Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 190

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 190

A Yei for Jackie.
A seminar to fix things?
Another trip to Los Alamos.
More teaching and a new job?
It’s ours and meeting the neighbors.

After a very eventful start to Sunday, a nice dinner with Dr. Joe, his wife Mary, Chief Tom, and Vickie was a welcome relaxing time.

Monday brought Tom back as we visited Senator Tso to pick up the papers on the house, and then a visit to the bank to finalize the loan on the house. We had one thing happen that bothered us. It appears that Senator Tso and the Mayor of Albuquerque are in cahoots. We’ll see if Aunt Ginny can find out anything.

We had a wonderful surprise. We got a glimpse of the Eaglets. But, it appeared that the Fish and Wildlife people had attempted to band the Eaglets. And, they found out how protective Bald Eagle parents can be.

I talked with Sam Tl'izilani, and we set up a time on Saturday to meet at the house to get the keys. And he and his sister, Debza, were going to walk through the house with us.

Plus Dr. Joe and I have a meeting with the people at Los Alamos later this week.

Wednesday was an uneventful day. We taught classes, and since there was no project to work on Amy and I just went back to the apartment after classes.

When we were back at the apartment, we started looking at things. What was going to the house, and what we’d need to get rid of. Of course, all of our clothes were going as were all of the rugs and wall hanging, and the pottery. Both sets of bedroom furniture were going as were the lamps. The television set and the stand were going to go, but I think we were going to look for a better television set, maybe a console. And maybe even color.

We didn’t want to take the kitchen table and chairs, or the furniture in the living room except for the television and stand. Or the washer and dryer that was left by the last residents of the apartment. We wondered if the university would want us to leave them or should we give them to someone or sell them to the used furniture store.

Then Amy said, “I wonder if Charlie and Jackie would want anything?”

“We can ask.”, I said. “I know their kitchen set isn’t good.”

“We’re going to need boxes.”

“That we are.”

“Where are you going to put that safe?”

“In the garage. Then we’ll look at something different.”

“Something like Uncle Gaagii has?”

“Yes.”, I said. “But, smaller. I don’t see us having as many guns as he does.”

“I don’t either.”, Amy replied. “But, it’ll need room for the silver.”

“The safe Uncle Gaagii has, has several drawers at the bottom. And, I’ve seen safes like this at the gun shop next to the outdoor store.”

“That sounds like a stop we need to make.”

After dinner, we went next door to Charlie and Jackie’s apartment. After we’d said hello, we told them that we’d looked at things in the apartment and that we were wondering if there was something that they’d like to have.

As we said that I noticed a sad expression grow on Jackie’s face. I looked at her and said, “Jackie, don’t be sad. We’re not going to be that far away.”

“I know, Kai.”, Jackie said. “But it was so nice to have you next door.”

“I know. But we’re friends. Good friends. And we’ll see each other. We’ll be here for each other.”

“I know. But, it’s hard to see friends move away.”

I looked at Amy and said, “Jackie, I think that Amy and I know that feeling very well.”

“Oh. That’s right. Amy’s family moved away when you were in high school.”

“They did. And you can see what happens when you feel that you’re best friends.”

“Yes.”, Jackie said. “You stay in touch and get back together.”

Charlie and Jackie walked back to our apartment with us and looked around. We told them what we’d be leaving behind. They said that the kitchen set would be nice. And we told them that it was theirs.

Then I heard Jackie ask Amy, “You’re taking all the pottery too. Aren’t you?”

“Of course.”, Amy replied. “Why?”

“I was just thinking of something small to keep your memory fresh.”

“Like what, Honey?”

Jackie walked over to the television stand, and picked up the little two spout piece of pottery with the Yei spirits on it, looked at Amy, and said, “I’ve always loved this piece.”

Amy smiled at Jackie and said, “Honey, it’s yours.”


“Yes. Do you know what the figures represent?”


