Pregnant / Having a Baby

The Angry Mermaid 94 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 94

Drustina makes a landfall in Demetae at 'Aberdaugleddau' (Milford Haven in Modern parlance.) There she finds the situation fairly stable because the Viking's southwards onslaught has been forced back thanks to her previous excecution of Blue-face giving the Celts of Dumnonii and Demetae courage to stand up and resist the scourge. Drustina finds that the Southern Celtic Sea (St George's Channel in modern parlance,) has become a maritime 'no-man's-land' where a naval 'stand-off' prevails. She decides to 'skirt the issue for her first inscursion.

The Angry Mermaid 93 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 93

Drustina continues on her journey towards the Celtic sea to access the Viking supremacy. On the way she stops in at Bohor on the Val to renew old alliances and acquire a pilot navigator with recent knowledge of the current Viking threat.

A Medallion Trilogy - Angel, A New Beginning

This is the second story of the trilogy...

A Medallion Trilogy - Angel, A New Beginning
By Anon Allsop

The small car came to a stop as the passenger window rolled halfway down, "You need a lift?" I bent over and looked at the driver for a full five seconds before opening up the door and stepping in.

It was raining pretty steadily now and it didn't look like it would let up any time soon, so I figured what the heck. "Thanks, I was getting a bit soggy walking out there." I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone else saw me climb into the car, no one else was around, just me and the guy. That's when I heard a tiny sound behind me causing me to look over my shoulder: it was a very young infant in a car seat.

The man noticed me looking at the child and smiled, "Do you like babies?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Sure, they're okay."

"We're heading to Nordstrom, Connecticut, ever hear of it?" He asked trying to make small talk.

I shook my head. "I've been all over the East Coast, but never there." I looked back toward the little one strapped into the seat, "Boy or girl?"

"Girl." He said without looking.

We drove on for a few miles, "Your daughter's cute."

He smiled, "Yeah... uh... she looks like her mother."

The Angry Mermaid 91 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 91

Drustina and her companions complete their 'tour of inspection' to ascertain the general preparedness of the Saxons and Mercians to combat the Norse threat. Finally they return to Winchester to witness the marriage of Ethelred the Wessex king to Sonala the Mercian Princess.

The Angry Mermaid 89 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 89

Drustina continues on her tour of Edrinor's Mercian kingdom as she assess the Viking threat. The recapturing of a Viking held village for the Mercian King enables Drustina to send a sharp clear message to the Viking King Harald Cold-blood.

ALL IS LOST Part 2 of 2

Oh hell! I’m halfway inside this, this horror — it burns my skin like acid and it’s pulling my legs apart as I continue to be drawn in, and now —



With a horrid sucking sound, the mass pulls my head and arms inside it completely.

Part 2 of 2

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

The Angry Mermaid 86 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 86

Having resolved the issues surrounding the attempt on the Cardinal's life, Drustina occupies herself educating the very naíve Mercian Princess Solana about being a woman and about the ways of men.

Julia (revisited)

My parents named me Julio, and I don't really know when it all began. I remember one time I was a little boy I had a dream that I'd turned into a girl somehow. In the dream I wore a pink dress and black Mary Jane shoes and white stockings, and my hair was long and curly. I remember going to the bathroom and peeing sitting down. When I was a little older, at twelve I think, one time during gym class a friend of mine was sitting next to me.

The Angry Mermaid 85 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 85

In this chapter the plotters Lefty Tip-toe and Bishop Celyn learn their sentences. Drustina gets married to Carl and is finally delivered of her twins.

This chapter is something of an interconnecting step towards Drustina's onward ambitions to recover her homeland Lleyn.

Wishing Stone

Is it possible for someone that life beats into the ground to be given another chance at life, but have the life be the complete opposite and still be a great one?

The Angry Mermaid 82 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 82

Drustina eventually wins the arguments concerning her right to marry Carl but Bishop Celyn is enraged by Cardinal Craklow's use of political expediency to circumvent what Celyn believes to be rigid, biblical strictures about gender, faith and nobility. He plans to have the Cardinal murdered.

The Angry Mermaid 81 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 81

Chapter 81 addresses the issues Drustina faces when she finally decides to marry Carl.

King Ethelred wants her to marry as a Christian so as to sit properly with his new-found Christianity and the church in Wessex. The chapter explores the conflicts between Drustina and the Christian Bishop Celyn who objects to Drustina's Satanic duality and her paganism. Only the intervention by the visiting Papal emissary Cardinal Craklow surmounts Bishop Celyn's resistance.

