Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: Chapter 02

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.

Chapter Two: “The Dark Side Of Reality.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Caution. This is a very, very dark chapter. While, this chapter does not have any sexual situations, from a technical standpoint. It is still a very dark story, in ways most of you may not even think is possible. There is also nudity of a nonsexual nature in this chapter.

Use your of discretion is advised.

Though, this chapter is needed for the overall plot of my story.


Several months ago, in the Black Lagoon anime reality, for Rock. Though, sometime after Akira left that reality.

It was early night, as a massive typhoon has was currently hitting Roanapur hard.

In the distance, behind the city of Roanapur, a bolt of lightning struck, and the outline of a huge towering, steel-blue coned building could be seen behind the bay, and Roanapur proper. The base of the coned tower was nearly equal to the entire diameter of Roanapur island, itself. And the top of the tower went above the clouds.

The tower was nearly complete. With less than a month before construction was finished.

Though, the operations in the tower were already taking place. And only those involved in its construction, and worked in the tower, knew its real purpose.

Though, that were not involved, were in the dark. And those that were involve did not saw a word on the matter. No matter how much money they were offered from outside sources.

The only facts known about the tower, were that Chang was behind its construction. Chang called it his tower. At that point, Chang had moved all his operations into the tower. Those that worked in the tower, lived in the tower. The construction workers never seemed to tire. The materials for the construction seem to come from nowhere. With no transport trucks for material seen coming or going from the Chang's tower.

To that end, within Roanapur, people were also starting to disappear, with other strange people appearing. And the locals of the city that did not disappear, were starting to take the hint, and they were slowly leaving town over the course of the last few months.

Unfortunately, most of the members of Lagoon Company had yet to realize what was going on. And they did not know the danger that was slowly closing in on them.


Several miles away from the tower, in the city of Roanapur, inside the Lagoon Company apartment, the windows had been boarded up, while most of the Lagoon crew were riding out the storm inside their home.

While the others were inside, Revy had told them she would be with Chang for the most part.

While the other Lagoon members could not get any answers from Revy on what she was doing for Chang. Experience had taught them to never annoy Revy. Because doing so was usually bad for ones own health.

Unfortunately, within that part of the city of Roanapur, the power has long since be cut by the storm. With the only sounds the group inside hearing was the wind howl, the rain pour, and the thunder boom.

Inside the building, Dutch, Rock, Janet, and Benny were in the living room, sitting in the couches and chairs in the room, as they read various types of literature, under a battery powered lamp light.

Dutch sitting on a couch, as he read a magazine. Benny was in a chair, read the technical specs to the next computer parts he had order. Janet was laying on her back, on another ouch, as read a romance novel. And Rock was sitting in a chair, was he read a mystery novel.

As time went on, and monotony of the situation set in, Benny yawned, due to him being bored out of his mind.

After yawning, Benny allowed his mind wondered. He looked at the guide he had in his hands, as he thought, 'I just finished this guide. So, what the hell am I going to do now? TV is out. The internet is out. Cannot go outside. And Janet prefers not to have sex this early in the night. Especially, given there are no other sounds, Dutch and Rock, will being hearing only us. And we will be teased for the next week about it.'

Benny's eyes the wondered down the hallway, and he noticed from the shadows cast by the light in the room he was in, that the door to Revy's bedroom was cracked open.

Benny thought, 'Didn't Revy get a new laptop from Chang? Revy is not here, right now. She said she would be gone for the night. I doubt she is even knows better than to put a password for her account. Even if she did, I could probably guess it. Of course, if she finds out I was in her room, without permission, she is going to kill me. But, what is life without a little risk and excitement. Especially, in this town.'

Benny look over at the others and he saw that they were so engrossed with what the were doing, they would likely not notice him getting up from his chair.

Benny slowly, and quietly stood up, and he made his into the hallway, and to door that lead into Revy's bedroom. He carefully, and quietly opened the door. He passed through the threshold, and he gently closed door to where it had been.

Benny realized that if he had fully closed the door, the sound of the latch sliding into the notch would likely alert the others. So, instead, he just left the door barely cracked.

When Benny was inside Revy's bedroom, he found that the occasional popping of lightning, from the outside windows, illuminated the room to where Benny could see his way around.

Benny made his way across the room, to Revy's bed, where he saw the laptop sitting on top of the sheets of the bed, by Revy's walkman cassette player and earplug headphones attached the walkman by thin wires.

Benny gentle sat down on Revy's bed. He picked up the laptop, and he opened it.

Benny found the laptop was in powerdown mode, and he press the powerbutton to bring up the login screen, in english. The name on the screen was, 'revy'. All in undercase letters.

Benny mentally realized, 'Even though Revy said Chang gave her this computer, it is a good thing that the only language that Revy knows well is english... Though, she also knows bad english... But, that is another matter.'

'Still, if she knew chinese, I would have difficulty, because my chinese is not that good. And it is fortunate that Revy decided to charge the battery to her laptop, before she left.'

'So, what is the password? Since the name is undercase, it is likely all the letters, and maybe numbers, in her password are, as well. With no special characters thrown in.'

'Now, even Revy would know better than to use names and simple words, such as money and god, as a password. And she is not clever enough, at computers, to throw in numbers, nor wildcard letters. So, what word would she use that she likes, and that she can remember... Ah, yes. That would be it.'

Benny used the track pad below the laptop to select the password bracket. He then typed in the word, 'bacardi', into the password bracket, he pressed enter.

Suddenly, the screen changed to the GUI icon screen.

As Benny used his right finger on the track pad at the bottom of the keyboard, he thought, 'Bingo. It looks like I still got the touch. Now, let's see what secrets you have, that you have been keeping from us. If you started a digital dairy in this thing, it might be worth dying over to read it.'

Benny then noticed an icon label, 'Project.'

He thought, 'What is this?”

He opened the 'project file' and there were two sub-folders within.

One was labeled, '1. Equipment and Personal.' The other was labeled, 2. Targets and Processing.'

He opened the two folders, into to separate sub-windows on the screen, to look at the contents of both at the same time.

The folders were full were html documents, pictures, and text files within.

Benny then opened the documents on the first folder and began reading.

Benny face slowly paled from fright at what he read. He was so scared, he stopped reading in detail, and instead he just began skimming what was there. By the time he got halfway through the second folder, he was about ready to throw up from the fear he felt.

Suddenly, the computer shutdown by itself.

Benny eyes widened, as he mentally realized, 'Oh no. This laptop has a monitoring program on it. And it is connect to Chang's servers in his tower. They know I just accessed it. They know Revy is not here. They are coming! It's Florida, all over again!'

Benny closed the laptop, set it on the bed. And he then quickly bolted out of Revy's bedroom. He threw open Revy's bedroom door, as he ran into the hallway, and into the living room.

When Benny reached the living room, he looked over at his friends, as he yelled, “Guys! We have got to get out of here right now!”

The other three adults in the room looked up from what they were reading, towards Benny. They could all tell that something was troubling the blond haired man.

Dutch inquired, with concern, “What is the matter, Benny?”

Benny swiftly said, with worry in his tone of voice, “There is no time to explain. We have to get our bugout bags, get to the car outside, get to the Lagoon, and get out to sea, as quickly as possible.”

Rock calmly pointed out, “If you haven't noticed. There is a typhoon hitting us, right outside.”

Benny shook his head, as he replied, “Trust me. That is nothing compared to what is coming for us. I found out why everyone has been leaving town, and it is bad.”

Janet asked, with worry, “What did you do?”

Benny admitted, in a flat tone of voice, “I admit it. I am dangerous to myself, and others, when I am bored. I decided to go into Revy's bedroom, where I hacked Revy's computer, that Chang gave her. And I found some weird, scary shit inside.”

Benny's comment got everyone's attention.

Benny continued, “Her laptop has a trace program that alerted Chang that someone accessed one of his computer. That is not the worst of it. From what I saw in those files. Chang was already about to kidnap us and do horrible things to us.”

Benny looked over at Dutch, directly in the eyes, as he begged, “Dutch. If there was ever a time you trusted me. Now, would be that time. We have to leave, right now. Before they get to us.”

Dutch looked at his friend and realized he was serious.

Dutch turned to Janet and Rock, as he ordered, “Everyone get your bugout bags. We are leaving in thirty seconds.”

Rock quickly asked, “What about Revy?”

Benny answered, “We have to leave her. I will explain later. We must move now!”

Dutch stated, “Rock, I am going to have to go with Benny on this one. Revy can take care of herself. We will leave her. If need be, we will come back for her, after we sort this mess out.”

Rock decided not to protest, as he, Dutch, and Janet, got up from their seats. And all four of the adults when to swiftly get their bugout bag.

A minute later, the four adults were in red Lagoon Company car, with the bugout bags in back. Dutch was driving, as they made their way, through the wind, rain, and lightning, as quickly as possible to the port where Lagoon Company headquarters was located, and where Dutch had anchored the Lagoon.


Ten minutes later, they reach Lagoon Company's personal dock.

Dutch quickly stopped the car near the dock they used. As they got out of the car, through the rain, they saw the waves were battering the port and boat.

While they retrieved their bugout bags from the trunk, Rock questioned, over the wind, “Can we get the Lagoon out to sea in this mess?”

Dutch stated, “Yea. The Lagoon is designed to handle this type of weather and not sink. All we need is a couple of our four propellers to be in the water to push us out. But, it is going to be rough.”

Janet looked behind them, towards the city, and she saw something. She yelled, “Behind us!”

Everyone else turned around and saw the headlights of cars coming in the distance towards them.

Benny yelled, “It's them! We have to move!”

With their bugout bags in hand. They closed the door and started running towards where their boat was docked. As they ran Dutch said, “Hustle people.”

The soon ran onto the dock, where the Lagoon PT bat was tied down at.

As they came to a stop, by the Lagoon PT boat, they saw that the ship was bobbing up and down like a cork in a storming sea. Though, the ship was still tied to the dock.

The reason that the Lagoon was been pulled into the garage of the Lagoon building, was that Dutch was worried that a storm surge might take the whole building. And with the Lagoon tied outside, that there was good chance that such a storm surge would only break the ropes holding the boat to the dock. With the boat floating into town. And given the was Roanapur was. No one would try to claim savage rights, as Dutch went to retrieve his PT boat.

Dutch threw his bugout bag onto the deck of the PT boat, as he stated, “There is no time to do this gently. So, let me do what I have to do. Bags first. I want to test the timing what I am about to do.”

The other three adults handed Dutch their bag, as he successfully tossed each one onto the deck.

Dutch them order, “Janet, you first.”

Dutch grabbed Janet by the waist, as he said, “When I say now, you jump, while I throw.”

Janet turned to Dutch, as she nodded.

Dutch looked at the his boat going up and down. He mind paying attention to the rhythm of the bobbing. Suddenly, he yelled, “Now!”

Janet jumped, while Dutch tossed her. As second later, she landed safely onto the deck of the boat.

Dutch quickly did the same for Benny, and then Rock.

Dutch looked at the boat, as he saw the three other adults looking at him. He ordered, “Benny, Rock, catch me!”

Benny and Rock heard Dutch, as they got ready to do so.

On the dock, Dutch back up to the other end of the pier. He continued to time the bobbing, so the boat would be going down as he jumped.

He started his running jump. As he legs left the pier, the boat when down.

A second later, Dutch's feet hit the deck, with Benny and Rock catching him.

Dutch looked at both of them, as he stated, “Thanks. Now, Benny, Rock, use your knives to cut the ropes to the dock. Janet, throw the bags inside. After you three get done, meet me in the pilot house.”

The three crew members did as instructed, while Dutch quickly made his way inside his ship, and towards pilot house of the boat.

When Dutch reached the pilot house, he quickly seated himself in the left chair, and he buckled himself into his seat. He turned to the controls. He used the controls to cause the engines of the boat to roar to life.

As Dutch both heard and felt the hum of his steed waking up, he thought, 'I am glad I filled up the tanks to the Lagoon, with a fully stocked pantry, before the storm hit. Because, from the way Benny is talking. We are not going to be wanting to stop for a while.'

A few seconds later, Janet, Benny, and Rock, joined him.

Dutch looked over at them, as he ordered, “Everyone. Secure yourselves. This is going to be rough.”

The three other adults moved around the room, as they do so three adults did so. With Janet getting into the chair beside Dutch, to his right side. With her buckling herself to the chair.

A few seconds later, after everyone secured themselves, Benny said, “Not to add to the trouble, Dutch. Though, when we get out to sea. I need you to run dark. Fortunately, I leave my equipment here turned off when not in use. So, they cannot trace us that way. But, I need to you turn off you lights when we get out of the bay.”

Dutch took Benny at his word, as he replied, “Whatever you say, Benny. But, you better have one hell of an explanation when we get out of this storm.”

