Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 176

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 176

A hike and the Yei spirits.
A meeting at Los Alamos.

It turned out that we were having dinner with the employees of a company that had reserved the whole resort for the weekend. So Ajie and I dressed up. We had met the owner of the company, Mr. Armbruster, and he was just too forward for my liking. But, the food was delicious.

As we ate we talked with my aunt and uncle about buying a house, and they were surprised when I mentioned the trust fund which was now investments controlled by Amy and me. They were willing to come with us when we looked at a house that we were interested in. We told them that we’d like to be in a house before our parents came out this summer.

Then we talked about a bonfire. The company had requested one for Saturday night. But, my uncle said that since the fire had already been laid for tomorrow that he’d be willing to have one tonight and then have another one tomorrow night. We were able to meditate at the fire, and when we finished, we had a nice talk with the companies owner’s wife.

At first, I wasn’t going to meditate on Saturday night because I didn’t want to be around the owner of the company that had reserved the resort. But, my uncle talked us into it. And, Aunt Ruth said that she’d loan us two Biil dresses so that we could go in fancy dress to dinner and the bonfire.

On Saturday Ajie and I had spent the day doing things that were relaxing, we hiked, soaked in a pool, and had a massage. When Ajie and I had dressed for dinner it was in fancy dress, the Biil dresses that Aunt Ruth loaned us. Aunt Ruth then told me that the Bill dress that I was wearing was her wedding dress. I all but refused to wear the dress. But, Aunt Ruth talked me into it.

Mrs. Armbruster, the wife of the company’s owner, was all over the way Ajie and I were dressed, and the silver jewelry that we were wearing. After a wonderful southwestern dinner, Ajie and I went to the house to pick up a rug, and we decided to swap our headbands for the Eagle feather headdresses.

It was nine on Saturday evening when Ajie and I walked up to the area of the bonfire. And like last night, we spread the rug on the ground where we like to sit. Then we walked over to where my uncle was standing. I noticed that there were more people here than last night and I saw Mr. Armbruster standing with his wife. I also noticed that Naainish was here again, and he was standing with my aunt.

As we walked up to my uncle to get the matches, he said, “I see that you’ve really dressed it up.”

“Huh?”, I said.

“The Eagle feather headdresses.”

“Oh. Yeah. We just felt that we should wear them.”

“It’s a real statement, Kai.”

“A real statement?”

“Of who you are.”

“I guess it is.”

We took the matches from my uncle, lit the fire, and stood there until the fire was burning well. Then we walked over to the blanket and sat. I looked up at the Moon that had passed full a few days before and felt it’s spirit. I looked at Ajie, we smiled at each other, and then at the fire. I heard a different chant then the one we did yesterday in my mind, and started chanting, as did Ajie. And, Naainish joined in. This was a long chant.

When we finished the chant, I felt different. I felt happy, relaxed like thing were good. Like they were as they should be. I looked at Ajie, and I didn’t have to ask, I just knew that she was feeling the same as I was. We got up, I picked up the rug, and we walked over to where my aunt, uncle, and Naainish were.

Naainish looked at us and in Navajo said, “Kai and Ajie you have reached Hózhó, you are in balance and beauty with the world.

“But, remember it is something that needs to be continually restored. You must continue to find and practice balance in your everyday life.”

“Thank you, Naainish.”, I replied in Navajo. “We understand.”

Shortly Mr. and Mrs. Armbruster walked up, and Mr. Armbruster said, “Girls, I enjoyed your show.”

Mrs. Armbruster looked at her husband in shock, and said, “Harold!”

Ajie and I looked at him, and I said, “It is not a show, Mr. Armbruster! It is part of our belief. It is how we communicate with the spirits. If I weren’t feeling the way I am right now, I’d just turn my back to you and walk away.

“But, I feel that it would be better to teach you the correct things.”

“Miss Nez.”, Mr. Armbruster said. “I’m so sorry that I called it a show. I do know better. I understand that meditating that way is a way for you to speak with the spirits. Please forgive me.”

