The Angry Mermaid 29. Y Morforwyn Dicllon 29.

A chapter that simply describes and connects events that lead on to other developments. Drustina is lined up for 'royal duties'.

The Angry mermaid 29.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 29.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun. Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin. Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab The moor who taught numbers.
Eric Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton. Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia Arton’s wife.
Isobel. Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus King of the Capetani.
Shaleen Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan. The scullery maid.
Isaar. Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega. Tyrant King to the west.
Portua. Portega’s grandson.
Jubail. Old Fisherman.
Mutas Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia King of Malta.
Alviar Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.
Meronee Nubian Queen of Nobatia The northern Kingdom of the Nubians.

“What are you two so happy about?” He asked.

Drustina remained silent but Arina couldn’t wait to announce her new status. She pulled back the cotton sheet and parted her legs to reveal the tiny flecks of blood staining the sheet. At first, Torvel couldn’t see them then he realised what Arina was about. He leaned forward and after briefly considering Arina’s femininity he spotted the tiny stains.

“Oh my gosh!” he smiled joyously. “You’ve done it, you’ve lost your maidenhood ... and to Dru as well.”

“It was always going to be Dru,” Arina declared firmly. “Her cock is the one that’s always respected my maidenhood and protected it ever since my family were killed. Dru and I are as one now; joined forever in Love.”

Torvel sat on the bed and extended both arms, inviting both girls to enter his embrace. They happily accepted his invitation and the three lay in a bundle for several minutes silently savouring their companionship. There were no jealousies, no demands, and no words to destroy the mood. Just two naked ‘girls’ and a man in only a night shift.

After a lengthy snooze the three arose and prepared for the rest of the day. Torvel had another ‘tour of duty’ with Amitor at noon and Arry fancied going out to visit Seripatese. Drustina suggested they go via the dock to check up on the Angry Mermaid. When they got there, they were pleased to find her clean and well cared for. The Mooring master and the Royal Harbourmaster had come to admire the ship then fallen in love with her remarkable qualities. Consequently, they had instructed their staff to mind her. That evening as they returned with the mooring master from the stud farm they found the Harbourmaster studying the ship. He turned and smiled as the trio approached.

“She’s got some interesting features.”

Drustina nodded and explained as all four stepped aboard.

“The high prow enables her to ride the high waves we encounter beyond the Pillars of Hercules”.

“Are the seas really as high and as long as the stories tell.”


“How is that d’you think?”

“You know yourself, the more open the sea, the longer the fetch and the bigger the waves. The wind god Camalus has time to do his work and Noden’s peace is greatly disturbed.”

The Harbour master nodded and asked.

“How big d’you think this great Western ocean is?”

“Judging by the waves, it must be huge. Much bigger than the middle sea. We travelled for eight days and nary a sight of land.”

The harbour master nodded sagely.

“That’s what others tell me. You have come a long way.”

“In more ways than one Harbourmaster, in more ways than one.” Drustina finished sagely.

“Yes I’ve heard of the letters from Constantinople.”

Drustina shrugged as Arina eyed the wind and turned to her.

“Seems like a nice evening breeze, How about an evening sail before the light fails.”

Drustina recognised Arina’s words as a ploy to gain the Harbourmaster’s friendship so she agreed. The Harbourmaster and his subordinate Mooringmaster eagerly accepted and within minutes they were sweeping away from the quay. Once clear of the harbour Arina and Drustina smiled to each other and exchanged quiet words.

“Shall we show them her true legs?” Dru asked Arina.

“Are you happy to?” The younger girl replied. “You’ll only invite more curiosity. Perhaps just a lesser speed. Don’t show them everything the Mermaid’s got”

“Okay then we’ll use the leather storm sail, and then she’ll only run instead of galloping.”

“Yes. That’s best, don’t show them everything.” Arina cautioned.

“We won’t be staying here though will we?” Drustina ventured. “As soon as I’ve learned wisdom from this Queen Meronee we shall be moving on.”

Arina shrugged resignedly.

“You’re still determined to win back that land of yours aren’t you?”

Drustina nodded pensively.

“It’s my home Arina and yours if we ever win it back.”

“Can a land have two queens?”

“Can a girl have a cock? Nothing is certain for me.”Drustina sighed as she hauled up the leather storm sail.

