Badasses Of The Multiverse: Book 4: “The Jock, The Nerd, The Bounty Hunters, And The Crazy Chicks.”
Chapter Nine: From War To Love.
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Farscape Reality. Place, Peacekeeper Space, Peacekeeper Fleet. Time, a day after Lewis was kidnapped. Early afternoon. The equivalent of one PM, local time.
It was early afternoon, ship time, around the equivalent of one PM. Annie had just teleported into a hallway in the Command a Carrier Flagship.
As Annie got her bearings in the hallway she found herself in, she smiled, as she sensed that there was no one around. Though, she did sense she was being watched. Which could only mean one thing.
Annie pocketed the reality device Stan had given her. Though, she did so in a separate pocket that she had her personal reality device in. She then check her hand held radio, which Ed and Bob had given her. Her radio was clipped to the left side of her belt. And it was left turned on, to listen out, if Ed, Bob, Violin, or Stan, needed her.
After Annie made sure her radio was find, she unhooked her lightsaber, and ignited her lightsaber.
Annie held the red bladed lightsaber at the ready, as she used the force to find the hidden wall camera, that was being used to watch her. She then walked turned towards the direction of that camera, as she held her lightsaber towards she camera.
Annie came to a stop, in front of the hidden camera, as she grinned wickedly. She casually said, into the camera, “Hi everyone. I'm back.”
At that moment, on the Command Deck of the Flagship, Commander Meka, and a number of her officers, where watching the monitors, which showed Annie grinning for the camera.
Meka thought, 'Annie is like a rash that refuse to stay away. And Scorpius will not let me use anything powerful enough to kill her, because the ordnance would like wreck the ship... Which, in all honesty, I can understand Scorpius' reasoning.'
'Fortunately, I do have a plan to keep Annie busy, as we wait for her friends to soon arrive. Which they will, because Annie is not one to just come visit without a reason, and a decent plan.'
'Now, to keep the soldiers in line.'
Meka turned towards he subordinates. She then ordered, “Use only a silent alarm on this. Keep taps on Annie's location, and have the crew, and security avoid her. Though, have a security team made as each secure location that she comes within a kilometer of. And only have then security engage her if she enters those secure areas.”
“Though, before attacking her, you are first ordered to ask her to leave the area.”
“Annie is not to be underestimated. She has already killed and seriously injured a number of peacekeepers. With any appreciable injury to herself. And we lack the ability to seriously harm her, without wrecking the ship.”
“Conflict with her will likely result is massive casualties on our side. So, if she unknowingly enters a secure area, and we can convince her to leave on her own volition. All the better for us.”
“Also, inform the Grand Chancellor that Annie is back. And tell Cad Bane to get to his assigned location.”
One of the officers, a female office, replied, “Yes Commander.”
Another officer. This time, a male officer, asked Commander Meka, “Commander, how did she get passed the protective traveling shield?”
Meka turned to the officer whom asked her the question. She smiled at the officer, as she complimented him, “Good question. My guess is that someone salvaged one or more of bounty hunters reality devices. Which we gave to the bounty hunters, in the first place.”
Meka thought, 'Unfortunately, due to various alien species, we hired, being so different, coding the reality devices to only work for those that we gave them to, with a self-destruct function built in, when they died, was not feasible. We will have to look into fixing that flaw sometime in the future. At least on our end.'
Meka looked out at her officers, as she continued her thoughts, 'Now, to reassure my crew.'
Meka stated, “And do not worry. I have a plan to deal with Annie.” She smirked, as she continued, “And the best part is that it will not get any of us harmed, nor kill.
Have the droids brought online, and set them to head to their preplanned location.”
Meka dropped the smirk, as she ordered, “Now, load of the automate voice system. We will need it.” She mentally added, 'I am so happy that Scorpius showed some of her more interesting information with me. Like those Star Wars movies.'
As Annie stood in the hallway, she heard a monotone, automated voice say, in Sebacean, which Annie understood through the force, “Greeting Annie Skywalker. It is a rare treat to speak to someone of your notoriety.”
Annie thought, 'Whoever is speaking, is using my last name, and is preventing me from sensing her, or him. That means they know about me, and my abilities, while letting me know that they know about me, and my abilities. Still, it is probably best to be polite in such situations.'
Annie stated, “I will take that as a compliment.”
On the Commander Deck, Meka said, “I am glad to hear that.”
As Meka spoke, one of her subordinates was typing down her works into the computer, which then spoke, in a computerized voice, from the speakers in the hallway Annie was inside of.
Meka thought, 'I have not intention of Annie harming me, nor my men. And I will do everything in my power to prevent such a situation. Such as using this system that Scorpius, herself, developed, if she ever had to talking to someone that could use their abilities to attack across communication lines. Such as Annie's force chocking abilities. And the system seems to be working. I am not actually speaking to Annie. The computer is. I am not even the person typing at the computer. This creates two layers of protection, and I have two other officers ready to cut the communications in two different ways, if things start to go badly for anyone of us here. '
Meka said, “Now, I have an offer for you.”
In a hallway, Annie stated, “I am listening.”
The automated voice said, “Here is the offer. We will play a little game. And while we do so, I will not send my subordinates after your friends, whom we both know will show up soon enough.”
Annie inquired, “And what is this game?”
The automated voice said, “You will entertain, myself, with a little battle, in a shuttle bay elsewhere in this ship.”
Annie stated, “I doubt you could provide a challenge for me.”
The automated voice baited Annie, “Then, this will not be a problem for you.”
Annie thought, with amusement, 'Nice come back.' Annie said, “Alright. Let's play.” She then warned, in a colder tone of voice, “But, if you break your word. I will literally tear this ship apart.”
Automated voice responded, “I know you will. That is why, I have no intention of breaking my word with you... As long as you do not alter your end of the deal.”
Annie rolled her eyes for a few seconds. She thought, 'It's bad when the villains get in on the injokes.' She mentally grumbled, 'I am never going to live down things I never, personality, technically did.' She then looked back towards the direction of where the hidden wall camera was.
The automated voice stated, “In a few seconds, a map will be posted to the terminal beside you. Memorize it. And then follow it. We will inform you if you get lost.”
Annie then noticed a monitor computer terminal on a wall beside her. A three dimensional map pop up, using red lines, popped up on the flat screen. The map then used a yellow line to show Annie a route how to reach a shuttle bay, in another part of the ship.
Annie thought, 'So, they want this battle to take place in a shuttle bay. That figures. The force will warn me, if they try to space me. And even if they do, I can just teleport out at the last moment. And then I will come after them.'
On the command deck, Meka and the officers watched the screens, as Annie starting walking briskly along the route she had been given.
Meka thought, 'I love it went a plan comes together. And this is going to be fun to watch. But, that is one thing I need to do first.'
Meka turned to her officers, as she ordered, “Now, order the security team, and personnel. Should any other intruders enter the ship, while Annie is here. You are to leave them alone. And avoid them. Though, inform me immediately of any intruders arriving, while Annie is present. And we shall keep taps on the individuals.”
Meka mentally reflected, 'I have no intention of break my word to someone as dangerous as Annie. Though, I do look forward to having some fun with her. Though, it will be a few minutes before the action starts. But, I have long since learned the value of patience.'
Meka then turned back to watch Annie made her way to the requested destination.
Five minutes later, as Annie made her way towards her destination, in an empty security room, elsewhere in the Command Carrier flagship, Ed, Bob, Violin, and Stan appeared.
The room was dark.
Ed stated, “Nobody move, I will take care of this.”
Stan offered, “I have my zippo lighter.”
Ed said, “Don't use it. You might trip the fire alarms.”
Stan replied, “Okay.”
Ed memorized the layout of the previous security room she had been in, and she made an academic guess that the layout was the same in this room. She then pocketed the reality device in her hand. Next, felt along the wall, and she soon found the light switch.
After the light came on, Violin said, “Thanks, Ed.”
Ed replied, “No problem.” She then quickly locations a computer terminal, and walked over, and sat down in the chair, in front of the screen and keyboard.