“I feel that your apology is well meant. So, yes I forgive you.

“The spirits are very happy tonight. They are happy that Ajie and I are back here. And, that makes us happy. It is also good to forgive especially when the person in error admits to their mistake and means it.”

“Thank you, Miss Nez. I’ve spent some time trying to learn about the native people. And, I understand a little about the relationship between the people and spirits. But, I have a lot more to learn.”

“Yes, I see that.”, I said. “Reading will provide you a base to grow on. But, the only way to completely understand it, is to get out among the people. To be among them. Ajie and I are still learning. We were not born here and are, like you, learning from the ground up. But, we’ve had good teachers.

“Our friend here, Naainish, is a medicine man, and he has admitted to us that he is still learning even though he was born here. So, Mr. Armbruster, I applaud you for wanting to learn about the Diné (Navajo) and other tribes. But, you have chosen a tough subject with many many Moons of history and tradition. And, most of that is unwritten.”

“Miss Nez, thank you. You have shown me that I have only taken baby steps in learning about your people. I have to learn by listening and not speaking.”

“Mr. Armbruster, I think you have learned a valuable lesson. And, we want to thank you for two wonderful dinners.”

“Miss Nez. Those two meals were nothing. I want to thank you for sharing with us a small part of your people.”

“It was my pleasure.”

“If there is anything that I can ever do for you, please let me know.”

“Mr. Armbruster.”, I said. “You have already done something. You’ve donated to the Chief Todachine Scholarship. And, we appreciate that very much.”

“Miss Nez, how did you know about that?”

I just smiled. Then I looked at my uncle, and said, “Uncle Paul, we want to talk to some of the others that are here. And, I think it would be nice if you would explain what’s behind the scholarship to Mr. Armbruster.”

“Sure thing, Kai.”, Uncle Paul said.

As Ajie, Naainish, and I started to walk away, I said, “And, Mr. Armbruster, it’s been nice meeting you and your wife.”

“Ah. Yeah. It’s been very nice meeting you and Ajie too.”

Then I heard my uncle say, “Mr. Armbruster, you have to realize who you’re dealing with when you’re dealing with Kai. She is a …” And, I didn’t hear anything more that my uncle said.

As we walked, Naainish said, “Kai, you handled that very well.”

“Thank you, Naainish.”, I replied. “If I hadn’t felt the way I do it probably wouldn’t have been as nice.”

“The spirits helped you.”


The three of us spent some time walking around and talking to some of Mr. Armbruster’s employees and their spouses. We talked about the significance of the meditating and the chanting that we’d done, and answered questions about the clothes and jewelry that we were wearing. There appeared to be a lot of interest.

When the bonfire had started to burn down, it got cold, and everyone started heading for the warmth of the hotel and their rooms. Ajie, Naainish, and I headed for my aunt and uncle’s house. As we walked into the house and to the kitchen, my aunt said, “Anyone for hot chocolate?”

Everyone said, yes.

We sat at the kitchen table, sipped our hot chocolate, and talked. I said, “So, Uncle Paul, what did you tell Mr. Armbruster.”

“First, I told him a little about you and being a Nádleeh, and a two spirit person.”, Uncle Paul said. “But, not that you were a boy.”

“A little more than I wanted you to tell him, but okay.”

“And, he was amazed that at your young age that you and Ajie set up that scholarship. But, when I explained how you felt about Chief Todachine, he understood.

“He tried to get out of me where you went to college before you came out here, and I wouldn’t tell him.”

“Thank you.”

Then I said, “You know, both Ajie and I have missed the bonfires and meditating at them. And, last night and tonight it felt so good to be sitting there again.”

“Kai and Ajie.”, Naainish said. “That is something that you are meant to do. Kai, remember back to when you first meditated at the fire pit. You felt that you needed to sit and meditate there. It was the spirits of the fire calling you so that you could learn about them and they could learn about you.

