(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3412 by Angharad Copyright© 2023 Angharad
This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
So GCHQ had come up trumps, not the orange blob that once occupied the Whitehouse but enough evidence for the police to bring charges against the group of TERFS.
Simon and I went to visit Debbi and Trish and I walked out to the car for something and was confronted by three thugs wearing ski masks. They rushed at me and I had dropped two of them before they could land a finger on me. I continued punching and elbowing, mainly to faces and I know at least one had a nose go and another has bleeding from the thump on the jaw that I had given them. However, Simon came to see why I was so long in returning saw me scrapping and he charged into the group and with a minute or so they were all spitting teeth and lying in their own blood on the hospital car park. The police were called, a baseball bat was found and one was carrying a knife. We were told that CCTV had recorded it all and we'd face no further charges but we insisted that they be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder.
It turned out that they were all TERFS, so all women and Simon was glad that he'd decked them all, even though I was doing alright by myself, the kickboxing coming in handy, or should that be footy?
They were all admitted to the hospital under arrest. All had facial injuries, all had broken noses and broken jaws. I promised the police that they'd better be sent to prison because if they came near me again, Simon might alter their dental formula even more ferociously than this time. Eventually the police proved a link between these female thugs and Josephine Hunter. They were looking to charge her with conspiracy to cause actual bodily harm. I just wanted a couple of minutes with her in a soundproof room. I knew I'd never change her mind but I could surely change her visage for the worse. I sent a note to Esmond telling him that I wanted a face to face with her and also that Simon had engaged James to prove a link to her with the beating of the girl in Brighton, and those of Debbie and Trish. He was looking to either get her convicted or have her legs broken I'd not seen him that angry for ages. He was plotting to get her sacked at Sussex and also to destroy her financially. He'd already ordered that for the women who attacked me, they were all black listed so they wouldn't be able to open a bank account or borrow money for several years.
The church in Texas suddenly discovered that they were bankrupt and the plot of land the church was built on was suddenly bought from under them and a women's health clinic was planned to be built there. The church of course, was demolished and their website seemingly was taken down as well as several messages came up about how God's plan to increase hate in the world was succeeding. I think Sammi may have been involved in that just as Simon exerted his financial muscle, as one of the richest men on earth the amount he spent destroying that church and showing evidence that got the elders all arrested for hate crimes and child pornography. Revenge is a dish best taken cold. His anger was glacial and his action catastrophic to the Texans and North Carolinians. Their church was finished, hopefully their hate followed soon after.
Back in Blighty the Americans who had been sent over to help the TERFS in Brighton were all listed for deportation and no return to the UK. I also got my meeting with Josephine Hunter. Simon had to go back to London so I went on my own. Professor Hunter looked drawn and haggard.. I knew her financial problems were increasing. I had no sympathy and told her to pick on someone her own size, a maggot or a worm.
I also told her that until my friend and my daughter recovered that she'd continue to be harassed financially wherever she was and I would continue to pursue her forever until she died. I told her that no one assaults my daughter and gets away with it, and I would make her life hell as long as she lived. I reminded her of her harassment of Siân and that she was a total hypocrite and Siân had spoken about talking to a newspaper to reveal the woman's early poison. I explained that she would die in poverty, Simon was going to make sure of it and I was going to make her job untenable.
She called me a filthy tranny. "You were the little poof who was always with Griffiths back in Bristol weren't you?"
" I'm actually as legally female as you are, probably more so. The difference is I have a family with several children who call me mother, how many do you have?"
"You're not a real woman, so those children can't be yours."
"I think you'd find if you asked them who their mother was my name would crop up every time also if you asked the authorities who their parents were? Simon and I would be named."
"Does your so called husband know he married a man?"
"If that's the best you can do no wonder you lost the argument. You realise that your little arrangement with that church in Texas has got MI5 crawling all over you So you could well be listed as a terrorist organisation."
"When you attacked my friends and family, you crossed a line. I don't take prisoners and you have been implicated in the assault on my friend and my daughter. Your hatred tried to hurt people I love, so you will pay until the end of your life. I am also making sure that everyone in your little group will be expelled from the university they are attending and probably ensure they won't get a job afterward.
"So you see we can hate as well and it tends to more effective than your toxic little group. You tugged a tigress by the tail, now you have to face one of the most powerful predators in the world. It will be merciless but you wouldn't be told, also you didn't realise the power available to me. Your backers in the States have been destroyed, the group here has been destroyed, you have been destroyed, so enjoy your misery; you see, I gave you someone to hate for real, not mythical assaults in bathrooms, but an enemy who will destroy you and who is more powerful than you ever dreamt. You unleashed this fury by attacking my child, you are lucky I didn't physically hurt you but you caused me to despise you and that means it will go on for a very long time. Goodbye you worthless bitch, enjoy all this leisure time you now have.
"You psycho," she called at me. "Enjoy fighting women do you?"
