Badasses Of The Multiverse: Book 4: “The Jock, The Nerd, The Bounty Hunters, And The Crazy Chicks.”
Chapter Eight: “Dancing In The Nightlife.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
In another reality, Stan and Lewis found themselves in an alley. With them standing, and facing, only twenty feet from the exit to the alleyway, with the other exit being a hundred feet away.
Given the color of the sky, they knew it was dark.
While the brothers were wearing the same clothing they had on, when they checked out of their hotel, together, they did not have their suitcases with them.
Stan inquired, in english, “Are you sure it was wise to leave our luggage back home. Two hours after we left our home in the first place.”
Lewis pocketed his reality device, as he stated, in english, “Sure. I cannot think of a safer place. Think about it. Who is going to look for our stuff under our beds, back home. And, except for the female clothing. No one is going to raise any eyebrows.”
Stan asked, “On second thought, I agree with you. So, did you focus on our three cousins, after they were at Violin's home, while we there?”
Lewis answered, “Yes. I made sure to do that.”
Stan stated, “Now, let's see where we are, and find our cousins.”
The brothers then walked twenty feet in front of them, and onto a main street that was connected to the alleyway.
They found they were in a business district of a busy modern, urban city.
Even though it was night, were plenty of lights from the buildings, and streetlights. Also, there were people walking down the sidewalks, on both sides of the four lane street. With two oncoming lanes and two ongoing lanes.
Cars, and other vehicles, passing by, both ways on the four lane street in front of them.
The vehicles were driving on the left side of the road.
As the brothers looked around, Stan stated, “Judging from the architecture. And the fact the vehicles are driving on the left side of the road. I would guess we are somewhere in the United Kingdom. Britain. In the late twentieth century, or early twenty-first century.”
Lewis commented, “And from the looked of the clothing styles and car models, I would say we are in the early twenty-first century.”
Stan replied, “Works for me. Now, where are our cousins?”
The brothers then looked around.
Then, Lewis saw something. He used his left hand to point across the street, at a trio of people. He stated, “I think I see one of them.” He then dropped his left hand back to his side.
Stan looked over, across the street, and he saw Nodoka, in a sexy dress, with her long purple hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was being accompanied by two equally sexy men, in suits.
The three individuals were being confronted by the bouncer at the entrance of the nightclub. Though, there was no line going into the nightclub. With just the three individuals present, with the bouncer.
As Stan looked more closely at the two men. He noticed that the two men seem somehow familiar.
One of the men had blue hair with black highlights, cut short at the neckline. And the other man had green hair, which was pulled back into a ponytail.
The two brothers then watched as the all three individuals were cleared by the bouncer, and let into a nightclub.
Stan agreed, “Yes. That is Nodoka. But, who are those two older boys with her? And where are her sisters?”
Lewis pointed out, “Well, one of them had blue hair with black highlights and the other man has green hair. I think they are our cousins, in their male forms. Even there hair styles are the same. Though, Yurika's has her... Er, his hair pulled back into a ponytail. Though, Mikoto's hairstyle works in either gender.”
Stan pointed out, “But, they are younger in their male forms, like we are in our female forms.”
Lewis stated, “I think they they ate some nattou to age their male forms by a few years.”
Stan said, “That makes sense. I also guess they are bi-sexual, because doing so, with their pheromones, will attract a lot of women.”
Lewis commented, “I would not be surprised if they play both fields.”
Stan replied, “Me neither.”
Lewis stated, “Now, let's confront them by going into the nightclub. I do not see a line out front, so I think we caught the place on an off day.”
Lewis and Stan headed to a crosswalk, where they were soon able across the street, and approach the entrance to the nightclub.
Just as the two brothers were about to enter the front entrance to the nightclub, a large, fair skin man, in a fine suit, clearly acting as the bouncer, stopped them. He stated, in english, “Hold it gentlemen. There is both a dress code, and some rules, that have to be upheld, before I can let you both go inside”
Both brothers stood in front of the bouncer, as they looked him, in his face, as he looked back at them.
Stan politely requested, “Okay. What are the rules? And does this include being over twenty-one?”
The bouncer answered, “Only if you are ordering alcoholic drinks.”
Stan replied, “We are not planning too.”
The bouncer commented, “Then, you will be fine on that matter. Still there are three other issues. First, you have to be eighteen, or older.”
Lewis said, “That will not be a problem for us.”
Lewis thought, 'I am glad we kept these Tokyo IDs. I just hope that we are within a few years of being parallel to the year we went to in Tokyo.'
'And it is worth the gamble. Given we have seen here, we should be within a few years different of the Tokyo we left. So, it is worth the risk. And if it works, we should be fine. If not. We will do something else.'
Stan and Lewis pulled out the fake Tokyo IDs they had. And they handed the IDs to the bouncer.
The bouncer looked at them for a moment, as he commented, “Tokyo. These are Tokyo IDs. I can barely make heads or tails from them. All I can read are the birth dates. But, no one would fake an ID from Tokyo, to get into a nightclub in London. And if it was a fake ID, it would say you are over twenty-one. Not nineteen.”
Stan thought, with amusement, 'We would. And at least we now also know when we are.'
Lewis thought, 'So, we are a year's difference from when we left Tokyo. Look's like we lucked on out that.'
Stan lied, “True. We caught a flight from their to here. And we heard about this place.”
The bouncer returned their IDs to them, as he said, “I don't think your age is going to be a problem.”
As the brothers put their IDs back where they had them, Stan inquired, “And the other other rules?”
The bouncers stated, “Men have to wear suits. Women have to were dresses.”
Stan shrugged, “That should not be a problem.”
Lewis lied, “Our hotel is nearby. We can come back in suits, and dress shoes, without a problem.”
The bouncer said, “We also have a cover charge for men.”
Lewis thought, 'And this is why I don't like going to nightclub. I find the cover charges just for men to be sexist. But, we need answers. So, we will just have to deal with the situation. And as such, we need to know how much the cover charges are.'
Lewis asked, “How much?”
The bouncer answered, “On Friday, and the weekend, it is two hundred British pounds, per man. But, on an off night, like tonight, it is fifty pounds.”
Lewis thought, 'Well, that does confirms that it is an off day for them. Which is a week night.' And I can get the cash, using our reality device, and other resources. But, I wonder if he will take U.S. cash? Which is easier to get.'
Lewis inquired, “Will you settle for a hundred U.S. cash, per each of us?”
The bouncer responded, “Yes. That will be fine. Though, your main problem is that we only allow couples and groups in. And there has to be at least one male, and one female in the group.”
The brothers looked at each other for a few seconds in silence. They then looked back at the bouncer.
Stan coyly inquired, “I have a girlfriend that I can bring back here. But, I have a question. Do the women have to wear high heels? She only wears flat soles.” He thought, 'I don't know how to walk with high heels. And I doubt Lewis knows how to either. Though, there is the question of who is going to convince the other to being the girl, and wear the dress?'
The bouncer stated, “As long as the shoes go with the dress, I have no problem if they are flat soled. Personally, I prefer women in flat sole shoes. Less chance of them slipping on the dance floor and suing us.”
Stan complimented, “Smart thinking.”
The bouncer replied, “Thank you. I guess I will see you later.”
Stan replied, “Yes.”
Lewis commented, “We looked forward to it.” Lewis looked around, and he saw what he was looking for. He turned to Stan, as he requested, “This way.”
Stan turned to Lewis, as he said, “Okay.”
Lewis the turned and started walking away, with Stan following Lewis. With the two brothers heading towards the left side of the front of the nightclub building.
A minute later, Lewis lead Stan around a corner, and into an alleyway, between the nightclub building, and another building.
There was still enough light around to see with.
Lewis came to a stop, and turned to face Stan.
Stan stopped a few feet behind Lewis.
The two brothers looked around, and they saw no one.
Lewis and Stan then looked at each other, as Lewis asked, “I don't see anyone? How about you.”
Stan replied, “I don't see anyone, either.”
Lewis stated, “Okay. By the way, I am not going as a girl, and wearing a dress.”
Stan inquired, “Why not? I am the a bit more macho than you.”
Lewis said, “Well, I don't want too. And it is debatable which of us is more macho. You may be a bit more macho than me in sports. But, I got you beat in love of guns.”
Stan replied, “I am not arguing that.”
Lewis suggested, “Good. So, I was thinking you could go as the girl, in a dress and slippers.”
Stan responded, “Well, I don't want to go as a girl, either. Also, our female forms don't look like they are eighteen, or older. Meaning that one of us, that does go as a girl, has to eat nattou, with the pheromone problems. With her fending off men all night.”
Lewis said, “Yes. I realized that, as well. That was my second, go to, excuse. Anyway, if we are going to do this. Also, I know where we can get a dress and nattou. So, those problem is taken care.”
Stan commented, “Still, we have to decide who is going to go as the woman.”
Lewis responded, “True. Let's make it fair.” He then reached into one of his pants pockets, and pulled out a coin. He suggested, “How about we flip a coin? You pick which side.”
Stan replied, “Works for me. I pick heads.”
Lewis flipped the coin, and a few seconds later, they saw how the coin landed, on the grown.
Two reality jumps later. Ten minutes later time for the reality where the nightclub was, and two hours time for the Lowe brothers.
Two people walking out, out of an alleyway, on the left side of the nightclub building.
The black haired, tanned skin boy, wore a black suit, and black dress shoes. The boy was over seventeen and a half years old.
The boy walked beside a redheaded fair skin girl, whom was with the teenage boy, looked as old as teenage boy was. She wore a red evening gown, with red flat sole slippers.
Two of the walked side by side, with the teenage girl being to the teenage boy's left side, and closer to the building.
As they turned the corner, to their left, and headed onto the front the sidewalk, towards the front entrance to the nightclub, they saw there was no one around. With them being around thirty yards from the bouncer, at the entrance to the nightclub.
So, the two teenagers knew it was safe to talk, for the moment.
Lewis turned to his left side, as he looked at his currently hot sister, Stan. Lewis noticed that Stan was not real happy with losing the coin toss, and being a teenage girl in a red dress.
While they continued to walk, Lewis thought, 'I need to do something to cheer up Stan.'
Lewis commented, “Oh don't sulk. Red is our color as girls. We might as well go with it.”
Stan turned to Lewis, as she said, in a calm tone of voice, “I am not sulking. It is just that I am not happy about losing the coin toss.”
Lewis commented, “Well, it was a normal coin, and you called it.”
Stan stated, “True. I lost. Fair and square. I am just not liking the situation.”
Lewis said, “Well, you only have to deal with this situation, for an hour, or so. You will be fine.”
Stan commented, “I know. And it was intelligent, on your part, to go back to the Tokyo, where and when we were living, a day after we left, to shop for our clothing.”
Lewis questioned, “Thank you. Are you okay with the clothes you have on?”
Stan responded, “Yes. I can live with wearing these clothes, for a little while. The bra and panties, for my more mature female form, are not that bad. And I can live with this red evening gown. It is a simple design, that looks nice, but not too nice. And I happen to like the slippers. Given I am not wearing socks, nor stockings. They actually feel comfortable on my feet.”
Lewis replied, “That is nice to hear. And at with our female forms, we don't have to shave our legs.”
Stan inquired, “True. Stephanie sometimes complained to me about her having to do that. Still, I need to know. Given my pheromones, are you turned on by me?”
Lewis admitted, “You smell good. But, just as it was with you, towards me. The fact we are siblings makes it you complete turn off for me.”
Stan replied, “That is comforting to her. And at least I am not wearing any makeup.”
Lewis said, “I would not put you through anything, that I would not go through.”
Stan smiled, as she commented, “I appreciate that. And I look good without it.”
Lewis questioned, “That you do. And you are welcome. So, what is your plan, if the nattou wears off?”
Stan said, “We already know that we have a few seconds warning. If that happens, I come get you, and we leave as quickly as possible.”
Lewis inquired, “That will work. Though, I am wondering, how are we going to deal with you not having an ID?”
Stan flatly stated, “My pheromones. If that doesn't work. We will teleport in.”
Lewis said, “Okay. Either way, could work. Also, I have the U.S. cash, that I got from that ATM, in Tokyo. For the cover charge. So, we are good there. But, I would prefer not to spend it. Just on sheer principle.”
Stan stated, “I understand. And I agree such fees are sexist. So, I will see what I can do.”
Lewis replied, “Thanks.”
Several seconds later, they reached the entrance and the bouncer.
Stan and Lewis stopped in front of the bouncer. With with other bouncer look back at him.
The bouncer commented, “Well, that was quick. But, what happened to the other man?”
Lewis lied, “He will be coming in a little while, with his date.” He then honestly said, “Also, you have seen my ID. Do I have to show it to you, again?”
The bouncer replied, “Yes. I have seen your ID. And given it has only been a few minutes. You don't have to show it to me, again” He then looked at Stan, as he commented, “But, I haven't seen yours.”
Stan took a few steps closer to the bouncer, as she said, “I don't think I need an ID.”
As the bouncer got one whiff of Stan's pheromones, and he enjoyed her smell. The bouncer said, with interest in his tone of voice, “You look old enough. Still, there is a cover charge for you boyfriend.”
Stan said, in the most seductive tone of voice she could fake, “And I think you could wave that charge, for now.”
As the pheromones continued to do their work, the bouncer agreed, “I think you are right. Both you can go right in.”
Stan replied, “Thank you.
Stan and Lewis then quickly entered the nightclub.
When they were inside, they saw that it was a standard nightclub, with techno music playing. Though, the music was not deafening. And one could easily talk over it.
The nightclub had a dance floor, in the back of the room. With a bar counter, with stools, to their right. And cushioned, curved, booths, with tables lining on wall of the room, to their left.
They both saw spotted their three cousins, at the same time.
They saw that Nodoka, Mikoto, and Yurika coming off the dance floor, and heading to one of the cushioned booths, by the left wall of the room. With Nodoka being female, and Mikoto and Yurika still be male, and in their nattou enhanced male forms.
Stan quietly reminded Lewis, “Remember. They don't know it is me. And they likely think you will not recognize that it is Mikoto and Yurika with Nodoka. Use that to your advantage.”
Lewis responded, “I will.”
Lewis and Stan then walked up to the both the other three teenagers, whom were around Stan and Lewis' age.
As Stan and Lewis came to a stop in front of the booth, they saw that Nodoka was sitting in the middle of the curved seats of the booth, with Yurika to Nodoka's left side, and Mikoto being to right side of Nodoka.
