Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.
Chapter Ten: “Babes, Boomers, and Badasses.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Black Lagoon reality, Roanapur, Chang's Tower, Chang's penthouse office. The date was a day after Revy had returned from the planet, Naboo. The time was mid-morning.
Those within Chang's penthouse office could see through the wall of windows, that below them, dark storm clouds were building on the island city of Roanapur.
Inside the office, Chang sat at his desk, while his three bodyguards stood to his right, in a row, with the black haired asian woman being in the middle.
But this time, the women stood facing the front of the office, towards the entrance, so all of them could watch the large multi-screen monitors that showed a single picture above the large, locked double-doors of the offer.
The bodyguards were in their usual gray skirted uniforms. Meanwhile, Chang was in his business suit, black long coat, and shades.
The multi-screen was set to show a single large video. With those inside the office watching a battle unfold, in orbit, above Chang's Tower.
A few minutes ago, there was an alert sent to Chang's office, from his space forces. Those space forces consisted of four Star Destroyers in orbit above Roanapur.
The space forces had inform Chang there was a single, intruder ship, in space, on a trajectory course for Chang's Tower.
The screen was showing a video from one of the Star Destroyers, as the spaceship approached them.
As Chang watched the screen, Chang thought, 'I wonder who these fools are. I doubt they are from the local governments.'
'While, I am certain the governments of the world know about my Star Destroyers. At the very least. I also know there is not much that they can do about them. And even if they boarded them, they would be in a nasty surprised, given there are only combat and battle boomers inside.'
'Though, most of the combat boomers are just crew that are programed to do various jobs. From engine maintenance, to weapons control. And the battle boomers on boards are far more limited. Given they don't have much room to maneuver in most parts of the ship. The only down side to my defenses is that even though I have starfighters, I have yet to find the properly trained for people. Let alone boomers. To fly starfighters... Mores the pity.'
'Still, I do wonder who these people are, that are approaching us.'
All those in the office watched from the outside cameras of one of the Star Destroyers, the spaceship came into started to come into focus, on the screen.
They the vehicle was a medium sized ship, around the sise of a Star Wars blockade runner. Also, the ship was clearly going full burn towards Earth, with the intent of passing by the Star Destroyers.
As they watched, the ship come within firing range of the Star Destroyers energy cannons, they saw the Star Destroyers energy cannons started to bound on the intruder's ship's hull.
While sitting behind his office desk, Chang commented, “I wonder who these fools are?”
Though, the spaceship kept going. But, just as the ship made it passed the Star Destroyers and near the atmosphere, the ship exploded outward.
Chang said, “I guess that is that.”
Then, without warning, a much small ship burst from the flames and wreckage of the ship that was destroyed. With the smaller shipping head towards the atmosphere, as a much faster, more reckless speed.
Within second, before the Star Destroyers could target the vessel, the smaller spaceship was out of weapons range of the Star Destroyers.
Chang immediately recognized the ship, and figured out who was leading the attack.
Chang commented, “Firefly class. That has got to be the Serenity. Not bad thinking on your part, Rock.”
Chang turned to his three female bodyguards, as he ordered, “Order everyone to stay where the are, or to find shelter somewhere. Next, get the boomers on alert. I want them to be where that ship lands, within five minutes of that ship hitting the ground. Contact the girls to get suited up.”
The asian assistant stated, “The Hell Sabers just came back from a mission. And their hardsuits are correcting being worked on for basic maintenance.”
Chang inquired, “That is just bad timing. How long till they can use their suits?”
The asian assistant answered, “It will be at least an hour for their hardsuits are back to ready status for them to use.”
Chang stated, “Then, have the girls wait nearby, in their softsuits, until their hardsuits are ready. They can just jump right into their hardsuits, the moment the their hardsuits are ready.”
“Also, tell Lotton to get up here. And have him bring Scorpius and Shockwave. Along with that, contact Balalaika. Have her man the security center. So, she can oversee the battle from there. I want her issuing order to my boomer armies. Also, have the rest of Hotel Moscow be ready, and standing by for possible deployment. In case Rock's group it inside my Tower.”
“Even though I want Rock and the others alive. I will not sacrifice everything I have built just to have her. As such, I do not want to take to many chances... I love my fun and games. But, I like a stacked deck in my favor.”
The asian assistant inquired, “Since, you do not wish to take chances, shall we power up the anti-aircraft batteries, and destroy the ship out right? Before it even lands?”
Chang answered, “Nah. I want to see what else Rock has up her sleeves. That ship might be boobytrapped, with a possible nuclear deadman switch. Though, I doubt it. That is not Rock's style.”
The woman grimaced, as she conceded, “I see you point.”
As Serenity continued entry into the atmosphere, on board, everyone was strapped in to their seats. Even Megatron was strapped in the cargo hold, while in his alt car mode. With his wheels anchored to the floor, by clamps.
Everyone was ready for battle. With Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira currently women. And all three of them had on their battle uniforms, as they were strapped into the backseat of the car, along with Fabiola.
From his seat in the cargo hold, next to the rest of the Distraction Team, whom was to the left of Megatron, Deadpool yelled, “Express elevator to Hell! Going down! Yeehaw!”
Akira was sitting inside Megatron, in the back seat, behind Rock, in the driver's seat. And even through the closed windows, Akira overheard Wade. She thought, 'Now, he is quoting, Aliens, the movie. Good quote though. It really fits the situation. Perfectly.'
Duke also agreed, as he loud stated, “Great quote Wade. Could you do me a favor?”
Wade loudly replied, “Sure. What do you need?”
Duke smirked, as he loudly joked, “Wake me up when we get there?”
Deadpool laughed at Duke's joke.
Akira overheard the rest of the conversation, through the windows of Megatron. She thought, 'And now Duke is getting in on the act. At least, they are getting along, which means they will likely fight better, together, as a team.'
In the cockpit of the Serenity, River was strapped in her chair, as she piloted the ship. With Mal and Zoe strapped into some of the chairs right behind her cockpit seat. With Mal sitting to Zoe's right side.
Though the windows, on and the dashboard computer screen, they sat they were approaching Chang Tower, which was the color of blue steel.
Mal stated, “River, aim for the giant blue pimple. We are suppose to land right beside it, in the nearby town. Rock would like us to land on one of the highways, between the buildings.”
River kept her eyes on the instruments in front of her, as she replied, in a tone of voice that was too calm for the situation, “I see the tower, and the city. Landing should not be a problem.”
Mal responded, “Good. After we deliver our packages, we are going to take off. We are not staying. Rock gave a path, and coordinates, to a location elsewhere on the planet.”
“From that town. Roanapur. We will be mostly going over the seas. Still I want you to fly under the radar. Rock and them got us a full tank of gas, so we can afford to spend the fuel. Our destination is a remote western region of what Rock calls the Australian Outback. We will wait there for Rock's signal to return.”
Zoe inquired, “Sir, what if we don't get the signal?”
Mal stated, “Rock told me her plan B. Which is that we will have a lot of explaining to do to the locals. Still, Rock told me that the Australian government is one of the most saner, less corrupt governments on this planet. During this time period.”
“She said, that beside the geography, she picked that place for us because of the government there. Also, they do not have spaceships here. Only very primitive shuttles, and rockets to get to space. We may have to trade in the Serenity to them, but if we play our cards right, we still might end up with a good life here. Which is a lot better than being dogged by the Alliance, or Chang.”
Zoe nodded, as she replied, “I can agree with that, sir.”
River said, with more emotion in her voice, than before, “You got that right.”
A few minutes later, the Serenity passed through the cloud cover, and they were able to safely land on the highway, between some buildings, in abandoned city of Roanapur.
The ship intentionally kicked up a lot of dust and dirt, with its engines, as the back cargo bay door lowered down to the ground.
Meanwhile, dark clouds were blocking out most of the sunlight, providing even more cover for them.
While no one was able to look, the clamps on Megatron's wheels were freed, as Rock's crew used this opportunity to drive through the dust, and darkness, into the alleyways between two nearby buildings.
Rock plan was to sneak into the tower, by going around the left side of the city, while her Distraction team kept Chang buys.
At the same time as Bad Company left for Chang's Tower, four other individuals got out of the ship and stood in a line, facing the tower.
Those on four men, had a clear unobstructed view of the direction of the Tower, as they saw an army of ten thousand combat and battle boomers came towards them from the tower, at high speed, as the boomers used their hover jets to close the distance between them.
The boomers rushed down the highway road the four people were on, with the boomers looking like a wave of blue and brown robots, that were side by side, and row by row, next to each other.
Though, the boomers were still a few miles away, given those on the road time to prepare.
After everyone that needed to disembark from the Serenity, were off the ship, the Serenity then immediately raised the cargo bay door, and took off for the sea, to avoid the fighting.
From his office, Chang watched on the multi-screen, cameras located on the outside of the tower focused in on the dust cloud, where the spaceship had landed then taken off.
As the dust cloud settled, Chang was surprised by whom he saw standing side by side, on the highway, facing the Tower.
Chang said, “I have to admit. Rock and her friends have some taste. Still, just more victims for me.” He turned to his bodyguards, as he stated, “Send the boomer army after them. And order the boomers to not destroy the heads of these men. We can regrow them, and change them, from just their heads, that if need be.”
He turned to the women, as he continued, “Also, pour me a jack and cola, and get me some popcorn. So, I can watch this in style. And order all technicians, and the other workers to the head shelters, except those in the nursery. Just in case this goes sideways.”
The three woman nodded. They then carried out the tasks that Chang commanded of them, to do.
Meanwhile, Chang continued looked at the four men on the screen. His lips curled into a wicked grin, as he rhetorically asked, “You don't think I was going to go easy on you? Did you?”
Outside Chang's Tower, on the highway, in Roanapur, under the ever darkening sky, the dust cleared to reveal four men standing in a line, facing the incoming boomer army, rush at them.
The four men showed no signs of fear on their faces.
Duke also had a lit cigar in his mouth.
From left to right, all in their usual clothing and armor, Vash with his pistol drawn, Duke Nukem holding up this custom RPG launcher, Boba Fett had his blaster draw, and Deadpool holding his two ignited red bladed lightsabers.
Annie had not only given Deadpool to lightsabers she made for him, that would clip on his utility belt. But, Deadpool was also given two blaster pistols, which were in Deadpool's shoulder holsters.
It then started raining, while they saw the lightning, and heard the thunder start to boom.
Deadpool complained, “Now, it is starting to rain.”
Duke chew on his lit cigar little, as he smiled. He commented, “This is perfect weather for a situation like this. Look towards the tower.”
As they looked, they saw lightning illumined the area to reveal around ten thousand boomers rush towards them, right above the ground, on their hover jets.
When the boomer got within half a mile of them, Deapool commented, “Well, men. It looks like tonight, we shall be dining in hell.” He thought, 'I always wanted to say that line, and mean it. Three hundred for the win, babe. Or, four for ten thousand. And these are killer machines, that are far more hardcore than the ancient Persian army, which Leonidas and his men faced, could ever hope to be.”
Fett said, “Wade. Do not be a pessimist.”
Deadpool conceded, “You have a point there, Fett. And I have faced worse odds.”
Vash stated, “We all have.”
Deadpool suggested, “Well Vash, I hope we get to see that destructive angle arm of yours. You can take out most of them in one blast.”
Vash commented “I can only do that a few times, in a row. And it is extremely draining. I am holding that in reserve. In case something bigger shows up.
Boba Fett complimented, “Good idea.”
Deadpool said, “It doesn't matter. We can still take them.”
The other three men nodded in agreement.
By then, the boomers were not within two hundred yards from them, and closing fast.
Duke was smoking cigar. He blew out some smoke from his mouth, as he stated, “Well boys, the only question left is... Who wants some?”
Duke then fired his grenades at the boomers, while running for the cover the buildings to his right.
Vash joined Duke, heading to nearby cover, as well. While he fired at the boomer in the front of the boomer phalanx.
On the other hand, Boba Fett, ignited his rocket backpack, and took to the air, as he fired his blasters and mini-missiles at the boomers.
And Deadpool charged at the boomers with his lightsabers in his hands.
Meanwhile, Bad Company had circle, clockwise, around the boomers coming out of the Tower and had snuck inside.
They came into building, from a side entrance, which was left open.
When they were inside, they sat they were in a large hallway. Megatron then transformed into robot mode, with his holdout pistol in his right hand.
As the group continued to walk down the dimly lit hallway, they noticed no one around.
They soon found that the hallway lead them into one of levels of the tower where the vats were filled with pregnant women, at various stages of pregnancy. With the group in a large warehouse room, with high ceilings, and lit in an eerie green light.
John looked around, as he commented, “Okay. This place is messed up.”
Rock agreed, “No arguments that. And this place brings back some bad memories.”
Annie looked at one of the vats, with a sleeping pregnant woman inside, as she commented, “Thanks again Rock, for saving you.”
Rock responded, “You're welcome. Now, let's move through this place as quickly as possible.”
Megatron said, “Agreed.”
The group quickly made their way through the room, with Megatron taking point, and the others in the group staying right behind him.
Megatron kept his holdout pistol in his right hand, Ranma had her magical golden bracers on her forearms. Akira had her revolvers pulled out, Fabiola had her semi-automatic pistols drawn, Annie had her red lightsaber ignited, John had his pulse pistol in his right hand, and Rock had her sonic shotgun in her right hand.
As they swiftly passed through the room, they sat the rows and rows of vats, filled with pregnant women, as far as they could see into the room.
While they continued to briskly walk, Akira commented, “Guys. You said this place was horrible. But, I don't think your words truly give justice to the horror we are looking at.”
Ranma stated, “We are in a god damn nightmare.”
Natsuru looked around her, as she agreed, “No kidding.”
Then, Natsuru started noticing something about some of the faces on the women in the vats, they were walking by.
Natsuru slowed down, and then came to a stop, as she looked more closely, at the vats.
Her friends came to a stopped as well. As they turned around to face Natsuru. They then noticed that Natsuru's face took on a combination of object horror and shock.
The rest of the group looked at her with concern shown on their faces.
Natsuru noticed the rest of the team looking at her. She looked over at her friends, she then turned back to the vats next to her. She quietly said, “Wait a minute. I know these people. These people look familiar.”
Akira looked over at the lover, as she sternly asked, “Are you sure?”
Natsuru continued to look at the nearby vats, as she said, “These people are from Bubblegum Crisis reality, that I lived in for a few years. They are AD Police officers I worked with. Most of them were originally men, but some were originally women.”
Natsuru looked over at a few other pregnant women, as she stated, in disgust, and fear, “Oh god, that is Leon and Daley.”
Akira took a close look at the vats Natsuru was looking at. She inquired, “Are you sure they are from the same reality as the one you lived in?”
Natsuru answered, “Yes. I can feel it. When you get to know someone for years, you can sense them to a degree,” She turned to Akira, as she continued, “I can even sense you, when I think about.”
Annie commented, “Given you abilities Natsuru. It is possible that you can sense such things.”
John stated, “Back on my Earth. It was not unheard of, someone with a close family member or friend, just knowing when one of the people they cared for was in trouble.”
Ranma over at John, then to Natsuru. She said, “I have heard similar things, from the people of our Earth.”
Nearby, Rock was further in the room. She was standing by Megatron, when she noticed some other women in the vats next to her. She used her right hand to point at the vats, as she stated, “These women looked like Sylia, Linna, Priss, and Nene of the Knight Sabers.”
The others in the group turned to her, to see who Rock was pointing too. A few seconds later, Rock dropped her left hand back to her side.
Natsuru and Akira rushed over to the other vats that Rock was commenting on. They then looked at the women in the vats.
Natsuru stated, “Yes. That is Nene. I worked with her at AD Police, long enough to know what she looks like.” She then noticed to two other vats with two pregnant women in them. Natsuru commented, “And those two vats look like they have Kate Matigan and Mackie, in them.”
John commented, “This really is a god damn horror show.”
Megatron asked, “Do you want me to pull them out?”
Natsuru and Rock looked at each other.
Rock could see Natsuru pleading with her eyes, but Rock shook her head.
Rock stated, “No. For right now, they are safer in there. The boomers are likely programmed to not attack those in the vats. Also, the vats have their own backup generators. So, no worries about losing power to their life support. And we don't time to deal with women, and men turned into women, that have just woken up to find they are pregnant.”
Rock could see disappointment on Natsuru's face. But, the blue hair girl admitted, “You are right. But, once of this is over, we are going to make sure they are alright.”
Rock said, “I hope so.”
Megatron immediately alerted them, as he stated, “Heads up people. Someone just figured out we are here. My sensors detect that security measures are being taken against us.”
Fabiola looked around, and she saw nothing. She asked, “What type of security measures?”
Just as the green haired girl asked her question, the group saw several laser cannons pop out from their secret houses in the floor.
As they heard the weapons begin to charge, Ranma commented, “And here I thought we only had to worry about the boomers.”
John stated, “It is a safe bet they know where here.”
Annie complained, “Always with the joke.”
John quipped, “This is a laugh, or cry, situation. And I prefer to laugh.”
Megatron commented, “There are also several cannons in emplacements on the ceiling. And they are charging up, as well.”
Rock quickly asked, “Megatron, can you hack the security systems and shut the cannons down.”
Megatron stated, “I have been trying for the last few seconds. But, with no luck. Chang's computer systems are clearly firewalled against cybertronian programing. I guess Arcee shared more secrets with Chang than we thought.”
As the cannons started to take aim, Rock quickly looked around. She spot an open set of large metal double-doors on a nearby wall.
Rock pointed at the door, with her right hand, which she held her sonic shotgun in. She ordered, “Everyone head for those doors. With luck it is a room with a portal system, and we can bypass straight to were Chang is. Also, don't fire on those turrets. You might hit one of the vats. Finally, Annie you take of the rear. And try to keep all deflections going towards the ceiling.”
Annie nodded, as she replied, “I'll do my best.”
Everyone then started running for the doors.
As the ran, Rock saw the laser turrets, on both the floor and the cieling began firing, at them. But, she noticed their aim was had trouble with the moving targets. Rock also saw that the laser shots harmless bounced off the vats and their metal base and lips.
Rock thought, 'That makes sense. Chang would not want to harm those vats, nor the people inside. It also means the shots are likely non-lethal.'
While the group continued running, Annie was behind them, as she deflected several of the lasers with her red lightsaber blade, towards the ceiling. Given she was in a running retreat, she could only focus enough in the force to successfully deflect all the shots, that would have hit her, or her group, toward the ceiling. Though, she could not afford the focus to deflect the shots towards the laser turrets on the ceiling.
Less than a minute later, the group made it into the room, with Annie the last one inside.
Akira and John then shut the doors.
As everyone in Rock's group came to a stop, Rock looked at her group. She asked, with concern in her voice, “Has anyone been shot?”
Rock sat that humans of the group shook their heads.
Megatron commented, “I took a couple of hits. But, I barely felt them.”
Rock replied, “Good.”
Megatron looked deeper into the room, as he stated, “This is not a portal room.”
Everyone turned to see that the room was a research lab. There were six adults in long, white lab coats. The adults were standing around an operated table.
Rock's group saw that there were tools, electronic equipment, on both the table and metal trays, which were on rollers, by the table.
Also, they noticed electrical cords danged from various equipment near the main table. The other end of the cords were plugged into nearby electrical wall sockets. Along, with the power cords, there were cables hooked to some computers. With the computers being on nearby desk. Though, none of the technicians were currently sitting the desks.
Akira volunteered, “I will stay here to guard the door.”
Natsuru said, “I will stay with her.”
Akira turned to Natsuru. She smiled, as she said, “Thank you.”
Natsuru returned Akira smile, as she replied, “You're welcome.”
As the group walked closer to the technicians, they saw the techs had noticed them. And the technicians looked back at the group with fear evident on both their faces and in their eyes.
One of the techs begged, in english, “Please. Don't hurt us.”
Megatron said, with disgust in his tone of voice, “Pathetic.”
Ranma then noticed something odd about the technicians. She bluntly stated, “You're all women. Given the situation. That is odd.”
One of the technicians explained, in english, “Most of us used to be men. But, when Chang had complete control of his boomer army, he forced us to be changed and brainwashed to be loyal to him. If we did not, we would still go into the vat, as breeders.”
John commented, “Yep. Chang has gone completely off the deep in.”
Rock replied, “By now, that is obvious.”
Annie looked a the surgical table, as she asked, “What are you working on?”
The technicians answered Annie's question, in english.
At the entrance to the room, Akira cracked open the left side door. She peeked out of the door, to take a quick look, as she tried to figure get an aim at laser turrets on the ceiling, with her right pistol.
But, she couldn't. And she was forced to swiftly backed away from the door, before the turrets could get a bead on her.
Akira turned to Natsuru, as she cursed, “Damned.” She then continued in a more calm tone of voice, “The green light too dim for me to clearly see the turrets on the ceiling. This is exactly like in the video game, Jedi Outcast. Where the turrets are so far away, the only way to destroy them is with a sniper rifle. Great game. It is just this time, I don't have a sniper rifle with me.”
Natsuru said, “Yea. That is a good game. And that is likely where Chang got the idea from.”
Akira replied, “I agree.”
John yelled to the two women, “Akira, Natsuru, get over here! You got to see this!”
Akira and Natsura turned, and walked over to their group.
When the two women walked to the surgical table, they saw who was laying on his back on the table.
They were surprised to say the least, at who is was.
Natsuru said, “Oh my.”
Akira cracked a grin, as she stated, “Looks like our day just got a whole lot better.”
Laying on the table, in his gold and black Star Fleet uniform, was a fully repaired Data. While Data's eyelids were closed, Data's light skin and dark hair both still had green shades.
Data was laying at an angle, with his left side facing the group.
Akira commented, “I guess Data is turned off. Given he is not moving, nor looking at us.”
One of the female technicians said, “Yes. Data is turned off.”
John asked, “Are we sure this is not, Lore?”
One the female technicians stated, “We are very sure, considering where he was found. We only found the head. Fortunately, Data's brain, neural net, and programing, were intact. We are able to access the schematics of his body from his programing. After that, it was simply a matter of time and materials to rebuild his body and uniform. I like to think his male genitalia is a work of art. He was actually easier to work with then boomer technology. And a lot less messier.”
Akira said, “I have to admit. I got to give Chang credit. He brings new meaning to the term, fanboy.”
One of the technicians commented, “You have no idea.”
