Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 4: Chapter 06

Badasses Of The Multiverse: Book 4: “The Jock, The Nerd, The Bounty Hunters, And The Crazy Chicks.”

Chapter Six: “To The Other Side.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Reality, an alternate Earth. Date, unknown. Place, unknown. Time, Unknown.

As Stan Lowe awoke, the first sensation that he felt was the feel of the grass on his back.

As he opened his eyes, he noticed that it was warm, partly cloudy day. From the angle of the sun, right over him, he guessed it was the middle of the day.

When he lean up, he felt the cable still tied to his waist. He quickly undid the knot around his waist. With him setting the cable to his left side.

As he did so, he checked himself to find that he was unharmed. Even his varsity jacket, and other clothing, were undamaged.

He looked in front of himself to see a large bay of water.

Then, his hearing caught up to mind, as he heard cars pass by him from behind himself.

Stan quickly stood up, and looked behind him.

He saw that he was right beside a highway, with cars racing back and forth.

Behind the highway were skyscrapers as far back as Stan could see, and running along the other side of the long, wide curved, bay highway, from him, in both directions.

Between him and the highway, was a sidewalk, where people walked by, as they were going about their day.

A few of them turned to look at Stan, as they passed by him, but none of them approached Stan.

Stan thought, 'Where am I? When am I? Where is Lewis?...'

He quickly looked around, but he did not see his brother, Lewis Lowe.

Stan mentally realized, 'I don't see Lewis anywhere. But, since I survived, and I am unharmed, Lewis is likely alive, as well. Though, with him having the reality device, I will have wait for him to find me. Now, where, and when, am I?”

Look at the people that walk by, along with the cars, and he turned around to look at the bay, then back at the buildings.

Stan thought, 'From the look of the people walking by, I can tell I am in Japan. From their clothing styles, and the model cars, I can guess I am just after turn of the second millennium. Given the weather, I am guessing it is in the spring. Also, I would guess that I am by Tokyo bay. Which means I am in Tokyo, Japan. This is not a great place to be for a foreigner. But, I can work with this situation. Many of the people here speak english, so I am not completely screwed, just yet.'

'Wait a minute. Right before we fell into the gate, Lewis and I were talking about Violin, and Tokyo of the past. When Violin's parents were our age. That is why I am here. But given it was an unstable portal, there is no telling if I am in the same reality as Violin is from. If I am lucky, Lewis is in this city, as well. But, that is a big, if. And it would be a needle in a haystack.'

'Still, at least I know where I am at. But, with no brother, and no reality device, I need to know think about my own survival... And maybe some fun, while I am here. I need to find a library with computer, and internet access.'

Stan looked to his right, and he saw that there was a crosswalk across the highway, at a light, only a hundred yards away from himself.

Stan briskly walking, off the grass, and onto the sidewalk. He then turned to his right, as he headed for that crosswalk, and the nearest library he could find.


At that moment, in another apart of Tokyo, in a small park, Lewis Lowe came too.

As Lewis sat up, he quickly notice the weather, and sun, when compared to the trees and foliage around him. He realized it was the middle of a warm, spring day.

It was then that he noticed the cable still tied to his waist. He swiftly undid the knot, and dropped the cable to his right side.

Lewis then stood up. Next, he checked him, to find that he was unharmed. Even his white coat, and other clothing, were undamaged.

Lewis looked around, while asking himself, in thought, 'Where is Stan?... I don't see him. That is a problem easily solved.'

He pulled out his reality device. He thought of going to where Stan was, in the multiverse, after they were separated, right after Stan arrived at his destination, from that unstable portal. Lewis held that thought, as he pressed the red button on the device, and nothing happened.

Lewis looked at the device. He did not appear to be undamaged on the outside.

Lewis thought, 'Okay. This thing might be damaged. But, not to badly, considering the outside appears to be fine.'

'Still, this thing is not working. Meaning, I am going to have to fix it. Which means a job that allows me to get access to the tools to do so, without questions. And knowing Stan, with him realizing I have the reality device, he will make do with his situation, until I can find him. Since I am fine, Stan has to be, as well. He might even be nearby. But, given this was an unstable portal, he could also be anywhere.'

'Right now, I have to figure out when and where I am. Then, set up a life for myself here, as I fix the reality device. Unfortunately, while I know portal technology. But, the professor never shared the technology on these reality device. Meaning, I know the basics of the technology, but not the exact mechanics. So, I am going to take my time in figure out what is wrong with my reality device.'

'And I will have to careful backwards engineer it, so I can figure out how it works. While, still being able to put it back order, in working order.'

Lewis pocketed his reality device, as he continued his thought, 'Still, that is for later. Now, I have to answer my immediately questions.'

Lewis looked around, and saw that he was nearby a sidewalk, with a two lane road on the other side of the sidewalk.

People walked back and forth on the sidewalk, as on the road several cars were coming and going, both ways.

Though, Lewis did notice something about the direction of how the cars were driving.

Lewis thought, 'The cars are driving on the left side of the road. That narrows down where I am on Earth. Though, I am still not sure where I am. Though, from the what the people here looking. I know I am somewhere in the southeastern part of Asia, or one of the nearby islands, off of Asia.'

'Though, if I want to know for sure. I should just politely ask someone in front of me, for answers to my questions.'

Lewis walked onto the sidewalk, and up to an older, well dress man, as he politely asked, in english, “Excuse me. I hope you are having a pleasant day. Could you please tell me where I am at?”

The older man stopped, and turned to face Lewis. The older man answered, in english, “You are in Tokyo, Japan.”

Lewis responded, “Thank you, sir. I hope you have a wonderful day.”

The older man nodded, turned, back the way he was heading, and walked away from Lewis.

Lewis though, 'I am in Tokyo Japan. And from the look of my surroundings, along with the cars, and people, I guess it was around the turn of the second millennium.'

'Hold on. Stan and I were were talking about Violin and Tokyo right before we were sucked into that vortex. Still, we could be in different realities. But, at least if he is in a Tokyo, that is decent, like this. With his skills, and intelligence, he will be fine until I can reach him.'

'Though, being a foreigner in Japan is not good. But, I can still make the situation work for me. Now, to find a library.'

Lewis turned to his right, and he started walking down the street, in search of the nearest library.


Three hours later, at two libraries across town from each other. Both of the Lowe brothers had been able to convince the staff of the libraries, to allow them access to the internet, on computers that had been set to english.

At the moment, both brothers were clandestinely hacking their way through the firewalls of two different banks. Their mother was currently one of the top skill computer hacks in the multiverse, and she taught her boys well. But, she also taught them that they should only use these skills in an emergency, and not on cheating at school. And fortunately, this was an emergency.

Currently, they were hacking into the bank computers to create fake bank accounts with their real names. The reason they used their real names was that there was no paper trail on them, and the fact they already had fake debit cards, in their wallets, that used their real names. They would transfer the debit card numbers to the accounts, and they also added enough money into the accounts to get them started.

As Stan typed away at his computer, he thought, 'If I am going to live here, I am going to have to learn to speak, read, and write, japanese. That should take me about a week.'

Across town, Lewis was at a computer, while he had a similar thought, 'If I am going to get a job here. I am going to have to learn japanese. Fortunately, languages have never been a problem with me. I will have the language masted within a week.'

On the other side of town, Stan thought, 'Now, that is done, time to cover my tracks. Though, I still have some work to do on an ID and records.'

Across town, Lewis thought, 'That was easier than I thought. Now, for the records, after I cover up my action.'

As both brothers worked on hacking the bank accounts they chose, with their computers, they covered their tracks, and moved on to the government computers

On the other side of town, Stan thought, 'Okay. I will never pass for japanese. So, I will just make basic immigration IDs and documents, with records. I think I will bump my age up to eighteen, to prevent any question of why I live alone. I guess I will have to live in a hotel. Though, I think I will look for a decent hotel.'

Across town, Lewis thought, 'And being eighteen will make getting a job easier. Though, I will need for these records to include immigration documents for my IDs. And with an ID and debit card, I can now get a hotel room to live in. But, it was be a fairly nice hotel.'

On the other side of town, Stan thought, 'I can do the rest later, with a laptop computer.'

Across town, Lewis thought, 'Including, getting them to mail me my documents, and ID cards.'

On the other side of town, Stan thought, 'I can even hack them to fast track say documents with a week.'

Across town, Lewis thought, 'I just need an internet connect. And I can find one at a decent hotel.'

As both brothers covered their tracks in the government computers, they thought, in unison, 'If I do this job right, no one will not come after me.'

Across town, Lewis thought, 'It is unfortunate, that I dare not search the records of various databases, to see if Stan is doing the same thing. Because, I will likely cause a red flag on my actions.'

On the other side of town, Stan thought, 'I wish I could look at the various computer records, to see if Lewis is also pulling this stunt. But, if I made such an attempt, I would likely get caught.'

Both brother hacked the servers and computers of the libraries they were using, to erase their tracks on it. They even had the security camera reset, and to start re-recording over tapes that recorded the last hour, since the brothers walked into the libraries. With the re-re-recording starting in ten minutes. Thus, there would be no records that the brothers had ever been to either location.

When they were finished, both brothers calmly exited the libraries they had just been in.

The two brothers then headed to different locations to use their fake debit cards to buy various items. Including a laptop, and some new clothing. Both brothers realized their peacekeeper clothing not going to cut it in the city were they were in. Then, they each would find a decent hotel, to stay in, that has internet access.'


Four hours later, it was sunset, as the brothers had both found separate, yet decent hotel suites, on to sides of Tokyo. With both hotels having internet access.

Before they had checked in, both brothers had done some shopping. After each bought a decent laptop computer, they had also bought books on learning japanese, which were learning japanese for english speaking people.

Given the brothers super-genius level intelligent, learning japanese would not be difficult, and would only take them a short time to do.

Also, they bought some new clothing for themselves, which they changed into before they checked into their hotels.

This clothing was basically the same type of clothing they wore at high school on Mars. With them only keeping their tennis shoes, jacket, or coat, along with their personal effects, and for Lewis, his reality device, on their person.

The rest of their items were in two large shopping bags that they carried with them into the hotel lobby. And after they signed in, and paid for their rooms, they took said bags within them, into their hotel suites.

The brothers switched on the ceiling lights to their suites, and they set down their bags/ They then looked around at their new homes for the foreseeable future.

Both hotel suites were a few floors up from the ground. With both hotels have indoor hallways, elevators, and accessible staircases. The brothers wanted to make sure they had multiple ways to escape. If need be.

Both hotel suites were clean, and in working order. Each suite having only one bed, with sheets and a pillow. A table, with couple of cushioned arm chairs by the table.

There was wide, low chest of drawers, with a TV, with remote on top of it. Along with a microwave on one end of the chest of drawers.

By the chest of drawers, there was a small refrigerator with an icebox section, on the floor. And there was a microwave, on top of the refrigerator.

Also, there was a bar for hanging clothing.

The bathrooms had showers, sinks with faucets, along with western styles toilets. And plenty of hand towels, large towels, and toiletries.

By their beds was a nightstand with a lamp, and an alarm clock on it.

And finally, there a balcony they could step outside of, from their rooms, to look at the cityscape before them. The balcony was accessed with a soundproof sliding door, and

Soon after, the brothers unpacked.

They also tried out their new laptop computers, including making sure the wireless internet they had access to worked. Which they found the connections did work.

When they were finished, both brothers walked out onto their balconies, as they looked at the cityscape, while the sun was setting in the west, over the land.

It was quite a loving sight.


Stan thought, 'I am going to need a school uniform, if I want to do, what I plan to do.'


Lewis thought, 'I am going to need to find some decent clothing, it I want to do, what I have to do. Still, I have a lot of work to do.'


Stan thought, 'Between the books I bought, and the internet, I should not have any problems learning japanese. It should only take me a week. Tops.'


Lewis thought, 'Once I have the language down, and the ID cards, within a week. After some more hacking. I can move on to the next part of my plan.'


Stan thought, 'Since, I have nothing better to do. I might as well go back to high school. I will hack a local high school and make myself a transfer student. I think American, the U.S. will be the best choice.'

'No one will question my mixed racial heritage, if I say I am American. Once I get the records and transfer order thought, I can have some fun at a new school. And given my size and intelligence, I doubt I will have any serious problems. If, I do. I will just go to another school. Or, I may just do something else.'


Lewis thought, 'I have to fix the reality device And to do so, I will need access to tools, and funds. Beyond what I dare use from my hacked bank account. So, I need a job. And I think the roll of school physics teacher will suit me well. I will dummy up the records.'

'Still, I am more than qualified on the subject. Besides, I always wanted to try my hand as teaching. And once I have the reality device fixed, I can find Stan, and figure out what to do next.'

'Though, I think I will teach students, which are few years younger than me, because I believe they will likely be more easier for me to deal with. Than students that are my age.'


Stan thought, 'The one good thing about being lost like this is that I doubt those crazy chicks, nor those bounty hunters can track me here. So, if I keep my head down, I should be fine, for at least a while.'


Both brothers then decided to get some supper. The brothers left their balconies, closed the sliding glass doors, shut the curtains, and left their rooms, in search of food at a near by restaurant, at their perspective hotels.


A week and a half later. On a Monday morning.

After Stan received his documents in the mail, to his hotel suit, he found that his documents were in proper order.

Then, among the numerous high schools in Tokyo, it took Stan to find a high school that he could both easily hack his way into the records of that school's database. And a high school that would allow him to transfer there, on short notice, without anyone raising any questions on his arrival.

Earlier that morning, two hours before class began, Stan walked into the front office, of the Tokyo high school, he had picked out, and arranged for his sudden arrival.

Presently, Stan was inside the home room he was assigned to. He was standing in the front of the class, as the home room teacher had Stan introduce himself to the other student.

Stan wore same school uniform, the teenage boys in the class wore. Which were around the same age as he was. His inform fit him well. In addition, he wore soft soled boys dress shoes. And he held his schoolbag in his right hand, by the handles. Within his schoolbag was his school books, and school supplies in it.

Stan did not have his red varsity jacket on. Instead, he kept his varsity jacket in his assigned locker room, to go get, when school let out.

Stan stood to the left side of the teacher's desk, with the teacher in his chair, behind his desk.

Stan looked out among the students in the room, as he calmly spoke, in fluent japanese, with only a hint of an american style accent, “Hello. I am Stan Lowe. I am a transfer student from america. I am happy to make your acquaintances.”

Stan thought, 'I am in a senior year class. And considering school starts in Japan, in spring. I have not missed much of the classes. So, this should be an interesting experience. As far as I am, and they, are concerned. I am a transfer student. It is just that I have been transferred far further than my records state I have.'

The teacher said, in japanese, “Thank you, Mister Lowe. You can take you seat by Mister Hatsushiba.” The teacher then used his left hand to point at a nearby empty desk a few years back.

Stan turned to the teacher, and followed the direction of where the teacher was pointing. Stan then calmly walked to the empty desk and sat down. He set his schoolbag on top of the desk.

The black haired teenage boy to Stan's left side, across the small aisle from Stan, greeted him, in japanese, “Hello. I am Akira Hatsushiba. Everyone calls me, Hatsushiba.”

Stan turned to Hatsushiba, as he stated, “Nice to meet you, Hatsushiba.”

Hatsushiba then used his right hand to point towards a small, brown haired japanese boy sitting in the desk, front of him. With the brown haired boy turned to look at Stan.

Hatsushiba said, “This is Kikuchi Masamune. My best friend.”

Kikuchi greeted, in japanese, “Hello Stan.”

Stan replied, “Hello Kikuchi.”

Hatsushiba requested, “We are wondering. Since you clearly sound like you have skills when it comes to languages. With Kikuchi and I not doing great with english. Do you think you could help, Kikuchi, and I?”

Stan said, “Sure. No problem.” He mentally added, 'And this will be a great way to make friends.'

Kikuchi stated, “Great. We will introduce you to the rest of the gang, after school.”

Stan replied, “Okay. I just need to stop by my locker for my jacket, and tennis shoes, I can join you.”

Hatsushiba said, “We will wait up for you, at the front entrance to the school.”

Stan said, “Thank you.”

Kikuchi stated, “We will talk about it later, between classes.”

Stan replied, “I looked forward to it.”

The three students then joined the rest of the students in the room, with them all turning in the direction of the teacher, as class began.


Around that time in the morning, across town, at Komatane Junior Highschool, inside a second year classroom, Lewis walked into the home room he had assigned, as he was the new physics teacher of the school, with a teachers physics school book in his hand. Along with a clipboard, with a sheet of paper, and pen clipped to it.

Earlier that morning, a few hours before class began, Lewis came into the front office. Lewis looked professional, for his prospective job. He was dressed in a white socks, underwear, soft soled men's dress shoes, dark brown pants, brown leather belt, a short sleeved light brown turtle neck shirt, under his long sleeve short white lab coat.

Lewis left his tennis shoes back at his hotel room, with the rest of his clothing, that he bought for himself.

In addition, all Lewis' records, and documents were in order. Also, the school needing a new physics teacher.

The principal of the junior high school, Mister Hirouin soon met with Lewis, and they talked about Mister Hirouin possibly being hired for the teaching position. And Lewis soon convinced Principal Hirouin to hire him for the job. With him starting work that day.

Lewis was then assigned a home room, given the teacher book on the course, and present with a clipboard, with a role call sheet, and pen, clipped to the board. After which, Lewis was given instructions on where his homeroom was.

Lewis was able to calmly find his home room, minutes before class was suppose to start.

Lewis then entered the classroom.

Presently, as Lewis came to a stop in front of his desk, he turned and set his book on his desk, but he kept the clip board in his left hand.

Lewis then turned to looked at his class of younger, teenage boys and girls, in their gender assigned school uniforms. Dark long sleeved shirts and dark pants for boys. And seifukus, with long skirts, for the girls.

Lewis could tell that the students were looking back at him, with curiosity on his face.

Lewis stated, in fluent japanese, with a slight american accent, “My name is Professor Lewis Lowe. I am your new physics teacher. I will now do role call.”

Lewis used his right hand to pull out his pin, from the clipboard, as looked at the role call sheet, attached to the clipboard. Lewis then noticed something odd about the role call list.

Lewis look back towards the class, as he inquired, “Though, I do have one question. Why are the names, Futaba Shimeru, and Kurin Shimeru, each listed twice on this form? If it is a typo, I need to call human resources, and have them correct it.”

Lewis thought, 'I just got this form, a few minutes ago. So, I did not have time to view it, in detail, until now.'

A black haired girl, sitting in her desk, answered, in japanese, “It is not a typo. There is an oddity about the Shimeru family. They like name their twin siblings of different genders, that same name.”

Lewis focused on the black haired girl, as he questioned, “Interesting. And you are?”

The black haired girl answered, “Misaki Shima.”

Lewis said, “Well, thank you for answering my question.”

Misaki replied, “Yes, teacher.”

Lewis then turned to look at the entire class, as he requested, “Would the two Futabas, and the two Kurins please raise their hands.”

A black haired teenage boy stated, in japanese, “I am the male Futaba, Professor Lowe. The female Futaba, and male Kurin, are absent today.”

Lewis responded, “Okay. And where is the female Kurin?”

A small black haired girl stated, in japanese, “Right here. Professor Lowe.”

Lewis thought, 'You might have gotten away with it, if you only had one person pulling that stunt. But, two people. Yea. Right. It is clear the Shimeru family are hereditary gender benders. Like my family. Though, I wonder if their ability is born turned off, like the members of my family, or if it is turned on. Given that their names are listed twice, I am guessing that there abilities are automatically turned on. Still, I am not going to hold this against them.'

Lewis said, “Alright. Just make sure that someone takes notes for them, so they don't fall behind.”

Kurin stated, “Don't worry. We will give them our notes.”

Lewis then notice that not only did Futaba and Kurin breath a sigh of relief, but so did Misaki.

Lewis thought, 'So, Misaki knows their secret too. Also, it is obvious that someone in the school faculty knows their secret, as well. Due to the role call sheet. Still, since they are technically here, I will just list both of their names as present. If there is a problem, I will say that it was a typo, and I wanted to make sure that the students that were here, were counted present, no matter what.'

Lewis then started rolled call.

A little over a minute later, Lewis finished role call, he was pleasantly surprised to find that none of his students were absent from his home room class, for his first day.

Lewis mentally reflected, 'Having everyone here is a good start for today. Now, to begin class.

Lewis then set the clip board with the sheet on it, along with the pen, onto his desk. After he did so, he turned back to face his class of students.

Lewis stated, “Now that role call is over, I am sure you are wondering about the same two questions. Yes. I am a foreigner. And while I am only a few years older than you, I am more than qualified for this job.”

Lewis used his right hand to pull something from his right, side pants pocket.

Lewis held up the object with his right index finger and right thumb. The class saw that it was a small rubber ball.

Lewis said, “I know what you are thinking. That physics can be very boring. With formulas that you have to memorize, which have no practical application in real life. You would be wrong. Physics is calculating the math of simple actions and reactions, into equations. For example...”

Lewis then threw the rubber ball into the back of the class room, he kept his right hand open in the same place where he let go of the ball, as everyone watched the rubber call quickly bounce a round the room.

A few seconds later, the rubber ball landed back into Lewis' unmoved, open right hand, allowing him to catch the ball.

Lewis then held the rubber ball back in his right index finger, and right thumb, for the class to see, as he explained, “What you just saw was physics applied in real life. In my head, I had already worked out the proper force needed for the ball to travel, along with measuring the angles, and calculating the distance between said angles, in figuring out how to get this ball to bounce around the room, without hitting anyone, and then land right back into my right hand.”

“Consequently, this is why I found sports to be boring. All sports are, is calculations of movement, angles, and force needed to be applied, in given situations. That is why I prefer studying the sciences, because it offers me a challenge.”

Lewis then put the rubber ball back into his right, side pants pockets.

From the expressions on the faces of the students, Lewis could tell they were impressed with his display of physics.

Lewis thought, 'Good. I now I have their interest.'

Among the students, Futaba, Misaki, and Kurin, all thought, in unison, 'I think I am going to like this teacher.'

Meanwhile, Lewis thought, 'I just hope I am this successful with this rubber ball trick with my other classes today. It is an old trick that I masted a few years ago. And it is a fun trick.

'Though, I am probably going to miss one, or twice, but as long as I do not hit a student, I should be fine. And I am sure, at least, I can do that. But, first we need to begin class. And I know just the lesson to teach them today.'

Lewis then turned to his desk, and picked up his physics book. He turned to look at the class, as he opened the book.

Lewis then soon found what he was looking for. He thought, 'Good. The lesson is right here.'

Lewis looked up from his book, and towards the classroom, as he stated, “Now, students. Please open your physics books to page one hundred and sixty-one. We will learn how to calculate the trajectories of angles.”

The students did what Lewis had instructed them to do. With Lewis beginning his lessons for the school day.


Later that day, after a few classes, it was time for lunch for those at Komatane Junior Highschool. During, Lewis had been able to walk across the street, from the school, to get a sandwich, bag of chips, and a bottle of soda, from a restaurant. He then returned to the school, with his lunch.

Like most teachers, Lewis was planning to have lunch at the teachers lounge. Fortunately, one of the other teachers had told him where it was. So, it was not hard for him to find the faculty room.

Lewis held his lunch in his hands, as he reached the door to the teachers lounge, he saw Principal Hirouin standing by the closed door.

Principal Hirouin was a much smaller, and older man. He looked up at Lewis, as he stated, in japanese, “Ah, Professor Lowe. I suspected you would have to get your lunch from restaurant just outside of the school. And I was waiting for you here.”

Lewis came to a stop, as he looked at the man. Lewis commented, “I hope you were not waiting very long.”

Principal Hirouin said, “Not at all. And I wish to introduce you to the rest of the faculty.”

Lewis replied, “Okay.”

Principal Hirouin then opened and held the door open.

Lewis walked inside, with the principal walking in, right behind Lewis, with Mister Hirouin closing the door behind himself.

