
Rebirth Part 8


Rebirth Part 8
By Cain129


Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!


Synopsis:The Hidden pieces of Sarah’s Life are finely coming into view a dream leads her to a new discovery that she has the ability to heal herself but the more she learns the greater the danger, and is kidnapped by the same people that saved her life.--SEPARATOR--

Ride On 80

It was too easy to get lost. All I had to remember, really, was that if he was a big man, and its name didn’t start with a D, he was from Sarah’s entourage. Her husband included, they really were stupidly big, and I could see where Elaine got her looks from. She wasn’t fat, just square, and apart from the look around the eyes and mouth, Sarah was very different. I have to admit that I lost track of the names of the kids.

Richard's Way - Part 1

Richard's Way
by Jennifer Christine
Part One

Part one.

I looked from Sarah to Ang and back. They were leaning forward like they were about to set off down a piste.
“Hey relax, will you? This is the long version, I’m going to use you guys as sounding boards now that you’re on ‘the inside’.” I wasn’t sure how to start, so I tried to be flippant.

Ride On 73

It is as strange as I hinted, how Christmas passes like a train in the distance when you are working, but we had managed to distribute some oddities and soddities to our friends, and Ginny and Kate, Stewie and Sally, made it for an unChristmas Dinner on an off day, for which Ginny and I prepared a Thai banquet with some Vietnamese twists, including spicy omelette eaten wrapped in lettuce leaves with fresh lemon grass. Well, that was as unChristmassy as we could imagine.

Ride On 71

We found the house, in the end, after a couple of false starts, and it was in a quiet back street in Horley. Not the most wonderful of areas, or houses, not at all like the one Steph had inherited, but it had three bedrooms, a very large garage, a reasonably spacious conservatory and a garden shaded by some huge mature horse chestnut trees. Only five miles from work, as well, for both of us, the route identical as far as the nick.

The Rose


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Rose

By Stanman63

Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for


Synopsis:After a violent rape, Charlie's best friend, and family help him to get even with the rapist, and he finds the girl within.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 12

Rock Star Makeover, Part 12:
(Author's note. Well, this is the end of Rock Star Makeover, folks. I hope you enjoyed it. Will Noah, Gabbi, and company be back? You never know....)
After church, we were hanging around, when Adam came into the living room and asked, “Would it be okay if Lisa came over for supper?”

“Sure, Adam.” My mom said

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11:


(Author's note: I hope that if you are enjoying this series, you will take the time to leave a comment. Kudos are good too...)

My brother Adam came from the kitchen, and Lisa flinched.

“Its okay. Adam was just here in case something wasn’t on the up and up.” Gabbi said.

“I... I heard you introduce yourself, Lisa. I promise, you are safe in this house, okay?”

“Th....thank you.”

Transition: Of Love and Acceptance

Where to begin is often the most difficult thing to sort out, but sometimes the best way to begin. For as long as I could remember, and having my first thoughts of why I wasn't like the others was when I hit puberty, or around twelve years old. I seen girls and saw how pretty they were, with long hair and breasts and somehow I knew I was plain jane as it were and could not catch their attention. I wanted to look like them, to have a body like theirs and be pretty

Rebirth Part 5

Rebirth Part 5

Rebirth Part 5

By Cain129
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:After waking in a new body, Sarah starts accepting her new life and along the way gains a boyfriend and a new best friend, but also discovers shocking info that the real Sarah seen her death before it happened.

The Way Things Happen - Part 20 Conclusion

The Way Things Happen
Jennifer Christine
Chapter 20 Epilogue

Looking back from my verandah in Brisbane, it all seems so distant now.
After I got home everyone seemed glad to see me and I felt so loved.
Wendy and Carol wanted to spend a lot of time looking after me and trying to ‘get me off’ with some of the guys they’d met.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 10

Rock Star Makeover, Part 10.


Author's note: enjoy part 10, folks. It might have to sustain you for a while.

We went home, and I told my mom what happened.

“That’s good news about the concert, Noah. But who do you think might have sent Gabbi the note?”

“Not a clue, Mom.”

“What about you, Gabbi, any ideas?”

“Actually, I have one. But it means you have to make a sacrifice, Noah.”

“Sacrifice?” I asked.

“Yes. I … I want you to give up your seat to the concert,”

“But why, Gabbi?”

Bridges 18

Bridges 18

Chapter 18

It’s been two days since Cass said she’d move in with me. It’s been a busy time with getting the house ready for Christmas and moving things around and tossing out more stuff or putting it my garage for storage.

Brandon and Ryan, Steve and Bobby have been great fixing up my garage and stuff since it was really kind of getting old and there were things falling apart inside of it. Some new beams, new shelves and fixing up dad’s old work bench and even getting in space heaters to redo the old floor in there with a new one of set bricks in concrete.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 9

Rock Star Makeover, Part 9:
Author's note: Here's chapter 9. Enjoy, and make sure you tip your waitress, er, I mean, leave a comment....

Monday, during lunch, Gabbi had a pensive expression, “Whats up?” I asked.

“This note got left in my locker this morning.” She handed me the note, and I read it.

“‘I’m like you’? What do you think it means?” I asked.

“The only thing that makes sense is that they are transgendered.” she said.

“I guess that would be cool. But who, and why send you the note?”


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