Badasses Of The Multiverse: Book 4: “The Jock, The Nerd, The Bounty Hunters, And The Crazy Chicks.”
Chapter Four: “Those You Meet Along The Way: Part Three.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Another reality. Another place. Another time.
The next thing the brother knew, they were in the middle of a three lane street, at night.
Fortunately, the street was illuminated by lamp lights on the sidewalks on both sides of the street.
The street lights also showed that they were surrounded by three story buildings on both sides of the street, except for the two story, bar in front of them, with the bar being the only building with light coming from inside. And from the windows, the boys could see that the bar was quiet busy inside.
Stan stated, “Give the architecture, I would say were in small town the U.S midwest, in the mid to late twentieth century. And give the building in front of us is the only building with lighting on the inside, I would say that is the bar where we will find a drink in.”
As Lewis put his reality device back into the pants pocket he had been using to store it in, he said, in a sarcastic tone of voice, “I think that is the case as well, mister obvious.”
Stan flatly replied, “Ha, ha... Let's go inside.”
After the brothers walked into the bar, from the front entrance, both of them stood at the entrance, as they saw how many people were already inside.
Lewis asked, “This place is packed. Where are we going to sit?”
Stan looked around, he then saw a couple of places. He used his right hand to point towards the far side of the bar counter, to their right side, as he stated, “There are two places over there, at the counter.”
Lewis stated, “Works for me.” He then noticed three adults at a table near the counter. He said, “Don't looked directly at them. But, our parents, and B, of the past, are near the bar counter, sitting at a table. Given dad has a beard, I am guessing they are from our very distant past.”
Stan used the corner of his eyes to find them.
He saw that it was B and Ed, in their usual clothing. While Bob had a bushy beard on his face, and wearing a brown long coat over his clothing.
Stan responded, “Okay. I see them. Keep in mind that they don't know who we are. As long as they don't notice us, we should be fine.” He then added, in a harder tone of voice, “Besides, I am not leaving here until I can get a bottle of beer, or two.”
Lewis replied, “Agreed.”
They soon reached the two empty stools, set side by side with each other, as each brother sat in a stood. Stan sat to Lewis' left side. With other customers sitting next to them, on both sides, at the bar counter.
Seconds later, the bearded bartender walked up to them, from the other side of counter. He said to them, “Sorry. We don't serve kids. Please leave.”
Stan, whom had one too many disappointments over the last twenty four hours of his life, finally snapped.
Stan used his right hand to swiftly reach across the counter, and grabbed the top of the front of the bartender's shirt.
Stan then pulled other man close to him, over the bar. Stan held the bartender there, as he spoke in an even, yet dangerous tone of voice, “Listen man. In the last twenty-fours hours my brother and I have been driven from our homes by gender bending, elemental wielding lunatics. We were then kidnapped by an alien super-genius. We then escaped said genius' alien armada. After that, we had to outrun a mob of dangerous women, whom were all wearing only bikinis. It was more scary for us, then kinky. Next, we have been chased, literally across existence itself, by a group of psychotically violent teenage girls, and bounty hunters. And the capper of this day was that our only lead in this entire mess just screwed us over. We both deserve a few beers.”
Stan then let go of the bartender.
As the bartender leaned back up, Lewis politely said, “I apologize for my brother. It is just that we have had a very, very long day. And we could use something to take the edge off.”
The bartender took a hard look at them, as he straightened the top of his shirt. He said, “I can see why. By the way, any of of the women whom chased you, named Revy?”
Lewis shrugged, “No, but I think she did passed by us, at one point. Two of her. If I heard Shenhua and Lotton correctly.”
The bartender raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “You have met Shenhua and Lotton?”
Lewis replied, “And Sawyer. They are an interesting group of people.”
The bartender responded, “That would be an understatement.”
Lewis questioned, “You sound like you know them.”
The bartender answered, “Yes. Here.” He then pulled out two cold bottles of decent beer from a cooler under the counter. He set the two bottles in front of the boys, as he continued, “I am feeling charitable towards you two, because you clearly need these beers more than I do. They beer is on the house for you two. And let me know when you need some more. Though, don't get drunk.”
Lewis responded, “Thank you. And don't worry. We won't.”
As the bartender walked away, to serve his other customers. To be specific, the boys, saw from the corner of their eyes, the bartender walk over to a blond haired woman in a cowgirl outfit, that was across the counter, whom had just come from the women's restroom.
Meanwhile, the brothers opened their cold beer bottles, and took a drink from them.
The two teenage boys both set their bottles of beer down.
Stan turned to Lewis, as he commented, “I needed that. I see your theory worked. We found a bar that will serve us beer no matter what.”
Lewis turned to Stan, as he smiled. He said, “Yes. That is the case.”
Stan inquired, “So, what is your next idea on where we should go?”
Lewis answered, “Since this blind jump worked exactly as we hoped it work, I am going to tried a similar jump. But, it will not be of a place, or time, but of a whom. I will think of trying to find someone that can help us with our teacher. Or, just help us, in general, with this situation.”
Stan compliment, “That is a great idea, brother. Either way is a win for us.”
Lewis happily replied, “Exactly.”
From the corners of their eyes, they noticed the blond woman in a cowgirl outfit then walking passed them, and out the door.
Less than a minute later, they watched her return inside, pass by them, and near the end of the bar counter. When she got there, she picked up a tray of seven beer bottles, and she then took then up stairs, to a table on the second floor.
Lewis commented, “I wonder what her story is about?”
Stan responded, “I got a feeling that we don't want to know.”
The two of them went back to drinking their cold bottles of beer.
A few minutes later, outside the front of the bar, two groups of teenage girls teleported into the middle of the street, at the same time.
One group was Mikoto, Nodoka, and Yurika. All of whom were girls, and they were still wearing their clothing when the confront of the brothers at the Lowe family home, on Mars, in the Cowboy Bebop reality.
The other group was Molly, Sarah, Kristina, Rebecca, and Yukio. All of them wore the same styles of clothing they had worn when the confronted the brothers in Roanapur. And they had their weapons with them. Though, their weapons were sheathed, or holstered.
Or, in Kristina case, she wore here gauntlets, but the internal weapons were not primed, and charged, for combat.
Meanwhile, Yukio kept her machine gun barrel pointed at the ground.
The two groups had telepored to where they were facing each other.
Both groups looked at each other, while Mikoto inquired, “What are you doing here?”
Rebecca asked, “What are you doing here?”
Molly thought, 'We don't need a fight right now. Especially, with our friends.' She requested, “Mikoto, you go first. Since you asked first.”
Mikoto explained, “Thank you, Molly. We remembered a strange story that our parents told us, where they meet Ed in the past, at a bar, along with two teenage boys that fit Stan and Lewis' descriptions. We put two and two together, we thought of where and when in the multiverse that would be, used one of our reality devices, and we ended up here. How about you five?”
Rebecca stated, “About the same. We got to talking, and we remembered, on of the few times my mom, Revy, got drunk, that she mentioned meeting us, as teenagers in her past. Our future, her distant past. And the incident happen twice for her. Where she not only met her future self, her future children, us, but she then met herself, as her future version, then as her past self. With her future children there, both times. We used here reality device the same way you did, to lock on this time, place, and reality.”
Mikoto replied, “Interesting. I take it you don't want a fight with us? Because, we don't want a fight with you.”
Yukio stated, “We know better than to try to fight you three. Given the situation, we don't mind working together with you.”
Molly stated, “We will just call off the bet, for tonight.”
Nodoka said, “Good. We can agree to that.”
The other teenage girls nodded, or shrugged, in agreement.
Molly commented, “That works for us. So, what are you going to do now?”