After they entered the room, Lewis came to a stop, near the entrance to the room. He saw that there were several teachers, and other faculty there. All of whom were sitting in their chairs, at various tables, as they talked to each other, while they had lunch.

Principal Hirouin stated, “Everyone, if I could have your attention. This is Professor Lewis Lowe. The new physics teacher.”

Lewis looked around at the staff, as he said, “Nice to meet you.”

Principal Hirouin used his right hand, and pointed at a black haired, japanese man in his late-twenties, as he said, “This is Mister Sabuyama. One of our teachers.”

Sabuyama looked at Lewis, as he smiled. He said, “You have nice, tanned skin tone. You are not that bad looking. And I like exotic.”

Lewis inwardly frowned, which did not show on his face, as he thought, 'I don't like the way that man is looking at me. But, it is best to be polite.'

Lewis said, “Thank you.”

The principal then pointed at an older, more muscular, fair skinned blond man, as he said, “This is Duke Strike, our physical education instructor.”

Duke looked at Lewis with a calculating eye. He then said, in a calm tone of voice, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Lewis responded, “Like wise.” He mentally added, 'That guys strikes me as a real badass. It would be best if I am nice to him.'

The principal then pointed at three brown haired women, that each had a streak of blond hair above their foreheads. Two of the women appeared to be in their late-twenties. The third woman appear to be younger than Lewis.

All of them looked like sisters.

Mister Hirouin stated, “These are the Koujiro sisters. The older sister with large earrings is Maki Koujiro. She is our science teacher. The other older sister is Miki Koujiro, the school nurse. And the youngest sister, whom I am told is technically the oldest sister, is Yuki Koujiro. She is our mathematics teacher.”

The two older sisters just waved at Lewis, while Yuki requested, “Would you like to partake in one of my experiments”

Lewis looked at the three women's eyes, as he thought, 'I have seen the look those women have in their eyes. They are crazy chicks. Like those five crazy girls, whom are after Stan and I. And one of them is the school nurse. I need to make sure that I don't need medical attention while on the school grounds.'

Lewis replied, “No thank you.”

Yuki chirped, “You're loss.”

Hirouin then introduced Lewis to the rest of the teachers and faculty whom were present.

When the principal was finished, Lewis thanked him.

Lewis then sat in a chair, at an empty table in the room, alone, as he ate his lunch.


After Lewis finished his lunch, in the teacher lounge, he got up, and threw his trash in a trash can.

Hirouin noticed this, as he walked over to Lewis. Hirouin quietly said to Lewis, “Professor Lewis, I need to speak with you, in private, in my office, before you head to class.”

Lewis look down at the older man, as he responded, “Yes, Principal Hirouin. Just lead the way.”

The older man lead Lewis out of the room.

A few minutes later, they reached Principal Hirouin's office.

As soon as both men were inside, Hirouin turned around to face Lewis, while he requested, “Please shut the door.”

Lewis gently closed the door behind him. He then turned to face his new boss.

The principal said, “I want to apologize, Professor Lowe. But, when I first spoke to you, this morning, I did not realize that you would have Futaba Shimeru and Kurin Shimeru in your home room. There is something I need to tell you about them. But, you might want to sit down, first.”

Lewis thought, 'So, it is you who knew the Shimeru's secret.' Lewis calmly responded, “Let me guess. They are gender benders.”

Hirouin had a surprised look on his face, as he inquired, “How did you know?”

Lewis calmly answered, “I have had experience with such people before. Once you have dealt with such people, it is easy to see the signs.”

Hirouin agreed, “True. But, please keep this to yourself. And mark both sets of names as, present.”

Lewis responded, “I will. I already marked both pairs of names as, present, this morning.”

Hirouin replied, “Good.”

Lewis stated, “I am glad we are on the same page, Principal Hirouin. Now, if you don't mind, I believe that I have a class to teach, in the next few minutes.”

Hirouin said, “Good luck.”

Lewis turned around, opened the door, walked out of the room, and towards his classroom.


Fortunately, for both Stan and Lewis. The rest of the school days, for both brothers, were uneventful for their first time at their schools.


Across town, after school let out, with Stan retrieving his varsity jacket, and putting it one, along with replacing his school shoes, with his tennis shoes. He left his school shoes in his school locker.

Stan then met Hatsushiba and Kikuchi at the front entrance to the highschool they went took. Hatsushiba and Kikuchi then lead Stan to their planned destination. With all of them carrying their schoolbags, with books in their bags.

As they walked, Hatsushiba and Kikuchi told Stan about their destination, which was the Rock Stock Cafe

A little while later, as the three teenage boys entered the cafe, they were greeted by three other teenagers. Whom were standing in front of the counter, that ran along the far left side of the room.

Stan saw that there were three schoolbags on the counter.

Of the three teenagers. One was a taller and beefier black haired teenage boy, with a black facial hair around his cheeks and jaw. A slender, pretty, black haired girl. And a slender and pretty black haired girl.

As Hatsushiba and Kikuchi approached the three other teenagers, with Stan following behind them, Hatsushiba said, “Sorry, we are late. We had to wait for our friend to get his jacket. Though, I have to admit, it is a nice jacket.”

The black haired, slender, well figured girl replied, in japanese, “It is quite alright, Hatsushiba. So, who is your new friend.”

Hatsushiba answered, “Yurika, this is Stan Lowe from America. Stan, these are the rest of my friends. The girl who just spoke is Yurika Sakuraba. She works here. This is her uncle's cafe. The other nice girl is Haruna Yun. And this gentle giant is Fujiwara Shinobu.”

Stan mentally wondered, 'I wonder if this Yurika is connected to my gender bender cousin, Yurika, that I met.' He said, “Nice to meet all of you.”

Fujiwara replied, in japanese, “Likewise. You may not be as tall as me. But, you are close.”

Stan said, “Yes. I am.” He thought, 'Too bad they don't have american football here, he has the build for it.'

Yurika commented, in japanese, “It is always nice to make new friends.”

Stan commented, “I agree.”

Haruna said, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Stan.”

Stan replied, “Thank you.”

Yurika inquired, “I wonder where Akira is? So, we can introduce her to Stan.”

Stan had a confused look on his face, as he questioned, “Hatsushiba Akira is already here?”

Yurika giggled, as she explained, “No. A different Akira. She is small blond girl, a few years younger than us.”

Stan replied, “Okay.”

Hatsushiba stated, “Don't worry. You will see her in a minute. I will go get her.” He then rushed out the front door of the cafe.

Less than a minute later, Stan watched as a blond girl, with long hair, whom was a few years younger than the rest of the teenagers that were present, walk into the cafe. Also, Stan noted that the blond girl was slightly shorter than the other girls in the room. In addition, the blond girl wore a boy's uniform, that was very loose on her body.

Stan just looked at her, as he shook his head. He thought, 'I don't want to know. I am laying low. I don't need any craziness right now.'

Yurika looked over at blond girl, as she smile. She said, “Ah, Akira. There you are. Come meet our new friend.”

Akira approached the group, and she came to a stop in front of them.

Yurika pointed at Stan, with her right hand, as she stated, “Akira, this is, Stan Lowe. Stan, this is, Akira.” She then dropped her hand by her side.

Akira smiled, as she said, “Nice to meet ya.”

Stan replied, “Same here.”

Yurika turned to Stan, as she asked, “So, what brings you to japan?”

Stan answered, “Just broadening my horizons, until my brother shows up.”

Kikuchi asked, “You have a brother?”

Stan replied, “Yes. He looks somewhat like me. Similar build and looks. Though, if you looked at us together, you would see the differences. He is also my best friend.”

Akira said, “It is nice to have family that is friendly to you.”

Stan agreed, “Yes, it is.”

Yurika teased, “Don't be that way, Akira.” She then looked at Stan, as she commented, “Stan, I have a younger sister, Anju. She is a year younger than me. She is currently living, in France, with our parents, Ran, my mother, and Kouki, my father.”

Stan thought, 'France... Interesting.... Still, back to the matter at hand.' He said, “Yurika, it is nice to see that you understand where I am coming from.”

Yurika agreed, “Yes. Siblings that care for each other are a blessing.”

Stan commented, “You are preaching to the choir. Anyway, as soon as Hatsushiba shows up, I will start tutoring Kikuchi and him on their english skills.”

Yurika grinned at Stan, as she complimented him, “I appreciate you doing that. They could use the help.”

Stan smiled, as he replied, “I don't mind.”

Akira stated, “I will got get him.”

Akira rushed out of the cafe.

A minute later, Hatsushiba came back into the cafe, in his boy's uniform. Though, Hatsushiba's clothing looked a little wrinkled. He stated, “Akira had to leave. But, before she left, she said that you were ready to help me, Stan.”

Stan thought, with annoyance, 'Is reality trying to slap me in the face, with the obvious? Or, have I gone insane? I am not lucky enough to be insane. But, it is clear the others don't have a clue that Hatsushiba Akira, here, is a gender bender.'

'I got a very distinct feeling, given Hatsushiba's age, size, and hair, differences between gender forms, that Hatsushiba's abilities are like Yurika's and Mikoto's abilities. Hatsushiba likely changes when sneezing. Which means I am likely in my father's home reality, in the past. And that we are related. It is possible that Hatsushiba is even the parent to both Yurika and Mikoto. He, or she, could be their mother, or father. Depending on which of them I am thinking of.'

'If that is the case, Yurika's green hair color, and Mikoto's blue hair with black highlights. In relation to Hatsushiba's black hair as male, and blond hair as female. It is likely that Hatsushiba is the mother of Yurika, and the father to Mikoto.'

'Also, this means that the elemental abilities probably come from the other parent, whom is likely a gender bender also, with the other parent being Mikoto's mother, and Yurika's father. Sort of like, how Lewis and I are related.'

'Though, since Nodoka' gender bending works differently, I don't know how she fits into the equation. Maybe she is a half-sister, with the elemental gender bender being one of her parents, with a third person being Nodoka's other parent.'

'Still, I am not going to touch this situation with a ten foot pole. Hatsushiba is just a teenage kid, like I am. This is too serious a matter for someone as young as him to worry about. So, let us just move on.'

Stan said, “Yes. Ready when you are.”

Kikuchi requested, “Let's see how you can help us.”

Stan replied, “Okay. Let's sit at a table, and get started.”

The three teenage boys sat at a table. After they sat down in chairs, so they faced each other, Stan pulled out his student japanese to english book, from his schoolbag. Stan then set down his schoolbag on the floor beside him, his left side. He then began to use the book he had pulled out to tutor Hatsushiba and Kikuchi on the english language.

Meanwhile, Yurika walked around back of the counter, to get some work done. Haruna sat in a stool, at the counter, near her schoolbag. She did her homework. And Fujiwara pick up his schoolbag, and he moved over to sit in a chair, at a table near the other three teenage boys in the room, as he began to do his homework.


Around week later, it was a Monday. A school day. And the high school that Stan was going to had just let their students out for the day, five minutes, beforehand.

Stan it took a few minutes for him to retrieve his varsity jacket from his locker, and replace his schools, with his tennis shoes. When he was finished, he picked up his closed schoolbag, and he he head out of the front entrance, to meet with his friends.

As Stan walked out of the front entrance of the school, and into the open air, he noticed that it was a nice, sunny, warm day.

Stan then saw his two friend, Hatsushiba and Kikuchi, were waiting for him, about twenty feet away.

As Stan approach the two other boys, he noticed, they were looking at him, with both his friends grinning nearly ear to ear.

When Stan reached them, all three teenage boys stood, facing each other. With Hatsushiba to Stan's front right side, and Kikuchi being to Stan's front left side.

Stan asked, “Why the happy faces? Someone's birthday, and no one told me?”

Hatsushiba continued to smile, as he said, “No. It is just, thanks to your tutoring, we both got an, A, on our latest english tests.”

Stan grinned, as he replied, “That is good to hear.”

Kikuchi said, “We owe you big for this.”

Stan responded, “Don't worry about it. It is what friends do for each other.”

Kikuchi continued to smile, as he stated, “Well, my family is rich. The next time I go out on my family yacht, you are invited, along with Hatsushiba, Yurika, Haruna, even Fujiwara, and most of all, the wonderful, blond Akira.”

From the corner of Stan's right eye, he saw Hatsushiba's face winch for a split seconds.

Stan looked between his two friends, as he thought, 'Kikuchi has it bad for his best friend's female form, and he doesn't realize that Hatsushiba and Akira are the same person. Still, both Hatsushiba and Kikuchi are good kids. I hope when Kikuchi find out that Hatsushiba is a gender bender, that they are able to work this out, while preserving their friendship. Though, I cannot do a damn thing about it. Except...' Stan stated, “Well, just remember Kikuchi, there are three billion other women in this world. If things don't work out, there are always other women.”

Hatsushiba said, “Stan is right about that.”

Kikuchi replied, “I will keep that in mind.”

Stan responded, “Anyway, if I am still around, I will take you up on your offer, Kikuchi.”

Kikuchi said, “I look forward to it.”

Just then, a group of six skinny, teenage boys, in boy's uniforms, walk up to the three other boys.

The lead boy in the six member group stated, snobbish tone of voice, in japanese, “Hi Kikuchi and Hatsushiba. We heard you each both received an, A, today on your english test. What did you do? Cheat?”

The other five boys in the group just laughed at the two of them.

Stan thought, with annoyance, 'There is a group of jackasses in every school. If I was back home, I would take them down a notch in half a dozen different ways, without laying finger on them. But, those options are not available to me, right now. And if I hit them, I am the one that gets into trouble, because I am the foreigner. They are even so rude, as to ignore my presence. That is going to cost them.'

Kikuchi shrugged towards Stan, as he responded, “No. We had, Stan, here, tutor us. He is brilliant.”

The six member group looked over at Stan, as the lead member stated, in an insulting tone of voice, “I am surprised that a gaijin was even be able help himself, let along you two idiots. Especially, considering that jacket he is wearing, I would think he is just a muscle bound fool.”

Stan looked over at them, as he kept a neutral expression on his face. He thought, 'Nobody insults my jacket. That is really going to cost them. Now, to be creative in my vengeance.' Stan calmly asked, “And who would you six be?”

The lead teenage boy answered, “We are members of the school chess club. And I am the president of the chess club.”

Stan thought, with amusement, 'Oh, this is going to be so much fun.'

Stan casually said, “Ah chess. A game my brother and I mastered when we were seven years old. There are only so many combinations that game offers. And after our third tie in a role, against each other, we decided to move on other more challenging pursuits. Personally, I find first person shooting game in multiplayer mode to be more interesting than chess. Such games being designed to include the randomness of the human factor far more into gameplay than chess ever could.”

Stan noted that all six members of the chess club frowned, as they each understood the backhanded insult Stan had just given them.

The chess president smirked, as he challenged, “Willing to put you money where you mouth is?”

Stan hid his own smirk, as he thought, 'Game, set, and match. This is just too damn easy.' He said, “No money. But, I will take your egos to the cleaners. I will play all six of you, in six different, timed, chess games, at once.”

The chess club president looked at his members. They all smiled wickedly at him.

The chess leader turned back to look at Stan, as he smirked. He stated, “You're on.”


Ten minutes later, in the chess team's room, six chess games were set up.

The chess members were using the white pieces, with Stan using the black pieces.

Each member was sitting down, by their board.

Stan was standing up, on his side of the six table row of chess boards. He has set his closed schoolbag on a nearby empty table.

Meanwhile, Hatsushiba and Kikuchi kept their schoolbags hanging off their left shoulders, as they stood by the wall, from the others in the room, as they silently watched what was able to unfold.

There was a timer by each chess board. With each timer having to small clocks connected together. When the timer was set, each timer has the same amount of time on the two clocks. And when the timer was activated, one clock would run, while the other was temporally off. When then that close was turned off, the other clock would run. Until one of the clocks run out of time, of the timer was turned off.

The high school chess clue president had just set all the timers. He then over to stand by his chess board. Which was to his far right side of the row of tables, with chess boards, and pieces on them.

All of six chess club members was standing in a row. One member in front of each chess board. With the chess pieces set. And the chess clue members all picked the black chess pieces.

The chess clue president turned to Stan, as he stated, “We will all take the black pieces. Ten minutes for each side. If the clock runs out, the player loses.”

Stan looked over at the times. And he made sure they were all set to ten minutes each of their clock faces. Next, Stan turned to look at the chess clue president, from his side of the six boards. Stan said, “That is fine with me. I will even be generous. All six of you can make the first move on your boards.”

The chess club members all chuckled, as all activated their clocks. They then made their moves.

Each was a different move from the other. When the finished, the punched their button on the clock, putting Stan in the position of being on the clock with it being his turn on all six games.

Within ten seconds, Stan made six different moves, on the six different boards, to counter each of his opponents moves, as he set the timers to his opponents clocks.

All six chess club members were surprised by Stan's moves, on their individual boards. They were each different. Though, each of the chess club members noticed that none of Stan's moves were foolish.

The next move was twenty seconds later, by the president. Stan immediately countered the chess' leaders move, punched his button the clock by that board, making it the chess president's move.

The last member of the chess team to make their second move took a full minute, which Stan immediately countered, while working on the other five boards, as well.

Hatsushiba and Kikuchi leaned against a side wall, while they quietly watched, as the intellectual ass kicking began.

Two minutes into the tournament, Stan had beaten his first opponent.

A few seconds after Stan defeated an opponent, he offered and shook their right hand, with his own right hand, as he said, “Good game.”

Almost twelve minutes after the game started, only the chess club president was left. It was his turn, he knew that his next turn would be checkmate, no matter what, and there was thirty seconds on the clock.

Stan still had over eight minutes on his remaining clock.

Stan noticed the clock. He then looked over at the chess club president, as he calmly said, “We both know you will lose on your next move. Make the move, and face defeat like a man. Do not wuss out, and let the clock beat you.”

The chess club president of the chess clue look up at the Stan, in his eyes. He saw that Stan was not angry, nor arrogance. He was just calmly stating a fact.

The chess clue president looked back down at the board, and made his move. He then punched the clock.

Stan make his checkmate move. He punched his button on the clock, by that chess board, as he stated, “Checkmate.”

The chess club president of the chess club tipped over his king.

Hatsushiba and Kikuchi stood up straight, from the wall they had been leaning against. The two teenage boys could not believe what they had just seen.

Kikuchi said, “That was amazing, Stan.”

Hatsushiba commented, “I knew you were smart, Stan. But not, super-genius level.”

Stan turned to his friends, as he said, “Yea. I am just full of surprises.” He then turned back to face the chess club president.

Stan offered the president of the chess club his right hand, while he said, “Good game.”

As the president of the chess club shook his right hand, he asked Stan, “Who the hell are you?”

Stan answered, “Let's just say that Lazarus Long and I, along with my brother, have a few things in common.”

The reference went over the heads of both Hatsushiba and Kikuchi.

But, the chess members understood the reference, as they all showed shock on their faces. Some of their eyes widened, others jaws dropped. While the chess clue president his handshake from Stan, he said, “I believe you. Still, how did you become so intelligent?”

Stan responded, “While my mother is a crazy, though nice genius, my father is a pillar of sanity. My brother and I inherited my mothers brains and my fathers sanity. We got the best of both worlds.”

The chess club leader replied, “I would agree with your assessment. One more question. Why are you not a member of a chess, or some other intellectual club? You have the intelligence to be one of the top students in this school, if not the entire planet, of this generation.”

Stan stated, “I would not go that far, as to make that claim. I am sure there are a number of people on this planet that are more intelligent than I.”

“Still, I just do not find intellectual pursuits to be challenging to myself. This is why I prefer to play sports. Because sports are a challenge to me. On the other hand, my brother loved to study math and the sciences, because he found them more challenging than sports. We both find it humorous how our hobbies are reversed, for the same reasons.”

The chess club president requested, “Do you think you could introduce us to your brother?”

Stan answered, “If I knew where he was, I might just do that. Still, I believe I have made my point.” He then turned to his two friend, as he said, “Guys. Let's get out of here.”

Stan walked over, to pick his closed schoolbag up from a nearby table. He then lead the way out of the chess club room, with with Kikuchi and Hatsushiba right behind him.

After they entered a school hallway, they continued walking towards the nearest exit to the school, as Kikuchi asked, “What are you referencing back there, that shocked those chess club members?”

Stan commented, “It is a injoke from an old novel. It is of little importance.”

Hatsushiba said, “Still you beat them all so thoroughly. I think you might be more smarter than Yurika.”

Stan casually answered, “Guys, always keep in mind that intelligence, by itself, it not so valuable. It is how you apply that intelligences. Take for example those chess members. A few of them showed signs that if they applied themselves, they might have posed a challenge for me in beating them.”

“Still, it was not that hard to defeat them. That is because they were all going directly for my kings. None of them understood the value of strategic feigns. Which, my brother and I do. I sucked half of them into traps. The other half, I just flat out beat. So, what do you guys want to do next?”

Kikuchi cautiously said, “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

Stan replied, “Don't worry. You would have to work at upsetting me.”

Kikuchi inquired, “By the way, you said you and your brother tied in chess three times in a row. How do you tie in chess? I thought that was impossible.”

Stan answered, “There is three ways to tie in chess. The first way, we found out by accident. We were going after each others kings, and end up killing all our men. With my last man, I had a straight shot to kill his last man, but not his king, which was right beside his last man. I decided to go for his last man. He then killed my last man with his king. Then, with only two kings on the board. It was draw, because we would never be about to use our king to kill the other king.”

“The second tie was we reach a point where the men we had left would just run around the board. But, we both realized we would never be able to reach the other brother's king.”

“The third tie was due to a lock between our chess pieces. Where it would end in either we would take out each others men, or just run around the board. After the third tie, we realized we had mastered chess. And with no challenge, after that, chess just became boring to us, and we moved onto playing another game.”

“To say that our parents were proud of our achievement, at the young age of seven, would be an understatement.”

Kikuchi said, “I can see why.”

Stan asked, “So, I will ask again. What do you want to do next?”

Hatsushiba suggested, “Let's go fishing.”

Stan said, “Sounds great.”


An hour later, the three of them were sitting on the concrete edge that dropped off into Tokyo bay. There was a nice breeze coming off the bay that kept them cool and comfortable.

Kikuchi and Hatsushiba were fishing with rods, while Stan just sat beside them, as he watched, and talked to them.

Kikuchi was in the middle, as Hatsushiba and Stan sat two Kikuchi sides. With Hatsushiba sitting to Kikuchi's right side. And Stan sitting to Kikuchi's left side.

They had small box of worms for bait, and they were just going to release what they caught.

The only sound was the sea breeze, and traffic in the distance.

Stan was caught up in the peaceful moment, as he broke the silence, by casually saying, “This is nice. Just a few friend, enjoying the nice warm weather, as we fish. This reminds me of the times I went fishing, with my family, on Ganymede.”

Stan immediately realized what he had said, as second after he said it. He mentally cursed, 'Oh crap.'

Kikuchi asked, “Where is that?”

Stan quickly lied, “A lake where I am from.”

Kikuchi commented, “Sounds nice. So, who is this brother of yours? You speak very highly of him.”

Stan smiled, as he answered, “He is my best friend. We are born around the same time? We look a lot alike. But, we recently found out we had different mothers. So, he is my brother from a different mother.”

Kikuchi and Hatsushiba chuckled a little at Stan's joke.

Stan went onto say, “This, our parental situation is a bit complicated.”

By then, Kikuchi and Hatsushiba had calmed down.

Hatsushiba looked over at Stan, as he inquired, “How complicated?”

Stan turned to his left side, as he looked across Kikuchi's front side, and over at Hatsushiba. He slyly said, “It is complicated, like how you can get blond from black?”

It took a few seconds for Hatsushiba to the hidden meaning of Stan's comment.

Stan then watched the Hatsushiba did a double-take toward hims, as the black haired boy stiffened a bit.

Stan just smiled at Hatsushiba.

Meanwhile, Kikuchi just continued staring out into the bay, as he calmly answered, “You use bleach.”

