Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.
Chapter Eight: “And Wisdom.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Alternate Earth, San Francisco. Late morning, on a clear, comfortable, sunny day.
Of the mansion that Rock and the others had been occupying for over a month, inside dimly lit garage, Rock was peacefully sleeping in the vat. Floating while unconscious, with a mask on Rock's face, and wires and tubes in various parts of Rock's body.
Suddenly, Rock felt large cold metallic hands gently lift up with Rock's body.
Rock felt things being pulled from Rock's body.
This caused Rock to slowly wake up.
A second later, Rock was gently set onto some cold rough concrete floor, to be leaned against the outside of the vat.
Rock felt Rock's lower knees and bare feet, on the concrete floor.
At the same time, Rock felt the liquid goo sliding off the body.
Consciousness was quickly returning, as Rock immediately felt a conformable, large piece of cloth over Rock's body.
Rock heard a woman's voice say with caution, “Take it easy, Rock. You have been through a lot. We need to do this slowly.... Megatron, please back away, and let me handle this.”
Rock then heard footsteps of someone walking away.
The woman's voice then stated, “Thank you.”
It was then that Rock immediately recalled the events leading to the sleeping.
Rock's eyes snapped open.
While the area of the garage they were in was dimly let, Rock found the light was still enough to see what was going on.
As Rock's eyes fully adjusted to the dim lighting, Rock's hands moved a few places along her body to confirm that she was now woman.
She also noticed that her black hair was now far longer than it used to be.
Rock tugged at the cloth laid over her back and she saw it was a white bathrobe.
She leaned up, as she quickly put her arms into the sleeves robe and tied the belt of the robe, around the front part of her body.
Rock thought, 'I really do not feel like looking down at myself, just yet.'
Rock then looked up and she saw Akira looked back at her, with concern on showing on her face.
In the dim lighting, Rock could see Akira was wearing a blue blouse, and black, cloth pants.
Rock quietly asked, in her new female voice, “How long was I out?”
Akira answered, “Just over a month.”
Rock asked, “What time it is?”
Akira answered, “Around eleven o'clock AM.”
Rock flatly inquired, “Am I healthy? Given how radical this change is, I honestly cannot tell what half of what my body is telling my mind right now.”
Akira stated, “All your vitals show that you are fine. Megatron even checked with his own sensors. You're are now a healthy, young woman.”
Rock said, “Good. And I will take your word at that. At the moment, I really don't feel like looking down at myself.”
Akira responded, “Take your time wrapping you mind around your gender change. Trust me. I have been there. You will get your mentally footing within a few minutes. But, while you are adjusting to your changes, I need to check you mental condition. I need you to answer a few questions.”
Rock replied, “Go ahead.”
Akira asked, “What is my name?”
Rock answered, “Akira.”
Akira questioned, “Good. What is your name?”
Rock answered, “Rokuro Okajima. Also known as, Rock.”
Akira asked, “Do you know where you are at?”
Rock answered, “San Francisco on an alternate Earth from my birth reality.”
Akira inquired, “How do you feel?”
Rock took a moment to mentally collect herself, as she mentally felt her body. She then answered, “All things considered. I actually feel pretty good. I feel stronger, with a lot more energy.”
Akira asked, “Great. Now, who are you in love with?”
Rock answered, “Revy... Hey, that wasn't fair. I am still barely awake.”
Akira smiled, as she stated, “Yea. You're fine. Now, lets see if you can walk. Be aware that a common misconception is that when a gender change, from male to female, suddenly happens, the center of gravity shifts from the shoulders to the breasts. It does not. The weight shifts from the shoulders to the hips.”
Rock replied, “I will keep that in mind.”
Akira then helped Rock stand up.
As Rock stood up straight, she found that she was a steady, no pun intended, as a rock.
Rock looked over and she saw that she was slightly shorted than Akira. She thought, 'It cannot be helped. Now, to see test our my legs and balance.'
Rock then took a few careful steps around in her bare feet. She quickly realize that she was having not any problems with balance, nor walking.
Yet, she noticed she was walking like a woman, with her upper legs closed.
Akira noticed this as well. She quickly said, “Don't worry about the way you are walking. It is common biology. You're hips are wider, in proportion to your body. And you have nothing between your legs that would cause discomfort if you walked with your legs closed. And that is why you are walking that way.”
Rock came to a stop, as she turned to face Akira. She said, “Good to know.”
Rock happily thought, 'No more need for a cane. Now, to find out what is going on, outside of my personal issues.' She inquired, “So, what is the plan?”
Akira stated, “For you need to get cleaned up. Since you are still getting use to your body, you are just going to take a quick shower without washing, to rinse the goo. That way, you won't have to deal too much with the new parts, while being reminded of the old parts you lost.”
Rock commented, “The goo comes off real quick. I have had to clean the stuff out of my hair and off my body, before. So, a quick shower is mercifully find for the situation.”
Akira said, “Good. Still, you are going to have to pee sooner or later. When you do, you will need to dry yourself there. Either wipe front to back, or dab yourself. Do not wipe back to front. And the reverse applies when you have to go from the back end. Wipe from the behind, front towards the back bottom of your tail bone. Even though you are now superhuman, it is best not to risk a yeast infection.”
Rock replied, “Thanks for the warning.”
Akira said, “You're welcome. Also, from what the manual the girls left with the vat, your monthly period won't start for at least a few months. So, there are no immediate worries there.”
Rock mentioned, “That is about how long it took till Annie had her first period.”
Akira responded, “Really? Anyway, the others are waiting for us in the downstairs living room. You can have you debut with them after you are cleaned and dressed. I will escort you, the back way, to the upstairs bathroom to shower. If you make it up there without a problem, I will leave you, and wait for you with the others.”
Rock questioned, “Thank you. I think I will be able to make it up the stairs on my own. What about clothing? Any problems with measurements? Or, do you need to take measures?”
Akira answered, “Fortunately, the computer screen on the vat told us your finalized clothing measurements, a few days ago. We already bought you some clothing. They are cleaned and folded in your bedroom, on your bed.”
“We took care to pick clothing that would fit you, but not grate on your still mostly male ego. Still, you are going to have to wear a bra. Though, do you know how to put on a bra?”
Rock replied, “On occasion, I helped Revy put her bra. I think I can manage. It should not be too difficult. And thank you for getting her to start wearing a bra, in the first place.”
Akira responded, “You're welcome. Though, you should thank Sawyer and Shenhua, more than me. Also, I will be honest, you have the largest pair of breasts I have ever seen in person. That could be an asset for you later on. But, keep in mind, we are all going to look down at them at first. Both the man, and the women. And given you are now shorter, when men look down at your face, they are also going to see your breasts. From experience, unless they stare for a while at my rack, I have found it best to just let their glances slide.”
Rock stated, “That is wise advise.” She look over at Megatron, whom was on the other side of the garage. She said, “Thank you, Megatron, for your help.”
Megatron's had not problem hearing Rock's words. He turned to Rock, as he replied, “You are welcome, Rock. And I am glad that you are healthy. And that you are now going to live.”
Rock stated, “I appreciate your concerns for my welfare.” She turned to Akira, as she said, “Let's go.”
Both of them headed for an entrance to a back hallway of the home.
Rock enjoyed the fact that for the first time in several months, she did not need to walk with a cane.
As they entered the hallway, and on much softer flooring, Rock practically ran to the back stairs, with Akira right behind her.
Rock make it up the steps without a problem, while keeping her right hand on the right railing, as she made it up to the second story.
A few seconds later, as she made it to the bathroom she, and the others used, on the second story.
Given Rock did not have a problem making that far, through the home, Akira excused herself, and left Rock to get cleaned up and dressed by herself.
Rock then shut the door, and took off her robe.
Rock took a quick shower. She turned on the water to where it warm, and literally stepped in to rinse off her hair and body, without looking down. She then turned off the shower, and dried herself off with a towel, without looking down.
Rock also ignored her reflection in the bathroom mirror, as she dried off.
It took her a few minutes to towel down her hair to the point it was not wet.
Afterward, she put on a clean, white bathroom, that she found in the bathroom closet.
Once she had tied the white cloth belt of the robe around herself, used one of the brushes the girls used to brush her hair. Though, she did not use the mirror to do so.
Fortunately, Rock found that she did not have any knots, nor tangles in her hair. And she just left her hair drape down her back.
As soon as her hair was brushed, she opened the door, exited the bathroom, walked down the hallway, and into her bedroom.
Rock closed her bedroom door behind her.
Rock stood in the room, with the light from the windows, providing plenty of illumination for her to see.
Rock let out a deep breath, as she thought, 'I need some time alone to myself, for a few minutes. And not in that way.'
Rock slowly walked up to where she was standing in front of the large bedroom wall mirror.
Rock thought, 'I might as well get this over with.'
She undid the white cloth belt of her white bathrobe. She then let the robe fall to the floor, allowing her to see the front side of her own naked, female body for the first time.
Surprisingly, the first thing she noticed was not her breasts, nor what had changed between her legs.
It was her face. And how there was no sign of a beard shadow, or anything. Along with how her face had not changed that much. Instead, the changes were subtle. The contours of her face were smoother. Though, she could still see herself in the mirror.
Her forehead, between her hairline and brow was shorter. The her cheek bones and jaw were smoother. She had no Adam’s apple.
Rock then noticed how here body lacked any body hair, save for the black hair on her head, and the black hair between her legs. Along, with how her hands, feet, and the rest of her body was smaller, and more feminine. Though, her body was in excellent shape. With her physical frame having a good athletic muscle tone, along her entire body.
Rock used her right hand to rub her left forearm, as she thought, 'I have absolutely no body hair, like Akira. The only hair I have is my head, and the pubic hair on my crotch. This is no normal. Most women have as least some light body hair. Not that I am complaining.'
She then used the mirror to look at her body more closely.
She used her right fingers to caress the right side of her temple, to her jaw, as she thought, 'I look almost exactly like my counterpart in the Boys and Girls omakes. Was that my counterpart? Was that really me, considering I actually lived the reality, in my dream, for a few minutes. There is a video of it. Still, I do not want to think about that. Madness lies that way.'
'Though, it is interesting that I changed into my counterpart, just like Dutch and Benny were changed into their counterparts. The only difference is, unlike them, I still have my mind, and free will, while they do not.'
'My face is only slightly different. Just a little more feminine. I look a few years younger than I did as male. Physically, I am probably in my mid-twenties in age. I have a shorter, slender body, compared to when I was a man. But, not by as much as I thought it would be.'
'I am now slightly shorted than Revy. When I was previously a few inches taller than her. This is liveable. At least I am not as short as Sawyer. Though, my one concern are my large breasts.'
Rock then looked down at her breasts. She used her left hand to touch her right nipple, then her left nipples.
She continued her thought, 'Sensitive. But, not painful. Good. Though, the worst part is that I knew beforehand, from the Boys and Girls omake, that they would likely going to be this big. I know I am going to attract the wrong kind of attention with these. Hell, they are attracting my own attention. Though, fortunately not in that way.'
'I hope my breast size does not upset Revy. She is kinda sensitive about these things. At least she can no longer use her monthly period as an excuse to be a bitch to me. Or, Benny and Dutch for that matter. If she does, when it is my turn, I would do it right back at her. Unless it is the same time, then it could turn ugly for the both of us.'
'Oh well. We will work something out after we rescue her and others from Chang. Still, Fabiola has the right idea. Best to try to be polite during that time. And at least I do not have to deal with that for a few months.'
Rock then leaned down and looked at her crotch. She used her right hand to brush against her couch. She thought, her lips curled into a lecherous smiled, 'So tempting. But, I want to save that for a special occasional.'
She leaned back up, as she realized, in thought, 'None of this is actually bothering me. Which, I guess, means mental part of the change is both the most shocking, yet relieving part of this entire process.'
'I am actually kinda proud of having this body. The brainwashing worked. I never thought that I would ever be happy to have been brainwashed, even slightly. I also probably am still attracted to women. And I likely now will find some men attractive, as well. I will just deal with that, as it comes. But, right now, I need to test out my physical strength.'
Rock walked over to the small, brown, wooden, chest of drawers, which was set against a wall, in her bedroom.
The top of the chest of draws top was at the same height as her waist. Along with the height, the chest of drawers was also three feet wide, and two feet in depth to the wall.
Rock gripped the furniture piece by the sides of top lip, with her hands.
She found that though the wooden chest of draws was moderately heavily, and it took her a little effort to lift it a few inches. Though, she had no real trouble in doing so.
A few seconds later, Rock gently set chest of drawers down. She thought, 'So, I am not stronger. But not by a lot. Now, for the more subtle stuff.'
Rock used her right thumb and index finger to lightly pinch the lip of the wooden chest of drawers.
At first, nothing happened. But, Rock slowly increased the pressure on the wood between her fingers. Within several seconds, the wood started to crack. Then, the wood soon shattered between her fingers.
Rock held up her right hand and looked at her fingers, to take a look at her fingers. She found that her fingers did not hurt. Her fingers were surprisingly unharmed.
Rock smiled, as she happily thought, 'Good. I still have control. I won't have to worry about accidentally breaking someone's hand by shaking it And from the feel of my fingers, my body is also tougher and more durable. Now, onto other matters, I have to attend to.'
Rock turned around to face her bed.
Rock first noted that her bed had been made.
On top of the blanket, above the sheets, she saw her cane lying on her bed, by her sonic small sonic shotgun attached to her gambler's rig, her reality key, her wallet, and her debit card. Near her weapons were her need, female clothing.
Further up the bed, by the pillows, she also saw the male clothing she had on, the morning she had go into the vat. It was neatly washed, and folded, Akira had promise it would be.
Rock thought, 'I won't be needing my male clothing, anytime soon. Now, let's see what my friends bought for me.'
Rock turned her attention back to the female clothing. She walked over to the clothing her friends had bought her. As she came to a stop, she took a few moments to take a closer look at her new female clothing.
The clothing were very utilitarian. She saw cotton underwear, some white sports bras, and more relaxing regular bras. There were a variety of different shirts, pants, and shorts, of colors ranging from blues, reds, black, and white. Also, there were some white socks as well.
There were no frilly clothing. No shirts. No brightly colored clothing. Such as pink. Just clothing that Rock knew she would not no issues with using.
Rock thought, 'Just as Akira said. It is thoughtful that they did not get me clothing that was too feminine. I can live with these clothes, for now. And like Ranma told me, I have other options, once this is all over.'
She then saw the specific work clothing Akira and the others had set out from the folded clothing.
A white button up, long-sleeved blouse. Dark pants. And black, flat sole dress slippers.
Rock mentally shrugged, 'Nice selection. I might as well get dressed in it.'
Rock started with some cotton underwear that she found fit butt and waist well.
