Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: Chapter 12: Epilogue: Part Two

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.

Chapter Twelve: Epilogue: Part Two: “The Daughters Of The Seas.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Author's forward:

It is very important that before you read the below chapter, that you see the anime version of Black Lagoon omake four, Boys and Girls, to get the mental images of Dutch, Benny, and Rock as women. Do not just read the manga version. See the anime version, because it has more impact. If you do not, you risk mentally scarring yourself by reading the below chapter.

You have been cautioned.

And for the record, I had to write this chapter to introduced some characters, that are important in future story lines in this anthology of insanity.

As such, I really did not have a choice in creating this chapter.

That all being said, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.


Black Lagoon Reality. Over four months after the battle of Chang's Tower. Somewhere in the Sulu Sea.

To the north of the Sulu Sea was the island of Palawan, and the South China Sea. To the east of the Sulu Sea was the archipelago of the Philippines. To the west of the Sulu Sea was the island of Borneo. To the south of the Sulu Sea was the archipelago of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, ARMM, which included the island of Basilan. South of the ARMM was the Celebes Sea.

It was the middle of a warm afternoon, as the PT boat, the Lagoon sailed through the sea, under the clear blue sky of day. Inside the boat were its crew. It had been four months since they were were reunited and deprogrammed. And they were now settling back into their routine.

Benny stepped out of the restroom, as she buttoned up her white shorts. As long with her white shorts, and sandals, she wore a red t-shirt, with a red silk bra underneath.

During the previous few months, she had her hair cut shorter, and into the ponytail style she had as a man.

Benny had stopped by the restroom between heading from the communications room, to the pilot cabin, where Dutch was at the helm.

As Benny walked through the ship, to the pilot cabin, to talk to Dutch, she thought, “The Sulu Sea. We haven't been in this area since that whole debacle that happened in Basilan Island. Though, at least Chang paid us for that job. And Revy and Rock made a few friends... Damn that Chang.'

'It is sad that we have to deal with the aftermath being changed into women. Still, that vat process treatment extended our lifespans, and enhanced our physical capabilities. And in theory, any children we have will have the same gifts, including increased longevity, just like us.'

'Also, the process also seemed to have cleaned out our lungs from years of smoking. I haven't breathed this good in years. And it helped our other vital organs, as well. From what I was told, this part is from the supersoldier serum, so even those that were originally girls will benefit.'

'Yet, while the supersoldier serum, does offer some regenerative effects and benefits, it is just not as extreme as the gender bending formula. That serum probably saved Revy's life from possible liver failure, due to years of alcoholism.'

'The supersoldier serum even deaged us to our mid-twenties, and slowed our aging greatly. It has extended our lifespans to a point that I do not know how long we will live. Along with the longevity, the serum made us all a lot more physically fit, and gave us enhanced physical abilities. I can now run a whole mile without breaking a sweat. The same can be said for the others, whom I know, who have been put through this treatment.'

'Though, I also checked, and I found that neither serums did much to increase our intelligence and mental abilities. But, I guess you cannot have everything.'

'Anyway, I am thinking of quitting smoking. And I am sure the others might, as well.'

'Also, Dutch, Rock, and I all decided to continue using our names. Still, it took some time for us to get comfortable with hearing the new voices of the other two, but we managed. At least things have gotten back to something similar to what we had before. And some of the minor changes in the group dynamics have not been all bad. Revy and Rock are more open about their relationship. And I have Janet.'

'The one thing I was genuinely happy about on the day we were woke up from the process from the vats, with me and Dutch turned into women, was that Janet made it very clear that she wanted to continue to be my girlfriend and lover. After everything that has happened, I want to be with her for a very long time. And she told me that she feels the same way about being with me.'

By then, Benny reached Dutch, whom was in the driver's seat.

While Dutch's back was turned to her, in the left cockpit seat, Benny could tell that Dutch wore her usual a green shirt, green pants, and a green flak jacket.

Benny thought, 'Dutch is lucky that even with the gender change, she only got a few inches shorter. And with some minor alterations, including rolling up her leggings, and tightening up her waistline, her old male clothing still fits her. Even though it is a little loose on her. Though, she had to get new boots that fit her smaller feet.'

'I, on the other hand, am too small for my old clothing and shoes. I had to get a whole new wardrobe, which was why Lotton was able to get Janet to talk us into that shopping trip, in the first place.'

'That was an... Interesting experience...'

'Still, I am not the only one with such problems. Rock on the other hand has the problem, that while her overall body is only slightly smaller than when she was male, her breasts are very large, for her frame, but small enough to fit on her body.'

'Still, because of the size of her breasts, all her shirts do not fit her right, or were to small in the chest. Which meant we had to go shopping for her clothing, as well. Considering her friends, that were with her, on the run, did not get her many pairs of clothing that fit her body.'

'Though, I will give them credit, they were able to go buy Rock some women's clothing that is not very feminine, but still looks good on her. And we just got her, along with Dutch and I, more clothing, of similar types. Something that looks good on us, but not too girly.'

'Janet and Revy even came along with help us shop for such clothing. Though, none of us were embarrassed by these clothing trips. At this point, it is just clothing to us. Nothing more. Nothing less.'

'In addition, Rock's breasts have been such an annoyance for her, that she and I talked about maybe later finding a doctor to do a breast reduction on her breasts. And I agreed with her, that her breasts were too big.'

'Then, there is the fact that Dutch, Rock, and I, all now look like our female counterparts from that screwy omake concerning all three of us. And for the sake of our sanity, we all agreed not to talk about these facts, unless someone else, such as Janet, or Revy, or someone else we trusted, brought the subject up, for us to talk about.'

'Still, I am not sure how I should feel about the fact that I am much more flat chested. I am pretty sure I am around the same breast size as Revy. Not that I am going to make the comparison in front of Revy, because she might take having smaller breasts than others, as an insult... Actually, I am sure she will.'

'Also, I have no plans to get surgery to enlarge my breasts, because they already look good on me. I now have a small physical frame, and in proportion, my small breasts fit my small physical frame very well. And I was never much of a breast fan, even as a guy.'

'Though, I am very happy that my girlfriend, Janet, was very well bless in that department.'

'And given my overall, small physical size, I am more of the cute girl now, than the sexy girl. Still, that is okay with me. My girlfriend and I are in good health. I am still in a wonderful relationship with her. My friends and I are now free to lead our lives. So, I am just counting our blessings, and not complaining about those problems we cannot currently fix.'

'But, there is always the chance we may fix these problems in the future.'

'Speaking of the future, I have some good news for Dutch, about our immediate futures.'

Benny said, cheerful tone of voice, which sounded very cute in her female voice, “Hey Dutch. I just wanted to let you know that I may have got a line on a few job offers.”

Without turning to face Benny, Dutch kept her hand's on the cockpit controls, as she replied, “That is good to know. Jobs have been scarce since Roanapur fell. Even my contacts are giving me difficulty. Though, that could be because they do not believe me, when I tell them who I am.”

Benny admitted, “Well, you are not alone in that department. I am still trying to figure out how to break the news to my folks that their darling son has become their loving daughter.”

Dutch commented, “I thought they did not know what was going on in your life.”

Benny explained, “They don't. All they know is that I got in trouble and I moved elsewhere. But, that I am all right. Still, that is a bridge I am going to have to cross someday.”

Dutch responded, “True. And at least we all got out of Roanapur before we brought the hammer down on that place.”

Benny replied, “You got that right. And someone needed to help the other victims. And it was just too large a job for us to handle.”

Benny the silently reflected on what happened in Roanapur, as she thought, 'A week after the final battle, Rock had a message sent by a signal from the Tower that alerted governments of the world to the Tower. The message did not name us, or use our voice. But, it do state that medical help was aid was needed, and that the Tower was dangerous.'

'We all left before the message lead to several peace keeping forces invading the town, and the Tower. With them finding out the horrors that happened in that Tower.'

'It has been a media circus since. As several nations had their forces in their trying to sort out the mess that was Roanapur. Though, the governments are doing a decent job on keeping some of the more extreme things, like the reality technology, from being made public.'

'But, any decent scifi anime fan is eventually put two and two together about the Tower itself looking exactly like Genom Tower, from the Bubblegum Crisis OVA, and the materials and manpower needed to build it. Though, that is not my problem to worry about. I have my own personal concerns to deal with.'

'Still, the Thai government was the only government with actual jurisdictional authority over Roanapur and Chang's Tower. Though, when the Thai government realized that the city had become such an international hot potato, they washed their hands of the whole mess. They just want the Chang's tower destroyed, the victims relocated, and everything sweep under the rug and forgotten.'

'Unfortunately, that will likely not happen. From technology the governments have seized from the Tower, and the people they found within it, they know there were treasures to be had in the Tower inside it.'

'The problem was that all the major nations realized this at the same time. Even most of the populations of the world have figured out something is going on. And any such technology could shift the global balance of power. If one nation made a move to study this technology, without working with the other governments of the world, it would likely spark World War III.'

'I always knew the mobsters in Roanapur could have started World War III, if they wanted too. Hell, I had a small money bet that Hotel Moscow could fight and win World War III. And I still believe that. I just find it morbidly humorous that they might have accidentally started such a war, in such an indirect manner.'

'But, I will worry about that, if such a war breaks out. Which I doubt will happen. There is to much in the Tower, not to work together. Especially, when they realize, that went taking account of the multiverse, if the biggest sharks, in this small pond we call Earth, are just small guppies in the large vastness of the multiverse.'