Stan continued to look at Hatsushiba, as he replied to Kikuchi, “That is one answer, Kikuchi.”

Stan noticed that Hatsushiba was still looking at him.

Stan rolled his eyes for a few seconds. He then turned back to look at Hatsushiba, as he said, “Oh hell. Don't worry about the small stuff.”

Stan then saw Hatsushiba look away, towards the bay, as he visibly relaxed.

Kikuchi suggested, while looking at the bay, “Let's just enjoy the rest of the afternoon here.”

Stan replied, “Sounds good to me.”

Hatsushiba said, “I agree.”

The three boys then spent the rest of the afternoon by the bay, until it was sunset.

They had caught a couple of fish, and released them.

While the three boys were presently sitting on the concrete, by the bay, Stan looked behind him, to his left, away from the two other teenage boys. He saw the sunset sky over the buildings. He thought, 'This is nice. But, this sunset is nothing comes part to the sunset on the Mars of my home reality. The reds and oranges of the sunset, against the red soil and blue sky, are just so lovingly. And the sunrise is just as lovely. I hope I make it back there some day, to see those sunsets and sunrises again.'

He then turned around to face the bay, as he mentally added, 'Still, this is not a bad place to be right now. It could be a lot worse.'

Kikuchi then stood up. He then reeled in his rod, as he said, “I guess it is time to go.”

Hatsushiba and Stan stood up as well. Hatsushiba then reeled up his rod.

Hatsushiba and Stan looked at each other. Hatsushiba then said, “We will catch up with you in a minute, Kikuchi.”

Kikuchi looked at the two other boys, as he said, “Okay.” He then turned around and started walking away.

When Kikuchi was out of earshot, Hatsushiba turned to Stan, as he stated, “You know.”

Hatsushiba's comment was not a question.

Stan looked over at Hatsushiba, as he shrugged. He commented, “It was not that hard to figure out.”

Hatsushiba pointed out, “I can see why. You are a genius.”

Stan shook his head, as he explained, “Not even that. The very fact you wear the same exact clothing, in the same size. You don't even do much to adjust your clothing between forms. And you go by the same name. Are you trying to have yourself found out? Or, do you not realize what you are doing?”

Hatsushiba admitted, “You have a point there. I have made some mistakes in hiding my secrets. But, my two forms are two different in size. Also, I have no place to keep a spare set of clothing. Nor, a place to change. And I was foolish enough to introduce my female form to my friends, using my real name.”

Stan replied, with sympathy in his voice, “Yea. You got yourself into a bind. And super-genius, or not, I cannot solve this problem for you. Except to suggest for you just come out and tell you friends and family.”

Hatsushiba responded, “I cannot risk that. I could lose everything. Still, the question that worries me is, are you going to tell on me?”

Stan said, “No. I am not. And I don't mind keeping your secret. By the way, for you next question. You are not my type. Besides, I have a girlfriend back home. She is even a cheerleader.”

Hatsushiba asked “If your girlfriend is a cheerleader, what are you?”

Stan stated, “Defensive lineman for an American football team. My team nicknamed me, the linebreaker. And I lived up to the name.”

Hatsushiba replied, “Nice. So, this is not an issue with you?”

Stan responded, “Nope. But, when your secrets blow up in your face, I don't want to be anywhere near you.”

Hatsushiba said, “I can live with that... Wait a minute. When we were leaving school, after your victory over the chess club, you made it sound like your brother and you had the same parents?”

Stan stated, “Yes. I did.” He mentally added, 'Oh no. I slipped up again. I think it is best if I just admit to the truth, if Hatsushiba calls me on it.'

Hatsushiba questioned, “But, then how can you and your brother have different mothers?”

Stan smirked, as he said, “Think about it.”

A few seconds later, Hatsushiba solved Stan's riddle, as his jaw dropped. As he collected himself, he inquired, “Are you?”

Stan answered, “No. The ability is latent.”

Hatsushiba questioned, “Oh. So, is your brother?

Stan responded, “Not as far as I know.”

Hatsushiba commented, with some sympathy in his tone of voice, “Still, that is messed up.”

Stan agreed, “Yes. And the sad fact is that is only the tip of the iceberg to my insane life.”

Hatsushiba hesitantly questioned, “I think you might have a more interesting life than I do. So, do I really want to know the rest?”

Stan coyly answered, “Not if you want to keep your sanity for a few more years.”

Hatsushiba said, “I think. As a wise idea. I will decline from asking any more about your past.”

Stan replied, “That would be a wise idea. So, what should we do for supper?”

Hatsushiba suggested, “Haruna's family runs a nice chinese restaurant.”

Stan thought, 'Getting chinese food in japan. That sounds so wrong. But, why not?' He said, “Sounds nice? So, whose paying?”

Hatsushiba and Stan continued to look as each other, for a few seconds. They then smirked towards each other, as they said, in unison, “Kikuchi.”

Hatsushiba and Stan turned and walked briskly towards Kikuchi, as Hatsushiba spoke up, “Hey, Kikuchi! Wait up! We would like to talk to you about getting some supper.”

Kikuchi stopped, as he turned around to face his two friends. He asked, “Sure. What you do have in mind?”

As the two other boys reached Kikuchi, Hatsushiba answered, “Haruna's family restaurant.”

Kikuchi responded, “Good choice. Let me guess. You want me to pay for it?”

Hatsushiba pleaded, “Please.”

Kikuchi shrugged, as he said, “Sure. Why not?”

Hatsushiba replied, “Kikuchi, you are the best.”

Stan said, “Thank you, Kikuchi.”

Kikuchi smiled, as he stated, “That is what friends are for.”

Kikuchi turned around, as all three boys then headed to Haruna's family's chinese restaurant, to get something to eat.


Nearly two weeks later, it was Saturday evening, right after dark, inside Lewis' hotel suite, Lewis was sitting in a cushion chair, at his table.

Lewis had finally gotten his first paycheck, and he had the money to buy the electronic tools he needed to start repairing on his reality device.

The reason he did not directly use his debit card account, that he hacked and created, was that he was trying to keep the cash limits low, so as to not raise any unneeded red flags. But, with his paycheck, he could use a little more money from his account, without the chance of raising any red flags.

Even thought the reality device was broken, he kept it on his person, or near him, at all times. So, it could not be lost, nor stolen.

Lewis had just had supper, which he had brought to his room, and he was now ready to work on his reality device.

Still, he had an open can of soda by his TV, which he was drinking. Though, he was careful to keep his can of soda away from his tools and the device.

Currently, he was using his new tools to open his reality device and look at its insides, to see if anything obvious was broken. Such as a burnt transistor, a blown capacitor, or a circuit being broken.

As Lewis inspected the electronics of the reality device he thought, 'This good news is that this looks a fairly simple design. Though, it is clear that some of the materials are not. Still, I believe I should be able to figure out how this device works, and fix this.'

'Yet, I need to be careful not to break it further. I don't think I can replace some of these parts with my small salary. And using the debit card, for some of the rare materials this device is made of would likely raise some red flags in the system.'

'Now, if Stan was here, we could probably fix this thing in a week. As it is, between my teaching job, and learning about this device, as I go, this could take a while.'

'But, I also need to keep in mind that I will put this thing back together later tonight, before I head to bed, and still keep it with me.'

Lewis then spent the rest of the evening working on the reality device, until he felt that it was time to head to sleep. Next, he put the device careful back together.

With his work on his reality device completely for the evening, he cleaned up after himself. Put away his tools. And he got ready for bed.

As Lewis laid in bed, he thought, 'At least I can sleep in tomorrow, because it is a Sunday. Still, I wonder whose idea it was to make those screwy half-school days, every other week, on Saturday? I am so happy I did not have to deal with such madness in my school system on Mars.'

Finally, he turned off his lamp light, on the nightstand by his bed, and he went to sleep, in the darkness surrounding him.


A few days later, in the middle of a sunny school day, during lunch break, Lewis was sitting down, in a chair, at a table, alone. He was eating his lunch, in the teacher's lounge.

Lewis noticed the PE teacher, Duke Strike, got up form his seat, at a nearby table, and walk up to him.

When Duke reached him, he greeted Lewis, “Hello Professor Lowe.”

Lewis set down his food, as he swallowed the food in his mouth. He then turned to Duke, as he responded, “You can call me, Lewis, Mister Strike.”

Duke smiled, as he replied, “And you can called me, Duke, Lewis. I do admire informality in such situations.”

Lewis agreed, “As do I, Duke. So, what can I do for you, Duke?”

Duke offered, “I have a fun errand I intend to run after school. It is out of town. And I will be gone for a few hours. But, I think you might enjoy it, as well. Would you like to come?”

Lewis thought, 'I need to learn about my coworkers. And Duke does seem to have a good head on head on his shoulders. Unlike others in this school, whom I will not name. So, I might as well take him up on his offer.' Lewis answered, “Sure. Where do I need to meet you at?”

Duke stated, “Meet me at the front of the teachers parking lot, around back of the building, half an hour after school lets out.”

Lewis replied, “I will do that.”

Duke grinned, as he responded, “See you there.” He then turned, and walked away from Lewis.


Across town, that afternoon, after school let out, Hatsushiba, and his group of friends, including Stan, met inside the Rock Stock Cafe.

Stan, Hatsushiba, Yurika, Haruna, and Fujiwara had put to tables together, so they five of them could sit five of the six chairs, at the large table.

Presently, they all looking at Kikuchi, whom was standing in front of them, with his back to the windows and front door of the cafe.

Since this morning, at school, they had all noticed that Kikuchi had been very happy for some reason, but he had refused to mentioned what was making him so happy. He only said that he would tell them after school let out. That it was too big a secret to say in school.

Hatsushiba requested, “Well, buddy. What is the big news?”

Kikuchi was grinning a toothy smile, as he pulled out six tickets with his right hand. He stated. “I got us six tickets to the new Koco concert, tonight. You are all invited.”

Stan noticed that everyone suddenly got a lot happy.

Fujiwara complimented, “Nice work, Kikuchi.”

Hatsushiba said, “Kikuchi, you magnificence bastard. How did you pull that off? Koco concerts are usually sold out within the first few hours they are available at the ticket booths, and the internet?”

Kikuchi continued smiling, as he answered, “I had asked my father to call in a favor. They are legit tickets. Direct from the ticket booth. These are not scalper fakes. But, I still had to agree to go on a date with, Mitsuba, this weekend. But, it is still worth it.”

Kikuchi then noticed the confused look on Stan's face. Kikuchi turned to Stan, as he explained, “Misuba Morinoin, is my unwanted fiancee. Long story. Don't ask.”

Stan inquired, “Okay. And you have my sympathies. So, who is this Koco band? What music do they play?”

Haruna looked over at Stan, as she stated, in an excited tone of voice, “Koco is only one of the most popular rock bands in Japan.”

Yurika said, in a slight calmer tone of voice, than Haruna, “Koco is a five member, all female, band. But, it is not an idol band. These five women were friends long before they formed their band. And their music is very good.”

Stan turned to the Haruna and Yurika, as he responded, “Sounds interesting. I look forward to going to the concert.”

Yurika turned to Kikuchi, as she asked, “So, what time is the concern, tonight? I do not want to miss it because of my work here.”

Kikuchi answered, “You can relax, Yurika. I know you get off of work as six, tonight. And you will still have time to get ready. The concert is at eight tonight, after dark. And the band will likely play for about two hours. Though, we need to get there early. And it is about a half hour drive. But, that won't be a problem. I will have my family limo meet us here at six thirty.”

Yurika said, “Thirty minutes will be plenty of time for me to go upstairs and get ready. I will grab a bite here to eat, before I close up.”

Hatsushiba spoke up, “This all sounds great. We can have supper here, and then head out for some great entertainment.”

Kikuchi agreed, “Good plan, buddy. Anyway, I will keep the tickets for tonight.”

Stan noticed that Yurika, Haruna, Fujiwara, and Hatsushiba were all giving Kikuchi death glares.

Kikuchi sweated slight in fear, as he said, “And don't worry. I won't lose the tickets.” He then put the six tickets in his one of his pockets.

Stan then noticed the four teenagers drop their glares, as Kikuchi let out a sigh of relief.

Stan just thought, 'It must be a japanese thing.'


Two hours later, outside of Tokyo, in some of the forests and hills, nearby the city, Duke drove Lewis down the road in his four door, red convertible, with the top and side windows down on the vehicle.

Duke was in the driver's seat, on the right side of the car. And Lewis was sitting in the left, front passenger seat.

Both of them were wearing their seatbelts.

During the trip, Lewis had noticed that Duke was going the speed limit, and driving his car with care.

Duke stated, “Lewis, we will reach our destination in a few minutes.”

Lewis replied, “Take your time, Duke. I am enjoying the ride.”

Duke smiled, as he responded, “That is what I like to hear.”

Five minutes later, Lewis noticed that Duke had turned onto a dirt road, a minute later, they reached a grassy field, with a large dirt berm in the distance.

After Duke stopped the car, both men took off their seat belts, opened their car doors, got out, and closed their doors behind them.

As Lewis stood by Duke's car, he noticed several large cratered holes on the other side of the field.

Duke stated, “I have something to show you, Lewis.”

Lewis turned to watch as Duke walked around to the trunk of his car.

After Duke used his keys to open his car truck, he opened it. He reached into the truck, as he said, “Before I was Duke Strike, I was known by another name. Duke Nukem. And trust me. I lived up to the name.”

Lewis then watched as Duke pulled out a large underarm RPG launcher that he held under this right arm, with both hands.

Lewis thought, 'I think my life just got a little bit weirder.'

Duke smirked, as he stated, “This is one of the few places, in that area, that I can practice with my weapons, in secret. Without being bothered. Now watched.”

He then walked away from the car, and Lewis. And he towards the dirt berm.

A few seconds later, he came to a stop. Duke aimed his weapon, as he held it under his right arm. And he fired two rockets towards the large, dirt berm on the other side of the grassy field. Both shots hit the berm and exploded.

Fortunately, the two men were far enough away that they were completely unharmed by the explosions.

Not even any of the dirt, thrown free of the explosion, hit them.

Duke then turned his head towards Lewis, while keeping his weapon pointed towards the other side of the field. He commented, “There is also something else I would like to talk to you about, Lewis. You don't act like you are from Earth. At least not of this time period.”

Lewis thought, 'He has a big gun, and he know how to use it. I might as well come clean.'

Lewis shrugged, as he replied, “What gave me away?”

Duke said, “Outside some statements on pop-culture entertainment, you have shown not real insight into local events. Nor, have you been seen with a newspaper. Nor, have you talked with anyone about local events, nor even world events, or happenings right now in the world.”

“I know. I checked with some of the faculty and students. You have kept to yourself. And you have not really talked to anyone for an extended amount of time. You have not mentioned your family to anyone. Also, you have not shown any interest in the movies and music here. Along with that, you live in a hotel.”

“And from what I can gather, it was like you just appeared only a few weeks ago, with just enough records to have an ID and get this job. Though, your records do not amount enough to actually being real. I am guessing you hacked the computers to create those records, and your bank account.”

“Yet, you are clearly highly educated. You taken no actions, outside of school, nor your hotel room, that are questionable. All you have done, is go to work, get something to eat, and come back to you hotel suite, to get some sleep. To add to this, you have been nothing but polite to everyone you meet. I would guess, you are lost, and you are just making the best of your situation.”

Lewis responded, “You would be correct, Duke. I am not from this time. Actually, I am from an alternate future. I am from an alternate, future Mars, to be exact. The Mars in my reality was terraformed long before I was born. Mars, in my time, is actually a nice place to live. And I was stranded here by accident. Currently, I am working on the means of returning home. But first, I intend to find my brother, whom was also lost, like I am.”

Duke stated, “I can sympathize. I played the reality warp twist, myself. I am sure, given time, you will find you brother, and return home.”

Lewis weakly smiled, as he said, “I appreciate your faith in me.”

Duke commented, “Still, I wonder why you choose to get a job as a school teacher.”

Lewis shrugged, “It is as the old saying goes. Find a job you like, and you never work another day in your life.”

Duke chuckled for a few seconds. He then agreed, “That is true.”

Lewis went onto say, “I enjoy physics. And I have found I enjoy teaching physics. Besides. I am more than qualified to teach the physics class, at Komatane.”

Duke responded, “I have seen some of your school lessons. I would agree with you. You make a wonderful teacher You have even improved the average school test grades by ten percent, in just the few weeks you have been here.”

Lewis said, “Thank you.”

Duke mentioned, “By the way, the principal loves what you have done for the students. It seems the students really respond positively towards you.”

Lewis stated, “That is nice to know. I try to leave a good impression. But, I make sure they don't walk all over me, either.”

Duke complimented, “That is a good balance. And honestly, I feel my students are more safer in your hands than in some of the other science and math teachers of that school.”

Lewis questioned, “I know what you mean. What is with those sisters?”

Duke stated, “I honestly don't know. But, even I can see they are crazy.”

Lewis commented, “I have already had my share of dealing with crazy chicks, to last a lifetime.”

Duke laughed for a few seconds. He then responded, “I know what you mean. One time, I had to deal with some crazy chicks in power armor, for a while there. Though, we eventually started to get along, and it wasn't that bad an experience. How about you?”

Lewis answered, “I had to deal with two sets of crazy chicks. One was a set of three sisters, that ware martial artist, elemental wielding, gender benders. The other set were five sisters, whom claimed to be descended from pirates, that were very violent, and very skilled with their modern weapons. Their weapons included a sword, long knives, flamethrowers, pistols, and a large machine gun.”

Duke let out a laugh. He grinned, as he stated, “Damn. I think I got the better end of the stick.”

Lewis replied, “You probably did.”

Duke offered, “So, would you like to know how to shoot my RPG, and fire it a few times.”

Lewis smiled, as he answered, “Sure.”

Duke then walked over to Lewis. While keeping his RPG pointed away from them. Duke then instructed Lewis on how to use the large, destructive weapon. When Duke was finished teaching Lewis, he spent the next hour letting Lewis fire his RPG across the field.

When they were done, Duke put his RPG back into the trunk of his car, and closed his truck. Then, Duke and Lewis got back into Duke's car, with Duke driving.

After which, Duke took Lewis to get some supper, for the both of them, at an american style restaurant that Duke liked.

When they were finished with dinner, they split the check, and Duke returned Lewis back to the hotel Lewis was staying at, so Lewis could get some rest.


It was seven fifty PM, that evening, as the sun was setting, nearly into twilight, in the outdoor stadium field which had been converted for the Koco concert.

Hatsushiba, Stan, Kikuchi, Yurika,. Haruna, and Fujiwara walked onto the crowed field, for the Koco concert.

There as plenty of lighting around the stadium for the concert goers.

Stan and his five friends stood near each other, as they looked across the field, they saw the large stage set up across the field. There were large speakers, and large monitors, set up on the sides, of the stage, to show close ups of the band members during the concert. Also, there were stage lightning around the stage. Along with, the instruments set out on stage for the Koco band members.

Stan thought, 'Nice set up. Since, I don't see any microphones. I am guessing that the Koco band members that sing by using microphone headsets. Still, I wish Lewis was here with me, to enjoy this concert.'

Stan then noticed there are was no one in the bleacher stands. He asked, “Why is there no one in the stands? If this band is so hot, I would think they would want to pack this stadium.”

Kikuchi answered, “From what my father told me. The stadium owners said the band, and concert goers, could use the field, for a fee. But, the owners did not want anyone in the stands, and risk having the stands be trashed, if there was a riot. Which, has been known to happen during concerts with this band. The field is easy to clean up. The stands, not so much.”

Stan agreed, “Okay. That is understandable.”

Haruna commented, “At least they have indoor restrooms, in the stadium. And we don't have to deal with those portable toilets.”

Yurika replied, “Amen to that.”

Hatsushiba asked, “So, guys. Who is your favorite Koco band member?”

Kikuchi said, “I like Kasumi.”

Fujiwara commented, “Shampoo seems nice. What about yourself, Hatsushiba?”

Hatsushiba casual responded, “I find Ranko to be cute.”

Yurika questioned, “What about Nabiki?”

Haruna answered, “Everyone can see Nabiki as the gold digger she is. I am surprised those girls allow her to be their manager. And something is off about Akane.”

Yurika replied, “No arguments there.”

Kikuchi turned to Stan, as he inquired, “How about you, Stan?”

Stan turned to Kikuchi, as he answered, “I already have a girlfriend. Besides, I have had my fill of exciting women, to last a lifetime. And I don't see the appeal of being attracted to such women.”

The others just lightly laughed him.

In response, to his friends' mild laughter, Stan looked around, and he saw someone that caught that his eye. He stated, “You think I am joking, on that it is possible for a teenage boy to have his fill of women. Just check out that guy over there.”

Stan then used his right hand to point at a teenage boy, whom had bright blue hair, whom had three teenage girls standing a by him.

Stan's friends continued to lightly laugh a little, as they turned to look at whom Stan had pointed to Stan then dropped his hand to his side.

Stan and his friends that all three teenage girls around the blue haired boy, had slender builds. One of the girls had black hair. Another girl had brown hair. And the last girl, by the boy, had light brown hair. And both the boy and the three girls looked maybe a year younger than Stan and his friends were.

Over the course of the next few seconds, Stan's friends stopped laughing, as they saw the look of uneasy in the blue haired boy's body language. And it was clear the blue haired boy felt the three teenage girls by him, were standing a little to close to him for his comfort.

Hatsushiba stated, “Yea. I got to admit. That guy does not look happy. I am so happy that the girls here, that are our friends, are nice, and clearly not as possessive as those three girls are of that boy.”

Yurika and Haruna smiled at Hatsushiba compliment of them.

Hatsushiba commented, “Still, let's enjoy the show.”

The group, except for Stan, then turned their attention back to the stage.

Meanwhile, Stan looked continued looking around the crowd for a few more seconds. The only of person that caught his eye, was a dark blue haired teenage boy, with his teenage friends. They were nearby, on the field, and they were staring at the staging, waiting for the concert to start.

Stan then turned to look at the stage.


Ten minutes later, the concert goers, on the ground, watched as up at the stage, the five woman band Koco, came out from backstage, walked up to the front of the stage, to greet their fan.

The women were all in their early twenties. They all had fair skin tones. All had slender to athletic physical builds. And they were all quite beautiful.

The tallest woman in the band, and whom appear to be the oldest, by a couple of years, had long brown hair.

The next tallest woman had short brown hair as well.

The third tallest woman had long purple hair. And she was a bit more muscular than most of the other women in the band.

The second to shortest girl, had short, dark blue hair.

And the shortest girl, had long red hair, tied in a pigtail. She was also bit more muscular than some of the women in the band. Also, the redhead was standing in the center of her girl.

The women were dressed various combinations of colored, sexy clothing. A few wore leather long skirts, the rest wore leather pants. All of them wore short sleeve, midriff shirts, along with short jackets, and flat soled slippers. All of these clothes were styled for a rock and roll motif, and the individual clothing pieces were different colors between the women, but none of the clothing each woman had on clashed with their own clothing, nor their band members' clothing. The shirts, the jackets, and the pants hugged their clothing, showing of their wonderful figures.

As Stan looked at the women, he mentally noted, 'So, they are all wearing microphone headsets over their right ears, which are likely tied to the speakers.'

A few seconds later, the women pick up the instruments, and as they stood beside each other, while facing their fans.

Suddenly, the large monitors, on the sides of the stage, came on, to show close ups of the Koco band members.

The women in the middle of the band, a small, japanese, redhead, with fair skin, and pigtail, spoke, in an excited tone of voice, in japanese, “Hello. I am Ranko Saotome. And from us in the band, to you, thank you everyone for coming out to see us. We hope you enjoy the show.”

The Koco band then started their first song playing their instruments, with skill, as all five began singing on key, and in sync with each other.

Stan thought, 'I have to admit that is a nice japanese rock and roll song. I think, I will likely enjoy this concert. And I can see why the guys like these girls. They have pleasant voices, and nice T&A.'


