Caution: Slight Nudity and Mild Sexual Situations

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 1: Chapter 08

Our weary travelers are now separated, and lost in the multiverse. Where they will meet mysterious, and interesting people. Some of the travelers will realize the situation they are in. While others will not.

In the MIB reality, Futaba will have to talk down the MIB.

How will Ranma reaction to get to know Coop, Kiva, and Jamie, in the Megas XLR reality? And vise versa.

Natsuru will have to figure out what he will do next, as he makes he way through MegaTokyo, in the Bubblegum Crisis OVA reality. Where he will meet an unexpected person, whom will lend him a helping hand.
Birdy and Tsutomu will be given an interesting offer, by Neo-Norway, in the G Gundam reality.

Akira will have to navigate the danger of the Black Lagoon reality. Where he will have to deal with violence and crazy offers. And Akira will learn that that the only thing more insane, than the bad girls of Roanapur in battle, is when the bad girls go shopping. Especially, when Akira is dragged along with them.

Yes, folks. The insanity is going to be dialed one more notch for this story.

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