
Identity Crisis: The Lavender Scare


Bear witness to an epic battle of snark when the astonishing Prodigious Girl encounters the enigmatic Lavender Scare! But is this mysterious new super a friend or foe? And what happens when an inscrutable force meets an incredulous object? Learn all this and more inside! Totally not just a weak excuse to share pics of me cosplaying as Prodigious Girl! (A tale of Faraday City.)

Cinders and Ash

When a fairy godmother takes a wrong turn, an angry young man gets swept up in his very own Cinderella story...but this isn't a dream that he'd wish would come true! (Inspired by artwork by Dov Sherman!)


The Diary

It was just an assignment for class . Write as if you were a completely different person. He decided to be inventive and create a diary for his fictional character. It would have been fine except his girlfriend found it and read it.

Pump Up The Crowd

In an age of people playing fantasy football, we say that's not nearly fantastical enough and stuff should get weird! There are far better things to be fantastical about. Like cheerleaders! And questionably accredited trainers. Read on for all that and very little talk of actual football!
Our Patreon members get the illustrations at full resolution as stand alone pictures! Sign up for the Sins Patreon page at:

The Mystery of the Girl in the Garden

The Mystery of the Girl in the Garden

petticoat detective logo.jpg

A Petticoat Detective Squad Adventure

Written by Andrea (with a little help from Daphne!)

Illustrations by Daphne


Children's adventure stories such as Nancy Drew or the Famous Five all revolve around a similar theme. That theme is usually about the child, or children, confronting adversity and triumphing in the end.

The story that follows is a variation on that theme and viewed from a different perspective. Our little tale concerns a young boy spending a holiday with his older girl cousin and favourite aunt. The children become obsessed with the mystery of the figure of a lonely girl who regularly appears in the garden of a nearby manor house. When our hero's cousin and a small group of school friends are invited to spend a couple of days staying at the manor to work on a school project, she is presented with the perfect opportunity to solve the mystery. To make her plan work, however, she must enlist her cousin's help and get him included in the party. The only problem is that the party must consist of girls only....

This story is written to depict a young boy's first innocent encounters with cross-dressing and his subsequent feelings. If the reader is seeking descriptions of explicit or adult sex then they will be disappointed because this sort of thing is not included here.

Illusion of Being Maternal

It's time for a new Mercynaries illustrated story, The Illusion of Being Maternal. The story of a not-so-bright employee that just wants to help his company out, fashion, unnecessary puns, and sandwiches. I don't understand how the fashion industry works, so clearly it's controlled by a sinister cabal.

Our Patreon members get story plus the images as stand-alone files at full size.

The League of Chinchillas: A Wolf in Chinchilla’s Clothing


Behold, true believer, from the world of Identity Crisis, the team up that absolutely nobody demanded! Or even conceived of! Seriously, not even the infinite monkey theorem could have predicted this story! When the legendary League of Chinchillas meets the astonishing AquaFish, it’s a thrilling, spine-tingling, senses-shattering tale that makes Homer’s Odyssey look like dog puke! Cleanup on Aisle 3 for...adventure! (A tale of Faraday City.)

Identity Crisis - Chapter 10/10: Finale

As the city-wide disaster looms, Prodigious Girl, still battered and bruised from her fights at the Sanctuary, must stand alone against the forces that threaten to destroy everyone she loves. But how can she hope to prevail against an enemy who knows her better than she knows herself?

Identity Crisis - Chapter 9/10: Assault on Paradise

PG, Prodigy, and Trixie find themselves as the last line of defense against the impending catastrophe that faces the city. Outnumbered and outgunned, they take the fight to the Sanctuary where they also encounter an old enemy.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 8/10: Revelations and Recriminations

Prodigious Girl, furious at what happened to her, confronts Prodigy. Meanwhile, the full nature of the plot against the city is revealed, and shocking revelations expose its unexpectedly personal connections to our heroes.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 7/10: The Longest Day

Rebuffed by his superhero mentor, Chris takes matters into his own hands to investigate the mystery. As friendships and alliances start to crumble, Chris is driven to make some rash decisions that have disastrous consequences. (Fair warning, this chapter gets pretty dark and delves into some uncomfortable situations. But it’s always darkest before the dawn!)