Later, as the concert started to reach full swing, several feet away from Stan, three teenage sisters had walked out onto the field, from under the stadium. The three teenager sisters stood by each other, as all three of them were looking at Stan, while Stan did not notice the three sisters.

Nodoka said, in japanese, “Well, there is Stan.”

Yurika stated, in japanese, “Good. It looks like we got lucky. Considering we just got here.”

Nodoka asked, “But, where is Lewis?”

Mikoto commented, in japanese, “I don't know. Though, considering those two are practically inseparable, there must be a good reason why Lewis is not here.”

Then, a few people moved, allowing the trio to see who was with Stan.

Nodoka said, “And guess who Stan is by?”

As the Yurika and Mikoto took a closer looked, as whom Nodoka was taking about,

Among the teenagers standing by Stan, was a teenage, male, Hatsushiba Akira.

Yurika groaned, as she stated, “Okay. This is the past of our reality. But, I cannot believe he is with my mother. How did he pulled that off?”

Nodoka shrugged, “We can ask aunt Akira, the next time we see her.”

Mikoto then noticed someone else in the crowd. She pointed at the person with her right hand, as she said, “Akira isn't the only one here. Take a look over there.”

Nodoka and Yurika looked over to see that Mikoto was pointing at her future mother, whom was currently a guy, the blue haired, teenage boy, Natsuru Senou.

The blue haired, teenage boy was with three teenage girls. The black haired Shizuku Sangou, the brown haired Akane Mishima, and the light brown haired Mikoto Kondou.

And Natsuru was clearly was not happy with his situation.

Mikoto dropped her right hand back to her side, as she grumbled, “Damn. My mom looks so unhappy with those three. And there is not a thing I can do about it. Those girls are obviously so clingy. No wonder she left them.”

Nodoka looked up at the stage, as she commented, “That is not all. Considering, my mom is on stage, with her ex-girlfriends, and friends, we are in a tight spot.”

Mikoto and Yurika looked up at the stage, as well.

Yurika stated, “You are right. We cannot confront Stan here. There is just too great a chance for a paradox.”

Nodoka replied, “Agreed. And we cannot stay here too long. Stan might see us, and we trigger a paradox, that way.”

Mikoto commented, “Yea. You both are right. Still, Aunt Ranma is one skilled singer.”

Nodoka smiled, as she responded, “Yes. She is. I even inherited some of her singing abilities.”

Yurika suggested, “We will head to the ladies restroom, and teleport out of this reality.”

Nodoka replied, “I agree.”

Mikoto said, “Yes. Let's do that. Don't worry, girls. We will get them eventually.”

The three women then headed into the hallways, under the stadium stands, to find a private place, in one of the ladies restrooms, to use one of their reality devices, to leave the past of their home reality.


Twenty minutes later, Stan excused himself, as he heads to the inside the hallways, to find the men's restroom.

As Stan got closer to the entrance to nearest men's restroom, he noticed the dark blue haired teenage boy, he saw earlier, enter the men's restroom a few seconds before he reached the entrance.


At that moment, inside the men's restroom Stan was heading towards, the dark blue haired, teenage boy, Tsutomu Senkawa was checking the stalls. He quickly found that he was the only one in the men's restroom.

Tsutomu then stood by the sinks, as he stated, out loud, in japanese, “Birdy, there is no one here. You we can change now.”

Within a single second, Tsutomu's body then changed into Birdy's female form, with her long hair being her normal orange and white hair color. As their body changed genders, their clothing changed as well, to more casual wear for a woman.

Birdy stated, in japanese, “Thanks Tsutomu, for letting me enjoy the concert, as well.”

Tsutomu though, 'No problem.'

Birdy said, “At least I am not the one on stage this time. And I find it funny that I can actually attract less attention from people here with my normal hair color, than when I spray my hair brown.”

Tsutomu mentally pointed out, 'When they see you in brown hair, they also notice your face, and they realize you are the idol singer, Shion Arita. But, with your normal hair color, they notice the hair, and not your face.'

Birdy agreed, “You're right.”

Birdy then noticed turned to her right, and she a tanned skin, black haired teenage boy staring at them. The boy was wearing a red varsity jacket over his shirt, along with wearing pants, belt, and tennis shoes.

Birdy and Tsutomu both immediately realized that the teenage boy must have just walked in just as they changed, with him seeing the entire transformation. Along with this, he must have heard the audible part of their conversation.

Stan casually said, “You changing genders is not the strangest thing I have seen this month. And as far as I am concerned, I didn't see anything.”

Birdy smiled at the teenage boy, as she replied, “That works for me.”

Stan requested, “Now, if you don't mind. I have to pee. And a girl being caught in the men's restroom would cause questions to be asked.”

Birdy said, “Got ya. And thanks.”

Birdy then walked passed Stan, and out of the restroom. After she did so, Stan went to take care of his business.

Stan soon finish his business, washed his hands, and left the men's restroom.

After Stan walked out of the restroom, he headed towards the field, and his friends.

While Stan walked, he mentally reflected, 'The hair color is different, but that has to be Birdy. Violin's mother. So, Birdy is a gender bender. Not that I really care, at this point. And I am in the past of Violin's reality.'

'Okay, I know, where, when, and what reality, I am at. This is progress. And Violin knows the teenager girls that are after us. So, at worst, I will eventually bumped into some reality technology, at some point.'

'Or, worst comes to worse, after I finish this high school year, I will just build my own reality device. That portal technology is not to difficult to build. But, it will just take time and money to build. That could be a problem. And if I try to steal that much money, for materials and equipment, it would raise to many red flags. And the time factor would be to tight for me to build a working reality device. Which would likely take me a few years to develop, properly test, and eventually, get me home.'

'Besides, it would be cliché. I would be like some sort of super-villain. Which, I am not. I am just a teenager lost in the multiverse.'

Stan then saw that he friends. As he approached his friend, he continued his thoughts, 'And I am trying to make the best of my situation.'

Stan soon returned to his group of friends, in the field, as they watched the rest of the concert, by Koco, without a problem.

After the concert was over, Stan and his friends left the stadium, and entered Masamune family limo, which had a personal driver.

Kikuchi then had the driver take his five friends, including Stan, to each of their homes, or hotel in Stan's case.

When they all reached their homes, they soon had a pleasant night's sleep.

And when Kikuchi was finished dropping his friends off, his driver took Kikuchi back to the Masamune home, so Kikuchi could get some sleep as wel..


A week later, in the evening, Duke had invited Lewis to watch a martial arts tournament with him.

While this was a minor, mixed martial arts exhibition tournament, for adults, with double elimination rules. Anyone could enter, but Duke and Lewis just came to watch.

After Duke and Lewis had entered the room of the small tournament arena, in the building the event was being held in, Duke and Lewis soon found seat, beside each other, in one of the upstairs stands.

Duke sat to Lewis' right side.

Both men looked down on the tournament mats, as the contestants were getting organized, and ready for their matches.

Lewis thought, 'The last week had been interesting, and fun. It seems Duke is really lacking on finding a guy to share his hobbies with. And I am not doing much of anything.'

'Though, I did check with him. He likes women. Plus, he knows my secret of not being from this reality, so I don't have to worry about that with him. And I can actually relax for the moment. And it is nice to have to something to do, besides work and fixing the reality device. Which is coming along nicely. Still, I can put off a working on the reality device for a few nights, every week.'

Lewis turned to Duke, as he asked, “So, what is going on?”

Duke looked over at Lewis, as he answered, “Well, the first matches will be the men. Then, the women. This should be a pretty good. By the way, the odds on favorite to win tonight, for the men's competition, is a man named, Ranma Saotome. He is one hell of a martial artist. I have seen him compete. He might be able to take me in a hand to hand fight. You cannot miss him. He is the black haired man in a pigtail.”

Duke then turned back to the tournament mats, as he pointed, with his left hand, at a group of men standing, on the floor, to the side of the mats.

Lewis looked over at where Duke was pointing. Among the men, Lewis saw a black haired japanese man, in great physical shape, whom had a pigtail. Ranma appeared to be only a few years older than Lewis.

Duke dropped his left hand back to his side, as he went on to say, “Ranma even has a twin sister named Ranko Saotome. She is also very good on the women's side of these tournaments Though, I believe she is not going to be part of this tournament today. She is also in a popular rock band.”

“Ranko is easy to recognize. She has red hair. She is smaller than Ranma. And she has large beasts for her figure. But, not too big. Also, except for the size difference, hair colors, and genders, they look almost identical in their faces. Which is kind of odd. Especially, for siblings of different genders.”

Lewis thought, 'Unless, Ranma and Ranko are the same person. I have seen stranger things.' While Lewis continued to look at Ranma, he asked, “Has Ranma and Ranko ever been seen together?”

Duke continued looking at Ranma as well, while he thought over Lewis' question for the next few seconds. After which, Duke answered, “Now, that I think about it. No.”

Duke then realized what Lewis was hinting at, as he started laughing, for a few seconds.

Lewis then overheard Duke quietly mutter, between laughs, “Like the Shimeru family.”

Lewis thought, 'So, he figured out what I was hinting about, with Ranma and Ranko. And he knows about the Shimeru family, as well. We both know to keep this vague. But, I do have some questions.' He said, “So, the principal is not the only want that knows about some of our students more interesting quarks.”

As Duke stopped laughing, he inquired, “You know about it?”

Lewis shrugged, as he replied, “Same names. Same family. Once you know it is possible. It is easy to spot the signs.”

Duke agreed, “Very true.”

Lewis questioned, “Do you think he is related to those two at school?”

Duke answered, “Doubtful. Their trigger is lust and stress. A fight like this would more than likely trigger a change by accident. Which is that last thing such a person would want to happen. Especially, in public.”

Lewis commented, “I have meet other types like that, with different triggers for the change.”

Duke replied, “Really?”

Lewis said, “Yes.”

Duke commented, “Life just gets stranger every day.”

Lewis agreed, “Amen to that. Now, let's enjoy the show.”

As expected, two hours later, Ranma won the tournament for the men. Duke and Lewis did not feel like staying for the female tournament. And they both headed for their homes to rest, and get some sleep.


The next Saturday, during the evening, right after dark, both brothers found themselves sitting in the cushioned chairs, by their tables, in their individual hotel suites, across town.

Both of them thought, 'I wonder where my brother is right now?'

Lewis continued his thought, 'I could find out. All it would require is a little work. So, why not?'

Stan went onto think, 'I might be worth the work to learn where he is. Though, I hate doing math formulas. They are so boring'

In both their hotel suites, Stan and Lewis got up from this chairs. They each found a pen and some blank paper to write on, before they returned to chairs. They put their papers on their tables, and both of them began to crunch some numbers.

The formula was simple for those of their intelligence. They used a variation of their multiverse gate formula, in conjunction with how much power the unstable gate had at the time, versus long they were in the gate, until they were separated.

Two hours later, they had both reached the same happy conclusion, that both of them were in Tokyo, at the same time, in the same reality.

Stan said, “Lewis is here in Tokyo. And likely closer than I thought.”

Lewis stated, “When we first came to the reality, we were no further than thirty kilometers apart. That is spitting distance, when compared to the vastness of the multiverse. We really lucked out on that, along with where and when we ended up.”

Stan commented, “It is likely that we came to this reality because our father is native here, and we were thinking of Violin, along with Tokyo of the past, when Violin's parents were the same age, as when we met Violin.”

Lewis concluded, “And the unstable gate took us where, when, and what reality, in the multiverse we wanted to go.”

Stan and Lewis then asked the same question, “Now, how do I find my brother?”

Stan stated, “We are both like laying low. Unless we bump into each other, which would be a miracle. Given the population of Tokyo. Lewis probably realizes that I will likely wait for him, to come get me, with his reality device. But, given the amount of time it has been, I am thinking the device is broken. Which could be a problem for both of us.”

Lewis said, “Given the amount of time it has been, I am guessing that Stan realizes that the reality device is broken. And because we do not want to attract attention, we cannot just go looking for each other in the usual ways. I need to think on. I will decide what to do in the morning.”

Stan commented, “Since we cannot find each other, the straight forward way, I will just have to think of using alternative ways. I need to sleep on this.”

Both of them stated, “And as Dad said. That in hard times, a prayer never hurts. Maybe he is right.”

That night, both brothers prayed to find their other brother soon, and in good health.


The next day, in the sunny Sunday afternoon, Lewis had gone with Duke, to do some walking around town.

As they walked down a sidewalk, Lewis was looking around them. He thought, 'There is always the off chance, I might get lucky, and see Stan.'

Duke noticed what Lewis was doing, as he asked, “What are we looking for?”

While Lewis continued to look around, as they walked, he answered, “Last night, I worked on a math formula. I figured out that my brother is likely in this city, right now. Just keep an eye out for someone that looks similar to me in build, skin tone, and hair color. Whom wears a red varsity american football jacket, with the number, 69, the back of it.”

Duke nodded once, as he responded, “I will.”

Duke thought, 'I am not going to discourage, Lewis. I know what it is like to search for someone, like a needle in a haystack. And I have succeeded in finding those people, in a timely manner. I will help my friend, succeed, now. If this does not work, in a few hours. I will make some suggestions, that he might try, to help locate his brother. I can even make a few phone calls, and call in some favors. But, I really don't want other to know about Lewis, and his brother, unless we have no other choice, in finding Lewis' brother.'

Duke then started looking around with Lewis.

As both of them continued looking around, they turned a corner on the sidewalk, to their right side.


Nearby, a few seconds ago, Stan was with Kikuchi and Hatsushiba, as they walked down a sidewalk, beside each other, as they did some window shopping. Hatsushiba in the middle of the three of them. Stan was on the interior left side of the side walk. Kikuchi was on the right side, near the three lane street they were walking beside.

As Stan looked around, he stated, “Guys, I have some interesting news.”

The three of them continued walking beside each other, as Kikuchi asked, “What is it?”

Stan stated, “I have come to the conclusion that my brother is in this city. He almost looks like me, except he wears a white coat.”

Hatsushiba commented, “Stan, do you realize the odds of bumping into your brother in this city?”

Stan smiled, as he said, “Oh come, Hatsushiba. We both know that greater impossibilities have happened to the both us.”

Hatsushiba quietly said, “Point taken.”

Just then, as they came to the a corner in the sidewalk, they notice two people turning on the corner, in front of them, to face the three boys.

Both groups suddenly stopped, and stayed quiet, as they faced each other.

Stan and Lewis looked at each, as they smiled towards each other.

A second later, they ran towards each other, as they hugged one another.

Stan said, “I missed you, brother.”

Lewis replied, “I missed you too.”

They held each other for a few seconds. They then broke their hug, and took a few steps back from each other.

Stan turned to Kikuchi and Hatsushiba. He said, “Lewis, I would like you to meet my friends, Hatsushiba and Kikuchi. Guys, this is Lewis Lowe, my brother.”

Kikuchi said, “Nice to meet you.”

Hatsushiba stated, “It is good to finally meet you, Lewis. Your brother, Stan, speaks well of you.”

Lewis replied, “Thank you. And it is nice to meet you.”

Lewis turned around. And Stan noticed this, as he turned around, as well.

Lewis used his left hand to gesture at Duke, as he stated, “This is Duke Strike. A friend of mine from work. Duke, this is Stan Lowe. My brother.”

Duke looked at the two brothers. He then focused on Stan, with a critical look, as he said, “A pleasure to meet you.” He though, 'So, this is Lewis' brother. I see the resemblance. And that is a red varsity american football jacket.'

'Unfortunately, this also means Lewis will be leaving. And we were having such fun together. It is so rare in this country, to find someone to share my hobbies with... Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.'

Stan responded, “Likewise, Mister Strike.”

Duke replied, “Duke is fine.” He turned to Lewis, as he inquired, “Lewis, I take it you will be resigning from your job now?”

Lewis nodded, as he answered, “Sadly. Yes. I am.”

Duke stated, “I understand. I will let the principal know that you of your resignation.”

Lewis responded, “Thank you. And Duke, you have been a good friend, when I need one.” He extended his right hand.

Duke shook Lewis' hand with his right hand, while using his left hand to pat Lewis gently on his right should. He said, “Same here. Not many people here share my interests. It was refreshing to find someone who did. You.”

Both of them noticed the firm grip the other person had.

Lewis commented, “You are right about that.”

A few seconds later, they broke then handshake.

Duke turned to Stan, as he slyly said, “Good luck in your journeys. To the both of you.”

Lewis whispered into Stan's left ear, “He knows. Don't worry about it. I will tell you later.”

Stan just turned to Lewis, as he softly replied, “Okay.”

Both brothers turned to Duke.

Lewis offered, “Duke, you know what is out there. We are more than happy to have you come with us.”

Duke replied, “Nah. I prefer to help shape the minds of future generations.”

Lewis complimented, “That is a good goal.”

Kikuchi asked, “What is this, Duke, talking about? Are you to going somewhere?”

The brothers turned around to face Kikuchi, and Hatsushiba.

Stan explained, “I am sorry guys. But, I got to leave on short notice. I came here only to find my brother. But, you two, and the others, have been good friends to me. And I thank you for that. Still, now that I have found my brother. I have to go.”

Kikuchi inquired, “Are you in trouble?”

Stan admitted, “Actually, we are. But, don't worry. As long as we keep moving, we will be fine.”

Hatsushiba replied, “Okay. And stay safe.”

Stan added, “We will try. And there is always the hope we will see each other in the future. Stranger things have happened.”

Hatsushiba smiled at Stan, as he agreed, “That is very true.”

Kikuchi said, “Goodbye, Stan. I will let the others at the cafe, and the school, know that you had to leave.

Stan said, “Thank you. I won't forget any of you.”

Kikuchi replied, “I know you won't. We are very memorable people.”

Stan stated, “That you both are.”

Hatsushiba smile turned sad, as he said, “See you later, Stan.”

Stan winked at Hatsushiba, as he said, “Until next time.”

Hatsushiba's smile brighten, as he replied, “Yes. Until next time.”

Stan turned to Lewis asked, “So, which was do we go, while we talk in private?”

Lewis replied, “This way.” He then turned around, and passed Duke.

Stan followed Lewis to the crosswalk. With him standing to Lewis' right side.

The brothers then pushed the button for the crosswalk, they need to use. Next, they wait a few seconds at the crosswalk, before they were clear crossing the street. After which, the brothers sadly left behind the friends they had made, and the lives they had created in their father's home reality.


Across the street from the Lowe brothers, and their three friends, a man, dressed in a buttoned up long coat, whom looked similar to the deceased actor, Lee Van Cleef, watched the brother leave the others three individuals, as they crossed the street.

The man quietly followed the brothers, as the brothers left the area on foot.


Ten minutes later, as the Lowe brothers walked down the sidewalk, they talked, and caught up with each others lives, over the past month, or so.

They were walking side by side, with Lewis to Stan's left side. And the street being to Lewis' left side.

By then, they reached a part of town that was less busy, and was deserted at that time of day. To the point where there was only the occasional car that passed though the two-lane street, beside them. And there was not one on the sidewalks, near them.

The Lowe brothers passed by an abandoned, partly demolished building, on their side of the street, to their right side. The building was missing its doors and windows. In addition, the building set twenty feet from the street. With a green and dirt field between the building and the sidewalk.

Stan and Lewis walked onto the sidewalk, parallel with the building. Stan commented, “So, you played at being a junior high school physics teacher?”

Lewis said, “Yes. And it was fun. Also, we both can agree that I am more than qualified at being physics professor. And to be honest. So are you.”

Stan agreed, “True.”

Lewis commented, “Still, I am not surprised that you went back to high school, as a student.”

Stan shrugged, as he replied, “My thoughts for doing so, were that I am good at it. So, why not?”

Lewis stated, in a playful tone of voice, “No argument there.”

Stan inquired, “I take it the reality device is broken?”

Lewis answered, “Yes. But, it is in one piece. I have been studying it, while I was here. So, I could carefully fix it, without breaking it further.”

Stan complimented, “That is good thinking on your part. I am sure we can get it fixed, with enough time.”

Lewis stated, “That is what I am hoping.”

Stan asked, “Where is the device.”

Lewis used his right hand to lightly pat his right side pants pocket, as he commented, “I always keep it with me.”

Stan said, “Good. Anyway, it is great to have you back.”

Lewis replied, “Same here. And let's not do that again.”

Stan suggested, “I don't plan to. I guess our next move is we will need to collect our things from our hotel suites, and find another hotel with a two bedroom suite.”

Lewis responded, “Agreed. And if we pool our money that way, we can use our debit cards to live on. With enough left over to afford any more tools we need to fix our device. Besides what you have already bought.”

Stan said, “My thoughts exactly.”

It was then they heard, from the sidewalk, across the empty, two lane street, from them, a familiar voice, loudly say, in galactic basic, with basic being pretty much identical to english, “Hello boys!

As the brothers recognized the voice, they stop in their tracks, with the abonded, partly demolished building, still being to their right side.

The two brothers turned direction of the voice. When they turned to face the empty street, they saw across the empty street, standing on the sidewalk, on the other side, a man whom look like Lee Van Cleef, which confused them slightly.

Though, the Lee Van Cleef had familiar large fedora hat, and buttoned up long coat.

Though, the brothers did recognized the voice.

Stan stated, in english, “Cad Bane.”

Cad complimented, “Good memory.

Lewis said, in english, “It figures that you would be the one to find us. And while you may look different, but we would recognize you voice anywhere.”

Cad stated, “I could used a voice synthesizer I had. But, I chose not to. Still, this holographic device, which hides my true form, is nice. And for some reason, when I chose to look like a male human, it chose this appearance. Still, I like the appearance... For a human.”

Stan stated, “We fully agree.”

Lewis commented, “Whomever programed you holographic device has good taste in human old western movies. The actor you look like was named, Lee Van Cleef. If you have the chance, look up the Earth movie, from the last twentieth century AD, Earth calendar. It is the Sergio Leone movie, titled, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The character you look like is called, Angel Eyes. And he was one serious badass gunslinger in that movie.”

Cad Bane smirked, as he said, “You know what? I just might do that.”

Cad turned off his holographic disguise, showing his true, blue, alien form.

Stan asked, “How did you find us?”

As Bane unbuttoned his long coat, he cryptically answered, “I have my ways.”

The brothers saw the gunbelt around Bane's waist, with a holster firearm on each side of his waist.

Cad then drew his two blasters. He pointed one blaster, as each other them, as he ordered, “Now, you two are coming with me.”

The brothers did the only sane thing they could.

They turned around, and ran towards the empty, partly demolished building that was behind them.

As the Lowe brothers reached the inside of the building, Cad Bane began laughing as he fired wildly into the building, causing the building to began to collapse in on the brothers.

From inside the building, as the building began to close collapse around them, Stan swiftly grabbed Lewis, as Stan pulled Lewis down to the ground, with Stan on top of Lewis.

Suddenly, everything went dark, as lots of dust was kicked up, causing the brothers to hack, cough, and sneeze, a little.


A few seconds later, outside, and across the street, Cad Bane stopped laughing, as he stopped firing.

As Cad watched the cloud of dust bellow outward, towards him, he thought, 'Damn. I forget to catch them... Oh well. I am sure they are alive. And I don't feel like getting that dust in my lungs. I will catch them, later. Besides, I could use a drink.'

Cad then holstered his weapons. Next, he used reality device, on the right side of his belt, to teleport to a bar he had already found, in his travels of the multiverse, that he liked.


Meanwhile, inside the nearby collapsed building, in a small dark hole, Stan realized that he was still alive, and unharmed.

Stan happily thought, 'I am alive, and uninjured.' He then felt his clothing, as he mentally reflected, 'Though, I wonder why my clothing is a little loose on me. But, who cares? Let's see if Lewis is alright.'

Stan pulled out his zippo lighter, with his right hand, from one of his pockets. He then ignited it, with his fingers on the flipped open cover part, to keep from burning said fingers from the heat.

