Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: Chapter 06

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.

Chapter Six: “Dealing with Lunatics and Geniuses.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Farscape reality, late afternoon, on the alien beach, during sun set, as the twin suns continued going down further into the sea. There was a light breeze in the warm outside air.

Megatron, in car alt mode, with the top up, teleport instantly behind a sane dune on the beach, with his teammates in his car seats.

Fortunately, Megatron's car alt mode, with it's top sealed, could be pressurized. Allowing to protect his occupants, until he could verify the air, and environment was safe for them.

A few seconds later, he verified the air and environment were fine. And he then lower the roof of his car mode.

Everyone in the vehicles undid their seatbelts, opened the car doors, and stepped out onto the sane.

Rock had been sitting in the drive's seat, while in his black suit. As he got out, Annie handed him his can.

Annie was wearing some blue pants and a white button up, short sleeve blouse, and blue tennis shoes, with her lightsaber hooked to the right side of her pants belt.

Fabiola was dressed in her black leather pants, a short sleeve green blouse, and black boots. Given the warm temperature of the San Francisco, they had just left, she took off her black leather jacket and put it in Megatron's truck. In case she needed it, later. This revealed her two semi-automatic pistols in her shoulder holsters.

Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru were currently women. Ranma was in wearing her red chinese outfit, with her golden bracers on her forearms. Akira was in her cowgirl outfit, with hostlers revolvers hanging from her gun belt, and sheathed long knives strapped to her back. Natsuru was wearing her white and black seifuku.

After everyone shut the car doors, the humans in the group walked around to stand near Rock.

Rock looked at his team, as he thought, 'To get us here, all I did was think about wanting to find John after the Peacekeeper Wars happened, at a safe point for all of us. And the key brought us here.'

They all heard the gentle crashing of waved over the sand dune in front of them.

Ranma was the first to walked up the dune and look at the seas, and the sunset of the twin suns. She continued to stare at the sea, as she stated, “I give this John fellow you guys are talking about some credit. He sure does know how to pick a premiere visiting spots.”

The other humans walked up the dune, and joined her and they gazed in awe at the magnificent sunsets of the twin suns over the sea in front of them. Fortunately, dune they walked up has such a gradual incline, that Rock did not need help in walking up it.

Natsuru said, “Ranma. You are right. This does looks like a wonderful vacation spot.”

Akira replied, “We will come back to visit this place sometime, when it is just the three of us.”

Ranma and Natsuru nodded in agreement at Akira's reply.

Rock turned back to face Megatron, as he requested, “Megatron, what do your scanners show?”

While still in his alt form, Megatron stated, “I detect four lifeforms. Over the dune, fifty meters ahead of us, along the beach. There is one is am adult human male, likely John. To others are with him. Another is alien female with biology close to human, and a young infant male with them, that shares both adults bio-signatures. There is also a large shuttle with organic technology, a few dunes, about seventy meters away, in their general direction.”

Rock stated, “Sounds like John and Aeryn brought their son, Dargo, are to vacation. If the child is still an infant, than it means that it has only been a matter of months since the Peacekeeper Wars ended. That works for us.”

Akira and Natsuru turned towards Rock, as they heard him.

In his vehicle mode, Megatron sensors allow him to see the two women turning their attention to Rock. Megatron thought, 'These humans really do like to talk, when they think they are in privacy. Though, with my sensors I can see and hear through the thin walls they use to make up their homes.'

'Not, that I am going to inform them about that. Just in case they ever planned to plot against me. Which they have not done, yet. Though, they have talked about it, a few times. But, that is only natural, given my reputation. As long as they do not take such a plan seriously, I will let it slide.'

'From what I head, at their breakfast. The only, Rock, Akira, and Natsuru have seen the entire Farscape Series and the Farscape mini-series final, the Peacekeeper Wars.'

'They stated they confirmed this at breakfast, by asking the others about the series. Though, Fabiola comments she had seen a few of the episodes. She just never got around to watching the series. Which she said this morning, she plans to do so, as soon as possible.'

'And like her, when I learned of Rock's plan, I immediately was going to review that entire Farscape series.'

'Unfortunately, I found that the internet on the Earth we has come from has too slow a connection speed to immediately do so. But, I will do so when we returned.'

'Though, I did review some websites about the series, to have a general idea of whom we were dealing with. And after doing so, I told the others that I agreed with Rock that John, and his guilt, would make a great addition to our team.'

'Which I believe is true. As such, there is no harm in agreeing with Rock on this matter.'

Akira asked, “So, Rock, how are you planning to rope John into this? The guy is a genius, and he is completely paranoid. With good reason.”

Rock warmly smiled, as he stated, “I will be completely honest. And I make the Crichton family a nonthreatening offer that they will not refuse.”

Natsuru stated, “I have a feeling that this is going to be interesting.”

Rock let out a small chuckle. He replied, “You have that right.”

Annie inquired, “So, what can we expect from these people?”

Rock looked over at Annie, as he answered, in a sober tone of voice, “These people are jumpy even in the best of situations. And they have good reasons to be.”

“Aeryn, John's wife, is a trained alien military soldier that is an expert in firearms and hand to hand combat. She could give Roberta a workout. Also, she an expert spacefighter pilot. Likely not at your level. But, close.”

Annie questioned, “And how do you know that?”

Rock stated, “For Peacekeepers. The final train test for starfighter pilots is organized so that the simulator kills the pilot, if the pilot fail the test.”

Annie commented, “Ouch. That is harsh, even by imperial standards.” She thought, 'I know I have killed a number of my subordinates. But, I only did so, after they either failed an actual mission. Or, showed their incompetence.”

Rock responded, “I know. And John is also a very skilled point. Though, his skills lean towards more flying in atmospheric conditions, and close to land.”

“Along with this, John is a creative genius, good in a fight, and incredibly genre savvy. Which is what drew my interest in him. I am sure you all have heard the term, crazy enough to work. Well, that is John's motto in life. And he makes the concept work.”

“Both of Aeryn and John have literally been to hell and back. You name it. One or both of them have likely been through it. John has been mind screwed, mind fucked, and mind raped more times than likely anyone else in the multiverse. And Aeryn is a close second on that list.”

“Still, while Aeryn is still mostly sane. Or, she knows how to hide her insanity better than John. It is safe to say John is not completely sane. Add to that, they have a new baby boy to take care of. If one of them feels threatened, both will not hesitate to shoot first, and then run, with their child in tow. With no questions asked.”

“As such, we have to handle this delicately. Though, I am sure my offer would be gladly accepted by them. Any distractions might mess up a chance at such a deal. And we are only going to get one shot at this.”

Rock turned to Megatron, as he ordered, “Megatron stay here in your alt mode. I am all but sure John knows who you are. There will be a time to introduce you. But, it will be later. As far as he considered, when you first meet him, he will think you are a magical talking car. Not, a cybertronia. And if John makes any Knight Rider jokes. Let it slide. And I know you have seen that series. Annie told me that you talked about the series last time she did a basic check up on your body.”

Annie commented, “Sorry Megs.”

Megatron replied, “It is okay.”

Rock turned to Fabiola, “Fabiola, I need you get a rifle and cover us from the dune. If you have to act, aim for their weapons, not them. But, do not shot, unless they actually shot first. They will likely draw their weapons the moment they see us.”