As Ed turned the computer terminal on, and became hack into it, Bob stayed by her side.
Though, Bob turned to Stan, as he asked, in a firm tone of voice, “You are not smoke, behind our back, now son.”
Stan turned to his father, as he quickly stated, “No. I just keep the lighter, in case I need. And Lewis and I have needed it a few times. To see with.”
Stan thought, 'Like when Lewis and I ended up in that collapsed building, and we had first changed into teenage girls. That was interesting. And we used my lighter to find out way out.'
'Though, that is another excuse I have for carrying my zippo.'
Stan commented, “Also, it can be used to make a fire, and keep from getting cold. Which is very useful if one is ever stranded.”
Bob conceded, “That is a good point, son.”
Stan replied, “Thank you, dad.” Stan then turned to Violin, as he joked, “It seems I just keep coming back here.”
Violin looked over at Stan, as she agreed, “No kidding.”
Stan said, “By the way, thanks for showing us that series. It pointed us in the right direction.”
Violin replied, “You're welcome.” She thought, 'And in doing so, I royally screwed myself, by getting myself killed, and reincarnated. Though, at least, I was able to help them. So, it was not a total tragedy.'
Stan requested, “Also, when this is over, I would like to know the story behind you, and those girls after us.”
Violin warmly smiled at Stan, as she offered, “Stan, when this is over. I will be more than happy to tell you and Lewis, everything.”
Stan replied, “Thank you. And I looked forward to it.”
Violin stated, “So, do I. Now, let's get to work, and kick some ass.”
By then, Ed was looking at the monitor in front of her, above a keyboard, as she said, “Okay. We are only online. And we are exactly where we want to be.”
Bob, Violin, and Stan, turned to looked at Ed.
Violin and Stan then walked behind her, and beside Bob, as all four adults looked at the computer screen. Bob was to Stan's right side, and Violin was to Violin's right side. With Ed in front of the other three individuals in the room.
Ed brought up a three dimensional map of the ship, in red lines, on the flat monitor. The map then showed a route with a yellow line. She stated, “This is the route to the mainframe.” The yellow line change to a different direction, as Ed continued, “And this is the route to Scorpius office. As I believe, both those locations are not that far from here.”
Violin commented, “Good. We might be able to wrap this up sooner than I had hoped.”
Bob inquired, “Any sign of, Lewis?
Ed responded, in a sad tone of voice, “No. But, I am not that worried. We will find him.”
Violin said, “Guys, don't worry. If I have too, I will literally pound the answers our of Scorpy.”
Ed inquired, “I know you would, Violin. Also, Violin, would you like to watch John's funeral?”
Violin answered, “Yes.”
Ed got up from her seat. She leaned down, and typed a few keys. She stood up, and turned to Violin. She said, “The video should start in a few seconds.”
Violin quietly said, “Thank you.”
Ed then turned to Bob, and Stan, as she stated, “Come on boys, let's head to the mainframe.”
As the members of the Lowe family exited the room, Violin overheard Stan asked, “Why would Violin want to see John's funeral?”
Ed and Bob said, in unison, “We will tell you, later.”
Their comments could not help by make Violin crack a smile. She sat down in front of the screen, as she waited for the video to start.
The video then started. The video showed the funeral, while the speakers, on the sides of the monitor, gave her Scorpius's wonderful eulogy about John's life.
A few minutes later, the funeral was over. With it showing the massive display of the fleets firepower, as a twenty-one gun style salute, taken to the extreme, as John's casket was sent into a nearby star.
Violin could not help be shed a few tears at what she had just saw, and watched.
While experiencing a range of emotions. Both good and bad. At the same time. Violin though, 'I didn't know that Scorpy could give such a touching speech. Given the effort she went through to put on the funeral, and that speech, I think she does care for me. While, I was not planning to to kill her. I will got a little easier on her. Still, I am just going to kick her ass some.'
Violin then got up from the chair, and she left the room. Next, she turned in the right direction, down the hallway, as she started walking toward Scorpius' office, as a swift pace, by human standards. Though, she did not use her super-speed.
At that moment, Scorpius was sitting behind her desk, as Commander Meka kept her up to date.
Scorpius thought, 'Meka is doing a wonderful job of following my plan. I think I will not step in, unless I have to. The question is, if I can pull this off without a problem. Oh well. If things don't work out as I had hoped. I have contingency plans.'
Elsewhere in the flagship, Annie finally entered the large shuttle bay, which she had been directed to.
Annie walked into the shuttle bay, with her ignited, red bladed lightsaber at the ready, in her right hand. With the red blade pointing away, and in front of her. She though, 'I wonder what they have planned for me here?'
On the command deck, an officer approached, Meka, as the commander walked the video of Annie entering the shuttle bay.
The officer stated, “Commander. As you expected, the Lowe family is heading for the mainframe.”
Meka turned to the officer, as she responded, “Good. There are two people, in two separate areas, that can deal with them. Whom are not part of this crew.” She thought, 'Though, that is all part of Scorpius plan. And they are not part of my personnel, so I am still keeping my word with Annie.'
The officer went onto say, “Also, the one known as, Violin, is on a direct course with the Grand Chancellor's office. Shall, I post a security team to intercept her.”
Meka ordered, “No. The reason being, Annie was not bluffing on her claim that she could tear apart this ship. She could literally do it with her psionic abilities. And we might not be able to stop her. Though, do inform the Grand Chancellor that she should be expecting company.”
The officer replied, “Yes, Commander.” He then went to rely his commander's orders.
Meka then turned back to the monitor, which showed Annie in a shuttle bay. She cracked a grin, as she thought, 'Now, the real entertainment begins.'
As Annie walked deeper into the large shuttle bay, she saw twenty large containers to her right side, on the far end of the shuttle bay. In a grid pattern, of five boxes wide, and four rows deep.
But, Annie did not see anything else in the shuttle bay. She did not even see any other small space ships.
Also, Annie did not sense anyone nearby.
Suddenly, to her right side, Annie heard an electronic voice state, “Halt. Or, be killed.”
Annie turned to see the voice. And she saw the contained had all broken apart. And she saw what was inside them.
As Annie looked at her enemies, she immediately recognized then from watching some Earth sci-fi movies, that she had seen, with John Crichton.
Annie held her ignited red bladed lightsaber, at the ready, in front of her. She thought, with glee, 'These peacekeepers know how to please a woman. This only brings a tear to my eyes. As it almost makes me nostalgic for my droid battles, during the Clone Wars.'
In front of Annie were twenty ED-209 enforcement droids from the Robocop reality. They were large, ten tall, two legged, walking tanks, with two arms, which had machine guns, and missiles, in them.
Annie thought, 'This is going to be so much fun. And I take back what I said earlier. This is going to be a challenge.'
Annie then did a running charge, that turning to a leaping attack, as she tore into the droids.
Annie had fun, as she deflecting the droids projectile shots, while she used her lightsaber to slice through them. In addition, she also used the force to toss some of them around the large hanger.
On the command deck of the flagship, Commander Meka watched on the monitor, which was relying real time recordings, from the security cameras, showed the beginning of Annie's fight with the droids, in one of the command carrier's many shuttle bays.
Meka thought, 'I remember when I bought these from that reality I learned about. I got them at a good deal, on wholesale, during a time period, where Omni Consumer Products went bankruptcy.'
'And while these droids' AIs are dren. They make good fodder. And they will keep Annie busy, until the rest of Scorpius' plan is complete. Though, after all this is over, I am going to have to talk to Scorpius' about her plan.'
'I do have some important questions for Grand Chancellor Scorpius.'
'And, from the look a joy Annie's face, it seems she is enjoying this. Though, she is actually having to push herself a bit to take on twenty enforcement droids at one. Well, eighteen know. She already sliced on apart with her lightsaber. Which I have to say is a cool weapon. While she used the force to take another enforcement droid into a third enforcement droid. Destroying the droid that was thrown, while damaging the third droid. A few other droids are also severely damaged.'
'I am also feel content that I was able to provide challenge for her. I was not sure I sure if I could. But, I was able too.'
