Pregnant / Having a Baby

The Angry Mermaid 121 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 121

River Dee map._1.gif

On the Map the old river Dee is the dotted line between Chester in England and Flint in Wales.

More skirmishes with the Vikings ensue and Gisela wins her spurs. The Siege of Chester is relieved by Drustina's small victory on the banks of the River Dee (Afon Dyfrdwy.). Further plans and preparations ensue as Drustina prepares for the forthcoming battle.

Readers are advised to brush up their Geography of the two estuaries River Dee and River Mersey.

The Angry Mermaid 120 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 120

Drustina is now deeply involved with the first elements of the Campaign to drive the Vikings out of her homeland.

The Angry Mermaid 120.
Y Morforwyn Dicllon 120.

This site provides an EXPANDABLE Chart of the eastern IRISH SEA. It covers the whole area of the forthcoming campaign.

The Angry Mermaid 119 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 119

Drustina must secure her rear before attempting to help Ethelred drive the Vikings out of Northern Britannia. To this end she must capture the Isle of Man (Ynys Mann) and she achieves this by trickery and deception.

Isle of Man.gif

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 27 - 30

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-

-Twenty Seven-

Her hair was in disarray, she had blood on her arm. Etu was unsure whether the blood was from an injury or the bears. He slowly entered, her terror filled blue eyes followed his every move. "Are you injured?"

She said nothing, only tipping her head slightly as he spoke. He glanced around the cave, Etu could tell that she had been living here for quite some time. He saw a pelt laying on the ground and started toward it to ease the bleeding from his wound. Having only taken one step, the female threw herself between he and the small pile of pelts.

The sudden move caused the warrior to pull up, it was evident that the female did not want him any nearer. Like the wild animal he just fought, she showed her teeth at him and brandished a sharpened piece of thin stone. He backed away slowly, at the same time she held it menacingly toward him.

Confused, Etu moved back and crouched upon his haunches. Under furrowed brow, he studied the woman he had spent so much time searching for. She glanced over her shoulder quickly and then backed toward the pile, still holding the stone knife toward the man.

The Angry Mermaid 118 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 118

A chapter of preparations, strategies and lessons.

Drustina rejoins the main fleet and attacks the small settlement of Conwy on the north Cambrian coast. The exercise is a 'practice run' used to train her warriors and find any weaknesses that would embarrass the Celts in the heat of a full battle.

The capture of Norse wives of the Viking occupiers of Conwy gives Drustina a chance to teach her warriors how to treat women.

North Wales Coast.jpg

NB. Aber Mersea = River Mersey Estuary
Aber Dyfrdwy= River Dee Estuary.
Aber Menai = Menai Straights.
Aber Conwy = River Conwy Estuary

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 22 - 26

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-

-Twenty Two-

After half of a day, including a bit of trial and error, the beautiful young 'mother to be' discovered if she put feathers upon the opposite end of her arrow shaft, she would have much more control. It took several tries before she realized that there was only one way that they could be positioned to prevent them from being shredded off each time they were shot.

Attaching the feathers was simple enough. She went only as far as a nearby pine tree and utilized the sap as her glue of choice. Satisfied that it would work, she began to create over two dozen of the straight little wooden sticks. First by notching out one end allowed it to rest on the string, then she began the tedious task of gluing the feathers to the shaft.

She took a walk to her favorite location to find little shards of slate, she carefully placed the sharp stone into a leather pouch she had and carried it back to the cave. With a rounded stone, she would break off pieces to create a definite point at one end and a relative square on the other to attach it to her arrow shaft.

Her only problem from this point forward, aside from working around her distended stomach, seemed to be coming up with the correct weight of the actual arrow-tips. Too heavy and it would impede the accuracy, to light and it had no knock down power. It was a fine line between success and total failure, her very life depended upon the ability to provide food for her and her yet unborn child.

The Angry Mermaid 117 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 117

Drustina embarks on an armed reconnoitre of the north Cambrian coast. A brief encounter with the Viking blockade force outside Aber Dyfrdwy gives some of her commanders a chance to hone their battle and command skills.