Also, the Lowe siblings noticed there was no one in the booths, beside their cousins' booth. Offering them some privacy, as they talked with each other.
As the three siblings looked up at Lewis and Stan. Though, the focused mainly on Lewis, due to them clearly not recognizing Stan.
Lewis and Stan then noticed the surprised looks that all three had for Lewis being there.
Stan thought, 'Well, they are clearly surprised to see us. Or, should I say, see Lewis. From the looked of things, they do not recognize me. Which is good for us. And Lewis will pretend he does not recognize Mikoto and Yurika.”
Lewis was the first to speak, as he looked directly at Nodoka. He greeted her, by politely saying, “Hello, Nodoka.”
Nodoka inquired, “What are you doing here, Lewis?
Lewis answered, “To find out what is really going on. And I figured I could get some answers from you.”
Nodoka responded, “So, you came to us?”
Lewis said, “Of course. Scorpius is after us. Bounty hunters she hired are after us. Those five psychos we have seen you with are after us. We have exhausted most of our leads. And we are still upset with our parents. You, Mikoto, and Yurika, are many things. But, we believe you are sane. So, will you help us? And tell us what the hell is really going on?”
Nodoka looked at Mikoto and Yurika. The other two nodded. Nodoka then turned back to Lewis, as she stated, “Okay. I will answer your questions. Though, where is Stan?”
Lewis lied, “He is elsewhere, looking for information.”
Nodoka inquired, “Okay. And who is this?”
Lewis lied again, “A hooker I picked up, because this place only allows couples, and more, to come in.” He thought, 'I regret I could not think of a better excuse. I will have to make it up to you, later Stan.'
Stan suppressed a frown, as she just ignored the comment. She thought, 'Well, it is a fair excuse, to come up with on the spot. And right now. As much as I hate to admit. I am just the distraction and pretty face of this plan. I will let Lewis know, I am okay with that excuse.'
The three cousins lightly laughed, for a few seconds.
While the trio calmed down, Lewis suggested, in a calm, though firm tone of voice, “I feel this is a conversation in best left in private. Between the two of us.”
Nodoka agreed, “Okay.” She turned to Mikoto, and then Yurika, as she requested, “You two, be nice to the redhead, while I talk to Lewis.”
Mikoto replied, in his male voice, “Okay.”
Yurika said, in his male voice, “We will talk to you, later.”
Stan smirked, as she teased, “Come on boys. You can treat me to a drink at the bar.”
Mikoto and Yurika smelled Stan's pheromones, while Stan smelled their pheromones.
Stan thought, 'I have to fight the attraction.'
On the other hand, Mikoto said, with interest in his tone of voice, “Sure.”
Yurika enjoyed Stan's pheromones, as he commented, “I would like to get to know you better.”
The two boys exited the booth, and escort Stan to the bar counter, with Stan sitting on a stool, between the boys, sitting on their stools.
There were not any customers nearby the three individual. And the bartender, whom was standing behind the bar counter, was busy with other customers.
Meanwhile, Nodoka move to Lewis' right side, in the booth, as Lewis entered the booth, to sit on the cushions to his left side.
At they looked across the table from each other.
Nodoka inquired, “So, Lewis. What would you like to know first?”
Lewis answered, “Well, I already know about my family. So, let's start with your family. How many of your parents are gender benders? And how many parents do you have?”
Nodoka thought, 'It is a fair question. And it is not like our parents ever tried to keep their gender bending secret from their friends. So, I might as well too him.'
Nodoka stated, “We have three parents. All three of our parents are gender benders. Each one of them gave birth to one of us three. Within the same hour. From what I understand, you father played midwife to all three of our births.”
Lewis suppressed a chuckled, as he thought, 'I will have to ask him about that adventure. But, first things first.'
Lewis asked, with a bit amusement in his tone of voice, “Interesting. Are your parents like my father, in their gender bending abilities?”
Nodoka responded, “No. Unlike you father, each of our parents are a different type of gender bender. My mother, Ranma, got her abilities by a water curse. Then, there is Natsuru gets hers by a magical bracelet. And Akira gets hers from her family. Akira's gender bending abilities come from the same gene combination as your father.”
Lewis questioned, “Hatsushiba Akira?”
Nodoka replied, “Yes. We saw Stan with him at a concert. But, not you.”
Lewis said, “I was not there. Though, Stan informed me of him. Or, should I say, her. So, where does Akira, and my father, get their abilities from?”
Nodoka explained, “Long story short, you, your brother, your father, my two sisters, and Akira, and Akira's family, are not completely human. And while my sisters are distantly blood related to you, I am not technically related you.”
Lewis stated, “You are close enough for me, and I guess, Stan.”
Nodoka replied, “Thank you. Anyway, while you are all mostly human, you are descended from two alien races Alteran and Shimeru. This genetic mix is what made you, and your father, Akira, and her sister, aunt Kaori, latent gender benders.”
Lewis inquired, “Shimeru? As in Futuaba and Kurin Shimeru?”
Nodoka asked, “Yes. I take it that you have met them?”
Lewis answered, “Yes. When we got blasted into the past of that reality. I became a teacher, and taught them, for a month.”
Nodoka recalled, as she said, “Oh. That's right. I overheard Futaba mention that.”
Lewis inquired, “You know him?”
Nodoka stated, “Yes. You and Stan are eventually are going to find out that most of the people you have been meeting, know each other, and your parents. Honestly, the whole, normal life plan, that your parents had for you, was considered kind of a joke, for most of us.”
Lewis questioned, “That figures. So, who are the Alterans?”
Nodoka answered, “Another alien race. Though, unlike the Shimeru, they are not gender benders... Well, not normally. Though, there is a long story dealing with you father, and a gender bending virus.”
Lewis thought, 'It looks like Stan and I have a lot to discuss with our parents, when we see them.' He calmly stated, “I will talk to my parents about that, later. Just please answer the question.”
Nodoka said, “Alterans are a long lived species. For example, Violin's family are Alterans. To be exact, Violin's family is actually a sub-species of Alterans, called Ixioran Altairian, whom are normally bred to be alien super-soldiers.”
Lewis thought, 'Damn. I just lost a bet. But, Stan doesn't know, yet. That also means that Violin's home reality is my father's home reality. Though, this does explain a lot. Still, that does not explain one thing.'
Lewis commented, “They don't act like soldiers.”
Nodoka pointed out, “That is because none of them are. Birdy was trained to be a cop, since she was a child. The others have no combat training. And they are very well adjust, for the most part. Actually, Violin is half-human. Her father was human, genetically... It is also a long story. Though, before you ask about Violin's father. That is a complicated answer. With Violin being raised by her mother, and stepfather. Whom are both Ixioran Altairian, along with Yuuichi, Violin's half-brother.”
Lewis rolled who eyes, for a few seconds. Then, he looked back at Nodoka, as he inquired, “Is everything a long story with this situation?”
Nodoka admitted, “Pretty much. But, I am trying to cut it down to where it won't take hours to explain this all to you.”
Lewis inquired, “Okay. Next question. How are you three related to each other?”
Nodoka answered, “By Natsuru, she is Yurika and my father. While she is Mikoto's mother. She is where we get our elemental bending abilities from. We also think we received our control of our gender bending, as part of the powers we inherited from Natsuru. We also inherited other interesting traits. Such as not having to worry about monthly periods, and getting pregnant, unless we want too.”
Lewis said, “That is nice to know. And who are the other five girls after us?”
Nodoka responded, “They are known as the Lagoon sisters. Or, Lagoon daughters. The reason deals with the reality they are from, and their parents. Though, this is too long a story to get into. But, I will say that three of their five parents were originally men that were changed into women against their will. Very long. Very ugly story.”
Lewis commented, “I will have to get that story some other time.”
Nodoka said, “Now, it is my turned to ask some questions.”
Lewis shrugged, as he replied, “Sure.”
Nodoka lips curled into a wicked grin, as she questioned, in an amused tone of voice, “Aren't you going to ask me about my sisters?”
Lewis cracked a grin, as he said, “Let me guess. Nattou?”
Lewis' comment caught Nodoka flatfooted, as Nodoka inquired, “How did you know?”
Lewis coyly answered, “Stan and I have been through a lot. Think about it.”
A few seconds later, Nodoka realized what Lewis was hinting at, as she said, “Oh no.”
Lewis slight grin turned into a smirk, as he commented, “Yes. Be careful what you wish for.”
Nodoka turned to looked over at the redhead siting between the her two brothers, at the bar counter, across the room. With all three of them having their backs turned to her. Nodoka turned back to Lewis, as she asked, “And that is not a hooker?”
Lewis calmly replied, “No.”
Nodoka inquired, “And you can, also?”
Lewis answered, “Yes.”
Nodoka questioned, “Is your female form just as different as Stan's is?”
Lewis commented, “Stan has eaten some nattou, as well. And... For lack of a better term... Our normal female forms are a few years younger than our male forms. Just like your two siblings.”
Nodoka mentioned, “That is just part of how your gender bending works. But, you will mature soon enough in your female form.”
Lewis responded, “We realize that. And to answer your question. Use, both our gender forms are different from each other. But, we do look alike, if we are in the same gender, and age. As boys. As young teenage girls. And as older teenage girls.
“We can still pass a fraternal twins, in either gender, or age. We have the same hair color, skin tone, and overall body build.”
“If I change right now, and ate nattou, I would change into a female form that looks similar to what you see Stan as, right now.”
Nodoka asked, “Why are your forms so different?”
Lewis said, “Stan and I are not sure ourselves.”
Nodoka commented, “You should have just let us shock both of you both. It would not have hurt much. And it would have saved us all a lot of trouble.”
Lewis replied, “Nah. If you did that. Our parents would have killed you.”
Nodoka conceded, “You may have a point there. Can I see your normal female form?”
Lewis requested, “Maybe later. Also, please keep this a secret from our parents.”
Nodoka responded, “No problem. I can speak for myself, and my sisters, when we say that we believe it will be more funnier when you and Stan tell everyone.”
Lewis replied, “Thank you.”
Nodoka smiled wickedly, as she said, in a mischievous tone of voice, “You're welcome. Oh. And by the way. Welcome to the club.”
Lewis commented, “Neither of us care much about being female. We prefer to be male.”
Nodoka continued to grin wickedly, as she stated, That is because you are new at this. And you will change you tune, once you experience some of the perks that come with being female.
Lewis groaned, as he thought, 'I really don't feel like have this conversation, and risking an argument.' He halfheartedly said, “I will take your word on that.”
Nodoka responded, in a happy tone of voice, “Good. I also look forward to seeing you at the next Lagoon bikini party.”
Lewis inquired, “What bikini party? Like the one we literally crashed?”
Nodoka answered, “Yes. That was the latest party they had there. Let me tell you about these parties. Which, your parents seem to love to attend. And they are fun parties. Though, the have some really screwy rules.”
As Nodoka continued talking to Lewis, at the bar counter, Stan was trying her best to keep Mikoto's and Yurika's hands off of her more shapely body parts.
Mikoto kept trying to put his arm over her shoulders, while Yurika kept trying to put his arm around her waist.
Stan mentally realized, 'Given the amount pheromones those two are putting off, and the pheromones I am emitting, as well, I have to be very careful. If I am not careful, I could end up in a three way, as the girl, with two men. And they are my cousins. I would never live it down.'
'Still, knowing they are blood kin is keeping me from being attracted to them. I wonder if that thought works on them, as well as it does for Lewis and I. Either way, I have to keep this from going to far. And I know just how to do it.'
Stan inquired, “Would you two like to hear a joke?”
Yurika replied, “Sure.”
Mikoto said, “I am more than happy to listen to what you have to say.”
Stan joked, “Well, I just don't find the appeal of being kissing cousins.”
It took a few seconds for the two boys to get the joke.
When Yurika and Mikoto did realize who the redhead, they were sitting next to, was, they gained shocked expressions on their faces, for a few seconds.
Mikoto and Yurika looked at Stan, as Mikoto asked, “Stan?”
Yurika inquired, “Is that really you?”
Stan looked in front of herself. From the corner of her right eye, Stan saw the bartender was busy with other customers, on the part of the bar counter closer to the front doors.
And with no other customers around, Stan smirked, as she answered, “Yep. I even used nattou, like you two did.”
Mikoto said, “I think I am going to be sick.”
Stan stated, “Don't feel back at about it. Your pheromones are bothering me a little.”
Mikoto conceded, “Good point.”
Yurika inquired, “Why didn't you tell us sooner?”
Stan said, “Well, this is for tricking Lewis and I, on the first night you came to our family home.”
Yurika admitted, “Okay. You got us. So, can Lewis change, as well?”
Stan requested, “Yes. Though, could you keep this quiet, from others. Except for Nodoka. Especially, Lewis and my parents.”
Mikoto said, “No problem. We can keep a secret.”
Yurika stated, “Yes. We will do that for you. And so will Nodoka.”
Stan inquired, “Thank you. Now, why are you two here as boys? And why are you using nattou?”
Mikoto explained, “The reason is simple. Yurika and I are older teenage boys to use our pheromones to attract some women, to invite them to an after party, at the hotel suite we rented. Nodoka takes care of getting a couple of guys, as well, for the after party.”
Stan stated, “That is a diabolical plan.”
Yurika smirked, as she responded, “We know. Want to join us for the after party? You and Lewis are invited.”
Stan declined, “No thanks. We have more important matters to deal with. Like not getting captured by Scorpius.”
Yurika said, “I can understand your priorities on that.”
Stan inquired, “So, what can you tell me about Scorpius?”
Mikoto said, “That depends. Have you seen the Farscape series, and Peacekeeper Wars finale?”
Stan answered, “Yes.”
Mikoto commented, “Then, there is not much we can tell you beyond what you already know. Except that Scorpius had her gender changed, and is now a pure Sebacean.”
Stan replied, “Damn. I already knew that. I was hope for more.”
Mikoto said, “Sorry. But, Scorpius likes to keep things close to her chest. We are sure she has seen her own series by now. But, beyond that, she keeps secrets from everyone. Even those close to her.”
Stan then got up from her chair, as she said, “Well, thanks for you help. And I hope you have a great party.”
Mikoto said, “We will.”
Stan warned, “And try not to get pregnant, nor get an STD.”
Yurika responded, “We always use condoms, no matter our forms. And you will find that for us, it is very hard to accidentally get pregnant. Nor, have monthly periods.”
Stan said, “That is nice to know. Thanks.”