Fabiola pointed out, “Even I know who Data is. Also, Data is a better computer hacker than Megatron. With Data's help, we might not only be able to not only shutdown the security systems, but also find out where Chang is.”
Rock complimented, “Good plan, Fabiola.”
Annie asked, “Is this droid able to function?”
The technician in question answered, “Yes. All the tests show that he should be fully operational. Just flip his switch on the back of his neck.”
John inquired, “You haven't installed in secret programs in him? Have you?”
One of the technician answered, “No. We have no even turned him on, yet.”
John asked, “Why haven't you?”
The technician, whom answered John, said, “Given who Data is, we are not sure we want to turn him.”
John said, “I can see you point on that.” He thought, 'Very likely. The moment Data realizes what is going, he will try to take down Chang, himself. With with his skills and abilities. He might be able to pull it off. Though, with us, working together with him, I am sure we can defeat Chang and his organization, without a problem.'
Megatron requested, “Before we do awaken, this Data. I would like to know who this person is?”
Fabiola answered, “Data is an artificially created lifeform in the Star Trek reality. To be exact, he is an android to be exact. Unlike others of similar situations, when it was proven that Data was a fully sentient being, the Federation. A group of alien species working together in a single galactic nation, mostly composed of organic and energy lifeforms, granted Data full rights, as any Federation citizen had in the Federation.”
“He joined the Federation's navy, Star Fleet. And he eventually rose to the officer's rank of Lieutenant Commander. He is a highly decorated and respected officer in Star Fleet. From a personality standpoint, Data is very nice, polite person that has shown much courage and bravery in his life.”
Megatron commented, “Interesting. I know of the Star Trek series. But, I am only midway through the first series. I felt there was no rush in viewing them.
Fabiola said, “Yes. That is one franchise that it is best to take your time with. And Data is from the second Star Trek series. Titled, The Next Generation.”
Megatron stated, “Thank you for the information, Fabiola. I may have to visit that reality sometime. It is very rare for organic and inorganic to treat each other as equals.”
John commented, “Good luck with that.” He thought, 'Considering those in Star Fleet would likely kick your ass. If you made trouble there.'
One of the technicians turned to Rock, as she asked, “Are you Rock?”
Rock turned to the technicians, as she answered, “Yes.”
The technician, whom asked the question, requested, “We have heard a lot about you. All of it good. Anyway, if it is okay with you, can we please just go hide?”
Rock shrugged, as she replied, “Sure.”
The technicians did not say a word, as they quickly ran to the entrance to a nearby storage closet, which was on the left side of the room.
Akira asked, “So, who is going to do the honors?”
Fabiola requested, “Can I?”
Rock said, “Go ahead.”
Natsuru commented, “Fabiola. I have never see you this interested in someone before.”
Fabiola holstered her pistols. She ran her right hand over her green hair, as she cracked a grin. She said, “What can I say? I like the color green.”
Akira inquired, “Do you remember where the switch is?”
While Fabiola reached around, behind Data's neck, she answered, “Yes. I do.”
Fabiola then found the hidden panel with the switch inside. She opened the panel, flipped the switch, the shut the panel again.
Fabiola and the other took a few steps back, as Data started to come back online.
The first signs of life Data showed was opening, and then blinking his eyes, a few times.
Next, Data leaned up and turned to left, as he looked at the group of people before him. He asked, inquired, “Where am I?” What is going on?”
Akira thought, 'We need to put this in as easiest terms as possible for him. And I know just how.' She stated, “You are the Moriarty, and we are the Picard. And we need your help to stop the bad guys.”
Data simply replied, “Understood.”
Natsura asked, “Data? What is the last thing you remember?”
Data answered, “I was on Shinzon's ship, the Scimitar. I had just destroyed the ship's thalaron intermix chamber, with my phaser. And there was a bright flash of light... Is this the afterlife?”
Akira cracked a grin, as she happily said, “No. You are not dead, Data. And you must have the hardest head in the multiverse. If what the technicians say is correct, our enemy, Chang, must have found your head in space. And he had your body reconstructed your.”
Data inquired, “Then, where am I? And when am I?”
Akira stated, “Welcome to the other side of the looking glass. I hope you are having fun.”
Data quipped, “It is becoming increasingly interesting, for the brief motions I have been awake.”
Natsuru said, “As one of your biggest fans, I can tell you that you do not know that half of it. And once you do, you are going to have one hell of a story to tell your friends back on the Enterprise.”
Data deadpanned, “I have no doubt that you are correct.”
John thought, 'Dry wit. I like that. This is that Data has finally grown up.' He commented, “At least we know his emotion chip is working. No one can be that sarcastic without emotion.”
Annie looked over at John, as she dryly said, “You would know, John.” Annie turned to Data, as she inquired, “Data? Is your memory fully intact?”
Data was silent for a few seconds. He then answered, “As miraculous as it is. Yes, I fully remember my life.”
Rock jumped in, as she requested, “Data. My name is Rock. I apology for forcing you into a situation of being in combat just after you woke up. But, we are press for time. Can you attempt to interface with the main computer, and turn off the Tower's automated defenses, and any self-destruct programs?”
Data said, “I will attempt to do so.” He then pushed himself off the table, as he stood on the floor. He then, walked to a near desk, with a computer, as he used his right hand to roll up the sleeve on his left forearm.
When Data came to a stop at the desk, pulled out the network wire, from the computer on top of the deck.
After which, Data opened a compartment on the underside of his left wrist, and he plugged the cord into the compartment on his left wrist.
Data remained motionless for several seconds, as Rock's group turned and silently watched, as Data gains access to computer networks in Chang's Tower.
Rock quietly asked, “Megatron, can you tell what is going?”
Megatron answered, “Yes. He is making his way through the Tower's computer networks. And his skill is incredible.”
Rock thought, 'For Megatron to make such a compliment, speaks volumes for Data's skills.'
While still connected to the network cord, Data turned to face the other people in the room. He stated, in a calm tone of voice, “I can hear you. And to explain what is going on, in first person. There are several dummy systems and firewalls in these computer systems. But, I believe and I bypass all of them. Also, there are no self-destruct systems in this tower.”
Akira commented, “That makes sense. Chang is not about to let some outside hacker destroy everything he as built, with a few keystrokes.”
Data stated, “Rock. I have access to the computer networks. I am can now shutdown the security grid. All I am waiting for your confirmation that you want the security grid shutdown, including communications systems”
Just then, something occurred to Fabiola, as she yelled, “Wait!”
Data stopped what he was doing, as he and the others turned to face Fabiola.
Fabiola pointed out, “What about the people in the vats? Will shut downing the security systems damage those vats, and harm them?”
Natsuru inquired, “Is there a self-destruct code for the vats?”
Data shifted through information, from his connection to the Tower's computer system. He answered, “Checking... No, on both counts. There are no programs to kill the person inside, nor destroy the vat itself... Oh, I understand why you are here. And you wish for me to turn off the security system. Whomever are doing these things, to these people, needs to be stopped.”
Rock responded, “Good. I am glad you realize that. Now, please tell us about the vats.”
Data said, “Of course. These vat machines are built with three different backup generators that do not run out of power until about a thousand years. The only time the vat requires help from the outside is during the time the subject inside is giving birth. And should a technician not come to the vat to punch int a code after two hours of the onset of labor of the subject, the vat will automatically flush its fluids, open from the bottom of the cylinder, and wake the subject, to allow her. As a last resort. To take care of herself.”
Fabiola commented, “That is a relief.”
Rock ordered, “Now, that we made sure those in the vats will not be harmed. Data. Please, shutdown the security systems, and communications.”
A second later, Data said, “Done. The cameras and sensor systems are not off line, as well.”
Rock replied, “Good. They can no longer track us.” She thought, 'Now, Chang is blind and mostly defenseless. And without communications, he cannot call for help, as we come to get him.'
Nearby, Akira briskly walked to the large double-doors, that lead to the large warehouse room. She then peaked outside, to check on the turrets. She looked back at the group, as she said, “The turrets I see have all slid back into the floor.”
Akira then walked back to the group.
Megatron stated, “My sensors show that the turrets in the ceiling have also been shutdown. Good work, Data.”
Data turned to Megatron, as he inquired, “Thank you. Though, I am curious. I have rarely encounter pure mechanical species before. What are you?”
Megatron answered, “I am Megatron. A cybertronian. The lifespans of my species reach into the millions of Earth years. And we are well known in many circles as powerful warriors.”
Data responded, “Interesting. I wish I had more time to speak with you. But, we clearly do not. Also, while looked at this network's computer files, I ran across references to cybernetic soldiers known as boomers. Is that important?”
Rock answered, “Yes. Can you shut them down as well?”
He answered, “No. Not from where we are located. It is likely such systems are hardwired to work only in key locations.”
John commented,”That is interesting.”
Akira asked, “Where are the locations at?”
Data answered, “There are two locations. Both are on opposite ends, near the top of the tower. With different ways to get to those locations. Each location states that a boomer kill-switch can be activated from there.”
“One location is listed as, Chang's office. The other location is listed as, Lotton's office. I am not sure what the programming is exactly to shut down the boomers. Though, I suspect is will likely be easy to access, once you get to one of those two locations.”
Rock commented, “Lotton must be Chang's second in command. I always wondered what happened to him.” She turned to Akira, as she inquired, “Akira. You lived with Lotton for a few years. What are you think on this revelation? And about Lotton”
Akira turned to Rock, as she said, in a slightly sad tone of voice, “Well, I did wonder what happened to him. I am happy is not one of those vats. But, I am upset with him that he is a party to all this. Though, I am sure. Before this is over, he will face a reckoning, from one of us.”
Rock responded, “I can agree with that. What else to you have to say about him?”
Akira went onto say, in a more caution tone of voice, “Lotton is no pushover. The Black Lagoon series never went into deal with him. Though, while he may not be a great fighter, but he is an expert planner. He is likely Chang's main idea man. And go to guy, for problem solving. When Chang, himself, does not have the time to deal with certain matters.”
Fabiola commented, “While most of us are likely going to face Chang? And I know from first hand experience we will be in for a fight. Still, a few people should to go face Lotton. At the very least, as a plan B, to shut down the boomers.”
Rock complimented, “Good thinking Fabiola.”
Fabiola turned to Rock, as she replied, “Thank you.”
Natsuru stated, “Since Lotton is not a fighter. Only one, or two of us, has to go.”
Akira asked, “But, who?”
John stated, “It has to be me. I should to Lotton's office, alone.”
Ranma asked, “Why just you?”
Fabiola stated, “Ranma has a point. I can go with you. Or, even Akira. Annie, Ranma, and Natsuru are enough force to handle Chang. Ranma and Rock are there just in case. With Megatron joining them, it will being juicy, outright overkill.”
Megatron commented, “Thank you, Fabiola.”
Fabiola looked over at Megatron, as she said, “You're welcome, Megatron.”
She turned to John, as she inquired, “But, back to the matter at hand. Why do you think you have to go alone, John?”
John pointed out, “No. I should go alone. Lotton is the idea guy for them. I am the idea guy for you. We both now that if we bring someone with us that the other will use that person to their advantage.”
“Besides, you guys are going to need all the firepower you can when you face Chang, and whoever. Or, whatever. He has with him. On the other hand, if Lotton is like me, he will likely handle dealing with me, by himself. He will know better than to rely on tricks.”
“Still, this might be a trap. Or, it could be an excellent plan B to shutdown the boomers. Either way, we cannot ignore this.”
Rock said, “Good luck, John.” Rock turned to Data, as she inquired, “Is Chang inside his office? If so, is anyone else with him?”
Data answered, “Yes. The last security sweep log showed Chang in his office. That was fifteen minutes ago. He is also reported to have at least three bodyguards with him.”
Natsuru commented, “They are likely boomers. They should not be too much of a problem.”
Megatron spoke up, “Speaking of firepower, Data. Can you do a quick search for my fusion cannon? Just search key words, Megatron, and fusion cannon.”
Data said, “Accessing. Yes. Your fusion cannon is located a few floors above us. I will provide you with the location.”
Akira thought, 'If Megatron can retrieve his fusion cannon, this then battle will be over much more quickly. Still, I do have another important question to ask.' She questioned, “Data. Are the elevators safe to use? Because we are not going to climb hundreds of flights of stairs to reach Chang. When we got to him, we would be too tired to face him.”
Data stated, “I have gained control of the elevators. And they are safe to for us to use.”
Akira replied, “Good. Now, how about some directions one where to go.”
Data told then how to get to Chang's office from where they were at. He then informed John of how to get to Lotton's office. And he finally informed Megatron of where Megatron's fusion cannon was located.
When Data finish with his explanation, Rock said, “Okay. Let's go.”
Rock group then turned and started walking towards the double-doors.
Data unplugged the cord from his left wrist. He then dropped the cord, and closed the compartment on his left wrist. Next, he rolled down his left sleeve. After which, he walked over to join the others.
When the reached the doors, they opened the doors, and walked into the warehouse.
As they entered the warehouse, they came to a stop.
Data looked at the vats, and whom were inside this. He stated, “After this Chang is dealt with. This will be quiet a mess to clean up.”
Rock said, “If you have any ideas on how to handle this mess, I am more than welcome to such plans.”
Data commented, “I will think on it. It will take time to formulate such a plan.”
Rock replied, “Of course.”
Rock thought, 'Given how intelligent Data is, and how quickly he thinks. He might come up with solution, by the time we defeat Chang. Still, there are other matters that need to be dealt with, right now.'
Rock turned to John and Megatron, as she said, “Good luck, John and Megatron.”
John looked over at Rock, as he said, “Thanks, Rock.”
Megatron turned to Rock, as he stated, “It was good fighting with you, Rock.”
Rock thought, 'From the way Megatron is talking, I wonder what Megatron has in mind. Though, I don't have time to worry about it, right now. Though, he is just planning on leaving. After, retrieving his cannon. Which, I don't blame him for. Given who he is, this is likely the best of terms we could hope for, in parting ways with him.'
John turned to them, as he said, “After you retrieve you cannon, try not to be to destructive.”
Megatron stated, “I won't. And happy hunting.”
Rock replied to both of them, “You too, as well.”
Annie said, “Good luck, Megatron, and John.”
Megatron and John turned to face Annie, as the force user winked, as she went onto say, “You're going to need it.”
John and Megatron laughed at Annie's injoke.
John said, “She finally told a Star Wars joke.”
Megatron admitted, “Getting Annie to tell a joke like that is similar to getting Shockwave to break dance at a party. It is difficult. But, once started, it is a sight behold. Shockwave can do handstands with the end of his arm barrel in ways that I could not even begin to imagine.”
John could not help be chuckle. He inquired, “So, Megatron, the Decepticons are not all about preparing and fighting the Autobots?”
Megatron answered, “Of course not. I have parties thrown occasionally throughout the Decepticon army. As a way to help boost morale within the ranks.”
“You humans have a great saying about my leadership methods. I use the, carrot and the stick approach, with my men. It is just that I usually use that stick. Though, I do use the carrot more often than I am usually given credit for.”
“And I will have you know that Soundwave and the cassettes can cater one hell of party. They have had literally millions of years of experience in doing so. And even I admit that Starscreams rules the karaoke machine. It is the only thing he does rule.”
Several of the members of their team, let out a laugh. Including, John. John then stated, “I truly regret we do not have the time for you to give me the full story on that.”
Megatron responded, “I would love to tell you. And I feel that you, John, are one of the few humans that has, in their brief lifespan, lived a more interesting life than I.”
John replied, “You are probably right. And after you retrieve your cannon, this battle will likely be over very quickly.”
Megatron smirked, as he replied, “I know.”
John turned to the team, as he said, “See you guys, later.”
Fabiola replied, “Be careful.”
Megatron looked at the others, as he said, “It has been an interesting, with all of you.”
Rock stated, “You too, Megatron.”
John and Megatron the separated from the group, as they went in two different directions from the rest of Bad Company.
The rest of Bad Company watched John and Megatron leave in two different directions, from them.
When they were out of sight, Rock turned to Annie, as she asked, “Annie? When did John become good friends with Megatron.”
Annie turned to Rock, as she answered, “While you were asleep in San Francisco. John learned Megatron was surfing the internet for pop culture information. One thing lead to another, and the rest of us watch as the two got into a pop culture injoke contest. A true battle of the hams.”
Akira said, “To be fair, it was very close. But, John won by a hair.”
Rock noticed that everyone else in her group, except for herself and Data, start to giggle.
Annie then said, “It was laughs all around. And Megatron was not a sore loser about John winning..”
Rock said, “Girls. When this is over. You are going to tell me everything that happened to you, during the month I was asleep in San Francisco.”
The rest of the group, except for Data, looked at Rock, as they smiled wickedly at Rock.
Fabiola commented, “Okay, Rock.”
Annie replied, “Sure, Rock.”
Rock responded, “Thank you.”
Data suggested, “Ladies. I believe time is of the essence. We can deal with jokes and reminiscing, later.”
Rock stated, “Data is right. Let's go.”
The group them made their way, between the vats, as they headed in the direction Data indicated as the quickest route to Chang's penthouse office.
Several floors above where Bad Company was at, inside the main security room, Balalaika was not having a good day.
Balalaika stood in the middle of the room, as she watching the battle outside, on a large screen, on the wall of the room, in front of her. At the same time, she was also monitoring one of the vat warehouses levels Rock group were in, from small screens, below the main screen.
There was a few technicians sitting in chairs, at data terminals. They were their to assist her, and rely her order. But currently, she was in Chang put in charge of protecting the Tower, and destroying the intruders.
To that end, when Balalaika was alerted to Rock's presence, along with her group. And that Chang still wanted her and her group alive. She had used the Tower's laser turrets to trapped them into a side room.
Given she was under orders from Chang to keep Hotel Moscow from going to that floor, her plan was to have the boomers deal with the fools outside first. Then, for the boomer to return and capture Rock and her allies, through use of overwhelming numbers.
Though, there was not a camera in the room that Rock's and her group, were driven into, Balalaika was sure that things were under control.
That was until all her monitors were instantly cut off. And the technicians were still trying to get the computers in the room to come on. Let alone, get control back on the security systems.
Fortunately, the boomers were intelligent enough to work independently, if necessary. So, losing control of them for a little while, would not be problematic. Still, what had happened deeply concerned Balalaika. Though, she did not outwardly show her concern.
It was then, that Balalaika noticed the double-doors to the security room open.
Balalaika turned to the doors, as she watched as Boris approached her, with four of her men, behind Boris.
While Boris did not have a weapon in his hand, each of the four men behind him were carrying their AK seventy-four automatic rifle.
When they reached Balalaika, Boris came to a stop ten feet from Balalaika. With the other four men fanning out around Balalaika, as they pointed their weapons at her.
Balalaika looked around her. She then turned to Boris, as she demanded, in russian, “What is the meaning of this?”
Boris answered, in russian, “We know about the breeding projects. And that you have been brainwashed. Please, surrender peacefully, so that we may help you, Balalaika.”
Balalaika realized how serious Boris was, given this was one of the rare occasions Boris called her by that her nickname.
She didn't want to fight her men, but at the same time she did not want to surrender.
Balalaika stated, “I did not believe that I have been brainwashed.”
Boris said, “We believe you have. You would not have gone along with Chang, this far, unless you have, brainwashed. Now, we are going to help you.”
Boris turned to the technicians, as he ordered, in english, “Leave, now. And head to the nearest shelter.”
The technicians in the room did not say a word, as they jumped out of their chairs, and fled out of the room.
Boris then turned back to Balalaika. He then pulled out a set of cuffs, from interior pocket, from his coat.
Boris requested, in russian, “Captain. Please don't make this any harder than it has to be. We only want to help you.”
Balalaika was torn between wanting to fight, and loyalty to her men. She knew her men, especially Boris, would give their lives for her. Rather than betray her.
Balalaika also realized that she would likely lose this fight. Given they had gotten the drop on her.
A few second later, Balalaika said, “Fine. I surrender.” She the turned around, and put her hands behind her lower back.
Boris then cuffed Balalaika hands behind her back.
Boris said, “Now, follow us. We are leaving the Tower.”
Balalaika was then lead out of the room, by her five subordinates, as they headed towards the closest, safest exit they knew of to escape the Tower.
As they left the room, Boris thought, 'I knew, if we waited long enough, that Rock would make his... I guess now, her move. Now, for us to do our part.'
Boris pulled out a remote, from a pocket. He then pressed the trigger on the remote.
Several small explosions were immediately set off from within the Tower, where the reserve combat and battle boomers were stored.
Boris smiled wickedly, as he thought, 'Now, Chang. Let us see you fight without an army.'
Ten minutes later, in Chang's office, from his desk, Chang opened the doors to his office.
A few seconds later, Lotton entered Chang's office. He quickly passed by Chang's three female bodyguards, as he confronted Chang behind his desk.
The three female bodyguards were standing in a row, in front of Chang's desk, to Chang's right side.
As Lotton came to a stop in front of Chang's desk, he looked at Chang. With Chang looking back at him.
Lotton commented, “Both Scorpius and Shockwave have disappeared. I think they left this reality.”
Chang responded, “I knew those two would bail on us, eventually. We already got what we wanted from them. So, that is no great loss. What is the good news?”
Lotton stated, “That is good news. I was worried that when either of them left, they could have caused us problems. That seems not to be the case.”
Chang inquired, “So, what is the bad news?”
Lotton answered, “The main security systems are off line. It seems that Rock's team has been about to successfully hack into our computer networks and shutdown our internal defenses and sensors. We are now effectively blind, and defenseless, in most of the areas in the Tower. And our communications systems are down. So, we cannot contact any inside. Nor, the boomers outside.”
Chang stated, “The boomers don't worry me. They can take care of themselves, and complete their missions, on their own. It is what is happening inside my Tower that concerns me. Though, the girls already have their orders. The moment their hardsuits are ready, they are put them on, and confront Rock and her Bad Company.
“So, besides Rock's group breaking into my Tower. And hacking my computers. What information to do you have to tell me, about Rock's group?
Lotton said, “I have some information on them. But, will get to more on them, in a minute. Because they are not the worst part of our situation.”
Chang asked, with dread evident in his tone of voice, “What is?”
Lotton stated, in a direct tone of voice, “Hotel Moscow is in revolt. I believe it is a safe guess they figured out what we were hiding them. And they are not take advantage of the situation.”
Chang said, “We knew this day might come. I knew I should have throw that lot into the vats the first chance we had. And have them all brainwashed and made loyal to us. My men didn't complain when I turned them into chicks. Now, that mistake is coming back to haunt us.”
