Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: Chapter 11: Epilogue: Part One

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 2: The Mastermind, The Gunslinger, The Magical Girl, The Martial Artist, The Maid, The Warrior, The Tyrant.

Chapter Eleven: Epilogue: Part One: “Where they are now.”

By Paul Cousins.

Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.


Reality, Black Lagoon reality. Date, two weeks after the battle at the Tower, which defeated Chang and her organization. Place, in the front lobby, of a large hotel, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Time, a Friday afternoon.

It was a sunny, Friday afternoon, in Atlanta. Inside a large hotel, whom hosting a scifi convention for the weekend, there was TV turned on, behind the front desk, in the hotel lobby.

The TV was placed at an angle that allow the customers to view the screen. The volume turned up, so those around the desk could hear the TV. The channel on the TV was turned to a news channel.

The screen of the TV showed a fair skinned, red haired woman in a business pantsuit. She was standing behind some tropical trees and bush, against the backdrop of the sea. She said into camera, in english, “This is Sally Finnegan, reporting from Thailand. We are following the latest reports on what has now been dubbed the Tower of Horrors.”

The camera shot changed to a picture of Chang's Tower, taking several miles off the coast of Thailand, in the Gulf of Thailand. With the Tower overlooking Roanapur. The bay in front of Roanapur. And the giant, faceless, Buddha statue, facing the Gulf of Thailand, located in the middle of one of the main inlets to the bay.

Sally continued her statements, off screen, “Following the latest reports on this story, it has been nearly one week since a mysterious public broadcast alerted governments across the globe to investigate the Tower. Since then, the city of Roanapur. Which has long been known as a hive for the drug trade. Between the golden triangle of Indochina, and the rest of the world. Has become a three ring circus of horrors.”

“Though, the governments involved have since tried to clamp down on information coming from Roanapur, rumors have leaked. The rumors range from wild claims of forced eugenics programs and body modifications. Of men being turned into women and impregnated. To cyborgs and other robots that sounds like technology that came right out of science fiction. To rumors of some sort of machine based portal systems.”

“And even though the Thai government has shutdown the island of Roanapur to civilian personnel, several trucks and buses have been seen moving in and out Roanapur. Towards the Thai mainland. Troops have been seen entering the city, with mysterious young women, and very young children, being seen leaving the city, for parts unknown.”

The screen then cut back to Sally, as she spoke into the screen, by stating, “Even before this these reports emerged, the Tower itself was a mystery. This station's investigations have been unable to turn up much information on the Tower. They only thing we can substantiate, form those of citizens of Roanapur, we talked too. Whom fled the city, years ago. That being, that not only do they call this blue cylindrical pyramid, The Tower, but they also sometimes call the super-structure, Chang's Tower.”

“Given the immense size of this Tower, which surprising went under everyone's radar. Until now. It is now being considered the largest single standing man made structure on Earth. And yet we have not found any records on its construction. No records on the materials used. And no records on the labor used. Also, from what we have found, the Tower was built within less than two years. A record achievement for anyone. Let alone the mysterious parties involved.”

“All this station has found on the Tower itself are documents of a land grant, dated a few years ago, by the Thai government, for the island of Roanapur to a Bai Ji Shin Chang. This seems to run in line with local reports of some locals calling, The Tower, Chang's Tower.”

“Though, to date, no photos of this Chang have been found. The only Chang known in Roanapur was a casino manager, whom was rumored to have ties to the Triads in Hong Kong.”

“Also, from a few people we talked to. Whom wish to remain anymonous. Whom stated that a few years ago Roanapur. No long before the city started to become a ghost town. That the man known as Chang had broken through the walls. These individuals refused to say anything else. None, would they say what these walls were.”

“It is unknown if this is the same Chang as mentioned on the land grant. Of, if it the Chang, known as the local casino owner. Of, if these two Changs are the same person.

“Though, as more information comes out, the mystery of this place only deepens. But, stay tuned to this channel as we attempt to solve these mysteries for you. This is Sally Finnegan signing off.”

The news program then cut to a commercial.

A minute later, a strange man, walked up to the check in hotel desk, in the lobby. He held a brown suitcase, by its handle, with his left hand.

As the man came to a stop, in front of the front desk, one of the clerks, in their hotel uniforms, looked up, across the counter at the man.

The clerk saw that man's skin was of a fair complexion. He had short, black hair, which was well groom. And his eyes had green irises around the whites of his eyes. And he wore a dark blue business suit, with tie that was a lighter shade of blue. A white button up shirt, under his closed black coat. And black dress shoes.

The man behind the desk asked, in english, “Can I help you, sir?”

The man answered, in very clear, cleanly enunciated english, “Yes. I would like to check into this hotel for a few days. While the convention is going on. Do you have any vacancies?”

The desk clerk check the computer screen behind the corner for a few seconds. He then turned back to the man, across the counter, as he responded, “Yes. We do have a few vacancies. How will you be paying?”

The man inquired, “Do you accept a debit card as payment?”

The clerk replied, “Yes. And your name?”

The man answered, “Arthur D Clemens. Also, I have another question. Will this convention be featuring material about the franchise known as Star Trek?”

The man behind the deck responded, “Of course. It is still one of the more popular science fiction series.”

Arthur replied, “Good.”

The clerk requested, “May I inquire your interest in this convention?”

Arthur smiled, as he answered, “I am embarking on the explorations of the imagination. One must look at the maps, before one explores such places.”

As the clerk to Arthur's information, he shook his head, as he sarcastically thought, 'Oh, just great. Another trekkie fanboy. Though, this man does dress very sharply for a fanboy.'

A few minutes later, Data had finished filling out the paperwork, while showing the proper IDs, which were fake. And he used the bank account, he had made for himself.

After Data received the information to which floor and room number his suite was. Along with his keycard, which he immediately pocketed. He turned to his right side, and he left the front desk, as he head deeper into the hotel, towards the areas where the convention was being held.

While Data walked, he continued to hold the handle to his suit case with his left hand, as he thought, 'And I go further through the looking glass.'

As Data approached the entrance, to the area the convention was being held out, in the hotel, he came to a stop, as his eyes caught a look at a bulletin board, placed on a sign, by the wall, to his left.

Data turned to his left, to look at the bulletin board, the near the wall.

The bulletin board stated the times, days, and places for various meetings, and workshops, on a variety of topics, that were being held at the scifi convention.

Some of the topics caught his eye.

Among those topics were...

“Fiction meets reality? Is the world as myth theory real? And what does that mean for you?”

“The Tower?”

“The Star Destroyers?”

“The Firefly?”

Data thought, 'The one thing about humanity, that I learned from Geordi, is that even the blind can see the obvious. I believe I may stick around this reality for a while. It is clear the people here are starting to realize the implications of what multiversal travel means for this world, and themselves.”

“This could be a first contact situation similar to learning about faster than light travel. Though, in honesty, this is a jump, in technology, even above that. This is Iconian level interdimensional technology, in the hands of pre-warp humanity... Pre-unification humanity... This could be problem. Maybe I should stay around and help make sure humanity does not destroy itself as it learns about this technology.'

A man, from behind Data, said to him, in english, “I see you noticed the bulletin board. It is an interesting selection this time around. When compared to last year.”

Data turned around. He saw a dark skinned man standing a few feet from him. The dark skinned man had short black hair. The man was slightly above average height, with a medium physical build. The man appeared to be in his early thirties, and in decent physical shape. He wore a dark pants, black belt, black tennis shoes, and a gray, long sleeved button up shirt.

Data commented, “Hello. I am Arthur D Clemens. What is your name?”

The man answered, “My name is Professor Johnathan Durban. I work at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta. I oversee the technology sections of the school. Everything from robotics, to nano-technology research, to quantum physics. And I find this stuff amazing.”

“This is the sort of stuff that convinced me to become a scientist in the first place. I remember when I was a teenager reading the Heinlein novel, Number of the Beast. And that book is basically a fanfiction crossover of John Carter of Mars, the Wizard of Oz, and a few other stories. ”

Data thought, 'I will have to check that book out, some time. But, to the matter at hand.' He asked, “You would not happen to be a fan of Star Trek?”

Johnathan answered, “Good guess, Arthur. I was raised on Star Trek and Star Wars, before I could even walk. I am a fan of just about every science fiction genre there is. Except for porn.”

Data turned to look at the bulletin board. He then turned back to look at Johnathan, as he asked, “What are these listed meetings about?”

Johnathan looked at the billboard. He looked back at Arthur, as he stated, “I guess you haven't been paying attention to the news. Almost all of the current news is centered around, or involving that Tower in southeastern Thailand.”

“The governments involved have tried to keep the information from getting out, but the internet has allowed much of the information to leak. It is not a lot, and some of it is very scary. But, it is enough information to start drawing conclusions.”

Data requested, “Could you please explain?” He thought, 'It does not hurt to investigate what those at the street level, have already learned on the matter.'

Johnathan responded, “Of course. Take the Tower for example. It looks exactly like Genom Tower from the Bubblegum Crisis OVA anime. But, who built it? And how was it built?”

“Given my job, when information starting coming out earlier this week on the Tower of Horrors, the teachers under me, came to me for advice. That is not even counting the numerous students that contacted me.”

“We started crunching numbers on what it would take to build that Tower. And the math figures started getting crazy from there. The closest historical human undertaking to this Tower would be the building of the Great Wall of China.”

“Now, we did theoretically figure out that it was possible to built that Tower. Even though it exists. I say theoretical because of what it would take to build such a super-structure. Now, the floor design itself is simple enough. Any decent structural engineer could design that Tower. It is a simple design. It would just take time to design, and test out, the load bearing points, plumbing, and electrical systems.”

“But, the cost alone would be more than any single nation could afford. The materials required would have to be of very high quality, and in such abundance, that at said level, there is not enough of such materials to actually buy on hand. Fuel for transport and construction would be insanely high. And it would require an army of workers to build.”

“Given the speed it at which the Tower was built, we estimated there were at least ten thousand workers were being employed at any given time. Yet. No one single construction group could handle a project on that scale. And no one has come forward to claim to have helped in its construction.”

“Given you can see that building from space. You would think someone would take credit for it. It is the single greatest building achievement in human history, and no one is standing up to claim the credit. That is started signaling alarm bells for us, right there.”

Data thought, 'You are more right than you realize. And given what you know, you clearly have firm grasp on the situation.'

Johnathan continued, “Speaking of space. Let us talk about the reported Star Destroyers in orbit around Earth. I know people first hand whom have taken pictures of these these Star Destroyers, with their telescopes. Many of those photos are good quality, up close pictures. They look real. And the ships look exactly like white Imperial Star Destroyers from Star Wars.”

“And then there are the other pictures. Those being the strangest pictures to hit the internet, within the last month.”

“Over a full week before this whole mess in Thailand came out. Some people took several high quality photos of a spaceship passing over them at two different times. And they were intelligent enough to wait until the right time to post them on the internet. When everything else came out, at the same time. When media was too busy with these current stories, to discredit these pictures.”

Data thought, 'Interesting. That is around the time of our battle with Chang, and her organization. I wonder.' He questioned, “Where were these pictures taken? And what were they about?”

Johnathan answered, “I am glad you asked. These pictures were taken in Port Hedland, Western Australia. The photos show a spaceship that looks like a Firefly class spaceship from the Firefly scifi series.”

But, here is the fun thing. The times the pictures were taken. And the angles the ship was going. The first photos showing the ship passing by, at a low altitude, in the early afternoon, going in a direction of east by southeast. The next set of photos was at sunset, with the ship heading west by northwest.”

“Now, if you take into account of geography, and time zones. This gets very interesting. If you fall a map of where the ship was coming from, and heading back too. You reached the Java Sea. That curves northwest, into the Gaspar Strait. Which empties out in a northerly direction, into the southwestern part of the South China Sea. Keep going north, you reach the Gulf of Thailand, and Roanapur. Where this mysterious Tower is located.”

“Given the time zone difference. Early afternoon in Australia is morning in Thailand. And last evening in Australia is afternoon in Thailand. Also, the Firefly ship, which is what it looks like, is designed for an orbital drop.”

“Here is what I think happened. This ship was involved with that Tower, in someway. They dropped some people off, to attack that Tower. Then, they escaped, found a place to land, and waiting for a call back signal.”

“They clearly use a preplanned flight path. With them leaving, by going south, though the South China Sea, to the Gaspar Strait. There, they turned east, and headed through the Java Sea, which lead them to Australia.”

“Also, they flew low, and over the water, to avoid getting anyone's attention. Especially, the Indonesian airforce. Because, they were flying through the very middle of that nation's waterways. And they went to Australia, because the Outback there, is very isolated, and they could just easily land and wait for further orders.”

“Eventually, they got those orders, and returned to The Tower. It seems that the attackers won. And a week later, they alerted the world to what was happening in the Tower. Likely after they searched through it. To take anything they wanted, first. Before the rest of the world came to visit the Tower.'

While Data did not show his reaction on the outside, he inwardly thought, in astonishment, 'You're good. That is exactly why the crew of the Serenity path. And that is exactly what happened at the Tower. Now, let's see if you can put the rest of the pieces of this puzzle together.'

Data inquired, “What do you think this all means?”

Johnathan responded, in a direct, though polite tone of voice, “What does this mean? It means that if what is reported is true, then it is a whole new ball game. For this world. For humanity, here.”

“Taking all this into account, it is possible we have witness a multiverse event, that crossed into realities we consider fiction. Then, Heinlein's world as myth theory is true. It is like when the Vulcans came to visit Cochrane. This event could literally open whole new realities for humanity, here.”

Data thought, 'Good. You have put the pieces together. And you understand what it means. Though, I doubt you fully appreciate the dangers, as well. But, that will come later.'

Data complimented, “A good comparison. I was just thinking that.” He thought, 'I remember that mission. I was stuck dealing with the Borg Queen. But, it was still an... Interesting experience. I think I may track down the movie of that adventure. From what I was told, by the others. Cochrane was not the man they expected him to be. And Trio got drunk, while on the away mission to Earth.'

Johnathan commented, “Good. Still, there is not much that can be done right now. Though, as soon as I finish my vacation here, I am going back to my job at Georgia Tech, to oversee a new project on m-theory. Multiverse theory. And get to the bottom of this, with the tools I have.”

Data pointed out, “Still, there will clearly be dangers, with this research.”

Johnathan mentioned, “Of course. And the scary thing is I know people up mixed into this mess. Before I was oversaw the various technology and computer sections of Georgia Tech. I was one of the professes there, that taught, and researched m-theory. Though, at the time, we just did so as a mathematical exercise.'

Data thought, 'So, you are directly tied to this. Though, you don't realize, by how much.'

Johnathan continued, “Still, a few years back, a few of my former students got hired by some strange company from Hong Kong to go this place. This Roanapur in Thailand, to research m-theory.”

Data thought, 'You likely did. And you do realize that.'

Johnathan went onto say, “I have not heard from my students, since they got there. And someday. I am going to find out what they found out, in the hopes of finding out what happened to them.”

Data thought, 'And with you can do attitude, you just might be able to do so. But, you are going to need help, if you hope to make it through this alive, and in one piece. And I am just the person to help you.'

'Besides, you reminds me of La Forge. I like that. I want to get to know to know you some more.'

Data offered, “I believe I might be able to help you.”

Johnathan commented, “Good. We will talk about this some more, then. By the way, you look like Brent Spiner. Though, you look to young to be him.”

Data thought, 'If I recall correctly. From the research I have already done on the Star Trek franchise. That was the man who played me on the various Star Trek series and movies.'

Data replied, “I am not Mister Spiner. Though, I have been told I look like him. And Data, without the makeup.”

Johnathan said, “Very true. You should enter the cosplay contest. I could even get you a decent looking Star Fleet officer's costume.”

Data commented, “I have own.” He then nodded towards his suit case.

Johnathan said, “A fellow trekkie. Cool.”

Data responded, “Something like that. Now, could you tell me about the rules to this contest.”

Johnathan answered, “Sure. Just follow me as we walk, and talk.”

Data said, “No problem.”

The two men continued to talk and enjoy each others company, as they walked further into the hotel.

And thus was the start of a very interesting friendship.


Reality, Black Lagoon reality. Data, around one month after Chang's defeat. Place, inside a nice hotel, in Bangkok Thailand. Time, mid-afternoon

It was sunny and warm mid-afternoon, in the middle of Bangkok, as the now young woman, Leon McNichol was standing on the balcony of her hotel suite, by the railing, as she looked out at the city, and towards Chao Phraya River, from the western side of the river. With the Chao Phraya River dividing Bangkok between the eastern half, and western half, of the city.

Leon wore a simple white t-shirt, purple pants, and black, flat soled slippers.

It has been three weeks since the mysterious signal had been sent to the governments of the world. From what she and the others were told. Given they were asleep in the vats at the time. The recon mission, which utilized several military teams, were sent in the Tower. With the Tower, at the time, being mostly deserted, except for those in the vats, and a few other groups.