'Officially, nations could only agree to do was to help the victims, and seal off the city of Roanapur and the Tower. Unofficially, I don't have a clue what is going on there, and I really don't want to know.'

'Of course, once the victims likely start saying whom they are. Their statements will likely started raising some more interesting questions on everything, from body modifications, to M-theory.'

'It was rumored that when several high level government officials realized that the, world as myth, theory was fact, they became terrified that what we considered fiction in this reality, was reality in another universe. And that people and technology from those realities could come too, and interact with the people and world of this reality.'

'And concerning this situation. When it comes to the human imagination, it brings new meaning to the term, mind screw.'

'Along with this, much of technology has probably already leaked into criminal hands.'

'Even before this mess started, there were rumors of criminals across the world having weapons that looked and functioned like lightsabers. And I am sure Chang was the one that sold these criminals that technology.'

'The freakiest part of this situations is that some of the victims were alternate versions of each other. And these women started talking to each other, and comparing notes in their lives. It is not just horrible to have be changed into a woman and impregnated, but for a woman to also know that it happen to alternate versions of herself. That is down right terrifying.'

'Rumor was the only reason the government did not kill everyone involved, and instead, they helped these female badasses, gender bent badasses, and the children they were pregnant and would give birth too. Along with the children they already had given birth too. Was that the governments do so, in exchange for their help. This help being should anything else come through to this reality, they would be there to help protect this world. A question better meant as, when, not if.'

'And this mess just got larger and larger. Dutch still had a few contacts that were, in the know, on the situation. When authorities found the huge nurseries for the children the victims gave birth too, they found that it was very likely that a number a victims had given birth to two or three children, before Rock, and her team, stopped Chang.'

'Fortunately, the children were in the care of human adults, and not boomers, that were shutdown during Rock's battle. So the kids were fine when they were found by international forces.'

'DNA testing is currently going on to match the mothers with their children. With luck, and given the help that is coming in, none of the children will end up unwanted, abused, and turned out like those tragic twins.'

'It is no small miracle that none of the victims have been reported to have remembered their previous pregnancies and births. Also, it seems that who the fathers were to these children were some of the victims, whom were later changed into woman and impregnated, as well. Those men that were picked to be the fathers, whom were known to have great genes, had samples taken from them, before they were changed.'

'And those aid workers, and officials, whom were helping the victims, were smart enough to avoid being blunt about the situation. They did not just say. Hey. Nice of you to be awake. By the way, you have been turned into a woman and you are pregnant. Also, you may have already given birth to a few children before the one you are currently carrying.'

'Still, virtually all of the victims took the news better than they should have. Likely, it was the brainwashing. They were programmed to accept being woman and motherhood. And most of them, when given the choice, likely chose to keep their programming intact. Given the situation, I don't blame them. Accept the mental conditioning of being a woman, pregnant mother, and raise their children, or go insane.'

'I guess since, I am sort of like them, in that respect. I have also got some minor programing about being conformable with being a woman, that I don't mind, because the alternative would be worse.'

'Still, as we learned from Annie on how to meditate and break our loyalty brainwashing.'

'The lessons were easy. And it was fun watching Revy learn those meditation techniques. We all found it hilarious that it took Darth Vader to teach Revy patience.'

'Also, who knew that Vader, once out of that black suit, and healthy again, even as a woman, would turned out to be such a nice person?'

'We were also brainwashed to be bi-sexual. Which none of us minded, due to that programing allowing Janet and I, along with Rock and Revy, to continue our relationships. It has just broadened our horizons.'

'Still, for Rock and I, being bi-sexual, did not really mentally hit us, until just over three months ago. Both Janet, Revy, and Dutch got a good laugh when a hot guy walked by, with Rock and I blushing at him, without realizing it, until afterward.'

'The second time Janet and Revy got a good laugh at us was soon after, when we had to deal without our female monthly problem. I was first, then Rock was a few weeks later. Though, since we already lived with girlfriends for a while, we already knew the basics. With Janet and Revy not having to teach us much on the matter.'

'All four of us knew better than to ask Dutch about her personal issues on such matters.'

'Back to Chang... That bastard... Or, should I say bitch... Another uncomfortable question was how did Chang gain so much political power across the world? The answer was poetic, in its irony.'

'From the records we found in the Tower, that for several years, every major power had a hand in creating and maintaining Roanapur, in a mini cold war, for both the drug and gun trade.'

'Chang used those same connections to take control of various key figures, in those governments. Most of those connections could easily be backtracked to high level officials in several governments. Though, there were some wealthy industrialists, of various industries, mixed in, as well.'

'And Chang took control in a simple, yet effective way. That being both money and blackmail. Chang's piracy across the multiverse left her with a near unimaginable amount of wealth. She just paid the officials to serve her, while threatening to expose them if they alerted their superiors about her.'

'Even though I was brainwashed at the time, I did ask her boomer double once why he didn't just conquer this world. His only reply was that he liked the way the world was. That he was doing what Bal would have done in the Star Gate series and movies.'

'I have seen the Stargate series and movies. And Bal would have control the world just like Chang did. With the real Chang likely feeling the same way.'

'Besides, the boomer double of Chang stated he did not need conquer this world directly. Why waste resources on an unnecessary war with the worlds' militaries, when a few bribes of insane amounts of wealth will placate the governments at your door step?'

'And if need be, Chang could have parked a very large space fleet above Earth, and use military force from space, in a way none of the local governments could counter.'

'Still, Rock was able to defeat Chang and save us. And a week later, Akira, and the others not native to this reality, either were returned to their home realities, or went somewhere.'

'On the day we were rescued, after we finished our first lessons with Annie, Dutch and I talked. We found a private room, and discussed our plans for how to make the most of the situation.'

'Dutch had already mentioned that she had found the Lagoon. And it was in this private conversation, that Dutch gave me the details. She informed me that she had found the Lagoon in town, and she had been quietly preparing for us all to leave on it.'

'I fully agreed with her plans. And so did the rest of our crew.

'Within the week, are we all finished our business at Chang's Tower, and Dutch had the Lagoon ready to go for the five of us. Dutch, Revy, Janet, Rock, and I, left out to sea, into the Gulf of Thailand, on our PT boat.'

'Still, due to this entire mess, all those criminal connections for jobs surrounding Roanapur had dried up for us. There was still a lot of business for piracy on the high seas. It was just that everyone was still sorting out, and fixing their communication channels, to get business rolling again.'

It was then, that without turning around, Dutch asked, “So, how are you doing, Benny girl?”

Dutch comment brought Benny out of her own thoughts.

Benny used her right hand to pat her front, lower abdomen, as she answered, “Except for being that time of the month for me. And the needed use of feminine hygiene products for it. I am doing fine. Though, having to sit to pee is starting to get annoying.”

Dutch commented, “Given the situation, it cannot be helped.”

Benny pointed out, “Well, the only upshot to this problem is Revy can no longer use that time of the month as an excuse to be a bitch towards us. Though, Janet never did that with me. It is one of the reasons I love her. Still, I always figured Roanapur would take my life, not my manhood. When we saw Akira change, that first time, we should have left town right then and there, with us never looking back.”

Dutch replied, “Mores the pity. At least we still have our lives. Even if our lives have gotten even more interesting. Anyway, I won't worry too much. I have faith that somehow we would all be okay.”

Benny commented, “Too bad we cannot turn back into guys.”

Dutch stated, “Don't be so sure. I may have a solution to both your love problems, and you family problems.”

Dutch then held up a small packet, with her right hand, that had been sitting on the dashboard in front of Dutch.

Benny walked over, to stand to Dutch's right side, with Dutch still facing towards the front of the ship, with her back to Benny.

Benny gently took the packet from Dutch's hand.

Benny then looked at the packet. She noticed that it has chinese lettering side of the packet.

Dutch said, “Unlike you, and the others, the brainwashing did not fully take for me. While you and Rock, I am now okay with being female, and I swing both ways. For some reason, I was never loyal to Chang. Though, I did play along. Until I could come up with a plan to save all of us. Fortunately, Rock and her new friends

Benny thought, 'I really shouldn't be shock by this. I long along learned that Dutch is full of surprises. Still,' She inquired, “But, what about that crazy shopping trip in the Tower with Janet and I?”

Dutch answered, “My curiosity got the better of me. And I wanted to see how that would plan out. Besides, if I didn't go along, Chang and Lotton would have figured that something was up with me.”

Benny conceded, “Good point.”

Dutch stated, “Still, I learned Annie's meditation techniques. You never know when such skills may come in handy. Anyway, I just played along until I could figure out what to do. That did not take long. And while I was not in a position to rescue you, Revy, and Janet. I could do other things.”

“Chang has her people in such a rush with there, with various projects, that were large lapses in her security. As long as I wasn't in the way, Chang and the others weren't really concerned with me. To them, I was just another brainwashed person. I used that to my advantage. I over heard, from the technicians that Akira wasn't from our reality, and they had the coordinates for her world.”

“It was so nice for Chang to make her equipment to jump realities, so user friendly. And Akira's world was already plugged in, with options of going anywhere, or anytime there. So, I went over there.”

“I first went to the U.S. At the date plugged in. It was a few years later than right now, for us. But, I figured it was parallel to when Akira returned to her own reality. While there, I began looking for a way to change back, that would not screw us up any further.”