“The more you were here at the resort and meditated the closer you became to the spirits. And, now it’s like you are home when you’re here. And, Ajie the same is true of you.

“The spirits are happy when you’re here.

“There is also a House Blessing Ceremony that I would like to do for you before you spend your first night in your new home. Your home isn’t a hogan, but it is your home. It needs to be made suitable for everyday life.

“And, before we light your first fire in the fire pit at the house, we will need to come here to the resort and take two buckets of ashes from the resort’s fire pit. We will need to spread those ashes in your fire pit. And lay our fire on top of those ashes.

“And, then when you light that fire for the House Blessing Ceremony, the spirits will know that you are there. They will come to that house and, like the Eagles along the river, they will visit with you. But, they will always be here at the resort when you visit them here. As you do when you visit the Eagles at their nesting site.”

I looked at Naainish, and thought, ‘You know about the Eagles and the nest site. And, even the house. It will have a fire pit? How do you know? We haven’t even started looking yet.’ I also knew that I’d probably never know. But, I said, “Naainish, I’ll never understand how you know the things about us that you do.”

“Kai, you are special, and someone needs to advise you. Not teach you, but advise you. And, that someone is me. So, I know, to some extent, what is going on with you.”

“I’ll never understand this, Naainish.”, I said.

“Kai.”, Naainish said. “At some time you might. I didn’t until you came into our lives a few years ago.

“I knew that you were coming out here. And, I was surprised when I met you and Ajie for the first time. I was not expecting a boy that could look so much like a girl and that had such a strong female spirit.

“When you and Ajie first walked into the hogan by the lake that day, I felt the spirits of two girls. I was expecting a Nádleeh, like I am, with equally strong male and female spirits. And, it took me a little while to feel your male spirit. And, it was a surprise when I did.”

“Why was it a surprise?”, I asked.

“Your male spirit was stronger than I thought.”, Naainish said. “It was like it almost hid and was there when needed. Your two spirits work hand in hand with each other. Your position at the university requires both of them, and they work very well together in solving problems and teaching students. But, you’re female spirit is, and always will be, the strongest. She is very level headed and makes smart decisions. Your male spirit is the one that guides your technical abilities.”

I sat there and looked at Naainish for a minute while I contemplated what he had said. Then I said, “Naainish, in the past what I knew about me being a two spirit person had scared me. But, after meditating tonight and now what you’ve told me, I finally feel at ease with it. But, I still don’t understand what it’s all about.”

“Kai, realize that you never will. And, I never will.”

“Naainish, I do realize that now.”

All of a sudden I felt drained, I yawned, and said, “Sorry. But, all of a sudden I’m really tired.”

“Honey.”, my Aunt Ruth said. “It’s okay. Just go to bed.”

“Kai.”, Naainish said. “You had a time with the spirits tonight. And, it’s taken all of your energy. A good nights sleep will rejuvenate you.”

I looked at Ajie, and asked, “Ajie, aren’t you tired too?”

“No, Kai. I’m not. Go on back, and I’ll be there in a little while.”

As I got up, I said, “I think I will. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Everyone said, “Yá’át’ ééh hiilchi’i’. - (Good night.)”

I went back to our bedroom, undressed, carefully hung up the white Biil dress, took a quick shower, crawled into bed, and I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

When I awoke on Sunday morning, Ajie wasn’t cuddled up with me. I rolled over, looked, and she wasn’t even in bed. I rolled back, looked at the clock, and it was almost eight-thirty. Wow. I’ve never slept in like this. I made a quick stop in the bathroom, threw on a bathrobe, and went into the main part of the house. My aunt, uncle, and Ajie were sitting at the kitchen table. Ajie looked at me, and said, “Well, hello sleepyhead.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”, I asked.

“Good morning to you too.”

“Sorry. Good morning. But, why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Why? You were sleeping so good that I just let you sleep.”

“I guess I must have needed it. Thanks.”

“I think you did. When I came to bed, not long after you did, you were out like a light.

