Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3411

The Weekly Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3411
by Angharad

Copyright© 2023 Angharad


This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
Proof of God is nebulous based on faith which seems acceptable to the majority of people in the world. Proof of gender is equally nebulous, seems unacceptable to many people but is just as valid as the existence of God. Why is there a difference?

I checked with Diane and it seemed she had booked me to run a workshop on slide preparation on Thursday morning and it was to run as post-graduate training or professional development. I went off to my office to sulk and revise what I knew about the stains we use for specimens. Apparently none had been out and out banned but people using some were advised to wear appropriate protection, work in a fume cupboard or use alternatives. Perhaps doing so many of them in my youth had caused my brain to melt or something because I couldn't think of a reason why I had agreed to run this workshop. I asked Debbie to take it over and she refused saying that people wanted to listen to the organ grinder rather than the monkey so it began to look as if I was stuck with it. I really didn't have time to spend on this, not while the TERFs were still plotting to cause chaos.

I spoke with Daddy about it when he invited me to lunch, that wasn't my intention but we chatted for half an hour while we ate. He told me that while it had gone quiet here things were afoot at Sussex, he didn't elaborate but told me to speak with Esmond myself as he believed it was better to hear it from the horse's mouth than secondhand. All the way back I wondered what was going on that he couldn't tell me about. It all seemed very mysterious. I was intrigued enough to call Esmond once I was back in my office.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Looks like they're planning something very public," he replied.

"Like what?"

"We don't yet know but it seems as if one of our professors might be involved."

"Do I know them?"

"She wasn't here when you were, though she heard you do the talk on making wildlife films a couple of years ago."

"It's more than a couple of years ago, Esmond, but who is she?"

"Professor Josephine Hunter, she does Religious Studies and Politics, why?"

The name suddenly rang bells, it reminded me of the girl who caused Siân so much trouble. It could be coincidence but I'm not a great believer in that. "Does she come from Bristol?"

"How d'you know that, she went to Bristol Girls' Grammar School."

"Oh dear, she caused a girlfriend on mine, I mean a girl who was my best friend, a lot of bother, I was hoping never to hear of her name again, except possibly that she'd been eaten by a crocodile on the Zambesi or some such thing, but if I was realistic, she was so horrible no self-respecting crocodile would go anywhere near her, she was toxic."

"I believe she still is from what I've heard about her, thankfully she doesn't have any contact with me except for the university counsel and we clashed over her motion to ban trans women from using the ladies loos. She failed as our inclusive policies towards all groups meant it would be against our constitution."

"Yes, they tried that here, the TERFs I mean, and we pointed out they had all agreed to our policies before they actually started here and they would be breaking that agreement and would thus be possibly liable to disciplinary action or expulsion. It usually shuts them up. But Religion and Politics, I always thought they were the same hypocrisy."

"Now now Cathy, moderate your cynicism."

"Well, if someone can explain how religion isn't the ultimate in power politics..."

"I'm sure plenty would be able to tell you but it's not my area of expertise, nor I suggest yours either."

"I've been on the receiving end a few times."

"Ah, that would explain your hostility."

"But it doesn't explain the hostility of the TERFs toward a minority who have never done anything to them."

"No, I doubt they have, anyway, there's going to be a meeting here, open to the public, next week entitled something like, 'Should we tolerate trans women in our society?' Apparently, Hunter is down to speak at it."

"Why, when she was in Bristol harassing Siân, she was anti-lesbian, why the change of spots in supporting this society of bigots?"

"Oh, she's lesbian herself, didn't you know? Of course, the trans activists are decrying her but some of their tactics possibly do more harm than good."

"Yes, protest these days has to involve some sort of public relations as well before they start their marches. Brighton is renowned for it being the capital of Gay Britain, I'd have thought that it was far more integrated than that, especially at the university."

"I thought we were, I mean the Pride march here is the biggest in the country and as far as I know they all have a good time, but lately this group is causing us problems, the word is they have some links with a Baptist church in Texas or North Carolina, which is possibly funding them."

"That I didn't know, how did you find out?"

"One of our students infiltrated the group and brought it to light, she was subsequently attacked off campus and has since gone into hiding."

"Poor kid, if you have any more info please email it to me."

"Yeah, I think I have a few things, I'll get them sent to you."

I had something to work with now and began trying to probe the society's accounts here and got nothing, I complained to Diane and within two days she had evidence that they were funded by the Real Baptist Church of Texas and North Carolina. I researched them online and found they were hardly Christian in their objectives. They were essentially a nasty group of racists and I hate to say Republicans, but it seemed many of their aims were against black people, abortion, women's rights, gay men (but not women) and of course, the antichrist of trans women - who they believed were men who were trying to infiltrate and undermine the women's movement. Yeah, that's why we suffer all our lives just to undermine the women's movement, right? Why are these bastards allowed to exist, they just run on hatred and causing others hurt? They need psychotherapy after being locked in a room with rubber-lined walls. Still, at least here I don't think they all have private arsenals of firearms like they do in the States.