The Mermaid picked up her heels and set up to the wind as her pace increased. Arina stared thoughtfully out to sea. They were heading north, where one day Drustina would once more seek to find a way of recovering her land. Then her thoughts were brought back to the more mundane task of holding the Mermaid in her bridle. The harbourmaster roared with enjoyment as the spray whipped up from the Mermaid’s assault on the waves and he turned to Drustina with a huge smile across his face.

“She flies like a bird; like a falcon; she is so fast.”

“Aye,” the mooring master added. “I didn’t realise we had such a treasure in our care. What makes her speed so?”

Drustina shrugged and nodded towards the sails.

“She sports two sails and an arse like a fat hen. Those and the high prow take her over the waves rather than through them.

The wood is especially tough as well. Celtic Oak; it is hard, light and resists rot. We can put her mast and rigging under greater stress than masts made from middle sea woods. We found this when we built Appotel’s ships. They are the same design but the middle sea wood has to be thicker and heavier to take the same loadings. Mermaid is lighter and faster.

“So we can never build one to match her?” The Harbourmaster replied regretfully.

“I’d never say never,” Drustina replied. “Maybe someone will happen along one day with a better design but this design suits our purpose that is to travel freely and safely.”

“Would you share her secrets?” The Harbourmaster inquired.

“There are no secrets. She is just very light, very strong and very fast. You may copy every feature by all means but unless you have good Celtic, Brithonic Oak, Your ship will always be heavier.”

“So we have your leave to copy her.”

“By all means. Appotel did, and Magab and Walezia. All their ships are slower. It’s the wood, and unless you can find a better timber than Brithonic Oak, you’ll be hard put to build a faster ship.”

As she explained this, Drustina nodded to Arina who flung the tiller over and brought the Mermaid around in a skidding turn that caused her to heel mightily. The two Egyptians swallowed nervously but the Mermaid quickly recovered her stability and picked up the new course with alacrity as Drustina adjusted the sheets.

“Nor will you find a more agile one.” She grinned as the two men recovered their balance.

“My God, she dances like Tara and flies like Beucephalus.” The Harbourmaster gasped.

Drustina looked askance. “Who are they?”

“Beucephalus was King Alexander the Great’s horse, the man who gave his name to our city and Tara is the maid of Constantia. She dances for the Emperor as his slave.”

“Oh,” replied Drustina without giving it a second thought.

She briefly mused that the girl had the same name as her murdered sister and apart from a twinge of remorse; she thought no more of it. Just two superlatives in the new pantheon of heroes and heroines. Arina brought her from her reflections and remarked.

“It’s getting dark, best I think we return.”

The men added their agreement and Arina once more flung the Mermaid about with the agility of an acrobat. The men grinned and Drustina offered the tiller to the Harbourmaster.

“Try her. She is as obedient and responsive as my mare Seripatese.”

The Harbourmaster happily took the helm and a wide grin split his features as he savoured the ship’s immediate response to even the most delicate touch. He wagged his head with amazement.

“She is definitely a ladies’ steed for she is as responsive as any horse. Truly you have built a remarkable ship. And the emperor’s letters say you even outpaced the infamous long ships of the Vikings.”

“We escaped them, yes.” Drustina concluded as the Mermaid sped between the breakwaters and quickly returned to her now accustomed berth.

After securing the remarkable ship, Drustina gave them licence to send their shipwrights over from the Royal dockyard and take any measurements they could. Then they accompanied the guard sent to escort them through the darkened streets back to the palace. Never could it be said that Queen Amitor and King Astos did not look after their guests.

The following morning Drustina returned to the harbour to find shipwrights and carpenters crawling all over the Mermaid. The master shipwright approached her as he recognised Drustina for the rightful owner.

“The timber you used It is as hard as iron!”

“Yes. I told you, oak. That’s the wood that grew in my family’s forests before the Vikings stole it.”

“We have no wood lie this. We can never hope to match her for our wood will necessarily have to be thicker and heavier to match its strength. Did it blunt your tools?”

“Our Iron is harder; the iron stone from the north is purer and melts to make a better iron. Here, see my dagger. This is Viking steel. It was the knife that did for Blueface.”

Drustina stuck the flat blade of her dagger on the bulwark and the dagger rang like a bell, thereby demonstrating its temper and toughness. She smiled, proud of her dagger and added.

“Harder iron and better wood. It may not make her a ship fit for war but she is as swift as any of those spotted cats you have in the city menagerie.”

“Oh those, the cheetahs. A good comparison but not that fast I’ll wager. Have you ever seen one of those creatures run down a deer?” The Master Shipwright ventured.

“No.” Drustina confessed.