Lotton replied, “Oh. I agree. But, I didn't want to risk pissing off Balalaika, and the rest of the girls. Considering we basically had them doing what we wanted them too. As long as we were polite, and we didn't try to sleep with them.”
Chang conceded, “You have a point there. So, any idea how they find out?”
Lotton flatly stated, “John Crichton, and his big mouth. I know he told those that went after him, what was going on. And while Balalaika ordered those members of Hotel Moscow to keep quiet about what John said. They clearly did not.”
Chang guessed, “And they likely confirmed what was going on. Then, they secretly told the rest of their group. Except for Balalaika. And they quietly planned and waited for Rock to attack us. So, they put their plans in motion, while we were busy with Rock and her crew.”
Lotton replied, “That is what I figure, as well.”
Chang asked, “So, what is the damage?”
Lotton answered, in a flat, no nonsense, tone of voice, “Plenty. My personal cameras, which are directly connected to my office, and not connected to the security systems, to key locations in the Tower, showed me that they are fighting the few active boomers left to guard the interior of the Tower. And they have taken Balalaika prisoner. Also, they blew up several key locations where we have are reserve battle boomers stored.”
Chang grimaced, as he responded, “Who knew Boris and Hotel Moscow would send their resignation letter with an explosive punctuation. Nothing says, fuck you, like plastic explosives. Though, if we need to, we can still escape.”
Lotton requested, “True. And on related matter. Since Scorpius is gone I am claim Crichton as my prey.”
Chang replied, in a casual tone of voice, “Go ahead, and have fun.” He continued, in a more serious tone of voice, “Now, back to Hotel Moscow. How bad is our situation with them?”
Lotton stated, “Not as bad as it could be. Given Hotel Moscow forces have not already forced their way into the upper levels of the Tower, I think they are just going to escape. While creating a trail of destruction in their wake. But, in all honestly Chang, I cannot really tell. As I said. The security cameras, communications, and automated defenses have been shutdown. But, I do know who is likely responsible.”
Chang inquired, “Who?”
Lotton answered, “First, I admit, that we kind of bit ourselves in the ass on this one. Right before the systems went down, was in my office, piggybacking the Tower's security cameras. So, I could monitor how Balalaika was preforming her job.”
Chang questioned, “How good was she doing at her job, overseeing the battle, and intrusions?”
Lotton stated, “Pretty good, until everything went sideways. Anyway, I was watching from the monitors in my office that showed Rock and her group on one of the vat warehouse levels. And they fled into the research stations, due to laser turrets being activated one of the vat warehouses. This was the same research station whom had just completed work on repairing Data. It is a safe bet that Data had now joined Rock. And that it was he, whom successfully hacked into our computer systems.”
Chang asked, “Why were our systems not protected against Data's intrusions?”
Lotton pointed out, “Because Data is a unique lifeform, with a unique brain. There was no way we could have known our protection systems would not work. At least with cybertronians, we had help from Arcee, in building countermeasures against Shockwave and Megatron. And her help was invaluable, in that respect.”
Chang questioned, “True. Arcee is the gift that keeps on giving. Still, did our designs prevent them from shutting down the boomers? Do I have at least some of my forces left to fight for me?”
Lotton replied, “Yes.” He turned to look at the bodyguards, to his left. He then turned back to look at Chang, as he stated, “With your bodyguards are still operational, I am going to guess that our hardwired precautions on the boomer off switch worked. Though, Rock likely now knows that to turn off the boomers, she has to get to this office. And the computer systems here.”
Chang commented, “I am guessing that Rock now knows how to get to my office?”
Lotton responded, “Unfortunately, for us. The answer is, yes. And there is more. I found that Data checked the recent security logs for your office. They know you and your three bodyguards are here. Also, I am sure that Data has gained access to the maps of the Tower, that are in the computer system. Data can now help guide her, and her crew, up here. So, she now knows you are here, how to get to you, and what to expect, when she, and her crew, get to you.”
Chang cracked a grin, as he responded, “That is what she thinks. Though, even if she knows the quickest route to my office. It is still going to take time to get here. Though, can we shut down the elevators? That would buy us more time.”
Lotton stated, “No. Data also took measures to prevent us from taking control of the elevators.”
Chang inquired, “That is to be expected. Data, when he wants something, is a very thorough man. So, what are your plans? I am sure you have a few plans already in motion.”
Lotton commented, “I do. I have already instituted a few plans that are now in the pipe. When I realized where Rock and their group had fled to, and that they now had access to Data, I immediately contacted Arcee, and we quickly came up with some plans to help us.”
“We fed some false data into the computer networks, that I am sure Data will think is valid. That data being another boomer off switch is in my office. And Arcee set some bait for Megatron. If I am right, John will go alone to my office, as a plan B. While Megatron heads for his bait. That will leave the rest of the group for you.”
Chang smile widened slightly, as he commented, “That is what I like about you, Lotton. You are always on the ball. Having Megatron and John not be with them, greatly limits their power and planning capabilities.”
“My boomer army will handle the fools outside. And then, they will deal with the fools inside. All we have to do is stall those inside, until they get her. Lotton, I want you to get the secondary communications up and running. How long do you think it will be?”
Lotton stated, “Data was not delicate, when he wrecked out computer system. And I am just happy that are still happy the systems are still there. And likely the only reason that is the case, is because they want the boomer off switch. But, I believe our secondary communication systems are not that bad off. I just need to reload the software for it. Maybe an hour, or so.”
Chang said, “That is cutting it close. Still, if you get communications online, order some of the boomers outside, to come back here, to aid us with Rock's group. Also, there are the Hell Sabers, so maybe the girls can whittle them down some before they get to me. I will leave John to you. And Megatron for Arcee. We can still win the day.”
Lotton replied, “Yes sir.”
Chang stated, “Though, if it looks like all is lost. Escape, and go to our contingency plans. We can always rebuild later. There is no point in being like Tarkin, on the first Death Star, and waiting too late to leave.”
Lotton agreed, “Of course. Sir. What is the point of having a shuttle on stand by, and not using it.”
Chang replied, “Exactly. Now, carry out your duties”
Lotton turned around, and swiftly walked out of the room, which was almost a pace that would be equal to running.
After Lotton left the room, Chang used the controls on his desk to automatically shut and locked the large, brown stained, oak double-doors to his office.
Chang then turned to his bodyguards, as he ordered, “Now, we need to get ready to deal with our guests.”
The three bodyguards turned towards Chang, with each of them simply nodding once, as an affirmative, to Chang's orders.
Chang then turned around in his office chair and look outside.
Beneath him the clouds were still storming, but it still quite sunny where he was located, above the clouds.
At that moment, several floor below Chang and Lotton, on the vat warehouse level, near the bottom of the tower, Rock and her group were in, the group were just about to turn a corner on the hallway, and entered the elevator bay, when they ran across two armed battle boomers, whom were standing guard, by the elevators.
Currently, they were in a shootout with those battle boomers. With Rock using cover, from a corner of the hallway, where it turned to the elevator bay, as cover from the boomers.
Bad Company was prevent from rounded the corner to face the boomers, given every time they tried, on of the boomers would use their machine gun to fire at them.
Fortunately, the metal walls were thick enough, that the bullets did not penetrate through the walls, to Rock and her group.
Unfortunately, due to the boomers weapons fire, the boomers prevented the team from getting a clear at the boomers. Especially, from Ranma and Natsuru. Each of whom could likely take out the boomers in one shot.
Suddenly, the group heard two explosions from around the corner, where the boomers were standing. The group peeked around the corner, and they saw that the boomers heads had been destroyed by two members of Hotel Moscow, in military fatigues, carrying heavy sci-fi energy cannons.
Rock and her team then noticed the two Hotel Moscow members were walking towards them.
One of the man stated, in english, with a russian accent, “Do not worry. We are here to help. We did not realize what Chang was doing. And we have decided to correct the matter. Our Sergeant is now taking care of our Captain.”
Natsuru asked, “What just happen?”
Akira slowly answered, “I think Hotel Moscow just defected.”
Rock used her gambler's rig to slide her sonic shotgun up the underside of her right sleeve. She turned to the two russian men, as she happily stated, “Welcome to the other side of this cold war.”
The man who spoke, replied, “Glad to be here. Our comrades will aid you the best we can. But, we are more interested in escape, than victory.”
Akira responded, “If you want to kick ass on your way out, don't let us stop you.”
Both men smiled as Akira's reply.
The other russian turned to Rock, as he informed her, in english, “Rock. Yes. We know it is you. Long hair and tits cannot hide your nice face. We know for a fact that the girls are not in their hardsuits, right now. They were waiting for their hardsuits to be repaired. They are two floors up, in a hardsuit waiting room. Take an elevator right behind us two floor up, and then take a left down the hallway. The hardsuit room is clearly marked. If you want to catch them, now is the time.”
Rock politely replied, “Thank you.”
The man said, “You're welcome. We always respected you, Rock. You are one of the few people that actually stood up the Captain and lived. See you all around, Rock... And Akira.”
Akira nodded towards them.
As the two men then walked away, Fabiola looked at her team, as she said, “Let's go save our friends.”
Rock turned to Fabiola, as she smiled at the green haired woman. She replied, “My thoughts, exactly.”
Meanwhile, Natsuru walked over to the elevator panel by the wall, and she punched the up button for the elevator bays.
Natsuru turned to the others, as she said, “This is likely going to take a few minutes. I one time took a tour of the original Genom Tower. And as we went from floor to floor, the elevators sometimes took a while to reach us. Though, the elevators inside ride fairly quickly. Still, given the distance, it will take a while to reach the penthouse.”
Fabiola inquired, “Why didn't you mention this before?”
Natsuru answered, “Because. Just as I thought. This place has a completely different interior design. Still, the elevators will likely take the same about of time to move from floor to floor.”
Fabiola replied, “Okay.”
Rock's team then waited for one of the elevators to arrive.
Meanwhile, in another part of Chang's Tower. John had already taken an elevator to another floor. And he was not walking through that floor.
Fortunately, the elevators that John had taken, were not guarded by boomers.
As John made his way through the tower alone, he came into a well illuminated trophy room.
The room appeared to go as far as he could see, with large walls of mirrors, that lined the walls of the room. Even the door that John had used to walk into the room, was mirror on the inside. With the door being seamless when closed. And the door has a spring that allowed it to automatically close.
Though, the way to open the door, was to simply push against it.
The only way John was able to make heads or tells of the room was that the floor path ways, from the doors, were clearly marked with yellow bricks, leading through the room, to the door on the other side.
When John said the yellow bricks, he thought, with amusement, 'Damn. I really am Dorothy. I just hope I have better luck than her, when she went down similar path.'
As John walked through the room, he used the objects within the room to give him a depth of the room itself. He estimated that the room was around two hundred yards across, in a circular shape.
He looked up, and he saw the ceiling towered over a hundred feet above him.
The animals he saw stuffed and mounted in the room were numerous and impressive.
There were mostly large stuffed dinosaurs, and other creatures.
John even saw large dragons stuffed, mounted, and hanging from the ceiling.
There were other large animals, and some small ones, stuffed and mounted around the room. Most of them were mounted to the floor, on raised bases, that also had dioramas, with various combinations of fake terrain, plants, and rocks, under and surrounding the stuff animals. With the animals in various poses.
Some of the creatures were real, others John thought were only myths.
John whistled. He then said, “Someone has one hell of a hobby. I am going to have to tell the others about this room.”
John continued to briskly follow the yellow brick path. Which fortunately did not branch out to other paths.
John soon made his way through the room, and he exited the other side, through a door he pushed open.
As soon as he entered the hallway, on the other side of the room. He left the door automatically close behind him, as he looked around.
John saw the hallway was empty. He then turned right on the hallway, as he continued to follow Data's directions, to Lotton's office.
A few minutes later, on the vat warehouse level, which Rock and her team were on, on of the elevators they were facing finally arrived, with the doors to the elevator opening.
After Rock, Natsuru, Ranma, Akira, Fabiola, Annie, and Data walked into the elevator, they turned around, to face the entrance, as they they looked at the panel selection interior side of elevator, to the right of the doors.
The top floors were protected. And they needed a key to select.
Rock turned to Data, as she requested, “Data, please fix this panel box. So, that we can use this went we need to get to Chang's office.”
Data walked to the wall panel. He used his brute strength to pull off the housing of the panel, to expose the wires.
Akira and Ranma kept the doors from sliding closed, as Data worked on the wires in the elevator.
After Data work with the wire for half a minute, he stated, “Done.”
Akira and Ranma left the doors closed, and the elevator began moving upwards. And elevator music began playing.
Data stated, “I selected the two floors above ours. To confront the women, the two men were commenting on. Also, I set this elevator to stay open until we need it. Though, when you head to Chang's office, it will take a few minutes to reach Chang's office.”
Rock responded, “Good. Please take into account that we want to take the women alive and possibly unharmed.”
Data said, “Understood.”
Fabiola said, “You know what I hate most about this?”
Annie stated, “The waiting.”
Fabiola replied, “Exactly.”
Annie asked, “So, what is this music that is playing in the back ground?”
Ranma said, “I think it is Stairway to Heaven, by a band known as, Led Zeppelin. But, it will take a few more seconds to be sure. Because the first minutes worth of notes similar to other songs.”
By then, the elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened, two floors above where the had entered the elevators from.
Rock and her team, then exited the elevator.
Rock saw a small table set against the wall, across from them. She ordered, “Take that table and prop it against the elevator doors. To keep them from closing. Just in case Data's wiring do not hold.” She turned to Data, as she continued, “No offense.”
Data turned to Rock, as he replied, “None taken.”
Ranma walked over to the small table, picked it up, and set it inside the doorway of the elevator they had just come out of up. Just in case Data's wiring of the elevator panel box did not work as well as he hoped it would.
Rock then noticed a business style sign, in english, on the wall across from the elevators. It listed a number of locations, with arrows, on the left side of the list, that pointed either left, or right. As to the direction, down the hallway, one should go to reach the destination.
Rock then saw, midway down the left, was a location, list as, 'Hardsuit waiting room.' With a left arrow by the left side of the location name.
Rock thought, 'This is going make things so much easier.' She turned to her group, as she stated, “Now, let's head left, and find our friends. Also, everyone stay quiet. I want to take them by surprise.”
The group then, turned left and walked down the hallway.
Rock lead the way. With everyone staying quiet, as they walked softly.
Finding the hardsuit waiting room was not hard to find.. Rock and the others just followed the business style signs, that pointed on where to go. And fortunately, they found the hallways they walked through were empty.
Two minutes later, Bad Company then came up to an open door, with as sign on the right side of the door, by the knob, that said, “Hardsuit waiting room.”
Rock came to a stop, with the rest of her stopping in their tracks, as well.
Rock turned around to face her team, as she put her right index finger up to her lips, in a, hush, sign.
Rock then dropped her right hand to her side, as she turned around. She then slowly made way to the door, with her making her footsteps as soft and quiet as possible.
When Rock reached the door, she ducked her head in and saw that the four human Hell Sabers were there, sitting in chairs, around a table, about thirty feet away from them.
The room itself looked like a locker room, one would see at a gym. Along, with the table and chairs the four human members of the Hell Sabers were sitting at. There were four metal lockers, attached to each other. The lockers were set on the far wall, from Rock. There were also benches six feet in front of the lockers.
Rock thought, 'Those lockers are likely where they put their civilian clothing, when they are wearing pink softsuits.'
Rock continued to look around. She sat that there was also a large open space center of the room.
Rock thought, 'That will be a perfect place for this fight.'
Rock then sat that, at the table, across the room, Sawyer was facing the door, But, Rock could see that she had not noticed her, yet.
Revy had her back to turned to Rock, with Shenhua on Revy's left side, and Roberta on Revy's right side.
All of them were wearing their pink cloth, softsuits, that went under their hardsuits.
Rock then noticed that Sawyer did not have her electrolarynx choker around her neck. Instead, she had the electronic voice box, and lease, set on the table, right in front of her. She did not have the choker on, so that her throat could relax.
Then, Rock realized a few other things about the situation in front of her. She thought, 'They are unarmed. And Arcee is not with them. I could not hope to have a better situation for capturing them. Now, to take care of them, while we still have the chance to do so.'
Rock leaned back up straight, as she turned to her group. She then used her right hand to motion for her group to follow her into the room.
Rock lead the way, as seven adults walked softly, into the room.
Rock and the others then came to a stop, a few feet inside the room.
Rock watched a second later, as Sawyer saw them and she tried to speak. Only for her to realize that she did not have her voice box choker on.
Sawyer continued to look at Bad Company, as she quickly hit the table, with her right hand, as she motioned with her left hand for the other three girls to turn and look at what she was pointing at.
Shenhua and Roberta were the next to turn and see the group. Their eyes went wide with suprise.
As Revy turned around, she stated, “Finally, some answers to what is going on around here. I... Ah oh. It's you.”
While standing in front of her group, Rock just smiled innocently, as she did a girlish half wave with her right hand.
Shenhua commented, “Revy, you were right. Rock is cute at as girl.”
Roberta responded, “I have to agree.”
By then, Sawyer had put on her electrolarynx choker, around her neck. And she had calmed down to the point, that she could make casual conversation. She pointed out, “I think her breasts are larger than yours, Roberta.”
Roberta cracked a grin, as she said, “I doubt she had the experience and knowledge in clothing and tricks to get the most out of hers.”
Sawyer said, “That goes without saying.”
Rock politely said, “Ladies. We can save ourselves a whole lot of trouble right now, if you just surrender.”
Suddenly, they all a metal cling against the tile floor down the side of the hardsuit waiting room to Rock's left side.
Bad Company looked to their left and they saw four repair tables, set in a square grid pattern, twenty feet from them. Each of the four tables had a hardsuit, with its front check armor completely opened up.
There were eight female technicians in lab coats, holding tools, over the hardsuits, as the worked on the four powersuits. Two women per hardsuit.
One of the technicians had seen Bad Company, and she dropped their tool in fright.
The others soon noticed the intruders, as well. All eight female technicians then quickly ran out the exit near them, on the other side of the room from Bad Company. With the exit leading to the same hallway the one Bad Company had just left.
Technicians did not stop running away from the intruders, as they headed for one of the shelters, on that level of the Tower.
Rock continued to look a the hardsuits, as she stated, “Leave them. Right now, capturing our friends is more important.”
Rock then quickly pulled out her sonic shotgun from her right sleeve, and into her right hand. She fired her weapon at the hardsuits. Given the hardsuits armor were exposed, as the sonic wave hit the suits, the blast heavily damaged the suits as they, along with the tables and tools, nearby, were thrown against the back wall.
Rock thought, 'Revy and the others will not be using their hardsuits to get the upper hand in this fight.”
Rock then quickly dropped her weapon back down her right sleeve, and into its housing.
Unfortunately, as Bad Company turned back to face the Hell Sabers, the four pink suited women used the distraction to charge at the group.
Rock swiftly ordered, “Akira, Ranma, Annie, Natsuru, take down Sawyer and Shenhua. Data, Fabiola, take on Roberta. I have Revy. Remember everyone, try to be gentle.”
The rest of Bad Company put away their weapons, as they rushed for their targets.
Meanwhile, Rock let Revy come to her.
When Revy reached Rock, she threw a punch, with her right fist, at Rock's face. While she through the punch, she said, “Sorry about this, Rock. But, you really leave me no choice.”
Rock's face remained calm, as she quickly caught Revy's punch with her left hand.
As Rock held Revy's fist, she reminded the redhead, “Remember Revy. I am now as strong and as fast as you are.”
Revy pulled her fist loose from Rock's grip.
Revy cracked a grin, as she said, “The sad part about this is that it is going to be boring, due you lacking experience in fighting.”
Revy threw a series of punches, which Rock either blocked with her arms, dodged, or sidestepped, the blows.
Revy quit attacking, for the moment.
Rock explained, “After several months with Fabiola and Annie. You think I would not bother to learn how to fight hand to hand?”
Revy's smile grew wider, as she stated, “I take it back. This is going to be fun”
Rock commented, “Revy, I love you. And I loved that time in Naboo. But, that doesn't mean I won't hit you, to put you down for the count.”
Revy snapped, “Hey. That's my line!”
Rock lips curled into a wicked grin, as she quipped, “I thought it was the cute girl's line.”
Revy replied, “Oh hell. You are going to pay for that.”
Revy threw a punch that finally connected with Rock's face.
Revy did not expect for Rock to reply in kind with an equal blow to Revy's face.
What followed was slug fest that Revy had not experience since she her barehanded fist fight with Roberta, years ago.
As they continued hitting each other, Revy complimented, “Damn Rock. I never knew you had this in you. If I did, I would have made our loving making sessions a lot more livelier.”
Rock responded, “That is because the stakes have never been high for us.”
Revy commented, “Unfortunately, these bodies are now so tough, we are not likely going to start bruising each other for another half hour's worth of this pounding. And with our endurance, we can keep this going for hours.”
Rock casually replied, “I can live with that.”
They then continued their brutal fight.
While they continue trading blows, Revy suddenly slammed Rock against the wall, where the doors to the room were.
As Rock's back hit the walk, Revy's chest slammed into Rock's chest, with their faces less than inches apart.
All thoughts of violence left them, as they kiss each deeply, while embracing one other.
As they continued kissing, with Revy pinning Rock to the wall, Revy slid her left hand down Rock waist, in to Rock's clothing, between her crotch and her cotton panties and pants.
At the same time, Rock used her right hand to begin to gently massage Revy's right breast, through Revy's softsuit.
They went like this for a few minutes, until they both felt someone tapping on their shoulders. Revy's left shoulder, and Rock's right shoulder.
The gestures caused the two women to returned to realities, as they heard Fabiola said, “I cannot believe those two would do that at a time like this.”
Rock and Revy turned to see Fabiola standing right beside them, with a look of disbelief on her face.
Nearby, Natsuru commented, “Personally. I find it cute.”
Revy stepped out of the way, as both of them turned and looked at what had been going on around them.
Roberta, Shenhua, and Sawyer were defeated, and tied up. The three of them sat each other, with cables that Data had clearly pulled from a nearby wall. Given the large hole in the wall, by the right side of the row of lockers.
It was then that Revy and Rock noticed that everyone, from Annie, Roberta, Ranma, Shenhua, Akira, Sawyer, Fabiola, Natsuru, to Data, was staring at them.
