Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3455

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The Weekly Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3455
by Angharad

Copyright© 2024 Angharad


This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.

"The inspector still believes I set up this abduction for a publicity hoax, I saw his wife badly cut her hand and collapse. He was very reluctant to check it out even though I told him she wasn't getting up. Finally, he sent someone around and she ended up in hospital. I also hit him off his chair with the blue light a couple of times, he tried to hit me and the blue light protected me, so he bruised his hand."

"How can the police employ so many morons?" asked Trish, "especially with Cambridge being the 5th best uni in the world."

"Oxford is best, maybe you made a mistake," chuckled Danni.

"It's still far above bloody Portsmouth," was fired back.

"Hey, I'm not trying to run the National Research Council or the Natural History Museum, so it's good enough for me. Remember you accepted three degrees from them not so long ago."

"That's why I'm here now, making good their errors."

"Don't be such a snob, Trish, Grandpa's just as bright as you."

"Yeah but he's getting old and past it."

"I don't think I like that opinion of someone who can still beat you at chess."

"He was lucky."

"I'm willing to bet that he can still do it."

"How much?" she threw at me.

"How about just the principle of the thing?"

"What us e is that to me?"

"You can massage that giant ego of yours, but my money would be on Daddy, except I don't bet."

"That's just a cop out, because I'm cleverer than you."

"So why did you need her to rescue you, then brain box?" asked Danni and fired one under her protective ego. Trish blushed a love dark pink colour while she thought of a reply."

"I coulda got away, I already had them thinking I was a witch when they thought they caught fire."

"So why didn't you? Would have saved us some time especially as Mum is preparing for a new intake."

"I'd a had difficulty in escaping and catching the ring leaders for the police, so I waited for you lot."

"I'm beginning to think that next time you get into hot water don't call me because I've got better things to do than rescue your arrogance."

I certainly had sympathy with Danni, I was feeling some of the same, but I was her parent and parents always try to come to the rescue even when they're as dismissive as Trish could be. "Ha, I'm going back to my flat," she announced and left slamming the door behind her.

"You don't really feel like that, do you? I asked the older sister.

"I suppose not but she can be so arrogant, I hope they knock that out of her here."

"There are certainly plenty of very clever people here who may, if she rubs them up the wrong way, put her in her place."

"May do her good," said Danni.

"Remember that she is super bright but still quite a bit younger than the rest of them. Even the first years will be as old as she is, if not older, so she is going to find it hard to integrate. Also, if she if she tries to have sex, it's going to be painful, she still has a little girl's fanny on a nearly adult body. I tried to get her home to get that remedied but she refused to leave Switzerland."

"So I've got one advantage then?" Danni grinned.

"I'm hoping it will stop her thinking about sex but she's growing up, in body anyway."

"What's happening with the TERFs ?"

"I'm not quite sure, last I heard Simon's contact in Texas had been quiet for a couple of days. He told Simon that if anything happened to him his lawyer would post a letter containing evidence of his daughter to the daddy who's funding them. I hope Simon phones tonight."

"Why do they have a problem accepting us as women?"

"It goes back a long time, back to the 70s if not earlier, when a radical feminist Janice Raymond, she wrote a book called, The Transsexual Empire; the making of a shemale. I believe she's a professor somewhere now."

"Have you read it?"

"Yes, it's a very poorly reasoned argument that by performing sex reassignment surgery, that men were trying to infiltrate and undermine the women's movement. Sadly, other lesbian radicals like Germaine Greer, tend to agree with her, and she delights in misgendering trans women."

"They demand their so called rights but are happy to deny others theirs, why?" Danni was becoming a little angry.

"I don't rightly know, I think it's an example of finger pointing, you know if you're feeling insecure then point at smaller groups, preferably ones who can't fight back, to make yourself feel better."

"But it's so wrong."

"I agree, the enemy is the macho male who believes himself to be superior and that women are their for his needs and pleasure. If all women banded together the problem may be eventually solved but as long as we fight amongst ourselves, misogynists, people like Trump get away with it."

"We need to do something about it."

"It's difficult because TERFs won't listen to reason, they are just as bad as the male misogynists. They're not as much at risk as us because transwomen are very much at risk, possibly because men think they have been misled when they expect to collect on the promise they think the girl's been offering and then can't because she doesn't have the wherewithal. She may also be a rookie when it comes to interpersonal skills, especially dealing with randy males as a woman.

"Remember some transwomen are very convincing, especially if they transitioned young, but they may not have had final bit of surgery done, for whatever reason. Some seem to develop a surgery fetish and have boob jobs and facial surgery done, because some of that is cheaper than vaginoplasty and they also never seem satisfied feeling the next surgery will make them even more perfect. It's partly the fault of the advertising industry and the media who try to tell us what the perfect body should look like. It causes lots of bio-women lots of problems too. It's all part of a male dominated world that could be with us for a long time."