As the lighter dimly illuminated the area, so Stan could see, Stan looked over to his right side, to see a small, slender, young teenage, fair skinned girl, with long red hair, that went down her back, to her shoulder blades, laying to her right side, staring right back at Stan.

Stan asked, “Who are you?” After he did so, he noticed that his voice was off.

The girl questioned, in a feminine tone of voice, “Who are you?”

Stan thought, 'I don't have time for this.' Stan replied, “Stan.”

The girl said, “It is me. Lewis.”

Stan's eyes widened, while stating the obvious, “Lewis, you're a girl.”

Lewis responded, “So are you, Stan.”

Stan looked at her left hand, and she noted it as the same fair skin tone as Lewis' new skin tone. Also, her hand and forearm was much smaller too. She then reached back, behind her head, and used her left hand to pull some of her hair, over her head, to look at. Her hair was the same red color at Lewis' red hair.

Stan cursed, in her new feminine voice, “Damn it. And we spent so much effort trying to prevent this.”

Lewis said, in a comforting tone of voice, “No use crying over spilt milk. Still, look around at this hole. We might be dead, if we had not shrunken in size.”

Stan admitted, “Yea. I think we are about half the size of our male forms.”

Lewis commented, “I guess the change really is painless, and instant. I didn't feel a thing.”

Stan responded, “Neither did I. Still, only electrical shocks are suppose to trigger the genes in the first place for use to change genders. When were we shocked?”

After a few seconds of thinking, they realized, as they looked each other. They then said, in unison, “The unstable gate.”

Lewis stated, “The gate was throwing lightning around its edges, and we went inside it. The electricity inside it must have trigger our genes.”

Stan questioned, “That is very likely. But, why did we take so long for us to change genders?”

Lewis pointed out, “Remember, for us, while the electricity turns on our dormant genes, trigger to actually change gender is sneezing. And this dust caused me to sneeze for the first time since arriving on this reality”

Stan realized, as she replied, “And we had yet to sneeze for an entire month.”

Lewis said, in a casual tone of voice, “Look on the bright side. We are the only two people right now that know that we can turn into girls, and know what we look like as girls.”

Stan countered, “Good point. Still, that is not going to do us much good, if we cannot get out of here. Let's see if we can find a way out.”

Lewis and Stan looked around, as Stan shifted her lighter around, to see around the small area they were in.

Lewis asked, “How much fuel do you have in that lighter?”

Stan answered, “I make sure it is full, once a month.”

Lewis answered, “Good.” She then spot a hole. She stated, “I believe I found a tunnel.” She used her right hand to point at the hole.

Stan moved up front, as she shined her fire at the hole. She saw that it was a tunnel that was just big enough for the two of them, in their female forms, to crawl through, single file.

Stan also saw specks of light at the other end of the tunnel, about ten feet away.

Stan stated, “I think this will lead us the way out. I see light on the other end.”

Lewis replied, “Good. But, if this collapses in on us. We are dead.”

Stan responded, “I know. Also, don't sneeze. This hole will barely fit our new female sizes. If either of us sneezes, we could cause a collapse, due to instantly getting to big for the hole.”

Lewis agreed, “Good point.”

Stan said, “I go first, since I have the lighter. Also, make sure to keep you clothes on.”

Lewis deadpanned, “I will try.”

Stan then started to crawl into the tunnel, with her left hand and knees, while using the lighter in her right hand.

Lewis soon crawled right behind her.

As they crawled through the tunnel, they made sure their loosing clothing, and shoes did not slip off.

Two stressful minutes later, Stan made it to the end of the tunnel. She saw light peeking outside the debris in front of her.

Stan closed her lighter, turning off the fire. Stan set the lighter down, in front of her. Because, her lighter was presently too hot to put into her pocket. She then used both her hands to began to push against the debris, until it gave way, outward, and she broke through to the outside.

Stan then swiftly picked up her lighter, which had cooled off enough to put back into her pants pocket. After she her lighter into a pocket. After which, she quickly crawl into the outside ground.

When Stan was about side, she continued crawling, to move out of the way, as Lewis was right behind her.

When Stan was clear of the hole, she stood up, and turned around. She then went over to help Lewis out of the hole.

Once Lewis had exited the tunnel, Stan helped her sister up.

After both girls stood up, they looked at each other.

Lewis said, “Thanks for the hand up.”

Stan stated, “No problem. I have good news. We are as strong in our female forms, as we are in our male forms.”

Lewis shrugged, as she replied, “That is nice. And it is nice to be alive, and out of that hole.”

Stan agreed, “Amen to that.” Something them occurred to her, as she inquired, “Do you still have the reality device?”

Lewis swiftly checked her pants. And she found the device still in the pants pocket she had it in. She stated, “Yes. I still have it.”

Stan let out a breath, in relief. She replied, “Good.”

As the two girls stood outside, in the light of the bright, sunny day, they got at good look at each other, while noticing that their clothing was several sizes to big.

Lewis commented, “Before we continued. We are going to need to make some minor adjustments to our clothing.”

Stan replied, “I agree. Also, let's get some of this dust off.”

They then used their hands dust off themselves, and their clothing. Next, they tighten their belts to the smallest hole on their belts. Also, they rolled up the bottom of the leggings of their pants. Along, with tightening their shoes laces. While their pants and shoes were still loose on them, their pants would not fall off their waists, and they would not lose their shoes, by just walking.

After the finished, the stood up straight, as the looked at each other.

Lewis then teased, “You know, Stan, as a girl, you are cute.”

Stan smirked, as she commented, “You are cute as well, Lewis.”

Lewis replied, “That is nice.”

Stan looked at herself. Then, she turned to Lewis, as she inquired, “We seem to be fairly slender in our builds. And I would guess we around average height for our current gender, age, and ethnicity. By the way, why are we so much younger than our male forms? We look like we are fourteen, to fourteen and a half.”

Lewis commented, “The male forms of the two of our cousins, that changed when they sneezed, were a few years younger than their female forms.”

Stan recalled the events where they learned those facts about their cousins. She replied, “You're right. It is likely a genetic trait. At least our breasts are not that big. Thanks to genetics. Mom, and dad's female form's breast sizes are average. Nice, but not too big. Also, we are young, so of course our breasts would be smaller.”

Lewis pointed out, “We are still going to have to get bras, and clothes, for our female sides.”

Stan responded, “Yes. But, we will deal with that later. Still, I wonder why our cousins' forms look like their gender counterparts? Yet, our female forms look completely different from our male forms?”

Lewis answered, “I have no clue how. But, I might have an answer to the, why. This is pretty much the reverse of our family's genes. Our father is a moderately tall, black haired, caucasian, with a medium physical build. And he is in good physical shape, for his age. Our mother is a skinny, redheaded woman, with tanned skin. And she is in great physical shape.”

“Black hair, darker skin tones, height, and larger physical builds, are dominate traits. While caucasian skin tones, red hair, and slender physical builds, are recessive traits. It is possible that we have the genes for all those traits, and the gender change ability activated our recessive traits.”

Stan agreed, “That is a workable theory.”

Lewis went onto say, “I know. And the theory also supports another theory I have. There is this guy at a martial arts tournament that Duke took me to watch. The black haired guy won, but it was still a good tournament to watch. Right before the contest. We got to talking, and Duke mentioned that this guy had a twin sister that looked almost like him, including hair style. The only different was that his sister was smaller, had red hair, and had was, of course, a girl.”

“And Duke commented that they had almost the same face. I am guessing baring gender differences, such as adam's apple, the ridge along the eyebrows of the forehead, and the contours of the cheek bones along the jawline.”

“Though, Duke also said that he could not recall both siblings being seen in the same place. We decided that it is likely this person was a gender bender using to identities. Ranma Saotome for his male form, and Ranko Saotome for her female form.”

Stan inquired, with mild surprise in her tone of voice, “Ranko? As in the Ranko from the rock band, Koco?”

Lewis answered, “I am not sure. Duke told me that Ranko was a martial artist, and she was in a band, which was fairly popular.”

Stan responded, “Then, it is that, Ranko. I saw her perform with her girl friends, in the Koco band, at a concert a few weeks ago. It was a good performance of japanese rock and roll by that five, all female band.” She mentally added, 'And Hatsushiba thought she was cute... Well, that figures. I wonder if gender benders are just naturally attracted to each other? It would not be surprising if that was the case.'

Lewis commented, “Interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if we are related to this Ranma, in some way. Or, at the very least, Ranma knows someone who is related to us.”

Stan replied, “Either way is possible.”

Lewis inquired, “On that note, did you meet any other gender benders while in this reality?”

Stan honestly answered, “Yes. That short haired black haired boy you met, that was with me. He turns into a smaller, slightly younger, cascuasin girl, with long blond hair.”

Lewis smiled, while she ran her right hand through her long red hair. She replied, “Now, that sounds like someone we are definitely related too.”

Stan smiled wickedly, as she said, “It gets better. None of his friends know about his little ability. And the girl he is most interested in, is named, Yurika.”

Lewis questioned, “You think that this guy is one of our Yurika's parents?”

Stan answered, “Yes. I didn't tell him, I was from the future, nor about his possible future children. And given that black is a dominate trait, and blond is a recessive trait, along with the fact that Yurika had green hair. I would guess that the black haired guy, is our Yukira's blond mother.”

Lewis said, “Possible. Still, given our father gave birth to one of us, in her female form, we are not ones talk.”

Stan asked, “True. So, how about you? Did you meet any gender benders?”

Lewis answered, “Two of my students come from a family of gender benders. I did not look into their family. But, I had this confirmed from a couple of sources.”

Stan inquired, “Like that Duke fellow?”

Lewis stated, “Yes. He even figured out I was from another reality. He stated he has been outside his reality, as well. But, he's cool. He told me that the family of gender benders change by either lust, or stress.”

Stan said, “Interesting. There are a lot we are going to have to ask our parents about, the next chance we see them.”

Lewis responded, “True. And we will have to get the answers from mom and dad.”

Stan suggested, “But, only after we have a long talk about them keeping secrets from us.”

Lewis stated, “Agreed. Now, I hate myself mentioning this. But given, as I pointed out, that our father gave birth to one of us, in her female form, it is safe to guess that since she has a fully functioning female reproductive system as a female, so do we. So... What do we do about... monthly periods?”

Stan carefully answered, “We will only worry about that... if that happens to us.”

Lewis complimented, “Good approach. Though, if we are going to hide as girls. We are going to have to learn how to pee sitting down as girl. The equipment is a bit different. Also, given that we will need new, smaller clothing for our female forms, we cannot just sneeze back and forth, when we want to pee. Also, we need to be careful when we sneeze, so we don't accidentally change, especially in public, and rip apart our female clothing, if we change into a boys.”

Stan agreed, “All good points. And peeing as a girl should not be too hard. Except for where the urine comes out, various parts between the bladder and outside, the bladder itself and the bladder muscles, are the same, in both genders. So, if you have to pee as a girl, just sit down on the toilet, and focus on the same bladder muscles.”

“Though, be mindful that men have better control of their bladder, due to having a prostate. As girls, we don't have that. So, be aware of how full your bladder is, so you don't accidentally wet yourself as a girl. Ironically, due to not having a prostate, your female form should be able to not have to pee as often, because the bladder is not pressing against the prostate, and aggravating the situation. As such, I guess there are trade offs in everything.”

“Also, Stephanie once mentioned that women made a note to wipe front to back, or dab, in the front, so as to prevent infections down there.”

Lewis responded, “I will keep those things in mind. And now, we are going to have to come up with a plan?”

Stan pointed out, “We just stick to the same plan as before. Only, we now have the added benefit of hiding as girls, whom no one has seen before. First, we change back to guys. Though, we need to make sure we loosen our belts first, and shoes laces, before we change. Then, we go back to our hotels. Get our things, check out, and get a hotel room with twin beds.'

'Though, since we will have to check in as men, we will just have to be careful, coming in and out of the room, as girls. And we spend time working on the reality device. And maybe having a little fun, as well. But, not that type of fun.”

Lewis stated, “I agree. And thanks for the reminder on our belts, shoes, and pants. Also, I don't see a problem with your plan. We can also get a room with a ground floor. That way, we have more ways to exit the building. If need be.”

Stan complimented, “Great idea... So, how do we get ourselves to sneeze. Because, I am not going to sniff that dust.”

Lewis said, “Good question. I guess we will just have to get some black pepper from a nearby restaurant, and then find a private place to change.”

Stan stated, “I think the men's restroom would be the best place. People make react oddly to a girl in the men's restroom. A boy in the girl's restroom could end up arrested. And we do not want that to happen to us.” She mentally added, 'That is likely why I saw Birdy change genders in a men's restroom. Though, I think I will not mention that to Lewis, since he... Or, she, right now, likes Violin.'

Lewis agreed, “Good point. Now, lets go find a restaurant, to change back to guys. Did you see that restaurant we passed by, on our way here.”

Stan responded, “Yes. That would be a good place to change genders.”

Both sisters then circled around the destroyed building, to the sidewalk. They, then turned to their left, as they walk down the sidewalk, and towards a restaurant they noticed, a block away.


A few minutes later, at a nearby restaurant from the Lowe sisters, and down the street, from the collapsed building, the customers and employees of a diner were going about their business.

The customers either sat in the booths, at the tables, or sitting in the stools, by the counter. With the staff serving the customers, or preparing the food.

Those in the restaurant then watched as two slender, young teenage, fair skin, redheaded girls walk into the diner. They were wearing male clothing, several sizes to big for them, and they were covered in dust and dirt.

They looked around, and saw where they need to head to. The two girls then turned to their left, as they began walking towards their intended destination.

Stan leaned over by one of the empty tables, to her left side, as she used her left hand to grab a couple of packets of black pepper.

As Stan leaned back up, she said, in japanese, “We need these.”

Then, Stan and Lewis walked back hallway of the restaurant, and to the restrooms. Some of the customers noticed the girls went into the men's restroom.

One of those customers muttered, in japanese, 'Stupid foreigners.'


Inside the men's restroom, Stan locked the door, as Lewis checked the stalls.

A few seconds later, Lewis walked back to Stan, as she said, in english, “All clear.”

Stan replied, in english, “Good.”

The to redheaded the sisters then stood and looked at each.

Lewis commented, “We are going to have to get a shower sometime. We are a mess.”

Stan looked down at herself. She then looked back at Lewis, as she agreed, “You are right about that.” She then teased, “So, are you thinking about checking out the new equipment?”

Lewis turned and looked at herself, and Stan, using the men's restroom mirror, which was above the sink. She turned back to Stan, as she commented, “Maybe. If I was a few years older in this form. Besides the obvious, there is nothing really to look at in this form.”

Stan agreed, “Yea. This bodies are definitely late bloomers.”

Lewis replied, “Perhaps it is for the best.”

Stan replied, “Agreed. And I am glad my jacket is machine washable.”

Lewis said, “Same for my white coat.”

Stan stated, “We will get cleaned up, and change our clothes when we get back to our hotel suites, before we check out of those rooms. We can got to your hotel first.”

Lewis smiled, as she responded, “Thanks. But, we need to stop off by a department store, to get some suitcases.”

Stan held the pepper packets in her left hand, as she said, “Good idea. But, let's change back first. Though, let out your belt and shoe laces first. Also, wait until after you change, to tied your shoes, and unfold your pants leggings.”

Lewis replied, “Okay.”

They let out their belts, to where they usually had the belts loops hooked at, as men. They then loosened their shoes laces, but left their loose.

Less than a minute later, they stood up straight.

Stan then held her left palm, open, while facing upwards, with the pepper packets in them. She offered, “I can go first. Or, you can go first.”

Lewis stated, “I will go first.” Then Lewis grabbed on of the pepper packets.

Stan watch as Lewis opened the pepper packet she had, and sprinkle a little into her hand, and sniff it.

A second later, Stan watched as Lewis sneezed, and instantly changed into a guys.

Stan commented, “Well, we now know that change is instant for us.”

Lewis winched, as he adjusted his clothing, which now fit him. He said, “While I did not feel the change. That stings pepper stings a little.”

Lewis kept his open pepper packet, in the palm of his right hand, as he leaned down, and unfolded his leggings, and tied his shoes.

Stan opened her packet of pepper, sprinkled a little into her hand, and sniffed it. A moment later, she sneezed, and changed into a guy.

As Stan adjusted his clothing as well, he agreed, “Yea. The pepper does hurt a little.”

Stan kept his pepper packet in the palm of his left hand, as he knelt down on his left knee, so he could tie the laces of his right shoe, and unfold his right pants legging. He then swapped knees, and knelt on his right need, so he could do the same to the laces of his left shoe, and his left pants legging.

By then, Lewis was finished with his clothing. He leaned up. Next, he rubbed his nose, as he commented, “Maybe with a little less pepper, it would not sting as much. Though, I think we are going have to find another way to trigger a sneeze.”

Stan had just finished with clothing, as he stood up straight. He responded, “We will work on that. Maybe, with some practice, we can figure a way force a sneeze on mental command.”

Suddenly, Lewis sneezed again, and changed back into a girl.

Lewis commented, “We are definitely going to have to put a little more thought into this.” Lewis this sniffed the last of her pepper, in her packet, to allow her to sneeze again, and change back into a guy. He quickly readjusted his clothing from the unplanned gender change.

Stan agreed, “Yep. And from now on, we got to be very careful about sneezing.”

Lewis replied, “You got that right.”

Stan then rubbed his chin with his free, right hand, and he immediately noticed that his chin was smooth. He then used his right hand to feel the rest of his chin, neck, and jaw line. All of which were smooth.

Stan dropped right hand back to his side, while he turned to look in the mirror. He noticed that he had no beard shadow on his face. Stan looked back at Lewis, and he saw that Lewis did not have a beard shadow on his face, either.

Stan commented, “My face is smooth. I don't feel any facial hair on my face. And neither of us has a beard shadow.”

Lewis felt his face with his free, left hand, as he answered, “Now that you mention it. Yes. My face is smooth. I guess this is due to the gender bending.”

Stan commented, “I agree. This is just another matter to talk to mom and dad about. When we see them again.”

Lewis said, “Agreed. Now, let's get to my hotel suite. It is about a twenty minutes from here, on foot. There is even a department store, in a shopping district, on the way there.”

Stan responded, “Nice. My hotel suite is a little over an hour's walk from here. So, we were closer than each other than we realized.”

Lewis said, “Yes. That seems to be the case.”

They walked to the door, with them dropped their packets of pepper into a nearby trash bin.

Lewis then unlocked, opened door, and held the door open for Stan. Lewis teased, “Lady's first.”

Stan cracked a grin, as he, “We are going to have so much fun teasing each other over this.” He then walked out the door, and the hallway, towards the dining area of the restaurant.

Lewis returned Stan's smile, as he replied, “Yes. We are.” He then exited the men's restroom, as he followed Stan.

The spring system at the top of the door then automatically caused the door to close on its own.


In the dining area of the restaurant, the customers and staff then watched as two older, much beefier and taller teenage boys, with tanned skin, and shorter black hair, walk out of the men's restroom.

Those in the restaurant also saw the teenage boys were wearing the same clothing the younger teenage girls had wore. And they were just as much covered in dust and dirt, as the redheaded girls had been.

Stan quietly said to Lewis, in english, “Just keep walking. Pay them no mind.”

Lewis did as Stan had suggested.

A few seconds later, the brothers had exited the restaurant.

Lewis then turned on the to his left side, with Stan following him, as they continued walking down the sidewalk, without looking back.

While they made their way down the sidewalk, Lewis said, in english, “It is this way to my hotel. Also, the department store, I saw, is only five minutes from here.”

Stan replied, “Just lead the way.”

Lewis then lead Stan to the department store, to purchase themselves some suitcases. Then, they would head to hotel that Lewis was staying at.


Around forty five minutes later, after the Lowe brothers stopped by a department store, and bought two suitcases, they soon reached Lewis hotel suite.

After Lewis opened the door to his suite, with his keycard, both brothers walked in, and set their suitcases on the bed.

Lewis then pulled out his wallet, the reality device, and a few other items. He carefully set the items on the table, by his electronic tool kit.

Lewis turned to Stan, as he said, “I will be a few minutes. Make yourself at home.” He then headed into the bathroom, to get a shower, with him gently shutting the door behind himself.

As Lewis went to take a shower, Stan walked around, as he looked at his brother temporary home.

Soon, Stan made his way to the table in the room.

When Stan looked down at the table, he saw by the reality device, and Lewis' belongings. Including, Lewis closed, electronics tool kit.

Stan opened it up, to see what tools were inside of it.

As Stan look at the individual tools, he said to himself, out loud, “Nice selection of tools.”

A minute later, Stan closed the tool kit, and left the tool kit like he had found it.

Stan then turned around, in the direction of the bathroom door. He stood in place, as he patiently waited for Lewis to finish up in his bathroom.

A few minutes later, the door to the bathroom opened up, and Lewis walked out of his bathroom. He was still drying his hair with a towel, while he had another towel rapped around his waist.

Lewis stood where he was, as he turned to face Stan. Lewis saw Stan looking back at him.

Stan complimented, “You have a nice set up.”

Lewis replied, “Thanks. It is surprising what you can get, even on a budget.”

Stan commented, “True. And I think we have all the tools we need to repair their things.”

Lewis responded, “I agree. When we get settled in, I will show you what I have learned so far about this device. But, I first need to get some clothes on.”

Just then, the air conditioner kicked on, causing a gust of cool air to blow on them.

The sudden cooler air hitting the nearly naked Lewis, caused him to sneezing, changing him, into a her. With the change in size, to a small form, causing the towel around her waist to loosen and drop to the floor. Which exposed Lewis' frontal nude body in front of Stan's gaze.

Stan could not help but see that Lewis' body was completely hairless, safe for her red head hair, and red hair on her crotch.

As second later, Stan politely averted his eyes, from his now naked sister.

While Lewis continued toweling down her now, longer hair, she looked down at herself for a few seconds. She then looked back up at Stan, as she said, “Sorry about that. The sneeze just came on very suddenly, and it happened before I could stop it.”

Stan continued looking away from Lewis, as he replied, “I figured that. I guess we need to be even more careful about controlling our sneezes.”

Lewis pointed out, “Look on the bright side, I think my hair expanding made it also half as wet. And at least we know that the hair changes to red, down there, as well.”

Stan commented, “Yea. And we are not crazy as chicks.”

Lewis shrugged, as she replied, “You got that right. And you know what? Now, that you can turn into a girl. I don't have anything currently that you cannot see on yourself, with sneeze.”

Stan commented, “Yes. But, it is still impolite to stare at someone who is naked.”

Lewis said, “True. But, at least I am okay with you seeing me like this, instead of being violent, like a woman in some cheesy romance story.”

Stan continued to look away from his sister, as he chuckled. He then offered, “Yea. That is nice. Do you need any help finding a way to sneeze back?”

Lewis shook her head, as she responded, “No. The cold air against my now sensitive nipples, along with my skin, is actually causing me to feel even more chilly. I feel another sneeze building.”

Stan said, “Good.”

A second later, Lewis sneezed, and changed back into a guy.

Lewis then quickly pulled some clothes from the dresser in the room. Next, he swiftly dressed himself in some fresh clothing. Including, pants and a shirt.

After Lewis put on his belt and laced up his shoes, he stated, “You can look down.”

Stan turned to face his brother, as he replied, “Thank you.”

Lewis stated, “I will be ready to go in a few minutes.”

Stan offered, “Do you need help?”

Lewis said, “No. I should be fine. But, you can check after me. Such as making sure I don't forget something. Like my toothbrush.”

Stan commented, “I will do just that. Though, I don't think we are going to need our razors and shaving cream.”

Lewis stated, “Yes. I guess we don't need such items now.”

Lewis then started packing.

First, Lewis put his dirty clothing in a plastic bag, including his white coat. Next, he opened his suitcase, placing his clothing, including his bag of dirty clothing, into the suitcase. After that, he placed the spare clean clothing, his tools, laptop, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other personal items into the suitcase, and shut it. Finally, he placed his wallet and reality device into separate pockets in his pants.