“I went back and forth over, from here to there, and back. While making sure I had erased me log entrees in the computer of my used in the Tower. While it was only a few minutes in this reality, I must have spent around four months over there, in that reality.”

“Dealing with that time of the month alone, for the first time, was not fun.”

“Still, that packet in your hands is the result of my efforts. It comes from a place deep in China called, Jusenkyo. Jusenkyo is a set of hundreds of cursed pools. Someone or something drowns there is, it imprints that spring so that anyone else who falls in takes that body when hit with cold water. Hot water reveres the effect.”

Benny thought, 'You got to be kidding.' She looked at the packet, as she continued her thoughts, 'Still, this could work.' She turned to Dutch's right side, as she stated, “Nice. Believe it or not, I know what these packets are. They are from the same place that Ranma gain the ability to change into a girl.”

Dutch replied, “Interesting. It wish I had known that beforehand.”

Benny said, “It is okay. And it is incredible that you found this one your own. Still, we will have to show you the Ranma Half anime series sometime. I have some DVDs and manga volumes, on hand. In my collection.” She thought, 'Which I took from our old apartment. Along other things.'

Dutch commented, “I look forward to it.”

Benny requested, “We will show the series, when we have the chance. Still please tell me more about what you found out. I only know the basics about Jusenkyo. The series did not go into a lot about how the Jusenkyo curses actually worked. Save for how to trigger and reverse the water curses.”

Dutch responded, “I am more than happy to tell you what I know. As you likely know. Some of these springs are general curses. Like girl, or man curse that gives the person the body of their opposite gender. Those that live nearby can create instant packets from the curses from the pools. From what I learned, the actual curse would be difficult to control. Those cursed become water magnets, and keep changing back and forth at the worst times possible. But, the instant stuff offers more control.”

Benny commented, “I believe you are correct. If Ranma is any indication, the curse itself is not worth.”

Dutch stated, “I thought as much. Anyway, when I first got the packets, I tested the packets myself. They work. You put the contents of the packet into a large cup of cold water and slash yourself with it. Boom, instant man again. But, the packets are only meant to be temporary. Which is why I bought so many. Hot water will reverses it immediately, and you will need another packet to change back into a guy again. Still, it gives us all options.”

Benny smiled, as she agreed, “Yes. It does.”

Dutch commented, “Though, I still needed a way to pay for these packets. They were not cheap. And you won't believe where I found the funds to buy these packets. I quietly searched some of the warehouses in Roanapur, and I found that Chang had so much gold piled in these warehouses. Enough gold to be equal to all the rest of the gold found on this Earth. Then, there were the stacks of large chests, fully of treasures, that I found in other, nearby warehouse.”

“You would be shocked at how easy it was to steal the gold and jewels from Chang. She had so much that she must of lost track of it. Because my theft was never noticed.”

Benny complimented, “That was real smooth.”

Dutch smiled, as she said, “I know. And with unlimited funds, I decided to purchase as many packets of instant spring of downed man as possible. By the time I was finished, I had purchased of two thousand instant spring of drowned man packets for Lagoon Company.”

“And another thousand of spring of drowned girl packets, to sell later. They are in the in a hidden compartment, in the armory of the Lagoon. Also, there are no expiration dates on them. And I am told the substance in the packets will remain fresh, and practically last forever.”

Benny replied, “That's nice.”

Dutch responded, “Yes. It is. Along with this, while I was secretly searching the warehouses around town, in one of the warehouses, was where I found the Lagoon. The Lagoon was in one of the warehouses near the bay. I guess Chang wanted to keep it as a trophy.”

“I quietly got the Lagoon in the water, and then raided what I could. I stole as much gold, and other treasures, from Chang. As this Lagoon can handle.”

Benny questioned, “That is why you sealed off the lazarette, and the front head of the ship, from us?”

Dutch answered, “Needed to put the gold, and other treasures, in both the front and back of the ship, to keep it balanced. Also, I worry what Revy will do when she found out.”

Benny conceded, “Good point.”

Dutch commented, “Besides. We are okay with one head, right now. It is not like one of us is going to lift the toilet seat, on the others.”

Benny shrugged, as she replied, “That's true. So, how much wealth to do we have? I mean, we also looted much of the treasures, and other valuables we found in the Tower.”

Dutch stated, “I figure, between what I took myself, and the stuff, we had teleport from the Tower, and hidden elsewhere. We are going to be fine, now. We are set for life.”

Benny commented, “It sounds like you were ready to leave, even before Rock attacked.”

Dutch said, “I was. By the time of the battle of Chang's downfall happened, I was ready. I just waited a week for you guys to be ready as well.”

Benny asked, “Nice. And you didn't tell anybody this until now?”

Dutch answered, “Of course not. Some of those so called heroes with Akira are too moral. And after the crap we went through, I thought we all deserved compensation. Beside, the loot. And the packets are a nice little consolation prize, to losing our manhood.”

Benny replied, “No argument there. Still, it would have been nice to have known we had these packets on the ship before my first period.”

Dutch stated, “You are not hearing me, Benny. These packets won't turn you back into a man permanently. It won't even stop your month cycle, and your period. I learned that the hard way. Using it to be a guy it will only delay your period. Once you turn back into a girl again, your monthly cycle will continue like normal.”

“While I think it is better we deal with our problems now, than later. If you decide to use it now, I would highly suggest you remove any foreign objects within you before you use that packet on yourself.”

Benny replied, “Good idea.”

Dutch responded, “You're welcome. Also, taking into account that Data helped us get all that reality tech from the tower, if it gets to hot from us here, we can escape to calmer seas, elsewhere in the multiverse.”

While still looking that packet, Benny said, “It is always nice to have a back up plan. Well, thanks Dutch. This does expand our options.”

Benny turned back to look at Dutch, as she continued, “Anyway, Janet and I were talking. You are great person. It kind of isn't far that I have Janet, and Revy and Rock have each other, while you have no one... I mean to say that I don't know what it was exactly. Whether it is the gender change, bi-sexual brainwashing, exciting life, or some combination of the three. But, my tastes have broadened. And Janet's tastes were allways broadened. Look, you are nice looking as both a man and a woman. And you have a wonderful personality. As such, Janet and I are open to threesome.”

Dutch laughed for a few seconds. A she calmed down, she said, “I think I will likely take you both up on your offer, later.”

Benny joked, “Well, if these packets work like you say they do, we will try not to get you pregnant.”

Dutch smirked, “That is not something I am very concerned with now.”

Dutch stood up from her chair, and turned to face Benny. Dutch then pulled up her shirt from her jeans, showing Benny the slight bump on her originally flat stomach.

While Benny pointed at Dutch's stomach, with her right hand, she exclaimed, “You're pregnant?!” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.

Dutch tucked in her shirt, turned her chair to face Benny, and sat down. She looked up at Benny, as she calmly answered, “A little over two months along. To be exact. A few more weeks I won't be able to hide my pregnancy from any of you. This ship is just to close quarters to try. This is why I haven't used that packet I gave you.”

Benny was still coming to grips with this revelation, as she inquired, “Who is the father?”

Dutch answered, “A nice guy I met at a port we docked at, two months ago. It was just a one night stand. I need a guy, and he was interested in a night of pleasure with a nice looking woman.”

Benny said, in a tone of disbelief, “Of all of us that were changed. I figured you would be the last of us to intentionally get yourself knocked up.”

Dutch pointed out, “Don't you remember, Benny-girl. I did tell you that I wanted kids. I just have rotten luck with women. I no longer have that impediment. Also, given no one is after us, and I had plenty of funds from the treasure stole, I figured this was the best time, as any, to have a child. And life is too short as it is.”

Benny protested, “But, to be a single mother...”

Dutch cut her off, “Benny, I thought you would have figured it out by now we are family. The entire crew. As screwed up as we are, we are a family. And I am sure everyone here will have no problems helping me raise my kid.”

Benny replied, “You're right. I won't have a problem. And I don't think the others will either.”

Dutch stated, “Good. By the way, I am going to have to institute a no smoking policy on this boat, for the time being.”

Benny sympathized with her, as she agreed, “Understandable, and I don't think Rock, Janet, and I would mind. But, you are going to have to be the one to tell Revy.”

Dutch smiled, as she replied, “I am not that worried about that.”

Benny's lips curled into a devious grin, as she requested, with slight eagerness in her tone of voice, “Can I tell the others?”

“Sure.” Dutch stated.

Benny pocketed the packet, as she turned and left the pilot cabin.

A minute later, Benny was in the communications room.

Janet was sitting down, as she kept an eye on the radar, and an ear on the open communications frequencies, at a low volume.

Janet was wearing a white blouse, and a long brown skirt.

Benny came to a stop, to stand beside Janet, as she looked down at her lover, sitting in the chair, next to her.

Janet turned to look at Benny. She took off her headphones, which were hooked to the radio. She inquired, “Dear. Is something the matter?”

Benny said, in a calm done of voice, “Honey, you're not going to believe this. Dutch got herself pregnant, with a guy, to months ago.”

Janet calmly questioned, with interest in her tone of voice, “Really? Is the father anyone we know?”

Benny answered, “Not that I know of.”

Janet said, “I will go see her, while you go tell the love birds.”

Benny replied, “Thank you.”

Janet responded, “You're welcome.”