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 18 - 21

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


Etu stood at an unfamiliar edge of a meadow, he was preparing to hunt for deer. The area he was in was new to him, for it was directly in the middle of a very thick wood. Animal trails crisscrossed the entire open area, and he felt as if he were patient, a sturdy young buck might pass within a relatively close distance.

It was his way of trying to repay Kutkutuk's family for their kindness, and for nursing him back to health. He noticed a game trail that crossed the meadow and then slowly skirted the woods. Scouting the trees, he found one that would be easy enough to climb, allowing him to scale perhaps the distance, high enough above ground, where he could use it to his advantage.

He sat quietly in a low hanging limb, perhaps the height of two men upon each shoulders from the ground. He was watching the outlying area for any movement that would alert him that deer were in the area. At the far end of the meadow there were three deer quietly nibbling at the green shoots.

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 12 - 17

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


The comfortable days grew even hotter as time wore on for the young female, her predicament made all the more unbearable due to her condition. Smells made her stomach lurch, her breasts always seemed sore...was it this way for all women? She shuddered at the thought of thinking herself a woman, yet here she was in this form and getting used to it. Sadly, she felt it was something she would just have to do for the remainder of her days.

Often, she would make her way down the steep incline to crawl into the water, it's coolness helping calm the child growing within. Each trip down, caused her to Realize that as her middle grew, climbing up and down some of the more precarious rocks that were involved in moving about on her mountain, travel would soon become next to impossible.

The Angry Mermaid 114 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 114

The Angry Mermaid.

Drustina finally returns to Ethelred, the Saxon King of Wessex where they finalise their plans to defend against the anticipated Viking invasions. Chester (or the old Roman fortress city of Deva is deemed to be the most likely place where Harald Cold-blood will attack.

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 8 - 11

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


Each day the young female spent in her sanctuary, high in the hills, brought new changes to her young life. She had managed to create traps, kill and eat several types of the small creatures that dwell within close proximity to her shelter. As best as she could figure, it had almost been a full month since she was deposited on this planet by her body's former owner. Even though she was stuck with this form, she didn't have to like it. Unused to the small frame and appendages that seemed to just be in the way, she could only tolerate everything that seemed to come with being a female.

She cringed each time she had to respond with the call of nature, it was so degrading and hard to accomplish being that she had spent most of her young life with quite a different outlook. She wasn't naive, she knew that at some point she would have a monthly visitor, all females do, and now that she was one... she could expect it any day now.

It had become much warmer now, the heat of the day would build until it almost grew uncomfortable in the animal hide that she was wearing. Often she would remove it and slip into the water to bathe, but only when the moon was out and never in daylight.

Tonight was one such night, it was warm and she had just finished eating half of a small creature that she had caught. As the stars high overhead began to dot the sky, she slowly slipped down to the stream below her shelter. There, she carefully made her way to the edge of the stream staying within the shadows.

Pulling off the skins she slipped quietly into the refreshing water. She felt along the underside of her arm where the skin had begun to chafe her tender flesh. The cool water helped to take some of the soreness away. As she slowly swam, she heard several voices.

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 4 - 7

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


Etu retraced his steps until once again he emerged in the area where the Sky Dancer spirit arose from within the cloud. As he passed the spot where she had been slumbering, he noticed a few of the tiny dancers as they flit and fluttered as though looking for where their queen had gone. Now, he didn't actually think 'queen' but the translation would be intelligible, however the meaning is quite the same.

Even at a slow jog, Etu was a half a day from his tribe, that return trip and his meeting with the Sky Dancer queen, gave him a great deal to think about. He replayed their meeting over and over again in his mind. Each time, he would pause his memory on her naked form. Almost unable to forget her beauty.

In nearly nineteen seasons, he had never witnessed such great beauty and feminine grace possessed by a single form. This pale Spirit, or as he would call her, Aponi which literally translates to Butterfly, held him transfixed as he watched her disappear right before his very gaze. He marveled at the speed of the beautiful nymph of the forest, eluding his pursuit as only one with the forest could.

The Angry Mermaid 112 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 112

Drustina has to resume her voyage before the risk of winter storms compel her to stay in port. She sails for Dumnonia but is beset by fog that makes for an interesting skirmish when she encounters a single Viking patrol.

