Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 3: Chapter 06

Badasses Of the Multiverse, Book 3: “The Student, The Hacker, and The Soldier.”

Chapter Six: “The Hong Kong Beat.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Black Lagoon Reality. Lagoon Island.

It was a warm, sunny, tropical, afternoon day on Lagoon Island, with a slight breeze from the sea.

It had been almost one week after Revy originally left her own reality to go after Bob and Ed.

Inside the Lagoon mansion, in the informal recreational room, Rock was taking care of, and playing, with the Lagoon families five, young, two year old daughters.

While Rock played with the children, she mentally reflected, 'Even thought I love raising the children, with the others, I am starting to get worried about Revy. It has been a few days since Revy checked in. Still, it is my turned for the afternoon. Janet and Benny are enjoying the afternoon sunbathing on the beach, along doing other possible activities. I wonder where Dutch is?'

Just then, Rock heard someone walked down one of the staircases, in the entryway. She turned to look into the entryway, and she saw Dutch coming into her field of vision.

Dutch was dressed in casual clothing, with her sunglasses on. Which was shorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes.

Rock slyly thought, 'Speak of her, and she shall appear.'

Rock continued to look at Dutch, as she requested, in english, “Dutch, can I speak to you for a moment?”

The dark skinned woman, with brown dreadlocks, turned to face Rock. She said, in english, “Sure. What do you need, Rock?”

Dutch walked up into the recreational room.

As Dutch came to a stop in front of the Rock, and the young children, she looked down at them.

Rock looked up at Dutch, as she responded, “Am I correct in assuming that this evening, it is you turned to watch the kids?”

Dutch answered, “Yes. I am looking forward to it.” From the look at Rock's face, Dutch could tell something was wrong. She inquired, “Is something wrong, Rock?”

Rock answered, “It is Revy. She has not checked in with me for a few days. And I am getting worried. After dinner, I am going to go find and check on her, and her friends.”

Dutch pointed out, “Revy can take care of herself. She is a big girl. Though, I think it is foolish for you, her, and her friends, to go after that poor boy and girl. That didn't do anything to justify you all going after them.”

Rock said, in annoyed tone of voice, “I should have never mentioned what we were doing, with you guys”

Both of them were aware they were in front of their children. And then did not raise their voice, for fear they would upset the young children.

Dutch calmly stated, “Actually. I am happy you did. So, what if they know a lot about us? It just means they know better than to cross us. The facts, from what you have told us, is that Boris is with them. That should tell you right there that they are decent people.”

“Over the years, I may not have seen eye to eye with Boris. But, he has always seemed like he has a good head on his shoulders. And it was not secret that he was Balalaika's voice of reason. Much like you are to Revy, and Garcia is to Roberta.”

“Still, I realize it is better if you keep taps on Revy. She, along with Shenhua and Sawyer, can get into all sorts of trouble. And they might cause the entire multiverse down on our heads, if you don't keep an eye on them from time to time.”

Dutch saw Rock's mood change, as the black haired woman smiled at her.

Rock continued to grin, as she replied, “Thanks. If I am not back by tomorrow evening, come look for me. And bring help.”

Dutch turned Rock's grin, as she said, “I will come looking for you, myself. And I will bring Fabiola and Roberta with me. We should be able to handle any problems.”

Rock said, “I believe so. So, what are you up to?”

Dutch answered, “I am getting a bottle of water, and heading back to work on the Lagoon. That remains me.”

Dutch then took off her t-shirt and shorts. She then held her clothing in her right hand.

Dutch commented, “I figure it might be a little warm for a shirt and shorts.”

What Rock saw Dutch wearing under her clothing, caused her to raise an eyebrow. She inquired, “In a bikini?...” She though, 'I have to admit. That green bikini, which actually looked pretty good on her female, athletic body.'

Dutch cracked a grin, as she said, “I might also go for a swim, in the bay.”

Rock responded, “I can see your point. And we both know you look hot as a woman. And you were good looking as a man, as well. But, I don't you think you are so cliché as to work on mechanics in a bikini. So, I have one question for you. How long have you been seeing Janet and Benny behind the backs of Revy and I? Because, I am sure you are heading back out to see them, when we finish this conversation.”

Dutch sighed. She then admitted, “Okay. You got me. They made the offer. I accepted. I have been seeing Janet and Benny since before they got pregnant.”

Rock commented, “That is a while ago. I am surprised you were able to do that behind our backs, in such close quarters on the Lagoon.”

Dutch stated, “At the time, you both were all over each, so much, that you two were not paying much attention to anything else. Though, to be honest, there wasn't much for any of us to do at that time.”

Rock agreed, “That is true.”

Dutch suggested, “When Revy gets back, we really should plan to do something. Just the five of us. I always wondered what she does at night, to get you to scream those high notes.”