Ranma cracked a grin, as she offered, in a playful tone of voice, “You know. We could get a room for you two. And give you both ten to twenty minutes to work this out of your system.”
Everyone else, beside Revy and Rock, laughed at Ranma's joke.
Rock and Revy both immediately blushed deeply from embarrassment. As Rock quickly tucked in the front of her shirt, into her pants. While Revy used her hands to adjust the part of her softsuit that was across her chest.
Revy and Rock turned back to look at each other.
Revy smile weakly, as she said, “Well, it looks like my side lost.”
Rock replied, “It appears to be that way.”
Revy gently embraced. Rock returned her embrace.
A few seconds later, they loosened their embrace. With Revy slowly backed away from Rock, as she allowed her arms to gingerly slide away from Rock's arms.
Revy quietly offered, “I will peacefully surrender. And allow myself to be tied up. On one condition.”
Rock requested, “Name it.”
Revy said, in the kindest, friendliest tone of voice that Rock had ever heard, to come from Revy's mouth, “That when this is all over. That you will make love to me for as long as we can. I want to go back to our old relationship. I want for use to be together again.”
Rock gently smiled, as she replied, “Any time, lover girl.”
In response, Revy warmly grinned at Rock.
Rock returned Revy's warm grin, with her own.
Data walked up to Revy with some cables in his hand. He gently tied up her armed. Data then Revy deeper into the room to sit down with the other three women.
A few seconds later, as Revy sat down with Shenhua, Sawyer, and Roberta, Data walked to the left side of the Hell Sabes. He turned to the Rock's group, as he stated, “I will stay and guard them. I am the only one here that can handle them, without tiring. Especially, the cyborg.”
Roberta said, “My name is Roberta.”
Data dryly added, “Well. Especially, Roberta.”
Roberta replied, “Thank you.”
Rock looked at the Hell Sabers. She then turned to Data. She thought, 'I was hoping we would have Data with us, when we confronted Chang. But, Data has a point. Also, Data is one of the few people here that I am sure can handle the Hell Sabers, and not seriously harm them.' She said, “You have a point, Data. Be careful. Also, if they do act us, please don't permanently harm them.”
Data replied, “I promise you that I won't do so.”
Rock responded, “Thank you. And we should be back in a little while.”
Data said, “Then, I will look forward to your return. Also, to get to Chang's office. Just press the top button on the panel. To return here, press the bottom button the panel.”
Rock thought, 'He planned this. Just in case he was not able to join us.' She complimented, “You are a better planner than I am.”
Data stated, “I tried to plan for every contingency.”
Rock said, “I appreciate that.” She then turned to her team, as she continued, “Well, team. Let's go deal with Chang. And then head back here.”
Fabiola stated, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
Annie replied, “Finally. I was wondering when we would get to Chang.”
As the members of Bad Company were about turn, and leave the room, Revy said, “For what it is worth Rock. Good luck.”
Rock turned and looked at Revy, as she said, “Thank you.” She then turned around, and lead her team to out of the room.
A few minutes later, they made there was back to nearby elevator bay. And move the table in the doorway of the elevator, that Data wired, back to the hallway. Next, they used the elevator, that Data wired, to head to Tower level that Chang's penthouse office was located on.
Elsewhere in the Tower, after much walking, and using a freight elevator, then some more walking, Megatron came to the location that Data had informed him of, where he should find his fusion cannon.
As Megatron entered the room through some large, red, metal, double-doors, he noticed the room was a large circular dome, attached to a circular wall. About a hundred yards in diameter, with the lowest height of the dome ceiling, around the edged, was ten yards height, with the dome sloping to fifty yards in height at the center of the room.
The room was painted blood red. Also, the red lighting from the ceiling fixtures also bathed the room in even more red.
Megatron holstered his holdout pistol, as he walked to the center of the room. As he came to a stop, in the center of the room, he looked around himself.
There was nothing in the room, but himself.
Megatron then heard the double-doors behind him, which he had used to enter, suddenly close, on their own.
Megatron nodded his head to himself, as he realized what was going on.
Megatron stated, in a matter of fact tone of voice, “We both know this is a trap. Now, come on out, so I can kick your ass. And I came move on with my busy schedule, today.”
Megatron heard an electronic, feminine voice, from one of the sides of the room, say “I thought you would never ask.”
Megatron turned in the direction of where the voice came from. He watched as the wall panel from the eight o'clock side of the room room slide open to reveal Arcee, whom was standing in a large alcove, that was attached to the circular room.
And Megatron saw that Arcee was not alone.
In her right hand were four long leashes that were attached to the back of the necks of four Bubblegum Crisis DD Battlemovers in robotic animal travel mode. With the Battlemovers standing on all fours, around the front of Arcee.
There was only to Arcee's left side, two in front of Arcee, and one to Arcee's right side. With all four Battlemovers facing Megatron.
Megatron thought, 'I am glad I watched the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series. Given all the technology that Chang's forces uses from the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality, I took the time to view the series and material. So, I know what I am facing. And even at nearly full power, without my fusion cannon, nor backup. Arcee, plus for Battlemovers could be trouble, for even me.'
Megatron then noticed the way Arcee was looking at the Battlemovers. He thought, 'From the way she is looking at the Battlemovers, I believe she considers them to be her pets. And that not all that surprising.'
Arcee turned to look at Megatron, as she said, “Welcome to the training area of my personal quarters. I hope you like it.”
Megatron looked around the room, in the direction of the Arcee and the Battlemovers. With him never taking his offers off of them. He looked back at Arcee, as he shrugged. He commented, “It appears to be... Adequate.”
Arcee cracked a grin, as she stated, “Lotton and I knew that if we baited you with the possibility of regaining your fusion cannon, that you would come running, by yourself to retrieve it. Everyone knows that you love that arm cannon of yours.”
Megatron conceded, “My fusion cannon does hold some sentimental value to me.” He then focused his attention on the Battlemovers in front of Arcee.
Arcee noticed that Megatron was looking at her four DD battlemovers in animal travel mode.
Arcee continued to hold her leash with her right hand, as she used her left hand to pat the back of the Battlemover to her left side.
Megatron noted the eyes of Battlemover, to Arcee's left side, had glowed red for a seconds, as it slightly growled in approval to its mistress’ tender mercies.
Arcee turned to look at Megatron, as said, “Let me introduce my sparring partners. They are no much, but I care about them like they were my pets.”
Arcee snapped the leashes, and the ends of the leashes detached from the back of the battlemovers' necks.
As Arcee dropped her leashes from her right hand, to the ground, all four of the DD Battlemovers transformed into robot combat mode.
As Megatron watch the DD Battlemovers transform into humanoid robot mode, he noted they were slightly taller and bulkier than he was. And all their eyes now glowed yellow.
Though, Megatron was not worried, as he thought, with delight, 'If I remember correctly. All I got to do to take these things down is to kill their pilot. No problems there. Still, there is one question I have to ask first.'
Megatron asked, “Did you fools install neutron bombs in these creatures?”
Arcee answered, “No. We did not. Chang is many things, but Chang is nowhere as crazy as I am. Now, let me show you what my pets are like when I unleash them. And don't worry, I not without a since of fair play. My battlemovers have no weapons installed. All they had is their claws and their brute strength.” Arcee turned to her pets, as she ordered, “Sic him, boys.”
All four Battlemovers rushed as Megatron.
As the Battlemovers reached the Megatron, Megatron quickly punched the first battlemover, with his right fist, into its chest cavity, where the pilot's cockpit was locate.
The blow ripped the chest open, to revealed that the battlemover did not have a pilot.
Arcee watched these events unfold, as she laughed. She then stated, “Meggy? You actually thought this fight was going to be that easy. Just kill the pilots and move on. Chang's techs fixed that flaw. These creatures have no pilots. They are completely automated, and fully under my control.”
As the fight continued, Megatron inwardly cursed, as he thought, with concern, 'This could be a problem. Though, at least it looks like she wants her pets to do the dirty work. Without her fighting. So, the situation is better than I had considered. Though, she could just jump in at any time. Or, wait until I am weakened. And finish me off. Still, I need to deal with the matter at hand. Then, I will worry about Arcee, herself.'
Megatron quickly punched the second battlemover to reach him, in its face. He then backed up from the last two battlemovers, to keep the Battlemovers from dogpiling him.
After Megatron was able to push them away, and gain some breather room, he pulled out his holdout energy pistol, but one of the Battlemovers quickly charged at him, knocking his pistol from his hand, and to the ground.
Another Battlemover quickly crushed the pistol with one of its right foot.
As all of the Battlemovers rushed at him, Megatron thought, 'This is going to hurt.'
The Battlemovers then savagely beat Megatron from one side of the room to the other.
Their blows were strong enough to shatter Megatron's chrome helmet, and his left shoulder armor.
Their claws were sharp enough to cleave the upper right half of his chest armor right off, exposing his green spark casing.
The beat down continued until the four Battlemovers held Megatron down, in a kneeing position, with his right knee touching the ground, while he was facing Arcee, whom was standing, across of the room.
Arcee grinned wickedly at the sight before her. She then heard Megatron say something.
Arcee calmly asked, in a curious tone of voice, “What did you say?”
Though Megatron was replying to Arcee, he looked up at the face of the battlemover at few feet from his face, as he gritted his teeth.
Megatron loudly, yet eloquently recited, in english, “I stated! Do not go gentle into that good night!”
Megatron then found his second wind, as he pushed outwardly with his arms, and left left, knocking the two battlemovers beside him, and the one battlemover behind him, to the floor.
Megatron quickly stood up, as he swiftly surveyed his situation. He then came up with a plan of attack. He grabbed the Battlemover in front of him by the throat with his right hand, and he lifted it up off its feet.
Megatron then continued his speech, with a booming, forceful voice, “Old age should burn and rave at close of day!”
Megatron then threw the battlemover in his hands, against the wall near Arcee, to her left side. With it hitting the wall in a crushing blow.
Arcee looked over at the Battlemover near her, while it got back up. She then turned back towards Megatron. As she noticed his spark casing was starting to glow green.
Arcee dropped her grin, in response to what she was seeing.
Megatron charged at the Battlemover he had just thrown, as he screamed, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light!”
When Megatron reached the Battlemover, the other three Battlemovers had already gotten up and was closing in on catching him. He grabbed the Battlemover in front of him, quickly turned, and threw it at the other three Battlemovers.
As the one Battlemover hit the other three Battlemovers, it knocked the three other autonomous mech down, with the Battlemover that was thrown, being on top of the its three siblings.
Arcee saw Megatron's spark casing glow even brighter in a green light.
“Though wise men at their end know dark is right” Megatron exclaimed, as he jumped up, and over onto the pile of battlemovers. While he fell towards the pilot of robots, he brought up arms above him, as he cupped his hands into one giant fist.
“Because their words had forked no lightning they!” Megatron yelled, as he came down to the Battlemovers, while bringing his two hand fist down on the top Battlemover's chest with such force that the Battlemover exploded into several pieces.
One of the other Battlemovers, under the broken Battlemover, had already gotten loose, and stood up.
As the Battlemover brought its right fist towards Megatron, Megatron turned and caught it, with his own right hand. While he screamed, “Do not go gentle into that good night!” He then ripped the right arm off of the battlemover.
With his left hand, Megatron backhanded that Battlemover into a nearby wall, as he yelled, “Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright!”
Megatron then brought down the severed, clawed Battlemover fist onto the head of one of the pinned battlemovers, like a sledgehammer, destroying the Battlemover's head and upper chest, to the point it stopped functioning. While doing so, he loudly cried, “Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!”
The other Battlemover under him had gotten loose and stood up, as Megatron let go of the severed Battlemover arm. He jumped back a few yards, with him landing on his feet.
The Battlemover, which had just stood up, charged at Megatron, as it began to swipe and punch at Megatron. The Decepticon warrior dodged all the attacks, as he barked, “Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight! And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way! Do not go gentle into that good night!”
By this time, Megatron's exposing green spark casing was glowing a blindingly bright green light.
As much as Arcee hated Megatron as a person, she began to openly weep from her optics, as Megatron spoke with such passion, such powerful words, against the backdrop of the beautiful carnage he was creating.
From the corner of one of his optics, Megatron saw the one armed Battlemover circle around to charge at him from his side.
Megatron kicked the Battlemover in front of him down, with a well placed foot to its lower chest, as he exclaimed, “Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight!”
When the one armed battlemover about about to use its remaining left arm to slash at Megatron. Megatron caught the arm and tossed the Battlemover, over his shoulder, and on its back, while he loudly recited, “Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay!”
As Megatron swiftly walked over to the one armed Battlemover, he screamed, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light!” He brought down his right foot so hard on its head and upper chest that Megatron's kick did not stop until hi foot touched the floor beneath it, causing the robot to cease functioning.
By then, Megatron saw the remaining Battlemover standing back up. Megatron swiftly stepped out of the deactivated Battlemover, and he rushed over to last Battlemover still moving. While he did so, he yelled, “And you, my father, there on the sad height!”
When Megatron reached the Battlemover, it did not have time to react, as Megatron gripped its right shoulder with his left hand hand and its left thigh with his right hand.
“Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray!” Megatron yelled, as he ripped the Battlemover apart at its waist.
Megatron then felt his strength begin to leave him, as he dropped both parts of the now dead battlemover to the floor.
Megatron turned to face Arcee, whom was several yards away from him. Though, due to his injuries, he was forced to knee in front of Arcee, on his left knee. Those his head was facing downward, as he worked to regain his strength.
While Megatron's green spark casing began to slowly dim, he said, in a normal tone of voice, “Do not go gentle into that good night.”
Arcee could no longer see Megatron's spark casing glow at all, as Megatron finished, in a soft tone of voice, that was barely above a whisper, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light!”
Arcee wiped the tears from her face with her right forearm, as she just quietly stood there, looking at Megatron.
There was absolute silence in the room for several seconds, as the two enemies took in the emotional impact of Megatron's performance.
The silence was broken with Arcee clapping her hands, as she complimented, “Bravo, Megatron! That was such a truly moving performance. You missed your calling as an actor. I know that was human poetry. But, I did not recall by who. Nor, do I know what the title of the poem is.” She then stopped clapping, as she dropped her hands back to her sides.
Megatron did not looked up, to face Arcee, as he answered, in a sober tone of voice, “The poem is titled, Do not go gentle into that good night. The poem is by a human poet named, Dylan Thomas. Mister Thomas is likely one of the very few humans that could have understood the core philosophy of the Decepticon cause.”
Arcee commented, “I will have to research his writings sometime.”
Megatron looked up at Arcee, as he asked, “So, are you now going to finish me off?”
Arcee answered, in a casual tone of voice, “Nah. After a performance like that, you have earned your right to live for another day. Besides, I long since learned that just killing my enemies doesn't satisfy me anymore. And I now know there are far worse forms of revenge than death. Until next time, Megatron.”
Arcee turned and exit the room, through a doorway, in the back of the alcove that she had been standing in.
A minute later, as Megatron was finally able to forcing himself to stand, he muttered, “Craziest one ever.” He thought, 'With my performance satisfying Arcee, for right now. I doubt she will interfere with the rest of the battle. She likely sees the writing on the wall. And she will be leaving this reality, as well, very soon.'
'As such, Rock, and the others with her, should be able to handle the rest of the battle on their own. I should get out of here, while I still have the chance. As much as I would like to formally say goodbye.'
'Rock and the others know me so well, they would be tempted to try to stop me from returning hone. And I do not want to ruin the friendships we have, over a difference of opinion.'
Megatron turned, and he started limping out of the room, towards the doors he came in. When he reached the doors, he found the opened outward, with ease.
Megatron then started slowly making his way towards the nearest reality portal room that his sensors informed him of.
At the penthouse level of Chang Tower, one of the elevators in the hallway bay opened, with Bad Company finally being released from the hell known as listening to elevator music.
As the six woman walked out of the elevator, and onto the carpeted hallway, Fabiola complained, “That took too long. I want the time that elevator stole from me, back.”
Ranma noticed a table standing across from their elevator. She walked over and picked up the table, as she stated, “If I have to listen to another repeat of, Stairway to Heaven, one more time, I am going to kill someone.” She then set the table in the doorway of the elevator, to make sure it would not close.
Natsuru asked, “What demonic force made Chang pick that song to play in his elevators?”
Akira added to her both her lovers' comments, “You would think he would at least have a musical selection in the elevators, instead of that one damn song.”
Rock had been listening to the complaints of her team. She thought, 'I think it is best that I not mention that I recognize the exacted version of that song. It is from the CD, Best of Led Zeppelin. That I got for Chang, for one Christmas. Man did that gift come back to bite us in the ass.'
Annie shrugged, as she said, “I do not know about you guys. But, I like the song.”
Rock stated, “Alright, girls. Let's go kick Chang's ass. I know that will make us all feel much better.” She then noticed the business sign on the wall, across from the elvators.
It was like the one they used to find the Hardsuit waiting room. With listings and arrows.
Rock saw the listing, “Chang's office”, with the arrow on the left side of the listing pointing to the right.
Rock said, “This way.” She then turned to her right, as she began walking. With her group soon falling in line, as they followed her.
The group then followed the signs in the hallway, that directed them to Chang's office.
As the six women made their way done the hallway, they notice the hallway was much nicer that the bottom levels of the tower.
The hallway they were walking on was thirty feet high, and thirty feet wide.
Instead of metal, or painted walls, these walls were lined with brown, wooden paneling. The floor was completely covered in dark brown office carpet. The ceiling was a drop down ceiling with dark brown ceiling tiles. The lighting came from small lamps, of soft yellow light bulbs, lining the sides of the hallway, every ten feet.
As they continued walking, Ranma asked, “Why do you think this hallway is so large?”
Rock commented, “Chang probably wanted to meet with Arcee in person. And it was just easier to have a large hallway, to she could come up to see him.”
Ranma shrugged, as she replied, “That makes sense.”
A few minutes later, the group reached the end of the hallway, they notice there was no desk, nor any furniture in front of large stained double oak doors to Chang's office. But, beside the right door, on the side wall was a door buzzer at waist level, and there was a camera pointed downward, above, where the two doors met.
The group then came to a stop, as they saw there were three women standing in front of the doors to Chang's office.
The three women were dressed in gray office lady's suits, with long gray skirts and black, flat sole slippers.
To Bad Company's right side, there was a dark skinned woman. In the middle was an asian woman, with short black hair. To their left side, there was a fair skinned woman.
The asian woman had her arms crossed, with a smirk on her lips.
The other two women were in defensive stances.
Rock stated, “Stand out of the way, and you will not be harmed.”
The finger nails on the fair skinned and dark skinned woman instantly grew a foot long.
Rock, Natsuru, and Akira immediate recognized what they were, as Natsuru warned, “They are assassin boomers. Not as strong as combat boomers. But, they are a lot more agile. And they can shot their nails like darts. With those darts being able to pierce steel. So be wary.”
Rock swiftly ordered, “Natsuru. You know the most about these boomers. You and Annie take them down quickly.
Annie unclasped her lightsaber, with her right hand. She held the hilt of her weapon in both hands, as she ignited the red energy blade. She said, “With pleasure.”
Natsuru was by Annie's left side, as she and Annie both stepped in front of their group.
Suddenly, the two boomer assassins charged at them.
When the fair skinner boomer reach Natsuru, the magical girl quickly sidestepped the at attack, as she quickly placed the flat of the right palm of her hand against the back of the boomers head, and used a flamethrower attack at the boomer, at pointblank range.
The flames quickly incarnated the boomer, to ashes, as what was left of the boomer's waist, and lower body, collapsed and died on the floor. With it's orange blood leaking out of its neck and onto the brown carpeted floor. Though, attack was so quick, that what burned did not cause the rest of the boomer's body, nor clothing to catch fire.
Annie did not bother with any finesse, as she used her red blade to quickly dice the dark skinned boomer into tiny little pieces.
With her two friends were destroyed, the asian woman dropped her smirk, as her eyes went wide with worry.
The asian's arms were not longer crossed, as she held them out in front of her, in a stopping motion, while Annie and Natsuru approached her.
The asian saw the two women had wicked grins on their faces as they stopped within a few feet of her.
Natsuru offered Annie, “You want to do the honors?”
Annie responded, “If I was still in the black suit, I would have gladly have accepted. But, I have found strangulation and lightsaber slicing to be too quick, as forms of death, for some people.”
Natsuru used her left hand to crack her right knuckles, as she commented, “I believe fire is also a little too quick here. I think a beat down is called for in this situation.”
As Natsuru raised her right fist over the pretty asian woman, without a blow struck towards her, the asian woman suddenly collapsed to a sitting position, on the floor, as she held up her arms to block any incoming attack. There was fear evident on her face, as she was on the verge of tears. She begged, in english, “Please, don't kill me. I am not a boomer. I have been made to work here by that lunatic, Chang.”
By then, the rest of Bad Company had approached the asian woman. They stood behind Natsuru and Annie.
Rock walked around Annie, to stand to Annie's right side.
Rock looked down at the asian woman, as she asked, in a plainly asked, “Who are you?”
The woman turned to Rock, as she answered, “I am, Daiyu. Chang's personal secretary. I have worked for him for years. Long before he went insane. Still, by the time I realized he had gone crazy, and just how weird the situation here had become, it was too late to escape.”
Ranma commented, “She might be telling the truth. Let's be honest. She is clearly not in the loop. Just having sent those two boomers after us is a joke. Chang probably sent her here with those boomers, while telling her that those two boomers could handle us without a problem. All in the hopes she would be killed by us.”
Daiyu, while still sitting on the floor, quickly said, “Yes. That's right. I was told that they could handle you without a problem.” She then quietly muttered under her breath, “It figures that bastard would eventually try to have me killed.”
Akira walked up to stand between Annie and Natsuru. She turned to Natsuru, as she wondered, “A sacrificial lamp?”
Natsuru looked over at Akira, as she replied, “Possibly.”
Natsuru and Akira turned to look over at Daiyu.
Though, Daiyu was currently focus on Rock whom was looking down at her, with hardness in her eyes. But, her eyes were not cold. Rock ordered, “Get out of here. Before I change my mind.”
Daiyu said, “Thank you.” She quickly stood up, made way around the right side of the group. She then ran down the hallway, and away from Bad Company.
Rock's group did not both to watch Daiyu run, and instead, they looked at the large double-doors in front of them, as they walked up to the large, brown stained, oak doors.
As the group approached the large double-doors, Natsuru reached the for a handle to the right door.