'And while I doubt these droids will be able to seriously harm, nor kill Annie. I do hope these droids are able to keep Annie busy, long enough for Scorpius' to pull off her plan.'
'Though, if this turns into a quick conflict, this battle is truly entertaining to watch. I am glad I am recording, to watch again, later.'
Meka continued to watch as Annie fought enforcement droids.
Inside Scorpius' office, Scorpius was sitting behind her desk, when she heard door in front of her, slide open, and then close. She looked up to see a slender, fair skinned looking, young woman, with dark blue hair, that went down to her neck line, walking towards her. The woman wore black pants, a red t-shirt, and black tennis shoes.
As Violin approached Scorpius, she greeted her, “Hi ya, Scorpy.” She looked around as she said, “I like what you have done with the place. And look what I now have.” She used both her hands to gesture her breasts, as she continued, “And all thanks to you.” She then dropped her hands back to her sides, as she continued to approach Scorpius.
Scorpius got out of her seat, and walked around her desk to her right side, as she stated, “I have been expecting you, Violin.”
Violin grinned wickedly, as she inquired, “Is that what you are going to call me, now?”
Scorpius calmly asked, “Then, how should I address you?”
Violin sarcastically stated, “Oh girl friend. You hound my ass for years, and you forgot about me. That just hurts.”
Scorpius inquired, in mild surprised, “John?”
Violin replied, “Here's a hint.” She then used her super-speed and super-strength to quickly close the gap between them, and she swiftly knocked Scorpius into the wall, with her right fist.
Scorpius hit the wall, and slid down into a sitting position, that allowed her to see Violin.
It was then, Violin noticed that the force of the blow was about to cause the small vase of white flowers on Scorpius's was about tip over. Violin quickly rushed over, and she stopped by the desk. She then carefully placed her hands the vase to keep it from falling onto the floor. She then set the vase back in place, and let go of it.
After which, Violin turned to look back at where Scorpius was sitting, as she stated, “I didn't want to cause the flowers to fall over. I know how much they mean to you, Scorpy.”
While Scorpius looked up, from her sitting position, against the walled, she what Violin had done with the vase. She then heard what Violin said. And she put two and two together.
Scorpius guessed, “You have seen our series?”
Violin flexed her right fist, which she had just used to hit Scorpius with, as she stated, “Of course. I even saw the season three episode, Incubator. Real tragic stuff. Makes what Annie went through look tame in comparison.”
“That being said. We now know what makes each other tick, even though we are both different genders now. With you being a lot more pleasing to the eyes. And while I am not really crazy about being a girl, and having monthly periods, I have to admit this body is definitely built ford tough.”
“Also, do not think for one second that your physical and mental abilities are going to help you. I now outclass you in both. You may have used a super-soldier serum, but I have a bio-engineer alien badass for a mother. There is just no comparison.”
As Scorpius heard what Violin said, she had done a quick mental check to find that she was physically unharmed. With her armor and physical toughness being able the brunt of Violin's blow. She stood up, as she stated, in a confused tone of voice, “John? You're alive? I thought you were dead.”
Violin grinned wickedly, as she responded, “I could say the same about you. If you don't survive this battle, I will be highly disappointed with you. See, we are the Megatron and Prime of the uncharted regions. We just go around and around and around. By the way, I saw the funeral you did for me. I admit that you did a good job.”
Scorpius gave Violin a warm smile, as she replied, “Thank you, John.”
Violin then rushed at Scorpius, with her right fist. The peacekeeper easily caught Violin's right punch, with her left hand. What happened next caught Violin completely off guard.
Scorpius quickly moved toward Violin's face, and kissed her on her lips.
Scorpius then let go of Violin's right fist.
Violin swiftly backed up, as she stated, in shock, “Whoa. Hold it. I came to kick your ass. Not have a piece of it.”
Scorpius casually suggested, “Why not we do both?”
Scorpius then punched Violin across the room and into a wall, with her right fist.
As Violin landed on the floor. She did as her parents had trained her. She used the inertia to do a backwards roll, onto her feet. She then sprung back into a standing position,
Scorpius saw no signs of injury on Violin, as she complimented, “That was a marvelous display of acrobatics.”
Violin responded, “Thank you. Though, how can you be so strong? I though you were a pure Sebacean now?”
Scorpius explained, “John, you may have forget that I was originally born with Scarran strength. And what I told you, after I was first changed into this form, you see before you.”
“While my DNA was purified. And the purity tests stated I am a pure Sebacean. I kept a number of my abilities, which were all enhanced greatly.”
“Though, all my weaknesses have been removed. Such as it feels good not to have a cylinder inside my head. We are equals now in strength and mind.”
“And while you are a slightly faster than me, my skills and intelligence allow me compensate. In another words, I am going to enjoy every minute of this.”
Violin smirked, as she stated, “Then, let's play.”
Violin then charged at Scorpius, as Scorpius rushed at her.
At another location in the flagship, the Lowe family were making their to the mainframe.
As they walked though a hallway, Ed was leading the way. Bob had his hand on his holstered revolver, which Bob was ready to pulled out at a moments notice. And Stan walked behind his two parents.
Bob asked, “We have got through a few hallways, and a couple of elevators. How much further is it to the mainframe.?”
Ed said, “The mainframe is few chambers from here. We should be there in a few minutes.”
Stan inquired, “Given we haven't seen anyone since we have been walking through these hallways, and I am sure they know we are here, do you think there is a trap waiting for us at the mainframe?”
Ed and Bob answered, in unison, “Obviously.”
As they continued walking, Stan commented, “I get the feeling, before Lewis and I were born, you guys use to do this kind of thing a lot.”
Bob sarcastically responded, “What? Break into heavily guards fortresses?”
Ed giggled a little.
Stan replied, “Yea.”
Bob admitted, “Not really, son. But, we did have a number of adventures.”
Stan stated, “That is another issue. You didn't tell us anything.”
Ed spoke up, “That is because we wanted you to have safe lives.”
Stan pointed out, “Yet, you continued to live the high life behind our backs, while we lived mundane lives.”
Ed stated, “Okay. We admit that not telling you two about the bikini parties was wrong. But, the rules stated, no boys. Girls were allowed. But, no boys. And no gender bending of boys. Though, there was options to temporally gender bend any men, into women, whom wanted to come with their spouses and friends.”
Stan commented, with disgust in his tone of voice, “That is so sexist.”
Ed and Bob said, in unison, “We agree.”
Bob went onto say, “But, it wasn't our parties, and wasn't our rules. We were only guests.”
Stan said, “Well, we will have to continue this conversation, after we rescue Lewis.”
Ed stated, “That we will.”
Bob said, “I have a question for you, Stan.”
Stan requested, “What is it?”
Bob inquired, “Now, that I think about it, Lewis and you spent a week here? Do you have any idea where Lewis is?”
Stan shook his head, as he commented, “No. During the time, we were either in the lab, working on the gate system. In our quarters, resting. Or, dining with Scorpius. And to be honest, she was a wonderful hostess for those meals.”
Ed asked, “Interesting. Did you meet anyone while here?”
Stan said, “Only the support team assign to us, Scorpius, and her second in command, Commander Meka.”
Ed questioned, “Who is this, Commander Meka?”
Stan replied, “I am not sure. We did not see her much. But, I do know she was in charge of this command carrier, while her also being the go between for Scorpius and the rest of the Peacekeeper fleet.”
Ed stated, “I can see why Scorpius would need someone like that. Given that Scorpius is now the Grand Chancellor, she would need help. And with Braca not being there, she would need someone else to fill Braca' role.”
Stan said, “Yes. And I always got the sense that Scorpius and Meka were friends. And that Meka was very competent at her job.”
Bob pointed out, “That is not surprising. Scorpius values competent personnel, whom are not suck ups.”
Stan agreed, “Yea. I would say that Meka would be what Scorpius would want as an assistant.”
Bob commented, “After meeting Braca, I would have to agree. One can say many things about Braca, but he was competent, and profession.”
Ed inquired, “Do you want to see if Braca is alive? We still might be able to rescue him?”
