Badasses Of The Multiverse: Book 4: “The Jock, The Nerd, The Bounty Hunters, And The Crazy Chicks.”
Chapter Seven: “John's Violin.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Reality, Farscape Reality. Date, Two days after the Lowe brothers had escaped a second time. Place, in Peacekeeper Space, among the peacekeeper fleet. Time, local time, mid-afternoon.
On board the Command Carrier Flagship of the Peacekeepers Fleet, Inside the front main Commander Carrier shuttle bay, which span two miles wide, by two miles long, by half a mile high. Stood, hundred thousand peacekeepers soldiers, in equal sets of blocks of people, spanning across the hanger, both in depth, and in width. From wall to wall.
All those attending were wearing their dress uniforms.
And all those present faced the front of the hanger. With the gigantic bays door open. The atmospheric forcefield kept everyone inside the shuttle bay, safe.
Those facing the large open doors, saw that behind the forcefield, a star that shown in the distance. The star was a large yellow ball, but the atmospheric forcefield, filter out the radiation, and light, to the point that those present could safely see outside, without harm to their eyesight, and other potential health risks.
Between the atmospheric forcefield and the soldiers, was a small podium. On that podium was a sealed casket. The lid of which was clear.
In that casket was the body of John Crichton, whom was dressed in a peacekeeper officer's uniform. His body was surrounded by the same white flowers that Scorpius kept as a reminder of her mother.
From the middle of the hanger, a woman briskly walked between the rows of peacekeepers, as she made her way towards the podium.
The woman was Scorpius, in her black armor, Her face and head was exposed her face, which showed off her short, white hair. She also had on her black cape.
The microphone hidden in her neck collar was connected speakers in the room, the ship itself, and to the communications relays of all of peacekeeper space.
Scorpius choose not to use the holographic projectors in the room. And she only had cameras there to record and transmit the funeral to other parts of the ship, and Peacekeeper space.
A few minutes later, when she reached the top of the podium, she came to a stop. She looked over at John, for almost a full minute. She turned and faced her subordinates.
As Scorpius spoke, with clear and forceful passion, the speakers of the hanger boomed with her voice, as she gave John his eulogy, in english, as a form of respect to John. With the translator microbes, that everyone present had, easily translating what Scorpius said.
Scorpius stated, “Peacekeepers, Sebaceans, sentient beings, everywhere, I know what all of you here are thinking. Why should we be giving a funeral to an enemy? Why not just forget him, and move on? I am here to tell you why. John Crichton was known as many things. Primitive. Criminal. Renegade.”
“But, John was not just an enemy. He was the greatest enemy the galaxy had ever faced! Do not look upon this man and never forget him! We must not forget this man! For if we do, we will lose one of the best lessons the universe has even given us.”
“That lesson is so simple.”
“That greatness can come from humble beginnings.”
“John came from such humble beginnings. But, he showed the galaxy itself what one person was capable of when he applied himself.”
“For his greatest triumph was to singlehandedly bring the two most powerful forces in the galaxy to their knees!”
“It is said that the highest form of praise is to receive respect from an enemy. And we are here to give due to the respect that John Crichton has earned!”
“This man, did not deserve to die the way he did. To be left on the side of the road, like garbage.”
Scorpius turned to the casket, as she said, “No John, you deserve the honorable funeral that would be fitting for a Peacekeeper Grand Chancellor!”
“I know, that if things had been different. We would have been friends. Colleagues. Maybe more...”
“We were both outsiders in this galaxy. And I understood your pain. You were the closest being to ever approach becoming my equal.”
Scorpius began to shed tears, as she continued, “You were my light. I was your darkness. May you find peace wherever you are.”
Scorpius then turned to face her soldiers, as she ordered, “Salute!”
Everyone present complied.
The casket then began lowering into the floor.
Scorpius turned to faced the atmospheric forcefield.
A few seconds later, Scorpius, everyone else present, and those viewing the broadcast, watched as John's casket was fired into the star.
Scorpius then commanded, “Honor guard! Fire!” Every ship in the fleet fired their guns straight forward for a solid minute, as the sun's gravity caught the casket, and took it to its fiery destiny.
Scorpius took off her microphone, on her collar. She then quietly prayed, “John, I will miss you. I hope wherever you are now, that you are happy.”
In another reality, Ed, Bob, Annie, and Violin were sitting down around a camp fire, in the middle of a valley, in an isolated area that Bob knew about..
Violin was sitting down against a log. She fumbled her lips with her fingers. Then, she started laughing for no reason. She then looked away from the group, as she asked, “What are you doing here?”
Ed stated, “She is getting worse. Do something, dear.”
Bob replied, “What would you have me do?” Bob turned to Annie, as he asked, “What is going on in her mind?”
Annie answered, “You don't want to know.”
Bob inquired, “Can keep you at least keep her from harming herself?”
Annie said, “I believe so.”
Bob replied, “Good. Still, we need to see if we can help her.” Bob turned to his wife, as he requested, “Honey, you speak crazy. You are the only one that can help her, right now.”
Ed looked at her husband, as she replied, “If I could help her. I would. Looks like we are just going to have to watch her, for right now.”
Ed, Bob, and Annie, then turned to Violin, as the silently watched the younger, dark blue haired woman.
At the moment, inside Violin's soul, John looked around, he noticed that he was in padded room in an insane asylum, with both Violin and himself, were sitting in white wooden chairs, with Violin to John's right side. And both John and Violin were wearing white straightjackets.
John saw, that sitting in a white wood chair, in front of Violin and himself, was Harvey, whom was wearing a white doctor's coat, under his usual black armor clothing, and black mask. Which was a more toned down version of Scorpius's black armor.
John continued to look at Harvey, as he demanded, “Harvey? What are you doing here?”
Harvey calmly stated, “It is good to see you to, John. I am your soul's very last shot as salvaging this situation. John, you have come back from the dead to haunt your current life.”
John looked at Harvey, in a confused look on his face, as he asked, “What do you mean, current life? And why is Violin here?”
Harvey sighed. He then calmly inquired, “John, would you say we have lead an interesting life?”
John replied, “That would be an understatement.”
Harvey responded, “True. And let us just say that our life had just gotten a little more interesting. It seems that Violin here is your next incarnation.” Harvey then did his best, Bones McCoy impression, as he continued, “You're dead John.” He then went onto say, in his normal tone of voice, “You died, John. And your soul got reincarnated into this young woman. We are currently in her body, as I try to sort this mess out.”
John quietly said, “Oh no. Aeryn... Little D...”
Harvey commented, “Yes. But, we will deal with that in a minute. Now, we must make the most of the situation, and try to clean up this mess.”
John turned to Violin, whom was catatonic
John looked back towards Harvey, as he asked, “Why is she like that? Or, if we are the same soul, why are we two separate people in here?”
Harvey answered, “Because you are the same soul, but two different personalities. Two different sets of memories. By some fluke of your crazy luck, you have managed to cheat the grand design. And here we are.”
“Because she was partly the cause for you being killed. With her hesitation getting you killed. By not only witnessing your death, but being one of the primary causes, this realization has shocked something in her soul that awoke you from the dreaming memory that you were.”
“Now, she not only knows she took a husband from a wife. A father from a son. She also has the memories of the love you have for them. Her personally has collapsed into a knot, and we have to bring her back. Because this is her life, John. Not ours.”
There was silence for several seconds, as John thought over what Harvey had said.
John then replied, “As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with you there. Just put me back in the bottle. I am more willing to go.”
Harvey explained, “It is not that simple. I cannot just put you to sleep. That is beyond my ability to do. And we cannot leave you two this way. Violin's body is too powerful. There is too much of a risk of her going berserk, and harming people, if you both stay like this.”
John agreed, “You are right about that. So, what are our options?”
Harvey answered, “There is only one option. You two have to became one personality.”
John flatly stated, “No.”
Suddenly, they were all on the command deck of Moya. John and Harvey were standing across the room from each other, with Violin laying on the floor, between them. Violin was in her civilian clothes. Harvey was in his usually black armor clothing. And John was in his usually clothing.
Harvey said, “John, do not be so quick to reject the idea. Do you not see the opportunity you are being presented with here. You have cheated death. You can now go back to your old life. Yes, with a new female body. But, you can be with Aeryn, Little D, and your friends.”
John stated, “I will not knowingly sacrifice one innocent person for my own gain. I survived the death of my mother, my son will survive the death of me.”
Harvey countered, “But, every day you wish you have more time with her. It is unfortunate that you were not able to see her after you died. That is because you died in a reality different from you own reality. This is why we are here in the first place. You realized that if you had stayed, you would never see those you loved again. You do not even remember what happened after your death. But, I do.”
Suddenly, they were in a white room, with no walls, nor ceiling.
For John, it felt like he was watching through his own eyes, and listening, with his own ear, as someone else was in control of the situation.
John yelled, “Where are my friends?! Where is my mother?!”
A chorus of voices said, “You are not of here. Those you seek are not of here.”
John then realized, as he said, “Oh no. I died in another reality. I didn't go to the heaven where my family and friends went.”
The chorus replied, “You understand.”
John asked, “How can I go back there?”
The chorus answered, “There is only one way. One small chance. You must live again as another.”
John inquired, “Reincarnation?”
The chorus replied, “Yes. Soon, there will be a strange union. A child will be produced. This child will have no destiny but her own. She will spend much of her childhood walking between realities, as you walk between doors. Through her, you have a slim chance of being reunited with those you love.”
John caught the pronouns of what the chorus was saying. He questioned, “What a minute. You said, her?”
The chorus answered, “Yes.”
John was silent for a few seconds. He then asked, “Oh well, it does matter as long I still love them, and they accept me... Will I still love them? Will they still accept me?”
The chorus said, “Love lasts longer than lives ever will. If they truly love you, they will accept you. If you truly love them, you will accept them.”
John stated, “Then, let's do this.”
Suddenly, John found himself on a tropical island. And he was back in control of himself.
John looked around, and he saw he was by the beach. As he turned to face land, he saw the beach he was not stretched to across the bay, to his right side. In the bay, there was boat dock, with a PT boat moored to the dock. In front of John, he saw that there was a grassy field inland, that lead to mansion.
John also noticed that the beach where he was standing was not part of the beach, but was exposed to the sea, with small waved breaking nearby. Though, he was on dry sand.