Lewis turned to Stan, as he said, “I am ready to go.”

Stan looked around, to make sure Lewis did not forget anything. He did not see anything of note, that Lewis would be leaving behind.

Stan looked at Lewis, as he inquired, “Yea. You look like you have everything. After you check out, do you have some spare cash, in yen, that we can use to take a taxi from here, to the hotel I am staying out?”

Lewis responded, “Yes. I have the cash for that. I have even already asked the front desk here. The hotel here will be more than happy to call a decent taxi service for us to use. Also, I should have enough to pay for another taxi to go to the hotel we picked out, but, we will have to use our debit cards to pay for our new room. Do you have a hotel in mind?”

Stan stated, “Yes. On the chance I would have to leave the hotel I was staying at. I have been looking at other hotels online, in the area. And there is a decently priced one near some restaurants, and a few shopping districts. The only reason I did not move there was that it was too far from the high school I chose to go to.”

Lewis replied, “Okay. I look forward to finding out about that hotel. Now, let's get out of here.”

The brothers each carried a suitcase, as they left Lewis' hotel suites. With Stan carrying his empty suitcase, and Lewis carrying his full suitcase.


Ten minutes later, they had it downstairs, to the front desk, with Lewis checking out of the hotel, and hotel front desk called for a taxi, for the two brothers.

Five minutes afterward, a taxi picked both boys up, in front of the hotel.

It was a fifteen minute ride to the hotel Stan was staying at. When the reached the hotel Stan was staying at, Lewis paid the taxi driver, and then existed the taxi, with their luggage.

The brothers soon made it inside Stan's hotel suite, with their suitcases in their hands.

Ten minutes later, Stan had gotten a shower in his suite, dried off, and changed into some clean clothing, with no sneezing accidents, like Lewis had.

Stan then put his dirty clothing, including his dirty red varsity jacket into a plastic bag, like Lewis had done with his dirty clothing. Next, he packed up the bag with dirty clothing, all his spare clean clothing, his laptop, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other items, into his suitcase. Afterward, he put his wallet into one of his pants pockets.

With Stan packed, Stan and Lewis left the hotel suite, with their luggage.

They soon made it to the front desk, where Stan checked out of his hotel suite. And Stan found that the front desk of the hotel was more than happy to call for taxi, for him and Lewis.

Ten minutes later, the taxi picked the brothers up, in front of the hotel.

It was another hour, an almost sunset, when the brothers finally got to the new hotel, used one of their debit cards to check into a new two bedroom hotel suite, and they were each given a keycard for their assigned suite, on the ground floor.

Their new suites had a sliding glass door, that opened to the outside of the hotel. With the sliding door having a lockable latch.

Both brothers then made it down the interior hallway, to the door to suite. When the reached the door, Stan used his keycard to open the door to their new suite.

As Stan walked in, he flipped on the ceiling light switch, on the interior side of the wall, by the door.

Lewis then followed Stan into the room. He shut the door behind them. With the door automatically locking, right after it fully shut.

After they walked inside their further into their two bed, bedroom, they saw that that the bedroom appeared to be a nice, clean, hotel suite.

As they reached the beds, Stan put his suitcase on the bed by the sliding glass door window, which was being a heavy curtain. Lewis put his suitcase on the bed closer to the inside door.

The brothers looked around their suite, as they checked to make sure the room was clean, and everything worked. This including checking the sheets, chest of drawers, and bathroom.

As they check around their suite, they found, as they expected beforehand, that the bathroom of their suite had a western style toilet. The bathroom also had a bathtub with a shower option. Along with plenty of hand towels, large towels, and toiletries.

After they finished checking their suite, for cleanliness, Lewis walked over to his suitcase, on his bed. He pulled out his laptop to check to make sure that the hotel wireless internet worked, which it did. He then put his laptop back into his suitcase. He then zipped up his suitcase.

Meanwhile, Stan tested the TV on top of the chest of drawers, across from the beds, the TV remote, the refrigerator with an icebox section, microwave for a few seconds by using the timer, and air conditioner, which all worked fine.

Stan then made sure the microwave was off. With the microwave being on top of the refrigerator, just like in their previous suites. And Stan turned off the TV. He set the TV remote on the top of the chest of drawers, to the left of the TV.

Next, he made the alarm clock and lamps, on the nightstand, between to the beds, worked. With Stan leaving the alarm on the clock set to being, off.

After which, Stan walked over to the slide glass door. He made sure lock on the sliding glass door worked, with the sliding glass door being locked, and the heavy curtains in front of it, in the room, being closed.

As Stan was being the sliding glass door, Lewis stood up, and turned to his brother.

Lewis stated, “Well, the wireless internet works.”

Stan turned to Lewis, as he said, “Good. And all I don't see anything wrong with the appliances in this room. They all seem to work find.”

Lewis asked, “That is nice to know. So, want to get some supper?”

Stan responded, “Sure. I saw that there is a restaurant inside the hotel, by the lobby.”

Lewis replied, “Works for me. Though, let's not state our names in public.”

Stan commented, “Yes. And let's a table away from the others. Also, we need to be caref to not directly mention our gender bending, as we talk in public.”

Lewis replied, “Of course. We need to keep our conversation subtle. Now, let's get something to eat.”

Both brothers left their shut suitcases, on their beds, in their hotel suite, as they exited the suite, and into the hallway. They then headed for the hotel restaurant, to get some dinner.


Ten minutes later, the brothers here inside the hotel restaurant.

The hotel restaurant was a steak restaurant, that catered to U.S. american style food.

The brothers had already found a table to see out, and they places their orders.

The brothers made sure to sit away from anyone else in restaurant, so they would not be easily overheard. They sat at a small, two chair table, by the wall. With them facing each other. The wall was to Lewis' left side, and Stan's right side.

When the waiter came to take their drink orders, they each had a glass of soda. They looked at their menus, as they waited for their drinks.

The waiter soon brought them their drinks, and they ordered their meals.

As they waited for their meals, they talked, in english, to one another, while not stating their names out loud. Nor, were they mentioned their gender bending, in a direct manner.

Lewis said, “Tomorrow, we need to go shopping for clothing for our new forms.”

Stan groaned, as he replied, “I am not really crazy about that.”

Lewis responded, “Neither am I. But, if we are going to hide in plain sight in our other forms, we need to get some clothing that fits those forms.”

Stan commented, “True. Also, we need to be careful to be seen as only siblings of the same type. If we attempt to go as brother and sister, we look so different, people that view us might get the wrong idea.”

Lewis agreed, “Good point.”

Stan wondered, as he asked, “Do you think we will need to get identities for the other forms?”

Lewis answered, “No. Our debit cards can be used in either form. Though, we need to be careful in how we use the IDs we have. Duke found me out that way. He just didn't turn me in.”

Stan commented, “Sounds like a cool guy.”

Lewis replied, “He is. I have an odd question to ask. Do you think these new abilities with effect our romantic tastes?”

Stan said, “Likely. But, there is nothing really we can do about it. Though, keep in mind, dad has never showed any interest in men, in that way.”

Lewis complimented, “That is an excellent point. And I like the way you think.”

Stan replied, “Thank you.”

Lewis inquired, “By the way. Our other forms are so young. And tomorrow is a school day. Do you think we might get in trouble with the local authorities?”

Stan said, “Nah. This hotel, and the shopping districts, we are going too, are tourist areas. We will just say we are running an errand, while are parents are sightseeing.”

Lewis replied, “Okay. That could work.”

Soon after, the waiter served them their meals. They ate their dinners, paid for their meals, left a decent tip for the waiter, and headed back to their hotel suite.


A little while later, inside their hotel suite, the brothers unpacked.

After unpacking, Lewis pulled out his toolkit and his reality device, and put the items on the table, in the hotel room.

As both brothers sat in chairs, beside each other, at the table, with Stan to Lewis' right side, Lewis stated, “Let me show you what I have learned, so far, form this reality device.”

Stan mentioned, “Okay. Also, if it helps, I seem to remember that Annie stated this device was build by our mother.”

Lewis smiled, as he admitted, “I honestly forgot that. And it does help. If mom built this, then surely we can fix it.”

Stan said, “Those are my thoughts, exactly.”

Lewis then used his tools to carefully take apart the reality device, and show Stan what he had learned about the reality device.

An hour later, Lewis finished his instruction, and put the reality device back together.

They then watched some TV, and finally got ready for bed.

As the brothers got into their beds, the only light on being the two lamps on the nightstand between their beds, by the wall.

Lewis stated, “I really don't look forward to hiding out as girls. I like girls, but I have no interest in being one. Even though I can now do so.”

Stan replied, “Yea. It is going to be a learning experience. But, we can always change back to guys in the privacy of our hotel room.”

By then, both brothers were laying on their beds.

Lewis said, “Tomorrow, we are going to be doing some embarrassing shopping.”

Stan commented, “True. But, we will be doing it together. Good night, brother.”

Lewis replied, “Good night, brother. Glad you are back in my life.”

Stan said, “Same here.”

Each brother reached for the lamp switch, to the lamp their side of the nightstand, and they turned off the lights.

In the dark, the brothers went to sleep on their beds.


The next morning, on Monday, both brothers woke up around eight AM. They got cleaned up and dress for the day.

The morning had brought many new experiences for the two. After the woke up, they went and bought a black pepper shaker, with black pepper in it.

After that, they returned their hotel room, and used the pepper to turn into girls.

While in their smaller female forms, they wore t-shirts, as they tightened their belts, and shoe laces, while rolling up bottom of their leggings, for their shorter legs.

They then went to breakfast in the hotel restaurant, which served breakfast in the morning.

They decided that if they were going to go out in public, as girls, for an extended amount of time, they might as well test the waters somewhere safe. In this case, they could retreat to the hotel room, if there was a problem, or they lost their nerve.

They did not have any problems, nor did they lose their nerve. And after they finished breakfast, they went back to their hotel suite, to wait for the obvious, that they needed to learn in private. And not in public women's restroom.

Within an hour both of them needed to pee, and both of them figured out how to pee as girls, for the first time. After they figured that minor problem out, they decided to begin their day of shopping.

As they exited the front of the hotel lobby, and to the outside, they found that it was a partly cloudy morning, slightly cool day.

The two sisters then walked to a nearby store that they learned about on the internet, for items they begrudgingly needed.

The store was in a nearby shopping district, only a ten minute walk from their hotel.

Both teenage girls stood in front of the lingerie store, as they looked at the front entrance.

The Lowe sisters saw, from the side on the window, that the lingerie store was already open.

Given how early in the morning it was, there was no one else near the Lowe sisters, on the sidewalk they stood on.

Though, a few cars, minivans, and trucks, drove by, on the street behind the two sisters.

Stan stood to Lewis' left side.

Stan commented, “We might as well take care of buying the intimate stuff first.”

Lewis said, “True. The women in the clothing stores will look at us funny if we are caught trying on clothing, while wearing male underwear, and no bras.”

Stan replied, “Well, that would be interesting.”

Lewis said, “We are going to have to be careful in here, just for that reason.”

Stan agreed, “You're right.”

Lewis stated, “Well, we need to find some bras and panties that fit us, and purchase them. So, let us bite the bullet, get this done as quickly as possible, and move on.”

Stan replied, “I agree. And it is not going to be fun having them do breast measurements and fitting bras for us.”

Stan agreed, “Nope. But, given how young we look, and the small size of our breast, we can play the ignorance card, and say we finally decided to get some bras.”

Stan replied, “True. That will work.”

Lewis added, “And for the love god, don't sneeze while we are these smaller clothes. We would literally destroy them, and be left nude, if we are lucky.”

Stan responded, “You don't need to tell me that twice. You were the one with the sneezing problem yesterday.”

Lewis responded, “Please, don't remind me.”

Stan suggested, “Still, let's get just simple panties and bras.”

Lewis said, “Good idea. Considering we are on a tight budget. I suggest eight pairs of bras, and eight pairs of panties, for each of us.”

Stan agreed, “Yea. That should do us fine, for the moment. Also, we will get another suitcase for our new clothing.”

Lewis stated, “Yes. That is that, also. We will do that last, and put our bags of clothing in it. That will make it easier for us to carry everything.”

Stan mentioned, “Good idea. And I almost forget. Stephanie once mentioned there is a special way to wash a bra.”

Lewis stated, “We will find out, when we get inside. Now, come on.”

Both girls then entered the lingerie store.

It took them forty-five minutes for the Lowe sister get go, get fitted, learn what they needed, purchase their items, and exit the lingerie store.

It was the longest forty-five minutes of their lives.

They found that, as girls, Lewis had slightly bigger breasts, but Stan had a slightly slimmer waistline. Though, a person would need a measuring tape to tell difference in sizes, between the two teenage girls.

When they walked out, they wear both wearing white silk panties, and simple white bras which fit them.

They had their male underwear in a bag, that Stan carried. With the bay also holding their female undergarments in it. Inside the bag were seven bras, and seven panties, for each of them. Counting what they had on, they had thirty-two pieces of female clothing, in all. Also, they bought some bra washing balls, for their bras.

The prices for the clothing was a bit much, but given they were buying just plain items, it was not too expensive. They had no problems using one of their debit cards to pay for the items.

Fortunately, the sisters found the a few women's clothing stores, and a shoe store. Where they needed to go to buy some more clothes and shoes, for their female forms. Were within walking a few hundred meters of the lingerie store, they had just left.

Within an hour, they had purchased some pants, shirts, belts and tennis shoes for their smaller forms. While the clothing they bought were for girls, none of it was frilly, nor was it brightly colored.

When the had finished shopping for clothing, they stopped by another clothing store, to buy one suitcase.

The sisters then put their bags of clothing and other items into suitcase. Lewis then volunteered to case the suitcase by its handle.

They then headed back to the hotel,

As the sisters walked back towards the hotel, they were careful. With them being wary of signs of trouble. Also, they were cautious when the used the crosswalks, to cross the various roads.

Also, during this time, Lewis found, that as she carried their new suitcase, that Stan was correct. That she was as strong in her female form, as in her larger, more muscular male form. She also found they kept their endurance, as well.

When Lewis asked Stan about this, Stan confirmed that she did not feel tired as all. Which meant she had her male body's endurance, as well.

After returning to the hotel, they headed to the hotel laundromat, to wash and dry their clothing. Along, with their new female clothing, they also washed and dried their dirty, male clothing, including their red jacket and white coat.

It was early afternoon by the time they finished washing their clothing, and putting their clothing up, and new suitcase of their suite.

Presently, the sisters wore their female clothing. Which was, for each of them, was a bra, panties, socks, pants, t-shirt, and tennis shoe, which all currently all fit their smaller female forms.

After folding and putting away the rest of their new clothing in the chest of drawers in their suite, they headed to the front doors of the lobby, to do some more entertaining shopping.

As they walked outside, Lewis commented, “We need to get some lunch, in a little while.”

Stan replied, “I agree. And then let's have some fun today.”

Lewis smiled, as she said, “I have an idea. After lunch, let's got to the video store, and see what they have.”

Stan responded, “Okay. Knowing you, you already have the address to the video store you have in mind.”

Lewis gave Stan a girlish grin, as she answered, “You are correct, sister. The one I have in mind is only about fifteen minutes by foot. Their is also a decent Italian restaurant on the way.”

Stan returned Lewis' girlish smile, with her own, as she replied, “I can go for some Italian.”

Lewis said, “I thought that would be the case.”

Stan requested, “Now, lead the way, sis.”

Lewis turned and started walking towards the sidewalk, in front of the hotel parking lot. Stan follow Lewis, as they headed a nearby Italian restaurant, and then a nearby video store.


Forty minutes later, the Lowe sisters had finished their good Italian style lunches. And presently, the two sisters were inside the video store.

Currently, they were looking at the sci-fi section of the video store.

They looked, together, at the shelves of blu-ray movies, tv series, and animations, on organization by titles, in boxsets.

One of the title's on a boxset caught Lewis' eye. As Lewis picked up the boxset, she said, “Stan, look at this.”

Stan was standing beside Lewis, to Lewis' left side. Stan turned to her right side to see what her sister had in her hand.

Stan saw that it was the blu-ray boxset of the Farscape series.

Stan inquired, “Isn't that the series that Violin showed us?”

Lewis said, “Yes. And this is the one that is about the reality which Scorpius is from. If we watch it, we might be able to learn something about Scorpius. Still, now that I think about it, do you think Violin knew we were being hunted by Scorpius? If that is the case, I don't mind losing that bet we have.”

Stan thought, 'Even if she knew the girls that are after us, it is doubtful she knows about Scorpius. She was too nice to be like the others.' She answered, “I doubt it. Even I would admit that she is too nice to be like the reality traveling teenage girls that we have met in this crazy journey.”

Lewis questioned, “You are right about that. By the way, does your laptop play blu-rays discs?”

Stan replied, “Yes. Does yours?”

Lewis answered, “Yes. I also seem to remember there was a mini-series blu-ray that was not part of the boxset series. Violin, pulled out both boxes for us.”

Stan responded, “You are right. Let's look for it. It has to be nearby.”

Lewis and Stan looked around the nearby shelves.

A few seconds later, Stan saw the blu-ray box of Peacekeeper Wars. She picked up the box, as she stated, “Here is it.”

Lewis complimented, “Good work.” She then looked at the boxset in her hands, as she commented, “Also, this boxset has an english dialogue option.”

Stan looked at her blu-ray box, as she suggested, “So, does this one. Let's buy these, and go back to the hotel to watch them.”

Lewis looked at the back of the Farscape boxset, as she responded, “I agree. Still, the boxset states that this is an eighty-eight episode series. With that total run time being sixty-eight hours, and six minutes.”

Lewis looked up at Stan, as she continued, “That means that each episode is around forty-six minutes and twenty-five seconds long. And I am sure the mini-series is also few hours long, as well.”

Stan looked at the back of Peacekeeper Wars mini-series box. The run time stated that the mini-series was a hundred and eighty-two minutes later.

Stan turned to Lewis, as she said, “Actually, this mini-series is just over three hours long.”

Lewis commented, “Well, it looks like we are going be watching this series for a while.”

Stan shrugged, as she replied, “I got nothing better to do.”

Lewis said, “Neither do I. We will work on the reality device, afterward.”

Stan stated, “Yes. Learning about our professor is more important.”

Lewis agreed, “You got that right.”

The two sisters then heading for the cashier counter, to purchase their video selections.

Five minutes later, they bought the two blu-ray boxes, and they were heading back to the hotel.

Twenty later, they made it back to the hotel, and into their hotel suite.

As they entered their hotel suite, Stan was carrying the blu-ray boxsets in a plastic bag.

Meanwhile, Lewis walked over to her personal suitcase. She then pulled out her laptop, so they could watch and listen to the first blu-ray disc.

Lewis set her laptop on her bed. She sat on her bed, in front of her laptop, as she opened it up, and turned it on.

While Lewis loaded her OS and account, on her laptop, Stan pulled out the boxsets in the bag she was holding, and she pulled off the clear, plastic wrapping, that sealed the boxsets.

A few minutes later, They sat on Lewis' bed, side by side, with Lewis' laptop right in front of them, as they the disc load on the computer, into the disc tray.

As the laptop software program loaded the video itself, Stan commented, “One nice thing about being this small again is that we can sit like this, on a single bed, while still having plenty of room for our legs to be on the bed.”

Lewis agreed, “Yes. And I am looking forward to sleeping as a girl tonight, because, due to our smaller size, we don't have to worry about rolling off our beds, so much.”

Stan inquired, “Yea. I wonder if we will dream differently as female?”

Lewis said, “That would be interesting to find out.”

Lewis then noticed that the disc menu had popped up on the screen on her laptop. As she used the track-pad, on her laptop, to check that the disc was set to english dialogue, which it was. She then went back to the main menus, and she selected the disc, and she selected the, play all, selection.

Lewis commented, “If I remember correctly, when we were at Violin's home, you fell asleep half way through the first episode. So, we might as well start from the beginning of this series.”

Stan stated, “You are right, sister. I did. But, I were so tired. Though, until I nodded off, I found the first episode to be an interesting episode.”

Lewis said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Don't feel bad about it. I feel asleep half way through the second episode. Now, let's enjoy the show.”

The sisters then began the Farscape series from the beginning.

By episode four, Throne for a Loss, they were clearly enjoying the series.

Stan stated, “This series is twisted.”

Lewis agreed, “No kidding.”

The sisters continued watching the series, in order. As they changed out the discs as needed.

The only breaks the sisters took were for food, drink, using the bathroom, sleep, showers.

And when it came to shows. Both sisters found that taking a shower was interesting, given they had different sensitive parts than their male forms had.

It was just passed twelve midnight, when they finished watching episode fourteen, Jeremiah Crichton.

They decided to call it a night, get ready for bed, and get some sleep.

The next morning, after they woke up, they both found that they had slept well, and normally as girls. Which made them both happy.

They then, got cleaned up, took their showers, changed clothing, and got some breakfast at the hotel restaurant, they returned to their hotel suite to continue watching the Farscape series, with episode episode fifteen, Durka Returns, which introduced Chiana.

Lewis commented, “So, that is how Chiana ended up on Moya.”

Stan said, “This is not a bad origins story.”

A few hours later, they reached episode nineteen, Nerve, which introduced Scorpius, in all his original glory and terror.

Stan inquired, “That is Scorpius? I mean that suit is a dead giveaway. Though, that is the only thing recognizable about the professor from then and now.”

Lewis stated, “I think you are right. And what a change. Scorpius did not just have a gender change, but she had the full works, as well.”

Stan commented, “I know. I thought our gender change, with the hair, size, and skin tones, differences were radical. Scorpius' change went so much further.”

Lewis suggested, “I know. Let's continue watching.”

Stan replied, “Yes. Let's do that.”

They continued watching the episode, and it soon showed John in the Aurora chair, with Scorpius introducing himself.

Lewis commented, “I have heard of mind screwing. But, the professor takes it to a whole new literal level.”

Stan said, “I am starting to understand why everyone we met, that knows about Scorpius, is careful with her. Or, in this case, in the series, careful with him.”

They continued watching the series, until late that night, when the stopped after finishing episode thirty-five, Look At the Princess, Part Three.

On the third day of the marathon, the sisters just powered on through the series. Watching from episode thirty-six, Beware of Dog, to episode sixty-two, Fractures.

Both sisters started giggling sometimes, as they continued watching the Farscape.

By the fourth day, they were starting to laugh more openly, as they enjoyed the series.

That morning, as they were watching episode sixty-three, I-Yensch, You-Yensch, Stan commented, “This series can be so sad. But, I find it so funny as well. I know I should not be laughing. But, I cannot help myself.”

Lewis agreed, “I know. But, it is fun to literally giggle like a school girl.”

Stan replied, “You got that right.”

The sisters then continued giggling, and sometimes laughing, as they continued watching the Farscape series.

That night, they quit watching the series on the final episode of the boxset, episode eight-eight, Bad Timing, which ended on a wicked cliffhanger.

By the fifth morning, the sisters were acting so loopy they didn't even both to shower, or change clothing. They even skipped breakfast, because they really wanted to see how the, Bad Timing, cliffhanger was resolve, and how the series ended as a whole, by watching the Farscape mini-series finale, Peacekeeper Wars.

Stan and Lewis giggled, along with sometimes out right laughing, as they watched the three hour mini-series.

Just after the mini-series finale ended, Lewis turned to Stan. Lewis quieted her laughter enough to say, “Well, we now know what all the fuss was about. And what a fuss it is.” She then went back to giggling.

Stan looked over at Lewis, as she stopped herself from giggling, long enough to state, “I understand now why the crew of Moya refused to help us. I understand now, how dangerous Scorpius already was, even before he became a clearly healthier she. Along with becoming leader of the Peacekeepers. I can now forgive the crew of Moya for turning us down, when we asked for their help against Scorpius.”