Yurika replied, “You're welcome. And good luck.”
Stan turned around in her stool. She then stood up. She soon spotted Lewis sitting by Nodoka. Next, she walked towards their booth, which was only about thirty feet away from them.
A few seconds later, Stan made it to the booth that Lewis and Nodoka were sitting at.
As Stan looked down at them, they stopped talking, while they looked up at her.
Nodoka said, “Hi Stan.”
Stan replied, “Hi Nodoka. I see Lewis told you.”
Nodoka responded, “Yea. I take it my sisters know about you two, as well?”
Stan answered, “Yes. I told them. And will you three be quiet about this?”
Nodoka replied, “Of course, we will. As I said to Lewis, we would find it more funny when you tell your parents.”
Stan responded, “Thank you. And you will stop coming after us?”
Nodoka answered, “Yes. With your genes now active, we already have what we want. And I must say your genes did a wonderful number on you, Stan. You are hot as a chick. And from what Lewis has told me. His female form is the same way.”
Stan teased, “Thank you. Though, I hope that isn't the pheromones talking.”
Nodoka cracked a smile, as she replied, “No. It is not. And the fact you are teasing me about this means that you are already getting in touch with your feminine side.”
Stan said, “Well, I hope not too much.”
Nodoka lips curled into a smirk, as she stated, “Well, you will have plenty of chances to get in touch with your feminine side at the bikini parties.”
Stan looked over at Lewis. Lewis said, “I will tell you, later.”
Stan turned to Nodoka, as the purple haired girl said, “Also, you are both attractive as men, as well. Too bad we are family, or I might make a play for either of you.”
Stan stuck her tongue out in a playful manner. She then stated, “I will have to decline. I already got a girlfriend.”
Nodoka continued to smirk, as she said, in an amused tone of voice, “More girlish with each passing second. And, I am sure that your normal, younger female forms are more cute, than sexy.”
Stan replied, “That is about right.”
Lewis said, “I would agree.”
Nodoka inquired, “I have to ask. Which one of your has the better body as a girl?”
Lewis said, “It is about the same for both of us.”
Stan commented, “Yea. We are pretty much equal in that department. And we have seen each other, nude, in all our forms, and ages.”
Lewis said, “Yes. We are not going to get into a debate on that matter.”
Stan stated, “Though, if you are wondering. As female, I have a slightly slimmer waistline.”
Lewis commented, “And, as a girl, I have slightly bigger breasts.”
Nodoka responded, “Damn, I am jealous you two are not bothered about this with each other.”
Stan stated, “We hashed out our penis envy issues, between each other, years ago.”
Lewis responded, “And the breast size issues are the female gender equivalent to the penis size issues for men. It is the same difference.”
Nodoka commented, “Now, I understand why everyone that knows you considers you both to be geniuses.”
Stan said, “Oh, this is nothing.”
Lewis stated, “If we knew what the hell was going on, beforehand, we would be home long before now.”
Nodoka agreed, “Probably. Though, onto another matter, there is not much we can do about the five Lagoon sisters, whom are after you. They are not the type of people to listen to reason, when they don't want to.”
Lewis replied, “We'll figure something out.”
Stan added, “And we consider that fact that you three, out of all eight of you, are no longer after us, to be an improvement.”
Nodoka responded, “That is true. You know. We are having an after party. It would be a great excuse to give you two a little education on you new forms, and how to get the more pleasure out of those forms. It would save you a lot of time and experimentation.
Stan shrugged, as she teased, “But, that is half the fun.”
Nodoka and Lewis laughed at Stan's joke, for a few seconds.
As they calm down, Lewis said, “We really cannot stay. But, thank you for the invitation.”
Nodoka looked at Stan
Stan answered, “Your two brothers already made the offer. And I declined.” She then turned to Lewis, as she inquired, “Now, to the heart of the matter. Lewis, did you find out what we hoped from Nodoka, here?”
Lewis looked up at his sister, as he answered, “I got a lot of answers, to a lot of questions. But, none of those answers are helpful for our immediate problems. How about you?”
Stan shrugged, as she said, “About the same. But, I have some good news about a few things. I will tell you later.”
Lewis turned to Nodoka, as he said, “Well, it was fun tonight.”
Nodoka replied, “Yea. It was. I will see you guys later. Or girls, depending on your moods.”
Lewis chuckled a bit. He then said, “I guess that is how it works, now.”
Nodoka offered, “Either way works for us. Hell, we will be nice. The next time we five of us get together, we will let you two choose. We can have an all guys night out. Or, an all girls night out. Or, some combination between the two groups.”
Stan said, “Thank you. I think we might take you.”
Lewis commented, “I think such a visit is very possible.”
Nodoka replied, “Good.”
Stan commented, “Though, do not expect us to spent on day shopping for clothes, and wearing frilly things. Upstairs, we are still mostly guys... Even though I am currently wearing a dress.”
Nodoka giggled for a few seconds. She then responded, “Don't worry about that. Your reactions are not that surprising, since you were both born male. And just so you know. We don't care for frilly things, either. Honestly, though we prefer to be female to male, we are tomboys. And though we know that we were born as girls, we are very macho. Depending on the styles and colors of the clothing. Only one or two would enjoy spending the day shopping for clothes.”
“You might be surprised to learn. But, baring special occasions, more women could care less if they were a dress and skirt, or a shirt and slacks. As long as they looked good in their clothing, they could care less.”
“And many gender benders, that prefer to live as female, don't really case to wear dresses. And getting them to carry a purse is next to impossible.”
“Taking all this into account, I am genuinely surprised to see you in a dress, Stan.”
Stan flatly stated, “It was a matter of necessity. And this is just a very simple evening gown. And the slippers are flat soled.”
Nodoka looked on the floor to see Stan were red flat sole slippers. She looked back up at Stan's face, as she said, “I see. And given the rules of this nightclub, I can understand. Anyway, I think once your current problems are settle, you are going to find that you will fit right in with the rest of us.”
Lewis commented, “That kind of scares me.”
Nodoka turned to Lewis, as she grinned wickedly. She said, “It should.”
Nodoka watched as Lewis and Stan suddenly tensed up
Nodoka dropped her wicked grin, as she said, “Ah. Just kidding. We are not that bad... Well, most of us aren't, and we hold back those of us who are.”
Nodoka then saw the Lowe siblings relax.
Lewis got up from his seat. As he stood next to Stan, to Stan's left side, he looked down at Nodoka. He said, “Until next time.”
Stan commented, “See you later.”
Nodoka looked up at the Lowe siblings, as she said, “Good luck.”
The Lowe siblings then turned, and they headed for the front exit of the nightclub.
A few seconds later, as they left the nightclub through the front door, beside each other, they passed by the bouncer, as they turned right, on the sidewalk.
Except for the bouncer, there was not one else around them. With Stan walking to Lewis' right side.
The bouncer noticed them. He turned his head in their direction, as he said, “Goodnight.”
As the Lowe siblings kept walking, Stan turned to the bouncer, as she said, in the sweetest, kindest, tone of voice she could muster, “Thank you. We will have to come back here sometime.”
Stan turned her head back to face her front. She thought, 'You know? That bouncer was polite. I do feel kind of guilty having to use my pheromones, and, currently, girlish charms to have Lewis and I slip pass him. But, in the end, I don't think he will pay much thought about it.'
Lewis whispered, just loud enough for only Stan to hear, “Let's head back to that corner.”
Stan softly replied, “Agreed.”
A minute later, they had turned the corner on the building, in an alleyway, and they soon found the hiding spot that they had teleported into that reality from.
As they stopped walking, they turned to face each other.
Lewis commented, “That went a lot better than I had hoped.”
Stan agreed, “Yes. It did.”
Lewis pulled out his reality device, from one of his pockets. He said, “At least those three are no longer after us.”
Stan replied, “True. And we got what we wanted, for the most part. But, I feel like this is a defeat for us.”
Lewis pointed out, “That is because it is a defeat for us. They got what they wanted. We are now gender benders.”
Stan shrugged, as she said, “At least turning into a girl is not as bad as we thought it would be.”
Lewis inquired, “True. So, what did Mikoto and Yurika tell you?”
Stan answered, “A few things. Such as we probably won't have to worry about monthly periods, and pregnancy, for a long while. Until we finally lock in our female forms a number of decades. That is, unless we want too deal with those situations.”
Lewis smiled, as he replied, “Nodoka said something similar. And that is nice. Still, we need to use a condom when we do it in any gender form.”
Stan returned her brother's smile, as she said, “You got that right. We don't want to get a sexually transmitted disease. So, what did you learn?”
Lewis thought, 'While, I really could care less about our bet. I will omit what I learn about Violin, it would just confuse matter. But, I will tell the rest to him... I mean, her.'
Lewis stated, “I got a lot of answers about our family history. And some interesting knowledge about some of the people we have dealt with.”
Stan responded, “Good. You can tell me, later. As we wait for this nattou to wear off. And while I change my clothing to my usually male clothing.”
Lewis teased, “You are going to look hot, no matter wear, until that nattou wears off.”
Stan halfheartedly said, “I know.”
Lewis said, in a sincere tone of voice, “Also, I apologize for calling you a hooker. I just could not come up with a better excuse, on the spot, than that.”
Stan stated, “It is okay. I forgive you. We got the answers we were looking for. And we will come part notes, later.”
Lewis mentioned, “Thanks for being understanding. Also, Nodoka claimed that our father played midwife for the births of her, and her two sisters, at the same time.”
Stan responded, “Really? I am not sure I believe that claim.”
Lewis said, “Me neither. We will have to ask him, when we finally have that long talk, with him, and mom. Also, Nodoka mentioned some sort of incident, with an alien species, called Alteran, and a gender bending virus.”
Stan replied, sarcastic tone of voice, “This just gets more interesting by the minute.”
Lewis stated, “I know. Also, we are related to these Alterans and also the Shimeru. Whom are also aliens. It seems the genetic mix from these two species, is what makes us, and our father, gender benders. Then, there are these bikini Lagoon Island parties, that Nodoka told me about.”
Stan said, “Just more to ask our parents, when we see them.”
Lewis stated, “I agree. Though, we might not want to mention the bikini parties. It might give them ideas.”
Stan asked, “How so?”
Lewis answered, “The one we saw our parents in. As both female. With all the women, including our parents, wearing bikini. That is a rule. Only women. And women have to where bikini. Though, the younger girls can wear one pieces. Still, I like looking women in skimpy clothing. Though, I really don't feel being a woman wearing skimpy clothing.”
“And from what Nodoka told me, our parents like to go to these parties. And when they learned we can change, as well. They might drag us with them.”
Stan commented, “I see your point. We will just not mention those parties to them.”
Lewis replied, “Exactly.”
Stan mentioned, “Speaking of parties. About that after party that Nodoka mentioned. Well, Mikoto and Yurika told me the reason they were male, and under the effects of nattou, was to round up some women. While Nodoka rounded up so men. In the nightclub. For them to take to some other locations, for a private after party.”
Lewis replied, in a sarcastic tone of voice, “Why am I not surprised?”
Stan stated, “Well, they did state that they were intelligent enough to use condoms in both forms. I decline their invitation to us.”
Lewis inquired, “Good. So, do you have an idea of where we should to go to next?”
Stan answered, “Yes. We do what we should have done in the first place. We go see my coach.”
Lewis replied, “I am not against that. Still, we will head back to our home, a few hours after we originally left. About an hour after we left our suitcases there. We will change out of this formal clothing, and get a couple of extra pairs of clothes. Then, we will call a cab, get a hotel suite elsewhere in the city.”
Stan complimented, “Good plan. I got some spare cash in my debit bank account, back home. It should cover a two bedroom hotel suite for a couples of night.”
Lewis offered, “I will help you cover that bill.”
Stan stated, in a happy tone of voice, “Thanks, bro. And let us just lay low for a Saturday, and talk to Caxton Sunday morning.”
Lewis said, “Agreed. We could use a day of rest, after everything we have been through. And being back in our home town will make us feel better.”
Stan smiled, as she stated, “You and me both. Now, take us home, Lewis.”
Stan then took a few steps closer to Lewis.
When Stan was close enough, Lewis used his reality device to teleport back to their home reality, on Mars, an hour after they were last there, late that Friday night.
The Lowe siblings then instantly disappeared, as they jumped realities.
Reality, Cowboy Bebop Reality. Date, Sunday, October seventeenth, twenty-one hundred. Place, Tharsis City, Mars. Time, ten thirty AM, on a slightly cool, partly cloudy morning.
On a two land street, a taxi stopped in front of half acre front yard. Beyond the front yard was a medium size, middle class home. With an equally large backyard, behind the home. With the side yards being slightly smaller, given they were nearby neighboring homes.
The front yard, and exterior of the home was clean and well kept. The green grass was trimmed, and the paint on the home was in good shape.
After paying their cab fare, Stan and Lewis got out of the two sides of the backseats of the cab.
Presently, Stan and Lewis were both boys. They were wearing their usual masculine clothing, and tennis shoes. Among their clothing Stan wore his red varsity jacket, and Lewis wore his short, long sleeved, white coat.
The day they spent resting, on Saturday, helped them immensely, as they felt more energetic at the moment. Instead, of run down.
After the two brothers both got out taxicab, they looked in front of them to see two adults, and two children playing in front of the yard.
The two adults were a man and woman.
The woman was a young, slender, beautiful, fair skin woman, with long brown hair, who was in her early thirties. Her name was Jennifer Caxton. She was wearing a long sleeved blouse, long skirt, and tennis shoes.
The man was a much old fair skin man, whom was in great physical shape for his age. His name was Shane Caxton. Shane was wearing a gray track suit, with a gray cloth jacket, that was unzipped, over a white t-shirt. Along with this, Shane was wearing some tennis shoes as well.
The two children were a boy and a girl. The boy was seven years old, and the girl was six years old. They were the Caxtons' children. They were in decent shape for their ages, and they wear wearing pants, shirts, and tennis shoes.
As the Lowe brothers walked away from the taxi, and onto the front yard, the taxi drove off.
The sound of the taxi leaving, got Caxtons attention, as the family stopped what they were doing, and looked over at the Lowe brothers.
Though, the Caxton family were well acquainted with the Stan Lowe. And they knew Lewis Lowe. And as such, they were happy to see the two older teenage boys.
Shane greeted them, “Hello Stan, and Lewis.”
Stan and Lewis came to a stop, as they looked at the Caxton family.