First, Natsuru tried to push the door. Then, she tried to pulled it. But, the doors would not move.
Natsuru let go of the handle. She turned to her friends. She said, “It's locked.”
Ranma lips curled into a wicked grin, as she asked, asked, “Then, the only question is. Should we knock? Or, just let ourselves in?”
Natsuru returned Ranma's wicked grin, with her own, as she stated, “Let's knock.” She then turned back to the door.
Ranma walked up to the front of the group, as she stood to Natsuru's right side.
As Ranma and Natsuru faced the door, with no one between them and the door, Ranma said, “Combo on the counter of three.”
A few seconds later, the doors exploded into the office, with pieces of them going in all directions, into the office.
Though, due to skill and experience, from both Ranma and Natsuru, there was no blow back, on their attack, towards their group, nor themselves.
Rock and her group then saw Chang sitting in his chair, behind his desk, on front of the large windows of the room. Chang was around, a hundred and twenty feet around from them
Rock saw that Chang has a sly smile on his lips. Also, Rock noticed a raised panel, facing Chang, began to lower. Within seconds, the panel was flush with the top of the desk.
Chang stood up from his desk chair, walking around the left side of the piece of furniture, as he casually said, in english, with eagerness in his voice, “Ah, Bad Company. It is so nice to finally meet all of you.” He came to a stop, in front of his desk, as he faced Rock and her group.
Chang swiftly did a back jump onto his desk, with him landing on his feet. He then started kicking and punch in the air around him, as he shouted at the women, “So, come on bitches! You think you can take on the Chang-man! You are welcome to try!”
Chang then continued spewing insults, as he danced on his desk.
Fortunately, the computer screens and panels on the top of the desk were designed to handle a lot of punishment, without cracking, nor being damaged in other ways.
At the entrance to the office the group just stared at Chang, with surprised expression on their face, due to the erratic behavior that Chang has started to displayed.
As Rock and her group collected their thoughts, Natsuru asked Akira, “Is he?...”
Akira answered, in slight disbelief, “Yep. He is impersonating Nixon, at the end of the movie, Black Dynamite.”
Ranma said, “It was cooler when Nixon did it with the nunchucks.”
Rock stated, “I agree. While I am not surprised your two girlfriends have seen that movie. I didn't realize you have seen the movie, as well, Ranma.”
Fabiola leaned over to Annie's right ear, as she whispered, “I will show you that movie, later. It is a riot.”
Annie turned to Fabiola, as she smiled at the green haired woman. She softly replied, “Okay.”
Fabiola and Annie then turned back to look at the spectacle that Chang was making himself, into.
Ranma responded, “I watched on TV, a few times. It was screwy enough for me to enjoy. So, wow do you know about the movie?”
Rock stated, “It is one of Dutch's favorite movies, with dark skinned actors in it. One time, Rowan hosted a very clean costume party at his Jackpot place. And we all went in costumes. Dutch went as Black Dynamite. He wore a black short sleeved shirt, black pants, black leather belt, black boots, and a black leather jacket over his shirt. He looked pretty good in the outfit, as well.”
“If I remember, correctly, Dutch stated that he looked so good in that outfit, that he decided to keep it, for occasion business functions.”
“Still, when Rowan got wind of who Dutch was going as, he came as Cream Corn, dressed as a nineteen seventies pimp. When Dutch learned of this. To say the least. He was not amused.”
Akira said, “I remember that, Rock. You went in a red karate gi as, Ryu. While Benny went in a white karate gi as, Ken Masters. I went in my blond female form. Janet helped me braid my hair in twin pigtails and she helped me put on some green body makeup. I bought a green one piece swimsuit, some green boots, with red socks, a pair of red fingerless gloves, and a red beret. And I went as Cammy.”
Ranma inquired, “Who did Revy go as?”
Rock answered, “You. She went as you, Ranma. After she learned of Akira's little party trick. She gain an interest in series with that concept. And your series was the top of the list.”
Ranma commented, “At least she has good taste.”
Rock agreed, “True. Though, I blame Akira here, for inspiring her to become interested in such matters.”
Akira shrugged, as she replied, “Of course. Though, if I remember correctly, she was watching that series, from your collection, Rock.”
Rock conceded, “True.”
Natsuru inquired, “Hold on. Akira, I thought you didn't know we were fictional series, until you met with Chang?”
Akira answered, “Correct. This party happened after I had that meeting with Chang.”
Natsuru replied, “Oh.”
Ranma asked, “So, who braided Revy's hair, into my style?”
Rock answered, “Janet. Revy saw that she did such a good job with Akira's hair, that she allowed Janet to braid her hair into a pigtail. And we bout some red chinese clothing. To everyone's surprise, she pulled you look off, well.”
Ranma said, “That is nice to know.”
Natsuru asked, “Who did Janet go as?”
Rock answered, “Aisha Clan-Clan, from Outlaw Star series. She won best costume award that night. Who knew that counterfeiting skills translated to making costume skills?”
Akira said, “Janet told me she kept that costume for later space catgirl roleplaying with Benny, in their bedroom.”
Natsuru inquired, “What did others dress as?”
Rock stated, “I will tell you, later. We just don't have the time right now.”
Ranma looked over at Chang, whom was continuing his dance, while spewing out insults.
Ranma commented, “I am not so sure. I don't think he is going to quit anytime soon.”
Fabiola commented, “As fun as learning new things about you girls, we still got to get back to the business at hand. And after seeing that display from Chang. My respect for that man has gone way down. To let himself go like that is just so wrong.”
Annie said, “My one regret is we will only be able to kill him once.”
Rock stated, “Then, let us make his death memorable, in a very painful way, for him.”
As the group all turned to face Chang, they started walking into the office.
A few seconds later, they noticed that Chang had suddenly stopped talking, and he had jumped down in front of his desk, to face them.
This got the attention of the members of Bad Company, as they came to a stop, fifteen inside the office.
They watched as Chang leaned over his desk and tapped on the keyboard. He leaned back up, as he faced them. He said, “I figure if we are going to do this, we might as well have a little music, to liven up the mood.”
As the first few cords of the song started playing through the speakers, stationed throughout the walls of the room.
The volume from the speakers were not very loud.
In a normal tone of voice, which the others could still heard over the music from the speakers, Chang stated, “I found this little piece of music in the multiverse. It has a nice techno flavor to it that makes it great for fighting. And I set it on a loop. I am sure many of you will recognize the beats and lyrics. It is remix, by Growling Mad Scientists, sung by Mell, of Red Faction. It is a variation of our own series title song.”
As the singer started singing, Chang yelled, “Now, let's get this party started!”
Chang immediately pulled out his semi-automatic pistols, with engraved dragon hilts, from the twin holsters, attached to his belt, from behind his back. He quickly took aim and fired them at Bad Company.
Annie and Ranma swiftly stepped forward, in front of their group. Annie used her lightsaber to deflect some of the bullets, while Ranma used her golden wrist bracers to deflect the rest of the bullets.
After Chang ran out of ammo, he dropped his pistols to the ground.
Meanwhile, Natsuru rush up between Annie and Ranma. She had a fireball already formed in her right hand.
Rock quickly stated, “Careful, do not damage Chang's desk. It clearly has his computer on it.”
Natsuru continued to look at Chang, as she said, “Yes ma'am.”
She fired a weak fireball right in front of Chang, feet, so the blast would not damage Chang's desk.
Chang quickly ran to his right, to the his right side, towards the side of the room with the bar, to avoid the blast.
The fireball exploded, on the ground, with it only damaging the Persian carpet that was above the jade tiled flooring.
As Chang ran, Natsuru continued to throw fireballs, and Ranma fired energy blasts, at him.
Amazingly, Chang dodged the attacks. As he ran behind the couches and pool table.
When Chang reached the left wall, he used his momentum to started run at a left diagonal angle, up the wall. While the field of fire beneath him trashed the bar itself, the pool table, and the surrounding couches.
Without warning, Chang suddenly vaulted of the wall. He did several flips in the air, until he landed right in front of Annie, Natsuru, and Ranma.
Before Annie could bring her lightsaber to bare, Chang quickly knocked her to the ground, with a swift kick to her stomach. Annie's lightsaber deactivated, as her weapon left her hands.
Next, Ranma had time to throw a few quick strikes at Chang. Chang blocked, or dodged them, until he grasped Ranma's extended right forearm, and he threw her over his shoulder, and onto the ground.
Finally, Chang swiftly used his right hand to grab Natsuru by her neck, and throw her up against the multi-screen, above the entrance to the office.
As Natsuru's back bounced off screens, they shattered. Natsuru then fell onto the ground, on her stomach, with a sickening thud.
Chang screamed, in excitement, “Slam dunk! Ten points!”
Rock watched all this with horror, as she thought, 'He has enhanced himself, in some way. That figures. It is just going to make taking him down harder.'
Akira and Fabiola looked over at Annie and Ranma, whom getting up from the floor. They then turned to look at Natsuru's prone form, with worry, that quickly turned to rage.
Akira and Fabiola immediately turned back to face Chang, as they pulled out their guns.
Akira pulled out her revolvers, and Fabiola pulled out her semi-automatic pistols.
Both women fired at Chang, but while the fired at him, they they watched as Chang dodged all the bullets, matrix style, withing losing his footing.
As both women ran out of bullets to their weapons, Chang leaned up, and charged at them.
Then, before anyone else could react, Annie, leaned up, to Chang's left side. She quickly summoned as much power as she could, in the force, to force pushed him back to the ruins of the bar area.
Chang landed on his back, on the floor, near the remains of pool table. The sprinkler system for that side of the room had already engaged and put out the fires that Natsuru and Ranma had created. With the sprinklers soon shutting down right after the blaze was put out.
Fabiola and Akira quickly reloaded their guns.
Akira turned to looked over at Annie, as she shouted, “Get over here, Annie.” She looked at Ranma, as she ordered, “Ranma, go check on Natsuru.”
Ranma and Annie both nodded, as they got up. Ranma went to check on Natsuru. While Annie picked up her lightsaber, and she reignited it, as she walked up to join Akira, and Fabiola.
As Annie met up with Akira and Fabiola, Rock did as well.
Rock said, “Akira, if you got a plan to take this guy down. I am all ears.”
Akira holstered her revolvers. She then unsheathed her long knives. She quickly stated, “My plan is simple. Fabiola you provide cover-fire, and keep Chang in one place. While Annie and I move in for the kill. Try not to shoot us.”
Fabiola flatly said, “I won't.”
Akira went onto say, “Good. Annie, we move in a rotation. You take a shot at him, the fall back, allowing me to take a shot at him. Rinse and repeat. Fabiola, reload while we fight him. Should he knock us both back, fire on him. With luck, one of us will get a luck hit that will take him down.”
“Barring that, Rock, I am hoping you got something of your sleeve. Chang is lot tougher than we thought. And I am honestly not sure we can take him down without heavier firepower than what we have.”
Rock replied, “Understood.”
They all saw Chang starting to stand up.
Akira ordered, “Now.”
Fabiola fired on Chang, to keep him from moving, While Annie and Akira circled around to attack Chang.
Meanwhile, Ranma had rushed over to Natsuru lying form.
Ranma knelt down to Natsuru left side, with her right knee touching the floor. She begged, while the verge of tears, “Natsuru, please be alright.”
Natsuru turned over to face Ranma, as opened her eyes to looked at Ranma.
Ranma saw that Natsuru's eyes were focused and alert. She said, in a weak tone of voice, “I will be alright. I am a lot tougher than I look. I am awake. Though, I need a few minutes of down time.”
Ranma looked around and she saw some couches on the an entertainment center on the opposite side of the room from the bar area.
Ranma picked Natsuru's body into her arms. She stood up and carried the other woman over to a couch, by the entertainment area.
As she made it to the couch, she gently set Natsuru on the cushions.
Ranma said, “We need to let you lay down, while you recover. The others can handle Chang.”
Natsuru commented, in a playful tone of voice, “Ah, Ranma. My hero.”
Ranma could not help but giggle a little, as she continued to stand. She then turned her attention to across the room, and the fight that was still taking place.
Across the room, Fabiola was careful with her bullets, so as to not harm Annie, nor, Akira.
Annie was first to reach Chang, as she swung her ignited lightsaber at him.
Chang dodged the attacks, and he returned a few kicks and punches towards Annie, as well.
A second later, Annie fell back, as Akira took her place in the attack. Chang dodge her attacks as well, while replying with a few of his own.
Akira then fell back, for Annie to returned to battle.
This time, after a few swings, Chang sidestepped the next swing, to left. He then grabbed her lightsaber hilt, above Annie's hand, with his right hand, as he placed his left hand on Annie's left forearm. He pulled upwards, on the hilt, with his right hand, while keeping Annie's left hand in place, with his left hand.
Due to Annie's hands being intertwined on the hilt, Chang was able to slide the weapons from Annie's hands, while keeping the lightsaber ignited, in his right hand.
A second later, as Chang held the lightsaber in his right hand, he let go of Annie's left forearm with his left hand.
Annie saw was had happened.
The moment Chang let go of Annie, Annie immediately rolled to her right side, out of the way of Chang.
Though, Annie's move forced Akira to face the now, lightsaber wielding martial artist.
Knowing that her blades would be useless, she sheathed them, as she slowly backed away from Chang.
After Annie rolled to a stop, she looked back at Chang, as he stalked towards Akira with the lightsaber being held in both his hands.
Chang smirked, as he stated, “It looks like you bitches don't like it when the shoe. On in this case. Lightsaber is on the other foot.”
Akira inquired, “Chang. I can understand many things. But, what the hell happened to your vocabulary?”
Chang began to laugh, in an evil tone of voice.
In the distance, Fabiola had already reloaded her weapons. She was about to provide cover-fire for Akira to get away, when she saw that Rock had snuck around Chang, by crawling. As Rock did so, she pulled out the bridge noose that she had tucked in the back of her pant, under her shirt.
When Rock came within a few feet behind Chang, she quietly stood up. She gripped the noose with both hands. Her right hand on the loose end of the rope, while her left hand was on loop of the rope.
With a second thought, Rock jumped onto Chang's back, as she slid the noose around his neck. After doing so, she let her left hand slid to the knot of the noose, while she used her right hand to pull back on the loose end, to tighten the noose.
The attack caught Chang by surprise, as he bucked like a bronco, with Rock on his back.
Suddenly, Chang took his left hand off of Annie's lightsaber, with him leaving the hilt of the weapon, gripped in his right hand. Chang then used his left hand to reach around his back and grip Rock's lower left leg.
A second later, Chang pulled Rock off him, and threw her to the ground in front of him.
As Rock reorientated herself, to where she was sitting up, facing Chang, she saw Chang was right in front of her.
Rock watched as Chang used his left hand to take off the noose around his neck. He then three the noose away, and to the ground. While he held his lightsaber up, with his right hand, to do a killing blow against her.
Rock swiftly extended her right hand towards Chang upper chest, and face. Her sonic shotgun then suddenly slid out from under her right sleeve and into her right hand. Allowing, Rock to use her right hand to grasp the grip of her weapon.
The only reaction Chang had time for was his eyes suddenly widening, as Rock aimed for Chang's upper chest and fire a shot at, at him, at point blank range.
In less than a second, as the sonic wave hit Chang, knocking him back into the air, it caused the clothing in the front of his chest to shred, his shades to shatter, while the flesh from his upper chest and face peel away from him and exploded outward.
A second later, Chang landed on his back with a thud.
Annie's lightsaber deactivated, as it left Chang's right hand. With Annie's weapon landing near Chang's body.
Rock looked on, with mild shock, at how easy that had been take down Chang. She then turned and looked over an Annie, whom was looking back her.
Rock commented, “Some how, I thought I would get a lot more satisfaction from killing the bastard.”
Annie replied, “At least he is dead.”
While Rock and Annie stood up, Rock slid her sonic shotgun back down her sleeve, and into its mechanical housing.
From behind her, Akira looked on at the carnage Rock had just created. She stated, “Damn Rock. When I said pulled an idea up your sleeve. I didn't mean it, literally. Still, good job.”
Rock turned around, to face Akira. She said, “Honestly, I was planning to strangle him. But, hey. A win is a win.”
Akira smiled, as she agreed, “You got that right.”
Rock looked around at her team, as she yelled, “Is everyone alright!”
Fabiola replied, “Yea. By the way, good job, Rock.”
Annie retrieved her lightsaber, as she she answered, “I will be fine.”
Akira said, “Nothing a quick shower won't fix.”
Across the room, Rock saw Natsuru stand up beside Ranma. Natsuru yelled, towards Rock, “Yea! I am just a little sore! I will be fine!”
Ranma loudly stated, “I will be fine, as well!”
Rock yelled, “That is good to hear!”
Across the room, by the entertainment center, Natsuru turned to Ranma, as she calmly said, “You go meet up with the girls. I want to check out Chang's computer.”
Ranma turned to Natsuru, as she asked, with concern in her normal tone voice, “Are you sure you will be fine? You took bad hits, to both your throat and back. And then you had that horrible fall.”
Natsuru smiled, as she playfully pushed Ranma away. She stated, “Come on. I have had rougher nights with you and Akira. I will be fine.”
Ranma nodded, she then turned to walk around the couch they were at, and over to Rock and the others.
Meanwhile, Natsuru walked towards Chang's computer.
As this went on, Fabiola walked over to the front of Chang's desk. She looked at the pair of empty semi-automatic pistols, with engrave dragons on the hilts. She picked them up and closed the slides.
Fabiola then stuck the empty pistols into the back of her pants, side by side. She thought, 'I am going to keep these two pistols as mementos of this adventure.'
Near the bar area, as things calmed down, Ranma reached Akira, and Annie, on that side of the room.
Nearby, Rock steeled herself, as she went over to look at Chang's corpse.
Rock thought, 'As disgusting as it is. It is my job. As the leader. I have to check to make sure Chang is dead.'
As Rock walked over and look down at the body, what she saw emotionally shocked her.
Instead of bone and red blood, Rock saw the metal skeleton, and orange blood of a boomer.
Rock mentally realized, “Chang was a fake. He was a boomer double. But, where is the real Chang. He won't just put a boomer double in charge. Given his personality, he would keep close the action, while having an escape plan. But, how would he get passed us? How would he disguise himself? He is asian. He has black hair... Daiyu... Oh fuck!'
Rock then turned and ran out of the office, and into the hallway. She stopped right at the entrance to the hallway, as she realized that Daiyu, AKA, gender bent Chang, was long gone.
As Rock turned, and ran back into Chang's office, towards Ranma, Akira, and Annie, whom were the closest to her, she yelled, “She's gone!”
As Annie, Ranma, and Akira turned to look at Rock, as Ranma asked, “Whose gone?”
By then, Rock had reached the three women. As Rock to a stop in front of the three women, she forced herself to calm down. She explained, “Chang. The body on the floor is a boomer double. Daiyu. That girl right outside, that we let go, was the real Chang. She must have had herself changed, as well. That, and the boomer double was her escape plan. And I cannot believe she pulled it off, on us, of all people. Now, that I think about it, she even looked like Chang, as a woman, in the Boys and Girls omake.”
Akira said, “It was a good plan. It also explain the insults from the boomer double. All the ham and insults were meant to distract us, and buy Chang time to escape. And it worked. Chang always acts so macho and cavalier that it would fool us and anyone else into thinking that she would never willing change her gender.”
“And, it is clear that the super-soldier serum returns one's youth, and brings that person to near perfect health. That is not a bad trade off. With her posing as one of her own bodyguards, it literally allowed her be the woman behind the man that was the boomer double. While at the same time, she could keep herself close to her powerbase. But, far enough to escape from danger if she need too.”
“Hell, she probably only had the same programing as you, Rock. Comfortable in her new gender, and bi-sexual. So now, she can enjoy both sides of the fence.”
Rock replied, “You are probably right.”
Annie commented, “I remember, when we went to your past, Rock. That at dinner, Chang did say that he was tempted to try both sides of the fence. Still, that would mean...” Annie then began to giggle.
Akira asked, “What is so funny?”
Annie stated, with a smile on her lips, “I was planning to castrate him for making me go through my monthly periods. But now, she is in the same boat as me, and I find it funny.”
Akira replied, “Glad to hear it.”
Nearby, Fabiola had listened to their conversation. She turned to them, as she suggested, “If you girls want. We can always go after her, later.”
Rock thought it over. She then said, “Maybe. But, right now our primary mission is to shutdown Chang's operation, and rescue those she had kidnapped and impregnated. Along, with any children her victims had.”
By then, Natsuru was behind Chang's desk, looked at Chang's computer screen. She continued to look at the screen, as she requested, “Hey girls. Come look at this.”
Everyone turned to see Natsuru leaning down from the back of the desk, as she stared at the desk mounted computer monitor. The fingers on her right hand were on the touch pad, as seconds later, she turned off the music.
Fabiola was already nearest to Natsuru. She said, “Thank you. That music was starting to get a little annoying.” She thought, 'And we have already had to deal with one annoying piece of music today.'
Natsuru looked at the computer screen, as she responded,“No problem. Also, I found something interesting on the computer. It seems that Chang did not log off her account, before she left the office.”
As everyone else walked over to Natsuru, Rock took the opportunity to grab the Roanapur bridge noose, from the floor, as a trophy of their adventures.
Meanwhile, Akira stated, “So, help me god. If Chang set a self-destruct device in this building. That Data didn't know about. I will hunt Chang down and show her a taste of what the girls gave me at Jackpot. Only, I won't be so gentle.”
Annie inquired, “While I would not care to participate in such an act. Even against Chang. Could I still watch?”
Akira replied, “Sure.”
When they reached Natsuru, and walked behind the desk to stand behind her, Natsuru said, “It is not a self-destruct device. I found a strange icon on the GUI screen of the monitor. I think it is the boomer kill-switch.”
Everyone looked at the large monitor, mounted in the desk. And they saw that screen and they saw an icon on the screen, that stated, in english, “Turn off boomers.”
Akira turned to Rock, as she asked, “You think it is that simple?”
Rock turned to Akira, as she pointed out, “If the boomers turned on Chang. She would have to turn them off, as quickly as possible. So, I guess, why not? Click it, Natsuru. And see if it works.”
Natsuru the touch pad to click the icon. A pop-up icon window showed in the middle of the screen. What was stated on the window, was in english. The window had 'yes' and 'no' button below the question, “Do you wish to shutdown the boomers?”