“Then it is a sight to behold. Next Full moon is the start of the hunting season and those that have cheetahs as pets use them to run down wild deer. I have a fine team of six; three hunting pairs. You must come as my guest to join the hunt. Bring your mare Seripatese.”

“I will be delighted.” Drustina enthused ... anything to take away the boredom of waiting for Torvel to impregnate Queen Amitor.

A couple of weeks later, the full moon arrived and Drustina took up the Shipwright’s offer. Both she and Arina were stunned at the speed the cats showed and they reported back enthusiastically to Torvel.

“You can scarce follow their progress through the grass it is so fast, then, suddenly you see the strike. There is all hell let loose and the deer is dead in moments. Much, much faster than our hunting dogs, and more exciting. The action is so swift and deadly. The prey is not torn to pieces like dogs unless the whole pack is trained to relinquish the prize.”

Torvel listened avidly and determined to join them when next they hunted. When Astos heard of their fun he poo-hooed their enthusiasm.

“Come with me on the Sabbath when we run the royal cats in the desert. Then you will see their speed. No grass to hamper them, just sharp eyes and speed of foot. They are almost invisible such is their speed and their camouflage.”
Arina looked puzzled.

“You called them cats. I thought they were cheetahs.”

Astos studied the girls then realised they knew very little about the animals at the menagerie.

“Have you not looked closely at the lions and the leopards at the zoo? Do you not see the similarities with the cats that live around the palace ... the mouse hunters that kill the rats and mice around the granaries?”

Drustina paused thoughtfully then added.

“But they are much bigger. The lions and the leopards can kill a man.”

“Shrink them down Drustina. Then compare them with the cats around the palace; especially the leopard. It even purrs like a cat. So we refer to them as cats as opposed to hunting dogs. We use those as well because they can be trained to hunt for us.”
“But the cheetahs can hunt for you.” Arina countered.

“Yes, but they cannot be trained as well as dogs. The dogs give us more sport because we can chase the prey and use the dogs to assist us. We cannot accompany the cheetahs for they use an altogether different method. First a secretive stalking followed by an incredibly fast dash. They give us little entertainment, no hue and cry, no long chase on our horses. Cheetahs tire very quickly when they make their dash. The dash tires them quickly though they can go as long as a dog at a steady trot. However the dogs bark and pack together making them easier to follow. They offer similar hunting sports but with different methods. We hunt with cheetahs on foot mostly, except to locate them after the kill. With dogs it’s the fun of the chase and a pack of dogs can be trained to make a kill without starting to eat it. Cheetahs set to on the carcass immediately. Dogs bring us uneaten carcasses for our own consumption. A cheetah kill can be pretty mangled up by the time we recover it for the cheetahs are loath to release it.”

Drustina mused thoughtfully.

“Which do you prefer, dogs or cheetahs?”

“I’m pretty much equal about either methods of hunting but Amitor my sister prefers the cheetahs. I think it’s because she sees them as more slinky, more feline and they are cleaner. Cheetahs are forever grooming themselves and she often has her pair on her bed as companions. Her cheetahs are very close to her, like pets really.”

Arina sniggered.

“I bet Torvel doesn’t like that!”

Astos smiled knowingly.

“They’re not possessive like dogs. The cheetahs are content to sit on the divan when Torvel is about his royal duties.”

Drustina wagged her head with bemusement and smiled as she pictured Torvel about his duty while two cheetahs lay in the same room. She knew the palace cats often slipped into the people’s beds, indeed one had already laid claim to her and Arina’s bed. However, the thought of the cheetahs with those huge teeth suddenly interrupting activities tickled her pink. She giggled and Astos smiled.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Astos grinned. “You’re wondering how can Torvel concentrate? How can he think?”

“Oh he doesn’t have to concentrate my liege; his cock does all his thinking. I was just picturing the cat biting his arse.”

At this Astos burst out laughing, so much so that the head Chamberlain put his head around the door. Astos waved him away.

“It’s alright Chamberlain, the ladies are amusing me.”

The Chamberlain’s eyes widened briefly for Astos was known to favour the other side and tended to shun female company except when royal duties demanded. The Chamberlain studied the group thoughtfully.

‘Perhaps the two Celtic maids with their more mannish ways and less effacing natures might be attractive to the king.’ He wondered. ‘Especially as the taller maid was doubly endowed.’

The Chamberlain retreated thoughtfully to consider an idea.