Benny replied, “Don't worry. I do have one.” He then pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter, form his pockets. Next, he lit a cigarette, and put it in his mouth. As he held the cigarette with his lips, he put away his pack of cigarettes and his lighter.

After which, Benny used his his right index and middle finger to hold the cigerette in his mouth, as he took a long drag from it, while he watched Dutch steer the Lagoon towards the inlet, that lead out to sea.


At that moment, several black colored cars had reached the Lagoon dock. Women in black suits come stepped out of the vehicles. They then pulled out their pistols, and began firing at the Lagoon, as the boat left the harbor.

But, the Lagoon's hull was armor, and designed to handle small arms fire. So, the bullets only bounced off, as the ship made its was towards the back side of the large island hill, with the giant faceless Buddhist statue, facing way from the town, on towards the sea.

A few minutes later, the Lagoon had made it to the Gulf of Thailand, as Dutch used his dashboard instruments, to steer the Lagoon south, towards the South China Sea.

Meanwhile, the woman that had shot at the Lagoon, turned to the vehicles, to head back to Chang's toward, and report the bad news to Chang's second in command, Lotton.


Once the Lagoon was out to see, it took three hours for the ship to make it out of the other side of storm. All the while, the Lagoon ran dark, with its lights off.

Though, the crew, inside the ship, had long since used towels on board the ship to dry themselves, and their possessions, off.

An hour after getting the ship to exit the typhoon, on the south side of the storm, the seas had finally calmed down, those inside the Lagoon could find discuss why they were on the run in the first place.

All four of the adults were standing in one of the large rooms of the Lagoon, as they stretched their legs.

Though, while Dutch, Janet, and Rock, had relaxed some, they all watched Benny, and saw that the blond man was nowhere near to calming down.

Benny was literally smoking a pack of cigarettes an hour, for the last four consecutive hours.

They others just watched as he smoked cigarette, as he he paced back and forth in the room they were all in.

Dutch sympathetically looked at his friend, as he requested, “Talk to me, Benny. You are scaring me.”

Benny stopped walking, as he turned to look at Dutch. Dutch saw real fear in Benny's eyes, as Benny stated, “Dutch, Janet, Rock, you don't understand. We are screwed. I mean royally screwed. We are in deeper than we have ever been before. This makes the mess I got into in Florida between the FBI and mafia look like a Sunday school picnic. We are talking Mariana Trench deep, and sinking fast. Thank god Revy's computer was in English, or we would have been even worse off.”

Rock asked, “What was on Revy's computer?”

Benny dropped his cigarette on the metal floor, and stamped on it, with the sole of his right shoe, while collected himself.

Benny then took a deep breath, and he slowly let it out. Next, he said, “I only got some of the information of what was in Revy's computer before I was cut off. I know Chang is the top dog in all this. But, what he is into is insane. It makes Akira's little party trick tame in comparison. He is dealing with metaphysics. Alternate realities. Real life artificially created cyborgs. And something about processing people on a target list... We should have run when that giant Tower of Babylon was being constructed by Chang... But, we didn't.”

“And I do know one thing for sure. I saw that we are all on this processing target list. And Revy has been listed as having already been processed. I am guessing part of that means she have been brainwashed.”

Dutch softly put his right hand on Benny's right shoulder, as he said, “Benny, I know this is bad. But, you have got to calm down, or you are going to give yourself a heartattack.” He then gently removed his hand off of Benny.

Janet said, “Honey, Dutch is right. You got to calm down. Relax. We are out to sea on a full tank of diesel. We can out run them.”

Benny was failing at trying to calm down, as he stated, “You don't understand. Included in what I read was a list of a four woman team that Chang has already created. All of them have been listed as being processed.”

“Revy is the leader. Shenhua and Sawyer are also on her team. But, when I read who the last name of who was on that team list, I nearly soiled myself. The last member is the fucking Bloodhound, Roberta. We know what she is capable of. And she will track us to the ends of the Earth and beyond. She is that good.”

“Damn. Four of the five most scariest, most dangerous women on Earth are now after our hides. We are screwed. And to make matters worse, if the records are correct, Roberta has not only been processed, but she has also been turned into a god damn cyborg!”

Benny took a deep breath. He then continued, “It is like that young man in the long coat told us. You know the one, Dutch. He stole and wrecked our car, the day the other Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer showed up, and then disappeared. He claimed that he, and the other Revy, Shenhua and Sawyer were from the future. He also mentioned that all of them, and Roberta, had been given some sort of supersoldier serum. That is probably what part of that processing is. Plus, he stated that Roberta would be made into a cyborg.”

“Anyway, now four badasses have been made even more badass, and Roberta is also is now a cyborg. Given all four of them know us, we know Chang is going to send them after us. It is overkill, man! Overkill! I would suggest surrendering, if it wasn’t for the fact we know them all too well.”

Dutch said, “Surrendering is not an option. I wish that man would have told us more than just hints. But, I am sure the girls would have killed him if he had tried. Though, I could tell that he really did want to tell us. I will forgive him for my car because at least now his information has given us a fighting chance. And to think Chang did all this under our noses.”

Janet pointed out, “That might be why we have been getting so many jobs from Chang, for the last few month. He has been intentionally keeping us busy, so we would not realize what is going on.”

Dutch said, “That would explain things. And it would be scary enough to make sense. Those were mostly milk runs, and he paid more than he should for those jobs. Now, we know why.”

Rock stated, “Okay. Let's stay focused here and work with what we know so far. Benny, what did you learn about this processing?”

Benny answered, “All I got was that they capture the target, knock the target out, and put the person in some sort of cylinder vat, for what they call, processing.”

“During this time, they keep the victims asleep during the process, while they likely brainwash them. And, as I said before, I guess that supersoldier serum that man mentioned is part of that processing.”

“Unfortunately, Revy's computer shutdown on its own right after that. But, my gut tells me I missed something very important, when I read about this processing.”

Rock said, “Okay. We can work with that.”

Dutch commented, “Benny, you made the right call. At least we got out of there with our hides intact. And I am pissed of at Chang. Which I am sure everyone here is as well.”

The other three adults nodded in agreement.

Dutch turned to Rock, as he added, “Rock, we will figure a way to save Revy.”

Rock replied, “I know. We just have to figure out how.”

Janet suggested, “Benny, let's get something to eat. You will feel better.”

Dutch responded, “Janet is right. We will just keep running until we come up with a better plan.”

Benny conceded, “Okay.”


Over the course of the next three days, the Lagoon made port only as quickly it took to refuel and move on. Though, on the second day, Rock stopped by a drug store, near the pier they docked at.

Dutch did not want to take any chances. He even when to ports that he never took Revy to. His plan was to head for Australia, and disappear into the population there.

Australian cities, such as Sidney, had a very diverse populations. And all four of them could blend in there and stay together without anyone else batting an eye. Unlike the other nations they were passing by on the Lagoon.

This plan was further backed up by the fact that Dutch knew the advantages and disadvantages of the Lagoon. On one hand it allowed for freedom of travel and movement. But, it was also on the sea, and wide open to attack.

If it has been just Revy and Roberta, Dutch would have preferred to stay out on the open sea. But, with Chang's resources, that was not going to be a long term solution. Dutch knew that Chang would eventually track them down, and since boats and planes of his own, after them.

Also, Dutch knew from experience that both Revy and Roberta were expert sharpshooters whom could exploit their wide open situation.

And Dutch did not want to get into a close quarters combat on the Lagoon with those four women. At least on dry land they had more room for movement.

That night, Dutch had told Benny, Janet, and Rock, of his plan. And all three agreed it was a good plan.


On the four day, they finally had to make port for food.

The port itself was a small town, on a small tropical island.

The pier they were on was very short, and the Lagoon had been angled to point its front outward. In case they need to make a quick getaway.

The Lagoon was not moored to the pier, nor anchored, in case of needing a quick escape.

Passed the pier the Lagoon was by, there were small buildings and shops.

Inside the Lagoon, Janet was behind the controls.

Janet was the least experience in combat, and as such, she was the one selected to stay behind.

Dutch had taught Janet the basic controls of the Lagoon so she could keep her hand on the engines if they had to make a run for it on short notice.

Meanwhile, Dutch was at top of the deck of the Lagoon, with his automatic rifle loaded and ready. He was in a hidden spot on the desk, in relation to the island. From his position, he slowly peeked his head up, towards the island, so he could keep eye out. But, he could also stay down most of the time, so their pursuers would be less likely to notice him.

Both Dutch and Janet had a communication headset over their right ear, so they could talk to each other.

Benny and Rock had been assigned to go into town and get supplies as quickly as possible.

The two men had been go for a half an hour, and Dutch was starting to get worried.

He then stuck his head up, and he saw the two of them had finally arrived back on the pier. Both were carrying bags of groceries.

They were about fifty feet from the Lagoon.

Dutch almost breathed a sigh. Then, he noticed three figures walked out from one of the building, near the pier.

Dutch immediately recognized them, as Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua.

Dutch took aim with his weapons at the women, as he yelled, “Rock! Benny! Run!”

Just as Dutch was about to fire, something hit the barrel of his gun, knocking it his right side.

Dutch immediately ducked back down behind his cover.

Dutch thought, 'That must have been the maid. Damn it. I didn't see her. And I know that is a warning shot. The maid is too good not to miss on purpose. They want us alive. If I try to cover Benny and Rock, she will kill me the moment I pop my head up.

Dutch held his rifle in his right hand, as he crawled to a nearby opened the hatch. He yelled, into his communication headset, “Janet! They're here! Get ready to gun it.”

A second later, Dutch heard the engines to the PT boat start to hum.

Dutch thought, 'Good girl. Still, I don't dare use even the headphones we have. They might be able to trace, even those devices. But, how did that find us?'

Meanwhile, both men didn't even both to look behind them, as they dropped their bags and ran for the Lagoon, as quickly as possible.

As they were running, Shenhua threw kukri long knife in her right hand. The knife's hilt was attached to a rope, within her right sleeve. She threw the knife counterclockwise arc that caused the rope part, near the hilt of the knife, to hit the side of Rock's left ankle, wrapping it around Rock's ankle.

Shenhua smiled wickedly, as she quickly pulled back on her rope, causing Rock to fall, face forward, into the pier.

As Rock laid on his stomach, he mentally realized, 'I'm had. But, I planned ahead. I just hope this works.' He quickly used his right hand to palm a couple of pills he had in a pocket, put them in his mouth. He swallowed them dry, while making sure the pills went down.

Rock thought, 'Now, to tell the others.' He looked up, in front of him, at Benny, and the Lagoon PT boat, as he yelled, into his headset, “Dutch! Benny! I know you can hear me! There is nothing you can do for me! Go! Now! Keep running! And don't give up!”

Both Dutch and Benny heard Rock.

As Benny jumped on to boat, Dutch quietly said, “Goodbye my friend.” He then yelled down into the hatchway, “Janet, hit it!”

Janet used the levers by her to gun the engines, as the Lagoon roared to life, and sped away, out to sea.

A minute later, Janet was joined Dutch and Benny in the pilot cabin. She turned to them, in her seat, as she asked, “Where is Rock?”

Benny quietly said, “He didn't make it.”

Janet began to tear up.

Dutch stated, “Don't count Rock out just yet. If that man was given enough time, he could plan and implement his escape from Hell itself. And he has had four days to think about what has happened. Our goal now is to continue running. Keep them busy. While Rock figures this out from another angle.”

Janet stopped herself from crying, as she admitted, “You're right.”

Benny asked, “What now, Dutch?”

Dutch said, “It is going to take time for the girls to handle Rock. That keeps them busy. Right now, we stop at the next port. Grab food and supplies as quickly as we can, and keep running for Australia. And maybe go deeper into the continent than I originally planned.”

Dutch grinned wickedly at the two other the adults, as he stated, “Let us see how long we can outrun the devil herself.”


Meanwhile, on the pier, Rock rolled over to face his attackers.

As they approached him, Rock leaned up and undid the rope around his right ankle.

By the time he did so, the three women were right in right from of them, as they looked down at him. Though, Rock noticed that Roberta was missing.

Rock thought, 'Roberta is probably in hiding somewhere with a rifle. Just in case, they needed cover fire. Which they did. And that is likely why Dutch was unable to fire at them.'

Shenhua reeled in her rope and knife, as she said, “We heard the whole thing. How very noble of you.”

Sawyer commented, through her electrolarynx choker, “I found it touchingly sweet.”

Revy stated, “Can it you two, with the lovey dovey. He is my boyfriend. For now.”

Rock thought, with mild amusement, 'At these their personalities have not changed that much. Might as well find out what I can, while I can.'

Rock asked, “How did you find us?”

