
Mission Impossible? Part 1

Mission Impossible?

by Amber Lynn Kain

The yellow, convertible Mustang cruised along the straight stretch of highway, eating the miles. The 302 hummed quietly; its owner took very good care of the car. While not mechanically inclined, he appreciated a fine tuned machine. Arron made sure his "stang" was cared for. He smiled, turned up the CD player louder and pushed down on the gas pedal.


The Ice Tiger - Chapter 7

The Ice Tiger

“…a veiled threat...”
by Kelly Blake

edited by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Artwork adapted by
Belle Meade


Along with continuing thank yous and blessings to Drea and her extraordinarily talented staff, I wish to express my deepest thanks to Khadijah for reviewing this part and making very constructive and informative comments to add to the theme of this tale. May one thousand blessing be hers and may she know only peace. This part of my tale is dedicated to her.

Knowing Yourself


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Knowing Yourself:

Original Challenge by
Lilith Langtree

premise expanded by
T. D. Aldoennetti

This is but one response to a challenge made by Lilith Langtree who created a marvelous beginning which I simply could not pass up.

While there are many possible stories available from this beginning, this is but one of them.

T. D. Aldoennetti

Down to Earth - Part 10

Down to Earth

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Someday, when we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and let live

Draihoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts

Head Case

Head Case

By Paul Calhoun

Summary: Another crossdresser, this time more experienced, tries a new thing and gets into more trouble than he'd expected when his fursuit head gets stuck. Illustrations done by the same person as who did WVI, and so once again you can extend this story with money or illustrations.
PDF here:

Changing Room

.Changing Room
Written by Dauphin
Strange things happen to two boys in a changing room
"Bade boys to good girl. Sometimes it takes magic to make boys behave " Diana
"This was a quick story, and i often think which boy would i react as?" Dauphin

Aliens at Roswell: A Cosmetic Conspiracy

Roswell, New Mexico, July 1947: Did a flying saucer crash there? Were aliens, live and dead, found? Would you want your son to marry an alien? What was the government covering up? I know that I swore off conspiracy theories, but as the world’s most infamous TG investigative reporter I have a duty to publish the Truth about Roswell (which I discovered by accident). Why? Because my findings have Universal (or Cosmetic) implications for our understanding of gender.

Sex and the Little League

A tale about Little Leaguers, eleven-year-olds, having sex? Nope. This story is about the sex (or gender) of the players who played youth baseball before girls were officially admitted to the program in 1974. It’s about one particular girl, Kelly Rodman, who may have been the first of her sex ever to play in the Little League World Series. Those who know my stories will appreciate that there must be a twist — a curve ball — to this tale. After all, it does come from Texas, the land of Pecos Pete and other tall tales.

Sex and the Little League
By: Dawn DeWinter

Emerging from the Bushes: The first 'female' president of the USA?

Another, earthshaking scoop about US politics (a 2.5 tremor on the Rorschach scale occurred as Somer wrote this). Here you will learn about a secret society that created the Bush political dynasty, and about its plan to elect a third Bush as President in 2016 (or 2020) by countering the generalized feeling that the first two Bushes were too macho for the job.

Emerging from the Bushes: The first ‘female’ president of the USA?
By: Somer Knight

Anything for a Moped, Part 4

In the first three parts, Barb capitalizes on her son Kyle’s desire for a moped (a motor scooter) to propose a deal: If he wears girls’ clothes for a month, then he can get one. He makes the deal on the understanding that he can choose the clothes. He figures he will be able to find a masculine look, just as long as he wears sweatshirts bulky enough to hide the bras his mother adds to the deal. Kyle sees an easy win; his mother hopes that somehow the knowledge that he is wearing girls’ clothes will tame her boy.

Quillian In COLOR! -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 2-

Quillian in color just adds another dimension to the art, doesn't?

This isn't fully rendered yet, I'll upload a better copy later. This is flat color like they used in the sixties.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


The Samantha Project - Chapter 16 - 20

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Samantha makes a very successful debut(ante) and is tempted by Lisa’s plotting to extend an encore.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

The Samantha Project - Chapter 11-15

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. As Sam begins practicing for his favor, and (unwittingly) for his future life as a girl, doubts begin to surface; but Lisa is prepared with a surefire solution.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson


Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 9- Morning Becomes Her?

Something you don’t see every day -- a carnivorous eggplant doing a Homer Simpson impression.


Book 1 - Teenager from Hell

Page 10 - A Tail to Tell

by Joyce Melton and Daniel Ford


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 8- Breathless Escape

That monster is really falling for her.


Teenager from Hell

by Joyce Melton and Daniel Ford


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 7- Kicks are for Twids

That's gonna hurt, with some hurt left over.



Teenager from Hell

by Joyce Melton and Daniel Ford


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 6- Ptarrodonus Interruptus

Some monsters won't let you get a word in edgewise.


No, it's not misspelled

Teenager from Hell

by Joyce Melton and Daniel Ford


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 4- Would Like to Meat

A late night arrival sometimes needs a snack...


