Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.
Chapter One: “Things Change.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
A few months after Hanna Solas' defeat, on an Earth, in the multiverse. A few weeks after Futaba's babyshower.
It was was a cool, clear Friday night, right after dark, in Aspen, Colorado, in the home reality of three very interesting individuals.
Those three individuals were Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru. All of them were woman at the time, as they had finally made it in to an up scale nightclub.
They were all woman, due to being female allowed them quicker entry into the nightclub.
The three knew they were sexy, as women, and they used that to their advantage.
Ranma wore a black mini-skirt, with a red tubetop across her breasts that matched her hair color.
Natsuru wore a blue strapless dress that matched her hair color, and went down to just above her knees.
Akira wore tight fitting, black denim jeans, with a yellow blouse that matched her hair color.
All three of them wore simple, flat soled shoes. And each had on pantyhose, due to the slight chill in the outside air.
As the entered the crowded nightclub, they stood in a line, stood side by side, with Ranma on the left side, Akira in the middle, and Natsuru on the right side, as the looked out at the crowd of people in the room.
Ranma turned to the two other two women, as she asked, in english, “Well, we are here. What should we do first?”
Akira suggested, in english, “First, let us find a table, and get a few drinks. This place is so crowded, we need to do that first. Or, even as babes, we might not get served. Nor, find a table, when we finally decide to sit down.”
Natsuru said, in english, “Good idea. Then, we can take turns dancing with each other, while the third waits are our table.”
The other two women nodded in agreement. All three of them went to find a table in the crowded nightclub.
A little while later, in the same nightclub, across the main room, from the entrance, in a second story office, overlooking the dance floor, a meeting of representatives, of various powers in the world were having a discussion with a well dressed, black haired japanese man.
The reasons the meeting was held in the nightclub, was that almost no one would expect such a meeting to take place in a nightclub. With the owner and manager, will paid to allow the meeting, and keep meeting private.
Also, they all entered from a side entrance, from the back of the building. Allowing them to avoid everyone else in the nightclub, from seeing them.
Among those in the room, was a large tall, physically fit, blond man, known as Gomez. He sat with the other representatives, at the office table.
Gomez, along with the other representatives quietly watch the japanese man standing, at the end of the table, as made his pitch, in very well spoken english.
Gomez thought, 'The way this man's associates had contacted us was interesting. They hacked our computers and left the messages for this place, and time. Also, in the message, they gave us some basic formulas dealing with metaphysics, to prove their claims.'
'And the scientists I know, whom were shown the formulas were emotionally floored. They said that if the formulas were correct. Which they looked like. This is opened up several interesting possibilities for them.'
'As such, I was sent to this meeting, to listen to this man. And from listening to you, I do not think this meeting was a waste of time. If anything, this man knows how explain things, while keeping his audience interested.'
'Also, he wisely hasn't given us his name, but it if what he is telling us is true, I can understand why he is being so secretive with his personal information. I will have to report to my superiors, once we are finish here.'
'Still, there are a few things that appear, off, about this man.'
Gomez looked closer at the japanese man, as he continuing his speech, with Gomez still paying close attention to the man's speech.
The japanese man was average height and physical build for his nationality. He had brown eyes, his black hair was cut short, in a slightly wild hair style. He looked like he could be in his mid-twenties, though he could be no older than thirty. He was well dressed in a black suit, tie, and formal black men's dress shoes.
Though, the man appeared to have very pale skin.
What concerned Gomez the most was the man, was that his skin was very pale, and he was using a cane, in his right hand, to help keep his steady, while he stood. The cane itself was a three feet long black metal stick, with a silver handle grip.
Gomez thought, 'That is no act. He is putting some of his weight on that cane. And given how pale his skin is, it is clear he is ill. Maybe very ill, and likely physically weak. Due to his apparent illness, he might actually be young than he appears. But, he still feels that he has to do this. And I can respect him for doing so. Now, about the other person, that he came in with.'
Gomez looked to the man's right side, was a woman with brown hair standing at attention. She was a fair skinned woman in her mid-twenties. She wore a black chauffeur suit, without the hat. She had a chrome flashlight hooked to the right side of her belt.
But, it was the woman's brown hair, which almost looked like her hair was styled in a crewcut, that drew most of Gozem's interest. Though, Gomez was almost interested in the way the woman was standing. She had her back to the wall, but she was not leaning against the wall. Instead, she standing up straight, as she had her head turned towards them.
Gomez mentally wondered, 'Her hair seemed like it had been shaved off and only recently been growing back. Also, her body language shows that she is a professional. She had not leaned, nor stopped looking at us, during the whom meeting.'
'And I can tell, from the way this woman is looking at us, she completely aware of what is happening in this room.'
'As such, I would guess she must be the japanese man's assistant and bodyguard. And I have long since learned from Birdy that small packages can offer big surprises. I better not underestimate her.'
Gomez turned to looked back to the japanese man. He had been paying attention to what the japanese man was saying, as he thought, 'It looks like this man is wrapping up his speech.'
The man said, in english, “So, as you can see, my enemies are your enemies. I appreciate your time. And I hope you take precautions. Thank you. Before any of your ask questions. I am real under some time constrains at the moment. You have been given plenty of information from myself, and my associates, already. I do not have to time to give you any more. Have a pleasant evening.”
Then, man then turned, and used his cane, as he walked over to the exit door, that lead to the dance floor, and bar area.
The man's assistant noticed this, as she walked over to the door, and opened the door for him. He then walked out, using his cane, with his assistant closing the door behind them.
Soon after, the others in the room filed out and discretely left the building from a side exit, that took them directly outside, to the back of the building. Where they could take their cars, and leave, without being seen by those in the nightclub.
At that moment, the bottom floor, in the main room of the nightclub, Ranma was sitting in a chapter, at a small four person table, as she sipped her bottle of beer. She watched as Akira and Natsuru dance on the dance floor, to the rock music playing, for the last few minutes.
Ranma thought, 'Those two really love each other. And they do deserve each other. I am so glad I accepted their offer to let me be in their personal life. It has been so much fun. Coop taught be how nice it was to be with someone who returned my love. And these two have done the same for me. And I do my best to returned it. I am also glad that Natsuru let me have first dance with Akira. I will have to do something nice for her, later.'
A few seconds later, as the rock song that was playing, began to wind down, Akira and Natsuru stopped dance, and returned to their table. Both sat down, in chairs, near Ranma. And they each took a sip of their own bottles of beer.
As Ranma saw the other two finish drinking, and set their bottles back down, Ranma asked, “So, what now?”
Natsuru suggested, “I have an idea for a game.”
Akira replied, “I am all ears.”
Natsuru said, “Two of us pick a single man out at random and have the third go up to that man, and flirt with him.”
Akira commented, “That is mean.”
Natsuru defended her idea, as she stated, “It is not cruel if you let him down gently. Done right, with a simple kiss on his cheek, it could even bright that man's day.”
Ranma said, “I like it. Akira, you go first.”
Akira asked, “Why me?”
Ranma replied, “You got to dance twice. Now, you can go first. After that, I will go. Then Natsuru. Because Natsuru was nice enough to let me have the first dance with you.”
Natsuru turned Ranma, as she smiled at the redheaded woman. She said, in a happy tone of voice, “Thank you, Ranma. That is so sweet.” She then looked around, as she tried to find the first man for Akira to flirt with. As she continued, “Now, who will be our first contestant?”
From across the room, Ranma spotted a man in a black suit, whom was using a cane. The man was coming down a second story some stairs, from a catwalk. There was steel railing on both the catwalk, and stairs. As the man carefully made his way down the stairs, from the second floor, he was being helped by a woman in a black chauffeur suit.
When the man reached the bottom, he started using his cane to walk to the left end of the bar counter, near the stairs. He then sat a stool in front of the bar counter, with the woman standing right beside him, to the man's left side. After which, the man set his cane against the bar counter, by his right leg.
The man's back was turned to them, as Ranma pointed at him, with her right hand. She stated, “How about that guy, as the end of the bar. The one with the cane. He looks like he could use some cheering up.” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.
Natsuru and Akira looked over at the man and woman, whom were across the room from them.