In allowing for Drustina's Pagan beliefs to be accommodated within a Christian marriage ceremony, Cardinal Craklow lays down the foundations of the church's future expedient accommodations with paganism whilst striving to spread their gospel. Such accommodations are illustrated by the incorporating of pagan festivals like midwinter solstice with Christmas and Vernal equinox (Spring plantings,) with Easter. This festival changed later with the advent of the Gregorian calendar.

The Angry Mermaid 80 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 80

By a happy accident, the Pope's envoy to Consecrate the Saxon great Church in Winchester turns out to be Cardinal Craklow, the once Archbishop of Warsaw. Drustina cunningly uses her Pagan circumstances and faith to persuade King Ethelred to allow her to approach the cardinal on her own behalf instead of getting the King to advocate for her. The Cardinal's ship delayed because it is dis-masted by a big wave. Drustina is fortuitously on hand with The Angry Mermaid and she get's the Cardinal out of a jam. He is delighted to meet her again after her efforts in Pola.

The Angry Mermaid 79 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 79

Drustina receives a summons to attend King Ethelred's court to resolve some issues concerning her pregnancy. She keeps her baby's paternity a secret to avoid any complications concerning the baby's potential rights to claim the Viking throne. Later she discovers her love for Carl and agreement to marry wins her some unexpected bonuses in her quest to regain her queendom of Lleyn.

The Angry Mermaid 78 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 78.

This chapter describes Drustina's battle with Harald Cold Blood during his attempt to invade and occupy Wessex. I have included a map with a Gazeteer to help illustrate battle sites and locations.

The Angry Mermaid 77 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 77

The first phase of the battle between Vikings and Saxons deals with Drustina's contribution to it's progress before she is burned and incapacitated.

I'm sorry for the long delays between chapters but the superb cycling weather here in the UK coupled with a full DIY workload and my busy social life (Sparkle weekend et al) has precluded me from writing much.

The first phase of the battle takes place wholly at sea the second phase has not yet been started so please bear with me as to the long intervals between chapters at the moment.


The Price She Paid

teens making out

I would gratefully like to acknowledge Mr. Ram as my Editor. Without his suggestions and watchful eye, this story would not be as complete. To him and all of our volunteer Editors, Thank You!

The Price She Paid
By Anon Allsop

With frustration, I looked back at the little girl running to catch up with me. I hated her almost as much as I did her brother, Jeremy. It wasn't always that way, we used to be good friends way back when. But when my girlfriend dumped me, after a month and a half of dating... for Jeremy, our friendship was shattered.

I should have known better getting close to Adrienne, she was like that, a social butterfly. Before Jeremy, before me, there was Jack, Mark and two guys from the school across town. Adrienne was a real player, I guess I shouldn't have held it against Jeremy but... he was the guy after me, and I've blamed him ever since. I kept making up things about him in my head, and after time, came to believe them.

The Angry Mermaid 76 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 76.

In this chapter Drustina returns from her spying trip but finds the essential information lacking. She still is not absolutely certain where Harald Cold-blood, the Viking king will land his invasion fleet. There is no other option than to try and tempt him into her prepared killing ground but the risks are high because certainty of success is low. She will have to sacrifice some ships (but not the crews)to get Harals to land on Selsey Bill. Then she must carefully prepare the killing grounds.

The Angry Mermaid 75 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 75.

This chapter describes how the Western Celts from Brithony decide to join forces with the beleaguered Saxons in order to protect their own interests. In the second part of the Chapter, Drustina decides she will have to make a spying trip of her own and the cost of getting vital information is painfully high.

Drustina has to choose between accepting being raped in order to gather information and take it back alive or to kill her rapist and probably be executed for regicide.

The Passage

woman cooking

I wish to thank my editor, JP. Without his close supervision and eye for detail, this story would not have been possible!

The Passage
By Anon Allsop


In a story set in the early part of America's infancy, a young unwed American nobleman, Isaiah Evans, finds himself accused of wrongdoing after implying that he is married. Without his knowledge, close friends decide to provide proof that a wife exists. Their plan is to alter the appearance of a young indentured servant, who has recently arrived to the colonies. By using the the Medallion of Zulo, Duncan is to become the wife only as long as needed, but further entwines himself in a plot to get Master, Isaiah Evans to release him from his indentured servitude early.

The Angry Mermaid 74 or Y Morforwyn Dicllom 74.