Stan turned to Shane, as he said, “Hello Coach, and Mrs Caxton.”
Lewis replied, “Good morning.”
Jennifer said, “Hello boys. It is nice when my husband's students came by to visit.”
Shane Caxton asked, “So, what brings you two here this morning?”
Stan sighed. He then said, “Unfortunately, this is not a social visit. We are in trouble, and we think you might be about to help us.”
Shane responded, “I am more than willing to listen.”
Shane then thought back to the first time he met Stan, years ago.
Over three years ago, in the afternoon, on a high school american football field, after a couple of hours of practices, Coach Shane Caxton dismissed his football team to head to the showers and get cleaned up.
As Shane was about to heading inside, as well, something caught his eye from under the bleachers stands, which he was facing.
Shane walked around the bleachers, and he saw a fourteen year old boy, obviously in junior high school. He had tanned skin, and black hair. He had a good physical build for his age. He wore blue jeans, orange shirt, and white tennis shoes. And he was clearly drinking out of a green bottle of alcohol.
Shane mentally realized, 'It is clear he has not noticed me yet. I hope he is not drunk. Now, let's see if I can still do this. I am a bit rusty.'
Shane then employed years of special forces training, as he snuck behind the teenage boy, and through the steel latticework under the bleacher stands, until he was right behind the boy.
Shane saw that boy was holding the bottle with his right hand.
Shane pounced, as he went around the boy's right side. Shane quickly gripped by the boy's right wrist, with his left hand, in a hold that was firm, but did not harm the boy's right wrist.
At the same time, Shane used his right hand, to grip the liter sized green bottle, and pull it from the boy's right hand.
Shane inwardly smiled, as he thought, 'After all these years, I still got it.' He then turned the boy around, as he said, in a stern tone of voice, “Okay, young man. You and I need to have a little talk.”
The boy did the last thing Shane expect. He did not struggle. He turned to look Shane in his face, as he said, “Okay.”
Shane though, 'Well, from the focused look in his eyes, and the way he is looking at me. He is clearly not drunk. This is good. Now, what hootch did this boy snag?'
Stan looked at the label on the bottle, in his right hand, and he did a double take.
It was a bottle of Ardbeg Providence. A high priced, quality alcoholic beverage from Shane's home reality.
Shane thought, “Ardbeg Providence does not exist in this reality. I know. I checked. Where did this boy get this from? I must know!'
Shane turned to the boy, as he asked, in a calm, though firm tone of voice, “Where did you get this bottle from?”
The boy flatly answered, “My parents liquor cabinet.”
Shane mentally realized, 'That means that one, or both, of his parents are not from this reality. I need to learn more about this boy. Because, this could mean not only trouble for him later, but myself, and my family, as well.'
'Along those lines, I am so happy I settled my debts with the Lovelace family, before my superiors made me take that one last, near suicidal mission to Roanapur. I lost a lot of good men that day. And I would have been lost to, if I had not stumbled onto Bao, as he was about to leaving town. That was fortuitous for both of us. And we managed to escape that hell by working together. I am not about to let that hell come back to bite me in the ass, without first getting an idea of what is going on.'
'Still, I got a feeling this boy may not know anything. If he did, he would not have stolen this from his family's liquor cabinet. And I do not dare approach his parents, for it will tip my hand on who I am. Though, I use my real name, so it is kind of obvious. But, I felt that no one would believe that it was me, if I used my real name. And it has worked so far.'
'But, I need to learn made about this boy, without stirring up a hornets nest.'
Shane inquired, “What is your name, boy?”
The boy said, “Stan Lowe.”
Shane let got of Stan's right wrist, as he mentally recalled, 'Stan Lowe?... Where have I heard that name before? Wait a minute. I wonder if he is one of the Lowe brothers, whom are talked about among the teachers. With their teachers stating they are geniuses.'
Shane questioned, “Of the honor roll Lowe brothers? Whom make almost all straight A in their courses?”
While Stan continued to look at Shane's face, he lightly rubbed his right wrist with his left hand. Stan replied, “Yes. That is Lewis and I.”
Shane thought, 'Oh hell. He is a genius, just starting down the wrong path. But, where is his brother?'
Shane inquired, “Stan, where is your brother, Lewis?”
Stan stated, “He is not here. He is in the library, studying a natural science book.
I don't find such books fun to read.”
Shane thought, 'A genius without a hobby could be a danger to himself, and others. I need to at least fine a hobby for him, to keep him out of trouble.' He asked, “What do you consider fun?”
Stan answered, “The internet and electronics. But, our mother mostly cut us off from both, a few years ago. And due to that, Lewis and I drifted apart. I just don't consider anything a challenge.”
Shane thought, 'A young man needs challenges. And I have an idea. A hobby, and a challenge, that is outside of his intellectual experiences. It might work. If nothing else, it will broaden his horizons, and show him that there are other interests that could be pursued, beyond what he finds boring.'
Shane inquired, “Stan, what is you opinion of american football?”
Stan said, “I never played it before. My parents prefer for my brother and I to focus on more mental hobbies like chess. But, chess is boring. Though, parents encourage us to exercise a lot.”
Shane introduced himself, as he stated, “Well, I am Coach Shane Caxton of the high school football team. Why not you come out to the field with me, right now? So, I can teach you at bit about football? One on one. You might like it.”
Stan responded, “Sure. I will give it a try. But, what about the bottle?”
Shane looked at the green bottle, in his right hand. Shane then back at Stan. He stated, in a kind tone of voice, “We will keep that between us. Everyone makes mistakes.” Shane mentally added, 'Lord knows, I have make some big ones. Mistakes that have gotten good people killed. Both my men, and others.' He verbally continued, “But, forgiveness is divine.”
Stan smiled, as he complimented, “Thank you, Coach Caxton. You are kind of cool, for an old guy.”
Shane chuckled. He then responded, “Yea. That I am. Now, let us go out to the field.”
Stan then followed Shane out from under the bleacher stands.
As they exited the bleachers, they turned and headed for the field.
While they passed by the side steps to the bleacher stands, there was an open trash can.
As they walked by the trash can, Shane dumped the nearly full bottle of Ardbeg Providence into the trash can. Shane thought, 'I best get rid of this.” He turned to Stan, as he continued his thoughts, 'And now, I can hopefully help Stan find a new hobby that will keep him out of trouble.'
When they reached the football field, Shane picked up a football, from a nearby bench. Shane then began to show Stan how to throw a football, pass, and tackle.
As Stan tried out the lessons that Shane was teaching him, Shane soon found that Stan had a knack in tackling, in the skill Stan used to train with the tackle dummy.
Shane and Stan then stood twenty feet from each other, as he started tossing the football, back and forth, between Stan and himself.
While they did so, Shane thought, 'In a few years, this boy is going to be impressive on the field. And I doubt I will have a problem getting Stan's parents to agree to let me coach him, and join the football team. If I explain how Stan here has so much natural potential. Besides, I think it is best that I keep an eye on him. Because, given his natural abilities, I know one day, he is going to need help in a big way, and I want him to know that he can trust me. And that I will be more than happy to help him.'
Date, Sunday, October seventeenth, twenty-one hundred. Ten thirty-five AM. Place, Tharsis, Mars. The Caxtons' front yard.
The Caxton family and the Lowe brothers continued to face each other, as Shane waited for Stan and Lewis to explain what was going on.
Stan stated, “Coach, we are in trouble. We are in way over our heads. We are not even sure where to start.”
Shane suggested, “Well, Stan. In such situations, I have found it is easiest to start from the beginning.”
Stan commented, “I don't know how to tell you this. So, I will just say it. My father is from another reality.”
Shane casually replied, “I was wondering which one of your parents it was.”
Lewis accused, “You knew?”
Shane explained, “Ardbeg Providence does not exist in this reality.”
Stan began, “How would you know?....” He then realized, as he continued, in a slightly surprised tone of voice, “You are from another another reality?”
Shane just calmly smiled towards the Lowe brothers.
Jennifer spoke up, “My husband is just full of surprises. Though, before you ask, I am from this reality.”
Stan inquired, “Coach, how did you get here?
Shane answered, “It is a long story. And one that I do not want to get into. Still, I wonder. Where does your mother fit into this situation?”
Lewis said, “Our mother, Ed. She was also known as the super-genius hacker, Radical Edward. Before she retired from the hacking community. We got our genius from her.”
Shane commented, “That does explain some things.”
Jennifer questioned, “I thought Radical Edward was a man?”
Stan stated, “A lot of people do. And given we don't want ISSP after mom, we don't mind that false rumor being repeated. Of course, she has not done any real hacking in decades. And she go that handle when she was twelve.”
Shane replied, “Interesting.”
Jennifer said, “I am glad to see that she is not a bad influence on you.”
Lewis stated, in a strong tone of voice, “She is not. Actually, neither of our parents are bad influences. It is our other relatives, that came to visit, two nights ago, while our parents were out of town, that were part of the problem.” Lewis thought, 'It is best not to mention that while it has only been two day here, we have spent months in the multiverse.'
Shane suggested, “Perhaps we should go inside and talk.” He mentally added, 'They are keeping things from us. But, I will get to them later. Right now, I have to help them with their immediate problems.'
Suddenly, a familiar voice, to the Lowe brother's right side, said, “Well, what do we have here? A touching reunion? Or something equally classy?”
Everyone looked over to see what look like seven humanoid aliens, that looked different from each other. They were clothing that was a cross between an American old west movie, and a sci-fi movies. With projectile and energy weapons to match their mixed motif.
The one that stood out was a blue alien man, whom wore a nice brown, wide brimmed, fedora hat, and brown long coat.
Shane thought, 'Looks like their problems found us. I am glad I always am armed, with a bullet in the chamber. That is what the gun safety catch is for.'
Lewis and Stan stated, in unison, “Bane!”
Bane smirked, as he looked at the Lowe brothers. He said, in a delighted tone of voice, “Hi boys. I knew you would survive that building collapse. Meeting you is becoming a habit. A habit I like. Because every time I meet you, I either become richer in wealth, or more entertained.”
Shane looked over at the alien bounty hunting team, as he asked, “You boys, know these... people?”
Stan answered, “They are alien bounty hunters, from other realities.”
Shane said, with a hint of surprised in his tone of voice, “You two really are in over your heads.” He turned to his wife, as he ordered, “Jennifer, take the kids inside. Get a pistol, and hold up in the bathtub.”
As Jennifer gathered their two children, she looked at her husband, as she said, “Do what you need to do, Shane.” She then lead her children into their home, through the front door, with her closing the door behind her, while locking it.
Shane then looked the blue alien in his eyes. Shane inquired, “I take it you're, Bane?”
Bane answered, “Cad Bane. Multiversal bounty hunter. And who you might be?”
Shane stated, with pride in his voice, “Retired Major Shane Caxton, of the special forces, of the United State of America.”
Lewis whispered to Stan, “The coach really is a retired government assassin from another reality.”
Stan softly replied, “I was just joking when I said that.”
Lewis suppressed a smile, as he quietly said, “I know. That is what makes it funny.”
Stan softly commented, “And he is an american, like our father.”
Lewis quietly said, “That is the least surprising thing about him. That is likely why he is such a good coach for american style football.”
Stan whispered, 'That is likely very true.”
Shane warned, “Bane, take your team, and leave. I have faced far worse than you, and lived.”
Bane countered, “So, have I, Caxton. I have no interest in you. Let me take the boys, and I will leave you, and your family, alone. ”
Shane forcefully stated, “You are not taking the boys anywhere.”
Cad ordered, “Have it your way. Men. Leave the boys, and the ones that went inside, alone. But, have you fun with this old fool, here.”
In response, Shane's lips curled into a smirk.
Before any of the aliens could point their weapons at Shane, the retired american shoulder quickly ran in a crescent angle, to his left, towards the bounty hunters. As Shane did so, he used his right hand to pull out his well maintained, M1911A1 semi-automatic pistol from his shoulder holster, hidden under his jacket, under his left armpit. His pistol had pearl white grips. His pistol fired forty-five ACP round.
Though, at the moment, Shane had one bullet chambered into his pistol, with a full seven round magazine. Giving him eight rounds in his pistol, in all. In addition, he had the hammer safety on his pistol, left own. And he also had two magazines in the slots of his shoulder holster, under his right armpit.
And when Shane did not have his pistol on him. He kept gun unloaded, while he kept a load magazine of forty-five ACP ammo on him, or nearby him.
While Shane ran in a crescent shape path, towards the bounty hunters, he used his thumb to turned off the hammer safety to his pistol, while he then begins to shooting them in the head.
The reason Shane went after Bane's men first, instead of Bane, was the Bane's men had their weapons in hand, where as Bane still had his own two blaster pistols holsters on the sides of his waist.
Also, Shane was careful to angle is aim to where he was not shooting into his neighbors homes, nor towards anyone, nor vehicles, he saw behind the alien bounty hunters.
As the brothers just watched their high school coach tear through the aliens, Stan asked, in mild surprised, “Is every adult we personally know secretly a badass?”
Lewis replied, in mild amusement, “How should I know? Thought, I do vaguely remember a bartender talking about Coach Caxton, I just forget to tell you.”
Stan responded, “For future reference. The next time you have information like that, please tell me.”
Lewis said, “I will.”
Meanwhile, Cad Bane quickly backed away from his group, as he watch Shane had kill to of his men, before he even reached them.
When Shane reached them, he used a combination of small arms fire, and hand to hand techniques to kill three more of the bounty hunters. But, when he reached the sixth bounty hunter he realized that his pistol was out of ammo, as the slide of his weapon was cocked back, and ready for a fresh clip of ammo.
As alien bounty hunter and Shane were less than two feet apart.
As the bounty hunter brought his weapon to bare, he lead out a laugh, in basic, “Ha. You have run out of ammo”
Shane dropped his pistol to the ground. He then swiftly used both hands to snap the bounty hunter neck, killing him, as he fell to the ground, dead.
Next, Shane turned to Cad Bane, as he reached for firearm, the hands of the dead bounty hunter, whom Shane had just killed.
Cad Bane saw all of this. He smirked, as he turned to Lewis and Stan, while he said, “I only need one of you for the bounty.”
Cad then fired his rocket boot jets. He then swiftly flew across the lawn, and tackled Lewis to the ground.
Lewis swiftly thought, 'He is taking me, whether I want to, or not. I have to make sure that Stan can follow me.' Lewis quickly pulled out his reality device. He tossed it to Stan, as he yelled, “Stan, I am counting on you to rescue me.”