Rock lightly laughed, She then replied, “That is not a bad idea. But, who would watch the kids?”

Dutch said, “We just need to find a babysitter we can trust. It should not be that difficult.”

Rock responded, “Okay. We will talk about it when Revy gets back.”

Dutch replied, “That works for me.” Dutch then walked towards out of the room, and towards kitchen, to get herself a bottle of water.”


A few hours later, after Rock sent a pleasant afternoon, and a wonderful dinner with Dutch, Benny, Janet, and their children, Rock stood in the bedroom that Revy and Rock, herself, shared.

Rock had just finished getting cleaned up and dried off. With her retrieving some of her business clothing, from her personal closet. The clothing she dressed in were a white bra, while cotton panties, white long sleeved blouse, dark pants, and black slippers. She had her sonic shotgun in its gambler's rig, on the underside of her right wrist. The weapon was hidden from view by her long, white sleeves.

She let her long black hair hang loose, down her back.

Rock then walked back into the bedroom, over to her dresser. She pulled open the top drawer.

Inside the drawer was a tracking device, and her small, personal reality device.

As Rock worked the tracking equipment, she thought, 'It is a good thing that Revy showed all of us how to work this equipment. And it is fortunate that Revy's reality device has a homing device built into it. Though, the time dilation between the homing device and the tracking device could be off.'

'But, I don't have a choice in the matter. Still, the only saving grace is Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer are not stupid. They may be gone a year from their point of view. Yet. They would not burn several years.'

'On that thought. It is fortunate that the super-soldier serum in our bodies, prolongs our lives and greatly slows our aging... Now, where are they?...”

A few seconds later, the tracking device gave her a basic date and place.

Rock thought, 'She is Hong Kong. August thirteenth, nineteen seventy-four. Odd that this tracking device does not say with reality. I wonder why?... Still, it does not matter. All I got to do is think of that place and time, along with Revy, and it should put me within a few hours of her arrive. And within a few kilometers of her location.”

Rock set down the tracking device back into the drawer, and she closed the draw.

Rock then picked up the reality device, and walked to a more open area in her bedroom.

Rock then thought of the time, place, and Revy, as she press the main activation button on her reality device.

The next thing Rock knew, she was standing on the sidewalk of a city street.

It was Tuesday, August thirteenth, nineteen seventy-four.

It was the middle of the day, and partly cloudy. The temperature was warm, but not hot.

Rock pocketed her reality device, into her right side pants pocket, as looked around herself. She saw the architecture of the buildings. The models of the vehicles, that drove down the street by her. And the clothing styles and colors worn by the chinese, and a few caucasians that walked by.

Rock mentally reflected, 'I am willing to guess this is Hong Kong, in the nineteen seventy-four. I will need to be mindful that I am now a hot woman, and some people may try to hurt me. Still, I can take care of myself, and I am armed.'

'The only other problem is that it is going to take some time to track down Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer. Whom are likely on the trail of Bob, Ed, and Boris. Still, how hard it is to find one racially mixed asian-caucasian redheaded woman, one black haired chinese woman, and one black haired caucasian, in this city?.... Okay. Stupid question. This is problem one of the few cities on Earth, where that combination would not stick out.'

'Though, I would think the cops would eventually try to stop Revy for having guns, Shenhua for having her long knives, and Sawyer with her chainsaw. That would stir up hornets nest. I am sure they would get out of it all right. But, it would cause problems for them.'

'Yet. Along those lines. None of the people I am after is known for subtly. I am sure I will find them. And if I do not, by late tonight. I will just go home, five minutes after I left, and check the tracking device. To see if Revy and the girls have left for another reality.'

Rock continued to looked around. And she noticed some tall skyscrapers in the distance. She thought, 'I guess I should start heading deeper into the city, and see if I just run into them.'

Rock started walking down the sidewalk, in the direction of the skyscrapers she saw in the distance. As she walked, she was mindful of her surroundings, and the people she passed by. And she did not let her guard down, as she made her way through the city.


Half an hour later of walking down the sidewalks and carefully crossing the crosswalks of the busy streets, Rock came a crosswalk.

As she waited, beside other people, for the lights to clear her, and the other people, to cross the street, she heard a man, behind her, say something in chinese.

With her back turned, Rock said in english, “I apologize. I don't speak chinese.”

The male voice said, in english, “Well, I was saying. Hello there, Ms. Can I help you?”

Rock thought, 'Fortunately, at this point in time, Hong Kong is part of the British Commonwealth. So, many of the people here would know english. Now, let us see who I am dealing with.'

Rock turned around to see a young, skinny, black haired, asian man, in a police street uniform.

The badge on his police cap stated, 'Royal Hong Kong Police.'

Rock also noted the officer's badge number, and the Smith and Wesson Model Ten, six round revolver holstered on the right side of the man's police belt.