Revy snorted, “Spy satellites. Chang had some of his personnel hack into them. Do you know how rare a PT Boat is?”

Rock inquired, “You're right. But, you got here so quickly?”

Revy pointed out, “We also have access to airplanes. We just plotted your course and flew in ahead of you. But, it did take a few times. Given you did not stop at every port. And don't worry. We will catch our friends, soon enough. Still, I want to know how you figured it out.”

Rock questioned, “You are not going to kill the person responsible? Are you?”

Revy immediately laughed.

As her laughter died down, she responded, “Kill you! Hell no! We going to give you all gifts. When we are finished with you, we are going to be together for a very long time.”

Rock thought, 'Oh hell. Why not? At least it will likely put her in a good mood.' He stated, “During the typhoon, with the power out, Benny was bored, went into your bedroom, and hacked your computer.”

Revy rolled her eyes, as she replied, “That figures.” She then looked directly at Rock, as she inquired, with annoyance in her voice, “Why did you all have to make things so difficult?”

Rock deadpanned, “I am sorry. But, being brainwashed is not on our schedule.”

Revy said, “That is what you think?”

Rock pointed out, “After everything the two of us have been through. Both inside, and outside, the bedroom. I don't see you selling us. Let alone me. Out for cash. So, it has to be brainwashing.”

Revy countered, “You call it brainwashing. I called it having my eyes open. I admit that Chang made us loyal to him. But, he gave us so much more in return. We have learned so much. Rock, you would not believe the wonders we have seen. The places we have been too. The plunders we have taken. And the best part was we were always back home in time for supper. So, none of you would be the wiser. And I want you all to share in that.”

Rock commented, “When you share something. You should always first ask if the other person wants it, or not.”

Revy shrugged, as she replied, “It is tragic that I was never taught such life lessons, and manners. Still, don't worry, Rock? When you wake up, we can be together again. And we will make sure you are happy with the new you.”

Rock watched a Sawyer pulled out a pistol from her clothing, with her right hand. She swiftly pointed a pistol at his body. She fired and a dart launched out of the pistol and struck his left forearm.

Rock felt a needle be injected into his left forearm. And from the pressure in his arm, he could tell that something was being injected entered his bloodstream.

A few seconds later, Rock began to feel tired, as he thought, 'It must be a tranquilizer. In which case. I am glad I planned ahead.'

Rock did not fight going to sleep. Instead, he laid back on the pier. So, he would not collapse onto the pier.

Right before Rock passed out, he overheard Revy say, “Okay girls. Let's get him back to the tower and processed. Then, we can go after the others.”


Time passed, and then Rock's eyes suddenly snapped open. He he suddenly became wide awake.

The first sensation he felt was that he was floating.

He looked around and notice he was immersed and floating in green goo that was still translucent enough for him see outside the vat that he was in.

As he looked around he saw that he was inside a large, clear cylinder vat, stood on its flat side, with a flat metal top and a large cone shaped metal bottom base.

The next thing he realized was that he was completely naked. There was a mask attached to his face, from the bridge of his nose, the bottom of his chin, allowing him to breath.

Also, there were wires, a IV line, a tube, and a hose hooked up to him.

The wires were attached to the top of his head and to the top of his chest.

There was an IV line attached underside of his right elbow to give his body nutrients, medicines. Along with sedatives that Rock was able to mentally fight against. For the time being.

Meanwhile, the tube and hose were attaches two very sensitive places below his waist, that were to make sure the vat goo was not contaminated with his own bodily waste.

Rock placed the palms of his hands onto on the inside of the clear lining of the cylinder. He thought, 'I have to get out of here. But, whatever they use for glass in these things probably very tough.'

He looked around and saw that above him what a handle to open the hatch at the top of the vat, from the inside.

Rock swim up a foot. And he opened the hatch. After he did so, and he confirmed there was air above him, Rock began removing the things attached to him.

The wires and IV were not difficult to remove. But the hose was uncomfortable to dislodge. And the tube was outright painful.

As he broke the surface of the green goo, he removed his mask.

Rock took his first breath of free air, as he smiled. He thought, 'I am glad those pills worked. I was told those time release stimulant pills take about sixteen hours to start to work. Given the time it would take to fly back here, I would guess I have only been in this thing for a few hours.'

Rock then climbed out of the vat, and down the outside of the cylinder, by using a ladder attached to the back of the vat.

As his feet hit the cold, metallic floor, he looked around at where he was. Also, the air was cool to his wet skin. But, not cold.

Rock noticed there was some lighting far above him, in the ceiling. He saw that the ceiling was around a hundred feet above him. The lighting was a soft green luminance that only added to the eeriness of the environment around him.

He looked at the vat in front of him. The metal, cone shaped base was not that large, with the wider end on the bottom, and the shorted end of the base on the top, which was connected to the cylinder. The cylinder on top of the base was high and wide enough to fit a tall, large human man, but not much more than that. The ladder itself, when down from the top hatch, along the side of the cylinder, and down the metal, cone shaped base. With the ladder stopping right before it touched the floor.

Rock then looked around him. He saw that he was in the corning of the room. With two, gray metallic walls, which the light caused to have a green tint to it, that stretched as far as he could see.

And then he looked at the other two sides of him, and what he saw horrified him down to his deepest being.

Rock could see similar vats, that were the same size as the one he came out of, lined in rows, that were in a square grid formation.

Rock also saw that there were other people, adults, inside the majority of the vats.

But, Rock immediate concern was the possible discovery.

Rock looked more closely between the vats, as he mentally realized, “There seems to be no one here. This is likely because they keep their victims so sedated that no one thought that one of them would wake up, and get out of their cage. I guess the Chang's subordinates never met someone like me before. Now, before I escape, I need to take a closer look at people in these vats, and the vats themselves, to figure out what Chang is up too.'

Rock slowly walked parallel to the line of vats running parallel to one of the walls, as he took a closer look at the vats.

Rock took a closer look at the people slumbering in the vats.

He realized that most of them were adult, human females in their mid-twenties.

From the look of their genitalia, and bone structure, their appeared to be a few of them that seemed to be changing from male to female.

On instinct, Rock looked down at his body and checked himself. He thought, 'Yep. Still a man.'

It was then that Rock noticed from the women's stomachs, that many of the women in the vats were in various stages of pregnancy.

Rock mentally wondered, 'What the hell are you up to, Chang?'

Rock looked down at the metal bases of the vats, and he saw there were computer display screens attached to metal bases, on the opposite side that the ladders were located on. At the top of each of the screen was a process number and a name below the number.

Many of the names were male, but there were a number of female names as well.

Rock recognized some of the names, he thought, 'This is impossible. I know these names. But, they cannot exist. They are names of badasses from various works of fiction.'

Rock then stared at their faces, and as insane as it appeared, he could still recognize some their faces. Those he knew that were originally female he immediately recognized. And those that were originally male, he could still vaguely recognize their faces.

Rock thought, 'Oh god. This is impossible. THIS is impossible. These characters. No. These people are from alternate realities.'

Rock silently realized the truth of Chang's planned. He thought, in terror and disgust, 'Oh god! It is eugenics. Combined with the, world as myth, theory. Which I see is now real. is real. Chang is kidnappings badasses from the multiverse to breed more badasses.'

'Knowing him, he is likely trying to literally produce an army. This could have happened to me. Or, would I have just been brainwashed to serve Chang, like Revy and the girls have... Oh, the tower! Damn! Why didn't I realize it before? Chang ripped off Genom tower's design from the Bubblegum Crisis OVAs.'

'Why am I not surprised? Hell! I am likely in the bowels of the Chang's tower itself, right now. Though, at least I know where I am now. And that is a start a figuring out my escape plan.'

Suddenly, Rock heard footsteps coming his way.

He quickly used the sounds, to angle himself, so he hid behind a vat, in the opposing direction from which the sounds were coming from.

He then stuck his head out, towards the footsteps, and he saw a male technician, in a long white lab coat towards him.

Though, Rock could tell that the man clearly did not see him.

Rock ducked back behind his cover, as he though, 'When I escaped the vat, I must have tripped a silent alarm. I need to handle this quietly. Then, I need to find a way out of here, as quickly as possible.'

Rock ducked down, as waited a few seconds, and as the man passed by him, without noticing him.

Rock stood up, and swiftly rush at the man.

Before the man could react, Rock quickly banged the other man's head against a nearby vat a few times, knocking him out.

Rock watched at the man was still breathing.

Rock thought, 'He is still alive. But, he is going to be out for a while. Now, to get his clothing. I don't have time for the shirt and pants. But, the coat will work. And I think his shoes will fit me.'

He did not waste time, as he took off the man's coat, and shoes.

Though, Rock found that shoes did not fit, Rock was able to use the coat to cover himself.

As Rock put on the coat, and buttoned it up around his body, he thought, 'I guess I was about his shoes. Though, at least the cold floor is clean and flat. I can continue walking barefoot. And with the coat, as least I am no longer naked. Now, to find a way out of her.

Rock swiftly walked along the wall. A minute later, he could hear yelling coming from a nearby room, that attached to the vat room by large metal doors.

As Rock turned towards the noise, he saw that the two metal doors were open.

Rock quietly made his way to the doors, and he peeked his head in to see who was making all the noise.

Who Rock saw was literally the last person he would expect to ever see in real life.

It is Megatron, without his arm cannon. Megatron was a sitting position, as he struggled to free himself from the large mechanical manacles and chains that tied him down.

Also, Rock noticed that Megatron was alone in the room.

Megatron yelled, in what appeared to be english, “Release me now, and I will grant you swift deaths!”

Rock thought, 'I am looking at Megatron of the Decepticons. A pissed off Megatron, at that. Chang getting his hands on Megatron, no matter what reason, is bad news for everyone else. And I am not sure how he could do so, in the first place. Though, he figured out some way.'

'And as much as I would like to leave Megatron here, I have no choice but to free him. But, I will have to handle this just right, or he will kill me. But, given my current situation, that might not be the worst alternative, I am facing.'

Rock then walked into the room.

When Megatron saw him, he demanded, “Release me now!”

Rock calmly stated, “I am currently trying to figure out how. Then, we both can escape.”

Megatron asked, “You are a prisoner here, as well?”

Rock cracked a grin, as he replied, “Not for long.”

Rock's attitude caught Megatron by surprise.

Rock then saw a nearby control station. He walked to it, and looked at the controls for a moment.

A minute later, Rock was able to make the manacles, attached to Megatron, release from his body.

As Megatron was set free, he stood up to his full height. He then walked towards Rock.

Rock forced himself to remain calm, as he looked over at Megatron, whom was casually approaching him.

When Megatron came near Rock, he came to a stop, as he looked down at the human. He inquired, “Why did you not ask something from me, before freeing me?”

Rock stated, “Because, I know better. Now, you can either decide to help me. Or, you can try to escape on your own, while I use you as a distraction to escape myself.”

In response to Rock's comment, Megatron chuckled. He then smiled, as he said, “I like you, human. That is well thought out. Something I might have thought of. I think I will help you, just to see what comes of it. And in doing so, I will have revenge on those that have wronged me.”

Rock responded, “That is fine with me. Still, from a tactical point of view, I need to know something first. How many passengers does your alt mode carry? And what is your alt mode.”

Megatron answered, “Given your size. As of right now, I can only carry three of you humans. I can become a flying bomber.”

Rock said, “That will do.”

Megatron commented, “From what I can see. You humans are more technologically advanced than I realized.”

Rock thought, 'He must be from the distance past.” Rock said, “You are not in your reality. You are in an alternate reality from your own. You are on Earth. And you are probably in the future, in relation to the time you came from.”

Megatron replied, “That does explain a few matters. And from what I see. When I return to my proper place and time, I will have to keep an eye on your humans.”

Rock thought, 'I guess we humans are fated to meet you.' He said, “If you do so, you may find my species to be full of surprises.”

Megatron commented, “That I do no doubt of one bit.”

Rock requested, “But, this is a discussion for another time. Now, we have to escape. So, please follow me. We must gain help before we leave.”

As they exited the room, Rock was shocked at how quiet Megatron's foot steps were, he Megatron walked behind him.

Rock thought, 'I can barely hear him walk. For such a big guy, he knows the value of stealth. Now, to see what other rooms are nearby. We may find tools for our escape. And if someone tries to stop us, I am sure Megatron can handle them.'

A minute later, they passed by another room with large doors. Megatron stopped, as he stated, “I sense technology similar to space bridge technology within that room.”

Rock came a stop, as he turned to Megatron. He said, “Sounds like an invitation for us.”

Megatron just smiled at Rock.

They then turned and entered the room. They saw machines hooked to a spherical ring that sat on its side, with a diameter of fifty feet.

Rock theorized, “Megatron, this is likely some sort of reality portal machine. This is probably the technology used to bring you here. Can you duplicate it?”