Fabiola said, “I understand. And I am on it.” She then turned, walked down to Megatron. She then walks up to the trunk to get out her automatic rifle.

Rock turned to the three lovers, as he stated, “Ranma. Akira. Natsuru. Be on look out for the Hell Sabers. If they show up, you three and Megatron lead them away from us. I do not want them messing this up.”

Ranma reassured, “Do not worry. We will do our best to prevent your meeting from being interrupted.”

Rock turned Annie, as he requested, “Annie, you with me. Let me doing the talking. Their pulse pistols fire energy shots similar to a blaster. I want you to be ready to pull your lightsaber and deflect their energy shots. But, if that happens, I want you to deflect their shot away from them. Also, do not make in threatening motions unless the force tells you they are able to fire at us. And above all else, do not harm their baby son.”

“Even if this meeting falls through. I do not want to make enemies out of them.”

Annie turned to Rock, as she nodded once. She replied, “Understood.”


Five minutes later, fifty meters down the beach, John and Aeryn were sitting beside each other on fold out, reclined chairs, while enjoying the twin sunsets.

John wore swim trunks, an unbuttoned beach shirt, and sunglasses.

Aeryn wore a black one piece swimsuit.

Between them was the bag of baby supplies and a crib with their sleeping infant son, Dargo inside. Dargo was named after John and Aeryn's good friend, whom died in battle, several months ago.

It was then that John noticed to his left, that two individuals walking towards them. One was a fair skinned women, with short brown hair, wearing blue pants, a short sleeved blouse, and blue tennis shoes. The other was a black haired asian man wearing a black suit, and black dress shoes, while while he used a cane in his right hand, to aid him in walking.

The two individuals walked side by said, with the asian man standing to the fair skinned woman's left side.

John stated, “Honey. I think we may have trouble.”

Aeryn looked over at the two people approaching them. She stated, “Damn, John. You were right. Less than a week on our official vacation, and we have trouble. I guess I owe you lunch the next time we go to a restaurant.”

John replied, “It's a small matter. Well, let's show them we mean business.”

Both husband and wife sat up, as they pulled their pulse pistols from the baby bag, with their right hands, and pointed them at the two people.

Two two adults were about twenty feet from the family, as Aeryn ordered, “Do not move, or we will kill you.”

Both adults complied with her order, as they stopped in their tracks.

There was an uneasy silence for a full minute, before John was the first person among them to get impatient, as he asked, in english, “What do you want?”

The man in the black suit answered, “First, we mean you no harm. We came here to talk to you. I have a question. Lately, have you been attacked by any blue cyborg monsters, russian soldiers, or women in powerarmor?”

While the couple kept their weapons trained on the two individuals, Aeryn stated, “Now that you mention it, we have been attacked by a few blue cyborgs. In the last few months. But, it is nothing a pulse burster cannot handle.”

The man grimaced, as he calmly stated, “Then, you are being targeted by our enemies. We need to talk. I can understand that you are paranoid and suspicious of us. That is completely justified. But, if there is any way we could talk like rational adults, I would deeply appreciate it.”

John kept his weapon held up, as he stated, “You can start by introducing yourselves?”

Rock responded, “I am Rock. Salary man. Pirate. Multiversal revolutionary. The person by me is, Annie. My bodyguard. There are others with us, but none of us have any intention of harming you. After we have warned you, and said our peace. If you wish for us to leave. We will freely leave without incident.”

John responded, “I am John Crichton. Astronaut and crazy man extraordinaire. This is my wife, Aeryn, and my son, Dargo. You have must have practiced that line, haven't you.?”

Rock admitted, “Of course. How about yourself?”

John replied, “Of course.”

Both men laughed.

John lowered his pulse pistol.

Aeryn saw this and she lowered hers woman, as well.

Aeryn thought, 'I trust you judgment, John. I just hope you are right, for all our sakes. Still, I am glad you taught me english. So, I can speak to them, as well.'

John inquired, “Multiversal, huh? As in alternate realities? It has been a while, since I did the time warp twist on that.”

Rock said, “Yes. And we do have important matters to discuss.”

Aeryn did not take her eyes off of the two newcomer adults. She kept her right hand firmly on her pistol, as she pointed it towards the sea, while she used her left hand to grip the top handle of the crib of her baby was in. Just in case they had to make a run for it.

John, on the other hand, stood up, slipped on his casual men's slippers, and walked towards the two adults. Though, he kept his pistol in his hand, as he pointed it, downward at the sand.

When John was ten feet from Rock and Annie, he came to a stop, as he faced them. He requested, “Important matters. Huh. Please state them?”

Rock stated, “Before I begin. John, I need to know if you are a fan of the works of Robert A Heinlein?”

John answered, “I have read his works, in passing. Though, it has been years.”

Rock smiled, as he responded, “Good. Because what I about to tell you is going to be strange even for you. Though, it might be very hard for you to hear.”

John cracked a grin, as he replied, “This I got to hear.”

Rock explained, “John, Aeryn, we know a lot about you. And so do our enemies. And I am not talking about Scorpius, the Peacekeepers, nor the Scarrans. The enemies I am talking about are from another reality. And they can travel between realities with ease.”

“How we all know about you, is that from our realities, your lives are works of fiction. A science fiction TV series, to be exact. A very good one. I might add.”

“And do not feel bad about this. My other teammates and I have found we are from fiction realities, as well. It takes some getting use to, but once you realize that possibilities it offers. Over the negatives. The thought will make you happier.”

“Your series started when you, John, launched in the Farscape module from Earth. It ended with you coming out of a coma, after your son was born, and the battle was over. With telling your son, with your wife beside you, that this universe was his playground.”

Rock noted that John did not show any reaction to his comments. Rock thought, 'I hope he believed me.'

Aeryn had heard all this. She commented, in english, “What a load of dren.”

John turned to his wife, though, he remained silent. He thought, 'These guys are starting to convince me. But, convincing Aeryn is going to be a tough sell.'

Rock responded, “I can prove it.” He thought, 'I need to think of a positive example to help keep my plans rolling smoothly... Oh. That will do.' Rock continued, “Aeryn. Probably the greatest compliment you have ever heard. The one that changed your life for the better was spoken by you husband, soon after you both met. The comment being that, you could be more. And you have proved him right.”

It was a rare sight for John to see his wife's jaw dropped in surprise.

A moment later, Aeryn turned to her husband, as she found the ability to speak words, “John, I think we need to listen to this man.”

Rock thought, with pride, 'A complete one-eighty. I love it when my plans come together.'

John turned to Rock, as he stated, “I believe you. Though, I do not want to know any of the details of my series. Honestly, I fear if I learned about the my series, it would permanently severe the fragile grasp on what I have left of my sanity.”

“I like my sanity. I liked my sanity before it was shattered over and over again. And I truly value what I have left of my sanity. So, why are you telling me this?”

Rock said, “If it was up to me. I would just leave you three alone, to live your lives in peace. But, like myself and my friends, you are on a target list with enemies you cannot reach by yourselves. And if they get their hands on you, it will make your time Aurora Chair seem like a pleasant memory.”

“Still, I will respect your wishes. And I fully understand. When I watched my own series, and it nearly broke me.”

Annie commented, “I did the same. It nearly broke me, as well. Though, I believe I gained a lot in personal growth in watching those movies.”

Rock turned to Annie, as he frowned.