As Stan caught the reality device, he saw Lewis and Bane instantly disappear, as Cad used his reality device, on the right side of his belt, to jump realities.
Stan screamed, “Lewis! No!”
Just as Stan was about to use the reality device to go after them, Shane saw all this. Shane dropped the alien firearm, as he ordered, “Stan! Wait!”
Stan stopped was he was doing, as he turned to his coach. He asked, in an upset tone of voice, “Why?”
Shane explained, “I was trained by the military. One of the first things they teach people in the military is to never act on impulse. I taught you that, as well.”
Stan admitted, “Yes. You did.” He then forced himself to start calming down.
Shane inquired, “Do you know where Lewis is?”
Stan stated, “Yes.”
Shane looked at the small TV remote shaped device in Stan's hands. He then turned back to look at Stan's face, as he questioned, “And that thing allows you to travel realities?”
Stan replied, “Yes.”
Shane asked, “Does that included time travel?”
Stan said, “Actually, yes it does.”
Shane pointed out, “Then, there is no rush. You can catch us to them, after you calm down. Also, I would guess that your parents have been trying to find you, as well. At the moment, no one is after you. If you stay here, it is likely Bod and Ed will show up.”
Stan stated, “You have a point there.” Stan then pocketed his reality device in his right, side pants pocket. He thought, 'In any case, with Scorpius' reality field protecting his ships, I would not be able to reach Lewis, with my device. I will have to think of another plan.'
Shane said, “Besides, I need some help with these bodies. But, first...”
Shane bent down picked up his weapon. As he leaned up, he checked the firearm, to make sure there was no dirt in the exposed parts of the breech, slide, and barrel.
A few seconds later, Shane found that fortunately, there was no dirt on Shane's gun, as he gun had landed on some grass in his front yard
Shane then pulled out his empty clip of ammo from his pistol. Next, he pulled out a full clip of ammo from its storage place, in his shoulder holster, under his right armpit. Afterward, he placed the full clip of ammo into his semi-automatic pistol.
Shane then released the slide lever, and the slide returned back in place, as it chambered a round. He then walked around the alien bodies, and he put another bullet into each of the skulls of each alien bounty hunters.
Stan had calmly watched Shane do this.
When Shane was finished, he looked up at Stan. He flatly stated, “It is call double tap. I want to make sure they are dead.”
Stan inquired, “I fully understand. But, what about the gunshots? Will the police come?”
Shane stated, “That is doubtful. I am on good terms with the local cops. And if they do, this is a clear case of self-defense. Still, we need to do something about these bodies. I will get a couple of shovels from my garage. We will have to bury the bodies in my back yard.”
Stan thought, 'Now, that I think about it. There is might be something on each of these bodies, which I can use to rescue, Lewis. Which will allow me, and others, to circumvent Scorpius' defensive. I can also think of a quick way to help Shane real quick with the bodies.'
Stan walked over to the bodies, and by Shane, as he said, “There is something on these bodies I need to get. After that, a shovel will not be necessary. We can just pile the bodies up, and I can teleport them elsewhere. But, first, there is something I need to get from each other these bodies.”
Shane responded, “Works for me. And please be quick. Even though this would be classified as self-defense, I would prefer not to have to explained this to the police.”
Stan said, “I understand. And I will be quick.” He then bent down, and checked each of the bodies. A minute later, he found what he was looking for, from each body, and took what need needed from the bodies.
Stan stood up. He looked over at Shane, while he stated, “Coach let's pile the bodies, and their weapons.”
Shane replied, “Okay.” He thought, 'As much as I would like to check out their alien weapons. We don't want any trace that these people were here. Besides, I have small children. And I don't want to risk creating any unnecessary dangers for them, nor Jennifer.'
Shane then assisted Stan in gathering the corpses, and their weapons, into a small pile.
Two minutes later, Stan and Shane were able to pile the bodies, and weapons, on top of one another, in a small pile.
Stan stood right by the bodies, as he pulled out his reality device, from his pants pocket. Stan politely requested, “Stand back, coach. I don't want you caught in the teleport.”
Shane nodded once, as he took several steps back, away from Stan and the bodies. He inquired, “So, when, and where, are you taking them? Or, on that matter, what reality are you going too?”
Stan answered, “I will dump them in our reality, on Callisto, in our present time period. I will be back within a couple of minutes. This device is fairly accurate within a couple of minutes.”
Shane thought, 'I doubt anyone will find the bodies, on that backwater moon, Callisto. Besides, I have a few things I can do while you do this.'
Shane stated, “Okay. I have some shell casings to pick up, while you are gone.”
Stan nodded. He then thought of a deserted place on the Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons, where is was breathable, and not very cold. A second later, Stan pushed the red button on his reality device.
Shane watched as Stan and the pile of bodies disappeared.
Meanwhile, Shane then bent down and started collecting the shell casing from his pistol.
Over the next few minutes, Shane found, and accounted for every shell casing he had fired from his pistol. Fourteen shots in all.
As Shane finished, he leaned back up, while he thought, 'Even though I am on good terms with the police here. I do not want to take any chances. No bodies. No shell casings. I will get a shovel to turned over the soils where there is a little alien blood.'
'Even if the police drive by now, they will have nothing really to see. I can appreciate how that reality traveling device can come in handy. But, I can also see how it can cause a lot of problems.'
Just then, Shane saw Stan appear twenty feet from him, in Shane's front yard.
Shane inquired, “Any problems?”
Stan put away his reality device, as he replied, “No.”
Shane suggested, “Then, let's go inside, and tell my wife and kids that everything is now fine.”
Shane mentally reflected, 'Though, before I enter our family bathroom, I need to announce myself to my family, so my wife doesn't accidentally shoot me.'
Shane verbally continued, “And then we will all sit down, and watch some TV in the living room. That will help you unwind, while you try to figure out a plan to help your brother. And with luck, your parents will eventually show up, in a few hours.”
Stan sighed, as he replied, “We can hope.”
Shane walked over to the front door of his home, with Stan right behind him.
When Shane reached the front door, he pulled out a key from his pants pocket, and unlocked the door.
As Shane open the door for Stan, he turned to face he student. He held the door open for Stan, while he said, in a kind tone of voice, which had a hint of nostalgia, “I have found hope spring eternal. Sometime, I will tell you about this blond, teenage boy I knew, and whom I admired for his hope and faith. He had faith that he would be able to save those he cared for. And he went through hell. But, his faith saw him through. And he able to achieve his goals.”
“He was also even able to find the heart to forgive those that had done grievous mistakes to his family. He was truly wise beyond his years.”
“And he didn't so much believe in happy ending, as he did in making happy ending happen for those he cared for.”
As Stan walked into his teacher's home, he inquired, “What was the boy's name?”
Shane answered, with a smile on his face, “Garcia Lovelace.” He then entered his home, as shut the door behind them.
Farscape Reality. Location, Peacekeeper Space, The Peacekeeper Fleet. Time, a week after Lewis and Stan had escaped through the unstable gate.
In was late morning, fleet time, inside her officer, on board the Peacekeeper Commander Carrier flagship, as Scorpius sat behind her desk, while she looked at her prize, once again.
Lewis stood beside his captor, Cad Bane. Cad was to Lewis' right side. Both men were standing in front of Scorpius' desk, with two Peacekeeper guards, in black armor, behind them both. Lewis' arms were to his side, as he was not cuffed.
While sitting in a chair, behind her desk, Scorpius was wearing her usual black armor, without the mask, cap, and cape.
As Scorpius look at those in front of her, she cracked a grin on her lips. She complimented, in english, for Lewis' benefit, “Cad Bane, you truly are one of the best bounty hunters in the multiverse.”
Cad Bane responded, “Thank you. It is a pleasure to be appreciated by those that pay well, while being polite.”
Scorpius replied, “Yes. Professionalism has its rewards.”
Cad Bane smirked, as he agreed, “That is does.”
Scorpius requested, “Cad Bane, I may have a job for you on this ship, in a few hours, to a few days. If you don't mind. In the meantime, I can have a some pleasant quarters assigned to you.”
Bane responded, “That will be fine. You have paid well, so far. So, I don't mind waiting a few days on a job, as long as the job pays well.”
Scorpius said, “Good.” She then turned her attention behind the to men, and towards her subordinates. She ordered, “Guards, both of you please escort Cad Bane to his latest bounty rewards. Also, rely my orders, in that I want one of the VIP suites prepared for Mister Bane. And when he has secured his reward, show him to his quarters. Also, do not worry. Young Lewis here poses no threat to me. We will be fine, alone.”
Cad Bane tipped his hat to Scorpius, as he continued to smirk. He said, “See you later, Scorpius.” He then turned around, and the two guards escorted Bane out of Scorpius' office.
Right after the door to Scorpius office slid shut, behind Cad and the two guards, Scorpius got out of her chair, and walked around her desk, to her right side, to stand in front of Lewis.
Lewis turned to face his teacher, as he flatly stated, “Professor. Since we have last met, Stan and I have seen your series. I know what you are. I know what you have done. I will not help you.”
Scorpius shook her head, as she calmly said, “Lewis. Lewis. Lewis. I make no excuses for my actions. Though, I have become a much better person since then. And I doubt you know everything.”
Lewis admitted, “I don't know about the events surrounding your gender change. And I do not know whomever this Chang person is.”
Scorpius replied, “Only a few people know such matters. And that is the way I prefer it to be.”
Lewis puffed himself up, as he inquired, “Are you going to torture me to work on that gate?”
Scorpius thought, 'It is so hard not to laugh when Lewis gets this way. Still, I need to respond to his question.' She said, “No. I have found torture to be counterproductive. And there are other ways, considering that unstable gate that you and your brother went through, was throwing off a lot of electricity, and that energy activated you gender bending genes.”
Lewis asked, while showing surprise, “How did you know?”
Scorpius smirked, as she stated, “I did not know, until you just told me.”
Lewis cursed under his breath, “Damn it.” Lewis then suddenly realized what Scorpius was sometimes into, in bed, as he quickly said, “Listen, Professor. I admit to having a slight school boy crush on you when I was younger. But, the spark is just not there anymore. And I have come to the conclusion that I am not ready for a relationship in any gender, towards any gender.”
Scorpius casually said, “Oh, don't worry, young Lewis. I am not going to take you virginties, just yet. But, I do have some ideas on what I plan to do with you.”
Lewis thought, in slight fear, 'I think I am screwed in more ways than one.'
Cowboy Bebop Reality. Place, Tharsis City, Mars. Date, Sunday, October seventeenth, twenty-one hundred. Twelve thirty PM.
Two hours after Lewis was kidnapped, Ed, Bob, Annie, and Violin appeared in the front lawn of the Caxton home.
Ed stated, “We are here, on the Sunday after the boys disappeared. In it around noon.”
Bob looked around, “Well, this should not be too hard. We knock on the door. Say hi. Ask. Have you seen the boys? And go from there. Still, Coach Caxton is a decent guy, with a great family.”
Violin inquired, “So, who is this guy?”
Ed answered, “He is the man who coached Stan's American football team. And he is a nice guy.”
Violin commented, “American football played on Mars.”
Bob cracked a grin, as he said, “Cool, isn't it?”
Violin giggled. She then admitted, “Yes. It is.”
Bob said, “Anyway, while we are looking for answers here, I see no reason we should drag the coach into our problems.”
Annie sense something in the force, as she calmly said, “There has been a battle here.”
Bob immediately placed his right hand on his holstered revolver. But, he did not draw his weapon, as he inquired, “Is there still danger here?”
Annie stated, “No. Whatever happened, it is already long over.”
Bob took his right hand off his revolver, as he said, “Good.”
Violin looked around, and she did not see anything out of the ordinary. She asked, “What do you mean? I don't see any signs of battle here”
Annie answered, “I can sense that it happened. But also, just look a the ground. There are tracks.”
The rest of the group did as Annie instructed. And they saw several foot prints, of different sizes of shoes.
Annie pointed as a part of the yard, as she explained, “That is not all. Bodies were stacked right here. I see it is a little blood, but this is not red blood.”
Ed stated, “There are no known native sentient alien life in this reality. Unless you count the Ganymede sea rat. But, that is highly debatable, considering they have the intelligence of a primitive fish on Earth. And Jet was right. They are disgusting to eat.”
Bob commented, “But, they are fun to catch and release.”
Ed agreed, “That is true.”
Annie responded, “Interesting. And since there is no red blood. That means that no human blood was spilt here. So, your sons, or, some other humans, are likely the victors.”
Ed admitted, in sad tone of voice, “It has to be someone else. We did not teach our sons how to defense themselves.”
Annie groaned, as she placed the palm of her right hand into her face, as she thought, with mild annoyance, 'What foolishness. Though, that does explain a few things with Stan and Lewis.'
Annie lowered her right hand, as she turned to Ed and Bob. She sternly said, “When this is all over, we are going to have a long talk about you not teaching your children how to fight and defend themselves.”
Bob commented, in a sober tone of voice, “Yes. We have a lot answer for. And when we get our sons back. We will teach them how to defense themselves, in several ways.”
Annie flatly said, “Good.” She turned to Violin, as she questioned, “And you, Violin.”
Violin looked at Annie, in her eyes, as she stated, “Aeryn and I are planning on teaching Little D both hand to hand combat, and the proper use of weapons, and gun safety, when he is a few years older.”
Annie replied, “I am glad to hear that.”
Annie then turned back to the disturbed earth. She stated, “Anyway, I don't see any heavy foot prints. Nor, dragging tracks. Nor, tires near where the pile that was here. So, the pile was not moved from here. Still, the earth is not disturbed, so this was not where the bodies are buried. The alien blood, plus no sign of disposal of the bodies leads me to believe that someone used a reality device to teleport the bodies elsewhere.”
Ed commented, “That means the boys were likely here. And recently.”
Annie said, “That would be my guess.”
Bob stated, “Okay. That means we have a lead here. I don't see any signs of damage on the home, so I am guessing that the battle did not get inside. That means that it is likely the Caxton family are possibly are alright. Now, let's see if the coach has any clue as to where the boys are. Ladies, just follow my lead.”
Bob then started walking up to the front door of the home, with Ed beside him, to his right side. Behind them were Violin and Annie, with Annie being to Violin's right side.
When they reached the door, Bob gently knocked on it.
A few seconds later, Jennifer Caxton open the door. She smiled when she saw then. She kindly greeted them, “Oh, hi Bob. Hi Ed. We have been expecting you.”