Identity Crisis - Chapter 6/10: Friends, Foes and Opportunities

A fight at school leads to changes for Chris even as he gets some unexpected good news as Prodigious Girl. Meanwhile, his best friend Caleb uncovers some information that leads to deeper questions about the plot that threatens the city.


Identity Crisis - Chapter 5/10: Here to Save the World, Dressed Like a Girl

Forced to pretend that he likes wearing girls’ clothes in order to protect his secret identity, Chris has a difficult time now that friends, family, and schoolmates all believe him to be transgender. Meanwhile, a chance encounter uncovers a mystery that has potentially far-reaching effects for the entire city.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 4/10: Victoria's Secret Identity

Chris's rocky relationship with his superhero mentor leads him to consider alternatives. But his real troubles begin at home when his parents discover the stash of girls' clothes he's been using to maintain a secret identity as a heroine and they jump to awkward and embarrassing conclusions about his clandestine activities.

Identity Crisis - Chapter 3/10: When the Student is Ready...

Chris (as Prodigious Girl) finally meets Prodigy and convinces the aging hero to let him become the old man’s new sidekick. But winning Prodigy’s trust may be even more difficult than surviving his tutelage!

By Jenny North
Artwork by Fraylim and Splutt

Identity Crisis - Chapter 2/10: Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Desperate to prove himself and track down his mentor, Chris embarks on his new career as a superheroine and makes some new allies. But when he picks a fight above his power level in order to make a name for himself, his embarrassment over being a girl may soon be the least of his worries!

By Jenny North
Artwork by Fraylim and Splutt

Identity Crisis - Chapter 1/10: Confessions of a Teenage Hero(ine)

Identity Crisis cover image

Before we begin, an important note about the tone of the story. I started it as a whimsical romp, a superhero action comedy with a TG twist. But along the way it became apparent to me that at its heart it's a coming of age story, with all of the wrinkles that entails.

A Christmas Carol & It's A Wendy-ful Life

The last two Christmases I created TG versions of famous Christmas stories trying to remain as true to the stories as I could. These were the results.

Star Trek 50th Anniversary Topshelf Celebration.


Think of it for a moment? Fifty years of Sci Fi innovation perhaps linked inexorably with questions we all had about gender and the Enterprise and...okay, a lot of us? What? Okay, a few of us really conflicted folks here. Did we want to be involved with a Star Trek woman? Or better still? To be with a Star Trek woman and BE a Star Trek woman? Well? It now really seems, looking back on the span of the series in its various permutations. we can actually see that those questions were answered, with the proof right there all along....

The Singer

This story was at the request of one of my blog readers who suggested the general plotline. It is NOT sweet, nor sentimental but at the same time is closer to reality.The person who requested it was pleased and that was the whole point of the exercise.

Not Another Word 1-5

I've been making captions for the past three years (4500+). They are really short stories and one-offs but I have done a few multi-caption stories and decided to try posting them here starting with Not Another Word ( links to the caps because they are too big to post here).

Marley for the Win Part 3

Marley for the Win Part 3

Marley in his sisters old kit.

Marley paused before turning the corner and entering the busy downstairs bathroom corridor again. He was losing his nerve, he was feeling a bit dizzy and grabbed a railing along the wall. Marley was a shy boy, he didn’t like drawing attention to himself, and he had always harbored a great fear of humiliation. “I can’t do this,” he said and turned around to head back up and get out of this ridiculous costume.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 11 - 'It's over?"

Someone turned on the hall light and opened the door. Today was the day and everyone seemed ready to get started. After a couple of injections, I was numb enough below the waist for anyone with a task to perform there to perform that task with no discomfort for me. After the initial prepping, it was time for the general anesthetic. A nurse held a clear plastic mask on my face and told me to breathe deeply. I took a deep breath. Then I heard Amie whisper, “Jamie”, as she gently kissed my face.


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