Natsuru commented, “It looks he already has a girlfriend.”
Ranma disagreed, “Nope. I know girlfriends. That is no girlfriend. That is an assistant.”
Akira resigned herself to some embarrassment, as she said, “He'll do. Let me just get this over with.”
Akira downed the rest of her beer bottle. She then set the bottle back on the table, and got up from her chair, at their table.
As Akira began walking towards the well dressed man, she saw the bartender had opened a bottle of Bacardi to pour the man a glass of rum.
When Akira got closer, she saw the man then putting a lighter and pack of cigarettes. With him lighting a the cigarette, and putting the lighter and pack of cigarettes, back into his pockets. After which, the man held the cigarette between his right index and middle fingers, as he used his left hand to take a swallow of rum, from his glass.
Akira walked up the man, from the opposite side at his assistant. She stood right behind him, to the man's right. Akira said, in a calm tone of voice, “Hi there. How are you doing?”
The man set his glass down on the counter, as looked upwards. He muttered, “You have got to be kidding me. I am never this lucky with the women back home.”
The man then turned to face the woman, as he said, in a polite tone of voice, “I apologize, Miss. I am rather busy, right now. You see my associates, and I, are bad company. But, since you came over, I could pay for your drink...”
Then, both the japanese man and Akira turned to get a good looked at each others face.
Akira asked, “Rock?”
Rock inquired, “Akira?”
Akira quickly questioned, “Rock? What are you doing here? How did you get here?”
Rock interrupted her, as he began to babble, “Wait a minute. This is where you left for... That explains so much... Chang only started acting weird after the night you met with him... You are the final piece to the puzzle. You must tell me what you said to Chang.”
Akira then noticed how pale and unhealthy Rock looked. She then mentally realized, 'And he is using a cane.' Akira inquired, with worry in her voice, “Rock. I promise I will tell you everything. Though, you are likely not going to like it. But, I am more concerned with your health. You don't look so good. What is the matter?”
Rock flatly answered, “I know, I don't look good. I have been poisoned. And I am slowly dying.”
Akira questioned, “Is there anything we can do for you? You would be very surprised at the resources I have available to me.”
Rock coyly replied, “I am sure. But, there is nothing I can think of that could be done for me, that would still let me remain free.”
Suddenly, there was a commotion at the front double-door entrance of the bar.
Everyone turned to towards the front, as they watched while the two bouncers were thrown inside, on their backs, and a green haired teenage girl, in her late teens, walked in through the front doors.
The woman was hispanic, with tanned skin. She was short teenage girl, over average height, for her gender. She had green eyes, and she had long green hair, that was tied in a ponytail, at a few points, that ran down her back. She wore black jeans, black boots, a green blouse under an unzipped black leather jacket. The jacket was open and she clearly had two semi-automatic pistols in shoulder holsters. Though, this clothing did little to hide her beautiful looks, athletic figure, and her respectively sized breasts.
The green haired girl rushed through the crowd, to stand by Rock's assistant. She turned to Rock, as she said to him, in english, “They found us.”
Rock noticed that his assistant suddenly tensed up.
Rock turned to them, as he stated, in a reassuring tone of voice, “Fabiola, Annie, calm down. It is not as bad as you think. We just got a lucky break. This woman by me, is Akira. And she will be of great help to us. Though Fabiola, is the car coming around back?”
Akira looked at the green haired teenage girl, as she thought, 'That is Fabiola. Roberta's student. I don't know what is going on. Or, how she ended up with Rock, here. Though, it is clear that Fabiola has grown some, since the Black Lagoon anime series ended.'
The green haired teenager, Fabiola, answered, “Yes.”
Rock replied. “Good.” He then turned to Akira, as he explained to her, “Akira. Things have changed. A lot of stuff is about to happen. I need you to just roll with the situation. I will explain what is going on later. And we will have introductions, then.”
Akira turned back to look at Rock, as she responded, “Okay. Let me go get my friends. They can help. They are over at a nearby table.” She then turned to look at her friends, whom were still sitting in chair, as table across the room.
Akira sat that Natsuru, and Ranma, were looking back at them.
Akira thought, 'Good. They are aware of the situation.'
Akira used her right hand to motion to Ranma and Natsuru to come to her.
Meanwhile, Rock commented, “Help is always welcome.”
From across the room, Ranma and Natsuru had seen all of what had transpired. And they noticed Akira motioning for them to come over to her.
Ranma commented, “I think our night just got a lot more interesting.”
Natsuru replied, “I agree. Let's go see what is going on.”
As they got up from their chairs, everyone in the room heard a series of clanks towards the front doors.
Everyone turned to looked at the front doors again.
Ranma rhetorically questioned, “You got to be kidding me?”
At the front of the nightclub, the crowd of people quickly split around four new people, whom were wearing powerarmor that was oddly familiar to Akira and Natsuru.
Akira turned to Rock, as she asked, “Are those the Knight Sabers?”
Rock replied, “More like the Hell Sabers.”
Akira and Rock then turned back to look at the powerarmored women.
Of the four hardsuits, the hardsuit in front of the group was red. The others hardsuits were white, black, and purple.
Meanwhile, almost everyone in the room ran around the four powerarmored woman, as they fled the building, out the front door.
Meanwhile, the only ones still the room were the four powerarmor individuals, Rock, Akira, Annie, Fabiola, Natsuru, and Ranma.
The lead armored woman in red inquired, in an electronic voice, in english, “Akira?”
Suddenly, the woman pulled up her visor on her helmet, to show them that she was Revy.
Akira then saw that the other women had revealed their faces, by pulling up their visors.
In the white armor was Shenhua. In the black armor was Sawyer. And Akira guessed that the woman in the purple armor was Roberta, whom Akira could see that Roberta's right eye was a cybernetic camera.
Revy stated, “Hey guys. It's Akira.”
Shenhua said, “Hi Akira.”
Sawyer commented, in a mechanical, though more emotional voice than her electrolarynx, “Hello. I hope you are doing well.”
Revy turned back to Roberta, as she said, “Hey, four eyes. This is our student, that we told you about.” She then looked back in front her, towards Akira and Rock.
Roberta looked over at Akira, as she calmed said, “Hello.”
Akira thought, 'Yep. That is Roberta. Four eyes is one of the more polite nicknames that Revy has for her. Still, I would like to know what is going?' She questioned, in a slightly confused tone of voice, “Guys. What are you doing here? What is going on?”
Revy answered, “We are here to capture my wayward boyfriend, and his friends... A lot has happened since you left.”
Akira deadpanned, “From what I am seeing. That is quite apparent.”
Revy responded, “By the way, the girls gave us your goodbye message. And I agree that time on the beach was fun.” Revy turned to Rock, as she lowered her visor. She requested, “So Rock, care to surrender?”
A second later, Shenhua, Sawyer, and Roberta, lowered the visors on their helmets, as well.
Meanwhile, Rock looked at Revy, as he brought the lit cigarette, between his right index and middle fingers, up to his mouth. He then took a slow drag from his cigarette. Next, he put the cigarette out, as he blew out the smoke from his lungs.
After which, Rock turned to Revy, as he bluntly stated, “No.” Rock extended his right hand towards Revy.
Suddenly, from underside of Rock's right sleeve, popped out a small, sci-fi looking gun, from his wrist mounted spring-loaded gamblers' rig, that went into right his hand.
Rock gripped, and pointed the sonic shotgun at the four armored women. He then pulled the trigger.
There was no not recoil, nor real auditory sound, the weapon created a wave of sound, in the cone shape, spreading outward, that not only knocked the four armored women back, but blew out the front wall of the nightclub.
Rock had his gun slide back into his sleeve, with his gambler's rig. He turned to Akira, as he stated, “That will not keep them down for long. We need to leave as quickly as possible. Get your friends and come with us.”
Rock used his right hand to grip the top of his cane, as he got up from his seat. He then using the cane to help support himself, as he hobbled with Annie and Fabiola. towards the a nearby hallway entrance, by the stairs, that lead into the back of the nightclub.
Akira yelled over at her two lovers, “Come on guys! The train is leaving!”
Natsuru and Ranma rushed over to Akira, as the three women quickly followed Rock and the others.