“They are the male and female Yei spirits. It’s believed that these spirits control the natural elements, the Sun, the Moon, rain, snow, and so on. We also believe that they have healing powers. Plus, the Yei spirits may also meditate things between the Great Spirit and the people.”

As Jackie set it back down, she said, “I can’t take this it means too much to you.”

“Honey.”, Amy said. “It’s alright. We have a sand painting of the Yei spirits in our bedroom that means more to us.”

“Are you sure?”

As Amy picked up the piece of pottery and handed it to Jackie, she smiled, and said, “Yes, honey. I’m sure. I know it will have a good home with you and Charlie.”

Jackie took the Yei pottery from Amy, hugged her, and she said, “Thank you so much.”

It was Thursday, and Dr. Joe and I had a meeting at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and like I always do for a meeting there, I was dressed up. Not a Biil dress, but still dressed up.

I was in a long fancy skirt, a fancy blouse, and wrap moccasins. Amy braided my hair into a single braid, and I went with a simple braided leather headband. My earrings were the ones that my grandfather had made with the silver dimes and gold feathers. I didn’t want to wear a Concho belt to teach in, but I had one with me for later along with the choker that my two grandfathers had made. I was wearing two bracelets and two rings.

My other classes had seen me dressed this way before, but not the new students in my Computer Design class. So, as the last student in my eight o’clock class took his seat, I said, “Good morning. I don’t know if you know this or not, but I’m also a research fellow here at the university. And, we’ve just completed a research project for the Los Alamos National Laboratory. And, we have a meeting with them this afternoon to give them the results of our research, and I won’t have time to change before we leave. So, you get to see me in typical Navajo dress.

“For those of you that are anti-war, the research that we do for Los Alamos can not be for any military purposes. And, the last project that I worked on for them was for the Apollo Spacecraft.

“Now on to our pop-quiz.”

That got a moan. I told my second class the same thing.

After class, I walked over to Dr. Joe’s office, and he was waiting for me, and he was even wearing a suit. We retrieved the metal briefcase and opened it. Then we opened the file cabinet, retrieved the printed circuit board and everything else, put it in the metal briefcase, and locked it.

I then asked, “Who’s driving, you, or me?”

“The Dean.”, Dr. Joe said.

“Oh. I didn’t know he was going.”

“He always goes. Someone has to keep you out of trouble.”

I glared at Dr. Joe. Then I retrieved the choker and Concho belt from my purse and put them on. I grabbed the metal briefcase and said, “Let’s go.”

We walked down to the Dean’s office, and he was waiting for us. As we walked in, Sara, the Dean’s secretary, saw us, and said, “Kai, you always look so sharp when you go to these meetings.”

“Thanks, Sara.”, I said. “I just like looking my best.”

“That you do, Kai.”

“Are you two ready to go?”, the Dean asked.

I looked at the Dean, smiled, and said, “We’re just waiting on you, sir.”

The Dean frowned at me, Sara tried not to laugh, and Dr. Joe shook his head.

We walked out to the Dean’s car and headed north to Los Alamos. On the way, Dean Rutherford said, “Miss Nez, we have something that we’d like to propose to you. We know that you are well aware of the problems Dr. Kilmer caused the university.”

I thought, ‘Yeah, and what he cost me by attacking me when I was talking to him with my advisor. And, what I ended up going through to teach his two classes this school year. Including finding out that he was using outdated material. And also picking up his research along with Dr. Joe.’

I said, “Dean, I remember Dr. Kilmer all too well!

“So, what has he done now?”

“Nothing, Miss Nez.”, Dean Rutherford replied. “It’s what the university wants to do to correct what he’s already done.

“The university want’s to contact all the students that he’s had in class. And explain to them what he’s done. Then we’ll ask them if they would be interested in a free week-long seminar to cover the information that has been updated, with a free copy of the current book, and free room and board for that week.”

“And you want me to do the seminars. Don’t you?”, I asked.

“We’d like you to do them.”

