Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 4: Chapter 03

Badasses Of The Multiverse: Book 4: “The Jock, The Nerd, The Bounty Hunters, And The Crazy Chicks.”

Chapter Three: “Dancing Through Time And Space.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


The next thing the Lowe brothers knew, they were in another alleyway.

But, this one was much different than the alleyway that they had just come from.

This alleyway was a bit dirtier. And the alleyway had a darker atmosphere, like the world around it was a bit darker in its setting.

Without talking, both brothers looked around, and they saw that one way of the alleyway exit was closer than the other. They turned and walked towards the exit that was shorter in distance to them.

As they did so, Lewis pocketed his reality device, into his right, side pants pocket.

Less than a minute later, they, walked out of the alleyway, with a street in front of them, and sidewalks, to their sides.

As they looked up at the sky, they saw that from the angle of the sun, that it was late afternoon.

And there was a slight chill in the air.

Stan and Lewis looked at each other.

Stan asked, “Do you have any idea where we are?”

Lewis said, “Not a clue.”

Stan suggested, “We might as well ask someone where we are.”

Lewis agreed, “Good idea.”

Fortunately, a mid-age asian man walked by them, on the sidewalk. With the man coming from their right side.

Given that the man was well shaved, and wearing casual clothing for the chill weather, both of the brothers guessed he was safe to approach.

The brothers stepped beside him, and as he walked by, Stan asked, in english, “Excuse me, sir. Can you please tell us where we are?”

The man did not response, as he continued walking.

Lewis thought, 'I wonder if he knows chinese.' He inquired, in chinese, “Excuse me, sir. Can you please tell us where we are?” he thought, 'I am glad that both of us know more than one language.'

Stan thought, 'Intelligent thinking Lewis. On trying some chinese, with this man.'

The man stopped walking, and turned to the two teenage boys. He spoke something in japanese to them.

Stan thought, 'Well, at least we have his attention. And we are likely in Japan. All things considered, not a bad nation to be in. And while we know a number of langauges. We don't know the japanese language. Let's see if he knows any of the language we know. Though, Lewis already tried chinese, with no luck.'

Stan stated, in english, “We apologize, sir. But, we do not speak Japanese. Though, we do speak English, Chinese, and Russian. Do you known any of those languages?”

The man some in english, with a heavy japanese accent, “I know english. To answer your questions. We are in Megatokyo, Japan?”

Lewis thought, 'There was never a Megatokyo in our reality. Meaning this is an alternate reality. I wonder what year it is here?'

Lewis asked, in english, “We apologize for troubling you further. But, what year is it?”

The man answered, “It is late two thousand thirty-two.”

Lewis replied, “Thank you.” He thought, 'It is winter. That explains why there is such a bit of a chill in the air.'

Something then caused Lewis eyes, in the distance, on the horizon, going forward over the street.

Lewis continued to stare at the structure in the distance, as he used his left hand to lightly tap Stan on Stan's right shoulder.

After Stan asked, “What?” Stan then noticed that Lewis was using his right hand to point at something in the distance.

Stan looked at the structure in the distance, as he stated, with amusement in his voice, “Well, don't that beat all. You could probably see that thing from space.”

The brothers were both look at a large, round, cone shaped, blue tower, in the distance. With the structure being the size of a small city.

The man noticed what they are looking at. He answered their unspoken question, “That is Genom tower. It is clear you that you boys are not from around here.”

Stan cautioned, “Trust me. You don't want to get mixed up in our business. But, we do thank you for answering our questions.”

Lewis stated, “It is going to get dark soon. And cold. We need to find somewhere to at least get inside, so we can figured out what to do next.”

The man they had questioned overheard them. He suggested, “There is a nightclub in the alleyway behind you. The nightclub is called, Hot Legs. You cannot miss it. As long as you don't order alcohol, and you can be polite, they don't mind older teenagers being there.”

Lewis turned to man, as he said, “Thank you. And have a pleasant day.”

The man replied, “No problem.” He then turned, and continued walking down the sidewalk, in the direction he was original heading.

Stan turned to Lewis, as he said, “Let's go back in the alleyway.”

Lewis agreed, “Yes. Let's do that.”

The brother turned back, and re-entered the alleyway.

Less than a minute later, they found the entrance to the nightclub.

They looked at up at the neon sign over the entrance, but below the above stairway, that stated 'Hot Legs'

Stan said, “Hot Legs? If this is a strip joint, I am out of here. Such places are not my scene.”

Lewis agreed, “Same here. Our parents taught us better. And I don't care for such places.”

Stan stated, “If I wanted to see a woman naked, I could look at my girlfriend, in private, or I could go on the internet, back home. And both are a lot cheaper.”

Lewis responded, “True. But, let's see if that is the case, or not. Maybe we will get lucky. But, not in that way.”

Stan said, “We could use another lucky break today.”

Lewis commented, “Yea. That lunch was good. And the company was nice.”

Stan stated, “I agree. And while I am sure they were dangerous. Those four women we hot.”

Lewis said, “Yes. They were. Though, you have a girlfriend. While I do not.”

Stan replied, “Point taken. Let's go inside.”

The brothers then walked down the stairs, and into the club.

When they made it inside, the to brothers stood at the entrance of the place. They looked around, and they were glad to see that it was not a strip club, but a nightclub, with a rock band.

To the brother's right side, they sat a stage.
One stage, the two brothers saw a hot looking blond woman singing rock songs in japanese, while a band members were beside her and behind here, playing their musical instruments.

In addition, the dance floor in front of the stage was being used by several people, as they danced.

There was a bar counter across the room from the stage, on the left side of the room. And above the bar was a second story overlooking the dance floor and stage.

Stan stated, “Well, as least it is not what we thought it was.”

Lewis replied, “Yes. That is true.”

It was then that the brothers noticed two people on the dance floor. A black haired, fair skinned, teenage boy in a brown long coat, was dancing with a tanned skinned, skinny redheaded girl, around his age, whom was wearing, pants, and a cloth jacket over her shirt.

Even given the extreme age differences, compared to what they looked like in the brothers' present, the teenage boys immediately recognized them as their parents, Bob, and Ed Lowe.

Lewis thought, 'Best not to risk being overheard about this.' Lewis quietly asked his brother, “Is that?”

Stan also realized the importance of not being overheard. As he whispered, “I think so. That is our parents, when they were our age.”

Lewis smiled, as he softly replied, “Cool. Let's go by the bar, and figure out what to do next. Still, we need to keep an eye on them. We don't want them to accidentally bump into us.”

Stan whispered, “Agreed.” He then stated in a regular tone of voice, “Well, let's just hideout here for a while.”

Lewis replied, “Good idea.” He then looked at the band playing on the stage, as he stated, “Even though we don't have any money, at least we can enjoy the entertainment.”

Stan responded, “Yea. To bad we don't know japanese.”

Lewis said, “Mores the pity.”

Stan suggested, “Let's sit by the bar.”

Lewis replied, “Okay.”

As they walked to the bar counter, they noticed a brown hair, fair skinned, older man, in dark clothing, and a black long coat. The man stood, while leaning his back against the bar, as he watched the band on stage.

Given their recent experiences, they just walked passed him, and sat in the stools beside him, which was the very end of the bar counter, when compared to where the entrance to the bar was.

Stan sat by the brown haired, fair skinned man, with a scar running down the bridge of his nose man, while Lewis sat on the other side of Stan.

The brothers leaned their backs against the bar counter, as they watched both the band play on stage, and their parents dance on the dance floor.

The boys then noticed a japanese man, in strange, bright blue clothing, walk into the bar.

Lewis whisper into Stan's ear, “Why do I got the feeling that man is somehow connected to us?”

Stan shook his head, as he softly said to Lewis, “I am not even taking that bet. Still, there is nothing we can do about. So, let us enjoy the show.”

The brothers turned their attention back to their dancing parents, and the band on stage.

Stan commented, “Brother, you got to admit. The music is good. And that longer haired, blond singer on stage is easy on the eyes.”

Lewis replied, “Yea. You got that right. And look who is on the dance floor. Who knew those two could dance so well? I am truly proud of them.”

Stan on looked at the dance floor, at Bob and Ed. He simply nodded in response.

The brown haired man looked down at the brothers, as he sternly asked, in english, with a heavy russian accent, “Do you to know them?”

Stan responded, “Not yet.”

Lewis replied, “We were just commenting on how well they danced.”

The russian man said, “Good.”

The brothers then noticed another brown haired man, wearing pants, a shirt, and jacket, walk down from the second story stairs. He looked to have a mix of asian and caucasian ethnicity.

The man look over at Natsuru for a few seconds, he then went over and talked to him.

Stan thought, 'At least the blue haired man is now busy talking to some one.'

The brothers then turned their attention back to their parents.

The band ended one song, and started a new song.

The boys did not know the song, but it was more low beat, and sadder.

The brothers then watched as Bob and Ed began slow dance to the rhythm of the song.

As Bob and Ed slow danced with each other, they closely embraced one other.

The brothers smiled as seeing their parents enjoy their time together as a couple.

The brothers remained silent while they watched for the next five minutes, as Ed and Bob slow dance in step with each other.

As the song ended, Bob leaned down so he could kiss Ed deeply on her lips. Ed returned the kiss.

Lewis whispered to Stan, “Now, that is what you call romantic.”

Stan softly replied to Lewis, “Yep.”

Ed and Bob soon broke their kiss, and the brothers saw they were both smiling at each other.

Soon Ed and Bob left the dance floor, and headed towards the brothers.

Meanwhile, the next song the band started playing had a much stronger upbeat tempo.

Stan whispered to Lewis, “We need to get out of here.”

Lewis quietly suggested, “I saw this place has a second story. The stairs are by the entrance.”

Stan softly agreed, “Let's go.”

The brothers got up, and walked passed the russina. Soon after they walked by the blue haired man, and brown haired man, whom were both watching the band play.

A few seconds later, the brothers reached the stairs, and they calmly made it up stair.

When they reached the seconds story, they saw that there were rows of tables, by the railing, which overlooking the bottom floor, including the stage, dance floor, and bar counter.

Lewis pointed at a two seat table that by the railings, that allowed them to look down on the bar counter. He stated, “That one.”

Stan replied, “Okay.”

After they seated themselves in the chairs at the table, Lewis asked, “Now what?”

Stan smiled, as he commented, “You really are jumping off the deep end with that question.”

Lewis stated, “I prefer to be straightforward. Though, we cannot talk about most of what has recent happened to us, in public.”

Stan agreed, “True. They would arrest us, with either sending us to jail, or the nuthouse. I am not sure which would be the worse situation.”

Lewis responded, “Yea. Though, we do know some things. There is a bounty on us, that those teenage girls, of both groups, are not a part of. With that bounty placed by our teacher.”

Stan added, “Also, it is a logical guess, given Annie was right behind us, at that island, that wherever our parents are, she has already contacted our parents by now, and all three of them are looking for us.”

Lewis commented, “Still, we have to keep moving. If we try to backtrack, or stay in the same place, to wait for our parents, we will likely be captured by someone. Though, I am upset with them, I do want to see them, because I know they could sort out this mess.”

Stan responded, “I know, and I agree. So, I guess the next question is, what is our next move?”

Lewis answered, “We need to find out about our teacher. That is the one move we have left. But, unfortunately, our teacher was clever enough not to tell use the title of her series, so we could not just look her up, and find out about her... Though, she did give us her real name. Scorpius. So, we have lead.”

Stan stated, “Yes. We have a lead. But, first we have to wait for those down there to leave.”

Lewis agreed, “You are right about that.”

Lewis the looked down at the bar counter, on the first floor, and he noticed that the brown haired russian man was talking to their parents.

Lewis said, “Hey, wait a minute. That guy knows mom and dad. He is talking to them.”

Stan looked in the same direction, as he agreed, “He clearly does know them. And they know him.”

Lewis inquired, “Why haven't we met him, nor heard of him, before? He gives off an impression that one does not easily forget.”

Stan stated, “The only fair skinned, brown haired person, that speaks with a russian accent, that we know of, is B. And B is a woman, while that guy is clearly a man… Of course, if B used to be that guy. I guess that could make sense.”

Lewis countered, “But, B is so slender and skinny, and that guy is a walking brick wall.”

Stan pointed out, “In the last twenty-four hours, we have seen, or learned of, nearly every conceivable insanity imaginable. At this point, it is not only possible, let us just accept it as fact, and move on.”

Lewis conceded, “When you put it like that, I have to agree.”

Stan asked, “So, what do we do now?”

Lewis answered, “Wait until our parents leave. Then, we head for the next destination. And we hope it has a place to stay. I could use some rest.” Lewis then stretched his arms for a few seconds, before lowing them again.

Stan agreed, “So, could I.”

The brothers then turned to watch the events on the first floor.

After a few more songs were played by the band on stage, the band finally finished their set. The blond female singer bowed, before the entire band left the stage.

Less than a minute later, the brothers saw the blue haired man leave with a brown haired man in a jacket.

Stan said, “I have the feeling that blue haired man is just starting out on his own adventure.”

Lewis commented, “Very likely. Considering we are in our own past, in more ways than one.”

Soon after, the brothers watched their parents, and the brown haired man, leave the nightclub, as well.

Stan said, “We will give them a couple of minutes. Then, we will walk out as well, and head to our next destination.”

Lewis agreed, “Good idea.”

A few minutes later, Lewis stated, “Okay. I think it is okay for us to leave.”

Both brothers got up, calmly walked down stairs, and then out the main entrance way to 'Hot Legs'.

As they exited the nightclub, and entered the alleyway, they saw no one around.

Lewis pulled out his reality device, as Stan took a few steps closer to his brother.

Lewis commented, “You know, while I am not that crazy about Megatokyo. I do wonder what Tokyo was like when our father was our age?”

Stan agreed, “I won't mind going there, myself. That is not a bad idea.”

Lewis then press the red button on the reality device, and the next thing the brothers knew, they were surrounded by homes.

While they looked around, they noticed were standing on the sidewalk, as they were in the suburbs of a major city. Also, it was middle of the afternoon, and partly cloudy.

As Lewis pocket the reality device back into the pocket in his pants that he had been keeping it, he commented, “Well, this is certainly peacefully.”

Stan agreed, “Yes. It is a nice change of pace.”

They heard someone to their side, opposite to the street, say, in english, “Hello.”

They turned to see a slender, pretty, asian, dark blue haired, blue eyed, woman, around their age, wearing dark blue pants, red belt, a long sleeved white blouse, socks, and red tennis shoes. Her dark blue hair went down to her shoulder blades.

Behind her was a well kept, two-story home.

Stan replied, “Hi.”

Lewis commented, “Hello. Nice to meet you.”

Stan asked, “Please, don't take this the wrong way. But, where are we?”

The woman answered, “Tokyo.”

Lewis thought, 'We were just talking... And thinking about Tokyo. And from the looks of this place, this is clearly further in the past. Maybe when our father was our age... Could that be how this thing works.'

Lewis said, “Thank you for the answer.”

The woman commented, “Don't mention it. Still, you two look like you have been through the ringer.”

Stan admitted it, “You could say that.”

Lewis greeted her, “Anyway, I am, Lewis Lowe. And this is my brother, Stan Lowe. It is nice to meet you.”

The woman replied, “It is nice to meet you both. My name is, Violin Cephon Shinmyou. You can called me Violin. Still, why don't you both come inside. You can meet my family. And at the very least, you can get something to eat, use the restroom, and get cleaned up a bit.”

Lewis smiled, while he responded, “Who are we to argue with a beautiful woman?”

Stan just shrugged.

Violin giggled for a few seconds.

The boys then started walking over towards Violin.

Violin then walked to her front door, and opened it, as she let the brothers into her home.

Once the brothers were inside, she walked into her home as well, closing the door behind her.

Violin then walked passed the brothers, as she said, “This way. And don't worry about the shoes. You can keep them on. We are a bit casual around here.”

The teenage woman lead the brothers into her family's living room.

When the brothers into the living room, they saw three other individuals sitting at the couch, in front of a coffee table, straight in front of a wall mounted flat, widescreen TV.

There three individual. A woman, a man, and a young boy.

There were books on the coffee table, at the three of them were looking over.

Violin lead the brothers to wear they stood between the turned off TV, and the coffee table, in front of the couch.

The adults, and young boy, looked up at the newcomers, while the boys looked down at them.

All their of them had blue eyes, and appeared asian, like Violin.

The woman that looked almost exactly like Violin, only a few years old. She had long dark blue hair. She was wearing a wearing pants, a blouse, and dress shoes.

The man was around the same youthful age at the woman. He has black hair, and wore dark pants, blue t-shirt, white tennis shoes.

The boy had white hair boy's school uniform, with matching tennis shoes.

Violin said, in english, “Mom, Dad, Yuuichi, I would like to meet Lewis and Stan Lowe.”

Stan thought, 'They look too young to be Violin's parents. But, whom am I to judge.'

Violin said, “The woman is Birdy Tsutomu Shinmyou, my mother, and a detective of the Tokyo PD. The man is, Nataru Shinmyou, my stepfather, and a physical rehabilitation nurse at a local hospital. And the eight year old boy is my half-brother, Yuuichi.”

Yuuichi was the first to speak, in english, “Hello.”

Stan said, “Hello to all of you.”

Lewis commented, “It is always nice to meet new people.”

Then, Violin and her family had a conversation in japanese.

Violin's family stood up from the couch, as Nataru turned the teenage boys, while saying, in english, “It is nice to meet both of you.”