Janet then got up from her seat, and she left for the pilot cabin. While Benny headed for the deck of the ship.

Soon after, Benny went topside of the boat. She saw Revy and Rock leading against the outside cabin wall, as they embraced each other, while deeply kissing.

Revy was in her usual black crop top and blue denim cut-offs shorts, with Rock wearing a white blouse and dark pants.

Benny thought, 'This is going to be fun.'

Benny faked a coughed to get their attention.

Both women heard Benny. They broke their kiss, as they looked at her.

Revy growled, “This better be important, Benny. Or, being a girl will be the least of your worries.”

Benny bluntly said, “The captain is pregnant.”

Revy and Rock eyes instantly widened, as their jaws dropped

Revy was the first to calm down enough to speak, as she said, in excitement, “Really! I have got to see this!”

Revy rushed into the ship, with Rock, and Benny behind her.

As they made their way inside the boat, Rock asked, “Are you sure?”

Benny said, “Yes. Dutch even showed me her small baby bump, on her stomach.”

Rock stated, “Revy is right. This is something we got to see.”


A few minutes later, everyone had gathered around Dutch in the front cabin.

Rock was the first to speak, “I thought you were not part of the breeding project.”

From her seat, Dutch looked up Rock, as she stated, “I wasn't. This one is all on me.”

Janet said, “Well congratulations, captain! Is there anything we can do for you? How has your morning sickness been?”

Dutch answered, “No, on the first question. Barely noticeable, on the second question.”

Curiosity got the better of Rock, as she asked, “What is it like to be pregnant?”

Dutch plainly stated, “On the mental level, I have run the entire spectrum of emotions. Though, on the physical level, right now, the kid only feels like a slowly growing lump in my stomach. I am sure that will change, soon enough.”

Janet requested, with she outstretched her right hand, “Can I touch your stomach?”

Dutch slyly responded, with a wicked grin, “Oh. I think you will have plenty of opportunity, later on.”

Janet looked over at Benny, whom silently nodded. She turned back to Dutch, as she smiled. She withdrew her right hand, as she said, “I can wait.”

Revy looked around the room, as her friends, as she stated, “I have really got to teach you all a thing or two about birth control, and timing your cycles. So that when you do eventually sleep with a man. And don't try to tell me you haven't thought about it. You don't wind of up pregnant. Unplanned pregnancies are no laughing matter.”

Janet commented, “Revy, I never thought you would be the one to talk about discipline on anything.”

Revy posed her body, as she quipped, “How else do you think I keep my figure? I love to screw with the best of them, but I believe in being careful. And I believe in being selective. To keep from having any unwanted pregnancies.”

Dutch pointed out, “Actually, I did this to myself on purpose. I wanted a child, and I felt the time was right.”

Revy looked at Dutch, as she shrugged. She said, “Your life. But, you are going to have change your kid's diapers. Not me.”

Dutch said, “I can live with that.”

Benny mentioned, “That is not all. Dutch bought something that you are all going to love.”

Benny rushed out of the cabin, pulled out the packet of magic powder, quickly went to the restroom, to remove another item from herself. She then left the restroom, and went to her locker in the boat. She to got out her old clothes, took off her new clothes, and put her old clothes on. The set of old male clothing, she put on, was an orange hawaiian shirt, light brown pants, and shoes.

A few minutes later, Benny returned to the pilot cabin, with her old clothing on, along with a large mug of cold water in her right hand, and magic powder in her left hand. Though, Benny was careful, to keep her loose clothing from sagging down and tripping her.

The other looked at her, as Revy said, “Took you long enough.”

Benny replied, “I had a few things to do, before I came back.

Janet commented, “Benny, I know you miss your male body, but with your small frame, those clothes don't fit you anymore.”

Revy said, “That is a good point, Janet. I got a feeling we are in for a treat.”

Dutch commented, “That we are.”

Benny turned to Janet, as she answered, “Honey, the reason I changed clothes is that I don't want to tear up my new clothes.”

Benny held up packet of instant spring of drown man she had her left hand. She used her mouth to tear it open. She then dumped the contents of the packet into the cold water, while dropping the discarded pieces of the packet on the floor.

Next, Benny dumped the magical water on her head, and her body instantly changed back into male, as he filled out his clothes.

Janet, Rock, and Revy all smiled at the sight of seeing Benny back in his male form.

Janet cracked a grin, as she asked, “All there?”

Benny set down his mug. He then grabbed his crotch for a second, before he let go. He looked at Janet, as he answered, “Yep. All there.”

Janet said, “Good.”

Benny mentioned, “Dutch bought supply of instant spring man, from Jusenkyo, in Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru's home reality. And she didn't even see the Ranma series, beforehand. And she still found Jusenkyo.”

Janet replied, “Interesting.” She turned to Dutch, as she requested, “You will have to tell me all about your journey, sometime.”

Dutch looked over at Janet, as she said, “I will.”

Rock turned to at Dutch, as she commented, “It looks like you beat me to the punch, Dutch.”

Dutch looked over at Rock, as she cracked a grin. She said, “Sure did.”

Rock looked back at Benny, as she stated, “Nice. We can be guys, again.”

Benny smiled, as he replied, “We sure can. But, the effect are only temporary. Hot water on the user's body immediately reverses the effect. And it is not meant to be used on a permanent basis.”

Rock happily said, “I remember Ranma mentioning this stuff to me. And I saw it in her series, as well. And I would gladly take temporarily being a guy again over nothing. But, there is still the question of available supplies. And if we only have a limited supply, we will possibly have to ration the use of them for only special occasions.”

Benny replied, “Don't worry about that. The captain bought a large supply. She said she has thousands of these packets, on the ship. As long as, we do not go too crazy with using them, we are good for a long time.”

Rock stated, “Still, since we are dealing with volume of water, we might be able to use just one packet to change a few of use at once. Stretching our supplies even longer.”

Benny agreed, “Good idea.”

Revy turned to Rock and Benny, as she casually said, “You two aren't the only ones interested in those packets. In other words, Rock, I know what we are doing tonight.”

Rock turned to Revy, as she cautiously responded, while she remember the omake, Boys and Girls, from the point of view of her dream of the event, “I don't know whether to be terrified, or thrilled by your comment, Revy?”

Revy energetically said, “Thrilled. Babe. Definitely thrilled. I always envied Akira for her ability to change back and forth. Now, all of us get to sample both sides of the fence, at our discretion. Though, we are definitely going to have to make port, and get some condoms first. Several boxes should do. No one is getting pregnant on this boat, unless they want too.”

Dutch mentioned, “There are a several tourists beach traps along our route. So, it should not be a problem to find a decent port. The closest port is an hour away.”

Benny turned to Janet, as she said, “Honey. it looks like I may be able to give you children after all.”

Janet stepped over to Benny, and kissed him.

A few seconds, after Janet broke their kiss, she said to Benny, “Boy or girl, you are the best person in the world, dear. Want to get married?”

Benny answered, “Sure.”

Janet then looked down at the pieces of the empty packet, and she just thought of so many uses for them. And not just for making love.

Janet quietly said, to herself, “The possibilities, dear Benny. The possibilities.”

Meanwhile, Dutch turned her chair around, to her controls, as she said, “Everyone. I am changing course, right now.”

Dutch then gently turned the boat in another direction, towards a port and island town, roughly an hour away.


Around an hour later, the Lagoon reached port of a small city.

By then, both Rock and Benny were now men from those instant packets. And they were dresses in the clothing they use to wear as men.

Revy got her supplies, while Benny and Janet were purchasing some nice clothing for their wedding. They also stopped to buy wedding rings

It was just after supper when the Lagoon crew stopped by a small chapel.

Even though Benny was jewish, and Janet was Hindi. Janet's family, 'Bhai', meant 'brother' in her native Hindi culture. There was not a synagogue within two hundred miles. Also, a Hindi wedding required a lot more time to prepare than both of them wanted, nor had.

So, because they wanted a quick ceremony, they decided to just get married in chapel

Also, Benny and Janet both found a quick western style wedding kind of cute.

And they both figured they could always have a more formal ceremony of their choosing, later on.

At the chapel, Rock, Revy, and Dutch were just casually dressed, while Benny was in nice black tux, and Janet was in a nice wedding dress.

Even though she was currently a woman, Dutch acted as best man for Benny, while Revy stood in as Janet's bridesmaid.

Rock just stood back and watched, as he enjoyed the happy scene unfold around him.

As Benny and Janet stood before the priest, the couple had requested a quick ceremony, and the priest kept it short.

The priest asked Benny, “Do you take this woman as you wife?”

Benny answered, with a smile, “Yes.”

The priest asked Janet, “Do you take this man as you husband?”

Janet answered, with a smile, “Yes.”

The priest said, “You may place the rings.”

Dutch handed Benny Janet's wedding ring, and Revy handing Janet Benny's wedding ring.

Janet put Benny's ring on his ring finger, while Benny put Janet's ring on her ring finger.

The priest said, “I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Benny and Janet kissed each other deeply.

As the two of the broke their kiss, Rock looked over at them, as he commented, “Congratulations.”

Benny and Janet said, in unison, “Thank you.”

After all five of them made their way out of the chapel, everyone was right outside the chapel, while they passed by a man carrying a mug of coffee. The man with the coffee tripped right in front of them, with the hot coffee only spilling onto Rock and Benny.