“When are you planning on doing these seminars?”

“Probably the last two weeks of August. One week for the Electric Circuits class and one week for the Electronic Circuits and Systems class.”

“One week to cover what has been updated since they had his class?” And I sarcastically added, "That’ll be fun to do.”

“I know, Miss Nez. Correcting another's error is never fun.”

“I know, Dr. Joe and I have already cleaned up one of his messes.”

Then I turned and looked at Dr. Joe, who was sitting in the backseat of the car, and asked, “Dr. Joe, can I count on your support if I decide to do this?”

“Kai, you know you can.”, Dr. Joe said. “And, you’re the one that spotted the problem, so you may be the best one to correct it.”

“But, the only thing that I spotted was the out of date publication date on the books.

“I’ve got to think about this.”

After a few minutes, I asked, “Dean Rutherford, how far back is the university going to go in contacting students. The books that I was given were five years old.”

“I know, Miss Nez.”, Dean Rutherford said. “They’re still compiling the list.”

“So, you don’t even have an idea of the total number of students that this effects.”

“Not yet. We should in another week.”

“You know that this is a real can of worms. Are you sure that you want to open that can?”

With a sigh, Dean Rutherford said, “Yes, I know, Miss Nez.”

The rest of the drive to Los Alamos was a quiet one.

An hour and a half after we left Albuquerque, we were pulling into the visitor’s parking lot at Los Alamos, and we walked into the security building. As we were checking in, the security officer asked us to open the briefcase, which we did. He looked in it, then closed it. Then he checked my purse and found nothing of interest. He issued us our visitor’s badges, and someone drove us to the administrative building.

At the administrative building, we went through security again, then we sat and waited for someone to come and get us. Finally, Dr. Fontheim, our liaison with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, walked into the reception area and greeted us. Then we all walked back to a small meeting room, and Dr. Höllmann, head of research for Los Alamos, was waiting for us. We all sat around a table, and Dr. Fontheim said, “We understand that you have something for us?”

“Yes, sir.”, Dr. Joe said.

I picked up the metal briefcase and set it on the table, and Dr. Joe and I unlocked it. I took out the envelope containing the circuit and handed it to Dr. Fontheim. He took it and looked at it through the envelope, then he said, “Very nice work Dr. Oshie.”

“All the credit goes to Miss Nez.”, Dr. Joe said.

“I see. So, Miss Nez, just like with the last project you built the board?”

“Yes, Sir.”, I said.

“Very nice work.”

“Thank you, sir. Having someone that's very good at making a printed circuit board is also very helpful.”

“And, just like last time, you have finished ahead of time.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s impressive.”

“Things just came together and worked well.”

“Is the university interested in doing another project?”, Dr. Höllmann asked.

“I looked at Dr. Joe, and he looked at Dean Rutherford. And, Dean Rutherford said, “I would say yes as long as we have this same team.”

“We hope that it would be this same team.”

“Dr. Oshie, are you and Miss Nez willing to tackle another project together?”

Dr. Joe said, “Yes, I am as long as Miss Nez will be working on it too.”

“I’d be happy to tackle another project with Dr. Oshie.”, I said.

“Good.”, Dr. Höllmann said. “We have a good one for you if you want to tackle it.

“Our nondisclosure agreement is still in effect, but we’ll ask you to sign another one if you don’t mind.”

We all agreed that we’d sign a new one. Then Dr. Fontheim set a folder in front of each of us. On the front of each was the nondisclosure form. We each read our nondisclosure agreement over and signed them. Then we opened the folders and read the basic proposal.

When I’d finished reading it, I said, “This is interesting and more challenging than the last two.”

Dean Rutherford said, “Not being an electrical engineer, I’m not sure what I’m reading. So, I’ll go along with what Dr. Oshie and Miss Nez decide.

“Dr. Oshie?”

“I agree with Miss Nez that this will be a challenge.”, Dr. Joe said. “Miss Nez, is it doable?”