Messy Eater

Teenager from Hell

by Joyce Melton and Daniel Ford


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


A story for kimmie

(posted with permission by given by kimmie for me to repost)


It really was my fault I wound up cross-dressed for a full year. The truth be known though, it was my sister’s fault I got into this situation in the first place. To add to the list of those I can blame for my predicament is my mother. She convinced me that thinking of others more than thinking of myself was the true Christian thing to do.

Teacup Roses, Guitars, a Bus Pass and a Mistaken Identity

Teacup Roses, Guitars, a Bus Pass and a Mistaken Identity
(A Danny Fairchild Story)

by Bobbie Cabot

This little interlude is set somewhere in the middle of the events of Chapter 8 of the still unfinished story, “Danny.” This does not materially contribute to that story, but is more like “a day in the life” type of story of the main character, Danny. This story can stand on its own somewhat, but it would be good to read Danny, unfinished though it is, to get a background on the story and characters (see

Roni's Party


(Exclusively on BigCloset TopShelf!)

“We wouldn’t mind a lift to the S-Bahn.” Roni allowed giving me a hug.

“No probs, I get a few more minutes with gorgeous here.”

Yuck — I think? He is kind of cute if a lad who stands nearly twenty centimeters taller than me can be cute? Anyway, I’m not interested in boys am I, I am a boy - I think?

Roni's Party
- a Gabysode

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Maddy Bell

Gina and Katie's Excellent Adventure - Part 11 Interlude

Gina and Katie's
Excellent Adventure -
Part 11

offered by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Copyright © 2009 Andrea Lena DiMaggio


Just a nice quiet afternoon of utter abandon and intimacy
between two lovers....

Gina and Katie's Excellent Adventure - Part 9 All’Improvviso Amore

Gina and Katie's
Excellent Adventure -
Part 9
All’Improvviso Amore - Suddenly Love

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Il vento che soffia piano
Questa notte cambia il mio destino
E sento che il cuore ancora si sorprenderá 

The wind that softly blows
Tonight is changing my destiny
And I feel that my heart will be surprised
Once again

The Old Photo


.The Old Photo

Written by Dauphin
a young boy buys an old photo, that has a lot of consequences
"A horror story that could be from the twilight zone.My heart was racing when i read it" Diana
"One of my better-known stories, I wrote this in a day, as it was so fun to write" Dauphin

An Unsuitable Job for a Man - Concluding Chapter 6 of 6

When Chris's ex-girlfriend asks him for a favour but explains that it's actually an unsuitable job for a man, he cannot turn down the challenge. In any case, a few days by the seaside spent clearing out the effects of her deceased cousin would make a break from the routine of work. But his startling realistic dreams drive him to pursue the mystery of her death, regardless of the challenges it poses. This story is complete, but serialised over six chapters.

An Unsuitable Job for a Man - Chapter 5 of 6

When Chris's ex-girlfriend asks him for a favour but explains that it's actually an unsuitable job for a man, he cannot turn down the challenge. In any case, a few days by the seaside spent clearing out the effects of her deceased cousin would make a break from the routine of work. But his startling realistic dreams drive him to pursue the mystery of her death, regardless of the challenges it poses. This story is complete, but serialised over six chapters.

An Unsuitable Job for a Man - Chapter 4 of 6

When Chris's ex-girlfriend asks him for a favour but explains that it's actually an unsuitable job for a man, he cannot turn down the challenge. In any case, a few days by the seaside spent clearing out the effects of her deceased cousin would make a break from the routine of work. But his startling realistic dreams drive him to pursue the mystery of her death, regardless of the challenges it poses. This story is complete, but serialised over six chapters.

An Unsuitable Job for a Man - Chapter 3 of 6

When Chris's ex-girlfriend asks him for a favour but explains that it's actually an unsuitable job for a man, he cannot turn down the challenge. In any case, a few days by the seaside spent clearing out the effects of her deceased cousin would make a break from the routine of work. But his startling realistic dreams drive him to pursue the mystery of her death, regardless of the challenges it poses. This story is complete, but serialised over six chapters.

An Unsuitable Job for a Man - Chapter 2 of 6

When Chris's ex-girlfriend asks him for a favour but explains that it's actually an unsuitable job for a man, he cannot turn down the challenge. In any case, a few days by the seaside spent clearing out the effects of her deceased cousin would make a break from the routine of work. But his startling realistic dreams drive him to pursue the mystery of her death, regardless of the challenges it poses. This story is complete, but serialised over six chapters.

An Unsuitable Job for a Man - Chapter 1 of 6

When Chris's ex-girlfriend asks him for a favour but explains that it's actually an unsuitable job for a man, he cannot turn down the challenge. In any case, a few days by the seaside spent clearing out the effects of her deceased cousin would make a break from the routine of work. But his startling realistic dreams drive him to pursue the mystery of her death, regardless of the challenges it poses. This story is complete, but serialised over six chapters, which will be published at intervals of 1 - 2 days.


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