At that moment, Yurika turned to look through the windows of the bar. She then saw someone, on from the windows of the second story. She continued to look through the windows, as she stated, “We are not going to do anything. Take a look at the second story of the bar.”
All eight teenager looked into the bar, through the windows, into the second story. And they saw who was there.
Yurika continued, “It looks like we came into our parents past, alright. And if we rush in there, we are going to create a paradox.”
The eight teenagers saw around a large table, seven adults. Those at the table were Rock, Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma, as girls. Also, there was Fabiola, Annie, and John Crichton.
Kristina frowned, as she stated, “That does kill the idea of storming the place.”
Through this windows of the first floor, Yurika saw other people of interest, as she said, “That is not all. Look at the far end of the bar counters, and the table nearby.”
They saw at the bar counter, the conspicuous jacket and shot coat of Stan and Lewis Lowe. And at a nearby table, there was B, Ed, and another guy with a full, bushy, black beard.”
Yukio asked, “Who is the bearded guy with Ed?”
Mikoto stated, “That is Bob. Before he has his latent gender bending abilities activated. From what I understand, one of the reasons it took so long for him to become a gender bender was that he liked his beard.”
Sarah commented, “Nice beard. I can see why he would have wanted to keep it. And on the matter of the boys. You got to admit that it, it takes guts for those two to be in that situation, and still remain calm.”
Mikoto agreed with Sarah, “Yea. The one thing I admire about the boys is that they may not have a clue as to what is going on, but I am sure they know that are sitting that close to the past versions of their parents. And yet they are so clearly calm about this situation.”
Molly pointed out, “Well, we cannot go in there. But, it is clear the boys don't see us. So, we have the element of surprise. We will just have to wait for them to come out. The question is where we will wait for them?”
Sarah then turned around, and she saw the back empty, three story building. She suggested, “How about we just hide in the building across the street, until they come out.”
The other seven teenager turned around, and smiled, as Kristina said, “Great idea, sis.”
The teenager then walked over to the front door of the building.
Nodoka pulled some small tools from a pocket, to pick locks with. She then started working on the locks to the front double doors.
Kristina asked, “Do you think this place has a security system?”
Molly stated, “I doubt that is the case. This place does not look like a gun store, nor bank. Still, if that is the case, we can use the police for a distraction to get the bar to let out early. And we flush the boys outside, and away from all our parent's past selves.”
Yurika looked overs at Molly, as she complimented, “That is brilliant.”
Molly looked over at the green haired girl, as she smiled. She said, “Being a genius in two lifetimes in a row comes in handy.”
Yurika replied, “I bet.”
Nodoka said, “Got it.” She then opened the double doors. Next, she got up, and pocketet her lock picking tools. After which, she walked inside, with the seven other teenage girls following her.
After all the girls were inside, Nodoka closed and locked the doors behind them.
As their eyes adjusted to the lower light, with the outside lamp lights providing enough light, from outside windows, to see the center of the room. The teenage girls saw they were in large room full of desks and chairs.
Whom the girls saw that were already inside room, surprised them.
While much of them were in the shadows, and they could only see their silhouettes, they could see enough of each of them to recognize them.
Sitting on a couple of chairs, beside each other were two pairs of Shenhuas. One was wearing her usual clothing, the other was in a white armor, with her helmet by the desk near her.
Nearby, were to Sawyers sitting beside each other, on top of a desk. One of the Sawyers was wearing her usual clothing, with her chainsaw sitting by her on the desk. The other Sawyer was wearing black armor, with her helmet set beside her on the desk.
There was also Roberta, in purple armor, and she had a robotic looking right eye. She was sitting in a chair, with her helmet in her lap. There was large, pink robot sitting on the desk top beside her. And there was an empty red armor leaning against the wall, near the two.
All five of the women, and the robot were looking at the teenage girls.
Molly quickly requested, “Please, do not shoot. We are from the future. We know who you are. In truth, we are good friends in the future.
The pink robot stated, “Interesting. Please, explain.”
Molly said, “Not to prevent a paradox, but I know you are the Autobot Arcee. Also, Roberta is beside you. And I see two Shenhua, and two Sawyers. It is just as one of our mothers described.”
Roberta asked, “Who is your mother?”
Molly admitted, “Actually, it is not my mother. But, my two sisters mother. I think you can guess who, by looking at us?”
Molly then pointed at Rebecca and Yukio, whom had her machine pointed at the ground.
Roberta commented, “The sad part is that I cannot see that junkyard bitch as a mother.”
All five of the Lagoon sisters said, in unison, “Hey!”
Roberta shrugged, as she replied, “Relax. I was just joking.”
The five sisters relaxed a bit.
Shenhua in the armor giggled, as she turned to Shenhua in her usually clothing. She then stated, “I see you were right.”
Mikoto inquired, “Right about what?”
The Shenhuas turned to face the teenagers again, as the Shenhua in her usual outfit stated, “Actually, we were just talking about you. As you have guessed, two of us are from the future. While two of use are from the past. And unlike Revy, we both have good memories.”
The Sawyer in her regular clothing spoke up, through the electrolarynx choker around her neck, “Yes. And it was fun the first time. And if I remember correctly, all eight of you are just in time. Though, the fireworks and party are not for a little while.”
Kristina asked, “What fireworks and party?”
Future Sawyer smirked, as she questioned, “We do not want to create as paradox? Do you?”
Kristina giggled a little, as she shrugged. She then said, “I see your point. And I can wait a few hours tell we find out what happens.”
Future Sawyer replied, “Exactly.”
Future Shenhua stated, “The Revys are on the roof, waiting for the two of you that are redheads. The stairwell is over there.” She then used her left hand to point at an open door.
Molly turned to Rebecca and Yukio, as she requested, “You two better head up there. But, do not give them you names. And try to be vague on the future.”
Rebecca said, “Of course.”
Yukio replied, “We understand.”
The two redheaded sisters head up the stairwell.
A few minutes later, the two redheaded sisters reached the exit to the roof.
As they gently opened the door to the roof, they saw the two Revys sitting beside each other, at the parapet in front of them.
As they walked up to the Revys, they overheard the Revy in her usual clothing said, to the Revy in red leather biker clothing, “I wouldn't worry about our relationship with Rock. I cannot go into detail, but I will tell you this, she still love you as much as you love her.”
The Past Revy, in biker clothing, smiled, as she responded, “Good.”
By then, the two teenage redheads started standing beside them, at the parapet, to the Revys' right sides.
Yukio then set down and leaned her machine gun against the parapet itself, causing the clinging sound which got the Revys attention.
Both of the Revys turned to Yukio and Rebecca beside them, by the parapet.
Rebecca and Yukio turned to look at the Revys.
Both Revy turned towards them, as they asked, in unison, “Who are you two?”
Both teenage girls smirked, as they said, in unison, “Hi mommies.”
Past Revy turned to the future Revy, whom was in her usual clothing, as she asked, “You had some kids?”
The other Revy answered, “Yea. But, they are small children.” She thought, 'But, these two look like mine, grown up. And they clearly got their hot looks from me.'
Yukio stated, “We are from the future. Sorry about startling you, but this thing can get kinda heavy.”
Future Revy said, “Well, it looks like I did a good job with you rugrats.”
Both of them said, “You did.”
Past Revy interrupted them, “As much I love the lovey dovy, I have a question. Who is the father, since Rock is a girl?”
Future Revy, Yukio, and Rebecca, just laughed.
Future Revy thought, 'It is so tempting to explain how these two kids being conceived. But, I don't risk not having these wonderful bundles of joy. Also, I better not mention our daughters, by name. Their names my tip my past self off that there other parent is Rock.'
Future Revy said, “Don't worry about it. Let's just you love life is going to get very interesting in the future.” The other Revy then turned to the girls, as she asked, “Daughters, are the other girls with you?”