Rock sarcastically thought, 'Great. He is a cop. And he is so young. I would say he is probably nineteen or twenty. If I was being generous. Still, he is being nice. So, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.'

Rock greeted him, “Hello officer. I seem to be fine at the moment.”

Rock noticed the officer looking her up and down.

He then looked her in the eyes, as he stated, “You know. It is not safe for a young lady to be walking around here, alone. I should know, I grew up around here.”

Rock noticed the radio on his belt, as he thought, 'If I stick with him. It is likely I will over hear a call in. Unfortunately, it might be in chinese. Then again, it might be in english. And as far as he is concerned, I am just a pretty girl he is offering to help. So, it is worth a shot.'

Rock politely requested, “I appreciate your concern. If you do not mind, I could walked with you.”

The young officer said, with joy evident in his tone of voice, “Sure. I am just on my route. Is there any particular place you are heading?”

Rock shrugged, “Not really. How about you?”

The police officer stated, “My route takes me by my family home. I was going to visit my mother.”

Rock complimented, “That is very nice of you. I won't mind meeting your mother.”

The police officer responded, “Thank you. It will take us about twenty minutes to reach her. Her home is this way.”

The police officer started walking down the sidewalk, with Rock following right beside him.

As they walked, the officer asked, “So, what is you name, Ms?”

Rock thought, 'That it is a fair question. So, I will use my alias. There is no way he could trace my name back to me. So, I am safe.' She answered, “My name is Rock.”

The officer replied, “Well, nice to meet you, Rock.”


Nearly, twenty minutes later, as Rock walked with the police officer, Rock asked, “So, what made you become a police office in the first place?”

The officer answered, “Respect and a steady paycheck.”

Rock shrugged, “That is understandable. And please forgive me for saying, but you look rather young. How long have you been a police officer?”

The officer gave Rock a boyish grin. He answered, “It is okay. I just graduated a few months ago from the police academy. I was not at the top of my class. But, I was close to the top.”

Rock thought, with a mild sense of humor, 'He is just a rookie. No surprise there. And he is trying to puff himself up in front of a pretty girl. Me. Not that I blame him for it. Honestly, I find it flattering. Though, there is something oddly familiar about him. I just cannot place it.'

As they turned the corner, the officer pointed at the building beside him. He stated, “Here we are. My family home.”

Rock smiled at the younger man, as she requested, “Let the way.”

The rookie officer walked up to a door, to the building, and pulled her out some keys from one of his pockets.

He unlocked the door. He then held it open for Rock.

As Rock walked inside, she said, “Thank you.”

The officer then entered the building.

After they were inside, the officer closed and locked the door.

The officer looked over at Rock, as he stated, “Even thought I live at my own place now. This is my family's home. And I still visit my family. I have large family. Thought, my father and siblings are at work, right now.”

“That being said. My mother is ill. So, we all occasionally check on her throughout the day, when we can. Now, please let me introduce you to her.”

The officer then walked further into the building, and Rock some found herself in a family living room, which was lit by electric lamps.

The TV was on, and there was an older asian woman sitting in the near by chair. From the lighting, Rock could see the woman's body was slightly sickly, and she was more pale than her skin complexion should be.

Though, Rock could tell from the woman's eyes, and calm ridge demeanor, she still had some live left in her.

Also, both of them could see that she was currently awake.

Rock stayed where she was, while the officer walked up to her.

He stated, to the older woman, in english, “Mother, I have a english speaking girl with me.”

The mother looked up at them. First, at her son. Then, towards Rock. And finally, she turned back to her son. The mother said, in a kind tone of voice, in english, “Ah, my little king. You have bought home a girl. That is so nice.”

Rock thought, 'She must be speaking english for my benefit.'

The rookie leaned down and hugged her mother for a few seconds.

After he let go of her, he leaned back up. He said, “She is a nice woman, too. Her name is, Rock. Still, I came to check on you. How are you today?”

The rookie's mother answered, “I am fine. I keep telling everyone that I am okay.”

The rookie sadly said, “You are not okay. That is why we check on you.”

Rock could tell the police officer's mother clearly wanted to change the subject. The mother asked, “So, is this you girlfriend?”

Before the rookie could reply, Rock answered, “We just met. But, you have a very polite son.”

The rookie's mother turned to Rock, as she responded, “Thank you, Rock. I tried to raise my children right.”

Rock stated, “From what I have seen, so far, it looks like you have done a remarkable job.”

The older woman just smiled at Rock's compliment.

The three of them then had a pleasant conversation for the next few minutes.


Ten minutes later, Rock and the officer exited the home, with the officer locking the outside door behind them.

Rock then continued to follow the officer on his route.

As they walked, the officer said to Rock, “It is sad, but my mother's medication. Along with everything else, is so expensive. Even with all of us working. We can barely afford to pay for living, let alone her medicine.”