“It’s doable.”, I replied. “But, I’m a little concerned with the amount of time that we have to do it in. Doing this project is going to run into the summer, and I know I have other commitments.”

I saw Dr. Höllmann and Dr. Fontheim look at each other. Then Dr. Höllmann said, “We would like you to do this, and I think that we might be able to extend the date we need it by.”

“That would be good, Dr. Höllmann. I don’t want to be rushed. Rushing leads to mistakes.”

“Would two weeks help?”

“Yes, that would be a big help.”

We talked a little more about the project. Then later, as we walked to the car, I said, “I’m hurt.”

“You’re hurt, Miss Nez. Why?”, the Dean asked.

“They didn’t ask me to come to work for them again.”

“Maybe they took the hint from last time.”, Dr. Joe said.


We had a different locked metal briefcase as we left Los Alamos. We placed it in the trunk of the car. Then, as we got into the car, Dean Rutherford asked, “What was the name of the restaurant in Santa Fe that we stopped in the last time we were here?”

“The Pink Adobe.”, I replied.

“Want to stop there for lunch?”

“Fine by me.”

“Me too.”, Dr. Joe said.

I directed the Dean to the restaurant, and as we were eating, Dr. Joe said, “Kai, you're too quiet.”

“Sorry.”, I said. “But, I was thinking of everything that’s going on. Amy and I are moving into a house. We have another research project. There’s the possibility of the seminars that are going to take a lot of work. Both sets of our parents are coming out west for a couple of weeks. And, Amy’s brother and fiancee are also coming out. And, I assume the university is going to want me to teach next school year.”

“Are your parents staying with you the whole time they’re here?”, Dean Rutherford asked.

“No, they’re using our place as a base, and they’ll have a motor home to travel around in.”

“And you did buy a house?”

“Yes, we just signed the final papers. It’s up in the northeast part of Albuquerque, and almost in the mountains.”

“Nice area. Some of the university’s administrators live up that way.”

“Yes, we wanted out of the city and away from the lights. Somewhere where we could see the mountains, the desert, and the stars, and be with nature.”

“When are you moving in?”

“We get the keys this Saturday.”

“Much work to do before you move in?”

“No. An older couple owned it, and it’s only about seven years old. The only thing that needs to be done before we move in is The House Blessing Ceremony.”

“That’s a native thing. Isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s used to promote peace, harmony, good luck, and general well-being for the people living in it. It’s also believed that the Ceremony also prevents general misfortune, hardship, destruction, illness, bad dreams, visitations from ghosts and evil spirits, and protection from evil.” Where did that come from?

“Interesting Miss Nez. The more that I’m with you, the more I learn about your people.”

“I know sir. I’m still learning myself.”

“Tell him the best part, Kai.”, Dr. Joe said.

“What’s that?”, I asked.

“He’s a civil engineer. He might be interested in the construction.”

“You think?”

“Is it something special?”, Dean Rutherford asked.

“No, just adobe with a flat adobe roof.”

“Oh. Is it small.”

"No, sir. It about forty-five-hundred square feet has four bedrooms, and one of those is a master suite. Two and a half bathrooms. And two courtyards.”

“So, it’s true adobe construction?”

“Yes, with twenty-inch thick walls.”

“I would love to see this.”

“We’re thinking of having an open house after we’re settled in.”

We finished lunch and headed back to Albuquerque. On the way, the Dean said, “Miss Nez. We would like you to teach again next year and continue your research fellowship.”

“I figured that you would.”, I said. “What classes?”

“What you taught this year. And we’d like to offer the Computer Design class again Fall quarter. Then maybe another class in the winter and spring. Maybe an expansion of the Computer Design class.”

“Sounds like a lot for a part-time instructor.”

“How about for a full-time instructor?”

“What?”, I said.

“That’s not too much for a full-time instructor. Is it Miss Nez?”

“Dean, are you offering me a full-time instructor’s position?”