Rebecca answered, “Yea. They are just waiting nearby for the word to attack. Just like your two groups.”
Future Revy commented, “We taught them so well. So, who are you two after?”
The girls pointed to two teenage boys at the bar table. The redhead with the machine gun stated, “We are after those two brothers.”
Future Revy asked, “So, who are the two brothers? And why are you after them?”
Rebecca stated, “We would love to tell you. But, you know the rules. No talking about the future. Except for the obvious.”
Past Revy stated, “Well, given none of us want to break reality, we are going to have to wait for them to leave and separate into their groups. Even I realize that attacking them now would be a very bad idea. This could take a while.”
A couple of hours later, the bar was closing.
The only ones left were the three groups of people, and the bartender.
Without realizing it, the three groups left in a row for the entrance doors.
The first group was Ed, B, and Bob.
Bob said, “So, where do you guys want to go to next?”
The group of three headed out the door, and started walking straight across the street.
The second group was Rock's group.
As the seven of them exited, Rock said, “At least we now have a plan.”
The seven of them then headed for their right, were they left Megatron in his alt mode.
The last group were the brothers.
Stan said to Lewis, “We still got to figure out what is going on.”
Lewis agreed, “True. But now, we won't get lost.”
Stan commented, “It is a step forward in our situation.”
The two teenage boys headed to their left.
Suddenly, everyone heard a strange, almost electronic voice say, “Ladies and Gentlemen. A moment of your time.”
That all turned to see that it was the alien, Star Wars bounty hunter, Cad Bane, in his usual clothing and weapons, including his two holstered blaster pistols, across the street from them.
Cad Bane said, “I want no trouble from any of you. I am only after the boys.” Cad then pointed at the two teenage boys.”
A number of feet away from the alien bounty hunter, Bob looked over at the two boys, as he thought, 'Who are those boys? Doesn't matter. They seem like nice kids, and a scumbag like Cad Bane isn't going to get them.'
Bob turn to Cad. He brushed open his brown long coat, as he put his hand on his holstered pistol. He stated, “I don't know who those boys are, but you are not taking them anywhere, Bane.”
The brothers turned to look at the other two groups, and their eyes when wide.
Stan thought, 'Oh crap, they see us!'
Lewis thought, 'This is bad!'
Then, from Rock's group, Ranma asked, “You and what army?”
Nearby, Bob thought, 'I know that voice.'
Bob, Ed, and B turned to looked at Rock's group, as their eyes went wide.
Bob thought, 'Oh boy. Now, we are in trouble.'
Ed thought, 'Now, this is getting interesting.'
B thought, 'I just hope they don't realize it is me.'
Cad Bane crossed his arms, as he smiled. He replied, “This one.”
Suddenly, an army of robots, with energy rifles in their hands, appeared right in front him.
Everyone looked at each other, and then made a run back into the bar for cover.
The bartender saw all this. He swiftly ducked under the bar table.
As Everyone made back into the bar, they rushed for cover wherever they could find it, just before the robots opened fire.
John and Lewis had jumped over the bar table, and joined the bartender behind it.
When they looked over at the bartender, they noticed that he had pulled out his shotgun.
The bartender said to them, “Relax gentlemen, this isn't my first rodeo. Just stay down. I used to have to deal with this a lot in the city I previously lived in. That is why I left place. My old bar must have been trashed or destroyed over two dozen times. I lived through each time without a scratch to myself. The only reason I escaped that town when things started getting weird there. I am so glad I listened to the warning that kid the russian brought into my bar one night. I almost waited to long to leave.”
Lewis asked, “How weird?”
The bartender answered, “I started losing more male customers and gaining more hotter, younger adult female customers. That part I didn't really mind. Who am I to complain about some free eye candy. Until, I realized that many of the women similar to the men I use to serve. But, they were like their sexy, younger sisters. For some reason, I noticed that my chinese customers were first. And they even told the same jokes.”
“It was then and there that I decided it was time to bugout and leave. But, right before I left, the last person in the world I expected, walked into my bar, just after I had closed it for good.. It was a caucasian man named, Caxton.”
Lewis interrupted, “Caxton? As in Shane Caxton?”
The bartender was surprised, as he asked, “You've met him?”
The boy replied, “Yea. Don't worry about him. He is doing fine.”
The bartender smiled, “That is good to hear. Anyway, I later learned that since Caxton had experience with the town before, the U.S. government sent him and a squad into to find out what was happening there. But, they were ambushed, with only him escaping. Even though it has been decades, we still recognized each other. And I owed him for helping get my ass out of my homeland.”
“We quickly realized that the exits to the island were cut off. And if we were going to escape, we were going to have to journey deeper into hell, and that damned tower. I had never fought so hard to escape somewhere since the fall of Saigon. And the horrors saw...”
“We just lucked out when we found that strange portal system. We were able to get it working. We randomized the coordinates. Caxton went first. I then changed the coordinates, and left myself. But, not before leaving a bag full of plastic explosives to destroy the machine and any record it had of where we went.”
“And I end up here. Now, I am starting to think I am cursed to face craziness like this.”
Lewis and John said, in unison, “Welcome to the club.”
The bartender stated, “Still, don't worry. The walls of this counter can take anything up to a fifty caliber round. If we keep our heads down, we should be fine. And you two look like the type who don't want to join in on the chaos unless they had too.”
Lewis just nodded an affirmative.
John replied, “You got that right. Still, it does not hurt to be prepared.” He then pulled out his pulse pistol.
The bartender cocked his shotgun, as he stated, “That is why I keep this shotgun. Just in case the trouble gets to close to me.”
Lewis turned to see to John. He thought, 'Oh my, it is John. What luck.' He greeted, “By the way, hi John.”
John was confused, as he asked, “Do I know you?”
Lewis thought, 'I don't really blame John for not helping me. And it would be nice to talk to him. I my still learn a few things from him.' He explained, “I just came from meeting you. Oh right, it must have been you from your future.”
John inquired, “How far in the future?”
Lewis responded, “How old is your son?”
John stated, “He is still a baby.”
Lewis responded, “When I meet you, your son is around ten years old. So, look on the bright side, you are likely going to get out of this alive.”
John just smiled at the revelation.
Meanwhile, Akira, Bob, and Stan took cover behind a turned up table, with their backs facing the table.
Akira pulled out her pistols.
To her right, Bob pulled out his revolver. As he looked over at Akira, he cursed under his breath, “Crap.”
Bob thought, 'I am right by Past Akira. Given she does not recognize me, this is clearly before she met me. Still, this can cause all sorts of problems.'
At the exact same time, Stan looked over at Bob, as he thought, 'Of all my rotten luck...' He muttered, “Crap.”
Stan overheard Bob say, crap, as the same time. He thought, 'But, when did my father say, crap, also, when he looked at the blond woman in the cowgirl outfit?... Wait a minute. They know each other. But, there is nothing I can do about find out what it is in this situation.'
Bob mentally wondered, 'Why did that boy also say crap? And I know I have seen him somewhere before, I just cannot place him. Still, I will have to worry about him later. Akira and there robots are the to problems I need to defuse.'
Akira then noticed Bob's revolver. She asked him, “Where did you get that revolver from?”
Bob thought, 'I have no time to think of a good lie. So, I will be honest, and hope for the best. By her not asking any more questions from me. Though, if I call her by name, that will cause her to ask where I know her from. So, how about I just call her, blondie?'
Bob smirked, “The same place you did, blondie. You got to admit that gunsmith makes quality weapons there.”
Akira admitted, “That's true.”
Bob thought, 'I might as well just tell her, it will get her mind off of me.'
Bob commented, “You are aware the gunsmith is Burt Gummer from the Tremors movies?”