Rock replied, “I am sorry to hear that.”

The rookie officer stated, “Don't worry about it. I will figure out some way to make more money.... It is sometimes seems that money is the only important thing in life. I feel that wealth and respect, seem to go hand in hand. So, if I have one, I can attain the other.”

Rock agreed, “That is sad, but true.”

Just as they were about to reach the corner of the sidewalk, they saw three adults run around the counter, and towards them.

Rock immediately recognized them at Bob, Ed, and Boris. All in their usual clothing.

At the sight of the three adults, Rock thought, 'I see my luck is looking up, for today. And none of them have their weapons out.'

While Bob, Ed, and Boris approached them, Rock and the police officer overheard the three adults talking, in english.

Boris said, “I honestly have to say. I agreed this would be a good place, and time, to go to, to practice our chinese language skills. Though, who knew the girls would find us here?”

Ed stated, “Things happen.”

Bob admitted, “It has been a while. I was hoping they gave up on us.”

Ed commented, “We are not that lucky.”

Boris said, “Our car is parked, nearby.”

As the three adults got closer to Rock and the police officer, they recognized Rock, and stopped in front of her.

Bob said, “Hi Rock.”

Rock replied, “Hi Bob.”

As Rock got a closer looked at them, she noticed, as she stated, “You three look older.”

Bob cracked a grin, as he responded, “It has been a few years, Rock.”

Rock asked, “How long as Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, been chasing you?”

Boris answered, “Too long.”

Ed smiled, as she stated, “We would love to stay. But, we got to run.”

The three of them then started running away from Rock and the police officer, in the direction they were originally heading.

The police rookie asked, “You seem to know them. Should we stop?”

Rock answered, “I believe it would be best if someone else were to handle them.”

As few seconds later, a car swung around the corner, and stopped right in beside Rock and the officer.

Rock looked over at the driver's seat, on the right side of the car. She could see that it was Revy who was driving. Shenhua was in the front passenger seat. And Sawyer in the back, behind Shenhua.

Along with this, the window on the driver, front right side, was rolled down. While, the other windows were rolled up.

Rock stated, “Revy?!”

Revy turned looked at Rock, as she inquired, “Rock?! What are you doing here?”

Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer all immediately got out of the car. With them leaving their car doors open.

Rock saw that all three women were dressed in their usual clothing.

Sawyer had her chainsaw hanging off her left waist, by a strap that ran from the top of her right shoulder, to along her chest and back, to her waist. Revy had her pistols holstered. And Shenhua had her weapons sheathed.

As Revy walked around the car to where Rock was standing, she said, “Rock. It is good to see you.”

Rock replied, “It is good to see you to, Revy.”

Revy stated, “If you don't mind. As you can tell, we are hot on Bob and Ed's heels. If you can drive, then I can shoot... For their tires, of course.”

Rock replied, “Okay.”

Nearby, the rookie police officer was to caught up in the moment to react, as Shenhua and Sawyer just stared at him, with their eyes slightly widening.

The two women looked at each other as they wickedly smiled.

They turned back to the police office, whom, by then noticed the two women.

Before the man could react, Shenhua pulled her two long knives out, as she step up to him.

The blade Shenhua's right long knife rested against the front of the man's throat. Her left long knife was facing upwards, as the blade was set against the man's groin.

Shenhua said in chinese, “Listen very carefully. You are going to come with us. If you struggle, or resist, in anyway. First...” She moved her left blade up, ever so slightly, so the man could feel its presence, as she continued, “You are going to lose items that you would like to keep. Then, you will lose your head. Do you understand?”

The police officer answered, in chinese, “Yes.”

Shenhua replied, “Good.” She then pulled away her long knives and sheathed them.

Sawyer used her electrolarynx choker, to ask, “Do you speak english?”

The police officer responded, in english, “Yes.”

Sawyer ordered, “Good. Now, get into the back of the car. And do not try to pull your weapon, or you will wish you were dead.”

The police officer noticed the chainsaw strapped to the woman left side, as he responded, in english, “I understand.”

The police officer got in the backseat, with Shenhua right behind him.

Sawyer went around, and got into the backseat, behind the driver's seat, on the left side of the car. She opened the door, and took off her chainsaw. She set her weapon on the floor, of the backseat. She then got into the car, to set beside the police officer.

As this happened, Rock got into the driver's seat, which was in front of Sawyer, and Revy got into the front passenger seat, in front of Shenhua.

After they shut their car doors, Rock found that the car was still turned on, but there was no key.

Rock thought, 'Just as I thought. This car is stolen.' She looked over at Revy, as she thought, 'Though, I do have to deal with another matter at hand.'