This recon mission quickly turned into an international relief effort after the Chang's victims, and the children, were discovered.

Soon after, those in the vats were awoke to face the nightmare that had become their lives.

Though, they were lucky. They had each other. When they were awoke, they were done so in rows of three vats, running down the length of the warehouse sections of the Tower.

Leon, Daley, Mackie, Kate, Priss, Nene, Linna, and Sylia were awoke together and they quickly recognized each other, after they had just awoken. Though, those in the group, whom were originally female, took a few moments to realize that Leon, Daley, and Mackie were now women.

It was about thirty seconds later they all realized they were pregnant.

And like all the vat victims, they were were only given towels to dry off. Then, they were given simple blankets to cover their nude bodies with.

After the rescuers asked them a couple of questions to make sure they were alert enough to walk, gently lead to a medical station set up in a nearby part of the Tower. Given the number of people bring rescued, Leon found the experience was more of an assembly line situation for them.

While in line, all the victims were given simple, loose fitting shirts, draw stringer pants, and shoes to wear. With the aid workers, whom giving the clothing to them, doing basic size guessed, before they gave them clothing. And should one piece of clothing not fit one of the pregnant women, the aid workers just quickly replaced the piece of clothing, with the same type of clothing, only a different size.

When the doctors were able examine them.

The doctors checked, their pulse and blood pressure. They were given a sonogram to check the babies growing within them, and find how far along they were.

The doctors confirmed how far along they were with their pregnancies. And that all of them, including their unborn children, were healthy.

Priss, Sylia, Linna, and Nene were all around eight months pregnant. Kate around three months pregnant. Mackie and Daley were over two months pregnant. And Leon was six weeks pregnant. Just enough for Leon to feel the very small bump in her lower stomach.

And they were each pregnant with a single child.

A few of the victims were so close to their due date that, they had to stay, and give birth before, they, and their newborn children, could be moved.

Though, Leon was happy that none of her friends were that close to having to give birth. They still had time to think about what they were going to do next. Before having to deal with raising children.

Fortunately, they were all able to convince their rescuers to let them stay together. They were the lucky ones, considering they had each other. And given most of the others were alone, their rescuers were more than happy to let them stay together. Because it made things easier for everyone.

Still, there was some friction between Priss and Kate. Given Kate was a former Genom executive. But, considering the situation, and that Kate had aided Mackie, Leon, and Daley. All eight of them agreed that it was best to stick together, and help each other.

And given the situation, the best the victims could figure was the only reason none of them freaked out, or had a mental collapse, over the gender bending, for the former men, and the impregnation for nearly everyone found in the vats, was because they had all be clearly brainwashed.

Though, this did not mean none of them were not upset about the situations they found themselves in. There were a lot of tears and screaming shed over what had happened to them.

To everyone's surprised, of the eight of them, Nene was the most pissed off about it. But, Leon had to admit to herself, that she and Priss were close seconds, in that category.

Though, Leon realized she had become a lot quieter over the last few weeks as the situation had sunk in for everyone.

As soon all eight of them were check out, they were put on a bus to Bangkok. It was a bumpy ride from the Tower to Bangkok. With more of those vat victims and their children, put into hotels, until they could figure out what to do with them.

Leon had to admit that the hotel they had been in since was not that bad. And it was fairly nice.

Decent food was provided for them. And they were given a few okay fitting sets of clothing to wear. It was interesting, for Leon, and Daley, as the their friends taught them how to wear a bra and figure out everyone's current body sizes.

Given Mackie had worked in a lingerie shop, she did not need these lessons.

Given that Mackie had worked at her sister's lingerie store, she knew all about bras and such information.

They only entertainment they were provide was TV and some books. There was an internet connection at the hotel, but they had no computers.

There were doctors on call twenty-four hours a day, at all the hotels the vat victims were staying at, given one of the victims, at any given time, was ready to given birth to their children.

Though, the women were not confined to the hotel, but given their conditions, it was highly recommend that they stay together and near the hotel.

Given they had no money. All they did, when they went outside, was to walk through a nearby park. As such, they mostly stayed at the hotel.

The victims were requested not to speak about who they were, and what had happened to them to the general public. Especially the press. Given the none of victims want to talk about what had happened to them, this was not a difficult request to fulfill.

Strangely, those happily, there had been no suicides, nor acts of violence by the women there. And of the women, including Leon, had refused to have an abortion. They were not sure if it was the brainwashing, or just personal choice. But, given it made for less moral problems, no one really said anything about it.

Eventually, Leon found out that, that besides Daley and Nene, there were some other former AD Police officers in other parts of the hotel that they were stating at. And though Leon met with them, she learned that they, like most of those in their situation, just wanted to move on with their lives.

Also, like many of those that were man turned women, Leon, Daley, and Mackie refused to change their names to something more feminine.

Leon soon realized that she, nor anyone else she had talked too, knew who was paying for all of their needs. And they were not about to look a gift house in the mouth.

The only problems they had, besides sides the obvious was the slightly sexist attitudes the Thai culture had, in general.

Such as women in Thailand being expected to stand behind the men in line.

Some of the men turned women, including Leon herself, and some of those that were originally women, such as Priss, did not take kindly to that. But, given the situation, everyone was tried work out their problems peacefully, since no one involved wanted the public to take notice of them.

A week after being at the hotel, government officials came by and questioned them about who they were and what they knew about what was going on. Since they were from other realities, and many of the victims had been changed so drastically, none of the victims had any identification on them.

But, the government officials mostly took them at their word, and issued them some temporary IDs.

Yet. Like a few other victims. There was a minor language problems. The eight of them mostly spoke Japanese. But, their english was good enough that they could get by, with help from each other.

Still, the government took great interest that much of the technology in the Tower could be traced to Leon and her friends home reality. And that the boomer and hardsuit technology could be traced directly to Sylia Stingray, her deceased father. Experience with boomer technology could also be traced to Kate Madigan, due to her knowledge and job, from Genom. Along with Daley, Nene, and even Leon, herself, having such connections, due to their work at the AD Police.

Given their knowledge of the boomer and hardsuit technology, especially Sylia's knowledge, the governments that had rescued them have become very kind and generous to them, specifically, in exchange for information.

And none of the eight women were in a position to decline from answering the questions from the government officials. Even Sylia gave in, when it was apparent they had no other options, if they were going to get help for themselves, their friends, and their unborn children.

And once the eight women relented, and gave into the questions of the government officials, things got easier from there, and the women shared their good fortune with the other victims they could get in contact, especially at the hotel they were staying at.

Though, the eight women stated they were not doing this for free, and given what the eight women knew, government officials were more than open to negotiations on payment for their knowledge and services.

Like the others, Leon was still working through a lot of problems.

Being brainwashed to be subservient sucked.

Being a woman, and having to pee sitting down sucked.

Being pregnant sucked.

Though, Leon felt Fortunate that she did not have any morning sickness, like a few of the others did. But, not all of them had that problem.

To make matters worse. Leon, and her friends all learned that each of them already had at least one child, already. Not counting the children they were all pregnant with.

They found this out at the abrasions on the interior sides of her hip bones, from x-rays. With these abrasions usually only showed on the mother, during the pregnancy of her second child. Though, the abrasions could appear during a mother's first pregnancy.

The reason x-rays were used, instead of just checking the victims genitalia, was because many of those that had been through this. Both those that were originally women, and those men that were turned into women, were in no mood to have a pelvic exam.

So, instead, the medical officials were able to reach a good compromise with the mothers. In that, they would instead use x-rays, at a safe setting for the mother and child, to check the mothers for such issues.

Each of them know they had a child out there, somewhere, whom they could do nothing about. Nor, possibility find. With those children likely in one of the orphanages the governments had set up, along with the other young children the relief mission found in the nurseries, in the Tower.

Though, the officials aiding them, allowed the mothers to keep the children they were giving birth too. While also giving them aid, food, and supplies, as needed.

And the government officials were using DNA testing on the mothers and children, found in the tower, to reunited them.

And Leon personally knew of a few of the victims, in the very hotel she and her friends were staying out, that had been reunited with children, they gave birth too, before they were awaken.

So, Leon begrudgingly admitted that there was still hope for them to be reunited with children they never knew, but would like to be reunited with.

Still, this meant Leon justifiably felt that her life, and her friends' lives, sucked even worse, than they thought, when they were first waken from the vats, and they found themselves to be pregnant. And in many cases, completely gender changed into a woman.

To add to their problems, Leon, and many of the others men turned women, also realized that after giving birth, that they would be having a monthly problem awaiting them, was just another twist of the knife, for each of them.

And finally Leon realizing that her close friends were in the same boat as her just the capped their horrible situation.

Though, Leon loathed to admit to anyone. Including herself. She did feel a bit of relief that she was not alone in this. And that she, and the others, were healthy, and that she and her child were going to remain healthy for a very long time.

For it was not long after they were awaken, that they all realized that all the women whom were in the vats seems to be in their mid-twenties and in perfect health.

They were all later informed that they were given something call a supersoldier serum that made them physically fit, and increased their longevity. And these benefits would transfer to their children.

Also, they were also given a bit of good news, that their brainwashing would breakdown over time.

Presently, as Leon stood by the railing of the balcony she was on. As she looked out at the city, she thought, 'She... I am a woman now.' She then brush her right hand against the slight bulge of her two month pregnant stomach. She mentally added, 'And I am pregnant woman, at that. And worst of all, I cannot strangle the people responsible. Someone beat me to it. Someone that is responsible for rescuing me and the others like me.'

Leon looked then turned to inside the open sliding glass door, and into her suite, were her friends were currently at. All seven of them were in the hotel suite. And they all stayed near each other, on the same floor, in four, two bedroom suits.

At the moment, Leon saw that Sylia and Kate were sitting on one of the beds, in the suite they were currently in, as they talked to each other.

Leon thought, 'It seems those two have started to develop a close friendship. That is not surprising. Both are intelligent, professional business women, towards what they do. They have a lot in common, from a personality standpoint.'

On the other bed sat Nene and Mackie. They were holding hands as they watched an american news channel on TV. With the TV in question, being located on top of a bureau, across the room from the beds.

Leon thought, 'From what I understand, among other things, we were brainwashed to be bi-sexual. Not that I am complaining. I like that fact that I still find women attractive.'

Leon then felt bitterness, as she continued her thoughts, 'Though, with the kidnapping, gender bending, and the pregnancy, I am not in the mood for a relationship, right now. But, given the girls are now bi as well, there is still a chance with Priss. Not that either of us are going to try anything any time soon. Still, Priss did tell me that Nene and Mackie have had feelings for each other for years. They just never committed to them. Given what has happened, I am not surprising they ran into each others arms.'

'For the first few days, they were kind of secret about it. With Sylia and Mackie sharing a room. With Nene and Linna sharing a room. Priss and the others were surprised when Daley and I agree to share a room. Until we explained it to them. That given everything that was happening, I did not want it to even seem to hint that I wanted to make a pass at Priss. Priss found that touching. Yet, the irony is not lost on me. Daley and I now share and room, with neither of us were in the mood to do anything.'

'That left Priss and Kate sharing a room. I do not know what happened the first night, but the two came to an understanding. From what I can tell, it went along the lines that with both of them having their lives shattered. That they were now in another reality. One that is parallel with the past of where we came from. And both are pregnant, with no job, and no money. They agreed with each other that it would be better if they worked together, than for them to be each others enemies.'

'Still, by the third day Nene and Mackie told the rest of us that they had decided to start a relationship. Sylia did not say much about it, given that both were already pregnant. Through no fault of their own. And to be honest, it was the only real good news we had all had in a long time. That night, the sleeping arrangements changed. Nene and Mackie shared a room. Priss and Linna shared a room. With Sylia and Kate being fine sharing a room.'

'As the days passed, Nene and Mackie were not the only victims hooking up with each other. Many of the victims were becoming emotionally, if not physically, involved with one another. Sometimes three or four people getting together. I guess unplanned motherhood will make someone very open to possible relationships. At the very least with helping to raise their kids.'

'Speaking of which. I wonder which of us will starting talking about the name game for our children. The doctors say that the other seven are having girls. Though, I am still to early to find out. But, I can guess I am having a girl, as well.'

Leon then looked at Linna, Daley, and Priss sitting in chairs, around the table, in the suite.

Leon though, 'Daley... Of all of us three. She got developed into the sexiest woman. She is slender, with decent sized breasts for her body. Mackie looks similar to her sister, but she has the overall cuteness that Nene has. I only the other hand am a little on the butch side. I look sexy, but more in the athletic way. I got decent sized breasts for my body. But, I just got that tomboy look, which I honestly don't mind. Given I used to be a guy, being the tomboy of the group is appealing to me.'

'Until the day we were rescued, I do not know much about Linna. But, from what Nene tells me, she is a good woman. And the times I have talked with her, she has shown to be a very kind and caring woman.'

'And what about Priss... Or, Daley for that matter. While, my feeling for Priss are no secret. Neither is Daley's feelings for me. Before we were changed, I just didn't swing that way. Now, we all swing both ways. But, all three of us agreed that for right now, we need friends, not lovers. And after we all get our lives straightened out. Whatever happens, happens.'

Priss looked over at Leon and their eyes met.

Leon could tell that Priss noticed her melancholy mood, as she got up from the table, which took her a moment, given her eight and a half month pregnant belly. And she walked over to Leon.

As Priss stepped outside, onto the balcony, she came to a few feet from Leon. She calmly said to her, in japanese, “Leon. You have been quiet for the past few days.”

Leon continued looking at her. She did not say a thing, but she thought, 'The scary thing about Priss is that with the brainwashing, and the pregnancy, she now has moments were she is so calm and serene.'

Priss continued, “Come on, Leon. Yes, we are all pregnant now. And yes, you are now a woman. But, it is not that bad.”

Leon responded, in a sober tone of voice, that was a few octaves higher than her old male voice, in japanese, “I tried to stop this mess. Yet, it still happened. I realized what was coming, and I prepared. But, it wasn't enough. I should have gotten more help.”

Priss stated, “Leon, from what Mackie told me, you did everything short of moving heaven and earth to prepare. And the said fact is that none of us would have believed you, at the time.”

“Still, those monsters defeated both us, the AD Police, and Genom within one day. Yet, you fought them tooth and nail for the next six months. None of this is your fault. And even with what has happened, I am happy you are still alive. That we are alive. And we will make it through this. It will just take time.”

Leon did not reply, as Priss stepped forward, and gently hugged her.

Leon accepted Priss' hug for about half a minute, but for Priss let go, and took a step back from Leon.

Priss suggested, “Let's go inside.”

Leon nodded, in agreement. She thought, with sadness, 'I tried to stop it this mess from happening. To protect my city and my friends. And I failed. I even failed to save myself.'

As they walked back to the table, they overheard part of the conversation Sylia and Kate were having.

Kate said, in japanese, “We should try to contact all the victims. There is much we can do to help each other.”

Sylia responded, in japanese, “I agree. It is a wise idea that we victims keep in touch. But, I do not think our rescuers will allow that to happen.”

Kate agreed, “True. But, we can be subtle about it. We have a little pull now with what we know. We work with them, while slowly building a list. In time, we will get in touch with everyone. It will just take a while to do so.”

Sylia complimented, “That is a good plan, Kate.”

Kate replied, “Thank you. It is nice having someone to talk to that can work at my level.”

Sylia commented, “Yes. It is refreshing.”

Just after Leon and Priss sat in chairs, beside each other, at the table that Daley and Linna were at, there was a knock at the door.

Daley said, in her feminine voice, in japanese, “I'll get it.”

Daley walked over to the door to the hallway, and she looked in the peephole.

Daley did a double-take, as she turned to the others. She stated, “You are not going to be believe who it is.”

Mackie, in her new female voice asked, in japanese, “Who is it?”

Daley said, “Someone that Leon, Nene, and I know. That we haven't seen in almost a year. I don't know how he got here, but Natsuru Senou is right outside our door.”

Leon exclaimed, as she got up from her seat, “What? Natsuru is right outside? Let him in. He might have answers for us. He is the one that tipped me off to the entire multiverse.”

Daley opened the door, and Natsuru, as a guy in a shirt, pants, and shoes, walked into the room, while he carried a large bag by the handle, with his right hand.

As soon as the door closed, Natsuru turned to Daley. He looked at Daley for a few seconds. He then calmly said, in japanese, “Hi Daley.”

Daley replied, in japanese “Hi Natsuru. I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Natsuru shook his head, as he sadly stated, “Even given everything that has happened to you. You don't know the half of it. And I am here to help and provide some answers for all of you.”

Natsuru comment caught everyone's attention.

Natsuru noticed this. He set down his bag, as he stated, “I guess introductions are needed. I am Natsuru Senou. For a few years, I was an AD Police officer. What none of you, except Leon, at the last minute, realized was that I was not of your reality. And you all inadvertently got caught in a mess that I was a part of. For that, I humbly apologize to you.”