Annie turned to Rock, a she responded with a slight grin towards Rock.

Rock and Annie then turned back to look at the Crichton family.

John thought, 'Clearly. Annie speaking was not part of Rock's plan. But, with them both bringing up the subject. I have to ask.' He inquired, “And what series are you from?”

Rock stated, “I am from a anime and manga series called, Black Lagoon. The anime timeline, to be exact. And like you, I left after the series ended.”

“The Black Lagoon series is about modern day pirates, in Thailand. You have not heard of it because, likely it was not created in this reality, before you left Earth. But, I feel you would have enjoyed it. If you had seen my series. You would probably be cracking jokes about it, right now. And Annie. Well...” Rock turned to Annie, as he inquired, “Can I tell him?”

Annie shrugged, as she replied, “Go ahead. He will find out soon or later. This way we will know his reaction up front.”

Rock turned back to Crichton family. He said, “I know this is a whopper to believe. And Annie here is on our side. And she has not interest in bringing anyone here, harm.”

“But, Annie here used to be the, and I mean the, Darth Vader. Dark Lord of the Sith. Though, she was caught before the events of the original trilogy. About ten years after the end of the prequel move trilogy. Though, that prequel trilogy likely was released after you left your Earth.”

John took a hard look at Annie and then began to laugh, as he smiled.

Annie unhooked, and she then ignited her red lightsaber. She held the hilt of her lightsaber, with her right hand, with the energy blade being pointed at a downward angle, to her right, away from everyone. She smirked, as she said, “Wait till you find out who are car is.”

John stopped laughing. He dropped his grin, as he responded, “Oh frell. You are not joking.”

Annie just giggled, as she turned off her lightsaber and clipped it back to her belt.

Rock stated, “Annie is an example of what could be your future. Or worse. You see our enemies are literally interested in your bodies. You two, like the rest of us, have been classified as badasses. And, as I said, we are all on a target list.”

“Those that are caught, are usually put in vats, and they are left sedated in those vats. If the victims are male, they are slowly changed into women. Then both the new women and those born women are used for breeding stock, in a eugenics program to create more badasses.”

“This project is reason I am using a cane. I was only briefly exposed to those chemicals. I am still male, but the chemicals poisoned my body to the point I am slowly dying.”

Rock could see John and Aeryn were mentally digesting what he had just told them.

John said, “Given everything we have been through, I will take you at your word on what you have said.”

Rock mentioned, “And those blue cyborgs you destroyed are called combat boomers. You heard about them, before you left you reality.”

John raised an eyebrow, as he inquired, “From the Bubblegum Crisis OVA anime?”

Rock replied, “Yes.”

John commented, “Well, I guess I have heard of them. I knew they looked familiar.”

Rock complimented, “I am not surprised by your reaction. You always had good taste in fiction.”

John said, “Thank you.”

Rock stated, “You're welcome. Still, if they had caught either of you, that person would be in vat right now. And it seems that our enemies literally have an army of boomers. And they are not the most dangerous teams at our enemy's disposal.”

John replied, “Oh...” He then continued, in a more confident tone of voice, “I am glad Aeryn and I were able to handle them so easily.”

Rock pointed out, “Well, I know for a fact that our enemies has access to Star Destroyers, as well. They will eventually catch you, if you do not help us go on the offensive.”

Aeryn inquired, “Who are our enemies?”

Rock looked over at Aeryn, as he answered, “The name of the leader of our enemies is, Chang. I knew him before he went off the deep end. Before he started his reality traveling and pillaging conquests.”

“At the time, I thought he was somewhat sane compared to his other counterparts. I have since changed my mind when it concerns his sanity. But, make no mistake, in his own way, he is as dangerous, if not more so than Scorpius. It gets complicated for those under him. Those not used for breeding projects become his brainwashed servants. Including, the woman I love. A redhead named, Revy.”

John commented, “Let me guess. She has always been trouble?”

Rock grinned wickedly as he said, “You don't know the half of it. But, I love her, and even brainwashed, she still loves me.”

John asked, “So, why come to me?”

Rock explained, “Because, John. You are unique in all of the multiverse. You have the right combination of traits that we seek. Your genre savviness and knowledge is without peer. Your mind is both brilliant and creative. And you have experience with the impossible, that is without equal. Given all of this, if you wanted to, you could navigate the multiverse far better than any of us.”

“Now, here is my offer to you, in exchange for your help.”

John replied, “We are listening.”

Rock stated, “I know you have an infant son. So, I am only asking for your help, John. We both know that Aeryn is more dangerous than you. And she can take care of Dargo by herself. My offer is a trade. Your service to us, until our enemies are defeated, in exchange for access to our technologies to...”

As Rock stated what he had planned to give them, in returned for John's help, both spouses immediately started paying complete attention to Rock's words.

After Rock finished, John and Aeryn turned to look at each other.

Aeryn said, with concern on her tone of voice, “John. I feel uneasy about this. But, I will fully support your choose, either way.”

John turned to Rock, as he stated, “You have a deal, Rock. But first, we will need to find a Diagnosan, and retrieve some medical supplies.”

Rock stated, “While, we do have time constraints, in other ways. The technology we have will hastened your quest in getting those supplies, and medical services.”

Aeryn stated, “I will take Dargo to the shuttle, and contract pilot and Moya. To inform them what is going on. Also, I will have Pilot get in touch with Chiana.”

Rock requested, “If we are going to do this plan, I would like to leave a few of my people with you. We cannot all fit in the car. Their names are Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru.”

John questioned, “Ranma?”

Rock replied, “Yes. That Ranma.”

John chuckled. He turned to his wife, as he said, “Honey, I think you will be in for a treat.”

Rock requested, “Aeryn, please in from Pilot not to have the DRDs inject them translator microbes. Or us, for that matter. We all know english. And we know that you and Pilot do, as well. So, we can all still talk to each other, without the translator microbes. Also, when we returned with what we need for our plan. We will directly teleport into one of Moya's shuttle bays.”

Aeryn stated, “I will let Pilot know to inform the DRDs. And we will be expecting your return.”

Rock replied, “Thank you.”

Aeryn turned to her baby son, as she put away her pistol. She then started pulled together her family's belongings. To take both her son, and their belongings, back to their shuttle.

The other three adults noticed this. John asked, “Do you need help, honey?”

As Aeryn folded the chairs, she answered, “No. I am fine.” She turned to John, as she continued, “Just do what you got to do.” She turned back to getting ready to leave the planet.

Rock turned to John, as he requested, “This way. Please.”

Rock and Annie then turned, as the started walking back to their team.

Meanwhile, John turned off his pistol, and put it into the right pocket of his swim trucks. He then buttoned up his shirt, as he followed the two other adults further down the beach.

John soon followed them over a sand dune, where he saw the rest of Rock's team.

John could see the entire all looked ready for battle. And their car was a chrome convertible, with its top down. He saw a number of people. Including, a woman with long green hair, in a ponytail, standing, while she held her rifle, with her right hand, on the stock. As she pointed the barrel into the air.

As Rock, Annie, and John came to a stop, near each other, those present turned to look at them.

Rock looked over at his team, as he stated, “Let me introduce everyone. Guys, this is John Crichton. The newest member to our bad company.” Rock turned to John, as he continued, “John. You already have met, Annie.” Rock used his left hand to pointed at the green haired woman holding an automatic rifle, as he went onto say, “This is my second in command, Fabiola”

John turned to Fabiola, as he said, “Pleasure to meet you.”