Megatron scanned the machine, with his sensors. He then answered, “Yes. But, there are two problems. First, it is designed so the machine that creates the multiverse jump cannot actually navigate it. This means I will need a pilot for this. I guess you will do. I also hacked the files on the computer. The way to navigate is for you to imagine when and where in the multiverse you want to be, and I can instantly take us there. I hope you have a good imagination. I will create a key for you to use to link up with my new systems.

“Also, it seems that the only other limitations to these devices is the energy used. Which is not much for myself. The bigger the object, the more energy needed for the jump, but size to energy ratio is quiet small. I could probably jump a large space cruiser with the low levels of energy currently I have. And I still have some left over for a fight.”

Rock said, “That is good to hear.” He thought, 'So, he let slip that his energy levels are low. I am not surprised. A few power, even those manacles likely wouldn't have held him.'

Megatron held out his right hand towards Rock.

Rock saw that in palm of Megatron's right hand, there was a strange crystal, reality key, that about the size of a credit card.

Rock took the key and put it in one of the pockets of his coat. He stated, “Thank you. And do not worry, I have a pretty good imagination. Now, that we have an exit. Let us find some recruits.”

Megatron smirked, as he said, “My thoughts exactly.”

They exited the room, and continued walking down the rows of vats.

While they passed by the vats, Rock looked at the names on the screens as the bases of the vats.

Rock was hoping to find someone that that was useful, whom was not pregnant.

After a minute of checking each computer screen, attached to each vat they passed, Rock mentally cursed, 'Damn it. All those I recognize are already pregnant. If I take them, they will be useless to me. Even I know, from meeting Akira, that having one's gender bent is mentally disturbing. Adding a forced pregnancy, like what has happened to them, and the person will likely have a mental collapse when she wakes up. And those that were already women would be to unpredictable from the trauma to be of much use, either.'

Suddenly, they passed by a vat, and Rock recognized a name. He came to a stop. With Megatron stopping behind him.

Rock looked up at the vat, and he saw her. She was completely healthy. With her slender, athletic body being in great physical shape. She was slightly taller than average height for a woman. She had had no signs of scars, nor injuries, on her fair skin. And the woman was quite beautiful, tough the hair brown hair on her head and between her legs, were starting to regrow.

Rock then looked down, at the display panel more closely. The panel read, 'Subject, Darth Vader. Stage one complete. Waiting for authorization for stage two.'

Rock thought, 'I am guessing that stage two is pregnancy. She is from far my first choice. But, she will do. Vader was many things. Monster. Thug. But, his skill set is fantastic. Besides using the force, Vader is an expert at hand to hand combat, lightsaber combat, military tactics, leadership skills, expert piloting.'

'But, the one thing that sets Vader apart now from the others is that she is also an engineering prodigy. She could probably fix Megatron, if he is damaged. And that is the type of person I need. And since she is now out of that black suit, she might be in a better mood when she wakes up. Though, I hope she isn't to brainwashed. And even if she is, she will still be a useful as a mechanic for Megatron.'

'Also, it is clear she has only recently changed into a woman. The brown hair on her head and between her legs, is only starting to come in. Still, I need to check.'

Rock turned to his teammate. Rock used his right hand to point at Vader, as he requested, “Megatron. Can you scan this woman to see if she is pregnant?” He then dropped his hand back to his side.

Megatron did as requested. He stated, “She is not with child.”

Rock cracked a grin, as he said, “Then Megatron. I think we have a winner. Please, gently open the vat from the top. Remove what is hooked to her, and take her out of that vat. There is a hatch at the top. And please gently carry her. So, she does not wake up until we get out of here.”

Megatron did as instructed.

A minute later, Megatron carried her gently on his right shoulder, as he followed Rock.

Rock was still checking vat after vat, for some more help, as he thought, 'Now, I just need one more. Perhaps a skilled fighter that can be paired with Vader. Vader was a short range fighter. Now, I need a long range fighter.'

A moment later, they heard a girl screaming nearby, in the large room they were in.

Rock and Megatron looked as each other. They then quickly crept along the vats, as the followed the sounds, to see what was going on.

When they came within a hundred feet of the disturbance, Megatron gently set Vader down by a vat. Then, both Rock, and himself, peeked around the corner.

What the saw surprised them.

They saw Revy and Roberta dragging Fabiola, whom was still dressed her black and white maid's outfit, towards a vat.

Sawyer and Shenhua just stood and watched the other two women deal with their prisoner.

Rock thought, 'It has been a few years. And Fabiola has grown into a much more beautiful young woman. Though, she was pretty when I first met her. In a more cute sort of way. But, Revy still has my heart.'

In the distance, they heard Roberta state, in english, “Fabiola. This is for you own good. Do not worry. This will not hurt. And soon we will be working together.”

Fabiola replied, in english, “Roberta, I came to save you for the sake of the young master.”

Roberta responded, “I do not need saving.”

From their hiding place, Rock whispered, “That green haired girl is the one we want. Be ready for my signal. But, please don't harm any of the others, unless I tell you. A battle here would likely trigger a small army coming down on top of us.”

Megatron quietly stated, “I understand.”

Rock then walked out from the vats, and towards the women.

He coughed to get their attention.

The women looked at Rock and they did a double-take.

When Revy saw Rock, she cursed, “Of all the people to escape, it figures it would be you. I promise we were just going to change you. Not leave you in there to be bred. I promise that you will like being a girl.”

Rock calmly said, “Revy, I love you. And I know you are brainwashed. And I am sure you think you know what is best for me. While at the same time you think you have the upper hand. But right now, I have found some help.”

Megatron stepped out from behind a vat.

Both Revy and Roberta let go of Fabiola, as the eyes of all five girls went wide as they stared at Megatron.

Revy muttered, “Damn it. And Arcee is out on a mission.”

Rock stated, “We all know you four are very skilled killers. And with the proper tools, you can take this guy down. But, you don't have those tools, right now. So, you can either run. Or, Megatron here can kill you.”

The four Hell Saber members looked at each other, and they then decided to run.

Megatron just laughed as he watched them flee.

With the others gone, Rock turned to Fabiola. He said, “Fabiola, I think it is best you come with us.”

Fabiola turned to Rock, as she stated, “I agree.”

Rock asked, “Do you have any any weapons on you?”

Fabiola quietly said, “No. Roberta was very thorough in disarming me.”

Rock replied, “That is a small matter for right now.” Rock turned to Megatron, as he continued, “I don't think we have long. So, I think it is best we get out of here. Megatron please bring Vader to us and then transform. Let us test out your new ability.”

Megatron went back, gently retrieved Vader and brought her to Rock and Fabiola. He set the sleeping woman down, on the floor, beside Rock and Fabiola.

Megatron then walked to the nearby wall area, which offer enough space between the wall and the vats for him to transform into his flying bomber mode.

Fabiola saw that the woman was naked. She quickly took off her apron and placed it around the woman's chest and torso, to cover her up as best she could.

Rock turned Fabiola, as he requested, “Please, help me carrying this woman, to our friend, over there.” He looked over at Megatron.

Fabiola replied, “Okay.”

Fabiola and Rock then quickly carried the unconscious to Megatron.

As they reached the plane, they saw a door in the back of the plan opened up.

The two adults then carried Vader into the plane alt mode of Megatron. With Megatron closing the hatch behind them.

After all three were on board, they saw the room was dimly lit, with three seats in the cockpit.

Two up front, and one in back.

The two moved Vader into the backseat and buckled her in.

Next, they got into the front seats and buckled up. Rock on the left. Fabiola on the right.

After they were strapped in, Fabiola commented, “You would think with all the moving, that she would wake up by now.”

Rock replied, “Those put into the vats are given powerful sedatives. It will likely be a while until she wakes up. Be happy she hasn't awoke, yet. We need to be in a much more calmer environment when she does wake up. Or, she will be a liability.”

Fabiola asked, “From you lack of clothing, I can guess you came out of those vats as well. So, how did wake yourself?”

Rock answered, “Time released simulate pills.”

Fabiola stated, “I still think of you are scum. But, you are scum that is constantly full of surprises.”

Rock smiled, as he said, “I keep life interesting.”

Fabiola looked behind her, at the sleeping woman. She then towards Rock. She asked, “So, who is that? I believe you called her, Vader. She cannot be the Vader I am thinking.”

Rock responded, “Actually. Believe or not. She is. That is Darth Vader. AKA Anakin Skywalker. It seems that Chang has restored her body, and changed her gender.”

Fabiola replied, “That is impossible.”

Rock said, “I will have to tell you about my friend, Akira, sometime. Besides. Take a look outside. That is what those vats outside are for.”

Fabiola asked, “So, Chang was going to do the same thing to you?”

Rock flatly replied, “Yes.”

Fabiola commented, “Well, since we are inside Megatron. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Yes. I now who he is.”

Rock commented, “Of course, you do.” He thought, 'The Transformer franchise is like the Star Wars franchise. Everyone here knows who both Darth Vader and Megatron are.'

Fabiola said, “And he is clearly helping us. So, I am not complaining.”

From speakers in the cabin, Megatron stated, “I appreciate your comment."

Fabiola continued to look at Rock, as she responded, “You're welcome, Megatron. Still, Rock. It figures you would pick Darth Vader, of all people for help. Since your girlfriend is clearly not available.”

Rock said, “Hey. I am not the one with the one woman army “

Fabiola conceded, “Point taken. Still, what are we going to do when she wakes up? Vader is not known to handle surprises well.”

Rock stated, “We will deal with that then. My selection was limited. And I stand by my choice.”

Fabiola said, “Okay. But, if she starts using the force to kill you. I am running away from all of you.”

Rock replied, “Fair enough.”

The two of them then turned look in front of of them, and out of the front windows. They could see the from the cabin windows the vats outside.

Megatron stated, through his cabin speakers, “My sensors detect movement a several humans and cybernetic beings heading our way. I suggest we leave.”

Rock was breathing heavily, from moving Vader. He agreed, “Good idea.”

Fabiola noticed this, as she inquired, “Rock, are you alright?”

Rock said, “Now, that I think about it. No. I do not feel so good. I should not be this tired. But, we will deal with that later... Megatron, where do I use the key at?”

Megatron stated, “There is a key hole right between the seats. Put it in. Think of where and when you want to go. Hold that thought, and turn the key to activate the system. And hurry.”

Rock looked between the seat and he saw the keyhole. He replied, “I found it.”

Rock then pulled out the reality key Megatron had given him. He thought, 'Let's see if this works.'

Rock thought of another Earth, parallel to the one he was in, at the same year as they were at, but on the other side of the world, during the day.

Rock kept this thought, as he put the key in and turned it.

Suddenly, they we still on the ground, but they saw trees and a forest around them, in the day light.

Megatron proclaimed, “It worked! And, just as I predicted. I only used very little of my energy reserves.”

Rock replied, “Good. Is there civilization on this planet?”

It was a few seconds before Megatron answered. When he did, he stated, “Yes. Human civilization. Much like yours. Complete with an internet. We are in what you call the United States west coast. Outside of a city.”

Rock inquired, “Good. What is the local time right now?”

Megatron answered, “Ten thirty, AM, local time.”

Rock suggested, “Thank you, Megatron. Now, let us get out of you, so you can transform, and we can talk.”

Megatron replied, “I could not agree more.” He then opened the back hatch of his vehicle mode.


A few minutes later, they were all outside. It was a warm day, as they leaned Vader up against a tree trunk. With Fabiola making sure her apron covered up the front of Vader. From the top of her chest, down to below her crotch.

As Fabiola did this, Megatron had transformed to robot mode.

Fabiola then turned to face the two other standing individuals, as she, Megatron, and Rock, then began to talk.

Rock told the two of them how he was captured, and what he knew.

When Rock finished his explanation, Fabiola commented, “To do that to people, is horrific. And I thought I knew the depths of evil that the people of your city could commit.”

Rock agreed, “Yes. It is horrific. And Chang has clearly gone off the deep end. Still, I need to how did you and Roberta end of tangled in this mess?”

Fabiola answered, “Months ago. A few years after Roberta had healed from her wounds. The best she could. And the young master had healed from his gunshot wound, caused by Roberta. Chang came to visit us.”

Rock inwardly winced, as he asked, “How long did it take Garcia to recover from that chest wound?”

Fabiola stated, “Fortunately, at the time, Roberta was not using hollowpoints, and the bullet missed the young master's organs, as it went through his chest. As such, he made a full recovery, less two months after being shot. If he had been permanently injured, you would be on the ground, hurting, right now.”

Due to hearing Fabiola's comment of threatening to harm towards Rock, Megatron was tempted to inquire into Rock and Fabiola's shared past. But, he did not. He just chose remain silent, as he listened to the two humans.

