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The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?
A Novel By Teddie S.
Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.
A lowly Indian maiden. A baby?
The lake and the Eagles?
This week had not started out very good. When we’d gotten back from the resort on Sunday, there was a message, well multiple messages, from Maria on the answering machine. Each one sounded more urgent than the one before it. When Amy called Maria, we found out that one of our friends from back home, Max Roberts, had been killed in Vietnam. To make it worse, Max Roberts is the twin brother of Mark Roberts another one of our friends, and Mark is also Maria’s husband. And of course, Maria is one of Amy’s best friends.
So, we decided to go home on Wednesday. I got Dr. Joe to cover my classes on Thursday and Friday. All he had to do was give the mid-term exam. Amy asked Vickie to do the same for her. And they both agreed to do it.
Monday helped a little. The printed circuit board that we needed for the research project was ready for us, and Dr. Joe and I got started on it. Also, the school newspaper had a headline that made me smile, Dr. Cox the Chairman of the Board of Regents and three others had resigned.
Tuesday was a little better, after teaching, working in the lab and having dinner Amy and I took a walk along the river, and the Eagles showed up.
On Wednesday things got worse. Once we were back in Ohio, we found that Mark had been taken by ambulance to the hospital after passing out at home. Amy and I went to the hospital with Maria and talked with Amy’s friend Patty, an ER nurse, about what was going on with Mark.
The three of us, Maria, Amy, and me, were in the ER waiting room. The ER was reasonably quiet for a Wednesday night. We sat together in a somewhat secluded area waiting for Patty to come and get us. Maria was sitting between Amy and me. And we waited.
Amy asked Maria, “Did you call Mark’s parents?”
“No.”, Maria replied. “They have enough on their minds right now. So, I thought that I’d wait until I knew more.”
“Might be a good idea.”
I noticed, and I think Amy did too, that Maria was quietly crying. We each took one of her hands in one of ours. Maria looked at Amy and then at me, and said, “Guys, I’m so happy that you’re here. I don’t think I could make it through this without you.”
“Maria.”, I said. “Just sit back, close your eyes, and relax.”
Maria did as I asked. Amy looked at me with a little smile like she knew what I was going to try and do.
I reached over, took Maria’s hand from Amy so that I had both of Maria’s hands in mine. I looked at Maria, and her eyes were closed. I closed my eyes and started chanting to myself.
After a couple of minutes, I stopped chanting, opened my eyes, looked at Maria, and carefully set her hands in her lap.
A few minutes later, Maria opened her eyes, looked at Amy, then looked at me, then back at Amy. Then she said, “What … What just happened.”
“Remember what we were talking about?”, Amy asked.
“You … You mean, Kai just did something.”
“No.”, I said. “The spirits did something. I just guided them.”
“I … I somehow feel better. I’m still worried about Mark, but I know that he’ll be fine.”
“I know he will too. What about Max?”
“He’s home with us and at rest. But, it still hurts.”, Maria said. “It will be hard without him around, but it’ll all work out.”
“It will. As long as you believe it will.”
“I do, Kai. I believe that it will.”
“You know, this is the first time that you’ve called me Kai.”
“It is?”
“Uh huh.”
“I guess … I guess that I finally see Kai for who she is.”
I just smiled. Then Maria sat back and relaxed. And we waited for Patty.
It was a little after midnight when Patty came out to find us, and she said, “They’ve looked at the x-rays and didn’t see anything. But, they want to keep him overnight for observation. So come on back, and visit while they’re getting a room ready.”
We got up and followed Patty back to a room. We let Maria go in by herself, and Patty, Amy, and I wait outside. Patty whispered, “Is it me or does Maria seem somehow better?”
Amy looked at her, smiled, and said, ”Could be.”
Patty looked at me, and asked, “What did you do?”
“Me nothing.”, I said. “But, the spirits did.”
Patty just looked at me. And, I smiled at her.
A minute later, Maria came to the door, and “Come on in, guys.”
Patty said, “Go on in. I’ll leave you guys alone.”
“No.”, Amy said. “Come with us.”
“I guess I can. I’m off shift.”
The three of us walked into the room. I could feel Mark’s sadness and pain. Mark was sitting up in bed, and he looked at Amy, and said, “Amy, when did you get here. And the black hair. That’s different.”
“We got in early this evening. The dark hair helps me fit in out in New Mexico.”
“Why are you here?”
“Mark, come on. When we heard about Max, we just had to come home. And, we’re here for you and Maria.”
