Novel Chapter

Dancing to a New Beat 6

I was called into the Super’s office two weeks later, and as I had expected Bev had Sedgewick and Weir with him. There was the usual ritual of greeting and coffee before I was asked to deliver my updates.

“Rather a lot of the former residents are no longer with us, gents. Ion and I have managed to speak to nine survivors, and I am sorry to say that six of them are not willing to cooperate”

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 37

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Four.
Or, "Autistic Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

Notes: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though, but there's a lot more in this one than usual because it was unavoidable. Still, lots of details are changed, so don't skip by familiar parts or you might miss something.

A New Life 03

This story was originally conceived to be a stand alone tale, but it fit Dorothy's M.Y.T.H. universe without too much modification. It starts about a year before Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!


From the previous chapter: Cindy gripped tighter and squeezed the breath out of me. Again.

Mom rolled her eyes. "I'll just leave you two to work it out."

"Help! Don't leave me alone with this meanie meanie bobeenie!"


Cindy released her tight hold and backed up enough to look me in the eyes. For the first time since I started this adventure, she looked vulnerable.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 63

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 63
Spirits? A tree. A meeting.

We’d gone bowling with our friends, and some guy had harassed Amy about being with an Indian, just like what had happened in Taos. The manager of the bowling alley had thrown him out. When the guy had left the bowling alley, we’d heard a car peel out of the parking lot and then a tremendous crash.

We’d run out, and Amy had checked the only occupant. Amy looked at me and said that it didn’t look good. After the cops and fire department where there, we’d come back inside and were talking with our friends.

Then I’d remembered where I knew this guy from, and I said, “Oh my God!”

“What’s wrong, honey.”, Amy asked.

“I just remembered where I knew this guy from.”


No Rules | Chapter 7

This long-awaited seventh chapter in the sequel to No Obligation pulls our heroine and her Champion to Las Vegas, to try her luck and skill against a familiar foe with a new love of body snatching.


No Rules: An Advocate Novel

by Randalynn

Chapter 7: What Happens in Vegas ...

Dancing to a New Beat 5

Once more, the pattern of my days was set by lists, names and club numbers, as we called criminal records. As with one nightmare of a prison visit, the pattern of offending seemed to be clear, just--- thankfully--- nowhere near as extreme. It fell into particular areas of social failure, and they all clung to the coat tails of self-destruction and lack of any sense of self-worth. Addictions of various kinds, steady theft and criminal damage habits seeming to be as much of a compulsion as drugs or alcohol.

The Many Faces Go To War 4

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 4”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Four: Dolores Umbridge

Notes: This is the second chapter of the sequel to “The Many Faces of Har---er, Adira Potter.” If you haven't read that series yet, this one isn't going to make much sense. Also, a reminder for anyone who forgot: the person formerly known as Harry still exists, she's just transgender in this one, her new name is Adira, nicknamed “Addy.”

Fluidity In Space: Chapter 5 and 6

My name is Kevin Jackson. I am the third man in my family to carry that name. It used to mean something on this ship, but it doesn't hold much weight anymore. My grandfather was captain, my father was the science officer and second in command, and I'm working the cash register at Main Street Electronics.

Dancing to a New Beat 4

I lay with Blake that night, more at ease than I had been for years. So many of my worries had been eased by the trials, and now I saw an old friend happy and safe, and so clearly loved and in love. I mumbled into my husband’s chest without realising it, and he simply hugged me closer to him as Fritz rumbled from the top of my pillow.

“We need to report properly to Lainey, love”

“I texted her, sent a picture, yeah?”

The Voyage of the Visund -5-

The morning dawns as the Visund takes on a new passenger. At their next stop, the town market must be inspected to find clothing and footwear for the mystery woman, who is offered a temporary name. Eriana is introduced to the afternoon nap and asked to design... trousers?


The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

5 - First Steps and Stitches

Time on My Hands Chapter 12 - 203 CE: Retrieving Family

Time on My Hands
Chapter 12: 203 CE: Retrieving Family

Fiach didn’t flinch, neither did her smirk waver. His sword, held in his right hand, was raised high above his head ready to hack down, cleaving the impertinent girl. The instant he began to swing she ducked to his left and twisted around his left side while slashing his left hamstring.

The man yowled in pain and rage as his momentum made him stumble forward a few steps before the savagely wounded leg gave out sending him crashing onto the street. Smiling broadly Fiach pirouetted to stand facing her downed opponent. “Pfft! Is that the best you can do? I shall enjoy letting your sword taste your virgin ass! That is if it IS virgin!”