Fabiola looked over at John, as she replied, “Likewise.”

Rock the pointed at Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru, as he explained, “As you can guess. The red haired woman is Ranma. The blond haired woman in the cowgirl outfit and weapons is Akira. And the blue haired girl in the white and black seifuku is Natsuru. All three of them can change their genders back and forth.”

John stated, “Interesting. I am definitely going to have to see you three change back and forth.”

Akira and Natsuru looked at each other, They smiled wickedly at each other. They then looked back at John, as Akira said, “Do not worry, John. We would be more than happy to show you. We are big fans of yours.”

John recognized that look, as he commented, “Just to remind you. I am a married man. And my wife can kick your ass.”

Natsuru commented, “We know. Which is why we are looking, and not touching.”

Rock moved the discussion along, as he stated, “And our car... Well our car is...”

John heard the car say, in an impatient tone of voice, “Would you just introduce me already.”

John inquired, “Who is that? Kitt?”

Rock remarked, towards the car, “Told you. How about you transform, and show him.”

John then watched at the car transform into a large, tall robot.

John gulped, as he looked up at the robot he suddenly recognized. He said, in a surprised tone of voice, “Megatron? You guys are working with Megatron?”

Annie continued to smile, as she remarked, “Look on the bright side. At least he is on our side.”

John asked, himself, more than anyone else, “What have I gotten myself into?”

The others just laughed at John's comment.

As they calmed down, Rock said, “Okay. Let's go meet Aeryn. And while we walk. I will tell you my plan.”

Soon after, the group had been introduced to Aeryn, and everyone was informed of Rock's plan.

A few minutes later, Ranma, Akira. Natsuru joined Aeryn and young Dargo on Aeryn's space shuttle.

As John watched the shuttle take off for Moya, Rock was standing by him, to John's left side.

John said, “Rock, if you can pull off your part of this trade, you will have my eternal gratitude.”

Rock replied, “Don't worry. We will. And those three will not let anything happen to your friends and family, while we are gone.”

John responded, “I hope not.”

The two men turn to Megatron, whom had transformed back into car mode, with the res of Rock's team already inside.

Rock and John then got into the car.

Annie was in the backseat, on the passenger side. Fabiola was behind Annie. Rock was in the driver's seat. While John saw in the front passenger seat.

Less than a minute later, they teleported away to find the person and supplies they needed to prepare for their rescue mission.


Two hours later, in the dining area of Moya, Aeryn, her babe son Dargo, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru were sitting in the chairs, around the curved end of the crescent shaped table, with their backs to the wall. When facing the table, on the left end of the table, was Ranma. Then Natsuru. Then Akira. Then, there was Aeryn, on the right end of the table.

Aeryn was holding her son in a blanket, in her arms with one arm, while using a baby bottle, in the her free hand, to feed him.

Aeryn was dressed back in her usual clothing. Which was a black shirt, black pants, and black boots.

After they had first arrived onto Moya, there some introductions between Pilot of the three new women. Along with Aeryn informing Pilot to prevent the DRDs from injecting translator microbes into the other three adult women.

Also, Aeryn mentioned that Pilot should be expecting John and Rock's group to teleport to one of Moya's shuttle bays.”

Along with this, Aeryn and Pilot had both noted when the three other adults had arrived, that Natsuru and Akira were awestruck as they passed through Moya's hallways. It was a very similar look as to what they had seen several times on John's face, when he first arrived to their part of the galaxy.

Ranma on the other hand, was just taking everything in stride.

Now, that is was little Dargo's feeding time, Aeryn had take everyone to the dining area to eat, and keep a close eye on them.

The other three women had told Aeryn they were not really hungry, and they had already eaten earlier. But, they were more than happy to keep the mother and son company.

Pilot, was using a viewscreen facing the group, from the wall, near the table, to project his face to them. He said, in english, “I have contacted Chiana. She is in a nearby star system. And she will be here within the hour. Also, the DRDs will be on the look out for John, and the others.”

Aeryn, whom was holding her son, Dargo, replied, in english, “Thank you, Pilot.”

Meanwhile, Akira had found a package of food cubes. After they had all sat down, she had opened up the package. She then ate one of them.

After finishing the food cube, Akira turned Natsuru. She commented, “They really do taste like crackers.”

Natsuru said, “Cool. Let me try one.” Natsuru took one of the food cubes from the package, chewed it, and swallowed it.

Ranma looked over at her two girlfriends, while stating, “I don't get you guys. Cracker don't matter.”

Natsuru and Akira looked over at Ranma, then at each other as they started laughing.

Ranma whined, “I hate it went you guys get like this. Because I cannot enjoy the fun.”

As the other two women calmed down, Akira said, “Come on, Ranma. Cheer up. We are making progress with showing you all the fiction Natsuru and I like. It just takes time. And though it has been fun, traveling does not help in these matters. It eats up a lot of our time.”

Ranma quietly responded, “Okay.”

Aeryn watched the entire scene play out, for the three strangely dress women. She thought, 'Yes. Humans are crazy. But, I still need to know a few things about these three.'

Aeryn looked over at Akira, as she asked, “Akira, given the weapons you have, are you some type of soldier?”

The three women turned to Aeryn. Akira answered, “Nope. You could say were an interesting mix of people. I am a former college student, criminal, and pirate.”

Aeryn responded, “And you, Ranma? And Natsuru?”

Ranma replied, “Martial artist. One who studies the fighting arts. Actually, I am a world class martial artist. Also, I am former musical band member

Aeryn commented, “We may have to spare, sometime.”

Ranma said, “I will look forward to it.”

Aeryn questioned, “And you, Natsuru?”

Natsuru answered, “I am a magical girl and former cop. What you call a police officer, or law enforcement officer.”

Aeryn shifted how she was holding her infant son, as she raised an eyebrow to their comments. She questioned, “A law enforcement officer and a renegade. How did you two end up as friends?

Natsuru stated, “We knew each other before circumstances separated us. And events out our lives forced us into those roles. After we found each other, and got back together, we quit our jobs, and we have been happily together, ever since.”

Pilot, using the viewscreen, inquired, “So, you are all good friends?”

Natsuru grinned, as she turned to Pilot. She replied, “Actually, all three of us are lovers.”

Natsuru's answer caught both Pilot and Aeryn by surprise.

Aeryn politely said, “I admit that I can see the appeal of preferring women over men. Men just sometimes act without thinking.”

The other three adult women started giggling.

As they calmed down, Akira responded, “Actually, we can change our genders, back and forth at will, in the blind of an eye. Natsuru, please show them.”

Natsuru stood up, from her chair. She then used her bracelet to change back into a man, along with his clothing changing to the male clothing, he had on earlier that day.

Aeryn and Pilot watched as the beautiful, youthful, slender, blue haired woman changed into a more muscular, handsome blue haired man, whom now had much more toned muscles, and overall physical physique. Along with the change in clothing.

Aeryn slowly stated, with mild surprise in her tone of voice, “You are quite... healthy. I can see why Akira and Ranma find both your gender forms attractive.”

Akira and Ranma giggled, while Natsuru simply replied, in his male voice, “Thank you. Those two are as equally handsome as men, as they are beautiful as women.”