Birdy collected her son's school books. As she picked them up in her arms, she looked at the brothers, while kindly stating, in english “Same here. I trust my daughter's judge of character. Anyway, we have something to discuss in the kitchen. Please, make yourselves at him.”

Nataru lead his son into the kitchen, with Birdy right behind her.

Violin turned to the brothers, as she said, “Have a seat at the couch boys. The downstairs bathroom is down the hall, if you need to go. Just please leave the toilet seat down when you are finished.”

Lewis said, “We will.”

Stan looked at the couch, as he inquired, “Violin, are you sure it is alright. We didn't not intend to run your family out of their own living room.”

Violin answered, “It is okay. We just have to talk about something. I will be back in a few minutes.”

The brothers then watched, as Violin walked into the kitchen.

The brothers walked to the couch, and they sat down on it, beside each other. With Stan on Lewis' right side, as both teenage boys monopolized the couch between them.

Lewis wondered, “What do you think they are talking about?”

Stan answered, “My money is on us. But, I am not sure why. It could be just a case of their daughter bringing in two strangers from outside. Or, they could know us. I am not sure which.”

Lewis responded, “There is not much we can do about it, either way. Let's at least enjoy the peaceful moment while we still have it.”

Stan replied, “Agreed.”

A few minutes later, Violin walked out of the kitchen and to the brothers, as she said, in english, “Now, let's kill some time, shall we, with my favorite scifi series. It is call Farscape. And I think you will find it informative.”

As Violin walked in front of them, and to the small chest of drawers, Stan asked, “What is Farscape about?”

With her back turned to the brothers, Violin pulled out the blu-ray boxset of Farscape boxset, and the Peacekeeper Wars blu-ray box. She inquired, “Have you ever seen Star Wars, and the Star Trek series?”

Lewis answered, “Star Wars, yes. Star Trek, no.”

Violin stated, “Well, when you get the chance, watch the Star Trek series. They are all worth a watch. Though, Voyager does drag a bit in the later seasons. They are about what would happen if the future of human space exploration went right. And humans actually created a galaxy span civilization, with other alien species, that was worth living in.”

Lewis stated, “Sound like it is worth seeing. We will do so when we have the time.”

Violin commented, “Farscape is sort of like the opposite of Star Trek. Think like Star Wars, only with black leather, S&M, and more well thought out characters thrown in.”

Stan stated, “If that is the case, I am surprised that your parents let you watch this in their living room.”

Violin turned to face them, as she smirked, “Well, the series does it so tastefully, that you barely notice.”

She turned back to turn on the TV and the disc player on top of the chest of drawers, but below the wall mounted TV.

She put in the first disc into the player. She then grabbed the universal remote, stood up, and head to sit in the a cushion, reclining armchair, by the couch, that faced the TV.

As the TV came on, and the disc came up to the menu screen, Violin explained, “Farscape is about an astronaut named, John Crichton, that gets sucked into a wormhole on the other side of the Milkyway Galaxy, where he is a fish out of water, and completely on the run by increasing more dangerous, and savvy foes.”

Stan deadpanned, “I can relate to John.”

Lewis chuckled for a few seconds.

The three teenagers then started watching the pilot episode of Farscape. The volume from the stereo built into the TV was audible, but not loud.

Fifteen minutes into the episode, the scene panned to a very familiar ship, that the brothers had seen up close and personal before.

Lewis thought, with surprised, “Is that? Yes. It is. That is a Peacekeeper Commander Carrier! We now know the series that Scorpius is from. She is from the Farscape series. I wonder if Stan noticed that?”

Lewis then looked over to see that Stan had fallen asleep.

Though, Lewis was tempted to wake his brother, he stopped himself from doing so.

Lewis thought, 'There is no point to waking, Stan. I cannot tell him, with Violin here. I will have to tell him later.' Lewis yawned, 'And the rate I am going, I am going to soon join him in slumber-land. Still, we could both use the rest. To say that it has been a long day would be an understatement. At least we are safe here. And it is a good idea to get some rest, while, we have the chance to do so. I will watch as much as I can, until I finally fall asleep as well'

Lewis then turned back to the TV, and watched the rest of the episode.

He took a quick bathroom break when the credits the first episode started. Before he exited the bathroom, he made sure to lower the toilet seat back down, and wash his hands.

When he got back, he started walking the second episode.

Unfortunately, Lewis fell asleep halfway through the second episode.

Violin looked over at the two slumbering brothers, as she thought, “I admit, the second episode is a bit slow. And I guess they need their sleep. Though, I can still watch the series, while they sleep.'

Violin then turned back to the TV, as she continued watching the Farscape series.


Four hours later, Stan was the first brother to wake up from his sleep.

During this time, Violin had played through a few more episodes, and changed out discs a few times. She was currently watching Farscape, episode ten, 'They've Got a Secret'.

Stan looked over at Violin, as he asked, “How long have I been out?”

Violin looked over at him, as she answered, “Around five hours. Lewis has been asleep for about over four hours.”

Stan replied, “Thanks.”

Violin replied, “No problem.”

Stan then looked around and noticed that the kitchen light, which was one of the room right by the living room, was turned off.

Stan inquired, “Where is everyone?”

Violin answered, “My mother had to head to work. And my father took my younger brother to a school play, that he has a part in.”

Stan commented, “I find it odd that a girl's parents would trust two teenage boys with their teenage daughter. Not that either my brother or I are planning in anything.”

Violin said, “I am sure you are not. I get the sense that you are good people.”

Stan replied, “Thank you for your trust.”

Violin replied, “You're welcome. And thank you for your trust.” She then turned back to watching the episode playing on the living room TV.

Stan got up and walked out the room, and to the downstairs bathroom.

A few seconds later, he reached the bathroom.

Stan went into the bathroom, turning on a light, using the wall switch by the inside of the door. He then shut the door. Next, he went to the toilet, and raised the seat. Finally, he unzipped his fly, and relived himself.

When he was finished, he flushed the toilet, lowered the toilet seat, and went to the sink to wash his hands.

As he washed his hands, something caught his eye, through the curtains of the windows.

He turned off the wash, as he flipped off the light switch.

In the dark, he went to the curtains, and used his right index finger to slightly left the curtains, so he could peek outside.

It saw that the bathroom face the side of the house.

Fortunately, there was a streetlight nearby that illuminated the area.

And in the light. He saw Nodoka, and Mikoto, as girls, slowly walk around the house to the back.

Stat thought, 'They probably saw me, but they don't realize that I have seen them. And the fact they are circling around back, means that Yurika, and probably those pirate girls are here, at the front. I have got to get Lewis and I out of here right now!'

Stan turned and opened the door. He then rushed to the living room.

As Stan walked into the living room, Violin turned to Stan, and she saw that anxiety was showing on his face.

Violin asked, “What is wrong, Stan?”

Stan ignored her, as he rushed around the couch, to stand in front of Lewis.

Stan leaned down, and shook Lewis on his shoulders.

Stan stated, “Lewis. You got to wake up. We got to leave, right now.”

Lewis started to wake up, as he said, in a weak tone of voice, “What is it?”

Stan thought, 'This is taking too long. He is still too groggy to think straight. And I don't have time for him to become fully awake. I am going to have to do this myself.'

Stan leaned further down, with his knees, and back.

Stan slid his hands, under Lewis' armpits, up to his forearms. He then carefully lifted Lewis up, until Stan was standing, with Lewis leaning his head over Stan's right shoulder.

Stan quickly thought, 'If I remember correctly. Lewis put that device in his right pocket. So, I need to free up my left hand.'

Stan reached around Lewis back, with his right hand and arm, to allow him to let go of his brother with his left hand.

Stan then used his left to reach into Lewis' front right pants pocket.

He immediately felt the reality device, as he thought, 'Pay dirt.'

As Stan used the fingers in his left hand to feel around Lewis' pocket, for the button on the device, he continued this thought, 'I wonder how my father handled his first unknown situation, like the situations we have been handling today?'

Violin got up, so she could walk to the two brother. But, just as she headed their way, there was a knock at the door.

Violin walked out of the living room, and to the front door.

Just as Stan press the red button on the remote in Lewis' pocket, he heard Violin said, in a strong tone of voice, that carried through the hallway, and into the living room, “What are you doing here?”

Stan thought, 'She knows them. Damn it! And she was so nice, too. I think I won't mention this to Lewis. He seems to like her. And there is no point in hurting his feelings, considering we will likely never see her again.'

The next thing Stan knew, he was standing outside, on the sidewalk, in an old style, modern American neighborhood.

From the sun, Stan could see that was morning, and though there was snow on the ground, he guess that the temperature was in the low fifties, in Fahrenheit. Fortunately, Stan knew that it was just warm enough that the clothing he and his brother's clothing would keep them safely warm.

Stan took his left hand out of Lewis' pocket.

Stan then noticed, Lewis then began to come around, as Lewis said, “What is going on?”

Stan stated, “Easy Lewis. We had to make a quick escape. That is why you are standing right now. I am sorry for the disorientation.”

Lewis lifted his head, as Stan slowly let go of his brother, with his right arm, as Lewis got his footing.

As Lewis looked around, he said, “Well, why did we leave?”

Stan stated, “When I went to take a piss, I saw Nodoka and Mikoto outside. I am sure that Yurika was there. And chances are they brought friends, so we had to get out of there.”

Lewis stated, “I agree.” He then looked at the front yard, by the sidewalk they were in. There was a two story home in front of them. He continued, “We might as well find out where we are.”

Stan agreed, “Given it's morning, if we just knock on the door, we can probably con our way into finding out where we are. I suspect this is America, in the past. And we can just find a newspaper for the date.”

Lewis inquired, “How do you know?”

Stan answered, “My instincts tell me. Also, this home looks very familiar.”

Lewis said, “It does to me too. Let's take a second look at it.”

They started at the home for an about a half a minute, before they realized what home they were staring at.

Stan stated, “No way. We could not be.”

Lewis commented, “It fits with everything else. We already saw our parents as teenagers, in another reality. And we know our father is from another reality as well. So, it all fits.”

Stan smirked, “Oh man. I am so happy we are here. Unfortunately, we are too far into the past, and they don't know about us yet.”

Lewis responded, “Yep. But, it is nice to be to return to our paternal grandparents' home.”

Stan commented, “Well this would explain why our parents stopped coming here when we got older. I always wondered about the blindfold game.”

Lewis stated, “Yea. Now, we know. We have been reality traveling to our grandparents home since we were babies.”

Stan stated, in disgust, “So many damn secrets kept from us...” He forced himself to calm down, as he said, “Well, we might as well say hello.”

Lewis commented, “Agreed, but we need to keep our identities secret.”

Stan complimented, “Good idea. We just say we are Stan and Lewis. And we can find out where our father is, at least the one in this time period. I still remember what our grandparents looked like, the last time we saw them. I can guess how long it has been into the past, from their looks.”

Lewis pointed out, “Nice idea. But, I don't think our parents lived parallel with their timeline. This reality might have lived less time, compared to our parents lives, in mom's home reality.”

Stan admitted, “You got me there. Still, if we are in the distant past, we can say we are our father's, Bob's, classmates.

Lewis stated, “You are right. This is basically a, 'back to the future', situation. And we have to be careful not create a paradox.”

Stan replied, “True. So, if either of our grandparents ask too many questions, we run. Like we have been doing.”

Lewis commented, “Running has been a good plan b so far. Anyway, I think you should do the talking.”

Stan replied, “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Lewis replied, “You're welcome.”

The brothers then walked up the concrete pathway, that went through the yard, and to the front door.

When the reached the front door, Lewis stood behind Stan, as Stan lightly knocked on the door. Stan then tried the door bell.

Half a minute later, the door opened.

The brother saw their parental grandmother, though, she was very much younger than the last time they saw her.

Stan thought, 'Well, this confirms we are in our father's past.'

Their grandmother asked, “Can I help you, boys?”

Stan answered, “Good morning, ma'am. We are looking for Bob Lowe. We are his classmates. Is he here right now?”

Their grandmother stated, “I do not know a Bob Lowe. Lowe is not our family name. But, if you are look for my son, Bob. You just missed him. He took a taxi to work, for his Saturday morning shift?”

Stan thought, 'So, it is a Saturday, today. Now, were does dad work in this time period?' He inquired, “I misspoke. Though, it is your Bob is the one I was referring to. Where does he work? And can you please give us directions?”

Their grandmother responded, “Sure. He works at the collector's store, The Gateway to Fantasy. The directions are...”

Their grandmother than gave them directions to the Gateway to Fantasy store. She even pointed out what direction to walk, how many blocks to take till turning, and how many more blocks to take.

The brothers looked at each other, as Stan stated, “That is not that far.”

Lewis commented, “It will only take about an hour to walk to. And it will save us money.” He mentally added, 'That we don't have in the first place.” He turned to his grandmother, as he stated, “Thank you, ma'am.”

Their grandmother replied, “It is okay. I am always happy to help my son's friends.”

Suddenly, two children, a girl and a boy, whom were dressed in winter clothing, ran from within the home, and out the front door, pass their mother, and the two brothers.

A second later, the brothers saw their paternal grandfather walk up beside their grandmother.

Their grandmother said, “Dear, this is Lewis and Stan, Bobby's friends from school.”

Their grandfather turned to the two brothers, as he said, “Nice to meet. I am just a little busy with my other children right now.”

Stan replied, “No problem. And have a nice day.”

Lewis commented, “Thank you again.”

Their grandmother said, “Good luck.”

The brothers turned and walked away, as the parents watched their children from the door.

The brothers soon walked passed the girl and boy, as the two children started throwing snowballs at each other. But, the kids did not thrown any snowballs at the teenage boys.

When the brothers reached the sidewalk, they used the instructions their grandmother gave them, as they turn in the direction of the store that they were told that their father was working at.

A few minutes later, when they were way behind earshot of their family, Lewis commented, “Looks like we have a real aunt and uncle we didn't know about.”

Stan state, “And Lowe is not our family name, on either side of our parents family tree.”

Lewis responded, “It is just another question to ask our parents, when we see them.”

Stan said, “True. Also, I vaguely remember this place. So, I think it is just a case we are not going to forget them. And we will find them in the future.”

Lewis stated, Good. Because when this is over, we are going to go visit them.”

Stan replied, “I second that idea.”

The two brothers then continued walking down the sidewalk.


An hour later, the brothers reached the collector's store, The Gateway to Fantasy.

They saw the sign over the store, and the windows that made up the front of the store.

Stan stated, “Well, let us go in and see what our father looked like, before he met our mother, and became a badass adventurer.”

As Lewis opened the door for Stan, he commented, “Why do I have a feeling this is going to be interesting?”

As Stan walked into the store, he replied, “Because it is.”

Was they walked into the store, they noticed the checkout counter was near the door.

But, whom they saw across the counter shock both of them.

It was their black haired, fair skinned, father, when he was very young. A few years young they were. Also, he was slightly overweight. He was wearing pants, and the store shirt, with the name on the store on the right side of his chest.

Bobby stated, “Good morning. Is there anything I can help you find this morning?”

Stan quickly said, “I am sorry, sir. But, I believe we were mistaken in coming here.” He thought, 'My dad is so young. And chubby, and plain. How did he go from that, to our father?'

Lewis commented, “I agree.” He mentally added, 'He clearly cannot help us. And staying here will only put him in danger.'

Bobby calmly, and politely said, “Okay. You are more than welcome to come back anytime.”

The brothers turned and left the store the same way they had entered it.

After the brothers exited the store, as they walked by, they notice a black hair, japanese man, exiting a taxi. He wore a black suit, and used a cane.

Stan said, “Well, that was a bust. What were we thinking?”

Lewis replied, “It was work a shot. Hey, at least we now know where our paternal grandparents live. And we do have an aunt, and an uncle. But, when it comes to our aunt. The person we previously thought as our aunt was not our aunt.”

Stan responded, “True. Also, we now know why mom and dad stopped taking us over there to visit them as we got older.”

Lewis commented, “And they gave us some of the nicest gifts when we were younger.”

Stan stated, while smiling, “Well brother, when we get out of this mess, we will go visit them the first chance we get. In the proper time and place.”

Lewis just smiled back at his brother.

A few seconds later, the japanese man enter the Gateway to Fantasy store.

As the brothers continued walking away, Stan stated, “Let us find some place private to leave.”

Lewis suggest, “How about around back of the store?”

Stan looked at the upper, outer walls of the stores, he then saw cameras. He stated, “No dice. There are cameras here.”

Lewis stated, “Okay, I saw an alleyway across the street.”

Stan looked over looked in front of them, and he saw the alleyway. He agreed, “That will do.”

As the brothers came the by the parking lot street, they checked both ways, and safely crossed the street.

The brothers then walked by a woman, in a parking lot they were passing through. The woman wore a red leather jacket, pants, and gloves. She also wore black boots, black leather belt, and a pink helmet. She was straddling a pink motorcycle.

Soon after, they were inside the alleyway.

Stan asked, “Where do you want to go to next?”

Lewis pulled out the reality device from his pocket, as he commented, “Somewhere, where we can get something to eat, and not be tracked while doing so.”

Stan walked up complimented, “Now, that is a great idea.”

Lewis thought, 'I am starting to think that my literally be the case. Now, let us test that theory.' He pushed the red button, and in an instant, he and his brother disappeared, as they jumped realities.


Nearby, in the parking lot, right outside the alleyway, Arcee, in her pink motorcycle alt mode, stated into the headphones in Revy's helmet, “Those two boys just jumped realities.”