John then looked down at himself, and he saw that was he wearing only a buttoned up short sleeved shirt, and Bermuda shorts. He looked to his left, and he saw Violin was laying on the beached, wearing a dark blue bikini that match her dark blue hair. Her feet were pointed towards the water, and it looked like she was sunbathing.
John then noticed that between Violin, and himself, was Harvey, whom was standing closer to the tree and brush line.
John saw that Harvey was wearing a Hawaiian t-shirt, and a straw hat over his black armor. And John noticed that Harvey looked back at him.
John continued to look at Harvey, as he stated, “I don't remember this place.”
Harvey explained, “And you won't. This is not from your memory, John. This place is from Violin's life experiences. I come here when I want to be somewhere peacefully to think.” Harvey then continued in a more jubilant tone of voice, “And here we can have those margaritas shooters, and pizza, I always wanted.”
John laughed at his joke, few a few seconds. Then, as he calmed down, he walked to the edge of the shoreline, where the sand was still dry. He sat down on the dry sand, which his legs crouched up to his chest. And his arms around his legs.
John looked at the small waves breaking in front of him, and the vastness of the seat behind the waves. He asked, “Can I be removed, or cut out from Violin?”
Harvey calmly walked over, and around, behind John. He then sat down by John, to John's right side.
Harvey looked out at the sea, as he left out a deep breath. Harvey answered, “John, this is not your brain. This is your soul. Our soul. None of us can simply be cut out. And we have to deal with this now, or there might not be a later.”
John turned to Harvey, as he pleaded, “Let us go back in the box. I will even play checkers with you.”
Harvey looked over at John, as he said, in a calm, polite tone of voice, “John, I know why you don't want to do this. And I fully understand. But, it has to be done.”
John looked over at Violin, as he said, “Now, that I think about it. I have seen some of her memories. She is still so innocent. So, sweet and kind. On the other hand, I have so much baggage. All that pain and suffering. The loss. I do not want anyone to have to deal with that agony.”
Harvey continued to look at John, as he pointed out, “Not all of it was horrible. Focus on the joys, the gifts, the accomplishments. Look towards the good in your life. Not the bad.”
John continued to look at Violin, as he stated, “This girl deserves a normal life. Or, at least a pleasant one. I don't want to take away her innocence. We are so different.”
Harvey said, “You are wrong, John. You are more alike than either of you realize.”
Suddenly, John found that Harvey, and himself, were standing beside each other, in a room of an alien ship. Harvey to John's right side.
By them looked down, and in front of them, to see two children. One was a twelve year old boy, the other was Violin at age five, at the most.
Violin was drawing pictures, while the boy was looking at some of the pictures Violin had drawn.
Harvey explained, “This is from Violin's own memories. John, have a look at those pictures she drew.”
John did so. As he looked over, at the pictures on the floor, by Violin, he was shocked at what he saw. They were pictures of his friends. His lovers. His enemies. Pictures of creatures he had met. Places he had been too. And starships he had been on.
Harvey praised, “John, you lived a life so passionately, that even before this incident, your memories and personality were already bleeding through into Violin's dreams, and into her subconscious. Let me show you another example of her memories. Brace yourself. This one is going to floor you.”
Suddenly, they were in the middle of a huge lobby, with lots of people around, during a science fiction and fantasy convention.
By them was Violin as sixteen years old teenage girl.
What she had on shocked John to his core.
Violin was wearing a very good reproduction of one of Aeryn's sexier outfits. The one with the midriff that exposed her belly. And given her slender body frame, and dark blue hair, she pulled off the look very well.
Currently, Violin was talking on a cellphone. John could not hear the other end of the line.
Violin said, “Listen mom. You are just going to have to accept the fact that I am a diehard science fiction fan. I live for these conventions. And given who we are, this is not surprising.”
“You shouldn't worry about me being alone. You know what we are both capable of.”
“Yes. I kept my promise about not wearing a golden chainmail bikini. Unlike last time.”
“Yes. I am wearing that. Everyone is going as a jedi. I decided to do something different.”
“I know it is an old series, but watching Farscape makes me feel comfortable.”
Harvey mentioned, “If you are wondering, John, Farscape is the title of the series you are from. And that costume, along with some wonderful acrobatic abilities, that Violin inherited from her mother, won Violin first place at that year's cosplay contest, at this convention.”
John realized in horror, as he stated, “Oh lord! I made myself into my biggest fan!”
Harvey was amused by John's reaction. Harvey admitted, in a casual tone of voice, “Yes. Narcissistic. But, a bit touching, as well. Your love for your friends has managed to cross beyond lifetimes. Because of this, you have a lot in common with Violin. Including, your interests, hobbies, wants, tastes, needs, desires, and your love of dropping injokes at every chance you both get. This should tell you that merging with her personality won't change her that much. To be honest, it might be the best for both of you. And afterward, you will be able to swing both ways.”
Suddenly, they were in a formal bedroom, with a large bed, across from two nice, large, cushion chairs. The lamp softly lit the room with light.
John noticed he was sitting in one of the chair. And all he had on was a velvet bathrobe. Across from him was Violin in the other chair, and she appeared to be asleep.
John saw that Violin only wore a velvet robe, as well.
Standing in front of John was Harvey. He was wearing a butler's outfit.
John looked up at Harvey, as he stated, “I do not want to violate Violin's innocence.”
Harvey softly said, “When innocence is taken, it does not have to be a violation. When two people make love, their innocence is lost, but in making that sacrifice, they create something greater than their innocence. This is what I am trying to teach you.”
John thought about what Harvey said for a few seconds. He then sighed. He asked, “How did you become such a good poet?”
Harvey answered, “You were a poet, many times, in your various lives. I wish I had time to show you the works you have created. I wept from joy at reading your literary creations.”
John took a deep breath. He then slowly let out his breath. After which, he calmly inquired. “Okay. Here is the big question. How do I prevent myself from consuming her? I have more memories than her. And they are far more intense.”
Harvey answered, “The simplest method. Do not take her. Let her have you.”
Harvey then used his hands to pulled back and remove his mask, from his face and head, to reveal that though he still had the face of Scorpius as a man. But, Harvey's face was so much healthier. He looked more like a pale skin, human man.
Harvey smiled, as he began to cry. He stated, “John, it seems by some divine action, I have been allowed to continue to exist. It seems that part of me was grafted to your soul. And what an existence I have had.”
“I have seen so much. Experienced so much. And not just from you, and Violin. But, from all your past lives. And you, John, have truly lived an incredible existence. And because of this, I am not what I once was. I am no longer loyal to Scorpius. I am now only loyal to you.”
Harvey turned to looked at Violin, as he continued, “To her.”
Harvey then turned back to John, as he went onto say, “To every face. To every life you have lived, and will ever live. I will always love you like a sibling. And I will be here when you need me.”
John realized how sincere Harvey was.
John got up and hugged Harvey. Harvey returned John hug, for several seconds.
When they let go of each other, John looked at Harvey, in Harvey's face, as John's said, “Thank you, Harvey. If you can change, then so can I.”
Harvey stated, “I am glad, for once, to be your inspiration. If you need me. If you want me to come. You don't even have to call me. I will be there for you.”
Harvey then faded from John's sight.
John thought, 'I guess Harvey finally got his wings and halo. And he really is now my guardian angel. I am not sure how I feel about that. Though, I do not feel bad about it.'
John then turned his attention to Violin, as he continued this thoughts, 'Now, to deal with the matter at hand.'
John calmly walked over to Violin. When John came to a stop, in front of where Violin was sitting, he leaned down, and whisper in Violin's right ear. “I know you can hear me. What happened was not your fault. I choose to save you. That is my burden. Not yours. Please come back. All we can do know is move forward, work towards regaining the joys we had, and create new joys, as well.”
John then leaned up and took a few steps back from Violin.
A few seconds later, John watched as Violin opened her eyes.
Violin looked at John, as John looked back at Violin.
Violin asked, “Who are you?”
John thought, 'She is likely still slightly disorientated. Though, I might as well honestly answer her.'
John answered, “Well, it seems I am the you that was. But presently, you need to be the you that is now.”
Violin then recalled whom John was, as she inquired, in a confused tone of voice, “Oh, John. What do you mean?... And what are you doing here?...” She looked around, as she continued, “And where is here?”
John responded, “Just remember what I have remembered, from the last few minutes, and you will understand.”
Violin stopped looking around, as she looked straight ahead for a few moments. She then looked back up at John. She calmly said, “I understand. Though, I am slightly afraid.”
John admitted, “So, am I, Violin.”
Violin said, in a sober tone of voice, “I know. I just don't know if I am ready to do this.”
John responded, “Take your time. I am more than willing to wait until you are ready.”
Violin stated, “I think I will.”
Violin got up from her chair, and they slowly walked beside each other, over to the foot of the bed. With Violin standing to John's right side.
John then took off his robe, as he turned around, and laid on his back, fully onto the bed.
Violin looked at John, as she asked, in a slightly embarrassed tone of voice, “It is wrong to say that this is one of my teenage fantasies?”
John just laughed, for a few seconds.
As John stopped laughing, Violin smiled at John. She then took off her robe and joined him, as she said, “Now, I am ready.”
Back in reality, by the camp fire, Ed, Bob, and Annie, watched while Violin closed her eyes, and suddenly laid on her side, towards them, to their left side.
Violin then clutch her stomach with both arms, as she began to moan.
Ed commented, “Whatever is happening, I think she is enjoying it.”
Annie stated, “She is.”
The moaning slowly became passionate screaming, for several seconds. Until, Violin's screams suddenly stopped, as she went silent.
Violin opened her eyes, and sat up. She looked to her right side, at the group with a focus and clarity showing in her eyes.
Bob asked, “Are you Violin, or John?
Violin smiled, as she happily answered, “I am me.”
Bob praised, “Good answer.”
Violin continued to grin, as she replied, “Thank you.”
Annie offered, “Would you like you items back from your previous life back?”
Violin answered, “Yes.”
Annie stood up, and walked over to Violin. She then pulled from the pockets of her robes, John's holstered pulse pistol, which John called, Winona.
Violin stood up, and undid her belt and looped her holster on her right side of her waist, with the deactivated pulse pistol in it.