Bob said, “I am sure, that by now, that issue is already resolved. One way, or another.”
Ed shrugged, as she replied, “You are likely correct.”
Ed then turned, and came to a stop at a doorway. She press a button, on panel by the doorway, with the door in front of them sliding open.
Ed stated, “This way.” As she walked into the next room, with Bob and Stan following right behind her.
As the door slid closed behind them, they saw they were in another, slightly larger hallway, than the one they had been in. The hallway was not very long, about fifty feet in length, from the door by them, to the door on the other side of the hallway. And there with a desk by the door, on the other side of the hallway.
Ed stated, “The door over there leads directly to the mainframe.”
Bob drew his revolver, as he stated, “Okay. I go first, into the next room. Ed, you are second. Stan, you’re third.”
The Lowe family walked briskly over to the other door.
When the reached the door, Ed pressed a button on the panel on the nearby wall to door. The door then slid open.
After the open the door, Bob walked the threshold of the door, with his pistol at the ready, as he looked around, inside the other room.
Stan asked, “What does it look like?”
Bob said, “We were right. It's a trap. I don't see the trap. But, I can see the layout is perfect for a trap. Basically, it is a large, circular room, about a hundred yards in diameter, with a small tower, in the center of the room. The tower has computer terminals around the base of the terminal, at waist level, and it stretches up to the ceiling, which is around a hundred feet up. I am guessing the tower is the mainframe. And there is no cover in that room, except for the central tower.”
Ed inquired, “Like the finale level, in computer game, for the boss fight?”
Bob cracked a smile, as he said, “Exactly.”
Ed stated, “Well, we don't have a choice. We get in there, and get out as quickly as possible. I will hack the other computer as swiftly as possible to delete the files, and find Lewis.”
Bob replied, “Okay. I am going in. You two stay right behind me.”
Bob cautiously walked into the room.
Just as Ed joined him in the mainframe room, someone, whom was hiding under the desk, quietly stood up, and walked behind Stan.
The person suddenly pulled Stan back, and to the floor, on his back. The person then quickly used the control panel on the wall to slide closed the door to the mainframe room, and lock it.
Inside the mainframe room, Ed and Bob quickly turned around, as they heard the door slide shut. they realized that someone had shut the door between then and Stan.
Ed turned to Bob, as she said, with concern in her tone of voice, “It's locked.”
Ed then bent down by the panel, as she pulled her tool kit. She turned to the panel, as she turned on the intercom between the two sides of the door.
After doing so, Ed started to try to take the panel apart, while she loudly stated, “Stan! Can you hear me?!”
On the other of the door, in the hallway, Stan leaned up, to see who had just thrown him to the ground.
When he did, his jaw dropped, in surprise.
Stan then, heard his mother say, through an intercom, between the two rooms, “Stan! Can you hear me!”
Stan quickly forced himself to calm down. He then inquired, “Yes. Can you hear me, mom?”
After hearing Stan's voice, Ed answered, in a slightly calmer tone of voice, “Yes. What is going on out there?”
Stan stated, “There is only one person here. And I am sure I can handle this person. Go get what needs to be done. I will meet you, later.”
Ed said, “Okay son.”
Inside the mainframe room, Ed put away her tool kit, as she stood up. She turned around, and looked at her husband.
Bob looked at her, as he said, “I trust that Stan can handle himself. If he says he can. Let's do the job, and then find Lewis.”
Both adults then started walking towards the mainframe tower, about fifty yards away, in the center of the circular room,
In the hallway, Stan stood up, as he requested, towards the other person, “Would you care to turn off the intercom, so we can talk in private.”
The other person touched a button on the panel to turn off the intercom. The person then turned to face Stan.
With the intercom turned off, Stan said, “Thank you. And, by the way, hi Lewis. This is not how I expect to see you, the next time we met.”
Standing in front Stan, was Lewis. Whom was in her taller, nattou enhanced, female form. Though, that was not the surprising part.
The surprising part was Stan see that Lewis was wearing a black leather, skin tight, full body, dominatrix outfit. Completely with a full mask, which covered her face and head. There were holes for her mouth, nostrils, eyes, and a hole in back, to allow her red hair to come out of the mask in a ponytail. She was also wearing flat sole, black leather, lace-less, cowgirl boots, with zippers running up the interior sides of the boots.
Lewis giggled, as she started walking towards, Stan. Then, she stop giggling, as she came to a stop a few feet from Stan. Just far enough for her to reach him.
Lewis asked, in a casual tone of voice, “Hi Stan. So, how did you know it was me?”
Stan shrugged, as he responded, “The red hair, and the fact that suit leaves almost nothing to imagination. And we have seen each other nude in our taller female forms. It is not a sight that one forgets. I can even see you camel toe in that suit. And that is wrong to say, on so many levels.”
Lewis giggled again. And between giggles, Lewis agreed, “Yes. It is.”
Stan commented, “I have a feeling that you are not planning on leaving with me.”
Lewis answered, “No. Not just yet. I want to have some fun, first.”
Stan questioned, “I hope it is not the type of fun that those suits are usually used for?”
Lewis flatly answered, “No.”
Stan looked at sister up and down, as he stated, “Anyway, I see you have been busy, Lewis.” He grinned mischievously, as he teased, “It is always the quiet ones.”
Lewis pouted, which was quite hilarious to see, given the dominatrix outfit she was wearing, as she commented, “Actually, I am still a virgin. Both ways. While, you are still only a virgin as a girl.”
Stan inquired, “True. But then, what is with the dominatrix outfit?”
Lewis answered, “Well, I admit that I am crazy at the moment. Scorpius temporally triggered my genes all the way up, without nattou. She used some other chemical she has to do it. Given what both now know that she is capable of, I didn't try to stop her. And the chemical also set my mind into full crazy genius mode. Then, she offered me this outfit, which fits, and asked me to capture you. And I said, yes, because I thought it would be fun.” She then looked down at her own black leather suit, as she said, “And this doesn't look half bad on me.”
Stan thought, 'If this is temporary, then I can probably knock some sense into Lewis, if I can get her to sneeze, and change into a guy. Even though it would be embarrassing to do so in that outfit.' Stan looked around, and he then realized there was nothing around to get Lewis to sneeze. He thought, 'My kingdom for a black pepper shaker... Okay. I need to stall her.'
Stan then noticed that Lewis was wearing flat, he stated, “True. In an S&M kind of way. But, hold it a minute. You cannot wear that dominatrix outfit without high heels. And those are flat soled boots.”
Lewis looked at her feet for a seconds. She then looked back up at Stan, as she responded, “Cut me some slack, neither of us know how to walk in high heels. I honestly don't think mom, let along dad, knows how to either.”
Stan thought, 'I need to know more about this chemical used on you, Lewis.' He conceded, “Fair enough. Though, given Scorpius probably plans give me the same chemicals. I wonder if they have had a permanent effect on you. Mom and dad would be pissed, if that was the case.”
Lewis responded, “That is a good point. And to answer you question. Scorpius said my change is not permanent. She said that should I changed into my male form, the chemical will immediately break down when, and start to flush, over the course of a few hours. She said it had something to do about being exposed to testosterone.”
Stan replied, “Okay.” He thought, 'That is a relief. Now, I just need to figure a way to change you back into your male form.'
Lewis said, “So, are you going to surrender to me?”
Stan flatly responded, “No. I guess you had decided to play the role of the crazy, dominatrix servant.”
Lewis stated, “Yes.”
Stan questioned, “Why?”
Lewis grinned wickedly, as she commented, “Because it is true what they say. Girls just want to have fun.”
Stan thought, 'Lewis, I really don't want to fight you. So, let's see if that is any chance to reason with you.' Stan pleaded, “Come on, Lewis. You sound like one of those crazy chicks that has been chasing us.”
Lewis smirked, as she pointed out, “At the moment, I am one of those crazy chicks. Which is a good excuse to do this.”
Lewis threw a punch at Stan, which connected to his jaw.
Stan took a steps back, but he did not otherwise falter. And he did not immediately response. With neither words, nor violence.