Revy was sitting on top of Arcee's seat. The redhead replied, with her microphone in her helmet, “They are not our target. I am sure someone will get to them, eventually. Besides, I am enjoying watching that boy treat Rock like a king.”

Arcee agree, “Yes. People displaying such manners

A several minutes later, they watched as the boy help Rock into a taxi that picked him up.

A minute after they, they saw from the windows of the store, as a man walked out from back, to talk to the body.

Revy commented, “Is that? It is. Looks like Rock will have to wait. I just found someone I thought we would never see again.”

She then started Arcee's motorcycle engine.

Several seconds later, Revy drove Arcee across the road, into the other parking lot, after making sure the street was clear of vehicles.

As she drove Arcee, right up beside the front entrance of the Gateway to Fantasy store, Arcee asked, “Who is it?”

Revy smirked, “Rico.” She then got off the motorcycle.

Revy took off her pink helmet, leaving it on the seat of Arcee, in alt mode. She then unzipped her red jacket to reveal a white t-shirt under it.

Revy then started walking toward the front door to the collector's store. Within moments, she opened the door, and entered the Gateway to Fantasy.

A few seconds later, Arcee watched as the black haired, young teenage boy, whom had been so polite to Rock, rushed out of the store, from the front entrance. The teenage boy continued running passed the parking. He soon turned a corner, and he was out of sight.

Soon after, gunfire began, as Arcee thought, 'The one thing, above all, that I have to admire about Chang giving me this job, is that it has yet to ever be boring.'

'And to think, Chang was the one to put Revy in charge. Still, if she cannot handle this guy within a minute, or so, I will walk in and take matters. Though, either way, after this guys is captured, we are going to have to erase the security recording.'

'Given my sensors already located where the recordings are storied in this building, that will not be a problem. And from what I picking up on the police bands, law enforcement has yet to be alerted to this gunfight. So, we should have plenty of time.'

'Now, all I have to do is stand back, and watch the show. And when Revy is finished, we collect our target, destroy the store security recordings, and then all three of us teleport to the tower, with Chang, or should I saw her boomer double, congratulates us on a good job. All in all, a good days work. And we deal with Rock, and his group tomorrow.'


The next thing the brothers knew, they were in a slightly dimly list science fiction style bedroom. Though, there was still enough light to see each other, and the items in the room.

As Stan and Lewis looked around, they realize the design of the place was very different from the style of bedrooms of their home reality.

Lewis commented, “I wonder where we are? And when we are?”

Stan stated, “Given the architecture, we are not in our home reality. But, this is definitely designed by humans. The bed alone is made for human. It has a cushioned mattress, sheets, and even a pillow.”

Lewis looked out the window, by the bed, as he replied, “Agreed.” He then saw something above them, as he added, “We are in a sci-fi reality, with spaceships. Have a look outside. And I think this is a space station, with true artificial gravity. No centrifuge technology.”

Stan turned to look out the window. When he did, he saw saw that he was in the inner ring of a spacestation, as he looked out at the outer ring of the station. There was were curved arcs going, inwardly up and down the outer ring, with a large spaceship, being moored at the end of arc at the top.

Though, the spaceship was nowhere near as large as a Peacekeeper Command Carrier. The ship was the size of a standard passengers spaceship in the Lowe brothers home reality.

Stan stated, “Give the angle of degrees of the rings, and arcs, which I see, I would guess this spacestation is shaped the skeleton of a sphere.”

Lewis responded, “I think you are right. Now, let's take another look inside this place.”

As they both turned back to the bedroom.

Lewis stated, “I don't like to steal, but we do need to see if we can take a few valuables, that we could use to pay for our food, and maybe shelter. Something the owner of this place would likely miss.”

Stan replied, “I agree with the moral dilemma. The problem is we are out of options for cash. It would likely be unwise to try to hack the local computer networks, because we have no clue how they work. And we are on the run. Therefore, there is no time to figure out how to do a job, and get paid. So, like you said. Let's search for valuables to use to pay for the items we need just to survive.”

Lewis commented, “Though, let's keep things neat. And leave them the way we found them.”

Stan replied, “That is a good idea.”

The two brothers then searched the room. Though, as the searched, the were careful to leave what they searched, as it was, before they looked through it.

After searching some drawers, and other places, Stan stated, “I don't think the person that sleeps here actually lives here. I don't see any personal effects, nor pictures. And only a few changes of clothing.”

Lewis suggested, “Maybe this is a layover apartment for the person. Likely he, or she, is a pilot, or something, and this is just part of their regular route, allowing the person a place to stay off their ship, for a night, when they get here.”

Stan replied, “Like somewhere to stretch and relax?”

Lewis started looking through chest of drawers by the bed, as he answered, “Exactly... Pay dirt. I found gold in one of these drawers. Come take a looked.”

Stan walked over, and her looked at the open drawer. The drawer was halfway open, while the allowing for the brothers to see the two stacks of different shaped small gold bars in the drawer.

Stan inquired, “So, what gold bars do we get? And how much?”

Lewis answered, “The ones with the stamped symbols on it. They are likely worth more. And how much? I suggest two bars. I don't think the person would miss just two bars.”

Stan replied, “Agreed.”

Lewis reached into the open drawers and her pulled out two of the small bars with stamping on them. Then, he pocketed the gold bars, and closed the drawer.

As Lewis leaned up, he looked around. he asked, “So, is everything neat? We don't want this person to suspect we have been here, for a while.”

Stan responded, “Yes. I returned everything the same as it had been before I looked through it. How about you?”

Lewis stated, “Except for these two gold bars. I did the same. Now, how do we get out of here?”

Stan shrugged, as he replied, “Simple. The bathroom of over there, with the door open. So, the door nearby is open also, which has to the exit.”

They walked through the door, into the living room. Which was dimly lit in the same way as the bedroom. Then, they saw only one other door in the room, with that door being closed.

Lewis commented, “Process of elimination.”

Stan agreed, “Exactly.”

As the two brothers came to a stop in front of the closed door, they saw no latch to the door.

Stan commented, “I guess this is not so simple.”

Lewis saw, on the wall, by the door, a small panel, with a button on it. He tapped it, as he said, “Here.”

Suddenly, the door slid open. The boys quickly exit the bedroom suite, and into the hallway, before the door closed again.

As they found themselves in a hallway, without speaking to each other, the brothers used their ears to listen for sounds. Above the electronic humming in the hallway, they heard noises coming from a certain direction, and the boys walked down the hallway towards the noises.

Less than a minute later, they found themselves inside a large, open, two-story, circular shopping area, with several stores.

They looked around, and saw they were on the second story of the area. There were shops on the interior of the ring, but large windows, looking into the starry space outside, on the outer side of the ring.

In the gaps in the floor, behind the railings, the Lowe brothers saw, from the opening to the bottom story, that there were shops on both side of the circular hallways.

As the boys looked back up, Lewis suggested, “Now, to find somewhere to eat.”

Lewis then noticed a human man standing hear them, with his back turned to them. The human man, wearing what looked like a cross between pajamas and yellow uniform.

Lewis turned to the human man, as he said to him, “Excuse me, sir. But, we just got here. Could you please tell us a good place to get something to eat?”

The man turned around to face the brothers. It was then the brothers noticed that man had ridges on the bridge of his nose. The man responded, “I suggest Quarks. He serves human food. Quarks is on the bottom floor of the Promenade. That way.” The man used his right hand to point in a direction, that lead to the left of them, and closer to the center of the Promenade.

Lewis replied, “Thank you.”

The man did not response, as he turned and walked away from them.

The boys looked at each other.

Stan said, “I guess we go to Quarks.”

Lewis replied, “That works for me. And I believe our right to the second floor, is right in front of us.” He then used his right hand to point at a lift, directly in front of them, that was closer to the center wall of the Promenade.

The boys then walked over to the nearby lift down, and road it to the bottom floor of the Promenade.

A few minutes later of walking, and using the directions the man had told them. The teenage boys did not find it hard to guess which store was Quarks. There was only one large, restaurant in the direction they were told us.

The boys soon walked through the entrance of the gold and red styled store. They then came to a stop, at the entrance, as they saw that it was a bar and restaurant that was over half full.

Stan commented, “I guess we seat ourselves.”

The brothers walked straight in, and soon sat at an empty table, that was near the middle of the room, across an open aisle to the bar counter, on the left side of the room.

The brothers seated themselves, so they could see the front door, just in case they saw anyone they recognized come inside, looking for them. And they knew with their current luck, that would be the people they did not want to meet.

A few seconds after they were seated, a short, large headed, big eared, male, alien waiter came by their table. He asked, “What can I get for you two gentlemen today?”

The brothers turned to the waiter.

Lewis asked, “I apologize, but first I need to know something.” He pulled out the two gold bars, and held them for the waiter to see. He inquired, “Will this cover a meal and something to drink, for each of us.”

The waiter said, “Yes. It should.”

Lewis pocketed the gold bars, as he replied, “Thank you. Do you prepare human sandwiches?”

The waiter answered, “Yes.”

Lewis turned to his brother, as he inquired, “Care if I order for the two of us?”

Stan looked over at Lewis. He shrugged, as he replied, “Go ahead.”

The brothers then looked at the waiter.

Lewis stated, “A double order of club sandwiches, potato chips, and lemonade to drink. Are refills free?”

Waiter replied, “No.”

Lewis said, “Then, we will each have a large glass of lemonade, with ice for the each of us.”

The waiter nodded, and he then left to take other orders, before heading back to the bar to give them to the one that produced the food and drink.

Stan looked around, as he commented, “I don't see a kitchen in here, nor in an adjoining room, that could be a kitchen.” He then turned to Lewis.

Lewis looked around. He then turned back to his brother, as he responded, “Neither do I. And while there are hallways in back of both this floor, and the above floor, I don't see any of the uniform staff going in their and coming out with orders. So, I guess the location of the kitchen is a mystery. Though, I doubt it will be like they can produce our orders from thin air.”

A minute later, the waiter brought them there their plates of food, and large classes of lemonade. He then left, to attend to his other customers.

After the waiter left, the two brothers looked at their food and drinks.

Stan commented, “That was quick.”

Lewis said, “I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Stan replied, “Me neither.”

Lewis took a bite of his sandwich and washed it down with some of his lemonade. After he swallowed what was in his mouth, he commented, “This is actually pretty good. Not great. But, good.”

Stan tried his sandwich, potato chip, and his lemonade, as he agreed, “Yea. You're right. Even the chips are okay.”

Lewis stated, in a sober tone of voice, “Given there is a real possibility that we might never get a chance to have another quiet moment like this, together, there are some things I need to tell you. First, I have been a poor brother to you. I focuses on my studies, instead being a loving brother to you. I regret not coming to more of your football games, and sharing in your hobbies.”

Stan said, in a comforting tone of voice, “It is okay, brother. You were busy having your own life.”

Lewis replied, “Up until today, my life had consisted of doing that damn formula with our professor. And look at where it gotten us.”

Stan pointed out, “Well, it is not all bad. Thought, it got us kidnapped. It also got us on the wildest adventure I can think of. And we learned that our parents had been keeping some major secrets from us.”

Lewis agreed, “True. Still, it is not an excuse for my behavior towards you. But, that is not the embarrassing part.”

Stan inquired, “Let me guess. You had a crush on the professor?”

Lewis quietly answered, “Yes.”

Stan casually stated, “Don't feel bad about it. She is hot. It happens. And you were professional enough not to act on your crush.”

Lewis cracked a smile, as he said, “That is true. Thanks.”

Stan replied, “You're welcome. And don't worry about.”

Lewis responded, “And if we both make it through this in one piece, I promise to be a better brother.”

Stan said, “Same here. We really should do more things together, as brothers. And I really should slack off the sports, to do some of your hobbies, with you. Even I will admit that sports are not everything in life.”

Lewis commented, “The sad part is, now that I reflect on it, I don't think we have any other hobbies, besides studying, and sports.”

Stan agreed, in a sad tone of voice, “That is probably true. That doesn't mean we cannot start some now.”

Lewis complimented, “Nice idea. Any ideas?”

Stan answered, “Sure. What about charting the multiverse, by seeing all the fictional series that everyone else has seen? Then, maybe going to the nicer place out there. Though, we got to figure how to navigate with that device.”

Lewis stated, “I think I solved that problem. I will tell you, later.”

Stan replied, “Good. That means we could learn about the nice places out there, and then visit them. We might even make some profit, on the side.”

Lewis smiled, as he responded, “I agree. Actually, I think dad might have originally had the same idea. I mean, think about. He worked in a collector's video store. He probably knew a lot of the nice places in the multiverse already, before he started his adventures. When he figured out how to travel realities, he already had a top ten list, of nice locations, lined up for him, and mom.”

Stan thought about Lewis' comment for a few seconds. He then answered, “I think you maybe right. No wonder mom fell in love with him. That man is more a genius than most people give him credit for. He may not as intelligent as us, and mom. But, he is up there.”

Lewis stated, “I agree. I get the feeling that those we have met that know him, respect him. It really says something with hardcore badasses, and alien leaders, respect a guy who started in a small town, working as a video sales clerk.”

Stan agreed, “I know. He has come very far in his life. He and mom can clearly play with the big boys and girls.”

Lewis inquired, “What does that say about us?”

Stan said, “I have been wondering about that question, myself. I don't have a good answer for you that doesn't sound either arrogant, idiotic, or both.”

Lewis suggested, “That sounds about the same line of thought as I have on the subject. So, let us enjoy the ambiance of this place, and keep an eye on the door, while we eat our meal.”

Stan replied, “Good idea. You never know who might walk into a place like this.”

Lewis just quietly nodded in response.

The brothers then finished the rest of their meals in silence.

Around twenty minutes later, as the two of them finished their meals, Lewis asked, “So, how deep would you say we are in?”

Before Stan could answer, the brothers saw, from the corner of their eyes, a black haired, fair skinned man, with a bushy, full beard. He wore a brown button up shirt, brown pants, brown belt, and black boots.

As he walked along the bar counter, near them, he turned as sat by the bar counter.

Still, even though the two teenage boys were not directly looking at the man, they were watching him from the corner of their eyes.

They noticed that the guy turns towards the brothers, and looked at them for a few seconds. The man then turn back to the counter. But, both brother realized that the man might still be trying to listen to them.

Stan thought, 'Given the risk of eavesdropping from that man, I think it is best to keep this vague. Meaning no using our real names.' Stan then looked at Lewis, whom looked eyes with his, as Stan continued, 'And it looks like Lewis has picked up on the situation as well. Still, there is something familiar about that man.'

Stan said, “Well brother. We are so screwed. I mean, we are in deep as possible, and going down.”

Lewis replied, “You're right. Our parents should have told us years ago what was going on. But, they wanted us to live a normal lives. Yet, anyone with a IQ of above room temperature could have guessed that wasn't going to happen.”

Stan responded, “I completely agree. Still, I am annoyed at you for screwing up my life. I was heading to college, on a sports scholarship. I was dating the hottest cheerleader in school. Even the damn quarterback envied me. And she was in the bag to be prom queen. I could have taken the prom queen to prom.”

“Do you know how lucky someone would have to be to have that happen to them? That is the type of social achievement that is so great that a century from now, on my death bed, and I mention it to people, and they would still be jealous of me. But, no. You just had to convince me to help you complete that damn formula, back home. Now, our lives are ruined, half of existence are hounding our asses, and we have no real answers so far.”

Lewis pointed out, “I know. I know. I had a science scholarship lined up, as well. Besides, you were the one that opened the door to those three strange girls at home.”

Stan replied, “How was I suppose to know?”

Lewis responded, “My point exactly.”

Stan snapped at his brother, “Teacher's pet.”

Lewis insultingly replied, “Jock.”

Stan accused, “Nerd. Besides, you owe me more than I owe you. I always got you a hot date when I went out with my girlfriend.”

Lewis conceded, “Yes, you did. And I am still thankful for you doing that.”

Stan responded, “That is nice to hear. But, on top of what you did, you made things worse by telling your physics teacher.”

Lewis replied, “I admit it. She had me fooled... She had us all fooled.”

Stan flatly said, “Yea. Now, we have nearly every type of bounty hunter imaginable after us. And we also have to deal with our crazy trio of crazy distant cousins, and those five teenage women. God, I never knew someone could be that violent. Let alone a woman. And we have had to deal with five such women.”

“That it would probably not have been so bad if we had previously not literally dropped on top of them, from out of nowhere. While they were having their bikini party. With their dozens of equally violent female friends. If those front doors to that mansion we rushed into, with those nutcases chasing right behind us, had not been unlocked, and steel reinforced, with us locking them out, behind us. And the walls were steel reinforced concrete. And the windows being bullet proof. All giving us just enough time to get our device to jump us to another reality, we would be dead, or worse.”

Lewis admitted, “Very true.”

Stan complimented, “You know, until that day, I didn't know you could run as fast as me.”

Lewis shook his head in disbelief, as he replied, “Neither did I.”

Stan stated, “I think we broke the men's speed record for the fifty yard dash on that one. Though, the worst part is I don't know how we ended there in the first place. I mean, when you have a planet destroying energy cannon pointed out at you, you are not very picky about where you want to go. Our luck is not that bad? Is it? All I wanted to do was see our mom and dad. What went wrong?”

Lewis explained, “Well, in the ensuing chaos, I thought I saw mom and our... aunt?”

Stan sighed, “Remember, that was not our aunt.”