The hot water quickly changed them back to women.

Just as the man looked up and he about to apologize, he did a double take towards the women he could have sworn were men, a second ago.

Dutch thought, 'They are going to have been more mindful of hot water when they use those packets.'

None of the others said a thing, as off five of them ran away, together, before questions could be asked by those around them.


Later that night, they rented three suites, from a nice hotel. With them selecting their rooms, so they would be side by side.

Dutch was in the middle room. Revy and Rock were on the room to the left of Dutch's room. And Janet and Benny were in the room to the room of Dutch's room.

They made sure the hotel had hot and cold running water, while having a few boxes of condoms, and plenty instant man packets, Dutch honestly didn't know whom was going to do what to whom.

Though, beforehand, Dutch warned Janet, Benny, Revy, and Rock, to take off any rings they had, and loosen their clothing, so as to not have any problems changing back and forth.

As they just entered their room, and closed their doors behind them, Dutch laid on her comfortable bed, in the center suite. She silently wondered, in thought, 'I wonder which of the two couples will be having the more passionate night. Revy and Rock? Or, Benny or Janet?'

The evenings activities soon began, in the other two rooms. And as Dutch laying on her bed, she thought, 'This bed is very soft and conformable. If the two pairs of lovebirds have beds like this. They will likely be up all night. Though, I will take Benny and Janet up on their offer another night. This is their wedding night, and it should be all about them.'

As the noticed continued coming from the rooms beside hers, Dutch pulled out her earplugs, put them in. She then went fast to sleep.


After Janet was informed of Dutch's pregnancy, Janet went a little baby crazy. Though, Janet kept her feelings on the matter to herself. Though, she did state she was thinking about having a child, herself.

Janet had always a very creative girl, whom liked to think outside the box. Way outside the box.

A few days after the Lagoon Crew returned to the Lagoon, after Janet and Benny's wedding, Janet began testing the instant spring of drown man packets on herself, to study some of the physical and medical changes. And how they effect both the female and male forms.

These tests went on for a few weeks. And while Janet did tell the others why she was doing such research, she found that Benny, Rock, and even Revy were more than happy to help with the experimenting back and forth, from female to male, and back again.

They were also very careful to keep Dutch from being exposed to any of the magical water.

And Janet's research did have some interesting results. She found that went a person could change genders, on the fly, that the male form is slightly more aggressive than the female form. But, not in a bad way. And she suspected the female form was more emotional than the male form.

These results were not surprising, but they did confirm a few things about a person's physical gender.

Also, Janet found that both their gender forms benefited from supersoldier serum. While, the effects of the serum are deadly to men, during the process. Though, once the effects of the supersoldier serum have been completed, the serum is not dangerous to women that are changed into men. And the women still had the same physical enhancements in their abilities, in their male forms.

This evidence also lent support that any sons they had would not be negatively harmed by the supersoldier serum in their bloodstream.

Along with this, Janet found that Rock had been correct. That one packet could be used to change multiple people.

Janet also found, that from observations, that the male body from the packets is parallel in age to the original female body. She could not test the girl packets though, to see if that was true for those packets. Or, if the girl packet also made the person not only female, but younger, as well.

The instant packets did nothing to women, but Janet was not sure if the same could be said for men who were exposed to the instant girl packets.

And given the packet translated to spring of drown girl, and not spring of drown women. It was a legitimate question to ask, if the magic powder effected age, as well.

Also, in Janet's testing, she found that the drown man packets did not reset their monthly cycles. The gender change merely paused their cycles, until they went back to being female. When their cycle continued forwards.

With these research confirming what Janet had happened, Janet formulated her plan. A plan that she had not told anyone else about.

Janet had a plan, that she hadn't talk to anyone about it.

All the others on the boat knew, even Benny, was that she wanted a child.

Janet did not tell anyone that she did not want to go through pregnancy alone

Over the last few months, everyone in the ship realized that due to spending such much time in close quarters with each other, their cycles were pretty much in sync. This made Janet's plan a lot easier.


A month after Janet and Benny's wedding, in the communications room of the Lagoon, Janet was with Benny. Both of them were sitting in chairs, across the room from each other.

No one else was in the room, and the door room was closed.

Benny was currently a women, whom was wearing some loose fitting shirt and pants. While Janet wore a long skirt and blouse.

Benny use ring spaces, so her ring could fit on her smaller finger. She preferred having a slightly larger ring, so when she was a guy, she her ring would fit her. Though, Benny was careful to remove her ring, before she changed into a male, so the spacers would not harm her slightly large male ring finger.

On the other hand, Janet choose a small ring, to fit her a female ring finger, but she was careful to remove her ring, from her ring finger, when she changed to male.

Janet stood up from her chair, and she walked over to her spouse. As she came to a stop, beside her spouse, to Benny's right side, Benny turned to look at her.

Benny continued to look Janet, as she happily thought, 'Having a genius, nymphomaniac wife, gender changing powder, and with our enhanced endurance, has made for a wonderful love life. And it helped that we get the same supersoldier serum enhancements to our endurance. Among others things. In our male forms, as our female forms.'

'And I have to admit, Dutch is fun in bed, as well. Also, from what I understand, Rock and Revy's life love have also been taken up to a new level.'

'Along with this, our suspicious were confirmed. Revy does have an ass fetish. Rock spilled the beans that Revy likes to do Rock, while Rock is a woman, and Revy is a man, with Rock is taking it up the ass. That gave us all a week's worth of jokes, at Revy's expense. Though, Rock did admit that as a guy, he did that same thing to Revy, when Revy was the woman.'

'Honestly. From a sexual standpoint, Rock, Dutch, and I are not sure which of them. Janet, or Revy. Has the more twisted imagination, with it comes to sex.'

'Janet has probably seem more internet porn than any other woman I know of. And I admire the fact that she is so open about her tastes. Her yaoi collection is only match by my yuri collection. Now, that we are both women and bi-sexual, we can enjoy each others collections together. And that is exactly how it sounds.'

'Revy on the other hand has always been private when it comes to matters of the heart. And after seeing the Black Lagoon anime series, including Roberta's Blood Trail anime. We all now understand why.'

'During our stay at Chang's Tower. Lotton provided us with copies of the Black Lagoon anime.'

'Lotton even told us what they were, and he suggested we watch it, in private.'

'Later that day, Dutch, Janet, and I then watched the Black Lagoon, in the privacy of the large apartment Lotton has assigned to us. While we were brainwashed at the time, Lotton also clearly wanted to keep us happy. We found watching the Black Lagoon anime to be an interesting experience. And it was nice to let Janet get an idea of what had happened to us, before she ended up in our lives.'

'It was a fun watch, until episode twenty-nine, Codename Paradise Status MIA, when we saw Revy's rape scene...'

'And well... right after we finished the anime, Dutch immediately went to Chang, or at least her boomer double, and she requested a mech, the instruction manual for said mech, full weapons loaded for said mech, a reality teleporter.'

'Chang asked why Dutch needed those items?'

'Dutch later told me, that she said she needed those items. So, she could personally go tear into to the police headquarters of twenty-seventh precinct of New York City.'

'As far as Dutch was concerned, nobody hurts her crew. Her family. Though, Chang's boomer double denied the request. Though, the double said that he found Dutch's feelings on the matter to be touching.'

'While, Dutch was not loyal to Chang. She clearly realized she would not be able to have such a direct for of revenge, with out exposing herself, to everyone else, that she was not brainwashed, and loyal to Chang. So, she backed down.'

'And when Dutch told Janet and I, what she had tried to do, we found her sentiments touching, as well'

'Janet and I talked, off and on, about finding a way to help Revy. And a few days after our marriage, we decided that we did need to talk to Revy about this. The next day, after we hide Revy's pistols, and locked the armory on the Lagoon, we got out some weed, we had been saving for a special occasion. And Janet, Rock, Revy and I got stoned on the deck, that night.'

'Given Dutch is pregnant, Dutch did not have any weed, and she stayed upwind of the smoke. Also, that was when Rock asked a question, I was wondering about, myself. The question being why Dutch's female hair was brown. When Rock first met Dutch, as a man, his goatee was black? Dutch admitted that, as a guy, he dyed his goatee black. And as a woman, she did not feel like dying her hair black. With brown being her natural hair color.'

'Now, when we were sure that Revy was stoned, and in the proper happy mode, so she would not immediately kill us all, when we talked about the subject. We brought up the subject of her rape. We mentioned that we knew that she was raped, and that we were there for her, if she wanted to talk about it.'

'Honestly. Her reaction was better than we expected. I guess the weed helped, because she actually shed some tears as she said she was happy to hear that from us. The next morning, when she was back to normal. she said she remembered the previous night and she found what they did to be touching.'

'Though, the day after that, Revy was piss offer, when Dutch informed her of Dutch's new no smoking rule on the Lagoon. But, that was another matter. And ultimately, Revy backed down, from Dutch, and she said she would respect Dutch's wishes, on the matter.'

'This is not the first time that Revy back down from Dutch, over an important matter in her life.

'When Dutch, Revy, and I first made it to Roanapur, Revy clearly had an itch she needed to scratch. For a while there, she went to Rowan's Jackpot to try to... Find herself.'

'Dutch and I knew better than to ask her questions about what she was doing there. And eventually, she was able to scratch whatever itch she had.'