While Revy rolled down her window, Rock requested, “Revy, I know you like to lean out of the window, and fire with your two cutlasses, but I think one would do the job, for right now.”

Revy turned to Rock, as she responded, “Alright, Rock.”

Rock thought, 'I might as well check about this car.' She inquired, “By the way, is the car stolen?”

Revy smirked, as she plainly stated, “What do you think? Though, no one got hurt.”

Rock rolled her eyes, as she said, “Gotcha.”

As Rock adjusted the rear view mirror, she saw the rookie officer in the middle of the backseat, between Shenhua and Sawyer.

Rock turned to face him, as she asked the two women in backseat, “What is he doing here?”

Revy turned to see the man. She then used her left hand to pull out her semi-automatic pistol that was holstered under her right armpit. She used her right hand to pull back the slide, loading a bullet into the chamber.

As Revy readied one of her pistols, Shenhua and Sawyer looked at Rock.

Sawyer said, “Payback?”

Shenhua commented, “A little revenge.”

Rock asked, “For what?”

The women in the back seat just giggled.

Revy turned to Rock, as she said, “Let them be, Rock. They won't harm the cop, unless they have a good reason to do so.”

Rock turned back into her seat, as she put on her seatbelt. She stated, “Okay. As long as they don't harm him. He seems like a decent guy.”

Revy shrugged, she replied, “I will take your word for that.”

Rock found that the gear system for the car was an automatic, with a column shifter. She shifted the car's transmission from park to drive.

Just as Rock was about to press down on the gas pedal, in front of her, she saw a car turned onto the street she was on, and drive away from her.

Rock and Revy noticed that Bob was driving. With Ed in the front passenger seat. And Boris was in the backseat.

Revy stated, “They are getting away, Rock!”

Rock press down on the gas pedal, as she replied, “I am on it.”

As the chase began, Revy held the pistol in her left hand, out of the window. She then took aim for one of the back tires to the car Bob was driving. And she fired.

Though, due to Bob weaving back and forth, in his lane, her bullet missed Bob's car.


In the backseat, the rookie police officer noticed that Rock was now a driver, in a wild car chase, with another car in front of them. And the officer, himself, had been forced to go along with the ride.

As this went on, the rookie office noticed that the redheaded woman was firing one of her pistols, as the car. But, the occupants of the other car were not returning fight.

The officer mentally reflected on his situation, 'I am trapped in a high speed chase with crazy women. To one side, I have a chinese woman in a white robe, with very large knives. And I think I caught sight of some smaller knives on her garter belts, on her thighs, under her dress.'

'To my other side is a small pale skinned woman, in strange purple shirt and black long skirt, with a chainsaw.'

'The redhead, wearing some sort of shirt, and cut off blue jeans, that is in the front passenger seat. She is firing one of her guns at the car Rock is pursuing.'

The rookie officer became increasingly worried, as he continued his thoughts, 'Yet, the people in the other car were not firing back. And Rock is driving at high speed, while showing that she had experience in doing so.'

'My gut is telling me that these women are experience killers. Meaning, I'm going to die. Either in a crash, or by the these crazy women, when the chase is over.'

The rookie office then began to freak out and scream.

The women beside him just looked at him, and laughed at his screams.

Meanwhile, Rock and Revy ignored the man's screams.

A few seconds later, the officer forced himself to stop screaming. He thought, 'I have to calm down if I want to survive.'

He overheard the redhead say, in english, “You know what, Rock? He kinda reminds me of you, when we first met.”

Rock giggled a little, while not taking her eyes off the road. She then answered, “Very true.”

The rookie screamed, in english, “Who are you people?! This is like being in an insane police television show! Like in Starsky and Hutch!”

Revy stopped shooting, she holstered the pistol she has out, in her the holster under her right armpit. She then turned around, to her right side. And she took a hard look at the rookie police officer.

When Revy did so, she did double take. While looking the police officer, Revy stated, “Rock, you sure know how to pick them.”

Rock asked, “What do you mean?”

Revy cracked a grin, as she stated, “You'll figure it out later.”

Shenhua and Sawyer just giggled.

Revy then crawled between the front seats, and up to police rookie.

Revy gave the man a slasher smile, while less than six inches from her face.

The women around him could tell he was scared out of his mind, and they were loving every minute of it.

Revy said, in a dangerous tone of voice, “Starsky and Hutch are a pair of pussies, compared us. Hell, Darth Vader is a pussy compared to us.”

Shenhua and Sawyer started laughing.

Revy continued, in the same dangerous tone of voice, “You want the honest truth. You are in the most badass series every dreamed up by the human imagination. And since you are not a hot babe, if you want to survive what is to come, you are going to have to become the coolest, most genre savvy badass to ever walk the face of the Earth. I am talking Kwai Chang Caine level badass, with a pair pistols like mine. Do you dig it, man?”

