Novel Chapter

The Job 49

My alarm’s tone was slow to permeate my consciousness, or, to put it more simply, my body was in a state of denial. Loud buzzing? Na. I’m asleep. Staying that way. Which is why, ever since the second day of working shifts, I put the damned thing well out of reach.

The light was showing around the edges of the heavy curtains I had bought after my first set of night shifts, and I knew it was really time to get moving, but there was a bloody great arm across me.

Rewind. Blake’s arm.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 49


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

Okay, I messed up. Somewhere along the story I started thinking this was Bobby’s 11th birthday, when in fact he was 9, turning 10. I have corrected the last chapter, but want to mention so people aren’t confused at how he got a year younger: Dawn

SATURDAY, June 11, 2016

Flight of the Claymore -chapter 1

Flight of the Claymore

Flight Lieutenant Second Class Jason Cole is the fifth generation in a long line of military family members and the third of the current generation. Unlike his older brother and sister Jason cannot be fitted with a bio-A.I. This one fact will led him on the greatest adventure of his young life.

The Job 48

I was home, in several different ways, including the return to my flat in Cardiff. Mam and Dad understood, just as they could see how I was healing, and why. Each day was a reminder of how the way my work is depicted on large and small screen is so completely wrong.

It isn’t boring, though it sounds like it should be, for it involves an awful lot of reading, inwardly digesting and cross-referencing. I imagined Sean’s boys felt much the same, and the closest experience I can give as an example is in solving a particularly complex cryptic crossword. Everything is there; you just need to find out why.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 53

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 53
The cabin. The fire lookout tower. And a hint.

Amy and I were now at a cabin in the mountains. And we were completely alone, except for whoever was in the fire lookout tower that was a mile away. And maybe a bear or two.

Our first night there had been great. In fact, we were awoken by the Sunlight peeking in the window.

Unwritten Rules Chapter 6 “What a Wonderful World”

I used to talk for hours with Sam on the phone, usually on a cordless phone in a secluded part of the downstairs of my house as the phone’s range was very poor. I was okay with it as it was better than being tethered to a wall phone with a short leash or to a fifty-yard cord that tripped anyone up who walked into the kitchen.

Reversals - Ch14

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Julia takes Erica to his first medical appointment.

Take Two Girls - Part 3

Lucy let out a startled, "You can't be serious? Do mean to say that you put me through all that for a joke?"

"Lucy, everything I've said today has been deadly serious. Come back into the lounge and think about what I said while dish up dessert. Ok?"

Lucy followed Andrea out of the bedroom and still somewhat in a daze, she sat down at the table.

Andrea disappeared into the kitchen and returned with desert.

"Here you go, Crème Brulee de la Maison," said Andrea as she placed a dish down in front of Lucy.

Time on My Hands Chapter 8 - A Place in Rome

Time on My Hands
Chapter 8: 196-198 CE: A Place in Rome

Raben identified himself and explained it was to early too give a prognosis. The elderly gentleman recognized Raben Longinus’ name and knew that despite his apparent youth he was a well respected physician. He and Raben rode back to the villa to make sure the requested preparations had been made while Ulixes oversaw sturdy estate workers as they gently carried the stretcher with the comatose severely injured teen.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 48


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

FRIDAY, June 10, 2016

Rachael woke up a few minutes early. She was making Bobby’s favorite breakfast: French Toast. Grandpa was always up before her, and she helped him into his shirt while the oil was heating. Mom and Geoff were next down, and finally Bobby, whose nose led him into the kitchen.

“French Toast,” he said for a whoop. “But it isn’t Sunday.”

The Job 47

I had a week off, in the end. It had been needed, but Blake had his own life and home, and after a few days of company and warm mornings he had to leave. I realised I was getting very used to his presence, the comfort of his arms, and at the same time I had a suspicion that it was moving towards normality, and not in any sense banal. Just comfortable, appropriate, right for me.

I rattled around the old place for a couple of days before saying sod it, and one bright morning smartened myself up and drove into work. I had my flat to sort, as well, so I did need to get everything back on track.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 52

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 52
A Massage. Naainish. And a cabin.

Thursday night into Friday morning had not been good. I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about Amy getting hurt because of me. She came out into the living room with me, and we had a good talk.

Then on Friday morning, my uncle had an idea for us to get away, alone, for a few days. A cabin on a mountain, in a National Forest. At the barbecue that night, Naainish picked up on me being troubled, and we had a talk in which he suggested that we get away alone. He was happy that we had already decided to do it. Then he found out where we were going, and he surprised us with something about the area where Amy and I were going.

TG Techie: Chapter 29: OB/GYN



I woke an rolled onto a crusty patch on the bed. Just once can I wake up and find everything normal? It doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

I threw the covers aside. At some point in the night I’d been too hot and had thrown my pajama pants off. My shirt had rumpled around and my tummy was bare. There was a shiny dried film on it, and I recognized the entire situation.

I had had a wet dream.

Like a boy wet dream.

Like I had ejaculated in my sleep.

The Job 46


The roast was a little overdone, but the roast potatoes and other trimmings were spot on. It was almost like a Christmas dinner, as after arguing on the shop about what would actually go on the plates we had simply agreed to do everything.

