Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 108

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 108
Dr. Joe meets Kai. A meeting of the minds.

Sunday when we were back in Albuquerque, we’d gone over to the Etsitty's for lunch and to talk to Vickie. Vickie quickly learned that I was not good at standing in front of people and talking. My class in Public Speaking was the only class in college that I almost flunked. Chief Tom, Vickie, Amy, and I talked about what we needed to do because if I wasn’t able to teach the classes, I wouldn’t be able to work on a research project. The answer could be Kai. Amy and I took a walk along the Rio Grande River, sat by the island, and talked. The Eagles did show up, which helped me.

At first, Monday drove me crazy waiting for the phone to ring. And when it finally did, it was Vickie asking me to meet her for lunch and also to meet someone else. That someone else was Dr. Joe Oshie, who might take over the research project that Dr. Kilmer was supposed to do. Dr. Joe is a member of the Ojibwa Tribe and knows about two spirit people. And we had quite a meeting. Then later, entirely by accident, Amy and I met up with Dr. Joe and his wife, Mary, at Nunzio's Pizza. And the four of us ended up going to our apartment.

Dr. Joe and I were both carrying pizza boxes as we walked out of Nunzio's Pizza. And, Dr. Joe asked, “Where did you park?”

“We walked.”, I replied.

“We could drive over to your place.”

“Okay. But, I’ve got to ask one question. Does the car have seatbelts?”

“Yes. But why?”

“Tom was in a terrible accident when he was twelve.”, Amy said. “If he hadn’t been wearing a seatbelt, he probably wouldn’t be here.”

“I see. And Tom won’t ride in a car without them.”

I shook my head no, and said, “No, I won’t.”

We walked to where Dr. Joe and Mary had parked their car, and it was a very nice black 1955 Chevy Bel Air hardtop. I smiled and said, “Another Chevy lover. Nice car, Dr. Joe.”

“Thanks, Tom.”, Dr. Joe said.

Then I said to Amy, “I need to bring the ‘57 out here.”

“A ‘57 what?”, Dr. Joe added.

“A red and white ‘57 Chevy Bel Air ragtop.”

“Nice. What size engine?”

“283-cubic-inch fuel-injected V8, and it develops 270 horsepower. And has a 4-speed manual transmission.”

“Really nice.”

Dr. Joe’s car was a two-door, so Amy and I crawled into the back seat, I ended up holding both of the pizza boxes, and we headed to the apartment. A very short time later, we were pulling into the driveway, and Dr. Joe said, “Now I see why you walk.”

As we got out of the car, Dr. Joe asked, “Is the ‘57 out here?”

“No, it’s back in Ohio. We were given a new Bel Air four-door with a 325 engine, automatic transmission, radio, and air conditioning by our parents for college graduation. And we drove it out here. The’57 doesn’t have an air-conditioner.”

“All right you two.”, Mary said. “Enough car talk. I have to see how Amy decorated the apartment.”

We walked into the apartment, Mary looked around, and said, “Amy, I love what you’ve done. The rugs as wall hangings was a great idea. And the pottery. Is it all Navajo?”

“Thanks, Mary. I needed to make it homey. And out here it had to be native made things. So, it’s all Navajo.”

“I can understand wanting to make it homey. Is it all made by local people?”

“Yes, we were careful about that. We wanted to support the local artisans, so Tom’s aunt and grandmother took us shopping. Kai was given the rug that’s on the back of the couch. It’s Navajo-Churro wool, and I think a couple of the other rugs that we have are also Churro wool.

“Tom’s aunt gave us the one wall hanging. It’s supposed to be special. It’s called the Tree of Life. The four sacred mountains were embroidered on it in different colors.”

“It’s beautiful.”, Mary said.

I looked at Dr. Joe and said, “So, you said that you’d like to meet Kai. Still, want to?”

Dr. Joe smiled, and said, “Yes, I would.”

Mary just looked at me.

“Mary, is there a problem?”, I asked.

“Not really.”, Mary said. “It’s that you just talk about it so easily.”

“Talk about what so easily?”

“It’s like it’s a normal thing for you to dress like a girl.”

I smiled, as I said, “Kai is part of me. She’s my female spirit. And, yes it’s a normal thing for me to dress like her, to be her.

“Is this going to be a problem for you Mary?”

“No, it’s just going to be an interesting experience. Seeing you now and then later seeing Kai. It’ll be interesting.”

I looked into Mary’s eyes, and I knew that she was a friend. I knew she would be okay with Kai. Then I said, “I’ll be right back. Honey, get them something to drink.”