As Violin tightening her belt back up, Annie started pulling out the other items that she had taken from John's corpse. Annie handed those items to Violin.
Violin gently took those other items and put them in the pockets of her clothing. Except for her wedding ring.
Violin look at John's wedding ring. She saw that it was to big for her fingers, as she thought, 'I will have to get my wedding ring adjusted to fit my new ring size on my ring finger. I don't even have to try it on to know that it is to big for my slender fingers. But, that is a small matter. Right now, I have to deal with both my families. I guess telling mom and dad first, would be best. I will deal with my wife and son after this mess is over.'
Violin put her wedding ring into one of her pockets, as she turned to look at Annie. She said, “Thank you.”
Annie was careful to avoid the nearby campfire, while she took a few steps away from Violin, as she looked down at the younger, dark blue haired woman. She replied, “You're welcome.”
Violin turned Ed and Bob, as she asked, “Would it be okay if you take me back to my parent's home? After the last time I left there. Which was in the late morning, on a Sunday. I need to talk to my family about this... Well, Violin's family. And they should all be at home, then. I will also have to talk with John's family. Once I figure how I am going to do that.”
Ed stood up. Then, Bob stood up.
Bob and Ed looked over at Violin, as Ed stated, “I am sure you will. And as soon as Annie checks you out, and says you are fine. Yes. We will immediately take you there.”
Violin turned to Annie, as she asked, “What do I need to do?”
Annie continued to look at Violin, as she requested, “Just relax your mind. This will only take less than a minute to do.”
Violin continued to looked up at Annie, as she replied, “Okay.” She then did as Annie instructed her to do so.
A few seconds later, Violin felt as Annie touched her mind with the force. It was not painful, though it was not pleasant, either. But, Violin knew what Annie was doing would not last long. And Violin dealt with the situation, in a calm, mature manner.
Several seconds afterward, Annie stated, “Violin is back to being sane. Well, as sane as a person in her situation can be. There are is only one personality in her head, right now. It seems the Violin and John's personalities have merged.”
Ed stated, “That is good.”
Violin turned to Ed, as she agreed, “Yea. It is.” She turned back to Annie, as she asked, “By the way, Annie. Do you still consider us friends?”
Annie happily responded, “Always. As John, you were the only person I could partner with, where you were fun to be around, and I did not feel like strangling you most of the time. If you were not married, I would have slept with you, by now... Hey, you are not married, right now.”
Violin stated, “I consider myself married. I just need to talk Aeryn about it. Anyway, don't worry about Aeryn. I won't let her kill any of you, for my actions. Nor, will I let my mother, and stepfather, harm you for my stupidity.”
Bob questioned, “Thank you. So, do we call you Violin, or John?”
Violin turned to Bob, as she answered, “Either name is fine with me. But, I guess calling me, Violin, will raise few questions, while in public.”
Bob thought, 'That is a good point.' He said, “Okay. So, Violin, it is.”
Violin shrugged, as she replied, “That works for me.”
Violin turned to Annie, as she commented, “You know, Annie. The only thing about our partnership, back then, that I did not like, was that I could not play as rough as you could.” Violin then smirked towards Annie, as she continued, “Now, that is no longer a problem.”
Annie giggled, as she said, “Glad to have you back, John.”
Violin smile turned more warm, as she replied, “It is good to be back.”
Meanwhile, Ed pulled out her reality device, as Bob kicked some dirt onto the campfire, to put it out fire.
Ed turned to Annie, and Violin, as she stated, “Now, that this problem is solved. We can move on. Violin, we will dropped you by your family home, an hour after you left for the bikini part. And we be by tomorrow, at noon, to pick you up. For us it will be a few seconds. Do you think that will be enough time for you to sort out your problems with this part of your family?”
Violin turned to Ed, as she answered, “Yes. That should be long enough.”
Everyone walked up to stand close to Ed.
Ed then used her reality device to take Violin back to her family home, in Bob's home reality, an hour after Violin had left for the bikini party on Lagoon Island.
A split second later, the four adults appeared in the front yard of Violin's family home, in Tokyo Japan.
They saw that it was a partly cloudy day.
Ed stated, “It should be Sunday. Noon. Around an hour after you left. If you are right, your family should be here, at this time and day.”
Violin agreed, “Yes. They should be here. Because, I remember they were all here, when I left.”
Ed remarked, “Good. It is nice being able to keep a schedule.”
Violin mentioned, “And before I graduated. It was also nice taking a week off from school. With no one realizing it. Until mom realized what I was doing.”
Annie asked, “How did she catch you?”
Violin turned away from the other three adults, whom were looking at her, as she answered, in an embarrassed tone of voice, “Well, my mother, Birdy, is a police detective. And well, when she noticed, from the frequent use of our bathroom sanitary pads and tampons, that I was having my monthly periods almost every other week, she realized something was up.”
Ed and Annie laughed.
Bob just lowed his head, as shook his head, slightly, from side to side, a few times.
As Ed and Annie calmed down, Annie stated, “Busted.”
Violin looked at the three other adults, as she shrugged. She replied, in a casual tone of voice, “Yea. The perils of time dilation.”
Annie asked, “Why didn't you just have your periods, while on your vacations, outside your reality?”
Violin answered, “Because unlike some people we know, Annie, when I use my reality device to go on vacation. I want to get away from all my troubles. Including that. And, I don't like having sex during that time. It is just to messy for my taste.”
Annie responded, “I fully agree. So, you are not a virgin?”
Violin stated, “Of course not. Though, I waited until my sixteenth birthday to lose my virginity. I lost it to a male teenage school friend that was not very lucky with girls. Though, he was very nice to me. But, while he liked girls. He respected me enough to not make a pass at me.”
“I admired that about him. And I made him the offer. And he accepted.”
“We both went in knowing it was a one night stand. And we are still friends to this day. I admit, that after that, at the sci-fi conventions, I became known as a bit of a slut with the fans there.”
“I have slept with mostly boys, my age. But, also a few teenage girls, my age, as well. Given my current situation, with Aeryn, I consider being bi-sexual a plus.”
Annie commented, “No arguments there.”
Violin said, “Though, I always used a condom.”
Ed complimented, “That was intelligent of you.”
Violin mentioned, “Thank you. I have never gotten pregnant, nor gotten an STD. Though, my not ever getting an STD might be because I am part alien. But, I do not want to take chances. So, I continue to use condoms.”
Bob said, “Yes. It is best not to take chances, on such matters.”
Annie inquired, “Still, I don't understand one point about the situation. You are a genius, two times over. You knew that using such items, in your household, that you mother provided for you, for your month period, so often, might get you caught with you mother. Why didn't you just buy your own feminine hygiene products?”
Violin admitted, “Because I was being cheap. I hope that doesn't make a me a cheap slut. Especially, now that I realize I am married.”
Annie replied, in a casual tone of voice, “Nah. Though, I am going to have some fun with this later on.”
Violin warned, “Don't even start. There are things I have kept secret about your life.”
Annie dared, “Such as?”
Violin answered, “Back in San Francisco, the night after we watched that Pirates of the Caribbean movie marathon. We both went to our bedroom. With were beside each other. But, you clearly forget that our bedrooms shared a single wall. And you were moaning, 'Jack Sparrow' in your sleep...” She cracked a wicked grin, as she continued, “Well, I hope you were asleep, at the time.”
Annie blushed, as she denied, “I wasn't. Though, he is hot.”
Violin responded, “I won't deny that. Actually, I would be a hypocrite to say that I did not get wet in thinking about him, once or twice, when I started puberty.”
Annie shrugged, responded, “Understandable. I knew better than to fantasize about your old body, John. And it was tempting to do so. But, you were a married man. So, I had to think about someone, and I was just in the mood for something more masculine, than feminine. Speaking of which, how do you view Aeryn on that subject.”
Violin deadpanned, “Personality? Or body?”
Annie replied, “I see.” She then started giggling.
Violin said, “Well, I need to go inside, and talk to my parents.”
Bob stated, “Good luck.”
Violin commented, “Given the personality and gender issues that run in my family here, I am not expecting too much trouble. On the other hand. As I said before. I am not sure how I am going to break the news to those on Moya.”
Bob stated, “Tell them the truth. You all have been through strange experiences, for them to believe you.”
Violin let out a laugh. She then admitted, “There is some truth to that comment. We have even done the body swapping, gender bending before.”
Annie smirked, as she said, “We know. At least this time, Aeryn is not in your pants.”
Violin then laughed some more. She then said, “Though, I am hoping Aeryn will be in my pant, soon enough.”
Annie continued to smirk, as she teased, “Well, good luck, lover-girl.”
Ed said, “Okay. Group up.”
Annie and Bob took a few steps closer to Ed.
Ed then used her reality device to teleport a day into the future, of Violin and Bob's home reality.
While Violin calmed down, she watched three friend three disappear.
Violin turned around and started walking toward the front door to her home. As Violin did so, she pulled out her house key, from a pants pocket.
When she reached the door, she unlocked it, opened the door, went inside, closed the door, and locked it behind her.
Violin thought, 'Now, were are mom and dad?'
She the walked through the hallway, and to the entrance to their family living room
Violin said that her parents were sitting on the ends of the couch, with their son, Violin's younger half-brother, Yuuichi, sitting between them. There were school books on the table in front of the couch.
Birdy, Violin's mother, was currently holding a school book, while she, and Nataru, Violin's stepfather, were helping Yuuichi go over the material in it.
Violin mentally guess, 'While, I am not out of school, my younger brother is not. And it is nice that mom and dad are helping Yuuichi with his homework. Well, I might as well break the news to them.'
Violin wanted around the living room, to stand between the table, and the TV, with her family facing her. Violin said, in a serious tone of voice, in japanese, “Mom. Dad. Yuuichi. I am home. And we need to talk.”
Birdy, Nataru, and Yuuichi, stopped what they were doing, and they looked up at Violin.
As Birdy set the school book in her hand down, onto the table, she calmly asked, in japanese, “What is it, Violin?”
Violin walked over and sat on a cushioned chair, by the couch, to her family's right side. She turned to face her family, as she answered, “I have some things to say, that you are likely not going to believe. And you are probably not going to like.”
Nataru said, in japanese, “Violin, we are always open minded. Please, tell us what is going on.”