“Let me fix you some breakfast.”

“I’ll buy that.”

“No, it’s on the house today. Just leave a good tip.”

As I was eating, Ajie and I talked about taking a hike. So, after I washed up my breakfast dishes, we both dressed in our hiking gear. We’d decided to do the Bosque River Loop trail, that’s the trail that goes past the round barn, across the broken bridge, and past the remote hogan. Maybe Uncle Paul has had the bridge fixed.

We walked the trail backward and wouldn’t cross the bridge or see the round barn until we were on our way back. The hike is relatively easy as it’s flat, but it’s just nice to get out and commune with Mother Earth. As we walked around the lake, we saw the remote hogan, and there was smoke coming from the smoke hole. There’s wasn’t a car or truck parked close by, so I guess the bridge hasn’t been repaired.

Ajie said, “Someone must be here.”

“Maybe Naainish.”, I said.


We walked closer to the hogan. And, listened. We didn’t hear anything. Like someone chanting. We walked up to the door, and the blanket wasn’t covering the entrance. I peeked inside and didn’t see anyone.

Then I said, “Yá’át’ ééh abiní? – (Good morning?)”

There was no answer. So, I slowly went into the hogan with Ajie right behind me. There was no one here, but as the smoke indicated, there was a fire burning in the fire pit. As our eyes became accustomed to the low light, we saw a rug on the floor on the other side of the fire pit. Then we saw a sand painting of the Yei spirits on the floor.

“Are you feeling what I’m feeling?”, Ajie asked.

“I am if it’s that we should sit and meditate.”, I replied.

I took Ajie’s hand in mine and led her to the blanket. We sat and looked at the sand painting of the Yei spirits. And, I had a chant come to me, and I quietly started chanting, and Ajie joined me. We only chanted a short time, then we sat quietly. We probably sat there for a total of fifteen minutes.

Ajie and I finally looked at each other, and without a word, we got up, and I reluctantly destroyed the sand painting. Then we extinguished the fire with water from a bucket that was next to the fire pit.

A short time later as we walked towards the bridge, Ajie said, “Naainish must have been here early.”

“Very early.”, I said. “The sand painting was very nice. And, I hated destroying it.”

“I know, honey. But, it’s the way it’s meant to be.”

“I know. But, you know something, I feel good.”

“I do too.”

When we got to the bridge, it hadn’t been repaired. So, we carefully walked across it, and back to the house. When we were back, we told my aunt and uncle about what we found at the hogan. My aunt said, “Kai like you’ve been told, the spirits move in strange ways. And, so does Naainish. He seems to know what you need and when. And, it happens.”

“I know, Aunt Ruth.”, I said. “And, I’ve come to expect it.”

“You’re believing in yourself now. Aren’t you?”

“I am. I’m seeing everything that I’ve been taught more clearly.”

“That’s good.”

We hung around the house and had a nice lunch with my aunt and uncle. Just before we were ready to leave for Albuquerque with a side trip to the nest site, there was a knock at the front door. Kind of unusual. No one uses the front door. I said, “I’ll get it.”

I walked to the front door, opened it, and it was Mr. and Mrs. Armbruster. I said, “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Armbruster.”

“Hello, Miss Nez. Is your uncle home?”, Mr. Armbruster asked.

“Yes, sir. Come on in. We’re all in the kitchen.”

I led the way to the kitchen, and my uncle saw the Armbrusters, and said, “Hello. Is everything okay?”

“As it always is, yes.”, Mr. Armbruster said. “We just checked out, and I just want to confirm everything for next year.”

“You’re already on the schedule.”

“Thank you, Mr. Biakeddy. And, everything was excellent this year. You’re two nieces added a nice touch to the weekend. I hope that they will be here next year too.”

“We’ll see, Mr. Armbruster.”, I said. “It just depends on what’s going on.”

“I understand that, Miss Nez.”

“It’s just Kai.”

“Yes, I understand, Kai.”