Bob raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “You have?”
Jennifer stated, “Yes. And I see you bought a couple of friends with you. Come on inside, my husband in the living room.”
Jennifer then held the door open for them. After all four of the adults were inside, she closed the door behind them. Next, she lead the four for other adults down the hallway, and to the family living room.
When the five adults walked into the living room, Ed, Bob, Annie, and Violin, looked around.
The living room lay out had three cushioned couches, forming a, u, shape, with the empty side facing a large, wall mounted, flat screen TV. There was a coffee table inside the semi-circle the couches made. There was a large, nice rug placed under three table and couches.
Ed's group them saw Shane sitting on middle couch, with his and Jennifer's two young children, and Stan sitting on the right couch, when facing the TV.
All four were watching TV.
Bob and Ed smiled at the sight of Stan being unharmed. But, Ed thought, with concern, 'Where is Lewis?'
Jennifer turned to her husband, as she calmly spoke, “Honey, we have guests. Stan's parents are here for him.”
Stan and Shane looked up at the group, while the kids continued to watch TV.
Stan did not look happy, while Shane's expression was unreadable.
Shane turned back towards the TV, as he grabbed the TV remote, from the table, and turned off the TV. He then set the remote back on the table, as he looked back at Ed and Bob.
On the other hand, Stan did not take his eyes off of his parents.
Annie and Violin were standing beside each other, with Violin standing to Annie's left side.
Violin thought, 'The woman and the kids seem open. But, I sense something is off about the old man.'
Violin whispered into Annie's left ear, “What is your read on this guy?”
Annie softly answered, “The force tells me he is one serious badass. And he is not in the mood for joking around.”
Shane calmly requested, “Jennifer, would you please take the kids to one of their bedrooms, to play. I have some things to talk about with this gentleman, and these ladies, here.”
Jennifer cracked a smiled, as she said, “Remember, dear. Blood is so hard to clean off the floors. Especially, getting it out of the carpet. And remodeling can be expensive.”
Shane returned Jennifer's smile, as he replied, “Don't worry. There will be no violence in our home.”
Bob, Ed, and Violin looked over at Annie, with an unspoken question. Annie said, in a relaxed tone of voice, “They're joking.”
Jennifer walked around the couches, and coached her children off the couch, as she gently said, “Come on children, let's go play elsewhere in the house.”
A few seconds later, Shane watch as his wife and children began to left the room.
After they did so, Shane turned around, and offered, in a flat tone of voice, “Come sit on the couches. We have much to talk about.
As the four adults circled around the couches, Stan moved to sit to Shane's right side, on the middle couch. Ed and Bob sat on the right couch, near Stan, with Ed sitting to Bob's left side. Annie and Violin sat next to each on the left couch, near Shane. With Annie sitting to Violin's right side.
As soon as everyone was sitting down, Stan looked around the group, while he stated, in a sarcastic tone of voice, “Hi Mom. Hi Dad. Hi Annie. Hi Violin. Long time, no see.”
Bob looked over at Stan, as he thought, 'Stan is not happy. And I don't blame him for that.' He carefully said, “Son, I know you are upset with us.”
Stan calmly replied, “I am not upset. Just disappointed in you two.”
Ed turned to her son, as she said, “Stan, if want to talk about want to talk about what we neglected to tell you.”
Stan looked at his mother, as he frowned. He commented, “Not right now. That is a conversation for when Lewis is present. And a conversation that should be in private.”
Annie inquired, “Stan, where is, Lewis?”
Stan flatly answered, “Scorpius has him. And after this conversation over, I am going to go rescue him.”
Ed ordered, “You are not going anywhere.”
Stan responded, “Mother, we will talk about this in a minute. Along with how to get there, and the details of the rescue plan.”
Ed disagreed, “We need to talk about this, right now.”
Shane thought, 'We do not need an argument, right now.' He spoke up, in a stern tone of voice, “Stan is correct. There are other things we need to talk about, first. Stan here has told me a few things. But, not much. The only real things he has said is that you two have kept a lot from him and Lewis. And due to that, your trouble was brought to my doorstep.”
Bob sheepishly said, “Sorry about that.”
Shane coldly commented, “You are fortunate that my family was not harmed, and my home only suffered minor damage.”
Bob agreed, “That we are.”
Violin asked, “So, what happen?”
Stan looked over at Violin, as he answered, “Seven bounty hunters showed up. The coach here killed all, but the last one. The last one tackled Lewis, and took Lewis back to Scorpius, in a quick reality jump, before we could stop him.”
Bob looked at Shane, as he complimented, “Not bad.”
Shane replied, “I have faced worse odds.”
Ed inquired, “Were you in the military?”
Shane coyly answered, “When I was younger.”
Stan continued looking over at Violin, as he stated, “By the way, I knew there was something off about you, Violin.”
Violin admitted, “Yes. That is an understatement. When we met, I was just trying to buy time for your parents to show up.”
Stan replied, “Okay.” He mentally added, 'And it looks like I won that five dollar bet with Lewis.'
As everyone continued talking, Annie was staring at Shane.
Shane noticed Annie looking at him. He turned to Annie, as he flatly inquired, “Why are you staring at me?”
Annie stated, “I cannot put my finger on it, but you look somehow familiar. What is your full name.”
Shane looked at her, as he responded, “Shane Caxton. Yours?”
Annie replied, “Annie. My last name is too well known. And while we are making introductions, the woman beside me is, Violin. Still, have we met before?”
Shane commented, “I never met you in my life. And I have met quite a few women in my life. Some of them were very scary, and very dangerous”
Shane's comment caused the others to look at Shane more closely, as well.
Violin thought, 'Shane Caxton?... I have heard that name from someone. It is on the tip of my tongue. Still, let's see what I know about him. He is an older caucasian man. He has had military experience. And he has met scary women. And given his military background, it is likely scary would rate at a badass level. Meaning he has met badass women before that are scary to him... Shane Caxton?...' Her eyes went wide, as she mentally realized, 'Shane Caxton! Could it be?'
Violin inquired, “Shane, do you know a, Garcia Lovelace?”
Everyone saw recognition register on Shane's face, at the mention of Garcia's name.
And everyone immediately realized who they were talking to.
Stan thought, 'That is the boy that Shane talked about early. This mystery just keeps getting deeper. And my parents, and the others clearly know who this Garcia is.'
Bob asked, “You're that Shane Caxton?”
Shane answered, “Yes. But, I don't see how you could know about me.”
Ed stated, “Oh trust us. We know about you. Though, in a good way.”
Annie smiled, as she said, “The others have always wondered what happened to you. The fact that you ended up a high school american football coach is just hilarious.”
Shane returned Annie's smile, as he replied, “I have always been a fan of the sport. And the job pays well.”
Annie said, “I bet. And the fact that you are the one coaching Stan here in the sport, it just icing on the cake.”
Stan spoke up, “Is anyone going to let me in on the big secret?”
Bob said, “Son, you know those crazy, teenage girls, with weapons, that are after you?”
Stan replied, “Yes. You know them? Don't you?”
Bob stated, “Yes. And don't worry. We will deal with them soon enough. Though, in a peaceful manner. Anyway, Shane here is from the same reality as they are.”
Ed mentioned, “Actually, Shane had a run in with those girls' parents, years ago.”
Stan looked as his coach, as he genuinely said, “Coach, you have my sympathies.”
Shane turned to his student, as he stated, “And you have mine. From the way you sound, Stan. I guess the apples didn't fall far from the trees, with those daughters.”
Annie spoke up, “No. They didn't.”
Bob commented, “Shane, I always thought you were a good man. This revelation just confirms what I believed. That you are an honorable man, whom is willing to take responsibility for your actions. I trust you with the lives of my family.”
Bob mentally added, 'That is a rare trait to have in any reality. And the fact he gave Garcia the opportunity to kill him, for killing Garcia's father, Diego Lovelace. With him even going so far as putting the gun in Garcia' hands, really says something about Caxton's character, in so many ways.'
Shane stated, “Thank you. Though. I would prefer if you keep my identity to yourselves. I have a lot of enemies. And from what it sounds like, you know a few of them.”
Ed said, “No problem. We will keep your secret.”
Violin spoke up, “Yes. We can appreciate keeping secrets.” Violin thought, 'So, he is from the Black Lagoon reality. That figures. But how... Of course. What the bartender said at that bar fight. Then, that bartender was Bao. Okay. Now, it all makes sense. Though, the fact this insane situation makes sense in any way, shape, or form, makes me question my sanity even more.'
Annie said, “Your secret is safe with us.”
Shane responded, “I appreciate that, from all of you.”
Bob stated, “Now, how are we going to rescue, Lewis?”
Annie stated, “That could be a problem. We already pulled the prison trick, and the fake shuttle routine.”
Stan inquired, “When did you do the fake shuttle trick?”
Ed answered, “When we tried to rescue you, after Cad Bane first captured you. Right after you met Braca.”
Stan looked over at his parents, as he stated, “I never met, Braca.”
Bob stated, “Yes. You did. You know him as the Midnight Bounty Hunter.”
Stan responded, “Braca was Midnight? Talk about a career change.”
Violin commented, “That would be an understatement.” She thought, 'Even coming from me.'
Bob admitted, “Yes. And we kind of screwed up that rescue attempt.”
Stan realized, as he accused, “Did you guys shutdown the both the power, and emergency power, to the command carrier?”
Ed hesitantly responded, “Yes. And it was my fault. I came up with the plan, and hacked that ships computers.”
Stan pointed out, “You nearly caused a small gate explosion. Think a kiloton level explosion. Lewis and I were sucked into an unstable gate.”
Violin spoke up, “Yea. We watched you two get sucked into it.”
Annie slightly elbowed Violin, with her left elbow, into Violin's right ribs.
Violin looked over to see Annie frowning.
Violin thought, 'Annie, is clearly not happy. I better shut up, for now.'
Ed said, with a bit of regret in her voice, “Yes. I would have done things differently, if I had known what was going on.”
Bob said, “Which is what we are about to do. And at least you two came out of it alright.”
Stan replied, “Yea. We are alright.” He thought, 'Oh the irony. The poetic justice. Our parents inadvertently turned us into gender benders. While both of them spent years trying to prevent from happening. Lewis is going to laugh his ass of at learning this. Also, Lewis should be here when we spring the truth on them. I am sure he has some ideas about how to go about it. He is a far better at jokes than I am.'
Annie questioned, “Back to the topic at hand. How are we going to get in?”
Stan stated, “Well, I can get us in. But, I am coming with you.”
Ed ordered, “As I said before, Stan. You are not coming with us. You are staying right here with Shane. Where you are safe.” She turned to Shane, as she inquired, “Is that alright with you, Shane?”
Shane answered, “Stan is more than welcome in my home. If, he wants to stay here.”
To prevent an argument, Annie asked, “How close to a multiversal gate system did you two get?”
Stan answered, “We had a working prototype, until you guys forced us to destroy the other end. Don't worry, the damage only destroyed that gate and the room it was in. We we are able to prevented an actual gate explosion.”
Bob stated, “When we rescue Lewis, we are going to have to hack the mainframe of that ship, as well. To delete your data on this project. It is too dangerous to be in the hands of Scorpius, of all people.”
Ed replied, “Agreed.”
Stan said, “Then, I am going to have to come along.”
Annie inquired, “How do you figure that?”
Stan explained, “It is at least a five person operation. Two people take on Scorpius and keep the peacekeepers busy. One person hacks into the main computer, while another guards that person. And one person looks for Lewis. You are a four person team. You are one person short. And I am willing, and available.”
Bob pointed out, “Not if Shane comes along.” Bob turned to Shane, as he requested, “So, would you like to come with us?”
Caxton refused, “No. I have a family.”
Bod said, “I understand.”
Stan smirked, at the situation around him.
Ed warned, “Don't be so smug, Stan.”
Stan dropped his smirk, as he thought, 'I don't want to push my luck.'
Violin inquired, “Still, how are we going to get in there? Scorpius has that anti-reality traveling forcefield.”
Stan stated, “True. But, her technology can breech her protective field. As I said, I have a way in. Our tickets are right here.” He then pulled six, small, TV remote sized, reality devices, from his jacket pockets. Next, Stan placed the reality devices on the table, in the middle of the couches.
Stan's own reality device was still in his left, side pants pocket.
Stan explained, “These are the reality devices that I found on the dead bounty hunters that Caxton killed. I have six of them.” He picked up one of them, as he continued, “I know for a fact that these devices will get us through the reality protection field, because the last time we were captured, the bounty hunters brought us to Scorpius' ship immediately.”
Annie, Ed, Violin, and Bob picked up one, and pocketed their new reality device. Though, they put it into other pockets, than the ones they had their own reality devices in, so they would not the two reality devices confused with each other.
There was one reality device left on the table.
Stan offered, “You want the extra one, Coach? I will even explain how to work it. You could take, your family, and yourself, to places you have only dreamed up before. Or, maybe to your home reality.”
Caxton said, “No thank you. I can see that those things are nothing but trouble.”
Bob chuckled. He then agreed, “You are right about that.”
Ed picked up the spare reality device. She stated, “This is good. It means we can plan a coordinated attack and rescue. Where we enter the command carrier at different places and times. We will go with Stan's plan. With minor time differences.”
“Annie will go alone, first, about five minutes before the rest of us. To keep the peacekeepers busy. The rest of us will teleport together. I will hack directly the mainframe of the ship, to delete the research on the multiversal hyperspace gate technology. I already know the location, from hacking the ship's map last time we went there. Bob will guard me.”
“Stan is on the job of finding and rescuing Lewis. Though, you will stay with us until we find Lewis. Then, you go get him, if he is not in a guarded area. If he is, we have Annie go get him. And Violin deals with Scorpius.”
Stan realized something about his mother's plan, as he asked, with concern in his voice, “Whoa. Hold it. You are going to send Violin. This young woman. After one of the most dangerous people in the multiverse. I am not sure what Violin is capable of, but I thought she and Annie would be in a team up situation.”
Annie snickered. She then said, “Nice idea. But, this would not be the right mission for a team up.”
Violin stated, “Stan, I can handle Scorpius. Besides, Scorpius will do everything in her power to avoid Annie.”
Stan inquired, “Am I missing something here?”
Bob said, “We will tell you later, son.”
Shane inquired, “Why would this Scorpius want to avoid Annie?”