While she found the regular bra she picked out, fit her. It still took her five minutes and trying on and adjusting a regular bra for it to be conformable to wear. The rest was easy. She put on and button her white blouse, which she found buttoned from the front. She then put on her dark pants. Her socks were next. And finally her dress slippers.
Rock then rolled up her right sleeve and put on wrist attachment, placing her gambler's rig, with small sonic shotgun in it. When she was finished adjusting her weapon, she roll back down her right sleeve.
Next, Rock pocketed her wallet, her reality key, and her debit card in one of right side pants pocket.
Rock thought, 'I can probably still use my real name on my debit card outside of Japan, without any once realizing that it is a male name. I have no intention of changing my name, to a more feminine name. I am both Rock, and I am Rokuro Okajimu. And I will be those names till the day I die.'
She then picked up her cane.
She looked at it. She smiled, as she thought, 'It looks like I won't be needing this anymore. Still, it is a cool laser weapon. I will take it with us, as a cool memento of our adventures. And I will find a nice place to put it, after we win.'
As she set back down the cane, she noticed she finally had to pee.
Rock sarcastically thought, 'Well, this is going to be interesting.'
She quickly made her way back to the bathroom.
After closing the door to the bathroom, she went to the toilet seat.
By habit, she was about to raise the lowered toilet seat, until she realized she is now a woman.
Instead, she turned around, pulled down her pants, and underwear. She then sat on the toilet seat.
She quickly figured out what muscles are needed to be used to relief herself.
As Rock finished, she thought, 'This is not surprising. Given this body has been doing this while I was asleep, through catheter, with this plumbing. And yes. I can feel I am still wet down there, after I stopped peeing.'
'It is best that take Akira's advice on this. Though, I really do not want to know if she had to learn this the harm way. Or, from someone else.'
Rock used some toilet paper to dry herself down their, from front to back. She then put the pieces of toilet paper into the toilet.
Next, she got up, pulled up her clothing, turned around, flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and dried her hands.
Finally, she exited the bathroom, and headed for the downstairs living room.
Less than a minute later, Rock made it down the front staircase, and into the living room.
When she walked into the living room, she came to a stop, as she saw that her friends were sitting in the cushioned couches and chairs around center of the room. All of them were just wearing some casual clothing.
Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru were women, at the moment.
As soon as they noticed her presence, they all turned to face her.
John was the first to speak, as he complimented her, “Damn girl. You look fine.”
Ranma said, “I agree with, John. And with breasts like those, you are going to have some real fun.”
Rock had enough sense not to blush at Ranma's comment.
Akira smiled, as she halfheartedly commented, “Oh Ranma. There is no need to be jealous.”
Everyone, including Ranma and Rock got a light laugh from Akira's comment.
Natsuru teased, “Ah, Rock, Fabiola and I are going to have so much fun teaching you about girl talk.”
Fabiola cracked a grin, as she said, “Yea. It is to bad that Annie has no interest in such things.”
Annie turned to Fabiola, as she commented, calm tone of voice, “That is because I have enough maturity to choose not to deal with such nonsense.”
Annie turned to Rock, as she offered, in a comforting tone of voice, “Rock, I have been through this, as well. I will be more than willing to listen, and do what I can to help you adjust to your changes.”
While still standing, Rock looked over at Annie, as she kindly replied, “I will keep that in mind. And thank you, everyone. So, how was your month? Any problems?”
John answered for the group, “None whatsoever. We caught a few movies. Had a few laughs. It was a great time. Did you sleep well?”
Rock cracked a grin, as she casually said, “Like a rock.”
The group lightly chuckled at Rock's joke.
As the calmed down, Ranma stated, “Rock, are you going to be okay with being a woman? You are taking this very well. When I first changed into a female, I flipped out and tried to kill my old man for accidentally turning me into a girl.”
Rock answered, “Nah. I think I will be fine with being a woman. That brainwashing does work. Being a woman doesn't bother me. To be honest, I am in some ways happy with this body.”
“I know the concept of being immediately okay with such a radical change. Along with willful mental manipulation would make some of you uncomfortable. Such as John. But, I would think the alternative would be far worse.”
John replied, “I am not really that uncomfortable with the concept. And you're right. Better to keep one's sanity than one's ego.”
Rock stated, “I am glad you agree. And thanks everyone for your help with saving my life.” Her tone of voice turned more serious, as she continued, “Now, that the show is over. We have work to do. You all had your month long vacation, without worries. Now, it is time to get back to work.”
John joked, “So, you just woke up, and are already cracking the whip.”
Rock playfully replied, “Don't tempt me.”
Natsuru asked, “So, what is the plan?”
Rock answered, “We are going to pack our things, eat, then put our belongings into Megatron's trunk. We are leaving this place for good. So, take what you need. We are not coming back.”
Ranma inquired, “Where are we going?
Rock stated, “We are going on a recon mission to Chang's tower. All of us.”
Ranma casually said, “Sounds like fun.”
Rock looked around the room, at her friends, as she commented, “Chang. I am sure thinks I am going to take a while to just get use to this body. He can think again. There is to much to do. He would not expect this. So, this is the perfect time to do it.” Rock turned to Annie, as she continued, “Annie, I want you and Megatron to destroy the vat, while making sure all the chemicals in it, do not spill, and are incinerated.”
Annie replied, “Well do.”
Annie got up from her chair, and she left the room, to inform Megatron, in the garage, and accomplish her task.
Rock then said, “Everyone else. Start getting packed.”
Rock then turned and left the room, for the stairs, and her bedroom, to pack her belongings.
Meanwhile, everyone else in the room got up from their seats, and headed to their rooms, to start packing their clothing and items, as well.
Two hours later, in the driveway, outside of the mansion garage, the group had gotten packed, eaten lunch, and loaded their luggage, a small cooler with drinks and snacks, weapons, ammo, and a few other items, into Megatron's trunk, his car alt mode.
During lunch, Rock was happy to find out that her tastes in foods and drinks had not changed.
Megatron's hood and side windows were lowered.
The seating arrangements in the car were pretty much the same.
Rock was driving. Annie was in the middle front seat. John was in the front passenger seat. In the backseat, Fabiola was behind Rock. Next to her was Akira. Then Ranma. And finally, Natsuru was behind John.
To get ready for there recon, everyone was in their combat clothing, or normal clothing.
Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma were dress for battle.
Natsuru was in her seifuku. Ranma was in her red chinese clothing, with her golden bracers on. Akira was in her yellow cowgirl outfit, with her long knives sheathed and strapped to her back, and her two revolvers holstered on the side of her gunbelt, that around her waist.
Annie wore simple black tennis shoes, women's blue jeans, black leather belt, and a white t-shirt. She had her lightsaber strapped to her belt.
Fabiola was in her black leather pants, and green blouse under her open black leather jacket. She had her semi-automatic pistols in her shoulder holsters. Also, Fabiola propped up her automatic rifle between her legs, on the floor of the back seat.
For safety, the chamber of the automatic rifle was empty. Though, the weapon had a full magazine of ammo attached to it.
John was dressed in his usual black pants and shirt, with his red sleeveless vest jacket. With his vest hiding his pulse pistol in its shoulder holster, under his left armpit.
And Rock has not changed clothes since that morning.
From her seat, Rock looked around at her group. She inquired, “Is everyone ready to kick some ass? I know I am.”
The seven members of the team answered in unison, “Yes.”
Rock replied, “Good.” She then turned back to face in front of her, as she leaned back in her seat.
Natsuru teased, “What, John? No woman driver jokes?”
John calmly replied, “My wife is a better pilot than I am. And that is saying something.”
Natsuru admitted, “That is true. You both are excellent pilots. You both are probably second to Annie here.”
John responded, “No argument there.”
Annie heard the entire conversation, and she quietly smiled, while sitting between Rock and John.
Rock joked, “Alright kids. Time to go.”
Everyone laughed
Rock pulled out her reality key from her pant's pocket, and she put into into the hole in Megatron's front dashboard.
Rock thought of going to Chang's tower, at a time parallel Revy's time, while she was there, a month after her team last met Revy in person, to pick up the vat from her, and her team.
Rock then rotated the key, and they instantly jumped realities.
The next thing everyone in the vehicle noticed was they were in an alleyway between two buildings. With one direction of the alleyway block, and the other way leading to a street.
Fortunately, Megatron's front end was pointed out the entrance to the street.
They looked up at the sky and they saw that it was sunny and warm day.
Megatron stated, “My sensors tell me from the angle of the Sol to us, that it is around four o'clock PM, in this time zone.”
Ranma asked, “Are we here?”
Rock pulled out her reality key, and pocketed it. She said, “I am not sure.”
Rock thought, 'This is not good. I know I was thinking about heading for Chang's Tower. How did we deviated from there? Still, the first matter at hand is to figure out where we are. Could we just be by the tower, in Roanapur? We will have to check.”
Suddenly, they saw a car passed by them on the street in front of them.
Natsuru said, “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Rock requested, “I agree. Megatron give us some privacy.”
Megatron said, “No problem.” He quickly raised the top of his hood, and rolled up his windows. He then turned on the tint to his windows to give them some privacy.
Rock then slowly drove Megatron onto the street. When Rock saw they were clear, he turned left on the two lane street.
As their vehicle turned onto the two right hand lane of the street, they saw the street was full of people walking on the sidewalks.
While they their way down the road, they also saw cars behind them, and passing by them, on the oncoming left lane.
Akira commented, “This looked like a regular day, in old Roanapur.”
Rock replied, “I know.”
Rock drove slowly, to allow her group to get a look around them. But, she did not drive to slowly, to back up traffic.
John stated, “I don't think we are in the right time. I would think if Chang was as much a warlord as you say he had become, the city would be deserted, or under lockdown.”
Rock kept her eyes on the road, as she stated, “You might be right, John. Most people from my time that lived in this city deserted, by the time we left. We being, Dutch, Benny, Janet, and I. Whom were likely some of the last ones to escape before the proverbial gates were closed.”
Annie pointed out, “We could be in a parallel reality to your own.”
Rock stated, “Possible. If so, we will just leave. I do not want to put my alternative self, and his friends through any grieve over my problems. But, the question is how?”
John theorized, “You guys stated that Chang was the one to develop this technology. It is possible he created a bubble around his tower that keeps unauthorized reality jumps from coming in. Which is a while precaution on his part. And due to this, when we jumped, we either bounced either into the past, or a parallel reality.”
Ranma stated, “Now, that is a scary thought. How are we going to get to the tower, if we cannot jump there?”
Rock said, “Chang has limits. Such an energy field would likely not reach very far from his Tower. We will just jump to a location, and go to the tower. But, that creates other problems. Such as surprise, and seeking in, are no longer on the table. And then there is Chang's boomer army.”
John suggested, “Rock. Let us think on that problem, in little while. And instead focus on the matter at hand. Where and when are we?”
Rock agreed, “Good idea, John.”
As the others talked, Fabiola decided to keep an open out eye for trouble.
Fabiola then saw someone walking by them, on the right side of the sidewalk, coming towards them, front their front.
Fabiola stated, “Heads up. Looks like our answer just arrived. To the right of us.”
Fabiola used her right hand to point at someone walking by them on the street, for a few seconds. Before she dropped her hand back to rest on her rifle.
Akira in the back seat of the car, raised an eyebrow, as she saw her past self, also in her cowgirl outfit and weapons, walk passed their vehicle, less than four feet from where future Akira was sitting.
Past Akira did not even bat an eye toward Megatron in vehicle alt mode, as she walked passed them.
Natsuru said, “Well, that answers that question. Akira was not an originally part of the Black Lagoon cast. So, this is your past, Rock, Fabiola, Akira.” Natsuru then turned to Akira, as she asked, “Lover-girl, any idea when we are?”
Akira thought about her girlfriend's question for a few seconds. She answered, “Not a clue. All I can say is that from the way I was walking so confidently, it is after I was trained by Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer trained me. And I realized I could take care of myself in this badass city.”
Fabiola overheard Akira's comment. She inquired, “Those three trained you, Akira?”
Akira replied, “Yes.”
Fabiola asked, “Why are not you insane?”
Akira admitted, “I was for a while. But, I got better. Good sex with loving friends can do that for you. Still, Roberta trained you. Why are you not crazy?”
Fabiola stated, “Humph. I will have you know that she was a wondered teacher, whom believe in positive reinforcement. Though, she did kick my butt often while training me.”
Rock kept her eyes in front of her, as she said, “This is all nice. But, it means our recon mission is a bust.”
John stated, “Not necessarily, Rock. We can still have a different type of recon. And one just as important.”
Rock smiled, as she requested, “What do you have in mind, John?”
John said, “I will tell you all my plan, just as soon as we find a place for the rest of you to hide.”
Ranma stated, “Good point. So, were are we going to?”
Akira said, with slight annoyance in her tone of voice, “As cliché as it is, there is an abandoned warehouse, by the docks, that I know is unused during my time here.”
Rock inquired, “The warehouse about three buildings down from Lagoon headquarters?”
Akira answered, “Yep.”
Rock stated, “I am heading there right now.”
Rock drove sped up on the road, towards the harbor of Roanapur.
As Rock drove down the street, Annie asked, “Should we worry about the Hell Sabers coming.”
Rock answered, “I doubt it, for two reasons. As I said earlier, they will not expect me to be active this soon after having my gender changed. Also, they know me. If they realize we are in our past, they will not risk going after us. They might cause a paradox that would unravel our reality. And they know I will not let any of you cause a paradox, either.”
John commented, “That is a good point. And that is part of why I said we should wait till we get to the hide out. I will explain there.”
Rock replied, “I looked forward to it. I am starting to recognize where we are, in the city. We will be there in around fifteen minutes.”
Rock then drove her team down the road, as a speed that was fast enough to timely get to their destination, but not fast enough to attract the attention of the local police.
Fifteen minutes later, Rock stopped Megatron in front of the doors of a large dock warehouse.
Rock, and Fabiola got out of the car, so Akira could exit. The two then returned to the vehicle, as Akira walked to the large steel sliding door.
Akira pulled out one of her long knives and broke the lock.
After, sheathing her weapon, Akira undid the chains on the handles, and opened the doors.
As soon as Megatron pass through entrance, Akira picked up the broken lock and chains. She tossed them inside, so someone would not notice them. She then walked inside, and slid the doors closed behind her.
When came to a Megatron stop in the building. Everyone else got out of him.
The looked around, and they saw that the building was mostly empty. Save for a few crates in back.
Fabiola, Rock, and Annie went to the trunk and started pulling things various items. Mainly they pulled out a small cooler, which had some drinks and snacks in it. They also pulled out seven, four feet long, four inches wide, cloth cylinders, and two smaller cloth cylinders.
After they closed the trunk, Megatron transformed into robot mode. He then stretched his body some.
Meanwhile, Rock, Fabiola, and Annie pulled off the coverings to the cloth cylinders to reveal they were folded camping gear. Seven chairs, and two small cloth folding footstools they some times used as tables.
