
The Return of Lilith Chapter 11

I headed back to the school after a lengthy discussion with Elizabeth on the passage in the book. I was excited, but I was also trying to stay calm since it just wasn't enough information to take action. Elizabeth and I both agreed that we would look through the library and try to find more information on Shar'li.

Inside The Mind Of An Alleged Abuser

Cameron could not wait to see Gerald again. Since Cameron had been away at college for almost a year, the two of them had not been able to see one another. But now that it was June and Cameron was home, he could go and see Gerald again.

Cameron reached Gerald's house, knocked on the front door, and was greeted almost at once by his old friend. "Hey Cameron!" Gerald said, giving him a fist bump.

"Wassup?" said Cameron.

"Come on in," said Gerald. "I've got some kettlecorn ready for us."

"What-you made kettlecorn?"

Children of Naethari: Chapter 19



Chapter 19: Heat

When Jon was offered a possible cure for Cancer he didn't expect to wake up as a girl, let alone a mermaid.


My sister looked pointedly at Kara and me and shook her head. “No, Jenny, but it’s pretty obvious that our sisters can’t stay focused. They’re too distracted, and if we keep trying to push it right now someone is going to get hurt.”

The Oubliette: Chapter 9

The Oubliette
Chapter 9


With the roar of flames from her hands and the dying howls of the werewolf, Flamer almost didn't hear Alexander scream. Looking away, she saw him fall through a portal that closed a split second later.

“What did you do?!” she shouted at Dwayne.

Wings, part 19 of 62

“I have a feeling I might see more of... let’s say the Hooters side of that place, if I drop in as a single guy.”


“Or if we’re a couple of single guys.” I could hear a smile in her voice.

Slipping Away

I don't usually give warnings for my stories. So when I say this story is dark and leans heavily into psychological horror, you know it's serious. Check the cautions I ticked off and be ready with some tissues, you're going to need them.

A Second Generation Whateley Academy Tale
Slipping Away


Kingston, Ontario, Canada
October 5th, 2016

“Remember to pick up a present for your brother after school, Ada.”

Fire Over Phoenix (Part 2)

Part 1 can be found HERE.

A Second Generation Whateley Academy Story
Fire Over Phoenix
Astrodragon & Domoviye

Part 2


Friday, Early Afternoon, the FrankenCorps secret base

Iron Rain looked up from his tablet as his co-worker came in looking pissed. “Hey Scorpio, I heard your target got away from you. That sucks, man.”

The Return of Lilith Chapter 10

I lay in bed thinking about my life and the life I want now here in the modern age. I don't want to go back into hiding again. There is just so much that I need to know about the world and how I can live in it as I am. Neither Kyle nor I have any experience in living as a teenage girl. Now that Kyle can exert his own will on me is something we will have to work out.

Wings, part 18 of 62

There were more people in line than I expected for a town that size, more than we usually saw at the Brocksboro library on a weekday. Most were doing boring rejuvenations and improvements in each other’s appearance, as usual, but one couple venned each other into giant matte-black insectoids.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 9

Author's note:Sorry for the delay in posting. I had some family issues that I had to take care of that took me away from my writing. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer you


"What have you done?" Elizabeth asked me.


The soul of a thousand year old spider has just been unleashed onto the world, looking for a suitable human to bond with.

tw // Death, Violence, Attempted Suicide, Body Horror, Gore, Torture, Disturbing Scenes

This is probably not going to be an easy story to read. I can guarantee that. It was largely inspired by “The Fly”, particular the 1986 version of the film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Jeff Goldblum. There will be deaths, and some disturbing scenes, which could pop up in any chapter. Keep this warning in mind while reading.

Also my new goal is at least one chapter per week for all of these stories. This year I want to become more serious about writing.


It had been a busy day for Austin. His day at work had been long and hard, tiring him out like nothing had in a long time. Fortunately, he'd made it through, and he was now back at his apartment. Plus, he had the day off tomorrow, so that was an opportunity to recover till the next work day.

While Austin was making himself a dinner of Ramen noodles, his friend and roommate Ken came home. "Hey Austin," said Ken. "Long day at work?"

"Don't get me started," Austin groaned.

Ken read Austin's pained expression and nodded. "I'll take that as a yes," he said.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 14

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 14
Magic Class

With breakfast finished, Calci and I said goodbye to our friends and headed for our first class of the day, Magic 101. The hallway started off full of nervous students wondering what to expect now that classes had started, and we were both pushed and jostled as we walked. Well, actually I was pushed and jostled, Calci, who was built like a brick wall had people bouncing off of her.

Children of Naethari: Chapter 18



Chapter 18: Bombshells

When Jon was offered a possible cure for Cancer he didn't expect to wake up as a girl, let alone a mermaid.


Natalie was quiet and withdrawn throughout our meal and then excused herself as soon as we were finished. “Sorry girls, but Maddie will be doubling as your caretaker for the next few days. I have some… things to take care of.”

The Oubliette: Chapter 7

Into The Forest


“So this is it?” Dela said, looking anywhere but the crack in the wall.

“Unless you want to start drinking your own pee, yeah,” Flamer replied. The cadet was tying the last loop in their makeshift rope, it would keep the crack in reality from vanishing and separating them when they went through.

Misteleported, part 6 of 6

“At some point, InstaThere is probably going to be offering body swap services. It’s going to be expensive at first, but I’ll probably be able to get you a big discount. You’d just need to find a — um, a trans woman to swap with you... But she probably won’t want to swap if you’ve been taking male hormones or had a mastectomy.”

The Return of Lilith Chapter 8

After a dinner where no one bothered me and kept their distance from me. I was able to walk leisurely back to my dorm room. It was time to meet my roommate. I was not excited about this, I thought that a roommate would interfere with my training of James. Walking up to Morgana Hall looking at the water motif that was covering the walls of the main foyer.

[NewTerra] Shedding Skin

Kai needs desperately a break from his normal life.
As his old friend Björn offers a place to stay, Kai jumps on the opportunity.
But not long after arriving, tales of folklore make the rounds.
Are they real or is Björn up to his old shenanigans and pulling a prank on him?

The Return of Lilith Chapter 7

The day has finally come, and it is off to school I go. I don't know how I feel about this. My mind is jumping between worry and anticipation. I am worried because I don't know what to expect when I get there. I am also anticipating that there I will cause trouble for James. I have been told that James has been bullied by many of the other students at school because his magic doesn't manifest in the same way that theirs does.

Wings, part 16 of 62

“Okay,” Carmen conceded, “if multiple bodies is a core part of your identity, it’s probably fine to take them all to the protest. But venning into multiple bodies for the protest just to inflate the numbers —”

The Return of Lilith Chapter 6

Elizabeth was so angry with me that it came off her in waves that crashed into me. She pulled me into the kitchen and screamed at me, "I can't believe you! You promised me that you would not tell him, and now I don't know what is going to happen between David and me." She was so upset that she started to cry.


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