Akira and Ranma smiled at Natsuru, for his compliment.

A few seconds later, Natsuru returned to being a woman, wearing her white and black seifuku. She then sat back down in her chair.

Akira explained, “Each of us gained our gender changing ability in a different way. We each have a different way to trigger the change. Natsuru has a magical, blue bracelet on her right wrist, that allows her to change back and forth. Along with her clothing. Which I envy ability to do so.”

Natsuru looked over at Akira. She smiled, while lightly giggling at Akira's comment.

Akira looked over at Natsuru. She then looked at Aeryn, as she continued, “I change with a sneeze. But, in this girlish clothing. Trust me. You do not want to see me change into a guy. I have. It is not pretty.”

“Ranma changes based on being splashed with water of different temperatures. Hot water changes her into a man. Cold water change him into a woman. And if you are wondering, we were all originally born male. We just prefer to be woman, right now.”

Pilot honestly said, from the viewscreen, “Interesting.”

Akira turned to Pilot, as she said, “Not even half as interesting as we find you, Pilot. We three consider it a true honor, and privilege, to be on Moya and meet with you all.”

Pilot responded, “Thank you, Akira. It is so nice to have such polite guests. For once.”

Aeryn looked at the three women more closely, as she commented, “Your sex life must be very exciting.”

Ranma looked at Aeryn, as she playfully replied, with a lecherous smile on forming on her lips, “You have no idea.”

Aeryn returned Ranma's grin, as she responded, “But, I would like too.”

Aeryn's comment made the other three women deeply blush.

Akira thought, 'I forgot that in the bodyswap episode of Farscape, Out of Their Minds. Where almost everyone on the crew, swapped bodies, a few times. When John was in Aeryn's body, she was a perfect gentleman, or lady. Depending on how you look at it.'

'But, when Aeryn was in John's body, she admitted to John, at the end of the episode. After they had all returned to their bodies, that he was down John's pants. She is as kinky as we are. And that is saying something.'

All of a sudden, Pilot spoke up from the viewscreen, “A strange vehicle, with John, a Diagnosan doctor, and three other humans inside, have suddenly appeared in one of Moya's shuttle bays... John has just informed me, through the DRDs that he also has the medical supplies he needs to prepare the medical bay for what he is planning to do.”

Natsuru, Ranma, and Akira got up form their seats.

Ranma stated, “Thank you, Pilot. Tell them that we will meet them down there.”

Akira requested, “Pilot, given Moya has multiple shuttle bays, could you please have a DRD show up the way to our friend?”

Pilot replied, “Most certainly.”

A few seconds later, a DRD rolled up beside the three women and beeped.

Aeryn then watched as three other women followed the DRD out of the room.


Farscape reality, the planet Qujaga, several months ago.

A full scale war, between both the Peacekeeper and Scarran armadas were waging, both in orbit, and planetside, of the mostly water planet, Qujaga. With the crew of Moya caught in the middle of the fighting.

On an island, on Qujaga, during, the crew of Moya's escape, planetside, Ka Dargo had been mortally wounded in his stomach. He was now buying the others time, by delaying the Scarran patrols, so his friends would be able to escape back to Moya.

Outside, on one side of a clearing, Ka Dargo sat down, while leaning against the broken pillar, as he held up a pulse rifle in each hand. He did this to give cover to his friends, and buy them time to escape offworld.

While he did so, he was couching up blood, as he bled out from the wound in his gut.

He was waiting for the Scarran patrol that would surely come any moment.

Dargo thought, 'Either way. I do not have long now either way. Though, I wish the Scarrans would just show up already. I do not want to die of my wounds. I prefer to go out in a blaze of glory. Saving my friends. Something I am sure Lo'Laan and Nilaam would be proud of.

'Considering am likely about to see them on the other side. I would like to reunite with them on a good note.'

A second later, the Scarran patrols. Which were composed mostly Charrid ground troops, with a few Scarran officers. Showed up, across the clearing from Dargo.

Dargo fired both pulse rifles at them, as he yelled, “I'm your daddy!”

Dargo continued firing, while waiting for them to get a luck shot at him.

Suddenly, Dargo watched as a large, chrome robot rushed towards the Scarrans and Charrids, as the robot literally tore through them.

The Scarrans and Charrids' energy weapons had little effect on the large robot.

Dargo immediately stopped firing, as he watched the spectacle play out in front of him.

Behind the chrome robot, Dargo saw two human women come into the clearing. Dargo could tell they were human, and not Sebacean, by their scent, from his powerful Luxan sense of smell.

The green haired girl was firing a strange rifle at the Scarrans.

The brown haired girl besides her was using a red energy blade to deflect any shots fired at the two of them.

Within less than thirty seconds, the battle was over.

It was then, that the brown haired woman yelled, in english, “Clear!”

A second later, the chrome robot turned to Dargo, as he joked, “I'm your daddy? Huh? Well then, I am your grandfather! BWAHAHAHAHA!”

It hurt Dargo to laugh, but Dargo didn't care, as he chuckled, as thank you, 'Thank you universe. At least, I am going to die laughing.'

Then, he saw John come out from behind the nearby a destroyed wall. John was in his usual black shirt, black pants, black boots, and a red sleeveless vest over his shirt. Dargo also saw that John had pulled his pulse pistol from its right side holster, with him holding his pulse pistol in his right hand.

Along with John, Dargo saw another human, in a black suit, whom was walking with a cane in his left hand. There as also a Diagnosan by them.

Dargo noticed John and the Diagnosan were rushing towards him.

Dargo immediately stopped laughing, as he smiled. He dropped his pulse rifles onto the ground, as he yelled, “John! I thought you went with the others?!”

As John reached his best friend, Dargo could see he was holding an IV bag. John quickly found a vein on Dargo's right arm, and he inserted a needle attached tho the tube. The other end of the tube was connected to a back of Luxan blood that was Dargo's blood type.

John held the bag, as he looked at his friend's face. He stated, “I did buddy. But, I'm back. I'm back from the future. And, I came back for you. I got good news. You're going live. Chiana is even waiting for you, on Moya.”

Dargo sadly said, “As I told you, when you left. The wounds are too deep. I am already dead.”

John retorted, “Big D, we have a Diagnosan doctor with us. We both know these guys are miracle workers. And we got a full medical bay prepped and ready, when we get back to Moya. All you got to do is hang in there for just a few more minutes.”

By then, the Diagnosan reached Dargo and began using his medical tools on Dargo's stomach, to stop the bleeding. As the alien doctor did this, he was also figuring out what needed to be done to save Dargo, when they returned to Moya, and surgery could began on him.

Nearby, Fabiola held her automatic rifle in her right hand, as she pointed with her left hand, in a direction to the right side of the clearing. She yelled, “We have more incoming!”

Rock extended his right arm in the direction Fabiola was pointed. He sonic shotgun slid out from under his sleeve, from his spring-loaded gamblers' rig. Rock look in that direction, to make sure what he was firing at. He then fired his weapon as the incoming Scarrans and Charrids.

A second later, the sonic gun slid back in place under this right sleeve. He turned back to his team, as he quipped, “Not any more.”

Just as the Diagnosan had finished prepping Dargo for transport, John said, “We need to hurry.”

Megatron transformed into his car mode, and rolled over to John, Dargo, and the Diagnosan.

The other three adults soon followed.