“Yes, Miss Nez.”, the Dean replied. “We are.”

I turned and looked at Dr. Joe, and he was grinning. I asked, “Dr. Joe, did you know about this?”

He smiled and nodded, yes.

Then I said, “You’ll pay.”

“Don’t blame him.”, Dean Rutherford said. “I swore him to secrecy.”


“Well, Miss Nez.”

“The full-time instructor's position, yes. I’d be happy to accept it. But, I’m still not sure about the seminar thing.”

“I understand your reluctance about the seminars, Miss Nez. And after talking with you, I’m beginning to have second thoughts about it myself. And, you have a lot on your plate this summer.”

“Here’s a thought.”, I said. “Maybe offer those who took the classes from Dr. Kilmer a chance to retake the current class that I’m teaching at no charge.”

“Interesting idea, Miss Nez.”, Dean Rutherford said. “I just may propose that to the people who want the seminar.”

“And, who are the people?”, I asked.

“President Lingham and the Board of Regents.”

“Not the Board of Regents again.”

“Almost a completely new board, Miss Nez.”


“Only the student member and the member who was the newest when you had your problem are still there. All the others are new. And they approved your full-time position.”

Once we were back at the university, the Dean went to his office, and Dr. Joe and I went to his office. We set the locked metal briefcase on the work table, and Dr. Joe asked, “Do you want to dig into this now?”

“Not really.”, I said.


“Monday would be better.”

“I think it’ll keep until then.”

“I hope.”

We locked the case in the fireproof file cabinet and called it a day.

Amy was at the apartment when I walked in. She looked at me and said, “You look beat.”

“I feel that way.”

“What happened?”

“Come upstairs with me while I change, and I’ll tell you.”

Amy and I went upstairs, and as I changed, I said, “On the way to Los Alamos, the Dean hit me with two seminars to … ” and I went on tell her about the seminar idea and how I felt about it. Amy just shook her head and said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“In not so many words, I told them that. Then I gave him the idea of allowing anyone who took the class from Kilmer to retake the current class at no charge. The Dean liked that.”

Then I told her about Los Alamos and how happy they were with our project, and then I told her about the new project and how I requested more time to do it.

We then talked about how the Dean had asked me to teach next year and to keep my research fellowship. And, then how he'd asked me also to teach some more classes next school year.

Amy, looked at me and said, “You said no to them. Didn’t you?”

“Why would I do that?”, I replied.

“That’s too much for a part-time instructor.”

“Who says that I’m a part-time?”

“Well, you are.”

“Not anymore, I’m not.”


“I’m not part-time.”

“Then, what are you?”


“Since when!?”

“Since today. The Dean asked me.”

Amy wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a deep kiss. When we broke the kiss, Amy said, “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks.”, I replied. “Where do you want to go for dinner?”

“La Placita Dining Rooms.”

“Think we’d better take someone with us just encase I can’t drive back here.”

“Why couldn’t you drive back?”, Amy asked.

“Too many sangrias.”, I replied.

“Might be a good idea. You get a shower, and I’ll talk to Charlie and Jackie.”

A couple of hours later the four of us, Charlie, Jackie, Amy, and I were heading to the La Placita Dining Rooms in the ‘57 Chevy with the top down. When we parked, we put the top-up. Then we walked into the restaurant.

Amy told the greeter that we were the Nez party. And, she said to follow her, which we did. We followed her into the dining room, and then I saw them. There was Dr. Joe, Mary, Chief Tom, and Vickie sitting at a table for eight. I looked at Amy and said, “You knew, didn’t you?”

“Of course, love.”, Amy replied.

We walked over to the group, and there were handshakes and hugs, along with the verbal congratulations.

We had a great meal, and I had a couple of sangrias, so, along with other reasons, I was glad that Charlie and Jackie were with us. During the meal, we had some great conversations, and Jackie and Vickie hit it off. Remember, Jackie is a nursing student, and Vickie, along with being Chief Tom’s wife is the Assistant Dean of the College of Nursing.