They unfolded all of the chairs first and put them in a semicircle.
Then, they unfolded the two footstools and set them inside the semicircle.
Fabiola and Natsuru sat down in two of the chairs. The rest of the adults stood nearby the two women, while Megatron sat on the concrete floor.
Natsuru turned to Fabiola, as she complimented, “Nice camping gear. Very conformable.”
Fabiola turned to Natsuru, as she replied, “Thank you. I got bought them, and the cooler, while in San Francisco.”
Fabiola opened the cooler beside her, she pulled out a bottle of water, and then she closed the cool.
She opened the bottle and took a drink, before capping it back up, and setting it in the drink holder of one of her armrests.
Natsuru turned to Akira, as she inquired, “Akira. I know this is kinda stupid question. But, we all need to know. Is there a bathroom in this place?”
Akira turned to Natsuru, as she answered, “Yes. My teachers and I used this place for a while. As they trained me. There is a small bathroom to the left of the entrance we came in. The water to the toilet and sink work. But, don't drink the water in this city. The water is not safe to drink.”
“There should also be plenty of toilet paper. Because, I stocked it before the last time I left. And I know the restroom is clean, considering I was the one to clean it.”
“You would be shocked at the literal shitholes those three women don't mind using when they have to go. Never, ever use the ladies restroom at the Yellowflag. They are worse than the men's restroom there. Though, honestly it is not Bao's fault. He cleans both restrooms thoroughly, and those restrooms are very clean right before he opens up, everyday.”
Ranma said, “Now that our toilet situation is resolved, I have been looking forward to seeing how badass this place is. Akira, you kept going on and on about this place. I want see what all the fuss is about.”
John stated, “Actually. Most of you will have to wait here. You included, Ranma.”
Everyone else turned to look at him, with confused looks on their faces.
Ranma whined, “Why?”
Rock agreed, “John is right. Think like in the Back To The Future part two movie. Future selves have to be careful not to be seen by past selves.”
Akira cracked a grin, as she said, “Unless they come to visit.”
Rock turned to Akira, as she stated, “True. That was a strange day. And I now understand why that boy thinks we want to kill him for not telling us the future. Though, I forgive him. He was in not position to talk, given those nearby.”
John requested, “Care to share with the class?”
Rock and Akira looked over at John, as they answered, in unison, “No.”
Akira explained, “It deals with both our past and distant future. And we would rather not mess with such events.”
John shrugged, as he replied, “Been there. Done that. That is completely understandable.”
Natsuru asked, “So John, what is your plan?”
John inquired, “First. I have to ask. What type of cover business does Chang have, when he is not the mob boss you guys talked about?”
Rock stated, “The lower part of the building his headquarters is located in is one of the many casinos in town. And as far as most of the tourists that come to gamble in the city know, Chang is just the casino manager.”
John lips curled into a wicked grin, as he stated, “Perfect. His cover is that he styles himself as a classic Vegas style mob boss. With an asian twist. I can work with this.”
“Okay. Since we cannot get recon on Chang's fortress, in the present. For lack of a better term. We can still get a psychological recon on Chang himself. Let us take the opportunity to find out what makes this man's mind tick. I want to take the measure of that man's character.”
Akira asked, with doubt in her voice, “And how are you planning on doing this? Go into his casino, and ask him, directly to his face?”
John looked over at Akira. He smirked, as he replied, “Exactly.”
Akira turned to Rock, as she stated, “Well Rock. You did hire John to come up with crazy plans. And this is one of the more crazier ones.”
Megatron spoke up, as he complimented, “I like your plan, John. It shows ambition on your part.”
John thought, 'I never thought I would say this to Megatron in a million years. But...' He turned to Megatron, as he replied, “Thanks, big guy.”
Megatron replied, “You're welcome.”
Ranma mulled over the idea for a few seconds. She then stated, “I don't know. It might work. It is like something Jack Sparrow would think of.”
John smiled, as he said, “Those were some fun movies to watch.”
Rock asked, “You saw those movies?”
John said, “I saw those movies in San F, and a number of other movies, while you were playing sleeping beauty in a jar. The movie nights we had were quite fun.”
Rock raised an eyebrow at the comparison. She commented, “Just so you know, Jack Sparrow was my second choice. If could not get you to join our team. You just have a better understanding of mathematics and technology, than he does.”
John responded, “Thank you. We also saw a number of other movies. We all watched all six Star Wars movies. And speaking of the Back To the Future trilogy. We watched that, too. And it seems that after some discussions with the entire team, afterward, that Megatron has become a fan of those movies.”
John thought, with amusement, 'I guess no one can withstand the power and awesomeness, that is good nineteen eighties American pop culture entertainment cheese.'
Megatron stated, “The movies resonated with our situation. Especially, the second film. And the films were funny. Also, the music in those films was fun, as well.”
Rock commented, “I am not surprised.” She thought, 'Well. At least Megatron has good taste in fiction. I wonder what his opinion of the Star Trek franchise is? I will ask him later.”
Natsuru stated, “Still, back to the matter at hand. John should not go alone.”
Fabiola said, “Most of use cannot go with him.”
Akira questioned, “Are you sure?”
Rock stated, “Fabiola is right. Think about it. Akira, if you go, you might run into yourself. And we both know that Chang has an interest in you. You are the one that started this ball rolling. Your past self would recognize Natsuru and Ranma. So, they are out. And Fabiola has a reputation here. If word got out she was in town, it would be like stirring up a hornet's nest. Still, while John is doing reconnaissance, I plan to do some sightseeing.”
John stated, “Rock, you cannot go either.”
Rock looked over at John, as she said, “But, I am a woman now. I don't see how people would recognize me.”
John replied, “Sorry honey, but you like your male self's twin sister.”
Rock looked at the others.
Ranma commented, “John's right. If we could find a way to hide those jugs attached to your chest, you could probably pass yourself off as your male identity, to someone that barely knows you. And Akira is right. I am jealous of them.”
Disappointment showed on Rock's face, as she conceded, “You're right. I still do look close to what I did as male. So, it looks like I will be here, as well. But, who will go with him?”
Annie said, “I should go.”
Rock turned to Annie, as she stated, “No. You are to close to this. I know what you are thinking Annie. But, if you kill Chang, you risk creating a massive paradox that could undo this reality. Or, maybe even part of the multiverse itself.”
Annie looked over at Rock, as she stated, in a matter of fact manner, “It may surprise you to know, Rock. But, I am not planning to kill Chang. Actually, I am happy to be out of that black suit. And have my body restored.”
“And I am only slightly upset about being a woman, and the problems with come with being female. Which, you will soon, learn first hand. But, I am happy about being out of that damn, black suit. So, I can live with the way things play out for my past.”
“Though, what really upsets me is that, Chang did not ask me on the matter, beforehand. And he planned to use me as breeding stock.”
Rock commented, “And both of those are very good reasons for being upset, with him. Though, I am proud of you for being so mature on the situation.”
Annie replied, in a kind tone of voice, “Thank you.”
Akira inquired, “Annie, if Chang had asked, and offered you a job, in exchange for physical restoration, at the cost of your manhood, would you have taken him up on his offer?”
Annie looked over at Akira, as she coyly replied, “I honestly do not know. And we will never know.”
John stated, “Getting back on track. Annie is right. She is the only other person that could not be recognized by others.”
Akira turned to John, as she stated, “Speaking of being recognized, John. I had a look at Chang's personal collection before this whole mess start. That man is literally a closet otaku. Chang has likely seen your series. What are you going to do if he recognizes you?”
John grinned, as he commented, “Either talk my way out. Or, talk my way out with Winona.”
Akira pointed out, “It won't be that simple. Chang does not allow outsiders in his casino to have weapons. Even if that is not the case, your pulse pistol is to unique to use here.” She turned to Annie, as she continued, “And you lightsaber. If your weapon ignited, it would be immediately recognized on sight. You will have to leave both of your weapons behind.”
John replied, “Alright. I will leave my Winona behind.” He took off his jacket and set it on a clean spot on the ground. He then pulled out his pulse pistol and set it on top of his jacket. Next, he took off his shoulder holster rig, and set it on top of his jacket, as well.
Annie walked over to Fabiola. She unclasped her lightsaber from her belt, and handed it to Fabiola. She politely requested, “Please take care of this, while I am gone.”
Fabiola smiled, as she gently took the lightsaber from Annie's hand. She commented, “Don't worry. I will take go care of it.”
Annie cautioned, “And don't play with it.” She looked over at Akira and Natsuru, then back to Fabiola, as she continued, “Nor, allow others to play with it. It is not a toy. And it is more dangerous than a blaster.”
Fabiola said, “Don't worry. I won't let anyone use it. Not even me.”
Even without the force, Annie could tell that Fabiola was telling the truth. She warmly smiled at Fabiola, as she stated, “Thank you.”
Fabiola turned Annie's warm smile, as she said, “You're welcome.”
Akira said, “Also, Annie. You cannot use the force overtly. People will notice. You do not want to attract that kind of attention in this city. Still, your enhanced strength and reflexes should be enough for you. In everything, but a firefight.”
Annie turned to Akira, as she responded, “Believe it or not, Akira. Those enhancements are not much of a jump over what normal people can do. As Rock is likely already finding out.”
Akira turned to Rock.
Rock noticed Akira looked at her. She turned to Akira, as she stated, “I tested out my strength earlier. I am stronger, but not that much stronger. Mainly, I think the supersoldier serum is more of maintaining overall good physical health and longevity. Recovering faster, being tougher, stronger, and faster are just bonuses to the serum. Still, I am happy with this. I do not want to accidentally kill someone I am just trying to hug, or be intimate with. Though, having a toned body is nice.”
Akira replied, “I agree.”
John turned to Annie, “If we cannot use handheld weapons. What about force mind tricks?”
Annie stated, “My force abilities are still at beginner levels. Any force abilities would be, iffy, at best. Besides, Chang is likely too strong minded for a mind trick to work him. And if I did try a mind trick on him, he might even guess what I was trying to do to him.”
Rock pointed out, “You are likely correct, Annie. Chang has seen your movies. Trust me. Anyone that would use the password, may the force be with you, in this reality, has seen your movies. And he might piece together what you are trying. In which case, you are both dead meat, to be literally sliced up by the cleaner.”
John said, “Then, we will had to be extra careful.”
Ranma asked, “What exactly is your plan? How are you planing to get Chang to meet you?”
John stated, “I need to change into the nice suit you had me get in Frisco. And I need a hundred U.S. dollar bill.”
Rock pulled out her wallet, and pulled out a U.S. hundred dollar bill from her pocket, and she handed it to John, in her left hand, while pocketing her wallet with her right hand. She stated, “This is my last hundred. Make it count.”
John took the bill, and he pocketed it. He said, “Thanks. And I will. Also, since Annie is coming with me, I guess Annie can pose as my sexy bodyguard.”
Annie grumbled, “I guess I need to dig out my chauffeur suit.” Annie turned to Megatron, as she requested, “Megatron, please change back to car mode, so we can get to our clothing.”
“Sure.” Megatron replied. He then transformed back to car mode.
As Annie walked to the truck of the car, she mentally complained, 'Some time, I am going to go shopping and find a badass costume that looks good on me... Why do most badass women costumes have to show so much skin? I do have a sense of modesty. Even though I still hate the Jedi order, I am halfway considering switching back to Jedi robes and clothing, just have a look that works for me. Even as a woman.'
John soon followed her to Megatron's trunk.
A few minutes later, Annie was dressed in her black chauffeur's suit, with matching black hat. Along with this, she wore white gloves, and black dress shoes.
Meanwhile John was where a nice white business suit, with white hat, black tie, black dress shoes.
Due to everyone present being mature adults, Annie and John had not problems changing clothes in front of them, nor each other.
As they finished getting dress, John adjusted his stylish white hat, as he smirked. He said, “I make this look good.”
Annie replied, “I am so going to find a more professional clothing for myself, that is not a dress, and looks good on me.”
John looked over at Annie, as he teased, “Good luck. Aeryn spend years looking for such clothing, and she felled. She had to go back to her old clothing.”
Annie just groaned in response.
John turned to the others. He asked, “So, where is Chang's headquarters?”
Rock answered, “Chang's casino, and the base of his organization, is straight up the main road. It is one of the highrise buildings in the city. You cannot miss it. The casino in the building is called the, Heavenly Dragon Casino. The parking garage for the casino is around back of the building. There is a section for customers and a section for employees.”
Annie inquired, “Since we are likely going to have to take Megatron in his vehicle mode, to help with this cover. I have to ask. Is there a fee to use this casino's parking garage?”
Rock stated, “No. Chang has found that gamblers tend to be in a better mood, and spend more in his casinos, when they are not charge for parking.”
Annie said, “Interesting.”
Rock commented, “As long as you are there, as a customer. You are find to park you Megatron there, without a problem.”
John replied, “Thanks, Rock.” John turned to Megatron, as he requested, “As Annie pointed out, Megatron. We are probably going to need you on this one. Do you mind if we take you to the casino? We need to make this look as professional as possible?”
Megatron chuckled a little, as he joked, “Looks like I am making this look good as well. Though, sure. I will take you there.”
John said, “Thanks. Also, keep the hood up, and the windows tinted.” John turned to Annie, as he inquired, “Annie. Do you know how to drive an Earth car?”
Annie turned to John, as she answered, “Yes. Fabiola and Rock taught me how to drive a number of Earth road vehicles.”
John stated, “Okay. Also, be aware that given the way human high society acts, I am going to have to ignore you for the most part. After you park Megatron, just entered the building, from the front, and walked behind me. And do not say a word.”
Annie said, in a slightly annoyed tone of voice, “I understand.”
John noticed Annie's tone of voice, as he responded, “Annie. I am not happy about this either. But, we have to pull this act off. Still. With that said. I guess we are ready to go.”
Annie conceded, in a more relax tone of voice, “Alright. Let's go.”
The two of them then got into Megatron car mode. Annie got into the driver's seat. And John got into the backseat, on the passenger side of the vehicle.
Twenty minutes later, the chrome car, that was Megatron car alt mode, drove up to the front sidewalk of the Heavenly Dragon Casino, with the passengers side facing the entrance to the building.
The front street of the Heavenly Dragon Casino had three lanes. With the third lane being a dropped off lane right in front of the building, to prevent traffic from backing up, in front of the casino. This was so that the casino would not create the wrong kind of attention for itself.
The guards, whom were standing at the corners of the two sets of double-doors of the building, noticed the chrome car had stopped in front of the doors they were guarding.
The guards were wearing black suits, that had concealed semi-automatic pistols in this. They also wore black men's dress shoes, and sunglasses, to hide their eyes.
Annie was in the driver's seat, playing her role as the chauffeur to the hilt. And John was in the backseat, behind the front passenger seat.