Lee than a minute later, Rock was behind the wheel. The Diagnosan was seated in the middle front cushion.

John, Fabiola, and Annie had just gently put Dargo in the front seat, while they were careful with his blood bag, as they kept the IV line into his arm untouched.

The three adults then got into the back seat.

John was behind Dargo, Fabiola was in the center seat, and Annie was behind Rock.

Rock did not bother to say anything. He just quickly checked to make sure everyone was inside. He then inserted his reality key into Megatron, they jumped realities.

As second later, the were in one of Moya's shuttle bays. A few days after Rock made his offer to the Crichton family, to save Dargo, in exchange for John's help.

Beside the passenger door was a gurney waiting for them.

John, Fabiola, and Annie quickly opened the back doors, and got out. They then, opened the front passenger door, and gently helped Dargo onto the gurney, on his back. With the back of blood attached to him, on top of his chest.

Next, they rushed Dargo out of the shuttle bay, down a hallway, to the medical bay, with the Diagnosan was right behind them.

As they passed through the hallways, right before they reach the medical bay, Dargo saw Chiana there. Dargo could tell that Chiana was slightly smiling, as she was on the verge of tears.

Dargo also saw Aeryn, whom was stoic as ever.

And Dargo noticed three other adult human women, nearby, whom he did not know.

John then stopped in the hallway, as Annie and Fabiola pushed Dargo's gurney into the medical bay. He then watched the Diagnosan follow behind, into the medical bay.

A few seconds later, Fabiola and Annie exit the room, and the door closed behind them.

John looked at the closed door, as he thought, ' We have done everything we can. I just hope it is enough. And since we never found his body, this won't cause a paradox. And for once time travel works for us.' He looked over at his wife, whom had a sad look on her face, as he mentally continued, 'Now, I just have to pay the piper, and fulfill my end of our bargain.'


The next few day were interesting on Moya, as Rock's crew waited for Dargo to recover enough that John would decide to finally leave with them.

To keep Rock's enemies from finding them, Moya did a few starbursts

None of them complained about the situation. It gave an opportunity to rest, and not have to worry about being captured.

Of all of the group, Rock, Akira, and Natsuru got the most out of being there. All three were fans of the Farscape series. But, they were polite enough not to make it an issue, nor try to asking uncomfortable questions to the crew of Moya.


In the medical bay, Dargo was laying in his bed. He was still hooked up to an IV drip.

As Dargo laid in bed, he was very happy. According to the Diagnosan doctor, whom was going checking on him every few hours, he was going to live.

Meanwhile, Chiana had not left his side, as she sat in a chair by his bed, to his right side.

While staring at the ceiling, Dargo though, 'The Diagnosan says my injures are healing well. And I should be able to return to my own quarters, tonight. John said they never got around to throwing out my stuff. So, that is good.'

Dargo then turned to look at Chiana, he continued his thoughts, 'I can even have some fun with Chiana. As long as I don't exert myself too much. Ah, Chiana. There is something different about her. I guess my reported death really hit her hard. I have already forgiven both her and my son, Jothee, for their indiscretion, years ago.'

Chiana noticed Dargo was looking at her. She asked, in slightly emotional, anxious manner, “How are you doing? Can I get you anything?”

Dargo replied, “I am fine. I am just thinking about what I am going to do now.” He thought, 'Well, I have been putting this off for far to long enough. It is time to talk to her about about our relationship.'

Dargo quietly said, “Chiana. We need to talk about something. As I laid dying, I told you that I loved you, and I meant it. Second chances are very rare. Let us not waste this one.”

Chiana shed a couple of tears, as she replied, “Oh, Dargo. I love you, too. And I don't want to waste this opportunity with you. When we were there. You promised we would meet again. I thought it would be in the next life. I am so happy it wasn't.”

Chiana then sat up from her chair, lead over and lightly kiss him on his lips.

After Chiana broke the kiss, and sat down in her chair, Dargo smiled. He responded, “Yea. I found my way back to this side, with some help.”

Chiana said, in a serious tone of voice, “Dargo. I want to make this relationship work. I want you know to know that in the last several months I have been doing a lot of growing up. A lot of maturing. I will never cheat on you, again.”

Dargo smiled at her, as he stated, “I believe you. I know what it is like to enter into a relationship when I was too young for it. My previous relationship with you may have been the universe's way of teaching me that lesson from the other end. Now, I think we are both ready for a real relationship that is not just based purely on really good sex.”

Chiana wiped away her own tears from her eyes, as she said, “I hope so.”

Dargo inquired, “I have only one concern. And it is not about us. These people that helped John rescue me. Have you met them?”

Chiana answered, “Yes. A very strange group of people. Even for us. They refuse translator microbes. So, making them understanding me is a bit of a chore. Fortunately, Aeryn, John, or Pilot, were available to help translate. Though, the man named Rock, and the two women, Akira and Natsuru, were particularly interested in me. But, it was not my body they were mostly interested in. They wanted to get to know me, as a person. And some of their claims are quiet insane. They claim to be from fictional universe, and that our universe is a work of fiction by humans.”

Dargo pointed out, “We already knew. From visiting Earth, that John's species is insane. But, I will give them credit that they are crazy and imaginative enough to pull it off. We will look into it. After I fully recover. Still, how would you judge their personal characters? Are they trustworthy?”

Chiana slowly said, “I believe so. Why are you asking?”

Dargo responded, “Because my instincts tell me that John is going to have a pay a huge price for saving my life. I just hope it is not as high a price as Zhaan paid for bringing back Aeryn.”

Chiana softly stated, “Let us hope not.”

A few seconds later, John and Aeryn walked in. Aeryn was carrying her bundled infant son in her arms.

Chiana turned towards them, as Dargo leaned up to see them.

John stated, with a smile on his lips, “It is so great that reports of your demise were greatly exaggerate.”

Dargo lightly chuckled. He then stated, “Careful with the jokes. I am still healing. So, what bring you three down here?”

Aeryn happily said, “We figured you might finally feel up enough to meet our son.”

Dargo replied, “Any time, Aeryn. So, what is his name?”

John continued grinning, as he answered for Aeryn, “That is the thing, Dargo. We thought you were dead. So, we named our son after you. Meet Dargo Crichton.”

Aeryn leaned over near Dargo, so he could see her infant son in her arms.

Dargo smiled at John and Aeryn, as he stated, “I am honored that you would name your son after me.”

Chiana commented, “Still. That does leave a slight problem. We cannot call two people on the ship, Dargo. What nickname have you thought up?”

John stated, “How about Little D? We already call Dargo sometimes, Big D.”

Aeryn agreed, “That will work.”

Dargo and Chiana just smiled, to show their support for the name.

Dargo asked, “So, what had been happening since I have been away.”

Aeryn answered, “Fortunately, nothing much. Rygel returned to his homeworld, and took back his throne. Chiana, here, left to find her own way. And Noranti wondered off somewhere, onto a planet we stopped by, a few months back.”

“By the way, Jothee has been contacted about you being alive. He is very happy to hear you are back among the living. He says he will return your Qualta Blade. He will be here in a week. And he plans to throw a massive party for you.”

Dargo said, “Let him have the Quatla Blade. My son has proven himself a warrior. He has earned that weapon. Still, Luxan parties can be very exciting. I might not survive the coming party.”

Dargo's joke caused everyone in the room have a good chuckle.