Priss was still sitting down, but she cracked her knuckles, as she demanded, “You better start talking. Or, pregnant, or not, I am going to hurt you.”

Linna put a hand on her Priss right shoulder, as she said, in japapese, “Priss. Calm down, He said he is here to help and offer answers. I think we should hear him out.”

Sylia turned to Priss, as she said, “Linna is right. We have nothing to gain by fighting him. We should hear him out.” She then turned to Natsuru, “Hello, Mister Senou. I am Sylia Stingray. We would like to hear what you have to say.”

Natsuru answered, “I know who you are. We will get to that in a minute. But, there are some other matters that need to be told first. Like you, I am not from this reality. The person behind this was a man named Chang, from this reality. Do not worry about revenge. Let us handle Chang. You all need to focus on your lives name. But even so, I am here to give you answers to the questions you need answered. To offer you some closure.”

Mackie stated, “You are one to talk. You are still a guy. Why should we not seek revenge?”

Nene put her arms around her girlfriend, as both of them looked at Natsuru sternly.

Nene said, in a direct tone of voice, in japanese, “Mackie has a point. Why should we not seek revenge against this man known as Chang?”

Natsuru answered, “Three reasons. Chang has fled into the multiverse. He is now a she, as well. Along with this, Chang is one of the most skilled fighters and genre savvy people I know of. You go after her, she will kill you. She makes Mason and Largo looked like amateurs in the field of planning out gambits.”

“Also, I was one of the members of a group that defeated her, and rescued you all. And the journey we took to defeat Chang was one hell of a long running battle across the multiverse, that ended at the Tower. I will give you the details, later.”

“And third, I can sympathize with your situation.”

Natsuru used his bracelet to change into a woman wearing a white and black seifuku.

Kate said, “Leon, Daley, I owe you an apology. During our time in the resistance, I did not really believe you, when you said one of your men literally turned into a magical girl and back, at will. Now, I do.”

Leon replied, “Apology accepted, Kate.”

Daley shrugged, as she commented, “We all make mistakes.”

Natsuru stated, “Leon. Daley. Mackie. I have been living as a woman for a while. And I can honestly tell you that it is not all that bad. Except for the pregnancy, I have been where you are at now, and I can offer advice. If you want it.”

Daley said, “Thank you, Natsuru. But, the girls have already been a great help on the basic information of feminine hygiene. Though, I would like learn from your experiences.”

Natsuru stated, “I am more than happy to tell you anything I can on my knowledge dealing with gender. Now, let us get started with some answers for you. As you have noticed, besides being pregnant, you all were very, very healthy. And some of you make have noticed that you appear a few years young. This is not your imagination. You are a few years younger.”

Kate commented, “I am glad it was not my imagination. That is the best news I have heard since waking up.”

Natsuru replied, “I am glad you think so, Miss Madigan.”

Kate said, “Kate is fine. And we were informed that we were exposed to some sort of supersoldier serum.”

Natsuru stated, “Well, Kate. That makes my explanation much more easier. And by the way, you all can called me, Natsuru. As you were informed, you were all given a supersoldier serum that has made you younger, given you peak physical condition, enhanced your strengthens, quicken your reflexes, and greatly slowed your lifespans.”

“We poured over the research on that and other information at the Tower for a week, before we contacted the governments of the world. And we left before they got to the Tower. We are pretty sure that your kids are going to inherit your abilities. Also, while the supersoldier serum is deadly to men, any sons you have will inherit your abilities, but will not be harmed by the serum. From what we can tell, all your children are going to be born healthy.”

Nene let go of Mackie, as she pointed out, “Mackie and I are not a few years younger. Nor, a few years older.”

Natsuru commented, “We also found out the supersoldier serum does effect the effect the ages of those that are younger than their mid-twenties. You have all the benefits and longevity. It just did not make you any younger.”

Nene commented, “That is good to hear.” She placed her hands over her enlarged lower abdomen.

Sylia asked, “That also confirms what we have been told. What other information do you have to talk about?”

Natsuru answered, “A lot of stuff that I do not want to get into, but a few things that I have to tell you.” Natsuru turned to Leon, as she stated, “Leon, as you might have guessed. Considering you knew I am a Kampfer. Right before I left your reality. I believe you realized I was from a fictional reality?”

Leon responded, “Yes. I am guessing that our reality is fiction to your reality? The theory I believe is called, world as myth.”

Natsuru smiled, as she complemented, “Leon, you always were sharper than people gave you credit for. And yes, we are talking about the, world as myth, theory, as fact.”

Natsuru walked over to the table, in the room. She then set the bag the table. Next, she started pulling some things from her bag, and setting them on the table.

The first was a laptop computer, with power-cord, and a wireless mouse.

After Natsuru placed those items on the table, she explained, “This is an expensive laptop my friends and I bought for you. It has a wireless network built in, that should work with the hotel internet. It has a wireless mouse, and a CD-DVD-blu-ray combo burner and player.”

“These are the formats used in both this reality and my home reality. Most movies are either on DVD or Blu-ray. Think CD sized discs that hold a lot more data. We already loaded an audio-video software player on the laptop. And the laptop itself has no password right now to log in. The account name is, 'admin', in undercase english. And the computer has decent antivirus and firewall programs installed. Also, here.”

From the bag, Natsuru pulled out a roll of hundreds U.S. bills.

Natsuru stated, “That is ten thousand U.S. dollars. It will help you some. But, I know it is a dropped in the buckle to what you need..”

They all looked at the money on the table.

Linna said, “Every little bit helps.”

Natsuru then pulled out some manga volumes, DVD boxsets, and DVD cases. She put all these items on the table, by the computer equipment, she had set on the table.

Nene requested, “Can Mackie and I to looked those?”

Leon and Daley then picked up the DVD boxes and manga, and handled them to Nene and Mackie.

Natsuru explained, “Those are DVDs. For you to watch them on you computer, just stick them in the cd-rom in the laptop, and select play. I used the U.S. versions of these formats because they are dual language. Which for a couple of the series, comes in handy. The manga are the english version for another reason, that I will get to in a minute.”

“Included in what I gave you is material on your own reality. You're reality is called the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality. Don't ask me why it is called that. I do not know.”

“Included is the eight original OVA series. The three AD Police OVA prequel series. The two AD Police manga volumes. And a sequel called Bubblegum Crash that did not happen in the BGC reality you are from. I know this because it was suppose to happen in two thousand thirty-four, but it didn't. Be happen that it did not.”

Natsuru thought, 'I did not bring a copy of the remake, Bubblegum Crisis TV anime series, because these women do not really need to be confused right now. They have enough problems as is. Still, I need to warn them, on some matters.'

Natsuru continued, “Though, be careful when watching your own series. It can be psychologically hard on you. I will not lie to you. Some very bad stuff is shown in just about all our series, that is traumatizing, for us that lived it, to rewatch and remember. I know one woman that informed me that she had a bad reaction to watching her own rape scene on screen.”

“And yea. The concept of watching such an act, that happened to her personally, in a recorded fashion, is as sick as it sounds.”

“Take for example you, Leon. The first episode of the AD Police OVAs shows how your normal police squad was massacred by a boomer, with you being the only survived. It also shows that same recycled sexroid stalking you, and almost killing you, before it was destroyed a second time.”

Nene turned to Leon, as she commented, “So, that explains how you know about sexroids.”

Leon commented, “It is a long story. And I still have nightmares from it.”

Natsuru said, “Also, in the AD Police twenty-five hundred manga, there is a chapter detailing the incident dealing with that dumb boomer, in Osaka.”

Leon admitted, “That was more embarrassing than anything else.”

Natsuru turned to Linna and Priss, as she explained, “Then, there is the main Bubblegum Crisis OVA series. Linna, Priss, you two need to know this. I mean no disrespect. But, in episode two, it showed Irene's death. Episode three shows the death of Sho's mother. Episode five shows Sylvie's death. Episode six shows the death of Anri.”

Linna quietly said, “Thank you for the warning.”

Priss replied, “No disrespect taken, Natsuru. We will be careful, when we watch the series.”

Sylia inquired, “Yes. We will be careful. So, what else have you gotten for us to view?”

Natsuru stated, “I got you the anime, manga, and omake, to the Black Lagoon series. That is the series that exists in this reality. To be exact, we are years after the anime timeline ended. The Black Lagoon series is about modern pirates and mafia groups operating in the island city of Roanapur. The same Roanapur that you were rescued from. The person behind your current trouble, Chang, is from that series. From watching that series and reading the manga, you will be able to get some insight into him and others in the series.”

“Also, even though Black Lagoon is an anime and manga series, in Roanapur itself, I know for a fact that the spoke language by the major players is english. That is why I got the english translations to the anime and manga. It will offer you better insight. Also, I got the omakes of the Black Lagoon series. Number four is very interesting. It shows a gender flip of the characters, and including Chang. You will see what she know looks like now, as a woman.”

Priss said, “Oh. That is nice.”

Natsuru responded, “Yes. It is. The last set of DVDs I have given you is the Kampfer series. That is my series. I thought it fair that since I know about you, you should learn a few things about me. There is also a manga version, and a light novel version. But after reviewing all the series. I have found that my life was part of the anime version. Which was left unfinished. This is why I can still turned into a girl. Not that I am complaining. My gender changing abilities netted me two wonderful lovers, with similar abilities.”

Daley teased, “You minx.”

Natsuru lips curled into a wicked smile, as she offered, “I know. We also know a lot of really good three way positions that would likely still work while pregnant.”

Daley returned Natsuru's smile, as she said, “I just may take you up on your offer.”

Natsuru replied, “Anytime, Daley. And it goes without saying for you to not show these manga and anime to the others outside this room. Especially, any government official that comes to meet you.”

Sylia flatly stated, “We won't.”

Natsuru said, “Good. Given how hectic everything has been, I doubt they bugged your rooms. But, they might be monitoring any internet connections, so be warned.”

Sylia responded, “I already checked for bugs in all our rooms. We are clean. And we will be careful when using the internet on the laptop you gave us.” She thought, 'We will also change the password and account, the first chance we get.'

Natsuru replied, “Good.”

Mackie looked at the Black Lagoon DVDs and the Kampfer DVDs, as she stated, “Wait a minute. I know these series? The Black Lagoon series and the Kampfer series. I have seen both these series, and a lot of other series.”

Nene looked at the DVD boxes, as she stated, “I remember them. You, Priss, and I use to watch the Black Lagoon series.”

Leon commented, “Really? How did you get a hold of those series? I vaguely remember seeing Kampfer, years ago. When I was a child. And I think Black Lagoon is an older series, as well.”

Mackie answered, “It is. Long story short, I found my father's anime and manga collection. Given the size of his collection, he must have been a real otaku in his youth. He was especially into science fiction of just about any format you could name.” She thought, “That is likely what started my father, in his boomer, and hardsuit, research.'

Kate looked at Sylia.

Sylia looked back at Kate, as she answered, “I should have never let him have access to that collection at such a young age. Though, at the time. I did not honestly know better.”

Kate replied, “It is okay. And it is in the past.”

Sylia lightly smiled towards Kate.

Kata returned to Sylia's smile. She then turned to Mackie. She calmly inquired, “Mackie. Are you saying that Doctor Stringray, the father of boomer and hardsuit technology was a sci-fi geek?”

Mackie turned to Kate, as she replied, “Yes.”

Daley stated, “That makes sense on so many levels. Too bad he did not live to see his dreams realized.”

Leon said, “I wish I had known we all shared similar tastes in fiction. We could have had some interesting movie nights.”

Priss said, “Well, there is nothing stopping us now, Leon.”

Leon turned to Priss, as she smiled at the brown haired woman.

Priss returned Leon's smile. She then realized something, as she turned to look at Natsuru. She said, “Hold on a second. Chang? As in the Triad, Chang?”

Natsuru answered, “Yes.”

Priss stated, “Oh my god. I knew those girls looked familiar.” Priss looked at Nene and Mackie, as she explained, “Revy, Shenhua, and Sawyer were the ones that kidnapped us.” She then looked over at Leon, as she continued, “And Leon, the other person, the cyborg you were talking. That was Roberta. The maid. The Bloodhound... Of course, this is the anime timeline. She would be a cyborg after the Blood Trail arc. Her body was trashed at the end of that storyline. And Chang being Chang would not want to waste her talents. So, he would turn her into a cyborg. He probably even used some of the cybernetic technology of our world.”

Priss' eyes then widened, as she turned to Natsuru, as she inquired, “You said someone you knew saw their own rape and had a bad reaction. Was that Revy?”

Natsuru sadly said, “Yes. From what I was told, by a good friend of mine. Whom she told. When she first watched that scene, she got Whitman Fever for two days. Fortunately, she did not harm anyone. And she found that after she came out of that stated, she felt much better.”

Linna shrugged, as she commented, “That makes sense. Facing a trauma can be a positive experience.”

Priss said, “After seeing that, everything she did previously in that series made complete sense. I may have had a screwed up life, but at least I was never violated like that. If I had, I may have ended up just like her. Even pregnant like this, from what I understand, there was no actual rape, in the normal sense, done to us. And I am happy that I do not have to deal with the memories of such a violation.”

Natsuru responded, “Yes. Some people are more fortunate than others. On another note, it just occurred to me. Did you get the idea for your name for you band, Priss and the Replicants, from watching the movie Blade Runner?”

Priss answered, “Yes, I did. I liked the Blade Runner movie. It was a bit slow, but entertaining. I even got the idea for my blond stage wig from the Pris character.”

Natsuru said, with delight, “Oh, wow. Priss, you might find it interesting, but the Blade Runner movie is one of the major inspirations for your own reality. That is likely where you and Leon got your names from. Along with that, the other inspirations for your series is the music from the movie Streets of Fire, the original Terminator movie, the original Robocop movie, and the Iron Man comicbook series.”

Priss giggled, as she replied, “Now, that is both funny, and screwy.”

Sylia said, “As interesting as this is. Let us go back to this Chang person. What set Chang off, in the first place to where he became such a threat to everyone?”

Natsuru answered, “Long story short. As I was thrown into your reality, one of my friends got dumped into this reality, in Roanapur. Chang eventually recognized her and confronted her. She told him the truth about the multiverse. Which he already suspected, due the Bloodhound being so blatantly over the top. He even hinted in the series that he knew.”

Mackie said, “The force be with you, password.”

Nene added, “The Bloodhound was fairly blatant.”

Natsuru nodded, as she replied, “Yes. Those were the tip offs. Chang was already fanboy. At some point in his past, he realized he was in a badass fiction series. And he took precautions, to survive the series. When the truth was confirmed by my friend, and he found that multiversal travel was possible. He became obsessed with finding a way to access the multiverse. When he found the means to do so, it all lead us here.”

“Chang was even genre savvy enough to let my friend go, and not try to use her to access the multiverse, and risk alerting myself, and her other friends, to his actions. Until it was to late.”

Sylia stated, “Yes. It is clear that this Chang is a very devious person.”

Natsuru replied, “To say, the least.”

Kate said, “It also sounds like this Chang was an otaku that went to the extreme.”

Natsuru responded, “That would be an understatement. And yes, he was.” Natsuru turned to Leon, as she continued, “Also, Leon, the girls, that served Chang, told me what happened when they captured you.” Natsuru looked around the room, while she finished her statement, “And they told me about when they kidnapped and captured all of you. Please, all of you. Do not hold what Revy, Roberta, Sawyer, and Shenhua did you, against them. They were brainwashed as well. And they are very sorry.”

Leon quietly said, “We will try.”

The others nodded in confirmation.

Natsuru commented, “That is all I ask.” She thought, 'Though, I think it is best if Revy, Roberta, Sawyer, and Shenhua, avoid the women, for the foreseeable future.'

Daley was the first to catch the past tense of what Natsuru was saying, as she said, “You said they were brainwashed. Not, are brainwashed.”

Natsuru turned to Daley, as she complimented, “Good catch, Daley. One of my friends went through the same process you did in the vat. The only difference was she was pulled out before she was impregnated.”

Priss deadpanned, “Lucky her.” She then moved her right hand over her stomach.

Natsuru replied, “Anyway, she was brainwashed but she figured out some meditation techniques that she taught me, that will help you break your programing. So, I could teach other. As such, if you want, I will teach you. So, that you will benefit from those mental exercise, and you can show the others how to do them, as well.”

Daley said, “That is great to hear. That confirms what we have been told. And I cannot wait to learn those lesson, later today.”

Natsuru said, “I look forward to teaching you.”

Mackie asked, “Who was this friend of yours?”

Natsuru hesitantly said, “She presently prefers going by the name of, Annie. Her body was completely restored to a healthy human being, as it was changed into a woman. But, you know her better as Darth Vader.”

The other eight adults in the room dropped their jaws at the revelation.