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 1-3

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


The young man stretched out on his bunk, pulled deeper into sleep by the constant hum of the ship's powerful engines. As the welcome sleep began to claim him, a electronic beeping pulled him back into the land of wakefulness. "Shit!" he groaned as he swung his feet outside his bunk. "Hang on, I got to get some clothes on!" He called out to the unseen visitor outside his cabin door. Once he had himself covered up, he called out to the computer. "Enter."

The door quickly slid to the side, making a sound of air escaping as it moved. The man looked into the eyes of his visitor and took a step backward.

"First Officer Stockwell, the High Commander requests your presence immediately." The stoic security officer advised.

"Let me get dressed first." Park replied as he began to search for his uniform pants.

"Now, sir." The Officer stepped inside the room, "I have been ordered to bring you right this minute– just as you are."

"Did he indicate what the reason for this unusual request was about?" Park complained as he tossed the pants on his bunk, "I just finished sixteen hours on the bridge, I really need to get some sleep." He pulled on a thin robe and fastened it closed.

"Sir." He said as he motioned for the young officer to exit ahead of him. As he passed the Security Officer, he noticed him place a hand upon a phaser that hung from his hip.

Simoné and the Second Time Around

and the
Second Time Around

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: We've heard about Simoné Simard Enescu as she is mentioned in two previous stories. It seems that a number of pictures of her in the altogether have shown up on several websites. She is a very attractive young woman. Now, it's time to learn a little more about the naughty Simoné.

The time frame of heart of this story overlaps the ending of Adam and the Three Wishes and the beginning of Howard and the Completed Pass; however, much of the story takes place many, many years before.

If you are not familiar with the series, you should read An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years, Parts 1 & 2, Charli and the Man Cave, Adam and the Three Wishes, and The Football Player, His Friend and Their Wonderful Journey. Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling and Randi and the College Professor take place about seven years after this story.

Howard and the Completed Pass - Part 4

Howard and the Completed Pass, Part 4, Chapters 7 & 8

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story that fits into Part 2 of the Cynthia Chronicles. Chronologically, it takes place a little more than a year after the ending of Adam and the Three Wishes. There are some interesting parallels to that story; however, there are significant differences.

If you are not familiar with the series, you should read An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years, Parts 1 & 2, Charli and the Man Cave and Adam and the Three Wishes. Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling and Randi and the College Professor take place about seven years after this story.

Howard and the Completed Pass - Part 3

Howard and the Completed Pass, Part 3, Chapters 5, & 6

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story that fits into Part 2 of the Cynthia Chronicles. Chronologically, it takes place a little more than a year after the ending of Adam and the Three Wishes. There are some interesting parallels to that story; however, there are significant differences.

If you are not familiar with the series, you should read An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years, Parts 1 & 2, Charli and the Man Cave and Adam and the Three Wishes. Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling and Randi and the College Professor take place about seven years after this story.

Howard and the Completed Pass - Part 2

Howard and the Completed Pass, Part 2, Chapters 3, & 4

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story that fits into Part 2 of the Cynthia Chronicles. Chronologically, it takes place a little more than a year after the ending of Adam and the Three Wishes. There are some interesting parallels to that story; however, there are significant differences.

If you are not familiar with the series, you should read An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years, Parts 1 & 2, Charli and the Man Cave and Adam and the Three Wishes. Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling and Randi and the College Professor take place about seven years after this story.

Howard and the Completed Pass - Part 1

Howard and the Completed Pass, Part 1, Chapters 1, & 2

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This is another story that fits into Part 2 of the Cynthia Chronicles. Chronologically, it takes place a little more than a year after the ending of Adam and the Three Wishes. There are some interesting parallels to that story; however, there are significant differences.

If you are not familiar with the series, you should read An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years, Parts 1 & 2, Charli and the Man Cave and Adam and the Three Wishes. Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling and Randi and the College Professor take place about seven years after this story.

The Angry Mermaid 106 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 106

Having put the Vikings to flight Drustina goes in search of her partner Carl the Saxon. After finding him,she learns of the Maigue Abbey treasures being stolen and is successful in recovering them.
Then she learns about 'The Book of Brendan' and resolves to have a closer search to see if the books pages can be recovered.

St Brendan the navigator.png

St Brendan is reputed to have crossed the Atlantic before the Vikings.