Nearby, as Revy laid on her back, on the floor, she muttered, in annoyance, “Boys and their toys.”
The four women then quickly got up off of the floor.
In a back hallway of the nightclub, Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira caught up to the other three adults. And they noticed that they had missed the exit, with them reaching a deadend in the hallway.
Ranma volunteered, “I may not know you guys, but if Akira trusts you. And that is enough for me. Would you like me to punch a hole in this wall to the outside? It is no trouble for me”
Rock turned to Ranma, as he smirked. He said, “I have always felt that brute force should be a last resort.”
Rock turned towards the wall in front of them, as he lifted his cane towards the wall, with the bottom end of the cane was pointed at the wall.
Rock press a button on the silver handle of the cane.
Suddenly, a laser shot out at the bottom end of the cane.
Rock quickly cut a large circular hole in the wall on front of him. When he finished, he turned off the cane. Lowered his came, and put some of his weight on his cane.
Annie swiftly pushed piece of wall outward.
Annie then helped Rock exit outside, with Ranma following behind them.
Meanwhile, still in the back of the building, Natsuru stood next to Akira. She whispered to Akira, “This is not the Rock I know from the Black Lagoon series. Nor, the Rock you talked about, that you knew after the series. He is using a gun and trick weapons. What the hell happened to him?”
Akira shook her head, as she softly replied, “I don't have clue. But, I plan to stick around long enough to find out.”
Fabiola walked passed them, as flatly stated, “Ladies. It is time to leave.” She then pulled out her semi-automatic pistols, from her shoulder holsters.
Akira and Natsuru did as Fabiola instructed.
As Akira and Natsuru made it outside, they heard gunshots behind them, as Fabiola provided cover fire, to slow down the Hell Sabers.
When Natsuru and Akira looked in front of them. They saw they were in an alleyway, with Rock and the others walking towards a four door, chrome colored convertible car. The top of the car was pulled down. The vehicle had an automatic column shifter on the driver's steering wheel. This allowed three people in the front. And the back seat of the car was big enough for three, or four, people.
Rock looked behind him, towards Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma. He ordered, “Akira, you are in the middle of Annie and I. The rest of you are to get in back.”
Rock turned back to the car, as he continued to walk with his cane.
When he reached driver's side door, which was on the car's left side, Annie opened the door for Rock. She took his cane, as he got in. She then closed the door behind him.
Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, swiftly ran up to them.
Akira to the passenger side door first, she the opened the door, and got in. She then moved over to beside Rock. Annie then got inside and closed the door. She placed Rock's cane beside the door and herself.
Ranma jumped in backseat, behind the driver's seat, as she muttered, “Just like old times.”
Natsuru got in the passenger side of the car. She opened the back door, and get into the backseat, behind the passenger side. She then closed the door behind her.
Rock pulled on his seatbelt, as he started the car, without a key.
Rock looked in front of himself, as he ordered, “Buckle up.” Everyone quickly did so.
Meanwhile, Fabiola rushed out of the building, backwards, while she still firing her pistols. She then noticed that the others were about to leave. She quickly turned and ran for the car, as she holstered her weapons. When she reached the car, she jumped into into the back of the car, between Ranma and Natsuru.
With Rock saw with his middle rearview mirror, that Fabiola was not in the car, he immediately floored the gas pedal, as he turned a corner onto the a main street.
The car then sped away, just as the Hell Sabers came out of the building, behind them.
Natsuru breathed a sigh of relief, as she stated, “It's over.”
Fabiola took the moment pulled out her pistols, reload them with magazines on her person, and then holster them. She commented, “Don't count on it.” Fabiola turned in front of her, as she stated, “Rock, we need to get to the main highway, and out of town as quickly as possible.
Rock responded, without looking behind, “I know. I already mapped out several escape routes, before we entered the nightclub. And I am sure our large hacker friend has already signaled the police to ignore us.”
Rock then sped through the city, and towards the nearest highway.
Meanwhile, Fabiola leaned in front of her, as she began digging out from under the backseat.
Ranma and Natsuru were surprised to watch as the teenage girl pulled out an automatic rifle, with a scope on it.
Fabiola, switched the weapon to single shot, as she looked behind them from the backseat.
Just then, as they entered the highway, Fabiola stated, “They're back.”
Ranma and Natsuru looked behind them to see the Hell Sabers coming towards them on large motorcycles.
Revy was on a pink motorcycle, while the other three were riding blue and gray motorcycles. With the blue and gray motorcycle have large rifles attached along the bottom left side of the motorcycles. The riders of the motorcycles seemed to have no problem with the added weight to their vehicles. The women were not firing their weapons at the car they were chasing.
Though, in the backseat of the car the women were chasing, Fabiola warned those beside her, “Cover your ears, girls. This is going to be loud.”
Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira, did so, as Fabiola started firing shots, from her rifle, at the Hell Sabers.
Fabiola was carefully placing her shots, as she thought, 'Ever the best of armor has chinks. I just have to find theirs.'
As she fired, the Hell Sabers seemed to be backing off. And Fabiola stopped firing. But, she kept her weapon trained on them.
Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira, then lower their hands from their ears.
As Rock looked in front of him, from the corner of his right eye, he noticed that Akira was no longer covering her ears. He kept looking forward, on the road, as he inquired, “Akira. What did you tell Chang as your meeting with him? This is very important. I believe your meeting with him is the key to this entire mess.”
Akira looked over at Rock, as she stated, “Long story short. The realities we exist in are works of fiction of someone else's realities. Chang figured it out on his own. When the Roberta first came to town. He eventually recognized me from one of his some manga volumes in his personal collection. He had me confirm his suspicions. Which I did. That is why I was so careful when I first came to Roanapur.”
Rock replied, “That explains a lot. You can tell me the rest later, after we escape. Now, to find a clearing for our fight.”
Akira suggested, “Can't we just out run them?”
Rock said, “Not really. But, we can, and have beaten them, to the point they fall back for later. Giving us breathing room.”
Rock soon spotted an, in the moonlight, an exit off the highway. The exit was dirt road leading to clearing by the highway about a hundred meters from the highway. Rock quickly exited off the highway, and he drove them into the clearing.
Rock stopped the car on the other side of the clearing, near some rocks, trees, and bushes.
As the car stopped, Fabiola quickly placed her rifle back under the backseat.
Annie quickly opened the door, picked up Rock's cane, and she got out of the car. She then swiftly walked around the front of the car, to helped Rock out of the vehicle.
As Rock stood up, Annie gave him his cane.
With his cane in his right hand, Rock turned to the others still in the car, as he ordered, “Everyone out. We must prepare for battle.”
Akira, Natsuru, Ranma, and Fabiola, quickly got out of the vehicle.
As everyone stood on the ground, which had patches of snow on it, Akira verbally lamented, “I wish I had my pistols and long knives. I should not have left them at our hotel room. But they just didn't go with this dress.”
Rock snickered at looked. He then replied, “Don't worry, Akira. I got a few weapons for you that you can use. Follow me.”
Rock then hobbled with his cane to the back of the car. Akira followed right behind him.
When he reached the truck, he opened it the lid.
Akira looked inside, and she saw that the trunk was filled with mostly knives, firearms, ammo clips, and ammo boxes that were neatly attaches to the floor, sides, and lid of the trunk, with velcro straps. There were also three suit cases inside.
Akira thought, 'That is probably their clothes. Still, this is a nice collection of weapons.'
Akira turned to Rock, as she smiled. She complimented, “Rock. You know how to please a lady.”
Rock returned Akira's smile. He then set his cane against the car, as he reached in the truck and handed Akira a pair of semi-automatic pistols, with a couple of extra loaded ammo clips.
Rock also took a semi-automatic pistol, with a couple of spare clips for himself, which he placed in the pockets of his clothing.
Rock held his pistol in his right hand. He then closed the lid of the trunk left hand. Next, he picked up his cane with his left hand. After which, he turned to Akira, as he stated, “Akira. Heep in mind that even though hardsuits are mostly bulletproof. Though, a few well placed shots at the joints can get through.”
Akira held her pistols in her hands, as she looked at Rock. She thought, 'Rock and Fabiola are both willing to shot those those they care about. Something is seriously wrong with this situation.'