As the women collected themselves, Priss inquired, “You worked with Darth Vader? Evil, Dark Lord Darth Vader?”

Natsuru calmly responded, “I met Annie months after she as turned into a woman. And from what I understand, once she was out of that black suit, and she learned she did not not kill her wife, she calmed down a lot. And after she watched her own movies, she decided to become a much better person. She is now much more emotionally mature, and in control of her feelings.”

Linna commented, “That is comforting.”

Nene inquired, “Now, that we have some good news. I was wondering, Natsuru. You mentioned that you have to lovers with similar abilities as you. Who are these to people?”

Natsuru answered, “One of them is Ranma Saotome, from the Ranma Half anime and manga series. The other is Hatsushiba Akira, from the Gacha Gacha Secret manga series. The strange thing is these two series ran parallel with my own series in Tokyo, in our reality. Among other series, as well.”

Nene and Mackie blushed as they recognized the titles.

Mackie stated, “Nene and I have seen the Ranma anime and manga series. Along with reading the Gacha Gacha Secret series.”

Nene requested, “Natsuru, if it is okay with you. We would like to know the story behind how all three of you met?”

Natsuru smiled, as she replied, “I would be more than happy to tell you that story, later today.”

Sylia stated, “It is interesting that multiple series can exist in the same time, in the same city, in a single reality. I wonder if this reality, or our home reality, has multiple series running at the same time.”

Natsuru commented, “Now, that I think about. I did read an interesting theory of a OVA that may have run in the distant past about a boy getting a hold of mech and going joyriding in it. The title of the OVA, and the mech, was called MADOX. If I remember correctly, the mech ran on diesel.”

Sylia said, “I believe you are correct. There was a prototype mech known as MADOX that ran on diesel. It was the forerunner to the k-series mechs.”

Kate spoke up, “That is interesting. We will have to looked into that later. It is possible that since our series exists as a anime series in this reality, so do the MADOX OVA.”

Sylia nodded, while replying, “That is a nice idea, Kate.”

Kate warmly grinned at Sylia.

Daley asked, “By the way, Natsuru. How did you get here?”

Natsuru brushed her right hand against the remote sized reality jump device hidden in folds of the back of her skirt, as she coyly stated, “I have my ways. I can also return all of you to your own reality. If you want?”

Priss stated, “Natsuru, thank you. But, we will have to decline your offer. We have already discussed that subject, in detail. We all agreed that even if the option to go home was available, we would stay here. MegaTokyo was destroyed. Even if we went back there, we would have nothing to go back too.”

“This is on top of becoming single mothers. We might as well stay here. The governments here have shown interest in what we know, and we are already in negotiations to trade our knowledge and skills, to insure us and our children will be set for life.

Natsuru's face was unreadable, as she said, in an almost cold tone of voice, “Good luck with that. Though, I suggest you be wary of any government. I know for a fact that one of my counterparts, and one of my lover's, Akira's counterparts, got royally screwed over by a government. It is a major part of the reason we all met and ended up traveling the multiverse. I will explained what happened to those counterparts, in detail, later.”

Sylia directly said, “Natsuru, we have all had experience in dealing with such government officials. Do not worry. We will be cautious.”

Natsuru replied, with a bit a happiness in her voice, “Good. So, what would you like to cover first?”

Sylia stated, “It depends on how long you can stay.”

Natsuru smiled, as she said, “Don't worry. I can come and go as I please. Without being detected. Ranma and Akira are also in the city. But, we do not want to arouse suspension, so they cannot come meet you, right now. But, they are more than happy for me to take all the time I need to help you.”

Sylia responded, “Good. I was thinking those meditation techniques to break out brainwashing would be our top priority.”

Natsuru began her explanation, “That is a wise choice. And I agree with you. Now, the first thing about meditation is to relax and clear one's mind, by finding a conformable position and achieving a proper frame of mind. I know many of your are very pregnant, and it will likely take a little for you to get conformable. But, once that is accomplished, we can move onto the next few steps...”

Natsuru continued to offer advise and help her friends, for quite a while before they left for dinner, downstairs in the hotel restaurant. Before they left downstairs, they scheduled to meet back up in the hotel room, they had been in, later that night.

As they left for the restaurant, Natsuru used her reality device to return to Akira and Ranma, in the hotel suite, in another hotel across the city. And she informed them of how well her meeting went with the women.

Later that evening, Natsuru teleported back to Leon and Daley's hotel room, and she met back up with the eight women there.

Of the course of the next few weeks, Natsuru did what she could help. And they were able to break most of their brainwashing.

Also, Natsuru kept teleporting back and forth from in their hotel rooms, to keep from being discovered by any wondering eyes, from various governments, or other groups.

And over those few weeks, Natsuru became good friends with all eight of the women.

Also, the eight women told Natsuru that their negotiations with the government officials had started to show results. With them already being paid for their information, and they would be moving out of the hotel they were in, into their own home, soon.

They also said they would try to help the other women and children that were in the same situation as them.

Natsuru found that touching.

Natsuru, and her eight friend even watched the Black Lagoon, Bubblegum Crisis, and Kampfer series, together. Which was an interesting experience for everyone involved. And the eight pregnant women took watching their own series better than Natsuru had hoped.

Natsuru even stayed for each of the births of Linna's, Priss', Sylia's, and Nene's daughters.

Two weeks after the last of the member of those four daughters was born, Natsuru said she had to go, a few day later. Natsuru's friends said they understood, and they all agreed to keep in touch.

On the last day, before Natsuru left for good, she brought with her Ranma and Akira, and they all introduced to each other.

They soon said their goodbyes, with Natsuru, Ranma, and Akira they leaving. With them heading for elsewhere on the planet, to visit some other friends, before they left they left the reality they were currently in, for the foreseeable future.


Reality, Transformers IDW reality. Date, the distance past. Place, somewhere in space, on a moon. Time, mid-afternoon, local time.

A portal from the beyond the local reality opened up outside of the secret Decepticon base.

Megatron, whom still damaged from his fight with the DD battlemovers, walked through the portal, with the portal set to close soon after he exited it.

As Megatron watched the portal close, he thought, 'Just as Rock and the others did not trust me. I never trusted them. Though, it was fun to be in their company. I will miss them. Especially, Annie. She understood. We both walked similar paths. Though, when we faced the same fork in the road. With us learning of our fictional origins. I went down one path. And she went down the other path.'

'I hope someday to learn which of us picked the proper path. Or, even if there is a proper path?'

Megatron smiled, as he continued his thoughts, 'It was nice to relax for once in my life. It made for a good vacation. And I sorely needed a vacation. Also, what better way to end a vacation than to go on a bender that gets one's own body wrecked? As loath as I am to admit it, I must thank Arcee for having those DD battlemovers attack me. Until that battle, I never realized I could tap into the power of my own spark like that. And I never realized how much of a warrior poet I could be. Both these abilities will aid me in my future.'

'Annie was right about that, and so many other things. She will be the one that I will miss most of all.'

Megatron then turned to face the Decepticon base entrance. He began walking towards the entrance.

As Megatron walked, his face then turned grim, as he mentally realized, 'Still, it was best that I left during the battle, when I was sure Chang was going to lose, rather than wait. I am too damaged to defend myself. If they turned on me, I would have lost. So, while they were busy with Chang, it was best I used one of Chang's portals to leave.'

'It is unfortunate I was not able to get an upgrade to the technology to travel realities. That would have allowed me to do so without aid. But, I have enough tech to research and upgrade this technology on my own. When I have the time. Which might be a while. Given how long this war is going to last. That is if the information I have learned is accurate. Though, I have no reason to doubt the validity of such information. So, I will work from the assumption that the information is correct. And work from there.'

'Though, I think it would be wise to keep my travels and what I have learn secret from the my Decepticon subordinates for now. When I have finally defeat Prime, crush the Autobots, slag that pink lunatic, and unite my species under my heel. Then, I will turn the full might of the cybertronian species towards realities that even I dared not even dream possible.'

By then, Megatron had reached the base's man entrance, he sent the coded signal to open the doors.

A second later, the doors slide open and he walked inside. Which the doors closing behind him.

While Megatron made his way through the hallways, the rank and file Decepticons were visibly shocked to see how damaged their leader. Though, none of them dared to say a word about the matter, in front of Megatron.

Megatron smirked, as he thought, 'For them, I left only yesterday, as fully repaired bot. And I intend to keep them thinking that all I had to deal with was a fight that clearly I won through a hard battle.'

When he reached the command room, the doors slid open. He stepped into the room, with the doors closing behind him.

Megatron stood, as he looked on at his three most skilled and confident subordinates. All of whom he only trusted as far as to accomplished the missions he assigned them.

The three turned and saw that Megatron had clearly been in a massive fight. With him losing his fusion cannon, some of his armor, and his helmet.

The first to speak was always the most annoying.

Starscream sarcastically stated, “Welcome back. Our glorious leader. I take it that you did not get the space bridge technology?”

In Megatron's mind, he replayed a scene from the animated Transformers movie, from the original generation one timeline, that he downloaded from an alternate Earth reality. The scene being where his counterpart, from that reality at least, Galvatron, atomizing that reality's Starscream.

That scene always brought a smile to Megatron's lips. He thought, 'I will have to look into learning more about Galvatron. When he returns from the Dead Universe in this reality. We clearly are connected. And he is just as dangerous as I am. I will have to be watchful, and wary, of him.'

Megatron flatly responded, “Always stating the obvious, Starscream.”

The second to speak was the most stoic of the three.

Soundwave said, “Allow us to aid you, Megatron.”

Megatron quietly reflected, 'I have reviewed every timeline, and every series about our species. And you are an enigma in every one of them, Soundwave. But, I will someday learn what makes you tick. Then, I will truly control you.'

Megatron responded, “You are correct, Soundwave. I will need to recharge, and then I will need to be repaired by both you and Shockwave. Along with these repairs, I will require a replacement for my fusion cannon.”

The third waited to speak only after Megatron had spoken to him.

Shockwave stated, “I will ready the equipment for your repairs.”

Megatron thought, 'Cold as ever Shockwave. Always the scientist. Always the most patient of my troops. A caring politician, turned a cold, calculating, emotionless monster. You think you are a mystery to me, but you are not. I know who you were, who you are, and who you will be. I have literally read our futures, and though most of it is vague, I will use it to my advantage. Both against you, and against Prime.'

'While Optimus Prime has the matrix, I have this knowledge. The playing field is now level. And even should the future go as I read. Prime will someday lose the matrix, and become only Orion Pax again. While I will still remain Megatron. Then, Shockwave, I will crush you, Pax, and the Autobots. For I now know it was you Shockwave, that set Orion on the path to becoming a Prime in the first place. And I will not forgive, nor forget that.'

As Megatron turned around, as he headed for the doors to the hallway outside. The doors slid open, and Megatron walked through them, as he turned to head for the medbay.

Shockwave and Soundwave silently follow him. While Starscream stated behind.

As soon as Shockwave and Soundwave were in the hallway, the doors slide closed.

While Shockwave followed Megatron, he thought, 'It looks like my plan worked just as I thought it would. It is unfortunate that Chang's operation was defeated. But, I gained much knowledge and research from his, or should I say, her organization.'

'And I was careful to make sure Megatron never learned of my involvement. For I knew this very situation could happen. Where Chang would be defeated and Megatron would return to his home reality. I used the reality device built into myself to teleport me to my personal quarters in this base an hour ago, with my... Cargo. And I made it to the command deck, with only a minute to spare, before Megatron walked in. Just in time to avoid his suspension.'

'I can now carry on like nothing happened. The only cybertronian that know the truth is that lunatic Arcee. And she is clearly from the far future. Given it is well known her current temporal counterpart is locked up in Garrus Nine prison. I have little to worry about her. She is insane, and it would come down to my word against hers. And all my calculations say that even most of the Autobots would believe me. Let alone Megatron and the Decepticons.'

'Still, what Chang's technicians and I did with Jhiaxus was ground breaking. And I have all my research on our work. And if the numbers of the cybertronian species reaches the brink of extinction, I can use the technology to create new type of cybertronians that would flourish, and help bring our species back to a new golden age.'

'And unlike Jhiaxus. I will mostly use willing volunteers. Arcee all taught us well what happens when you mess with the gender of the wrong bot.'

'Though, it was too tempting to not try use Megatron in my plans. Arcee and Chang were correct. Megatron has the most powerful spark of all. Megatron is powerful, intelligent, and strong willed. He symbolizes everything that makes our species great. This is why I continue to serve him. He, as a she, would have made the perfect progenitor for a new species of cybertronians.'

'Also, like Chang did with the human males she had changed into human females, I will include some programing that prevents the volunteers from going mad from their gender change, to prevent creating another Arcee. So, Megatron would not go made.'

'I know that such programming works, because my former teacher, Jhiaxus, did not go insane, after I changed him into a her.'

'And my cargo... The Jhiaxus clone I brought with me. One of the ones that Jhiaxus gave birth too.'

'She is currently in hibernation, in a stasis tube, but she should be up and fully functional soon.'

'Ironically. This clone was one of Jhiaxus' first brood. And in creating this new life, I have surpassed my own teacher. I will have to be careful to hide the clone. She is still growing like an organic. She is currently like a sleeping human child.'

'It will take some time for her to reach maturity. Once that is done, and her programing is complete, I will remodel her to look and act just like Jhiaxus, before my former teacher's capture. Then, I will use my reality jumping device to insert her back into the proper part of our timeline in this reality, so she can play the substitute for Jhiaxus. Thus, allowing for the normal course of events in our timeline to take place.'

'Though, I had to make some alterations, and work with the clone's memory, to make this clone to not only think like Jhiaxus, but to the point she believes that she is Jhiaxus.'

'To that end, I altered her CNA back to flagging as male. Along with not only remodeling her body to look like Jhiaxus, as male. But, to I had to include Jhiaxus' alt form selections.'

'As such, she believes she is male. And I did this not only to preserve this reality's timeline, but to also as a plan B for our species. I kept the reproductive parts within her as insurance for our species. The parts will auto-repair on their own if damaged, or regenerate if completely destroyed Still, said organs will not alert themselves to the Jhiaxus clone's mind.'

'Along with this, there is are trigger programing in case the clone targets me, and I have to stop her. So, I do not have to damage her. She is to valuable to destroy. Instead, the trigger programing with set her to stasis mode, so I can just reprogram her.

'Though, in the event of my permanent death, for more than a human decade, I included a little data file buried deep in her mind. Should I be destroyed, the file will eventually trigger, and she will learn what she is, and what she can do. My calculations show it will not drive her insane. But, doing so will insure that my work, and the survival of our species will still continue, even if I am dead.'

'And I admit that I am tempted to use this reality technology to learn about the future. But, I like surprises. And discovering the unknown is one of the few interests that keep my cold spark going.'

'So, for now, I will repair Megatron and continue normally. The reproduction project, and the reality travel project will just go in with my other important, long term projects. Such as my regenesis ores project. Though, I believe I might be able to apply some of the reality technology, that Chang shared with me, towards aiding my regenesis ores project, and the grand plans I have for my people.'

Soon after, Megatron, Soundwave, and Shockwave made it to the medbay, with Soundwave and Shockwave beginning repairs on Megatron.


Reality, Transformers IDW reality. Data, human calendar, early twenty-first century. Place, Maccadma's Old Oil House bar, in New Iacon City, on the planet Cybertron. Time, early evening, local time.

As Arcee walked into Maccadam's Old Oil House bar, she headed for the bar counter.

When she reached the bar counter, Blurr was behind the counter.

Blurr was both the bartender and owner of the bar.

When Blurr saw Arcee enter the bar and approach the counter, he calmly walked over to her. He stopped, to face her from across the bar. He greeted, “Hello Arcee. I hope you are in a good mood.”

Arcee smiled, as she responded, “I am in a wonderful mood.”

Blurr returned Arcee's smile, as he inquired, “Good. What can I get for you?”

Arcee said, “I will have some mood whiplash.”

Blurr frowned, as he stated, “Alright. But, I am giving you a three drink limit. That stuff is strong. And the last time you got drunk, you wrecked my bar for a sixth time. It is unfortunate that Prowl won't let me throw you out over those incidents. But, I have to ask. Why are you so happy?”

As Blurr pulled out a bottle of mood whiplash energon drink, and pour Arcee a glass of the drink, Arcee answered, “I did some recent traveling. Got new alt mode. Had some adventures. Learned new forms of revenge. Made some new friends. They have a better track record of wrecking bars than I do. And they are even crazier than I am.”

Blurr replied, “Now, that is a scary thought.”

Arcee smirked, as she replied, “I know.”

Blurr commented, “I see you are still as crazy as ever.”

Arcee retorted, “And loving every minute of it.”

By then, Bluur set the glass of the drink, and the bottle, on the counter by Arcee. He then turned and walked away from Arcee, to see to his other costumers.