As they calmed down, Dargo looked over at the Chiana. He continued, “And I, on the other hand, am planning to retire from the life of adventures and excitement.”

Chiana just grinned at him.

Aeryn stated, “We feel that same way. And those that are left on Moya are John, my son, Pilot, and I. Except for a few blue robots, which were easily taken care of, it has been quiet for us. And we hope that the situation remains so.”

Dargo inquired, “What about the Peacekeepers? And the Scarrans?”

John answered, “Right now they are licking their wounds, and maintaining an uneasy truce. We will have to tell you sometime, about how I put a shotgun to the universe to get those two groups to the negotiation table.”

Dargo replied, “I look forward to it. What about Scorpius?”

John said, “We have heard nothing from him. Nor about him. In several months. And I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Dargo then asked the question he dreaded to learn about, “I agree. So, John, what was the price for them rescuing me?”

John answered,”The deal I made for saving your life, was that I would help them. I got to go with them. But, from what they tell me, you all will not even know I am gone. I should return in less than a day.”

Chiana said, “I will say a pray for you.”

Dargo stated, “Good luck, John.”

Aeryn pointed out, “Should. Not will.”

John look over as his wife, as he realized that he was going to have to talk to Aeryn about this, in private, one more time.

The friends then continued talking, for the next few hours. Before they finally retired from the room, to allow Dargo some rest.


That evening in John and Aeryn's private quarters, Little D was taking a nap in his crib, as his parents talked.

John and Aeryn stood facing each other, as John said, “Aeryn. They are going to keep coming after us. We cannot just run. We both know running doesn't work. At least I will be with people that know about the hell is going on.”

Aeryn firmly stated, “But, what if you don't come back? I should be with you.”

John admitted, “Aeryn, I would love for you come along. But, someone has to take care of Little D. You are the only person in existence that I am sure our son will be safe with, while I am gone.”

Aeryn asked, “John, what if worse comes to worse, and you don't come back?”

John said, in a sober tone of voice, “Protect our son. And when he is old enough to protect himself, come looking for me. And, if need be, avenge me.”

Aeryn just smiled as her husband, as she understood that he was right.

John walked up and kissed his wife, on her lips, for a full thirty seconds.

After he broke the kiss, John walked over to a chest of drawers, that held their clothing in it. From the top of the chest, he picked up his gunbelt, with this pulse pistol in it.

John put on the gunbelt around his waist, as he turned, opened the door to the quarters, and walked out into the hallway.

As John walked through the hallways, he said, “Pilot?”

Pilot answered, from a nearby intercom, “Yes, John?”

John requested, “Watch after the others. And if any ships approach Moya, starburst immediately. Don't worry. I will find you guys. I have done it before.”

Pilot replied, “Yes, John. And I wish you a safe trip.”

John replied, “You too, Pilot.”


A few minutes later, John entered the shuttle hanger that Megatron was in.

Megatron, for the most part, had stayed in his alt car mode, with the top down, as he recharged his energy reserves.

Now, that John was ready to leave, the rest of Rock's group were already ready to go. With the other members of Rock's group already seated in Megatron's car mode.

As John looked at how the passengers were seated, he mentally reality, 'This is going to be a tight fit. But fortunately, most of the girls are small enough to make it work.'

Rock was in the driver's seat. Annie was sitting in the middle front seat.

Fabiola was sitting behind Rock. Akira was between Fabiola and Natsuru. With, Ranma on the other side of Natsuru, behind the passenger seat.

John walked up to the passenger door, opened it, and he got in.

John thought, 'With this crew, it might be best not to buckle up. I might have to jump out at a moment notice.'

Annie turned to John, as she asked, “Are you ready?”

John looked over at Annie, as he said, “As ready as I will ever be.”

Akira said, from behind John, “John, we are about to jump. Just relax. Like the others, we will be there in the blink of an eye. In a second, we will be in at our mansion hideout, in San Francisco, on an alternate Earth.”

Akira turned to Rock, as she stated, “Hit Rock.”

Rock turned the key, and they instantly returned back to the Alternate Earth reality they had come from.

The next thing John knew, it was the middle of the day.

John looked up and saw that it was a pearl blue Earth sky. And he then noticed that the temperature was warm, but not hot.

John looked around. He saw that they were out front, in the drive way of the San Francisco mansion, that Akira had just told him about, a few days ago.

John said, under his breath, “Scotty, beam me up. Indeed.”

The others overheard the joke and laughed, for a few seconds.

As they calmed down, Rock commented, “For those here. We have only been gone a few hours.”

Akira said, “Good.” She turned to John, as she continued, “Now that we are home, John. Let us tell you more about who were are facing.”

John replied, “I am all ears.”

The crew then exited Megatron, as they soon entered the home, as gave John a tour of the mansion they were currently living in.


Black Lagoon reality. Chang's tower.

It was just after lunch, inside Chang's huge penthouse office. Behind the desk, Chang was enjoying the last bites of lunch, while the bodyguards sat on the couch by the pool table, that faced the front of the room.

As Chang ate, on the large multi-screen monitors, act as one screen, above the large entrance double-doors to the office, was playing the climatic final act of the action-comedy movie, Last Action Hero.

The wall speakers provided plenty of sound, as multi-screen played one of Chang's all time favorite scenes in fiction. Chang and the bodyguards watched the scene play out.

The villain of the movie, Benedict, stated, with such euthanasia, “We'll have a nightmare with Freddy Krueger. Have a surprise party for Adolf Hitler. Hannibal Lecter can do the catering. And then, we'll have christening for Rosemary's Baby. All I have to do is snap my fingers and they'll be here. They're lining up to get here, and do you know why Jack? Should I tell you why? Hmm? Because here, in this world, the bad guys can win!”

At the desk, Chang laughed in enjoyment, while stating, “This is a truly underrated movie. It is practically a guide for how a villain should act when traveling across the multiverse... Benedict, you had such potential. Only for that potential to be cut short by the pitfalls of Hollywood production.”

“I would bring you back Benedict. But, even with the brainwashing, we both know you would likely betray, and try to replace, me, at the first opportunity. Unlike Sith Lords, I like my minions to be loyal to me. Though, I will realize that potential in your place.”

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Chang took a sip of wine from the wine glass, while checking the outside video feed from the desk computer monitor.

It was Lotton, and he looked worried.

Chang sarcastically stated, “Wonderful timing, Lotton.”

Chang stopped the movie. The bodyguards then lined up by the desk.

A few seconds later, Lotton was let into the office, as the large entrance doors were opened for him.

As Lotton walked towards Chang, at his desk, he saw through the window in front of him, the top of the storm clouds that were slightly raining on those below them.

To Lotton's left side, he saw the three bodyguard women that Chang had at attention, beside the front of Chang's desk.

With the fair skinned woman being closest to the door. The asian was woman in the middle. And the dark skinned woman was nearest to Chang's desk.

As Lotton approached Chang' desk, Chang could see that Lotton was anxious, which was rare for the young, white haired man.

Moments after Lotton came to a stop, in front of Chang's desk, while sitting behind his desk, Chang asked, “What is it?”

Lotton explained, “We have a problem. Big trouble. If the reports are correct on tracking Rock and his bad company. They may have added a new team member. And this guy is a handful, even by himself.”

Chang requested, “Please explain.”