Flight of the Claymore -chapter 5

Flight of the Claymore

Flight Lieutenant Second Class Jason Cole is the fifth generation in a long line of military family members and the third of the current generation. Unlike his older brother and sister Jason cannot be fitted with a bio-A.I. This one fact will led him on the greatest adventure of his young life.

Dancing to a New Beat 3

My life was painful for the next week, just for starters, and of all people Candice was the worst.

“Di. Love, I’ll be around, don’t worry. There are some lessons you’ll need to get sorted before you can get back to work properly, isn’t it? Now, we’ll start with this”

She held up a ballpoint from our stationery cupboard.

“This is called a ‘pen’. You use it for writing, and this is the end that makes marks—Ow!”

Take Two Girls - Part 7 Final

Life soon returned to something approaching normality after the episode with Lucy's Mother. Lucy was working hard to complete her dissertation along with the spectre of her final exams looming ever closer.

Andrea spent a lot of time in her cellar workshop tarting up odd bits of furniture that she'd then sell for a bit of profit to the local second-hand shop. She also kept Lucy fed and watered while she finished off her dissertation. At the weekend, they usually headed off out of the city into the Pennines for a bit of exercise and relaxation.

Gradually the events of Easter Weekend faded into the background.

Lucy returned home on the second Wednesday of June in a jubilant mood.

"That's it, I'm done. It's all done, printed off, bound and submitted."

Andrea gave her a big hug and said,

"Well then to celebrate we are going out."

Dancing to a New Beat 2

Dad, of course, was the one who gave us a hand moving, after we finally found a suitable place up by Radyr. Blake and I were both renting, so it was Dad who helped with the deposit, Dad who helped with the fees, Dad who helped with the physical moving and so on, and Mam who ensured that we had all the little things that are always forgotten for a new home. I am embarrassed to say that the last included toilet paper. I had heard stories about people finding the only acceptable use for the Daily Mail, cutting it into squares, but just ‘no’. I mentioned that thought to my new husband, and he just laughed, pointing out that the whole purpose of toilet paper is wiping stuff off, not rubbing it on.

Gaby Book 16 ~ Sweet Sixteen ~ Chapter *23* New Relations

*Chapter 23*
New Relations

“You decided yet?” Steff enquired.

I was back to the usual bakery ritual on Wednesday and talk was dominated by the upcoming Con in Koblenz.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 61

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 61
The last bonfire and the journey home.

Tonight was our last night in New Mexico. My two aunts had done Ajie's and my hair. And we were at a bonfire in long skirts and fancy blouses. This would be our last bonfire of this year.

And along with some friends Chief Peshlakai was also here. Why?

Chief Kinlicheeny and Naainish had brought him along to apologize for what he’d done at the dance competition. He tried to apologize, but I wasn’t in the mood to accept it. So, instead, I gave him a piece of my mind.

The three of them, Chief Kinlicheeny, Chief Peshlakai, and Naainish, had talked after Ajie, Uncle Paul, and I had walked away from them. And now the three of them were walking towards us.

Now what?

Dancing to a New Beat 1

That sky was so blue it hurt, but I was distracted from it by Mam’s faffing. No problem packing, none at the airport, but she was all fingers, thumbs and rambling conversation, and as those fingers held a needle I was hoping she could find her attention span extending enough to avoid me bleeding into the white of my dress.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 51


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

Just a short series of vignettes to keep the story moving: Dawn

MONDAY, June 13, 2016

Rachael was up early and got Bobby fed and off to school. Then she headed back to the church and the house next door where Mrs. Winchester lived.

As she got close, she saw Larissa, Carly and Mikki heading in from the opposite direction.

Gaby Book 16 ~ Sweet Sixteen ~ Chapter *22* Pact

*Chapter 22*

“So let me get this right, if Mart is the ‘father’ they can’t take her away?”
“She’d have dual nationality so it would be more difficult and we lived here we’d be safe.”

The Job 62

We did let things lie for a little while, as there was another event looming: a wedding. Candice had made the usual and expected noises about Hen Night Armageddon, with flights and matching T-shirts, and I simply told her to get stuffed. We were already down for a long-haul flight for the wedding, and I really didn’t fancy wasting any more time or money in airports. There was also the matter of the fresh meat, for while I didn’t want to leave them out of the team-building exercise (debauch) they were still ‘stranger’ enough for a holiday together to feel uncomfortable.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 60

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 60
The last day, for now.

It was Sunday morning, our last full day here. I was lying in bed enjoying the feeling of Amy’s naked body cuddled up to my naked body. I’m glad Amy came up with the idea of sleeping in the nude.