Akira giggled, as she replied, “So, that is where I saw him from. No. I did not realize that. But, it makes a lot of sense. And to think I have customized firearms by one of the greatest gun nuts in the multiverse is a real treat.”
Bob smirked, as he said, “I know. That is one of the reasons I got my pistol from Burt, as well.”
Nearby, Rock, Fabiola, and the brown haired woman, took cover behind a turned up table.
As Rock pulled out her sonic shotgun, she look over at the brown haired woman. She inquired, “You look familiar. Have we met?”
B thought, 'Oh crap. If Rock recognizes me, it is going to screw up the space-time continuum... Damn, I have been sending a lot of time with Bob and Ed. Yes, those time travel movies are fun and informative. I will just have to give her a simple excuse.'
B pulled out her semi-automatic pistol, from her shoulder holster, hidden under her jacket. She pulled back the slide of her weapon, to chamber a round, as she answered in english, with a heavy russian accent, “I just have that type of face.”
Fabiola pulled out her shotgun, as she stated, “It doesn't matter. What matters is we have another gun to aid us.”
B complimented, “Good attitude.”
Fabiola replied, “Thank you, ma'am.”
Behind another turned over table were Annie, Ranma, Natsuru, and Ed.
Ed sat between Ranma and Natsuru.
Natsuru took a good look at Ed. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, but her face, and hair style, were unmistakable.
Natsuru asked Ed, “Are you Ed from Cowboy Bebop?”
Ed thought, 'Oh well. They know who I am. I might as well, just run with it. And they were nice enough to get Rock to agree to leave us alone.'
Ed smiled. She hugged both Natsuru and Ranma by the shoulders, as she said, “Yep. Ed has enjoyed the fun she has had with you two, and the blond. The others we faced. Not so fun.”
Natsuru thought with fear, 'Oh crap! If she is from our future, and the others are, we could be facing a paradox of epic proportions.'
Natsuru turned to Annie, as she requested, “Annie, please use the force to tell us what the hell is going on?”
Annie eyes were wide. She stated, “Chaos.”
Ed thought with worried, 'Annie... She is the gender bent Darth Vader that Bob and Boris talked about. And the fact she said, chaos, with her eyes wide like that, isn't a good sign for anyone.'
Outside, on the roof across from the bar, the two Revys and two teenage girls, watched what was happening.
Past Revy said, “Whomever that guy is, he just screwed the pooch.”
Rebecca pointed up at the sky, as she stated, “Look!”
Everyone looked up and saw that the night sky appeared to be breaking apart with energy.
Revy cursed, “Oh hell, this is getting a whole lot worse. Whatever is going on down there creating a paradox. We have to fix this now.” She turned to the other Revy, as she pointed out, “Since I am here, why don't you remember this?
Yukio said, “Mommy sometimes has a bad memory.”
Future Revy just shrugged.
Past Revy ordered, “Just great. Okay, everyone, go get your friends. We got to take care of those robots and fix this right now.”
Yukio picked up her machine gun, leaning against the inside of the parapet, as all four women when get their friends to help clean this mess up, as they rushed down the stairwell.
Less than a minute later, they made it it down to stairwell, in to the large room, where the others were at.
When the got there, everyone seems to be ready for battle. Those with melee weapons had unsheathed their weapons. Molly pulled out her pistols, and chambered a round into each her weapons. Future Sawyer had here chainsaw at the ready.
Only Arcee did not have out her weapons, because she did not want to start a fire, just yet.
Past Sawyer, Past Roberta, and Past Shenhua already had their helmets on.
All for redheads looked surprised.
Future Shenhua smirked, as she commented, “Revys, we got ready right after your daughters went up to greet you. Don't forget, Sawyer and I have been through this before. It is true what they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty. And this is one of the few times it is a benefit to one's own future, three times over.”
Future Revy commented, “I am so happy those two are my friends.”
Past Revy stated, “So, am I. And I will need a few seconds to get into my suit.” She turned to her pink robot, as she requested, “Arcee, get by my hardsuit.
Acree met Past Revy by her red hardsuit.
Past Revy quickly took over her red boot, red gloves. She then unzipper her jacket, while undoing her belt, and pants. As she took off all her clothing, she revealed that she was wearing her pink softsuit underneath.
Past Revy then handed all her clothing and boots she took off to Arcee. Arcee put Revy's belongings into a compartment in her body for save keeping.
Past Revy walked up to her hardsuit. She took off the helmet and set it by a desk. Next she push a couple of buttons in the inner neck collar of the suit for it to open up from the top, allowing her to get him.
As soon as, Past Revy slid into her hardsuit, she pulled the suit back together, and then locked everything in place.
Next, the walked over to her helmet and put on.
Finally, she booted up the operating system for her hardsuit, which took a few seconds to fully load.
Nearby, Rebecca inquired, “So, everyone already knows the situation?”
Kristina answered, “Yes. The multiverse is about to FUBAR, because of a three way paradox, if we don't rescue those we are after.”
Rebecca said, “That about sums up the situation.”
As Part Revy's hardsuit came online completely, she turned to the eight teenage girls, six other women, and the robot, as she stated, “Alright. Let's go.”
Rebecca asked, “Go where? How should we attack these robots.”
Future Shenhua and Future Sawyer said, in unison, “The roof.”
Future Sawyer added, “That is how we did it the first time. And it worked. We caught them by surprised. Those robots are dumb and weak. The energy rifles are the only thing that is danger about them. Just watch yourself and you will be find. If not, they the multiverse is screwed.”
Kristina commented, “I like it. It is a wonderful badass idea.”
Sarah spoke up, “I second their plan.”
Molly said, “I have not problems with it.”
Yurika responded, “Neither do I, nor my sisters. Actually, we were trained to attack from above.”
Both Revys looked at each other. They then looked at the others, as they said, unison, “Works for us.”
They then rushed back up the stairwell.
Several seconds later, they all made it to the roof.
Arcee decided it was good time to pulled out her flaming swords.
Everyone took a moment to look at the sky, as it look like it was breaking apart.
Kristina commented, “Yea. This is bad.”
Yukio commented, “To bad we cannot capture them right now.”
Sarah said, “We will all have other opportunities.”
Yukio shrugged, as she replied, “True.”
Rebecca commented, “Besides. We are doing this for the challenge. And there will be no challenge in capturing the brothers this way.”
Yukio said, “Very, very true.”
Future Revy walked over to the parapet, and looked down to see the robots were still firing at the bar.
Past Revy was right behind her.
Future Revy stated, “I think we need to hurry this up, before the bar collapses in on everyone.”
Everyone turned their attention to Future Revy.
Molly turned to Future Shenhua, as she requested, “So, how are we doing this.”
Future Shenhua responded, “We jump off the roof. Land on top of them. And then tear them apart.”
Nodoka commented, “Simple, but effective.” She then formed an ice staff in her hands.
Mikoto asked, “Do these things explode when they are destroyed?”
Future Sawyer answered, “No.”
Mikoto's hands erupted into fire, as she smirked, “Good. I rarely get to use my fire in combat.”
Kristina commented, “I never fully understand why you don't.”
Mikoto responded, “Because I am not a pyromaniac like you.”
Kristina replied, “I am not as bad I was in the distant past.”
Mikoto agreed, “True.” She mentally added, 'And I am glad you know better than to mention the term, past life, to these past versions of our friends, and your family.'
Electricity erupted from Yurika's hand, as she spoke up, “Ready, when you are.”
Both Revys looked at each other, they then looked at the group, as they ordered, “Charge!”
All sixteen individuals rushed to the parapet, and jump over it, and only top of the robots.