Lewis stated, “I will be honest. I always wondered which one of us would win in a fight between the two of us. And since our female forms retain our strength in our male forms, I am going to get the chance to find out.”
Stan continued to refuse to responded.
Lewis goaded, “What? You don't like hitting a girl?”
Stan swiftly punched Lewis in her gut, as he responded, “Actually, I don't care for violence outside of sports. But, I will defend myself, when I have too.”
Lewis then returned the blow in kind to Stan's gut.
Stan grunted, as he threw a punch to Lewis' jaw, which forced her a few feet back. Stan then stated, “Before we continue this. I would like to set some ground rules.”
Lewis said, “I am listening.”
Stan stated, “Do not go for my eyes, and groin, and I won't go for your eyes, breasts, and groin.”
Lewis commented, “I can understand the first two. But, I am a girl. Why would I worry about being hit in the groin.”
Stan pointed out, “You forget your medical lessons. While it does not hurt as long, it can hurt almost as bad for a women to get hit in the groin, as it does a man. A person just has to have better aim.”
Lewis replied, “Good point. I accept those terms.”
Stan said, “Good.”
The two Lowe siblings then went back to fighting each other.
At that moment, inside the mainframe room, Ed and Bob came with twenty feet of the mainframe tower, in the center of the room, when Cad Bane walked out from behind the center tower, to confront them.
Cad had his blasters already pulled out, and in his hands.
As Cad pointed a blaster each, at the two other adults, Bob pointed his revolver back at Bane.
Cad said, “So, I guess you two are the ones I will be fighting.”
Bob stated, “Nope. Just me. I have the gun. Still, if I asked you to walk away, would you?”
Cad replied, “No. I will not leave, old man.”
Bob pointed out, “You are right, I am an old man. Still, do you realize that the reason you are here, and not the peacekeepers, is that Scorpius considers you cannon fodder?”
Cad cracked a smile, as he agreed, “Of course. But, as long as Scorpius continues pays me well. And she does not give me any suicide missions. I am okay with arrangement.”
Bob kept his eyes on Bane, as he said, “Ed, get to the terminal, and do the job we came here to do. I will keep him busy.”
Ed responded, “Good luck. And went this is over, we teleport out of here.”
Ed then ran to a terminal facing her husband, as she began to hack directly into the Command Carrier mainframe.
Bob replied, “Exactly.”
Bob mentally reflected, 'I have seen the Clone Wars series. Cad Bane is a top rate badass. He could give Revy and Chang a run for their money, in both the dual wielding pistols, and hand to hand combat skills, even after those two received that super-soldier serum.'
'Cad one time fought two Jedi masters to a stand still, and he then got away. He was also able to withstand the mental attack of three powerful force users at once. Though, he gave into their demands after that, but they did not break him. He just didn't want to go through that again.'
'And I am an old man. I tempted to change into my much younger female form. But, he might take that as an insult, and shoot Ed. I just have to stall him, until Ed is finished.'
Bob commented, “By the way, Bane. I have to agree with others, on the subject. That is a nice hat.”
Cad said, “Thanks. And that is nice coat you have.”
Bob offered, “Thank you. I will give you the address of my tailor, if you agree to walk away.”
Cad replied, “Tempting. But no.”
Bob stated, “Worth a try. Now, you have been hounding our boys long enough. I am going to kick your ass for that.”
Cad smirked, “I would like to see you try.”
Bob replied, “Then, I aim to please.”
Bob then fired his pistol at Cad Bane.
Bane immediately used his boot rocket jets to move back, and up, around in the air, as he fired his blasters at Bob.
Bob quickly rolled out of the way, to his right side. As he came upright, and on his feet, he fired his revolver at Bane.
Both gunslingers continued moving, keeping mere feet from being shot by the other. As they returned fire. With neither hitting the other.
When Bob ran out of bullets, he was able to swiftly reload his top-break pistol with speed-loaders, while moving.
Elsewhere in the ship, in a shuttle bay, Annie was still fighting the enforcement droids.
From the twenty droids she started with, she was now down to three.
One of the droids fire a missile, which she used the force to deflect away from her.
At the same time, the other too fire their machine guns at her, which Annie has not problems using her lightsaber to deflect the bullets.
She then jumped onto the first droid, and used her lightsaber to slice the body of it long ways, causing it to fall to the ground, deactivated.
Next, as she jumped off on of the halves, of the fall the destroyed droid, she used the forced to literally crush the second droid into a metal ball.
And finally, she was within twenty feet of the third droid, as she used force lightning to electrocute the droid, over the course of a few seconds, until she sensed its circuits were completely fired.
As Annie looked around, she kept her lightsaber in a defensive stance. A minute later, when she confirm with the force that none of the droids were active, and they no longer presented a threat to herself. Nor, were their any other threats around her. She let out a breath of relief.
Annie thought to herself, 'Now, that was a workout... And what should I do now. I am not really tired.'
'Still, if I exit this shuttle bay, to another part of the ship, they will likely send peacekeepers to intercept my friends. I think it is best if I wait here, and listen to my radio.'
'If there is a problem, one of the others will call for help, and I will just use my reality device to immediately teleport over to their location.'
'Though, I will keep my lightsaber activated, just in case.'
Annie continued to use her right hand to hold her lightsaber at the ready, as she patiently waited for word from her friends.
On commander deck, Meka has moved to her personal office, as she continued to look over the situation.
Presently, Meka was sitting in a very conformable, cushion armchair, behind her desk, as she watch four different video feeds at once on her large desk screen. The reasons she moved to her desk to monitor the situation was for privacy, and because it was the only place on the ship that someone was allowed to watch the cameras in Scorpius' office.
The reason there were cameras in Scorpius' office was in case someone actually was about to take Scorpius hostage. Which was very unlikely. Still, Scorpius trusted Meka with her personal privacy.
While Meka watched the events unfolding in Scorpius' office, she smiled mischievously, as she thought, 'I have to admit that Scorpius is... inventive.
She was also looking over three other video feeds, which were divided on her screen.
The video feeds showed Annie's fight with the enforcement droids. The fight between the Lowe siblings. And the fight between Cad Bane and Bob Lowe.
Besides what had been happening in Scorpius' office, Meka been focusing her attention on the conclusion of the fight Annie had with the droids. With the battle just finally concluding.
Meka thought, 'Well, that fight lasted longer than I thought it would. And Annie does look a little winded, but I know better than to try to take advantage of the situation. Also, from what I can see, she is staying put. That shows she is intelligent. I will give her that. As long as she does not leave that shuttle bay, I won't have to use my security forces against any of her friends. Nor, herself.'
'Now, what about the other two fights?'
Meka looked at the video feeds of the Lowe sibling fighting, as she thought, 'I must say, the sibling fight is surprisingly evenhanded. And it is entertaining, given I know for a fact that neither of them have received real training in hand to hand combat, save for some very basic lessons. I will have to keep an eye on that fight. Now, to the other fight that concerns me more.'
She then looked at the fight between Bob and Bane. Bane was still in the air, with Bob moving around on the ground, as both kept trying to hit the other, and missing.
Meka mentally reflected, 'Bob is giving Bane quite a challenge. Not bad at all on Mister Lowe's part. I didn't realize that Bob was this good. On the other hand, I knew that Cad Bane was skilled. I learn this from watching the Clone Wars series, with Scorpius, while we were doing... other enjoyable things. But, this Bob Lowe is definitely a surprising dark horse in this fight.'
'Still, the fuel in those rockets on Bane's boots won't last much longer. At this rate, Cad Bane will likely grow impatient, and move in for a more closer combat situation. And from what Scorpius has informed me, close combat is a specialty of Bob's skill set.'
'Also, I need to keep an eye on, Ed. I hope that Ed does not do any serious damage to the ship's mainframe. Nor, that a stray shot from the other two, won't damage the mainframe, nor injured Ed. I just have to trust that Scorpius' plan works.'
Meka then continued to silently watch the video feeds.
In the mainframe room, Bob and Bane kept moving around, as they returned fire. With both of them continuing to miss.