As Arcee took a drink from her glass, she thought, 'At least with the reality device installed in me, if I ever get bored, I can head for any place and time I want in the entire multiverse. Maybe I will visit Revy and the girls. Or, track down Chang. I bet she thought she had me fooled with the gender change, and her boomer double. Though, with my sensors, I knew better.'

'And she does look nice as a woman. Also, I wonder why I like and respect Revy, Shenhua, Sawyer, Roberta, and even Chang so much? What is it about them that makes me feel that way I do about them?'

Arcee set her glass down on the bar counter, as she mentally reflected, 'Well, let's start with Revy. Revy is a crazy redhead that likes to be violent and crazy. But, she doesn't go full evil. She likes to have a touch of good in her, while being clear she isn't good. She will work with criminal organizations, but she will not join such large organizations. She prefers to work with a small, trusted groups... Oh my... I just realized that I am the Revy of this reality.'

'No wonder I get along so well with her and the others. I have seen the Black Lagoon series. I have even seen and read a number of my species series. Including reading this one. I guess a person cannot go crazy over something if they are already crazy. Like me.'

'I might as well do some comparisons. Who would be Chang? Not Prime. He is genuinely too nice. No, it would be Prowl. Definitely, Prowl. But, would that make Megatron the Balalaika of this reality? You know, in a strange way, I can see that. They are both badasses that don't take crap from anyone. And they are hardened fighters that use to be nice people. After that, the comparisons get really crazy... Even for me.'

As Arcee continued her thoughts, she started loudly laughing out loud.

Everyone in the bar was worried that Arcee had finally gone completely crazy... Even for her.


Reality, Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma's home Reality. Data, the present. Place, elsewhere on Earth. A few days after they left Aspen Colorado, to travel the multiverse with Rock's team. Time, early afternoon, local time.

For Akira, Ranma, and Natsuru, it has been over two months sense the battle at Chang's Tower. They had just left the Knight Sabers, and their other friends.

All three of them were currently female, through they were wearing casual clothing.

Natsuru has on a backpack that had the spare clothing, for all three of them, in it. Including, Akira's cowgirl uniform.

Akira had her weapons on her, cowgirl hat, and cowgirl boots. And Ranma had her golden bracer on her forearms.

Ranma used her small reality device to transport her and her two lovers back to the proper time and reality.

After they reality jumped, Natsuru commented, “I hope our friends make it through their problems. Including those that are now dealing with motherhood.”

Akira commented, “We did what we could. And we will check on them. From time to time.”

Natsuru complimented, “That is a good idea.”

Ranma pocked her reality device, as she stated, “They are strong people. They will be fine.”

It was then that Akira and Natsuru noticed that they not where they expected themselves to be.

They were in a valley with grass and trees, surrounded by mountains.

Akira and Natsuru they looked around, as Natsuru asked, “Where are we?”

Akira questioned, “Yes. We are where? We are not in Tokyo, of our home reality.”

Ranma answered, “No. We are not. We are in the Bayankala Mountain Range in China. I wanted you to meet some friends of mine.”

Natsuru requested, “While, I am not upset with you, Ranma. Please, warn us the next time you plan to make a detour, to our planned destination.”

Ranma replied, “Okay. I promise I will.”

Akira asked, “And while, I am not upset, either. I would like to know why you brought us here?”

Ranma cracked a grin, as she stated, “Because, this place is just loaded with chances for adventure.”

Akira smiled, as she said, “Sounds like fun. But, we are not going to the cursed springs”

Ranma replied, “Oh. I know better than to take you there.”

Natsuru said, “And after you informed us, we know better than to start a fight with the people here.”

Ranma complimented, “You two are such fast learners. I think we will go meet the Amazons first. I want to introduce you to Cologne. I want to see the look on her face when she realizes that my two lovers are gender benders. And both of you being originally male would be icing on the cake. It will make her day, and she might not stop laughing from our meeting, for a week. Also, we can get clothes and supplies there.”

“Though, if we meet Shampoo, be wary of her. She still might be sore about losing out on me not becoming her husband.”

Natsuru pointed out, “Well, if we don't make the same mistake as eating the prize food, we should be fine.”

Ranma and Akira laughed at Natsuru's comment.

Ranma stated, “I also want to visit Herb and his young daughter. Herb may have been the one to give birth to his daughter. But, he still lives as a guy. I have been sending letters back and forth to him for years.”

Natsuru asked, “What is the story on him?”

Ranma said, “Long story, involving a chase, and a lot of fighting. But, a few years, after we parted ways, on someway peaceful terms. I found I needed someone to talk to about my gender issues. And he was the only one I could think of. So, I sent a letter to him, in japanese. To my surprised, he mailed me back a letter, in japanese as address I used for my mail. And we have been sending letters to each other, ever since.”

Akira questioned, “Sounds like you both are on good terms with each other?”

Ranma responded, “Yes. We seem to be on good terms. And before I met you girls, he was the only one I could relate to, and talk to, about my gender problems.”

“We helped each other work out some issues that we both had. And it might brighten his day to meet some more gender benders. Especially, those that were not changed by the springs.”

Akira inquired, “You are probably right. So, who is next on your list?”

Ranma answered, “Next, we will visit Kirin, Lychee, and their kids. And finally, we will stop by and visit the phoenix people. Bird people. They can be a bit odd, but friendly, once you get to know them. But, who am I to talk.”

Natsuru and Akira giggled a little.

As they calmed down, Akira stated, “This all sounds great. But, I am going to miss Rock, and the others.”

Natsuru commented, “And I am going to miss Leon, Daley, and the others. But, I have a feeling we are going to see them all again, someday.” Natsuru turned to Ranma, as she asked, “So, which way is it to the Chinese amazon village?”

Ranma used her right hand to point in a direction in front of her, as answered, “This way. It is about an hour's walk from here.” She then dropped her right hand to her side, she began walking in that direction that she had pointed towards.

Akira and Natsuru then started following Ranma. With each of them looking forward to the next adventure they were going to share with their lovers.


Farscape Reality. In unknown location in space, on board Moya. A few hours after John originally left with Rock and Bad Company.

John teleported to a shuttle bay on Moya. In his right hand was small, remote sized reality device. In his left hand was the handle to a suitcase full of various bottles of alcoholic beverages, from across the multiverse. Some of bottles were even Ardbeg Providence and Romulan Ale.

A few seconds after John arrive on Moya, Pilot said, from a nearby intercom, “Greets John. The others are sleep. So, I will not alert them to your arrival.”

John stated, “Thank you, Pilot. How long have I been gone?”

Pilot answered, “Only a few hours. Since you left with those environmental space suits.”

John replied, “Glad to hear it. I will tell you what happened in the morning. Right now, I want to go see my family, and get some rest.”

Pilot responded, “Understood, John. I look forward to hearing about your latest adventure.”

John pocketed the reality device into one of his right, side pants pocket.

As John calmly made his way through the hallways of Moya, to his destination, he thought, 'Given it is sleep period right now, it is nice that Pilot was nice enough not to alert the crew to my return. And for them, I have only been gone for a few hours. Good.'

'That was the craziest, most insane adventure I have ever had. And that is saying something. I consider it a plus that I got out of it alive. Rock got me safely home, and that is all I wanted from her. Except for this reality device, I did not even take any of that reality traveling tech with me. I have had enough dealings with such technology to last several life times.'

'And the only reasons I wanted this device, was so that I could visit my family on Earth. And go get a chili-dog, and a few other things, from time to time.'

'Other than that, I just want to be with my wife, son, and friends, as we enjoy life together. As quietly, and peacefully, as possible. At least for us. Also, I will have to put this reality device somewhere safe. I do not want my son to someday accidentally get his hands on it.'

As John made his way through the corridors of Moya, he quietly passed by Chiana bedroom.

John heard noises of passion from, two different people.

As John continued walking, John thought, with mild amusement, 'From the sounds coming from Pip's room., it sounds like she and Dargo are making up for lost time.'

A little while later, John made it to the bedroom he shared with his wife and baby some.

John was about to quietly push the door open. And he the quietly walked in the room.

John softly set his suitcase by the inside of the wall, by the door to their room. He then made his way further into the room.

As John passed by his infant son's crib, he looked down at his sleeping baby boy.

John thought, 'Little D. You look so cute.'

John then turned towards the bed her shared with Aeryn. He saw that his wife was asleep in their bed, on her back.

John mentally reflected, 'It was be romantic to try to wake her with a kiss. But, I don't want my neck snapped in two. So, I will do this, instead.'

John made his way, to his side of the bed. As he came to a stop, standing a few feet from the bed, he turned towards Aeryn's head. He softly said, “Aeryn. I'm home.”

Aeryn's eyes immediately snapped open, as she turned to her side, and to look over at her husband.

Aeryn sat up, as she commented, in a quiet tone of voice, so as to not wake their baby, “That was a quick trip.”

John sat down on the bed beside her, as he answered, “For you. For me, it has been a while. I will tell you everything in the morning. For now, I just want to do this.”

John then leaned over deeply kissed his wife Aeryn. She returned the kiss, as they both looked forward to enjoying the simpler things in life. Family, friends, and living well together.


Farscape Reality. Peacekeeper Space, Scorpius' Command Carrier.

Scorpius stood in her black armor, without her hood on, as she looked out the window, on the command deck of her peacekeeper carrier.

Her second in command, Captain Meeklo Braca approached her. As he looked at her, he thought, 'I am still getting use to Scorpius' gender change. The most shocking thing about this change is the least surprising. It was no secret that Scorpius loathed his Scarran half with a passion. It is logical that he would gladly trade his manhood in exchange for being purged of his Scarran side. And whomever did so for her did a skilled, and thorough job. It is doubtful that even peacekeeper doctors could pull this off.'

'Fortunately, her fingerprints, knowledge of peacekeeper command codes, and general information, that only I and a few others know, allowed us to confirm that she is indeed Scorpius.'

'Still, she has changed so much. Even her teeth now appear as normal. Her short white hair is nice. Her voice is now girlish and soothing to listen to. And she is pretty... Well to be honest, she is stunningly beautiful. And this change has actually caused the crew to be more relaxed, and less stressed under her command. Which is something I am sure she is intentionally playing to her favor.'

'I know Scorpius is planing something big. I do not know what. But, it is big, and she clearly needs the complete loyalty of her crew, and others under her command, to pull it off. Either way, I know I will find out in the fullness of time. I am always the person she goes to when she needs a second opinion for her plans.'

Scorpius did not look over at Braca, as she politely inquired, “Do you have the test results, Captain Braca?”

Braca answered, “Yes sir. For a third time, your DNA has passed the purity tests.
Every the test we have run on you, in triplicate, states that you are a normal, young, healthy, Sebacean woman.”

Scorpius continued to look at out window, as she said, “Good. Carry on with your duties.”

Braca turned and left, without saying a word.

Scorpios allowed herself a slight smile, as she thought, 'This means that new changes are about to take place in the command structure of the peacekeepers. Changes lead by myself.'


Trigun Reality. Planet Gunsmoke. A week after Vash was returned to his home planet, and Bad Company. With him being teleported to a populated town, near the ghost town they had retrieved him from.

It was the middle of the day, as Vash, in his red coat, was walking towards a town, about a hundred yards from where he was at.

As Vash walked, he thought, 'It is like I never left. Still, that was an interesting experience. Now, I just want a bath and warm bed to sleep in.'

Soon, Vash passed a giant rock in the desert landscape.

He heard a woman's voice by the rock say, “Hello Vash.”

Vash stopped in his tracks, as he turned to look at the person.

He that the person was Annie. He asked, “Annie? What are you doing here?”

Annie answered, “Traveling. And there is someone you might want to meet. We found her, after we returned you home.”

Suddenly, a woman wearing only a button up blouse that clung to her body, pants, and simple shoes walked out from behind the rock.

Vash's eyes went wide, and began to water, as even though the person's facial features had soften since last time he saw her, and she was a few years young, than the last time he saw her, he still immediately recognized her.

Vash exclaimed, “Wolfwood?! How? You were dead. I buried you.”

Wolfwood stated, in annoyed tone of voice, “You buried a fake body, you needlenoggen. They snatched me at the church, as I laid dying.”

Vash stated, “It is you.”

Vash then looked down noticed her small, slightly bulging stomach. He realized she was pregnant.

Vash said, “I am so sorry.”

Wolfwood realized he was looked at her stomach. She patted her stomach with her right hand, as she happily stated, “It is okay. When I was dying in that church, I was filled with a life of regret, and I was begging for a second chance. Well, I got my wish. And though it means I am a pregnant woman, I am happy to be alive.”

“Also, I know I have been brainwashed. But, even in my previous life, I liked taking care of children. So, from both those things, I do not mind becoming a mother. I run an orphanage, remember. I plan on heading to the orphanage anyway, to have this kid that is currently growing inside me. And I plan to use this second chance to help raise this kid, and the kids there. By the way, how is the orphanage.”

Vash looked up at Wolfwood's face, as he said, in a reassuring tone of voice, “Do not worry, I kept the orphanage running for you.”

Wolfwood replied, “Thanks. So, how much time has elapsed since my reported death.”

Vash answered, “About three months.”

Wolfwood asked, “So, how are the girls?”

Vash answered, “Meryl is doing fine. Though, Milly took your death a little hard. But, she is getting better. Hey. Even if you are now a pregnant woman. They will love to hear that you are alive.”

Wolfwood smiled, as she stated, “We will contact them when we get to town.”

Vash commented, “You know, Wolfwood. A mother to be should not be traveling these parts alone. It would be remiss if I were to not escort you to your orphanage.”

Wolfwood giggled, as she responded, “Ah. Another adventure. Get the poor pregnant woman to her orphanage. Hahaha! I forgot how charming you can be towards the ladies.”

Vash blushed, as he begged, “Stop it.”

Annie giggled, as she commented, “It is going to be so much fun getting there.”

Vash turned to Annie, as he stated, “Well, you are welcome to come along, Annie.”

Annie replied, “Thank you, Vash.”

Annie thought, 'I would love to tell them I could use my small reality device to get us there instantly. But, as they say, it is the journey that is most important part, not the destination. And this trip will give them an excuse to catch up on my social skills. Besides, I need to work on my flirting skills, and these two nice people are perfect for that job.'

The three adults then turned, and started walking into the nearby town.


Akira's Reality. The Present. Tokyo Japan, Komatane High School, outside on the track and field area of the school.

It was the middle of the morning as the physical education teacher, Duke Nukem Strike, watched his students run a lap around the track.

It has been a week since he had returned to his home, in Tokyo Japan, of his home reality. And for those in his home reality, it has only been a few hours after he left.

Duke then spent much of the next week, repairing his home, and calling every favor he had, to sweep the attack against him under the political rug.

It was close, but he was able to keep himself out of trouble. And this was the first day he was able to return to his teaching job.

As Duke watched his students exercise, he though, 'It nice getting back in the game, once in while. But, I like my current job as PE instructor. I get to help shape the minds and bodies of future generations. And in the long run, that is more effective than any bullets could ever be.'


Star Wars Reality. The spaceport, in the planetary capital city of Theed, on the planet Naboo.

It was the middle of a sunny day, as Boba Fett took off in his ship towards space.

Boba Fett had already refueled and resupplied his ship, before he left Theed. And because he had made payments and arrangements, for long term docking of his ship, with Theed Spaceport control, there was no problems retrieving his ship.

For this reality, it had been exactly one week since Fett had left on his mission with Bad Company.

For Fett, himself, he had been gone for a month. And he was now wearing his newly upgraded mandalorian armor. Along with this, his weapons had been upgraded, as well.

Rock and Annie had kept their word, and Fett felt that he had been paid in full. Along with him having to no longer were about any boomers coming after him.

As Boba Fett's ship reached orbit, he looked at his computer terminal to review his logs.

Fett thought, 'So, it appears Vader disappearance is causing even more chaos than last week. Every criminal and rebel worth their credits is now coming out of the woodwork. And I know for a fact that Vader, or should I say Annie, is not coming back to this reality, anytime soon.'

'Also, Vader was the Emperor's right hand enforcer. What I heard, earlier today, from my contacts within the Empire, with him gone, in more ways than one, discipline within the ranks of the Imperial forces has gone way down.'

'I now know for a fact that Palpatine is a Sith Lord. But, that does not really mean anything, unless a person is planning to fight him. Because no one outside of Palpatine's top officers actually respected him.'

'We all loath him for his hedonism, and his hypocrisy. The reason everyone obeyed him was because they feared Vader. Vader was the keystone to Emperor Palpatine's entire control of the Empire through fear. And even if the Emperor replaces Vader with a new Sith Apprentice, Palpatine will never have as much control over the Empire as he did with Vader by his side.'

'I know from experience that it takes years for someone to gain the level of fear and respect that Vader, and even I, have earned.'

'Even without the rebels, the Empire may collapse on its own, due to Vader's absence.'