Fabiola thought, 'Good. Rock understands that was not an idol threat. Still, I am happy that did not happen to Garcia.'

'I am also happy that, over the passed few years, Roberta let her beautiful purple hair grow back to the length it was. After she was severely injured, we had to cut it. Because we had problems with the hair brushing up against some of the bandaged wounds. But, later on, after she heal, she let it grow back to the length it was before she was injured.'

Rock calmly replied, “I realize that. Fabiola. Please, continue.”

Fabiola responded, “Fine... Anyway, Chang personally came, halfway across the world, to the Lovelace plantation home, to see us. And to our surprise, he offered to help heal Roberta's injuries. As you know, she was severely maimed and crippled in her fight with the Gray Foxes.”

“Roberta's mind had finally come back, but there was nothing she could do about her body. Chang then showed up, and he shows us cybernetic technology that we did not even know existed, that would allow Roberta to once again live a normal life. Even though all three of us knew, beforehand, we were making a deal with the devil, it was to good a deal to pass up.”

“Roberta agreed to go with Chang. And neither I, nor the young master, Garcia, stopped her. Even though it has been years, Roberta did send us letters telling us she was fine. She even wired us a vast of amount of money, which allowed the master not to worry about finances for his home and all of us for a long time.'

“Some of the letters included pictures of her and a few other women doing things, as vacationing on the beach. But, two months ago, the letters stopped, and we had not heard from Roberta, since then. A week ago we became impatient, and with the young master's blessing, I returned to that rat hole you call a town, to find Roberta. When I investigated the tower, I was found out and captured by Roberta and the others. Roughly half an hour later, you two rescue me.”

Rock stated, “Fabiola, know this. You did the right than to find out what had happened to your friend. On the bright side, she is now healthy. But, unfortunately brainwashed and serving Chang. I am in a similar boat with my girlfriend, Revy. Whom is now being controlled by Chang, as well. And I promise you that we will find a way to help Roberta, Revy, and the others.”

Rock turned to Megatron, as he said, “Now, in dealing with you, Megatron. I think the first question of the order is, how they did catch a badass like you?”

Megatron answered, “I was baited and ambushed. I was informed that a brain-dead titan had been found with a functional space bridge. Not trusting my subordinates, I went alone. There, instead of a living titan, I found a titan corpse, and I was attacked by that crazy pink autobot.”

Rock was already building a mental profile on which Megatron he was dealing with. From the various branch realities of the Transformer sub-multiverse. And what he had only two more questions to figure out which Megatron this was.

Rock asked, “Was this autobot named, Arcee?”

Megatron replied, “Yes.”

Rock inquired, “How crazy is she?”

Megatron responded, “The craziest autobot I know of.”

Rock silently realized, in thought, 'This Megatron is from the IDW Transformers reality. And it fits. Also, the IDW version is one of the more dangerous, and savvy Transformer realities.'

'Though, Megatron is one of the more sane, courageous, and intelligent Megatrons there is. He does not give up. He is no coward. The titans that Megatron is referring to are a race of giant transformers, like Metroplex.'

'And, from what it sounds like Arcee is working for Chang. This is bad. This Arcee is crazy and could give Roberta a run for her money in the badass, and combat, departments.'

'I owe Benny big for downloading those comics for me. To think that Revy made fun of my tastes in fiction. Well, it looks like I am getting the last laugh.'

Rock said, “Megatron, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Please continue.”

Megatron continued with this story, as he stated, “As expected, I was more than a match for her. But, she would not let up. Then, I realized why. Her allies timing were so precise, that I envied their precision. I wish my men were so precise.”

“The attacks came all at once. Several armor piecing bullets that hit the undersides of all my major joints, at once. At the same time, a rocket was fired straight down the barrel of my fusion cannon, causing it to explode, and knocking me to the ground.”

“As I was on the ground, unable to move, Arcee's allies came out of hiding. And whom I saw surprised me. They were humans in environmental pressure suits. I could only see their faces, through their face plates. Most of them were carrying rifles. Except the one that was clearly their leader. The one carrying the portable rocket launcher, used to destroy my fusion cannon, was female.”

Rock asked, with sneaking suspicion of worry, “Can you describe this woman's face?”

Megatron stated, “The a human female had fair skin, with scars on the right side of her face.”

Rock and Fabiola looked at each other. They both knew the answer to whom took down Megatron.

Both of them then looked back at Megatron, as Rock thought, 'Balalaika and Hotel Moscow took down Megatron. The scary thing is I can actually see Hotel Moscow pulling this off.'

'The tactics Megatron describes are exactly the type of attacks that Hotel Moscow excels at. This means Balalaika is working with Chang. If she is his partner, or subordinate, I do not know. But, either way, it means our troubles are far worse than I previously thought.'

Megatron stated, “It took one of your Earth weeks for my systems to repair my joints, and body. And by then, I was captured and put the chains, where you found me. Still, they have not given me any energon. This has left me weak. And even though, I can slowly recharge myself, I will not be back to full power until I found an energy source I can use. But, I feel we will find some eventually, in our travels. The mystery I do not understand, is how they knew so much about me? To ambush me in such a manner? Even Arcee is not that clever, by herself.”

Rock responded, “You might want to sit down for this one, Megatron. Because it is going to bite your several million years old ego hard. I want you to know that when I tell you this, I am not joking with you. I am not mocking you. I would never mock you. I know better. But, the reason I know better is because I gained the same knowledge, as those that captured you, in the same way.”

Megatron decided to sit down. He sat up right on the grass, as he faced Rock and Fabiola. He sternly responded, “Tell me. So, that I may face what is to come.”

Rock requested, “Do an internet search with the key words of your name, Megatron, and the word, Transformers.”

Megatron did so. A few seconds later, Rock and Fabiola then watched as Megatron suddenly stopped moving and froze.

Fabiola turned to Rock, as she warned, “Are you sure telling him is wise? As I said. Even I know what of the series you are talking about.”

Rock just looked at her, as he inquired, “Not really. But, he would have eventually found out on his own. By the way. How do you know that series?”

Fabiola answered, “It is one of the young master's favorite series.”

Rock said, “Of course. And Garcia does have good taste. Also, I share your fears on this. If we have driven him crazy, I may have likely signed our death warrants. But, both of them need to know. And the sooner we take care of it, the better.”

Megatron then began moving again, as he stated to laugh for several seconds.

Rock and Fabiola turned back to Megatron. They were silent, while Megatron laughed.

As Megatron calmed down, he stated, “No wonder you humans are almost always around when things become interesting.”

Rock hesitantly asked, “You are not going to go crazy?”

Megatron replied, joy clearly evident in his tone of voice, “No! Even if you humans view me as fiction, you still fear and respect me. I love it! I had no idea that I, and my counterparts, could have such an effect on your species, throughout the multiverse. You have made me happy, human. And out of such a gift, I will ask. What are your names?”

Rock answered, “I am Rock. The woman with me is Fabiola. As for the one resting. We will have to wait and see.”

Megatron countered, “Not for long. My sensors tell me that she is waking as we speak.” He then stood up.

They all turned to looked at Vader, as they watched Vader open her eyes.

Vader slowly yawned. As second later, she suddenly realized she not in her suit, and she was not suffocating.

She quickly looked at her hands and arms with amazement. Using both her hands to slowly touch each other, then her arms, and finally her face.

Her eyes show a sense of wonder, happiness, and surprise at her situation.

It was then she noticed that she was only covered by an apron. When she looked under her apron, the others could tell that she had immediately become very unhappy.

Vader looked over at them. She jumped up to her feet, as she pulled off the apron that was on her.

As she stood nude in front of them, she demanded, in galactic basic, which was almost the same as english, “What sick joke is this!? Answer me now, and I promise you swift deaths!”

Megatron thought, with amusement, 'I like this woman, already.'

Rock thought, 'At least she speaks english... Oh, wait. I remember now. She is speaking galactic basic of the Star Wars. Which is practically the same as english. Only the difference is that when it comes to writing, the lettering is different. Still, this will make it easier talking to her.'

When not one answered her, within a few seconds, she held up her right hand, towards them.

Rock noticed that she made a hand gesture with her right hand in exactly the same way when she was going to force chock someone.

When nothing happened, she immediately used her right palm in an outward push motion, as she tried to push force them back. But, nothing happened.

Then, for a second, she forgot she was nude, as she reached for her lightsaber on her waist, which was not there.

She looked around, as she realized that there was nowhere to run to.

The other three individuals watched as fear and worry appeared on her face, as she immediately realized that she was powerless against them.

She quickly bent down and grabbed the apron that she had discarded onto the ground. She wrapped her body around it, as she crouched down against the tree she had been leaning against, while she faced the others people in front of her.

Fabiola looked at Vader with pity in her eyes. She thought, 'Evil, or not. This is a bad position to be in. Though, without her powers, she is not an immediate threat to us. Which is a good thing. Because, we can talk to her, with her attacking us.'

Fabiola said, “I think she has lost her force abilities.”

Rock commented, “Let us count our blessings. And without a lightsaber, we might not have to worry too much. But, keep in mind she has been exposed to a supersoldier serum. Meaning she is many times stronger than she appears.”

Rock turned to Megatron, “Megatron, please back away. She could still be a powerful ally for us. I don't want to scare her, too much. I want to see if I can talk her down.”

Megatron silently turned and walked away from the others. He stopped about twenty feet in the opposite direction from Vader. He then turned back to face the humans in front of him.

Rock turned to Fabiola, as he quietly said, “Fabiola, I want you to walk with me. But, I need to do the talking. But, if she gets violent, I need you to restrain her without killing her. Can you do that, even with her heightened strength?”

Fabiola softly answered, “Yes. Roberta taught me many holds that can be used to keep a stronger person from harming me, nor others.”

Rock replied, “Thank you.”

The two of them then turned towards Vader, as they slowly approached her.

When they two adults came within ten feet of Vader. Vader turned to them, as she yelled, “What have you done to me?!”

Rock and Fabiola stopped eight feet from Vader. Rock calmly answered, “First. We are not the ones that have done this to you. We are the ones that rescued you. Look at us. Do we looked like scientists? Or fugitives?”

Vader looked at them. The man clearly only had on a lab coat. The woman was wearing some sort of dress. And the robot appear disarmed.

Vader quietly said, “You look like fugitives.”

Rock introduce her to the group, as he said, “I am Rock. The woman next to me is Fabiola. And the giant robot is Megatron. There is much going on here that we need to explain to you before you may your decisions.”

Vader was on the verge of tears, as she questioned, “What decisions? I do not even know if I am still who I think I am? Am I a clone? Am I even me anymore?”

Rock calmly stated, “As far as I know, you are not a clone. And you are you. Just a little different than you use to be. Our enemies would likely not settle for a clone of you. I will explain everything I know. But first, I need to know what is the last thing you remember before you woke up here.”

Vader answered, “I was on my Star Destroyer. We are in a remote sector of space, searching for suspected pirates. Several Star Destroyers had recently disappeared in that sector of space. And I volunteered to personally investigate. Everything was fine, until suddenly, strange, muscular, blue, battle droids, suddenly appeared all over my ship.”

Rock thought, 'That sounds like combat boomers from the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality. Given Chang is building his very own Genom tower. It is not surprising that Chang would have access to boomers. Though, I wonder how he raided that Bubblegum Crisis reality?'

Vader continued, “Soon, my men were all dead. On my command deck, I was surrounded, and alone, with only my lightsaber and the force as my ally. And I used both to effectively to cut down those monstrosities. But, more and more waves of them just kept coming.”

“Then, for some reason, my lightsaber shutdown, and the life support systems on my suit failed. This forced me to rely on the force to both fight and to survive. But, the battle wore me down, as I was gasping for air. And eventually, I had succumb to old wounds that never fully healed.”

“As I was about to pass out, I saw the blue droids part. And behind them were four armored people. From the contours of their armor, they were women. The next thing I knew, I was here.”

Rock thought, 'That sounds like the girls. And they have access to hardsuit technology. Figures, since Chang clearly had boomers and ripped off Genom tower. He would also have hardsuits.'

'Hardsuits are not the most powerful of powerarmor. But, hardsuits are one of the most flexible in versatility. Also, hardsuits and their motoslaves would be a challenge for even Megatron. Later, I will have to inform everyone here about that technology.'

'Though, I am impressed with Revy, and the others. They have gone from being pirates, whom capture oil tankers, to stealing Star Destroyers. That is one hell of a step up.'

Vader was becoming more upset, as she started asking several questions as once, “How did I get turned into a woman? For that matter, how have I regained my limps? And I can breath? Why am I acting this way? So passively? Where has all my anger gone? Why can I no longer use the force? Can you return me home?”