Lewis replied, “Yes. I mean Scorpius really knows how to think several steps ahead. I am surprised we have escaped from her forces so often.”

Stan stilled giggled a little, as she responded, with a bit of fear in her voice, “Unless she wanted us to escape.”

Lewis giggled a little, as she asked, with a touch of concern in her tone of voice, “But why? What would she have to gain by letting us roam free?”

By then, due to the seriousness of this conversation, they had calmed down, and stopped giggling.

Stan commented, “I have no clue. But, damn that Scorpius went from one dangerous dude, with health problems, to an even more dangerously cunning, healthier woman. The improved health has only made the professor more focused and dangerous.”

Lewis agreed, “No argument there, sis. But, how did he become a she? Except her mentioning someone named, Chang, whom helped her become not only a woman, but going from a hybrid, to a pure Sebacean woman. We know nothing of the events surrounding Scorpius' gender change.”

Stan replied, “True. Though, while we have no clue on the details. I am sure, like everything else, our parents, or Annie, have the answers.”

Lewis pointed out, “The problem will be getting the answers out of them. Still... You know, this series gives me idea for inventions. John's wormhole weapon, at the end of the series, was just so awesome. Though, think the other John's wormhole cannon, in season three, using part of the star to turn a wormhole into a big energy cannon, was more controllable. I think, with help, we could actually create working versions of those weapons.”

Stan conceded, “Probably. But, it would not be wise to do so, for a number of reasons. Besides, such weapons would be used to destroy cities, or even planets. Killing possibly countless numbers of kill people. Also, we do not have the material, nor resources, to create such weapons.”

Lewis pouted, “You're right.”

Stan sighed. She stated in a melancholy tone of voice, “I know You are not the only one that got a few ideas from that series that cannot be done with what we have.”

Lewis smiled wickedly, as she commented, “You know. It is true. Crackers Don't Matter. I get that title, and that joke, now.” She then started giggling, again.

Stan also giggled at her sister's joke.

Lewis then quieted herself down, she stated, “But, there is one thing we can still do. We can use our super-genius to hack this planet's entire internet system.”

Stan immediately stopped giggling, as she realized that Lewis was serious about her suggestion. Stan stated, in a direct tone of voice, “Are you crazy?” She said, in a quieter tone of voice, “Are we crazy?” She then said to herself, in barely a whisper, “Am I going crazy? But, like John, I am still sane enough to realize I am going crazy.”

Lewis only heard the first question, as she responded, “Oh, come on. Think about it. Our mom did crazy things like this, long before she was our age. So, why not us? I think she would be proud of us, if we did what I am suggesting.”

Stan smirked, as she agreed, “Yea. She did...” Stan immediately caught herself, in an emotion manner, as she continued, “But, whoa. Hold it... We are not thinking right... We have to change back, right now.”

Lewis gave Stan a wild, though warm grin, as she countered, “Why? I am having so much fun.”

Stan frowned, which made her look like she was pouting, as she said, “We are having too much fun. We don't usually act like this. We need to change back and figure out why we are acting like this. Listen, Lewis. If I am wrong. We can just change back into girls, and continue to have fun.”

Lewis shrugged, as she replied, “All right.”

Stan said, “We need to take our off clothes, and put on our male clothing. And remember to leave you belt and shoes laces for the correct size increase, in the gender change.”

Lewis responded, in a casual, humorous tone of voice, “Whatever you say.”

Both girls then got off Lewis' bed, and took off their clothing and shoes.

After they took off their clothes, and shoes, they were two naked girls, standing next to each other.

Lewis looked over at her sister, as she commented, “It is too bad that we are still so underdeveloped. Either of us can tell that in a few years, we are both going to grow up to be hot, sexy women, that most of those girls after us would envy.”

Stan stated, in a serious tone of voice, “Mores the pity. Now, let's get dressed.”

A few minutes later, they were dress in their male clothing, with their clothing loose. Their belts were in their proper notches for their male forms. They also had on their male tennis shoes, with their tied laces loose enough for the increase in size, the gender change.

Stan then got their pepper shaker, and she used a small bit of the black pepper to sneeze, and change back into a guy. With his larger male form filling out his clothing, and shoes, to where they were conformable, but not tight.

A few seconds after changing, Stan let out a sigh of relief. He then handed the pepper shaker to Lewis.

Lewis took the pepper shaker, using a little pinch of pepper to change back into a guy. He filled out his clothing, and shoes, as well, without a problem. He then set the black pepper shaker on the nightstand, between their beds.

A few seconds later, Lewis began to recalled the way he had acted, as a she, over the past few days. He looked at Stan with wide eyes.

Stan looked at Lewis as well. Stan saw Lewis' eyes, as he nodded once. Stan said, “Yes. You understand, now.”

Lewis stated, with shock, and surprise, “Oh lord. I don't believe I was acting that way. I mean, I was completely crazy. And loving every minute of it.”

Stan commented, in a comforting tone manner, “You were not alone. I have heard of addictive personalities. But, I have never heard of a personality that is addictive.”

Lewis said, “Yea. I guess that personality is like being on a constant drug high that just kept getting better as time went on. I was just enjoyed being happy, and I kept being more happier the longer I stayed as a girl.”

Stan agreed, “That is a good way to put it. I was almost as bad off as you were. And it is clear the effects were cumulative. The more time we spend as girls, without changing back into guys, the more crazier we get. A few minutes ago, we were treading on full blown mad genius insanity. Lord help the world if I had not realized what was happening, in time to stop us.”

Lewis questioned, “I know, Stan. You may have saved this world, if not this reality, and no one but us will ever know it. Though, the question still remains. Why were we acting that way? Gender bending by itself cannot cause that insanity. I remember when dad was sick, as a woman, pretending to be our aunt. Even then, dad never acted that way.”

Stan replied, “You're right. There has to be something else.”

A few seconds later, Lewis realized, as he commented, “Mom.”

Stan realized what Lewis meant, as he agreed, “Yea. It has to be from mom.”

Lewis stated, “We did not just get our physical recessive genes turned on with the change. We also got mom's crazy making genes turned on, as well.”

Stan pointed out, “Yes. We basically became crazy chicks, like mom can be.”

Lewis commented, “I think three days straight is safe. Then, we start acting screwy.”

Stan replied, “That is what I figure, as well.”

Lewis said, “The sad part is that it was so damn fun being that way. I now understand why those crazy chicks after us, act the way they do. Their behavior is clearly hereditary.”

Stan commented, “The problem is we are still hiding out a girls. So, we are still going to have to be careful. As long as we change back every few days, we should be fine.”

Lewis pointed out, “That is if the change resets the craziness. If not, we are in real trouble. And we might as well surrender to Scorpius, because we are to damn dangerous to be let loose on the multiverse, without supervision.”

Stan stated, “If that is the case, when we get the reality device working, we look for our parents to surrender too. Scorpius will be a second choice.”

Lewis replied, “Okay.”

Stan commented, “Though, that being said. I don't think this is the case. I think the gender change rests the craziness.” He then walked over and picked up the pepper shaker, from the nightstand. He said, “Still, there is only one way to find out.”

Lewis responded, “You still had some control over yourself, so you should be the one to change. And test out the situation.”

Stan looked at the pepper shaker in his right hand, as he replied, “I agree.”

Stan used a pinch pepper to sneeze back to a girl. Stan did not adjust her clothing. Instead, she turned around, and she just sat down, on her bed, with her legs hanging off her bed. Though, the bed was low enough for the soles of her shoes to be flat on the carpeted floor.

Stan set the pepper shaker on the nightstand. She then looked at the wall in front of her, as she mentally reflected on her current state of mind.

Meanwhile, Lewis walked over, and sat beside Stan, on the edge of the bed, to Stan's left side.

Both brother and sister than sat down beside each other, on Stan's bed. Lewis turned to Stan, as he inquired, “How do you feel?”

Stan turned to Lewis, as she answered, “I feel fine. Not sad. Not happy. Just calm.”

Lewis replied, “Good. Let's see if it lasts.”

As the siblings silently sat beside each other, they occasionally looked at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand.

Five minutes later, Lewis asked, “Feeling giddy?”

Stan answered, “No. I am still calm.”

Lewis replied, “Good. Now, it is my turned.” He got up, went over to the pepper shaker, got some pepper, and used to to sneeze into a girl. She then went and sat back down beside her sister, where she had been previously sitting as a boy.

They were silent, as they sat beside each other for another five minutes.

Stan looked at the clock, and after seeing that it had been five minutes after Lewis changed, she turned to Lewis. She calmly asked, “How are you doing?”

Lewis looked over at her sister, as she answered, “I feel very calm. Like you were said you were. You still calm.”

Stan responded, “Yea. It looks like we have solved our problem. We will just change into guys every few days, and we should be fine.”

Lewis said, “That is a relief. And even sane, in either gender, I do sincerely find it funny that it took watching Farscape to drive us crazy.”

Stan commented, “I think Farscape eventually drives everyone crazy. Both those within the Farscape reality, and those in other realities, whom learn about it. Such as us. Characters, cast, crew, viewers. None are immune to Farscape's insanity... Besides, we would have not likely realized how crazy we had become, if we had not talked about the crazy ideas the Farscape series had.”

Lewis agreed, “True. We got lucky. We could have gotten into real legal trouble if we went this crazy in public.”

Stan stated, “I realize that. But, that did not happen. And we will be careful, so we will be fine. Also, now we know about our professor. We are one step closer to getting out of this mess.”

Lewis replied, “You that got right.”

Stan added, “Though, I find it mildly amusing, and slightly annoying, that we can become the cliché, crazy redheaded, genius chicks.”

Lewis conceded, “Yea. I can see where you are coming from on that. Though, I would not call our mother, cliché.”

Stan casually remarked, “Good point. And like our mother, we are not violent.”

Lewis said, “True. I felt not desire to be violent, nor angry, while I was crazy. I was very happy, and I felt like having some very questionable fun.”

Stan responded, “I literally felt the same way. So, our actions would have been good natured. If insane. Like mom can be. Also, I knew mom could be happy. I just had no idea that she could be that happy.”

“Still, it is good we got our sanity back in both genders, because we need to do laundry for our female clothing. It has been five days, and I don't want to reach a point where we wash our clothing, when we run out run out of clothes.”

“We might have to make a quick escape, and not get a chance to clean our clothes, for a while.”

Lewis stated, “I can see your point.”

Stan commented, “I am glad we were not crazy when we went to the laundromat, in this hotel. I would have hate to see the type of damage we could have done to those washers, in the state we had been in.”

Lewis commented, “I know. Being sane super-geniuses is one thing. But, being crazy super-geniuses is quite another.”

Stan said, “Yep...” She then continued, in a worried tone of voice, “Oh no.”

Lewis inquired, with concern in her tone of voice, “What is it?”

Stan stated, “I just remembered what our professor said to us, when she first captured us. Eventually, we will lock in our female forms.”

Lewis said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Yea... I remember that. But, she said that won't happen until our male forms are old. That is decades from now. And we know that should that happen, at least we will be happy.”

Stan agreed, “True. And in the meantime, maybe we can find medication to help us in our female forms.”

Lewis mentioned, “That is not a bad idea. And now, that I think about it. Sleep calmed us down a bit. When we woke up, we got crazier as the day went on. But, we were not as crazy when we woke up, as we were when we went to bed.”

Stan said, “True. But, I also remember that sleep slowly lost that sanity effect over the course of the days. With sleep, staving off insanity, becoming less effective, and less lasting, with each passing day.”

Lewis responded, “But at least, we have a starting point. If we needed to seek medical help on it.”

Stan said, “Yes. We do... Still, let's focus on the matter at hand. We need to change in the female clothing we had on, a few minutes ago. Then, we need to collect our female clothing, and go to the hotel laundromat to wash and dry them.”

Lewis said, “And afterward, we can get something to eat from the hotel restaurant.”

Stan smiles, as she replied, “My thoughts, exactly.”

Both sisters stood up from Stan's bed. They the put on the female clothing, and shoes, they had on fifteen minutes ago. Next, they collected their dirty female clothing into a plastic bag. After which, they headed out their hotel out of their suite, towards the hotel laundromat, to clean and dry their female clothing.

As they walked down the hallway, Lewis was carrying the plastic bag with her right hand, as she requested, “Stan, did you remember those plastic bra washing balls for our bras? To washing them safely.”

Stan answered, “Yes. I put all five of them in the bag, with our clothes.”

Lewis used her left hand to feel the plastic bag, as she said, “I feel them. And you know what. I can see why some get tired wearing their bras.

Stan replied, “Yes. I can also see why some women get annoyed with wearing a bra. They can chafe against the skin.”

Lewis stated, “True. I believe, if we want too. I don't think anyone will say anything to us about not wearing bras, as long as we don't go out into public.”

Stan said, “You are likely right about that.”

Lewis offered, “Since you mentioned chafing. Do you need me to help adjust you bras, like the lingerie clerk showed us how to do?”

Stan replied, “Nah. I was able to adjust mine on the day we bought them. I was just making a general comment about how bras can chafe.”

Lewis replied, “Okay. Now, let's get these clothes washed.”

The two sisters then continued walking down the hallway, towards the hotel laundromat.

Around an hour and a half later, when the Lowe sisters were finished their cleaning and drying their clothing. They put their clothing back up, in their suite. Then, they went to get something to eat.


The next day, in the early afternoon, the sisters went back to trying to fix the reality device. As they did so, they decided to try some of the local food they had to come across.

They brought home samples of different dishes to snack on, while they were not working on the reality device.

They were careful to keep their drinks and snacks away from the table, in their suite. To avoid any accidents towards the exposed circuitry of the parts of the reality device, which had been open, in hopes of being repaired.

Also, both Stan and Lewis were still in their female forms.

At the moment, Lewis was sitting in a chair, by the table. She had an electrical soldering iron in her right hand hand, and a piece of string solder in her left hand.

Stan sat on the other side of the table, in each of her hands, she had one of the two ends of a voltage meter.

After some talking, Lewis and Stan had come to the conclusion that some of the circuits on the board has micro cracks develop on them. Breaking the circuits.

So, given Lewis had more experience with soldering than Stan. They both agreed, that she was the one to do this job.

As such, Lewis used her soldering iron and solder to delicately bridge one circuit, after another With Stan checking after her, with the voltage meter.

And the voltage meter showed that they were seeing results with this approach.

Lewis carefully soldered part of the board, bridging an electrical circuit. She then backed away, to let the solder cool.

A minute later, Stan tested the repair, and found that it had electricity. She stated, “Good news. That section of the board now has power.”

Lewis stated, “Great. I think the device is almost fixed. We will work on it, later. For right now, we will put things up, and take a break.”

Lewis turned off the soldering iron, and placed it, with the tip being held outward, so it would not cause a fire, while it cooled down. She also placed her solder piece on the table as well. Next, Lewis closed the reality device covering, and put it to the side of the table.

Stan wrapped up the wires of the voltage meter in her hand, and turned it off, as she asked, “Okay. I believe we will probably had this thing fixed within a few days.”

Lewis asked, “I agree. So, when we do leave here. Do you want to go as boys? Or, as girls?”

Stan answered, “Even though we are recognizable as boys, I would prefer to go as boys, for a number of reasons. As girls, we are smaller, younger, and cuter. As boys, we are bigger, taller, more muscular, and as such, people will be more likely to leave us alone.”

Lewis offered, “Agreed. So, do you want to see what treat I got for us today, when we went to the grocery store, for a few items?”

Stan shrugged, as she replied, “Sure. Surprise me.”

Lewis got up, and walked over to the chest of drawers, across from the beds. On top of the chest sat a bag beside the TV. She reached into a bag, and she pulled out a small, styrofoam box, and two plastic spoons.

Lewis then walked back over to the table, sat down, and handed Stan a plastic spoon.

As Stan gently took the plastic spoon from Lewis' hand, she asked, “So, what is this? Your selections tend be both interesting and tasty.”

Lewis answered, “I got us some nattou.” She then opened the box lid to reveal that there were beans on top of rice.

Stan looked at the food, as she replied, “I have never heard of it.”

Lewis explained, “It is a japanese dish. It is fermented soybeans.”

Stan stated, “Sounds odd. But, then again, we are in a foreign land, in so many ways.”

Lewis replied, “Those are my thoughts, as well. So, let's try it.”

Lewis then dipped her spoon into the nattou and rice. She then took a bite. Stan leaned over and followed suit.

A few minutes later, they had finished the small box. Stan toss his spoon into the empty box. Lewis did also, as she commented, “Not bad. But, not that great, either.”

Stan stated, “I guess it is an acquired taste. I could eat it. But, it would not be my first choice.”

Lewis said, “It looks like I busted this time.”

Stan shrugged, “You cannot want them all. Still, it was not that bad.”

Stan then got up and went to the small refrigerator and got out two soda. She walked back over, and handed one to Lewis, which Lewis took.

Stan then opened the other can, and took a drink of soda, to wash the taste from her mouth. While she sat back in her chair, she suggested, “Let's watch some TV.” She then set her can of soda on the table.

Lewis opened her soda, took a swallow. She then replied, “Okay.” She then set her can of soda on the table. Next, she reached for the TV remote on the table, and turned on the TV.

The sisters then turned their chairs to face the TV, as they just sat back and relaxed.

After a few minuted of watching TV, Stan and Lewis started to feel different.

Lewis asked, “Stan, do you feel, off?”

Stan answered, “Now, that you mentioned it. Yes. You?”

Lewis replied, “Yea... Oh no... What if we are allergic to nattou. I really don't want to call an ambulance, for so many reasons.”

Stan pointed out, “The symptoms for allergic food reaction are digestive problems, rashes on the skin, swollen throat, and problems breathing. I don't have any of those signs. Do you?”

Lewis answered, “Fortunately, no.”

Stan stated, “Glad to hear it. Still, I really don't feel good.”

Lewis replied, “Neither do I. And it is getting worse. I feel kinda hot.”

Stan commented, “I am glad that is not my imagination, because I feel kind of hot, as well.”

Lewis suggested, “Let's get to bed.”

Stan agreed, “Good idea.

Lewis used the remote to turn off the TV. She then stumbled over to top of her bed, as Stan did the same towards her bed.

Both of them were moaning, as Stan commented, “We sound like Stephanie, when I am making love to her. But, I sure as hell don't feel like I am enjoying this.”

Lewis said, “Me neither. Something else is happening.”

Stan suggested, “Do you want to change us to change into guys?”

Lewis stated, “Bad idea. Doing so could make things worse. Best to let it run its course as girls?”

Stan agreed, “Good point.”

Lewis commented, “My clothes are getting tighter.”

Stan realized, as she commented, “Now, we are getting bigger. Strip down, before we rip our clothes.”

Both girls stripped down to nothing, as they continued moaning.

A few seconds later, the heat and off sensations stop for both sisters.

Stan and Lewis leaned up from their beds and looked at each other.

Each sister saw that the other nude sister was now several inches taller. They had large breasts, more shapely butts, along with slender physical builds. Their red hair was also slightly longer, to match their taller physical frames.

Both sisters then looked down at themselves, for a few moments.

As they look back up at each other, Stan stated, “We are smoking hot, sister.”

Lewis smiled wickedly, as she said, “I know. If I wasn't stuck in here with you, I would be tempted to go to town on myself, with my own hands.”

Stan conceded, “I admit. The thought crossed my mind, as well. But, I prefer to do so on a special occasional.”

Lewis dropped her smile, as she responded, “I agree. Which is why I haven't done anything with my female form, since I started to change into a girl.”

Stan stated, “I think it is academic that eating the nattou caused us to change.”

Lewis said, “I guess that the chemicals in fermented soybeans aged our female forms to be equal to our male forms.”

Stan asked, “Is it permanent?”

Lewis answered, “I doubt it. The question is how long is it going to take for it to wear off. And how long will it take for us to shrink back to our original, female body sizes.”

Stan commented, “I hate to saying this. And as much as I am enjoying the show from you, as you are of me, we need to get dressed. And since our girl clothes are obviously too small for us, we need to change into our male clothing.”

Lewis replied, “I agree.”

Both of them got up and changed into this male clothing. They adjusted their belts for their new waist size. Which was much slimmer than their waistlines as male, but still slightly bigger than their waistlines as younger teenage girls.

After they finished dressed, with them staying bare foot, they looked each other.

Lewis said, “Even in that clothing. You still look hot.”

Stan stated, “Yea. You are still hot, as well, under that clothing. Now, to test something else.” She loosened her belt, and walked over and got the pepper shake. She then used some pepper to change back into a teenage boy.

Stan looked at the mirror, by the TV. He noticed that he looked the same as before. He turned to Lewis, as he stated, “Well, at least it doesn't effect our male forms.”

Lewis responded, “Yes. Hand the pepper shaker over here.”

Stan walked over, and he handed the shaker over to Lewis.

Lewis stood up, and loosened her belt. She then used the pepper to sneeze and change into a guy. He then sneezed again, and noted that as a girl, she was still in her sexy female form.

Lewis set the pepper shaker by the chest of drawers, which was near. She then tightened her belt, to keep her pants up. After which, she looked over at Stan, as she said, “Well, it looks like the effect have to wear off on their own.” She then sat back down on her bed, and set the shaker on the nightstand.

Stan stated, “I guess that is the way it is.” Stan then noticed something. He walked over to Lewis and sniffed her.

Lewis asked, “What is it?”

Stan frowned, as he answered, “You smell good. And I don't mean normal good. I mean good in a very bad way.” He then walked over to the chest of drawers. He picked up the shaker, got some pepper form it, and set the shaker back down on the nightstand. He then used the pepper to change back into a girl, whom was just as sexy as Lewis currently was.

Stan then tightened her belt, as sat across from her sister, on her own bed.

Lewis asked, “What are you talking about?”

Stan explained, “In these sexy female forms, we are producing pheromones. A lot of pheromones.”

Lewis commented, “I don't feel any different towards you.”

Stan responded, “Same here, until I changed into a guy. Then, you smelled good to me. And your smell made me start to feel that way towards you.”

Lewis frowned, as she replied, “That is so wrong.”

Stan agreed, “Yes. That is why I turned back into a girl. It seems that our pheromones don't effect each other, when we are both girls.”

Lewis realized, as she stated, “But, they will likely effect others.”

Stan said, “Yes. Mostly men, but probably a few women, as well.”

Lewis stated, “Meaning we are stuck in here, together, until these effects wears off.”

Stan suggested, “Exactly. But then... Now, that I think about it. We could just change back to guys, together.”

Lewis countered, “Nope. It is better if we stay as girls. It will likely wear off more quickly in our female forms, since it has only effected our female forms.”

Stan admitted, “That is a good point.”

They got up from their bed, and went of to sit down in the chairs, by the table.

Lewis looked over at her sister, as she commented, “Stuck in a hotel room with a hot woman, and it had to be my sister.”

Stan giggled. She then responded, “I feel the same way. But, there is not much we can do about it, right now. Let's go back to watching TV.”

Lewis replied, “Good idea.” Lewis grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV.

The sisters then turned their chairs around. Lewis retrieved the remote, and turned on the TV. With the sisters watched something entertaining on TV, to kill some time.


Four hours later, as the sisters sat in their chairs, Stan felt different. She stated, “I feel something different.”

Lewis looked at the alarm clock. She then turned back to Stan. She commented, “Same here. Not bad, nor debilitating, like four hours ago, when we grew. I just feel, off.”

Suddenly, Stan noticed that she was shrinking. A second after Stan started shrinking, Lewis did too.

Several seconds later, they stopped shrinking, and both of them noted that they were both now their original, small female forms.

Lewis commented, “Well, that is an interesting. Slightly embarrassing. Though, not painful, experience.”

Stan mentioned, “Yes. But, look on the bright side, we now have three forms to use. At least, until we grow up a bit in our female forms.”

Lewis nodded once, as she replied, “True. If we need to pose as a date for the other, we can. That is if the other sibling, and those around her, can control themselves.”

Stan stated, “Good idea. And I can control myself. I just didn't like feeling that way towards my sibling.”