'Well, that just means more business for me. From the communications net, I am actually watching the bounties rise in real time. This is going to be a lot of work for me, for the foreseeable future. And without those boomers after me, I can sit back and take the jobs at my leisure.'

'Life is good.'

Fett leaned back in his chair, as he began making plans for his future.


An alternate Earth, in the 1950's, New York City.

It was evening in the city, just after dark. Inside a restaurant, Deadpool sat at a table, while wearing a nice, black suit, with a magic ring on his left ring finger.

In his recent travels in the multiverse, he found a magic ring that when he wore the ring, it allowed him to appear as handsome as he wanted too. It was a lucky find, and he greatly treasured his new ring.

Deadpool thought, 'I am so happy that I found and stole that small reality jumping device in the Tower, right after our fight. I doubt the others would have let me keep it. It is sad that the Earth of my home reality has been trashed. But, traveling has been fun. And getting that magic ring was a great find for me. Now, back to the matter at hand. Alright boxes, where in all the multiverse do we want to be?'

Yellow and White boxes mentally screamed, in delight, 'We want to be right here!'

Wade mentally replied, 'Exactly. And I expect you two to be on your best behaviors. Remember, if you screw this up for me, I will find a psychic powerful enough to remove you both from my mind.'

The boxes mentally whimpered, 'Yes, sir.'

Deadpool looked through the outside windows, as the woman he was interested in walked passed them, and through the open, front door of the restaurant.

Wade had tailed the woman he was interested for the last few weeks. To learn her habits.

Now tonight, he sat in a chair, at a table, in a nice restaurant the woman frequented. He watched the beautiful woman in her early twenties, wearing a fine blue dress, walk into the restaurant, and she sat in a stool, by the bar counter.

Wade thought, 'I checked. She is still single in this timeline. This is not surprising. Given the series had conflicting reports of her past. Now, let us see how well I do.'

Wade get up from his chair, and he walked up to the woman. When he reached her, he came to a stop, to her left side. He politely introduced himself to her, “Hello. How are you tonight?”

The woman turned to Wade, as she replied, “Fine. You?”

Wade responded, “I could not be better. My name is Wade Wilson. Might I please ask for your name?”

The woman answered, “Dorothy Petrillo.”

Wade happily thought, 'Win, lose, or draw, this is the happiest, greatest moment of my life.'

Wade Wilson then began a conversation with the woman of his dreams.


Black Lagoon Reality. Caracas, Venezuela.

Two weeks after the battle at Chang's Tower, Fabiola and Roberta had returned home to the Lovelace residence, with more wealth than either of them has previously thought possible.

Like many of their friends. They had looted Chang's Tower, for the wealth and treasures inside. And using reality devices, to transport all the loot, without anyone, outside their group, being the wiser.

Those, who they found, as their home, their shocked them. The Garcia Lovelace they had returned to was a few years older, more mature, and wiser.

For he had an adventure of his own, through the multiverse, while both of the ladies of the household had been gone.

Though, in all honesty, the two women liked most of the changes that Garcia has been through.


Black Lagoon Reality. In South China Sea. Three weeks after the battle at Chang's Tower.

While out at sea, Hotel Moscow was having a meeting, in one of the large room, in the cargo ship, the Maria Zeleska. With the fall of Chang's Tower, and Roanapur, the Maria Zeleska was also their current headquarters.

Boris walked through one of the well illuminated hallways of the Maria Zeleska, to the meeting room, to meet with Balalaika and her men.

Since Boris had decided for a change in the course of his life, he decided to change his clothing as well. He wore a black shirt, black pants, black boots, with a black long coat.

While Boris walked, with his right hand, he pulled out a pill bottle from one of his pockets. He opened the bottle. With the bottle held in his right hand, and the lid held in left in his left fingers. He was careful to only drop out a single pill from the bottle, into the palm of his left hand.

Boris then head the bottle with his right hand. He held the lid in the fingers of his left hand, as he held the pill in the folds of his left pale. He put the lip back onto bottle, and he twisted the lid closed. Next, he put the bottle away, into the pocket it had been in. After which, Boris swallowed the small pill in his left hand.

Boris had no trouble dry swallowing the small pill.

As Boris continued walking, he thought, 'There was not much left to do. With Roanapur gone, all of us that lived there had scattered to the four winds, and in some cases beyond. Though, it is nice that we were able to get in touch with Rock, after the battle with Chang. With her giving us information that allowed us to deprogram the captain.'

'Since then, after we deprogrammed the captain. And made sure she was deprogrammed. Things have finally settled down for us. With her taking over command of the men from me.'

'Fortunately, after she was deprogrammed, the captain did not hold our actions towards her, against us. And with her in charge, everyone just fell back in line, as before.'

'Though, I realize that it is now time for me to make some hard choices about my own life.'

'I have been doing a lot of thinking about my life these passed few weeks. And I have decided that I need a change. For the first time, in a long while. Now, I just have to make it official. I knew that I was going to retire someday, but I did not realize it would be so soon.'

Boris used his right hand to pat the pants pocket that held his personal reality jumping device.

Boris mentally reflected, 'But, once I am done here, I will have to decided where I want to go first. And there are so many options that I am not sure where I want to go to first. Still, there is plenty of time to enjoy a lot of those places, and the people there.'

As Boris entered the meeting room, through an open door, he saw that Balalaika was standing in front of most of her men. Those not present where preforming their duties in taking care of the ship, or standing guard on the decks of the ship.

Those of Balalaika's men that were present were at attention. All were in their usual clothing.

Boris came to a stop, ten feet from Balalaika and her men.

Boris remained silent, while he heard Balalaika finish her speech, as she stated, in russian, “Listen up, men. I admit, what needed to be done, had to be done. That is in the past. Now, we will move forward. While even I am not sure where we will go from here. I will assure you what we do will not be a waste of time, for any of us. We have options, and we should use them. If there is nothing to be found in this reality. Then, we will move to another reality. To another place. To another time. And we will find opportunities there.”

Boris spoke up, in russian, “Captain.”

Balalaika turned to Boris, as she responded, “Yes, Sergeant.” She thought, 'It is odd that he has interrupted me. But then, I guess nothing is normal, now. Still, if he has something to say, it must be important for him to come speak to me, while I am talking to my men.'

Boris said, “Captain. You have had the great war you always desired. We fought on dozens of planes of reality. More places than I could have hoped to imagine. And we conquered all the enemies we faced in battle. It is just as warriors, we are too skilled to find the battlefields of our deaths. And after everything that has happened, I have found that life is too short. So Captain, you can consider this my resignation.”

Boris turned to the men under his command, “Gentlemen. I have been a soldier ever since I was a teenager. I do not regret joining the military, nor my actions in the service to my country, and to everyone here. It has been an honor to have served with you all. I wish you all luck in the future.”

Balalaika responded, with slight annoyance in her voice, “Sergeant? You are quitting for those reasons?”

Boris shrugged, as he replied, “Well that. And so I can do this.”

Boris then walked over to Balalaika. When he reached her, he swiftly used his arms to lean Balalaika back, as he passionately kissed her on the lips for several seconds.

The other men in the room, whom were watching this, could not help but snicker.

When Boris broke their kiss, and he helped Balalaika lean back up straight.

The men in the room could tell from Balalaika's face that she was in a slight state of shock.

Boris flatly admitted, with million dollar smile on his face, “I have wanted to do that since the first day I met you... Now, I am leaving. I plan to retire, to enjoy the remainder of my life. We both know there is much out there, and I would like to see some of the better parts of existence... Be seeing you, Balalaika.”

Boris then turned and left the room.

As Balalaika watched her former second in command leave the room, the first thoughts that Balalaika could piece together were, as she cracked a smile, were 'I wish I had known years ago that you were such a skillful kisser, Boris. Still, your retirement was expected. After you were forced to go against me. And you have been so loyal to me, and my men, over the years, that I have to accept your resignation. So, good luck, Boris. You are going to need it.'


Realty, Black Lagoon Reality. Date, three weeks after the battle of Chang's Tower. Place, Oahu island in the U.S. state of Hawaii, right outside of the city of Honolulu. Time, late morning, local time.

It was a warm, sunny day, with a light breeze.

It was close to noon on the beautiful beach, by a villa, away from civilization.

Lotton had used an alias, and a whole lot of cash, to rent the entire area, for the foreseeable future.

Currently, Lotton laid on a plastic folding chair on the dry sand of the beach, as he enjoyed the slow, leisurely day.

As he laid on the beach, sunbathing in his reclined chair, he wore in his sunglasses, orange swim trunks, and a white button up shirt, which was left open, to expose his chest to the sun.

The only other people around were the servants, which were in the home he had rented.

He had his eyes closed, as he enjoy the wonderful breeze, and the sound of the waves crashing nearby, on the shore.

Lotton warmly smiled, as he thought, 'When it comes to hiding, I could not have picked a better spot. Given our reality tech, everyone will think I will escaped to another reality. Yet, there are plenty of hiding places here, in this reality. On this planet. In this time period. For me to use.'

'I knew that crazy ride with Chang and the girls would eventually come to an end. So, like always, I prepared. In this case, for my escape. And I am now as close to paradise as I am likely ever going to get. With luck, it will be years till I am tracked down. If ever.'

Suddenly, from the temperature drop on his skin, Lotton noticed that something had shaded him from the sun.

Given his luck in life, he did not even need to open his eyes to know what, or more specific, who it was.

Lotton continued to smile, as he stated, in a tone of voice, which was far calmed than the situation called for, in english, “Hi girls. Have you come to give me my much deserved horrible death for brainwashing and enslaving you? If you want, we can do this over lunch. I am sure you both are hungry. The staff at this villa makes a wonder Hawaiian pork roast, that they serve their meals with some tasty red wine.”

Standing over him, right behind his head were Shenhua and Sawyer. Both of whom were dressed in their usual clothing. Sawyer was in a purple and black goth outfit, and Shenhua in her white coat and red qipao. Shenhua had her long knives and throwing knives sheathed, while Sawyer decided not to bring her chainsaw.

Shenhua stated, in english, “That was we like about you, Lotton. You are so polite. Even now. You know what we are capable of, yet you are still being polite. We like that about you. Because of this, killing you is not the first option we have in mind.”

Lotton opened his eyes, as he leaned up. He shifted his legs to his left, setting his bare feet in the sand, so he could turn to his right, to face the two women, looking down at him.

Lotton inquired, with slight hope in his tone of voice, “So, there is a chance that I will not be hacked to pieces by you two?”

Sawyer answered, with her electrolarynx choker, in english, “Yes. You see, Lotton. We honestly do not think you are that bad a guy. I mean, the first night we met you, you saved both our lives. Even though you did not have to. Also, you have been the only person on Earth that has ever truly treated me like a lady. So, we are going to offer you two options.”

Shenhua ordered, “Though first, follow us.”

Lotton grinned, as he thought, 'Mamma, and Papa were right. Being polite has saved my life. I might as well find out what my options are. It is clear that I cannot outrun them. They will find me no matter where I go. And next time, they will not be so kind.'

Lotton stood up, and he did as instructed.

Shenhua and Sawyer turned and walked along the beach, with Lotton following behind them.

They walked with the water to their right sides.

As they walked along the beach, they passed by some large rocks.

When the reached the other side of the rocks, Lotton saw there was a small boat with a propeller engine on it.

The boat was in a small cove, that lead out into the water. Also, the front of the boat was tied to an anchor, set into the sand.

Sawyer and Shenhua came to a stop, in front of the boat,

Sawyer ordered, “Get in.”

Lotton was careful as he walked into the two feet deep body of water, and then into the boat.

Shenhua then followed behind. With Sawyer picking up the anchor, and walking back to the boat with it, while she coiled the rope around the anchor.

A few seconds later, Shenhua got into the boat. When Sawyer reached the boat, she set the anchor into the boat. Shenhua and Lotton then helped her into the boat, as well.

Sawyer said, “Thank you.”

Lotton replied, “You're welcome.” He thought, 'The more helpful I am, the better chance I have of living through this.'

Shenhua stated, “Now, let us move around. To take our places in this boat.”

The three adults then situated themselves in the boat. With Shenhua in the front, Lotton in the middle, and Sawyer in the back.

Soon after, Sawyer started the engine. They exited the small cover, and moved across the open water, away from the beach.

A few minutes, Lotton saw they were coming toward a large, luxurious yacht in the water, off the island they had just left.

The small boat pulled along side of the back of the yacht, on a lower level, by the water line, where there was a deck for them to walk onto.

Sawyer tied their small boat to the small deck.

Shenhua turned to Lotton, as she said, “Unlike some people. Whom don't know how to use the wealth they made wisely.”

Sawyer coughed, “Like Revy.”

Shenhua stated, “We on the other hand do. We made quite a lot of money working for you and Chang. Enough to live like royalty for several lifetimes. Which, given our extended lifespans, we could live to see. And that is not even counting what we all stole from the Tower, after you and Chang escaped.”

“We used some of the wealthy we horded, along with some fake identifications, to buy this yacht, and hire the crew for the ship.”

As Sawyer finished tying the small boat to their yacht, she turned to Lotton and Shenhua. She said, “Our plans are simple. Since Roanapur is no more, we are going to go on an extended vacation. We are going to travel the world in style.”

Lotton complimented, “Ladies, I got to give you credit. You never do things in half measures.”

Both women smiled at, Lotton, as Shenhua happily replied, “Thank you.”

Sawyer responded, “We appreciate that, Lotton. Now, please get out, and follow us.”

As soon as all three of them them disembarked onto the yacht. After which, Lotton followed the two women into the lower decks of the ship.

Within a couple of minutes they came to a stop. Shenhua used a key to open it. And then all three of them entered a small, but tall room, with Shenhua shutting and locking the door behind them.

As the three adults stood in the room, Lotton was in front of Sawyer, and Shenhua.

Lotton immediately recognized what was in the center of the room. It was one of the processing vats that they had used in the Tower to brainwash people, and given them the supersoldier serum. Along with turning men into women.

Sawyer looked at Lotton's back, as she calmly stated, “Here are your choices, Lotton. You can get in that vat, where we will change you into a woman and brainwash you to be our servant. Though, do not worry, we will not make you a mindless slave. You did not do that to us, so we will not do that to you. You will keep your personality and your mind, along with making you bi-sexual, and comfortable with you new gender.”

“Also, you will not be a total slave. You will be loyal to us. Once you are changed and out of the vat, your job will be as our maid and cook. You will even be given the supersoldier serum to give you longevity, youth, and peek health.”

Shenhua commented, “Or, you can suffer a horrible death.”

Sawyer said, “What we are offering you is not a horrible fate, Lotton. And you have to admit that you do deserve to be punished, and this is a fitting punishment. And do not worry about the crew. The crew understand not to ask questions. Payment bonuses tend to keep people silent at sea. And it is far less messier approach, to handle such matters. You taught me that.”

Lotton cracked a grin as Sawyer's compliment of him. Though, he remained silent, as he turned, to look over at Shenhua and Sawyer. He then looked at the vat. And back towards the two women.

Lotton immediately took off shades, his open shirt, and swim trunks.

Lotton stood nude before the two women, as he said, “Well ladies. Let's get this started? I admit, that I have occasionally wondered how the other half lives. And I admit there is poetic justice in doing this. It is a fitting punishment.”

Both women smiled at Lotton's practicality. They then helped get Lotton set up, and into the vat.

As they started hooking Lotton up, to the various wires, tubes, and breathing mask, Sawyer commented, “You might find this interesting. But, Chang has already being through this process.”

Lotton asked, in a slightly confused tone of voice, “What do you mean?”

Shenhua smirked, as she commented, “You know that asian bodyguard you were sleeping with? That was Chang.”

Lotton chuckled, as he replied, “Really? And she was great in bed, too.”

Sawyer said, in a mono attempt, at a comforting tone of voice, “Lotton. You can tell us all about it when you wake up.”

Lotton smiled, as he responded, “Don't worry girls. I will tell you everything you want to know.” He then put on the breaking mask, around his mouth and nose. With him making sure that is work, and that it was firmly attached, with no leaks.

Shenhua coyly stated, with a wicked smile, “We know you will.”

Within less than a minute, Lotton was hooked up, and breathing through a mask, while he was asleep, as he floated inside the green goo in the vat.

Both women spent the next few minutes checking to make sure all the software and life support systems were in the green on the computer display at the base of the cylinder vat.

After they were sure Lotton would be fine, Shenhua looked over Sawyer, as she said, “Well, we got a month before he is fully a she, and completely under our control. Except for checking in on him, soon to be her, occasionally. Every day. We have a lot of free time on our hands. Where do you want to go first?”

Sawyer suggested, “Let us head to Caracas, Venezuela. Through the Panama Canal. I think Roberta and Fabiola will get a kick out of what we have done to Lotton. And I want to know how that kid, Garcia, is doing. Well, now that I think about it, I guess he is now an adult.”