The rookie quickly answered, with fear evident in his tone of voice, “I dig it. I dig it.”

Revy continued smiling, as she said, “Good.”

The rookie stated, “Rock! Your redheaded friend is crazy.”

While not turning around, Rock said, “Actually, she is my lover.”

The rookie's eyes went widened.

Revy stated, “Yea. Rock is my lover. And the name is, Revy. The woman in white, to your left, beside you is, Shenhua. The woman beside you, to your right, in black and purple is, Sawyer.”

The rookie muttered, “I have the worst luck with women?”

Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer heard his comment, and they went back to laughing.

As they calmed down, Revy commented, “Well, take my word for it. It is not going to get any better for you.”

The rookie asked, “Are you going to chop me up, and dump my corpse somewhere?”

Sawyer said, with her electrolarynx, “I will admit that thought had crossed my mind.”

Shenhua stated, “But then, as far as you are concerned, we just met.”

The rookie asked, “So, you are going to let me go?”

Shenhua answered, “Yes. We had our fun with you.”

The rookie saw Sawyer and Revy nod, in agreement with Shenhua.

The rookie said, “Thank you.” He then slumped further into the back eat, as he calmed down a little.

Revy moved back into her front, passenger seat. And she sat back down in her seat.

Revy asked, “So Rock, why did you come after us?”

Rock answered, “You didn't check in for a few days.”

Revy commented, “It has just been a few days for you. Good. I was getting worried.”

Rock inquired, “How long as it been for you?”

Revy said, “Too long. But now, I have to see this through.”

Rock reminded her, “Just don't forget you now have a family to help raise.”

Revy replied, with serenity in her voice, “Don't worry. I have not forgotten.”

Rock looked at the car in front of them, as she followed said car down a street. She noticed that the driver was slowing down. Rock stated, “It looks like our prey is about to stop.”

Revy said, “We are ready when they do.”

The lead car turned into an empty parking lot and stopped, with the occupants getting out, to where they stood behind the car, and their pursuers. With them using the car for cover.

Rock quickly entered parking lot.

Rock then swung car to where the right side of her car was facing the other car. After quickly putting the car in park, Revy and her get out from the passenger, on the left side of the car.

From the same side, Shenhua opened the door. Then she, the rookie officer, and finally Sawyer get out of the car.

The rookie poked his head up just long enough to say that the two men, from the other car, had pulled out their pistols, and were shooting at them. The brown haired man was firing a semi-automatic pistol. While the black haired man was firing a revolver.

The police officer mentally guessed, 'I believe the skinny redheaded woman, with the two men, is doing nothing, but staying behind cover. Like, I should be doing.'

As the rookie officer leaned back down against the car, he saw Revy stand up, behind cover. She pulled out both her pistols. While her left pistol had a bullet chambered, she pulled the slide back in right pistol, to chamber a round.

She then started firing both pistols at the other car.

The rookie officer commented, in english, “Wow. Using two pistols at once is petty cool.”

Rock cracked a grin, as she said, “That that is why they call her, Two-Hands.”

The police officer replied, “I will have to remember that.”

Suddenly, the tires other side of the car blew out.

A few seconds later, Revy leaned down. While she reloaded her pistols with fresh ammo clips, she ordered, “Get back in the car, they are leaving.”

Rock stated, “Okay. But, we are leaving the police officer behind.”

Revy looked over at Shenhua and Sawyer. Both women nodded. Revy turned back to Rock, as she stated, “Okay.”

The police officer said, “Thank you, Rock.”

Rock replied, “If you want to thank me, don't call this in.”

The rookie responded, “What would I tell them?”

Rock smile turned into a wicked grin, as she happily replied, “Good point.”

By then, the other group were in their car and speeding away.

The women quickly got back into the car, in the seats they were previously sitting in.

They shut their car doors, and Rock swiftly started the engine. With the chase restarting.

The police officer watched as the two cars were in a chase again. Only this time, both cars had two of their four tires, each blow out, on opposite sides of each car. With both car riding on their rims, as they drove away.

The police officer asked himself, 'Do I call this in? And admit that I was kidnapped by a bunch of women. Thus becoming a laughingstock of the force. Or, do I haul ass to where I can find a phone, call a taxi to get me back onto my route, and I pretend this never happened?... I think I will just pretend this never happened.'

The office then started running down the road, towards the nearest open business he could see down the street, while he was in search of a phone, and a phone book.


Later that day, during the evening, Rock was at a payphone. Shenhua had helped her get the coins she needed for the payphone. Along, her helping Rock find the phone number, she was looking for, in a phone book.

As she dial the number, she thought, 'To bad that Bob, Ed, and Boris escape us, again. Half an hour after we dropped that rookie officer off. Still, the day wasn't a total waste. We ditched the car, and headed for a nearby shopping district. And we made the rest of the day a girls day out… I never thought, I would hear myself say that... Well, I got to catch up with what is going on. And it seems that Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer are having a good time.'