Outside, Cad Bane just laughed. He thought, 'Soon, I will collect on both Scorpius' bounty, and her bonus. If I do this right. I am sure she will have more jobs lined up for me in the future.'
It was then that he noticed something falling from above.
He looked up. He then cursed, “Oh damn.”
Cad Bane immediately used a device he had, to jump to another reality, right before he and the robots were attacked.
All sixteen individuals landed safely, and in one piece, as they tore into the robots that were attacking their prey.
Inside, everyone noticed the weapons fire above their heads had stopped.
For about a minute, they heard the sounds of battle outside.
A minute afterward, everyone, but the bartender, peeked their heads over the table.
What they saw outside caused their jaws to drop.
The streets lights on the sidewalks were still mostly intact and functioning, as the lights provided plenty of light for the groups inside to see the groups standing outside.
Those inside saw the four Hell Sabers in their hardsuits, to their right, with Arcee, in robot mode, standing behind them, holding her flaming swords. In their hardsuits, Revy had her knuckle-bombers ready, Sawyer had her wrist blades popped out, Roberta's shoulder missile pods were popped up, and Shenhua had one of her ignited lightsabers in each hand.
In the middle were Sawyer, Revy, and Shenhua in their usually clothing, holding classic their weapons. Sawyer with her chainsaw, Revy with her semi-automatic cutlasses, and Shenhua with her two kukri long knives.
And to their left were eight teenage woman in sexy clothing. Of the eight girls, five were holding various weapons, the other three were barehanded, and they looked just as badass as the other seven.
The first of the ones with weapons, from Stan's point of view, from right to left, was Rebecca, whom was holding what looked to be two eighteen twenty-seven Russian Pioneer short swords, like what Akira used.
The girl next to her was, Yukio, whom was holding her large M nineteen eighteen A two Browning Automatic Rifle machine gun up with both hands, with little effort.
The middle teenage girl was, Kristina. She had on two sci-fi looking gauntlets on each of her hands, that went up almost to her elbows.
A short burst of flame harmlessly erupted from each of the two gauntlets.
The next teenager girl was Molly. She was holding two M Nine stainless steel semi-automatic pistols, similar to Revy's cutlasses, that were from her two shoulder holsters.
The final teenage girl with weapons was Sarah. She looked like she was the other blond girl's sister, but they did look somewhat different. She held out a katana in front of her with both hands.
On the other side of the girl with the katana, was Mikoto. Her left hand was in a fist, as flames surrounded it. Meanwhile, her right hand was open, with her palm facing upwards, as a fireball was right above her open palm.
Next to Mikoto was Yurika, whom had her hands and fingers outstretched in front of her, with the palms of both hands facing six inches from each other.
Lightning laced between the Yurika's hands and fingers.
To the side of Yurika was Nodoka, whom held up her left hand, with her left palm upwards. A floating globe of water stood less than an inch above her left open palm. In her right hand was a staff made of ice.
All of the women were standing above the destroyed remains of the robots that they had just attacked and destroyed without suffering any injuries.
Bob thought, 'Considering, the women I do recognize, even Arcee, along with those eight teenage girls looking just as dangerous as the Lagoon crews. And the ordnance and equipment they all have...' Bob said, “That is probably the most badass assemblage of babes in the entire existence of the multiverse.”
Both Akira and Stan just nodded in agreement.
Bob then looked over at the Revy in the center. He thought with annoyance, 'That Revy, along with Sawyer and Shenhua, right beside, are the ones after us. Still, enough, is enough. I am tired of Revy hounding me. I am going to settle this once and for all, tonight. Fortunately, I am nowhere near drunk. No even buzzed. All that drinking at Quarks has increased my alcohol thresholds.'
Outside, after looking a the carnage they all had just caused, Future Revy, the Revy in the center of the group, in her usual clothing, turned to her daughters, as she said, “Mommy is very proud of you.”
Rebecca and Yukio turned, and smiled at her.
Rock heard the comment, as she thought, 'Revy becomes a mother. I do not like where is going. It is almost like what I saw at the...'
Outside, Yukio asked, “Is it okay if I handle this?”
Both Revys said, in unison, “Sure.”
Yukio let of the forearm of her machine gun, with her left hand, as she held her weapon by its grip, with her right hand. At the same time, she pointed her weapon at the ground, while keeping her trigger finger resting against the trigger guard.
Yukio yelled, “First of all! Stop talking to each other! Reasons for this will soon become clear as to why you should not speak to each other! Now, we have no interest in attacking you right now, so don't make us come in there! It would not be pretty! Now, everyone get out here! Group back up, and come out! Rock and her group to your right! The group of three in the middle! The brothers to the your left!”
Everyone did as they were requested to do.
A minute later, they were outside and in their proper groups.
Yukio then pointed to the sky, with her left hand. She ordered, “Everyone! Look up!”
They did so and saw that the night sky seem to be literally breaking apart.
Yukio stated, “This is what happens when you have a paradox.”
Yukio pointed at Rock's group, “Past.”
Yukio pointed at the Bob, Ed, and B, “Present.”
Yukio pointed at the brothers, “Future.”
Yukio continued, “All of you are intelligent people. So, I think you have figured out what is going on here. All three of your groups need to leave and avoid each other in the future. Do not worry about answers. If things go the way they should, you will all live to have your questions answered in the fullness of time. And just because we are being nice, we are giving you all a head start. Consider this our good deed for the year.”
The Hell Saber members, both present and future, along with the teenage girls all laughed for a few seconds.
The groups looked at each other for a moment. Then, they looked back up at the sky. They all realized, as much as they wanted to talk to each other, they couldn't. Less than a minute later, each group went their separate ways.
As Lewis and Stan walked away form everyone else, Lewis pulled out his reality device, while stated, “Let's get out of here, while the getting it good, and find some help.”
Stan replied, “Agreed.”
As everyone else left, the girls all saw the sky starting to return to the normal dark night.
The Revy in her hardsuit said, “Well, that crisis has been averted. So, let us all go get a drink to celebrate saving existence. Even you teenagers can come. I was never one for that twenty-one years or older rule.
The other Revy agreed, “You got that right.”
The teenager girls smiled at them.
As they all entered the destroyed bar, the Hell Sabers removed their helmets.
The Revy in her usual clothing yelled, “Hey bartender! We know you're alive! We could use some service!”
Behind the bar counter, the bartender's eyes went wide, as he tightly gripped his shotgun.
He thought, with a combination of fear and rage, 'Not that demon woman's voice! Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! How could I be so unlucky?! I crossed entire realities to get away from you, and you still found a way to wreck my bar!'
He then heard Revy's voice, which was just above the bar, warned, “Don't make us pull you out.”
He immediately jumped up and pointed the barrel of his shotgun at the Revy he saw was wearing her usual outfit, as he yelled, “Damn you, Revy! You destroyed my bar, again!”
He then saw the group she was with.
There was a Revy, with her cutlasses, and a second Revy in power armor, pointing her gauntlet mounted railguns at the bartender.
Shenhua, with her long knives, and a second Shenhua in power armor, holding two lightsabers.
Sawyer, with her chainsaw, and a second Sawyer in power armor, with wrist blades popped out.
The maid, Roberta, with cybernetics and in a power armor, pointing her wrist mounted firearms as the bartender.
Eight teenage girls that looked as dangerous as the rest.
Molly way holding her two semi-automatic stainless steel pistols, like the weapons Revy used.
Sarah was holding her katana.
By those two, Kristina had on her gauntlets.
Rebecca was holding her two long knives.
Yukio was holding her large machine gun.
Nodoka was holding a staff made of ice.
Lightning erupted from Yurika's hands
Flames surrounded Mikoto hands.
And behind all of them was a large pink robot, that barely was able to clear the ceiling, whom was hold two giant flaming swords in her hands, that were point towards him, over the heads of the other women there.