Yesterday had been a good and a bad day. A fun time at the dance competition had turned into a bad time thanks to Chief Peshlakai, and I’d almost put an end to the scholarship thanks to him. But thanks to Dibe I hadn’t. And Ajie, Naainish, and I had had a long talk with Dibe’s family.

But today we had to get ready to head home. And this time instead of flying, we’d be driving.

Time on My Hands Chapter 11 - 202-203 CE: Adventures in Alexandria

Time on My Hands
Chapter 11: 200-203 CE: Adventures in Alexandria

As Fiach traveled south she paused by the Sea of Galilee to watch the boats cast their nets to catch fish. She could almost picture Jesus calling Peter to be his disciple. From there she traveled to Nazareth visiting the town where Jesus grew into adulthood. From there she traveled east to Beit She'arim to meet Rabbi Judah HaNasi known as Judah the Prince where he also established a seat of learning. Judah spoke Greek enabling him to become the Jews' intermediary with the Romans being greatly revered in Rome and had a close friendship with Caracalla who would consult Judah on various worldly and spiritual matters. He favored Greek as the language of the country over Jewish Palestinian Aramaic. In his house only Hebrew was spoken. He was the leading expert on what the Christians called the old testament.

The Job 60

I spent quite a while thinking about that one, and especially tactics. I held no great hopes of producing a wave of new suspects, but what I did want was to see if I could close off past nightmares for other victims.

That was what had happened with me, in the end. I had spent so many years fixated on Ashley Evans and his corrupt running mates that it had poisoned everything I did. Walk down a street? Look over my shoulder. See a big BMW? Look to see who was behind the wheel. Think about entering a loving relationship with a decent and similarly loving human being?

Flight of the Claymore -chapter 4

Flight of the Claymore

Flight Lieutenant Second Class Jason Cole is the fifth generation in a long line of military family members and the third of the current generation. Unlike his older brother and sister Jason cannot be fitted with a bio-A.I. This one fact will led him on the greatest adventure of his young life.

Take Two Girls - Part 6

Later that day, the two girls were sitting in the kitchen when Lucy said,

"Sorry for my Mother."

"That's all right. I'm kind of used to being ignored. In my last year at home, I don't think I said a word to anyone at School. Well apart from pleading with the bullies to stop kicking the shit out of me for apparently being a closet gay. Then some of the girls thought I was undressing them with my eyes as I looked at them. Well, I sort of was doing just that, but not for the reasons that they imagined."

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 59

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 59
A talk with Dibe and her family. A bonfire.

We, grandma, Aunt Ruth, Ajie, and I attended the dance competition today. And I’d put one over on Mr. Yazzie when I’d paid him in full for a squash blossom necklace that he’d discounted for me. I still wanted to pay him for the two meteorite necklaces. But he wouldn't hear of it.

Chief Peshlakai had pulled something that had made me very mad. He had told everyone at the competition about the Chief Todachine Scholarship and that Dee would be the recipient of the first one.

Was I mad? You had better believe I was mad. Very mad.

Girl’s Night Out - 5 Dara Speaks for Herself

Girl's Night Out -5
Dara Speaks for Herself

By Jessica C

Nera had set up Heath’s second time being part of their Girls Night out…
Somewhere during that night Dara became free to be…
She existed long before, but had been timid and easy to direct by others…
Then there was Nathan and then Cortney…
Now she’s free and taking her time to be

Reversals - Ch15

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Erica refuses treatment.

Gun Princess Royale - Book 3 - Ch13. (Part I)

Dear Readers,
I apologize for being away for so long. I've been busy with the book, day in and day out, but I haven't posted here because the material I've been writing was for the ebook, not the web release.
To that end, the eBook has 3 extra chapters that are not in the web release.
Chapter 10 was completely rewritten and it grew into Chapters 11 and 12.
Chapter 13 posted below continues on from the new material that's exclusive to the ebook.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 58

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 58
The dance competition. Chief Peshlakai.

Last night had been our final barbecue for this trip. It had been fun, but we couldn’t talk with Dee because Ajie and I were with Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother. And Dee was dancing tomorrow, and the Fairbrothers were some of the judges. We’d also had a pleasant talk with the Fairbrothers and learned why they were so interested in two spirit people. They’re one son was one.

Naainish had also had an interesting talk with us. More with Ajie than with me.

Right now my grandmother, aunt, Ajie and I were getting ready to drive to Taos for the dance competition. And we had to bring back dah díníilghaazh (frybread) for my uncle.

Penny's World pt 20

He grinned at me. “I must say, that you look very hot and sexy in that mini-dress”

Penny’s World
Part Twenty
Sophie Jones
© 2018

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…


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