As the Armbrusters walked towards the front door, Mr. Armbruster said, “Well, we’re off. See you in a year.”

“We’ll be happy to have you back.”, my uncle said.

I showed them to the door, and as they walked out the door, I said, “Hágoónee', Mr. and Mrs. Armbruster.”

Mr. Armbruster looked at me and asked, “What did you just say, Miss Nez.”

“We feel that goodbye is to permanent, so we say see you later, and in Navajo, that’s, hágoónee'. And, remember it’s Kai.”

He smiled, and said, “Well then, hágoónee', Kai.”

“Have a safe trip.”

“Thank you, Kai.”

I closed the door and went back into the kitchen. And, said, “I’m still not sure what I’m feeling from him. I feel that he has an agenda. But, I don’t know what it is.”

“I think maybe the way he came on to you that first time may have you confused.”, my uncle said. “His employees love him.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

Later, as we were heading back to Albuquerque, we stopped at the Eagle’s nest site. And, everything was fine and we visited for a little while.

When we were back in Albuquerque, and before we went to the apartment we stopped at the drug store and picked up a copy of the Sunday paper. Uncle Paul had told us that the Sunday paper had the best real estate ads in it.

When we were back at the apartment and were figuring out what to have for dinner, I glanced at the answering machine, and the light was blinking. I rewound the tape, pressed play, and we heard, “Kai, it’s Dr. Joe. It’s important. Call me as soon as you get this. Bye.”

I looked at Ajie, and said, “Now what?”

“Call him and find out.”, Ajie said.

“I’m going to do that, smarty.”

“Just for that, you’re making dinner.”

I just picked up the phone and called Dr. Joe. When he answered, I said, “Hi Dr. Joe. It’s Kai. What’s so important?”

“The people at Los Alamos called the Dean on Friday afternoon, and they want to meet with us on Monday morning. I tried to call you Friday, but all I got was the machine.”

“I can’t go. I’m teaching classes in the morning.”

“Kai, this is important.”

“So is teaching a class that the students are expecting you to teach.”

“Kai, let’s put it this way, the Dean said that you and I are going with him to Los Alamos for the meeting.”

“What about my classes?”

“They’ll just be canceled for the day.”

“I don’t like that.”

“Kai, you need to go.”

“Who wants to meet with us?”

“As far as I know, it’ll be Dr. Fontheim, Dr. Höllmann, and Dr. Millman.”

“No one else?”, I asked.

“Not as far as I know.”, Dr. Joe replied.

“Okay, but I’m doing this under protest.”

“Don’t tell me. Tell the Dean.”

“Oh. I will.”

“I know you will.”

“Okay, what time?”

“The meeting is at ten, so we’re meeting in the Dean’s office at eight.”

“See you then.”

“See you, Kai.”

I hung up the phone, walked over to the couch, sat, and folded my arms across my chest. Amy, said, “Kai, calm down. These things happen.”

“What about my classes?”, I said.

“Honey, you’ll just need to adjust what you teach so that you cover everything that you need to by the end of the quarter. So, tell me what’s going on?”

“The Los Alamos people called the Dean on Friday, and want to meet with us on Monday morning. And, I don’t have a choice of going or not going.”

“Honey. It must be important. Who are you meeting with?”

“Dr. Fontheim, who’s the liaison between the university and the Laboratory. Dr. Höllmann, who is the head of research. And, Dr. Millman, who an Assistant Director of the whole Laboratory.”

“That’s not bad. Is it?”

“If it was just them. No. But, I’ll bet that there will be one or two others there. And, it’ll probably be their security people.”

“Any idea what they want to talk about?”

“Dr. Joe didn’t say. But, I’ll bet dollars to donuts that it’s about our background checks. And, it’s probably bad news for me.”

“Honey! You don’t know that. It could be good news.”

“Yeah. Right.”

“After everything this weekend and both of us feeling good don’t ruin the mood.”

“I’m sorry. I just don’t like my classes being messed up.”