All of them were pointing their weapons, or powers, at him.
Future Revy asked, with curiosity, “Bao, is that you? It is you! We wondered what happened to you.”
At such a fearful sight right in front of him, a lesser man, facing these women alone, would have soiled themselves, and passed out. Bao just slightly wet himself.
Bao slowly lowered his weapon onto the bar counter, as he said in best calm manner he could in his nervous state, “Ladies. The drinks are on the house.”
Past Revy said, “Thanks Bao. But, you are still coming with us. Good bartenders are so hard to find. And trust me. You will like having your life extended, even at the price we are giving you.”
Future Revy stated, “But first, we could use some drinks.”
Bao thought, 'I am screwed. I might as well serve them, and see where this situation leads.' He requested, “What would ladies like to have to drink?'
Past Revy turned to the girls, as she requested, “Put away your weapons, power down, or whatever, so we can have a party.”
Future Revy, Molly and Yukio set the safeties to their firearms to the on positions.
Molly and Future Revy then holstered their weapons.
After which, Future Revy picked up Bao's shotgun. She pointed the weapon away from everyone, as she unloaded it. Next, Future Revy toss the shotgun across the room.
Meanwhile, Yukio leaned her machine gun against the outer bar counter wall.
Future Sawyer turned off her chainsaw, and set it on top of the counter.
The Hell Sabers set their helmets on top of the counter as well.
Rebecca, Sarah, Future Shenhua, Past Shenhua, Past Sawyer, and Arcee sheathed their weapons.
Kristina powered down her gauntlets. Past Revy powered down her hardsuit's knucklebombers.
Roberta has her shoulder mounted missile pods lower back into her hardsuit.
The flames disappeared from Mikoto's hands. As lightning disappeared from Yurika's hands.
Nodoka's ice staff disappeared into a fine mist.
Past Revy smile as she turned back to face Bao. She noticed Bao was frowning. She stated, “Bao. don't be that way. We are not going to kill. And we are not going to torture you. With this crew, you got to admit things could be a lot worse for you.”
Bao dropped his frown, as he admitted, “You are correct about that, Revy. So, how did you find me?”
Past Revy answered, “We didn't. We were following our prey, three times over. You seemed to be a crossroads for their fates.”
Bao shrugged, as he replied, “That is nothing new.”
Revy thought about Bao comment for a few seconds. She then said, “No. It strangely isn't.”
Kristina spoke up, “Nice to meet, Bao. Does that jukebox still work?” She then used her right hand to point at the shot up jukebox, which had its lights still on.
Bao picked up an empty beer bottle from behind the bar counter, and he threw it at the jukebox.
As the beer bottle shattered against the jukebox, the machine started playing county music.
Bao said, “Yea. It still works.”
The women and girls laughed at his trick.
Kristina complemented, “Nice trick.”
Bao deadpanned, “Years of having Revy as a customer has taught me how to get shot up stuff to work.”
The woman laughed even some more from Bao's comment. Even the two Revys laughed.
A few seconds later, the women and girls quieted down, Bao inquired, “So, what can I get for you? Keep mind those robots did a number on my hard alcohol collection.”
Past Revy answered, “I think we will start with beer for everyone. We are on duty, and I don't know the tolerance these girls have for alcohol.”
Molly spoke up, “We each can handle a few bottles of beer with ease. But, I think it best we stay away from the rum, and other strong drinks for right now.”
Future Revy stated, “And we are not looking to get drunk just yet, either.”
Past Revy said, “There is your answer. Beer bottles all around.”
Bao bent down, and opened a fridge below the bar counter that was still cold on the inside. He did a count of the number of beer bottles, and what types they were.
Bao stood up, and looked at the women and girls, as he stated, “I got about three dozen cold beers. Fortunately, they are good brands. I am sure I got some more in back.”
Past Revy responded, “You are not leaving our sight.”
Bao said, “Then, you are going to have to make do with what I have here.”
Past Revy shrugged, as she replied, “We can live with that.”
Bao bent down and started pulling out fresh, unopened bottles of beers from the fridge, and setting the bottles on to the top of counter.
Future Revy grabbed the bottles of beer, as they were set on the counter, and she passed them around.
After Bao pulled out fifteen bottles of beer, he stood back up. He looked up at Arcee, as he asked, “What is your name, pink robot?”
Arcee commented, “My name is, Arcee.”
Bao said, “Well, Arcee, you are the first robot I have ever knowingly served. So, I have to ask. Do you want a beer?”
Arcee responded, “No. But, thank you for asking.”
Bao replied, “You're welcome.”
Rebecca joked, “Still, that is good, Arcee. Because you can be the designated driver.”
Everyone, except Bao, laughed at Rebecca's joke for a few seconds, including Arcee.
Between laughs, Arcee mentioned, “It was not be first time I hauled Revy drunk ass home. And that is real fun in motorcycle mode, with no arms, and I have to keep shifting my weight, while rolling down the road, to keep her from falling off, while also preventing us both from tipping over.
Bao deadpanned, “You think that is something. The stories I could tell you, Arcee.”
Arcee cracked a grin, as she replied, “I bet.”
Everyone else even laughed harder.
A few minutes later, after everyone, but Arcee, and Bao, had a bottle of beer, and drunken a few swallows of the alcohol, Past Revy looked at the teenage girls, and then at Future Revy, as she asked, “So, who are these kids? And what are their names?”
Future Revy turned to Past Revy, as she stated, “I'm sorry, Revy, but I cannot tell you. Because it would great a paradox. Besides, I don't know about the girls with the green hair, purple hair, and blue hair with black highlights. But, I have my suspicions. Still, if I told you who the other five are, you would likely not stop laughing for a week. And we both know we cannot keep a secret for long to save our life. With that being where the paradox is created.”
Past Revy shrugged, as she conceded, “You have me there. Well, us there.”
Rebecca turned to the two Revys, as she joke, “This includes us not telling you who wins the next fifteen, or so, world series, in baseball.”
All the teenage girls giggled a little.
All the adults, even Bao, and Arcee, either groaned, or rolled their eyes, for a few seconds, in annoyance. They then turned their attention back to the teenage girls.
Bao spoke up, “Come on girls. Everyone has seen those three time travel movies. And they are tame compared to what I am looking at first hand.”
Kristina agreed, “True, on both counts. Though, we never did really pay attention to sports. Our personal lives and adventures were just so much more interesting. So, we couldn't tell you, even if we wanted too.”
Molly said, “Look on the bright side, you will all find out eventually. Still, let's just have some fun with the rules being no names, and no talking about the future.”
The rest of the teenage girls nodded, or shrugged, in agreement.
Past Revy stated, “That works for me.”
Future Revy replied, “Same here.”
Future Shenhua said, “I can go along with it.”
Past Sawyer stated, “I think I speak for myself, and my future self, when I say I am okay with it.”
Future Sawyer commented, “Yes. We are okay it.”
Past Shenhua said, “Let's just have some fun.”
Roberta commented, “It is always nice to relax.”
Arcee stated, “Being with you girls is always entertaining.”
Roberta turned to the trio of teenage sisters, as she commented, “Those are some nice tricks with the elemental abilities.”
Yurika replied, “Thank you.”
Mikoto said, “Coming from you, we consider that a high compliment.”
Nodoka commented, “It is not everyday that the Bloodhound gives praise to someone.”
Roberta smirked, as she stated, “Don't read too much into it.”
A few feet away, Past Shenhua turned to Rebecca, as she asked, “I noticed you fighting style with those short swords. I was wondered who you learned from, or will learn from, in the use of those weapons?”
Future Shenhua looked over at the two of them, as she giggled, due to her already knowing the answer.