Stan stated, “Well, I could guess. Coach. I don't know how to tell you this. But, you see that chrome cylinder hooked to Annie's belt?”
Shane replied, “Yes.”
Stan said, “That is a lightsaber. And she is a force user. As is she in from Star Wars.”
Shane replied, with skepticism in his voice, “You're kidding?”
Annie unhooked her lightsaber, ignited it with a snap-hiss, with the red blade going straight up. A few seconds later, Annie collapsed the blade on her lightsaber, and hook the weapon back to her belt.
Shane eyes went wide, as responded, with surprise in his tone of voice, “You are not kidding?”
Annie grinned wickedly, as she said, “Nope.”
Shane thought, 'Oh boy. I may have gotten myself mixed into something way more than I expected. Like what I saw at that tower in Roanapur. Still, I need to know how dangerous this Scorpius is.'
Shane asked, “How danger is this Scorpius woman?”
Ed answered, “She is a genius and expert schemer. Also, she is a skilled fighter that could probably fight Roberta to a standstill.”
Shane stated, “That is dangerous.” He mentally added, 'Roberta took out several of my men. I am so happy I declined to go on this rescue mission.'
Stan asked, “Now, how are we going to talk to each other?
Bob unhooked a small, hand-held radio from his belt, and he handed the radio to Stan.
He explained, “These are encrypted radios. We each have one. We will use this to talk to each other. I will be with Ed, so I don't need mine. Just press the talk button to speak into it. The volume is on the top of the radio.”
Stan took the radio. He clipped the radio to the right side of his belt. He then turned to his father, as he replied, “Thanks.”
Ed stated, “When Stan has rescued Lewis, and I have hacked the computer grid, we will signal for everyone to escape. Nobody be a hero. As I said before, Annie, Violin, you are there to keep the peacekeepers and Scorpius busy. You don't have to kill anyone. Not even Scorpius. Just keep them busy. And we when we gone, you both leave, as well.”
Violin said, “I understand.”
Annie finally realized her roled in Ed's plan, as she deadpanned, “I hate being bait.”
Violin replied, “Who doesn't? But, you are the only person we have that can take on Scorpy's army and survive.”
Annie admitted, “You are right about that. Unless they run from me, like last time.”
Bob pointed out, “I would consider that a good thing.”
Annie agreed, “So would I.”
Bob said, “Still, we also need to pick a time, place, and reality, for a rendezvous, to teleport to.”
Violin stated, “Simple. This reality, at your home, this afternoon. Around three PM.”
Ed complimented, “Good idea, Violin.”
Annie said, “Works for me.”
Stan inquired, “On that note, when should we rescue Lewis. If we go right after he got there, it could cause problems. Lewis might be in transit to somewhere on the ship. And we might not be able to find him. Even if we hack the computer record.”
Ed stated, “I would say one day, should be fine. In the early afternoon, at one PM.”
Bob replied, “I agreed.”
Stan stated, “Still, there is another matter that you guys need to be made aware of. There is a skilled bounty hunter that keeps capturing us. He was the leader of the bounty hunters that came here. The one that got away with Lewis. He is a blue skinned alien, who goes by the name, Cad Bane.”
Annie inquired, “You had Cad Bane after you? I am surprised you all are still breathing.”
Stan turned to Annie, as he inquired, “You know him?”
Annie answered, “Yea. I know him. We go way back?”
Stan commented, “I am surprised you don't remember meeting him at the bar.”
Annie asked, “What bar? I have been to a number of them.”
Stan explained, “The bar where we almost had that paradox. Where the girls, that were after all of us, saved reality by confronting Bane. Basically, you and your friends from the distance past. My parents here, with B, from the more recent past, before I was born. Me and my brother, all but literally bumped into the rest of you.”
Ed said, “So, that was you two.” She looked over at Bob, as she commented, “Looks like we were right, honey.”
Bob looked at Ed, as he agreed, “Yes dear, we were.”
Ed and Bob then turned back to look at the rest of the group.
Annie stated, “Well, I had other things on my mind at the time. Now, that I think about it, that was Bane.”
Violin commented, “I remember that night. That was a weird night. Even for us. And that is saying something.”
Annie replied, “You got that right.”
Stan thought, 'I don't remember seeing Violin there. Though, this is not the time and place for such a discussion.'
Shane commented, “Stan, I have a feeling that when you get around to telling me what happened to you this weekend, it is going to be one hell of story.”
The Ed, Annie, Violin, and Bob lightly laughed, as Stan replied, “Oh, it is. Trust me. It is.”
Shane stated, “Well, as soon as you rescue your other son, we are having a parent-teacher conference over this.”
Ed and Bob looked at each other, then back towards Shane. Bob inquired, “Are you sure you want to learn what we know? We are not against telling you. It is just a lot of information.”
Shane answered, “Yes. Being forewarned, is being forearmed. And I have a feeling that I might want to know this, in case some of the other, less pleasant, people that I know of, come looking for me.”
Bob said, “I understand. And we will tell you everything.”
Shane responded, “Good.”
Ed stood up, as she stated, “Well, we best go rescue, Lewis. I think it would be polite if we left outside, instead of teleporting where we are at.”
Stan, Bob, Annie, and Violin also stood up.
Shane stood up, as he complimented her, “I appreciate that. I will even escort you to the foot door.”
Soon, the five individuals made their way to the front door.
Before Shane could open the door, Annie warned, “Wait. Don't open that door.”
Shane stopped himself from turning the knob. He looked over at Annie, as he asked, “What is it?”
Annie answered, “The Lagoon sisters are out there. They are waiting right outside the front door.”
Shane asked, “The Lagoon sisters?.... Oh the PT boat was named, the Lagoon. Those are the teenage girls that are after Stan and Lewis?”
Bob complimented, “Good memory.”
Stan answered, “Yes. That would be them.”
Bob stated, “Shane, it would be best if you checked on your family. Those girls will likely recognize you, if they see you. We will lock the door behind us.”
Shane let go of the knob. He turned to the group, as he said, “Thank you for the warning. And good luck.” He then walked passed them, and deeper into his home, to be with his family.”
Ed turned to Annie, as she stated, “Good call.”
Annie replied, “No problem. I saw the series. Shane is a good man. And I sense that his family are good people, as well. I do not want anything bad to happen to them.”
Stan asked, “So, what series is the Coach from?”
Bob answered, “We will tell you, later. Right now, we have to deal with these girls. By the way, are the trio sister here as well, Annie?”
Annie answered, “No. But, I sense someone else in the distance, watching.”
Ed said, “We will deal with that person, later. Still, I am surprised that the trio sisters are not here.”
Stan mentioned, “Oh. Our cousins. Lewis and I worked out our problems with them before we came here.”
Ed complimented, “Good for you, son.”
Stan replied, “Thank you.”
Bob said, “Okay, let's do this.” He opened the door, and let Annie go out first, then Violin, after that Ed, soon after Stan, and finally himself. Bob locked the door, as he gently shut it behind him.
In the front yard, they saw the five sisters did not have their weapons out, save for Yukio, whom had her machine gun pointed towards the ground near her, and Kristina, whom was wearing her gauntlets.
And from the surprised expressions on the teenage girls' faces, they clearly did not expect to see Bob, Ed, Annie, and Violin, with Stan.
Bob stood to Stan's right side, and Ed stood to Stan's left side. Violin stood to Ed's left side. And Annie standing to Violin's left side.
Bob thought, 'From their reactions to our presence. Along with the fact they don't have their weapons at the ready. This may go better than I expected it too.'
Bob looked over at the teenage girls, as he stated, in a stern tone of voice, “Young ladies, we need to have a chat about you hounding our sons.”
Molly looked over at Bob. She smirked, as she thought, 'And I have just the excuse to use.' She said, “You're right. We should have a chat.” She used her right hand to point at Stan, as she stated, “Stan, and his brother, broke the rules. They came onto the island, uninvited, during the party.” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.
Ed stated, “They didn't even have a clue what was going on. And they immediately left.”
Molly said, “Ignorance is no defense. If it is not their fault, then it is you fault for not telling them the rules, beforehand.”
Rebecca stated, “Someone should pay for falling on top of us.”
Annie spoke up, “Little girls. I have been reading your emotions. The only reason you mention those rules is that you have nothing else to defend your actions with. And to be honest, we all agreed they arrived there by accident.”
Stan stated, “For a group of violent crazies that hacked up a bunch of cops, you certainly get legal when it suits you. You're hypocrites.”
Ed and Bob looked over as their son, as Bob inquired, “They what?”
Ed requested, “Tell us, what happened, son.”
Stan looked at his mother. He then turned to his his father. He stated, “Lewis and I witnessed these five kill this police chief, and around a couple of dozen of his officers.”
Ed asked, “What was the police chief's name?”
Stan looked over at his mother, as he answered, “The only name he gave was, Watsup.”
Bob muttered, with a bit of disbelief in his tone of voice, “No way.”
Ed inquired, with a hint of shock in her tone of voice, “Of Roanapur, Thailand?”
Stan said, “We were not there long enough to learn where we were at. But, we did figure out we were in Thailand, in the late twentieth century.”
Ed questioned, “Did you meet anyone else?”
Stan stated, “Yes. We did. There was this white haired man named, Lotton. Whom looked to be in his twenties. A small American woman named, Sawyer. And a taller, slender asian named, Shenhua. They were quite nice. The even took us out to lunch at a chinese restaurant. The interesting a part is we went to lunch with the future versions of Sawyer and Shenhua.”
Bob mentally reflected, 'If there were two Sawyers there. And two Shenhuas, then it must have been when Ed, B, and I, when into Roanapur's past. And Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer, followed us there. While there, I vaguely recall, that I think we even crossed paths with the boys, a few times. It is fortunate that we taught out sons manners, or they might not have made it out of that city alive. I will have to talk to Ed, in private, about this, later.'
Ed thought, 'My sons are lucky to be even alive, given they went to Roanapur, of the past, without knowing anything about that city, nor the dangerous people that live in it.'
Ed said, “We will have to talk about this, later. That place is one of the subjects we needed to tell you about.”
Stan responded, “Like I said. We will talk when all four of us are together. I am not having this discussion without Lewis being present.”
Ed replied, “I understand.”
Violin spoke up, “Well, that is an interesting tale you will have to explain, later.”
Stan turned to Violin, as he said, “I would be more than happy to tell you all about it, Violin.”
Meanwhile Annie had not taken her eyes off of the Lagoon sisters. She said, “As fun as it is, we have other pressing matters to deal with.”
Ed, Bob, Stan, and Violin realized what Annie meant, as they turned to face the Lagoon girls.
Bob questioned, “Well girls. Do you have anything to say in your defense?”
Kristina said, “Well, to be fair, they were sexist pigs that wanted us to surrender to them. And they were the ones that made the first hostile move.”
Ed asked. “How many police officers were there?”
Yukio answered, “Twenty-five, counting Chief Watsup. All of them had their guns drawn on us, and your sons.”
Ed admitted, “Well, them pointing weapons as my sons does change things a bit. So, which one of you killed Chief Watsup?”
Sarah calmly answered, “I did. After I sliced through three bullets he fired at me, with my katana, I sliced him in half, long ways. Instant death.”
Violin questioned, “So those rumors are true?” She mentally added, 'It is nice not to be alone on the reincarnation issue. Though, I wish I had some more sane people to talk it over with, whom has been through this, as well... Oh hell. I need to be honest. I am as crazy as these girls. The only difference is that I am not as violent. And I try very hard to be polite. It is not my fault that in my previous life, that I kept running into violent lunatics.'
Sarah answered, “Yes. And for your next question. We don't mind the situation at all.” She looked over at Rebecca and Yukio, as she continued, “And some of us are better for it.” She looked back at Violin, as she went onto say, “And I do not mind being a girl.”
Violin replied, “Okay.”
Stan inquired, “What rumors?”
Bob spoke up, “We will tell you, later. Though, basically, this deals with reincarnation of some seriously dangerous badasses.”
Kristina replied, “Thank you for the compliment. And the rumor is true. We are reincarnation of them. Same souls, different lives and bodies... Well, bodies. We pretty much are on track to lead similar lives, as we did in our previously lives.”
Molly stated, “Speak for yourself.”
Kristina pointed out, “Molly, you were on track to this life, in your previous life. It is just that things happened to prevent you from fully becoming what you would have become now.”
Molly shrugged, as she replied, “I guess you are right, sis.”
Sarah commented, “And in this life, we are working together.”
Molly turned to Sarah, as she happily said, “True.”
The Lagoon sisters then turned back to look at Bob, Ed, and Stan.
Bob coldly stated, “Now, that we have hashed that out. I would tell your parents about killing those cops. But, given how corrupt that city was, they would have probably compliment you for.”
Molly agreed, “Probably.”
Bob ordered, “So, instead of informing your parents. I am just going to use my parental privileges, and tell you five girls to go home.”
Rebecca questioned, “Just like that?”
Bob replied, “Yes. Just like that.”
Yukio asked, “And we get nothing out of it?”
Stan spoke up, “Well, Lewis and I, did apologize, and we offered to treat all five of you to a meal. You five girls declined, and decided you wanted to beat us up, instead.”
Ed stated, “You really should have taken them up on their offer. The men of the Lowe family are wonderful gentlemen. And the women are true ladies. That is one of the reasons I married Bob.”
Ed and Bob then shared a smile.
Molly said, “Fine. We know when we are beat. And I have no interesting in picking a fight with any of you adults. Especially, not Annie.” She then turned to Stan, as she lamented, “It is too bad that you, and your brother, don't change like your father, or we could really have some fun with the both of you.”
Stan didn't bat an eyelash, as he flatly responded, “You're type of fun I can do without.” He mentally added, 'And while Lewis and I can now change, we sure as hell don't want you five to find out about it. Though, you likely will, later on.”
Sarah inquired, “By the way, where is Lewis?”
Stan answered, “Captured by Scorpius.”
Sarah replied, “Well, good luck rescuing him. And no hard feelings.”
Stan commented, “Since you didn't actually hurt us. We would just prefer to peacefully part ways.”
Kristina said, “Good. And no hard feelings from us, either.”
Yukio commented, “It was a fun chase.”
Rebecca said, “I agree. Though, I wish it had ended differently.”
Molly stated, “I can see the merits, both ways, on the situation.”
Stan commented, “As long as you girls leave my family, and I, alone, I will be happy with you.”
Molly responded, “Okay. We will leave you and Lewis alone.”
Stan nodded, as he replied, “That is all we ever wanted from you five.”