"Why though? women aren't stupid, well not compared to men."

"It's not a rational thing, remember women are more emotional than men and our hormones, whether natural or medically administered tend to keep us that way. Also when girls are told all the time from their early years through to maturity, that boys don't like clever girls, but they do like sexy ones and it undermines many girls during adolescence who either develop confidence problems or don't do their best at school to try and remain popular. As adults we can see it but younger women can't. You're mostly okay because you have something at which you excel, so it gives you confidence elsewhere and you are physically attractive to others. Think yourself lucky."

I didn't think I was lucky for quite a while, being made to join the distaff side without any consultation, if you recall?"

"I think your experiences in France as well as those of Pia, and subsequent teasing by others as well as your ability to appear a better looking girl than Pia was able, because you had sisters who encouraged you and coached you on makeup and hairstyles. Trish thinks all men want to be women or certainly all bys want to be girls because she had more fun as a girl than she did as boy, so applies it to others."

"Yeah, but Trish said she was a girl when she was quite young, I didn't."

"Do you regret that now?"

She shrugged at me and went to leave the room but I called her back. "Look, darling, this very important, if you wish you were still a boy, I need to know and see what we can do about it. Reversal is difficult but not impossible and I would have to find a surgeon who could do it. I think you could have a stronger case than a transwoman who has had surgery by mistake, it does happen."

She sat down and began to sob. We hadn't had any regrets about all this for several years, especially when she was picked for England, is that the problem now? She hasn't been picked for the national side for over a year, may be even two, She tries to be brave about it but really I know it hurt, which is why she delights in scoring against the top women's teams in the WSL. If she isn't the top scorer, then she must be pretty damn close to it. I know she scored three times against Manchester City and also netted a couple against Chelsea. She is an outstanding player, so why don't they pick her?

I went and sat next to her and hugged her saying comforting things to her while she wept on my shoulder. "Come on now, you're beautiful with a lovely body and outstanding football skills, everybody loves you, so what's hurting you?"

"We'll never be accepted will we?"

"Do you mean by others or to ourselves?"

"I don't know what I mean." She blew her nose and paused for a moment, I just kept supporting her, letting her know I was still there for her, rubbing her back and saying nice things to her. "I mean, I never asked to be a woman, did I?"

"No, but after a good think about it, you gave it your best shot and returned to football, where you were head and shoulders above most other female players."

"But I'm not female am I?"

"Your birth certificate says so, so who am I to argue with the Registrar General?"

"Okay, so I've got tits and a fanny and a big arse, but that doesn't make me female does it."

"Most biological women may disagree with you."

"Yeah, but they have periods and can get pregnant, I can't."

"Not all of them can either."

"But most can."

"It's a circular argument, Danni, you can go round and round and just feel more upset. Life throws things like this at us from time to time and how we deal with them sometimes makes us winners or losers. I mean think of someone who has been badly injured in a car accident, they might have life threatening or certainly life changing injuries. Once they recover as much as they can, they have to get back into real life, to work or do things they did before if they can, those who sit there feeling sorry for themselves will store up all sorts of trouble for themselves about why did it happen to me stuff, and finding depression a constant problem. It's very sad and they need therapy to see what is still good about life. we only walk this way once, we have to try and make the best of it."

"You always saw yourself as female like Trish does, didn't you?"

"I suppose I have, but I still had anxieties and when I first met Simon, I was terrified, especially when I began to have feelings for them. Stella of course just threw me in at the deep end, believing that I would swim, but how could I, I had never dealt with men before in a romantic or sexual sense, I didn't even know if I really fancied them. I was so close to just getting away from home and transitioning, I hadn't thought about relationships, if I had I'd probably have run away and missed out on being the wife of one of the nicest men I've ever met."

"What did Daddy say when you told him?"

Oh dear, this looks like a long session, I went to the kitchenette where the tea bags and kettle were and checked we had enough. With enough tea we'd deal with anything, I thought then the phrase, famous last words, went through my mind, but I had to pull her through this crisis of whatever it was so carried two mugs of tea back to the lounge of our suite and handed her one

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Easy as Falling off a Bike

Danni is in a lonely position, very little company in her situation. She was robbed of decisions in her life. The world seems to be looking for ways to tear her down. It's very easy to overlook any positives in her life since they are everyday things she doesn't have to think about. Her family, her talents, the support she has everyday seem small against the whole world. They are her world though, and the things that are most important and sometimes the easiest to overlook. Thank you Angharad for your writing and if I ramble in the comments sometimes it's because your characters can become very real to your readers and thoughts and emotions spill over.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.