Akira commented, in a direct tone of voice, “Rock, we both know what these women mean to us. We both care for Revy. I also care about Sawyer and Shenhua. And I know Fabiola cares about Roberta.”
Fabiola heard Akira's comment. She turned toward Akira, as she slightly frowned.
From the corner of her eye, Akira noticed this. Though, she continued to look at Rock, as she stated, “What I am asking, Rock. Is do you want me to go for the kill? I am sure they are not attacking you of their own free will. And they clearly want you all alive.”
“Revy said they were here to capture you, not kill. And we both know that with these women, if they wanted to kill, they would do so without warning. And you would not get a second chance. So, I want to know exactly how you want to approach this?”
Rock responded, “You are right. They are not doing this of their own free will. But, we cannot fix that now. And if we lose, the multiverse loses. So, if you have to, go for the kill.”
Akira replied, “I understand.”
Meanwhile, Fabiola pulled out her semi-automatic pistols.
Nearby, Natsuru and Ranma stood next to each other.
Natsuru used her bracelet to change into her white and black seifuku.
Ranma remarked, “At least one of us can dress for the occasion.”
Natsuru complimented, “Don't worry. I think you look fine.”
Ranma smiled at Natsuru, as she replied, “Thanks.”
Natsuru then watched as Annie unclasped a metal cylinder from the right side of her belt. She then held the cylinder in both hands, as she ignited. Suddenly, a red energy blade forming from the top of the cylinder, in an angled, upwards direction, away from her.
Natsuru's eyes widen, as she asked, “Is that a lightsaber?”
Annie turned to Natsuru and Ranma, as her lips curled into a grin. While continuing to holding up her red bladed lightsaber with both her hands, she answered, in english, “Yes. It is.”
Natsuru thought, with worry, 'This could be bad. Only Sith usually use red bladed lightsabers.'
Rock noticed what was going on, between Ranma, Natsuru, and Annie. He turned towards them, as he stated, “No need to worry. And now ladies, meet the fourth member of my crew.”
Everyone then watched that the convertible car they had just rode in began to change.
Ranma took a step back from the car, as she asked, “What is that?”
Akira could not believe her eyes, as she answered, “It's a transformer.”
Natsuru was the first to recognize the cybertronia, as she replied, with slight fear in her tone of voice, “That is not just any transformer.”
As the car's shape continued to change into a robot, Akira began to recognize which transformer the car was. She asked, with worry, “Oh crap. Is that?”
Natsuru answered, “Yes, I think he is.”
The broad shoulders, the cylinder, bucket style helmet, the chrome body, were all dead giveaways that they were right in front of the Decepticon leader, Megatron. Except, instead of having his huge fusion cannon on his right forearm, he was holding a holdout pistol in his right hand.
Akira honestly stated, “I don't think we can take him.”
Natsuru responded, “We may not have a choice.”
Rock noticed that both Akira and Natsuru were getting ready to attack Megatron. He ordered, “Hold it. Megatron is on our side.”
Akira turned to face Rock. She coldly inquired, “Rock, have you gone insane? Megatron, no matter the reality, save the mirror realities, is a tyrant that is very dangerous, and he cannot be trusted.”
Megatron looked down at Akira. Then over to Natsuru. And back to Akira. He smirked, as he casually commented, “Ah, you humans. You know me so well. That is what I love about traveling with Rock. I get the respect and fear I deserve. But, do not worry. I have no interest in harming to you. Just yet.”
Nearby Ranma whispered into Natsuru's ear, “Who is Megatron?”
Natsuru softly replied, “I will tell you, later. Just keep in mind he is bad news. You likely cannot defeat him in a fight. And do not turn your back on him.”
Ranma just nodded in response to what Natsuru had told her.
Rock quickly stated, “Akira, it is a long story. And we will need his help for this fight.” He turned to Megatron, as he inquired, “Megatron, how are your energy levels?”
Megatron looked over at Rock, as he admitted, “Not great. I have recharged some during your meeting. But, I do not think I can last in a prolonged battle.”
Rock commented, “Whatever you can do is enough for me.”
Akira stated, “Rock, if Megatron is on our side, why are you all worried? Hardsuits, or no hardsuits. Revy and the girls would have a tough time just fighting Megatron, even if he was unarmed.”
Rock answered, “Because they are not alone.”
Just then, the Hell Sabers had finally caught with them.
They drove up to the clearing, and looked at their targeted group, for a few seconds.
Revy, Shenhua, and Roberta got off her motorcycles. Sawyer stated on her motorcycle.
Sawyer, Roberta, and Shenhua, motorcycles then began to change.
They transformed into large, identical robots. For Sawyer, as her motorcycle changed around her, with it becoming a second powerarmor, over her hardsuit.
With the large semi-automatic rifle, that were attached the left side of the motorcyles, ending up in the hands of the robots, after their transformations were finished. With their right hands around the stock and trigger, and their left hands on the bottom of the fore-ends.
Those nearby, could see the ammo for the semi-automatic rifles were fed with a magizine ammo system, at the bottom of the weapon, below the chamber of the weapon, in front of the trigger. With the spent ammo shell exited from the right side of the chamber.
Across the clearly, Rock's group saw three of the Hell Saber's motorcycles transform.
Both Natsuru and Akira recognized what the robots were, as Natsuru commented, “Oh no. They are motoslaves. To be exact, copies of the same badass motorslave, that Typhoon II, that destroyed two hyber-boomers, bey itself, in Episode Six, Red Eyes, in the Bubblegum Crisis OVAs.”
Akira thought, 'This is not good. Though, this reminds me. We have got to get back home sometime to do an anime marathon. Natsuru and I share such great taste in fiction. And we will bring Ranma along. Ranma needs some education in good entertainment.'
'Too bad we now know all fiction is real. And that fact is about to bite us all hard in our asses. But, that would not be a first time, for either of us.'
Rock commented, “Those are not the worst we will face tonight.”
The group watched as Revy pink motorcycle changed, as well.
The pink motorcycle turned into a familiar feminine looking, pink Autobot.
The group then watched as the transformer pulled to weapons, from her back. As she held the weapons in her hands, they ignited into two flaming swords.
Akira immediately recognized the Autobot's weapons, and who the Autobot was. She asked, “Is that Arcee the insane IDW Arcee?”
Rock replied, “Yes.”
Akira said, “That figures.” She thought, 'Now, I understand why Rock is so worried. With with Megatron on our side. And from what is sounds like, Megatron is not really in good shape either. Still, I need to warn my Natsuru, and Ranma.'
Akira turned to her friends, as she continued, “Natsuru, Ranma, avoid fighting the pink robot at all cost. Let Megatron handle her. She is crazier than Revy on a bad day, and just as deadly.”
Akira's two girlfriends turned to her, and nodded an affirmative towards her. They all then turned back to look at the Hell Sabers.
Meanwhile, from across the clearing, Revy used her red hardsuit speakers to state, “Last chance, guys. You can surrender now. Or, it will get messy. Still, as much as I love a good fight. I would prefer you surrender. I promise you will like the changes we have planned for you. Chang does respect inventiveness. Along with being badasses.”
Rock replied, “Revy, I think I speak for everyone, when I say. We like the way we are. And Chang can take his offer and shove it.” He then fired his semi-automatic pistol at her, as he rushed over for cover, behind a nearby large rock, to his right side.
The shot hit the chest armor of Revy hardsuit, and bounced off.
In response, Revy complimented, “Your aim is getting better, Rock. But, here is how a pro handles it. Take then down girls.”
Revy then raised her gauntlets, as she used her railguns, mounted in both her gauntlets, to fire at where Rock was hiding.
Akira noticed this, as she immediately dived behind the same large stone as Rock.
Akira and Rock then returned fire.
Revy ran to her right, allowing her to avoided the shots, while returning fire.
Meanwhile the other members of both groups picked their opponents, as they attacked each one another.
A lightsaber popped out of their place on each the sides of the hip armor of Shenhua's white hardsuit.
Shenhua grabbed the lightsabers and ignited them. The one in her right hand was green. And the one in her left hand was blue. She then rushed used her jumpjets, to jump towards Annie.