Bob was moving on the group, while Bane was hovering around in the air, on his boot rocket jets.
While moving around in the air, Bane was not happy, as he thought, 'I am going to run out of fuel soon. And my blasters are almost out of ammo. I knew I should have reloaded them, earlier. I won't make that mistake again.'
'Still, from the way Bob's keeps reloading, he is likely almost out of ammo as well. So, I think I should take this fight to the next level.'
Bane holstered his blaster pistols, as he charged down out at Bob, with such speed, that Bob was forced to rolled his left side, to avoid Bane.
Though, Bob was quickly back to his feet, as Bane landed on his feet, at the same time.
Both combatants turned around to face each other at the same time.
Bob swiftly pointed his pistol at Bane, while Bane used his wrist mounted flamethrowers to try to roast Bob.
Bob quickly rolled at of the way, to his right side, to avoid the flames. He got back to his feet, as he fired a couple of shoots, which forced Bane to move, to get out of the way.
Bob continued moving, in a specific direction, as he thought, 'Bane is either close to empty on his blasters. Or, his blasters are empty. Either way, I can use this to my advantage. But, I will have to draw him into my trap.'
As the two combatants continued moving, with Bob leading the flamethrower wielding bounty hunter, Bane soon realized that Bob had lead Bane to where Bob was right in front of the mainframe tower.
Bane immediately shutdown his flamethrowers, as he thought, 'Damn. He knows I will catch hell from Scorpius, if I damage that mainframe.'
Bob thought, 'Now, to end this. I would prerfer to shot him, he is to agile too, and I am to few bullets, for me to risk that. So, I will try a different approach. And if this does not work, I will just dodge out of the way, and draw my weapon on him. I have done it before, and survived. I just hope I don't have to do it, this time.'
Bob then holstered his pistol, as he rushed at Bane.
Bane thought, 'He is either out of ammo, or close to it. It does not matter. I can take him in a hand to hand fight.'
When Bob reached Bane, he threw a punch to Bane's face.
Bane blocked the blow, while throwing a punch himself at Bob's face.
Bob blocked the strike, while sending an elbow to Bane's neck.
Bane sidestep Bob's elbow, while doing a sweeping kick to Bob's lower legs.
Bob jumped over the kick, and a second after he landed, he tried to knee Bane in the face. But, Bane rolled on his back.
When Bane finished the roll, he jumped back to his feet, but Bob had already closing the gap between them.
As they continued trading blows, and blocks, Bane mentally admitted, 'Okay. This guy is good. Time to cheat.'
As Bob threw his next punch, with his right hand, Bane swiftly grabbed Bob's extended, forearm with his right glove. With the right sleeve of Bob's coat being between Bane's right glove, and Bob's right forearm.
Bane then used the taser mounted in the palm of his right glove on Bob's arm.
What happened next surprised him, as Bob did not even react to the electrical attack, and instead he hit Bane in Bane's gut with his left hand.
The blow caught Bane off guard, as he let go of Bob's right forearm.
Bob followed his attack with an upper cut to Bane's jaw, with his left fist, that knocked the blue alien onto his back.
Both of them were breathing heaving from the intense exertion they had just been through, as Bob quickly drew his pistol, and cocked it. He pointed his revolver at Bane, while he ordered, “Don't move. It's over.”
Bane saw the weapon pointed at him. He immediately stopped moving, as he thought, 'Given the way he fights. I would guess that he has a few more rounds in his weapon. There is no point in getting shot. Still, I do have one question for him.'
Cad asked, “How did you not get shocked by my electrical attack?”
Bob answered, “My coat is insulated.”
Cad responded, “I'm impressed, old man.”
In response, Bob just laughed manically. Though, Bob also kept his eyes, and his weapon, trained on Bane.
Bob's reaction caused Bane to mentally wonder, 'Am I the bad guy in this situation? Because this guy is not acting like a good guy.'
Cad complimented, “For an old man, you are one hell of a fighter.”
Bob stopped laughing, as he smirked. He stated, “I am nothing compared to some of the people I know.”
Cad said, “I will be sure to avoid them. And, it is nice to know I still got it.”
Bob replied, “Bane, you never lost it.”
Cad smiled, as he stated, “And for that compliment, I am going to leave you, and your family, alone. Goodbye.”
Before Bob could react, Cad quickly thought of a place and time in the multiverse he would rather be, as he pushed the red button on the reality device hooked to his belt.
While Bob holstered his gun, he thought, 'At least, knowing Bane. He will keep his word, and leave us alone.'
Bob turned to see that Ed was alright, as she continued to hack into the mainframe.
Ed did not turned her eyes from the computer terminal she was using, as she asked, “Do you want to tell the others that you beat Cad Bane?”
Bob replied, “Nah. I don't want to make them jealous.”
Ed just giggled.
Bob inquired, “How long until you are done with deleting those files?”
Ed answered, “A few minutes. Then, I will search the mainframe for Lewis' location.”
Bob replied, “Good.”
On the command deck, in her personal office, Meka watched as the Bane and Lowe fight end.
As Meka sat behind her desk, she thought, 'Now, that fight was impressive. I will have to speak to Cad Bane about his fight with Bob Lowe, later. Bane did his job well in that fight. Still, let's see how the siblings fight will end.'
She then turned her attention to the video feed of the Lowe siblings fighting.
In the hallway leading to the mainframe room, Stan and Lewis were still fighting.
As the siblings trained blows with each other, in an amateurish, but not immature, fashion.
Stan thought, 'I have to figure a way to change Lewis back into a guy. There must be something I can do... That might work. It is gross. But, it might work.'
Just then, Lewis took a few steps back. Stan remained where he stood, allowing for a lull in the fighting.
Lewis stated, “You know, your position is hopeless, in this situation.”
Stan inquired, “How so?”
Lewis gestured to herself, with her right hand, as she stated, “This is our future.” She then held her right hand, at the ready, with her left hand.
Stan replied, “Honestly. I am not into the S&M scene.”
Lewis commented, “Not that. The fun insanity that got me into this black leather suit. Eventually, we will lock in these forms, and we won't be able to escape this insanity. And the worst part is we will be enjoy being insane.”
Stan stated, “We have already had this discussion. First, that will not happen for decades. Meaning, we have time. Second, there might be medication that may help us. When that does become a problem. And third, I want my brother back!”
Stan then charge at Lewis. He caught his sister off guard, as he used his right hand to grabbed Lewis by the throat, while, he stuck his left index finger up Lewis' right nostril, and wiggled it.
Lewis instinctively used her right leg to knee Stan in the groin.
The blow forced Stan to let go of Lewis, and for him take a few steps back.
Lewis stated, with disgust in her tone of voice, “How dare you play dirty like that!”
Stan did his best to remain standing, as he thought, 'Wait for it.'
Lewis said, “Of all the childish things to do. And I thought I was the crazy one here.”
Suddenly, Lewis felt the sensation come, but she could not stop it, as she sneeze.
Stan then watched as Lewis' black suit ripped and tore, to make room for Lewis' larger male frame.
A second later, Lewis sneeze again, and becoming a girl again. Only this time, she was much shorter, and appeared to be only fourteen years old.
While Stan watched all this, he thought, 'It is hard to tell which is more ridiculous looking. Lewis as a guy, in that outfit, which is way too small for him. Or, Lewis as a young teenage girl, with that outfit being way too big for her. Still, I need to get control of the situation.'
Stan asked, “Do you feel better, now?”
Lewis took a few deep breaths, as she looked down at herself. She then looked up at San, and Stan saw sanity had returned to his sister's eyes.
Lewis answered, in a calm, rational manner, “Yes. I am sane, again. And damn. You are good, Stan.”
Stan replied, “You're welcome.”
Lewis looked down at her big, shredded clothing, as she stated, “But, you ripped my clothing.”
Stan suggested, “How about you just get out of it?”
Lewis pointed out, “But, I will have nothing to wear. This is all I am wearing. There is no bra and panties underneath.”
Stan stated, “I know. I could tell. Don't worry about that. Trust me.”
Lewis replied, “Okay.”