Violin admitted, “Long story short, I went to the Farscape reality, against your wishes.”
Birdy inquired, in a stern, motherly tone of voice, “How much trouble did you get into?”
Violin thought, with concern, 'Oh no. I know that tone of voice. Mom is not happy. But, I might as well get this over with.' She hesitantly replied, “Not as much as you would suspect.”
Nataru suggested, “Violin, perhaps you should start from the beginning, before you mother gets upset.”
Meanwhile, Yuuichi realized that his older half-sister was in trouble, and he wisely remained silent.
Violin said, “Good idea. It all started when I was at that latest bikini part, on Lagoon Island.”
Nataru commented, “I always felt those parties were nothing but trouble.”
Birdy cracked a smile, as she said, “They are not that bad. You should come some time.”
Nataru flatly stated, “No thank you. Not with the current requirements for those parties.”
Violin thought, 'I better keep this conversation moving in the right direction.” Violin stated, “Anyway, while I was there, two brothers dropped in on us, from another reality.”
Birdy commented, “Oh. Then, those two are in trouble.”
Violin said, “Not really. They took on look around, ran for the mansion, and jumped to another reality.”
Nataru theorized, “It sounds like they did not go there voluntarily.”
Violin agreed, “After they left, those of us at the party got to talking, and we all agreed that was the case. And we agreed that they should be left alone on coming there unannounced. They clearly didn't know where they were. What the rules were. Nor, what was going on. And they immediately left.”
Nataru commented, “I am glad that sanity reigned for once on that island.”
Violin sighed. She said, “Dad, you are never going to forgive the Lagoon family, for that one comment Revy made, when we went to visit them for Kristina's birthday, years ago.”
Nataru responded, “Likely not. I have seen their series. They have seen ours. It was clear that Revy, and most of the other women there, do not understand the difference between directed vengeance, and wholesale slaughter. On the other hand, I do. That is why they still lead somewhat dangerous lives, while I was able to return to a more civilized life.”
Birdy turned to her husband, as she stated, “That, and the fact that I used almost every favor I had to keep the Federation from coming after you.”
Nataru conceded, “That to.”
Birdy turned back to her daughter, as she inquired, “Now, when you say brothers, which brothers are you talking about?
Violin answered, “The Lowe brothers. And they were around my age, when they stopped by.”
Nataru commented, “Bob and Ed's kids?”
Violin replied, “Yes.”
Nataru inquired, “From what I understand, they decided to try to give them, as they called it, a normal life.”
Violin responded, “Yes, they did. Until their cousins stopped by at the Lowe home, while the Bob and Ed.
Nataru questioned, “Cousins? Which ones?”
Violin said, “Mikoto, Nodoka, and Yurika.”
Birdy commented, “Oh them.”
Violin responded, “Yes. Them. And those three set off the chain reaction that has lead the two brothers into becoming lost in the multiverse, while on the run from so very bad people. And, to be honest, this is not really their fault.”
Birdy stated, “Those three girls, well girls most of their time, are almost as troublesome as their parents. Though, they are great people. Just trouble magnets.”
Violin agreed, “No arguments there.”
Nataru requested, “So, what else happened?”
Violin responded, “A lot.”
Violin then told them the rest of the story.
Nearly a half hour later, Violin finished her story.
Nataru thought, 'I use to think that being an Alteran, living on an alien world, Earth. With my Alteran wife. Raising our children on an alien world. That our life could not get any stranger. Man was I wrong.'
Yuuichi was the first to speak. He said, in japanese, “So, you are sort of like, mom?”
Violin continued to look at her family, as she stated, “Sort of. I am the reincarnation of John Crichton.” She mentally added, 'I think I will omit what the means in my personal life, until I can first talk to Aeryn and Little D.'
Nataru inquired, with a little disbelief, “The main character of that sci-fi series which you like to watch?”
Violin admitted, “I know how this sounds. But, yes. That is the person. It is the reason I am such a fan of that series.”
Birdy directly said, “Violin, I think you may need some professional help.”
Violin responded, “I already had some Also, I cannot believe you can say that with a straight face. Given your personal life. The events surrounding my conception. That was a fun conversation we had a few years ago. Who and what we are. Our friends. And some of the places we travel to.”
Birdy conceded, “You may have a point there.”
Violin stated, “I can even prove it. I will be right back.” She got up, and headed to her bedroom, on the second floor.
A few minutes later, she came back down the stairs, with a small stack of loose papers. When she reached the living room, she stood in front of the table, facing her family, whom were still sitting on the couch.
She said the picture on the table. Her family then picked up, and looked at the pictures.
They saw they were the pictures that Violin drew as a child.
As Violin's family continued to look at the pictures, Violin said, “Mom. Dad. You have both seen the Farscape series. But, it has been a very long time since mom, nor I have seen these pictures I drew, with crayons, when draw them, from very early age, to around seven years old.”
As her parents, looked at the pictures that they had in their hands, Birdy commented, “I remember when you drew these, Violin.”
Violin smiled, as she commented, “So, do I. I even remember that party on the beach, when I was five. And I am glad we kept these drawings. Now, look more closely at the picture. I will even pointed them out for you.”
Violin walked around to stand behind to the left side of the couch, as she looked at her family. Violin then pointed at specific pictures. Both on the table, and in her family's hands. As Violin did this, she went onto to say, “That is Aeryn. That is Dargo. That is Zhaan. That is Chiana. That is Pilot. You can recognize most of the others. And that is a picture I drew of a Peacekeeper Command Carriers. I have to admit, when it comes to sci-fi ship designs, that is a cool spaceship.”
After several seconds of looking at the picture, Birdy and Nataru looked each other, over Yuuichi.
Nataru said, “Birdy. I think we should hear our daughter out.”
Birdy replied, “I agree.”
Both parents then looked up at Violin, as Birdy pointed out, “So, if you are telling the truth. That means you are a fan of your own series? Which, I will grants, given what we know of the multiverse, is theoretically possible, but very, very unlikely.”
Violin walked back to the chair, to the left of the couch, and right behind her. She sat down in the chair, and looked over at her family. She stated, “Yes. And I know it is twisted, almost behind belief... But... Look at our lives. Who and what we are. This is not that far fetched.”
Birdy said, “You have a pointed there. When you are at toddler, you told me about strange dreams you had of sci-fi battles. So, those dreams, and these pictures you drew, do support your claims.”
Violin requested, “I don't remember those dreams. Still, on another note, given your experiences with merging personalities, I was hoping to get your advice on the subject.”
Birdy offered, “If what you are saying it true, daughter. I am more than happy to give it to you.”
Violin replied, “Thank you.”
Nataru inquired, “As you say, daughter. Given everything we have all been through, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Still, if that is the case, than whom am I truly speaking too?”
Violin answered, “Good question. I am still your daughter. I just got a lot more memories than I already had. Also, I suspect that my personality from my previous life has been bleeding into my personality in this life, since I was a young child.”
Nataru questioned, “How so?”
Violin explained, “This is why I am such a sci-fi fan, and die-hard Farscape fan.”
Nataru inquired, “Well there be any difference between you now, and then?”
Violin shook her head, as she answered, “Not likely. After reviewing both my lives, my personalities in both lives were not that different. It made the merger likely a lot easier, than what happened to mom.”
Birdy said, “That is likely.”
Violin commented, “Anyway, you will probably not even notice the difference, with my personality.”
Nataru replied, “I hope so.”
Meanwhile, Yuuichi was looked at the pictures. He then pointed at a young, black haired boy, in one of the pictures, as he asked, “Who is that?”
Violin inwardly frowned, as she thought, 'Of all the pictures he had to point too. It has to be that one.”
Nataru inquired, “Yes. Who is that? I don't recognize him from the series.”
Birdy requested, “I would like to know too.”
Violin looked away from them, as she answered, “Little Dargo. Little D... John's... My ten year old son.”
Birdy thought, 'And he is still alive, and so is you former wife, Aeryn. Oh, my poor, poor daughter. I never wanted something like this to happen to you. And you also have baggage from your previous life. And knowing you, Violin, you would try to do right by them. What a mess.'
Birdy got up, and walked over to her daughter, whom was still sitting in her chair.
Birdy then leaned down and hugged her daughter, as she said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Don't worry sweetie, we will help you through this.”
A few seconds later, Birdy let go of her daughter and lead up.
Violin looked up at her mother, as she replied, “Thank you, mom.”
Birdy then went back to her place on the couch. The Shinmyou family then continued talking about how they could help Violin with the problems that had come up in her personal life.
The Shinmyou family continued talking for another two hours, before they reached a stopping point.
Violin mentioned, “There is one other matter.”
Birdy inquired, “Which is?”
Violin stated, “I came here immediately after I merged my personality. To help sort out what happened to me. And I have done that, with all of your help. But, I have unfinished business to attend to in the multiverse.”
“Now, not to sound childish, but I am eighteen and I have already graduated from high school. On top of having the memories from another life. But, that life has loose ends I need to deal with. I am not sure yet how I am going to handle the situation. But, I do need to talk to Aeryn and Little D.”
Birdy said, “We will support whatever you decided to do, Violin. Isn't that right, Nataru?”
Nataru did not hesitate, as he replied, “Yes. We will.”
Violin responded, “Thank you, mom, and dad.”
Birdy thought, 'I remember a conversation I had with Bob, on Lagoon island, years ago, when I was pregnant with Yuuichi. Though, I doubt Violin remembers that conversation. I won't mention that now, to Violin, because I don't want to risk making the situation worse for everyone.”
“And if things go the way I hope, I have a feeling that this is going to turn out alright. Though, my son, and my step-grandson, are likely going to have an interesting life together, as good friends.'
Violin commented, “Also, I was helping Ed and Bob find their boys. And they are suppose to pick me back up tomorrow at noon.”
Birdy inquired, “I am proud of you doing that, but are you sure you are okay to do this?”
Violin answered, “Yes. I think so.”
Nataru asked, “Is there anyone else in your group?”
Violin said, “Annie is with us.”
Nataru replied, “Okay. Annie has a good head on her shoulders.”
Violin pointed, “Dad, I have never understood this matter. You have a problem with the Black Lagoon women. But, you have no problems with Darth Vader.”
Nataru explained, “Annie and I had a long conversation about our lives. And like myself, Annie has learned from her actions and moved on. I admire her for that.”