In this chapter, Drustina organises the rescue of the towns-folk of Honfleur by routing the Viking Garrison. Her shoulder is injured during the conflict and she is 'hors-de-combat' briefly while Hengis takes command. The young rape victim Symone proves to be a determined and committed asset for subterfuge and spy-work.

Rae Summers: A New Beginning Chapter 13

Rae Summers: A New Beginning Chapter 13

Want to thank this lovly community for all the love and support you have shared with us over the years. We look forward to being aa part of this wonderful group for many years to come. Now from out of the past a little more Rae Summers.

The Angry Mermaid 73 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 73.

Sorry about the delay with Chapter 73.

In this Chapter, Drustina has gone searching to find the location of the threatening Viking invasion fleet. She knows the invasion is imminent but where and when and how many ships are vital facts that escape her.

The Angry Mermaid 72 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 72.

Having warned the Saxon king who proves to be preoccupied with pious endeavours, Drustina decides to get proactive and go searching for the Viking invasion fleet. She eventually gathers some news of the Viking activities but nearly comes to grief because of natural, unexpected perils.

Operation Rescue: The Things We Do For Love

Operation Rescue: The Things We Do For Love

A man loves his long-time friend from childhood, but she doesn't — and can't — love him. He thinks that Operation Rescue will give him a way to remedy the problem, but he's unaware of what that will mean to him, his job and friends, and his whole being — if he gets accepted into the program.

As usual, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to my editors for improving, fine-tuning, and helping this story be better. Any mistakes or errors left are my own fault.


The Angry Mermaid 69 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 69.

This chapter addresses a brief and successful confrontation with the Vikings that serves to better Drustina's standing with the Saxons of Wessex. She rescues two high-born Saxon brides and captures a Viking princess, daughter of King Harald Cold Blood.

MAU: All Alone

Morphic Adaptation Unit — All Alone


A forest ranger in a remote cabin finds an MAU. After experimenting a bit, he finds a way to alleviate his loneliness. This story was posted several years ago on another site. This is its debut on Big Closet Top Shelf. It's a light-hearted little romp, but a bit explicit in points. Enjoy.

The MAU story universe and characters contained therein are copyright by ElrodW, all rights reserved. Use of the story universe or characters without the express written permission of the owner is a violation of copyright law.


The Angry Mermaid 67 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 67

In this chapter Drustina's ideas about defeating the Vikings out on the sea before they can land, are proven to work.

The young Prince Andrar finally wins his spurs. He comes of age quickly as he learns that war is not some glorious adventure but a frightening, dirty, dangerous business.

The Angry Mermaid 66 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 66

In this chapter, Drustina experiences her first pre-prepared and planned engagement with the Vikings. Andrar, the young heir to the Freisian throne has his first terrifying experience of battle.

The Angry Mermaid 63 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 63.

In this chapter Drustina resumes Queenship and diplomatic activities as well as taking Dalcimon's only son Andrar under her martial wing. The first glimmers of a defence pact amongst the countries of the North European plains start to ignite.

MAU: Trekkies - Trek Wars

MAU: Trek Wars


Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans.

Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide enough to identify most of the characters...

This story was posted a long time ago (in a galaxy far away ....) on another site. It has been mildly modified here - some of the very long list of changed characters has been deleted or shortened for readability without altering the intent of the story. And I know that I really pushed the limits of my own universe. So sue me - after you enjoy the story.


Bridges 35

Bridges 35

Chapter 35

I’m smiling as I make it over to the house as quick as I can and stumble inside and kicking my boots off at random the thuds making her giggle on the other end of the phone.

“You’re home?”

“Yes baby I’m home.” I smile into the phone as I’m trying to climb stairs and she clothes at the same time.

“I head the door and your boots.”

Bikini Beach: Surrogate Mother

Bikini Beach: Surrogate Mother

A young couple struggles with infertility after a botched operation left them rich but unable to have children. To cheer up his wife, the husband takes her to Bikini Beach. There, he hatches a unique idea to overcome their problems.

Note - This story was previously published on another web site, but this is its debut on BCTS. Hope you enjoy it.



My name was Julio, and I don't really know when it all began. I remember one time I was a little boy I had a dream that I'd turned into a girl somehow. In the dream I wore a pink dress and black Mary Jane shoes and white stockings, and my hair was long and curly. I remember going to the bathroom and for the first time peeing sitting down. When I was a bit older, at twelve I think, one time during gym class a friend of mine was sitting next to me.


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