I went to the small room, opened the safe, and took out the jewelry that I wanted. Then I ran upstairs to our room and looked at Kai’s clothes trying to figure out what to wear. I pulled a blouse and fancy long skirt out of the closet and laid them on the bed. Then I stripped out of Tom’s clothes, slipped into the special panties, a bra, and then added the forms to the bra. I added a regular pair of panties, and put on the blouse and skirt, and went to the bathroom. I took my hair out of the single braid, and put it into a two braid look, with fancy wraps at the ends, and laying over my shoulders. Then just a little makeup.

Back in our bedroom, I got out a pair of the wrap moccasins and put them on. Then I started with the jewelry. I didn’t want to go overboard. For earrings, I chose the ones that Grandfather Nez had made. The round silver ones with three small gold feathers hanging from them. Then I decided on one of the Concho belts. I had on the ever-present meteorite necklace, so I decided no choker or squash blossom necklace. I added one of the silver and turquoise bracelets, and two silver and turquoise rings.

On the way to the stairs, I stopped in the bathroom and took a look at myself. I smiled, and whispered, “Hi, Kai.”

As I came down the stairs, Amy was the first to see me. Dr. Joe and Mary saw Amy looking and smiling, they both turned and watched as I stepped off the last step. I couldn’t read the expressions on their faces. I walked over to one of the overstuffed leather chairs and sat tucking my legs under me.

“Tom.”, Dr. Joe started to say, but Amy interrupted with, “No, Dr. Joe, it’s Kai.”

“Yes, Kai.”, Dr. Joe said. “It’s not Tom. That’s for sure. How do you do this.”

“I don’t know.”, I replied. “My female spirit guides me, and it happens.”

“You even sound different.”

“Yes, you do.”, Mary said. “And you don’t look anything like Tom.”

“Interesting. Isn’t it.”, Amy said. “We have a friend back home that every time that she saw Kai, or as she was known back there Tammy, she swore that she was a ringer and we were hiding Tom.”

“You have friends that know about this?”

“Yes, there’s a few and even family members.”

“And they don’t have a problem with it?”

“No, there’s something about Kai. People who are close to Tom easily accept Kai, and him being a two spirit person.”

“That’s interesting. I felt close to the two of you at the pizza shop. And now meeting Kai, I feel close to her.”

“You know.”, Dr. Joe said. “It’s strange, but I feel close to Kai too.”

“I find that the native people accept me quicker than Anglos do.”, I said. “But, then even most of the Anglos will accept me to some degree.”

“My cousin can’t do what you do.”, Dr. Joe said. “He’s a big guy and would look weird dressed as a girl. But you look fantastic.”

“Yes, he … she does.”, Mary said. “And I just love your jewelry.”

“Thank you.”, I said. “Most of it was made by my great-great-grandfather.”

“So he was a silversmith?”


“Did he make your earrings?”

“Yes, we thing that they’re one of his earliest pieces.”

“Is this how you dress for the barbecues?”

“We go a little crazy for the barbecues. Chokers, squash blossom necklaces, and more.”

“I’ve got to see that sometime.”

“Maybe next year at a barbecue.”

And with a little smile, Mary looked at Dr. Joe, and said, “Joe, I don’t know if I want you working with her.”

“Mary, don’t worry.”, I said. “I don’t like guys. I only like girls and one girl in particular.”

“Amy.”, Mary said. “How do you handle all of this.”

“Mary.”, Amy replied. “I grew up with it. And I love having a wonderful husband and a great girlfriend.”

“You grew up with it?”

“I’ve known Tommy since before we were teenagers. And I’ve known he was special from the first day I met him. We were even separated for the four years of high school because my dad’s job transferred him, but we wrote to each other every week. I came back to Columbus for college, not only because of their good nursing program but because I’d be close to Tommy. And the day I came back to Columbus, and when I met up with Tommy at the pond, I knew that I’d made the right decision. We married between our freshman and sophomore years of college.”

“Talk about true love.”

It was quiet for a minute. Then Dr. Joe said, “Kai, I sense that you are very self-confident. More so than Tom is. Am I correct in that assumption?”

“Dr. Joe.”, I said. “When it comes to talking with people that I don’t know, yes. With other things we’re the same.”

I looked at Mary, and said, “Mary, I hope that you’ll keep all of this secret. We’ve told both of you a lot of things tonight. And the only reason that I did is that I felt comfortable with you.”

“Kai.”, Mary said. “I’ll keep this between us. I find it very interesting. And I think being an Ojibwa helps me. I also know about Joe’s cousin, and that helps too. But I feel that you are different, in a special way, then he is.”