Violin conceded, “Okay. You have a point there. And Annie is also a friend of mine. I both my lives.”
Nataru replied, “That is good.” He thought, 'I do remember, when I talked to Annie, she mentioned that she had a friend named, John. That guess that was, John Crichton. And Annie and Violin seemed to have a decent friendship. So, I don't have to worry, on that matter. I have a lot of other matters right now, to worry about, with my daughter. But, not this matter.'
Birdy said, “Well, anyway. Considering you have my abilities. I am not that concerned about your safety. And with Annie, Bob, and Ed with you, I am sure you will be alright. Still, good luck.”
Nataru commented, “I have faith that you will be fine as well, Violin.”
Yuuichi requested, “Please, let me know what happens, sis.”
Violin responded, “Thank you. I am glad you all understand. And brother, I will let you know what happens.”
Yuuichi smiled in response to his sister's reply.
Violin said, “I am glad you all understand. I am now going out to the front yard to get some fresh air.”
Birdy responded, “Okay. We will be here helping your brother with his homework.”
Violin smiled, as she got up from her chair, and headed to the hallway that let to the front door.
Meanwhile, Birdy and Nataru went back to helping Yuuichi.
A few seconds later, Violin had exited the front door, and closed it behind her. She then walked around the yard, she took slow deep breaths to help her relax.
Violin happily thought, 'That went much better than I expected it would go. One family done. One family to go.'
Suddenly, she overheard to voices in front of her, by the sidewalk, in front of her family's front yard.
Violin turned to see the Stan and Lewis in front of her.
Lewis commented, in english, “Well, this is certainly peacefully.”
Stan agreed, in english, “Yes. It is a nice change of pace.”
Violin mentally screamed, in both excitement, and concern, 'You have got to be kidding me! I must be the luckiest person in the multiverse, right now. Even with everything else that has happened to me. Which is not really that bad, when I think about it. I also need to remember that these two likely don't know japanese.'
'I think Ed and Bob taught them a number of languages. But, they do know english. Just not japanese. Which I can work to my advantage.'
Violin turned to them, as she said, in english, “Hello.”
Stan replied, “Hi.”
Lewis commented, “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
Stan asked, “Please, don't take this the wrong way. But, where are we?”
Violin thought, 'That won't be a problem. I have asked that some of these questions in similar situations before. I wish I could tell you two straight out what is going on. But, I think you would just run. Still, I can help you in other ways. Like pointing you in the right direction, when it comes to Scorpius.'
'Though, I think I may have inadvertently screwed myself in doing so. I am not sure if you two are here before, or after, I met you on Moya. And I cannot directly ask you. So, I will just have to make the best of this interesting situation.'
Violin answered, “Tokyo.”
Lewis thought, 'We were just talking... And thinking about Tokyo. And from the looks of this place, this is clearly further in the past. Maybe when our father was our age... Could that be how this thing works.'
Lewis said, “Thank you for the answer.”
Violin commented, “Don't mention it. Still, you two look like you have been through the ringer.”
Stan admitted it, “You could say that.”
Lewis greeted her, “Anyway, I am, Lewis Lowe. And this is my brother, Stan Lowe. It is nice to meet you.”
Violin replied, “It is nice to meet you both. My name is, Violin Cephon Shinmyou.” Violin mentally added, 'But, I am likely soon going to change that to Violin Cephon Shinmyou Crichton.' She then continued, “You can called me Violin. Still, why don't you both come inside. You can meet my family. And at the very least, you can get something to eat, use the restroom, and get cleaned up a bit.”
Lewis smiled, while he responded, “Who are we to argue with a beautiful woman?”
Stan just shrugged.
Violin giggled for a few seconds.
The boys then started walking over towards Violin.
Violin then walked to her front door, and opened it, as she let the brothers into her home.
Once the brothers were inside, she walked into her home as well, closing the door behind her.
Violin then walked passed the brothers, as she said, “This way. And don't worry about the shoes. You can keep them on. We are a bit casual around here.”
Violin thought, 'Because my parents are aliens, and not native japanese... Well, I am half-alien, half japanese human. But, that is too much to get into. Let alone think about for too long.'
The teenage woman lead the brothers into her family's living room.
When the brothers into the living room, they saw three other individuals sitting at the couch, in front of a coffee table, straight in front of a wall mounted flat, widescreen TV.
There three individual. A woman, a man, and a young boy.
There were books on the coffee table, at the three of them were looking over.
Violin lead the brothers to wear they stood between the turned off TV, and the coffee table, in front of the couch.
The adults, and boy looked up at the newcomers, while the boys looked down at them.
All their of them had blue eyes, and appeared asian, like Violin.
The woman that looked almost exactly like Violin, only a few years old. She had dark blue hair. She was wearing a wearing pants, a blouse, and dress shoes.
The man was around the same youthful age at the woman. He has black hair, and wore dark pants, blue t-shirt, white tennis shoes.
The boy had white hair boy's school uniform, with matching tennis shoes.
Violin said, in english, “Mom, Dad, Yuuichi, I would like to meet Lewis and Stan Lowe.”
Stan thought, 'They look too young to be Violin's parents. But, whom am I to judge.'
Violin said, “The woman is Birdy Tsutomu Shinmyou, my mother, and a detective of the Tokyo PD. The man is, Nataru Shinmyou, my stepfather, and a physical rehabilitation nurse at a local hospital. And the eight year old boy is my half-brother, Yuuichi.”
Yuuichi was the first to speak, in english, “Hello.”
Stan said, “Hello to all of you.”
Lewis commented, “It is always nice to meet new people.”
Then, Violin and her family had a conversation in japanese.
Violin said, in japanese, “Mom. Dad. We just lucked out big time. Like I just said, this is Stan and Lewis Lowe. Also, speak in a japanese. They don't know japanese.”
Birdy questioned, in japanese, “So these are the Lowe brothers?”
Violin replied, “Yes.”
Nataru commented, in japanese, “I was wondering why you would bring two strange men into our home.”
Violin defended the boys, as she stated, “Don't worry. They are good people.”
Birdy said, “We know.”
Violin stated, “Listen. All we got to do is keep them here tell tomorrow at noon, when Ed and Bob come. And they can pick them up, and handle the situation from there.”
Nataru complimented, “Great idea.”
Violin commented, “By the way, thanks for playing like you did not know them.”
Birdy shrugged, as she replied, “It wasn't hard to figure out what was going on.”
Nataru nodded, as he said, “Yes. They are the only Lowe brothers we know of.”
Violin then turned to her brother, as she requested, “Yuuichi, try not to say anything, else. It is very important we don't mess this up.”
Yuuichi replied, in japanese, “Okay.”
Birdy said, “That is a good point. It might be best if we only interact with them as little as possible.”
Violin responded, “I agree.”
Nataru stated, “We will just take Yuuichi, head to the kitchen, and finish helping him, with his school work, there.”
Birdy said, “Violin, they are your guests. You keep them busy.”
Violin responded, “I can handled it. I have just the TV series in mind to keep them busy.”
Birdy replied, “Good.”
Nataru suggested, “Birdy, it might be a good idea to remind, Violin of our schedule to night.”
Birdy agreed, “Good point, Nataru. I have a shift at work in a few hours. And in a few hours, Nataru is taking Yuuichi to a school play that he is in. Can I trust that you will not do anything fool with those two men while we are gone?”
Violin pointed out, “I have recently found out that I am married, and have a ten year old kid from a previous life. And these two boys are the sons of close friends. Do you really think I would?”
Birdy replied, “No. Not in this situation.”
Violin replied, “I am glad you trust me on this. Besides. Look at them. They are dead on their feet.”
Birdy look over at this for a moment, before turned back to face Violin. Birdy said, “That they are.”
Nataru commented, “From the way they look. They will likely be asleep in less than an hour.”
Violin replied, “All the better for everyone involved.”
Birdy agreed, “True.”
Nataru turned to his, as he said, “Yuuichi, let's collect our books, and head to the kitchen.”
Yuuichi looked up, at his father, as he said, “Okay, dad.”
Birdy looked at her son as well, while she said, “We will also get a snack for you, when we get to the kitchen.”
Yuuichi replied, “Thanks mom.”
Violin's family stood up from the couch, as Nataru turned the teenage boys, while saying, in english, “It is nice to meet both of you.”
Birdy collected her son's school books. As she picked them up in her arms, she looked at the brothers, while kindly stating, in english “Same here. I trust my daughter's judge of character. Anyway, we have something to discuss in the kitchen. Please, make yourselves at him.”
Nataru lead his son into the kitchen, with Birdy right behind her.
Violin turned to the brothers, as she said, “Have a seat at the couch boys. The downstairs bathroom is down the hall, if you need to go. Just please leave the toilet seat down when you are finished.”
Lewis said, “We will.”
Stan looked at the couch, as he inquired, “Violin, are you sure it is alright. We didn't not intend to run your family out of their own living room.”
Violin answered, “It is okay. We just have to talk about something. I will be back in a few minutes.”
The brothers then watched, as Violin walked into the kitchen.
The brothers walked to the couch, and sat down on it.
Lewis wondered, “What do you think they are talking about?”
Stan answered, “My money is on us. But, I am not sure why. It could be just a case of their daughter bringing in two strangers from outside. Or, they could know us. I am not sure which.”
Lewis responded, “There is not much we can do about it, either way. Let's at least enjoy the peaceful moment while we still have it.”
Stan replied, “Agreed.”
A few minutes later, Violin walked out of the kitchen and to the brothers, as she said, in english, “Now, let's kill some time, shall we, with my favorite sci-fi series. It is call Farscape. And I think you will find it informative.”
Violin thought, 'And I can tell you all about Scorpius, without saying a word to you.'
As Violin walked in front of them, and to the small chest of drawers, Stan asked, “What is Farscape about?”
With her back turned to the brothers, Violin pulled out the blu-ray boxset of Farscape boxset, and the Peacekeeper Wars blu-ray box. She inquired, “Have you ever seen Star Wars, and the Star Trek series?”
Lewis answered, “Star Wars, yes. Star Trek, no.”
Violin thought, 'I guess, given you to are super-geniuses, that watching Star Trek might give you some ideas you might try out. But, it is never too late to convert someone into a Trekkie.'