Rock thought, 'In the state Vader is in right now. I need to keep things simple.' He said, “I promise you that we will help you get through this. But, you need to calm down. Now, take a few deep breaths, and try to relax. Because what I have to tell you will not be easy to hear.”

Vader did as instructed. A minute later, Rock and Fabiola could see she had finally started to calm down.

Rock began, “I have some good news, and some very bad news, for you.”

“What was done to you was likely traumatic to you in many ways. Besides the physical. In time, your force powers will likely return to you. I know of other force users that lost their powers, only to regain them later in life. So, losing your force powers is only a temporary problem.”

Rock saw Vader body and facial expressions relax a little. Rock thought, 'Good. I am getting through to her. Though, I hope she can handle what I have to tell her next.'

Rock continued, “Now, for the bad news. This is not the reality you are from. This is not our home reality, either. And we just escape from our enemies, in a previous reality, by coming here.”

“After you were captured, you were brought to another reality, where you were sedated and put into a vat of goo, with wires and other things put on you. Whatever they gave you to change you gender, has also clearly healed your wounds. Regenerated your limbs, your lungs, your body. And you appear to be younger than you should be. You look to be around your mid-twenties.”

“Also, you were given a supersoldier serum. What details I know of the serum that you were given is that it also enhances physical strength and toughness. So, you have that going for you.”

“You were not alone in their vats. Of the vats I saw, while standing in the corner of the warehouse like room. The vats lined the warehouse like room, as far as I could see, in both directions. I was in one of those vat, as well. For I guess a few hours. I managed to escape. Afterward, I rescued both you and the two others you see before you.”

“Still, the reason for these vats became apparent, as I looked at those inside. Where you were going to be used as breeding stock. And most of the women inside the vats were pregnant.”

Vader's eyes widened, as she quickly asked, in a loud, anxious tone of voice, “Am I pregnant?!”

Rock answered, “No. We got you out before they could impregnate you.”

Vader relaxed, as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Rock continued, “But, the reason you are acting this way is that our enemies not only change the bodies of their victims, but they brainwash them. Since you were intended to become pregnant, you were likely brainwashed to have a passive personality. But, brainwashing can be broken. It just takes time.”

Vader stated, “I was trained to deal with having my mind altered against my will. I will overcome this.”

Rock responded, “Good. That I have no doubt of. Now, here is the hard part about what I have to tell you. We also know all lot about you. We know that you were once Anakin Skywalker, and you later became Darth Vader. We even know some of the tragic details that lead to your first transformation.”

“If we return you home as you are now. You will likely either be killed by everyone, from your own imperial forces, to the rebels. Or, you would be captured again, by those we just escaped. I know the people that caught you. They do not give up, and they can clearly track someone to the ends of the multiverse.”

Vader admitted, “You are correct. If I return home. As I am now. Completely powerless. I will either be killed, or captured by someone. And as much as I loath to admitted this. I am too weak right now to protect myself. Now, you said you knew me. Mentioning both my names, proves that. But, how do you know me?”

Rock said, “As hard as it is to be believed. The reality we come from, your life. Your reality is a work of fiction to us. The main story being a set of six movies about your life. The format your stories are presented in are two dimensional holofilms, call movies. There are also books and other mediums, dealing with other stories of your reality.”

“For example, we know for a fact that you did not kill your wife, Padme. She gave birth to twins.”

Vader's jaw dropped at the news. As she collected herself, she asked, “Is Padme alive?”

Rock stated, “We do not know. Given Padme used body doubles in the past. It is possible that she still lives. Yet, she may not.”

Vader quickly inquired, “And the twins?”

Rock coyly answered, “Both were raised by loving families. And they are both healthy, well adjusted children.”

Vader said, “I will have to see these movies, someday.”

Rock inquired, “A wise choice. But, speaking of which, I need to know how many years it has been since you first became Darth Vader?”

Vader answered, “It has been ten years.”

Rock stated, “Then, that means that the prequel trilogy happened to you. The first three movies. But, not the original trilogy. The last three movies. With part four starting around two decades after you became Darth Vader.”

Vader questioned, “So, my story was only halfway complete when I was kidnapped?”

Rock answered, “Yes. On another matter. I know you like using Vader as your name. But, please understand that these movies, that I am talking about, are very popular. Everyone. And I mean everyone. Has seen these films. From the poor backwater countries, to the rich industrial countries.”

“Along with this, both Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader are not common names. Not the first names. Nor, the last names. I know you might prefer not to do this. But, you need to pick another name to go by. And since you look like your own twin sister, as Anakin. If you go by Anakin Skywalker, people will figure out who you are. So, your name has to be something else.”

Vader thought about Rock request, for about a minute. With the others remaining silent, as Vader thought. She then stated, “I guess if I cannot go by my full name. Then, I will go by part of my name. You can all me, Annie. Though, I hated that nickname when I was a child. The name now does kind of fit me.”

Fabiola complimented, “Annie is a fine name.”

Annie smiled, as she replied, “Now, I just need to figure out how to build my lightsaber, and slowly reteach myself in the use of the force.”

Rock offered, “If there is any way we can help. Please, let us know.”

Annie responded, “Thank you. You have been a great help. So far.”

Rock replied, “You're welcome.”

Annie commented, “I look forward to my vengeance. As I crush and kill my enemies, for what they have done to me.”

Annie then noticed that her comment caused Rock's demeanor had change.

Rock said, in a stern tone of voice, “There in lies the problem. Most of our enemies have been brainwashed, and are taking these actions against their better judgment. And they are the friends of Fabiola and I. We care deeply for them. As such, if you want our help. You will not kill, nor permanently cripple them. When we confront them.” He turned to Megatron, as he continued, in the same stern tone of voice, “That goes for you as well, Megatron.”

Megatron cracked a grin, as he replied, “That is alright. I like a challenge.”

A few seconds later, Annie said, “Fine. I will do as you request. It is not like I have many options, right now.”

Rock replied, “Good.”

Annie requested, “Still, I could also use some clothes.”

Rock chuckled a little. He then replied, “So could I.”

Annie turned to Megatron, as she inquired, “So, your name is Megatron?”

Megatron looked down at Annie, as he said, “Yes. That is my name. As you could say, that in my home reality, my reputation is equal, or greater, than yours, as Darth Vader, in your home reality.” He thought, 'The internet provides so much information, at a moments notice.”

Annie replied, “Interesting.”

Meanwhile, as Megatron and Annie talked, Rock noticed them, as he thought, 'This is a good chance to speak to Fabiola about a matter pertaining to Annie.'

Rock then took a few steps close to Fabiola. He then whispered into Fabiola right ear, “Fabiola. To avoid major problems in the near future. There is other matter that you are the only one that can handle, in dealing with Annie. Given Annie's upbringing, and the facts dealing with the whole debacle of Padme's pregnancy. I am willing to bet money that Annie does not know much about women, from a biological standpoint.”

“In a few days, after Annie fully calms down, you are going to have to sit her down and gently teach her about how to deal with monthly periods and feminine hygiene.”

Fabiola turned to Rock, as she nodded in agreement. She softly said, “I will take care of it. Also, speaking of medical issues. Rock, it might be a good idea for you to see a doctor.”

“Even though you were exposed to those chemicals for a little while. We do not know what the chemicals in that vat may have done to you. You are still a man. But, from the way you look, it seems that partial exposure is dangerous to one's health.”

Rock quietly agreed, “That is a good point. I will look into see a doctor, as soon as I have the chance.”

By then, Megatron and Annie has finished their conversation. Megatron then choose to walked back to the group. As he came to a stop ten feet from them them, he suggested, “Rock. It might be best if return to my home reality, and retrieve help from my subordinates.”

Rock turned to Megatron, as he calmly stated, “We are not going anywhere near your home reality. Your energy levels make you weak. That would put you in a bad position with either your subordinates, or the Autobots.”

Megatron was a silent for a few seconds, as he realized his mistake. He asked, “I let slip my energy levels are low?”

Rock replied, “Yes.”

Megatron complimented, “You clearly are sharper than I realized.”

Rock responded, “Thank you. But, I do not hold that against you. Also, I know how both the autobots and the decepticons have ravaged entire worlds in your war against each other. With the populations of those worlds being destroyed.”

“Could you imagine if an ambitious cybertronian, on either side, got their hands on reality traveling technology? Such as Starscream?”

“Knowing you. If we make it out of this mess, and you do return to you home reality. Alone. You will keep the multiverse a secret. Because, you realize there are greater dangers out here. And some of your subordinates, or enemies, might be foolish enough to try to gain power through means found in the multiverse. With them either being successful, or more likely leading some horror to your doorstep.”

“On the other hand, back in your home reality, you are in a good position, in the closed system you find yourself in. And you do not want to wreck your power base. So, you will keep all this secret.”

“Along with this, we have no interest in going to your reality. Because, we realize how dangerous your reality is. So, keeping this all secret from your people a win-win for you. And we have no plans to come to your reality. So, there is no risk of us tell your secrets to the inhabitants of your home reality.”

Megatron said, “Interesting. You do know me well. And your explanation is well thought out. I am happy I decided to accompany you.”

Rock replied, “I appreciate that.”

Megatron questioned, “Still, what about that pink lunatic? She knows the truth, as well?”

Rock stated, “As you pointed out. Arcee is a lunatic. Who is going to believe her? Also, if you don't go after her, you will not raise any suspicions with the other autobots. And as long as you leave her alone, even if she did tell others, they would not believe her.”

Megatron commented, “Those are good points.”

Rock replied, “I am glad you seeing reason on this matter.”

Megatron inquired, “Of course, I do. And Rock, since it is clear that you are our leader in this. I find it disgusting to be lead by anyone. But, you clearly know more about what is going on than the rest of us. And you have been instrumental in freeing all of us. So, what are your plans?”

Rock responded, “Thank you, for your vote of confidence, Megatron.”

Fabiola interrupted, “Rock is going to be our leader?”

Annie questioned, “Fabiola? Did you believe you can lead this group?”

Fabiola turned to Annie, as she admitted, “No.”

Anne stated, “Well, neither do I. And Megatron is clearly not going to. So, that leaves Rock as our leader.”

Megatron just laughed at Annie's comment.

Fabiola conceded, “Okay.” She turned to Rock, as she said, “You are our leader. Just don't get us hurt like last time.”

Rock looked at Fabiola, as he thought, 'Ah. This about how I planned to become the leader of the motley crew. With all of them realizing they cannot lead this group. The role falls to me. By default. Without a fight. Now, to tell them what we need to do next.' He said, “I will try my best not too. Anyway, as for me plans. We will need money. Also, Annie and I will need clothing.”

As Megatron stopped laughing, he stated, “Money will not be a problem. I can hack bank computers, to give you accounts and money. I will need to know the names you want to use. So, I can create debit cards for you to use. Like how I created the key you use.”

Rock said, “Good. Now, we need transportation. Megatron, I know you like having a flight alt mode. But, in most realities, places, and times, we will be going to, such modes of travel are considered a luxury, and we do not want to attract too much unwanted attention. So, do you have a more subtle vehicle mode. Preferably a modern four door car, or truck?”

Megatron grinned as he stated, “I do have something in. I just pulled from the internet. It will just take several seconds to switch alt mode programs. This is not something my kind can do quickly.”

Half a minute later, they watched as Megatron transformed into a chrome, four door, convertible car. With the top raised on the vehicle.

Rock warmly smiled, as he politely said, “That will be fine.” He thought, 'I surprised that Megatron has such good taste. But, I do like pleasant surprises. And due to the situation we find ourselves in, we need all the pleasant surprises we can get.

Fabiola complimented, “Nice choice.”

Megatron replied, from his car's speakers, “As if you expected anything less of me.”

Fabiola turned to Rock and Annie, as she stated, “I will ride in Megatron. And buy you and Annie some clothes. When we come back. Cloth you. Then, we will find a hotel, and get something to eat. After which, we will go shopping for some clothing and supplies for all of us. And once this is all down, we you can find a doctor to check you out, Rock.”

Rock replied, “Sounds like a solid plan.” He thought, 'As I expected. Fabiola has developed some solid, forward thinking tactics, with sound judgment. I believe I will have Fabiola as my second in command. Though, instead of assigning her the role. I will let her step up to her role, and see if she can handle it. And I believe she will be able to, without a problem.'

Fabiola turned to Annie, as she asked, “Is that okay with you?”

Annie replied, “Of course. I prefer to wear something besides a simple piece of cloth.”

Rock leaned over to Fabiola, as he whispered into her right ear, “I highly suggest you get her some pants. Not a skirt. Never forget she was originally a guy. And she has already taken a few hits to her sanity, today. Let alone what she had been through, over the passed several years. So, let us not make things worse for her.”

Fabiola softly replied, “I agree.”