As the car stopped, Annie got out of the car. Closed the driver's side door, while keeping the door unlock. Walked around the front of the vehicle, and to the back passenger side door. She the opened opened the door. And a second later, John got out of the car.
John did not even look at her, as he strutted towards the entrance to the casino, like a highroller looking for his next conquest.
Annie gently shut the door behind John. She then briskly, though with much grace, walked around John, up to the double-doors and opened the from left door for John.
As John passed by the guards, and into the casino, he could see from the demeanor of the guards body language, that they bought the act.
Meanwhile, Annie shut the casino door, briskly walked back around the front of Megatron, in car mode. She then opened the driver's side door, got back into the driver's seat of the Megatron, shut the door, and drove down the street.
A few second later, Annie turned right on the next intersection, to head to the parking garage, behind the casino, to park Megatron, on the first floor, or second floor. If possible.
While Annie and Megatron searched for a parking place, John had entered the front casino lobby.
John took a look around, and he saw whom he was looking for. He turned and walked up to one of the casino tellers stationed at a window on the side wall of the lobby, near the front entrance.
John quickly changed out the U.S. hundred dollar bill into some gambling chips.
John then walked away, and sat down in a nearby chair, facing the entrance to the casino, as he patiently waited for Annie to walk though the doors.
Ten minutes later, John saw Annie walked through the front entrance. With his chips in his right hand, John got up from his chair, and walked up to her, and across her, without saying a word. John then turned around and headed deeper into the casino, towards the gaming floor.
Annie realized what was going on, as she silently turned, and followed, a few feet behind John.
Less than minute later they reached the casino gaming floor.
John immediately when to one of the blackjack tables.
The table that John walked up to had a few other players on it, along with the dealer. With the deal being a pretty, little, young asian woman, dressed in a black and white casino uniform.
Annie silently stood a few feet behind John, as John started played hands of blackjack.
John only bet a quarter of his chips during the first hand. Which he won. Afterward, John continued to only bet a quarter of his chips.
After winning eight of the ten hands he had played, the dealer asked, “Who are you, mister?”
John jokingly answered, “Little lady, I am just a man that aims to bring down the house.”
Annie refused to roll her eyes at John's joke.
John said, with a smile on his lips, “Now, let us see how lucky I really am.”
Three hours later, Chang was called from his office in the top of the building. Chang was dressed in his usual black suit and coat. He also wear his sunglasses, even inside his building.
As Chang walked into the security room, which was lined with video monitors, for cameras stations around, and inside the building.
There several men in the large whom, whom were sitting in chairs, as they manned the video monitors, and electronic equipment.
Chang came to a stop, as he coldly stated, “This has better be important.”
One of the security officers turned to Chang, as he answered, “Yes, Mister Chang. It is important. We have a new highroller here that seems to be on a massive winning strike.” The man turned back towards the video screens, as he pointed at a monitor of the blackjack table.
The video screen in question, show the blackjack table, with the dealer, and the fair skinned, brown haired man, whom was wearing a white suit playing at the table, and hat. There was also a brown haired, fair skinned woman, in a black chauffeur and black hat, standing behind the man in white.
Chang looked at the screen, as he inquired, “How much as he won?”
The security officer stated, “Since he had arrive, he has won three million, in last three hours.”
Chang asked, “How much did he start with?”
The man answered, “One U.S. hundred dollar bill. We triple checked that the cameras on when he got his chips.”
Chang whistled in astonishment.
Chang questioned, “So, how is he cheating?”
The security officer responded, “We do not know, sir. That is why we called you down.
Sensors show no electronics on him. He is not card counting. He is rarely even looking at his own cards. We have replaced the dealers six times. He was only bet a quarter of his chips each turn.”
“Even though he lost a few hands here and there, he hit the fifty thousand bet limited in the first half hour. Afterward, he was mostly on a winning streak. Except for almost exactly twenty minutes into the second hour. But, he regained his losses within the next ten minutes.”
Chang said, “He is playing at something. That is to precise to be an accidental losing streak.” Chang then noticed the woman behind him in the chauffeur's suit. He asked, “Who is that woman behind him?”
The man answered, “She seems to be his servant. The main entrance video showd she was the one that drove him here. She has just stood there, three feet behind him, and she has done nothing else. She has not even said a word.”
Chang thought, 'Looks like I need to have a chat with these two individuals. If for nothing else. Figure how the hell that man has won that much money without paying much attention to even his own cards. Let along the dealer's cards.'
Chang ordered, “In twenty minutes, have a security team bring them up to my office. I want to meet both these people. Also, contact Shenhua. Tell her to meet at my office. I believe she is currently in the employee gym, working out. Tell her she has fifteen minutes to get cleaned up, presentable, and in my office.”
The man said, “Yes sir.”
Chang then turned, walked up to the door to the hallway, opened it, and he walked out of the security room. He then closed the door behind them. Though, he did not slam the door.
As soon as Chang exited the room, he headed for his personal elevator to his highrise office.
Twenty minutes later, on the gaming floor, six asian men, in nice black suits, walk towards where John, as he playing his latest hand of blackjack.
Nearby, Annie noticed them first, but she did nothing to tip their head.
One of the men tapped John on his right shoulder.
John turned around and looked at the men.
John smiled, as he greeted them, in a kind tone of voice, “Hello gentlemen.”
The man that tapped on John's shoulder looked at John, then at Annie, and back to John. He stated, in english, “The manager of this establishment would like to speak to the both of you. If you would follow us.”
John looked over at Annie and nodded.
Annie looked over at John and returned John's nod.
John and Annie turned to the man, as John said, “That will fine, gentlemen. Please, lead the way.”
The six men then escorted John and Annie to the nearby bay of elevators.
Five minutes later, the six men brought John and Annie into Chang's office.
As they walked into the room, John and Annie looked in front of them, at the chinese man, dressing a suit and black coat, while wearing shades, sitting in a chair, behind his nice desk. And behind his desk were windows looking out at the cityscape, during the day.
John and Annie also noticed there were windows also to their right side, near the sitting area with a couch, chairs, and a few small tables. This showed that the room located on one of the corners of the building.
There were also heavy curtains that were furled in three of the corners of the room. The curtains were attached to stings running above the windows, that allow the curtains to be pulled over the windows, to offer privacy within the room.
To the chinese man's right side stood an asian woman with long black hair, wearing a white, short, cloth coat over a red qipao dress, with flowers on the dress. The coat jacket was left open, to reveal the dress underneath it.
John and Annie could also tell the women hid two large blades under the sides of her coat. Along, with those weapons, the bottom of her qipao dress partially hid the multiple throwing knives strapped to a garter belts, on each of her upper thighs.
John and Annie both came to a stop in the center of empty space of the room, between the desk area and the sitting area. They stood side by said, facing the man sitting behind the desk.
John and Annie looked around, and got a closer look at the sitting area, to their right. side a set of cushioned chairs, a couch, by a small table, and a freestanding sets of shelves lined with various type of alcoholic bottles.
On the back wall of the room, there was an entertainment system, and TV.
Annie and John then saw two of the men that brought them there, closed the doors to the office.
Though, neither Annie, nor John reacted in the least to the doors closing.
They then watched as the six men that brought them there spread out and stood behind them, along the walls of the room.
John and Annie turned back to look at Chang, as John thought, 'So, this is the Chang that I have heard so much about. He don't look like much. Still, I recognize that girl with him. Rock told me that she is a true knifenut, and not to be messed with.'
'Also, the others behind us are probably armed. And I am not sure what weapons Chang has on himself. To make matters worse, Annie and I am unarmed. I am decent in hand to hand combat, thanks to several training sessions by Aeryn. Still, even with Annie's physical abilities, and her beginner level force abilities, we would be hard pressed to be able to fight our way out of here alive.'
'I will have to play this next part very carefully.'
John continued to look over at Chang, as he asked, in a casual tone of voice, in english, “So, you're the man in charge?”
Chang polite answered, with a hint of danger lacing his voice, in english, “Yes. I am, Chang. And you have three million of my money, that you have stolen. If you tell me how you cheated me, I might let you keep your balls. If not, you both will be meeting the cleaner within the hour.”
Annie though, 'The cleaner. Rock mentioned the cleaner back at the warehouse... Ah, yes. Sawyer. I remember Rock telling me about her previous job. Still, it is nice to now know what Chang looks like. So, when we meet in the present, I can show him the true meaning of aggressive '
John cracked a grin, as he said, in a casual, yet polite way, “Please, Chang. Don't be that way. You can keep the money. I just wanted with meet you. And I figured winning a lot of money in your casino would be the least disruptive what I could do it.”
Chang raised an eyebrow in interesting, as he responded, “Well, you have my undivided attention. Why do you want to meet with me?”
John honestly answered, “To take the measure of your character. I have heard a lot of about you, Chang. And I wonder if I have heard is true, or not.”
John could see from the look on Chang's face that these were not the responses Chang was expecting. Nor, did he dislike his responses. His responses were clearly making Chang more interested in them, in a good way.
John thought, with amusement, 'It is like drawing someone into my web.'
Chang bluntly asked, “Who are you?”
John smiled, as he replied, “Who do I look like?”
Chang flatly answered, “Ben Browder.”
Annie didn't show any outward expression, as she thought, with worry, 'Oh crap. I watched a little bit of John's series in the last month. And that is the actor that played John, in Farscape. So, Chang has seen that John's series. And I cannot think of a way out of this mess. By the force, we have to rely on John's insanity to get out of this mess... We are screwed.'
John didn't blink an eye, as he counter, “Well you look like Chow Yun Fat. If you are, I would love your autograph,”
Chang responded, “Well, I am not him. And I am becoming impatient.”
John replied, “Okay. You can call me, Martin Brown.”
Annie forced herself not to roll her eyes, as she thought, in mild disbelief, 'Is everything this man says a joke? At least he gets results. Still, even I have seen those movies. Martin is another name for Marty. And the other guy in the movies is name, Emmett Brown. Good trilogy though. I am glad, we watched the entire trilogy, a few weeks ago. And I admit, for a time travel story, it was good. As John put it. It was pure nineteen eighties cheese. Whatever that means.'
Chang requested, “Well, Mister Brown. Are you going to tell me what I want to know?”
John stated, “It depends on the situation.”
Chang stated, with annoyance in his voice, “Take care of these two. They are starting to annoy me.”
Chang's men pulled their guns on the two outsiders.
Annie and John did not blink an eye.
John looked around him, at Annie, Chang, Shenhua, and the men, as he said, with excitement, “Guns. Guns. Guns. Come on, Chang. The Tigers are playing to night. And I am sure you want to have fun, too.” He turned to look at Chang.
Chang made a confused expression on his face. Then, his face hardened, as he sternly asked, “Are you quoting Clarence from Robocop One?”
John slyly smiled at Chang, as he said, “Of course. Can you think of a better quote for the situation, like this, as a way to break the tension?”
Chang relax his face and body, as he chuckled a little, with the humor reaching his eyes, hidden behind his shades. He happily replied, “No.”
Chang looked over at this men, as he ordered, “Lower your weapons. But, keep them out. This guy is clearly full of surprises.”
Shenhua and Chang's men uncomfortably looked at their boss. This was not the first time they had done followed Chang's orders, while in the employ of Chang organization, while not understanding with that boss what thinking.
Though, the men did as instructed, and lowered their guns. With Shenhua and the men turning their attention back to Annie and John.
John continued smiling, as he commented, “It is so rare to find someone that appreciates such jokes.”
Chang grinned, as he agreed, “I know. It sucks that only people in this town, both understand, and finds my jokes funny, is a crazy redhead whom would just as soon look at someone, as shoot you.”
John thought, “Revy. He is definitely talking about Revy.'
Chang smiled, as he said, “Well, you got me in a good mood. So, what do you have in mind, Mister Brown? I am listening.”
John said, “A little bet. Loser answers two questions from the winner. The wager being that my hot badass babe can take your hot badass babe in a fight.”
Chang admitted, “I would like to see that.” He looked up at Shenhua.
Shenhua nodded towards Chang, to answer his unspoken question.
Chang looked back at John, as he smirked. He said, “But, let's make it interesting... For me. Shenhua here will use her weapons.”
Annie thought, with concern, 'Great. I am fighting Shenhua without a weapon. Let alone my lightsaber. The good news is she does not have powerarmor, lightsaber, nor the supersoldier serum. But, she does have her long knives. Though, with this uniform and hat on, I doubt she will recognize me, with we fight in the future. So, I have alt least that going for me.' She continued her thoughts, with slight bitterness, 'Still, this is all thanks to John.'
Annie turned to John, as she coldly stated, in english, “Thank you for letting me feel hatred, once more. By hating you.”
John turned to Annie, as he cracked wicked grin. He casually said, “It's a gift.”
The others in the room just chuckled.
Chang asked, “So, is this happening? Or, not?”
Annie turned to Chang, as she replied, “It is.”
Chang asked, “By the way, what is your name?”
Annie flatly answered, “Annie."
Chang raised an eyebrow, as he commented, “Really?.. Well, let's get this started.”
John moved out of the center of the room to where he was beside the left side of Chang's desk, as Shenhua walked over to face Annie.
Annie thought, 'I hate that I have to treat her gently. While she is going for the kill. If I hurt her. I risk a paradox. I am starting to hate time travel. Especially, when time travel deals with multiple realities. Still, I cannot seem to channel this hatred into the force. It is just to emotionally shallow for me... I hope this is not a sign that I am emotionally shallow... Luckily, I am still strong and faster than her. But, my hand to hand combat skills are a little rusty. Though, my precognition with the force has gotten much better. And precognitive abilities are in no way overt. So, I can just look like I am the better fighter. As such, I got this.'
Annie backed up to one side of the empty space in the center of the room, as Shenhua stood eight feet from her.
Shenhua took her high heel shoes, and she tossed them over by Chang's desk. She unsheathed her two kukri long knives. She then attached the cords, under her sleeves, by small fastener, by small rings at the end of pommels on her knives, by the tassels at the end of the knives. The cords were connected to cloth bands on her upper forearms. These bands were hidden under the sleeves of her white coat. Along with the coiled cords around her forearm bands.
Shenhua looked at Annie, as she offered, in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice, in english, “If you want. I will make this quick.”
Annie looked at Shenhua, as she cracked a grin. She said, “No thanks. I prefer to just kick you ass.”
Shenhua giggled.
Chang ordered, “Fight!”
John lightly chuckled, as he thought, 'So, Chang is a fan got fighting video games. That figures.' He then turned his attention to Annie and Shenhua, as he continued his thoughts, 'Still, I hope Annie both this off, for all our sakes.'
Annie and Shenhua slowly encircled each other.
A few seconds later, Shenhua was the first to take actions against the other. She charged at Annie, with several slashes towards the brown haired woman.
Annie was not playing games, she used the forced to time when to dodge the attacks, and when to press her after advantage.