Mark got a sad look on his face, then said, “Oh yea. Max.” Then he asked, “Where’s Tom?”
Amy said, “Mark. Honey, don’t you remember meeting Kai in New Mexico?”
“Yeah. Of course … ”
Amy looked at me. Then Mark looked at me, and said, “Oh!”
“Hi, Mark.”, I said.
“Why are you here?”
“The same reason as Amy.”
“But, why Kai and not Tom?”
“Mark, I’ve lived as Kai for the past four months. I’m teaching school as Kai. Everyone in New Mexico knows me as Kai. I feel better being Kai. And I knew that it might be possible for Kai to help you?”
“Help me?”
“Aren’t you having a problem with Max’s passing?”
“Hell yes, I am.”
“I think I can help you at least accept it.”
“Accept it. I don’t know if I can ever do that.”
“Mark, you need to. What about your family? What about your mom and dad? What about Maria and the baby?”
I saw Amy and Maria look at me in surprise. And, Mark said, “Wait! I don’t have a baby.”
“Look at Maria doesn’t she look a little different to you?”
Mark looked at Maria, then he said, “Yeah. There is something different.”
“Do you see the glow?”, I asked.
“Wait!”, Maria said. “I’m not pregnant.”
“You’re not?”, I asked. “Are you sure?”
“I … I … I don’t think so.”
“Maria.”, Amy said. “Kai has a way of knowing these things.”
“She … She does.”
“Uh huh.”
“I can sense another spirit in you.”, I said.
“No … No, you can’t.”, Maria said.
“Remember Tom’s cousin Mary and the twins?”, Amy asked.
“Yeah. … Oh my God! I am pregnant.”
“Honey.”, Mark said. “Are you?”
“Kai can feel a person’s spirit.”, Amy said. “And if a woman is carrying a child Kai can feel the spirit of the child along with the mothers. She’s done it a few times before, and with Mary, she told her that she was having twins. She also told Kelly, and a friend of ours out west.”
Mark looked at me, and said, “We’re not having twins are we!?”
I smiled, shook my head no, and said, “No.”
Then we all saw Mark look at Maria, smile, and say, “Honey, I love you so much.”
Maria walked over to Mark, and they kissed.
“Do you think that we should leave these two alone.”, Amy said.
“It might be a good idea.”, I replied.
“Guys.”, Maria said. “Thank you for being here.”
“Honey, it’s what friends are for.”, Amy said. “Are you going to stay with Mark or want to ride home with us? We’ll wait for a little while if you want us to.”
“I’ll stay here with Mark tonight.”
“I figured that. When you’re ready to go home or they throw Mark out of here, call us at my parent's house, and we’ll come and get you.”, I said.
Amy, Patty, and I walked out of the room and to the waiting room. Patty looked at me, and asked, “Is Maria really pregnant?”
“Yes, with a boy.”, I replied.
“How … ”
“How do I know? I can feel a male spirit as well as Maria’s female one.”
“Can you do this all the time?”
“No, only for relatives and close friends. And don’t tell Maria the sex of the baby, she may not want to know.”
“You didn’t do anything for Mark?”
“I didn’t? Didn’t I tell him that he was going to be a father? Didn’t that get his mind off of Max for a while?”
“Kai are you sure that you’re not a psychologist?”
“No. I’m just a lowly Indian maiden.”
On the way home, at about two on Thursday morning, Amy said, “That was sure a surprise about Maria. And, I know that you’re still thinking about Mark and his feelings about Max’s passing.”
“I am.”, I replied. “I’ll try and help him with that tomorrow.”
When we were back at my parent's house, we left a note for my mom and dad and went straight to bed.
It was close to eleven, local time, on Thursday when we finally woke up, put on our robes, and wandered into the kitchen to find both of our mothers there. My mother looked at us and asked, “How are Mark and Maria.”
“Pregnant.”, I replied.
“We told Mark and Maria last night that they’re going to have a baby.”
“You felt that Maria was pregnant just like you did with Mary.”, my mother asked. “Didn't you, Kai?”
“Uh huh.”, I replied.
“How did they take it?”
“Very well. And it got Mark’s mind off of Max at least for a little while.”
“Maybe for longer than a little while. Are you going to be able to help them with Max?”
“Maria we already have.”, I said. “And hopefully, we can help Mark too.”
“I hope you can.”, mom said. “From what Maria has told me, Mark is really down.”
“He was. I hope that knowing that he’s going to be a father is the beginning of getting him over it.”