Lewis commented, “Oh god, that group picture, of women in bikinis, in mom and dad's bedroom. That was them.”

Stan grumbled, “Business trip, my ass.”

There was an eerie silence between the brothers for the next a few seconds.

Stan commented, “I can see how this type of life could drive a man to drink.”

Nearby, at the bar counter, a fair skinned man with black hair, and a full, bushy beard, had just finished his first bottle of alcohol, and the bartender has just gotten him another bottle of alcohol to work on.

Lewis agreed, “I am with you there, man.”

The brothers said, in unison, “Crazy chicks.”

Lewis commented, “Still, that nice, teenage, dark blue haired girl from Tokyo wasn't too bad. She has good taste in science fiction.”

Stan said, “Dude, after everything that has happened, I will bet you five dollars that girl is weird in some way.”

Lewis replied, “I will take that bet. And look on the bright side. We are still ourselves, and we got each other.”

Stan admitted, “Yea. I hear you, bro. At least we got that going for us.”

Lewis stated, “Anyway, after thinking about it, I think got lead on the man that used to fight our physics teacher on a regular basis.”

Stan asked, “Where did you get the lead from?”

Lewis answered, “From that TV series that girl from Tokyo showed us. The spaceships on it, and the ones we personally saw, look identical.”

Stan agreed, “Okay. We got nothing else to go on. It is work a shot.”

Lewis said, “I am glad you agree. Though, I think this guy is kinda crazy.”

Stan pointed out, “What part of this situation we find ourselves in, isn't crazy?”

Lewis complimented, “Good point.”

Stan got up from his seat, as he inquired, “So, what are we waiting for?”

Lewis got up as well, while he answered, “Nothing, but to pay for the dinner.”

As they walked by the bar counter, they dropped the two bars they had found, to pay for their drinks and meal.

They then the passed by the bearded, black haired, fair skinned man, whom was on his way to being drunk.

As they were about to exit, the immediately realized who the man was, as they turned around and took a good hard look at him.

Stan thought, in surprised, 'Oh lord! It is dad! He is years younger, but I can tell that it is him, even with the beard. And he looks like such a badass with that beard. I wonder how I would look in a beard like that?'

Stan whispered, “Oh my god. That is him. He is so young. So manly. And I love his beard.”

Stan was about to walk over to the man, but Lewis stopped him, by placing his hand on his shoulder.

Lewis quietly stated, “You know the rules. Or, do you want to screw the space time continuum even worse than it already is for us?”

Stan softly admitted, “You're right. Still, I say you are the one in dealing with with that one question we really need an answer to.”

Lewis let go of his brother. Both teenagers then turned around and started walking towards the door.

Lewis responded, “Nah. I got the brains. You got the muscles. It doesn't take a genius to figure which is which on that question.”

Stan suggested, “Keep dreaming. And let's just find a way to fix this mess, so we can get back to blue skies and red soil.”

Lewis agreed, “Amen to that brother.”

Both brothers laughed, as they left Quarks.

After they exited the bar and restaurant, Stan stated, “Let's find a hallway, for privacy, so we can leave unnoticed.”

Lewis replied, “Good idea.” As brothers started walking towards a nearby hallway, Lewis added, “Also, I think I figured how the device works.”

Stan inquired, “Really? How?”

Lewis stated, “Annie was quiet literal in what she said about the device. The device takes you literally to where and when you want to go. You think of a reality, place, and time, in the multiverse, and hold that thought, while you press the red button, and the next thing you know, you are at that place, in that reality, in the proper time, you wanted to be in.”

“I suspect the selection can also be a general through, as well. Where one is thinking of an event. But, the person does not know the proper reality, place, nor time. Though, if you hold that thought, and use the device. Chances are, you will arrive in the correct reality, at the event, you head in mind, at the time you wanted to be.

Stan responded, “Cool. That solves a lot of our problems. This also explains a lot. I think we have literally shadowing our parents. We have been subconsciously thinking about them, while also wondering about other things, and the device just cross-referenced our desires, and took us to the best guess it had for the reality, place, and time, we want to be.”

Lewis pointed out, “I can see how most of our reality jumps are like that. But, what about the tropical city in Thailand? Or, the normal Tokyo?”

Stan thought for a few seconds. He then answered, “If I recall the situation, correctly, I believe, right after we went got to that city, in Thailand, we literally walked by our parents, when they were teenagers, and B, when she was a guy, on the sidewalk.”

Lewis agreed, “Now, that I think about it, I believe you are right. I do recall seeing our parents and B, as a guy.”

Stan stated, “And we were talking about what a normal Tokyo would be like, during our father's time, right before we left MegaTokyo.”

Lewis agree, “You are right on that, too. We did.”

By then, they reached a nearby hallway, and walked into it. They ducked in the hallway, where it turned.

The two brothers came to a stop, as they stood next to each other.

Lewis used his right hand to pull out his reality device from his right, side pants pocket, as Stan stood beside him.

Stan inquired, “So where exactly are you thinking of taking us? And when?”

Lewis explained, “I will think of going to Farscape. On Moya's bridge. And the time will be an hour in that reality, after we escaped Scorpius.”

Stan agreed, “That should work.”

Lewis said, “Okay. Here we go.” He then pressed the red button.

Suddenly, they saw realized that were in another reality, and on the bridge of Moya, with it's crew.

The brothers did not recognize the young human looking boy, with short black hair, whom could be no older than ten years old. And the woman with gray skin, and white hair. But, they knew the rest from the first couple of episodes of the Farscape series that they watched.

The crew on the bridge were all dressed in casual clothing, befitting they looks and personal tastes. With even the child dress in a white shirt, brown pants, and simple shoes.

On the bridge was John, Aeryn, Little D, Chiana, and Dargo, with Pilot face being shown on a nearby monitor screen.

John and Aeryn pulled out their pulse pistols, and pointed them at the brothers.

Meanwhile Chiana and Dargo gently pulled the boy away, and behind them.

John immediately ordered, in english, “Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?”

Lewis still had his reality device in his right hand, while he and Stan quickly raised their hands up, as they said, in unison, “We surrender.”

Stan swiftly stated, “We are unarmed.”

Lewis quickly said, “Also, no translator microbes. Long story. Just don't inject us with them.”

From the nearby monitor screen, Pilot said, in english, “Understood.”

Lewis commented, “We did not come here to harm any of you. We can here for advice. And maybe some help from you. This is just a reality jumping device in my hand. Not a weapon. Can I please put it away?”

John looked at the device in Lewis' right hand. He then stated, “I recognize the device. Go ahead. Put it away.”

Lewis quickly put the device in his right side pants pocket.

Lewis then raised his hands back up.

Aeryn demanded, “Now, where did you get that device from?”

Stan answered, “It is a long story, in the span up about twenty-four hours.”

John inquired, “How can it be a long story, in under a day?”

Stan answered, “We have been doing cross-country traveling of the multiverse all day long.”

John stated, “Been there. Done that. Not fun.”

Stan said, “You are preaching to the choir.”

Lewis commented, “Anyway, we do know who some of you are. Like you John. We only saw the first couple of episodes of your series. And we are more than happy to tell you that a woman named Annie gave us the device. And we are willing to answer any other questions you have for us.”

John asked, “Annie? You know, Annie?”

Lewis answered, “Yes. Who is she to you?”

John said, “Short answer. She is an old friend. You boys have clearly gotten into some mess to be so desperate enough to come here for help. So, what is it?”

Lewis inquired, “Do you know a woman by the name of Scorpius?”

John began laughing for a few seconds

While John calmed down, he lowered and holstered he weapon. He turned to Aeryn, as he stated, “Aeryn, you can put you pistol away. I think they are on the level.”

Aeryn kept her weapon out, and pointed at the brothers, though her trigger finger was not resting on the trigger guard. She inquired, “Why do you think that?”

John answered, “Annie is empath. I know her. She would not give someone a reality device, unless they were both a good person, and they needed said device. Also, we have to admit, that if anyone got in trouble, when it concerns Scorpius, the logical person to seek out help from would be me.”

Aeryn lowered her weapon, and holstered it, as she admitted, “Sadly, I think you are correct, John.”

The boys then lowered their hands back to their sides, as they both breathed a sigh of relief.

John turn turned to the boys, as he stated, “You two better start from the beginning. Your names would be a good start.”

Lewis responded, “I am Lewis Lowe. This is my brother, Stan Lowe. We are super-geniuses. We got the intelligence from our mother, but we are not crazy geniuses, because we inherited our father's sanity.”

Aeryn commented, in english, “That is interesting. I am Aeryn. The human man is my husband, John. The boy is our son, Little D. The white alien woman is Chiana. The blue alien on the screen is Pilot. And the red giant alien man is Dargo. Except for Dargo, we can all speak english. Though, Dargo cannot speak your language, he can understand what you tell him.”

Lewis said, “Nice to meet you all. We are sorry for the surprise. But, we didn't know how best to approach you.

Chiana stated, in english, “You didn't come in shooting, or trying to steal something, so you already better than most people whom come over to say, hi.”

Lewis went onto say, “Good. And since Stan is better at talking, he will tell the story.”

Stan looked over at Lewis. He then turned to the crew of Moya. He stated, “Well, it all started at my American high school football, on Mars, on a Friday night. In our reality, Mars has been terraformed. Though, in many ways, the technology is not that more advanced that your Earth. We still have cars, and a few other things, from your time. Plus spaceships, and some new toys.”

“Anyway, after I helped my team win the game, with my skills at defense, I went to get my brother to celebrate. He was in the school, with his physics professor and tutor, whom we later found out was Scorpius, working under an alias.”

“But, we are getting ahead of ourselves. After we left our professor, and got something to eat. We returned to our home and with my help, we finished a formula my brother and Scorpius was working. Then, three teenage girls talked their way into let us welcome them into our family. Only then, after we let them in, did we find out, that they are gender bending, elemental wielding, lunatics.”

John commented, “I have dealt with gender benders before. It seems that insanity runs deep with that group. Which is not surprising. But, you have to watch out for their unpredictability.”

Stan deadpanned, “I bet.” He then continued, in a more serious tone of voice, “And that was only the start of our crazy day. After we escaped our own home, with the family car, and out ran them, we stopped several miles away, to find some vidphones. to call for help.”

“You see, are still teenager. We are seventeen. And we lived with our parents. Whom were not at home, when those girls showed up. We were told they would be back Monday. Normally that is not a problem. They have left a few times like that before with nothing happening.”

Stan thought, 'I will neglect to tell them where our parents were. And what they were doing. It is to embarrassing for my family. And it would tip them off to our genetic oddities. And a lot of the stuff after the escape is not important, or should remain secret, for our sake.'

Stan continued, “Everyone we called was either unreachable, or they could not get to us in time to be of help. So, Lewis here has a suggestion.”

Lewis said, “I admit that, in hindsight, it was a mistake.”

Stan turned to Lewis, as he said, “I know Lewis.” He turned to the crew of Moya, as he continued, “Lewis, here, suggested we seek help from his tutor, our high school physics teacher. A hot, young, fair skinned, white haired babe of a woman.”

John thought, 'I can guess what is coming next.'

Stan stated, “When we returned to her, at the high school that night, everything seem alright. Then, Lewis mentions we had completed the mathematical formula we were working on. Next thing we know, we were knocked out. When we came too, we were captured, on an alien spaceship, which soon docked with a large ship.”

“Given the there are no known aliens in our reality, that we know of. And we have colonized the Sol System. And also taking into account the nature of the formula we are working on. We realized we were in another reality. We were soon lead to person in charge, whom turn out that our hot teacher was Scorpius.”

The crew of Moya, even the little human boy, snickered at Stan's commented.

Dargo stated, in Luxan, “Since these two have been through so much already, it might not be wise to bruise their egos by telling them that Scorpius use to be a man.”

Aeryn replied, in Sebacean, “Agreed.”

Chiana said, in her native language of Nebari, “Though, they will likely find out eventually. But, not from us.”

Stan thought, 'I got a feeling there is a joke here that we are not being allowed to know.”

John asked, “This formula you keep mentioning. What is this formula about?”

Lewis inquired, “Do you know about the hyperspace gates in Cowboy Bebop?”

John answered, “Yes. I have seen the Cowboy Bebop series.” He thought, 'It is one of the series that I got the chance to watch, when I ran with Rock, Annie, and the others.'

Lewis questioned, “So, you know about the hyperspace gate system?”

John replied, “Yes. I guess you are both from that Cowboy Bebop reality?”

Lewis stated, “Correct. We are from that reality. Though, we have not seen that series. But, we have heard of that series.”

John inquired, “So, what about the gate system?”

Lewis said, “Whether you realize this, or not. The hyperspace gate system of our home reality, are completely man-made. Everything from the mathematical formulas, to their construction, was done by human hands.”

John commented, “Now, that I think about it. Yes. They are man-made. And I don't like where this is going.”

Stan stated, “That is not surprising. Though, do you know about the gate explosion?”

John said, “Yes. It drove humanity from Earth.”

Lewis explained, “Correct. Well, because everything, dealing with our gate system, was man-made, our professor believed that the hyperspace gate technology could be adapted for a hyperspace gate system across the multiverse.”

“A few years ago. For us. After she look into this possibility, she found us. Two, impressionable young, teenage boys, whom happened to the sane geniuses. And as Stan said, around a day ago, we cracked that formula. And solved the equations. And Scorpius wants that completely formula.”

Stan stated, “The reason we ran was that we are worried our math isn't exactly right, and we could cause another gate explosion, only this time. The explosion will be across the multiverse.”

Aeryn inquired, “How bad of an explosion are we talking about?”

John turned to Aeryn, as he asked, “Aeryn, do you remember that black hole I created, which I threatened to use, to destroy all creation in this reality with, to protect you and Little D?”

Aeryn answered, “Yes. I found it flattering for you to do that.”

Stan and Lewis gulped.

Lewis thought, with worry, 'This man was able to create a black hole. That is both amazing and scary. He also must have figured out how to disperse it, and done so, considering they are all still alive, and here.'

Stan thought, with concern, 'Okay. We may have the right guy to help. But, my instincts are starting to tell me that John and his friends are the type of people that we might not want help from.'

John stated, “A multiversal explosion would be a whole lot worse.”

The boys could see the other adults in the room, and alien on the screen, look horrified.

John looked at his family and friends, as he quickly said, “Though, just so you know. The main trait Scorpius has, in almost everything she does, is that she is very thorough. If she had that formula. Before she did anything else. The first thing she would do, she would check the math over, to make sure it is correct. Still, I don't like the idea of her having that formula.”

Dargo asked, in Luxan, “What could Scorpius do with it? Why would he.. Err she want it? Would would be the practical use for it, for her?”

Since the brothers didn't understand him, they just stared at him with confused looks on their faces.

Chiana turned to Dargo, as she said, in english, “You forgot that that these boys don't have translator microbes.” She turned to the brothers. She stated, “Dargo, asked why would, Scorpius, want this technology? What is the practical use for it.”

Stan stated, “To create a multiversal, hyperspace gate system, for the Peacekeepers to travel through. Though, she said it was for trade, and commerce. Given she said she realized how dangerous the rest of the multiverse is.”

John said, “Yea. Scorpius is never one to be stupid. She would be careful on such matters.”

Aeryn commented, “Even so. Scorpius would still have to get approval, from Peacekeeper high command, before launching such a project.”

Lewis questioned, “I guess you didn't hear?”

Chiana asked, “Hear what?”

Stan shrugged, as he replied, “Scorpius is now in charge of the Peacekeepers.”

John stated, “Oh frell, no.”

Aeryn cursed, “Dren.”

Chiana giggled.

Pilot remained silent.

Dargo commented, “This day is just getting worse by the minute.”

Aeryn thought for over Stan's comment, for a few seconds. She then said, “Wait a minute. Scorpius is a hybrid. A hybrid would never be allowed to rule the Peacekeepers. The purity regulations would never allow it.”

Stan stated, “From what I understand. Scorpius mentioned someone named Chang made her a pure Sebacean.”

Aeryn said, “In that case, it would be possible. And I guess you are screwed.”

John asked, “How long as has Scorpy been in charge of the peacekeepers?”

Lewis answered, “From what we understand. Years.”

Dargo said, in Luxan, “So, that is what she has been up to.”

Chiana commented, “Look on the bright side. At least she has left us alone all this time.”

Aeryn said, “True. I guess she finally learned her lesson of leaving us alone.”

John requested, “Okay boys. Tell us the rest, before I lose my nerve to hear it.”

Stan stated, “I know the feeling. Anyway, for the reasons of checking the math, we refused our professor's order of handing over the completely formula. Which, even she directly admitted we had point. Though, she did not torture us. She just stuck in the brig to. She even said, cool your heels.”

John interrupted them, “She actually said the term, cool your heels?”

Lewis answered, “She actually did say that.”

Stan asked, “Yes, she did. Why do you ask?”

Aeryn inquired, “What is it, John?”

John stated, “My worst nightmare. Scorpy has become pop-culture genre savvy... Given she has lived among humans. I am not surprised. But, it does mean she likely now gets most, if not all, of my jokes. And she knows my bag of crazy tricks.”

Chiana inquired, “You mean, Scorpius now understands your insanity?”

John answered, “Yes.”

Chiana said, “We are screwed if we fight her.”

Aeryn looked over at Stan, as she requested, in english, “Please continue, before we think to deeply on this subject.”