Shenhua decided to add a little flavor to the fight, as she began spinning her body counterclockwise, with her blades stretched outward in her arms at her sides.
Annie felt the force tell her the proper time to act.
On the second rotation, when Shenhua back was turned to her, Annie rushed forward and use her right hand to hit the inside of Shenhua's left elbow, forcing her to dropped her knife by reflex.
Then, in a fluid motion, Annie kicked up the flat of the blade to the long knife she had just force Shenhua to drop. In midair, she gripped the hilt with both hands, just in time to block the blade of Shenhua's long knife in the assassin's right hand.
Shenhua quickly backed off from Annie, as she took stock of her opponent.
Annie use the opportunity to use the knife in her hands to slice the cord connecting it to Shenhua's left forearm band.
Shenhua watched as Annie took a two-handed stance with her weapon.
Meanwhile, Shenhua continued to use a one-handed stance with the knife in her right hand. She also used her left hand to grip the cord, that was attached to her band, around her left forearm, like a whip.
Shenhua wickedly smiled, as she said, “I was hoping you would be this good. I like a challenge.”
Annie smirked, as she replied, “Good. Because, I am a lot better than you think.”
The two women then charged at each other.
What followed was a series of swings, blocked, dodges, and counter blows.
To Chang, John, and the rest of the men's eyes, neither woman was able to land a blow on the other. They realized that both women were very skilled in their deadly craft, and they showed it.
Suddenly, as Annie blocked Shenhua's blade, Shenhua used the cord in her left hand as a whip towards Annie's eyes.
Annie saw the incoming attack, she slightly duck her head, to sidestepped the blow. But, the whip did knock her black hat off her head.
Shenhua continued to put much of her weight with her weapon, against against Annie's blade, forcing the fair skinned woman to not left up on the parry.
As the same time, Shenhua tried again with her whip.
Annie realized what was happening, she turned to her left, to allow the force of Shenhua's blade to slide off of her weapon. At the same time, Annie quickly slice the cord attached to Shenhua's left hand, near Shenhua's left wrist.
Fortunately, Shenhua did not put her entire weight into the attack, and she was able to quickly recover, as she jumped back.
Annie did not press her advantage.
While Shenhua did not take her eyes off of Annie, she continued stepping backward a few more feet, as she held up her left sleeve, allowing it to drop down to her elbow. Next, she used her right index and thumb to remove her left forearm band, while she used her right middle, fourth and fifth finger to hold her the hilt of her long knife in the closed palm of her right hand.
Shenhua came to a stop, as she dropper her left arm, to allow her left sleeve to drop down to her left wrist. She also took a defensive stance with the long knife in her right hand. She commented, “These cords are not cheap.”
Annie replied, “Neither, is my hat.”
Shenhua then used her left hand to start pulling out four kunai throwing knives from her left garter belt.
She threw our four of the knives at once at Annie.
Annie swiftly spun her long knife to deflect all four knives at the same time.
Annie's move caught everyone's eye, as Chang and several of the men's jaws dropped at the move.
John just knowingly smirked, as he happily thought, 'Good one, Annie.'
Given Annie's actions, Shenhua decided that quality outranked quantity in the situation. She started pulled out one throwing knife, and she threw the kunia, one at a time, at Annie.
Shenhua hoped that her better aim with throwing single knifes would be more effective. Though, she found that the tactic was not effective.
Annie used the edge of her blade to block each one of the knifes, as she charged at the asian assassin.
When Annie was about to reach Shenhua, the assassin started doing a series of backflips, while keeping the hilt of her long knife, in her had right hand. Shenhua was careful to avoid the blade of the weapon with her left hand, by keeping the blade flat to the ground, and away from her to her right side, as her hands landed on the floor during the backflip rotations.
Annie continued forward, swinging at Shenhua, but missing the asian, as the assassin continued doing backflips until she reach the wall behind her.
When Shenhua reached the wall, she used the momentum of her body to allow herself to solidly plant back her feet on the wall, while cocked her knees.
Before gravity could take hold of Shenhua, and pull her down, she vaulted forward off the wall towards Annie, with her blade pointed at the woman.
As Shenhua came at Annie, she let out a roar at the top of her lungs.
Annie quickly sidestepped the attack, as Shenhua harmlessly passed by her/
Shenhua was careful with her knife, as she landed in a roll. In the last tumble of the role, she turned to her left, all her stop facing Annie, as her feet, and the palm of her hand touched the ground. As she came to a stop, she held her long knife in her right hand, while she had her knees cocked, again. The assassin did miss a beat, as she launched herself again, at Annie.
When Shenhua reached Annie, Shenhua quickened her attacks with her one-handed blade fighting style.
Even with the force aiding Annie, Shenhua's skills were clearly showing, as Shenhua forced Annie to use her weapon only in her right hand, so she could just keep up with Shenhua's attacks.
After several attacks and counter moves, Annie was starting to show her less experience in one-handed fighting styles.
Then, Shenhua used the blade of her knife to executed a well placed curl against Annie's blade, that knocked the weapon away from Annie's right hand.
As Shenhua was about to bring down the killing blow against Annie, the brown haired woman quickly used her left hand to grab Shenhua's right wrist, stopping the strike in its tracks.
At the same time, Annie's aggression was getting the better of her, as she finally was able tap into her rage. She used her right hand grip Shenhua by her throat, and she lifted the assassin, with her right hand, a few inches off the floor.
While Shenhua began to choke, Shenhua and Annie's eyes met.
Shenhua saw fury in other woman's eyes that she had only personally seen once before, in another person's eyes. The Bloodhound.
Annie forcefully ordered, “Yield!”
Shenhua immediately let the long knife in her right hand drop to the ground, as she chocked out, “I yield.”
Annie let go of Shenhua with both her hands.
Shenhua landed on her butt, on the floor, but she was happy to be breathing again.
While sitting in his chair, behind his desk, Chang began clapping, as he yelled, with delight evident in his tone of voice, “Bravo! I have not seen anything like that outside of a martial arts film. And best of all, neither of your wrecked my office.”
Chang happily thought, 'I am so glad I have had this room wired with cameras and audio. This fight is going into my personal collection.'
Chang stopped clapping, as he turned to his men. He ordered, “Men, put away their guns. These two have earned our respect.”
Chang's six men immediately put away their weapons.
Meanwhile, John looked Annie, as he warmly smiled at her. He thought, 'Good girl.'
Nearby, Annie stood, as she looked down at Shenhua. She could see that Shenhua was clearly not happy to have lost.
Annie offered Shenhua a hand up, with her right hand.
Shenhua takes Annie's hand.
Shenhua stood up, Annie complimented, “You fought well.”
Shenhua stoop of straight, as she let go of Annie's hand. She responded, “Thank you. You are not bad yourself. If we had some room to move around in, I believe I could take you.”
Annie slyly smiled at Shenhua, as she said, “Don't worry. I am sure you will get your chance later.” She thought, 'And that is the truth.'
Shenhua replied, “I hope so.”
Shenhua went to collect her long knives, throwing blades, cord, forearm band, and high heel shoes.
Meanwhile, Annie when to collect her hat.
John walked over to Annie, as he asked, “Are you okay?”
By then, Annie had picked up and put on her hat. She turned to John, as she stood up straight. She answered, “I am as okay as someone tricked into fighting a dangerous, knife wielding assassin, while unarmed, can be. Be happy I don't strangle you right now.”
John said, “I will try to make this up to you.”
Annie flatly replied, “Good. You can start with that fact that you are going to owe me a favor for this, someday.”
John gulped, as he mentally realized, 'While, Annie is now much nice than she was as Darth Vader. Owing Darth Vader, in any form, a favor, is never a good thing. And I know that she is going to collect on that favor someday. I just hope I am up to what every she has in mind, when she does come to collect from me.'
Annie just lightly giggled at John's reaction.
Less than a minute later, Shenhua had retrieved and sheathed her weapons. She had picked her broken cord, and left forearm band. With her pocketing both items in the outer right, side, coat pocket. She also had her high heel shoes back on her feet.
Presently, Shenhua was standing beside Chang desk, to Chang's right side. John and Annie stood in front of Chang desk. And Chang's men behind the two outsider.
Chang looked at John and Annie, as he stated, “Mister Brown. Annie. You have both impressed me. Now, for your reward. I am a man of my word. So, ask your questions.”
John asked, “What do you want? And what are your plans for yourself, in the future?”
Chang smirked, as he started laughing for several seconds.
Everyone else remained silent, as they allowed Chang to laugh.
As he stated to calm down, he had an insane grin on his lips that reminded Shenhua of some of the grins Revy had, during her less lucid moods.
While maintaining his insane grin, Chang stated, with manic glee in his tone of voice, “Both questions can be answered very simply... I want it all. I want the riches. And not just the money. The treasures. The gold. The jewels. The pearls. I want a palace that can be seen from space, and recognized.”
“I want the respect. From the lowest peasants to the highest gods. I want the beautiful women. Not the bimbos, but the real women that can think and act on their own. The women that can actually understand my pursuits. Those are the women I want to willingly be with me.”
“I also want the dental plan. The good one. I want a fleet of vehicles composed of every cool car ever made. When people see me, I want men to weep with envy, and the women beg to be with me. I even want the solid gold toilet... And you know what? I am already well on my way to achieving all of this. And more.”
John thought, with amusement, 'The ham is strong with this one.'
Annie mentally reflect, with concerned, 'Chang is more insane than I thought.'
John commented, “It is always nice to have goals.”
Shenhua leaned down, and whispered something into Chang's right ear.
Chang whispered something back to his assassin's left ear.
John and Annie barely heard and audible whisper from Shenhua to Chang. And they were speaking in chinese. Though, John caught the end of the discussion, as his translator microbes translated what Shenhua said as, “Thank you.”
Shenhua then walked pass Annie, John, and Chang's men. She gently open the right door to the office. After she walked out, she gently close the door behind her.
As soon as she was out of sight of the others, she used her right hand to gently rub the inside of her left elbow, where Annie had hit it.
She thought, 'I am going need some ice for this, when I get home.'
She then headed for the elevator bay, with her intent being to left for the home she shared with Sawyer, Lotton, and Akira.
Meanwhile, back in Chang's office, Chang had just watched Shenhua close the one of the doors to his office behind her. He thought, with mild concern, 'I hope Shenhua has a pleasant night. She has earned it.'
Chang turned his attention to John and Annie, as he thought, 'These two are just too much fun to let go, just yet. And I know how to keep them here for a little while longer.' He offered, in english, “Mister Brown. Annie. After such a spectacle, I would be a poor host if I were not to treat you both to dinner.”
John and Annie looked at each other. Annie shrugged.
John and Annie turned back to face Chang.
John thought, 'I think Chang just pulled a, Mister Bond, will you dine with me this evening, stunt. Oh well. I am hungry, and I doubt he would poison us. He has already had us at his mercy so far.' He calmly said, “We would be honored to eat with you.'
Chang smiled at John and Annie, as he happily responded, “Good. Except for an appointment I plan for, later night, I have plenty of time to spend with you both. We will dine in the downstairs restaurant. I will call down there to have my private room reserved for us. My chefs prepare a marvelous lobster dish, with excellent sides. And my wine collection is some of the best in town.”
John returned Chang's smiled, as he replied, “We look forward to it.”
Soon after, Chang and his men lead Annie and John to the elevators to get some supper.
It was sunset, around that time John and Annie were heading downstairs, with Chang, in Chang's casino, to have dinner with him.
Meanwhile, across town, inside their warehouse hideout by the bay, Ranma, Akira, Fabiola, Natsuru sat in the chairs, using one of the footstools as a table, while they were playing go fish with their playing cards.
Nearby, Rock was sitting in one of the chairs. She did not feel like playing cards with the rest of them.
And Rock was becoming increasingly impatient with her situation.
Rock thought, 'So near. Yet so far, from the previous life I used to have and love. And this impatience for John and Annie is driving me nuts... Could I be this way because I am now a woman?... I might as well ask the others. They are mature enough to take the question seriously.'
Rock turned to the women, as she asked, “Girls, I have a serious question. Are girl more impatient than boys?”
Fabiola smirked, “I cannot say. I have never been a boy.” She the playfully stuck her tongue out for a second at Rock.
Akira answered, “No. Not as far as I can tell.”
Natsuru responded, “Not really.”
Ranma commented, “I never was much patient in either gender.”
Rock sadly said, “I was afraid you all were going to say that.” She thought, 'Though, I do find that somewhat comforting.'
Akira asked, “What is the matter?”
Rock gestured with her right hand toward the door, as she said, “It's this place. This city. And this.” She gestured to herself. She continued, “I am so close to everyone and everything I care about. And I cannot go see any of them, nor go out in public. And it is driving me crazy...” She went onto say, in a deflated tone of voice, “Please, tell me this does not make me a crazy chick?”
Natsuru teased, “Only if you become violent while crazy.”
Akira said, “I truly understand what you are talking about. But, think of it this way. If you interfere, you risk ruining the previous good times you had. If you knew then what you know now, you would be too miserable to enjoy the time you had. You are not doing this for yourself, now. You are doing this for yourself, and those you care about, then.”
Fabiola agreed, “Akira is right. I would like to go see Roberta in this time. But, I cannot for the same reasons.”
Rock said, “I wish that in my heart, that I could accept that. But, being so close just makes me hurt even more.”
Rock said, to herself, out loud, “Ah, screw it.”
Rock got up from her seat, and she started working towards the large front entrance to the warehouse, with sliding doors.
Akira asked, “Where are you going?”
Rock continued to walked forward, with her back turned to them, as she said, “To the Yellowflag. I need a good stiff drink of rum.”
Natsuru commented, “That is a bad idea. What is someone sees you?”
Rock continued walking as she replied, “That is a risk. But, I will be careful.”
Ranma stated, in a serious tone of voice, “Rock. You may not realize this. But, right now that you are beautiful woman, go into a city alone, especially city as dangerous as this one, is very dangerous risk for you. You got get killed, or even raped.”
Rock stopped in her tracks. She turned around a looked at Ranma. She then began to laugh.
As Rock stopped laughing, she said, “Ranma. This is one of the few cities where a hot woman does not have to worry about such things. There are so many hot badass women in this town that everyone knows better than to try something like that. Just ask Akira.”
Ranma turned to Akira. Akira smiled and nodded. Ranma turned back to Rock.
Rock continued, “But, I promise that I will be careful. I also have my sonic shotgun. If I need it.” She held up her right hand, and the gun popped up from her right sleeve. A second later, she used the mechanism to dropped the weapon back into its housing on the underside of her wrist, in her sleeve.”
Fabiola said, “Fine, Rock. Have a great time. After John and Annie get back, we will come pick you up.”
Rock replied, “Thanks.” She then turned around, made it to the entrance, easily open one of the doors, walked out onto the street, and she closed the door behind her.