The Angry Mermaid 105 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 105

After much preparation and planning, Drustina finally arrives at the scene of the main battle whilst it is in full flow. Her trebuchet proves to be the winning formulae and as the evening shadows are beginning to lengthen, she saves the day for the Hibernian defenders of Limerick.

The following day, whilst searching for her husband and battle companion, she is told of the missing treasures stolen from the Maigue Abbey. She reluctantly agrees to help the monk find the treasure and her good deed earns her and her men an unexpected reward.

The Angry Mermaid 103 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 103

Drustina gets involved in a war of attrition with the Viking invaders of Hibernia by plaing a game of 'Cat and Mouse' amidst the various islands and rivers that comprise the estuary of the river Shannon. She achieves a spectacular success at the little town of Askea where the island crossing and rocky gully proves to be a perfect place to set one of her cunning traps.

Askeaton Castle_0.jpg
The Island at the town of Askeaton where the battle was fought. Though Drustina's fight predates the castle and the present abbey.

River Deel in flood._1.jpg

River Deel in full flood. A dangerous and treacherous river.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Epilogue

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Page has one loose end to try to tie up.

[email protected]


Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 5

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 5

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Paige is making more progress - and with a couple of steps, is gaining confidence. As they say, though - "two steps forward, one step back"

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 3
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 4

[email protected]

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 4

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 4

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Paige is taking steps to overcome her past, but not everything is working out as planned. Meanwhile, her pregnancy is progessing well, and she has a new friend in her mentor, someone very familiar with what she's doing.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 3

[email protected]

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 3

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 3

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Paige continues to struggle against her past, but with help, slowly starts to think about her future.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2

[email protected]


Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 2

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Pete completes his surgery, and then has to start learning to not live in fear, while the staff has to work with Pete to understand what really motivates him, and what his fears are. A new friendship seems to be developing.
(Counting the prologue, this is part 3 of 8)

Note - for some reason, the Prologue isn't showing up on the story list. If you go to my stories under the authors tab, you'll be able to find the prologue. I suggest you read it if you haven't; it sets the stage for Pete's feelings of rejection and his running away.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1

[email protected]

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 1

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
The remaining chapters and epilogue will be released about one a day until this is done. Enjoy.

Note - for some reason, the Prologue isn't showing up on the story list. If you go to my stories under the authors tab, you'll be able to find the prologue. I suggest you read it if you haven't; it sets the stage for Pete's feelings of rejection and his running away.

Operatin Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
[email protected]


The Angry Mermaid 101 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 101

Battle plans rarely survive first contact unless scope for a swift and orderly withdrawal is factored in at first instance. Drustina's initial plans do exactly that. First she must try and measure the enemy's capacity and quality on sea and if possible, on land. She has not the resources to tempt the Vikings to land troops ashore early so she cannot fully determine what she must face in the final analysis.


By Ellie Dauber
(c) 2002

A father uses the Medallion of Zulo to break up the relationship between his daughter and a boy he doesn’t like. And, as you’d expect, things don’t go exactly as planned.

This is an experimental story that alternates between the action of the story and a stream of consciousness by the narrator character. I'll be curious to see what people have to say about it.

The Angry Mermaid 98 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 98

Basically a 'filling in' chapter as Drustina makes her way unobstructed up the West Coast of Hibernia. The Munster men who act as her pilots can only advise her as far the estuary of the River Shannon for the kingdoms are divided tribally near this border and the Vikings are active in the Shannon estuary.

The Shannon Estuary..jpg

The Angry Mermaid 96 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 96

On her way to contact the Celtic peoples of Corgheig in Munster, Drustina encounters a graphic example of monotheist misogyny disenfranchising women. Marag's castle is on the little island at the south western end of Lough Mahon.

The Angry Mermaid 95 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 95

Drustina and her flotilla arrive in Cork Harbour where they encounter a Viking Warship anchored off the little town of Cobh. They are compelled to destroy it or capture it before they can safely proceed up the inlet to the main city of Corgheig. (Cork)

Cork Harbour.gif

A simple Map of the outer harbour of Cork in Ireland. Cork is further up to the west of the narrow inlet. Next map next chapter.


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