“I understand. Let’s make dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Kai! Come on, get out of the funk. It’s not like you to assume something. You need to be positive about this.”

After a deep sigh, I said, “As always, you’re right.”

Ajie smiled, walked over to me, sat on my lap, and kissed me. Then, she said, “I don’t want much to eat, especially after this weekend. I’ll make salads, and there’s a good bottle of wine in the refrigerator.”

Later as we were cuddling in bed, she whispered into my ear, “I’ll bet I can take your mind off of the meeting?”

“No bet.”, I said. “I know you can take my mind off of the meeting.”

And, boy did she ever take my mind off of the meeting.

As I walked across campus on Monday morning heading to the engineering building I was dressed to the nines. Long velvet skirt, wrap moccasins, fancy blouse, Concho belt, two silver and turquoise bracelets, three silver rings, the choker that both of my grandfathers had made, and the silver and gold earrings.

Amy had braided my hair into a single braid with the four colored pieces of leather intertwined in it. I wore the braided leather headband with the feathers hanging down by my left ear.

I actually used a little more makeup than usual. I little mascara to highlight my eyelashes. A touch of eyebrow pencil. And, a bit more lipstick than usual.

As I walked across the campus, I noticed that almost every boy turned and took an extra long look. I even heard a wolf whistle or two or three. There were also a few comments that I ignored. One that if I’d been close enough, he would have gotten slapped. Even some of the girls were taking more than an idle interest in me.

As I walked into the Dean’s office at a couple minutes to eight, Sara, his secretary looked up, did a double take, and said, “Wow! Kai, who are you trying to impress?”

“Myself.”, I replied.

“Well, you’ve sure impressed me.”

“Me, too.”, Jerry, the other secretary, said.

“Is it too much for this meeting?”

“No.”, Sara replied. “Especially if you’re trying to impress those people.”

“I’m not trying to impress anyone. I just feel good when I dress like this.”

“Kai, I think we all do when we dress up.”

Just then Dr. Joe walked in, saw me, smiled, and gave out a low wolf whistle.

I glared at him, and said, “Just watch your step mister.”

“Sorry, Kai.”, Dr. Joe said. “But, when I see beauty like this I can’t help but react.”

With a sly grin, I said, “Letch.”

“Am not.”

“Are too. Just wait until I tell Mary.”


“Good morning, Dr. Joe.”

“Good morning, Miss Nez.”

“I don’t know about you two.”, Sara said.

“Don’t worry, Sara.”, I said. “It’s just our usual banter.”

The Dean walked in, and without looking asked, “Are you two ready to go?”

“Go where?”, I asked.

The Dean looked at me, and started to say, “To Los Alamos, Miss N … ”

He stared for a minute, then said, “To Los Alamos, Miss Nez. And, it does look like you’re ready to go.”

“Yes, sir. I am. And I’m not happy about my two classes being canceled for today.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Nez. But, they called this meeting and insisted that you and Dr. Oshie be there.”

“Okay. I guess.”

The Dean drove, and an hour and a half later we were going through the security that Los Alamos uses for visitors. I kept looking at name badges for a Peshlakai, and I never saw one. Hmm.

After we finished with the security check at the parking area, we were given visitor badges, then we were driven to the administrative offices. And, we went through the security checks all over again. Then we sat and waited. Finally, Dr. Fontheim walked into the outer office, and over to us. We stood, and Dr. Fontheim said, “I’m so glad to see you three again.”

“And, I hope that we’ll be glad that we’re here, too.”, Dean Rutherford said.

“I think you will. Come with me, the others are waiting.”

I thought, ‘Maybe this will be good.’

We followed Dr. Fontheim down a hall to a meeting room, he held the door for us, and we walked in. As Dr. Joe had expected, along with Dr. Fontheim, Dr. Höllmann and Dr. Millman were also here. As was MS. Blackington who probably did my background check.

After we said hello to each other, it was down to business. As we sat, Dr. Millman said, “We have three things to do today, and with the third one we needed to do it here. MS. Blackington, if you will.”