Rock then walked down the street, during down another street, that would take her around Lagoon Headquarters, as continued heading towards the Yellowflag.
Back to the Heavenly Dragon Casino, Chang, and his guards, had lead John, and Annie, through the casino gaming floor, to the casino restaurant, and finally, his private dining room.
The restaurant itself was an upscale dinner. The walls and double-doors facing the gaming room had windows on them. Though, there were no drapes on the windows.
Inside the main dining room, there was bar counter, with stools by the counter. Behind the counter there was a bartender, with shelves on the wall, with drinks.
Also, in the main dining room there were booths by the windows to the outside, and tables and chairs further into the room.
As John and Annie saw the main dining room was half full of various times of of customers.
When they reached the private dining room, the double-doors were already being held open by to members of the restaurant staff. Both of whom were in nice uniforms.
Chang was the first to talk inside, then his men, then John and Annie.
As John and Annie walked into the room itself, they saw that there was a small, six person round table, with draped with a nice cloth in the center of the moderately small room. Still, while the room was small, it was large enough to move around in.
There were windows on the doors facing the main dining area, and the windows facing both the main dining area, and the gaming floor.
Chang's men step out of the way, as he had John and Annie set facing the back wall, while he sat in a chair across the table from them.
As John and Annie sat down, they saw the table had already been set where Chang has ask them to sit. With plates, cloth napkins, fine utensils, and two fine crystal wine glasses, set in front of them.
In one of the wine glasses was cold, clean, bottled water. In the other wine glass, there was red wine poured.
This was because, as they made their what to the restaurant, Chang had already sent their order ahead of them, so everything would be ready when they arrived.
With the Chang, John, and Annie, sitting in their seats, Chang's men left the room, except for two guards that stood in the room, to the sides of the doors, as they faced the table inside.
Also, the two members of the restaurant staff that had been holding the door, gently closed the doors, and left to go about their business.
As they waiting for their meals, they made light dinner conversation.
Fortunately, John found that Annie knew basic tactful conversational manners.
John mentally chalked this up to whatever diplomatic lesson the jedi taught at the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, before Annie destroyed the temple, as Vader.
Also, John found the red wine to be sweet and tasty, and the water to be properly chilled.
Occasionally, a waitress, in a uniform, entered the room to refill their water and wine glasses.
During this time, John and Annie found, to their surprise, that Chang was a gracious host, and a good conversationalist. And Chang's men stated quiet.
Though, during their conversation, everyone at the table was careful not to deluge any private information, about themselves.
Chang also mentioned that the water that was served was from the bottle. Not from the tap. He said it was not healthy to drink the local tap water.
Annie not replied to Chang's comment about the local water. Though, John had thanked Chang for his concern.
When their meals were served, their meals consisted of large, boiled lobster, served on a bed of lettuce. As side dish of white rice in a small bowl. A small plate of caesar salad.
With several large, sliced, yeast bread rolls served to the table for everyone. There were small saucers for the slices of bread. And there was a small cup of honey on the side, with a small spoon, and a very small clear crystal tray of a dollop of butter to use with on the bread, is a person at the table decided to do so.
Beverages consisted of a fine crystal glass of ice water to drink. And a fine crystal glass of sweet tasting, red wine to sip.
As they ate, John was happy that Annie displayed some very Earth like table manners.
During that time, at dinner, when John noticed Annie's manners as she ate, John thought, 'I am so thankful that someone at least taught her basic Earth, western style table manners. It was probably Fabiola. Though, Rock knows his... Err, her manners, as well. Still, this would have been extremely embarrassing for the both of us. I on the other hand was raised to be a southern gentleman.'
Over the course of the next hour, since they got Chang's private dining room, the issues they talked about were mostly about entertainment.
John and Chang did most of the talking, while Annie and Chang's men stated silent.
As this went on, Annie mentally noted, 'To Chang's credit, and his men's credit, I am delighted that Chang and his men have been professional enough not to make a pass at me. Even once.'
Presently, Chang and John were using their conversation to play a game of which movies and series are their favorites. And they were having a great time doing so.
Chang asked, “Do you like Demolition Man?”
John chuckled, as he answered, “Of course. One of the best anti-politically correct movies ever. And Stallone was brilliant in it. You had that three seashells joke that you didn't want to know, but was still funny. Also, I have to admit Stallone for the sheer audaciousness of using citations as toilet paper. And finally there was Edgar Friendly's awesome speech on personal freedom. Which involved, among other things, running naked down the streets with green jello covering his body. After seeing that movie, I was tempted to smear green jello on myself, and run naked down the streets. I just could not get drunk enough to try it.”
Chang laughed at John's comment, while Annie paid attention to this discussion.
Though, Annie remained quiet as she ate her meal, and sipped her wine.
Chang laughter slowly turned to mild chuckling, as he said, “I know, Martin. At the time, that movie kept me from completely giving up on Hollywood.”
John asked, “So, what is your favorite Star Trek movie?”
Chang smiled, as he answered, “Everyone says Wrath of Khan. But, my favorite is First Contact. Where Picard finally stops pretending to be civil. He gets touch with his inner badass. And he goes full Ahab on the Borg.”
John returned Chang's smile, as he questioned, “The holodeck, Tommy gun scene?”
Chang nodded, as he replied, “Exactly. That also happens to be the coolest scenem with a gun, in all of Star Trek.”
John agreed, “Yea. That was a cool scene. That and the scene with the characters playing Magic Carpet ride while riding a rocket into space. Though honestly, I think the song, Major Tom, would have been a better choice.”
John thought, 'I was pissed with IASA, when I learned they wouldn't let me play either song during the launch of the Farscape module.'
Chang thought about John's comment for a few seconds. He then said, “That is true. Major Tom is a better selection.”
Chang and John said in unison, “Four. Three. Two. One.”
Both of them let out a laugh.
Chang casually asked, “So, how about the Kill Bill movies?”
John smiled, as he said, “I only recently saw those. The first one was great. A true high octane revenge fuel quest, with an awesome climaxes at the end. I need to get a copy of that soundtrack sometime. Though, the bride cannot hold a candle to your knife friend, and Annie here.”
Annie smiled at John's compliment, as she happily thought, 'I saw those movies with you. And they are good.'
Chang looked over at Annie, and he noticed her smile. He turned back to John, as he said, “No arguments there. What about the second movie?”
John sadly said, “To be honest. The second movie sucked. I mean, here we have movie one, which is an adrenaline fueled joy ride, and movie two suddenly slowed things down. The only redeeming parts of that movie is Buck having the brains to use a shotgun in his situation. And the bride having her revenge, along with getting her kid back. Still, the bride has one hell of a revenge fueled adventure, in both of films.”
Chang responded, “I agree. I only know of one woman whom was more obsessed with revenge. And she was in a league of her own.” Chang mentally reflected, 'The Bloodhound. And she is for real. Still, let's keep this conversation moving.'
Chang asked, “What is your opinion of the modern Desperado movie?'
John answered, “Good action movie all the way through. And the beginning it a beautiful set up, where the mariachi player gets his friend to first walk into the bar. With his friend really laying it on thick. Most people forget that with action movies, the set up is just as important as the delivery.”
Chang agreed, “Very true.”
John went onto say, “Also, that movie was the first time I saw dual wielding of pistols. With the pistols popping up from the sleeves. And it was so cool, that it suspended my believes to allow me to enjoy watching the scene.”
Chang rubbed his chin, as he said, “You got that right.” Chang thought, 'And the mariachi player's gun fighting style is very similar to the styles of Revy, Robert, and even mine.'
Chang commented, “Let's change the genre of our conversation? How about monster movies?”
John admitted, “I was never a big fan of scary monster movies.” He thought, 'And I have way too many monsters in my real life, to admit too. Though...' He continued, “I always like the funny monster movies. Of course, everyone goes with Ash and his boomstick, in the Army of Darkness film. But, there are other funny monster movies, like the Tremors movies. One and two are great.”
Chang responded, “Burt Gummer is the embodiment of the survivalist badass. In a good way. Especially in movie two. That was probably the most badass line about being out of ammo in all of fiction.”
Chang thought, 'And there is that gunsmith in town, that Balalaika and I use. His name is Burt Gummer... And he does kind of look like Burt Gummer from Tremors... Could he be?... Nah... Burt from Tremors would not be crazy enough to sell weapons to us. I may look into the matter, later. But, it might just not be worth it. It would upset Balalaika if I dug into the past of one of our favorite gunsmiths in town. And drove him away from us.'
John reminded Chang, “Don't forget the line dealing with the off screen combination hand to hand and small arms fire.”
Chang smirked, “How could I? Normally, when a character delivers that line, it is just a throw away line. But, given how beat up that truck was, and the general demeanor of Burt, the viewer gets the feeling they missed an awesome fight. Now, let's talk villains, and actors that play villains. In your opinion, who was the best actor that played the joker, from the various Batman franchises?”
John commented, “Jack Nicholson comes close. That, cool toys, line is still good even today. But, Mark Hamill just got the Joker's voice and laugh down to a science. When I read my old comics, it is Mister Hamill's joker voice I hear when I read the Joker's lines.”
Chang agreed, “Yep. Especially, Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. That quote from Batman. Did you hear Kevin Conroy's voice, as well, when you read Batman's lines?”
John grinned, as he replied, “Absolutely.”
Chang and John said in unison, with a serious, but lighthearted tone of voice, “This isn't a mudhole. It's an operating table. And I'm the surgeon.”
Both of them laughed
Annie thought, 'The scariest part about this dinner is the fact that John and Chang seem to be operating on the same wave length. I knew of people with force connections that were less in tune with each other than these two men are with one another.'
Chang changed the subject, as he inquired, “Okay. Let's talk anime and manga. What is the most messed up anime or manga series you know of?”
John flatly answered, “Ranma. Got to be Ranma.” John mentally added, 'And I have met the woman in person. I am literally charting new level of strangeness by the minute. I use to think my life in the Uncharted Territories was weird. That was a Sunday school picnic compared to what I am dealing with now. My only ally in this room is a Darth Vader, turned hot chick. And I am talking about a friend's past that is a fictional series. This is so messed up... And so much fun.'
Even though Chang was wearing his shaded, he looked over at this men, as he lightly laughed uneasily. Chang thought, 'This is one of those series that when someone learns that you have seen it, they don't look at you the same way, again. Still. What the hell. Why not?'
Chang turned to back to John, as he stated, “Yes... That is likely the most messed up series, outside of porn. Where to start? We have Ranma, cursed to turn into a girl with cold water. Hot water makes him a boy again. And Ranma was raised to be sexist towards women. Take about karma. That alone is worth the price of admission to see, but there is more.”
“He also has enough marriage engagements to fill a phonebook. Though, only three of them seem to stick around. Then, there is the fact that Ranma is a martial artist, and has to fight many other martial artists, over the most inane of matters. Some of these lunatics literally claim to both love him, as one gender, and try to kill him in the other gender. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.”
While Annie did not show any expression on the outside, she thought, with mild surprise, 'Wow. And I thought I had problems. Compared to Ranma's past problems, just being a woman isn't that bad.'
John honestly said, “I got to say is that girl... I mean, boy. Has some problems.” He thought, 'I almost forget that in the both the anime and manga series, itself, Ranma starting out a male.'
Chang cracked a grin, as he stated, “No kidding. And talk about pearls before swine. That was the best joke of the series.”
John asked, with sneaking suspicion, “What do you mean?”
Chang answered, “The gender bending. Please, do not get me wrong. I love being a guy. But, my hedonistic side always wondered what it would be like on the other side of the fence.”
Though Chang's men were to professional not to show their unease at Chang's comment. Their unease was so great, that Annie empathically picked their emotions through the force.
Annie did not turn to face the men, standing at the door, as she continued to look at Chang. She thought, 'I guess for them, it is like seeing a side of their boss they never knew of before. And by the force, please do not let it be, that by John and I coming here, we originally gave Chang the idea to turned men into women. I do not want to inadvertently responsible for losing my own manhood.'
John thought, 'Well, that explains a lot.' He cautioned, “That way lies madness.”
Annie mentioned, in a calm down of voice, “Chang. Please, understand that the grass is not greener on the other side.”
Chang replied, in a casual tone of voice, “Perhaps.”
As Annie looked over at John and his dinner plate, she realized in thought, 'John must have long since finished his dinner. And he is just enjoying Chang's company. This is bad. We do not come here to have fun. Still, I am now finished with my dinner, as well. And I believe we should leave before we have worn out our welcome.'
John noticed that Annie was looked out him in his face. John looked down and she aw Annie's plate was empty. He then looked back up as her face, and he saw her giving him the, 'I want to leave', look.
John turned to Chang, as he politely requested, “Chang. I want you to know. In all sincerity. That this has been the best dinner conversation I have had in years. The food was great. The wine was tasty. And the conversation was stimulating. Though, if it is okay with you? I think it is time for us to leave?”
Chang jokingly said, “Well, the villains handbook says that after all this, I have to offer you two a job. So, what do you say?”
John responded, “I would love, too. But, you could say that I am on layover. Also, I got a wife and kid back home, whom I love and deeply love and care for. I just cannot abandon them. And Annie is too fine an assistant to let go.”
Annie looked over at Chang, as she nodded once in agreement.
Chang noticed Annie's nod. He looked over at John, as he casual stated, “I completely understand. You can leave here, whenever you want.”
Annie replied, “Thank you.”
John said, “Some other time, Chang.”
John and Annie got up from their chairs. As they headed for the doors, the two guards noticed this, and opened the door for them.
John and Annie then immediately headed out of the restaurant, and to the front exit of the casino. When the reached the exit, and the circled around the building to get to Megatron, whom was parked in the parking garage. Then, the three of them would head back to the warehouse, by the harbor, to pick up the other members of their team.
Meanwhile, Chang watched John and Annie leave. As soon as the two adults were of his out of sight, he turned to his two men, whom were standing in the room.
Chang ordered, “Close the doors. I can tell you both have questions for me.”
The two men then gently closed the doors to the private room. The two men in black suits then turned to face their employer.
It was then that one of Chang's men in black suits found the courage to ask, “Boss. Why did you let them go?”
Chang answered, “Because they played the game well. They did not steal from me. And all they wanted from me was my wisdom. And I am sure I know who that man is.”
The servant inquired, “Who?”
Chang flatly stated, “John Crichton?”
The man pointed out, “Sir. That is a character from a fictional series. If you remember. We watched a few of those Farscape episodes with you. I admit they were strange, but entertaining.”
Chang cracked a grin, as he responded, “I know. And if I did not know better, that woman looked like a female version of Anakin Skywalker. We know him better as Darth Vader. She even goes by the name, Annie. Which was a nickname that Anakin hated. And that woman clearly fought like a Jedi. She even deflected Shenhua kunai throwing knives with the edge of her blade like a Jedi.... Wait a minute... She said the grass is not greener comment... How would she know the difference?... Unless?”