“I bet it was a shock to them to learn that Maria was pregnant?”
“It was. But it was a good type of shock.”
“It usually is.”
Amy’s mother had been listening to all of this, and I could see a puzzled look on her face. And my mother noticed it, and said, “Betty, don’t you remember when Kai told her cousin Mary that she was pregnant with twins?”
“I do.”, Amy’s mother said. “It’s still strange to realize that Kai can do that.”
“Mom.”, Amy said. “Kai is amazing in working with people. She has a way with people who are troubled, sick, or dying.
“You should have seen her with her grandmother when she passed. Before we got there, grandma was unconscious, when we walked into the room, she opened her eyes, and smiled at us. Kai sat with her, held her hands, and they talked. You could see grandma become at ease with her passing. Then she closed her eyes and was gone.
“What Kai did there was amazing. ”
As I visualized what Amy had just told her mom, I felt tears run down my cheeks. My mom saw it, and asked, “Kai, are you all right?”
I took a deep breath, and said, “Yeah mom. It just makes me sad thinking about that.”
“I know honey. You two were very close.”
“Yes, we were.”
“Honey, I’m sorry I brought it up.”, Amy said.
“It’s okay honey.”, I said. “It happens every time I think about her.”
A short time later, just as Amy and I were finishing a late breakfast the phone rang. Mom answered it, “Hello” … “Oh hi, Maria. How’s Mark?” … “Oh, honey that’s good to hear.” … “Yes, they're both here.”
As mom handed the phone to Amy, she said, “Amy it’s Maria. I guess Mark is ready to go home.”
Amy took the phone, and said, “Hi, Maria.” … “Sure we’ll still pick you two up.” … “Okay, as soon as we get dressed we’ll be down.” … “Okay. Love you too girlfriend. So long.”
Then Amy said, “Come on Kai. Let's get dressed. They’re ready to discharge Mark.”
A short time later we were walking into Mark’s room at the hospital. He was already dressed and waiting on the paperwork. Maria was sitting there with him, and both Amy and I said, “Good morning you two.”
“It’s afternoon.”, Mark said. “And I want out of this place.”
“You’re feeling better aren’t you?”, Amy asked.
“Yes, he is.”, Maria answered for him. “He’s being an old grump.”
“That’s a good sign.”
“How are you feeling, honey?”, Amy asked Maria.
“I’m feeling fine. Kai, are you sure I’m pregnant.”
I smiled, and said, “I’m feeling six spirits in this room. Two are mine, one is Amy's, one is Mark’s, and one is yours. So there’s an odd one. And, I’ve felt it before when I’ve been with you from when we picked you up at the apartment until we left here last night. And I know it’s not Amy’s. So, yes I’m sure.”
“She hasn’t missed yet.”, Amy added.
“I hope I’m not the first.”, Maria said.
“You won’t be.”. I said.
Then I asked Mark, “So, Mark, how are you feeling?”
“A little stupid for letting myself go like that.”, Mark said. “I should have never done that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have.”
“Maria told me that you talked with her while I was in the emergency room.”
“Yes, we did. I wanted to help her with the loss of Max, so she wasn’t so stressed while she’s pregnant.”
“I hope you helped her?”
“Ask her. She’s sitting right there.”
“Honey.”, Mark said. “Was Kai able to help you last night?”
“She was.”, Maria said. “Somehow I felt better because I knew that you were going to be okay. With Max, I still hurt, but I also knew that he’s home and at rest. It will be hard without him around, but it’ll all work out. It will just take time.”
Looking at me, Mark asked, “Kai, can … can you help me?”
I stood up, walked over to where Mark was sitting on the bed, sat on the side of the bed facing him, and said, “I can only try. Now, give me your hands.”
Mark held out his hands, I took them in mine, and said, “Relax and close your eyes.”
Mark did as I asked. I closed my eyes, and quietly started the same chant that I’d used with Maria. When I finished, I set Marks hands down in his lap, stood up, and went back to my seat.
A short time later Mark opened his eyes. He looked at me, and asked, “Kai, what did you just do.”
“I prayed that you would become at ease with Max’s death.”, I replied. “And that your baby would help fill the void Max’s death has left in your heart. And, both of these things will happen as long as you, like Maria, believes it will.”
Mark looked at Maria, and asked, “Honey, do you believe in all of this?”
All Maria said was, “I didn’t. But, now I do.”
Just then a nurse walked in with Mark’s paperwork, and we were on the way back to Maria and Mark’s apartment, with a stop at an old friend, our favorite drive-in.