Shenhua complimented, “That is a wonderful idea. Just like you, as a friend, I have grown fond of Roberta's company. And I want to make sure she is doing okay. Still, we will talk about this, over lunch. Lotton was correct. I am starting to get hungry. And that offer for lunch by him, was tempting.”

Sawyer responded, “I feel the same way. And I hungry, as well. Let us go see what the cooks have prepared for us for lunch.”

The two women turned, and headed for the door to the room. When the reached the door, they unlocked the door to the small room, exited the room. Next, they locked and shut the door, to the small room. They then turned and headed for the dining area of their yacht.


Reality, Black Lagoon reality. Date, a few months after Chang's defeat in her Tower. Place, unknown. Time, unknown.

Jhiaxus had been stuck, chained, and bound, in a metal cargo freight box for longer than she cared to admit. The box was large enough to stand and walk around in. But, not much bigger than that.

Her internal chronometer has told her that she had been in the box for three weeks.

She had to admit that her former student, Shockwave, and her hated enemy, Arcee, each had a twisted sense of humor.

Jhiaxus remember that time ago, when he was captured, and bound in the tower, Shockwave started to remodel his body to a her. With Arcee occasionally visiting, to see how work progressed.

Given Shockwave was using Jhiaxus; on work on Arcee as a template, with Arcee there to give Shockwave a direct look at said work. Arcee had made a casual comment of not just adding the reproductive organs, but making Jhiaxus look like her.

Jhiaxus could tell by the way Shockwave acted, that somewhere in his cold spark, Shockwave had found the suggestion funny, and he had done just that.

Jhiaxus' entire body had been remodel to look like Arcee. Including, her head and face.

The only difference between the way Arcee looked and the way Jhiaxus now looked was that Arcee had a pink and chrome look, while Jhiaxus had yellow armor, with red highlights.

Though, unlike Arcee, after Jhiaxus' gender change, Jhiaxus did not go insane. Also, Shockwave was more careful with altering her CNA and body than she had been with Arcee's CNA and body. As such, she did not have any feedback problems that Arcee had been through.

When it came time to test out of her reproductive organs, beforehand she and Shockwave had an interesting chat in private.

They talked about the future of their species.

Shockwave had told his former teacher about the breeding projects that Chang had done with the humans. But, unlike Chang, Shockwave wanted to make sure his victim understood why he was doing this. And for him to to see if his victim would volunteer, to become pregnant.

Shockwave pointed out that their species was dying. The war was only hastening their end. This was because there was no way to reproduce their species. The only two known methods were from naturally created sparks. Which were now rare, and were created through means completely out of their control. The other way was to use the matrix to create sparks. And the matrix was stole years ago. So, that way was no longer an option.

Also, Shockwave stated he needed Jhiaxus' cooperation to help detect and prevent any complications from arising for her, or her children.

Faced with these problems, headed on, Jhiaxus was loath to admit it, but they needed this experiment to work. And she was the one who was forced to end up as the subject for this experiment.

So, Jhiaxus consisted to her pregnancy, and cooperated, for both science, and the continuation of their species.

Shockwave gave her the programmed software installed in her mind to start the impregnation.

What happen next to her was a surprise. But, not completely unexpected. She had based her research on reproductive processing from female Earth mammals. As such, she experienced a sexual orgasm like an organic female could. Though, she knew it was not exactly the same.

For her, it felt like an explosion of pleasure had erupted from her lower abdomen, that lead in a wave, through out her body. When the pleasure reached her chest, the wave went into her spark, into her very soul, for over the course of close to half a minute.

Then, five seconds after the first wave pleasure ended, that way of pleasure set off another explosion of pleasure, which, instead of erupting from the organs of her lower abdomen. The second wave of pleasure erupted from her spark, with the wave reaching to the outer to the edges of her body, with the pleasure settling into her lower abdomen, for another minute.

Five seconds, after the second wave of pleasure ending, another explosion of pleasure started like the first, in her lower abdomen, ending in her spark. The forth wave of pleasure started in her chest and ended in her lower abdomen.

The process continued for over one Earth hour. And it was the most pleasurable experience of her entire, several million year life. Even given her situation, she could not help be smile, from the pleasurable experience, for the rest of the day.

The experience had reduced her to laying on the floor, while alternating between moaning and screaming in pleasure.

When the experience was over, she knew she was pregnant. Her sensors did not even need to inform of the fact. She just knew in her spark that she was now carrying a child.

Shockwave found watching the entire event to be amusing.

Jhiaxus later figured out how to repeat the pleasure while pregnant. And she was sure she could replicate the experience without getting pregnant, in the first place.

And she promised to never again disrespect organic mating habits. Because if this was like the pleasure they experienced when mating, then there were whole fields of science she wished to chart, when she regained her freedom. Fields of science she had never appreciated, until now.

She did not mention to Shockwave, but, part of her was happy to be pregnant. It meant that she would help continue the cybertronian species in a more stable way. Something that, as Shockwave had pointed out, had been denied for their species. And that when she eventually got free, she could continue her species, on her own terms. With those terms allowing her many options for her and her future children.

But, freedom would have to come later. Shockwave still kept her weak and bound, but provided her with enough energon that she was able to kept herself, and the child growing inside her, healthy.

The reproductive system produced on child was a time.

The gestation was about one child per Earth year. And both she and Shockwave constantly monitored the gestation. To make sure there were not any birth defects, nor complications.

Her child grew in her like a mammal organic child did, in the female of the species.

Her child grew in her lower abdomen, with her stomach enlarging over time, until it was in a small infant stage. At which point she gave birth like an organic female mammal. Her crotch armor split apart, long ways for the birth, and she painfully passed the child out between her legs.

For while the pregnancy as not painful, the labor and birth was painful.

After the birth, her armor repaired itself, and soon returned to the way it looked, before she was pregnant.

The first child, and subsequent children were all born healthy. And she quickly recovered from the birth, with no lasting injuries, nor defects of her own. Within half a day, even her stomach had returned to being flat, like it was before the pregnancy.

Jhiaxus has to admit that Shockwave's work was flawless.

Soon after she had recovered from the birth of her first child, that she became pregnant again. Without even trying. She felt the waves of pleasure hit her, and she was pregnant with her second child.

She soon realized that Shockwave had neglected to tell her was that he had also built within her systems a fail safe that prevented her from stopping from becoming pregnant.

And she found herself into a cycle of pregnancy and birth.

She did not know what happened to her children. But, she was sure they were not harmed.

Shockwave was many things. But, he was not wasteful.

Currently, she was due to give birth to her next child within a month.

If she had tools, and her hands were free, she could stop the self-impregnation cycle, that her body kept going through.

Though, she had no interest in killing her children. Truth be told, having children offered her options in so many ways. They were clones of her and her spark. They would be just as intelligent and skilled as her.

It was just that she wanted to have children on her own terms.

After her children had grown, given her interest in the sciences, having assistants that could keep up with her would increase the speed and efficiency of her work.

And unlike many of her Cybertronian brothers, she did value loyalty to those that she considered her equal. And she was swore that her children would eventually give her the same respect.

Still, it all came down to her being freed.

It has started a few months ago, when there has been some sort of battle in the Tower. She knew that Chang and Shockwave lost. Both had disappeared, and the brown battle boomers assigned to guard her had suddenly shutdown.

A week later, the human soldiers appeared. At the time, she was still bound and her pregnancy was taking much of her energy, leaving her to weak to fight. So, she complied with the humans, and she was lead to a cargo box where she was now.

She knew the box was traveling, but she did not know where.

Jhiaxus thought, 'It is possible I am still in this box because they do not know what to do with me. But, I hope I get out, at least before I give birth to my next child.'

Suddenly the cargo box was opened.

A couple of humans walked into the cargo box, carrying blowtorches.

One of them stated, in english, “Hold still. We have been ordered to free you. Please, do not attack us.”

Jhiaxus stated, in english, “Do not worry, human. I will not attack you.”

Five minutes later, the humans had cut Jhiaxus' metal bonds, and they quickly left.

Jhiaxus sat there for a few minutes, before she got up and walked out of the box.

She found herself inside a large, clean, will illuminated, metal warehouse. Across the room were tables and shelves. The tables and shelves had various tools, computers, and instruments. Some of the equipment were made for humans. But, she could tell that some were made for hands her size.

The only person she saw currently in the room was right in front of her, by about twenty feet away. The person was a human male adult. He had fair skin, with a short blond hair and a blond mustache. He was very physically fit, with a medium to heavy physical build. He were a green business suit.

Jhiaxus wondered out loud, “You have freed me human. Yet. You have asked nothing in return, beforehand.”

The blond man explained, “Because, it was in the best interests of all of us for you to be freed. My name is, Gomez. And we know you are Jhiaxus. Chang's... Records were very thorough. I know you are not of this reality. And to make a long story short, I have just arrived in this reality, myself.”

“I have been in talks with my government's counterparts, in this reality. And as you can guess, much has happened. Besides yourself, we are having to deal with several kidnapped humans, and their children. Those humans, and their children, that are from my home reality, are being relocated to their homes.”

“But, it is a mess. And it will take time to sort out. Still, I believe that we can be of service to each other. If you are willing. Though, it depends on what you want? Do you wish to be returned to your reality?”

Jhiaxus responded, “No. I do know. For me. There is nothing but future slavery and enemies abound in my home reality. The only concern I have right now is continue my own research, and to gain a steady supply of energon for myself, and my future children.” She then placed her right hand over her bulging stomach armor.

Gomez stated, “Do not worry. That can be arranged with little effort.”

Jhiaxus cracked a grin, as she inquired, “Then, I think we can be of service to each other. It is clear from the tools you present here that you know of my skills. And you are willing to let me do my work.”

Gomez pointed out, “Yes. But, within reason.”

Jhiaxus said, “That will be fine. So, what do you have in mind, Gomez?”

Gomez smiled, as he responded, “What I have in mind is only bound by the limits of our imaginations.”

Jhiaxus grin turned wicked, as she commented, “Then Gomez, we will be very busy, for a very long time.”

Gomez replied, as his smile became wider, “That is what I hoping to hear from you.”


Reality, Cowboy Bebop Reality. Date, years after the Cowboy Bebop anime series ended. Place, in a nice bar, the large city of Tharsis City, on the planet Mars. Time, early evening, local time.

Inside the nice bar, Chang, as a woman, sat in a chair, alone at a table, near a corner of the room, which faced both the bar and the door.

Soft jazz played at a low, comfortable volume in the bar.

The bar was for those that just want someplace nice to come, in the evening, and relax, and unwind. With a drink in hand, and soft music playing on the background.

Chang wore black flat soled shoes, blue jeans, a purple blouse, over a black jacket that hid her semi-automatic pistols under her armpits, in their shoulder holsters.

She also wore her shades. The only thing she kept from her old life.

Her black hair was cut short, but in a more feminine style than a man would have.

It had been over a month since she had escaped from Rock and Bad Company in her Tower, and she was enjoying her free time.

On her table, in front of her, was an open bottle of liquor, and a shot glass.

She picked up the shot glass and took a sip of liquor. She then set the glass back down by the bottle.

Chang smiled, as she thought about where her life had taken her, 'Well, my empire is gone. It was fun while it was lasted. I wonder how the girls faired against my boomer double? The interesting thing about my boomer double was that it was not a hyper-boomer. My boomer double was a male assassin model boomer with my fighting skills programed into it.'

'I had such fun programming my boomer double to be such a ham, with my fighting skills. I learned to never underestimate the power of the ham. To bad that backfired on me, when my boomer double glitched, when I suggested just blowing that ship out of the sky. And I had no time to replace him.'

'I wonder if Quincy had these problems with his boomer doubles. Still, my escape plan worked. No one, except myself, knew I was using a boomer double of my male self... Well, maybe Arcee, but given how the rest of the girls acted around me. She clearly kept what she know about me, to herself.'

'And changing a woman was not that difficult. First, I got my three boomers made. My two female bodyguards assassin boomers, and my first assassin class boomer double. After I programed them, I got one of the vats, and the four of us went to one of the safer alternate Earths I knew of. I spent a month over there, asleep in the vat, as I changed. The boomers monitored my vitals. Then, when I finished the process, I was awoke, and we all went back to my Tower. For those at the Tower, only five minutes had passed for them. My boomer double then assumed my role as Chang, while I pretended to be my own bodyguard.'

'The mental programming I had done on myself was only to made me bi-sexual, and make me comfortable in my new gender. The same programing as Rock underwent.'

'Not even Lotton knew I had turned myself in a woman. Though, I have to admit that Lotton is really great in bed. He was even better than my boomer double, and my bodyguards in bed. Though, I had to use birth control pills to prevent becoming pregnant, considering if I had requested him to use a condom, it would have raised questions for him. He is almost as sharp as Rock and I.'

'Still, I made sure both our blood tests were clean before we did anything. And Lotton made for a great second in command in running my empire. I will miss him, and I wish him only the best for his future.'

'And my escape plan worked, so well. And even before them, if things went differently, and someone did get into my office, or private quarters. My two bodyguard boomers would have killed the intruder. Or, delayed the intruder.'

'This would give me time to either kill the intruder myself, or escape. Like I had done. Along with this, even if the intruder took down my bodyguards quickly, they would be targeting my boomer double, and not myself. Thus, giving me even more time to act.'

'Still, I have to admit to myself that I am a bit arrogant.'

'The only reason I did not escape sooner, was that I wanted to see Rock and Bad Company, to see what I was up against, in person. To size them up, while also seeing if I looked and acted different enough to fool them. If I could not fool them, then there was no point in running. Because, I would stand out. But, I clearly did fool them, and they let me go. And I escaped.'

'I am sure that after they destroy my boomer double, Rock will eventually figure it out. And she will tell the others. And I still will get the last laugh. By rubbing their noses in the fact they had me, and they let me go.'

'I would have paid money to see the look on Rock, and the rest of her groups faces, when they realized I had tricked them.'

'And on that matter, Rock really turned out to be a hot chick. So, did the others. I am especially surprised at how well, Vader.... Well, she calls herself, Annie, now. Turned out.'

'And while, I am sure they will come after me, someday. And they will eventually find me. But, they have a whole multiverse to search. And by the time they find me, I will be ready for them.'

'Too bad we never were able to get that supersoldier formula to work for men. It seems to destroy the y chromosome, slowly killing the subject with cancer. The gender change formula, with it regenerative effects, prevents the cancer, but if the process is not complete, it will cause an immunity issue, that can kill the person. As Rock found out.'

'And I am glad that Rock finally relented to have the vat process completed on him. Well now, her. Even now, I did not want her to die. She is a known quantity. And her death would have not be helpful to me, nor those around me. And I do have plans for her, and her friends. But, those plans will have to wait for someday in the far future.'

'Still, that is why my researchers created the two step process, where we used another formula to change the a man's gender into a woman, with the supersoldier serum.'

'And the supersoldier serum sure is stable for women. I am never felt more healthy than I am, right now. Though, I have the same monthly problems as all women do. But, the trade offs are amazing. I have so much energy. I am stronger, faster, tougher, and have more endurance.'

'The formula even gave me back a few years of my life, by making me younger, and cleaning out my lungs. This was good, considering to keep up appearances as my own assistant, I had to quit smoking. Along with that serum, the gender change formula cleared up a few scars. And the best part is that the supersoldier serum has extended my lifespan greatly. I am going to live, and be young, for a very long time.'

'Now, I am here in Cowboy Bebop reality. And this place is a good choice for me. It is a nice fit. The people here either speak and write either chinese, or english. And I am fluent in both these languages. Like my own series, Black Lagoon, the people here do not speak japanese, for the most part.'

'Also, this place, and the people here have a style that I can work with on several levels. When I am ready.'

'The music here is even good. This place has some nice jazz and blues. And not just this bar. Plus, the gold I brought with me is still currency here. And that should last me for a long while. Along, with that gold providing me with good money for investments.'

'To bad I did not have time to get one of those small reality devices. I had to use a reality portal system hidden a few levels below my penthouse. Still, I am good for a long time. And I know the key formulas to the reality technology. I can start from scratch if need be, and with a little help, I can have a working reality system within a year or two of beginning such a project.'

'Though, until I am ready, I think I will take it easy, and enjoy life. Because, I have all the time I need.'

Chang continued smiling, until a minute later, when she saw the crew of the Serenity walk into the bar, from the entrance. All of them were dress in casual clothing, and they had on their weapons.

She watched the crew of the Serenity turn and head straight to the bar counter, for drinks from the bartender behind the corner.

Chang immediately recognized them. She dropped her smile. But, she did not show any other change in her demeanor, as she thought, with concern, 'What are they doing here? Is this dump luck? Or, did someone upstairs finally take notice my actions?... Wait a minute. One of them is missing. Oh no, it is River. She is the one I do not see. Crazy, telepathic, supergenius River. And I forgot to bring a telepathic blockers with me. So, where is she?'

