
Misteleported, part 5 of 6

From the experience of the trans people he’d been talking to, at the support group and online, he didn’t think the dysphoria would get much better. Most of the improvement had come in the first few days after he got over the shock of the sudden new body, or in the first few days after he started wearing men’s clothes again.

A Woman's Eyes

A Woman’s Eyes
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I always thought that I had a strong face. Girls called me good looking. They said that I had “come-to-bed eyes – China blue. I never had any trouble finding girls, which is why I took advantage. I guess that made me heterosexual. If you are desired by women, then you desire them back. It is simply how things work.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 29 / 29


"Can you do that?" Melissa asked. "Can the medallion make you younger? Keep you young?"

Viv looked thoughtful. She didn't answer; she pretended not to hear.


The Return of Lilith Chapter 5

I went into a little of the back story of Lilith in this chapter. I will try to expound more on her history as the story unfolds. It is also a little longer than I usually write so I'm hoping that the story still flows smoothly. Thank you very much for your interest in this story.


Maximum Warp, Chapter 2: Eye of the Beholder

I was starting to think that a Distinguished Professor of Linguistics ought to be able to come up with something more penetrating, more insightful, or at very least more likely to generate an informative response from others. Not that my use of “what” as an interrogative pronoun was in any way improper, of course. I was just surrounded by idiots.

I am Woman

I am Woman

Dr. Jason Nesbit has been tasked with finding a cure to TG-003. Will he succeed, or join the horde of unmen?

Disclaimer: I was hoping to do another Werewench story for Halloween this year but work has kept me too busy. So, instead, I wrote this short that was inspired by Dot and Jaci's actions. Be warned: This was written while I was sleep-deprived and not thinking clearly so the humor and stuff may be a little weird.

Children of Naethari: Chapter 17



Chapter 17: Hatching Plans

When Jon was offered a possible cure for Cancer he didn't expect to wake up as a girl, let alone a mermaid.


I was understandably distracted as we ate our seafood and I was munching on some shrimp when Kieshala interrupted another round of grim thoughts. ~ She is your sister? ~

Wings, part 15 of 62

On and off that day, I thought about that Missing Child poster I’d seen and what Mom and Dad were feeling and thinking about all this. Did they know I was trans by now? They almost certainly knew I’d venned into a girl body at least once; they’d have heard from Tim’s parents by now, even if the police hadn’t told them about the details of their investigation and what they’d learned from Meredith and Sophia.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 28 / 29


Kitty huffed, a little impatiently, and explained, "Claus has this silly joke about a clone factory..."

"—in Omaha," Claus threw in.

"Why Omaha?" Dad asked.

Misteleported, part 4 of 6

After doing some research and talking with trans men on the forum Avery had recommended, he’d reluctantly decided that binding her breasts wouldn’t be right, given possible health risks for Dakota if he wound up staying in her body for months.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 3

The sun shone through the window of my HUMVEE obscuring my view of the convoy route. It's been an uneventful convoy, in fact, we have not had any trouble so far during this deployment. We are not expecting any trouble according to our unit's intel.

We come upon a small village twenty clicks from Kandahar, but unlike previous times coming through this area, there are no civilians in sight. This is strange. "Trainer," I speak into my vehicle coms to my gunner, "keep an eye out for any sign of trouble something doesn't feel right."

The Witch Hunt Chapter 04

Zoe took all her girl clothes back into her old bedroom, which was where she slept for the night. When she woke up the next morning, her dad had already left for work, but her mom was still home. "Hi Zoe," her mom said.

"Hi Mom," said Zoe.

"How does it feel? Waking up as a girl?"

"It's...kind of weird," Zoe admitted. "I was hoping yesterday would turn out to just be a bad dream, but it wasn't."

"Don't worry," said Zoe's mom, "Being female isn't all bad."

"I know," said Zoe. "It's a lot easier to go to the bathroom now."

A Just Punishment

The streets darkened and shadows fell across the landscape as the sun set into the horizon. Gregory Steeles zipped his jacket feeling the temperature drop slightly. This was his favourite time to walk around town, enjoying the shift into evening. A gradual change from bright, cheery sunlight to the dark, hidden shadows of night.

Wings, part 14 of 62

She did a twirl, which was adorable and would have been much prettier if she’d had room for her dress to flare out without bumping into the walls and furniture.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 1

Chapter 1
I find myself stumbling across the brush that fills the valley. My memory of how I got here was a complete blank. The last thing I remember was loading up to go on a convoy to Kandahar. I no longer have my weapon with me. I still have my body armor and assault pack with me. Soot and blood cover my uniform.

I touch my head and feel it wet and sticky. Blood is covering my face. Grabbing my first aid kit from my body armor, I proceed to wrap my head wound. My head is still pounding in pain.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My head is throbbing and I can't focus on anything. It feels like I've been put through a wringer. My memory is fuzzy, I seem to have conflicting memories that I can't get straight. I don't know what's going on, I remember being in a fight using a sword but also being blown up in a HUMVVEE. The fog is starting to clear and I can and I can start to piece things together.

The Witch Hunt Chapter 01

Zack hated summer school.

The whole point of summer vacation was to give kids a two-to-three month break from school, wasn't it? So why even have summer school? That just totally defeated the purpose. But Zack's parents insisted that he needed it, so here he was, sitting in the classroom while listening to Mrs. Swanson drone on and on about math.

Wings, part 13 of 62

One of the trans guys at the meeting announced that he’d finally figured out his permanent name (he’d been trying out different ones, like me). That reminded me again that I needed to think more about my name. Amanda was nice, but it wasn’t quite right, any more than Natalie, Amber, Isabella or any of the others I’d tried on for a few hours.

Homer's Odyssey

“Stop whining, Alex,” she said sternly. “it is unseemly for one whose veins carry the blood of Zeus himself. I was celebate for almost 500 years before you were conceived. Surely you can manage a week between strumpets?” Alex ground his teeth. Athena sighed again and added, “Alright, fine. You can’t. How about two days?”

Summoned: Book 1 - An Accidental Adventure - Chapter 08

Summoned: An Accidental Adventure –
Chapter 08
“If no get hand where need go I slapping you.” Malachai stated to the worker she had been assigned to work with.

Or at least that’s what she hoped she had said to him. Learning a new language was always tough. At least this manner of speech seemed easier to learn than Americanized English had been. She was also having a much easier time of it than Felix was, much to her companions consternation.

Prince of the Two Kingdoms

The Prince of the two Kingdoms

By Jennifer Reed

18 year old Theos is a mighty prince hoping to become the King of his Kingdom when a goddess and other events interrupt his entire life and he is required to make sacrifices he never expected.

Chapter 1

Misteleported, part 2 of 6

The shower took about ten minutes longer than it would have, and thirty minutes longer than his normal showering routine, because he broke down halfway through and huddled in the floor of the shower, unable to look at Dakota’s body or touch it, turning the temperature and pressure up as high as he could stand it as though it would wash off this soft feminine shell and leave the real him.

Boy in a Girls School

Boy in a girls school

by Jennifer Reed

Chapter 1

Ethan is a boy whose has to deal with the issues of also being regarded as another girl attending an all girls school


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