Rock stated, in a normal tone of voice, “Keep in mind, everyone. The only advantage we have right now is that if they find us, they want to take us in alive. And we can use that to help us in our mission to defeat our enemies.”

Fabiola and Annie each nodded once in agreement.

Fabiola said, “We will try to be back as quickly as possible. But, it will likely be a few hours.”

Megatron stated, “Actually, the nearest town, that will suit our needs, using the local speed limits, is only twenty of your Earth minutes away.” He thought, 'I need to obey the road speed limits, because Rock is correct. We do not want to attract attention.'

Fabiola the turned to Megatron, as she replied, “Good.”

Fabiola walked over to the front, left side, drivers door. She then opened the driver's side door to Megatron in alt mode, and she got into the seat. Next, she closed the door, and buckled up. Megatron drove her towards a nearby road, and to the nearest town.

As Rock and Annie watched them leave, Rock offered, “If you want, I can give you this coat to wear.”

Annie snorted, “Do not take this the wrong way. But, I would rather look at myself naked, than look at a naked man.”

Rock replied, “No problem.”


Less than two hours later, Fabiola and Megatron returned to Rock and Annie, with some clothing for the both of them.

To Fabiola's credit, she picked out functional, decent looking clothing, that came close to fitting them.

Rock was dressed in pants, shirt, and shoes, that were similar to what he usual wore. While, Annie was dressed in white shoes, black pants, and a white blouse.

After everyone was dressed, with Rock and Annie answering Megatron's question, on what names they wanted to use. Megatron created and gave debit cards to Rock and Annie.

Megatron had already made a debit card and account for Fabiola to use. Which she used to pay for Rock and Annie's clothing.

They then got into Megatron', in his alt car mode. With Rock in the driver's seat.

Megatron then drove them back to the town that he and Fabiola had just left.

Half an hour later, they found a hotel to stay at, in the nearby city.

After paying for hotel rooms, and getting the key cards for the rooms, they got cleaned up, in their suites. Next, the three humans of the group met back up in the hotel lobby, and they got something to eat. After which, they did some shopping for more clothing and supplies.

It was around two thirty, when they returned to their hotel rooms, Rock used his suite's phone and phonebook, to find a doctor that would see him on short notice. That very day.

Rock also memorized his hotel room's phone number.

An hour later, Rock walked into the waiting room of doctors office. With Annie, and Fabiola, waiting outside, in the parking lot, in Megatron, which had good air conditioning, in his alt car mode.

Rock then went to the receptionist desk, When he got some forms to fill out, with a pen that the receptionist provided.

As Rock filled out the forms, lied a bit on his identity. But, not too much. And he was able to use his debit card as both ID, and as payment.

After Rock has turned into the forms, and finished with the receptionist, he seated himself in the waiting room, until he was called, to see the doctor.

Twenty minutes later, Rock was called back, and he was lead into one of the patient rooms, where he waited for the doctor to arrive.

As Rock waited, the nurse took his weight, height, and blood pressure. The nurse was a little concerned that his blood pressure was a little lower than it should be for a man of his age. But, his blood pressure was not beyond the normal range of a man of his age. It was just on the low end of normal.

As the nurse left, Rock sat in a chair, in the room.

Ten minutes after the nurse left, the doctor show up.

The doctor was an older, fair skinned gentlemen, whom asked Rock, in english, “So, young man. How can I help you today?”

Rock thought, 'Let's see if this cover story I thought of, is enough to get me the blood tests I need.'

Rock said, “Hello Doctor. I am Rokuro Okajima. I have come to you today because I have found that I am slowly becoming weaker with each passing day. It is not serious yet. But, the reason I am worried is that my family has worked with various chemicals and metals. And I believe I have been either accidentally poisoned with heavy metals, or developed and auto-immune problem from exposure from such materials.”

The doctor commented “Mister Okajima. I can understand your concern. It is good that you came to me before things got serious. We will have to draw some blood, and wait for the results.”

Rock asked, “How long with that be?”

The doctor answered, “A week. Maybe two. If you leave a number with the receptionist, we will contact you. Now, let me get the nurse to take your blood. Do not worry. The nurse is experienced at drawing blood, and you should barely feel the needle.”

Rock replied, “That will not be a problem.”

The doctor then left, and the nurse came back, to draw his blood. After the nurse painlessly took a few samples of his blood, Rock left the patient room he was in. And he went to the receptionist.

Rock then used his debit card to pay for the visit, and left the number for his hotel suite, with the receptionist.

After which, he then left the office, and rejoined his team, outside, inside Megatron alt car mode.

Megatron then drove them back to the hotel.

When they reached the hotel, they talked about what they were going to do next, as they waited for Rock's test results.


The following week had been uneventful. The only problem was that they currently had no way of getting weapons. But, that problem could wait. For now, Rock realized they all needed some downtime to deal with what had happened to them. Especially, Annie. Whom was dealing with her problems better than Rock and Fabiola expected.

Though, Rock and Fabiola did enjoy spending the week introducing Annie to the various types of food found on Earth.

The grin Annie made after taking her first bite of a hot fudge ice-cream sundae was priceless.

And the american style, all you can eat, buffet was almost too much for her.

Meanwhile, when not driving them somewhere, Megatron slowly recharged himself, in the hotel parking lot.

The morning of a week and a day after Rock's doctor visit, the same doctor's office had contacted Rock, by the phone in his hotel room. They told him to return back to the doctors office that day to discuss his blood results.


A hour later, Rock sat in a chair, in the doctor's patient room, he silently listened, as the doctor was explained what they found.

Doctor stated, “I am sorry to inform you that we did find something. I have to ask. Are you an organ recipient? Or, have you had a blood transfusion in the last six months, to a year?”

Rock answered, “No. I have had neither.”

The doctor sadly said, “Then, I am not sure what the cause is. But, you seem to be suffering from some type of tissue rejection. If it was an organ transplant, or blood transfusion, we could localize where the attack was happening. Though, from the test results, I would guess that a your body is attacking a small percentage of your cells. We could do some genetic testing to see if that is the cause.”

Rock inquired, “That will not be necessary. What is the prognosis, and treatment?”

The doctor answered, “Without us figuring out what type of auto-immune issue you have, we cannot treat you. Without treatment, you have about a year to live.”

Rock thought, 'It seems my exposure to those chemical was not enough to change my gender, but it was enough to change a few of my cells to the point that my own body is attacking itself, and slowly killing me.'

Rock asked, “Will it be painful?

The doctor answered, “No. You will just slowly get weaker and weaker, until you die.”

Rock got up from his chair, as he responded, “Thank you, doctor, for your time. It seems I have much to do, and little time to do it in. I will see the receptionist about the bill.”

Rock then left the room, paid his bill, and left to return his team, whom was waiting for him outside, in the nearby parking lot.


Later that day Fabiola, Annie and Rock were having lunch at an outdoor table, of a steak house restaurant.

Fabiola had a grilled chicken caesar salad and a lemonade. Rock had a steak, potatoes, and a coffee. Annie had a steak, with french fries with ketchup, and a bottle of soda.

Megatron was in the nearby parking lot in his alt mode.

As they ate, Fabiola noticed that Rock was barely touching his food, and drink.

Fabiola asked, “Is something wrong, Rock?”

Rock answered, “It is nothing to be concerned about, right now. I am just thinking about the future, and what plans I can implement against Chang.” Rock then turned to Annie. He changed the subject, by inquiring, “So, Annie, how is your force training coming? And how is your search for finding parts for your lightsaber going?

After Annie ate a french fry dipped in ketchup, followed by a sip of her soda, she answered, “I can lift a pen now, with the force. Which is good progress, given it has only been a week since I woke up. Still, I have gotten nowhere on my lightsaber. The parts of it do not exist here. And I checked with Megatron. He cannot fabricate the part I need.”

Rock commented, “Maybe we will have better luck in the next reality we come too.”

Annie replied, “Let us hope so.”


Half an hour later, they were in Megatron's car alt mode, driving down the street.

The top of the vehicle was raised, as was the tinted windows.

Rock was in the driver's seat, with Megatron finally allowing him control the vehicle.

Fabiola was in the passenger seat, and Annie sat behind Fabiola.

As Rock stopped at a red light, something caught his eye in his rearview mirror.

Rock did a double take, as he saw Revy, in her usual clothing, without her pistols, walking across the street behind them.

Rock thought, 'Revy. I guess even you have enough sense not to be so openly armed in a strange city... Well, at least until you and the girls found us. Though, you did not seem to have noticed us just yet.'

Rock said, in a serious tone of voice, “Do not look behind you. Because Revy is here, behind us.”

The other two did as instructed.

Annie stated, “They must have found a way to track us.”

While Rock divided his attention between the road in front of him, and watching Revy, in the rearview mirror, he responded, “It was bound to happen. Still, she does not see us. If we remain calm, we can just get out of town before they find us. Fabiola, Annie, keep you eyes peeled in front of us. And to our sides. for any signs of the others.”

“We described what the other women look like, to you, Annie. So, you should be able to recognize them.”

Annie replied, “I hope so.”

Fabiola commented, “Well. They do stand out.”

Rock stated, “I am going to drive us to the hotel, to get our belongings, as quickly as possible. Afterward, we will leave this reality. Megatron, when we get out into the countryside, we will travel to another reality. Is that fine with you?”

Megatron's disembodied voice answered, within the car, “Yes.”

The red light then change to green, and Rock took his time, as he drove them back to the hotel they were staying at.


An hour later. They had stopped by their hotel rooms, retrieved their belongings, in the suitcases they had bought. And putting their suitcases in the trunk of Megatron's vehicle mode. They then made their way to the countryside, and jumped to another reality. An other alternate Earth that was similar to the one they had just left.


In Akira's home reality, in the present, Aspen, Colorado, on a Friday night, in the hotel lobby, Rock finished his story, as he sat in a couch, with Annie and Fabiola. While Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, sat in another couch, beside near him. With Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, all currently female.

Rock stated, in english, “Since that day I found out I was dying due to being exposed to those chemicals, we have been having an off and on running battle with Revy and the girls. We got lucky that day. But, Chang had the technicians continue to upgrade their technology to track us when we jump realities.”

“And the girls are now attacking us within a few days of us coming to a new reality. It has been several months since we escaped, and through all this, I have slowly gotten weaker and weaker. Now, I have to use a cane to walk around.”

“I have looked for treatments for myself, but I have found known so far that would save me. All they would do is prolong my life, at the expense of my mobility. Leaving me bedridden. And I will not allow myself to become an invalid.”

“In the meantime, in our travels, we have gotten a few new toys. Annie made a new lightsaber, I have my sonic shotgun and laser cane. And it was wise to have Fabiola picked out our firearms and ammo.”

“But, I am still dying, we cannot get energy for Megatron, and Annie's force powers are only back to beginner’s levels. We just do not have the strength to outright face Chang. If it was not for Fabiola picking up the slack, with her badass combat skills, we would have long since been caught, or killed, by them.”

Fabiola smiled at Rock's compliment of her abilities.

Rock noticed Fabiola's smile, as he continued, “So, my plans to fight Chang have been more indirect. We have been meeting with every major government and power we have come across. To warn them about what Chang is doing, and the threat he poses to everyone in the multiverse. Some of them have believed me. Some have not.”

“But, my plan is to kick up such a shit storm, that when I do finally die, my legacy will be to leave so many headaches for Chang, that it will either eventually destroyed him and his organization, or keep him busy for decades.”

Akira said, “Rock. While, you are an artist when you are at work, you no longer have to run. You have help, now. Us.”

Ranma commented, “Rock, if you are dying like you say you are. Wouldn't the solution be very simple? Just have the process completed by those vats. Sure, you would be a woman, but trust me, that is not such a horrible fate. And I know of a few options, if you want to be a guy again.”

Everyone turned to Ranma, and looked hard at her.

Natsuru pointed out, “Ranma. Chang is the only one with this vat technology. And if Rock did so, then he would have to surrender to Chang. At which point, she would be another brainwashed slave of Chang's. If Rock is lucky.”

Ranma turned to Natsuru, as she replied, “Oh.”

Akira turned to face Rock, as she said, “Rock, I apologize for Ranma. Sometimes her mouth acts before her brain.”

Rock shrugged, as he commented, “Do not worry about it. I have said dumb things to crazier people, before. I know foot in mouth disease in I see it.”

Ranma looked over at Rock, as she said, “Thanks.”

Rock turned to Ranma, as he nodded once in response.

Akira asked, “In your travels, did you try to meet back up with Dutch, Benny, and Janet?”

Rock answered, “No. With the girls tracking me. I did not want to risk leading them to those three. They can take care of themselves. And they know better than to count me out.”

Natsuru commented, “Akira. Ranma. This may be too big for just us. Maybe we should call our in friends. Birdy and Guy can throw down with the best of them. And Futaba has some a rich family relatives, with deep pockets and resources.”