As we were eating dessert, yes fried ice cream, Vickie said, “I do have one more proposal to make to someone here. We know that she wants to continue doing clinical work, but she is such a good instructor that the College of Nursing would like to offer Amy a part-time instructor’s position if she will accept it. Amy?”

Everyone looked at Amy, and she was shocked, and couldn’t say anything. The first time that I’d ever seen that happen.

Vickie said, “Amy?”

“Yes … Yes. Sorry.”, Amy finally whispered. “I’d … I’d be happy to accept it.”

Just like with me, there were all kinds of hugs and handshakes for Amy.

When Charlie had driven us back to the apartment, and we were putting the ‘57 Chevy away, Jackie said, “Amy, you deserve that instructor’s position. You are an excellent teacher.”

“Thanks, honey.”, Amy said. “I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations.”

“Honey.”, I said. “You already have. Everyone loves you.”

“Really?”, Amy asked.

“Yes. Believe in yourself.”

“Yes, Amy.”, Jackie said. “You should hear what people say about you.”

“They do?”

“Yes, they just love the way you teach.”

“Thank you.”

Jackie and Amy hugged.

Later in bed, Amy asked, “Did you know that Vickie was going to do that?”

“No, I had no clue.”

“I never expected anything like that.”

“I know. I could tell by the look on your face.”

The only thing that happened out of the ordinary on Friday afternoon was that we had to go to the bank, so Tom was back. We needed to pick up the check for the loan. And a cashier’s check for the remainder of the down payment on the house. We only saw Mrs. Tillman, and of course, we thanked her again when she handed us the check for the house.

Then on the way back to the apartment, we made an important stop. We stopped at the insurance agent that my Uncle Paul recommended, and set up insurance on the house effective today.

When we were back at the apartment, the checks went right into the safe.

Saturday at a little before ten, Amy and I were pulling up to the adobe house. There were two cars there, one I knew to be Sam Tl'izilani’s car, the other one I figured to be Dezba Tso’s car. We parked next to the other cars. The ornamental iron gate in the adobe wall at the front of the house was open, so we walked through it, across the courtyard to the front porch, and to the front door.

I pulled the rope next to the two front doors, and we heard the bell in the house ring. Shortly the door opened, and Sam and Dezba were standing there, and Sam said, “Hi, you two.”

“Hi, Sam and Dezba.”, I said.

“Come on in.”

We spent the next hour and a half walking around the house with Sam and Dezba, as they showed us everything. Like how to cool the house down overnight in the summer. And that there was a forced warm air furnace that would heat the kitchen and dining room if necessary. But, in the seven years that their parents had lived in the house, the furnace was never used except to check it.

In the bedrooms there was somethings that I hadn’t noticed before. There was a bucket that held firewood. Kind of a rustic addition. Plus the usual fireplace tools

They showed us where all the utility shutoffs were, where the propane tank was outside. The pile of wood for the fireplaces. Dezba went over the kitchen with Amy. Sam took me outside, and he first told me that the lot was just under two acres. Then he showed me the property lines and stakes, the water well, and the septic system. When we were at the back of the property, he showed me the property stakes and markers that were marking the edge of the Cibola National Forest. As we walked the property, I noticed that with the trees and other landscaping that it was hard to see the other three houses at the end of the cul-de-sac.

As we were walking through the garage, I found a perfect place for a safe. And, I noticed that garage door openers would be an easy install. And, this is where the electric box was, and it was a good-sized one. And Sam said, “We decided to leave you a few gardening tools, if you want them, there’s two shovels, two rakes, and a wheelbarrow.”

“Thank you.”, I said. “I bet the wheelbarrow will come in handy for moving wood for the fireplaces.”

“Yes, it will.”