As we ate, Amy asked, “Maria, any idea how far along you might be?”
“Well.”, Maria said. “My time of the month was supposed to be last week. I’ve been late a few times, and it’s happened when I was under stress.”
“Like now?”
“Yeah. The stress could be the reason why I'm late.”
“Then again it could be that you are pregnant.”
“Yeah. I guess it could. I have felt a little different.”
I glanced at Amy. She smiled at Maria, and said, “Congratulations girlfriend.”
“What about me?”, Mark said.
Amy looked at Mark, and said, “Yeah. You to daddy.”
As we were dropping Mark and Maria off at their apartment, I turned, looked at them, and said, “You two, I want you to remember, the next few days will be very hard and stressful. You will need all the support that you can get, from each other, your families, and others. It won’t be easy, you’ve lost a loved one. A very close loved one. But, you’re strong. You will get through this and be stronger for it.
“We’re here until Sunday morning, so if you need anything, anything at all, just ask.”
“Kai.”, Maria said. “Thank you very much. You and Amy are special friends. And thank you again for everything that you’ve done.”
“Maria, think nothing of it. It’s what friends are for.”
Then Amy said, “This is Nurse Amy talking, I want you two to go into your apartment, and do nothing but relax for the rest of the day. Do you understand?”
“Yes, ma’am.”, Amy said.
Amy looked at Mark, and said, “Well mister?”
Mark looked at her, and said, “Yes, Miss Amy.”
“Thanks, Amy and Kai.”, Maria said. “We’ll see you later. Love you guys. Goodbye.”
That, goodbye from Maria got her Amy’s lecture about goodbye and so long.
As we drove towards my parent's house, I asked, “So, what do you want to do before dinner?”
“Oh. I don’t know.”, Amy replied. “Maybe go for a walk.”
“To the lake?”
“Where else.”
When we were back at my parents, we changed into our hiking clothes. It was a little chilly for shorts, but that’s what we’d brought with us, so we’ll suffer. As we were walking through the kitchen, my mother intercepted us, and asked, “What would you two like to do for supper?”
Amy and I looked at each other, then back at my mother, and together said, “Frybread tacos.” And Amy added, “And we’ll help.”
My mother smiled, and said, “Your father will be happy. So, where are you off to?”
“For a walk in the park. Do you want us to stop and get what we need for the tacos?”
“No, I have to go out, so I’ll stop and get what we need. You two enjoy your hike.”
A short time later we were pulling into the parking lot for the trails at the big park. And of course, we hiked the lake trail. As we approached the lake and saw our bench, we stopped a distance away, looked at the bench, and I said, “This reminds me of the day you surprised me when you came back for college. I was standing here trying to figure out who was sitting on our bench. And it was you. My heart almost stopped.”
Amy grabbed and hugged my arm, and said, “I’m so happy that I did that. And, you know what?”
“I was so happy that you surprised me by proposing to me at our bench.”
“I had to make it special. And this is a special place.”
We finished the walk to the lake and sat on our bench. We just sat there cuddled together just looking at the lake. We sat and watched the duck and geese. Then after a short time, Amy whispered, “I wonder if the Eagles will show up.”
“Maybe they will and maybe they won’t.”
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Happy for Mark and Maria
Glad Kai could help both Mark and Maria, especially since she helped both of them two ways. Hope the Eagles do visit, it's nice when they are in a chapter. What would be really cool is if the Eagles got close enough to say tie a ribbon on a leg, so Kai and Amy would have a better idea about if they were the same ones. though it wouldn't be likely, it'd still be neat. Probably fall off during the distance back to New Mexico if they were one in the same. Binoculars might be an idea too. One of the birds may have some markings that they'd be able to look for on their Feathered Friends in each state.
I don't think that the Eagles
I don't think that the Eagles would let even Kai get close enough to tie a ribbon on their leg. Besides, and you are probably correct on this, it wouldn't make the trip back if they are the same ones that are in NM.
If they are the same eagles
they probably won't They have a nest and family obligations. So Teddie, are you feeling better? I hope, I hope.
Thank you so much for this story.
It's been a slow process.
It's been a slow process. Some good days, and some bad days.
Good and bad days
They will happen as you recover. It's part of the healing process. The bad days are just letting you know you probably pushed a little too much the day before. But, the good days are getting more common than the bad, right?
- Leona
I think. But I sure hate
I think. But I sure hate feeling like this. And I guess everyone else does too with something like this.