‘Could he somehow persuade the king to lie with the taller maid and perhaps beget a child by her. After all, the tall one was known to have the equipment that attracted the king to pleasure, namely a cock.’

He also knew the woman had already born twins; the imperial letters had described it. Here was a possible union with a proven mare and what was even better was that if both the king and the sister queen begat heirs there was potential for a cousinly union with wholly new blood to ascend the throne for the next generation. The Chamberlain left with his head whirling at the possibilities. Secure succession with proven royal blood.

The following morning the Chamberlain made it his business to try and set the wheels of succession in motion. He met with Drustina as she was feeding the cat who had adopted her and Arina.

“That’s a friendly catcher my lady.”

“Catcher, d’you mean mouse catcher?

“Well yes; that and rat catcher.”

“Rats! Uugghh!”

“Oh there are rats everywhere but the cats do their job well. We are not overrun with them or with mice. You’ll but rarely see a rat or mouse in the royal apartments or indeed most Egyptian houses. Cats are held in high esteem, we used to consider them to be gods before Christianity came to us.”

“Came to you or forced upon you?”

“Oh we adopted the new faith quite voluntarily. The apostles who came to us were true disciples who had actually met and talked with the Lord Jesus. They were peaceful and compassionate, not like the later disciples who brought also the sword. That’s why we consider ours to be the true faith. We were the first and we were taught by the ones who had actually met with and learned from the master. His original followers.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” Drustina observed, “Jerusalem is not far from here.

“Just a few days’ sail and a few days walk. An easy journey for one so travelled as you.”

“It’s a journey I have no time to make. My destination is the Kingdom of Nobatia and Queen Meronee.”

“Yes, and your objectives are laudable. She is a good queen and very well read. She can teach you a lot. Good monarchs are essential to a nation’s peace and prosperity.”

Drustina smiled. ‘She certainly agreed with the Chamberlain on that score.’

The Chamberlain sensed the intensity of Drustina’s abiding ambition to recover her lands for her people so he carefully threaded his arguments into their conversation.

“Queen Meronee comes from a long line of established queens.”

“Oh. Then what of the kings?”

“The Nubian monarchs trace their lineage through the mother, just like the Jews. They hold that it’s a wise child who knows his
own father.”

Drustina laughed. “Well that’s the truth, every child must have a mother and every mother must know their own baby, the pain of birth enough ensures that! Of that I can vouch with certainty!”

“Provided the mother gets to keep the baby.” The Chamberlain added thoughtfully.

Drustina’s smile faded quickly as the pain of that dreadful memory stabbed her to the heart.

“Mmm,” she finished thoughtfully; sadly. “You’ve hurt me now Chamberlain. I would have thought you would have been diplomatic and tactful enough not to remind me of that.”

“I’m sorry my lady. I’m dreadfully sorry. No mother should be forced to relinquish her child.”

“Children.” Drustina finished monosyllabically as the hurt stabbed deeper. “I had twins and both were lost to me.”

The Chamberlain stepped forward and extended his arms in an offer to embrace the girl. Drustina studied his posture and rejected the approach. She stood up as if to leave and the Chamberlain saw his opportunity to ensure legitimate succession disappearing. He had to think quickly.

“Are you of royal blood Drustina?”

Drustina snorted with amusement.

“By the Gods no! I am from common boat-builders; good boat builders but still nevertheless hewers of wood and smelters of iron.”

“So how are you to win support to recover your country for the Celts? You will need an army and men are loath to follow ambitious commoners.”

“Men are loath to follow maids but they followed me into Carthage.”

“Well if you lead men to victory I suppose they will learn to trust you then follow you.”

“That’s all I can offer them. Blood and tears, leastways until the battles are won and we lay claim to our lands.”

“And then you will establish a dynasty I suppose.” The Chamberlain concluded.

Drustina shrugged, she hadn’t thought that far. Amongst the Vikings, Kings and Jarls were chosen by the armies they led to victory. Only after tranquillity was established were dynasties born. Drustina had a sneaking admiration for the Vikings and she admitted this to the Chamberlain.

“The Viking leaders are brave and clever men. They become leaders by example and through their follower’s choice. At least they have merit and they must have wit to win the men’s affections.”

“Yes, sadly that is something Egypt lacks.”

“Oh I don’t know,” Drustina observed, “Amitor seems to know exactly what she’s about.”

The chamberlain let out a chuckle as he pictured Amitor abed with Torvel.