Ranma turned to Natsuru, as she responded, “No. Futaba is currently pregnant. Besides, I don't think her wives would let her leave. Even if she wanted to do so.”

Rock, Annie, and Fabiola had heard the comment, as they looked at each other.

Akira said, “It is best not to ask.”

Annie, Rock and Fabiola turned to the three lovers, as they saw Natsuru nodded in agreement.

Ranma stated, “Birdy is still trying to find herself. While she and her parents are raising Violin. And I do not want to get Guy involved in this, because he still just a kid. And this is too dangerous for him, no matter how powerful he is. And everyone else I know, who would be able to help, are either busy with their own lives. Or, the price would be too high for their help.”

Akira agreed, “Ranma is right on this, Natsuru. We will just have to handle this ourselves.”

Natsuru conceded, “I see your point.”

Fabiola turned to Rock, as she said, “Rock, I use to think you were scum. Until you rescued me, and I got to know you. Now, I realize it was just the bad environment, poor choice of friends, and the tight situation we were in at the time, that made you do those things. And I can see from these three... Women. That you have found yourself a better set of friend with them.”

Rock, Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira looked over at Fabiola, as they replied, in unison, “Thank you.”

Fabiola smile became slightly wider at their reply.

Natsuru turned to Annie, as she said, “Annie, I know you were a monster before. But, you are clearly not one, now. Even so, it must have been hard for you to adjust to such a radical change in your live.”

Annie soberly responded, “Yes. It has been. Almost as much as when I first ended up in the black suit. Though, I have managed. Fabiola and Rock have helped me get through the worst parts. And after a while, Megatron has become tolerable to be around. Still, I want to kill Chang, very painfully, for planning to use me as breeding stock.”

Natsuru replied, “That is completely understandable.”

Akira turned to Rock, as she complimented, “I am impressed that you have somehow convinced both Megatron and Darth Vader to work for you. But, I do have one question for you.”

Rock inquired, “Which is?”

Akira responded, “I want to know the size of your pants? Because, I did not know they made pants that were big enough to fit balls the size of yours.”

Everyone laughed at Akira's comment.

As Rock stopped laughing, he stated, “That is a good one. Anyway, during our journey, there is a few things I have learned about this vat process.”

“The process uses at least two formulas. I figured this out from comparing Annie with the girls. As you can obviously see, Annie's body has been completely regenerate. Where as, you said, you noticed Roberta's right cybernetic eye.”

“I know for a fact that the limbs Roberta lost were also replaced by cybernetics. And Sawyer still has to use a electrolarynx to speak. But, they, along with Revy and Shenhua do looked a few years younger.”

“I figure the first formula given is the gender altering formula. Which also regenerates wounds and injuries, no matter how severe. This was given to Annie. The second formula is the supersoldier serum, that increases ones physical abilities, along with making them younger and more physically fit. Due to my health problems. And only seeing women with these augmented abilities. It is academic to guess that both formulas are only is safe to use for women.”

Natsuru turned to Annie, as she asked, “Annie. Have you gotten sick since you were changed? And if not, do you think it is supersoldier serum is keeping you from getting sick? Also, does the formulas you have in you continue to give you regenerative abilities?”

Annie answered, “Well, I have not been sick since changing. Which from what I could guess is from the supersoldier serum.”

“Though, when it comes to regeneration. I believe that the regenerative abilities are only active as it is administered, and the gender change is happening. I have been hurt since then. And I do have a couple of small scars from being hurt. While I have no scars from behind I was changed.”

“Though, I do recover faster. But, I believe that is a benefit from the supersoldier serum, because from our battles, I believe the women we are fighting also recover faster than normal.”

“By that, I mean the supersoldier serum that both I and those we are fighting, have, not only offers good good health, and a very healthy bodies. Along with minor regenerative abilities. Meaning, cuts, bruises, and broken bones heal at least twice as fast as for a normal person.”

“Though, while this is nice, it is not really great. And I have no interest in testing the theory out on if I can regenerate limbs. Losing both pairs of arms and legs, once already, was enough for me”

Natsuru commented, “I guess you cannot have everything.”

Annie agree, “Apparently not.”

Akira yawned. She then stated, “Well guys. It is getting kind of late. It has been a long day. And tomorrow will likely be long day, as well. I suggest we turn in for the night. We can meet for breakfast in the morning, in the hotel restaurant, here. This place has hotel a very nice breakfast buffet, at a reasonable price.”

Fabiola agreed, “Sounds like a good plant.”

Fabiola did not miss the mischievous looks that Natsuru and Ranma were giving Akira, that promised Akira would not be getting any sleep any time soon.

Fabiola thought, 'It does not take a genius to figure out what those three are going to do, when they get upstairs.'

Rock commented, “I agree. A good night's sleep will do us all well. Tomorrow, I plan to run some errands, in the morning. So, if you do not see me. I will likely be gone for a few hours. Or, I will be in my hotel room.”

Annie offered, “I could use a shower. Rock, let me get your bags. As soon as you are situated in your room, then I will retire to my own room.”

Rock replied, “Thank you, Annie.”

The six adults the stood up.

Fabiola picked up the handle to her suitcase. While, Annie grabbed the handles to the other two suitcases.

Rock retrieved his cane, from beside him.

The six adults headed for the elevators. With the three newcomers being lead by the three lovers, their individual rooms, where the three newcomers could get some rest for the night.

Meanwhile, the three lovers entertained each other, in their room for a few hours, before heading to sleep, as well.

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

I know some of your are likely upset with me for writing this chapter. But, I live wrote this story to push the limits of fiction and reality. And I stand by the credo.

Though, on the scale of evil, what was done to Chang's victims was... Hmm... Evil.

And I believe that Chang does not do things in half measures.

If Chang wanted to breed a badass army, then he would do so in a manner that would give him the best return.

Chang is not a wasteful person. The Black Lagoon series proved that a few times.

Along with this. This whole anthology of insanity deals with gender bending and badass in every way I can think of. Some of the ways are funny, and as you can see, some of the ways are very, very dark.

Though, while the ideas and content are dark, I try to keep the scenes as clean as possible.

I prefer to have the concepts I write scare you readers, and not the details of the story. That is the key to terrifying horror stories.


And why did Chang build his own Genom tower, though without the surrounding auxiliary skyscrapers?

I figured if Chang was going to go all the way, and have an evil base, he might as well do it with style.

Chang already knows more than a few things about style.

The building of Chang's tower is covered in later chapters of this story.


In Benny's hacking Revy's computer. The whole reason he ended up with Lagoon company was hacking a computer he shouldn't have. Also, given Benny knows Revy very well. Guessing Revy's password would not be that hard. Revy likes rum. And Bacardi is a well known type of rum.

Also, Benny made for a good character to start off the chase scene, at the beginning of this chapter.

The chase scene was very fun to write.

And Benny was a good character to set the tone for the chapter, in how serious a situation the characters were in.

The chase scene itself, getting out of town, and out to sea, was interesting to write. And it makes sense they would all have bugout bags.

The typhoon itself was a good excuse to prevent any from immediately following the Lagoon out to sea. And I am sure that the Lagoon crew, with Dutch at the helm of the Lagoon PT Boat, has had experience going through typhoons.

Still, going through a typhoon is not fun, and it is very dangerous. But, it is possible, if a skill pilot is at the wheel.

Now, the end of the Black Lagoon Vampire Twins arc gave us an idea of how a sea chase by the Lagoon would go.

I merely expanded on that idea. With the Lagoon crew deciding not to stop running.


Also, in this chapter, you saw how Megatron, Fabiola, and Annie joined Rock's crew.

If you noticed, Rock was manipulative towards each of them, in a different way, to get what he wants from them.

Rock used respect towards Megatron, and Megatron's abilities, to get him to join his team.

Rock used Fabiola necessity to help her friend, Roberta, to get her to join his team.

And Rock used Annie's vulnerability, to the situation she found herself in, to get her to join his team.

Rock even arranges things that he would become leader of his group without a fight.

I mentioned that Rock is a magnificent bastard. And how Rock pulled his team together, and became leader of his team, showed off his more magnificent skills.

Also, given Rock ability to be prepare for a situation, after being forewarned. It makes sense he would retrieve and use time release stimulate pills. If he, or his friends, were captured, he knew they would be likely tranquilized at some point.

And Rock realized that if he took pills that immediately counted the tranquilizer, Revy and the others would noticed something was wrong, and they would have done something different to him. But, if he woke up later, while they others guards were down, he would have a chance to escape.

Rock is just awesome in that way.

And while he later found out that his time in a vat has poisoned him, he is nowhere near down for the count. For his mind is a sharp as ever.

Also, by having his body crippled, he is forced to rely more on those around him.


Fabiola is with Rock and the others, because she realized that are her best chance to save Roberta. Rock saved Roberta before, with his plan at the end of Blood Trail. Even though, it got a lot of people killed. Along with almost getting Garcia killed. Which Fabiola hated Rock for doing to, to the point she shot Rock in the chest with a blank, at the of the that story arc.

Though, since then, Fabiola has calmed down about what Rock did at the end of the Blood Trail arc.

Still, Fabiola was foolish enough to enter Chang's tower, alone, and she got caught.

This set up the situation for Rock and Megatron to rescue Fabiola. And for her to join Rock's team.

Along with Rock, Fabiola also knows that Megatron and Annie are some of the most dangerous badasses in the multiverse.

Fabiola realizes, that between Rock's brains, and Megatron and Annie's muscles, she is likely in the best position she could hope for, to save Roberta.


And about Annie losing most of her force abilities. Think about this. If someone was doing what Chang was doing. That person would not want to have a powerful being accidentally wake up, with their full powers, and wreck the place, due to being upset with what happened to her.

So, those with powers, of either gender, temporally have their powers greatly diminish due to the vat process.

This being a way to show how traumatic a change the vat process, including both the gender bending formula, and the supersoldier serum, is to the person's body.

But, over time Annie and the others that have powers, that go through the vat process, gain their powers back.


On that note, I really enjoyed how the scene turned out, with Annie waking up by the tree. At first, she was happy to be out of the black suit, with her body restored. Only, to find she is now a woman. Then, Annie became upset, and she tried the direct approach with Rock, Fabiola, and Megatron. As she used to do as Darth Vader. Only, for her to find she has lost her powers, she is unarmed, and she is naked, as a woman.

This is likely the most vulnerable Annie/Anakin/Vader has ever been in his/her life. And I wanted to play up the vulnerability, without it turning dark. With Rock and Fabiola helping her.

Though, Megatron was amused that when Annie first speak, she had the same direct threatening tone as he did. As such, Megatron sees potential in getting to know Annie.

Also, Annie realizes that her current situation prevents her from returning home. Not because she is a woman. But, because her forces abilities have been knocked down to beginner levels.

Between the flashback and the present, Annie has regains some of her force abilities, but not much. And it is going to be a while until she has her forces powers back to full.

Though, Annie does have the supersoldier serum, and that does help fill the gaps in her abilities, in not being able to use the force, as much.

Though, with the revelations that she did not kill Padme. And that she has twin children.

Her attitude has changed greatly. For Vader was able about hatred. Vader's rage is at its core, self hatred, based on the lie that Palatine told Vader, that he killed Padme. Vader learning that is a lie, would diminish that anger.

Also, the brainwashing Annie experienced, to be more passive, has decreased Annie's ability to become angry, and maintain her anger. She can still get angry. But, nowhere near Vader's level of rage.

Without that lie. Much of Annie's anger is gone. And thus Annie now has the opportunity to become a better person. And the next chapter will help her in that go. With the realizations she will have in that chapter.

Along with this, I think we can all agree, that before Anakin became Vader, he lead a sheltered life, when it came to a lot of things about people. Which explains a lot about what happened in Episode Three of Star Wars.

It is clear that Anakin did not know much about human biology. Especially, female biology.

Rock and Fabiola realize this, with Fabiola agreeing to talk to Annie about the matter, later. Which she does, between the past, and present.

Along with this, given Akakin/Vader's childhood nickname was Annie. It makes since, that now as a woman, even though she did not like that name in the past, that she would now use her old nickname, Annie.


Megatron being weakened, and disarmed, is not surprising either. You will find out what Chang had in mind for Megatron, in a later chapter.

And it goes without saying, that Rock is not going to returned Megatron back to the Decepticons. Because, Rock would not want to turn the Decpticons loose on the multiverse.

Even I, the writer, am not that insane.

Along with this, transformers can switch their alt modes. Though, it is hard on their bodies, and it takes time. Also, barring a few exceptions, like triple changers, they cannot change alt modes often, nor quickly.


At the end of the chapter, I hope that you found that Akira's pants size joke funny.

Until next time. Have fun.

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