'All this lead up to last week. When Revy and Janet got into some girl talk, on sex. With Dutch, Rock, and I, being present for the conversation.'

'While, Dutch, Rock, and I are now physically women, listening to those to, girl talk, between those two could dangerous to one's sanity.'

'A good example was last week, during their girl talk conversation, when Revy and Janet got into a contest with each other on the most pleasurable positions. Both of them made suggestions for the other couple. With Rock and I caught in the middle.'

'The only rules were no toys, and no intentional pain. The next few days were interesting for us. And until that contest, I always wondered had happened that night at Jackpot, where Revy, Sawyer, and Shenhua took Akira's virginity both ways. Now, I don't. Because I am sure Rock and I had a taste of what likely went on that night.'

'Along with the interesting night life, the mornings after, Rock and I were sore in ways and places I didn't even know existed. I have never so happy, in my short life as a women, to get my period. And it was not just me. Given, the close quarters we lived in, all of our cycles were in sync. When it was that time of the month, it was for all of us. Unless, one of us was pregnant, like Dutch.'

'And while Rock and I realized a month ago, on the night I got married to Janet, that the girls didn't mind doing it during that time of the month. Janet even pointed out some medical studies that, while messy, doing during that time helped with the cramps. And she was right.'

'Still, none of us wanted to clean the sheets afterward, so that time of the month had given us a reprieve on that twisted contest. With Revy and Janet soon agreeing that the contest was a draw.'

'Now, I wonder what surprises are in store for me today? I have a feeling that Janet is going to ask something from me. I just wonder what it will be.'

The silent between the two of them was broken, when Janet said, “Benny. I will be honest with you. That last month has been one of the best times of my life. We did it every way possible. And I while doing it as a man is different than a woman. I found that both forms are very enjoyable.”

Benny replied, “I am glad you think so, dear.”

Janet stated, “That is something I want to talk to you about.”

Benny asked, “What do you want?”

Janet flatly said, “Well dear, I want to have a baby.”

Benny responded, “I am not opposed to getting you pregnant. Now, that it is an option, again. But, we need to talk to Dutch about finding a new home. This ship is just too small for children.” She thought, 'And I spoke to Dutch. She is already looked for a nice home for all of us. Considering she told me that she does not want to raise her child on a PT boat. And I do not blame her for that.'

Janet smiled, as she said, “I agree. But, there is something else Benny. I do not want to have a baby alone.”

It took a few seconds for Benny to realized what Janet was suggesting. Benny's eyes widened, as she quickly stated, “Oh no. No. No. Not happening. I may be a chick right now. But, I am not going to become a pregnant chick. Besides, Dutch is already pregnant. So, you won't be alone, in that way.”

Janet responded, “Dutch is a surprisingly private about her pregnancy. She rarely talks to anyone about what she is going through. And when she does, her comments are brief and to the point. And I want to have someone to share this experience with. Someone to talk to about this.”

Benny offered, “If you want become pregnant I will be by your side every step of the way. But, I do not want to get pregnant, myself.”

Janet pointed out, “Well, I know it is not because you are afraid of having sex as a woman, with a man. You stated you would like to sleep with John. And you have no problems having sex with me, when I am male, and your are female. So, getting pregnant is just the next step from that.”

Benny replied, “And a very big step. I was joking with John. Though, I do admit I was tempted to sleep with him.” Benny mentally added, 'Until that day, I didn't realize how much of a slut I could be.' Benny asked, “Beside, how would you do that?”

“It would not be that difficult. Our cycles are in sync, so that is not a problem. All we need is a thermometer to time for proper ovulation, some medical instruments, some of that instant man powder, some private time, and for each of us to spread our legs, as women, for each other.”

Benny flatly accused, “You have really thought about this? Haven't you?”

Janet admitted, “Yes. I freely admit that with Dutch pregnant, I have been thinking about having a child. And perhaps I have gone a little baby crazy. Though, with the amount of gold, and other wealth we have. Money is no longer an issue in the equation. Also, we are both healthy and, barring accident, or act of violence, we will likely live a very long time. So, why are you against doing this?”

Benny stated, “Janet, I love you. But, I was born a guy. I still have a bit of male ego in me. Not much, but some.”

Janet countered, “So, Dutch was a guy. And she seems happy to be pregnant.”

Benny pointed out, “I would not be so sure. Dutch wants to have a kid. There a difference between wanting to be a parent, and wanting to be pregnant. It was just as a guy, Dutch's luck with women sucked. So, when she was turned into a woman, she just bit the bullet and decided to get pregnant, to have the child she always wanted.”

Janet conceded, “You may have a point there. But, think of how us going through pregnancy together could strengthen our emotional bonds. We would become closer than ever in our relationship. The experience would likely cement our marriage.”

Benny commented, “There are risks you might not be aware of. The mood swings during pregnancy makes PMS look tame in comparison?”

Janet said, “We will just be careful.”

Benny was silent for several seconds. She then quietly stated, “Pregnancy is one of the ultimate womanly experiences. You do not come back from that. Such an experience drastically changes a person. Being a parent changes a person. But, being pregnant and becoming a mother changes a person even more. And that scares me even more raising children.”

Janet walked over close to her spouse, as she looked Benny in the eyes, as she softly said, “Benny, I know you very well. The one thing I like you about you the best is that you are both curious, and you are open to new experiences. And this is probably one of the most wonderful experiences a woman can have in her life.”

Benny commented, “You know giving birth is painful. And the final months of pregnancy are not that conformable for the mother to be.”

Janet said, “Pain is not something we are strangers too. And discomfort, versus the rewards, are well worth it.”

Benny let out a breath, as she asked, “When do we start?”

Janet answered, “When our bodies are ready. Which should be in a week, or two. And thank you for doing this with me.”

Janet then leaned down and hugged her spouse.


A month later, while at sea, on the deck of the Lagoon, the crew of five women were having lunch. The Lagoon was currently just resting in the water, with the wind and waves being fairly come.

The group was sitting in the back part of the desk, over a large blanket, with a large, open umbrella, with a weighted base, being used to shade them from the sun.

They were eating sandwiches and chips, that they had fixed in the ship. They were drinking various types of bottled drinks, as well.

Revy was by Rock, Janet was by Benny, with Dutch between the two couples.

While they had their lunch, Revy turned to Dutch, as she asked, “So, Dutch, when are you planning to start spending some of our loot on a base of operations?”

Dutch answered, “Soon, Revy. My contacts are looking for somewhere we can live like royalty.”

Revy suggested, “You, and Rock, should have just handed me some of that treasure. I could have taken care of it by now.”

Dutch said, “Don't worry. You won't go hungry, Revy. And I talked to the others here, and we plan to share. It is just that if we turned you loose with that wealth, you would lose it faster than Brewster did with his millions.”

Rock agreed with Dutch, “She has got you there, Revy.”

Revy just snorted. She then noticed that something was off about Benny and Janet. They seem to smiling and giggling towards each other. Like they were sharing a joke between each other.

Looked over at Benny and Janet, as she asked, with slight annoyance in her tone of voice, “What is up with you, two?”

Benny and Janet looked at Revy, then at each other, as they smiled. They then turned to the rest of the group, as Janet said, “We have an announcement to make.”

Janet and Benny then said, in unison, “We're both pregnant.”

Rock and Revy's jaws dropped

Dutch just laughed for a few seconds. She then said, “Welcome to the club.” She gently patted herself on her four pregnant belly, with her right hand, as she continued, “Looks like I am going to have to step up my search for a new home. This boat doesn't have a nursery.”

A few seconds later, when Rock finally found the ability to speak, she inquired, “How?”

Revy followed up Rock's question, with her own question, as she asked, “Who is the father?”

Janet answered, “We are the father for each others babies. Long story short, we used that instant man powder and artificial insemination to get each other pregnant.”

Revy questioned, “How is that exactly done?”

Benny commented, “Honesty. The insemination itself was kind of a let down. In just involved spreading my legs with a small tube and plunger. It took less than a minute.”

Rock looked at Benny, as she stated, in disbelief, “First Dutch. Now you, Benny. Why did you allow yourself to get pregnant?”

Benny looked Rock in her eyes, as she calmly, “I love my wife.”

Janet heard Benny's comment. Janet grin widened, as she gently pulled Benny's head to the side, to face her, so she could passionately kiss Benny on her lips.

Rock conceded, “That is a good reason.”

Dutch leaned over to whisper into Rock's right ear, “The next few months are going to be interesting.”

Rock replied, “No kidding.”

None of them noticed Revy looking on at Janet and Benny with jealousy in her eyes.


A few of days later, in the engine room of the Lagoon, Revy and Rock were having a private conversation.

Revy flatly said, “Rock, I want to have a kid. And I want you to help.”

Rock asked, “Revy, why do you want to have a child? Is it because Dutch, Janet, and Benny are pregnant?”

Revy had the decency to not verbally answer Rock, and instead she looked away from her lover.

Rock calmly said, “Revy, pregnancy and motherhood are very big commitments, and should not be taken lightly. A woman should want to bring a child into this world to love and raise. Not to just prove a point.”

Revy turned back to look at Rock, as she stated, “Oh. I am very serious about this. And I suggest we do like Janet and Benny did, and get each other pregnant.”

Rock quickly responded, “No. For several reasons that do not need to be stated. And I mean, no.”

Revy whined, “Why not? If we wanted two kids. It would cut our time in half, if we both got pregnant. And with all our wealthy, money is not an object.”