Natsuru clicked 'yes'.
The pop up window change the question to, “Do you wish turn on boomers?” With a 'yes' and 'no' buttons.
Natsuru commented, “In of being a kill switch. This is just an off switch.”
Rock and Akira turned towards the computer screen, as Rock commented, “Well, Chang has never been wasteful.”
Annie commented, “It doesn't matter. All that matters is that the boomers are no long a problem for us.”
Natsuru replied, I agree.
Natsuru continued to look at the computer screen, as she used the touch pad. Instead of clicking either, Natsuru clicked the 'x' on the upper right pop-up window to shutdown the window.
Ranma turned around, as she started looking out the window. She noticed that the storm had finally lifted, revealing a sunny day, which provided a good view of the Distraction Team fighting the combat and battle boomers, below them. In Roanapur.
Suddenly, Ranma noticed that much of the gunfire stopped down on the highway, where the fighting had been taking place.
Ranma requested, “Hey guy. Take a look outside. I think the program worked.”
Everyone turned around, and they saw the fighting had stopped.
Akira said, “What do you know. It was that simple, after all.”
In the ruins of Roanapur, the Distraction Team was fighting boomers, while enjoy the sunny break in the weather.
They had been careful to keep loosely together, within a hundred yards, or less, of each other, as they destroyed boomers, while providing cover-fire and support for each other.
While Deadpool had been taking point in much of the battle. Midway through the battle, the boomers gunfire was so intense that Deadpool had to dive for cover, put away his lightsabers, and pull out his blaster pistols.
As the fighting continued, each of the members of the Distraction Team admitted to themselves that they made a good, well rounded team.
This was further proven by the literal thousands of corpses of combat and battle boomers that littered the battlefield, that was the highway, and other roads, around them.
Suddenly, the remaining boomers stopped in their tracks and fell over.
The team stayed behind cover few a full minute, after the boomers stopped function.
Though, after the minute was over, they all started to peak their heads over their cover, to see what was going on, and to look at each other.
As they saw the boomers were no longer a threat, they came out of their cover, and they started walking towards each other at a normal pace.
A minute later, they met each other in the middle of the street they were on. All of them had their weapons in their hands. Though, they made sure not to point their weapons as each other.
As they looked around, Vash said, “I guess Rock and the others won.”
Boba replied, through the electronic intercom of his helmet, “Probably.”
Deadpool said, “Good. We don't have to worry about that.” He looked over at Duke, as he requested, “Nukem, do you want to say it together, while we pose?”
Duke looked over at Deadpool, as he smiled wickedly. He said, “Sure.”
Vash inquired, “What are you going to say?”
Fett asked, “What do you mean?” He thought, 'Though, given you are a lunatic Deadpool. I am not sure I want to know. And I have my doubts about Duke. Those Vash seems to be a stable enough person. If he wasn't so cheerful, I think I could get along with him very well.'
Duke walked over and whispered into Vash's right ear. While Deadpool walked over and whisper into Fett's helmet, on Fett's left side.
Vash looked at Duke, as he stated, “I like it.”
Boba Fett turned to Deadpool, as he said, “I will do it.”
All of them then faced the tower, as they stood side by side. They did a battle pose, as Wade said, “On the count of three. One. Two. Three.”
All for of them then yelled, in unison, “Hail to the Kings, babe!”
Duke looked over at his team, as he complimented, “And that is how you act like victors.”
Vash asked, “Do you think it is wise if we go into the Tower, to meet the girls?”
Duke said, “No. We do not know what death traps are inside there. I say we stay here until they come to get us.”
Fett commented, “I am not sticking my neck out any further. For myself, this mission is purely self-defensive. Except for some technology upgrades, I am not being paid for this job.”
Deadpool commented, “Same here, Boba. But, it was fun.”
Duke agreed, “True.”
Vash casually shrugged.
Fett nodded once in agreement.
Deadpool then started walking away from the group, and towards the Tower.
Vash inquired, “Where are you going, Deadpool? Didn't we just agree to stay here?”
Wade stopped, as he turned around to face them. He explained, “Before I planned on leaving. I just wanted to make sure you guys would stick together. After such a battle, I think you all deserve a respite. Still, I don't have that luxury. I like those girls, and that guy. But, they know me too well. I will find my own way out of this reality. And the key to do so, is inside the Tower.
Vash said, “Good luck.”
Wade responded, “Thanks. And gentlemen. I want you to know that I enjoyed our time together. I consider this the greatest team up in my entire life. And I've had quite a few. But, if we ever do this again, it will be too soon. For I fear the multiverse would not be able to handle so much awesomeness in one place for very long.”
Wade then turned around, and he started walking towards the tower.
In Chang's office, Fabiola asked, “Girls. I have one question. What about those Star Destroyers we passed by in orbit? I am sure they were likely only manned by boomers.”
Natsuru turned back to the computer. She found an icon labeled, “Star Destroyers status.”
Natsuru used the touch pad to click the icon, in question.
Suddenly, the window appeared on the computer screen, that showed stats and information on it, which were in english.
Natsuru thought, 'I guess since Lotton is second in command, Chang had the computer default to english. And I am glad. If it was in chinese, we would be in trouble. Because, I believe the only one here that is fluent in chinese, is Ranma. And while she is intelligent. She is not the most computer literate person here. Now, let's see the this text, on the computer, is stating.'
Natsuru read the information. A few seconds later, as she continued reading the information, she said, “No worries. Those ships are in high orbit. And they are programmed to stay in high orbit indefinitely, unless order otherwise. Also, they are low maintenance. And if I am reading the rest of the information and figures right. Given their low power consumption, and their high level of fuel supplies, they can maintain orbit for decades. And even then, their orbits are designed to take them into the Moon's gravity well, not Earth's gravity well.”
Ranma commented, “I got to give Chang credit. He... Err. She plans for everything.”
Rock smirked, as she commented, “Except us.”
Ranma returned Rock smirk, as she replied, “Yep.”
Annie requested, “Can you check the status of those in the vats?”
Natsuru minimized the window she was reading, to the tool bar at the bottom of the screen. She then found an icon labeled, “Vat status.” She clicked it and looked at the information. Natsuru stated, “Everything is in the green with them. No worries. There is no rush to rescue them.”
Annie asked, “What about the children that I am sure some of the women have already given birth too?”
Natsuru exited out of the minimized the window, to the tool bar at the bottom of the screen.
Natsuru then looked at the icons on the screen, she found one that probably had the answers Annie sought. Natsuru said, “Here is an icon that says nurseries. This is probably it.” She clicked it and a screen popped up. As Natsuru read the window, she stated, “No worries here either. The nurseries are manned by human beings. With supplies that should last them, and the children, for a good week, before things start to get serious.”
Rock responded, “That is good to know. We will figure out what to about the women, and their children, after we meet back up. This is just too big for us to handle alone.”
Rock saw the women around her nod in agreement.
Rock went onto say, “Well, we have done all we can here. Let's head back to the girls and see if Data was able to handle him.”
As they all made their way around the desk, and they started walking towards the door to Chang's office, Akira commented, “Data is probably the only man in the multiverse that could handled all for of them at once.”
Rock replied, “True. Then, we will find Dutch, Benny, and Janet, in this city sized fortress.”
Akira responded, “Good idea. And with Data's help, in accessing the Tower's computer network. It should not take long to find them.”
Rock stated, “I agree. So, let's get back down there, and start the ball rolling in finding them.”
They then headed back to the elevator they had used.
A few minutes later, they reached the elevator that Data has worked on. Ranma removed the table. And they all got into the elevator.
After Rock punched the bottom button, on the panel, inside the elevator, the elevator's doors closed, as they headed back down to the floor that Data preset. Which was the floor where the hardsuit waiting room was.
Unfortunately, as they headed down the tower, the song, Stairway to Heaven, began playing again, causing everyone in the group, but Annie, to groan in annoyance.
Around that time Rock, and those with her, headed back to meet with Data and the human members of the Hell Sabers, a few levels underneath Chang's penthouse office, John found the location he was searching for. After riding another elevator, John walked through a series hallways, until he reached Lotton's office.
Once John made it to the level that Lotton's office was on, it was not hard to find Lotton's office, The business style signs on the walls clearly marked where to find Lotton's office, among other locations on that that level.
John noticed that the standard wooden double-doors to Lotton's office were open. With the doors swinging to the inside of Lotton's office.
As John slowly approached the entrance to Lotton's office, he pulled out his pulse pistol, and he then charged his pulse pistol. One phrase passed through his mind, 'It's a trap.' He then continued his thoughts, 'I have seen to many traps in fiction. And been involved in to many traps, first hand. Both as the hunter and as the prey. For myself to not recognize the sign. Though, I have no choice but to check it out. Too much is riding on me doing so. As such, I will just be careful, and hope for the best.'
As John came to the opened entrance to the office, he stopped in his tracked, as he took a little inside the office. peeked his head into the office, take a quick look around.
The doors to Lotton's office swung so close to the interior walls, that John could clearly see the rest of the office, from where he stood.
John saw that the office was fairly nice.
The office was eighty feet in depth, a hundred and twenty feet in length, and twenty feet tall.
The ceiling had brown knockdown ceiling tiles, along ceiling fans.
When John was facing the room, to his left side, there was a set of circular dimmer lighting switches, for the ceiling lights and fans, on the far left wall, by far left corner of the room.
The side walls of the room were brown wooden paneling.
On John's left, at the far wall was a small bar and refrigerator area with low table in front of it, with gray leather couch in front of the table, facing the bar.
On John's right, at the far wall was an entertainment center. With shelves lined with movies, books, video games. There was a large flat screen TV in the center of the wall, with some disc players and game consoles under it. There was a small table in front of the TV, with another gray leather couch facing the TV.
The floors were cover with black marble tiles, with nice throw rugs on top of the tiles.
There was no lights currently on in the office. Because, the far wall was just large windows panes that provided plenty of light, given it was the middle of the day.
Also, John noticed that the windows had some sort of tint, that changed during the day, to prevent the room from becoming to bright for those inside it.
John saw that from out the windows, that the office was at height that above the cloud line.
Though, with the storm over, and the clouds below him breaking apart, John could see the office overlooked Roanapur, and the protected bay behind the city.
Along with this, there are currents on the far corners of the room, that could be drawn closed, across the windows, for privacy.
In the back center of the room, by the windows was brown stained oak desk, with nice a red leather, swivel chair, with arm rests, behind the desk.
On top of the desk was a computer monitor, keyboard, and computer mouse, with wires going into the desk, where the computer tower was stored.
John thought, 'The computer on that desk is likely where the boomer kill-switch is. I don't see anyone in the room. But, I know it is a trap. And there is no cover between me and the desk. Though, I have no choice but to walk straight in.'
'Given I don't see anyone, chances were he will popped up from behind the desk, itself. So, I will just keep Winona pointed at the desk.' He looked more closely at the windows, as he mentally added, 'I don't see any reflections that could be a person. Might as well get this over with.
John then slowly walked into the room. When he made it half way to the desk, a single gunshot rang out, as John's pulse pistol was knocked from his hand and across the room, to his left.
John's pulse pistol slid to a stop, near the far corner of the room, between the bar and the window
Fortunately, John's hand was unharmed.
As John realized what had happened, he quickly calculated the angle of the bullet, and turned to his right to see Lotton.
Lotton crouching down in the corner, between the wall with entertainment system, and the wall with the entrance, with a semi-automatic pistol in his right hand, pointed as John.
Lotton was wearing his usual clothing, his black long coat, and shades over his eyes.,
Along with see Lotton, from the corner of his right eye, John also noticed that the interior side of front wall, where the doors were located, had brown wooden paneling, like the side walls.
Though, John was far more concerned with paying attention to Lotton.
John kept his eyes on Lotton and his pistol, while Lotton kept his eyes, and his semi-pistol trained on John, as Lotton stood up.
Lotton then circled around, counterclockwise, from the entertainment center couch, to where he stood in front of his desk. As Lotton did so, he continued to face John.
John's eyes never left Lotton and the pistol he was held.
John the watched as Lotton took a few steps back, until his lower back touch the desk.
Lotton continued to look at John, as calmly said, in english, “Hello John. Can I please call you, John?”
John replied, “That is fine. I guess you are, Lotton.”
Lotton responded, “That I certainly am. Look around. All this is mine. And believe it or not, this office. My office. Was the prototype for Chang's office layout, and not the other way around. I have to say, Chang was kind enough to let me have an office as nice as this.”
“Though, I tend to spend more time in his office, than here, in my own. Do you like it? It may not be top floor, but it is high enough above the clouds to offer a great view. Chang even let me have an office with a view towards the bay.”
John said, “I admit. It is a nice office.”
Lotton replied, “Thank you.”
John dryly asked, “So, what now? Do you try to talk me to death, like all villains do.”
Lotton responded, “No. Actually, I just want to talk for a moment. To get a few things straight, between us. First, I want to apologize to you. As unbelievable as it sounds, I was no the one to send those boomers are you and your family. I have no interest in harming you, nor your family. I know better. And so does Chang. So, I don't know how our boomers started coming after you. Maybe a disgruntled employee. You never know.”
John commented, “True. It is always nice to know where everyone stands.”
Lotton said, “Absolutely. I did not even want to you to know we existed, because I was afraid that all this would have happened.” Lotton then use his left hand to point outside, as he continued, “I guess this is all your handiwork.”
John admitted, “Yea. I had a large part in putting together the team that is currently outside.”
Lotton slyly smiled, as he stated, “It has all your hallmarks. Humor. Wit. Taste. Vash, Duke Nukem, Deadpool, Boba Fett. I am sure that Annie suggested the last one. I cannot think of a more destructive four person team in the multiverse. You are artist of destruction.”
John could not help, but smirk, as he happily replied, “Thank you.”
Lotton went into to say, “And we both know, this is the only the beginning for us. You are one of us now. You now know that World as Myth theory is fact. And given you fanboy nature, you will eventually want more.”
John asked, with slight worry in his tone of voice, “What do you mean?”
Lotton chuckled evilly. He stated, “You have had a taste of the infinite. A taste of true power. Of the possibilities. And charting realities. Charting the imaginations through existence. The upper end would be bending reality to your very will... Not to sound cliché. But yea. We are talking about godhood, in a way few dare dream. Though, I know better than to go that far. I just want to have fun.”
“Still, the multiverse was clearly what Q was alluding to in the Star Trek, the Next Generation, finale, All Good Things. This was the possibilities that Q mentioned to Picard. That the exploration of possibilities was the true finale frontier.”
“Q clearly knew he was in a fictional series, but he could not directly tell Picard. Though, he could give Picard hints.”
“And given Picard's life experiences and intelligence, Picard could put the pieces together, if he wanted too. Another hint that Q knew was the Hallmark Christmas ordainment injoke in Voyager episode, Death Wish.”
“Still, after you are done with this little adventure, I am sure you are planning to do some interesting traveling, through the multiverse.”
John retorted, “Dream on. After we beat you, I am going back to my wife. And we are going to raise our son.”
Lotton nodded, as he agreed, “Of course. But, once your son is grown. Then, you will have time on your hands. It is then that your very nature will betray you, and you will find yourself traveling the multiverse of your own accord. Likely, your wife Aeryn will come with you. She always had a taste for adventure, as well.”
John pointed out, “Be that as it may, that still has little to do with the situation at hand.”
Lotton conceded, “Yes. You are quite right. And we both know things have going too far for me to try to talk you out of your course of action. Let alone try to convince you to join us.”
John inquired, with mild annoyance in his tone of voice, “Correct. And since you are savvy enough to realize that, why are we still talking?”
Lotton said, “Because I enjoy talking to you. And there is still one thing I can do with you. And not that. Neither of us swing that way. What I am talking about is I always wanted to see how I would measure up to you in a fight. So, how about we make this interesting, and have a little brawl?”
John snorted in disbelief.
Lotton continued, “Yea. As the villain I know it is kinda cliché and stupid to give up my advantage here. But, hey. I mean, it is like if you had the chance to take a shot at Captain Kirk, won't you? Sure, you would likely get your ass handed to you, but it would still be worth it?”
John shrugged, as he conceded, “I guess I would. It is the fanboy in us. By the way, did you guys capture Kirk, and turn him into a woman?”
Lotton continued holding his gun on John, as he answered, “I honestly don't know. But, it would not be the first time someone turned Kirk into a chick.”
Lotton and John said, in unison, “Turnabout Intruder.”
Lotton stated, “That is what I love about you, John. You get the jokes and the references. And you love to crack the jokes and the references.”
John replied, “Doing so helps to keep me grounded.”
Lotton responded, “True. And back to the episode, Turnabout Intruder. It had a good concept for the plot to that episode. Kirk womanizing comes back to bite him, or her in that case. But, the execution was poorly done.”
“Still, speaking of Captain Kirk. First, I want you to know that have only the up most respect for both people. The other person being your friend, Chiana. But in your honest opinion. Which one of those two do you think has seen more alien tail? Captain Kirk? Or, your friend Chiana?”
John was about to start to speak, when he closed his mouth again, as he thought about Lotton's question, for a few seconds. John then replied, “You know. That is a hard question to answer. But, let's hope they never meet. Could you imagine the seven degrees game we could play if those ever did?”
Lotton chuckled, as he answered, “I know. You can already connect one of them with half the multiverse with that game. And the other, with the other half of the multiverse, with that game.”
John said, as he was starting to grow impatient, “I agree. Still, let's get this fight started. Though, fair warnin. My wife, a former alien soldier, has taught me much in hand to hand combat.”
Lotton lips curled into a wicked grin, as he happily stated, “I will see your badass alien soldier, and raise you two axe crazy badass lovers of my own. A knifenut and a chainsaw wielding maniac.”
John asked, “How chainsaw wieldie are we talking about?”
Lotton stated, “Ah, Buffy speak. Oh, how I miss that series. Still, that show started going downhill after the third scene.”
John said, “I won't know. I originally left while they were still airing that series.”
Lotton suggested, “Then, you should watch the rest of that series sometime.”
John replied, “I just may.”
Lotton commented, “Good. Also, you would watched the spinoff series of Buffy, Angel. And the Angel series really peaks in the final, fifth season.”
John said, “Interesting. I will keep that in mind.”
Lotton stated, “Anyway, my chainsaw friend could give Ash William lessons on cleaving flesh with a chainsaw.”
John nodded, as he replied, “That is pretty good. By the way, you guys do know you are going to lose, in the end?”
Lotton continued smiling, as he responded, in a casual tone of voice, “Oh, hell yes. But, I am in it for the ride. And what a ride. Still, I was expecting nukes to take us down. Not a small force of badasses.”
John said, “I can see where you are coming from. Also, when it comes to badasses, given how many you have caught, have any of them outright got away from you? Or, outrun you.”
Lotton answered, “To my knowledge, only one person, has outrun us. One man. Burt Gummer of the Tremors reality. And given his resume, we should have saw it coming, and known better that to go after him. He is gun expert. Explosives expert. Survivalist expert. Hand to hand combat expert. Big game hunter in the extreme. Crazy prepared, and then some. The man prepared for World War III. After the movies, no one questioned that he would be able to survive a nuclear war. And he is one of only a handful of people to ever survive being swallowed whole by a giant monster, and live, with it being able to keep it believable.”
“Burt is also the only person, along with the wife, that actually killed a giant monster, whom invaded their home, without outside help, while remaining relatively unharmed by the experience. If you look in the dictionary, by the word, badass, you will likely find Burt picture by that word.”
“As such, Burt is the only person I would say that is more badass than the Bloodhound and Chang.”
John inquired, “I have seen the movies. At least the first two. And Burt is a badass without peer. So, what happened?”
Lotton answered, “A lesson in humility, for us. We went after him post TV series. That was long after the third movie, where he inadvertently blew up his home, weapons, and supplies. In coming for him then, we gave him too much time to restock and reload.”
John said, “That would be a mistake on your part.”
Lotton stated, “Oh, I agree. In hindsight. Oh, I agree. We first sent a couple of combat boomers after him, at the location what was left of his home. They never returned. Then, we sent in a squad of four battle boomers after him. Their salvaged data records showed they lasted only five minutes against Burt.”
John whistled. He then said, “Not bad. Sounds like something Duke would pull.”
Lotton said, “Yes. And here is the thing. Burt really didn't run from our forces. No. He took us bringing this war to his doorstep as a personal challenge. As if the gods had finally taken notice of him, and he was going to have his moment of glory to shine.”
“Next, we sent the all five Hell Sabers, in full load out, after him. This included three Typhoon II motoslaves, with their weapons. When they got to the ruins of Burt's old home, they were ambushed by sniper fire, from the brush, in the distance.”
John inquired, “What weapon did Burt use?”
Lotton answered, “From what we could gather, Burt used his Barrett M eighty-two A one anti-material, sniper rifle, he used in the TV series. With its fifty caliber BMG rounds. The rifle is also the same type of weapon that Roberta has been known to use. And from what I have seen, and I have read from first hand reports, I would say that Burt is better at using the light-fifty rifle than the Bloodhound is.”
“And given Roberta's skills, that is not a boast to be taken lightly.”
John stated, “From what I have heard of this, Bloodhound. That I don't doubt.”
Lotton said, “Absolutely. When the Hell Sabers showed up, because there was no real cover around them. And that Arcee, and the three Typhoon II motoslaves were the largest targets. They were the first that Burt shot at, heavily damaged all four targets. With Arcee having to return to the Tower for repairs. This left the girls having to deal with Burt without fast modes of travel, nor flight options.”
John inquired, “Wouldn't there jump-jets help bridge the distance?”
Lotton responded, “One would think so. But, they could not localize where he was. And given the skill that Burt was displaying, none of them wanted to risk being taken out, in the open air, like a clay pigeon in skeet.”
John conceded, “Good point.”
Lotton replied, “Thank you.”
John questioned, “I wonder how Burt was able to camouflage himself?”
Lotton answered, “I found out later that Burt must have used some thermal blankets and other tricks to camouflage himself. Because he kept disappearing on them. Even with the hardsuits infrared sensors.”
“Still, after a few more shots, they were able to use the acoustic sensors to get a find the general direction from where Burt's position was.”
“Though, as the girls tried to advance on Burt position. Burt fell back. What followed was a three day running battle into the mountainous wilderness, of where Burt lived. During those days and nights, it became a question of who was the predator? And who was the prey?”
“Though, girls, themselves, were not seriously injured. And I think that Burt was just toying with them.”