“Yes, sir.”, MS Blackington said. “I’ll be happy to.

“First off, we finished the background checks on Dr. Oshie and Miss Nez. And, Dr. Oshie, we checked with a number of your references and others, and we’re happy to say that you cleared without a problem. So, we’ve granted you a Confidential clearance. And this will suffice for the research that the Laboratory wants you to do.

“Now, Miss Nez. You were very interesting to do a background check on. And, I’m glad we had our talk before we started or we wouldn’t be here. Knowing your status as a two spirit person eliminated one thing that would have kept you from obtaining a security clearance. So, we won’t even talk about that.

“Miss Nez, I actually went to Ohio and talked with many people there, including the Psychology Professor that you told me about, your two friends that are Psychology majors, a Lieutenant Thomas of the Columbus Police, and others. And, they said nothing but good things about you.

“Here in New Mexico, these people have more respect for you than I’ve ever seen. The Chief of the Navajo Nation, Chief Kinlicheeny, couldn’t say enough about you. I even talked to, and it scared me at first, the War Chief of the Navajo Nation, Chief Clah. I’ve never spoken to a War Chief before. When I spoke to the local FBI about how you handled the problem that we caused, they told me about a Ranger from the Albuquerque Parks Department, and I spoke with him.

“And, after everything, Miss Kai, I see no problem with you having a security clearance.

“Dr. Millman, you had something that you wanted to say.”

“Yes, thank you, MS Blackington.”, Dr. Millman said. “Miss Nez I was sold on you with the way you handled the stupid trick that Yountz pulled on you. It told me what kind of person you are. So, we are, like with Dr. Oshie, granting you Confidential clearance.”

“Thank you, sir.”, I said.

“MS Blackington, would you please leave us.”

“Yes, sir.”, MS Blackington said. “Dean Rutherford, Dr. Oshie, and especially you Miss Nez, it’s been a pleasure seeing you again.”

She and I smiled at each other. Then she bent over and whispered to me, “I still can’t believe that you’re a man.”

I whispered back, “Believe it. A man’s body and a woman’s spirit.”

As MS Blackington closed the door, Dr. Millman said, “Dr. Höllmann, I think you have something for us.”

“Yes, sir.”, Dr. Höllmann said. “Since we now have the security issue solved, we have a new research project for you. Again, before we go any further, I have three nondisclosure agreements for you to read and sign.”

He handed us each a folder. Inside was a nondisclosure agreement already filled out except for our signatures. I was surprised that mine was made out to Kai Nez. Well, I guess that’s who I am.

When we’d all signed them and handed them back to Dr. Höllmann. He looked at the papers, then said, “Dr. Fontheim, they’re all yours.”

Dr. Fontheim pickup up his briefcase, laid it on the table, unlocked and opened it, removed three binders from it, and handed one of the binders to each of us. Then he said, “These binders contain a brief description of something that we’d like you to do. Look them over, and see if this is something that you’d like to tackle.”

The three of us, Dean Rutherford, Dr. Joe, and I read over the proposal. I was the first one finished, I looked at Dr. Fontheim, and said, “Very interesting. It looks difficult but doable.”

Dr. Joe finished next, and said, “What Miss Nez said. It looks very interesting.”

When Dean Rutherford finished, he asked, “So, Dr. Oshie. Miss Kai. Do you want to attempt this?”

Dr. Oshie looked at me, and asked, “Well, Kai. Shall we?”

“I think we shall.”, I replied.

“I’m going to take that as a yes from both of you.”, Dean Rutherford said. “So, yes, Dr. Fontheim we’ll accept the research project.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”, Dr. Fontheim said. Then as he handed Dean Rutherford a folder, he said, “All we need is your signature accepting the project.”

Without hesitation Dean Rutherford signed the papers, then the three men from the Laboratory also signed the papers.

