
Transitioning To College 4

In this concluding chapter in the story of Taylor’s
unusual strategy to get into Northwestern University,
the pretending becomes so much more.

Saturday night, as a guest at a wedding,
becomes a date with fate!

Transitioning to College
Part 4

by Nina Adams

Copyright © 2013 Nina Adams
All Rights Reserved.

Red Shoes - Part 5

Red Shoes - Part Five
by KaylaKayKee

Wednesday July 26

Dearest Diary,

Had another great day, even if I didn’t got to see Mike. But I think I am getting to find my new style! I know, I used to dress really boring and not taking much time to make myself presentable. But now, I discover all these really cute clothes I have that I never bothered with before. Can you imagine?

A Christmas Story


Naughty or Nice

This is a tale about a girl who has, for the most part, lived a very relaxing and pampered life. But, from time to time, she has a rather “naughty” side that wanted to come out and play.

One year, Rebecca became especially worried about her actions throughout the year, wondering if she would make Santa’s Naughty or Nice list for Christmas.

This story was inspired by a sexy pink Santa stocking cap at a local convenience store that simply stated, “Naughty or Nice” on the white trim. It inspired a “photo shoot” and the story followed.
I hope you enjoy!

Merry Christmas, and remember to temper your naughtiness throughout the year, even though being naughty is DEFINITELY more fun!

XO Rebecca

(This is the TEXT version of the story. Please download the PDF file to appreciate the story as it was composed.)

The Fundraiser/Or How I Was Volunteered For The Womanless Beauty Pageant

The Fundraiser Part 1 of 3
Or How I Was Volunteered To Be In a Womanless Beauty Pageant
By Nina Adams

My life as I knew it gets turned upside down for a fundraiser at my High School. What started as just an embarrassing request leads to so much more.

The Mall Holiday Pageant

I was tricked into this and now there is no way out of it unless I walk in front of a bus or something equally drastic! Mom is the store manager for “Growing Things” and no it isn’t a gardening shop. It just happens to be a very popular store for kids from infant to Tween. It also happens to be for girls only.

My twin sister Lucy and I say the twin part loosely, has been going on about this Christmas pageant event for months now! It will soon stop because Thanksgiving is in two weeks and she’ll be in the pageant and I’ll get some peace and quiet for a change.

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

Its a trip back the 1980s as Tony and Jeannie make new waves as new romantics in the summer of 1985.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

Cruising For Trouble




Summary: In the first of three parts, Eric finds himself in deep trouble. He makes a bargain with his family that will ultimately lead him down a path he never dreamed of.

The Amy Series: 1 - The Way the Croissant Crumbles

The Amy Series: 1 - The Way the Croissant Crumbles By Kozmik Alaska

Amy gets a job in the menswear department at Eaton's in Winnipeg Manitoba. Is the legend about rubbing Timothy Eaton's Foot true? Will a passing glance and a knowing smile from a shopper lead to more? And can you really get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant? This story is based on true events and the author's (Kozmik Alaska's) hopes and dreams. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

By Trapper Jock McIntyre

Chrissie Latham is an obnoxious teenage girl. All she ever thinks about is shopping and clothes. When her grades start to slip, her mother decides to send her to visit her Aunt Betty in a place way far away for malls and Limited Too. Can this place that is like night and day to Chrissie, change her from being a bad girl into being a good boy?

Dainéal’s Dream - Part 10

Dainéal’s Dream

Tá¡ Mo Chroá­ Istigh Ionat
(My Heart Is Within You)

Seonaid á³ Murchadha, once a boy with a dream; a dream that once seemed hopeless. She remains filled with doubts; now that she has realized her dream, will she ever realize her love?

Daughter to Demons - 1

Daughter to Demons Title Block

Daughter to Demons

by Jeffrey M. Mahr and Levanah

We have made thee neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal, so that with freedom of choice and with honor, as through the maker and molder of thyself, thou mayest fashion thyself in whatever shape thou shalt prefer. Thou shalt have the power to degenerate into the lower forms of life, which are brutish. Thou shalt have the power, out of thy soul’s judgment, to be reborn into the highest forms, which are divine.

— Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man (1486)


And so Adam, in that his speech to Eve
uttered his faith in the promise made to her
of her seed, so in that respect Adam himself
came in under her covenant.

— Thomas Goodwin

Red Shoes - The Shoe Interlude

The Shoe Interlude
by KaylaKayKee

The Red Shoes had slowly started to remember. At first the memories had been vague. The only thing they had remembered was its purpose, and just barely at that. But now the memories kept coming back.

Red Shoes - Part 3

Red Shoes - Part Three
by KaylaKayKee

Monday July 17

Dear Diary!
Stressed out! Woke up late still with a an insane headache but the shower helped. Then I couldn’t find my tank top until I realized that I had folded them really small. For a second I thought I had gone insane then I realized that I actually have to button it behind my back. Duh. Must have a brain freeeze today. I’m thinking I might have washed it in too high temperature or dried it too warm but once I got it on I really liked how it sat.

Red Shoes - Part 2

Red Shoes - Part Two
by KaylaKayKee

The magic continues...

Tuesday June 26

Dear Diary!
I can’t figure this weather, today was actually quite cold outside! This became especially apparent when I heard Paula giggle as we were having lunch at the park again. I couldn’t quite figure what was so funny at first until she pointed at my chest. Both my nipples looked like they were trying to break out of the confinement of my, I guess too tight, tan polo shirt! How embarrassing! Luckily there were not a soul within sight but I still walked back to the car in fast pace with my arms crossed over my chest. I would probably have run if I could but the shoes don’t really allow any sprinting!

The Prom Statement Chapter 6

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

Part 6 of 7:

-------------My Day at David’s Bridal Boutique----------------

Red Shoes - Part 1

Red Shoes
by KaylaKayKee

These are the diary notes of a young man whom after taking a summer job experiences changes beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. It also suggests that there may be magic out there, not in the form of dramatic hocus-pocus but a more subtle one.

And sometimes that magic can come from something as inconspicuous as a pair of — Red Shoes.

The Prom Statement Chapter 1

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

----------------Standing Up For Some Ideals---------------------------

Mission Impossible? Part 6

Chapter 10

“We are waiting, princess,” Tad shouted from a table in the center of the deserted nightclub.

A very un-lady like retort came to mind; Amber bit her lip. She simply tugged at her mini skirt’s hem once more then she jogged from the dressing room out to center stage. Her crimson crop top with white piping proudly displayed the team name Cavaliers in bold white script across her chest while the low-rise matching skirt barely covered her red spandex undies. Red laces tied her white tennis shoes and a blonde wig fell in waves similar to Carrie Underwood.

Mission Impossible? Part 5

Mission Impossible?


Chapter 9

Amber woke slowly; her mouth felt like an aspirin bottle–dry and stuffed with cotton. She moaned, sat up, and pushed her hair out of her face. She wanted to retch. She moved to the edge of the bed, forced herself to stand and stumbled her way into the bathroom where she splashed cold water on her face to help her focus.

Mission Impossible? Part 4


Angel watched Amber fawn over the dancers on the floor below a few moments; his fingers stroked his thin moustache and then he cocked his head to the right slightly. His eyes flowed up Amber’s legs to her mini skirt’s hem and continued up her thighs as she leaned farther out to look at the crowd. Angel’s eyes traveled up her slim body to where her t-shirt fitted tightly over her pert breasts. He took another long sip of his beer.

Mission Impossible? Part 3

Mission Impossible?

Chapter 7

Amber sat back, closed her eyes, and hoped it would be over soon. A technician with spiked hair quickly and expertly plucked Amber's eyebrows into two feminine arches. She stood back and looked at Major Brewer, for approval.

"Great job. Very nice," Major Brewer said.

"Let me see. Oh Clare, you always leave a little too much on the end. Clean it up here and here," the makeup artist said.

"Yes, Bobbi," the girl said.

Mission Impossible? Part 2

Mission Impossible?

Chapter 4

The Major gave the CID officer a harsh look and stood up. She tossed her blonde hair back and walked toward the hotel door. Amber and the CID officer walked behind her out the door and to the black government sedan in the parking lot. The Intelligence officer opened a rear door and Amber was pushed into the back seat. Amber's head dropped to her hands and she began to cry. The man slammed the door shut and turned to face his partner.


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