Violin stated, “Well, when you get the chance, watch the Star Trek series. They are all worth a watch. Though, Voyager does drag a bit in the later seasons. They are about what would happen if the future of human space exploration went right. And humans actually created a galaxy span civilization, with other alien species, that was worth living in.”
Violin mentally reflected, 'I have toyed with the idea of having my family and friends visit that reality. But, given my luck with first impressions with aliens of any type, even though I am now one... Partly... I am not even going to set foot in the Star Trek reality, if I can help it.'
Lewis stated, “Sound like it is worth seeing. We will do so when we have the time.”
Violin thought, 'Good.'
Violin commented, “Farscape is sort of like the opposite of Star Trek. Think like Star Wars, only with black leather, S&M, and more well thought out characters thrown in.”
Stan stated, “If that is the case, I am surprised that your parents let you watch this in their living room.”
Violin turned to face them, as she smirked, “Well, the series does it so tastefully, that you barely notice.”
She turned back to turn on the TV and the disc player on top of the chest of drawers, but below the wall mounted TV.
She put in the first disc into the player. She then grabbed the universal remote, stood up, and head to sit in the a cushion, reclining armchair, by the couch, that faced the TV.
As the TV came on, and the disc came up to the menu screen, Violin explained, “Farscape is about an astronaut named, John Crichton, that gets sucked into a wormhole on the other side of the Milkyway Galaxy, where he is a fish out of water, and completely on the run by increasing more dangerous, and savvy foes.”
Violin thought, 'No wonder being around Annie didn't bother me that much. I have had dealt with worse than her. Such as Scorpius. Sure, Annie is more powerful, but Scorpius is more cunning and intelligent.'
Stan deadpanned, “I can relate to John.”
Lewis chuckled for a few seconds.
It took all of Violin’s willpower not to laugh, as she thought, 'Oh god, yes. I think you two, of all people, could relate to me. Or, at least the me I use to be. I should have helped you when I had the chance. And I paid for not doing so, with my life. Still, I got a new life out of it. I just hope Aeryn and Little D accept the new me. Though, I have to admit, it is weird watching this series, now that I know I was the main character of it, in my previous life.'
The three teenagers then started watching the pilot episode of Farscape. The volume from the stereo built into the TV was audible, but not loud.
Fifteen minutes into the episode, the scene panned to a very familiar ship, that the brothers had seen up close and personal before.
Lewis thought, with surprised, “Is that? Yes. It is. That is a Peacekeeper Commander Carrier! We now know the series that Scorpius is from. She is from the Farscape series. I wonder if Stan noticed that?”
Violin noticed the looked on Lewis' face. She thought, 'Yes. You put two and two together. You know now. Unfortunately, you both are so tired, that you probably won't make it long. But, you understand the important parts. It is best for you to at least have the basics of the situation. Considering you both are geniuses, I am sure you will figure out the rest on your own.'
Lewis then looked over to see that Stan had fallen asleep.
Though, Lewis was tempted to wake his brother, he stopped himself from doing so.
Lewis thought, 'There is no point to waking, Stan. I cannot tell him, with Violin here. I will have to tell him later.' Lewis yawned, 'And the rate I am going, I am going to soon join him in slumber-land. Still, we could both use the rest. To say that it has been a long day would be an understatement. At least we are safe here. And it is a good idea to get some rest, while, we have the chance to do so. I will watch as much as I can, until I finally fall asleep as well'
Lewis then turned back to the TV, and watched the rest of the episode.
He took a quick bathroom break when the credits the first episode started. Before he exited the bathroom, he made sure to lower the toilet seat back down, and wash his hands.
When he got back, he started walking the second episode.
Unfortunately, Lewis fell asleep halfway through the second episode.
Violin looked over at the two slumbering brothers, as she thought, “I admit, the second episode is a bit slow. And I guess they need their sleep. Though, I can still watch the series, while they sleep.'
Violin then turned back to the TV, as she continued watching the Farscape series.
Four hours later, Stan was the first brother to wake up from his sleep.
During this time, Violin had played through a few more episodes, and changed out discs a few times. She was currently watching Farscape, episode ten, 'They've Got a Secret'.
Violin thought, 'I love this episode. When I experienced it first hand, I think this was the very first time that we, the crew of Moya, ever came together for a positive emotional event. It was our first good moment together. Ah. That was a sweet moment.'
'This was when we learned that Moya was pregnant with Talon. And we also learned a bit about Drago's past. And that he was less a jerk, and just paranoid at being capture, along with being emotionally immature. But, he did finally grow up, with him turning out to be a great guy. And I still find it interesting that Dargo can survive fifteen minutes in the vacuum of space. He is one tough badass. He is right up there in toughness as Roberta is.'
'Given I am now a woman. If I wasn't still in love with Aeryn, and Dargo was single, I might take a shot at dating him. If only to see what he can do firsthand with his tongue...'
'Damn. I now understand where Annie is coming from. I am almost as bad as she was towards me, when I was John.'
Stan looked over at Violin, as he asked, “How long have I been out?”
Violin looked over at him, as she answered, “Around five hours. Lewis has been asleep for about over four hours.”
Stan replied, “Thanks.”
Violin replied, “No problem.”
Stan then looked around and noticed that the kitchen light, which was one of the room right by the living room, was turned off.
Stan inquired, “Where is everyone?”
Violin answered, “My mother had to head to work. And my father took my younger brother to a school play, that he has a part in.”
Stan commented, “I find it odd that a girl's parents would trust two teenage boys with their teenage daughter. Not that either my brother or I are planning in anything.”
Violin said, “I am sure you are not. I get the sense that you are good people.”
Violin, mentally answered, 'Because, I know you are good people. And soon enough, your parents will be here to pick you up.'
Stan replied, “Thank you for your trust.”
Violin replied, “You're welcome. And thank you for your trust.” She then turned back to watching the episode playing on the living room TV.
Stan got up and walked out the room, and to the downstairs bathroom.
A few seconds later, he reached the bathroom.
Stan went into the bathroom, turning on a light, using the wall switch by the inside of the door. He then shut the door. Next, he went to the toilet, and raised the seat. Finally, he unzipped his fly, and relived himself.
When he was finished, he flushed the toilet, lowered the toilet seat, and went to the sink to wash his hands.
As he washed his hands, something caught his eye, through the curtains of the windows.
He turned off the wash, as he flipped off the light switch.
In the dark, he went to the curtains, and used his right index finger to slightly left the curtains, so he could peek outside.
It saw that the bathroom face the side of the house.
Fortunately, there was a streetlight nearby that illuminated the area.
And in the light. He saw Nodoka, and Mikoto, as girls, slowly walk around the house to the back.
Stat thought, 'They probably saw me, but they don't realize that I have seen them. And the fact they are circling around back, means that Yurika, and probably those pirate girls are here, at the front. I have got to get Lewis and I out of here right now!'
Stan turned and opened the door. He then rushed to the living room.
As Stan walked into the living room, Violin turned to Stan, and she saw that anxiety was showing on his face.
Violin thought, 'Something is wrong. And I don't know what. Please, don't let it be whom I think it is.'
Violin asked, “What is wrong, Stan?”
Stan ignored her, as he rushed around the couch, to stand in front of Lewis.
Stan leaned down, and shook Lewis on his shoulders.
Stan stated, “Lewis. You got to wake up. We got to leave, right now.”
Lewis started to wake up, as he said, in a weak tone of voice, “What is it?”
Stan thought, 'This is taking too long. He is still too groggy to think straight. And I don't have time for him to become fully awake. I am going to have to do this myself.'
Stan leaned further down, with his knees, and back.
Stan slid his hands, under Lewis' armpits, up to his forearms. He then carefully lifted Lewis up, until Stan was standing, with Lewis leaning his head over Stan's right shoulder.
Stan quickly thought, 'If I remember correctly. Lewis put that device in his right pocket. So, I need to free up my left hand.'
Stan reached around Lewis back, with his right hand and arm, to allow him to let go of his brother with his left hand.
Stan then used his left to reach into Lewis' front right pants pocket.
He immediately felt the reality device, as he thought, 'Pay dirt.'
As Stan used the fingers in his left hand to feel around Lewis' pocket, for the button on the device, he continued this thought, 'I wonder how my father handled his first unknown situation, like the situations we have been handling today?'
Violin thought, 'I have to figure out what is going on, before these boys jump ship.'
Violin got up, so she could walk to the two brother. But, just as she headed their way, there was a knock at the door.
Violin walked out of the living room, and to the front door.
Violin mentally cursed, 'Oh no. I understand now. Stan went to the bathroom, saw someone out the window that he recognized, and it spooked him. The problem is that means it is either one of three groups. The girls. The bounty hunter. Or, Ed, Bob, and Annie. And it cannot be Ed, Bob, and Annie. So, it has to be the other two groups.'
'And either of those groups will kick down the door, and trash the house, if I don't quickly answer the door.'
Violin then walked out of the room, down the hallway, to the front door.
After the unlocked the door, she opened it see all five Lagoon girls, and Yurika.
The Lagoon girls had their weapons sheathed, or holsters, except for Yukio holding her large machine gun, and Kristina having her gauntlets on her hands.
Violin mental yelled, 'Damn it! Not them! I would rather face the bounty hunters. At least I would not feel guilty about kicking their asses. And if Yurika here, so is Nodoka and Mikoto, whom Stan likely saw out of the window. Now, to get them out of here.'
Violin stated a little more loudly than she intended, in english, “What are you doing here?”
Molly inquired, “Violin, what are you doing here?”
Violin deadpanned, “This is my home. Welcome to the Shinmyou residence. Fortunately, my family is not here. So, what do you want?”
Kristina stated, “We are surprised to be here, as you are. We are after the boys. We just mentally focused on finding Stan and Lewis Lowe, and we used one of our reality devices, and we ended up here a few minutes ago.”
Violin turn to Yurika, as she inquired, “And what are you doing here?”
Yurika answered, “We had the same idea. And we end up appearing just beside these girls, at the same time they got here.”
Violin questioned, “By, we, I am assuming that your two sisters are here, as well?”
Yurika replied, “Yes. And since my sisters and I are sneaker than these five, we all agreed that my sisters would go around back, while I stay here with these five, to keep the destruction down to a minimum.”