Dr. Joe said, “Kai, Tom, or whoever. The more I find out about you, the more I want to work with you. The more I feel that you will make a great grad assistant.”

“Thank you.”, I said. “Thank both of you. I hope that I’ll be able to fulfill your trust in me.”

We talked a little more about things other than me. And when they left, both Amy and I got a hug from Mary. Amy and I stood at the door and waved to them as they drove away. Then Amy said, “I like them.”

“I know.”, I said. “I like them too.”

Tuesday started out as an average day, walk with Amy to the hospital, pick up the newspapers, and do a little housework. Then I went to the library and read until lunch time. I had lunch, then did a little grocery shopping, checked the answering machine for the fifth, or sixth, or seventh time today. At three I was waiting for Amy in the ER waiting room. When she came out, the first thing she asked, “Did you hear anything?”

“Hear anything about what?”

That got me a punch in the arm and a “Smarty. You know about what, Kai doing the teaching.?”

“Oh. Her. No nothing.”

“Maybe tomorrow.”

“I hope. Want to run over and see Cousin Ahiga before dinner?”

“Sure. I’ll do a quick change, and we can run over there.”

I’ll swear that when we got to the apartment, that it took Amy no longer than two minutes to run upstairs, change, come back down, and say in a perky way, “Okay. Let’s go.”

A short time later we were parking by Cousin Ahiga silversmith shop. As we walked in, Cousin Ahiga was there and so was Yas. Yas looked at us and said, “Yá’át’ééh alní'íní.” (good evening)

I replied, “Yá’át’ééh alní'íní, Yas.”

Cousin Ahiga looked up, smiled, and said, “Hi you two.”

“Hi, Cousin Ahiga.”, I replied.

“Do you have something else new to show us?”

“No nothing new. We stopped in to say hello and see if you’ve heard anything about that maker’s mark?”

“I’ve talked to everyone I know, and no one has ever seen it before. So I wrote up a little article and sent that and the picture to a quarterly publication for silversmiths. And we’ll just have to wait and see if we hear anything from that.”

“I guess that’s all we can do. When will it be published?”

“I think it’s the end of next month. Isn’t it Yas?”

“Yes.”, Yas said. “The end of next month.”

“By the way.”, Cousin Ahiga said. “After that scare I had when you walked in that one time, we’ve had an alarm system installed.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”, I said.

A half an hour later we were back at the apartment, I was making dinner, and Amy was in the shower. Then as we were sitting down to dinner, the phone rang. I answered it, “Hello.”

I heard Vickie say, “Hi Tom. It’s Vickie.”

Don’t ask me why, but I got a knot in my stomach. I managed to say, “Hi Vickie. How are you?”

“I’m fine. I wanted to tell you that Dr. Oshie and I had individual meetings with the three Deans, and your advisor today.”


“It was very interesting.”

“What … What happened?”

“First off I’ll say this much for Dr. Oshie. He likes you. He’s your advocate. He told me that you and Amy, and he and his wife ran into each other, had dinner, and that they met Kai at your apartment. And that he and his wife were impressed by her.”

“Yeah. We did, and both of them are very nice.”

“That’s what he said about you and Amy. Now, in the meetings that we had, we explained about Tom and his problem with talking in front of people. Everyone that we spoke to was worried about the classes. Dr. Oshie gave them a copy of an article that was in a newsletter, and then he explained about two spirit people and the native Americans. Everyone wondered what this had to do with the problem.

“I explained that you, Tom, were well versed in integrated circuits and wanted to teach the classes and work on the research project. And with your problem in public speaking that we felt that you couldn’t do the teaching, but that Dr. Oshie and I may have found a solution.

“Then Dr. Oshie explained that you were one of these two spirit people and that your female spirit was very outgoing and would be able to teach the classes as well as helping with the research, as long as she was able to be here.

“When we told each one of them all of this, as you’d expect, there were some raised eyebrows and some serious doubts. And the homosexual word came up, which I quashed very quickly.

“I then explained that I knew Tom and his female side very well. And that I’d vouch for him, but if we did this that no one could ever know who Kai really is.

“By the time we finished talking individually to everyone they had agreed that they all needed to get together to talk about this. So, we’re having a meeting with everyone at nine tomorrow morning.”

“Vickie.”, I asked. “How do you feel about everyone?”

“I think that they were at first shocked and confused, but as we talked to them, they began to see a possible answer to a problem. The only one that I’m not sure about is Dean Miller, who is dean of the grad school. He’s old school. But I think we have him curious enough to find out more. And by tomorrow they will all have had time to read the newsletter article.”