“Yes but here in Egypt we tend towards the conventional, we prefer our kings to be sired by the previous kings. It is a last resort to have an heir born by the sister queen. It weakens the legitimacy of succession.”

Drustina let out a belly laugh.

“Ha ha! Well I think this time it’s to be Amitor’s child who becomes the monarch. It strikes me that Astos will never successfully penetrate a woman. We all know of his male preferences.”

“Yes,” the Chamberlain admitted quite freely, “though we do not view it with the same censure as the Roman Christians. The apostles taught us forgiveness and compassion.”

“Huh, well that’s a first. Bishop Alviar was nothing but a brute!”

“And the world is well rid of him. It was a fortunate accident when your arrow nicked his throat.”

“It was an accident though,” Drustina lied. “The Angry Mermaid lurched violently just as I released the arrow.”
“But nevertheless, it must have brought you satisfaction. The beast who stole your children, meeting his end inadvertently by your hand.”

“I must confess, it brought me some small satisfaction, though my children are forever lost to me; and to Torvel, I might add. Why do you keep mentioning my children, you know it hurts me?”

“I just wondered if you had ever considered having more.”

“Hardly likely. Not while I’m on my quest to recover my lands. Pregnant maids are not the best warriors, I’ve learned that much.”

“But you are a fine woman, well formed and a proven mother.”

“Huh! A mother with a cock! Come now Chamberlain. Who would sleep with a woman with a cock?”

“Torvel did.”

“Torvel’s special; besides I was young and inexperienced. I never meant to get with child.”

“But you slept with him, you coupled with him and you bore him twins. All in all a truly motherly act. Have you not ever
considered doing the same for another man?”

Drustina almost burst out laughing then she suddenly realised the Chamberlain was leading somewhere. Her agile mind quickly put two and two together but she decided to double check.

“By the God’s Chamberlain are you suggesting I offer my freakish body to the king? That he might function with me as a man because he would be attracted to my cock?”

The chamberlain baulked at the astuteness of the maid’s mind.

‘My God, she has a sharp mind!’ He realised. ‘No wonder she led such a small army to great success in Carthage! Truly a child of this woman might be a wise and strong person.’ He decided to be frank.

“To be honest Drustina, yes. Any child of yours would be a worthwhile leader. The empire in Constantinople is becoming effete and ineffective. You witnessed this yourself when you so easily disposed of the pirates; a deed that neither Rome nor Constantinople could achieve.”

Drustina became thoughtful. It seemed that she had inadvertently landed in a bloody human stud farm and she was being primed as the mare, the new blood. Another pregnancy would set her back a couple of years in her ambition to return home. Furthermore she would be delayed from meeting and learning from Queen Meronee. ‘Was she really ready for another child?’ She asked herself. A strange mood came over her. Her breasts ached as she remembered the delights she shared with her twins but she also felt a mood of sorrow as she contemplated the awful loss. That sorrow would stay with her forever.

She voiced these fears to the Chamberlain who smiled thoughtfully.

“You need not delay your visit to the Nobatian realm. King Astos could accompany you. His sister is perfectly able and entitled to be sovereign in his stead.”

Drustina frowned. “Are you saying my simple journey of learning be turned into a state visit?”

“The king has never visited Nobatia, it would help cement relations and there are issues that could be better solved by face to face talk instead of the constant messaging up and down the Nile.”

“Are the issues serious? Is there more war in the offing?”

“Good gracious no my pretty maid! We are more civilised than that. The biggest issues we’ve ever had were the water sharing rights but those were resolved hundreds of years ago.”

No, it’s mostly diplomatic stuff and resolving new trading arrangements. In fact, your appearance from beyond the Pillars of Hercules gives the king an excellent reason for the visit. If trade is to expand to the great western ocean, then Meronee will want to know more of it and share in it. Your input will be constructive and priceless. It will be an excellent lesson for you in Queenship.”

Drustina immediately saw the advantage and quickly agreed to the visit. It remained only to resolve the baby issue. ‘Could she really face another childbirth? ... Another child, who would then have to be left behind again until she regained her country and her people’s lands. At least however, she would be able to return and collect her child if and when circumstances permitted.’
She thought long and hard then replied.

“I am minded to agree but first I must speak with my companions for they too wish to return to our homelands.”

The Chamberlain nodded with evident satisfaction and smiled as he excused himself to present the idea to King Astos. As a diplomat, shaker and mover, the Chamberlain was second to none.


Author's note. I've finally resumed writing after RL issues got in the way. I'll be posting chapters approximately one per week.
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