Violin thought, “And with your martial arts abilities, and electrical powers, you might be able to keep these five in line better than your sisters could. Nice plan. And it almost worked.
Sarah softly demanded, “So, where are the brothers?”
Violin played dumb, “What do you mean?”
Sarah said, “Don't play coy with us. We focused on the brothers, and we came here. At this time. That means Lewis and Stan are here.”
Rebecca stated, “You either let us in, or we come in by force.”
Violin smirked, as she mentioned, “I know none of you have actually spared with me. But, by now, you should know how powerful I am.”
Yukio said, “We remember that time you actually sparred with Arcee, and you won.”
Violin admitted, “Well to be honest. Arcee was not using her weapons, and I think she was going easy on me.”
Molly complimented. “Even so. That was one hell of a fight. Especially, considering you were only fifteen at the time.”
Violin smiled, as she replied, “Thank you. That sparring match was a birthday gift from Arcee to me. I always wanted to fight a transformer.” She mentally added, 'In both my childhoods.' She continued, “And I finally got my wish.”
Kristina spoke up, “Still, I lost money on that fight.”
Yurika smirked, as she commented, “I know. I was the one you lost money to on that fight.”
Violin said, “So, we have established that I can probably take you six in a fight.”
Molly smirked, “Maybe. But, the question would be. Would your house still be standing after the fight? And I am sure your parents would demand an explanation, afterward.”
Violin mentally cursed, 'Damn it. She has a good point, there.'
Molly ordered, “Now, let us in.”
Violin conceded, “All right. You got me, there. I see why you are their leader, Molly. But, if I let you in, no fighting.”
Molly stated, “I have no interest in upsetting Birdy and Nataru. Nor, do I want to catch hell from my own parents over such a fight.”
Yurika agreed, “None of us do.”
The other girls nodded, or shrugged, in agreement.
Violin stated, “Still, if the boys are here. You are not harming them. Nor, taking them anywhere. Their parents will be here tomorrow, to pick them up.”
Molly responded, “Fine. We will just talk to them.”
Violin opened the door for them, as she said, “This way. And please shut the door gently.”
Violin let the way, with Sarah being the last one in.
And Sarah did closely the door gently.
Violin smiled at hearing her requested honored.
When the reached the living room, they saw that no was there.
Rebecca inquired the obvious, “Where are they?”
Violin stated, “They were right here, when I left them. The problem was that I think you may have somehow spooked them. And they jumped realities.”
Yukio accused, “So, you bought them time?”
Violin looked over at Yukio, as she responded, “No. I just didn't want you to break down my front door.”
Yukio conceded, “Point taken.”
Molly then noticed that an episode of Farscape was playing on the large, living room TV.
Molly inquired, in an insulting tone of voice, “I see you are still watching that cheesy series. I outgrew that years ago.”
Violin looked over at Molly, as she suppressed a wicked grin. Violin thought, 'It is so tempting to kick your ass for that insult. But, there are other ways to deal with you.'
Violin explained, “Actually, it is a little more complicated than that. I didn't want to scare the boys away, with them learning that I know them. Still, I think that I should remind you that Scorpius is after them.”
Violin noticed all the girls tensed up slightly at the mentioned of Scorpius' name.
Violin slyly thought, 'Not so cheesy anymore.'
Molly commented, “We did here something about a bounty on the boys. I believe Scorpius' name was mentioned.”
Violin stated, “You six are playing a dangerous game, with dangerous people.”
Yukio smirked, as she said, “We are pretty dangerous ourselves.”
Violin responded, “Not at this level. Not on the battlefield. Sure, you can kick some serious ass. But, you have no real experience with fighting away from the battlefield. Where people plan several moves ahead, even before the first move is take. Scorpius would have all of you for breakfast.”
“It is fortunate, that the gender change has done wonders for Scorpius' personality. As she is now, if you confronted her, she would likely return you to your parents, in chains, alive, and mostly unharmed. She would let you parents deal with you. Which, might actually be a cruel mercy for all of you. Still, you would be in one piece, and mostly unharmed.”
Molly realized what Violin was saying. Molly stated, “If we see any Peacekeepers, or Scorpius, we will run, and teleport away.”
Yurika also took what Violin said, to be serious. Yurika said, “Same here, for my sisters and I.”
Violin said, “Good. Now, you fully comprehend the situation that the boys are in. And that is why I wanted to introduce them to the series that Scorpius is from.”
Sarah was the first to understand the logic behind Violin's actions. Sarah complimented, “So, they would have a clue as to what is going on. Without you truly divulging your identity, or how you could be connected to this mess. Thus, you would not risk scaring them away. That was not a bad plan.”
Violin looked over at her, as she replied, “Thank you.”
Yurika commented, “I agree. That was a pretty good plan. Still, the last time I saw some of that series with you, was at the sci-fi convention, that time, when you were wearing that golden chainmail bikini.”
Violin looked over at the green haired girl, as she quipped, “At least I was not wearing that seifuku, like you.”
Yurika responded, with a bit of annoyance in her voice, “I will have you know that seifuku was almost an exact replica of my father's white and black seifuku. The only difference was that except for the seifuku not being blue and white. Instead, the seifuku was green and what. With the green matching my hair. And, at the time, even you admitted that I looked good in that seifuku.”
Violin said, “Yes. I did say that. Thought, that statement should be wrong in so many ways.”
Yurika's lips curled into a wicked grin, as she replied, “Yes. But, it is true.”
Violin conceded, “Yes. And Mikoto wore that blue classic star trek, star fleet uniform costume for a Starfleet female officer. And I cannot believe that Nodoka went as a jedi that year. And she won first place at the cosplay contest with that Jedi costume.”
Yurika admitted, “Well, I think Annie helped Nodoka with her costume. Actually, knowing Annie, that might have been an authentic jedi uniform.”
Violin agreed, “That would not surprise me. And well, since the boys are no longer here. And my father will likely show up, with my brother, very soon. It would be best if you all left, before my father's car reaches the driveway outside.”
The girls looked at each other, as Kristina said, “Violin is right. None of us have known her to lie. And even if she did hide the boys, I doubt they would still be here.”
Sarah added to her sister's commented, “And it would be best if we don't trash Violin's family home.”
Molly agreed, “You are both right. We will find the boys later. Okay, girls. Let's leave before Violin's parents get home.”
The teenage girls then walked back the way they came, to the front door, with Violin following right behind them.
Kristina opened the door for the others, and held the door for them, until she was the only want inside, besides Violin, whom was standing beside her.
Kristina then walked, outside, as well.
Violin then walked up to stop at the threshold of the front door to her home, as she watched the other teenage girls walk away from the home.
When the girls were all outside, in the front yard, several feet away from the front door, they saw that Nodoka and Mikoto were standing there, waiting for them.
The two teenage girls walked up to their sister, Yurika, as Nodoka asked, “What did we miss?”
Yurika replied, “Not much. I will tell you later.”
Mikoto looked over and saw Violin standing inside the threshold of the front door to the home. She asked, “Why is Violin here?”
Yurika answered, “This is her family home.”
Mikoto turned to Yurika, as she responded, “You can tell us about it, later.”
As Yurika pulled out her reality device, she said, “Exactly.”
Both groups separated, as Molly pulled out her reality device, as well.
The members of each group then stood closely together, while Molly looked over at Violin. Molly said, “Another time, Violin.”
Violin replied, “Another time, Molly.”
Violin then watched as both groups disappeared, as they jumped to two different realities, times, and places.
Violin turned, and walked back inside. She more emotionally tired, than physically tired.
Violin though, 'I have had enough of today. I just want some sleep. I will tell my parents that the boys left, when I wake up in the morning.'
Violin then closed and locked the front door behind her. Next, she went into the living room, turning off the blu-ray player and TV. And finally, she headed upstairs, to her bedroom, to get ready for bed, and to get some sleep.
The next day, it was a cloudy Monday, at noon, as Violin stood in the front yard of her family home, waiting for Ed, Bob, and Annie to show up. With Ed holding her reality device.
Violin was clean, ready, and dressed in similar clothing to what she had the previous day.
Violin had already said her goodbye to her family that morning. Along with telling them that the boys had decided to leave. But, she left out the circumstances of why they left.
Violin had been standing for around ten minutes, when she saw Ed, Bob, and Annie appear fifteen feet in front of her.
Ed was holding her reality device.
Violin then realized, they were standing in the same place, with the same clothes they had on yesterday. She inquired, in english “So, you guys really did just jumped one day into the future?”
Ed stated, “Yes. It is just the for us easiest way to deal with the situation. We give you the time to deal with your situation. While, we don't waste our time waiting for you to get you head clear.”
Annie approved, “I like the idea.”
Bob said, “So, do I. And given you went from bubbling and catatonic, to having a personality merger. You really needed to the time. Though, we really want to find our children as soon as possible.”
As Violin walked up to the group, she complimented, “I fully understand.”
Bob asked, “So, how are you doing, Violin? Are you going to be alright?”
Violin came to a stop, to stand need the other three adult. She answered, “I am going to be fine. I sorted out my problems with this part of my family, at least.”
Bob inquired, “Good. And do you have any gender issues?”
Violin stated, “In that regard, there are no real issues for me. Keep in mind I already spent over eighteen years as a girl. And I am conformable being a girl. I am just sorting through my two pairs of memories. That will just take time. Also, it seems that as Violin, I always liked both genders. The John part of me is still getting use to liking both men and women, due to the merger. Though, that is a small part of me, as a while. And both sides of myself like being bi-sexual, because it means being with Aeryn, in an intimate relationship, is still possible.”
Bob questioned, “Are you sure she swings that way?”
Violin smiled, as she commented, “Take my word for it. My wife swings every way. Even though she hasn't done it as often as Chiana. When it comes to sexual imagination, my wife makes Chiana look like a sweet, innocent virgin.”
Bob said, “I believe you.”
Violin commented, “Also, you are not going to believe this. The boys were here.”
Ed asked, “Are they still here?”
Violin, “No. The Lagoon girls and trio sisters showed up. Your sons left why I was dealing with the girls. I am sorry. But, if I had not confronted them, the girls would have wrecked my home.”
Ed stated, “I understand, Violin. You did nothing wrong in that situation. You had to do, what you had to do.”