Rock let out a breath, as she admitted, “Because after everything that has happened, I fear that if I got pregnant, the pregnancy itself would drive me crazy. And crazy and motherhood are a bad combination for everyone involved.”

Revy smirked, “If you go crazy, I will be right there beside you. But, I doubt you will go crazy, because if you haven't noticed, you already are as crazy as I am. You admitted as much to me, on Naboo.”

Rock shrugged, as she admitted, “That's true.”

Revy inquired, “And as you are now. As I am now. Do you think we would make bad parents?”

Rock replied, “Not really. I think we will make good parents for any children we raise. I am still fairly sane. All things considered. And you have matured a lot, since I first met you.”

Revy responded, with happiness evident in her voice, “Thank you. Now, a better question is. Do you want to be the only one in our group not pregnant?”

Rock thought over Revy's point for a few seconds. Her eyes then slightly widened, as she answered, “That is a very good point. Okay. I will do this with you. So, when do you want to do this?”

Revy answered, “As soon as possible.”

Revy smiled, as she walked over, and hugged her girlfriend. She said, “I will talk to Janet about figuring out how to do this. She clearly has the know how, if she can get herself and Benny both knocked up.”

Rock returned Revy's hug, with a grin on her lips, as she replied, “Let me know what you need to do, Revy.”

Revy responded, “Don't worry. I will.”


Three weeks later, on a sunny day, at sea, as Revy was finishing up what she needed to do in the center restroom of the Lagoon.

After pulling up her shorts, and buckling her belt, she came out of the restroom, while holding a small, plastic stick. Rock was standing there holding one such stick of her right hand, as well.

Rock asked, “So, what did yours tell you?”

Revy suggested, “Let's find out at the same time.”

They held the two stick side by side, and both sticks showed the same thing.

Revy hugged Rock, as she exclaimed, “Thank you!”


A few hours later, the Lagoon has doing a job, they were hired too do. Which was capture an oil tanker, for a pirate outfit.

This was not the first time the Lagoon company had done this, and they knew how to accomplished their job, with minimum casualties, nor problems, for either side.

Revy was standing on deck, next to Rock. Both of them had on communications headsets, over their right ears.

As they stood there, Revy fired a missile from a rocket launcher, at the top, front part, of the hull, of the much larger oil tanker.

As the missile connected, and damaged the nose of the ship, but little else, Revy set her weapon down, and picked up am electronic bullhorn.

Revy yelled into her electronic bullhorn, “Listen up everyone! This is your lucky day! I am in a very good mood! I just found out that my girlfriend and I are each are having a kid! So, if you surrender peacefully! I won't kick all your asses!”


From within the Lagoon's pilot cabin, Dutch was in the left front chair, of the room, as she had her hands the controls of her boat.

Dutch had on a communications headset over her right ear as well, which she used to talk to Benny and Janet from the boat's built in communications system. She calmly stated, over the headset, “Contact our client for payment, and for them to get their asses out here, and take over their new prize.”

Over the communications headset, Benny replied, “No problem, Dutch. Janet and I are already one it.”

Dutch replied, “That is good to hear.”

Suddenly, Dutch felt a kick from inside her body. She looked down, passed her breasts, and towards her stomach. She said out loud, “Sorry. But, mommy has work to do.”

Dutch thought, 'Still, in a few months, we are all going to have to go on maternity leave. An all female crew of pirates, that are all heavily pregnant, attacking ships, would be just to damn embarrassing. We would never live it down.'

'At least the morning sickness hasn't been to bad for any of us. I guess, given we are all pregnant, we are no longer the Lagoon Company. We are the Lagoon Family. Still, the only question left is, where are we going to go? Though, I have a few ideas. My contacts finally found us a decent sized, private, tropical island, with the dock, mansion, and amenities that I wanted.'

'Now, all I have to do is convince the others to go on maternity leave. If this island turns out to be what I want, that won't be to hard. Though, we might all just decide to quit, to raise our children. Which would not be that bad a situation.'

'I could use a nice change of pace. And I am sure the others will feel the same way, once they settle down, and have their children.'

'Still, that is for tomorrow. Right now, we have a job to do.'

Dutch then went back to her job, as she and her crew soon confirmed with the captain of the oil tanker, on the oil tanker's surrender.

An hour later, the Lagoon crew were alerted that their payment had been received, on their private accounts, and the pirate outfit would be there in twenty minutes. Dutch then piloted the Lagoon away from the oil tanker, in the opposite direction from which the pirate were coming in.

Given everything that had happened to them, Dutch was not going to take any chances with herself, nor her family.


Four months later, it was early evening at the private, tropical island that Dutch had used a small portion of her family's wealth, to buy. The island had a small bay, that with a dock where the Lagoon PT boat as moored, and protected from any storms coming off of the sea.

Around the bay, including where the dock was located, and alone much of the shoreline, in both directions of the bay, was a nice, sandy beach. There was a grassy field between beach and the mansion on the island. There was also a salt water pool on the other side of the mansion. Along, with a hot tub, and a few other amenities.

This did not including what the Lagoon family was planning to add on the island. Such as Revy planning to add a firing range, on the far, backside of the topical island. With the range directed to where those whom used it would fire away from the Lagoon family's new home.

The mansion was already fully furnished.

The mansion also had a large vault for some of the gold and treasures, the Lagoon family on hand.

Also, included in the vault was instant man packets, and instant girl packets, along with other important things.

They also used the vault as their armory, for their weapons and equipment.

But, Dutch knew better than to put even half of what they had in the vault. Just in case they had to make a quick run for it on short notice.

So, Dutch and the others made sure to keep some of what they had on the Lagoon, in case they needed to run, and if need be, jump to another reality.

They small reality devices, and they rigged the Lagoon with a reality device, as well.

Dutch pointed out, that it never hurt to plan for a potential bad day in the future. And her family agreed with her.

There were plenty of bedrooms, bedroom, and other places, in the mansion, for everyone.

They all selected bedrooms on the second floor of their home.

Dutch had the master bedroom. Because she found, and bought the island and mansion. But, the other bedrooms, the two pairs of couples, were plenty big. With each of the bedrooms, they selected, having their own full bathroom and two walk in closets, per bedroom.

They also prepared other bedrooms for their future children, on the second floor of their home, as well.

And Dutch did not spare any expense on the technology and equipment, for their new home. From computers, to satellites communications for both internet, TV, and phone.

There was even a full staff of servants, and a few doctors on call for them, at the island, twenty-four hours, seven days a week. With of the staff and doctors paid well enough to not ask any questions about the pasts of their employers. Nor, to talk about their employers with others.

All in all, it was a great place for the Lagoon family to live.

The Lagoon family had nicknamed island, Lagoon Island, and the mansion, Lagoon Mansion.


As a calm night descended on Lagoon island, inside Lagoon Mansion, Dutch, Benny, Janet, Revy, and Rock were having dinner around a round table, in their formal dining room.

In clockwise, around the table, sat, Dutch, Benny, Janet, Revy, and Rock. With them being evenly seated apart, with Rock sitting next to Dutch, to Rock's left side.

They were all eating very well made salads, while drinking either water, or fruit juice. There was no wine, beer, nor other alcoholic beverages, given they were all pregnant.

They were all wearing loose maternity clothing of various styles and sizes.

Revy and Rock were around four months pregnant. Janet and Benny were around five months pregnant. And Dutch was quickly approaching her due date.

They were currently talking about the day to day activities of the Tower, and what the Tower had to offer for those whom lived in it.

Revy stated, “I will give Chang credit. The man, or should I say woman, had taste. Everything in the Tower was top class, when it came to living there... At least for us”

Benny admitted, “Yea. That indoor, heated pool was sweet.”

Revy turned to Janet, as she stated, “Janet. You should have told me you were taking Benny and Dutch shopping for new clothes, back then. I would have loved to come.”

Dutch commented, “Perhaps it is best that you didn't, Revy.”

Janet admitted, “Dutch is right. After thinking about it. I shouldn't have done that. It was Lotton made the suggestion to us, to go shopping for some really girlish clothing. And now that I think about it, he and Chang probably recorded the entire shopping trip for their sick thrills, and cheap laughs.”

“Also, Akira told me the time that you, Sawyer, and Shenhua played dress up with her, when she first arrived in Roanapur. Benny and Dutch were already uncomfortable with some of my clothing suggestions, which I made that day. I would hate to think what you would have picked out, if you had gone with us.”

Benny said, “It's okay, dear. The past is the past.”

Janet turned to Benny, as she replied, “Thank you, honey.” She then turned to Dutch, as she inquired, “So, how are you holding up?”

Dutch shrugged, as she answered, “Just looking forward to pushing the rug-rat out.”

Benny said, “That is completely understandable.” Benny looked down at her round stomach, as she commented, “I still cannot believe Janet talked me into this. At least, except for the breasts and stomach, the supersoldier serum is keeping us physically fit, and not letting us get fat, no matter what we eat.” She then looked back around the table, at her friends.

Dutch admitted, “There is that. And recovery after the birth will likely be short. as well. I look forward having a flat stomach, after all this is over.”

The rest of the women just nodded.

Rock said, “Well, I am glad you had a great time with Chang. Us, on the outside, were a bit busy. But...”

They noticed that Rock had immediately stopped talking.

This caught the attention of everyone else at the table.