“Well, it sounds like there might be a chance of Kai teaching and then working with Dr. Oshie on the research.”

“Yes, I think that there is an excellent chance.”

“Good. Let me know what happens.”

“Tom, you’re going to be there. At least Kai is.”


“Both Dr. Oshie and I think that you should be there so that we can introduce you to everyone if everything goes okay. Remember, we talked about doing this?”

“Oh. … Yeah. … Right.”

“Don’t be nervous.”

“What … What time do I need to be there?”

“The meeting is in the nursing school’s conference room at nine. If you show up at nine-fifteen, the dean’s secretary will be expecting you. And, she’ll show you to a room just across the hall.”

“What should I wear?”

“What Kai would. But don’t go overboard.”

“Long skirt, blouse, and a little jewelry.”

“That would be good.”

“Okay, Vickie. I … I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Tom, it’ll be all right. Okay?”


“Tom, hágoónee'.”

“Yeah. Hágoónee', Vickie.”

I hung up the phone, looked at Amy, and she said, “They’re having a meeting tomorrow, and they want you there. Don’t they?”

“Uh huh.”, I said.

“Honey, it’ll be fine. Most of the people I’ve met here have been very nice.”

“Yeah. Most.”

“Our food is cold. Let’s go to the drive-in and get some burgers, fries, and milkshakes.”

“No. I just want to sit here and think.”

“Did I say there was a choice?”

“No. I guess not.”

“Well, get the car keys and let's go, and you can tell me everything that Vickie had to say.”

A short time later we were pulling into our favorite drive-in. A carhop, not our friendly one, ran out and took our order. Then Amy said, “All right, what did Vickie have to say.”

“I guess she and Dr. Joe met with the deans and my advisor one at a time and talked with them about my teaching. Then they set up a meeting with all of them for tomorrow, and they want me there.”

“In the meeting?”

“No. I have to wait in another room until they come and get me.”

“Worried. Aren’t you?”


“Honey, Vickie is a friend, and she wouldn’t let anything happen to you. And I feel that Dr. Oshie it’s the same way. I think that he and Mary could turn out to be terrific friends.”

“Just like Chief Tom and Vickie?”


As we ate, we talked some more, and then headed to the apartment.

That night, to help me relax, Amy gave me a very very nice foot massage.

Wednesday morning came quicker than I wanted. Amy made us a lovely breakfast, and as usual, I walked her to the hospital. Then I headed back to the apartment to start getting ready for the meeting.

The meeting. Was I worried about this meeting? You’d better believe I was worried.

I spent a long time braiding and re-braiding my hair to get it just so. Then a little light makeup, followed by the usual underwear, bra with forms, special panty, and a pair of regular panties. Then I chose a fancy, plain white blouse, and a long red velvet shirt. Then came a pair of the wrap moccasins. For jewelry, the blouse and long skirt called for a Concho belt, so that was first. Then came the earrings, and I went with the silver feather ones. I wasn’t going to wear a choker or necklace. I did go with a couple of rings and a bracelet. Yes, the meteorites were right where they belonged. Around my neck.

And you know how time sometimes drags by when you're waiting for something to happen. Well, this was just the opposite, time was flying, and when I looked at the clock, it was a quarter to nine. So I found my purse, gathered what I’d need, and put it in the purse. I slung the purse over my shoulder and started walking towards the College of Nursing’s offices. I walked in the door at about ten after nine, and I saw Vickie’s secretary sitting at her desk. She looked up at me, and asked, “Can I help you, Miss.”

“Yes.”, I replied, “I’m Kai Nez, and Dr. Etsitty said that you’d be expecting me.”

“Yes, Miss I am. Please come with me.”

I followed her down to the hall to a nondescript room that was across the hall from a door marked, ‘Conference Room.’ The secretary then said, “Make yourself comfortable, Miss. Dean Etsitty will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you.”, I said.

The secretary left, and I found a seat at the table. There were a few magazines on the table. Nursing magazines. I glanced through them, and there were some interesting articles. I looked at the clock, and it was nine-twenty-five. I went back to looking at the magazines. I looked at the clock again, and it was now a quarter to ten. Back to the magazines. At five to ten, I heard the door handle move, and the door opened. Standing there wasn’t Dr. Etsitty, but Dr. Oshie.

I couldn’t tell anything by the look on his face. Finally, he said, “Hello, Kai.”

“Hello, Dr. Oshie.”, I replied.

Then he started to smile, and said, “Are you ready to meet some people?”

“No. Not really.”

“Kai, these people only want what’s good for the university, and it’s students. And, after Dr. Etsitty and I talked to them this morning they wanted to meet you. They’re more curious than anything else.”