Bob commented, “I agree with my wife, Violin. You did what you had to do. But, it seems we will have to have a word with the girls, after all.”
Ed smiled wickedly, as she said, “Maybe more than words. I do not like it when people go around my back, and after my children.”
Bob turned to his wife, as he stated, “Ed, we will try the civil approach. That way, if they don't listen, we do not have to worry about any reprisals from their parents, when we get rough.”
Ed turned to her husband, as she agreed, “Good point. Perfect plausible deniability.”
Violin smiled, as she replied, “Thank you, guys.”
While Violin, Ed, and Bob, had been talking, Annie had been quiet, as she sensed around with the force. She then stated, “It may have been a good thing that the boys left.”
The other three adults became quiet, as they turned to look at Annie.
Violin inquired, “Why is that?”
Annie looked over at Violin, as she explained, “I sense they were from the past, compared to the last time I sensed them. It is best we did not confront them, at the time they were at, here. Doing so would likely would have created a paradox.”
Violin eyes widened, as she stated, “Oh frell. I screwed myself, didn't I? I showed them first couple of episodes of Farscape series. That lead them me, as John. Where I turned them down. And this who screwy situation started.”
Annie said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Sorry John. But, that is very likely the case.”
Bob commented, “It has happened to the best of us. It even happened to me.”
Ed pointed out, “Don't worry about it, Violin. You were already stuck in a time loop. If you did not do what you did. You would have created a paradox.”
Annie agreed, “Ed is right about this. And I sense in you that John is just as much there, as you Violin. So, you are still alive in every sense of the term. You could just consider your death between you old life and new life, to a minor speed bump, in your existance.”
Violin deadpanned, “Yea. A speed bump with tits, a pussy, and monthly periods.”
Annie responded, “I deal with the same problems you have. Actually, our origins are somewhat similar, in a few ways. My male body was a wreck, while your sanity was a wreck. I think I may have had the longer end of the stick on that.” She thought, 'And I don't believe I just said that.'
Violin thought on what Annie said for a few seconds. She then replied, “Oh lord. I can actually see the comparisons. And I find that disturbing.”
Annie acknowledged, “Yes. I admit that the comparisons are disturbing. It is likely why we are such good friends.”
Violin replied, “That, and the fact that I was already use to dealing with badasses of your caliber. As such, you didn't intimidate me.”
Annie stated, “That too. And you have a nice sense of humor, that you retained, even in your current life.”
Violin said, “Thank you.”
Annie commented, “You're welcome. Along with this, as you just said. Aeryn is flexible. Also, I am sure that she and your son will accept you. And now, you and Aeryn will have much more in common. Including, that she will never be able to play the, it's that time of the month, card against you, ever again.”
Violin conceded, “You have a point there. Did Padme ever pull that excuse on you?”
Annie admitted, “A couple of times. But, only a couple.”
Violin raised an eyebrow, “Interesting. Have you played that card, before?”
Annie responded, “Only when it really is that time of the month, and my partner wanted to have sex. And even then, I tried to be accommodating, in other ways. I do not use my period as an excuse to be a bitch.”
Violin replied, “Neither have I. I hate when women do that.”
Ed agreed, “Same here.”
A few seconds later, Annie and Violin looked over at Bob
Bob flay asked, “What?”
Annie hinted, “We know you change into woman.”
Bob understood what they their unspoken question was. He stated, “Oh. I never experienced that little problem. And I don't plan to for a while. Ed here has been nice enough not to make me go through that.”
Ed turned to Violin and Annie, as she said, “Bob has always been considerate when B and I had our periods. And I figured that given Bob was willing to become female for over nine months, get pregnant and give birth to one of our sons. That I was already asking enough of my husband, in such matters.”
Annie turned to Ed, as she responded, “Those are good points.” She looked over at Bob, as she continued, “But, from what I understand, you will eventually lock in your female form, Bob?
Bob said, “Yes. And we will talk this subject, then.”
Annie replied, “Okay.”
Violin said, “Works for me.”
Annie joked, “By the way, Bob. You know. If you changed into a woman, we could have an all female team.”
Bob smirked, as he casually replied, “Nah. I like being the oddball.”
Ed, Annie, and Violin giggled at Bob's comment, for a few seconds.
As they quieted down, Ed said, “Okay. Let's get moving. Those bounty hunters we ran into gave me an idea. I was thinking we might want to check with some our sons' teachers. They might have a clue about where they went.”
Bob turned to Ed, as he complimented, “That is a great idea. I suggest we start with Stan's coach. Caxton.”
Bob turned to Annie and Violin, as he continued, “And if you are wondering. Mister Caxton is a nice older man.”
Bob turned to Ed, as he went onto say, “If Stan was looking for help, besides us. He would turned to Coach Caxton. Let's focus on Caxton, in the next time period, after the boys left the Cowboy Bebop reality. When they likely return their home reality, and meet with Caxton. If he meets the boys, it will probably be after we saw the boys sucked through that unstable gate.”
Violin thought, 'Caxton? Where have I heard that name before?'
Ed responded, “Good thinking. And I agree. If the boys run out of options, they will eventually go to him. Everyone group up to me.”
The three other adults stepped up close a few feet closer to Ed. Ed then mentally focused on Bob's suggestion. She held that thought, as she pressed the red button on her reality device. The four adults then disappeared, as they jumped to their home reality, and time, on the planet Mars.
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
I really like the title for this chapter. 'John's Violin.' This title fits this chapter very well.
That is not to say that Violin is now John's puppet. No. That is not the case.
This is a true merger for Violin and John. That is not Violin being Violin with some of John's memories. Nor, John possessing Violin, and overwhelming her personality with his own.
Their personalities have completely merged. One personality, with both of them being so alike, in a number of areas, that the merger has not serious problems. And besides the gender differences, for John's family and friends, Violin/John still has mostly same personality. While Violin has the same type of personality, with most of her family and friends not noticing any differences with her personality.
On the funeral that Scorpius put together, and hosted, for John's corpse.
I wanted to show how Scorpius has become genuinely nicer. It is shown that in the Farscape that Scorpius does have a nice side. He has honor. He can be honest. He rewards hard work and loyalty. And he is the type of person that if things had gone differently for him, he would have likely been a great person to know.
The problem was that Scorpius was haunted by his past traumas, healthy problems, and the result rage from these issues. And even then, it is shown, after Scorpius escaped the Scarrans, stated, and indirectly shown, how Scorpius spend much of his life working towards overcoming his past, his health problems, and his rage, to become a better person.
And with the gender change, Scorpius had all her healthy problems solves, and is a better person for it.
And with John's funeral, I would show how Scorpius has become a better person.
To that end, I found those scenes, I wrote, to be touching.
I always felt that Scorpius and John started on the wrong foot, in some many ways. With neither realizing how much potential the other had, when the first met. And that is why Scorpius treated John so badly. And visa versa.
Scorpius holding John's funeral, was her basically saying, that she wishes things did not turn out this way. That she is sorry for her part in this mess, that was John's life. And that this massive, extravagant funeral, would help make up for some of what she did to John.
Now, on the scenes dealing with the inside Violin/John's soul.
This was a delicate set of scenes. Though, I think I pulled it off, well.
I had to be careful of what lines I would cross, and how I would cross the lines I crossed in those scenes. I think it came out well.
I enjoyed bringing back Harvey. And how Scorpius is a different person, Harvey is not a different person. And John comes to realize this. And the reconcile with each other.
The tours that Harvey gave to John was fun to write. With John learning about Violin's life. And how their personality were not that different. And how John's own memories and personality were already effecting Violin, even when Violin was at a very young age.
Also, I found it both funny, and ironic, that given John is such a pop-culture fan, that as Violin, she become John's biggest fan.
Then the symbolism of sex as the personality merge. Harvey put it best. For John not to take Violin. But, for John to let Violin have him.
Afterward, I had Annie confirm the merger, and Violin/John relative sanity. Though, given Violin and John's separate personalities, beforehand. That is not saying much.
And I did enjoy the banter between Violin, Annie, Ed, and Bob.
On that note. Concerning Annie and John's friendship. I enjoyed writing Annie and John's friendship from Book Two, and Book Four. For those two, it is more like an odd couple situation. The relationship was platonic, with both of them tolerating the oddities the other had, while still getting along.
And with John's personality merged with Violin's personality, Annie has made it very clear that he friendship with John has extending into Violin's life.
And beforehand, Annie and Violin have a pleasant association, even before they learned she was the reincarnation of John.
Then, there was Violin heading back home. With Violin's family still accepting and loving her, as daughter to her parents, and a sister to her brother.
After which, the scenes begin to repeat some of the scenes in Book Four, Chapter Three, 'Dancing Through Time And Space.'
Only this time, it is from Violin's point of view. With the Lowe brothers being before they met John, but with Violin, it being after she merged with John's personality.
Though, by expanding on the scenes with Violin's thoughts, I changed some of the dynamics of the scene.
This is just another way to show how writing a scene, had been seen from a different point of view, without changing any of the actual events in the scene.
Also, in those scenes, I wanted to show that Violin/John screwed their self in more ways than one. And that they actions, in both lives, lead them to the situation, of John dying, and Violin and John's personality later merging, in Violin's body.
With Violin, after personality merger, showing the Lowe brothers the Farscape series, which cause them to go to John for help Which John turning them down. And Violin eventually getting John killed, and awaking John in her soul. With them their personalities now merged.
Depending on the point of view, of which character you want to talk about, this is case of effect coming before cause.
This is even pointed out the next day, for Violin. When she rejoined Annie, Ed, and Bob. With Annie stating, that what she sense through the force was that the Lowe brothers were from their past, and it would have likely caused a paradox, if Ed and Bob met them, at that point in their timeline.
In addition, due to my recursive writing style. You will likely go back and re-reach Book Four, Chapter Three. And now, when you read the scenes of Violin meeting Stan and Lewis, in Tokyo. You will realize what what point in time, that Violin was.
Also, when you read about Violin coming on board Moya, with Violin going into total fangirl mode, the scenes will be even funnier, because Violin you now know that Violin is the reincarnation of John, and she is basically squealing about her previous life, without knowing it... Though, I will admit these revelations about Violin being the reincarnation of John might make those scene a little creepy, as well. But, the scenes, in question, are still funny.
Until next time. Have fun.
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