“In the end, the Hell Sabers hardsuits were so trashed that they had to give up their search for him, and leave the hunt to others. And we did send in others.”
John guessed, “Hotel Moscow?”
Lotton stated, “Yes. After the Hell Sabers returned, Chang decided to bring out the big guns. He sent Balalaika, and Hotel Moscow in force against Burt. They searched the area for two straight days and nights with no luck. Then, Burt ambushed a member of Hotel Moscow. He stole the man's small reality device. And he then disappeared into the multiverse. That only reason Hotel Moscow did not follow him was that he only knocked out the russian in question. And the man was not seriously harmed.”
“In an after report I read, made by Balalaika. She commented that searching for Burt there was like being back in Afghanistan. And that she would not waste her men's time like that again. Afterward, Chang ordered that Burt to be left alone, because he was such a badass. To be able to beat the boomers, the Hell Sabers, and even outfox Hotel Moscow.”
John commented, “That is quiet a resume. On top of what Burt has already accomplished in his life.”
Lotton commented, “Yes. It is. And coming from you. That is quite a compliment. Still, this is the only time, that I know of, where Chang has ever decided to leave someone alone for being such a badass.”
John thought, 'I guess Chang is not as much a foolish as I thought. I would not want Burt as an enemy.' He inquired, “I wonder what happened to Burt?”
Lotton replied, “I would like to know that myself. Well, I have kept you waiting long enough.”
Lotton kept his eyes one John, as he holstered his pistol, in his left shoulder holster. Across from his other semi-automatic, in his right shoulder holster. Both of which were hidden under Lotton's long coat. Lotton then took off his sunglasses, and he put them in an outer, coat pocket.
After which, Lotton then calmly started walking towards John, as he made his hands fists, and he held those fists up in front of them, in a boxer's fighting stand.
As Lotton approached John, John got into a defensive stance.
As the two men came within reach of each other, John was the one to throw the first punch, with his right fist.
Lotton blocked the blow with his left forearm, while replying with punch of his own, from his right feet, that connected to John's jaw.
John attempted another punch to Lotton's stomach.
Lotton sidestepped the strike, to his right side. Lotton then applied a blow to the left side of John's abdomen.
John soon found himself on a one sided fight, with himself on the receiving end.
As the fight continued, Lotton commented, “To be fair. I have been sparing with Chang, for a while now. He is a real martial artists master, and I have learned a lot from him.”
John soon found himself kneeling on the floor, on his left knee, with him looking down at the floor..
As soon as John dropped to one knee, Lotton stopped hitting him, and took a few steps back from John.
Lotton continued to hold up his arms in his boxer's fighting stand, as he asked, “Do you yield? Be warned. If you do, yield. And you then attack me. I am going to kill you.”
While he continued to look at the floor, John grunted out, “Yea. I yield. I know when I am beat. And no. It is not a trick.”
Lotton dropped his fighting stand, as he calmly said, “I accept your surrender. Thanks John. I now have my answer. And in all honestly, I am a big fan yours. If things were different, I would be asking for your autograph. I just wanted to see how well I could stand up to you.”
John looked up at Lotton, as he started to recover, and get his second wind. He quipped, “It is always nice to be like.”
John admitted to himself, in thought, 'That fight was not as horrible as it could have been. I am going to have a few bruises later. But, I should be fine.'
'I get the feeling that Lotton was going easy one me. And if I do try something. I am sure he will kill me. So, I will just stay where I am at. Until he makes his next move.'
'Also, if he doesn't do anything else to me, I am likely going to be able to walk away from this. He clearly never wanted to capture me in the first place. So, he might just let me go. As such, find out what he has planned for me.'
John inquired, “So, are you going to kill me?”
Lotton responded, “I was never planning on killing you, John. As I said before. I just did this as a challenge to see how I would measure up with you. And I admit that it was fun. I hope you have a great life with your family, John. No hard feelings?”
John responded, “None taken. I have had worse injuries from my friends.”
Lotton replied, with a smile on his lips, “Good. By the way, that bait about one of the boomer off switches being here is a lie. I just planted that information on the fly, when I realized you had rescued Data. Besides which, your friends already beat Chang a few minutes ago. I just watched the whole thing on the video. And they already found the off switch to the boomers, and used it.”
John let out a breath of relief, as he thought, 'So, Rock and the others pulled it off, without me. And Lotton is going to let me go. This day is looking up.' He commented, “Thanks for saving me the time of looking. And I have to admit, that was quick planning on your part. Not bad.”
Lotton continued to grin, as he stated, “I will take that as a compliment. Personally, I did all this because Chang offered me the time of my life. And he kept his word. Now, the party is over, and it is time to leave.”
“By the way, the quickest way to meet up with your group is to go back the way you came. When you get to the floor with the vat warehouse, go two levels up, and use the signs on the walls to find the hardsuit waiting room.”
“My monitors showed your friends have already captured the Hell Sabers, and Data is holding them there. With Chang defeated, Rock and the others will likely return there, to figured out what to do with Shenhua, Sawyer, Revy, and Roberta.”
“If not, you have a better chance of making it out of here, in one piece with Data's help. Though, there are no boobytrapped currently turned on in the Tower, this still can be a dangerous place. So, it is best that you go meet with Data.”
John responded, “Thanks. And I will do so.” He thought, 'For a villain. This Lotton seems to be very helpful and polite.'
Lotton requested, “Good. Also, Megatron has already left this reality. And so has Arcee. From what I saw on the video feed. They seem to have worked out their disagreements, and moved on. Could please let the others knows.”
John stated, “I will. And I hope our next meeting will be under more pleasant circumstances.”
Lotton responded, “I hope so, as well.”
Lotton then turned and walked over to this desk. Next, he pushed a button the underside of the front of his desk.
Suddenly a trap door slides open in front of the desk, and Lotton himself.
John sat that inside the hole was a one man, torpedo shaped, submersible waterjet.
John turned to look at Lotton.
Lotton noticed John look at him. He shrugged, as he said, “What can I say. I am a James Bond fan. And this is a classic way a James Bond villain escapes.”
John stated, “As long as you don't plan on blowing up the place, as you leave. I could care less.”
Lotton said, “I am not planning to. Besides, this place does not have a self-destruct destruct system. I am not a complete monster. And neither is Chang.”
John replied, “Good. Then, just get out of here.”
Lotton said, “With pleasure.”
Lotton walked over, and he pulled up the lid of the cockpit, and stepped into it. He buckled himself into the cockpit. Next, he closed the lid, After which, he prepped the vehicle.
A few seconds later, John watched as the waterjet lowered into the tube. Less than ten second later, the waterjet launched, and flew through the tunnel that lead from Lotton's office, to the bay by Roanapur.
Within minutes, Lotton was out to sea, in the Gulf of Thailand, and free.
John spend the next few minutes recovering from his fight. He stood up, and limped to the couch by the bar, and he just lay on the soft cushions for a few minutes.
As he began to felt better, he stood up from the couch, and he walked over, to the far left corner of the office, to retrieve his pulse pistol.
After he picked up his pulse pistol, he held his weapon in his hands, as he checked to see if it was damaged. It was scratched, by the gunshot, but it appeared to be otherwise alright.
Once he he holstered his pulse pistol in his shoulder holster, he turned and left the office.
John headed for the nearby elevator bay, to use it to go back down to the floor where Lotton said he could find Data.
After passing through a few hallways, towards the elevator bay he had entered the floor on, he turned the corner, as he came to a stop.
John saw three adult women, in front of them.
They were standing beside each other, as they looked at John.
John thought, 'I don't see any weapons on them. And they appear to heading somewhere, themselves. Still, I would like to know who they are.' He calmly asked, “Who are you?”
One of the adult women inquired, “Who are you?”
Not wanting to waste time, John answered, “My name is John. I am with Rock. And our group is here to defeat Chang. Which, from what I have been tone, we just did.”
The three adult women just smiled at him.
An hour later, Rock and her group made it back into the hardsuit waiting room.
Data was sitting in a chair beside the Hell Saber, whom were still bound and sitting on the floor, beside each other.
As the Bad Company entered the room, the Hell Sabers, and Data, looked over at them.
Revy casually asked, “So, how did it go?”
As the members of Bad Company walked into the room, Rock answered, “We shutdown the boomers.”
Data replied, “Good.”
It was then that those in the room began to notice that something was wrong with the way the members of Bad Company were acting.
Data asked, “What is wrong?”
As Bad Company came to a stop, in the room, Rock said, “It is about Chang.”
Shenhua inquired, “What about Chang?”
Fabiola quietly said, “Chang got away.”
Rock turned to the four Hell Sabers, as she asked, “Girls, I know you all likely have seen the omakes, so did you know that Chang had her self changed into a girl, like me and the others?”
Revy, Shenhua, Sawyer, and Roberta looked at each other. They then turned back to look at Rock.
Revy answered, “In all honesty. We were not sure if Chang had an assassin boomer made to look his female counterpart. Or, if Chang been changed into a woman, and she had a boomer double made to look like her original, male self.”
Rock stated, “Well, the male Chang was the boomer double. And the real Chang is not female. And she got away.”
The four Hell Sabers laughing a little.
Akira asked, “What is so funny?”
As the four Hell Sabers calmed down, Revy answered, “The way Lotton talked to Shenhua and Sawyer sometimes. About Chang. The female Chang. We are pretty sure they were screwing each other, on a regular basis. Though, we all realized that Lotton had a blindspot, in that he didn't realize she looked like the female Chang from the omake.”
A few of the members of Bad Company giggled a little at Revy's comments. Among those that laughed as Akira, Fabiola, and Rock.
As Akira giggled, she said, “Oh. That is funny.”
Revy responded, “Yes. It is. And Arcee, with her alien sensors, probably knew which Chang was which. But, she refused to tell us. She said, while giggling, that it was more fun watching us try to figure it out on our own. Or, for us to work up the courage to ask Chang directly. Which we did not do.”
Fabiola commented, “What about your artificial eye, Roberta?”
Roberta answered, “My artificial cybernetic eye only lets me see as well as my natural eye. I selected it that way, to prevent having to rely solely on one eye, or the other. Though, I can see heat signatures and into the body, to a degree. But, assassin boomers are design to give off false sensor readings. So, even with my right artificial eye, I could not tell.”
Fabiola replied, “Oh.”
Rock thought, 'So, that boomer double of Chang's was just an assassin boomer. Then, why was he so much better than those boomer women... Of course. The Chang boomer double was programed with Chang's fighting abilities. So, of course he would be a better fighter. Still, I am happy we did not have to face a hyperboomer. I am not sure we could have handled one of those monsters, without some serious firepower.'
Revy stated, “Anyway, we had a bet going on, between the four of us. One which Chang was the real one. And which was not. The bet was to see which two of us would do laundry for the two for a week. And it looks like Shenhua and I lost, while Roberta and Sawyer won.”
Rock shrugged, as she replied, “I am not surprised you would make a bet over such matters.”
Revy commented, “We did it mostly out of boredom, than anything else.”
Roberta asked, “So, what exactly happened, in Chang's office? How did Chang get away?”
Rock answered, “As moronic as it sounds, Chang fooled us, of all people, into thinking she was her own secretary. And we let her go, while we then faced her male boomer double. Whom was such a ham, as a way to stall us. And it worked.”
The four Hell Sabers burst out laughing.
Between laughs, Revy stated, “Gee, Rock. That is bad.”
Rock sheepishly said, “Just laugh it up, and get it out of your system.
Between laughs, Shenhua replied, “With pleasure.”
As the Hell Sabers continued to laugh, they were still paying attention to those around them. They heard, as Ranma stated, “Chang had us completely fool. Which for Rock is not that serious a bruise to her ego. She is new at this gender bending game. But, for us, this is an old hat, it is a major blow to our egos.”
“What hurts the most is that from what I understand, I am one of the most experienced gender benders in the multiverse. In some way, I basically pioneered that gender bending concepts. Such as using gender bending, with the hat and glasses, disguise trick. And Chang, as a woman, was able to fool me without wearing a hat or glasses.”
By then, the Hell Sabers had started to calmed down, though, they were giggling some.
Sawyer said, through her electrolarynx choker, “That is bad, Ranma.”
Ranma replied, “I know.”
Akira commented, “Actually, it is kind of ironic. Chang usually wears sunglasses. Even inside. No one expect her to not where glasses. So, she used that against us. Along, with wearing such a feminine professional business suit and long skirt. That we thought Chang, with his... Well, her, macho attitude, would never been caught in.”
Natsuru said, “I have to admit. She looked good in that long skirt. That suit didn't really bring out her sexiness. Which she clearly had a lot of. But, instead it brought out her femininity and professional.”
Annie stated, “Chang is clearly savvy in almost every genre known. Including the gender bending genre. From what I understand, given what Akira told me of her collection, Chang has seen all your series, and she used that against us. She knew what we would be looking for, and she played against her own usual type. Face it, we got tricked by one of the best. Live with it, and move on.”
Fabiola said, “Annie is correct. Still, I am sure we will see her against some day.”
Rock stated, “That is a given.”
Bad Company then noticed that the Hell Sabers were still giggling.
Shenhua stated, “You can turn a dude into a chick, but they can still be blinded by the obvious.”
Revy commented, “I guess a man doesn't stop having a one tracked mind after being turned into a chick.”
Roberta said, “You are one to talk, Revy. You are worse than some men I could name.”
Revy defended herself, “Garcia does not count. He is the exception to the rule. Just like Rock over here.”
Rock smiled as Revy compliment.
Roberta noticed Rock's smile, as she cracked a grin. She stated, “You better believe it.”
By then, the Hell Sabers had calmed down. Sawyer then coughed a couple of times to get their attention. As the room quieted down, she used her electrolarynx choker to speak, “Ahem. Not to sound embarrassed. But, it has been a few hours, and well... And we know you guys clearly won. Brainwashed, or not. I have no interest in fighting a battle that is already lost. And I am not trying to escape, or anything...” She looked down at the floor, as she finished her request, “But, I really have pee.”
Rock ordered, “Data untie her. Akira, Natsuru, take her to a nearby restroom.”
Sawyer stated, “I know where it is. It is only a few rooms down the hallway.”
Rock replied, “Good.” She thought, 'I don't want them to go too far.'
Roberta said, “She is not the only one. I am a cyborg badass, and I am reduced to begging to take a pee break. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”
This time, it was Bad Company's turn to snicker at little.
Rock said, “Just untie them all. Given they have already admited their side already lost. They are not going to fight us.” She turned towards the Hell Sabers, as she continued, “Though, you girls are still brainwashed. And until we treat you, we are to keep an eye on you.” She looked over at Fabiola, as she went onto say, “Fabiola go with Roberta, and the others.”
Roberta said, “That will work for me.”
Sawyer replied, “As long as I get to pee. I don't care. You can even watch, if you want. But, I have got to go.”
A minute later, Data had untied all four women. With the four Hell Sabers standing together, in the back of the room.
Sawyer rushed passed the members of Bad Company, out of the room, and into the hallway, with Fabiola, Natsuru, Akira, and Roberta following right behind her.
Meanwhile, Revy and Shenhua took the opportunity to stretch their limbs
Shenhua turned to the others, as she asked, “So, what happens now?”
Annie answered, “Now, we figure out how to help you. How to deprogram you.”
Rock said, “I am sure we will figure something out.” She turned to Data, as she asked, “So what are your plans, Data?”
Data looked over at Rock, as he answered, “I am not really sure. Am I considered legally dead when I come from?”
Rock pointed out, “Yes. You died a hero. Though, this is not the first time that Star Fleet has someone declared dead, that turned up alive and well.”
Data said, “True. There is a whole book of regulations on the subject. And I will return to my home reality some day. But right now. After we help those in this tower. By the way, I have already formulated some plans that might help them.”
Rock replied, “I will look forward to hearing them. As soon as we are settled here.”
Data stated, “Good. Still, when it comes to myself, and my future, I have much to think about. Star Fleet mission is to explore the unknown. And through a twist of fate, I have truly stumbled on a level of unknown few would dare to imagine. But, given the nature of this unknown, if I were to explore it, I would likely violate the Prime Directive, and a number of temporal regulations.”
Rock commented, “I know Star Fleet prides itself on preparing their officers for just about anything. Though, I guess this is a little extreme, even for them.”
Data said, “You are correct. While Star Fleet is no stranger to dealing with alternate realities. Those usually dealt with just parallel variations of our own home reality. This situation is something else entirely. There will likely have to be a whole new volume invented for training Star Fleet officers on this subject.”
Rock stated, “And you will likely be the one to write that volume.”
Data let out a laugh. He responded, “True. But, that is neither here, nor there. Still, I find I am interesting conflict. But, one I can overcome with ease. Since, I am legally dead, I am no longer with Star Fleet, and I can explore this strange new levels of existence. Free of such regulations. At my discretion. Still, I will be honor in my actions.”
Rock replied, “Of course. I would expect nothing less from one of Star Fleet's finest.”
Data inquired, “Thank you. Though, I wonder if this is the possibilities that Q mentioned to the captain about?”
Rock answered, “It likely is. Q always seemed to be on the ball when it came to such matter. Though, let's not talk about him, or his kind, too much. I don't want him to show up. Our lives are crazy enough, as is.”
Data replied, “I agree.”
Rock suggested, “Also, if you are planning to stick around, I suggest you change your skin tone, and eyes, to more normal color tones.”
Data admitted, “That is a good point. Given my facial bone structure, I feel a fair skinned complexion might be best for myself. With both hair. And I have always been partial to green. So, I will have green irises.”
Rock commented, “I agree. That would look good on you.”
Data replied, “Thank you, for your vote of support.”
By then, Roberta, Sawyer, Fabiola, Akira, and Natsuru had returned to the room.
Rock turned to Roberta and Sawyer, as she asked, “Feeling better?”
Roberta and Sawyer simply nodded.
Natsuru said, “That is not all. We have someone to meet you, Rock.”
It was then, as on cue, John walked into the room.
They all looked over at John. With the Bad Company smiling upon seeing him.
Annie asked, “John, how did you find us?”
John answered, “Lotton told me where to find you. Also, that boomer off switch was a bust in his office. Though, you were able to defeat Chang, and you already turned off the boomers.”
Rock answered, “Yes. On both counter. But, Chang got away.”
John replied, “You can tell me about it, in a minute.”
Shenhua inquired, “Did Lotton get away?”
John turned Shenhua, as he stated, “Yes. He did. And I was not in a position to argue with him, on that matter.”
Shenhua said, “That is alright, John. He is our responsibility.”
Sawyer stated, “We will go after, later. After we have our loyal programming dealt with.
Shenhua agreed, “Of course.”
John thought, 'I don't even want to know what those two have planned for Lotton. Still, speaking of them. There is a matter that I need to ask, about them.' He looked around the room, at that freely standing Hell Sabers, as he inquired, “I take it they are going to behave themselves?”
Shenhua said, “Yes. We have no reason to fight you anymore.”
John responded, “Good. Because I have some information for both my group and your group. Lotton told me that both Megatron and Arcee have left this reality.”
Rock commented, “That is not surprising. Megatron knows that we know him too well. I am not surprised that he bailed on us. After he was sure we could complete the mission here, on our own.”
Revy commented, “I can say the same about Arcee. You think we are crazy, Rock. She is in a league of her own.”
Rock turned to Revy, as she stated, “I will take your word on that, Revy.”
John asked, “So, how was your luck with Chang? What exactly happened?”
Rock answered, “About the same, about the same with you and Lotton. Chang fooled us, of all people. He went through the process, as well. And she became a woman. She fool us into thinking that she was Chang's secretary. While we let her escape, right before we dealt with whom we thought was Chang. It turned out to be a boomer double that was about as hammy as you. Only less polite. And he was on hell of a fighter.”
John shrugged, as he responded, “Such things happen. We will find Chang again, later. Still, are you guys alright?”
Natsuru answered, “Yea. We are all just a little sore.”
John replied, “That's good.”
Akira said, “John. I hope you don't feel bad about that you were tricked into heading to Lotton's office.”
John commented, “Not really. Chang and Lotton both are two of the most savvy people I have ever met. And trust me. Both of them will get theirs, soon enough.”
Natsuru replied, “I agree. And I think now is the time for the reunion.”
John said, “I agree.” He turned to Rock, as he continued, “Rock, I met some people on the way here that I think you will like see you all.”
Rock turned to John, as she asked, “Reunion?” She mentally wondered, 'Could it be them?'
Then, it was turned of the three women, that John met, in walked into the room, from the hallway entrance.
Rock turned to the doors. As she saw the three women, she immediately recognized them, as she smiled. She thought, 'Yes. It is them.'
Revy looked over, and she saw them, as well. She casually said, “Hi guys.”
Standing in front of the group was Dutch, Benny, and Janet. Though, Dutch and Benny were currently women.
Dutch was wore an orange button up blouse, and green pants.
Benny was wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt.
Janet wore a light brown long skirt and a white blouse.
Rock said, “Hello.”
The three women looked at Rock with confused looks on their faces.
Janet looked at Rock's face, as she asked in a direct manner, “Who are you?”
Everyone else in the room, except Rock, starting laughing, as Rock's put her right palm on her face.
A second later, Benny, Dutch, and Janet joined in on the laughter.
Benny causally said, “We are just playing with you, Rock. We know it is you.”
Dutch mentioned, “Yea. You really think we wouldn't recognize you, after everything we have been through together? Anyway, it is good to see you again. Even under these circumstances.”
By then, everyone had started to calm down. Rock took her right hand off her face, as she happily replied, “Same here. So, whose idea was this, for your joke?”
John coughed.
Rock looked over at John, as she stated, “You have wicked sense of humor, John.”
John turned to Rock, as he replied, in a casual tone of voice, “It's a gift.”
Dutch and Benny walked up to Rock, as they took a good look at Rock, while Rock took a look at them.
Dutch was the tallest. She was taller than Revy. Rock was slightly shorter than Revy. With Benny being shorter than Rock, and almost as short as Sawyer.
Benny stated the obvious, “Well, this awkward.”
Rock soberly asked, “What do we do now?”
Dutch stepped forward, as she hugged Rock. She stated, “We go back to the way things were. You are part of my crew, Rock. You are part of my family. Things have changed. But, that won't change.”
As Dutch let go of Rock, she took a step back from the black haired woman.
Rock looked up to see a smile on Dutch's face.
Dutch said, “We are going to have so much fun together.”