'And the girls just left this reality. And I am about to leave. Though, I plan to leave, right after I make sure that the officer got back to his headquarters, without any other problems. I did not get his name. Yet. But, he seems like a nice guy, with a nice family.'

'Though, it worries me as to why the girls acts so familiar with him. Well, I am about to find out, who he is. I have his badge number, and I am dialing the station in the region his route was in.'

After she finished dialing the number, after a couple of rings, someone picked up the line.

There was a female voice on the other end that spoke something in chinese.

Rock calmly said, in english, “Please forgive me. But, could you please speak in english.”

The female voice kindly said, in english, “It is alright. This is the Royal Hong Kong Police. How may we help you?”

Rock explained, “I met one of your officers today, on his route. He was very polite man. A fine example of your force. But, I did not get his name. Though, I do have his badge number. I was hoping I could speak to him, and compliment him for his service.”

The woman on the other end said, “Sure. We appreciate when people compliment us. I will check to see his badge number with the roster, to see if he is still here, after his shift. But, I will need your name, and of course his badge number.”

Rock gave the women the officer's badge number. She then stated, “Tell him that Rock is looking for him.”

The woman said, “Stay on the line. I will have him in a couple of minutes. Or, I will let you know that he has left.”

Rock was then put on hold for the next couple of minutes, until she heard the line pick up on the other end.

A familiar male voice said, “Hello. Is this, Rock?”

It was the voice of the rookie police officer.

Rock answered, “Yes. It is good to hear from you, again. I just wanted to make sure you were fine. I hope my friends didn't cause you to many problems.”

The officer replied, “I am okay. And thank you for calling.”

Rock asked, “You're welcome. Also, I want to apologize. But, I never got your name.”

Rookie answered, “No problem, Rock. I am police officer Chang. Bai Ji-Shin Chang.”

Rock's eyes went wide, as she thought, 'No wonder the tracking didn't flag a reality. We are in our past. This is Chang of the past... And the girls knew, and they didn't tell me... That figures...'

Rock plainly said, “Thank you, officer Chang.”

Chang happily said, on the other end of the line, “You are welcome. And I hope to see you again someday, Rock. Even though you have a girlfriend. I think we could still have some fun, together.”

Rock quietly replied, “More than you currently know.” She then hung up the payphone.

Rock pulled out her reality device, with the intent to return to her reality, on Lagoon Island, five minutes after she left.

Rock thought, 'Well, this was an interesting day... When I tell them, Dutch, Benny, and Janet are going to have a laugh at who I met today. Still, it is clear that Bob, Ed, and Boris have so far been able to stay one step ahead of Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer.'

'I need to do something about it, before this drags on any longer. Need to call in someone else. Some who I know can hand Bob, Ed, and Boris without a problem. And I have just the perfect woman in mind.'

Rock then used her reality device to jump realities to Lagoon Island, in her bedroom, during the evening there, five minutes after she had previously left that reality.


An hour later, inside the nearby Hong Kong police station, in the shooting range, the other officers there looked over at officer Chang, as Chang held a semi-automatic pistol in each hand. With Chang preparing to fire down the range, at his target.

Like everyone there, Chang had on ear mufflers to protect his hearing, and he wore protective glasses to shield his eyes.

Over the sound mufflers that all had over their ears to protect their hearing from the gunshots, one of the other police officers loudly asked, in english, “Chang, what are you doing?!”

Chang heard the question. He continued to look down his at his target, in his lane. As he took aim, with both weapons, he loudly stated, “I am learning to be cool!”

Chang then began teaching himself how to fire two guns at once, like he had seen that sexy redhead, Revy, had been able to acomplish.

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

While this was a short chapter. It was a fun chapter to write.

I showed at the beginning that Rock's other friends are not happy with her, Revy, Shenhua, Sawyer, going after Bob, Ed and Boris.

And Dutch pointed out that Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer might accidentally cause the trouble that Rock fears Bob and Ed could create.

Also, I enjoyed showing things from the antagonist point of view. First for Rock, then for Revy, Shenhua and Sawyer.

While writing from the protagonist point of view is fun. A good writer knows when to get the opposition a day in the lime light.

And yes. From those of you that don't know much about, Black Lagoon series. Yes. When Chang was younger, he was a member of the

You can see a picture of Chang, as a Hong Kong Police Officer, in his police uniform, during the ending credits in the Black Lagoon Robert's Blood Trail anime episodes.

That uniform is from the nineteen seventies. Which allows onto to date when Chang was with Hong Kong PD.

Also, from that picture, Chang looks barely twenty years old. And given the picture before it was Balalaika, as a child. That is probably a picture of when Chang first became a rookie police officer for the Hong Kong PD.