Lewis unzipped the back of her mask, and pulled it off. Next, she unzipped the back of her suit. After which, she unzipped the interior sides of her black cowgirl boots. Lewis then stripped down to being naked.
Meanwhile, Stan took off his red varsity jacket. He handed it to Lewis, as he said, “Here. Wear this.”
Lewis looked up at her taller brother, as she took the jacket. She sincerely said, “Thank you, Stan.”
Lewis then put the large jacket. As she zipped it up, she noted that the bottom of the jacket went almost down to her knees, on her smaller female frame. Offering her some modesty, in her situation.
Lewis thought, 'At least as a smaller teenage girl, I am not nude by wearing this jacket. Though, as a male, the jacket is to small for this to work. So, I am still going to be a girl for a little while longer. Until, I find some clothing that fits me.;
Stan replied, “No problem.”
Lewis inquired, “So, how are your balls?”
Stan joked, “Still hanging on.”
Both siblings laugh at Stan's joke.
As they calmed down, Stan mentioned, “By the way, you remember that girl from Tokyo, Violin?”
Lewis looked up at her brother, as she said, “Yea.”
Stan commented, “She is just as strange as the rest of us.”
Lewis giggled a girlish giggle. She then replied, “As you can plainly see. I don't have any money on me. Speaking of which. I don't know what Scorpius did with my clothing. Including, my white lab coat, and wallet, with my IDs in it. It is not going to be fun replacing all those items.”
Stan warmly smile towards Lewis, as he stated, “Those are small matters. And don't worry about the money. That bet is not important. Also, I am sure mom will be able to get you replacement IDs without a problem. One way, or another. I am just happy to have you back.”
Lewis returned Stan's smile, as she responded, “Thanks. Besides, Nodoka told me that Birdy was half alien. Her family are aliens. I just didn't tell you, because I wanted to see if you could figure it out on your own. But, it is the only thing I held back from you, on what Nodoka told me.”
Stan shrugged, as he said, “I forgive you. Could you tell me what you learned about Violin, and her family?”
Lewis replied, “Sure.”
Stan responded, “Thanks. Now, let's let our parents know that we are alright. Then, we are out of here.”
Lewis stated, “This is not how I planned on letting them know our little secret.”
Stan looked at her, as he smirked, He said, “Don't worry. We are not going to tell them just yet. I have a plan. And you will like it.”
Lewis smile turned mischievous, as she commented, “I am sure I will.”
Stan unhooked his radio from his belt, he then pressed the talk button, as he stated, “Good news. I found Lewis. And we are getting out of here. And Lewis is fine.”
Ed replied, on her radio, “Good. The data is deleted.”
Stan replied, “That is nice to hear.”
Ed stated, “See you at the rendezvous point.”
Stan said, “Actually, we will me you elsewhere. Lewis has to get cleaned up.”
Stan looked down at Lewis, to see his sister hold back a giggle. Stan continued, “We will see you for dinner, around six pm, a few hours after you arrive. Back in the proper point in time. We will meet you at the barbeque restaurant that we all like, in Tharsis city.”
Ed responded, “Okay. We will see you there.”
Stan clipped his radio on his belt. He then pulled out the reality device that he stole from one of the bounty hunters Shane had killed.
Stan held out the reality device, for Lewis to see. He stated, “If you are wondering. This is one of the reality devices I got from those bounty hunters my coach killed.” She thought, 'But, not to use Coach Caxton's name. Given it is possible all of this is being recorded, by hidden electronic equipment.'
Lewis asked, “I already figured that out. Genius. Remember. So, where are we going now.”
Stan stated, “Back home. The rendezvous is to meet back home on the Sunday you were kidnapped, in the afternoon. At three PM. We are going back in the late morning. Around the time you were just kidnapped. There, we will get cleaned up and changed. Also, I can get an icepack for my balls. And I will tell you my plan. With luck, we will be gone, before our parents and friends get there.”
Lewis took a few steps closer to Stan. When she was right beside him, she said, “Works for me. Let's head over there. This jacket is kind of drafty between the legs.”
Stan chuckled, as he thought of the time, place, and reality, he wanted to go to. He then held that thought, as he pressed the red button.
In an instant, both Lowe siblings disappeared, as they jumped realities.
On the command deck, in her office, Meka laughed at how the Lowe sibling confrontation turned out. She thought, 'Now, let's see how the other events wrap up.'
In the mainframe room, Ed was standing by Bob, with her radio out. She pressed the talk button, as she asked, “Annie did you get all that.”
In the shuttle bay, Annie used her radio to respond, “Yes. As soon as you, Bob, and Violin are gone, and in the clear. I am leaving, as well. I will join you at the rendezvous point.”
In the mainframe room, Ed replied, through the radio, “Good. I am checking in on Violin right now.”
In her office on the command deck, Meka thought, 'That only leaves Scorpius and Violin. I wonder what Violin will say to Ed.'
At that moment, the inside of Scorpius' office was trashed, as Violin and Scorpius laid naked, and uninjured, with Violin's head resting on Scorpius' right shoulder. And with the rest of Violin's body resting to the right side of Scorpius.
Both of them were feeling very good, very relaxed, and were in very good moods.
Violin thought, 'That was the most intense, violent, destructive, and passionate sex I have ever had in both my incarnations. Though...' She turned her head to look at Scorpius' face, as she casually said, “Aeryn is going to kill me for doing this, with you.”
Scorpius turned to look at Violin's face, as she countered, in a casual tone of voice, “If she finds out, just lie to her, and tell her I used mind control. She'll understand.”
Violin asked, “She just might. Though, how did you make me scream in pleasure like that?”
Violin mentally reflected, 'I knew women could have multiple orgasms in a row. Though, my previous partners could just never pulled it off for me. But, Scorpy was able to keep me having them. One after right after another. Over and over again. I lost count at twenty.'
'Also, neither of us appear to be injured. Both, our bodies appear to be very tough. That is nice to know. And with this partly alien body, I am nowhere near tired, yet. And I am sure Scorpy is more than willing to keep going. I am tempted to stay here for a while, and continue this, if I did not have other commitments.'
Scorpius smirked, as she commented, “Being an, expert in the sciences, is a very broad term.”
Violin could not help but let out a laugh. She then inquired, “Is there any way I can convince you to stop your plans for the multiverse hyperspace gate?”
Scorpius replied, “That depends on if you can make me scream as loudly as I did for you.”
Violin put the palm of her right hand over her face, as she stated, “This is going to be a very long day.”
Scorpius just laughed.
Suddenly, they heard the radio on Violin's belt, which was still attached to her pants, not far away from the two women.
From the radio, they heard, Stan talk, then Ed talk, and Annie talk.
Violin said, “I better check in. Or, they are going to come for me. They will find us like this. And that will be bad for both of us.”
Scorpius replied, “That we agree on.”
Violin quickly crawled over to her pants, as she heard Ed stated, on the other end, “Violin. How are things on your end?”
Violin unhook the radio, as she answered through it, “Actually, I am doing fine.”
Annie inquired, over her end of the radio channel, “What is your status, Violin?”
Violin looked over at Scorpy, as she answered, “Scorpy and I are working on an arrangement.” She could see Scorpy stifling a giggle. Violin continued, “I will be along, around half an hour, behind you guys. About five minutes on the other side. And do not worry, I will be fine.”
Ed replied, “Okay. Good luck.”
Annie stated, “Whatever. But, let Scorpius know that if something happens to you, I am coming for her.”
Violin saw Scorpius nodded in response to Annie warning.
Violin commented, “I believe she got your message, Annie.”
Annie said, “Good.”
Violin then set down her radio, as she turned to Scorpius. She happily asked, “Now, where were we?”
Scorpius coyly responded, “That is up to you, and the bounds of your imagination, John.”
While Violin crawl back to Scorpius, she smirked, as she said “Oh Scorpy, you should know by now that my imagination has no bounds.”
Scorpius returned Violin's smirk, as she replied, “That is what I am hoping for.”
Both women laughed, at their shared, humorous moment.