I sent for Debbie and Laura to appraise them of the situation, Debbie was all for getting on her high horse and confronting them at this meeting. I told her not to bother as they'd probably skewed it so any outcome was in their favour and exposing herself was likely to result in possible physical hostility. Laura just sat looking rather scared.

I didn't know what to do, so I spoke to Tom at dinner that night. Trish and Danni as well as Sarah heard us talking and told me I had to do something. I asked them what and they just said, do something.

Daddy was for keeping out of things as public meetings were always potentially dangerous and especially after that girl in Brighton had been assaulted, he wanted us all to stay safe.

"If it was bloody dormice they were against you'd be there, fighting for them, why can't you defend our right to exist?" Trish asked the question and although both I and Daddy replied, she declined to accept our answers and stormed off. I felt awful. Was I a coward? I hoped not. I couldn't get involved because my children could be at risk. I spent a sleepless night but managed to crawl into the office the next day. Diane told me I didn't look well.

Debbie was still hopping mad and the LGBT group at the university was supporting her, she was still intent on speaking at the meeting and it got on the grapevine that she meant to. Lots of students were supporting her but we were all shocked and hurt to hear she had been attacked outside her own home as she went there after work the next night. The police were involved but nothing seemed to come from it except there were three of them and a baseball bat was involved. The assailants driving off in a car that was discovered burnt out a day or so later.

It reminded me of the attack on Maureen who I met when visiting Debbie in hospital, she was outraged that people were being attacked here for just being different. "We need someone to tell our story ma'am, someone like yourself who has credibility, who can speak to crowds of people, who can show these monsters up for what they are."

"I'm not sure I'm the best person, Maureen besides my own family could be at risk if I did."

"Yeah, I suppose they could, sorry I spoke," she ambled off briefly meeting with Trish who had come to see Debbie."

"How is she?"

"She has several broken bones and some head injuries, they're keeping her in an induced coma for a few days to reduce brain swelling."

"D'you think this has anything to do with her going to speak at this meeting on Saturday?"

"I don't know but it seems quite possible."

"Who's going instead?"

"I don't know but I suspect no one is after this, it sends a powerful message."

"Oh, fuck that Mum, someone has to do it and if you can't be bothered I suppose I'll have to do it myself. They don't frighten me." She looked at Debbie and then, "Why do these things happen to nice people? Don't worry Debs, I'll stand in for you," and she walked out while I was reeling at her declaration. I came to my senses and ran after her but she was nowhere to be found. I returned to my office and apparently, she had not come back to her course. I was very scared that something had happened to her and she wasn't answering her phone, I was very nervous and told everyone at home to be very wary and stay indoors. I went and got the girls from school and told the headmistress what was happening, she promised to send work via the Internet and hoped the girls wouldn't be away too long. By tea time I was frantic, no one had heard from Trish and I made Danni and the others stay at home. Diane told me to stay at home while she continued to try and find out if Trish was in the university somewhere, it seemed she hadn't been seen since I had spoken to her. I was now terrified for her.

I'd spoken to Simon who spoke to Sammi who phoned me and said she had spoken to friends at Cheltenham and they were doing some checks for her. I thanked her for her efforts and she replied she loved her sister and would do whatever became necessary.

Trish was dumped in a park and discovered by dog walkers, she was again badly beaten and admitted to hospital. I was there in minutes pleading to see her, I told Simon as I waited to see her and he was on his way down swearing revenge of whoever did it. Danni came to wait with me and asked if it was to do with the meeting in Brighton. I told her I didn't know but it could be. She said she wished she could take Trish's place but she didn't think she could talk to a crowd and convince them of the cause. I gave her a hug and told her I understood.

I was there for hours when Simon came, he gave me a monster hug and I was glad to relax in his arms. "Why don't you go home, I'll keep watch here and if she wakes up I'll let you know." It took three attempts by him to get me to go home and rest and I accepted his offer and yawned, picking up my bag I walked to my car and saw a note on it. I put on some gloves I kept in the car and opened it. It simply said 'Keep away from Brighton - you have been warned.' I got in the car, locked it and drove home. I called the police and they sent someone over to collect it, they thought it may have something to do with this meeting but of course, there was no evidence to support the hypothesis.

Stella made me a cuppa and tried to reassure me, but I was too distraught to drink it. "I hope to god she's okay, if anything happens to her I'll go to Texas and burn their fucking church down while they're all in it."

"That would do her a lot of good, she needs you as her mum to be there for her, not as a vigilante likely to spend a long time in prison."

"They've won, haven't they?"

"If you think like that they have."

"If only we had some evidence."

"Yeah, well don't expect the plod to find it. They couldn't find your foot in your shoe." She went off to look after her girls.

I'd been home about half an hour when the phone rang. It was Sammi. "You're never going to believe how many strings I've had to pull; eventually when I said it may involve some American evangelists they seemed to move into action and within an hour had evidence that something was going on in Brighton, Southampton and Portsmouth."

"We knew that already," I sighed so much for GCHQ.

"Yeah, but they have evidence."

"Enough to convict someone?"

"I don't know, it's all somewhat shadowy but they mentioned emails and phone calls, which they had to open after decrypting them which mentioned something of 'target neutralised' minutes after they think Trish was attacked, and 'mother warned off' was another. That could tie them into your note."