Stan thought, 'I can tell from their reactions, this is bad. But, Aeryn is right. I better continue.' He stated, “After we went to the brig, we got to talking. And someone in the next cell realized we were speaking english. It turned out to be Annie. And she knew us.”

John inquired, “Annie knows you?”

Stan responded, “Yes. From our parents. But, we have no clue who she is. Do you?”

John stated, “Yes. But, I don't think you would believe me?”

Lewis requested, “Try us.”

John refused to do so, as he replied, “Not my secret to give. By the way, who are your parents?”

Stan answered, “Ed and Bob Lowe.”

John said, “I have never heard of them.”

Stan mentioned, “Well, anyway. Ed is a woman. And yes, she was born a girl. She just likes to go by, Ed. She is a little crazy.”

John stated, “I am not one to talk.”

Aeryn snorted.

Stan stated, “Anyway, Annie was looking into what Scorpius was up to, as well. And she got captured. Or, she let herself be capture. I am not sure which. Once Annie learned that Scorpius was interested in us, she helped us escape. She used her weapon. A cylindrical hilt that created a red energy blade that looked like a lightsaber...”

John interrupted, “It is a lightsaber.”

Stan responded, “Really? Well, she used her lightsaber, and I guess her force powers, to cut her way to a nearby shuttle bay. So, we could escape from the ship, and use her reality device.”

John asked, “Why didn't you just use the device there?”

Stan answered, “We asked, Annie, that same question. It seems our teacher has a protective bubble that prevents unauthorized reality travel on her commander ship. I don't know if that applies to the rest of the fleet.”

John said, “That makes sense. And I would not put anything past old Scorpy. She probably has her entry entire fleet rigged with such reality protection screens. Boys, the one thing about Scorpy you need to know, besides her always have several escape plans, is that she is also crazy prepared in a way that even Batman would be envious of.”

Stan said, “I will take your word on that. Continuing on. Annie got us onto a shuttle, and gave us her reality device. She did not tell us how to work on of the device. She assumed that we knew how it work. Which we did not.”

John commented, “I can see that being a problem. Do you want me to explain how to work these devices? They are real simple, once you figure out how to do so.”

Stan answered, “We already figured it out on our own. Though, half the trouble we have been in was because we have no clue as to what the hell is going on most of the time.”

John shrugged, “Been there. Done that. Not fun. But, once you get the rules down, you will find yourself rocking to the beat.”

Stan replied, “Glad to hear it. Anyway, Annie had to leave the shuttle, to open the doors to the outside. A few minutes later, she did. We flew our shuttle out into space, and we escaped. But, Annie was left behind.”

John stated, “Knowing both Scorpy and Annie, I bet Scorpy knows whom Annie is and she just gave Annie a reality device just to get her to leave.”

Stan agreed, “We think that is the case, considering we met some violent teenage girls. A different set from the ones we met at our home. Whom had met Annie after we did. And they informed us that she told them what is going on, concerning us. They also claimed to be the children of pirates.”

John inquired, “How crazy were these teenager girls?”

Stan guessed, “You have met them?”

John answered, “No. But, I likely have met their parents.”

Stan shrugged, as he responded, “That figures. Anyway, after we flew our ship out of the protective bubble, we reality jumped. The next thing we know, we found ourselves on a tropical area, on an alternate Earth, surrounded by pretty women in bikinis, and girls in one piece swimsuits. No men, and no boys. And no. We are not that horny. And they were not happy to see us.”

John commented, “That sounds bad.”

Lewis mentioned, “Yes. And we think they may know us through our parents.”

John replied, “That is even worse.”

Stan stated, “We agree. We immediately jumped up, and ran for the only structure we can see, a large home. We got inside, and locked the doors behind us, before they could get to us. We were able to reality jump before they could get to us. Since then, it has been a day long chase across the multiverse, with us one step ahead of everyone else.”

Lewis reminded his brother, “Don't forget about that green haired woman said that Scorpius put a major multiverse wide bounty on our heads.”

John commented, “And I thought I was frelled when Scorpius had her sights set on me”

Lewis responded, “The good news is that from what we understand, the bounty states that we cannot be serious harmed, nor killed. And though our professor would settle for one of us. We are informed she had included a bonus for the bounty, if both of us were taken back to Scorpius, together.”

John said, “I guess Scorpy learned her lessons with us, and she is playing nice with you.”

Stan agreed, “Yea. I guess you could say from what we know of her. She is prefers to use the carrot more often than the stick.”

Aeryn pointed out, “That was not the case when we knew her. But, I guess she has used her new abilities to her advantages.”

Chiana commented, in english, “A calmer, nicer Scorpius. Whom is just as manipulative as before. If not more so. That is a scary thought.”

John said, “At least she knows better than to try anything with me.”

Aeryn agreed, “True.”

Lewis requested, “So, will you help us?”

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, before John stated, “Well Scorpy has taken her wormhole fetish to a whole new level.”

Stan thought, 'So, this is not the first time our teacher has been studying such subjects. That is not surprising.' He responded, “It would seem so. She wants our multiversal hyperspace gate formula. And we don't want to give it to her, because we are not sure the math is right. And if it isn't, it could wreck part of the multiverse.”

John questioned, “I can appreciate that. I have been in a similar situation. And you have only seen a the first few episodes of our series?”

Lewis answered, “Yes. We didn't have time to get into it.”

John stated, “Well, I have not seen my own series. Neither have any of the rest of my crew. But, even I realize that you barely even know the basics, of this situation. It is clear that you boys have been working without a net this whole time.”

Stan said, “That is why we came to you, John. So, let's get the heart of the matter. What can you tell us about Scorpius?”

John answered, “Just enough to tell you that you two are screwed. A while back, I was hounded by Scorpius for years. I hate to tell you this, but the only way to get her off your back is to give her what she wants, and then show her why she doesn't want it. After I did that, she has left my family, my friends, and myself, alone.”

Stan said, with disappointment, “I was afraid you were going to say that. Can you give us any help?”

John looked over at his family and friends. He then turned back to the boys, as he said, in a sad tone of voice, “No. I am not about to start another fight with Scorpius. I have been there. And I got the scars to prove it. We all have. And I am not going to risk my own son, on something like happening again. I suggest you try to track down Annie. She, and her friends, can probably handle Scorpius, without my help.”

Stan stated, as he did a good job of hiding the disappointment in his voice, “Well, thank you for your advice, John. And it is a good to meet all of you. At least we have a direction now. Though, we have been trying to avoid Annie's friends. Long story on that one, by itself. But, I can see your point.”

Lewis commented, in a more openly disappointed tone of voice, “We will figure something out.”

John said, “Good luck.”

Little D peeked around Dargo, to look at the Lowe brothers. He commented, “Bye, bye.”

Lewis said, “Thanks.”

Stan stated, “Goodbye.”

The brothers walked away from the others, so they could safely reality jump, without the other being caught in the teleport.

As Stan took a few steps closer to his brother, he said, “I could use a beer, right now.”

Lewis pulled out the reality device, as he agreed, “Same here. And this is literally what I got in mind. An english speaking bar, during the early night, that will serve us beer.”

Stan replied, “Good.”

Lewis press the red button, and they disappeared, as they jumped realities.

After the brothers left the sight of the crew of Moya, John turned to the others in the room, as he commented, “You know. That went a lot better than I thought it would.”

Chiana stated, “I know. No shooting. No violence. Just a discussion. I wish all our meetings went that well.”

Little D walked out from behind Chiana, and Dargo. He walked over to stand by his parents. He looked over at the faces of his parents, as he said, in english, “Daddy, you did good.”

John looked down at his son, as he said, “I know, Little D.”

Dargo asked, “John, are you sure it is wise to not help them?”

John responded, “No. But, the alternative is scarier. I am not picking a fight with the Scorpius, if I can help it.”

Aeryn placed her right hand on her son's left shoulder. She said, “I agree with John.”

Chiana said, “I am with Aeryn and John on this one. I don't care what gender Scorpy currently is. He, or she, is still very dangerous. And we should avoid crossing her, at all costs.”

Dargo conceded, “Okay.”

John commented, “But if, later today, you feel like joining me in saying a pray for them, at dinner, you are more than happy too.”

Dargo cracked a smile, as he replied, “I just might.”

Aeryn commented, “With luck, we will never have to worry about them again.”

Pilot stated, on the small bridge monitor, “We have a ship nearby trying to contact us.”

Aeryn groaned, as she stated, “Spoke too soon.”

John asked, “Who is it?”

Pilot hesitantly said, “You are not going to like it.”

Aeryn inquired, “Pilot, who is it?”

Pilot deadpanned, “Annie, and three others. All of whom I guessing are looking for the two humans we just turned away.”

Everyone was shocked silent, as Little D stated, “Ah oh.”

Dargo commented, “And this is why we should not turn away strays.”

John stated, “Annie, and the others are going to be ticked off, when they find out that I had just turned away those boys. And because of my actions, they just missed them by seconds.”

Chiana said, “Yea. And if Annie is as tough as you said, John, I think we just frelled ourselves to the wall.”

Dargo asked, “John, I need to know. How angry can Annie get?”

John answered, “Well, before I knew Annie, in her old life, her rage use to be on par with Luxan hyper-rage.”

Dargo stated, “That is bad.”

Aeryn explained, “We didn't tell you what John told me. But, you remember that set of movies that John shows us, titled Star Wars.”

Dargo nodded, as he replied, “Yes.”

Chiana said, “Yea. Not a bad set of human movies.”

While smiling, Little D said, “Good movies.”

John commented, “Well, as you know that fiction reality situation I told you guys about.”

Dargo answered, “Yes. We just do not like to think about it.”

John continued, “Well, Annie was on of those individuals that was kidnapped and processed from a man to a woman. Though, she was rescued by Rock before she was impregnated.”

Dargo questioned, “I know I am going to regret asking, but who was Annie, before she was captured, and changed?”

John said, “Darth Vader, between episode three and episode four.”

Dargo turned to his lover, as he commented, “Chiana, you are right. We are frelled to the wall.”

Aeryn looked at John, as she sternly said, “You didn't mention this the last time Annie came on board, with those other people.”

John replied, “I didn't want to start a firefight in the middle of our planning, and preparations on rescuing, Dargo, here.”

Aeryn shrugged, as she conceded, “Point taken.”

John said, “Anyway, I am leaving you my reality device. It is in our lock weapons locker, to keep Little D from getting it. If something happens, you can escape with Little D.”

Aeryn replied, “Thank you. I will keep that in mind.”

Chiana looked over at the others, as she commented, “Hey. Lighten up everyone. We have been in worse situations. For example, when we faced, Maldis.”

Dargo pointed out, “Yes. But, we don't have Zhaan to help us now.”

John stated, “Even with Zhaan, I am not sure we could take Annie in a fight. Sure, Maldis was more powerful, but I know Annie. She can be vicious in battle. And if what the boys said is true, she is more powerful in the force than ever. The only good news is that she had mellowed a lot since she was turned into a woman. I guess no longer being trapped in the black suit, and being half a person, has given her a much more sunnier disposition.”

Aeryn commented, “That is good. Still, that just means when she does get pissed off as easy, as she use too.”

John replied, “Exactly.”

Chiana suggested, “Can we lie to them?”

John stated, “No. Annie is an empath. She is going to know that something is off the moment she is on board Moya.”

Aeryn said, “Then, tell them the truth when they come on board.”

John commented, “That might not be wise either. Like I said. Annie has a temper. Tell her in person, and she might just kill us in person.”

Aeryn countered, “Okay. We just talk to them through the communications.”

John stated, “That won't work, either. Remember those movies. Annie invented the concept of force choking. She could just use telekinesis, across the communications to choke to death the person she is talking to you.”

Pilot suggested, “What about starburst?”

John pointed out, “They have a reality device. They will teleport to where we are before we get there. Hell, they are just being polite to use a ship to talk to us, instead immediately coming aboard, like the boys just did. Annie knows we have itchy trigger fingers. She also knows she can take us all on in a fight. If we run, they will just teleport aboard, and Annie will be very upset.”

Dargo commented, “I miss the time when starburst could have solve all our immediately problems.”

Aeryn stated, in an annoyed tone of voice, “John, you are not giving us any options.”

John halfheartedly stated, “Well, I personally know, Annie. I will talk to her, and her friends. Annie, likely won't immediately kill me. She is not that merciful anymore.”

Dargo commented, “At least we got a good ten years of peace before the dren finally caught up with us.”

Aeryn said, “True.”

John looked at the others, as he ordered, “Everyone leave. Annie cannot force chock what she cannot see. And Aeryn, hide Little D.”

Aeryn nodded, as she took their son to their personal quarters.

Dargo said, “I will be my Pilot, monitoring the communications. We will cut communications at the first sign of trouble.”

Chinana commented, “I will be right outside the bridge, out of sight. In case you are choked. I will be ready to revive you.”

John complimented, “Good thinking on all your parts.”

John's friends then turned, and headed to their planned locations, while John turned to the main viewscreen on the front wall of the bridge.

When the large viewscreen in the front wall of the room came on, and John saw that the cabin that Annie and the other three were in, was small. Like a four passenger minivan of a spaceship. Though, there was an alias in the middle of the ship, leading to the back.

There was also plenty of light, from the ceiling lights in the cabin, for those in it to see around them, and for John to clearly see the four individuals, from the camera at the front of the cabin of the ship.

John thought, 'I guess that makes sense. If human's colonized the Sol System, and were still much like the people of my time, they would have spaceships, like we have cars and other vehicles on Earth. And the cabins would be designed in similar ways.'

'Though, I don't even want to think about where the toilet is on one of those things... It is not like you can get out, and take a piss on the side of the road, in a spaceship, going through space. I guess there is a restroom in the back of the ship, for such matters. That is what they do on passenger buses.'

In the picture, John saw two women up front. The left front seat of the spaceship was the pilot's seat.

Annie sat in the pilot's seat, on the left side of the ship. She was wearing casual clothing over her open Jedi robes.

John thought, 'I guess she finally decided to go back to what works for her.'

In the front row, at the cockpit, on the left seat, sat Annie. To Annie's right, in the co-pilot seat, was a tanned skin redhead woman in her late-twenties.

The tanned skinned woman was wearing casual clothing.

Behind the tanned skinned woman, in the second row, was a white haired, fair skinned man in his early sixties, whom wore casual clothing, with an open long brown coat.

Beside the fair skinned man, to his left side, and in the seat right behind Annie, was a young woman with fair skin, and dark blue hair that went to her shoulder blades. The dark blue haired woman was wearing casual clothing.

John thought, 'That woman behind Annie is cute. But, when I look at her, I wonder why I get the feeling as if someone was walking over my grave?'


Meanwhile, in the cabin of the small four seat spaceship, that was slowly coming closer towards Moya, in a casual manner.

Annie, being the best pilot, was piloting the ship.

Ed was up front, with Annie, because she was also a pilot. Though, Bob did know how to pilot the ship, the couple agreed that Ed was the better pilot, and that if something happened to Annie, Ed would be the better choice for being the co-pilot.

Bob was in back, behind his wife, with Violin beside him, to Bob's left side.

There was widescreen computer monitor in the middle of the dashboard, in front of the cockpit, directly in front of the open aisle, allowing everyone in the spaceship could see the video screen. There were speakers located in the sides of the ship, like it in a car, and there was a microphone and camera located at the top, front, middle of the cockpit, on the ceiling, above the front window. This allowed everyone in the spaceship to be seen and heard on the communications channel, when the vidphone, or radio, was in use.

The narrow walkway between the front and back seats, lead to some rooms in the back of the ship, including the restroom.

All four adults looked at the monitor, as Annie greeted, “Hi John. Long time, no see.”

Over the communications channel, John said, “Well, we don't get mail service this far out. It is good to see you, Annie.”

Annie stated, “I am glad to hear that. But, I sense a lot of fear coming from you, toward me. John, what did you do? I haven't sense this much fear from you, sense that time in San Francisco, during that one month break, while Rock was sleeping in the vat. When we had a poetry contest one night, in that mansion's garage. And your poem was titled, Annie get your lightsaber.”

Ed, Bob, and Violin, did their best not to laugh, at Annie's comment.

John defended, “I still say it was funny.”

Annie agreed, “It was funny. That is why didn't kill you.”

John commented, “I am still surprised that Megatron won that contest.”

Ed, Bob and Violin did not say anything, but Ed turned around, as all three of the just looked at each other with surprised.

Bob whispered, “We know so little about these people.”

Ed quietly said, “To say the least.”

Violin softly replied, “You got that right.”

Ed turned back to look at Annie, with the three adults turned their attention back to watching John on the screen.

Annie said, “Well, Megatron definitely has many hidden talents.”

John asked, “True. So, how is chromedome doing?”

Annie answered, “Fine. Last time I checked.”

John inquired, “So, you did visit him?”

Annie stated, “Yea. But, only after I regained my force powers. Megatron was happy to see me. Thought, there was some minor problems with his subordinates, considering I was an organic. During those troubling times, I displayed aggressive diplomacy. I even found out it is possible to force choke a cybertronian spark casing. Still, I did not kill any of them. Yet, I did have to force choke one of Megatron's more annoying subordinates. I believe his name was, Starscream.”

John replied, “I won't worry about that. Given who Starscream is, Megatron might have even complimented you for finding a new way to bring Starscream to heel.”

Annie cracked a grin, as she said, “Actually, Megatron did just that. And after I established my dominance with my force powers, over his subordinates, I had no problems visiting Megatron. I guess it scared them that I could kill them with a thought.”