Rebecca answered, “Actually, you are going to teacher me someday. And you were, or are, going to be, a wonderful teacher.”
Past Shenhua replied, “Interesting. And thank you.”
Future Shenhua smiled, as she spoke up, “I am still looking forward to teaching you.”
Past Shenhua smiled, as she agreed, “So am I.”
Future Shenhua added, “But, since you are a nice child, I think we will have a wonderful teacher-student relationship.”
Rebecca smiled back at both of Shenhuas, as she stated, “Oh, we will.”
Nearby, the two Sawyers were talking.
Past Sawyer asked Future Sawyer, “So, have you already met our past self, as our future self, in Roanapur, yet?”
Future Sawyer answered, “Yes. That was a while ago for myself. And it was fun both times.”
Past Sawyer said, “That is something for me to look forward too. I take it that those teenage boys we just saved here are the same boys we met then?”
Future Sawyer agreed, “I would guess so. I don't have any answers on them, yet. And I am sure these teenagers have the answers. But, we cannot ask them because it might create a paradox.”
Past Sawyer responded, “If the redheaded girl with the machine gun is right, we will find out eventually. By the way, on the matter of paradox, do you remember this conversation we are having right now?”
Future Sawyer replied, “No. As you know, our memories are not that good. While I remember being here, from your point of view. Talking to myself future self, as I am not. Though, I do not remember our exact conversation.”
Past Sawyer rubbed her right, gloved hand, against her electrolarynx choker on her throat, that was part of her hardsuit, as she commented, “Let us be thankful for that.”
Future Sawyer stated, “So true. By the way, I am still looking into getting our voice, and the our scars, fixed. I got a name of a doctor, and I have the wealth to do it. Now, I just need to meet with the doctor for an appointment to talk about the regeneration and reconstructive surgeries.”
Past Sawyer said, “I look forward to it.”
Future Sawyer commented, “So, do I. Don't let anything happen to, Annie. And try to be nice to her, even through you enemies, right now.”
Past Sawyer smirked, as she thought, in understanding, 'So, that is who our contact is. And if I read between the lines correctly, we won't be enemies forever.' She stated, “Don't worry. I won't.”
Future Sawyer returned Past Sawyer's smirk, as she replied, “Good.”
The Sawyers then noticed that Yukio had moved over to stand by them, at the bar counter, near her machine gun. With Yukio having move around, beforehand, for a few minutes, to talk to her friends.
Past Sawyer commented, “Speak of the devil.”
Both Sawyers turned to face Yukio, as Future Sawyer inquired, “That think must get heavy after a while?” She lightly tapped her shoe against the out bar wall, near where Yukio machine gun was leaning against the wall.
Yukio turned to the two Sawyers, as she realized that Future Sawyer was talking about her Browning Automatic Rifle. Yukio answered, “Yes, it does. But, the raw firepower makes it worth it.”
Past Sawyer suggested, “I have not seen you use a shoulder strap at all. It would make it easier on your arms, and your stamina, if you use a shoulder strap.”
Yukio responded, “Yes. But, I know of case where having a strap got the person killed, when their weapon got caught in a tight space, a bullet jammed, or they just ran out of ammo. Without the strap, I can quickly discard it, and dive for cover”
Future Sawyers replied, “Good point.”
Past Sawyer complimented, “That is a good precaution.”
Yukio replied, “Thanks.”
Nearby, Molly, Sarah, Kristina, Arcee, and the two Revys were talking, as the women and girls of the group enjoyed their bottles of beer.
Arcee looked over at Kristina, as she inquired, “So, where did you get the gauntlets from? I can identify all the other weapons. But, not them.”
Kristina stated, “Parents got them from the Star Wars reality.”
Arcee replied, “Oh.”
Future Revy overheard Kristina comments, as she stated, “I look forward to that trip.”
Past Revy was right beside her counterpart. She heard everything, as well. She turned Future Revy, as she to inquired, “So, you know her?”
Future Revy turned to Past Revy, as she answered, “Yea. I know five of the teenage girls here. Counting our daughters. But, I cannot tell anything about them.”
Past Revy questioned, “Let me guess. It is really juicy? And worth the wait?”
Future Revy answered, “Yes. On both counts.” She then turned to Sarah, as she asked, “Since we are not saying names, I will just say, you with the katana. I saw you do some nice moves with that sword, on those robots. I was wondering. How good are you?”
Sarah turned to Future Revy, as she smiled. She stated, “I am very good with my blade. Why do you ask?”
Future Revy explained, “The reason I asked, is because there was this one guy I fought, way back when, that could cut bullets with his sword. Including bullets I fired as him. Barring the Roberta here, this guy, Jumbo. I called him for his size. Was the only other person that came within an inch of killing me in battle.”
Molly, Sarah, and Kristina laughed for a few seconds.
Future Revy commented, “Let me guess. Private joke?”
Sarah cryptically said, “Yes. But, you will find out eventually. Let's just say karma has a sense of humor.”
Past Revy stated, “With our actions, and deeds, karma is never a good thing with us.”
Future Revy replied, “Ain't that the truth.”
Sarah, said in a confronting tone of voice, “Don't worry. It is not a bad secret. Just a strange one.”
Past Revy replied, “Okay.”
Future Revy stated, “I guess I will find out, later.”
Sarah replied, “That you will. And it will be an interesting time for everyone involved.”
The group then continued their conversation, with their discussion moving towards more causal subjects. Such as the weapons everyone uses. And their likes and dislikes. Though, those from the future were careful about not telling those of the past, even their past counterparts, about the future, so as to avoid the risk of creating a paradox.
A while later, after all the women and girls had another round of drinks, and the jukebox finally died.
A few minutes after the music stopped, Molly stated, “Well, this was fun. But, we got to go.”
Rebecca turned to Molly, as she questioned, “Do we have to?”
Molly answered, “Yes. My instincts tell me it is time to leave. Besides, we have been up for almost sixteen hours. We could some sleep, back home.”
Rebecca yawned. She then conceded, “You're right. We could use some sleep.”
Kristina commented, “I believe my bed is calling my name.”
Sarah said, “Well, this was fun.”
Yukio picked up her machine gun, as she replied, “I agree. If it wasn't for the fact that reality almost collapse in on itself, I would suggest we do this another time.”
Everyone, including Bao, laughed a little bit.
Kristina said, “See you all in the future. Except for you, Bao. I don't have a clue what happens to you.”
Bao deadpanned, “I will consider that a good thing.”
Kristina slyly commented, “Still, I want you to know, that you are probably the best bartender I ever had, both times you served me something to drink.”
Bao raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “Huh?”
Kristina coyly said, “Think about. These gauntlets are also flamethrower. Though, last time, you didn't serve me beer.”
Bao immediately understood, as he thought, 'Torch. Got to be. How? Reincarnation. Of course, the redheads are the vampire twins. From what I was told of those two, these two redhead fit the bill in a few ways. Including that BAR. So, they a reincarnated, also. And they seem to be in a better disposition, as well.'
'I am not sure about the two blonds. But, what I heard of the two Revys' comments to blond with the katana, I have my suspicions on the sword woman. And I have a feeling I may someday piece that one together.'
'Still, who is Torch's parents in her current incarnation? Wait a minute. No just the skin color. One of her parents has to be Dutch. Dutch one time showed me a picture of himself when he was younger. When he was sporting similar brown dreadlocks... But, I wonder... Given what I saw at the Tower... Well, I am not looking forward to that for myself... But, I still got to know.'
Bao coyly asked, “Do you take after your father? Or mother?”
Kristina smirked, as she answered, “Mother.”
For Boa, it started as a small chuckled, that turned into full blown laughter.
Past Revy looked at Future Revy. She noticed that her future counterpart was also staring at Bao.