Then, Dr. Fontheim said, “Later this week a courier, a real courier, from here with proper identification will deliver all the documentation and some necessary parts directly to Dean Rutherford. He must be the one that signs for them. And, when you are not directly using any of the items delivered they are to be locked in a secure fireproof safe or file cabinet. As is all paperwork.”

“That’s fine.”, Dean Rutherford said.

“And, remember that the nondisclosure agreement is enforce no matter if you complete the research project or not. Copies of those will be in the documentation

We spent some time discussing the project, and as usual, they wouldn’t tell us what it’s for. We were happy with what we were hearing from the Los Alamos people. Then, as we were saying so long to the men from Los Alamos, I took Dr. Millman aside and asked, “Dr. Millman, what’s happened to the Peshlakai guy?”

“Who, Miss Nez?”, Dr. Millman asked.

“The man you told me about in the note.”

“Note, Miss Nez? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Dr. Millman! That man lost his wife because of some things his brother did. And, his brother is now in prison. I don’t want to see him lose his job too.”

“After the trouble that he caused you?”

“Sir, I’m not a vindictive person. Besides, the Navajo can take care of things.”

“He’s a Navajo?”

“Yes, sir. And, the proper people know about what he did.”

“You know, he did ask to be reassigned.”

“Still in security?”

“Yes, but in perimeter security.”

“Leave it go at that.”

“What will your people do?”

“All I know is they had a talk with him.”

“I see. Okay, we’ll leave it go.”

“Thank you.”

After we’d dropped our visitor’s badges off and were walking to the car, Dr. Joe said, “Kai, that was a serious discussion that you were having with Dr. Millman?”

“Sort of.”, I said.

“Not going to tell?”

“It just had to do with the guy who stirred up the things between Los Alamos and me.”

“Is it taken care of?”


Then I said, “I know a good place to eat in Santa Fe.”

“Where’s that?”, Dean Rutherford asked.

“The Pink Adobe.”

“I’ve heard of that.”, Dr. Joe said. “The food is supposed to be good.”

“It is. When our parents came out for my grandmother’s funeral, we ate there.”

“Give me directions, Miss Nez.”

We found the Pink Adobe without a problem and had a delicious lunch. And, it was better because the Dean paid.

As we drove back to Albuquerque, Dean Rutherford asked, “Well, Miss Nez, are you happy with what happened today?”

“Sir.”, I said. “In one word, yes.”

“So, are you planning on staying with us?”

“Yes. In fact, we’ve been talking about buying a house.”

“Really?”, Dr. Joe asked.”

“Yes, but it was dependent on what happened with Los Alamos.”

“What are you looking for?”

“In general, out of the city, backing onto a forest or desert, and build of adobe.”

“You have been thinking about this.”

“Yes, we hate living in the city. Too much noise and the light pollution hides the stars. Plus, I want to bring the ’57 Chevy out here, and I need more garage space.”

“A ’57 Chevy what?”, Dean Rutherford asked.

“A Bel Air ragtop, with a 283-cubic-inch fuel-injected V8 engine that develops 270 horsepower with a 4-speed manual transmission.”

“I would love to see that when you get it out here.”

“I’d be happy to show it to you, Dean.”

“Me too.”, Dr. Joe said.

“Looks like I’ll have to sell tickets.”

Later as I walked into the apartment, Amy looked at me, and said, “Things when well today. Didn’t they?”

“You could say that.”, I replied.

“I just did. So, tell.”

“They granted both Dr. Joe and me security clearance. And, they gave us a research project.”

“That is wonderful. So, are we staying out here?”

“What do you think I told the Dean when he asked me that question?”

“We’re staying.”

“Give that lady a kiss.”

“I hope the Dean didn’t kiss you.”

“No, but I think Dr. Joe wanted to.

“And, we’re meeting him and Mary later for dinner.”

“That’ll be good. I sat down with Sunday’s paper and found six or eight houses that we might want to look at.”

“That might be fun.”

“Yes. But, let me get through this seminar first.”


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