As Chang's men then watched as Chang began to maniacally laugh, they wondered, if they were going to get the chance to win the in house betting pool of when their boss finally cracked.
A few seconds later, Chang calmed down. He said, in a fake deep tone of voice, “Won't you join us?” He continued in his normal voice, with a hint of excitement in his tone, “I actually did. And I didn't even ask for an autograph... And Shenhua was able to fight her to a standstill. Damn. Hiring that girl was one of the most brilliant choices of my life. It is nice to have a badass bad girl on call. Still, best of all, they clearly knew me. They knew little old me.”
The two men could see that Chang was looked at them with excitement on his face. Chang's look made both of the men feel uncomfortable.
Chang continued, in a more excited tone of voice, “I am truly moving up in the world. Boys, we are heading for the big leagues. Because they are from my future. Our future. I do not know the hows and the whys. I will have to look into that, later.'
'But still, I have just had a taste of what I have always dream of. Now, it is time to learn the real rules of the game. Bring Akira to my office. I want to have a little chat with Akira. But, treat Akira gently. Also, have the chefs bring me a plate of nattou to my office, along with a fork and lid, for that plate.”
The other of man in the black inquired, “Yes sir. Though sir. Which Akira do you wish to meet? The blond woman? Or, the japanese man?”
Chang chuckled, as he looked around at his men. He smile became wider, as he stated, “None of you have figured it out by now.” Behind his shades, Chang's eyes hardened, as his smiled did not reached his eyes. He continued, “They are one in the same. Welcome to the Twilight Zone gentlemen. I hope we enjoy the ride.”
Chang when to laughing even more so, as his men opened the doors to the private room. They stepped outside, and gently shut the doors behind them. They then went to carry out their orders. All the while, they began to wonder some more, on the sanity, or lack there of, of their boss.
It was dark by the time Rock got into nearest the restaurant area from their warehouse hideout. When Rock got to the area, she fortunately still had a few U.S. twenty dollar bills in her wallet. And she had no problems finding an outdoor payphone. She called a taxi company, that she knew, to take her the rest of the way to the Yellowflag.
Soon after, the taxi company sent a taxi to pick her up.
While riding down the road in the taxi, she thought, 'I am so happy that, while walking through the streets, no one has hit on me, or tried to hurt me. I guess I dress too conservatively for the nightlife of Roanapur. Revy would likely laugh her ass off at that thought. It would put the running hawaiian shirt gag we had going to shame.'
Rock giggled at that thought.
A few minutes later, the taxi came to a stop outside of the Yellowflag bar. She paid the driver, exited the cap, and walked into the bar. While, the taxi drove away.
As Rock entered the bar, she suddenly got a strange sense of deju vu.
At the bar, Rock saw her past, male self, quietly sitting alone. He had a bottle of rum by him, along with a shot glass, that was only half full of rum.
Rock immediately recalled that night, as she thought, “This is the night I had a fight with Revy, and I came to the Yellowflag to cool down. The night I met that mysterious woman who gave me good advice on my relationship with Revy... Oh god, I was the woman. I am the woman... What do I do? I am stuck in a temporal loop. I don't even remember exactly how the conversation went, between us. How did the conversation even start? I risk a paradox just not saying the right things. But, do I want a paradox? Do I want to warn myself?... Asking questions like this will drive me crazy. I just need to bite the bullet and talk to him. Still, talking to one's past self is beyond weird.'
Future Rock slowly walked to the bar, and sat in a stool, right beside her past self, to her past self's right side. She stared straight ahead, as she let her long black hair fall to the sides of her head, to block past Rock's view of her face.
Future Rock asked, in a calm tone of voice, “Let me guess. Fight with your girlfriend?”
Past Rock responded, “Good guess. I love her. But, sometimes she can be very difficult to be with.”
Future Rock thought, 'Boy is that true. And it has only gotten worse because of Chang. Still, we both love Revy.'
Future Rock commented, “That is true with all relationships. All you can do is work through it.”
Rock dispassionately said, “I just don't want to deal with her, right now.”
The sadness in past Rock's voice was heartbreaking to future Rock. Future Rock thought, 'I cannot tell him about the future. It would be to painful for both of us, in so many ways. Akira is right. If I interfere, I risk ruining the previous good times you had. If I knew then what I know now, I would be to miserable too enjoy the time I had. I am doing this for my past self and my friends.'
Future Rock gently responded, “Yes. It is natural to want to back off after a fight. But, that is not always the best of course of action. You don't know how long you will have each other. How much times you got to be with her. You never know when it will end. You need to go to her, and enjoy the time you have together.”
Rock admitted, “You're right.”
It was then, that Bao walked over, from behind the bar counter, as he barked at future Rock, “Are you going to order something?!”
Bao then looked at future Rock's face, and their eyes met, as she looked back at him.
Future Rock saw Bao turn white as a sheet.
Future Rock immediately realized, in thought, 'Oh crap. Boa just recognized me. Just like before. No wonder he paled. I really to look very close to my male self. I need to get out of here before my past self realizes it is me... Us... Whatever.'
Future Rock immediately began to stand up. She turned to her right, away from past Rock, as she got out of her seat.
She made sure her back always faced away from past Rock.
Behind her, past Rock asked her, “Wait. I didn't get your name. Who are you?”
As future Rock walked towards the exit of the bar, she waved her right hand at past Rock, without turning around to face him.
Future Rock sadly said, “Don't worry. We will be seeing each other around someday. Sooner than both of us would wish.”
Future Rock then walked out the front doors of the bar, and she disappeared from past Rock's view.
As future Rock left the bar, she continued to walking into the darkness, and across empty the road. After she looking both ways.
Not once did future Rock turn around, as she walked to the other side of the road. She did not want to risk past Rock even catching a glimpse of her face through the large Yellowflag windows.
When she was sure she was in near total darkness, she turned and started walking down the side of the road, in the direction of the warehouse hideout.
As Rock walked, she thought, 'They said they would come pick me up. But, I cannot stay there with my past self there. This is the most logical route to the Yellowflag, from where they are. If we don't meet up, I will figure a way to find them... I just have to have faith they will come... Damn, I feel like hell.”
Rock felt terrible at the moment, from meeting her past self, and not being able to warn him. But, she noticed that she was not emotionally breaking down and crying.
Rock mentally reflected, 'I am sad. Hell, this was a very heartbreaking experience for me. But, I am not about cry. Not a single tear. I guess that old cliché about women always breaking down after an emotionally trying experience, is untruth.'
'While I am still sad about what just happened, I am also happy about this revelation. I am so happy that I am not crying. That I am clearly not one of those girls that gets upset at the slightest of problem. I am made of much stronger stuff than that. And I still have all the memories of the good times we all had together at Lagoon Company. And even though we are now women, I will work towards an even better future... I am going to save my friends. I am going to save my girlfriend, Revy.'
Rock then started giggling, as she began to feel better about herself, and her situation, while she continued walking down the street, towards a hopefully better future.
Back at the warehouse, around the time Rock has left the Yellowflag, John and Annie returned to the warehouse, in Megatron, whom was in his car alt mode. The windows and top of Megatron's roof were raised.
Since Annie was driving, when they came to a stop, in front of the large sliding doors of the warehouse, John got out of the passenger side door, and he opened the warehouse doors for Megatron.
After Megatron slowly drove inside the warehouse, with Annie, John slid the doors closed behind himself.
Meanwhile, the others in the warehouse. Whom were Fabiola, Ranma, Akira, and Natsuru. Had turned on small lamp light they had, as they were still setting in chairs around each other, as they were playing cards. As they saw Megatron roll in, they set down their cards, and turned towards Megatron.
A few seconds later, Megatron stopped ten feet from the Ranma, Akira, Natsuru, and Fabiola.
Annie then got out of the car, as she said, “Thanks, Megatron.”
Megatron replied, “Any time.”
Annie then turned and started walking towards the group of women, with John catching up, behind her.
Annie and John soon met back up with the group of girls sitting in the foldout chairs.
As they came to a stop, in front of Natsuru, Akira, Ranma, and Fabiola they saw the four women looking back at them.
Akira asked, “How did it go? Were you able to meet with Chang?”
John answered, “Yes. We were able to meet with Chang.”
Annie commented, “And this fool. And I do mean the term, fool. Forced me into a fight with Shenhua. She had her weapons, I was unarmed at the start of the fight.”
Ranma inquired, “What happened?”
Annie cracked a wicked grin, as she answered, “I kicked her ass.”
The four women whom were sitting down began to giggle.
Annie continued, “That was not the best part. After some talking, Chang invited us to a very nice dinner downstairs, at an indoor restaurant. Among other things, the dinner including boiled lobster and red wine. Both were very tasty.”
Ranma said, “Nice.”
Natsuru asked, “Did Chang pull the whole, dining with Bond, routine?”
John answered, “Yep. But, to be fair, he did let us go after dinner.”
Fabiola questioned, in a concerned tone of voice, “Were you followed?”
Annie stated, “No. Megatron's sensors would have tracked a tail.”
John commented, “Besides. After talking to him. I realize that is not Chang's style.”
Akira smiled, as she questioned, “So, you got the information on Chang that we needed?”
John answered, “Ah huh. I have the information we need.”
Annie pointed out, “That is not all. The way John and Chang talked to each other about fiction was like watching an old married couple.”
The other women in the room began giggling, again.
John turned to Annie, as he quickly snapped, “Don't make jokes like that. Not in this situation. Not with these people. Tempting fate like that is very bad, even in the best of situations. Which, we are not in.”
John's comment make the girls' giggling turn into full blown laughter.
As the women calmed down, John took a look around, and he noticed something off.
John then realized, as he asked, “Where's Rock? Please, tell me she is using the restroom.”
Fabiola answered, “No. She decided to go get a drink at the Yellowflag.”
Annie complained, in a sarcastic, annoyed tone of voice, “Just great. Our glorious leader decided to disobey her own advise. And it was good advise, at that.”
Fabiola stated, “Do not worry. Rock knows to be careful.”
Annie replied, “Fine. We won't.”
Fabiola stood up from her chair. As she stood up straight, she stated, “Okay. Since everyone is back. We need to get cleaned up and packed. We will go after Rock when we are finished. Annie, John, got get changed into your normal clothing. While you do so, the rest of us will clean up, and get ready to go.
As John and Annie went to the back of Megatron's trunk, to change into their casual clothing, Akira, Ranma, Natsuru got up from their seats. They joined Fabiola in cleaning up their trash. Next, they grabbed their small cooler, and folded up the chairs and footstools. They put the cloth coverings on them folded furniture, and then they put the cylinders, along the cooler, back into the Megatron's trunk.
Five minutes later, they were ready to go. With John and Annie back into their casual clothing.
Annie was in the driver's seat, while the other four girls were in the backseat.
Meanwhile, John had walked back to the entrance, and he opened the steel sliding doors for them.
As soon as Megatron drove passed the doors to the outside, the car came to a stop.
John closed the doors again, and he joined the women, in the car.
A few seconds later, John got into front the passenger side of the car. As he gently closed the front passenger door behind him, he asked, “So, how best to we find Rock?”
Fabiola stated, “Outside of planning. Rock is a very straight forward person. If she is not at the Yellowflag, she would either be taking a taxi, or walking down the most direct route to the warehouse. If she returns here, and she finds that we already left, she will wait a little while here.”
“So, if we miss her, on the way to the Yellowflag, we will just circle back here. And we will likely find her here, waiting for us. Though, it is more likely, we would like meet her on the way to the Yellowflag. Either, with her riding in a taxi, or walking on foot.”
Akira said, “I agree.”
Annie kept her eyes facing the front of the car, as she requested, “Akira. You know this town better than any of us. Could you give me directions to which roads to take, that would most like be the path Rock is on. If she is not at the Yellowflag.”
Akira replied, “Sure, Annie.”
Akira then began giving Annie directions, as Annie drove away from the warehouse, and onto the nearby road.
Ten minutes later, on the highway leading from the Yellowflag to the bay, Rock was slowly walking on the right side of the road facing, which meant she was facing oncoming traffic.
Though, at that time of night, traffic was light on the highway.
In the part of town she was on, the side of the road was mostly dirt, with no sidewalks. Though, through were exceptions.
As Rock walked down the hallway, she thought, 'The one draw back to the Yellowflag is that it is so far from the rest of businesses still open right. And there isn't a payphone on this road. I guess I am walking. Still, it is a nice night. Physically, I feel great. And I am armed. So, I feel fine just walking.'
As Rock continued walking, she saw a car coming, but it's headlights were set on high-beams.
The car began to slow down. When it car came within twenty feet of her, it pulled to the side of the road, in front of her.
Rock heard a familiar male voice say, “Going our way, pretty lady?”
The car turned off its high-beams, leaving only the regular head lights of the car on.
As Rock's eye s adjusted to the lower light setting, Rock saw John sticking his head out the window of front passenger side of the car, while he was smiling at her.
Through the front windshield, which was currently not tinted, she could see the others looking at her, as well.
Rock said, in as girlish a tone of voice as she could, “Sure, space cowboy.”
Rock, and those in the car, including the car, began lightly laughed, at her joke.
Rock walked up to the driver's side and she saw Annie sitting in the driver's seat, with the front driver's window lowered down.
Rock politely asked, “Annie. Please, move over, and let me drive.”
Annie grinned at Rock, as she said, “Fine with me. Though, I have to admit, there is something fun about driving a cool car like this.”
Megatron replied, “Thank you.”
Annie responded, “You're welcome.”
Rock returned Annie's grin, as she said, “You're right about that.”
Annie moved over to the center of the front seat, as Rock opened the driver's side door.
Rock got into the car, and she sat down in the driver's seat. She then gently closed the door behind her.
As Rock got comfortable in her seat, Akira asked Rock, “So, how was your visit to the Yellowflag?”
Rock turned to Akira, as she sadly answered, “I met, and I talked to my past self. But, don't worry. He didn't recognized me. And I didn't tell him anything about his future.”
Akira questioned, “Are you sure?”
Rock answered, “It was a temporal loop. I remember talking to a mysterious woman that help me with my relationship with Revy... Now, I know that woman is me. Though, you were right Akira. It is best just to let my past self enjoy the time he had with Revy and the others... Those were fun years. The best times of my life.”
Akira sadly smiled, as she said, “So far... Take comfort in the fact that you did the right thing. And in doing so, I am glad you finally understand my advice.”
Rock said, more confidently, “Yes. I do.” Rock then turned to John and Annie, “So, what did you two learn about Chang?”
Annie looked over at Rock, as she answered, “I learned that Shenhua is holding back a lot, in our previous fights. But, I can still take her, if need be.”
Rock commented, “You are going to have to give me the details on that one.”
Annie replied, “Don't worry. I will.”
Rock focus on John, as she inquired, “So, John. Was your meeting with Chang all you hoped for?”