Lotton stated, “When I found out where Rock and the others went, I ordered the girls not to follow them, because it would likely make the situation worse. Even though we have yet to narrow down exactly where in the alternate San Francisco that Rock and the other are hiding out, we did track their jump signatures to two other places and times.”

“These two places have given me pause. They are in the Farscape reality. You have heard of this series?”

For a brief moment, the asian bodyguard, eyes shifted over to Lotton. She then quickly turned her eyes back to staring right in front of her.

Chang requested, “Yes. But, please refresh my memory?”

Lotton answered, “There is only one person that Rock would want from that reality, that he would trust for help, and could give him help. That man is, John Crichton. John Crichton is a rare type of person in the multiverse. Basically, he is like us, only better. He has a wealth of knowledge of fiction that makes him genre savvy like us.”

“He is also a genius in two ways. He can out think his enemies, many of whom could give us a challenge. And he is a genius at being creatively destructive. Also, his fighting skills and experiences make him very hard to break. Though, the man is slightly insane from everything done to him.”

“The only thing that separates us from him was our knowledge that we are works of fiction in other realities. That works of fiction we know of exist for real in other realities. Rock has likely already informed John of these facts.”

Chang agreed, “You are right. He does sound like trouble. Are he, along his friends, and family, on the target list?”

Lotton replied, “Only him, and his near-human alien wife, Aeryn. We only go after humans, near humans. Not complete aliens, whom we do not think they are compatible with human breeding. And we do not go after children. Such, as John's infant son. We still enforce our strict no children policy. When they turn eighteen years old, they are fair game.”

“And though, John and Aeryn are on the target list. They are only there for brainwashing, and vat processing, to be employed. Not for breeding stock. John's skills speak for themselves. And Aeryn is around as good a fighter as the Bloodhound. She is a nice alternate to have, for the Hell Sabers team. Should something happen to one of the team members.”

“As such, they are formidable. We have already sent combat boomers after them. And Aeryn, by herself, destroyed these boomers with ease. Due to her expert handling of powerful weaponry, and military training.”

Chang pointed out, “Okay. That was the first place. Where and when was the second place?”

Lotton responded, “Of the two places and times in the Farscape reality. The first signature was after the series. The second signature was located during and at the location of the climax of the series final, Peacekeeper Wars. On the planet Qujaga. My guess is Rock made John an offer. He would rescue Dargo, who was left to die in the finale, on Qujaga, in exchange for his help. That is how I would do it.”

Chang cracked a grin, as he commented, “Rock always did know how to push people's buttons to get what he wanted. So, what likely set him off to get John's help.”

Lotton replied, “I honestly think Rock is looking for his own replacement. He knows he is dying, and he does not want to leave his team in a lurch. When it comes to guile and planning. John could easily fill Rock's role. And Rock knows this. That is why he picked John.”

Chang commented, “That makes sense. Still, we need Rock alive.”

Lotton said, “While Rock refuses to look for our aid. I feel that as he gets closer to death, his friends may do otherwise.”

Chang nodded once in agreement. He then responded “That makes sense. So how do you plan to handle John? And capture those with John?”

Lotton stated, “Very carefully. Even if we capture him. Given the mental traumas that have happened to him, normal brainwashing will not work on him. As I said, he is slightly insane. When it comes to mind screws, John is the manwhore of the Uncharted Territories.”

“At one point, John had to spend a few years sharing his mind with a neural clone of a main supervillain of that series. The fact his still has cognitive reasoning, and he able to function in day to day life, is nothing short of a miracle.”

“And, if we turn him to our side, the pay off will be huge. Along with his knowledge and abilities, he is the key to capturing Aeryn. They are more than worth their weight in gold. Though, we will make sure their infant child is not harmed. And we will allow them to take care of him, at the Tower.”

“But, even after capturing John, capturing Aeryn will be a challenge. The living, organic ship they live, named Moya, has an interesting spacial folding ability called, starburst, that will instantly transport the ship to another part of their reality. This makes both tracking and capturing Moya difficult. Using Star Destroyers to capture Moya would prove next to impossible. And it would bring the wrong kind of attention, from the local space nations there.”

Chang inquired, “Such as who?”

Lotton responded, “While there are a number of space fairing species in the Farscape reality. The two heavy hitters are the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans. Either of these two groups could give the Star Wars Imperial Navy, or the Federation's Star Fleet, a workout. We do not want them to know about us. Still, there is someone that can handle John, and likely bring him to us alive, with John being mostly unharmed. This person is just as dangerous as John is.”

Chang said, “If this person is just as dangerous as John. Why have we not captured this person, yet?”

Lotton answered, in a serious tone of voice, “Because I specifically requested that this person not be on our target list for a number of reasons. There are some people in the multiverse that you do not want to cross. This person is one of them. Though, I will have this person contacted immediately. I think I know what we can offer the person for their help. When I do, we will have to wait a month to confront John. But, that will be a small matter.”

Chang replied, “Good. It gives you plenty of time to prepare your plans and personnel.”

Lotton said, “My thoughts, exactly.”

Chang responded, “Lotton, I will leave the matter in your hands. I am sure you can handle it.”

Lotton replied, “Thank you, sir.” He then turned and left the office.

As the doors closed behind Lotton, and automatically locked, Chang turned to the three women near him, as he said, “Now ladies. Let us have some fun.”

To Be Continued.


Author's Notes:

After the last few dark chapters, I hope you enjoyed the much brighter chapter.

I hope enjoyed me bringing Dargo back. I always thought his death scene was left open with a time travel loophole.

That being said, I am not using the Farscape, post-Peacekeeper Wars comics in this story.

It is not that I do not like the comic series. I actually enjoyed them. For example, the comic series took Scorpios' magnificent bastard skills to the next level.

Still, I plan to top what the comics did. And you will likely figure out what I plan to do by the end of the Book.

My main problem with the Farscape comics is that the comics tied up a lot of loose ends, and closed a lot of the plotlines.

And the comic timeline killed off a lot of characters that I liked. Such as Jothee.

So, this story is using the timeline of just several months after the Peacekeeper Wars event.

And if you think you know what I have planned, from the hints in Book One of this series. You don't.

I do not believe in, doomed by canon. Even if it is the canon I make within my own story. You will understand what I mean. Eventually.


On the movie, Last Action Hero. That is a truly underrated movie.

If you have not seen it, and you like a cheesing action movie, that does not take itself seriously. You might like it. The movie lays the ground work for how a villain should approach the multiverse.

That quote by Benedict is one of my all time favorite villain quotes. Because it is both genre savvy, and so deliciously evil.

And Chang enjoying that movie, and that specific scene, drives home the point of how dangerous and genre savvy a villain Chang really is


About Lotton, at the end of the chapter. I wanted to show that Lotton was savvy and dangerous in his own right. He already realized where and went Rock's team went. He figured out Rock's motives, and who Rock was having join his team. Lotton also realized how Rock convince John to join them. And he is already developing a contingency plan.

Along with that, I just wanted to make it clear, that the villains in the tower, have a no children rule, with the vat process. They are evil, but not that evil. And neither am I that evil.

And, given the nature of what is being done in the Tower, it makes since the villains would not be interested in kidnapping aliens at there are not biologically compatible with humans. Though, near-humans, like Sebaceans, and a number of species in the Star Wars realities, are another matter.

Until next time. Have fun.

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