “Let me handed that, Boris... B. I just need to get some of my usual clothes on first.”

Bob then headed to his bedroom.

A few minutes later, Bob was in his bedroom, as he straightened his sleeves. Put then on his necklace, coat, and hat. He then grabbed the reality device he had been using for so long, with his right hand.

After Bob walked back into the living room, B and Ed were still where they had been standing.

Meanwhile, Bob picked up the manual for the vat, from the living room table, with his left hand. He then continued heading for the vat.

B asked, “Where are you taking that?”

Bob came to a stop, by the vat. He turned to face the two women, as he stated, “B, as you can guess from the beard, I spent a while traveling the multiverse. Though, only a number of months. Not years.”

“I took your suggestion. And I set up my operations at Deep Space Nine. A few months post series. I cut a deal with Commander Kira Nerys and the Bajoran government to sell them technology that I run across. Not much, but enough to keep me fed and clothed. They even provided a room for me to sleep in, and some of their resources to use. They pay me in gold pressed latium. And I am going to see this vat, and manual, to them.”

Ed inquired, “So, you are going to sell the vat to Star Fleet?”

Bob answered, “No. I plan to sell it to the Bajoran government.”

B questioned, “So, you are selling potentially dangerous technology to a small political power, under Star Fleet's nose?”

Bob smirked, as he casually admitted, “Yes.”

B complimented, “Bob, I knew you were devious, but that is just plain genius.”

Bob replied, “Thank you. I should be back in a few minutes. Then, we will get ready and head out.”

Ed said, “We will be waiting.”

Bob took a few steps closer to the vat. He then thought of what reality, where, and when, he wanted to go to, as he used the reality device to head for Deep Space Nine, soon after he had previously left.

The next thing Bob knew, he was in one of the Deep Space Nine empty cargo holds, with the vat right beside him. And the manual in his left hand.

Bob pocketed his reality device, as he thought, 'If I am right. It should be afternoon, station time, a day after I last left. After Akira visited me here. Now, let's see what I can get for these items.'

Bob walked to the intercom, on the wall. He used his right hand to press the call button on. He said, “Ops. This is Bob. Please inform Commander Nerys that I have a piece of technology, and the manual to said technology, that she might be interested in.”

Nog was on the other end of the line. He asked, “I wonder what toys you brought us this time, Bob?”

Bob replied, “Oh. This one is interesting. I will tell you all about it. When you get down here.”


A few hours later, after he was paid ten small bars of gold pressed latium, by Kira, for the vat and manual to the vat. Bob put the bars in his quarters. He then teleported back to the condo, on the Alternate Earth. He made sure to think about returning to the same place and reality before. With him only being gone a few minutes, for Ed, B, and the others in that reality.

As Bob stood in the living room, he looked over at B and Ed sitting on the couch.

B and Ed turned back to look at Bob.

Bob asked, “How long was I gone?”

Ed answered, “A few minutes.”

B said, “We appreciate your punctuality.”

Ed commented, “Now, let's have some fun.”

Bob said, “Okay. Let's get ready, and we will then figure out where to go.”

Ed and B nodded in agreement with Bob.


A few minutes later, the three adults were standing back in the living room.

Along with his clothing and items he already had on. He put his folded knife in his right boot. He buckled on his gunbelt around his waist. Holstered in his gunbelt was his revolver, which was fulling loaded. He had a few armed speedloaders in his coat pockets. And he had his shades on.

B had on the clothing, and pistol, that she had just put on earlier.

Ed was dressed in a t-shirt, pants, and tennis shoes, without socks

Bob was holding the reality device in his right hand, as he suggested, “Let us go get something to eat. And then I can take you both to this bar, that I ran across in my travels in the multiverse.”

“Though, the bar I am talking about is not Quarks on DS9. It is a bar in the U.S. midwest, during the late twentieth century. Then, we will come back here to sleep.”

Ed stated, “Ed is game.”

B responded, “Sounds like a good idea.”

Ed and B walked up to stand close to Bob. Bob then used his reality device to reality jump all three of them, to get some dinner, and then get some drinks.

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

Well, I finally finished Bob's solo adventures. And Boris is now B. While I pointed out that B was Boris' future self. Way back in Chapter One of Book Three. It took me this long to reach the point to explain the reasons for Boris needing to change gender. Including, have Bob looking for a cure and failing. That way, the change as an option is not cheapened.

It took a while to get here. But, I feel it was worth it.

Now, except for the gender change, Boris/B, is still the same person upstairs, in personality. Just that he is now a she. In a younger, healthier, female body.

And before you ask. There will be no dramatic love triangles between Bob, Ed, and B. They all all good friends with each other. And B is not going to risk destroying their friendship, for a cheap thrill.

On the future wedding. I have been building to this, for a while now, as well. And I have done it slowing. I did not rush this. I slowly building Bob and Ed's relationship, brick by brick. And I did so in a respective manner to all involved.

I don't like stories that rush relationships. I like stories that build relationships. But, do so in a manner that is not rushed.

And as Revy, from the future, hinted. Just because Bob knows some of the future, does not many that he knows all of what is going to happen to him, in the future.

Also, future Revy pointed out, that in the future, she and Bob, do work out their differences. But, she wisely does not say how they do so.

On the matter of Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer helping Boris. Those three women respect Boris enough, to temporally call off their hunt, to help Boris.

Also, this showing that Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer are still honorable. And they will keep their word. And in doing so, Revy pointed out, they are doing this hunt, as a challenge. And there is no challenge, if Bob, Ed, and Boris, are sitting ducks.

So, they will just wait to resume the hunt, later. When Boris/B is cured of her cancer. Which has happened.

On the meeting between Bob, Quark, and Akira. I liked the drunk scene with Bob, as he talks to Quark. On how he could have really screwed up. This is to show that he realizes how dangerous some of the actions he has taken, can be.

This shows how responsible Bob is.

Then, Akira shows up. Akira shows Quark that Bob has been telling the truth. And Akira, in her male form, helped Bob to his quarters.

This is to show that Akira really is not Bob's enemy. And when Bob sobered up, the next morning. Akira explained that she, Natsuru, and Ranma, convince Rock to call off the hunt. Though, Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, are still after Bob and Ed. Bob is mature enough to be happy about accepting a partial victory.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Until next time. Have fun.

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