John turned to Rock, as he answered, “Yes. I got all I needed to know. Chang is a fanboy turned badass evil. If we do something spectacular enough, we can distract him at a critical moment. We can beat him.”
Rock responded, “Sounds great. And guys. There is one place I need to go to, before we leave.”
Rock shifted the gear stick to drive, as she gently pressed on the gas pedal. She check to make sure she was clear, as she headed back on the highway. She then headed for the inland entrance to Roanapur.
Fifteen minutes later, Rock drove them out of Roanapur, and she stopped the car in front of an old steel truss bridge.
On the entrance to the bridge facing them, there was a noose hanging over the road, in the middle of a top steel beam.
This far from town allowed the nearly full moon, on the clear night, to illuminate the area, so the noose and bridge appeared in an eerie light.
Rock requested, “Everyone. Please, get out.”
A minute later, after the seven human adults exited the vehicle, Rock asked Akira, “Akira, can I borrow on of your blades?”
“Sure.” Akira replied. She unsheathed and handed Rock one of her long knives.
Rock requested, “Megatron. I need your help for this.”
Megatron transformed into his robot mode.
Rock said, “In the future, this bridge is destroyed. Long before then, everyone wondered who took the noose, from this bridge. Now, I know.”
Rock turned to Megatron, as she requested, “Megatron, could you please give me a boost toward that noose.”
Megatron cupped his hands. Rock stopped on the robot's hands. Megatron gently lifted Rock up to the noose.
Rock used Akira's long knife to cut down the noose.
Rock held Akira's knife in her right hand, and the noose in her left hand.
After Rock was lowered back on the ground, Rock walked over to Akira and she carefully handed Akira back her weapon.
John inquired, “Rock. What is so special about that noose.”
Akira sheathed her knife, as she turned to John. She answered for Rock, “John. That noose is an invitation to some. And a warning to others. That Roanapur is not a city for the faint of heart. That the city will tear you down, and destroy you, if you let it.”
Rock looked over at Akira, as she complimented, “Thanks for quoting me.”
Akira looked over towards Rock, as she replied, “You're welcome.”
Natsuru asked, “So Rock. What are you going to do with that noose?”
Rock held it up the noose, as she stated, “I am going to hang Chang with it.”
Megatron commented, “Sounds poetic.”
Rock inquired, “Megatron? I didn't realize you had a poetic side?”
Megatron stated, “I have many sides to me. Right now, in my mind. As I talk to you. I am multitasking, as I currently reading the works of Dylan Thomas. Of which, I have copies of in my mind”
Rock quoted, “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
Megatron cracked a grin, as he happily said, “That is my favorite human poetic line, that I have found so far.”
Rock complimented, “It just shows you have good taste.”
Annie stated, “A warrior poet. Among other things. You continued to surprise me, Megatron.”
Megatron smiled over at Akira, as he said, “I will continue to strive, to do so.”
Rock grinned, as she said, “I looked forward to it. Alright everyone. I'm done here. Let's go.”
Megatron transformed back to car mode, with his top still up, and his windows rolled up.
After everyone got back in where the car, where they were usually seated, Rock suggested, “Let's get a drink, and talk about this. I am thinking of a blind jump to a bar. Anyone else feeling adventurous?”
Ranma stated, “I live for adventure.”
Akira replied, “I'm feeling lucky.”
Natsuru said, “I go where these two lunatics go.”
Ranma and Akira giggled, in response to Natsuru's comment.
Fabiola stated, “I have no complaints. As long as, I can have a beer with the rest of you.”
Annie said, “I am fine with it.”
John commented, “I have seen it all. I dare you to thrill me.”
Megatron requested, “I joined you for the surprises. Just bring on the excitement.”
Rock pulled out her reality key. She said, “Alright. Let's see where we are going now.” She then insert the key into the dash board.
Rock thought of a decent bar to go to, that was not in Roanapur, while she turned the key. And they instantly disappeared, as they jumped to another to another reality.
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
One of thing opportunities I took in this anthology, is given I am writing a story that using time travel across multiple realities, I am write this story, to where the plot line of one book, continues in the plot line other another book.
Take for example this chapter. Book Two, Chapter Eight, “And Wisdom.”
If you read this episode, you can go back and read Book One, Chapter Fourteen, “Knowledge.” And you can pick up the plot line of where Chang of past left off.
With, this chapter explaining how Shenhua hurt her left elbow. And this chapter present one of the reasons why Chang was suddenly so eager to meet Akira.
That is why, when you combine both chapter titles, in question, you get, “Knowledge And Wisdom.”
Though, I did this in a way that is not disruptive to the read, and you can just continue reading this book without a problem.
This is not the first time, nor the last time, I will be doing this in my anthology.
Also, this is part of my recursive writing style. Of convincing you reader to go back and reread my story over and over again.
I hope you enjoy this concept, and writing style.
When Rock met her past self, that complete a scene from book one. But also it showed that Rock was not just going to break down and cry, at having to deal with some personal issues, just because she has been turned into a woman.
The women in this story are far stronger than that. And to that point, so are the men.
Rock taking the noose from the Roanapur inland bridge is symbolic. At the beginning of Black Lagoon, episode seventeen, The Roanapur Freakshow Circus, Rock does a very good narration of how that noose represents Roanapur, and what Roanapur is like.
Rock taking the noose with her, represents her taking a piece of Roanapur itself, to use against Chang.
And this solves the mystery of who took the noose in book one, chapter fourteen of the first part of the anthology I wrote.
During Rock scene in her bedroom, as she looks at herself. And she then gets dressed. I tried to keep the scene as clean as possible. While, showing how Rock got use to her new body. Such, as looking at herself, and testing out her abilities, to make sure she would not accidentally hurt someone.
I actually enjoyed writing that scene. Because, more gender bending scenes, where the person changes gender, they rush the getting use to their bodies scene.
This is the type of scene that needs to have some time and detail taken with it, while not making it pornographic. And I believe I accomplished that.
Also, I wanted to show that Rock's friends bought women's clothing that she could tolerate wearing. With the clothing not being very feminine, frilly, nor brightly colored.
I know that in Thailand, people are suppose to drive on the left hand lane. Though, in the Black Lagoon anime series, some scenes in Roanapur show people driving on the right hand lane.
Why make Chang a casino manager? I ask. Why not?
It was revealed that the mob bosses in Roanapur have cover jobs in episode one of Black Lagoon. The example was Balalaika, whose front operations is the Bougainvillea Trade Company.
I do not see Chang as running a trading company as a front. He has the flair for a casino operator. And I would hate for those bottom floors to the highrise building, that he uses as a headquarters, to go to waste.
And yes. Shenhua is that good with her weapons. She is a good with her knives as Revy is with her pistols. That is saying something.
The fight between Shenhua and Annie was flipped to the rest of the story.
Keep in mind, while future Shenhua has the supersoldier serum and powerarmor, she is under orders to bring Annie and the others back alive if possible. As such, Shenhua is holding back.
Also, Annie's force powers are still at beginner levels, but she is still very skilled with using a lightsaber, and she has the supersoldier serum, as well.
So, their fights are fairly well balanced.
In the fight in this chapter, the situation is reversed. Even thought Shenhua has not had the supersoldier serum, nor powerarmor, she is not holding back, while Annie is holding back, to prevent the risk of creating a paradox.
To that end, I had fun writing that fight scene, and the dialogue between John and Chang.
It is a rare treat to write about to hams verbally jousting each other in a friendly manner.
Yes. the ham is strong with both John and Chang. “Wink.”
I consider the dinner conversation, between those John and Chang, to be basically a ham fest served over boiled lobster and red wine.
I hope you guys enjoyed the fight seen, and the dinner conversation.
Now, I know I am going to get a few complaints about Shenhua kukri knife cords. But, where those cords come from is a minor plot hole in Black Lagoon.
In episode twelve, of the Black Lagoon series, it was shown that knife cord was not hooked to anything. But, instead, it was free standing. With the other end of the cord having a tassel, while there was a shorter tassel on the pommel of the knife, as well. With both the cord and the tassel attached to at the same place, on a loop at the bottom of the knife hilt.
In episode seventeen, it showed that the Shenhua's cords were up her sleeves.
In episode four of Roberta's Blood Trail, it showed that each of Shenhua's knives had two small tassels, with no cords attached.
Now, it is possible that from episode twelve of the main series, and episode four of the Blood Trail, that the cords are hidden in her hilts, with the tassels being about to use pull out the cords.
But, that would get into other issue. Such as how the cord retract, plus it we destroyed the integrity of the hilts. And there is the hammerspace issue of to much cord to fit into the hilts.
I do not like the concept of hammerspace. It is a weak argument to defend plot holes. So, I am not using it.
Finally, no true martial artist knife nut would use such trick knives. And Shenhua seems to be a traditionalist in so many ways.
And before any of you claim that those are trick knifes, due to Roberta being able to break one of the blades with her teeth. There a couple of things you need to know about.
First, human teeth are made out of teeth enamel, which is nearly as hard as diamond. And the amount of pressure a human jaw can create, when it clamps down on something, is incredible.
Also, it is not widely talked about, but it is very common in sword fights, and some long knife fights, that the blades of the weapons can sometimes break, and even shatter.
This is why medieval knights were taught to sword fight with the flat of their blades, unless they were going for a killing blow. And why samurai were taught almost total offensive techniques in killing with their blades. With few defensive skills.
For a samurai, the concept was kill the opponent in as quick a manner as possible. Samurai actually has a killing technique they can use while drawing their blade. Samurai were not taught to parry with their blades, because, while katanas, and other types of Japanese blades were quite sharp, they were also fragile. And if someone tried to use them to parry a blow, they might break.
And blades did also break when they were hit with the flat of the blade against each other, just less often, because the flat of the blades were not sharp.
Also, keep in mind that breaking a blade by its flat side, against a person's knee, is doable, because all the strength of a blade is towards the narrow side, not the flat side.
So, in theory, Roberta breaking Shenhua's blade with her teeth, is possible. Just very unlikely. And it probably cracked, or broke, a few of Roberta's own teeth, when she did broke that blade. Though, given had insane she was, at the time, she probably did not notice. Roberta was so crazy, that she kept going, in the anime, when she started losing limbs.
At the time, Roberta was crazy, but still very devoted to quest for vengeance.
And if that is the case, I am sure Garcia paid for Roberta's dental bill, later on.
Though, to be fair, kukri long knives are from Nepal, with the weapons being designed to be very durable, and very practical. The kukri are not just used as weapons, but for everyday use. Such as chopping firewood.
And this chopping power is the kukri's greatest strength. Due to most of the weight of the kukri's blade is in the top from of the blade. With the blade curving from the hilt, outward, in the front, to the tip, at the top of the blade. That the kukri has the chopping power of a hatchet. But, unlike the weakness of the hatchet, where the blade part is located at a small part of the weapon, at the head of the weapon. The kukri's sharp end runs from the tip, down both the front and back ends of the blade, to the hilt.
And while, when a blow is delivered, most of the kinetic is at the top front of the blade, as the front of the blade makes contact with the target, the kinetic force is transferred along the rest of the blade, as the front of the blade fully cuts into the target. The combination of this chopping strengthen, combined with the length of the blade, allows for someone to smoothly chop of limbs, from both trees, animals, and even people.
It is this ability that made the kukri weapon attractive to the Nepalese army, Nepalese police force, and Shenhua.
And due to much of the weight of the kukri weapon being distributed at the top of the blade, the kukri can be used as the ball, in a ball and chain weapon. With the cord being attached at same loop as the pommels, the bottom hilt. Allowing the weapon to spin in the air.
This unevenness in the proportions of the weight of the kukri weapon is what allows Shenhua to spin her weapon on a cord with such ease. Though, it would take a practice for someone to be able to cut into something with the blade of the kukri, while using the weapon in this manner.
So, it is possible to use the kukri weapon in the manner Shenhua does in the Black Lagoon series. Though, doing so would be very dangerous for both the people around the wielder of the kukri, and for the person wielding said weapon.
Along with this, the spine of the blade is still straight enough, from the hilt, to where the blade curves, that is is possible to throw a kukri at a target, in a straight line, and hit the intended target, at a moderate distance.
On another note about Shenhua's long knives. If you look closely at the front of Shenhua's kukri blades, at the bottom, right above the hilt, you will see two, small, curved, groove notches, on each of the weapons. These are called the teeth of the blade.
These type of blade teeth are found on many melee blades. The blade teeth are designed to catch another blade, and then swiftly turn the opposing blade against its flat side, snapping the opposing blade in two. And blade teeth can do their job quite well.
On a side note, sword-breakers, which is what the teeth on Shenhua's blades, were originally a European concept and design. For example, parry daggers.
And the teeth on Shenhua's blades are a very modern design of sword-breaking teeth of a blade, which took centuries to perfect.
Also, on the back part of the two blades, leading from the hilt, there is groove that runs along each flat side of the blades. The groove is wide wider at the hilt, but as it slightly curves with the blade, the groove tapers to an end right before reaching the sharp in of the blades.
Such a groove is called a, fuller. A fuller is also known as a blood groove. When a person is stabbed, the fuller will cause blood to flow out of the victim's body more quickly.
Taking all of this into account, the kukri knives are a good choice of weapons for Shenhua. They are small enough for a woman to use one-handed, and still small enough to hide on her person. With kukri knives still being very versatile type of melee weapons.
Now, back to the cords that are attached to Shenhua's kukri long knives.
I had to figure out where the cords came from. So, I just went with the cords being hoods to straps on Shenhua's upper forearms, with the cords being able to be hooked to the ends of the knife, on the same loop as the pommels of Shenhua's knives.
I did this for two reasons.
One, it is a good place to hide the cords, under the sleeves of her white coat, which are coiled around her forearm bands.
The second reason is the upper forearms make a great physical anchor point for pulling back. This is because the upper forearms, right below the elbows, are just pure muscles, with two strong bones, between the muscles.
One the other hand, wrists and hands make for poor physical anchor points because of so many delicate bones, small muscles, and ligaments in the a wrists and hands.
This is actually partly back up in Black Lagoon, episode seventeen, The Roanapur Freakshow Circus. In the middle of the episode, when Shenhua throws her knife into the car door, beside Russel. And she then explains to Russel how dangerous Roanapur really is.
If you looked closely, at the end of the knife, you will see that loop that the pommels are attached to, that the cord is also attached to the knife, in that loop.
Then, when the scene pans back to Shenhua, part of her right forearm is shown, and you can see the cord is coiled around her arm. The scene does show an armband, but it does show everything else.
Though, in that scene, the upper half of Shenhua's forearm is still hidden in her white sleeve, Also, a forearm band would help keep the cords coiled, in place, on her arms, until she needed them.
Anyway, I hope everyone is okay with what I did about Shenhua's cords, because that is the best compromise I could come up with for this issue.
Until next time. Have fun.
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