Rock's face became unreadable for a few seconds, as she looked down at her small, but noticeable belly.

Rock's face then took on a sense of wonder, as she quickly pulled up her shirt, and she then placed both her hands directly onto her belly.

The others immediately understood what was happening to Rock, as they shared a few smiles, together.

Dutch thought, 'While none of us had any serious morning sickness. After all our morning sickness had finally passed. Each around three months. I have been looking forward to this day... Rock's baby just stated moving. We all knew that Rock wasn't crazy about getting pregnant. She was just along for the ride. Due to her not wanting be the only one not pregnant, in a home full of pregnant women. Now, she is finally getting a taste of the joys of pregnancy.'

Meanwhile Rock's mind has become a maelstrom of delight, as instincts she did not know she had started to kick in.

Rock already realized the intellectual part of becoming a parent, but it was not until now, that she was beginning to feel the emotional side of becoming a parent.

Now, Rock wanted this child. She wanted give birth and raise her child. And it was no longer a desire. It was a need. Something deep, something primal within her wanted to be a parent, and Rock was loving that feeling.

Revy looked at Rock, as she warmly smiled at her lover. She calmly stated, “My baby starting moving a few days ago, Rock. But, I didn't say anything to distract you. Because I wanted to see the look on your face when yours did, as well. And it was worth the wait to see that great look on your face. Feels good, doesn't it?”

Rock grew a lopsided grin, as she turned to look at at Revy. She replied, “Yea.”

Benny joked, “Wait till your child starts kicking on your full bladder.”

Janet giggled at her spouse's comment.

Dutch grinned, as she stated, “Welcome to motherhood, Rock.”

Rock turned to Dutch, as her smile became wider on her lips, as her child continued to move within her. She said, “Thanks.”

The rest of their evening was pleasant, for everyone involved.


A week later, it was mid-afternoon, on a warm, partly cloudy day, on Lagoon Island.

Inside Dutch's bedroom, at the Lagoon mansion, Rock looked the surreal situation around her.

From left to right, Revy, Revy, Benny, and Janet were sitting in chairs, beside each other, against the far wall, by the windows of in Dutch's bedroom. All of them were wearing casually clothing that looked decent on them, and fit them.

They keeping Dutch company, while she was in labor.

At the moment, the four pregnant friends were looking to their left, at Dutch, laying on her back, above her covers, in her bed. She had a dark brown sleeping gown, with sleeves, that covered her her body, except for her head, hands, and feet.

Though, the gown was open at the bottom, for what need to be done, real soon.

The doctors on called had been brought to help with the delivery. And even at this point, these doctors had no idea on the back-stories of their clients. Now, were the Lagoon family going to tell them anything of their past.

But, since the Lagoon family's money was good, the doctors did not ask any questions.

Rock turned look over at Revy, then at Janet, and Benny. She thought, 'After we all got pregnant, we knew this day would eventually come. It is just extremely awkward to watch someone who you originally knew as a guy, that was turned into a hot babe, going through labor and birth.'

'But, I am not really one to talk. I will be going through this in a few months, as well. Though, I have to admit that the last few months had been good. except for the usual minor issues of having five pregnant women living together in close quarters. And the side effects that our pregnancies has had on us.'

'Still, none of us has had any complications. So, there should be no reason for complications at birth, either. Given what was done to us, that is not surprising. The doctors are here, just in case we need them.'

'Already, all our monthly checks ups turned up fine. And we all found that to be a relief.'

'Though, of all of us, we found it absolutely hilarious that the one that freaked out the most about a pelvic exam was Revy. Given her life. I am not surprised she never such an examination before. And she did not know the details of what such an examination included. But, we all made it through, okay. With no one getting hurt. Not even the doctors that examined us, in such personal, physical detail.'

'Yet. There has been one worry. On our regular check ups, all of us found out we are each having a single girl. No boys. There is not way to prove it, but is possible that the formula given to us, that changed us, that is in our bloodstreams will only allow use to have girls. We might only be able to have girls. Still, the formula even changed our chromosomes from XY to XX. So if that is the case, the formula might have done the same thing to our children at conception.'

'Though, I doubt this theory, because back at Chang's Tower, we found records, of some of the mothers in the vats, whom gave birth to sons.'

'Still, because of this possibility, all of us had some genetic tests done on our babies, and we found there was sign of gene related birth defects.'

'I remember when, about four months ago, Dutch put her foot down. She told us, as an order, that we would not be taking any more jobs until our children were born, and that our children would be at least one year old. She called it mandatory maternity leave for us.'

'It was then that with the wealth we stole from Chang. That she used third parties to anonymously buy this island, and this mansion, for us. For our family. Our Lagoon Family. Which I agree is a good name for us now.'

Rock looked down, at her self, as she placed her hands on her extended belly, while she silently reflected, in thought, 'Besides, we are going to need all the room we can get, real soon.'

Rock looked over at Revy and the clothing her redheaded lover was currently wearing.

Along black panties and a back bar, Revy was wearing a shirt, pants, and nice saddles.

Rock mentally continued, 'After Revy started showing, the rest of us finally put our feet down. And we demanded she start wearing something more covering. Fortunately, we were able to convince her that a crop top and cut-offs shorts were not going to cut it.'

'And shopping was not the difficult, we just used our reality devices, to head to a clothing shops we knew about, anywhere, and time, we could think of, to shop and return here. Though, we are careful only to spend less than a few hours there, and be gone only a few minutes, for those on this island. Still, those were fun shopping trips.'

Meanwhile, Benny looked over at Dutch, as she inquired, “How are you doing, Dutch?”

Dutch was laying on her back, as she answered, “Bad. But, not as bad as I thought. I am no longer worried that Revy might kill one of the medical, staff when it is her turn.”

Revy snapped, “I heard that!”

Dutch smiled, as she replied, “Good.”

Janet commented, “We still haven't talked about names for any of the children.”

Dutch responded, “Good idea. But, let us deal with that later.” She then wretched in pain from another contraction, in her lower abdomen.

Rock looked over at Dutch, as she thought, 'At least she still had her sense of humor. Good.'

Rock turned to look at Revy, as she continued her thoughts, 'We all have had our ups and downs for the last several months. But, I have to admit that Revy's pregnancy has caused her to have some major mood swings. More than normal for her, which was extreme to begin with.'

'It did not help that she had to give up smoking and alcohol for the duration of her pregnancy. The smoking was bad, but the withdrawal from the alcohol was so intense that we had to sedate her for a couple of days, to ride out the effects. Though, we made sure the drugs we used on her did not harm the baby she is carrying. And we also made sure the withdrawal did not harm her child, either.'

'Fortunately, she and her unborn baby, made it through those problems, just fine.'

'Though, the only reason she hasn't been too hard on the rest of us is that we are all in the same boat. She realizes we have had the same problems as her. We are just able to have a better handle on our problems, than she does.'

Rock turned to one of the doctors there in the room, as she asked, “At this rate, how long until she gives birth?”

The doctor turned to Rock, as she quickly answered, “About six hours.”

Dutch groaned, “It is not the pain that is the worst thing about this. It is the pain being drawn out, with the waiting.” She then smiled, as she continued, “Though, I am looking forward to the joy of watching you four go through this, as well.”

This caused the other four pregnant women in the room to become a bit uncomfortable, as they unconsciously shifted in their chairs.


Five years later, in the late morning, the Lagoon family took an all female, family picture of their group on their dock, in the island bay, with the side of the Lagoon PT boat, used as their backdrop. With the front of the PT boat pointed towards the left of the camera.

As expected, all their children turned out to be healthy girls, in every way. With all five of their mothers fulling recovering fairly quickly, soon after each woman had given birth to their daughter.

Presently, each mother stood behind the daughter they had given birth to.

Both the adults and their children were in clothed in nice dresses.

From the order of right to left.

The two tanned skinned, blond, well behaved children were Janet and Benny's daughters.

The energetic, dark skinned kid making the peace sign with her right index and middle fingers was Dutch's daughter.

The two redheaded, tanned skinned girls, that were fighting each other, were Revy and Rock's daughters. With their parents trying to pull them away from each other, just as the picture was taken.

Still, it was a good photo that everyone involved was proud to have been a part of, in creating.


That afternoon, the adults played with their children, in the grassy field between the mansion and the bay.

As they played, Rock saw a glimmer of light coming from the tree line.

Rock knew who it was, as she smiled in the direction the glimmer of light came from, while giving the person along the treeline, a thumbs up, with her right thumb.

Revy inquired, “Who are you giving the thumbs up to?”

Rock continued to smile, as she dropped her right hand, to her side. She turned to looked at her lover, as she said, “Don't worry about it. It is all in the past. Let us live in the present, and not worry about the past, nor future.”

“Fine by me.” Revy replied, as she returned Rock's smile with her own. And they went back to playing with their children.

The End.


Author's Notes:

And so, in this story, one timeloop is closed with a happy ending.

Well, that is the end of book two. But, this Anthology of Insanity is only getting started.

I hope you enjoyed book two. Book three is next. Though, book three is not a horror story. Book three is a comedy and adventure story, that I hope you will enjoy.

Also, I said at the beginning of this chapter, I had to write this chapter, and add these five daughters to the storyline. This will become clear, as to why, later on in this anthology. But, if you are curious, I presented clues, in the chapters, of this anthology, that I have already posted.

Until next time. Have fun.

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