“Meanwhile, Megatron, just found it amusing. Though, I did have to take an environmental suit sometimes to do so. Besides, I had to get Josephine, and the other grenade launcher, back for Fabiola. And Megatron was more than happy to return them.”

John asked, “Interesting. And are the others doing fine?”

Annie said, “Yes. I will tell you about them, later. So, back to the question at hand. What did you do, John?”

John let out a deep breath. He then stated, “Well, Annie. I will be honest with you. I just frelled up real badly. I know who you are looking for. Stan and Lewis were just here. And we turned them away.”

Bob yelled, “You what?!”

John asked, “Who is that?”

Bob stated, “Bob Lowe, Stan and Lewis' father.”

John said, “Well Bob, I don't mean to sound cold, but you just missed your boys by less than a minute.”

Bob thought, 'It is so tempting to ask Annie to force choke him a little. But, it will get us nowhere. And leave us without any of the answers we need.”

Ed demanded, “What did you do?”

John inquired, “Who are you?”

Ed answered, “Ed Lowe, their mother.”

John said, “Nice to meet you, Ed. You won't happen be related to the Ed, from the Cowboy Bebop anime series? I have seen that series, and from what I understand, the boys are from that reality.”

Ed glared at John, with rage in her eyes, as she stated, “That was me. When I was younger.”

John stated, with a bit of fear in his voice, “You have definitely aged gracefully,”

Ed flatly replied, “Thank you. Now, answer my question.”

John answered, “They came to us for help, and we turned them away.”

Bob stated, with venom lacing his voice, “So, you refused to help our boys.”

It was not a question.

John replied, “Yes. You need to understand our situation. We didn't want to pick a fight with Scorpius. We have been through so much hell with Scorpy, that Aeryn and I refuse to risk our son being put in danger.”

Bob coldly responded, “Oh. We understand your situation perfectly. We are just not happy in the way you handled it. And our sons are just as important to us, as your son is to you.”

Annie stated, “Trust me on this, John. When I say that the two older traveling companions with me have likely had just as much an interesting a life as you, and your friends, have had on Moya. They have even been chased across the multiverse for a number of years, by lunatics, until they got the lunatics off their backs.”

John said, “I will take your word on that, Annie.”

Ed stated, “We are coming aboard.”

It was not a request.

Violin whisper in the back seat, to Bob, “Can I speak?”

Bob whispered back, in a cold tone of voice, “No.”

Annie stated, “Everyone calm down. I can sense the hostility. And while it is justified, I can state from personal experience that John can be an idiot. Though, he was also an idiot in his series. Which we have all seen. And the rest of Moya's crew have had their moments, as well.”

Annie thought, with mild disbelief, “Given my past. I find it hard to believe that I have become the voice of reason. But, then I guess it is all relative.'

John gulped at the thought of those four knowing that much about him.

Violin thought, 'Vader playing peacemaker. Now, that is a scary thought.'

Ed stated, “You are correct.”

Wanting to get the conversation moving again, John stated, “I will have Pilot give you docking instructions for one of Moya's shuttle bays.”

Ed stated, in a flat, neutral voice, “That will be fine. Also, inform the DRDs not to inject any of us with translator microbes.”

John stated, “I will inform Pilot. Also, your boys also requested the same thing. Though they did not say why.”

Bob leaned up in his chair, so he could whisper into his wife's ear, “It is a safe bet that the boys know about my little ability, with them knowing they have the same latent ability.”

Ed softly replied, “Yea. We are going to catch hell from them over keeping that secret.”

Bob quietly replied, “Like you said, we will deal with that, later. We have to find the boys, first.” He then leaned back into his seat.

John said, “Like I said, Annie. I frelled up. But, please don't kill us for my stupidity. I take fully responsibility for this mess.”

Annie smirked, as she casually answered, “Oh. I won't kill any of you. I am not that nice anymore. On that matter. I have in mind a bit of revenge for all the teasing you gave me, when we were in Rock's group. For all those Star Wars jokes, you cracked in front of me. Many of them at my expense.”

John hesitantly asked, “What are you going to do to me?”

Annie continued smiling wickedly, as she stated, “Nothing. Except bringing aboard your greatest fangirl, to personally meet you, your family, and your friends. I cannot think of a more poetic revenge against you.”

John deadpanned, “And people thought you were evil when you were still in the black suit.”

Annie laughed for a few seconds. She then suddenly stopped laughing, as she warned, in a dead serious tone of voice, “And I expect her not to be harmed.”

John responded, “She won't.”

Violin looked at the camera. She waved, as she spoke up, in a cheerful, excited tone voice, “Hi John. I am Violin. I am looking forward to meeting you.”


On board the bridge of Moya, John look at the screen, at Violin, as he thought, 'Barring a few exceptions. Such as getting candy, liquor, and the occasional chilli dog. This is why I don't travel out of my reality. I don't want to deal with my fans. I have been on the other side of the fandom. It is fun to be a Trekkie, but not fun to be the actors that Trekkies are crazy about.'

'And while fanboys can be annoying. As one, I can state that. Fangirls are even scarier, and more annoying. This is the perfect revenge by Annie. She knows I cannot shoot the girl. My sense of the power of the fandom will not allow me to see a fellow fan be harmed, just because they are being an annoying fan. Even if I, my family, and friends, are her obsession. And so, I will have to put up with this girl during their visit.'

John stated, “It is nice to meet you, Violin. I look forward to talking to all of you, in person, in a few minutes. John out.”


On board the Lowe family spaceship, the communications switched to Pilot. With the screen shooing Pilot.

Pilot stated in english, “Hello Annie. Nice to see you again.”

Annie genuinely smiled, as she said, “It is nice to see you again as well, Pilot. I must say that the feelings of harmony I am sensing from Moya, even from here, is stronger than last time.”

Pilot happily commented, “That is because that last few years have been very kind for us. So, do you wish for me to deploy the docking web, or do you want me to just give you instructions, so you can fly into the shuttle bay, that I am already preparing for you.”

Annie stated, “I would prefer to fly us in.”

Pilot replied, “No problem.”

Pilot then gave Annie instructions in flying the Lowe family spaceship into one of Moya's shuttle bay.

A minute later, Pilot finished giving Annie the landing instructions.

Bob stated, out loud, “Of my five and a half decades of traveling the multiverse, this is the first time my manners have come to bite me in the ass. ”

Annie commented, “There is a first time for everything.”

Bob went onto say, “Forget manners and diplomacy. We should have not brought our ship, and instead, just teleported over, into Moya. If we had, we would have had the boys by now.”

Annie smiled, as she said, “But Bob, your manners are one of the things we like most about you. That, and when you change into a woman, you look great in a bikini.”

The three women in the ship giggled, for a few seconds.

Bob responded, “I am still upset with them.”

As the women calmed down, Ed said, “Same here. But what is done, is done. At least we are are right behind them, and on their trail.”

Violin defended the crew of Moya, “Let us be honest. I can fully understand why they would not want to tangle with Scorpius, he... err she now, is one of the ten top most dangerous magnificent bitches in the multiverse. Nobody would want to mess with her.”

Annie mentioned, “I am in the top ten list, as well. Or was. And it is clear, from earlier battle with the Peacekeepers, that Scorpius knows better than to mess with me. Still, we are about to get the help of an expert in reality travel, wormholes, and Scorpius, herself.”

Bob pointed out, “That is if he helps us. He literally just turned our boys away.”

Annie stated, “Don't worry, John and I go way back. He owes me a favor.”

Bob joked, “Like Lando Calrissian owed Han Solo that favor on in Empire Strikes back? We all know how that little incident ended.”

Annie continued looking forward, as she deadpanned, “That is your one Star Wars joke limit with me. Enjoy it.”

Violin commented, “Let me guess. It was not just John, but you're old crew, as a whole, ribbed you constantly with Star Wars jokes.”

Annie responded, “Yes. Though, John was the worst. And they do so, insistently. At the time, I lacked the power in the force to move things and choke them. I believed that saved their lives.”

Bob stated, “I have a general idea of your crew. John, Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru I can understand. Those four are insane. Fabiola, and Megatron I am not sure. But, I would think that Rock would know better.”

Annie stated, “Well, Rock was dying for must of the time I knew him on that adventure. So, I made allowances with him. Then, he became a woman, like me. You three never got the full story on that adventure?”

Ed answered, “No.”

Violin replied, “Nope.”

Bob requested, “We would love to hear it.”

Annie smirked, “I will tell it to you some time during this trip. Now, let's go meet the crew of Moya, in person.”

Annie then piloted the Lowe spaceship closer towards one of Moya's shuttle entrances.


At the moment, on the bridge of Moya, John let out a sigh of relief.

John then turned towards the bridge exit, as he stated in the ships communications system, “Okay guys. Good news. Annie is not going kill us. But, she and three other people are coming aboard for a little while. I want all of us there to greet them. And in peaceful way... Aeryn bring Little D along, as well.”

Through the communications speakers, Aeryn asked, “Are you sure John?”

John answered, “Yes. And having our son there will help prevent any hostilities. It will become clear why in a minute. Pilot, what shuttle bay are they going to?”

Pilot said, “Shuttle bay seven.”

John stated, “You heard the man. I will brief you on the way. I got some bad news. And some worse news.”

As John left the bridge, Chiana was standing outside the door. As John walked by her, she walked with him, to his right side.

While the walked, Chiana asked, “What the is bad news?”

John answered, “Along with Annie, Bob and Ed Lowe are on that ship. We are going to have to talk to Lewis and Stan's parents, about how we frelled up.”

Through the communications, Dargo commented, “That is bad. So, what is the worse news?”

John said, “The fourth person coming is a young, dark blue haired woman, whom Annie stated was a fangirl of mine. Her name is, Violin.”

Chiana inquired, “How could that be bad?”

John stated, “Okay. I guess I never explained this to you. My pop-culture genre savvy, that has saved our asses several times, comes form being a fanboy of human entertainment. This is the heart of my insanity. This girl has the same insanity. That is why she is a fangirl. Fangirls, like fanboys, are legion on Earth. The only difference is that fangirls can get away with a lot more insanity than fanboys. And she is a fangirl of our little series.

Aeryn asked, “How big a fan?”

John answered, “Annie stated, my biggest fan. She would likely try to mount me, if I wasn't married.”

Aeryn pointed out, “If she tried, she will become a very dead fangirl.”

John carefully said, “Annie warned us, not to harm her. Though, I doubt Violin will go to that extreme. But, be aware that while she is here, she will likely act like a young woman on a drug high. Because coming here is a dream come true.”

Dargo stated, “I honestly do not see the appeal we would have for others to learn about us.”

John responded, “Don't worry about it. If you did see the appeal, you would likely go insane from the paradoxical points of view... Like me... Heheheh... Anyway, she will likely know a lot of embarrassing things about us. The type of stuff that we might otherwise keep someone for knowing.”

Chiana thought, 'Oh frell. She likely knows that I took John's virginity in the past. I knew that was going to come back to haunt someday. But, it was still worth it.'

Dargo asked, “How embarrassing?”

John cryptically said, “Lava planet. Noranti. What she did after she drugged those two pirates. What we saw of her, after that.”

Dargo responded, “To this day, I still have nightmares from seeing her like that. I mean, of everything we have been through, that was likely one of the top five worst moments of my life.”

John replied, “You and me both, buddy.”

Aeryn inquired, “Back to the matter at hand. Talking to Annie, Ed, and Bob, will not be too difficult. But, how do we handled Violin?”

John stated, “She just admires us. If we down play her energy towards us, while still being polite, things should be fine.”

Aeryn said, “Sounds good to me.”

Chiana requested, “I would like to talk to this woman.”

John replied, “Well, you will get the opportunity to do so in a few minutes.”


A few minutes later, the crew of Moya was standing at the entrance to shuttle bay seven, beside each other, as they watched the Lowe family spaceship gently land fifty feet from them.

Aeryn and John standing next to each other, with Aeryn to John's right side. Their son standing right in front of them.

Dargo and Chiana stood beside Aeryn, with Chiana to Aeryn's right side, and Dargo to Chiana's right side.

The crew of Moya had their weapons holstered, or in Dargo's case, with his qualta blade, sheathed in his scabbard, which was strapped to his back.

Meanwhile, the red, white, and blue, painted DRD, 1812, rerolled to be right beside John's feet, to the left side of John's feet.

A minute later, the ship's engines had shutdown, and the hatch, on the bottom back of the ship, lowered to the ground. The crew of the small ship started to depart from the open hatch, and walk onto the deck of the shuttle bay.

Annie was the first to exit the ship.

Annie looked around, as she smiled. She thought, 'It is nice to come back here. I should have visited Moya and her crew sooner. But, I first wanted to see what the multiverse had to offer.'

Ed and Bob were next to walk onto the deck of the shuttle bay.

As the couple looked around, Ed whispered into her husband's ear, “Even given the circumstances, it is kind of cool coming here.”

Bob replied, “True.”

As Violin got out, she overheard the couple. When her feet touched the deck of the shuttle bay, she stated, “It is not cool. It is awesome!”

Violin then went into pure, full blown, fangirl mode, as she squealed, “EEEEEEEEEEEE! I am actually standing on a landing deck in Moya!”

Violin started running around.

When Violin saw a regular DRD scoot by, she picked it up, as she said, in delight, “This is a DRD! I cannot believe I am holding and actual DRD!”

Suddenly, a small arm popped out of a panel, on the DRD, and the DRD used the arm to lightly shocked Violin, forcing her to let it go.

The DRD landed on its bottom, and quickly scooted away from Violin.

Violin yelped, “Ouch. But, who cares?” As she continued running around.

Bob and Ed saw this.

Bob commented, “Honey I am so happy we had boys.”

Ed nodded, as she replied, “I agree.”

While the crew of Moya also watched this insanity unfold, John commented, “Somebody needs to cut down that girl's sugar intake.”

The rest of the crew just nodded in agreement.

A few seconds later, when Violin approached Aeryn, the former peacekeepers quickly drew her pulse pistol on the dark blue haired young woman.

Violin swiftly stopped. She took a couple of steps back, as she said, “Okay. Okay. Backing off now.”

Violin then ran around the crew of Moya, to John's right side, and she headed down a hallway, further into the ship.

Aeryn holstered her pulse pistol.

John then noticed Annie, Bob, and Ed, approaching him, and the rest of the crew, at a casual pace. With Ed in the middle, with Bob to her right side, and Annie to her left side.

John looked over at the three adults, as he stated, “I did not expect her to be that energetic.”

Bob responded, “Well, she is likely your biggest fan.”

Chiana suggested, “Have you tried sedating her?”

Ed responded, “That has been tried before. Unfortunately, she is half alien, and her body metabolized the tranquilizer too fast. Though, she should tire out, eventually.”

Aeryn asked, “What should we expect from her?”

Bob stated, “Imagine bringing the craziest star trek fan ever on board the USS Enterprise, of the original series, to meet Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Scotty.”

John understood what Bob was saying. He turned to Chiana, as he requested, “Pip, make sure she doesn't get herself killed. And remember, she cannot understand your native language. So, use english. I know you picked up my language almost as well as Aeryn. And Dargo is not that far behind either of you.”

John turned to Ed, Bob, and Annie, as he continued, “Though, Dargo still has trouble with pronouncing english words.”

John then looked back at Chiana.

Chiana turned to John, as she said, “Okay. Right away.” As she ran after Violin, she stated, in english “Come back here, Violin. There is so much I would like to talk to you about. Like how much you know about me.”

As Chiana disappeared down a hallway, Annie turned to the rest of the crew of Moya. She stated, “Alright. We need to get down to business. You screwed up. Now, it is time to fix it. But, this is not the place for such conversations.”

John suggested, “We can have our meeting in the dining room.”

Annie complimented, “Good idea.”

Dargo muttered, in Luxan, “I hope this is a better dining experience with you, Annie, than that time with those other people on Cloud City.”

Annie looked over at Dargo, and she frowned. She said, “Dargo. The force lets me understand you. Which is why I decline to have your translator microbes injected into me. Also, I have seen your series. You are all sitting pretty in your own glass houses.”

Dargo responded, “I understand. And I apologize. My comment was uncalled for.”

Annie cracked a smile, as she replied, “Apology accepted. The irony is, I will likely never live the events of those movies down. What you are commenting on never happened to me. That was episode five. I was kidnapped in the middle of the nearly two decade gap, between episodes three and episode four.”

Aeryn pulled her son closer to her, as she look at Annie in Annie's eyes. She inquired, in english, “So, the Jedi massacre, and those kids?...”

Annie noticed Aeryn's body language, as she turned to look at Aeryn. She replied, in a sober tone of voice, “Yea. That was all on me. I was a monster. Now, I am trying not to be. If it makes you feel better. While I don't regret the massacre of the adult Jedi.” She continued in a more sorrowful tone of voice, “I do regret murdering those children.”

Aeryn flatly commented, “It doesn't make me feel better. I consider you just as bad as Scorpius.”

Annie admitted, “I was. But, I did some real deep soul searching. That, along with seeing those six movies from the viewer's point of view. And learning what was done to me. What I did. And what I would have done. Made me realize that I needed to change. And I did.”

John turned to Aeryn, as he spoke up, “Aeryn, Annie is not the monster she once was. I will vouch for her on that.”

Ed stated, “She really isn't.”

Bob said, “Everything I know about her points to that fact she is a changed person. And not just physically. I am saying she is a much better person mentally, and spiritually.”

Annie had a weak smile on her lips, as she looked around, at her friends. She responded, “Thanks guys.”