"It's not much but thanks for trying. Looks like I may have to coincide a meeting in Brighton with a visit to some friends there."

"Don't be daft, Mum, it's too dangerous, let the police deal with it."

"Get that evidence to the police, I'm going to write an address to the people of Brighton, bye Sam." I made some fresh tea checked on the girls and made some notes. Danni arrived back from the hospital saying her dad had sent her home to get some rest. I told her what I was going to do and she gasped and implored me not to.

Simon hired a bodyguard to sit with Trish and he came home, I told him I was going to finish Trish and Debbie's task. He asked me if I was stupid and I said no, determined no one was going to assault my family and friends and get to crow about it. He told me he would come to protect me. I kissed him and went to bed.

The next day I let it be known that I was going to the meeting to make the case that Debbi and Trish were hoping to present. Danni again tried to dissuade me and then ran off. I went to see Trish and she looked a bit better. When I got home I caught Danni talking to Simon rather furtively and she ran off when I approached.

"What did she want?"

"It's not a crime for a daughter to speak with her dad, is it?" I shook my head at his answer then he went off to sit with Trish. Henry had phoned to ask how she was but I was too messed up to talk to him, so Stella did.

"On the Saturday evening, I found myself in Brighton approaching the city hall where the meeting had been transferred because the turn out for it was very large and activists from both the TERFs and the trans women and men were demonstrating outside, the police keeping a presence between them. I entered with Simon and put my name down to speak. We were shown to two seats.

The meeting was certainly lively and punctuated by various speakers having to deal with hecklers. Finally, Josephine Hunter rose to speak and mentioned the usual chestnuts then she got into the politics and finally that trans people were sinners and against the teachings in the bible.

I indicated to the chair that I was ready to speak. I was recognised and called to the stage. "I'm here because one of my colleagues and my own daughter were going to speak but they were attacked and are both in hospital, their contributions would doubtless be different from my own.

"We've heard Professor Hunter make her case, it wouldn't stand up in a court of law mainly because it's built on sand. She doesn't mention that people who oppose her argument seem to be assaulted, I'm sure she's not involved but she didn't mention being funded by a rather nasty evangelical group from America who preach hate almost as successfully as she does, again all based on nonsense.

"She tells me that it's wrong that someone born in one gender could claim to be the other gender. It's a delusion she says. She then goes on to mention that all such people are sinners and acting against holy law.

"We don't have technology to see if people are the opposite gender from their birth one, but being a reasonable human I take it on trust if they say it. You see, how can someone say that believing yourself to be the opposite gender is a delusion, when they actively worship a god that no one has ever seen or proved that even exists, yet millions of people worldwide believe in this delusion without batting an eyelid.

"'God's holy law', did anyone see God actually write it, if not why not, can't he do anything? Oh the ten commandments, I hear someone say, is there any evidence that there was a Moses because I know none. It's a myth like much of the bible written by men who were trying to remember a much earlier oral tradition. They were not very technologically based and how they interpreted natural events was simplistic and we know nowadays wrong, earthquakes being more due to tectonic plate movement than the anger of gods.

"We know physically there are more than two sexes many of them due to genetic differences from the usual but they do exist and they exist in the animal kingdom as well. I happen to be a biologist so know more about these than many.

"Nothing I have heard tonight makes me believe the case against transgenderism has been proven, just how nasty the people making it really are, the money comes from Americans who seem to be anti-anything good, they are against abortion, against gays except apparently gay women because it doesn't mention them in the bible, Queen Victoria will be so relieved," a chuckle broke out amongst the audience, "they don't like people of colour or black people - nice aren't they? These are the people funding this group of female malcontents. Even my esteemed academic, colleague - I use the term advisedly, now seems to be backing TERFs yet I can remember how she persecuted a girlfriend of mine who was gay, perhaps a Pauline conversion through the agency of this god they can't prove the existence of. Much of what they say is based on hate so I would imagine if Jesus were to appear now I am sure he'd be disappointed in them as he seemed inclusive in his ministry rather than preaching hatred.

"Finally, I have met many trans people as they are now called, and although I am sure there's the odd bad apple, none I have met so far have been anything but pleasant and just want to get on with their lives. Are they changing gender just so they can spy on women in toilets? The only violence so far has been shown by women who have attacked them in toilets.

"Finally, we live in an ever-crowded world, we need to help each other to be inclusive like Jesus was, and to see those who would preach otherwise to be divisive and usually full of anger and bile, perhaps if they spoke to us in a more friendly manner, we could help them solve the reasons for their anger and hate and teach them that when we cooperate we can send a man to the moon and bring him back safely, when we are in conflict people are hurt or die. I know which I prefer. Thank you."

There was silence for a couple of seconds before people got to their feet and applauded me. I didn't expect it but went back to Simon smiling yet tearful. He hugged me and said Debbie and Trish were conscious and Sammi texted me and it appears GCHQ is passing a whole file of evidence to Hampshire police, she said it looked pretty convincing. Come on, let's get home, eh?"

I nodded and that's what we did calling at the hospital to see my daughter and my friend, I told them what I'd done and they both smiled before going back to sleep.

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