Annie stepped to Shenhua's strike, as Shenhua landed near Annie. She then calmly parried and blocked Shenhua's attacks.
And Shenhua was able to counter any attacks Annie tried against her.
Though, as Shenhua pressed her attack, Annie used the force to push Shenhua back several feet.
In response, Shenhua fired her two wire guided electro-daggers that shot out from the underside of her gauntlets.
The intend was to hit Annie and tazer her.
Though, Annie quickly dodged out of the way of both daggers.
In responded, Shenhua quickly retracted back both daggers.
Annie commented, “You are worse that Boba Fett.”
Shenhua retorted, “I haven't even gotten started.” She then rushed towards Annie.
A few seconds later, as Shenhua reached Annie, they went back their lightsaber duel.
Nearby, Roberta, in her purple hardsuit, fought Fabiola.
Roberta fired at Fabiola, with her gauntlet mounted machine guns, and her shoulder mounted small missiles, which popped up from their housing, at the top of her shoulder armor.
Meanwhile, Fabiola dance around Roberta's projectile attacks, while taking potshots back at the armored bloodhound with her semi-automatic pistols.
Both student and teacher knew the others heart was not really in the fight. And they tried to defeat the other in a manner that was non-lethal, nor crippling towards the other.
In another part of the clearing, Sawyer in her black hardsuit, and blue and gray motoslave, stayed back from the fight. Her role in her team was to offer support in the form of controlling the two remote Typhoon II motoslaves to aid in the battle. While she was inside the third Typhoon II motorslave.
Sawyer saw, on the other side of the clearing, that Arcee was charging at Megatron with her two flaming swords, with Megatron quickly backed away, as he fired his energy pistol at Arcee.
Sawyer sent one of her remote motoslaves to assist Arcee. Sawyer had the Typhoon II robot pull out its rifle, that was attached to its back, and offer fire support for Arcee, against Megatron.
Sawyer sent the other remote motorslave to deal with the redhead and the blue haired women. Whom she did not know. And she just wanted to take out of the fight, as soon as possible.
Though, Sawyer did not want to use overkill on the two women. So, the motoslave she sent to attack the two women had it's large rifle was attached to its back, as it came at the two women with it's fists clinched.
Nearby, as Natsuru and Ranma stood next to each other, with Ranma to Natsuru's right side. They watched as the motoslave rushed towards them, Ranma suggested, “Combo?”
Natsuru nodded, as she responded, “Yep. Combo. I suggest the lower abdomen. That place usually has the least armor.”
Ranma replied, “I agree.”
Suddenly, Natsuru and Ranma simultaneously attacked, Natsuru threw her fire ball, while Ranma fired off a ball of energy in the same spot of the Typhoon II stomach.
As both energy blasts hit the motoslave at once, it was immediately destroyed.
Though, Natsuru then noticed that the large rifle the robot had was in one piece. She turned to Ranma, as she stated, “You handle miss black, in that large blue tin can. I got a plan to end this fight quickly.”
Ranma looked over at Natsuru, as she said, “Okay.” She then looked over at Sawyer, as she ran towards the powerarmored woman.
Natsuru on the other hand went to retrieve the destroyed robot's large, intact rifle.
Meanwhile, Sawyer watched and she was shocked. She thought, 'These two newcomers just destroyed a motorslave in one shot. And it looks like the red haired woman is heading this way. I will have to be careful as I handle this myself.'
Sawyer used the motoslave she was piloting to aim at Ranma.
Sawyer fired several shots at the approaching redhead, but the women easily dodged all the shots.
When Ranma got within ten feet of Sawyer, she used a tornado attack to send Sawyer's entire motorslave into a nearby hill side, on its back.
As Sawyer laid on her back, she thought, 'If I continue this, those two are going to kill me. I think I will take a page from Lotton, and just sit the rest of this fight out.'
Nearby, Natsuru had picked up the large motoslave's rifle, which was almost as long as she was tall. She checked to find that there was already a round in the chamber.
Though, Natsuru's female form was small and slender, she had the superstrength and physical toughness to handle the recoil of the rifle.
Natsuru held the rifle with both hand. Her right hand on the stock, and her left hand on the bottom of the fore-end. She pressed the butt of the stock against her right shoulder, as she took careful aim. She the carefully placed her right index finger on the trigger, and fired at her intended target.
In another part of the clearing, Megatron fought both Arcee with her fire swords, and the Typhoon II with its rifle.
Megatron thought, 'Damn. I just don't have enough energy to take on both of them. If I just had my fusion cannon, both of these scraps would be slag by now.'
Suddenly, Megatron saw the Typhoon II's head exploded. This collapsing motoslave robot caught Arcee's attention, as she backed away from Megatron. She then turned to see who shot her support.
Megatron also turned to see who took the headshot.
They both saw the blue haired woman, in a white and black seifuku, pointing a motoslave rifle at Arcee.
Natsuru yelled, “Arcee! If you don't stand down, the next shot is through your spark casing! I was top of my class in marksmanship at the AD Police Academy! And I know from the many times Akira and I practiced with firearms, that I am a better shot than she is! You know, Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer's student! Just ask Akira if you don't believe me!”
“Also, even barring the circumstances, right now, I am a still big fan of yours! So, please don't make me kill you!”
Arcee turned, saw Megatron just smirking at her, as he lightly chuckled.
Arcee backed further away from Megatron, but she kept her flaming swords ignited.
She took a look around and saw that the battle had turned against them.
Arcee radioed her leader, over the encrypted communications channel that all the Hell Saber members used, “Revy. We got trouble.”
Revy radioed back, “Kinda busy right now, Arcee.”
At the moment, Revy was moving back and forth from Rock and Akira. When she got to close, they actually did start to hit parts of her armor that were not well protected, forcing her to fall back.
Revy mentally admitted, 'I honestly forgot how good a shot Akira can be. And Rock has clearly been practicing.'
Nearby, Arcee stated, over the radio, “Take a look around, Revy. We are in real trouble. Those two new women, with your student just took out Sawyer, and the motoslaves. The battle had turned against us.”
Several feet away, in the clearing, Revy dived for cover, behind a rock, away from the rock that Rock and Akira were behind. She took cover, so she could take a look around at the battlefield.
After doing so, Revy conceded, over the radio, “Damn, you're right. Good called. Everyone. Abort mission. This situation had turned sideways.”
As Shenhua got the signal, she immediately jump away from Annie, and towards Sawyer. She deactivate her lightsabers, and put them away in the holsters that popped out on the sides of her hip armor. With the armor closing around the lightsabers
When Sawyer got the message, she leaned up in her motorslave, and she saw Shenhua heading her way. She immediately got her motoslave up, and transformed it back into a motorcycle. She got on it, with Shenhua sitting down right behind her, as they sped away.
Meanwhile, Arcee ran towards Revy, while Roberta jumped towards Revy.
Just as Arcee reached Revy, she turned off and put away her flaming swords, as she transformed into a motorcycle. Even then Revy got Arcee's altmode, with Roberta sitting behind Revy.
Revy turned her head towards Rock, as she yelled, “Catch you later, lover boy!” She then turned in front of her, as they the sped away, to join their teammates, in their escape.
A few seconds later, in the clearing everyone got up, and looked over at the others.
Fabiola holstered her pistols, as she approached the others.
As everyone walked towards each other, Ranma commented, “I think we won.”
Akira smiled, as she responded, “Yep. And it is a nice one at that.”
Rock smirked, “Sounds good to me.”
Annie deactivated her lightsaber, and clipped it to her belt, as she calmly agreed, “Yes. We won the battle. But, not the war.”
Natsuru got everyone's attention, as she said, “Hey guys.”
Everyone looked at the blue haired woman.
They saw that Natsuru was holding the large rifle with her right hand, while having the butt of the rifle supported by her right hip. She asked, “Be honest guys. Does this weapon look too big for me? Because I was hoping we could keep it.”
Megatron thought, with mild amusement, 'I think I am going to like these humans.'
Megatron answered, “Human. Speaking from experience, there is no such thing as having too big of a gun.”
The rest of those present just laughed at Megatron's joke.