Past Revy inquired, “What is it?”
Future Revy answered, “I don't believe. He is one of the few people to figure it out on his own. And with my memory, I don't remember this from your point of view.”
Future Revy thought, 'He figured out both Dutch was changed into a woman, and Kristina is Dutch's child. He likely figured out who the other children are, as well. And who their parents are. At least, one of their parents. Given the way the rest of us conceived our children. I doubt he knows that part, with the magic powder, and the medical instruments.'
Past Revy shrugged, as she said, “It happens.” She thought, 'I am not completely sure what Bao figured out. But, I guess I will some day find out.'
Future Revy replied, “Still, he is to good a bartender to kill over this. Besides, we will all learn the truth eventually. Besides, Bao can keep a secrets. Or, he would have long since been killed in Roanapur.”
Past Revy responded, “True. And I wont' ask him about it. But, I didn't realize Bao has such intelligence.”
Molly overheard them. She turned to both Revys as she stated, “Never underestimated, Bao. The very fact he survived years as your bartender should tell you that he is far more intelligent than most people would give him credit for.”
Bao continued laughing, as he leaned his head and arms on top of the bar counter, while he lightly banged his right fist against the counter top, in laughter.
Half a minute later, Bao stopped laughing. As he lifted his head, he quickly stated, “Don't worry, girls. I will keep your secret.”
Molly said, “I believe you. And good luck, Bao. You are going to need it.”
Bao nodded twice, as he stated, “That we both agree on. Thanks. And goodbye to you too.”
Molly ordered, “Okay girls, group up with me.” She then pulled out her reality device, as she walked out into an empty, open area of the hollowed out room.
A few seconds later, Sarah, Kristina, Rebecca, and Yukio came over beside Molly.
Molly turned to the others, near the bar counter, as she smiled at them. She said, “See you in all in the future.” She then thought of where and when she wanted to go, as she pressed the red button on her reality device, and all five of the Lagoon sisters disappeared into another reality.
Just then, Mikoto coughed.
Everyone at the bar counter turned to see Mikoto, Yurika, and Nodoka standing next to each other, in another empty space in the room.
Mikoto had her reality device in her hands, as she politely said, “While, we are not as dramatic as those girls. We would like to say that it was fun. And we hope for the best for your future, from now to when you meet us, and beyond.”
Roberta commented, “Thank you. Now, that is a comment worthy of praise.”
All three sisters smiled and nodded towards Roberta, as Mikoto replied, “You're welcome.”
A second later, Mikoto used her reality device, and all three sisters disappeared, as they jumped to another reality.
Past Revy walked over to the bar counter, as she picked up her helmet. She turned to her future counterpart, as she said, “I guess it is our turn to leave... Well, duty calls.” She turned to Bao, as she ordered, “Come on Bao. You have a date with a vat. And Chang is going to happy to hear to you have returned to the fold.”
Bao deadpanned, “And here I was hoping you forget about me.”
Past Revy stated, “You are a very memorable person. Besides, the reasons we haven't harmed you, yet. Which is rare for us. Is because, except for pulling the shotgun at beginning, which we all fully understand, you have been completely cooperate, while showing how skilled a bartender you are. In your situation, most people would have cracked by now. On the other hand, you displayed you professionalism.”
Bao asked, “Thank you. Any chance you would let me go for being so nice?”
Past Revy smirked, as she answered, “No.”
Bao said, “Damn”
Bao then walked around the bar counter, to where the Past Revy was standing.
Meanwhile, the other Hell Sabers, walked up to the bar counter, grabbed their helmets, and put them on.”
The three women, along with Arcee, walked over to stand beside Past Revy.
As they did so, Past Revy put on her helmet, as well.
Using her helmet microphone, and her helmet's outside speakers, Past Shenhua stated, “I literally looked forward to doing this again in the future.”
Future Shenhua commented, “Well, just so you know. It was more fun the second time around.”
Both Shenhuas laughed a little over their comments.
Future Sawyer requested, “Remember what I told you, Sawyer.”
Past Sawyer said, through her speaker, “I will. And good luck.”
Past Revy said, through her speaker, “Now, back to the fun. Back to the past.”
Future Revy commented, “Yea. You were blasts from the past.”
All the women, along with Arcee, laughed at Future Revy's comment.
Past Revy then used her hardsuit's build in reality device to returned to Chang's Tower, at the proper time, in the Black Lagoon reality.
All five Hell Sabers, long with Bao, instantly disappear into the past of the multiverse, as they jumped realities.
A few seconds later, Revy said, “Well, it looks like it is just us, now.”
Sawyer replied, “Yes. But, it was fun while it lasted.”
Shenhua responded, “I agree. Still Sawyer, did you tell your past self about her future, your past?”
Sawyer turned to Shenhua. She coyly answered, “No more than what my future self did for me in my past self's position.”
Revy commented, “Now, that is a mind screw.”
Sawyer heard Revy, as she replied, “Perhaps.”
Sawyer looked over at Revy, as she asked, using her electrolarynx choker, “Revy, I have a serious question, for you.”
Revy stated, “Shoot.”
Sawyer stated, “Shenhua and I have been talking for while on the journey, and we are thinking that when we get back to the yacht, we are going to forgive Lotton for her part in Chang's operations, and brainwashing of us.”
Shenhua commented, “I think she has paid her dues, with losing her manhood, and her services on our yacht, and in our beds.”
Revy said, “Not to sound like a hypocrite. But, you actually slept with her, considering she did brainwash us?”
Shenhua smiled, as she said, “Of course. As a guy, Lotton was great in bed. And we found out that as a woman, she is even better.”
Sawyer giggled.
Revy raised an eyebrow, as she commented, “Really?”
Sawyer said, “Really.”
Shenhua commented, “And those three ways are fun.”
Revy shook her head in disbelief for a few seconds. She then responded, “Well, I have learned to move on in a lot of ways. I am just going after Bob, for the challenge of it. Still, when I comes to Lotton, I will support whatever you to decide to do.”
Sawyer said, “Thanks Revy.”
Shenhua inquired, “On another matter, I wondered what happened to Bao? We put him in the vat, but we were defeated before we saw what she would have looked like, when she got out. And I know there was enough time for her to fully change.”
Sawyer said, with her electrolarynx choker, “Mores the pity. Though, I doubt the peacekeepers took anyone out, until they were fully changed. If they did, they would likely stick them back in, when they realized that they would get sick if they stayed only partly changed.”
Revy stated, “Sawyer is right. It is likely the peacekeepers got to her. Considering all our lifespans, we will likely see Bao again. Whether she likes it, or not.”
The three women then heard a man, from the front of the bar, yell, “Revy! We got business to discussion!”
The three women turned and saw Bob, Ed, and B.
Revy smirked, as she said, “Well, look who decided not to run.”
Shenhua commented, “I never thought I would see that day, that he would actually come after us.”
Sawyer said, “And it was turning into such a good night.”
Bob stated, “Revy, I challenge to a duel.”
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
As some say. “In life, it is those that you meet along the way, that count.”
That was the most complicated, intricate set of interweaving chapters, I have ever created. But, it was worth it.
Please note, to avoid confusion, the last scene in this chapter is a lead into to Part II of Those You Meet Along the Way in, Book Three, Chapter Twelve, The Student, The Hacker, And The Soldier, of this story series.
If you want to read the rest of that scene, where I left off. Just go back to Book Three, in the middle of Chapter Twelve.
The next chapter of this book is about the Brothers. And they are about to meet an interesting character known as the Midnight Bounty Hunter. Whom is one of the few bounty hunters in this story that is not after the brothers. Don't worry, it will all make sense in the next chapter.
Until next time. Have fun.
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