Aeryn continued to hold her son close, as she conceded, “Alright. But, this is going to be an interesting meeting.”

Bob turned to crew of Moya, as he asked, “So, which way to the dining room?”

John stated, “This way.”

The crew of Moya turned around, and started heading down the hallway, that exited the shuttle bay, as they lead their guests to the dining room. With their three guest following right behind them.


Meanwhile, down a hallway, that was nowhere between shuttle bay seven, and the dining room, Chiana caught up with Violin, as she said, “Hold up a minute.”

Violin stopped running. And she was not even winded, as she turned around to face Chiana. She watched the gray skinned woman catch up with her.

As Chiana came to a stop, a few feet from Violin, she was not winded. She turned to Violin, as she said, “There is something I would like to speak with you about.”

Violin replied, “Sure. What is it?”

Chiana stated, “John said you were a fangirl of our reality. Also, you likely know some secrets about us. There is one secret about me that I would like you to keep secret from the others.”

Violin casually said, “The one where you all time traveled to Earth of your past, and you took the opportunity to take John's virginity, while he was a teenager.”

Chiana's jaw dropped, for a few seconds.

Violin could not help but giggle a little from Chiana's reaction.

Chiana quickly collected herself, as she stated, “Oh frell! It is all true! John is not crazy. We are creations of a human fiction, and imagination.”

Violin shrugged, as she mentioned, “Actually, John is crazy. Just not about this. Don't feel bad about it. My parents and step-dad were part of a sci-fi series, as well. I have even seen a copy of it. I found it interesting. Though, a bit tragic, to see my step-dad's darker side. But, he did have good reasons for his actions.”

Chiana said, “That is an intriguing point of view. But, what sick, human mind would create this reality?”

Violin answered, “Actually, it was a family entertainment company that mostly focused on children's shows, and puppetry. That is how you guys got Rigel, and a few other species and characters.”

Chiana replied, “I can believe that.”

Violin said, “I am glad you can. You're series broke new ground in the combinations of special effects and use of dark plots and characters.”

“Anyway, this company decided to get in touch with their inner dominatrix. And they created your series, Farscape. And though, it is a sci-fi series, with sadomasochism. It is not porn. And in the sci-fi genre, your series is a well respected by fans, for being daring, with very well thought out characters, plots, and ground breaking mix of special effects.”

Chiana commented, while still being in a slight state of shock, “That is nice.”

Violin promised, “Anyway, I will keep that a secret from the others. I can even understand why you would want that kept secret, as well. You care about your friends. And I respect that.”

Violin's comment brought Chiana back fully, as the gray skinned woman responded, “Thank you.”

Violin commented, “There is one thing that I have always wondered. It has bugged me since I can remember. Now Chiana, we all know you are a wonderful woman. But, you have probably slept with a number of different alien species.”

Chiana said, “That is no secret.”

Violin mentioned, “Anyway, there is another series, title Star Trek. In the original series, the man characters, Captain James T Kirk. It seems that he slept with a different alien babe, from a different alien species, every episode. That casual attitude got him in trouble in the last episode of the series. But, that is another matter. Anyway, he likely is up there with you, on the number of people from different species he has slept with.”

Chiana stated, “I will have to see that series some time.”

Violin said, “No problem. It is pretty good, though a bit date in the special effects and costumes. Maybe I will even introduce you to Kirk some day. When I plan to meet him, one day. I am just trying to figure out how to do it, without causing any problems for anyone. Still, if you are looking for a fling. I am sure I can help arrange something with him.”

Chiana swiftly stated, “No thanks. I am happy with Dargo. I already screwed up my relationship with him, once. I am not risking doing that again.”

Violin smiled, as she said, “I can completely understand.” Her lips then curled into a lecherous grin, as she continued, “And let me guess. It is his tongue that keeps you coming back for more?”

Chiana shrugged, as she casually replied, “That, and a few of his other body parts. But, he is also a great guy. I doubt you humans are so creative in bed.”

Violin giggled a little, as she stated, “You would be surprised. Also, I am not completely human.”

Chiana raised an eyebrow, as she responded, “You are not. Are you Sebacean?”

Violin flatly answered, “Nope. My father was human, but my mother was a bio-engineed alien super-soldier. I have my mother's super-strength, super-speed, super-stamina, her physical toughness, and intelligence. I can probably take on a dozen Scarrans in a fight, barehanded, and win.”

Chiana smiled, as she replied, “Interesting.”

Violin requested, “But, please keep that from Aeryn and Dargo. I know they can be a little bit trigger happy.”

Chiana said, “I will. You kept my secret. I will keep yours.”

Violin stated, “Agreed.” She then looked around, as she continued, “And Pilot, I know you are listening. That goes for you too.”

From a speaker, Pilot stated, “I will keep your secret, Violin. And yours, as well, Chiana.”

Chiana continued to look at Violin, as she commented, “You are really are our greatest fan.”

Violin turned to Chiana, as she joked, “Yep. Just be happy that I use my knowledge for the forces of good.”

Both woman giggled at Violin's joke.

As they stopped giggling, Violin stated, “Pilot, there is something I have been meaning to ask you.”

On the speakers, Pilot said, “Go ahead.”

Violin inquired, “When Moya, and the crew, visited the present of John's world, Earth. Pilot, did you have Moya communicate with the internet on Earth?”

Pilot answered, “Yes. The opportunity was too great to pass up. I had Moya fill a fifth of her data banks with information from the human's internet. Which was a surprising amount of information. Including, copies of the series of the original Star Trek series, which you to were discussing about. And it is an interesting series. And so are the sequels to that series.”

Chiana commented, “Neat. I will have to watch that series some time.”

Pilot stated, “You are more than happy to, Chiana. The reason we communicated with the internet was that we wanted to learn about humanity's culture, and language. And we did, in so many ways. Moya and I are now fluent in several human languages, not just english, but russian, japanese, chinese, and a number of others. And we now understand most of John's jokes.”

Chiana replied, “Still, why didn't you tell us?”

Pilot responded, in a sad tone of voice, “Because we delved to deeply into the madness that is the human imagination. We saw more than should be legal.”

Violin started laughing, for a few seconds.

Chiana asked, “What is so funny?”

Violin began to calm down, as she answered, “The one thing humans have more of on the internet, than anything else, is human pornography.”

Chiana immediately realized what Violin was hinting at, as she accused, with surprise in her tone of voice, “Pilot! You dirty pervert!”

Pilot pointed out, “You are one to talk, Chiana. Also, I respect your privacy, when you, or the others of the crew, are intimate with one another. And unlike you, I am rarely able to leave, and meet people.”

Chiana conceded, “Good point, Pilot. I will keep quiet on this. And everyone needs to find some way to blow off steam.”

Pilot responded, “Thank you, Chiana.”

Chiana looked over at Violin, as she smiled at the younger woman. She casually said, “Violin. you know what? I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.”

Violin returned Chiana's smile, as she replied, “I believe you are right.”

Chiana offered, “So, you want to see my and Dargo's personal quarters?”

Violin continued grinning, as she said, “Sure. Just lead the way.”

Chiana turned, and she started walking towards her quarters, as Violin followed right beside her, to Chiana's right side.


Ten minutes later, in the dining area of Moya. Near the kitchen.

On one right side of the large, oval table, John, Little D, Aeryn, and Dargo sat.

Bob, Ed, and Annie sat on the left side of the table.

Pilot was on a nearby viewscreen, though he was silently listening to their conversation.

The group had made it to the dining room five minutes ago. And after they sat down, they had since been talking about what to do next, considering the Lowe brothers.

Dargo commented, “I say, given your time dilation options, and the fact that Scorpius is right in this reality, right now. You should go after Scorpius. You can find your sons, later. I have been in a similar situation. They will be okay. And if you are lucky, you might find them, to where it has only been five minutes for them.”

Bob and Ed looked at Annie, the force user translated.

Ed said, “We would prefer to find our children, first. That way we know where all the cards are on the table, before we confront Scorpius.”

Dargo shrugged, in response to Ed's comment.

Bob commented, “Still, we can see your point, Dargo. And by the way, how is your son doing.”

Dargo just smiled towards Bob.

Bob replied, “I will take that as meaning, he is doing well.”

Dargo just nodded once, as an affirmative.

Aeryn spoke up, “I am with Dargo on this. I may not like you, Annie, but given your abilities. And the fact that Scorpius let you leave his Command Carrier, once already. I say, since Scorpius is the heart of the matter, that you personally confront her. She will likely stand down, if you are the one doing the talking.”

Annie stated, “Nice idea. But, she probably has more contingency plans in dealing with me than I can even begin to imagine. She likely has a reality device on her, that her protective field does not effect. If I came after her, she would immediately use such a device. While throwing everything in she had against me, keeping the anti-reality travel field up, and having a silent self-destruct device in the location where I was fighting.”

“Though, from what I have seen, Scorpius does care for her subordinates, which, when I was in her position, I admittedly did not. She would not blow up her entire ship to get to me. But, she would likely destroy a section of the ship to kill me.”

John agreed, “Yea. That is Scorpius to a, t. Also, the boys mentioned that they are now dealing with bounty hunters, but that Scorpy's bounty states the boys cannot be serious harmed, nor killed.”

Bob said, “That is nice to know.”

Annie caution, “But, that does mean we will likely run into them, and they may try to kill us.”

Bob countered, “Then, we kill them.”

Annie shrugged, as she replied, “I can go along with that.”

John said, “Stan also mentioned that there are also the crazy girls, and those elemental wielding people, whom are after him, and Lewis.”

Ed stated, “We know who the elemental wielding people are. We already talked to them.”

Bob inquired, “But, we don't know who the crazy girls are? Did you find out who that are?”

Aeryn admitted, “We did not inquire about them. Though, Stan mentioned the girls claimed to be descendants of pirates.”

Bob commented, “Well, that does exactly answer our question.”

Ed stated, “Yes. It is not hard to guess who the girls are. They have to be the five teenage Lagoon daughters.”

John smirked, as he commented, “So, they did have kids?” He mentally reflected, 'As I thought was the case.”

Ed said, “Yes. They did.”

John inquired, “Given they are all women, how did that work?”

Bob flatly stated, “You don't want to know.”

John responded, “I will take your advice on that. Still, why would those girls be after the boys?”

Ed thought, 'I don't know how much the boys told these people. But, I doubt they mentioned Bob is a gender bender, so I will be vague on my explanation.'

Ed explained, “Well, it was reported that when the boys teleported onto the island, the Lagoon family lived on, they literally fell right on top of them. Though, all of them are alright.”

Aeryn commented, “From what John has told me about these women, if these girls are like their mothers, that would do it, when it comes to having a reason to harm others.”

John replied, “Yep.”

Annie stated, “You are correct about that.”

Just then, Chiana and Violin walked into the room.

Chiana said, “Pilot told us where you were, and we would like to join in on the conversation.”

Dargo asked, in Luxan, “And where have you two been?”

Before Chiana could answered, Violin spoke up, “Your girlfriend took me to see your quarters. You have a nice set up in there.”

Everyone went silent for a few seconds.

Violin responded, “What did I say?”

Dargo inquired, “You can understand me?”

Violin answered, “Yes.”

Dargo pointed out, “But, I am speaking Luxan, and from what I understand, you do not have translator microbes injected into you.”

Violin shrugged, “My mother was an alien. And when my mother taught me languages, when I was younger. I seemed to have pick them up fast. I am really good at learning languages.”

Aeryn commented, “Interesting.”

Little D spoke up, “Cool, my mom is a Sebacean, and my father is human.”

Violin turned towards Little D, as she said, “Look's like we have something in common, kiddo.”

Little D commented, “Only my dad calls me, kiddo.”

John spoke up, “Well son, it is a common Earth term, where I come from.”

Chiana walked around to sit by Dargo, while Violin sat by Annie.

Annie thought, 'Given Violin's actions in the shuttle bay, I believe it is not wise for Violin to spend a lot of time, with these people, in close quarters. As such, we need to leave. But, I do have a request for John. I just have to wait for the right time, to make it. I even wonder if he still remembers that incident? I guess I am about to find out.'

Annie stated, “I think that is everything we can learn from you.”

Annie then stood up. A second later, Bob, Ed, and Violin also stood up. Though, Violin did frown towards Annie.

Annie turned to Violin, and she gave Violin a stern look, that forced Violin to back down.

Annie then turned to John, as she thought, 'Now, is the right time.' She casually said, “Oh... There is just one thing. John, you are coming with us.”

John turned to Annie, as he flatly asked, “What?”

Aeryn sternly stated, “I think not.”

Annie pointed out, “John, you know Scorpius the most. And you are one of the few people that can play at his level.”

John responded, in a sober tone of voice, “I hate to break to you, Annie. But, from what the boys tell me, since we both last saw Scorpius, she has educated herself in Earth pop-culture. She now knows my bag of tricks. I have no doubt she can outplay me, now.”

Annie conceded, “I admit, that could be a problem. But, you are still a wild card that is very useful in tight situations. You can come up with the most insane, yet workable plans imaginable. And to be honest, I like to have you aboard, because you are fun to be around.”

John stated, “I am still not coming with you. As I told the boys, I am not picking a fight with Scorpius. I am not putting my family and friends in danger, again. You know what Scorpius is capable of. And she is only more powerful now. Please, don't put us into the middle of this situation.”

Bob flatly said, “You put yourselves into this situation, when you turned away our children.”

Ed added, “Though, we will do our best to keep you all out of the line of fire.”

Aeryn said, “I appreciate your feelings for your lost children. But, as my husband pointed out, he is not coming with you. Besides, why should he go on a possibly suicidal mission?”

Annie answered, “Because John here owes me a favor. And I am now collecting on that favor.”

Aeryn looked over at John, as she said, in a dangerously cold tone of voice, “You owe Darth Vader a favor?”

John looked at his wife, as he replied, “Actually, I don't know what she is talking about.”

Annie stated, in a slightly annoyed tone of voice, “Yes, you do. Remember that deathmatch you suckered me into, with Shenhua, in the past, at Chang's Casino, in Roanapur. I told you that you would owe me for that. Now, I have come to collect.”

Bob thought, 'Annie can still be a scary person, when she wants to be.'

John turned to Annie, as he hesitantly said, “Well... Is it possible we could do this in trade.”

Annie stated, “The only trade I am interest in, from you, is your skills. Or, do you wish for me to call in this favor at an even later date, for an even more dangerous job?”

John thought, 'She will do it. And she knows, that I know, she will do it. When I first got sucked into wormhole, and wound up on Moya, I never thought I would end up owing Darth Vader a favor. Well, I owe Annie a favor. I always thought I would be smart enough to avoid owing a favor to someone, as dangerous as her. It shows what I know about my intelligence. And not that I think about. I do remember that fight. And right after that fight, Annie did say I owed her for winning that fight. Which allow me to win my bet with Chang, get my questions answered by Chang.'

John stated, “You're right. I owe you for that one. I will do it. I will come with you. But, be aware, if I family, or friends, come into harms way, I will turn on you in a New York minute.”

Annie nodded once, as she responded, “I can appreciate that. Just give me an hour's warning ahead of time, on your defection. And I won't force choke you, or otherwise maim, nor kill you.”

John stated, “You have yourself a deal.”

Aeryn said, “Alright, but I am coming with you.”

John and Annie turned to Aeryn, as John stated, “No.”

Annie commented, “I would prefer if you did not come with us.”

Aeryn forcefully stated, “I am going with you.”

Ed stated, “No. You are not. Like the Lagoon crew, you are too trigger happy. We are rescuing our sons. We do not want to put them at more risk than they already are.”

Aeryn growled, “Fine. But, if anything happens to John, I am going to kill an four of you.”

Annie and Bob remained calm, as Ed and Violin gulped.

Violin thought, 'Superpowers, or no superpowers, Aeryn is one of the few women I know of, whom could take me in a fight. She is right up there with my mother, Annie here, River, and the Bloodhound. I am so happy those four are on good terms with each other, because I don't think the multiverse could survive a fight between them.'

Bob calmly stated, “I believe you.”

Annie promised, “If something happens to John, I will take fully responsibility.”

Aeryn said, “I believe you, Annie.”

Violin spoke up, “Besides, I don't see the problem here. This is just a simple rescue mission. What could go wrong?”

After Violin's comment, everyone turned to look at her, as a person could hear a pin drop, due to the silence in the room.

Aeryn's jaw just dropped.

John just slapped right right palm onto the top of his forehead.

Little D just said, “Ah oh.”

From the monitor, Pilot said, “Oh dear.”

Dargo just shook his head.

Chiana said, “Frell.”

Bob walked to a nearby wall, and started lightly banging his head against it, in mild frustration.

Ed said, “I cannot believe you just actually said that.”

Annie yelled at Violin, “You idiot! You never say that! Even I know better than to jinx a mission like that! Never, ever tempt fate like that! It will get you killed!”

Violin looked at Annie. As she cringed before the force user, she meekly apologized, “I'm sorry.”

Bob looked over at Violin and Annie, as he stated, “What is done, is done. We will have to be more careful than before.”

John lower his right hand from his face, as he said, “I agree.”

Aeryn commented, “And this was starting to turn out to be such a nice day.” Aeryn laid a hand on her son, Little D's shoulder, as she added, “I am having my doubts of letting my husband go with you. Especially, you women.”

John pointed out, “You didn't have a problem when I went off with those other women.”