Dad liked it, from the way he cleared his down to the pattern on the china, so I counted it as a success. Mam cleared the dishes away, leaving them to soak, and we settled down in our usual places on armchairs and settee. Dad broke the comfort of our well-fed silence.

“You look a little out of sorts, son. What’s up?”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 51

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 51
A troubling night and a talk with Naainish.

Thursday was supposed to have been a relaxing day, and it was anything but relaxing. We’d gone to Taos with my aunt and uncle to have our jewelry appraised, and Amy and I had been accosted by two guys who did like her being with an “Injun” and that had ruined a great day.

Thursday night had been relaxing, sitting on the patio enjoying the fire and watching the stars. But my mind started working, why did so many bad things happen to me? There was the time at the university. There was time right here at the resort. And now in Taos. And maybe it was four times if you count the traffic accident.

Amy and I went to bed. My mind was working, and I wasn’t sleeping.

The Job 45

Next thing I knew, it was morning, the daylight obvious even through the heavy curtains. Mam tapped on the door of Blake’s bedroom.

“Breakfast in twenty minutes, you two. Dad’s already off to work”

I found myself blushing, even though I had done nothing but sleep. Better get up and face the music. I left him to dress, just a kiss on the cheek so he wouldn’t have my morning breath, but it was a wrench to get out of the bed and his arms.

I could really get used to it.

Aviinas Story - Chapter 1

Exiled from her home and forced to flee to the furthest reaches of civilized space, Aviina has made a simple life for herself on Amalgam station. There she tries to make her living as a problem solver, working on the colossal galactic ‘Net’. However, she holds within herself a terrible secret. One that will put the denizens of Amalgam station into peril.

The Voyage of the Visund -2-

The Visund departs Dekarran and makes a tricky crossing of the river before turning upstream. The pilot, Prell, educates Eriana about what they might expect as their voyage continues.


The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

2 - The Mighty Sirrel

The Job 44

I didn’t notice, but Barry had fumbled his mobile out of his stab vest pocket.

“Yeah. Barry, Traffic, Yeah. Can you get up the greasy? I think one of yours needs taking home”

He then just sat and held me till Sammy was there, with Blake and Candice, and I wondered what had bloody happened to ‘Police, Professional’ as the team blonde walked me into the ladies’.

The Job 43

We were bright and early at the court the next day, which actually meant about nine thirty. We were down to the bare bones, just Elaine, the two of us and Alun, and wasted the morning on crosswords and an amble through the pedestrian area, avoiding the pub this time. The rest of the team were off with Sammy, something else going on, and Alun dropped a hint about picking someone up who may just have made the odd phone call to Pritchard.

At lunchtime, no verdict in sight, the two lads were gone. Lunch itself, a pasty and a cuppa, came and went, and then, finally, I got a text from the usher and we settled back into the public gallery as the jury returned.

Time on My Hands Chapter 7 - 195-196 CE A Haven, Eagle and Rome

Time on My Hands

Chapter 7: 195-196 CE: A Haven, Eagle and Rome

After a brief introduction the women prepared supper the men accompanied by the curious and energetic boy took Raben and Ulixes on a quick tour of Barmaz. There were several low piled stone fences around the farmstead and a few blocking off access to dangerous slopes. In the middle pasture there were fifteen milk producing cows for milk which became one of their cash crops of cheese as well as yogurt and cream with a few older cows sold off for beef each year to keep the herd young. Grazing amongst the cows were twenty goats which produced milk and cheese as well as wool and two donkeys each used to pull two wheeled carts down to the villages. The milk producing cows and goats were kept primarily in the middle pastures for ease of milking. In the upper pastures the bull and cows with calves as well as the buck goats and does with kids foraged. There were also one hundred sheep, raised for wool and meat. Twenty five pigs were kept in the smaller lower pastures. In the upper pasture were four scattered animal sheds to provide shelter during thunder storms. There were two smaller animal sheds in the lower pasture for the pigs. The farm was primarily pasture land with small vegetable plots for family use by the farmstead. About twenty five chickens, primarily for family use, lived in a coop at the side of the farmstead.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 50

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 50
Back to Taos. And, OH come on!

Thursday was going to be a laid-back day. Amy and I had planned to sleep in, maybe go on a hike, maybe relax in the thermal pools, maybe get a massage and such things.

To start with, we didn’t sleep in, but we did hike up on the cliff to watch the Sunrise. There were a few guests up there with us. Amy and I noticed that the coyotes were silent this morning and that usually meant that there are wolves in the area. As we watched the Sun come up, we kept watching for the wolves. The Sunrise was a very pretty pink, so we’d probably have storms later today. Not Amys favorite thing.

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 4

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month, and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 4

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 49

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 49
Taos, Naainish, and a trip.

I had been bothered, again, by the power of a full Moon, and Naainish had helped me. I’d met the new chief of our clan, and I’m still not sure about him. We had also met with the two chiefs and others to discuss the possibility of setting up a scholarship. And the new clan chief, Chief Peshlakai, didn’t make any points with Amy or me.


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