Benny took a step closer to Dutch and Rock. She quietly said, to the two of them, “At least, now Revy can't be a bitch to us, about her period, anymore.”
All three of them laughed at Benny's joke.
Meanwhile, Janet walked across the room, where Revy was standing. She asked the redhead, while looking at the three women, “What do you think those three are laughing about?”
Revy replied, “Beats me.”
Janet took a closer looked at Rock's chest, a she thought, 'Rock has a nice set of breasts on her. They might be bigger than mine. Though, given how nice Rock is, I don't mind.'
Across the room, Dutch asked, “So, Rock. I know about the Hell Sabers. But, who is this crew you have.”
Rock cracked a grin, as she said, “I call them Bad Company. And they live up to the name.”
Dutch stated, “I like the name.”
Benny looked over at John, as she inquired, with delight in her tone of voice, “Is that John Crichton?”
John noticed his name mentioned. He turned to face the blond haired woman, standing by Rock and Dutch, as he answered, “Yes. You must be Benny. I have heard a lot about you, Dutch, and Janet. Nice to meet you all.”
Benny replied, with a smile on her lips, “You too. I would love to have your autograph...” Her lips turned lecherous, as she continued, “Hold on a second. I'm chick now. Forget the autograph. Can I sleep with you?”
Benny's question caught John off guard.
Janet walked up beside her girlfriend left side. She turned to Benny, as she said, “Honey. Do not be rude.” She turned to face John, with her smile then turning as lecherous as her girlfriend's smile. She continued, “I should be asking that question.”
John started to grow worried.
Benny looked over at Janet, as she conceded, “You are right, dear. You should go first. Then me.”
Janet looked over at Benny, as she suggested, “Threesome?”
Benny and Janet turned back to look at John, as Benny happily replied, “Works for me.”
John took a few steps back, as he hastily said, “Now girls. I'm married. And the woman I am married to can be far more scarier than any of the Hell Sabers.”
John thought, 'I use to think fanboys were bad. But, I found Lotton to not be that bad. But, fangirls are far more scarier.'
Akira had overheard the conversation between Benny, Janet and John. She turned towards them, as she stated, “Janet, Benny, I have met Aeryn in person. He is not joking about this. She could take Roberta in a fight.”
Nearby, Roberta thought about Akira's comment for a moment. She stated, “You might be right, Akira. I have seen the series. Aeryn can be one mean bitch. Hahahaha!”
Roberta's comment caught everyone off guard.
Benny and Janet then wisely choose to back off on trying to take turns mounting John.
Dutch turned to Annie, as she asked, “Rock, who is the brown haired girl?”
Annie had been paying attention to the conversations around her. She turned to Dutch, as she answered, “I am Annie. You know me better as Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker. Chang captured me and changed me. On the bright side, since being out of the black suit, my overall personality has improved a lot. I have been told I have emotionally matured quite a bit, as well.”
Dutch looked Annie up and down. She said, “I am glad to hear that. Also, you know, for someone who had been hacked up and burned alive, that vat process did wonders for you.”
Annie grinned, as she responded, “I know. And you are not to bad looking yourself.”
Dutch replied, “Thank you.”
Annie admitted, “To be honest. I am not really that pissed off about being a woman. Considering I got my limbs back. I am healthy now. And I am out of that damn suit. It is more the fact Chang didn't ask me first, and she planned to use me as breeding stock. Fortunately, Rock saved me, before I could be impregnated.
Dutch thought over what Annie had said. She then stated, “That's good. And taking into account your point of view, I can fully understand where are you coming from.”
Annie winced, as she responded, “Please Dutch. No point of view comments. I hate that term.”
Dutch realized what Annie meant. She said, “Oh... Sorry about that, Annie.”
Annie replied, “No problem.”
Nearby, Sawyer walked over to Fabiola. She looked at the green haired woman, as she complimented, “Fabiola. We have fought each other several times. But, I have never taken a good look at you until now. Fabiola, you have really grown up since the first time I met you in Roanapur.”
Fabiola grinned, as she used her hands to light cup her large breasts for a second, while looking down at her breasts. She dropped her hands to her sides, as she looked at Sawyer. She stated, “I sure have.”
Sawyer responded, “I am truly envious.”
Roberta walked up, to stand near both Fabiola and Sawyer. She said, “Yes, Fabiola. You have certainly grown up. Your overall figure might be on par with my own. I am happy about that. I am not the jealous type. As such, there will be problems at the Lovelace household.”
Fabiola looked away from Roberta, as she quietly said, “Well, Roberta. There is something we need to talk about.”
From the way Fabiola was action, Roberta could guess what Fabiola was getting at. Roberta calmly inquired, “You and the young master spent a night, or two, together?”
Fabiola continued looking away, as she blushed.
Roberta slightly smiled, as she kindly responded, “I forgive you both. I was away for too long. And even with the other servants, you were both too young to be left alone for such an extended period of time. I truly blame myself.”
Fabiola looked over at Roberta, as she said, with a weak smile, “Thank you, Roberta.”
Roberta responded, “I am just glad you did not end up pregnant. It would have been an embarrassment for everyone involved.”
Fabiola blushed even redder, as she said, “We had enough sense to use protection.”
Roberta stated, “I am glad I taught you something that stuck.” She let out a small laugh at her joke. She then continued, “But, all three of us will be talk about this when we get home.”
Fabiola swiftly replied, “Yes ma'am.”
John saw that Janet and Benny's attention had turned back towards him. He thought, 'I got to take their mind off of me, before things get out of hand... And mentioned him might do it.' He quickly stated, “You know. Megatron was also on this crew. But, he bailed on us a few hours ago.”
Janet questioned, “Really?”
John replied, “Yes.”
Benny said, “Unbelievable.”
Janet inquired, “We met Arcee. Now, that was an interesting experience. So, how was living around Megatron, from day to day?”
John shrugged, as he said, “Better than you would expect.” He thought, 'It looks like my plan worked.'
Janet then looked over at Data, as she asked, “Are you Data from Star Trek. Star Trek being the series you are from.”
Janet questioned caught not only the attention of Data, but also Benny. As Benny looked over at Data.
Data turned to Janet, as he calmly answered, “Yes.”
Janet replied, “Cool.”
Benny asked, “It is true that you are anatomically functional as male?”
Data thought with annoyance, 'My life experiences have not prepared me for this situation.'
Data sternly said, “I believe such discussions should not be talked about in a such a diverse company of people, as we have before us.”
Benny and Janet quickly realized they should both back off from such topics with Data.
Nearby, Dutch turned to Akira, as she said, “It is good to see you again, Akira.”
Akira turned to look at Dutch, as she happily responded, “Same here, Dutch. And trust me, being a woman is not that much different than being a man. In the important ways. Feelings. Emotions. Sensations are slightly different. But, most things are still the same in our day to day lives.”
Dutch smiled, as she replied, “Given that it is you saying that. I will believe you.”
Meanwhile, Janet and Benny then turned their attention to Ranma and Natsuru.
Janet pointed at them, with her right hand, as she asked, “Who are these two?” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.
Ranma and Natsuru noticed Janet pointing at them, as they turned to face her.
Ranma answered, “I am Ranma.”
Natsuru responded, “And I am Natsuru.”
Benny inquired, “Ranma Saotome, and Natsuru Senou?”
Ranma replied, “Yes.”
Natsuru questioned, “You have heard of us.”
Janet admitted, “Yes. Benny and I are big anime fans. And Chang was nice enough to share his, I guess her, library with us.” Janet then turned to Akira, as she stated, “Akira, I didn't know you were such a pervert in your youth.”
Akira turned to Janet, as she smirked. She quipped, “How do you think we got along so well?”
Janet conceded, “Point taken.”
Akira noticed that Ranma and Natsuru were looked at Janet and Benny. She said, “Well Janet and Benny, I guess I should mention that Natsuru and Ranma are also both my girlfriends.”
Janet replied, “You lucky bitch.”
Benny said, “And I thought I was lucky.”
Janet turned to Benny, as she said, “You are, honey.”
Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru looked at each other, as they giggled a little
Ranma commented, “I remember when you to said that to me.”
Akira said, “I know. I remember that.”
Natsuru stated, “So do I.”
Akira turned to Janet and Benny, as she commented, “You know Benny. Most men that are turned into women are usually a little more... Restrained. Yet, you and Janet have been acting like alley cats out on the prowl.”
Benny smiled, as she responded, “On the first night we woke up, after Dutch and I were changed, Janet introduced me to the pleasures of being a woman.” Her smile widened, as she said, “I never looked back.”
Akira inquired, “And Dutch?”
Janet smirked, “How do you think we were able to convince her to wear a skirt?”
Benny commented, “Yea. Janet can make just about any woman scream a very high octave in pleasure.”
Ranma leered at Janet and Benny, as she said, “I bet.”
Janet said, “Anyway, we are both horny and need some relief.”
Benny politely requested, “Janet and I are interested in learning what you three can do. Do you please think we can make a five way date out of it?”
Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru looked at each other, and smiled, as they turned to face Janet and Benny.
Natsuru said, “We are open to it.”
Akira stated, “Let's just make sure no one gets pregnant from the experience.”
Janet and Benny nodded, as Benny said, “We completely agree.”
Nearby, John walked up to Data, as he asked, “What are you thinking about Data?”
Data turned to John, as he quietly answered, “I am now just realizing how blessed I was with my old friends. My mature, sane, intelligent, intellectual, civil, polite, understanding, patient friends.”
John responded, “I know the feeling, buddy. I think we are the two sanest, most mature people in the room. The space case, and the Pinocchio. That scares me.”
Data nodded his head, as he responded, “I wholeheartedly agree.”
Meanwhile, Sawyer turned to Shenhua, as she asked, “What is on your mind, girlfriend?”
Shenhua coldly answered, “Lotton. He brainwashed us. And though we are still brainwashed for the moment, that will not be for long. And I am already thinking of what my revenge against him will be. Finding him will not be a problem. We made a career out of finding people across the multiverse. Still, in spite of everything. He did treat us well. He did not take advantage of us. He did not abuse our loyalty to him and Chang. He never asked for more than we would have accepted when it came to paid missions. When we were all in the Raven Unit.”
Sawyer agreed, “True. Lotton was nice to us. So, was Chang. On that matter. As such, we must think of a fitting revenge that does not permanently maim, nor kill him. So, mutilation and murder are out.”
Shenhua replied, in a disappointing tone of voice, “Unfortunately.”
Sawyer then smile wickedly, as she stated, “How about this?”
Sawyer walked over quietly whispered a comment through her electrolarynx.
Shenhua returned to Sawyer, as she gave Sawyer an equally devious smile. She said, “That is perfect... Still there are other matters I wish to know first.”
Shenhua dropped her smile, as she turned to Rock. She asked, “Rock. I heard there was fighting outside. I was wondering who Chang's boomers were battling?”
Rock turned to Shenhua, as she answered, “We call them The Distraction Crew. Vash from Trigun, is their leader. The other members are Duke Nukem, Boba Fett, and Deadpool.”
Sawyer complimented, “Good selection.”
Rock and Shenhua looked at her. Sawyer commented, “I had a life before I came to Roanapur. I was reading comics. I watched movies. And I played video games since I was a child.”
Rock thought, 'I guess it takes all kinds. And we probably need to go get them. And bring them in here. Soon. Along, with contacting the Serenity.'
Sawyer turned to Roberta, as she said, “The one thing that is for sure is that we are going to keep in touch with each other. Isn't that right, Roberta?”
Roberta overheard Sawyer. She turned to looked over at Sawyer, as she warmly smiled towards Sawyer. Roberta replied, “I agree, Sawyer.”
Nearby, John was looking around, as he thought, 'I guess someone needs to bring up the subject. And I guess that it will be me.'
John spoke up, in a loud enough tone of voice for everyone in the room to hear him say, “Ladies!” A second later, the various conversations died down, as John said in a more softer tone of voice, “Not to sound like the responsible adult here. God help me. But, we still have to figure out how to deprogram these women. Trust me. From personal experience, I have learned that leaving such things alone for too long is a very bad idea.”
John bitterly thought, 'With that chip was in my hard, I seriously harmed Aeryn. And that event ultimately cost Zhaan her life, to bring Aeryn back to life. But, that was Zhaan's choice. And I do miss her. Along with losing her, I never thought I would be rid of Harvey. Thankfully he is long gone.'
Annie stated, “I was brainwashed with more intensive programing than they likely have. I have already been able to break most of the programing already, on my own. I know several meditation techniques that should help them. As those meditation techniques helped me. But mostly, it is just going to take time.”
Everyone turned to look at Annie.
Benny said, “That is nice to hear. I won't mind learning such techniques from you.”
Janet commented, “Me neither.”
Roberta stated, “It is clear that Annie has learned to control her legendary Vader level anger. I am more than eager to learn from her. I am told that my anger could be considered nearly equal to hers.”
Annie turned to Roberta, as she calmly said, “Do not worry, Roberta. If you are willing to learn, then you will get much out of my teachings.” Though, Annie did not show it on the outside, she inwardly winced, as she thought, 'Damn it. I am starting to sound like Obiwan.'
Roberta responded, “I am more than willing to learn.”
Annie replied, “Good.”
Shenhua stated, “I admit that I may need to temper my anger a bit.”
Sawyer commented, “I find that thinking clearly has its benefits.”
Dutch said, “You know me. I am always open to new experiences.”
Everyone got a light laugh from Dutch's joke.
Revy complained, “Great. I am going to have to learn how to meditate.”
Sawyer said, “Annie. You probably should know that getting Revy to sit down in one place for any extended amount of time, let alone concentrate, is a challenge.”
Annie cracked a grin, as she looked at Revy. She stated, with a bit of eagerness in her tone of voice, “I like a challenge.”
Rock looked over at Revy, as she offered, “I will learn these meditation techniques with you, Revy. Gaining a little more self-control will help all of us.”
Revy turned to Rock, as she conceded, “Alright, Rock.”
By then, Dutch had walked over to stand beside John. She turned to John, as she commented, “I am going to learn self-control... We are going to learn self-control from Darth Vader. On top of that, Darth Vader is going to teach self-control, and anger management to Revy of all people.”
John turned to Dutch, as he said, “I know, Dutch. It just boggles the mind.”
Dutch replied, “Well John, at least Annie seems to be much nicer than I thought she would be. Is she this nice all month long?”
John immediately understood the subtext of Dutch's question, as he answered, “Yes. And I thanked to every god I knew of, in prayer, for that small favor.”
Dutch complimented, “You are a very wise man, John. I can see why you are so well respected by everyone that knows you.”
John responded, “Thanks, Dutch. The life of hard knocks have taught me a thing or two, about a thing or two.”
Dutch could not help but laugh a little John's comment.
Rock stated, “Well, I guess we need to contact the Distraction Crew, and the Serenity. On that thought, with Megatron gone, we are going to need alternate transportation, for when we get around to sending them from this reality, to their destinations.”
Revy commented, “That will not be a problem. We have plenty of reality traveling gear here. Just choose your flavor.”
Data mentioned, “I download a lot of technology from Chang's computers. Including blueprint designs, and other data on reality traveling and tracking technology. I will share this information with you all. Along with some of the other things Chang has done to you. Such as the research and information on the vat process. And what he called a supersoldier serum, that only was safe for women to be exposed too.”
Rock responded, “Thank you, Revy and Data. Between Chang's equipment and Data's information, we should be fine. By the way, is the Tower fully automated. Even without the boomers. Or, do we have any pressing matters that need to be checked on? Such as electrical generators, or the water systems?”
Data answered, “From what I saw in Chang's computer systems, everything is automated. Even without the boomers. Save for the factory systems on the lower levels. Which were set to automatically shutdown when the boomers shutdown. Electricity and water will function fine for the foreseeable future. Chang believe in having back up plans. And I admire her for that.”
Rock stated, “Good. Then, we can move onto other matters.”
Fabiola interrupted, “Before we get to that. I am sure there are items here I am we would all would like to take as trophies.”
Janet stated, “I would like a copy of Chang's collection of fiction.”
Revy said, “I am calling dips on Chang's collection of alcoholic beverages. I have found I had developed a taste for Romulan Ale.”
Natsuru commented, “When we found that boomer double of Chang, in Chang's office. We kind of kind of destroyed Chang's bar, and alcoholic collection.”
Revy snorted, as she stated, “Come on. You think Chang kept all of her good stuff out in that office bar. That was only a small portion of her collection. Lotton and Chang. The real female Chang. Took us on a tour once, and they showed us the fully stocked storehouses in this Tower. In the wineries of those storehouses, there is a wide selection, and amount, of alcoholic beverages, in them.”
John requested, “Well, in that case, Revy. I think I will try some of that Romulan Ale. I always wanted to learn what Romulan Ale tastes like.”
Revy responded, “Sure. No problem. I even know where she hid those bottles, in those storehouses, in the Tower, that she did not have out, on her office bar.”
Akira commented, “That is good. So, when will be a good time for you to show us where these story houses are?”
Revy stated, “After we settle up here and get our first meditation class over with. I will show you where Chang's wineries are, in the Tower.”
Akira replied, “That will be fine.”
John commented, “I look forward to it.”
Rock said, “Well, ladies and gentlemen. We can discuss the matters later. We have more pressing issue to deal with.”
As Rock continued talking, Dutch slowly walked over to Benny, as she whispered into her good friend's ear, “Benny. Let us make sure we take some of this working reality jumping and reality tracking technology and equipment with us.”
Benny softly replied, “Agree. Blueprints and research information are also important. Janet and I can probably recreate most of the technology. We just need a time, and a quiet place to work.”
Dutch quietly responded, “Don't worry. I will manage that. We get get the data, from well... Data.”
Benny nodded, as she whispered, “Good. And then Janet and I will do our part.”
Dutch softly said, “Also, I found the Lagoon. So, we are covered when it comes to transportation. Along, with few other things.”
Benny quietly replied, “Nice. It seems we will have all our bases covered. Like usual.”
Dutch whispered, “Yep.”
Dutch and Benny then turned to listen to Rock finish her statement, “Fortunately, we have a few days to work on a plan to help ourselves, and those that are trapped here, before things get serious.”
Rock turned to Data, as she continued, “Data already stated he has been working on a plan. Which we will headed in a few minutes.”
Data nodded once towards Rock, as an acknowledgment towards Rock, to confirm that he heard her.
Rock then looked around the room, as she stated, “Our first order of business is to contact our guys outside, and the signal the crew of the Serenity to return. After that we will start making plans, while honoring our bargains with those that helped up.”
“Such as finding a new home realities for the Serenity crew. We will offer them advice on where they want to go with their ship. I have a few ideas. As I am sure a few others here do, as well. But, they will have the final call one their new home. Also, we need to upgrade Boba Fett, armor and weapons. I do not want to get on that man's bad side.”
“And I do not feel right about returning Wade to his reality. It did not look like things were going well there. But, we have to figure out what the hell to do with him. And where to send him. He is too dangerous to turn loose on the multiverse. Maybe we can find a nice paradise version of a mental asylum that can help him with both his insanity, and his physical problems.”
“So, I mean this, when I say. People, we have a lot of work to do. And little time to do it in. So, let us get started.”
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
I hoped you enjoyed the climax of book two. We still have the two epilogues to book two. But, that does not mean this anthology is anywhere near over.
I enjoyed the battle and fighting scenes in this chapter.
It was a very diverse fighting scenes in this story.
I mean, come on. How many stories are you going to see, where Megatron is in a savage fight with four giant robots, whom are a little bigger than him. And when Megatron gets his second wind, he rages on them, while quoting Dylan Thomas', Do not go gentle into that good night.
Warrior poet, indeed.
Also, Bringing Data into the story solved a lot of problems for this chapter. It also gave me an excuse to bring him into the story, in the first place. And he is a fun character to write. Almost as fun as John. Because, Data's character is so diverse, in his range of reactions and emotions, to a situation.
Still, I kept Data reserved, with him showing a dry sense of humor. Such humor was missing in this story.
Boris and Hotel Moscow's revolt was a nice touch to the battle.
And I wanted to also show, that Lotton and Chang were flexible, as the battle started to turn on them.
Such as, when Lotton learned that Data was helping Bad Company, he immediately contacted Arcee, and implemented a few plans, to weakened Bad Company. And while Chang's forces lost the battle, those plans did work, in weakening Bad Company some, by dividing their forces, for a while.
Along with this, I like out the two different methods that Chang and Lotton used, to escape the heroes of the story.
Also, I like how Chang and Lotton were able to escape the members of Bad Company, through completely different means.
It was a nice twist that it turned out the real Chang was a woman, and fool the members of Bad Company, of all people, into letting her go. While her boomer-double kept the Bad Company busy.
And I did give some clues, earlier in the story, that the real Chang was the asian woman with the boomer-double Chang.
I loved how much I got to ham it up with the boomer-double of Chang, with you the readers wonder why I took Chang so out of character. For you all to later learn that really was not Chang. But, a boomer, instead.
And I threw in the customer party conversation, because it was just an interesting conversation piece to add to the situation.
Along with that, I enjoyed writing the conversation scene between Lotton and John. This gave a treat contrast to the rest of the chapter. With to genre savvy fanboys, having a pleasant conversation.
And Lotton already knew they lost. He was not talking to John, to stall him. He just wanted to have a conversation, then fight with John.
Now, the fight between John and Lotton was interesting, because. Let's face. John is not the best fighter in a melee out there. While, Lotton commented that Chang had been teaching him out to fight.
The reason I chose to give Lotton a boxer fighting style was it was different from the rest of the fighting styles in the story.
And Lotton was not really trying to seriously harm John. He was just seeing if he could beat him.
The two of them even ended their conversation, after the fight, on a good note. With Lotton even telling John what was going on, and how to get back with Data and the others.
Finally, when Lotton showed John his form of escape, even Lotton admitted this his waterjet, was a bit like Bond villain style escape. But, he was just having to much fun, not to use it.
The aftermath, with the conversation between the groups, was tricky, but fun to write in its own way.
I view that conversation scene, as more of a, meet and greet, scene for everyone.
Also, this was a completely different scene than what one would escape, from two opposing sides, after the battle is over. But, since most of those on both sides were originally friends. This is how the situation turned out.
Also, I enjoyed how John and Data came to the horrible conclusion, that they are the two most mature people in the room.
Given who these two are, in their respective series, that is saying something. And it is not good.
And the thought of Annie teaching the others medication techniques, that will also help with their anger management, is just so deliciously poetic.
Until next time. Have fun.
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