So, if you want to see Chang looks like in this chapter. Just look at that picture.

On a side note, during those same credits, there is a picture of a slightly older Chang, perhaps in his mid-twenties to early thirties, in a business suit. Likely, when he first joined the Triad.

And since the Black Lagoon series is suppose to take place in mid-nineteen nineties, during the Black Lagoon series, Chang was likely in his mid-forties, in age.

And Chang as a young man, and as a man in his forties, looked just different enough that Rock would likely not recognized him. Besides the age different, the old Chang was more muscular. But, not to much. And he carried himself with a worldly flair. While young Chang was skinny, and had the presence of being inexperience, and slight naivety.

But, someone who had been around Chang longer, would recognized him. Even with the age difference. Such as Shenhua, and Revy.

Also, during that time, the standard gun given to Hong Kong Police Officers, was the Smith and Wesson Model 10. In the picture of Chang, in uniform, you can see the holster on the right side of his belt.

On Chang's past. There is not much know about it. Other than Chang was once police officer for the HKPD.

Also, at the end of episode, Black Lagoon 28 Oversaturation Killing Box. While Chang is reclined back, in a chair, by his pool, in his penthouse apartment, on of his subordinates is complimenting Chang for his plans. And he comments that he understands now why Chang was put in charge of the Triad in Roanapur. With the subordinate claiming that Chang was a dirty cop that killed his partners.

Now, if one thinks about that claim. It may not be true. But, caused, is instead Chang was a deep undercover agent, such a cover story would be necessary, to allay suspicion from Chang. So, one could not be sure if that claim is true, or not.

And researching and working on characters, a person gets a feel for various characters. Of how they could turn out the way the did.

While, I had Chang to insane in book two, I never got the feel that Chang was a dirty cop. I got the feel that Chang, while Chang was more than capable of doing horrible things. And that he liked to take risks. I also got the sense that Chang preferred to take calculated risks. That he always weighed the pros and cons of his decisions, before he took action.

And that he always had very solid, logical reasons for his actions. It could be anything from protection his organization, to making money, to impressing his friends. But, he had his reasons.

And that is why he was such the sane, straight man, among the family heads of Roanapur.

This is also when Chang plays off so well with the more passionate, and boisterous Balalaika.

Chang has stated that he does not believe in morality. And he loathes hypocrisy. That means, he prefer to use logic for his reasons and actions. Though, he also likes to have fun in doing so. And Chang was genre savvy enough to appreciate the situation he was in.

I did not want to give the excuse that his mother is sick, that is why he when from cop to criminal. Also, he has both parents, and siblings.

As such, I wanted to avoid the situation, of the case where him losing someone made him evil. Far from it. I wanted to show that Chang had a family, and while his family had problems, they were holding on, and breaking even in life. And sometimes, they even had slight upturns and victories, in their life.

So, the situation with Chang, as a young adult, is more like, he sees his family working hard, and doing the right things, but it is just enough to elevate them from their current sociological-economic standing.

With Chang wanting more out of life. That being why he become a cop in the first place. To elevate himself, in his social standing.

The Black Lagoon series hinted that Chang liked the nicer things in life. And while he was not a hedonist. He could be. And when he went crazy, in my stories, those traits came to the forefront.

And wanting more, and to better oneself, in of itself, is not wrong. America, in principle, is built on that concept.

Though, with that mindset, if he believe he could better himself, by joining the mafia, he would like doing so.

Or, if he saw a gun style that he liked. Such as Revy's Two-Hand style. He would teach himself had to do that. And ironically, Revy's Two-Hand style is connected to Chang, somehow. So, there is a temporal loop in that situation.

On that matter, Chang has not be wasteful for what he had. When he gained something, he treasured that item, or person.

So, while Chang does have a sense of right and wrong. His concept of right and wrong is different than most people.

Food for thought.

And yes, I am aware that Starsky and Hutch premiered in April nineteen seventy-five. But, like a number of things in that reality, various series came out sooner there, than here.

And on the Kung Fu comment. I needed a badass, from pop-culture of the seventies, that Revy could use. And Kwai Chang Caine fit the bill. Though, Revy mentioned that the young officer, need to be that Kwai Chang Caine level badass, along with having a pair of pistols.

The hidden joke for that line, is also in the names. Bai Ji-Shin Chang and Kwai Chang Caine.

And I loved writing the line, of Revy telling Young Chang the truth. And giving him an insane pep talk to becoming a badass.

I found those lines worked so well, on a few different levels.

And as to who Rock is calling in for help. Let me put it this way. Roberta is not the only badass that Rock can call in, that Bob, Ed, and Boris, would likely be afraid up.

And the female badass Rock has in mind, to ask for help, is a good friend of hers.

Until next time. Have fun.

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