A few seconds later, as everyone calmed down, Fabiola requested, “I think it is now time for formal introductions.”
Ranma looked over at Fabiola, as she replied, “I agree.”
Akira stated, “I am Hatsushiba Akira. Former pirate, gunslinger, and all around troublemaker.”
Akira's comment made Natsuru and Ranma giggled for a few seconds. As they calmed down, Ranma commented, “I am Ranma Saotome. Martial artist and trouble magnet.”
Natsuru used her bracelet to change her seifuku back to the clothing she had on. She stated, “I am Natsuru Senou. Retired cop, magical girl, and the person that gets these two out of trouble.”
Ranma and Akira let out a laugh at Natsuru's comment.
Akira said, “If we are going to be working with you, there are other things we will need to show you about ourselves. But, not here. And not in this clothing.”
Rock asked, “So Akira, you are going to help us?”
Akira answered, “Of course. You and the girls are my friends. And you clearly need all the help you can get.”
Natsuru said, “I go where Akira goes.”
Ranma commented, “I got nothing better to do. And it sounds like fun.”
Rock responded, “Thanks. Well, Ranma and Natsuru, it is nice to meet you. I am Rock. And I am the leader of the motley crew. I am sure that Akira has talked about me.”
Natsuru cracked a grin, as she said, “While Ranma may not know about you, Rock. I do. And what I know is mostly good. You are the type of man that tries to do the right thing, even in the tightest of situations.”
“Along with this, you prefer to use your intelligence, than your fists. And you refuse to give up. I respect you for this. Also, Akira did talk highly about you. She even mentions what happened between you, Revy, and Akira at that beach. As someone that has tried those positions, first hand, from all three points of view. I have to admit they are fun and pleasurable.”
Both Rock, Akira, and Ranma blushed, at Natsuru's comment.
Fabiola stated, “I am Fabiola Iglesias. Maid, cook, and bodyguard.”
Annie said, “I am Annie. And I am between jobs.”
Megatron commented, “I am Megatron. Leader of the Decepticons. My reputation speaks for itself.”
Rock turned to Akira, as he inquired, “Now, that introductions are over, you said you three were staying at a nearby hotel?”
Akira smiled, as she answered, “Yes. And it is a lovely, hotel at that. With reasonable nightly rates.”
Rock commented, “Then, let's head over there, for the night.”
A few minutes later, Megatron transformed into his alt mode, they had put their weapons they could, in the back of the car truck. Rock then had drove the group to a hotel that Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru were staying at. With the three lovers given Rock direction.
When the reached the hotel, they got out and entered the hotel lobby, from the front doors, as Megatron remained in alt mode, while parked right outside the hotel lobby.
The hotel itself was upscale, and several stories tall. It had a nice restaurant and bar inside the building, that was open twenty-four a day, seven days a week.
The lobby was mostly a tiled floor, but there was carpeting near the couches and other sitting areas.
Natsuru, Ranma, and Akira had gone up to their rooms to change their clothing. Then, all three of them had come down in gender neutral clothing, that was a bit baggy for their slender female frames.
Currently, it was an hour after the battle, and Ranma and Rock were at the lobby reception desk, getting Rock, Fabiola, and Annie, check into the hotel. With each of them getting a room, near each other, and near the large room that Ranma, Natsuru, and Akira had rented for themselves.
Ranma used her debit card to pay for their rooms.
The receptionist handed Rock the key cards to their rooms. Rock then took the keys, and turned to Ranma. He said, “Thank you for paying for our rooms. But, we do have means to pay for our own rooms.”
Ranma replied, in a dismissive tone of voice, “Don't worry about it. I can afford it. And your Akira's friends. So, I don't mind. Anyway, I got you some rooms by us. Let us know if we get too loud. We sometimes like to have a... Little fun late in the evening.”
Rock replied, “I will.”
Rock walked with his cane, with Ranma right beside him, as they made their way to a couple of couches. The couches were connected in an 'L' shape, and this was where the rest of their group were sitting, as they waiting for Ranma and Rock to finish checking on.
Natsuru and Akira sat beside each other on one couch. Annie and Fabiola were sitting on opposite ends of the other couch.
There were three suitcases set on the carpeted floor, by the group. One suitcase each for Rock, Annie, and Fabiola.
When Rock and Ranma reached them, Rock handed Annie and Fabiola each a key card.
After both women took a key card, Rock said, “Here are your room keys. I got each of us a room. They are by our friends here. And they will show us to our rooms, later.”
Ranma then sat down on the couch by Akira and Natsuru. While, Rock sat on the other couch between Annie and Fabiola.
Fabiola asked, “Are you sure they cannot track us here?”
Ranma answered, “That is doubtful. They ran off before we left. Also, from what I understand, Revy and the others do not know who Natsuru and I are. Or, they would not have underestimated us. I paid for the rooms, so it cannot be traced back to you. As such, you can relax. You are fine for the moment.”
Fabiola replied, “Thank you.”
Ranma teased, “Anything for a pretty girl.”
Fabiola felt a little uncomfortable with Ranma's comment. Given that the redhead was a beautiful woman, thought she talked like she was man. But, Fabiola decide to remain silent out of politeness, and respect for what Ranma had done for them.
Rock stated, “Now, we need to talk. You have met my group. But, we did not have time for formal introductions. Fabiola here is my second in command. Annie is our technician and close quarters combat specialist. And you could say that Megatron is here to do the heavy lifting. And about the other matters...”
Rock look over at receptionist. Fortunately, the woman at the front desk was more interested in watch her tv behind the desk, then what was happening in front of her. And there was not one else in the lobby, except for them, and the woman at the front desk.
Rock turned back to his group, as he continued, “I think we need to get a few issues out of the way. Before we get to what is really going on.” He turned to Akira, as he requested, “Akira, you mentioned that the reality that Fabiola and I can from is a work of fiction.”
Akira answered, “Yes. And as I said. Chang already figured it out on his own. The maid, Roberta, was so blatant an inspiration of so many badasses, that he realized the truth.”
Rock asked, “What is the title of our series? What is the format? And what type of series is it?”
Akira responded, “You series is both an anime and manga. The title of your series is, Black Lagoon. As to what the series is about. How do I put this, Rock? Well, it is a dark action series about, you, Revy, Dutch, and Benny. The series started right when the Lagoon Company first kidnapped you.”
Rock inquired, “So, that is how you know my connection to the Gray Foxes? And why Natsuru here said she knew of me?”
Akira replied, “Yes.”
Natsuru said, “You are correct.”
Fabiola stated, with skepticism, “I find all this very hard to believe.”
Akira turned to Fabiola, as she stated, “Then how would I know that you liked to go swimming in a pool. But, you were afraid to ask Garcia. Though, when he finally did find out that you liked to swim. He was more than happy to give you his permission.”
Fabiola quietly said, “Point taken.”
Natsuru inquired, “I have a question, which will confirm what Akira tone us months ago. I know this is a sensitive. But, the answer will let us know whether you are from the anime timeline, or manga timeline, of the Black Lagoon series. When the Gray Foxes confronted Roberta, was Roberta seriously injured?”
Fabiola turned her head away from them, as she softly answered, “Yes. But, one of the few good things that Chang did was to fix Roberta's injuries.”
Akira turned to Natsuru, as she commented, “See. I was right.” She turned to Fabiola, as she continued, “And at the nightclub, I noticed that her right eye was restored.”
Fabiola replied, “Among other things.”
Natsuru looked over at Akira, as she shrugged. She then turned back to Fabiola, as she gently said, “That is comforting to know. And that means you are from the anime timeline.”
Rock requested, “Would it be possible for us to obtain a copy of both the Black Lagoon anime and manga series.
Natsuru answered, “The Black Lagoon series is not that uncommon here. But, we are in the U.S. it might be easier to getting the english translated version of the manga.
Rock commented, “That will not be a problem.”
Natsuru mentioned, “Though, the anime is in both japanese and english, here. Also, while Ranma, here, was in another reality, she read and saw her own two series. She later told us that some of the stand alone episodes and chapters in both the anime and manga happened to her. So, looking at both versions of your series, might be a good idea.”
Rock replied, “I agree. And that is an interesting concept. To see ones own series, from the viewer's standpoint.”