Suddenly, two hands from behind Chang ran down the sides of her head, and stop against the top of her shoulders.

Someone leaned close to her left ear and whispered, in a crazy, yet calm and soothing voice, in english, “So, how do you want to die, Miss Chang?”

Chang's eyes went wide for a second, before she forced her eyes to return to normal. So, as to not to attract any more unwanted attention.

River then walked around beside Chang's right side. So, they could face each other. River said, “You know. It wasn't that hard find you. I just cross referenced the known realities in your computers. Which, by the way, have some very detailed descriptions. Against what I knew of your tastes, personality, and cultures, that you seem to enjoy living in.”

“This reality. This so called Cowboy Bebop reality, was at the top of the list. And during the battle and afterward, there was only one record log entry to a Cowboy Bebop reality. And I found that address. After I learned the address. Along with the exit time and place, in this reality, which you left too. After which, it was not hard to convince the others that this was a good reality for us to make our fresh start at.”

Chang cursed herself, as she thought, 'I forgot to delete the record logs.'

River continued, “And since Mars here is considered the most civilized planet in the system. And Tharsis City the most civilized city of this planet. I figured you would be here. After that, it was just a simple matter of evening bar hopping, over the course of the last few week, to the nicest bars I could find.”

'Rock and the others informed me that you always did like the best. So, I figured you would come to the nicest bars in this city. I see I was correct.”

Chang quickly thought through her options, 'Next, to Roberta, River is probably the craziest badass in the multiverse. Her close combat and hand to hand skills are terrifyingly good. And one cannot predict what a crazy opponent will do. If I had some distance, with my pistols, I would probably be able hold my own against her. But, I am too close to her right now.'

Suddenly, River pushed the table that Chang was at, away from her seat, without just enough force to move it, but not enough to knock over the open bottle and glass on top of it. She then walked around in front of Chang, as she straddled her legs across Chang's lap. Next, she put her head above Chang's head, thus forcing Chang to look up at her.

River gently stroked the sides of Chang's black hair, with her hands, as she teased, “You have such a creative, and devious mind. I like that about you.”

Chang mentally realized, 'She's reading my mind. You're reading my mind. I'm dead.'

River chirped, “Not yet. But, maybe later. And telepathy does make conversations go so much more smoothly.”

Chang mentally questioned, 'Besides the obvious. Of hunting you, and the Serenity crew. Why are you after me?'

River stated, “Because, I wanted to meet the most ambitious person I know of that exists. You didn't just go far with your ambitions. You took it as far as you could, and then you went beyond even my imagination. That is a feat that I truly admire.”

“And unlike those that hurt me. Destroyed much of my potential, to make me a weapon. When you took people, and you improved them. You didn't harm them just for the sake of harming them. You didn't tear them down. Instead, you increased their potential to do more. Even those you made many of them breeding stock. All in all. You left them better than when you took them. I find that attractive about you.”

Chang mentally inquired, 'I am truly flattered. And a little scared. I am not fool enough to deny it. But, do your friends also know about me being here?'

River answered, “Nope. No one but me knows you are here. And I want you all to myself.”

Chang asked, out loud, “So, what now?”

River used each of her hands to grab a front side of the open collar of Chang's open jacket, as she answered, “What now? Now, you're my bitch. Chang.”

River then used her hands on Chang's jacket to keep Chang's head looking up at her, so she could more easily kiss Chang very deeply on her lips.


Across the room, at the bar counter, the rest of the crew of the Serenity were enjoying their drinks as they talked.

Jayne snicked, as he pointed, with his right hand, at River on top of the other woman. He dropped his right hand to his side, as he stated, in english, “That explains a lot. She really is a psycho lesbian. I wish I had known that earlier. It would have saved me a whole lot of time and trouble with her.”

The other members of the Serenity crew, whom were standing by the bar, turned to look at River having her way with a black haired woman, in full view of everyone.

Inara said, in english, “Personally, I find the two of them to be cute together.”

Simon commented, with pity in his tone of voice, in english, “That poor girl does not know what she is getting into with River.”

Mal stated, in english, “Let River have her fun.” He turned to look at the rest of his crew, as he continued, “We have business to discuss.”

A second later, the rest of Mal's crew turned to look at him. Mal then went onto say, “Now that I have everyone's attention. I think it is safe to say that we got new sky out here. So, let us find out what's out here. Simon here, and River, said they could hack into the local government computers, without a problem. Thus giving us some IDs, and registering the ship. So, no problems there. Though Kaylee, how is overhauling the Serenity's engines to handle the local starship fuel?”

Kaylee stated, in english, “The energy process, that the local gas works by, with the local engines, use the same basic energy conversion principle that our engines work on. Though, their gas is a slightly lower grade. Which is good for us, because I don't have to reinforce our engines. Most of what I have to do is basically calibrations. I should be done in about a week. Though, I want about another week of planet side tests, before we attempt any space runs.”

Mal responded, “That will not be a problem.” He thought, 'And that was the best news I could hope for on that matter.'

Zoe asked, in english, “So, what are you thinking of doing, sir? Smuggling? Bank robbing?”

Mal answered, “No. We are not that desperate. Yet. With the gold and other treasures we have from the Tower. To help us with our fresh start. We have some breathing room. So, let's something a little more legal. I was thinking a few legitimate cargo runs, and maybe a little bounty hunting.”

Jayne said, “That is what I like about you, captain. You know how to mix the milk runs with the excitement.”

Mal cracked a grin, as he replied, “I know.”

Just then, the bartender walked up to face them, from behind the counter. He said to them, in english, “If you guys want to go into bounty hunting. I suggest you watch the show that is coming on TV, right now.” The bartender then pointed at the TV on the end of the bar counter, near them.

The Serenity crew turned to the TV near the bar counter. The TV station that was on, was switched to a show with an old western themed background, with a dark skinned man in a cowboy outfit, and a fair skinned blond woman in a skimpy cowgirl outfit.

Both of the were facing the screen.

Music played from the background of the show, and fortunately the volume of the TV was set just loud enough to be heard by them, without being strong enough to carry throughout the room, over the soft Jazz that was playing in the bar.

The dark skinned man yelled on the screen, in english, “Hi ya fellows! Big Shot is back on the air! We got plenty of bounties that have piled up since our absence. So, there is enough action for everyone.”

The blond woman energetically said, in english, “So, go get'em space cowboys!”

As the crew continued watching the TV show, Jayne commented, “The place has a show about the high priced bounties that are currently available. Cool.”

Zoe pointed out, “I am sure there are some bounties on Mars that we can do. While Kaylee is working on the ship.”

Mal turned to Zoe, as he complimented, “Good idea, Zoe. I think we are going to like this reality.”

From the smiles Mal saw on his crew's faces, he felt that he as correct.

Mal and his crew then used a little of the overall wealth get got from Chang's Tower, to pay for drinks, at the bar. As they enjoy the evening with each others company.


Akira's Reality, Aspen, Colorado.

It was mid-afternoon, on a cool, sunny day.

It had been a few months since the day Mister Montoya went missing. And collector's store, The Gateway to Fantasy, had been repaired, and reopened under new ownership. Now, from what was stated in the local newspaper, the new store owner was looking to hire some help.

A sixteen year old fair skinned, slightly overweight boy, known Bobby walked into the store. He had well groomed himself. He had a clean shave. And he was dressed in clean t-shirt, jeans, belt and shoes. In his right hand, he carried a folder, with his brief resume.

As he slowly walked through the store, he noticed that store didn't look any different, than when he last worked there.

Also, he saw that he was currently the only one in the story front of the building.

Bobby doubted he would get his old job back. There were to many pretty faces, of both genders, looking for jobs, as well. And ordinary guys like him rarely got a break.

The only two reasons Mister Montoya gave him the job, in the first place, was that he was extremely polite, and he shared Mister Montoya's passion in collecting fiction. Not just anime and manga. But, they enjoyed a lot of the same books, TV shows, movies, and comics.

It was a good, enjoyable job for him, that pay he well, for a retail level job. And except for his job, he had a really boring life.

All things considered, Mister Montoya was a good boss to work for. He even secretly taught him how to use a gun fairly well.

Still, it was good that he tried to get his old job back. He was taught never to give up.

Besides, coming back to this place for a job, this place was the only hope he could get any real answers to what happened that day. And what happened to Mister Montoya.

As he walked over towards the office, he thought back to that day, a few months ago.

He must have replayed that day, in his head, over a hundred times. And the only way the pieces barely fit was in the most insane way possible

Later that day, when his boss disappeared, and Bobby was questioned by the police. Bobby did not mention the strange japanese man in detail to the police. The the man had a pass resemblance to Rock, from the Black Lagoon series. That the man used a debit card, with the name, Rokuro Okajima, on it. Which was Rock's given name in that series. And that the man had purchased copies of both the Black Lagoon anime and manga series.

All Bobby said was he checked out a customer before the incident. And given the video recordings of the store were gone, there was no reason for the police to look to far into who that costumer was, nor what the customer was purchasing.

He also neglected to mention that the redhead that came into the store, right before the gunfire, looked a lot like Revy, from the Black Lagoon series.

Bobby did describe what the women looked like, and he worked with the police sketch artist to make an honest sketch of the woman. But, he let the police draw their own conclusions, as to who that woman was.

And with the case have turned cold, a week after the incident, he doubted the case would ever be solved.

After the police let him go, he was returned home.

His parents were just happy he was not harmed.

Later that night, with the only few leads he to go had, he started reviewing his own anime collection. Especially, the Black Lagoon series. Both the anime episodes, the manga volumes, and even the anime omake shorts.

And the pieces that were revealed from re-watching the series were extremely troubling.

The first episode confirmed what Bobby already knew. That the strange japanese man that day had used Rock's real name, Rokuro Okajima.

And except for being extremely ill, the man did look a lot like Rock.

And the woman did look a lot like Revy. She even walked and carried herself, as she moved, the very same way that Revy did, in the Black Lagoon anime series.

Bobby had replayed a lot of Black Lagoon anime scenes, where Revy just walked, and each time it merely confirmed the woman had the same basic body language, and figure, as Revy from the Black Lagoon anime series.

And, after thinking about it. Bobby had to admit that Mister Montoya did look a lot like Rico, from the Black Lagoon series. Only, Mister Montoya had black hair, instead of green hair.

Also, Bobby found that the whole experience had opened his eyes to a much greater world around him.

Ironically, the best quote he could find came from Rock, of the Black Lagoon series.

To paraphrase. It was like he was asleep, then someone woke him up.

A few days after his boss disappeared, when he was not a school, he done internet searches on strange stuff in the world. Most of the internets were either clearly censored, or just propaganda.

And thought there was nothing concrete, patterns did emerge from supposed accidents, and damage, to people and property.

It seemed Tokyo was one of the places that had it the worst.

In the present, Bobby reached the door to the owner's office.

The door to the office was open, yet Bobby still came to a stop outside of the office. And out of tact, he gently knocked on the door.

He heard a woman's voice say, from within the office room, in english, “Come in.”

As he walked towards the desk, he saw two visitor’s chairs in front of the deck, and a nice office chair behind the desk, where a woman was sitting at.

Bobby saw that the woman was the only other person in the office.

The illumination from the office ceiling lights provided plenty of light for Bobby to get a look at the woman.

The woman had short green hair. And, as expected, with the exception of the hair color, she looked like Mister Montoya's younger sister.

Bobby thought, 'She must have of inherited the store.'

He then noticed a small strange, TV remote shaped, device on her desk, in front of her. He could not place item. And he knew better than to ask about it.

As Bobby was looking lower than the woman's face, he got a closer look at the woman's body.

She was very sexy.

He immediately averted his eyes, to prevent her from thinking he was just interested in her breasts.

Bobby thought, 'I loath that cliche about teenage boys being obsessed with female breasts. That are far nice parts of the female body to admire. But, that is for later.'

Bobby took a deep breath. He let out his breath, to let out of all the tension within him. He needed to relax if he had any hope of getting his old job back.

As Bobby came to a stop, behind the two guest chairs, he choose to remained standing, instead of sitting in one of the chairs.

Bobby greeted her, in english, “Hello ma'am.”

The woman said, “My name is, Reina Montoya. Miss Montoya is fine.”

Bobby responded, “Hello, Miss Montoya. My name is, Bobby. I am here to apply for the cashier's job. I have some experience working here, under the previous management. This folder contains all the information about me previous employment here.

Bobby handed Miss Montoya his folder.

The woman gently took the folder, and opened it.

Bobby remained silent, as he watched Reina spend the next minute paging through the couple of pieces of paper within the folder.

Miss Montoya then closed the folder, and down it on her desk, by her strange device. She looked up at Bobby, as she said, “I appreciate a person that knows about the products he, or she, sells. Though, besides professionalism in your job, I do have one other condition for you. You will need to go on a diet”

Bobby replied, “That will not be a problem”

Reina responded, “Good. You will start tomorrow afternoon, after school, at four PM. Does that work for you?”

Bobby smiled, as he answered, “Yes. That will be fine. And thank you.”

Reina commented, “You are welcome. I think you and I will go far, Bobby. And when you turn eighteen, we are going to go on some fascinating adventures. That is, if you are interested?”

Bobby said, “I will think about.”

Bobby then turned around, and he started walking out of the office. He thought in delight, 'Yes! I got the job!'

As Bobby's front foot, his right foot, hit the threshold between the office and the greater retail part of the store, Miss Montoya's casually stated, “By the way, Bobby. To answer your incomplete question. From before. That was Revy.”

Bobby instantly stopped in his tracks. He was calm, but surprised by the comment.

Bobby thought, 'There were only three people on Earth that knew I asked that question. And it was an incomplete question at that.'

Bobby immediately turned around, and looked back at Miss Montoya.

Reina had a wicked grin, as she offered, “If you come back inside. And shut the door behind you. I will tell what happened that day. And what really is going on.”

Bobby then turned back towards the front door.

He was quite literally at a crossroads.

He could keep walking to the outside doors, and go back to his boring life.

Or, he could turn and walk back into the office, get the answers he sought, and have a much more interesting life.

Without a second thought, he turned around, and walked back into the office.

As Bobby gently pushed the door to start closing. With the door beginning to close, he thought, 'I want answers. And I am about to get them.'

Just as the door was about to slowly shut closed, behind Bobby, Miss Montoya said, “Good boy. Now, sit down, Bobby. I have a lot to tell you. And by the way, you can call me, Rico.”

To be continued.


Author's Notes:

One more chapter to go on this book, then it is on to the next book of this anthology of insanity.


A long time ago, I was taught that there is an easy way to do something. And a proper way to do something.

I prefer the proper method.

I do not like it when a writer allows their own personal insecurities to prevent him, or her, from properly writing a story.

And one can use one's own personal insecurities to write a very good story. But, that is a double-edged sword, because a person's own insecurities can also cause them to not write a story to the fullest.

If this has been a Hollywood ending, then those confined to the Tower, such as the victims in the vats, and their children would have been murdered, and the Tower blow up.

And this would have been due to it being the easy way out of the mess.

This would be because the writers would have allow their own personal insecurities to do the easy way out, by murdering countless innocents, and moving on from the subject matter, that they did not want to deal with.

Well, that is not a proper way to write a story. And in part of this this chapter, I wanted to show how to handle such subject matter to their conclusion.

To be a good story, it is has to have a proper beginning, middle, and ending. In the case of the vat victims, and their children. The order was, their imprisonment, their confinement, and their release to freedom. While should the aftermath of what was done to them, and how they handle what was done to them. And how the world handles them.

I think I did a respectable job on given you, the readers, and idea, of what happened to the vat victims and their children. And where their futures are heading.

Also, I did not want to blow up Chang's Tower, because of all the wonderful toys and plot lines it creates, by just standing their.


Along with this, I was able to explain and return most of the cybertronians, to their proper times and places, in their home reality, without changing the timeline. With the exception being Jhiaxus. And Shockwave has that issue covered.

And of those individuals whom returned, Arcee, Megatron, Shockwave. Each has their own reasons to keep the multiverse secret. Arcee has made some friends. Megatron has an idea of how his future will go, and he believes he will end up with the advantage, as long as he allows the timeline of his home reality plays out. Shockwave does not want to know the future, but his agenda is on track, so he no reason to want change his whom reality's timeline.

Also, I pointed out that Megatron and Shockwave came from the same time period, in the distant past. Arcee, from a point in time much closer to the present.


I found Chang and Lotton's fates to be poetic. I honestly don't know which of them has it worse.


Now, let's be honest. Given the skill sets of the crew of the Serenity. If they were no hauling freight and people around, nor robbing a bank. And they were not in trouble with the law. They would likely be bounty hunting.

So, I sent the Serenity crew to a reality, that would be a good fit for them. For them to enjoy their time, and make some money, at various jobs.


I have given you some clues as to what the next book is about. I hope you found some of them.

Until next time. Have fun.

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