Inside Commander Meka's office, on the command deck, Meka had watched was the entire conversation took place. From all three points of view, on the video feeds on her desk's monitor.
Meka then watched as Ed used her reality device to teleport both her, and Bob, out of the Farscape reality. A few seconds later, she watched Annie a reality device to teleport out of the Farscape reality.
As soon as Meka saw Annie disappear, as Annie jumped realities, Meka let out a breath of relief. She thought, 'That is one less problem to worry about. And no one died this time.'
Meka then turned to watch the video feed to Scorpius' office. She collapse the other video feeds, so she could enlarge the video feed to Scorpius' office, on her monitor screen.
As Meka watched Violin and Scorpius go back to their activities, she mischievously thought, 'And Violin has now found out why I like having sex with Scorpius, as a woman. I wonder how well she will please Scorpius.'
'I guess I will watch, and find out.'
Around half an hour later, in Scorpius' office, Violin gather her clothing, shoes, radio, and reality devices.
As Violin did so, she felt the stickiness between her legs, while she mentally reflected, 'I smell of sex. If I go to the rendezvous point, like this, the others will notice, and ask question.'
'Fortunately, I have a spare pair of clothing, just like what I have on now. I will just go home. Take a shower, dry myself, and my hair, change my clothing, and then meet with the others at the rendezvous point at the proper time.'
'Like I have longed believed, use of time dilation does have it perks. I just have to make sure I keep track of my monthly periods. Which, I am glad it was not that time of the month, for neither of us, right now.'
While Violin put on her clothing, and shoes, she looked over at a very sexually pleased Scorpius. Violin mentally added, 'And I think Scorpy is pleased with my efforts.'
Scorpius looked back at her, as she stated, “Not the best sexual experience since I have become a woman. But, one of the top ten. It would be in the top five, if you had decided to stay longer. But, you did a good job. So, I will leave off the multiversal hyperspace gate research, for a while.”
By then, Violin finished putting on her clothing. She started to slip into her shoes, as she said, “Glad to hear it, Scorpy. And the reason I don't stay, is that I feel that it is time to leave.”
Scorpius responded, “I understand. And I look forward to the next time we do this. Though, I doubt we will get the chance to do this anytime soon.”
Violin laced up her shoes, as she agreed, “True. But, there is always hope. And the fact that both of us are going to live for a very long time, means that it will likely happen some day.”
Scorpius smiled, as she replied, “That is what I was hoping you would say.”
Violin then clipped on her radio, to her belt. Next, she picked up, put her own reality device into her left pants pocket. After that, she picked up the bounty hunters reality device. As Violin held that reality device in her right hand, she pointed out, “Still, it would have to be Aeryn's decision.”
Scorpius said, “Of course. And if you are ever able to convince her to come with you. After she has sampled my skills, I am sure you both will return, often.”
Violin looked over at Scorpius, as she admitted, “That I now know, first hand. After everything you have done to me, my family, and my friends, I still want to go back to having sex with you, right now. That really says good things about your skills at the art of sex.”
Scorpius replied, “Thank you. And good luck with your reunion with Aeryn, Little D, and the crew of Moya.”
Violin said, “I appreciate that. It is manners like that, that make me sincerely think of coming back.”
Scorpius calmly requested, “If things don't work out with Aeryn. Let me know.”
Violin teased, “I just might.”
Scorpius commented, “Besides, I am a patient woman.”
Violin complimented, “It is one of your better virtues.”
Scorpius replied, “I know. I can wait. Though, I will have fun in the interim.”
Violin responded, “Of course. And I plan to have some fun as well, in the meantime. Well. see you later, Scorpy.”
Scorpius said, “Until next time, John.”
Violin then thought of her home, in Tokyo, in her bedroom, at the proper time, place, and reality. She then press the red button on her reality device.
Scorpius watched Violin disappear, as the younger woman jumped realities.
Scorpius then stood up. And while naked, she walked to her partly destroyed desk. She pressed the communications button, which she saw was still functional.
Scorpius stated, “Commander Meka.”
Meka replied, “Yes, Grand Chancellor.”
Scorpius ordered, “Assemble the repair crews. And in half an arn, send them to repair my office.
Meka responded, “Yes, Grand Chancellor.”
Scorpius requested, “Also, Commander. I expect a video recording to be made of the recent events in my office. For my personal collection.”
Meka said, “As you wish, Grand Chancellor.”
Scorpius turned off the communications, she then saw that the vase with her white flowers were still standing up right, on the floor. With vase and white flowers in it, being undamaged.
Scorpius let out a small laugh, as she smiled. She said, “Will wonders ever cease? I hope not.”
Scorpius then went to collect, and put on her clothing.
As Scorpius did so, she thought, 'With luck, my office will be back to normal within one solar day. Still, I wonder if Meka watched? She probably did. But, I won't fault her for that.'
'Given how violent the first part of that sexual encounter was, something could have gone wrong. And it would have been wise for someone elsewhere to be ready with a medical team. In case that happened. So, I will overlook her watching the intimate acts between John and I... And with luck, such viewings may even give Meka ideas, or at least inspiration, on such matters.'
On the command deck, in Commander Meka's office, while sitting behind her desk, Meka shut down the video feed to Scorpius' office, on her her desk monitor. She thought, 'I guess Violin, or should I say, John, did a good job. Now, to take care of what Scorpius wants me to do.'
Meka then began the take care of the tasks which Scorpius had assigned for her to do.
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
I hope you readers enjoyed the climax of this story. Which was a climax in more ways that one.
Yes. Pun intended. I could not help myself.
Now, I admit, I am likely going to catch some hell for the yuri sex scene between gender bent Scorpius and reincarnated Violin/John. But, it was worth it.
Ever heard the phase, used on two bickering people, get a room? Well, Scorpius arranged for her to have a room with Violin.
Scorpius and John have screwed each other every way, but that way. It is the only thing left those two have no done towards each other.
And while Violin/John would likely not want to openly admit to it. She was into it. And since she is eighteen, as Violin, it is all fine, from that end.
Though, Aeryn might be pissed, if she finds out about this. But, that is another matter. And if she does find out. Given how manipulative Scorpius is. Aeryn will likely not blame Violin/John, and instead blame Scorpius.
Also. Yes. I was inspired by that season six scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Buffy and Spike start fighting in an abandoned home, with them tearing into the home as much as each other. With the fight devolving into a very rough sex scene where they are still tearing up
Violin and Scorpius put it best.
Scorpius quickly moved toward Violin's face, and kissed her on her lips.
Violin swiftly backed up, as she stated, in shock, “Whoa. Hold it. I came to kick your ass. Not have a piece of it.”
Scorpius suggested, “Why not we do both?”
Scorpius then punched Violin across the room and into a wall.
And yes. Those two work out a lot of the issues with each other, in those battle, and sex scenes.
Now, the other parts of this chapter were fun. Meka got to have some fun with Annie, in having Annie be challenged by some Robocop droids.
With the situation being between the two being more tongue in cheek fun, than being serious with each other.
Though, I enjoyed showing Meka's use of the, 'automate voice system'. Where Annie cannot use her infamous force chock over communications lines, as seen in the Star Wars movies. This is do the indirect manner of the communications.
And I believe that given how crazy prepared Scorpius is, that she would more than likely have come up with such a system, should she ever have to communication with such powerful and dangerous individuals.
It is likely both of them have been around Violin/John and Scorpius, way to long.
I liked how the fight scene between Bob and Bane went, while Ed was hacking the main computer of the Command Carrier Flagship.
Also, I will admit that the way Stan saved Lewis, to change genders and snap out of it, was slightly gross. But, they are siblings. They can get away with that.
And I liked writing how Stan loaned Lewis his red varsity jacket, while Lewis was in his younger female form, with nothing to wear. I found that to be a very touching scene, given how much Stan cared his brother, over his jacket, which he took care of. And barring a few exceptions, Stan was almost always wearing his jacket. And that he was proud of his jacket.
Now, for Book Four, all that is left is the epilogue. And I hope you enjoy the last chapter of Book Four.
Until next time. Have fun.
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