Fabiola stated, “I refuse to do so. Such paths lead only to madness.”
Ranma cautioned, “Speaking from experience, Fabiola. You are not very far from the truth. Watching my series almost broke me.” Ranma turned to Rock, as she warned, “Be careful when you watch, and read your series. Take your time, and stop if it gets to emotional for you. I made the mistake of not stopping when I needed to have a break, and it nearly cost me my sanity.”
Rock calmly responded, “Then, I will take my time in doing so.”
Akira could see that this news was upsetting Fabiola. She pointed out, “Cheer up, Fabiola. There is no reason to feel bad about this. The concept just takes some getting use to.”
“Conceptually, there is not much difference between this and the creation beliefs. Where someone creates another reality from their own imagination, either through saying words, or writing words. The new reality is still a work of fiction for that creator, or creators. And yes, all three of us have spent a lot of time thinking, and talking about this subject.”
“And you are not alone in this. Our lives were works of fiction, as well. And we and our friends spend some time in other realities that were works of fiction for both our realities.”
“Megatron himself is from a fictional series. Actually, he is from a major franchise title, Transformers. If he is from the same reality as the Arcee we met, then he is one of the more dangerous versions of Megatron there is.”
“As such, the scary thing for us about Chang is he has a huge collection of fiction. And it included our lives. When Chang met me, he knew who I was. I was fortunate that all he wanted from me was a confirmation. That I gladly gave him.”
Fabiola commented, “I will have to think on this matter.”
Rock complimented, “Thank you, Akira. This does explain a lot. And this does explain why you were so damn scared of Roanapur when you first got there.”
Akira pointed out, “If you knew what the town and its people were like, before you got there, you would be just as scared.”
Rock admitted, “Yes. I would have.”
Akira warned, “Ranma has a point. And you need to know, beforehand. There is a lot of dark stuff in the Black Lagoon series. When you watch it, you will see scenes and points of view you did not know. For example, the series goes detail, through dialogue, on how Hansel and Gretel became the way they were. In the anime Blood Trail arc, when Roberta returned, there is a... scene, in the last episode, about Revy's past.”
“You are going to see a side of Revy, and what was done to her, that you are not going to like. It would be an understatement to say that if Revy saw that scene, and realized the multiple implications surrounding that scene being in an anime. That millions of other people have seen. She would likely go so berserk, in a matter, where the only way to stop her, might be to kill her.”
Rock stated, “I will keep that in mind... Now, onto our next issue. Akira, I know this is asking a lot of you, but could you do the honors, and change back and forth? I would hate for this to happen in the middle of battle. With it creating a distraction to Fabiola, or Annie, that gets one of us killed.”
Akira admitted, “I see your point. That is why the three of us are wearing baggy clothing, right now. But, I am not the only one that can do it.”
Natsuru said, “All three of us can.” Natsuru then used her bracelet to change into a man. A few seconds later, he used his bracelet to change back into a woman.
Fabiola's eyes widened slightly.
Rock's face was unreadable.
On the other hand, Annie didn't even blink an eye.
Akira said, “Always the show off, Natsuru.”
Natsuru looked over at Akira, and smiled at her.
Akira stated, “I guess it is my turned.” Akira sneezed. She suddenly changed from a blond fair skinned woman, to a black haired japanese man. A few seconds later, Akira sneezed against to change back into a woman.
Ranma said, “I can genders with hot water and cold water. Hot for boy. Cold for girl. But, I do not want to make a mess. So, you will just have to take my word for it.”
Fabiola said, with interest and curiosity in her tone of voice, “What genders were you originally?”
Akira answered, “We were all born as male. But, through very different means, we each gained the ability to change our gender, back and forth.”
Fabiola responded, with pity in her voice, “The hardship you must face changing gender so often, with none of you being unable to settle into a single role.”
All the three gender benders just laughed, at Fabiola response.
A few seconds later, as the three women calmed down, Akira stated, “We do not view it as a hardship. We actually like being able to alternate between both genders.”
Fabiola inquired, “But, if you were originally boys, why are you girls right now?”
Ranma answered, “Because we feel like being girls right now. Maybe tomorrow, we will feel like being boys. Usually, in the morning, the three of us talk and we decide what gender all three of us will be that day.”
Natsuru took over for Ranma, as she said, “We have learned from experience, that since we can change back and forth as we please, we can treat our gender like a change of clothing. Though, we find there are benefits to being both genders. In some places we go to, it is easier as guys. In other places, it is easier as girls.”
Akira finished for her two lovers, as she stated, “And the reason we are the same gender, at the same time, is to present a single gender group dynamic to those that look at us. This is to prevent situations where women seeing us start to have jealousy in their eyes towards us in case where one of us being being a girl, with two guys. Or the reverse, where some guys are envious when one of us because he is a guy with two pretty girls. This has lead to problems. This is why, for the most part, when we go out, we do so as the same gender. So, when people see us, they just see either a group of guys, or a group of girl, going out on the town.”
Fabiola commented, “I can see your point.”
Annie coughed, to get everyone’s attention.
Rock turned to Annie. He the looked back over at Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma. He said, “Oh yea. I guess I need to tell you about Annie. Well, how do I put this? Annie was originally Darth Vader from a Stars War reality.”
Akira and Natsuru swiftly looked over at Annie.
Annie just smiled at Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma, as she lightly waved at them with her right hand. A few seconds later, Annie lowered her right hand.
In response, Akira and Natsuru's jaws dropped.
Ranma looked confused, but she did know some of the german language, as she asked, “Who is this dark father?”
Akira and Natsuru then quickly looked back at Ranma, as they both did a facepalm with their right hands, at Ranma's comment.
Rock and Fabiola just laughed at the reactions from the three gender benders, for a few seconds.
As Natsuru and Akira calmed down, and lowered their hands, Natsuru turned to Ranma. She said, “Ranma. We really need to find the time to educate you on pop culture. But, now is not the time, nor place. Let us just say that Darth Vader is a very dangerous person. He... err, I guess she, is likely as dangerous as Megatron.”
Annie quietly heard their entire conversation. She commented, “Thank you.”
Rock said, “Well, now to our story. Like many things, it started slowly. Like a creeping corruption you don't see on the surface, until it was too late. Given our... business, we were out of town half the time, and we hadn't noticed people slowly leaving the town, and escaping, while it was still possible. And when we started to learn the truth, it was almost to late for us, the members of Lagoon Company.”
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
If you haven't figured it out. This story series is an anthology. Every book uses a different set of main characters. Though, I also include some of the characters of the previous stories.
And while in one story the main characters can be heroes. The next story, these same characters might be villains to the new set of main characters.
I call this type of writing an, Anthology Of Insanity. And this writing style offers me a lot of fun and flexibility as I create these stories.
On the issue of Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, being the same gender, when they go out in public. It make sense. Because it means less trouble for them, from others. Especially, when they to go new places, where they are not know, in any way. Where as, if they settled down. The locals would think that each of them had to identities, one male, one female, and most of them would just pay little mind, as see the three in any gender combination.
And yes. Given Ranma's upbringing. It is not impossible for him to have no seen Star Wars. While, almost everyone else has.
One of the main reason I used the Black Lagoon anime timeline, instead of the manga timeline, is specifically because of how injured Roberta was in the anime, at the end of the Blood Trail arc.
At the end of that arc, Roberta had lost her left arm, lower right leg, right eye, and her right index and middle fingers.
As such, given how physically maimed and crippled Roberta was at the end of the series, Roberta's situation in the Black Lagoon anime timeline gave me an excuse to turn Roberta into a cyborg, and replace all her missing limbs, and other body missing parts. Such as her missing right eye.
Roberta was already arguably one of the most badass characters in all of fiction, of any gender. And I just cranked her badass up a few more notches.
As a minor spoiler, Revy, Sawyer, Shenhua, and Roberta have all be given a type of stable supersoldier serum.
This is one of the main reasons Shenhua was able to keep up with Annie in their lightsaber dual.
And when it comes to Roberta now.
Supersoldier serum, check. Cybernetics, check. Powerarmor, check. Have you browned your shorts yet, likely.
But, having Fabiola be against Roberta, gives Roberta an excuse to hold back.