"They attacked me, they'd previously put my daughter and one of my colleagues in hospital. They'd also attacked that girl in Brighton. The CCTV shows that I was defending myself and Simon came to my rescue when he saw I was under attack. I fought to defend myself. As it happens it was against women but as they were armed with a knife and a baseball bat, they were guilty of aggravated assault. That they hadn't met anyone who did kickboxing before and also an enraged husband who played rugby for years, who was also the father of the young woman they attacked, he felt he had a score to settle. Unfortunately your little group bore the brunt of both our anger and suffered some facial injuries as a consequence. I don't feel guilty or regret as I would do it again tomorrow. It seems to be the only message you people understand. It's a pity but that's their hard luck. I didn't start this you did. I'm just sweeping up the dross, of which you're part."
I left. I didn't really enjoy the pain I'd caused her but It seemed the only way that she would learn not to mess with my family again and that trans people are not defenceless, some have powerful friends and because they support each other they're not easily crushed. To me it just proved that friendships and love always beat hate and malice
Back in my car I had lunch in a little restaurant and then drove home. In the office I had a call from Jim to say that they had enough evidence to proceed with prosecution of Josephine Hunter. Depending upon the trial she could face time in prison. "So is it over now?"
"Pretty well, they're fighting with bailiffs for their survival, so Simon has beaten them."
"Actually they beat themselves. Before you start a fight check out your opponent or you may bite off more than you can chew, especially if he knocks your teeth out."
"Si didn't do that did he?"
"He saw them attacking me and went sort of berserk"
"I suppose he would."
"I'm pleased that he came to my rescue, it helps to strengthen our bond and as he suspected they were the same group that beat up his daughter, he showed no mercy."
James told me that he wasn't surprised and would probably have done the same.
I remarked that violence doesn't solve anything. "No," he replied, "but it can be very satisfying."
"Only if you want people to run away from you."
"Some I'd be quite happy to have them respond that way."
"Perhaps because I'm female, I think I'd hate it.
"This whole episode of TERFS against transwomen is like a civil war amongst women.
I don't think anyone had seen it like that before, for Jim that was quite profound. I saw it all as a wasted effort. The real enemy are macho males, usually heterosexual males who are the largest group that attack or assault women. Until that group learns to respect women we will always be vulnerable and the problem seems to be worldwide. The short term answer is to avoid putting yourself at risk, avoid provocative clothing perhaps avoid men altogether. bio females learn this from the pram we neo women have to catch up fast as in so many things.
I was still playing with spreadsheets when Diane knocked my door and announced I had a visitor. It was our local TERF spokeswoman, self- appointed variety.
"Professor, I think the situation was made volatile by Professor Hunter. I think it's time to call a truce."
"It's too late for that. I warned you the university could object to your ignoring its policies, which you have agreed to uphold. Now it is exercising its muscle and any of your group of essentially jealous homosexual women found to have reneged on the contract will be expelled.
"The argument that women suffer harassment from childhood, doesn't take into account that trans women suffer more harassment and physical assault, even death. So your argument is based on sand. As for the religious element, it's total nonsense they have been selling their lies for over 2000 years. Religion is poison People are killed because of someone's belief, the victim is often trans. How can a god accept what we do in his name? The answer is simple, there is no god, man created him in his own misogynist image. Man can be good or bad, not creating atrocities like Hamas did recently in Israel. that was awful, but the office dweller who harasses his female colleagues or the schoolboy copping a feel of a girl's breast. They are both bad and need to learn so, they disrespect females and need to change. I doubt they will but I as a feminist actually feel they should. Everyone should be entitled to live in peace irrespective of sex, gender, orientation, race colour, we should be of the same value to society but until men lose the power to control everything and make the rules, it aint gonna happen."

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What Is Wrong With Them?
Why this hatred towards individuals who feel that they are actually women? If they take steps to correct birth mistakes who are they hurting? Is this comparable to the antipathy that many heterosexual males feel towards gay males?
We want and need more Cathys and Simons, people on the right side of the equation who have the power to neutralise and combat the messages of hatred.
Well done
Some especially powerful arguments in these chapters, Angharad. Well done
Two thumbs up!
Two thumbs up!
They are very lucky
That Cathy is fundamentally a gentle person, except when it comes to her kids!
Keeping Quiet
I should not say anything. There is strong suspicion that I am Intersex, (XXY) and I get all the mileage from that possible.
I wish they'd get off their arses and find genetic evidence for Trans folk.
My goodness!
A lot happened quickly there.
While Hunter and the church in America seem to be irrevocably crushed, can we be sure that the local difficulties with the TERFs in Portsmouth and Brighton are really at an end, or are they going to continue to be an irritant?
One thing for sure, never, ever attack Cathy’s family!
Cannot help but
think that while Cathy and Simon have been successful against this group its highly unlikely they will be the only ones to cause these sort of problems for Cathy and company, When people like the TERF;s find something they find goes against their warped views they don't give up easily , This particular group might be down and for the moment out but i am guessing there may well be friends in other groups who will simply not let it rest . Cathy and all those affected need to keep their guard up and think safe, We know Cathy is more than capable of defending herself ,Sadly the same cannot be said about the others..
Ang on a rant, and a righteous one at that. Full marks from me old girl. (Did I hear 'less of the old'?) But truly Ang, you make and excellent point. Keep it up.
Bev. xx