Molly nodded in response. She then pulled out her reality device, as ordered, “Come on girls. We can have some fun, elsewhere, back home.”
Yukio, Rebecca, Kristina, and Sarah then walked up close to Molly.
Molly then thought of the time and place back home she wanted to go, in her home reality, and she then used her reality device to take her four sisters, and herself, there, in an instant.
The rest of the people present then watched as the five teenage girls disappeared, as they jumped realities.
Right after the Lagoon girls left, Stan took a few steps back from Bob and Ed, so he could look at both of them. He then inquired, “What is so special about Annie?”
Bob and Ed turned around to look at Stan. They said, in unison, “We will tell you later.”
Stan thought, 'This is getting to be a habit with my parents.'
Annie and Violin had watched what had transpired, between Stan and his parents. And the two women giggled at Bob and Ed's response.
A second later, they heard a feminine voice, coming from the street, say, in english, “I must thank you for getting rid of those children. I didn't feel like fighting them again. Barring a few exceptions. I never cared for children, nor women, with attitudes. Let alone both. And I still don't.”
Everyone turned to look over to see a slender, asian woman, with a wild, bushy, dark green hair. The woman wore a blue leisure suit styled to her body frame.
The group watched as the woman calming walked across the street, and towards them.
As they continued watching the woman approach them, Ed and Bob were the only ones that immediately got the reference.
Ed thought, 'Nah. It couldn't be... Could it?'
Ed then turned to look at Bob. With Bob looking at her. From what Ed saw in Bob's eyes, she could tell that he was thinking the same thing. Both spouses then turned back to face the woman.
Ed and Bob then turned back to look at the green haired woman.
By this time, the woman had made it to the front yard. The woman then came to a stop, several feet in front of them.
Stan looked over at the dark green haired woman, as he exclaimed, “You?!”
Bob asked, in a neutral tone of voice, “Stan, do you know this woman?”
Stan answered, “No. But, be careful. She took out those Lagoon girls singlehandedly, with her bare hands.”
Ed stated, “That is not surprising, considering I think I know her.” She focused on looking at the face the green haired woman, as she inquired, “Spike?”
Spike smiled, as she causally said, in her female voice, “Good to see you to, Ed. It is nice to finally come home.”
Ed commented, “Glad to see you are alive, Spike. Faye, Jet, and I searched all over for you, after you disappeared. I could careless if you are a man, or a woman. I am just happy that you are alive.”
Spike replied, “I appreciate that, Ed.”
Ed smiled in response.
Annie spoke up, “Chang?”
Spike replied, “Yep.”
Annie said, “Join the club.”
Spike stated, “I did. And then I found I had no real taste for the quiet life.”
Annie replied, “Me neither.”
Stan thought, 'Oh great. Another gender bender. And from the sound of it, by the others, and from what I have seen, she is a serious badass.'
Violin put two and two together, as she spoke up, “You are Spike? As in Spike Spiegel of the Bebop?”
Spike turned to looked at the dark blue haired woman, as she answered, “Yes. I hope you don't want to fight.”
Violin casually responded, “No. I would like your autograph. I am a big fan.”
Spike let out a laugh. She then replied, “I may give it to you, later. Depending on what course these next few minutes take.”
Violin pointed out, “Still. Didn't you die right after you confronted Vicious.”
Annie spoke up, “This is not the first time that Hell Sabers saved a badass on the brink of death. I know first hand that Nicholas Wolfwood, of the Trigun anime reality, is alive and well.”
Bob inquired, “Wolfwood is alive?”
Annie answered, “Yea. And she is running her orphanage, while raising her biological daughter, which she gave birth to. I got to play midwife on that one. Last I checked on her, she had a cute, nine year old girl. And Nicholas now goes by Nichole.”
Spike stated, “So, it was not just myself, that decided to strike out on their own, after leaving that tower of horrors.”
Ed inquired, “So, what happened?”
Spike responded, “Well, what happened was I shot and killed Vicious, while, at the same time, he literally introduced me to my own guts. I then stumbled down some stairs, in an attempt to get some medical attention. I found out, at those last moments, I really wanted to live. When I got down to the middle of the staircase, I was several syndicate members at the bottom of the stairs. All of whom looked like they were going to kill me anyway. So, I made a gun out of my right hand, pointed it at them, said, bang. Then, I collapsed.”
Violin spoke up, “Yea. The, bang, heard across the multiverse.”
Spike went onto say, “Well, so people have heard about that incident? I find that flattering. Anyway, after I collapsed, I quickly passed out. The next thing I know, some military people are pulling me out of a vat of green goo, I had been turned into a woman, my right eye had regenerated. With that eye looking like my original left eye. But, the big shock was finding out I was six months pregnant.”
Ed asked, “So, you have a child of you own?”
Spike answered, “Yes. A five year old daughter. And she looks I would now, if I was a child. Right down to my dark green hair. That is why am taking this bounty. Because, I now have two mouths to feed.”
Ed flatly stated, “You are not taking Stan with you.”
Spike inquired, “And why not? I am a bounty hunter. And the price on Stan's head is obscene.”
Ed flatly answered, “Because he is my son.”
Spike replied, in disbelief, “Really? Well that does complicate matters a bit. But, you don't look that old.”
Ed stated, “I am older than I look. And so are you. And we both know that. Stan, and Lewis really are my kids. So, I am asking you, as a friend, to stop this. Because, if you don't, it will only end up in tears for all of us.”
Spike shrugged, as she said, “Okay. For you, Ed. I will drop the bounties for these two.”
Ed stated, “Thank you, Spike.”
Stan let out a breath of relief.
Spike mentioned, “By the way, did you know a man named John Crichton, whom died?”
Violin spoke up, as she stated, “You could say that. Why do you ask?” She thought, 'I don't want those that don't know me, to know I am the reincarnation of John. So, I will just refer to John in the third person.'
Nearby, Stan walked over to stand between his parents. He then whispered into his father's left ear, “John's dead? What happened?”
Bob softly responded, “Long story. We will tell you, later. Though, don't grieve for him. This is not the first time he had died, nor the first time he had come back.”
Bob quietly replied, “Okay.”
Spike commented, “Well, Scorpius put on a marvelous funeral for him.”
Violin asked, “What funeral?”
Spike answered, “Scorpius found his body, and gave him a funeral fit for a Grand Chancellor. And her eulogy of John was beautiful. I just wanted to know why Scorpius went to so much trouble for the man?”
Violin stated, “They had a near legendary rivalry. The love, hate foe yay was strong with them. Though, I find what she did to be touching.”
Annie said, “I would like to see this funeral.”
Violin commented, “So, would I.”
Bob said, “We will get a copy of it when we get there.”
Ed stated, “Now, Spike. Faye and Jet will be glad to hear you are alive. We will go meet them later. And have a nice reunion. It will be wonderful.”
Spike looked away from them, as she frowned. She quietly replied, “I don't want to see them.”
Bob said, “Spike, if you worried about them not accepting you, due to being a woman, and a mother. Don't be worried about that.”
Spike looked at Bob, as she inquired, “And you are?”
Bob answered, “Bob Lowe. Ed's husband. Stan and Lewis are our sons. And we are all good friends of Faye and Jet.”
Spike said, “Nice to meet you, Bob. But, it is not that. It is that I didn't part on the best of terms with them.”
Bob stated, “We know. Oh, do we know. That being said. I know for a fact that they searched for you, for months, after you disappeared. They never gave up hope they would see you again someday. Don't give up on them.”
Spike admitted, “You may have a point there.”
Bob commented, “Also, we have plenty of experience with gender benders and gender bending relationships.”
Spike inquired, “And what would you know about that?”
Bob smirked, as he replied, “A lot.” Bob then made himself sneeze, he turning into a slender woman, in her mid-twenties.”
Stan silently looked at his much young father, as a woman. He thought, 'Okay. I admit it. My father is hot as a woman. And a lot younger.'
Bob then sneezed again, and she changed back to his much older, male self.
Spike turned to Ed, as she joked, “Didn't know you swung that way, Ed.”
Ed stated, “I don't. For Bob, the gender bending is genetic, and latent. He latent genes are born dormant. His abilities were not activated until his forties. And the reason they were was that it came down to saving my life, and a friend's life, or activating his abilities. He choose to save our lives. It is one of the many reasons I love him.”
Spike turned back to Bob, as she smile. She complimented, “You are willing to make that sacrifice for, Ed. You have my respect, Bob.”
Bob replied, “Thank you.”
Spike questioned, “By the way, how are Faye and Jet doing?”
Ed smiled, as she answered, “Doing great, actually. It has been almost three decades since you disappeared, and they are still doing the bounty hunter thing. But, it is more of a hobby, than a necessary career. Over the years, they have hit it big on several bounties. Also, years ago, Faye finally got out of debt, and got her gambling addition under control. Though, it has been a wild time for them.”
Spike replied, “That is great to hear. Are they a couple?”
Ed responded, “No. Just good friends. Both have dated plenty of people. But, no one stuck. And neither of them have children. But, don't feel sad for them. We are working on getting some options for them, dealing extending their lifespans. We just have to deal with saving Lewis, first.”
Spike commented, “Knowing you, Ed. I am sure it will be inventive, and absolutely brilliant.”
Ed grin turned a little bit mischievous, as she stated, “Oh. It will be. If it is okay, we could use your help in rescuing my other son, Lewis.”
Bob spoke up, “We would more than love to have you with us. Dual wielding pistols. Grenades. Jeet Kune Do. Add that super-soldier serum to the mix, and I don't even want to think about what you presently could be capable of.”
Annie stated, “You might give me a workout.”
Violin commented, “Me too.”
Stan thought, 'Super-soldier serum?... This situation gets stranger by the minute.'
Spike sadly responded, “I cannot afford to. I have a daughter now, and I cannot risk being killed.”
Ed replied, “I understand. And when this is over, we, and your daughter, are going to have that little reunion with Faye and Jet.”
Spike joked, “Consider it a date.”
Ed pulled out a small piece of paper, and pen, from a pants pocket. She then wrote down something. Next, she walked over to Spike and handed her friend the piece of paper.
As Spike took the paper, Ed explained, “That is our address here. Meet us there, later this afternoon, around three PM, local time, with you daughter. We will contact Faye and Jet. And then teleport over to the Bebop, to reunited with them.”
Spike looked at the piece of paper. She then pocketed it, as she said, “I will see you there.”
Ed replied, “Thank you.”
Ed then walked back over to Bob and Stan, as she pocketed her pent. When she reached her family, she came to a stop, as she turned around to face Spike.
Spike commented, “Well, I might as well go check on the looked rugrat, and get her ready to meet you guys.” Spike then pulled out her reality device from one of her coat pockets.
Ed asked, “What is your daughter's name?
Spike smiled, as she said, “Guess.”
Ed replied, “Julia.”
Spike complimented, “You always were smart, Ed.” She then used the her reality device to disappeared, as she went to got get her daughter, Julia, in another reality.
Violin said, “Okay. Now, that we have defused two major situations in a row. Let's go rescue Lewis, before we have another situation to deal with.”
Ed complimented, “Good idea. We are pushing are luck, as is.” She turned to the female force user, as she stated, “Annie. Your up first. Do you know when and where you are going to go in the ship.”
Annie stated, “A day after Lewis was capture by Bane, again. In the afternoon, at one PM, local time.”
“I will teleport into some random, empty hallway. In my career, I have snuck into shuttle bays, hanger decks, barracks, offices, mess halls, command decks, armories, vaults, engineering sections, security check points, elevators, waste processing plants, and hallways.”
“And I have found that the hallways tend to be the least guarded. Outside of closets. That people there are heading to somewhere, and are not expecting an intruder to show up there. Half the time, I can just walk into the crowd, with a basic uniform, without anyone noticing I don't belong there. Though, that will not be the case in this rescue.”
Bob inquired, “Which of those places are usually the most guarded?”
Annie stated, “Waste processing plants. I don't understand it, either. But, that seems to be the case.”
Bob rolled his eyes for a few seconds. He then looked back at Annie.
Violin turned to Annie, as she stated, “Speaking of which. Given the last time we did this. Try not to destroy the ship, Annie.”
Annie looked over at Violin, as she joked, “I will avoid the explosive areas, if you do.”
Violin giggled for a few seconds. She then said, “Deal.”
Annie then walked away from the group, as she pulled out the reality device that Stan had given her.
Annie soon came to a stop. She turned around, as she held the reality device in her right hand. She stated, “See you on the flip side.” She then used the reality device to instantly teleport to Scorpius' flagship, in an empty hallway, at the proper time, place, and reality.
Ed then pulled out one of the reality devices that Stan had given her. She ordered. “Okay, everyone get close to me. I am going to teleport us to a small security room, which was listed as unused on the flagship's computers. It is within walking distance of both the mainframe, and Scorpius' office. Violin, do you know how to get to Scorpius' office from there?”
Violin stated, “Yea. I still remember the way.”
Ed said, “Good. Now, let's go save Lewis, and the multiverse.” She then thought of where, when, and what reality, she wanted to go, while making sure it was five minutes after Annie arrived. She then pushed the red button on the reality device in her right hand.
Bob, Violin, Stan and herself, then disappeared, as they jumped realities.
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
I really enjoyed writing the flashback scene, of how Shane Caxton and Stan Lewis first met. And how Shane convinced Stan to join the football team, as a way for Stan to stay out of trouble.
And though, at the time, Shane realizes that Stan's parents might be from another reality. Or, at least one of them is. Shane still helps Stan, but he is careful in dealing with the matter.
Also, I found this flashback scene to be a touching scene, to show that Shane is a decent person, trying to do what is right, while balancing the situation which he realizes that Stan and himself, are in.
With Stan finally seeing his parents, Annie, and Violin, again. Though, he refused to talk to Ed and Bob, about their person matter, until Lewis is with them.
Stan even convinced his parents to let him come with him, to rescue Lewis.
And the reunion between Ed and Spike, was sweet and touching. With Ed convincing Spike to let go of the bounty hunt for Stan and Lewis.
Also, now that Stan and Lewis have settled their matters with their cousins. In addition with the Lagoon sisters, along with Spike, have finally being convinced to leave Stan and Lewis. We can move onto Scorpius in the next chapter.
And it was nice to show how badass Shane Caxton still is. Though, Shane is intelligent enough to turn down the reality device. And instead, focus on the safety of his family, on not getting to directly involved in other people's problems.
Until next time. Have fun.
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