Aeryn answered, “That is because they were all either enamored with each other, or just not in the mood for a relationship.” Aeryn pointed at Violin, as she continued, “She is clearly enamored with you.” Aeryn the pointed at Ed, as she concluded, “And something is... off about her. I just don't know what.”

Bob spoke up, “I won't worry about that happening. Your husband clearly loves you. Also...” Bob pointed at Ed, as he continued, “She is happily married... To me.” Next, Bob pointed at Annie, as he said, “She knows better than to cross you.” Bob then pointed at Violin, as he finished, “She is crazy. And I think we can agree that John does not find crazy to be attractive.”

Dargo and Chiana snickered.

Violin stuck her tongue out at Bob, for a few seconds.

Aeryn turned to John, in response, John shrugged.

Aeryn looked back over at the rest of the group. She then focused her attention on her husband, as she replied, “Okay. But, you never did tell me the full reason why you won't let me come with you last time.”

John admitted, “Well, besides Little D's safety, I was genuinely worried if the multiverse could handle the level of destruction that you, Vader here, and Megatron, could create by working together.”

Drago, Chiana, Aeryn, and Little D didn't get the joke.

But, Bob, Ed, Annie, and Violin, got the joke, and they lightly laughed for a few seconds.

As they calmed down, Bob admitted, “John has a point there.”

In response, Aeryn just groaned in annoyance. She then said, in a tired tone of voice, “Fine. You can got, alone with them.”

John continued to look at his wife, as he replied, “Thank you.” He then got up from his seat, and turned to Bob, Ed, Annie, and Violin, as he stated, “Well, let's not keep this adventure waiting.”


A few minutes later, everyone was gathered in shuttle bay seven.

Annie, Ed, Bob, and Violin were standing by the open hatch to Ed and Bob's spaceship.

Meanwhile, the crew of Moya were standing by the interior entrance to the shuttle bay.

John stood near his family and friends, as he faced them, while saying his goodbyes.

John said, “Well goodbye guys.”

Chiana replied, “Good luck, John.”

Dargo stated, “I have faith in your return, John.”

John turned to Aeryn. They then hugged and kissed for a few seconds. As they broke from their kiss and embraces, Aeryn said, “Be careful.”

John smiled, as he said, “I will.”

John then knelt down in front of his son.

Little D looked at his father in his eyes, as he begged, “I don't want you to go, daddy. I got a bad feeling about this.”

John gave Little D a false smile that fooled no one, as he said, in a sad tone of voice, “So do I, son. But, sometimes people have to do things they don't want to do. But, I want you to know that I love you. And no matter what happens, I promise we will see each other again.”

Little D responded, with a weak smile, “Thank you, daddy. I love you, too.”

John then gently hugged his son for several seconds.

As he let go of his son, he stood up. He looked at his wife, son, and friends, before turning and walking over to the reality travelers.

When John reached Annie, Bob, Ed, and Violin, he turned back around to take one more looked at his family and friends.

John saw his son use his right hand to wave goodbye to him. John waved back with his right hand, before he turned around to face the dangers that were about to present themselves in his recently peaceful life.

John looked over to face Annie, Bob, Ed, and Violin, he warned, “If I die, I am going to haunt you all.”

Bob said, “I won't worry about that. If you die, be at peace knowing that Aeryn will soon have vengeance, by hunting us all down, and killing us, Kill Bill style.”

John stated, “Hey. I am the only one in the group who is suppose to be making the pop-culture references.”

Ed smiled, as she said, “Not in this group, buddy-boy. Now, get in.”

The five of them then headed into Ed and Bob's small spaceship.


A minuted later, after they were all inside the ship, with the hatch of the ship closed, and sealed.

They had all entered the cabin of the ship, which still had the ceiling lights on. Allowing everyone in to see around them.

John was behind the others, as he asked, “Where do I sit?”

Ed turned to him, as she answered, “I am sorry, John. This is a four seater, so you are going to have to sit on the floor. I will explain what I am planning to do in a minute.”

John said, “As long as you don't do any crazy flying, sitting on the floor won't bother me.”

Half a minute later, everyone was seated, Ed and Annie were back in the front seats, with Bob and Violin in the backseats. John was sitting on the floor, behind everyone.

Violin turned around in her seat to look at John. She noticed that John was not happy with his situation. She offered, “It is okay, if you want to talk about it.”

John said, “I just hope I return to my family soon, and I don't spend a lifetime away from my family.”

Violin stated, “Knowing you. You will see them again real soon. Heroes like you don't die like punks. They always rise like a Phoenix.”

John remarked, “Tell that to my twin.”

Violin winced, “Oh yea. Radiation poisoning is not a fun way to go.”

Violin then turned back straight in her seat, as she looked ahead.

Ed overheard their conversation. She quickly stated, “The good news is we are not taking off. We are going to reality jump. I built a reality device into this ship, just for occasions like this. We are going to reality jump to my home reality. The Cowboy Bebop reality, on a Saturday night, the night after our boys left our reality.”

John inquired, “Interesting. Still, how will the device know that you are the one that is the navigator?”

Ed smirked, without looking at John. She answered, “Simple. I built it so that whom ever dials in the code and push the enter key is considered the user.”

John commented, “You truly are a genius, Ed.”

Ed continued smiling, as she responded, “Thank you. Anyway. The plan is that we are going to teleport our ship right into the hanger we leave it parked in, at the spaceport in Tharsis city, on Mars.”

“I don't know if my boys told you this, but Mars is terraformed in our home reality, at the time we are going to. The atmosphere is breathable outside. And it has been for several decades since the terraformation.”

John said, “They did mention something about that. And I did see the Cowboy Bebop series.”

Ed replied, “Oh yea. Point taken. After we leave our ship at the spaceport, we will start searching for the boys. We will use our home as a base of operations, to sleep at.

Bob spoke up, “Yea. And it was not fun boarding up those broken windows, in the living room.”

Ed agreed, “Not. It wasn't. But, I am sure those girls are good for the damages.”

Annie offered, “Ed, Bob, I have been to your home. It is a lovely home. But, if the living room is damaged. There might not be enough room for everyone. So, if you want. I can just get a hotel room, nearby.”

Bob said, “It is alright. We will find room for everyone.”

John commented, “I will be happy to sleep on a couch. Though, I do have a question about your ship. I thought you humans, of the future, would be parking your ships by our homes. Jetsons style.”

Bob cracked a grin, as he turned towards John. He stated, “You would think that. But, that is not the case. In that reality they have cars and light model spaceship, call zipcraft. This is the minivan of zipcraft. Anyway, we keep the ship at a spaceport for security, and they offer a good regular maintenance plan for our ship.”

“You do not want to have a malfunction in a spaceship, when you are in the hyperspace gate, or in orbit.”

John turned to look at Bob, as he agreed, “I can see the logic in that.”

Bob replied, “Yea. By the way, I am from a similar era in time that you are from, on Earth. I am not from the Cowboy Bebop reality.”

John raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “Really?”

Bob responded, “Yes. I am from the same reality as Ranma, Akira, Natsuru, and Violin here.”

John commented, “That place must be lively Earth.”

Bob shrugged, as he responded, “Not really. Unless you live in Tokyo, or parts of China. The rest of the world is about lively as your world. Small town, USA. Which is where I am from. Is a fairly calm and nice place to live.”

John chuckled. He then said, “That is nice to know.”

Violin turned back to look at commented, “Well, to be honest. Tokyo isn't that insane a place either... For most people.”

John turned to Violin, as he asked, “Are you from the same reality as Bob?”

Violin answered, “Yes.”

Bob mentioned, “This conversation reminds me of something I wanted to ask you, for a very long time. There is something I wanted to speak to you about, John. I suspect that there are likely adventure series set on your home world, John.”

John turned to Bob, as he asked, “Why is that?”

Bob explained, “John, your space organization is called, IASA, International Aeronautics and Space Administration. My reality's space organization in the U.S. is called, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. And NASA existed in a number of realities. NASA even use to exist in Ed's reality. As far as I know, the same cannot be said for IASA.”

John mused, “Interesting. I may have to look into that. At least with you here, Bob. Someone will get my jokes.”

Bob smiled, as he commented, “Actually, Violin is pretty good with pop-culture references. I am a fanboy whom worked at a video collector's store when I was a teenager, so I am probably at your level. But, Ed here is likely better at pop-culture references than all of us combined.”

Ed just giggled.

John stated, “Whoa. I have watched the Cowboy Bebop series. So, it is not surprising that Ed would turn into such a fascinating woman. Let's see, Ed here has super-genius, a sense of humor, and nice personality.”

Bob added, “And a hot body to boot.”

Ed just laughed for a few seconds.

John stated, “You hit jackpot with her.”

Bob grinned almost from eat to ear, as he replied, “I know.”

As Ed calmed down, she stated, “Okay, everyone. We are going to teleport now. Be ready.”

Everyone else turned to look towards the front of the ship.

Ed turned on her ship, with just enough to power to work the on board the reality device. She then dialed in the password keycode with her keyboard, below the monitor, in the middle of the cockpit dashboard. She then thought of the proper place and time she wanted to go. She then pressed enter on the keyboard.

Less than a second later, those in the ship, saw through the outside windows, as their ship was suddenly inside an enclosed, dark hanger deck, with only dim lights present. The day was Saturday night, after dark, October sixteenth, two thousand one hundred. Around a full day after the boys had first disappeared from Tharsis City.

Ed touch a button on her cockpit dash board, which send a remote signal for the flood lights in the hanger to come on.

Ed stated, “Here we are. Let's get out.” She then turned off the ship.

Less than a minute later, all five adults had exited the ship

Ed was the last one out. With her turned off in the interior lights, and then closing and locking the hatched of the ship, from an panel on the outside of the ship, which was by the hatch.

The other four adults just stood on the floor of the hanger, as they watched Ed finish with her ship.

Ed then turned to look at the other four adults. She stated, “The flood lights will turn off in about five minutes. Though, they do have motion sensors on them. So, let's get out of here, and have some fresh air, before we start looking for our boys, again.

Ed, Bob, Annie, and Violin, then lead John out of the hanger, and into the chilly, outside, night sky.

As John looked around, he saw they were on the far end of the space port, with several hangers near by.

Also, there were not many lights on near them, allowing them to see the stars. Though, there was enough light to see each other with.

The five adults stood around, near each others.

John continued looking around them, as he commented, “This place is kind of like an airport on Earth, back home.”

Bob said, “You got that right.”

Violin agreed, “Yea. It is.”

Ed stated, “This is much different than my Earth. But then, my Earth has an asteroid field between it and the Moon. And it is pockmarked by those rocks falling on it.”

Just then, the wind picked up in the cool night air, as the adults turned their attention back to each other.

Bob was caught off guard by the cold wind, which caused him to sneeze.

John was looking at Bob, while this happened, as he stated, “Bob, if there anything you want to add about your kids...”

John found himself staring at a slender, fair skinned, woman, with short black hair, in her mid-twenties, whom was in Bob's clothing.

While a woman, Bob look at John, as she laughed a few empty laughs. Bob then forced herself to sneeze, and she changed back into a man in his sixties.

John asked, in surprise, “You can turn into a woman?”

Bob growled, “Yes.”

John asked, “How?”

Bob inquired, “Do you know about the about genetic alien cocktail that lets Akira do the same thing?”

John answered, “Yes.”

Bob commented, “I have basically the same alien mix and abilities as she does.”

John asked, “How long?”

Bob answered, “A little over nineteen years.”

John replied, in disbelief, “That long. You are not like the others.”

Ed stated, “No. He is not. And I am happy about that.”

Bob replied, “Ed is right. I am not like the others.”

John stated, “You are still clearly pretty much a man, upstairs.”

Bob shrugged, as he said, “Yes. I am.”

Annie spoke up, “Oh Bob is very much a man, upstairs. I can confirm that with the force. Which is surprising, given some of the things that Bob as done as a woman. Still, he is very much a male. For example, the one time we finally forced her to shop for bras, Ed had to call me in, and I to use my telekinesis, to literally force her to go into the lingerie store we had picked out for Bob to enter.”

John questioned, “How? I mean most of the others are fairly girly. You are clearly still mostly a guy.”

Bob pointed out, “You really like using the word, how, today?”

John quipped, “The word fits the situation. And it is rare to talk to someone still a guy upstairs in such a situation.”

Bob shrugged, as he responded, “Fair enough. Finding a guy's point of view on this is very hard. And I don't mind answering your questions, John.”

“To start with, I had my genes activated in my forties. I spent four decades as a man, and I am proud of it. That much time as a man has an effect on one's personality, and the memory depth of said personality strengthen my masculinity.”

“Also, I knew from the start that after I began changing, back and forth, between genders, that I had to be real careful about what I did as a woman. After seeing the others, I realized that if one lived as a female, physically, even playfully, doing so will mess with one's head. And doing so can also mess up their gender identity.”

“This is because the change is total. When they are a female, their brains are hardwired as a female. They are set to female, not male. From these facts, I realized the laws of gender bending are very real. I found as long as I respected these rules, and I was careful, I would be fine.”

“Though, I admit it has made things more fun in the bedroom. Can you blame me?”

John looked over at Ed, whom was smiling towards him. He then looked back at Bob, as he answered, “No. I honestly can't. In your position, if it was my body, I would try out the new plumbing too.”

Bob chuckled a little. He then said, “I am glad we agree, John. I also, got out of the live of excitement, while I still had most of manhood intact. And my sons need a strong, though caring, father figure.”

John stated, “Those are all good reasons to get out of the game. Which I did as well.” He turned Annie, as he continued, “Until someone pulled me back into this game.”

Annie immediately realized John was talking about her. She stuck out her tongue at John for a few seconds.

John ignored Annie's reaction, as he turned back to look at Bob. He went onto say, “Though, I guess you didn't plan on telling your sons, about your abilities? Did you?”

Bob replied, “Nope.”

Ed interrupted, “Though, that was his choice. And I respected his wishes. Still, I did tell my husband that not telling our children about him being a gender bender, would someday backfire on him.”

Bob looked over at Ed, as he agreed, “Yes, dear. I admit I was wrong.”

Ed just smirked towards Bob, with an, 'I told you so', expression on her face.

John said, “I am not going to judge you on that. I am not sure how I would react in your situation.”

Bob turned to look at John, as he replied, “I am glad you understand. Still, it wouldn't matter much in a few years, when I permanently lock as a healthy, young woman.”

John responded, “Sorry to hear that, Bob.”

Bob said, “Don't be. Better than dying of old age. And Ed has had a rejuvenation treatment. She had the therapy years ago. It restored and maintains her youth to where she looks in her late twenties. The treatment has slowed her aging down drastically, as well. So, we can both spend many more years together.”

John said, “I hope it works out between you two.”

Bob replied, “I do to.”

John joked, “At least you didn't give birth to one of your kids.”

Bob fidgeted for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, John noticed Bib fidgeting, along with Ed, Annie, and Violin snickering.

John looked back at Bob, as he inquired, “Oh, you didn't?”

Bob answered, in an embarrassing tone of voice, “Actually, I did.”

John questioned, “Dare I ask why?”

Bob shrugged, as he replied, “Because my wife asked me too. And I love my wife.”

John conceded, “Those are good reasons.”

Bob added, “On the upside, she can never play the, you don't know what it was like when I was pregnant with our child, card on me.”

John responded, “Well, there is that. By the way, until recently, why haven't we ever met?”

Bob answered, “No offense, John. But, I was intentionally avoiding you, and your reality. I have seen your series. It is pretty good. Violin was not completely unjustified in her fangirl reaction. To that end. Like it, or not, John, you are a trouble magnet. And in some cases, so am I. And you know when magnets lock together, they create an even stronger magnet. I don't think either of us want any more trouble than what we already had. More than likely, we both prefer to have less trouble.”

John agreed, “How true.”

Violin spoke up, “As fun as this conversation is. We do have things to do?”

John asked, “Is she always this impatient?”

Bob answered, “I wouldn't really know. But, my friend Nataru could probably tell you. He is Violin's stepfather. And a good father at that.”

John asked, “Interesting. So, where are we going?”

Ed pulled out her small, remote sized, reality device, from a pocket, with her right hand. She questioned, “That depends. Did they finally figure out how to reality jump on their own?”

John answered, “Yes. They said they figured it out on their own.”

Ed smiled, as she responded, “Good. If I know my boys, they are going to look for help. I will simply think of my boys, and whatever help they are looking for. With luck, we will find them in a peaceful time and place, in the multiverse.”

Annie spoke up, “Not a bad idea.”

Bob complimented, “I like it.”

John stated, “That could work.”

Violin said, “I am just happy to be along for the ride.”

The other four adults walked closer to Ed.

When the four other adults came a stop, right beside Ed, Ed held her reality device in her right hand, as she thought of where, when, and why, she wanted to go to a specific time and place in the multiverse. She the pressed the red button, and all five of them vanished, as they reality jumped.

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

This chapter allowed me to finish the scenes of a number of scenes in books one, two, and three, of my Anthology of Insanity. Among other scenes. And yes, Stan and Lewis did meet Violin, at a future point in time for Violin. That will be explained later.

Also, I now got to included some scenes Bob, Ed, Annie, Violin, and the crew of Moya.

Yes. The crew of Moya have made some very big mistake. And them turning away the Lowe brothers, with the crew of Moya immediately being called on doing so, is par for course for the Farscape series.

And why did I make Violin the biggest fan. For several reasons. Including, allowing me to write that funny scene, in the shuttle bay of Moya.

Until next time. Have fun.

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