On the issue of the scene in the Blood Trail arc, dealing with Revy's past. If you have seen the last episode. Episode twenty-nine, Codename Paradise Status MIA. You know what I am talking about. And if you do know what I am talking about, please don't spoil it for the rest that don't. I plan to cover Revy's past in the next few chapters.
On Megatron. Where do I start?
If you are a transformers fan of any age, you really need to check out the IDW Transformer comic series.
The IDW version is basically a transformer series that uses the Generation One as a foundation, but just makes the original story material more awesome, while putting the good stuff from the other transformers series, and leaving the bad items on the cutting room floor.
I suggest if you want to jump right in, started with the All Hail Megatron and go from there. Also, read up on the Megatron spotlight four part series, for an excellent origins story for Megatron.
As such, IDW Megatron is good example of how IDW made a character even more awesome.
IDW Megatron, and his origins, make him pretty much an evil, robotic Conan the barbarian meets Gandhi breaking bad. I am not joking here.
This is truly displayed in the Megatron origins story and Transformers ongoing comic issues twenty-two and twenty-three. Before the corruption of the Cybertronian Senate broke him down into the tyrant we all know and fear, he was on his way to being a sentient rights activist. And the lines from the manifesto that Megatron was working on showed leanings toward passive resistant, like Gandhi preached.
It is shown in those two issues, during the present, when Prime and Megatron are talking, is also, in all of the Transformers realities, the closest those two come to have a civil conversation. They act like to old war buddies comparing battle scars that each of them had given the other. And it is this conversation that shows that Megatron still has a civil side, and a wicked sense of humor.
Also, that conversation shows that Megatron is willing to play ball with others when he needs to.
This is what I love most about this Megatron, there is so much depth of character to play with. Other issues shows that he has deep sense of honor that many of the other Megatron's lacked. But, don't get me wrong, this Megatron is still a tyrant at heart. Just not an emotionless tyrant.
And this Megatron is such a badass.
The greatest demonstration of Megatron's badassness is found in the Transformers ongoing comic, Chaos arc, issues twenty-eight and thirty. Where Megatron goes full on wolverine, with two paired of large energy claws on each hand, while dual wielding energy cannons, against a gigantic monstrosity composed of a fusion of tens of thousands of decepticons, many of which had been under his command.
Think ironman versus Godzilla, on a scale ten times larger and more badass.
And Megatron was winning.
Also, the artwork for those issues worked so will for those scenes.
And the pre-asskicking liner by Megatron right before this fight just made him so much cooler, “Prime, who do you think you are talking to? Nobody stands in my way.” And right in front of him is the city size monstrosity. If any other character, but him, had been put into that scene, it would have been a farcical scene, him. But, Megatron just delivers that scene.
That fight was the moment IDW Megatron solidified himself as the most badass killer robot in all of the multiverse.
Though, IDW Arcee is a close second to Megatron in the badass department.
And for those that don't know, IDW Arcee is nothing like the motherly Arcee in Generation One.
IDW Arcee was forcibly gender-bent fembot that is as ax crazy and dangerous as Deadpool on a bad day. And I am talking Arcee is 'ax crazy' is every meaning of those two words. Though, she does get better in the comics.
Putting IDW Arcee with the Lagoon women was so much fun. All five of them are insane, hyper-violent, badass, bad girls. It is debatable which one is the craziest. It literally depends on the day for those five on who is the most insane.
And Revy is their leader, and has to keep them from killing each other. She is going to have to grow up some to her job as leader, and she is showing that she is emotionally maturing.
Now the names of these two badass crews.
Bad Company, which is Rock's crew. Yes. I got the name from the song with the same title. The first part of this above chapter was inspired by the Five Finger Death Punch version of the Bad Company song. And that version of the song was the inspiration for the mood of Rock's crew.
Now, the leader of Bad Company is Rock. Rock is the mastermind. The magnificent bastard. Rock has become the full fledged badass we all new he could be. More on his change in character, and his illness, will be covered in chapter two of this story.
I am playing Rock like a James Bond villain archetype, complete with cool toys, like the laser cane and sonic shotgun. And Rock displays in the next chapter how much a magnificent bastard he is on how he has both the brains and the balls to get all three of the other to join him as a team, and make him leader.
On the matter of guns. I figured if I was going to give Rock a gun, he was going to have a gun that could bring down the house in one shot.
I loved writing the scene at the beginning of this chapter, where I get show how different Rock has become from the Black Lagoon series. When the Hell Sabers show up and the readers think that it is about to be a curb stomp battle, then Rock calmly pulls out how sonic shotgun and literally floors the Hell Sabers in one shot.
Next, we have Rock's second in command, the killer maid, Fabiola. By the time of this story, Fabiola has grown up in the last few years, from a little miss badass to a much hotter, more dangerous badass, that shows that she is now just as badass as Roberta was during the Blood Trial arc. And don't let Fabiola's sanity and politeness fool you, she is just as dangerous as the other three people in her crew.
Then, there is the big guy, literally. Megatron, I just covered him. To make things interesting, given his level of badassness, I had to take away his fusion cannon, and cripple his energy levels. But, he can still can kickass with the best of them.
And finally, there is Annie, AKA gender-bent Darth Vader. Don't let the gender change to a woman fool you, Annie is still just as much as badass as she was as Darth Vader. Perhaps even more so. Even thought her force abilities have been knocked down to beginner's level.
Still that will be explained, along with her gender bending, in the next chapter.
Though, even without the force, all of her other skills are top notch.
Akira is still a very skilled with lightsaber fighting, piloting, and she is an engineering prodigy. Remember that Anakin built C3PO as a child.
Annie body has been fully restored. She has cybernetics in her. Also, she has the super-soldier serum, putting her in top physical condition for her body.
And though Annie is not really happy about being turned into a woman, she is very happy about being out of the Black Suit.
And if you are looking for Annie to become a saintly redemption character. Look elsewhere. She is always going to be a bit of bitch, and she knows it.
Though, she did trade in most of her anger for being a pure asskicking badass.
All four members of Bad Company have known each other for months, and they are somewhat good friends.
Now, onto the Hell Sabers and their roles
I got the name for Hell Sabers from writing the top joke, that introduced the name, in the above chapter.
Where Akira asks if they are the Knight Sabers, and Rock joked that they are more like the Hell Sabers. And I just ran with the name.
If you do not know about hardsuits and motoslaves, I suggest you look up the Bubblegum Crisis OVA anime series. The series is very good and well worth a watch.
Revy is the leader. Her role in battle is the mid-ranged fighter. Her weapons are a knuckle-bomber and railguns in both her gauntlets.
Revy does not really have a second in command.
Shenhua is the melee fighter. She traded in long knifes and throwing knifes for a pair of lightsabers and wire-guided electro-daggers.
Roberta is the heavily weapons specialist. She uses guns and missiles in her hardsuit.
Sawyer is the technical support and quasi-medic. She only has only wrist knives, that popped out of in her hardsuit. Her primary job is to stand back and remotely control the three Typhoon II motoslaves the group has.
Arcee is the literally big chick of the group. She is both a close combat and range weapons specialist. Though, she prefers to be up close and personal, with her flaming swords.
In the Hell Sabers team, Arcee's primary role is as the crazy chick to keeps Megatron busy, while the rest of the group deals with the others of Bad Company members.
All of these five women are hard core badasses. And just as it is debatable which is the most craziest, it is also debatable which of these five girls are the most badass.
And given they have been with each other for that last several months, they are good friends. If not, given their personalities, they would have killed each other by now.
The relationship between Bad Company and the Hell Sabers is very complicated. This is stated in detail in the next chapter.
And neither side, for various reasons, are not going full against each other. The Hell Sabers want Bad Company alive, and Bad Company doesn't want to kill the Hell Sabers, for various reasons.
For example, Fabiola and Roberta still care for each other, though they are fighting each other, and their hearts are not in the fight.
Also, Rock and Revy still love each other, even though they lead two badass crews against each other.
The members of both Bad Company and the Hell Sabers are just in a really screwed up situation that is not of any of their own making.
And you will find out more in the next chapter.
Until next time. Have fun.
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