Lewis shrugged, as she replied, “That is understandable.”

Stan suggested, “So, want to go get some supper at the hotel restaurant.”

Lewis said, “Sure. Then, we will work on the reality device fixing the reality device.”

Stan replied, “No problem. And we need to change our clothes, before we let.”

Lewis agreed, “Yea. We need to at least put on our bras.”

Five minutes later, They had put on their female clothing and female tennis shoes on. Also, Lewis had put the reality device back together where she could take the device with them, with Lewis putting the reality device into her right side pants pocket.

The Lowe sisters then left their suite to get some dinner at the hotel restaurant.


A day later, in the middle of the afternoon, the Lowe sisters were working on the reality device some more.

Lewis used her soldering iron and solder to make one more bridge connection.

After the solder cooled, Stan tested the board completely with the voltage meter. She looked at Lewis, as she said, “All lights are green.”

Lewis smiled, as she stated, “Good. It means it's finally fixed.”

Stan also grinned, as she replied, “Great. Now, the hard question.”

Lewis understood what had was eluding too, as she responded, “Yea. Now to test it. Though, if one of us goes, it might not work, and that person would be lost in other reality, with the other guy stuck here.”

Stan agreed, “Exactly. Which is why we are both going?”

Lewis pointed out, “But, as guys.”

Stan said, “Yes. And we need to pack. I do not want to get stranded without our clothes... All our clothes. And our tools.”

Lewis commented, “Good thing we have three of those suitcases, for our clothing..”

Stan nodded, as she replied, “Exactly.”

The sisters then got up to change in more ways than one.


Fifteen minutes later, Lewis had Stan had changed clothing and genders. Along with wearing their male clothing, Stan had on his red varsity jacket, and Lewis had on his short, white lab coat.

Also, Lewis had put the reality device back together, and he put up his tool kit.

Then, except for the reality device, their wallets, Stan's zippo lighters, and whatever else they kept on their person, they packed everything they had into their four suitcases.

Stan put his male clothing, laptop, and other items into, into his personal suitcase.

Lewis put his laptop, male clothing, and other items into his personal suitcase.

They put all their female clothing, female tennis shoes, plastic bra washing balls, and some bottles of water, in case the next place, in the next reality they ended up in was a desert environment.

As Stan stood close to Lewis, he held his suitcase that had his male clothing inside, with his right hand, by its handle. And Stan used his left hand to hold the handle of the suitcase with their female clothing in it.

Lewis was standing directly beside Stan, to Stan's right side. Lewis was holding the suitcase with his male clothing in it, in his left hand, as he held the reality device in his right hand. While doing so, Lewis asked, “Should we check out of the hotel first.”

Stan answered, “No. I have a better idea. Let's just jump five minutes later. If it works, we check out and leave. It if doesn't then they will eventually find us gone, anyway. If it doesn't work at all, then we don't have to go to the trouble of checking out, only to check back in, soon after. Which will raise questions.”

“And I like this hotel. The rooms are nice, and the restaurant cooks great food. If the device does not work, I do not want to go to all the trouble of finding another hotel.”

Lewis complimented, “I like your thinking.”

Stan replied, “Thank you.”

Both brothers then looked at the digital clock on the nightstand.

Lewis inquired, “Are you ready?”

Stan said, “Yes.”

Lewis thought of going only five minutes ahead in time, in the same place, in their hotel suite, and in the current reality they were in. Lewis held that thought, as used his right thumb to press the red button. And it seemed like nothing happened.

Stan asked, “Did it work?”

Lewis looked the clock, and he smiled. He turned to Stan, as he answered, “Yes. Look at the clock.”

Stan did so, and he saw that it was five minutes in the future. He looked over at Lewis, while he said, “Cool. It works. We are no longer stranded here.”

Lewis questioned, “So, where do we go now?”

Stan stated, “After we check out, and turn our keycards in, let's turn the tables on some of those after us. We can start with our cousins. Let's spy on them.”

Lewis agreed, “I like that idea. Also, even though those three are powerful, they have not acted that crazy towards us. Except for wanting to awaken our latent gender bending abilities. And since that has already happen. That is no longer a concern for us.”

Stan responded, “Exactly. And they don't know we can turn into girls. So, it works to our advantage.”

Lewis smiled wickedly, as he commented, “We are going to have so much fun with them.”

Stan smirked, as he said, “I know. Now, let's go check out of here, find a safe place in the multiverse, to stash our suitcases, and go after them.”

Lewis pocketed his reality device, as he replied, “I have just the time, place, and reality, in mind, on where to store our suitcases.”

Stan replied, “Good. I look forward to finding out. Though, when we go, focus on the three cousins, after they were at Violin's home, when we escaped them. We do not want to risk a paradox, by accidentally meeting their past selves.”

Lewis commented, “Okay. I will think of them, after that incident. Now, let me turned off everything, and we will head to the front desk.”

A few minutes later, Lewis turned off everything. He then walked over to the hallway door of the suite, and opened the door for Stan.

After Stan exited into the hallway, with his two suitcases in his hands, Lewis followed behind, with his suitcase in his left hand.

And the two brothers then headed for the front desk.


Ten minuted later, the brothers had checked out of the hotel, and turned in their keycards.

With their suitcases in hand. One for Lewis. And two for Stan. The Lowe brothers then headed for the men's restroom, in the lobby.

After entering the restroom, and making sure that no one else was in the restroom, Stan stood close to Lewis, as Lewis pulled out his reality device.

Lewis focused on time, place, and reality, of where he wanted to store the luggage that Stan and him, were carrying. He then held that through, as pressed the red button on the reality device, and the brothers, along with their luggage, instantly disappeared, as they jumped to another reality.


Reality, Bob's home reality. Date, early twenty-first century. A few days after Stan and Lewis left that reality. Place, Tokyo, Japan. Time, around noon.

It was the middle of the sunny day, as Ed, Bob, Annie, John, and Violin teleported onto the sidewalk of a deserted two land road, with a few cars parked on the sides of the street. Including, a few vehicles, parked near them, beside the sidewalk, they were on.

Ed put her reality device back into her right, side pants pocket.

While the five adults looked around, John questioned, “So, this is Tokyo? I expected a lot more people, and cars, in the middle of the day.”

Violin answered, “Tokyo is like any major urban city. It has its populated parts, and its deserted parts. If we have time after this, I will take you to the present of this reality, to meet my family. I will also show you around town.”

Bob commented, “I do looked forward to visiting Nataru, Birdy, and Yuuichi.”

Ed agreed, “So, do I. They are nice people to visit.”

Annie commented, “Violin, your family has always been nice to me. I would love to visit them some.”

John stated, “Maybe we will do that. I do wonder where you came from, Violin.”

Violin smiled, as she replied, “Thank you, everyone, for accepting my offer.”

Ed requested, “No problem. Now, everyone please be quiet. Annie needs to concentrate.”

Annie turned to Ed, as she said, “Thank you.”

Ed looked over at Annie, as she replied, “You're welcome.”

The others four adults remained quiet, as they watched Annie stand still, as she the expression on her face seem to show her spacing out, with her eyes unfocused.

The others watched the force user go work for about half a minute. Bob then turned to Annie, as he inquired, “Annie, do you sense the boys?”

Annie's eyes came to focus, as she looked towards Bob. She answered, “Yes. The boys were here. In this city. Not more than a few days ago. But, they are gone.”

Ed cursed, “Damn it. We were so close.”

Bob asked, “Anything else.”

Annie said, “There is something off about what I am sensing from them. But, I cannot tell what it is.”

Before anyone could reply, Violin stated, “We got company.” She then used her right hand to point across the street.

Everyone in their group turned to look across the street. They saw a humanoid sized robot, two human men, and a couple of humanoid aliens, on the sidewalk, across the street from them.

The other group of newcomers, were standing together, behind some cars. All of them were armed with projectile, or energy weapons. And all of them were dressed in dark, masculine sci-fi clothing, even the robot.

John inquired, “You think they are here for us?”

Bob deadpanned, “Who else would they be here for? But, let's see if we can talk our way out of this mess.”

John turned to Bob, as he questioned, “Has that ever worked for you?”

Bob looked over at John, as he answered, “Actually, it works more often, than not. One time, Ed and I were even able to talk our way our of trouble with Balalaika and Hotel Moscow.”

John replied, “Really? Well, when this is over, I would like I would like to take some etiquette lessons from you two.”

Bob responded, “Nah. You already know all the same lessons I do. Your problem is the same problem as mine, in such situations. Manners rarely work on crazies.”

John nodded once, as he agreed, “Very true. Now, let's see how good you are.”

Bob said, “Watch the master at work. But everyone, be ready to drive for cover if we need to.”

Bob and John then turned their attention back to the group across the street.

Though, Bob and John unhooked the straps to their holsters, that kept their pistols in place, with their right hands ready to draw their pistols.

Meanwhile, Annie unhooked her lightsaber, and held in her right hand. Though, she did not ignite her lightsaber, before concern she could spark a battle, that likely no one wanted.

Bob continued to look at the people across the street, as he loudly, but politely inquired, while continuing to speak english, “Hello. Do you any of you understand, or speak english?”

One of the human men loudly answered, in english, “We understand you just fine.”

Bob questioned, “Good. So, why you are here?”

The man responded, “Well, we were part of the army of bounty hunters sent by Scorpius, to capture Stan and Lewis Lowe. Given the size of the bounty, we five decided to pull our resources and work together. We soon learned that you, Bob Lowe, and the redhead by you, Ed Lowe, are the parents to Stan and Lewis Lowe. And that you are looking for you sons, as well. We decided that if we could not find the boys, we would follow you. And then take the boys from you. Unfortunately, we teleported too close to you.”

Bob complimented, “Well, things happen. And you are correct on all points. In your place, I would have likely come up with a similar plan. Still, I have a question for you. Do you know who is accompanying us?”

The man answered, “Yes. The brown haired woman is Annie, AKA Darth Vader turned into a woman. Honestly, we think it is an improvement from the black suit.”

Annie commented, “Thank you. Know this. For that compliment, if you do decide to attack, I will make your deaths as quick and painless as I can.”

The man replied, “We appreciate that. The brown haired man is John Crichton, whom is almost as dangerous as you are, Annie.”

John said, “I freely admit to that.”

The man went onto say, “Though, we are not sure on the dark blue haired woman.”

Violin frowned.

Ed whispered into Violin's ear, “Relax. It just means they underestimate you. That is a good thing.”

Violin dropped her frown, though she did not smile.

Bob stated, “Okay. You know us. Being savvy, and showing competence, wins points with us. So, we are giving you a chance to walk away. You cannot spend a bounty if you are dead.”

The man said, “That is true. But, Scorpius already paid this bounty once. So, we know she is good for the bounty.” The five bounty hunters held up their weapons, as he man concluded, “Also, we think we can take you. So, we are going with plan, b, and capturing you, and Ed. And use you both as bait to capture your sons. Though, I cannot promise the same, for the others.”

With that last sentence by the bounty hunter, something clicked inside Violin, causing her to freeze up, as she quietly said, in english, “I remember this.” She continued, with her tone of voice punctuating her words with a little more strength, than before, “I remember this. Why do I remember this?”

Annie quickly ignited her red lightsaber, as readied herself to deflect some of the incoming gunfire.

Meanwhile, Ed ducked behind a nearby car, with her husband right behind her, as he drew his revolver.

At the same time, John dived for cover, behind a car next to the car that the Ed and Bob were behind.

As John was about to pull out his pulse pistol, but he then noticed had Violin frozen up, and she was still standing, with a firefight about to begin.

John thought, with worry, 'Frell! This is why we don't bring children along!'

John jumped up, turned to where his back was facing the road, as he pulled Violin down from her front side. But just as he did so, the firefight began, and one of the first energy shots, from the bounty hunters, hit John near his left shoulder blade.

When John and Violin reached the concrete ground, on instinct, from being in countless firefights, John pull Violin up, and set up her, in a sitting position, with her back to the side of the near by car.

John then tried to sit beside Violin, to Violin's left side. But, as he leaned against the car, with his back, he immediately felt the wound on his upper back. He thought, 'Damn, that hurts. I think I am in real trouble here.'

Violin looked over at John, as her muttering, in english, with guilt in her tone of voice, “I did it. I did it. I'm sorry, I did it.”

John looked up at her, as he groaned, “Relax kid. It's okay. And you will be fine.” He mentally added, 'But, I don't think I will.'

Meanwhile, Bob waited for an ebb in the bounty hunters fire.

A few seconds later, when the bounty hunters gunfire started to slow, Bob popped up enough, to swiftly aim, and returned fire with his revolver. Bob fired to shots, he then ducked back down behind the car he was behind, before one of the bounty hunters could get a bead on him.

It was at that moment, in which Annie sensed that John had been seriously hurt.

During the battle she used her lightsaber to successfully deflecting all the energy and projectile shoots directed towards her. And she did so in a manner that would not cause some of the energy shots to reflect back on her friends.

Though, due to deflecting gunfire with her lightsaber, Annie could not look at John, and risk John becoming a distraction for her.

Annie continued to successfully deflect the shots, as she thought, with worry, 'John is hurt. I need to end this now.'

Annie swiftly did a force jumped across the street.

The bounty hunters saw her coming, as they fired at her, but she deflected their shoots, as she approached them.

Seconds later, Annie landed right behind them. As she turned around, to her right, she swung her lightsaber to slice through all five of the bounty hunters in half, in the middle of their chest. This not only sliced them in half in their chests, but it also slice off their arms, at their forearms, or elbow.

As the bounty hunters literally fell apart, onto the sidewalk. Annie calmly said, “I told you I would kill you as quickly as possible. Though, I sense you are in some pain, be aware that you will be dead within the next few seconds.”

Seconds later, Annie sensed four of the bounty hunters were dead, and the robot had ceased functioning.

Annie yelled over at her grouped, “Fights over! They are dead! But, John is hurt!”

Annie then forced jumped back across the street. She landed in front of John and Violin.

As Annie turned around, to face John and Violin, she saw that Bob and Ed were already nearby. With Bob having holstered his revolver.

John was looking up at all three of them.

Bob asked, “How bad is it, John?”

John smiled weakly, as he said, “I was shot in the back. You tell me.” He then leaned down, so they could see the wound.

A few seconds later, John leaned back up, as he inquired, “How bad is it?”

Annie answered, “Bad. It is an energy burn. It hit right behind your heart. You likely have internal damage to your organs and nervous system. But, we can teleport to an emergency room I know of, in another reality, with experience in treating energy wounds.”

John groaned, “Don't bother. I can feel my strength fading fast. This is not like the wounds Dargo had. I got seconds here. Not minutes, like he had.”

John fought back tears, as he continued, in a slightly broken tone of voice, “Tell Aeryn I love her. Tell my son that it was my fault for not listening to him. Tell my friends to have a good life. You all included. And don't blame the kid here for doing something stupid. We all do stupid things. It was my call to save her.”

Ed promised, “We will, John.”

John quietly said, “Looks like my luck finally ran out... This is a crummy way to end. But damn, it was fun ride.”

John's eyes then gaze over, as death finally took him.

Annie deactivated her lightsaber, as she held it in her right hand. She then leaned down, as she used the fingers in her left hand to close John's eyes. She said, in a sad, sober tone of voice, “Goodbye, John. And thank you for your friendship.”

Annie leaned back up, as Ed went to console Violin.

Meanwhile, Bob turned to Annie, as he whispered, “Aeryn is going to kill us.”

Annie quietly replied, “If need be, I will handle, Aeryn. It is Violin I am concerned about, right now.”

Bob and Annie turned to Violin and Ed.

Ed said to the blue haired young woman, in a comforting, motherly tone, “Don't worry, dear. This is not your fault. John made the call, and he knew the risks. He just said as much. You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

Violin looks up at them, as she stated, “You don't understand. I got myself killed.”

Bob asked, “What do you mean?”

Violin used her left hand to point at John's corpse, as she stated, “I am him. John Crichton. I remember being him, as him. I know it sounds crazy. Hell, it is crazy. But, it is true.”

Annie clipped her lightsaber, to the right side of her belt, as she commented, “As strange at is sounds, I sense deceit from Violin. She believes what she is saying.”

Ed asked, “But, is that even possible?”

Bob thought it over a few seconds. He then answered, “Well, this is Birdy's past. If Violin was conceived in this reality, then yes, it is possible, through reincarnation.”

Ed turned to Annie, as she asked, “Annie? What do you sense.”

Annie continued to look at Violin, as she said, “I am looking deeper into Violin's psyche. And I am sense some really screwy stuff going on inside Violin's mind, right now. But, I cannot make heads, nor tails of it.”

Bob turned to Violin, as he asked, “How much do you remember?”

Violin looked at Bob, as she stated, “Everything in John's life. Total recall. Get your ass to Mars level recall. I can actually feel my personality shifting, as my old and new memories are beginning merge into one long, organized memory.”

“I wonder if this is how my mom felt when my Birdy and Tsutomu merged into one personality. I will have to ask her about this. I remember her mentioning it once, but I never understood what she meant, until now.... Oh god, Chiana took my virginity when I was a teenager boy. Why didn't I remember that before?”

Violin continued to babbling, as Bob looked Ed and Annie. He said, “Everything she is saying, actually happened to John. She is John...”

Annie replied, “I think you are right.”

Bob commented, “Just when you think your life cannot be get any stranger, the multiverse throws you for another loop.”

Ed said, “No kidding.”

Bob stated, “Well, the good news is that Aeryn might not kill us, dear. But, Birdy and Nataru might.”

Annie stated, “Birdy and Nataru could be a bit more of a problem than Aeryn.”

Ed commented, “Well, at least they can only kill us each, once.”

Violin suddenly stopped babbling. She then spoke in a more coherent manner, “Don't worry. I will talk with both parents, and then my wife... And later, my son... But, first we have a multiverse to save.” Violin stood up, as she said, “Let's go?”

Annie asked, “Are you going to be okay?”

Violin looked at Annie.

Annie saw that Violin's eyes had an emotionally hollowness to them, as Violin softly answered, “No. I am slipping in an out of insanity. But, this is not the time and place for a mental breakdown. Collect my items. Leave the body. There is no point in taking it with us.”

Annie felt awkward about the situation, as she replied, “Okay.”

Violin inquired, “Do you remember how I showed you how to deactivate a pulse pistol?”

Annie replied, “Yes.” She thought, “Though, it was John that showed me how to do that.

Annie walked over to John body, and collected his pulse pistol, holster, and a few personal effects, such as his wedding ring, which was on one of his fingers.

Annie then deactivated the pulse pistols. Next, she slip the pistol back into its holster, and put the strap over the pistol.

With that done, Annie then searched John's his pockets for any other items, that she felt that she would take with them.

A few seconds later, Annie finished what she was doing, and she stood up. She offered the items to Violin. She offered, “Here.”

Violin responded, “Keep them, until I can get my head straight.”

Annie replied, “Okay. I will.”

Annie put the items into her pockets. She then turned to Bob and Ed. She directly stated, “From what I am sensing, Violin is in a fragile mental state, right now. And she clearly realizes this. Though, even with her abilities, I could probably take her in a fight. But, I am not sure.”

“Either way, we need to get her out in the middle of nowhere, so if she does lose control, she is away from people, and I have plenty of room to subdue her, without worrying about anyone else's safety.”

Violin commented, “I agree with Annie's assessment... I don't want to go berserk in a populated area.”

Bob commented, “A camping trip it is, then. I even have a place in mind.”

Ed said, “As long as we get to bring a few supplies, I am game. Also, we will keep our on fingers on our reality devices. If things go south, we are gone.”

Annie complimented, “That would be a wise precaution to take.”

Violin agreed, “That is a good idea.”

Bob pulled out his own reality device, as he requested, “Okay. Everyone, gather around. I will take us somewhere peaceful, and remote. Where you can sort out yourself, Violin.”

As the three women walked up to Bob, Violin said, “Thank you.”

When the group had gathered closely together, Bob thought up when and where he wanted to be. He then pushed the red button on his reality device, and all four adults disappeared, as they jumped realities.

Leaving John's corpse to be soon found by other individuals, whom had an interest in him.

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

Not to sound cold, but I have been planning to kill John off since book one. And it is nice to finally be able to do it.

And in true Farscape inspiration, I killed off John in the most screwed up way possible. Also, at the same time, I immediately brought John back in the most screwed up way possible. With both John's death and reincarnation being responsible for John's reincarnation and death.

If that is not screwed up. I don't know what is.

The next chapter covers this in more detail, in the glorious insanity I call my imagination.

Also, while Violin is currently crazy. It is like “Cracks Don't Matter” level of John's crazy. Yes, Violin/John are crazy, but they realize they are crazy. And Violin/John are more than willing to go some place, where if they lose control, no one else will get hurt. And this give them the chance to sort their problems out, without worrying about anyone else getting hurt, as they do so.

Now, onto the brothers.

Given my writing tastes, I making Stan and Lewis into gender benders was just a given.

But, that gender bending was not the big twist in this chapter.

No, the twist is about Stan and Lewis' natural abilities, and why they are the way they are.

In most fiction, the super-geniuses gravitate to those hobbies they find most easiest to do.

Neither Stan Lowe and Lewis Lowe are like this. Both of them inherited their parents adventurous spirits. And they both like challenges.

One of the things I found fun to do about Stan, the jock, and Lewis, the nerd, is their choices in hobbies. That Stan is actually, a little better at the sciences and the math, than Lewis. While Lewis is actually a little better at sports and physical activities, than Stan.

Though, both brothers are more than able to keep up with the other brother, in any activity they both involve themselves in.

The reason their hobbies are reversed when compared to their skills, is that they like challenges. This is why Stan was able to solve the hyperspace formula so quickly, while Lewis was having problems with it.

So, Stan is naturally a badass bookworm, whom likes to playing being a genius bruiser in sports, for the challenge.

While, Lewis is naturally a genius bruiser, whom likes to playing the badass bookworm, in the form of studying the sciences, math, and physics.

In the above chapter, I even showed examples of both brothers natural traits coming out to the forefront.

For example, Stan kicking the high school chess team's asses at chess. Which Stan explaining to Hatsushiba, and Kikuchi afterward, how he beat them. Still, Stan was a polite winner.

Note, both brothers are very polite, like their father.

Another example being when Duke brought out Lewis' natural genius bruiser traits, in the forms of enjoying the act of firing big guns, and being a fan of mixed martial arts fighting.

Also, Stan and Lewis are both just as strong in their female forms as their male forms. And they have the same endurance in both forms.

On a side note, many of you may wonder why I called Hatsushiba Akira, Hatsushiba, instead of Akira, except when the character was a girl. The reason is simple, in the Gacha Gacha Secret manga, Hatsushiba Akira went by, Hatsushiba, as a boy. And, Akira, as a girl.

As such, I am just staying in line with that.

In book one of my stories, Hatsushiba Akira did not start going, by Akira, as a man, until after he left for college in America. Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, to be exact.

Also, this chapter allowed me to play with some of the subtle things I could only mention in passing in the previous BOM, Badasses Of the Multiverse, books.

Such as the Koco band.

Also, I got the chance to show Natsuru's previous girlfriends starting to become too clingy to him. If you look up the Kampfer series, at least the anime, those three girls were pretty much heading that way towards being to possessive towards Natsuru. Which, explains why he ran from them, and he headed for American, to find a college, to study aboard. And it was during that search when he met Akira, at the beginning of book one of my anthology of insanity.

And I am sure some of you readers may complain about book one, where Akira seems like, when he meets the other gender benders, he is thinking, with the line, 'there are others', that this is the first time he had has learned that there are other gender benders.

Though, keep in mind, that in english, that term could interpreted a couple of ways. Depending on which words in the sentence are stressed.

For example, 'there ARE others', can mean a confirmation of what someone already knew. Such as, 'there ARE other gender benders, as I was previously told about.'

It is fun what one can do when said person has a decent command of a language.

Until next time. Have fun.

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