After we’d been through the house, we sat at the dining room table. I asked Sam about the television reception. Sam said that the television reception here was good do to the location of the transmitters a mile above us up on the Sandia Crest. I was wondering if the signals were too strong and would go over us. He said that his parents had used only rabbit ears. But, that the Santa Fe stations were always a little fuzzy. The television that was in the house was one of the things that we didn’t want.

Then Sam went through the keys with us. And they’d put all of the keys for each door on a separate ring and had them labeled. Even though the front doors had what looked like old fashioned locks, they were modern ones, and that the front door and the outside door to the garage were keyed alike as were all the sliding doors onto the back courtyard.

Then he had several phone numbers for us, police, fire, etc. And, some business cards for the propane company, his brother's adobe construction company, people who supply firewood, septic services, and others.

We talked about building a hogan outback, and Dezba said that their parents had talked about doing that, but had never gotten around to it.

Then Sam gave us a folder that had the architects drawing for the house, showing things like the utility and plumbing runs. And the layout of the septic field. As I took a quick look through it, I found a drawing for a hogan.

Then, I picked up my purse, took an envelope out of it, handed it to Sam, and said, “Well, it looks like you’ve told us everything and given us everything, along with the keys, that you could. So, this is for you.”

Sam opened the envelope, looked inside, and said, “Thank you.” Then he handed the envelope to Dezba. And she just put the envelope in her purse.

Then Sam asked, “Do you have time to meet two of your neighbors?”

“Of course. And we’d like to.”, Amy said.

As Sam got up, he said, “We’ll do this one at a time.” Then he picked up the phone and dialed. He spoke with someone. Then said, “They’ll be here in a minute. And you’ve already met them.”

“Who?”, I asked.

“My brother Hosteen and his wife, Asdza.”

We talked while we waited, then we heard the bell that was attached to the pull rope by the front door. The four of us walked to the front door, Sam opened it, and it was his brother Hosteen and his wife.

I said, “Yá’át’ééh. - (It is good.) Wóshde´e´’. - (Come in.)”

Both Hosteen and his wife said, “Yá’át’ééh.” as they walked in.

Then as we walked into the great room, Hosteen said, “Miss Nez, the family is so happy that you have purchased our parents home. It’s like it was meant to be.”

“Hosteen.”, I said. “We are neighbors. My name is Kai, and my cousin is Ajie.”

“Yes, we are neighbors.”

We sat in the big room and talked for a while, then I got up and got the folder with all the information on the house in it. As I sat back down, I said, “Hosteen, do you mind if we talk a little business?”

“No.”, “Hosteen said. “But what business do we have to talk about?”

“I understand that you built my Uncle Gaagii’s hogan.”

“Your uncle?”

“Yes, Gaagii Haskie over in Window Rock.”

“Gaagii Haskie is your uncle!?”

“Yes. He’s married to my mother’s sister.”

“That’s good to know.”

“Oh. Is that a bad thing?”

“No, it’s a good thing. He’s done a lot for his people. And, yes, we did build his hogan.”

“Would you build one for us?”

“Of course. Like his?”

“No, closer to a traditional one, to start with no electricity.” I opened the folder with the house’s information in it, and took out the drawing of the hogan and set it on the table. Then I continued with, “When Sam gave us the paperwork on the house, I'd noticed this design for a hogan in it.”

“Our parents wanted to build one, but never did. And those are the drawings for it.”

“This is just about what we’re looking for, and we can talk about this later after everything settles down.”

“That would be fine.”

We talked a little more, then Hosteen and his wife excused themselves.

Then Sam said, “Still have time to meet your other neighbor?”

“We have all day.”, I said.

“Our father bought this whole tract of land. He built his house on the best parcel. And Hosteen and his wife then built a house, it’s the only other adobe house here, and it’s to the north. Then two other traditional houses were built, and the people in the house just south of you also want to meet you.

“Let me make a phone call.”

Sam got up, took a business card from his wallet, went to the phone, and dialed a number.

When the phone was answered, what Sam said made me whip around, and look at him. I knew that name.


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