“I guess I need to get this over with.”

“Kai, it won’t be that bad.”

“Says you.”

“Yes, says me. I think that they're ready to accept this crazy idea, and they want to meet you.”

I stood up and walked towards the door. May the Great Spirit help me. I felt my feminine spirit, and she felt strong. We walked across the hall, Dr. Oshie opened the door, and we walked in. Dr. Oshie then closed the door, and the latch clicking made me jump a little.

I stood there and looked at the five people sitting at the table.

Dr. Oshie escorted me to the head of the table. And I looked at five people looking at me. Two of them were smiling, and three looked like deer caught in the headlights. The two smiling were the two women sitting there, Vickie and Dean Milford.

Dr. Oshie then said, “Ladies and gentlemen I would like you to meet Miss Kai Nez.

“Kai, from left to right we have, Dean Etsitty, who you know, Dean Milford, from the nursing school, who I think you’ve also met, Dean Miller, dean of the grad school, Dean Rutherford, dean of the engineering school, and Mr. Robertson, who I know you know.”

We just looked at each other for a short time, then Mr. Robertson said, “Miss Nez.”

I looked at him and said, “Yes, Mr. Robertson?”

“I’ve met Tom Young a couple of times, and you look nothing like him.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“How do I know that you are really him.”

“Well, Mr. Robertson, when I had my altercation with Dr. Kilmer in your office do you remember what I did?”

“How could I forget.”

“If I told you what I did, would it help you believe who I am?”


“When he lunged at me and grabbed my arm, I was able to grab his other hand, twist it, push it back towards his arm, and he went to his knees. And he screamed that I broke his wrist and I assured him that I hadn’t. Am I correct?”

“Yes, Miss Nez, you are.”

“And the two security officers that showed up. One took Dr. Kilmer to the emergency room to have his wrist checked. And the other one stayed with us and took our statements.”

He sat back in his chair, and asked, “How do you do this?”

“Do what sir?”

“Go from looking like a good looking man to a beautiful woman?”

“Thank you, sir. I know that Dean Etsitty and Dr. Oshie explained the two spirit people to you. And, I am one of those. And it happens that my female spirit is the strongest of the two. And when she wants me to be her, as she did today, she guides me in what I do. And I end up looking like this.”

“Miss Nez.”, Dean Rutherford of the engineering school said.

“Yes, sir?”, I replied,

“I had a nice chat with Chief Kinlicheeny about you.”

“Yes sir, he told me.”

“He wasn’t surprised when I told him what had been proposed. And he said that if anyone could do it, that Kai could. That she was a special person, are you a special person?”

“Am I special? Everyone seems to think I am. But I feel that I’m just me.”

“He said that it’s amazing to hear you talk. That there is something about you that makes people pay attention. If that’s true, it’s a rare quality.”

“I’ve been told that I can do that. I feel that I have an ability that Tom doesn’t, I can easily talk to a group of any size.”

“Yes, Miss Nez, we’ve heard that too. I have one last question, and it’s a question that I hate to ask.”

“Yes sir, I understand that it’s hard to ask someone if they are homosexual. And, sir, I am not. I am married to a wonderful girl who, even though she is not an American Indian, understands and supports my being a two spirit person. Three of you here know her.”

“Miss Nez. Before you walked in here, I didn’t know what to expect. But I’ve been presently surprised.”

“Miss Nez.”, Dean Miller of the grad school said.

“Yes, sir?”, I said.

“If we allow this, do you feel that you can do it?”

“What, teach those two classes and help Dr. Oshie with the research project?”

“Yes. Can you?”

“Yes, sir. I know that I can.”

“You know that this is a man’s field?”

“Yes, sir. As it was at Ohio State.”

“That’s right you graduated from Ohio State.”

“Yes, sir. Seventh in my class at the engineering college.”

“I see. So you feel that you know the subject.”

“Yes, sir. I took very similar classes and did very well in them.”

“Can I ask you what grade you received?”

“A’s in both.”

“Did you graduate with any honors?”

“Yes sir, Cum Laude.”

He just nodded. Then said, “Does anyone have any further questions of Miss Nez?”

Everyone shook their head no. Then Dean Miller asked me, “Miss Nez, do you have anything more to say before we make a final decision on this crazy idea.”

I smiled, and said, “Yes sir. The only thing that I’d like to do is help solve the problem of not having an instructor for these classes and to help Dr. Oshie with his research.”

“Thank you, Miss Nez. Would you excuse us while we make a final decision?”

“Yes, sir. I’ll be across the hall.”

I walked out of the conference room and into the room across the hall.


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